Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    I I i f , "1 !i .1
The Omaha Daily Bki;
1 pnstofflce s eecond-
Entwul at O
class matter.
' TKItMH or H HBl llll'TUlN:
a.mdsy He, one year..
Faturnav Bee. one year..
The South in the Saddle.
The tentative list of house) Mliair
manshlpH tor the Sixty-sec on il coii
Rreaa tin lit-en innnuncfxl. It con
tain torty-one places, Eight of these
places go to men from northern Hint en
'and three, possibly four, to New York.
Flaring Missouri among the Routhern
t2M) !Bta(ea where It belong ao far aa Ita
within the scope of comity and prob
ity. It Ib for u, not Kngland or aome
other European power, to take this
party, unless he were known to be a
member of that party or willing to
qualify aa a member. Hut the open
I i
Imtlv Me iwfthotit Hunday), nna year. iw urmocrai j fiirn,uuii mn j-wnrr .an -
Dally Hee and "undny. om year ! manslllps th ree-fotl rt ha or more will
Evening lice .without Sunday,. p,r mo. .S. I to ""Uthern .talesmen. -Kvenina
Hee (with Huniay. pr month 4 The south la clearly in the saddle
Pally Hee (including Kundey). per month , . Th i k.
Daily iw wn,ut i r month tv! In the neit home. The rider la booted
Address all complaints or ii reguiai n ics in , anj gnurred : the track IB Open aild
delivery to tilji circulation Department.
Omaha The Ree rHilMlng.
Houth Omaha-C N Twi-nty-fourth Bt.
Council muffs 15 Hi-ott Ht.
Lincoln 2 Utile Htilldlng.
Chicago IMS Maniuett HulMlng.
Kansas City Ksllsnce liulldlng.
New York: Vest Thirty-third Bt.
Waehlngton72 Fourteenth (It., N. W.
Vimmunlcattons relating to newa and ed
itorial matter should he addressed Omaha
He. Editorial. eprtmefit.
Ketnlt bv draft, espreas or postal order,
payalile to The He Publishing t'nmpany.
only 2-cent staTiis received In payment of
mall accounts. Personal chi ks ei ept on
Omaha and eittrn exchange not accepted.
State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, aa:
lwlght VVIII1U.IIIB. circulation msnager of
The liee Publishing company, being duly
aworn, aaya that the average dally cir
culation, less apolled. ununited and returned
copies, for the month f Kcbruary, lini, was
Circulation Manager.
Hubav-rlbed In my presence and sworn to
before me this litt day of March, 1911.
Notary Public.
absrrlnrra leaving the pity tem
porarily should liave The Hre
mailed to (hem. A ad re will be
cbanaed a eft a reneiel.
Omaha la always ready to provide
all the keya to the city that may be
necessary. ,
Folks are getting eo good down in
Kentucky that hip pockets are. being
"('! stolen from VVelleslcy college
girls." Do not worry, the cat will
come back. 7
clear before him; If he does not Win
the race It la hi own fault. No Im
portant committee chairmanship, ex
cept appropriation, which Fitzgerald
of New York gets, falls to a northern
But since these honors go according
to priority, they had to go to southern
men. The force of tba situation
shows how shifting have been the
sands of northern democracy; or, we
might say, the democracy, since the
south, of course, votes the ticket by
tradition and habit. There has been
no coherent democracy north of 'Ma
son's and Dixon's line since 1896. The
old organization that year went down
with the "crown of thorns" and the
"cross of gold" and did not come up
again until temporary disaffection In
republican ranks permitted Us resur
rection. Many democrats believe that Mr.
Bryan long ago determined that If he
could not be president, neither could
any other democrat not of his school
and naming during his day. Thus far
none has, and thus far none seems to
have any bright prospect of It. Mr.
Bryan Is still on hand. He says so
himself; says that while no longer a
candidate for office, he remains in
politics. The party will be short
sighted to attempt to reckon upon
plans for 1912 without him. Let it
look again at the Sixty-second con
gress and note the dominance of the
south of that part of the party that Is
nlmated only by a desire for spoils
and power.
action. If there Is truth in the reporj (primary law would permit (he same
of President blur.' ill health, that ' voter; If he ao desired, to help nonil
beconies a complicating element, for.nate candidates on the republican
upon his denth, If not before, the ' ticket at one primary, on the demo-
stnolderlng embers of revolution are ' cratlc ticket at another and on the so-
expected to burst Into active and for
midable flame.
Now that Lorlmer's seat la secure,
we hope Tillman will dry his eyes and
Bailey cease to sob.
Mr. Ballinger certainly could not
have, asked any more from the presi
dent than that letter gave him.
A retailers' convention without the
usual denouncement of the "cat"
houses would not be the real thing.
It Is gratifying to know, however,
that those cruel kidnapers were foiled
In their attempt to steal Tom Watson.
Chicago now has only three mem
bers In the president's cabinet. Does
Mr. Taft mean to discriminate against
that city?
At any rate, the law foundry at Lin
coln seema to be turning 'out as big a
volume of business as ever Irrespective
of the condition of the market.
Twenty thousand American soldiers
stationed on the Mexican borders are
likely to have quieting effect, even
on tempestuous temperaments.
Gifford Plnchot aaya he la pleased
with the president's appointment of
Mr. Fisher to succeed Mr. Ballinger.
Let Mr. Fisher, then, take bU seat.
Postmaster Thomas Is quoted as
saying that Secretary Ballinger should
bar resigned long ago for the party's
good. Well, perhaps there are others.
And what will defenseless Omaha
do with all Its soldier gone from the
two military posts relied on for pro
tectlon If the Japs should suddenly
swoop down on us?
Certain western cities, some of
whose theaters are not on Easy street,
may take courage, for New York's New
theater has been closed for lack of
profitable patronage'.
And now "Wabash Trainmen Get
10 Per Cent Increase." What, on the
heels of the refusal of the Interstate
Commerce commission to authorize
thoae advanced rates!
Canada'i Debt to the United States.
Sir Wilfred Laurier In bla speech on
reciprocity before the Ottawa Parlia
ment went out of his way to dignify
Champ (Mark's antics ovef annexation.
The premier could have done his peo
ple better service by seeking to allay
agitation on tbls subject, rather than
stir It up. He must know that the
United Slates Is sincere in its propos
als for a reciprocal trade relationship
and has no thought whatever of an
nexing Canada, not for the present,
Sir Wilfred did not have to remind
us of Canada's loyalty to England, or
to point out that Canadians were born
Under the same flag as the ancestors
of Americans, "a flag under which
Americans may have suffered oppres
sion, but which to Canada has been,
and Is more than ever, the emblem of
freedom" It la because Americans
suffered and then refused longer to
suffer under that flag that today It Is
'the emblem of freedom" In Canada.
The revolutionists of America having
successfully resisted the oppressions
under that flag, made it possible for
the colonists of Canada to escape
The premier's speech must be Just
a trifle disappointing to Americans
who have ao carefully guarded against
the spirit of Jingoism in the late negotiations.
clallst ticket at still another.
While otir experience with the pri
mary last year waa still fresh no one
had the temerity to put In a good word
for the wide-open feature. It was ex
pected that the legislature would close
the door almost the first thing it did,
and It In hard to understand why it
should still be hesitating.
Mr. Ttosewater helped to make "Ben"
Thomaa poatmsater at Omaha. World
tlerald, March f.
When Captain Palmer was named prmt
mater, ZImman was hacked by Rosewater
and waa uiged at the time of. Thomas' ap
pointment. World-Herald, March 7.
Get together. When Captain Palmer
was appointed postmaster Mr. Rose
water favored Mel Uhl, and at the
time of Thomas' appointment Mr.
Itosewater urged the senators to name
Robert Cowell.
Desirable Settlers.
Three hundred and fifty Dutch
farmers and their families have Just
rrived In New York as the forerun
ners of a contingent numbering 8,000,
who will take up homes in the mid-
western states. These people are bld
to have been obliged to leave their
native land under the impositions of
extortionate landlords. Most of tberu
were possessed of about $1,000 and
many children per family, the money
representing savings from hard-earned
No one in the United States can re
joice over Ill-fortune befalling these
sturdy folk in their native land, but
everyone can rejoice at their coming.
If they must leave Holland, by all
mean let them coma among us, 'for
we need newcomers of their kind and
have a welcome and golden oppor
tunity for all who cast their fortunes
with oura. The Dutch is a sturdy,
steady, Indomitable race. They have
Infused good blood into the veins- of
American citizenship. On such as they
from the old world, this new nation
has largely depended In working out
ita own physical development.
People who are able to . save that
money though the . amount is not
great under circumstances bo ad
verse as ultimately to compel them to
abandon their native land, must make
thrifty citizens here. Thy are just
the sort of people to build up the agri
cultural sections of Iowa, Nebraska
and other middle western states and
our people could well afford to en
courage their presence. With the op
portunities they will find here they
will soon have become Independent in
their own right and In the meantime
their examples of virtue, frugality and
economy will have done us much good.
If these Hollanders are discontented
with life at home sufficiently to make
the effort to come to thla country,
probably others might also respond to
Invitation and if so It would not be
a bad idea for individual states to
employ what legitimate means they
may at missionary work among these
Uncle Joe Spurns the Stage.
Some harsh things have been said
of Uncle Joe Cannon. He has been
called the most tyrannical speaker
that ever mauled the house with a
gavel. He has been assailed as a czar
representing "the interests." He has
even been accused of being a common,
every-day millionaire. But he pro
poses that no man may with Impunity
charge him with aspiring to the stage.
He refuses, at the age of 75, to become
a monologue artist; he declines a
golden opportunity to shine as a gate
money performer and no money can
tempt him from his high resolve. He
burled back at a keen-visloned pro
moter not long ago an offer that might
have turned green with envy the eyes
of other great statesmen. Now, at
the zenith of his career or, to be
strictly correct, a little on the leeward
side of his zenith he refuses to con
sider an offer of $500 a night for 100
nights to peddle preachments for a
lyceum bureau, he to choose his own
subjects and name his dates.
. , It is a fine thing to. poaeesa courage
enough to say, "No" under "such cir
cumstances. Possibly It may set a
wholesome example to aome of his
ambitious colleagues; ' possibly 1t may
even influence' his distinguished suc
cessor, who, himself, is something of
a popular idol on the lecture platform.
But It ought to comfort Champ Clark,
for it assures him of the advantage of
Mr. Cannon's advice and counsel in
how to wield a gavel. No one can
doubt that with congress In extra ses
sion this Is going to be a hard season
for the Chautauqua windmill associa
tions. Lame ducks have a poor com
mercial value. The crowd demands
an "is." It wants no "has-beens."
Undo Joe, while no longer speaker,
is still a member of the house and is,
therefore, able to sustain his commer
cial rating.
Just because one architect does not
love another does not condemn the
parkway that is to embellish the space
between the city hall and the court
house when the latter building is com
pleted. The realization of that little
park will be the most substantial step
toward the "city beautiful," which
Omaha will have taken In many a
Omaha may learn another lesson
about how to get a convention. It
sought the next meeting of the balloon
races and entrusted Its claim to a
gentleman from St. Louis who was
going to attend the Aero club's meet
ing in New York. In the meantime
St. Louis develops a desire of Its own
for the meet and has . Its man, of
course', work for St. Louis.
Around Now York
Blpples oa the Current of Life
as Been la the (treat American
Metropolis from Say to Day
many venl
clallv hvipl'
Kvery great crisis develops leaders who
blase the way. The growing equal auf
fiSKe movement, wllh the teitaln'y nf
eventual nation-wide aurreM. presents
vexing prohlema to mankind, i-
hamla, and every ray of light il
lumining the future v.ay should be hailed
with Joy. A leader worth while, a mere
man. too, with more courage than th? av
erage of his Ulnd. boldly walked Into a
meeting of the equal suffrage society 'n a
New York theater one day last week. P.ev.
Ir. Anna Howard Shaw was folng the
talking. Neither the multitude nor th vo
tal melody fensed the determined man.
Slowly walking down-the center aisle his
kcarehlng eyes met the astonished Lif of
the audience without flinching. Down to the
orchestra stalls he moved then turned and
again stared straight at the crowd without
giving a algn of recognition.
"What are you here for?" asked Pr.
"I am looklnK for my wife." he ld
simply. "Is she here? I know she's al
ways trying to Ket the vote and keeping
me awake nights telling me why women
ought to have It. I tell her that I Can't
give her the vote, but aho talks on, like
Tennyson's brook, forever. Hut I don't
mind now. I've got so used to her that
she doesn't bother me any more than tne
alarm clock."
"What Is your name?" Inquired It.
"Is Mrs. Wayman In the house?" aked
Pr. Phaw.
A woman got up In the balcony and went
down stairs. Her husband met her In the
foyer. Half of the persons present ad.
Jonrned to the foyer to witness the de
parture. "What'a the matter?" asked the wife.
"The baby haa the stomachache." meekly
replied the man.
"Didn't I tell you where the colic medi
cine waa? You must understand that 1 nm
not to be disturbed again."
Then, those present at the meeting sav,
she took him home.
8enator Owen will be the star
speaker at the Bryan birthday dinner,
where he will extol the constitution of
Arizona. Our amiable democratic
contemporary is reminded that the
constitution of, Arizona contains the
5 per cent referendum petition feature
which In Nebraska It brands as "the
criminal Joker."
Of course, the legislature Is passing
that referendum measure not out of
conviction that.; our present law
makers are distrusted, but merely to
enable the people to hold a check upon
future law-making bodies.
Inasmuch as It has been the motto
f the Water board to ''Do It now" for
eight years, why wait till May 10 when
thirty days' notice is all that is re
Quired for a special election?
Another Chicago university profes
or has discovered hard times ahead.
Unless we triple our corn crop it is all
off with us by 1915. We raised only
3.000, 000,000 bushels of corn In 1910.
Caa it be possible, t?t Congressman
Latta left hla check book at home
when those house , committee chair
manships were being distributed? We
pauaa to hear EJar Howard give the
aaswer. ' 1
Among the prominent ritUens who
oppose popular eUe1on of senators
are C. F. Murphy and W. V. Sheehan
of New York, W. Lorlmer of Illinois
and J. Bailey of Teiaa. ' "lt the peo
ple rule." '
New York atate - contains acme
9.000.000 people, yet one man Is equal
to the other 8,999,999 when It comes
to chooalng a United States senator,
providing ha happens to be the Boas of
Tammany Hall.
Lincoln la to vote again next month
whether to continue wet or dry. The
super-arid dryness, then, cannot be
giving auch universal satisfaction as
soma, of our worthy reformers at the
state caltal would have the public b
Troopi to the Front.
The president's action In ordering
20,000 soldiers to the Mexican border
and war vessels to convenient points
in adjacent waters, gives a touch of
realism to the conditions of near-war
in tha southern republic. It will un
doubtedly be good exercise for the
troops, yet It need not necessarily sig
nify certain action on the part of our
army and navy.
The government would be Justified
in concealing its motive for this move
ment. Its statement that It is prepar
ing for military maneuvers for prac
tice may tell the whole story. It does
not comport with the best diplomacy
to be explicit about everything. Be
sides, our military will need practice
If It is called on for service. No false
alarms need be raised. There is noth
ing in the situation that should create
Mexico is and has been since the
last Diaz election in a state of polit
ical ferment. Developments have pro
ceeded far enough to Justify the belief
that serious trouble is at least poasl
ble. The lnaurrectos are still Id the
field, unconquered. and Mexico Is ap
parently making no headway toward
either conquest or conciliation. - Jn
the meantime property rights and in
terests, of other nations, ours among
them, are In Jeopardy. If a real explo
sion should come without adequate de
fense or protection, they might suf
fer, consequently it behooves this na
tion to taka what precaution 11
Whether or not Ollle James' eleva
tion to the senate would add to the
intellectual force of that body, it cer
tainly would increase its physical
weight. . i ...
Vnseriulr Noise.
Chicago News.
In Its dying morrl'etita the Sixty-first con
gress made a good deal of noise, consider
ing that Its warrant Was read to It In the
elections of last November.
Other Corns Kipoaed.
Washington Post.
Now that the senate democrats have
some Insurgents In their own camp they
are In a position to be a little more sym
pathetic with the other fellow.
Short Session of Irresponsible.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The results of. the session serve to em
phasise the error In the scheme which
permits a meeting of a congress after It
has been voted out of power, at a time
when many of Its members may know they
cannot be called to account by their con
stituents for anything they do.
Close the Door.
It is to be hoped tne legislature of
Nebraska will not adjourn without at
least restoring the closed feature of
our primary law and abolishing the
wide-open abomination inflicted on us
by the last legislature. Governor
Shallenberger has publicly confessed
that he was buncoed Into approving
the wide-open primary law against his
own judgment and has recommended
its repeal. The wide-open primary is
standing Invitation to men of oppo
site party, or of no party affiliations,
to select the candidates and outline
the policy for each party, and wo
know of no Important political person
age who believes In party government
who favors the destruction of the In
tegrity of party membership in this
Our law-makers will do well to look
back over the course of election re
form and get thoroughly in their
minds the difference between an elec
tion and a primary. The first great
forward step was the introduction of
the Australian ballot Insuring secrecy
at the polls, where every voter should
be protected in his privilege to vote
for or against his party nominees. The
second great step consisted in legaliz
ing the primaries for all parties In or
der to prevent unscrupulous voters
from participating in more than one
party primary, and although con
ducted at the same time, In the same
place'and by the same election officers,
both In theory and practice, the pri
mary of each political party remains
a separate and distinct primary Just
as separate and distinct as If they
were conducted at different times, In
different places and by different elec
tion officers.
The primary ia Intended to operate
aa a substitute for the nominating
conventions, which it displaces. No
one would for a moment contend that
a voter should have the right to sit as
a delegate In the conventions of all
political parties, or to sit as a delegate
In the convention of any political
Trallnar the Kfftclenry Plan.
Kansas City Times.
The Rock Island Is one railroad that has
resolved to try the1 Hrandels plan of In
creased efficiency and economy by scien
tific system In all departments. The plan
Is likely to succeed but not to auch an
extent that the road will be beeseechlng
the Interstate Commerce commission for
permission to reduce rates.
A fkasge for the Better.
New York World.
With the gloom dispelled, railroad offl
data may now suspend their calam
ity howling and emergency bookkeep
Ing and devote themselves strictly to the
business of efficient operation. Not only
are the railroads not going to the dogs
because rates cannot bt raised, but It has
been demonstrated that there are und
veloped possibilities of Increased net earn
ings in the existing rates under economical
nd intelligent management.
People Talked About
Mrs. Leslie Carter lost out In her efforts
to save from sale by a New York hotel
a number of personal articles seized to
Uquldate a board bill of fl 146.
Thomas H. Russell, who died a few days
ago at the age of 90, was the oldest mem
ber of the Boston bar. He was In practice
for nearly sixty years, most of the time
with his brother, the late Charles Theo
dore Russell, father of the lata Governor
William K. Russell.
The first attorney of New York's Robin
said the ex-banker was crazy. The second
attorney Insists he Is a hero. The grand
Jury said he Is a crook, to which classifi
cation Robin plead guilty. Doubtless the
lawyers knew it all the time, but could
not afford to give hira away.
For rescuing ninety-three persons from
the yacht Atmah, Including Baron Edmund
de Rothschild and Raroness Rothschild.
Captain Daniel Williams and the crew of
the tramp steamer Hilver Wings were re
warded with diamond jewelry valued at
more than tSO.ouo and a purse of 3,0u0 In
Although several staggering-efforts were
made during the closing days of congress
to out-talk the talk record, the fourteen
hour continuous performance of William
Vincent Allen of Nebraska still grips the
banner of supremacy. Compared with the
prairie gale, last week's performances were
feeble puffs of hot air.
Two granddaughters of Horace Greeley
have begun suit against their aunt, Mrs.
Cabrlelle Glendewln, and others, to set
aside the disposal of the Greeley farm at
Cbappagna. N. Y.. claiming that their
rights aa minors were not protected. Mrs.
GUtfidentn bought la the homestead In 1M3
and muy auildlnga have beta treated on
th around.
The Trinity building, overlooking Trinity
churchyard. Is at present the highest rent
ing building In the United States, and when
that Is aald the statement could probably
be broadened somewhat and made more
general. The highest priced renting build
ing In the world would probably be tha
exact truth.
There has always been more or less curl-
OFlty as to which of New York's palatial
office buildings, ornate affairs of bronze.
marble and mahogany as many of them
are, was the most expensive from a rent
er s standpoint, and from all that could
be learned by the Sun representative the
palm appears to be taken by the Trinity
building, one of the creations of the Vnited
Etates Realty and Improvement company.
Standing sentinel over the dead of more
than a century. It towers twenty-one stor
ies at 111 Broadway, and every room on
the downtown side commands a superb
view, tenants on the topmost floors hav
ing vistas of the North river and the har
bor, with Jersey City, Hoboken and the
Palisades In the Vistance,
An exciting scene was witnessed by the
people who were In the lobby of a hotel
near the Grand Central station at an early
hour tha other morning. A. man rushed
In and asked the clerk excitedly: "Hath
anybody found anything here thlth morning
a few mlnueth agoT" "Nothing been re
portedwhat did you lose?" "Never mind
I'll look onth more," and he ran toward
the lavatory, returning a moment later
still In great excitement. "Sure you were
In h.-rer the clerk ventured to ask, and
the, looking about, lisped: "Theems
to me I wath, but may be not." " A man
who followed him to a nearby hotel heard
him ask them about "anything having
been found." "Nothing but this." aald the
clerk, holding to view an upper set of
false teeth. "They're mine," the man al-
nioat shrieked, "thank goodnth." The trans
fer was made with a click, a reward was
left for the "honest finder and the man
departed, saying he was "so sorry to have
given so much trouble." "That would have
been 'tho thorry,' " said the clerk, "If the
store teeth had not been foundi"
One of the most pathetic cases on the
records of the children's court, as related
by the Tribune, was called before Justice
Wyatt when Mrs. Jennie Collins, an old
negro "mammy," pleaded for the custody
of Margaret Clemens, an R-year-old white
child, whom she had raised from Infancy.
Investigation by the Children's society
agents showed that Mrs. Collins had a
comfortably furnished home at 228 West
Thirtieth street, and that she worked hard
aa a seamstress to support herself and lit
tle Margaret. It waa found that the child
was well clothed and regularly aent to
the public achool In West Twenty-eighth
Between aobs Mrs. Collins appealed to
Justice Wyatt to leave the little girl with
her, and the child, who is remarkably
pretty, clung to the woman's dress when
the officers tried to take her from the
court room.
"Judge, your honor, don't take her from
me. I have had her since aha was
6 months old and It will break my heart
If I can't see her no more. I know I can't
bear to part from her," Mrs. Collins
"I knew her mother, a poor white girl
who got Into trouble when this little dear
was ( months old, and she kissed her one
day and left. She said that she was going
to drown herself, and I oouldn't do any
thing with her. I haven't seen her since
and I expect she carried out her threat.
I work hard for a living, and the only
thing against me Is that my skin Is black.
You won't take her from me and put her
In an Institution, where I can never see
Justice Wyatt said that he would do
everything possible to sea that the child
was placed where her benefactor might see
lloells Jouinnl idem): At present Nor
rls Hronn Is plnvlng to fool the good
people of NehrHSka. but It won't work.
f.r they all know that It's the desire to
have another six years' feed t the pic
counter that Is making Norrls behave so
Beatrice - Kihi; "Senator Boot seconded
Senator Brown's gret speech In the rmn
at with another strong speei h In op
position to Senator lni liner Keni nev
" I . . . . . . . . .
I ii. if. i m ine jone 01 tne season wnen
you refer to Kllhu Boot of New York sec
onding Norrls Brown of Nebraska.
Tekamah Journal: The hypocrisy of the
so-cnlled Insuisent Is evident when you
hear nary a chirp from them over the ap
pointment of the man Taylor to the rich
federal office at Omaha. If someone else
hud brought the charge against Taylor ex
cept the Omaha Bee's editor they would
have grown black In the face at our sen
ators for endorsing such a man.
Hastings Tribune: Postmaster Thjmins
of Omaha Is charged with violation of the
civil service lew. It Is said that because
a letter carrier refused to support candi
dates and measures as directed In the te
cent campaign, as directed by Mr. Thomas'
subordinates, he has been punished by re
duction In rank. If the charges be true
one will not have to look very long or
very hard to see Postmaster Thomas'
Tekamah lVrald: Senator Norrls Brown
will not stay put. He was elected as a
progressive, but as soon aa he got to Wash.
Ington he lined up with the standpatters
and helped pass the Aldrlch tariff bill.
When he came home last summer he told
us that "we would like It when we got
used to It." Now he Is to be a free-trader
In support of reciprocity. It Is anything
with Brown. If he can hold his Job. he has
no more stability than a weather-vane.'
Lincoln Star: It Is evident that Na
tional Committeeman Itosewater, editor of
The Bee. does not accept as gospel the
declaration of Senator Norrls Brown that
Secretary MacVeagh of the Treasury de
partment Is to bear the responsibility for
the appointment of Cadet Taylor to the
position of collector of the port of Omaha.
Neither doea he accept as a sincere ex
pression of sentiment the recent declara
tion of Senator Burkett that he had
"washed hla hands of tho whole matter."
Victor Rosewater does not seem to have
found any evidence of this lavatory process
having been performed. The worst thine
about the situation Is that wht the Rose
water paper urges against the appoint
ment Is largely. If not entirely, true and
susceptible of proof. The appointment la
not at all a creditable one.
Tekamah Herald: Brother Tamplln felt
like roasting the insurgents last wook
because they did not come to Victor Rose
water aid In preventing the appointment of
Cadet Taylor. Wless his dear little heart;
most of the insurgent republicans In Ne
braska know that Senator Brown belongs
to the breed of cata who scratch their
friends and purr to their enemies. They
also know that If It waa not for The
Omaha Bee, Fremont Tribune and a few
other papers that were loyal to Norrls
Brown that he" would not be a United
States senator, but be would today be a
briefless barrister at Kearney. We all
know what he tried to do to Ross Ham
mond and to many others who were his
best friends, then why not give Victor
Rosewater the same kind of a dose. Norrls
Brown Is by nature a base Ingrate and we
have Just as much respect for a common
horsethlef as we have for a political In
grate. Norrls Brown la a pussyfooter and
a trimmer and the voters are onto his
trickery, they will give him what's com
ing to him at the next election.
liakes Hens Baking iwy
i i t
I y f 9 t I I I I,
Absolutely v uro
Tho only biak' powdar
mado from R' jif rvo
Cream o Ha
might possibly have been enhanced But
as u is. me only impression icii i.y ine per
formance Is one of unmanly rn.tulanre.
After all the dramatic circumstances
of the resignation and his lofty refusals tu
withdraw It bis prompt consent to stay
makes him look uncommonly foolish.
Minneapolis Journal: Bailey has never
put his name on a good law, or done .any
thing that could by any stretch of charity
be called statesmanlike, lie has ability,
no doubt, but It Is a useless ability because
there Is no confidence that he represents
himself or his constituents. Bailey could
well be spared from the United States sen
ate. He might have gone out with Hale,
Kean, Scott anit some more of that Ilk
last Saturday to the great joy of the
Borne men succeed by working hard
With pick or spade or pen,
But not a few still get ahead
By working other men.
Boston Transcript.
There was a young man In Tlmhuctno
Who said to the maid that be d tuck tot
"1 have loved you, sweet Ruth,
Pnr o venr that's thA truth!'1
he said; "that a a lie wen stuca to. -
Chicago Tribune.
"Nevada, 'tis of thee,
Sweet state of liberty,
Of thee I sing.
State where our fathers flee,
Stnte that sets mothers free
Marriage, because of thee.
Hath lost its sting."
Philadelphia Inquirer.
When women votes came Into style.
We let them pass and had to smile;
But now the harem skirt s the fad
They've taken all the rights from dad.
But I won't countenance this thing.
I am going to smash the fad. by Jing!
If my wife Says she's going to wear 'em
By heck I'll go and get a harem.
Spokane Review.
The elevator boy, 'twould seem,
As novelist might win esteem.
His works, 1 trow, would be the scream
To crown the sextet of "best sellers. '
HIb training, as you must aKree,
Is good: he tells to you and me
Each floor In passing Isn't he
A paragon of story tellers?
.,.- -- fr-CWtsgO; Xriluii'.
Pittsburg- Dispatch: So the' country can
not lose him. Nevertheless the opinion will
prevail that when a seator of mature years
ndopts the childish attitude of "I won't
play," he should be left to come out of
that mood on his own Initiative.
Washington Post: It will be a source of
satisfaction to the people of the entire
country that Senator Bailey la to remain
In the senate to achate the treat questions
confronting the statesmen of today, throw
ing his great strength to the Gibraltar of
reason In the United States tho constitution.
New Tork Sun: What an actor In heavy
melodrama Joe Bailey would have made!
It seems inartistic to remind him that the
Arizona constitution and such maniac
notions are not to be beaten or weakened
by theatrical demonstrations. ' He re
minds us Btrongly of a Chinese who hangs
himself to spite and haunt his neighbors.
Ixiulsvllle Courier-Journal: It ' Is a new
Idea that a legislator must resign because
his colleagues do not accept his views
that he "will not play" unless he can run
the game to suit himself. If Senator Bailey
Is going to resign every time he finds him
self In a minority of his party In the senate
he Is likely to do more resigning than any
thing else.
New York Tribune: Mr. Bailey was
right In his resistance to the ill considered
radicalism of the Arizona constitution, es
pecially its recall of judges. If he had
quit the senate as a protest against his
party's attitude on that subject his prestige
"I could not marry him," she ald
And wound a switch about her lira. I.
"His heart Is breaking. I suppose''
She dabbed some powder on her nose.
"But I rejected him lHt week"
She rubbed some rouge upon her cheek.
"It crushed him so 1 thought he'd faint"
Her lips she reddened with some laint.
"But I refused him. anyhow"' '
She lined her delicate eytbrow. .
"I -could not marry him." she sighed:
"His hair showed sIkiis of being ilytd!"
ChlcaKu Bust.
Man rides along the level land.
And up the steep;
He Journevs over wastes of tan. I,
And billowy waters deep;
He glides o'er streams ny sun unseen.
In subterranean caves;
And, hidden In a submarine.
He slips between the waves.
Man bravea the terrors on the way
To a far frigid goal.
And on, undaunieii, nittht and day. '
He sledges to the pole;
He invlrs the great bird that swings
In careless circle, hie.ll,
Then builds an aeroplane and flings
Himself across the sky.
Man floats on fluctuant waves of thought.
Steered by a mystic helm:
And oft In chariots tinwruiiKht.
Ho runs thruUKh Fancy's nalur,
He travels ever and afar.
Ecclesiastic teas;
And "hitching his wagon tu a Star."
Gains the eternities.
Chicago, March , lull.
Tackles the Theory of Kvolntlon an
Bays Thins.
Chicago Post.
"I am not yet convinced that man is
lineal descendant of lower animals, but
If anyone takes pleasure In tracing hla
ancestry back to monkeys I would be the
last to Interfere with him. The theory of
evolution la a dangerous theory, for if
man from monkeys, why not monkeys from
man? I have en them going in both
directions. Then the theory or evolution
doea not explain the mystery of life."
These, the latest worda of the silver
tongued Bryan upon the theory of evolu
tion, will breed, we fear. In most normally
educated people a desire to revert to the
practices of the long-forgotten past and
hurl a cocoanut at the seasoned orator of
the Platte. It would be hard to find a
man of Mr. Bryan's prominence In English
public life who would be guilty of an
equal number of Ineptitudes In the same
space and on tba same theme. Mr. Bryan
haa stolen for Chautauqua time which
should have been spent la reading con
tetnporaneoua scientific literature.
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black and blue any moie. Moan's Liniweat ba helped ne mora than all tbs
doctoring I ever did."
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