Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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State Basket Ball Tournament at Lincoln; Omaha Five Starts to the Meeting
High School Squad Will Try for
Honors at Liucoln.
Sharp Prartlce nnjdt'arefnl Kelectlnn
of Mm tmpr.syes t'hanres of
laklm lllah liner In Mrrn- '
anna (om pftltlnn.
Elsht itifitihi'i of ,th bajfket halt at"(l
of the Omaha High schVil leave for l.ln
rnln thlH morning to participate In the
Mate tournament TMs tournament, which
will he ronrtlirfted unoe's the auxplcrs of
the athletic Hoard of the tate university,
la the largest affair of( tts kind ever held
In the state. '. '
After helng twice defeated by Bloux Hty,
the Omaha team la still lifcpcful of a hUh
place In the tournament. Kdwin Carson,
captain, haa the reputation of helng one
of the best renter In the state. Deryl
Crocker, left guard.' hns trmda an enviable
record In basket ball. This la Crocker a
first year In basket ball, and he ha played
the (tame like a veteran. Crocker Is-the
tr.oat agile member on llie team and is ac
curate In throwing baskets from the field.
nurkenroad la another new man on the
team, although thnlt is . not Murkenroad's
first year In basket ' bull. Karly In the
season, he was only able to make substi
tute on the team, .but Itt the Yolk game
he played so well that be la now a regular
member of the team. Vrrgll Hector, who
starred last year as center on the team,
la one of the tallest members on the team.
His height, which la six feet, two Inches,
enables hlmb to place many difficult bas
kets. Iteuman. another guard, and Jacobs,
right forward, vwrk together well and
have been factors In the success of the
Omaha's chances for first place in the
tournament do not seem to be so good as
In the first part of the season, but Omaha
Is atlll In the race,
Comparing the results of Omaha's games
with U other high school teams. It seems
that the local lada have a good chance
of redeeming themselves from their defeat
In the last two game. i .
R. U Cams, coach and a few loyal
basket ball rooters will accompany the
team to Lincoln. .. .V
, V ' ' ' '
Team Averages I.M6T In Match with
IOWA CITY. Ia., March 8 (Special.)
Iowa riflemen are confident of a victory
over the University of Minnesota In the
weekly Intercollegiate "by mail" rifle shoot
held today, In which the Hawkeye team
scored 1.867 points out of a possible 2.000.
Minnesota's aggregation of msrksmen has
not near approached such a ' score this
season and with the Gopher team out of
the road Iowa has only Columbia to de
feat to make Its title clear to the national
intercollegiate championship- The Iowa
men scored as follows today:
Standing. Trone.
I,. R. keeper.
A meson
Campbell .....
Williams ,
, 1S4
. 1X1
Totals ,'. fi
9S6 1,867
Thoosand Spectators Disappointed by
Action of Sheriff at Denver.
DENVER, Colo.. March 8. With more
than 1,000 spectators waiting and the prin
cipals ready .to go Into the ring, the ten
round bout between Jack (Twin) Sullivan
of Boston and Jack O'Keefe of Denver
waa abruptly stopped by Sheriff AVni
strong of Denver county, who served an
Injunction on principals and officials, la
sued by District Judge lilies, at the re
quest of the Christian Citizenship union of
Sheriff Armstrong also announced that
ha would arrest anyone who attempted to
pull off the fight.
While the sheriff was parleying with
the managers of the bout, the cashier,
who had the gate receipts, disappeared.
When the patrons demanded then- money
back It was explained that the money
had been taljen to Denver for safe keep
Two nundrefl and Kortr-One Players
In Qualification, Round.
PINEHCRST. N. C, March 8. -Two
hundred and forty-one players participated
In today's qualification round of the sev
enth annual spring golf tournament. Ten
divisions of sixteen each qualified for six
regular and four special division match
rounds, which will continue through t
urday. A consolation event for the over
flow field will be held tomorrow.
C. L Becker of the Woodland, Mass.
Golf club, headed today's big field with a
score of 8S. George H. Crocker of the
Hrookllne Country club was second, with
M, and Irving, H. Robeson of the Oakhill
Country club, and 8. D. Wyatt of the
Kon Du Laa Coif club were tied for third
place with 8,"., .There were twelve other
players who qualified for the first division
The entry of tv alter J. Travis was with,
drawn owing to isr return to New Yok.
Aero Cluh Srnda T.rlra-rant to Na
tlonal Council tn rw York.
T. LDCIS. Mo., March. S.-The Aero
club of St. 1-ouIm Tuesday sent a telegtara
to the national council of the Aero Club
of America, which la meeting In New
Tork, to select the starting point for the
International balloon race next fall. The
members Invited the council to come to
St. Louis personally to Inspect the facili
ties offered.
Tennis Drawlnsjs In Australia. -
SYDNEY. N. S. W.. March S-Drawlna
for the preliminary rounds in the Dwlght
'. Davis International lawn tennis cun r. n.
tt were made today. The American team
win piay ne oouin Airunni and the win
tiers will meet the Kngllsh team. The pre
limineries niusi ne conciuaed at a uat
thai win permit, me cnauenge round with
the Australian holders of the cup to ue
played In New Zealand In December.
Bnnday Games Barred.
HOT SPRINGS, Ark.. March S.-1'nless
the legislature now in session repeals the
kntt-Hunday base bell laws, sche lined
fames between the Cincinnati and the St.
um American league teams will not he
pUyed. Business men have Interested
themselves In the cause of snort anl to
tight a committee departed for IJttle Keck
to urge the rieal cf the law.
Waterloo Secures Order.
CHICAGO. March A forms! order re
straining the base ball clubs of the Three-I
ue from Iniertvrtng with the rlgnts of
the Wsterloo, la. cluh as a meiibr of
th league waa entered today by Judxa
Grldley of the superior court. Counsel for
the Waterloo club filed an injunction fond
W 2.0n).
Meett !. fatV. ; v
TOPEKA Kan..' March 8 George Hack
Lcbmiut lost a bnuduap wrestling match
h're tonight to Je trricasirrl. ilicK
tp hmld ( attempted to nn'iir two faint in
an tiour, hut n( the end of tho lul-'iu-u
time had not eerured one. Wti-rnio
had lia k-n.rhinlilt nn the defi nite nu'Jt
one-fourth of the time.
I)rokln Tram Una Practice tiemr.
HOT Ef'RIN'jS. Ark., March .-The reg
ulars of trie llronkljn Nntional lean le !
feated the Oiinger members of the lenin
this afternouu IK to a. The hitting of .Vr
Eiveen and Zimmerman was the feat 'j:s.
the former g'ttlnt; a home run an.l t vo
doubles and the latter three singles.
H it K.
Regulars 1 0 4 110 10 t-10 1 1
Colts 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0- J 14
Hatterlra: Knetxer. Hell and Irwin,
Schardt, Itucker. Atchison and Millar.
Three llont at llnaton.
BOSTON. March 8. Tnmmv O Keefe of
I'hlladelphla and Georgo Alger of (am
brliigu tougnt ten rounds here tonight to a
draw. Kdiiy Murphy of South Jtoston not
the decision over Joe lluist of Philadelphia.
In. ten rounds, and Al IMmont of Ronton
was given the derision over Jimmy Carroll
of San Franclscu In a ten-round battle.
Harvard liner Hall Conch.
CAMHRllXiK. Mass., March .-It was
announced today that 1 r. Frank HeM-m
has been officially engaged for a two year
term au coach of the Harvard base
Former l'rlse Filthier lro Dead.
KKATTI.K. Wah , March S Nick Hur ley,
heavyweight prizefighter, diopped dead
last night of heart diweasc, a;el ft years
n. M. Farrrll of Avon, S. P., Has it
Piece of Money F.lahteen
Hundred! Years Old.
SIOUX FAI,,S. 8. IT, March R.-fPpe-
clal.) R. M. Farrell of Avon Is the owner
of a rare Roman gold coin, which, as near
as can be ascertained. Is about l.WK) years
old. Notwithstanding Its great age. the
old coin is in a good state of preservation.
As crude gold It Is worth only about $17,
but Its value as a coin of so great an age
has not been determined. An official of
the T'nlted States national museum at
Washington, to whom a description of the
old coin was sent, states It as his opinion
that the coin was issued under the Roman
emperor, Hadrian, who ruled from 117 to
138 A. D.
Xfn Hotel at Cheyenne.
CHEYE.VNK. Wyo March 8 (Special.)
The new Plains hotel will probably be
6pened to the public the latter part of this
week, and It Is understood that Senator
F. K. Warren, one of the promoters and
leading owners, will be here to assist In
the opening. The Plains hotel Is now
practically completed and furnished at a
cost of over 1225.00), and hoti 1 men say It
is one of the finest and est arranged
buildings of Its kind between the Missouri
river and the Paclfio coast towns. The
handsome structure stands at the north
west corner of West Sixteenth street and
Central avenue and Is five stories In
height. The building is of steel construc
tion with light yeHow pressed brick.
Opera, ILonae at Hot Springs.
HOT SPRINGS. 8. D. March 8-(Spe-clal.)
Hot Springs is now assured of a
fine new opera house, which will be named
the Morris Grand. Morris Rlock la the
builder and has the excavating about com
pleted and the stone wall started. The
building will be of stone and wil have a
Heating: capacity of 600, including the bal
leveral Additions Are Made' to Fc
lty and Mnlnrlaa Advanced.
TAROR. Ia , ' March 8. (Special. )-The
regular March meeting of 'the . Tabor
college trustees was. held here last evening.
The out of town trustees Iiresent ' wpt
Klbcrt A. Read of Shenandoah and J. A.
,oose of Thurman. Various members of
college faculty were re-elected and
others considered for the coming year and
the. local trustees were empowered to fill
all vacancies. '
Several members of the faculty were
granted slight Increases in salaries. Bo
sides Prof. F. W. Long and Prof. Margaret
Lawrence, who are on the permanent list
of the faculty, the following were re
elected to professorships: M. C. Garton,
Susan a. . Jewell. Georgia E. Hopper,
Frank Gilliland and Nellie O. Rowe.
Mrs. Ellen G. Hurlbutt was elected art
teacher and Miss H. K. Aver'y librarian.
Upon the advice of President Long It was
voted to hold a summer school in the
college ' and enlarged plans were laid for
that purpose. Other matters of to'erest to
the college were discussed and the usual
routine business transacted.
Counterfeiters Are Arrested.
MONTJCELIX, la.. March 8.-(8neclaM
Four men, charged with making counter
felt nickels, were arrested at Sabula Fri
day, and the counterfeiting outfit used by
inem was seized. The men. who are John
Carr. and his two sons. Benjamin and
Eleny Carr, and a shoe string peddler
named Howard, and the dies molds and a
quantity of the "bogus" coins have been
turned over to the United Btatea deputies.
The men have been placed it) Jail at Free-
port. 111.
Life Nentrnce for Murder.
M ARSH A LLTOWN, Ia., March 8-(Spe-
clal.) Pleading guilty to the murder of
Mrs. Charlotte Handy on . February 11
Thaddeus Gil more, colored, was sentenced
to life Imprisonment today by Judge Ver
million. Utluiores brother, Charks Gil-
more, an accessory, pleaded guilty to the
charge of manslaughter, and he waa aen
tenced to eight years.
Hitters Buhatltnte for YYhlakr.
WIjHSTEH CITY. Ia.. March S.-(SDecIal
j eunram.j necauao. a certain brand of
bitters he waa selling at bis drug wore
proved too good a substitute for whlaky
M. u. nenson of Randall was convicted by
a jury in aistrict court this morning of
Illegal lhiuor selling. Sentence will be pro
nounced later.
Ion News .Notes.
NEVADA Frank Jones, a1 young farmer
of near here, waa seriously and It is feared
fatally Injured when he was thrown from
a pony he waa riding and trampled by a
herd of mules that stampeded and fright
ened the pony.
AMES-R. E. Mould of Sioux Citv, junior
engineering student at Iowa State college
ho attempted tu commit suicida hv bind
ing tils head in a towel saturated with
chloroform In a rooming house on the
campus, will be taken to Nevada for ex
amination by the Hoard of County Com
niislonera or Inxanlty. Mould is the aw in
Blou cTty" U'trlct court Judge of
Mets Famous Bock Beer
In bottles on and after March . Order a
case of this deltvlous tetr sent to your
home. Wm. J. Boekhoff. Retail Dealer.
Phones Douglas 119; Ind. A -21 19.
Joint Ballot la lows Lealslatare
hows Little Relative
PES MOINF8, March -Today's joint
ballot for I'nlted States senator In the Iowa
legislature resulted as follows:
.Deemer, 64;,. Henron flj Porter ,(den.
fI: Absent, 4; paired, 4; necessary to elect,
. .
Appears to Have Best Chance to Win
All Events.
Pair Itoll Into First Place, with Nice
Total of 1,1 Store Triumph
Yet Hold Mark Far Ahead
of Tonrner Reroril.
The two-men event of the Twin City
toinjnament was started at Keyt's alleys
Krlliy night. Some very good individual
work was done, but team work was only
averace. Anderson, who was paired with
Hammond, rolled another C58 series, this
being tho same total he shot In the flvr
mrn event, his total for the two series
being J.SK or an average of 219 per game,
which, with ary kind of a game In his
Singh s, will land him in first place In
the all-events.
Uilbtenth and Pruyn rolled Into first
place with u nice total of 1.160. In the
five-men event the J. S. Cross team broke
last year's record by 100 pins, but failed
to reach the wonderful score the Stora
Triumphs rolled on the first night.
The McCord-Brady Advos rolled Into
third place with better than a 2,70) total.
But one team rolled better than 2.7U0 in
the tournament last year.
Klvp-Men Standing,
Standing of the five-men teams:
Storx Triumphs S.0:i7
J. S. Cioss.
McCord-Brady Advos
O Brtcn'R Monte Chilstos
Pite L-ocliB
2 K6
Omaha H cycles
l.nxus ,
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Perkins ItiJ 192 M9 623
Hartley 214 2 242 6,9
Y onsen 204 233 lwt t5
Johnson 1H8 14S 197 643
Maytham 149 178 I'Jl 618
Totals 927 954 967 2,848
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Ohneaorg 1:'0 170 178 4R8
Nelson 1KU 1H2 l;io 4X3
Glllam K0 1H2 192 624
Heselin 152 137 172 4fil
Berger 153 140 138 431
Totals 711 791 813 2.357
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Tracy 1S7 216 178 681
Chandler 165 156 lffi 47
McCague 1K2 ISO 17 629
Zimmerman 175 2nx 179 i'2
Ooff 215 174 1X1 70
Totals 914 934 870 2.7W
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Travnor 123 1S7 1K8 478
I.atev 15 171 1R5 601
I'rtino 1M0 182 2o2 W4
Angelberg 170 19.1 214 677
Baehr 170 204 171 545
Totals 808 937 2,665
Oodenschwager .. m 157. 171 609
Cochran . 208 1X8 162 tifH 1,067
Schmidt I'll 1N9 178 638
Rice 1(3 134 P52 459 P97
Balzer 201 213 2"0 614
M. Martin 14 224 170 640 1,164
Howley 173 1S8 133 4it
Powell 201 189 187 5771,071
Krltscher I! 189 201 585
UJerde 180 209 170 6691.144
Klanck ....,...;,. lt8 175 160 503
Zarp 191 177 191 699-1,063
Gilbreath 162 704 213 579
Pruyn Ii6 193 202 681-U60
Hammond ......... 180 . 135.-, 180
Anderson '. 223 . 213 222 668 1,163
N'otea of Tourney.
Big John Klanck had Germany Zarp up
a tree. The big fellow is still setting the
The Commercial league entries are mak
ing a much better showing in the double
event than In the five-men.
Wood Hartley leads in individual work
in the tive-men event. His 659 of last
night leads Anderson by one pin. .
. 'I be two big Bs, Berger and Besolln, did
their beet anyhow. It's the same old
Jeffries story about the come back..
Freddy . BaJser continues to shoot in
championship form, having a good chance
to finish in the nioney in the all-events.
The Stors team is going as if they really
needed the nioney. At least two teams
will finish in the money In the two-men.
"Come on -you Cross bunch. The way
these ia lows are getting the wood Is surely
worth noticing. Their first year out Is
Indeed, a successful one.
MacMartln started with a 143 score,
otherwise the team would have been lead
ing the doublea, as they are only eight
pins behind the leaders.
Pruyn rolled his games without an error
and had only one open irame, drawing
split in the fifth of the second, and still
finished with a 682 total.
Gilbreath and Pruyn were surely consist
ent; a difference of only two pins between
them. They are the leaders in Individual
averages of the Commercial league.
Team In Mercantile
Win Two Uaniea.
In the Mercantile league the Stors
Juniors, a new team In the league, won two
from the Carpenter Paper company team.
The Stors rolled high total for three games
with 576, also had high single game of 240,
1st. 2d.
Sd. Total
Ralston j.
Jones ....
164 160
175 1M
190 168
207 631
2 Hi 675
161 619
Totals 629 488 608 L6i
1st. 2d. Jd. Total
R. Smith 172 178 3 664
Kinley 163 , I. 1M 6"6
Johnson 189 192 178 (59
Totals 623 626 670 L6I9
The Independents dropped two gamea out
of three to Andy's Cults. Glllham hud high
game and high total of 673 for the Inde
pendents. Silk got high game of 196 and
high total of 662 for Andy's Colts. Score:
1st. 2d.
Giliham 197 204
t'oolt lhS 162
Wilboii 113 . 12
Sd. Total
172 6
170 4!
137 tut
Totals 63 648
1st. 2d.
479 1.630
3d. Total
White 171 1X7
137 4K6
166 45
lMf 662
Peary i i
Bilk 16 11
Totals 626 628 4X8 1.542
In the game betweeu Manny Sunkists
and the Poatofflce team Griffith had high
single game of 227 and high total of 650 for
the Sunki.-iis. I'tt had high game of 180 and
high total of 492 for the Postofflce team.
S ore:
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Oriffith 2-T 167 158 650
Laird 1 128 134 4n6
Moran 169 167 119 4u9
64J 440
1st. 2d.
1S 1J
154 121
IsO 164
40 l.St6
Sd. Total.
179 6.
124 411
161 44
4-4 1,422
Swanson ,
Morton ..
bo3 411
Packers' l.(a.
Sd. Total
McCord ...
l'arker ....
Thomas ..,
Total .,
. 199
. 157
. 149
. 142
. M
. 1-e
. r.
. 122
. 1U
Ml tut
3-1. Total
11 4-J
l.9 4"3
11 4IS
Us ttf
Mo-ard ..
, 14S 179 1M M i
. itW 7''.'' 7U2 2.A"1
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
. 115 PW ls 4 1
Kt US 1C 4.S
M7 113 111 i,,
, 151 U K.t 4.'S
, 2i2 l' 13 f'-t
7:m P. 7"0 2.24(5
1st. 2d. Xd. Total.
, l.C 171 lO
, 1H7 151 l.'O 't
, 11 si 142 4s
. 1-'.S 172 114 414-
150 1W 4M 1
71! 8.13 745 2.27
Campbell 115
1 1 aster
Wabash Trainmen Get
Ten Per Cent Increase
Council Bluffs Yards Will Be Placed
in First-Class Group After
CHICAGO, March 8. An Increase ap
proximating 10 per cent was granted en
gineers, firemen, trainmen and conductors
of the Wabash railroad in a settlement "f
the wage controversy effected today. The
W abash was not included in the western
roads which effected a wage increase In
December and the settlement today Is the
first made since thte decision of the Inter
state Commerce commission denying per
mission to the roads to raise freight rates,
as announced. The settlement grants a 10
per cent Increase to men west of Chicago
and 6 per cent on '.lnea to Detroit and To
ledo, dating March 1. On July , 1912, the
western rates will apply east to Toledo and
Engineers are granted the same rates as
on other western roads for both road and
yard service, and after July 1 the yards i t
Council Bluffs, Kansas City, St. Louis and
East St. Louis will be placed in the first
class group, which means a further In
crease for switch engineers and firemen.
Go to Coronation
Commander of Department of East
Will Be Military Aide to Spe
cial Ambassador.
WASHINGTON. March 8. Major General
Frederick D. Grant, at present command
ing the Department of the Eat, has been
selected as military aide of the staff of
John Hays Hammond, the special ambas
sador, to represent President Taft at the
coronation of King George V.
Ten Thousand Men Qnlt Work While
Employers Are Seeking
CHICAGO, March 8,-Whlle Judge Grid-
ley of the superior court, was hearing
arguments during th early part, of the
day In the petition ' of master steam-
fitters for an Injunction to prevent the
Chicago Trades council and the steam fit
ters' union from declaring general strikes,
the labor leaders exnruted a coup by is
suing the order at oace and executing it
before notice of the ,ttiove could YeaCh the
court.' Approximately 10,000 men were
ordered out.
Building in the main part of the city Is
tied up and work on half a dozen sky
scrapers waa stopped.
to Isane Notes , of mall De
nomination - Haa Been
WASHINGTON. March 8 The Issue of
one dollar greenbacks, which was planned
by the Treasury department several weeks
go to meet the pressing demand for small
bills, haa been tentatively abandoned.
It was found that the conversion of the
large outstanding silver certificates into
one dollar denominations promises to meet
the demands for the present at least.
There are about $25,000,000 m Targe denom
lnation silver certificates which will be
retired and one dollar notes will be Issued
In their places. '
There has been no one dollar greenbacks
Since 18S5. The ' announcement of the In
tention to re-Issue the old note caused wide
comment in banking circles.'
Former President Begins Mis Long;
' Trip to the Paclfio
NEW YORK, March 8,-Colonel Theo
dore Roosevelt started today on his six
weeks' trip across the country to the Pa
clflc coast and back again. It Is the first
tour tho colonel has made since the recent
political campaign. His first stop will be
at Atlanta, Ga., tomorrow.
"I have nothing to say about anything,'
said Colonel Roosevelt as he boarded his
Ministers and the Flection.
LYONS, Neb., March 8. (Special.) The
ministers of central and eastern Nebraek
have formed an association called The
East-Central Nebraska Ministerial associa
tion. From Lyons to Blair la the territory
comprised In the bounds of the associa
tion. They met at Oakland yesterday and
elected 'the following officers: Rev. Clar
ence M. Junkln of Craig, president; Rev,
Charles M. Masten of Herman, vice preel
dent; Rev. Charles P. Lang of Blair, sec
retary and treasurer. They, together with
a number of officials of the village of
Oakland, were entertained at dinner at h
home of Mrs. Anna Preston of Oakland
served by several of the town's
women. The organization Includes rnln
lsters of different denominations Metho
dists, Baptists and Presbyterians being
present. The next meeting will be held a
Blair on April 8. The near proximity of
these meetings to the coming April village
elections appeared like a coincidence o
some Import, especially since the dele
gates from Lyons were reticent about glv
Ing out information other than the name
and officers of their organisation.
tors Dellcioaa Bock Ueer.
You can bank on one absolutely genuine
bock beer in Omaha. THAT'S 6 TO HZ'
BOCK BHEH, and there is more of
brewed and sold than any other la th
city. On draught March ( and thereafter,
In bottles from ('HAS, STORZ. Phones
Web. Ind. B-lfiL
Corcoran Jury Falls to Agree.
DUBLIN. March K. A Jury to which wa
submitted today the Question of sanity o
Kdward Corcoran, alleged by his son t
have surrendered to American lawyers
much of an estate Inherited from hi
cousin, John Sullivan of Seattle, disagreed
and was discharged.
Oleo Moonshiner Sentenced
CHICAGO. March 8 -Judge Kenesaw M
I.ndu) today fined Frank Ooll. wiio ha
been charsed with oleomargarine "moon
snining ana was round guilty. ant
.ruiriirvii miu HI erVt live ill (Vl(
IavensrurUi prison.
Three Big: Tournaments Scheduled for
the Coming- Summer.
Ronllns Tonrnament Jnst Closed One
of the nisi Events of the Year
for That Particular Line
of nort.
Troof Indicative that Omaha Is one of the
real centers of national sport may be
had by anyone glancing over the lists of
tournaments that Omaha has scheduled for
1911. They show that this city has taken a
place of prominence In the sporting world
and will hold It In the coming years.
The biggest event Is the Clay Court Na
tional Tennis Tournament, to be held at
the Omaha Field cluh starting August t.
Last year was the initial event of the
clay court championship and Omaha car
ried if off In splendid style and Incidentally
In that way secured the event for this
year. And a promise is made that Omaha
shall have at least every other year In
the future.
The entry list of the event of 1910 showed
men from all parts of the United States.
n Interesting news Item about the tour
nament was that a Callfornlan. Melville
Long, won the singles, with Merrill Hall,
Brooklyn man. as runner up, and In
the doubles O., W. Anderson of New York
as paired with W. T. Hayes of Chicago.
This shows that the honors of the meet
ere spread fairly evenly over the differ
ent parts of the United States and In the
coming event the committee expects to
have a number of entries from the south
Transinlanlaatppl Golf Tourney,
In the golf world Omaha has scheduled
the Transmlsslslppi annual tournament, to
start at the Omaha Country club August
19. This will bring here the best golfers
from points east of the Mississippi to the
Rocky mountains. It la one of the big
events of the west and this city Is one of
the cities of the west that the tourna
ment comes to every few years.
The third big sporting event of the com
ing summer la also to come In August,
the Western handicap shooting tourna
ment, held at the Omaha Gun club. The
Western handicap Is one the three big
shoots of the year In America, ranking
equally with the annual eastern and south
ern shoots.
Gunners of the middle west think that
the bringing of the handicap event to
Omaha this summer will boost that sport
greatly in the coming years and place
Omaha again on the map as one of the
shooting centers of the country.
nisi Indoor Meet.
In track athletics Omaha has lta big
annual indoor meeting to be held at the
Auditorium April 1. To thia there will be
track athletes from all the big colleges
nd schools of the west and from the
Young Men's Christian associations ana
high schools also. The event haa been rec
ognized as one of the big annual events
of the track season by the American Ama
teur Athletlo union and that association
has sanctioned the meet by placing the
Western District championship track meet
here on that date. Thus all records made
at the meet will count as national rec
Nature haa made ample provision
In the moisture and sunshine of the
air for the outward protection and
healthv condition of the skin. But
the more important work of nourish
in ir the cuticle has been left to an in
ward source the blood. It is from
the circulation that the pores and
glands receive their stimulus, and
the fibrous tissues are all preserved
in a healthful state because of con
stant nutriment supplied by the blood.
It is only when the circulation be
comes infected with ttumors or aciaa
that we are troubled with skin affec
tions. The humors producing these
troubles are carried through the cir
culation direct to the skin.and their
irritating or inflammatory effect re
mains until the blood is cleansed.
S. S. S. cures Skin Diseases, because
it is the greatest of all blood purifiers,
It goes into the circulation and
KiiAiuviia me
acids and humors
which are caus
ing the trouble,
builds up the
weak, acrid
blood, and com
pletely cures Ec
zema, Acne, Tet
ter. Salt Rheum,
pimples, rashes, and all eruptions of
the skin. When 8. S. S. has driven
out the humors every symptom passes
away, the skin is again nourished
with cooling, healthful blood, natural
evaporation is renewed, and the skin
becomes soft and smooth. Book on
Skin Diseases and medical advice free.
Only Three
Davs Reauircd
To Cure the Drink Habit by tho
Neal Way. The Most Severe
and Chronic Oases Are
Completely Cured
in That Time
The Neal Three Day Liquor Cure Is an
absolute specific for periodical and hab
itual drunkenness. This Is a strong state
ment, but It Is Justified by the expertenoe
of hundreds of patient who have left the
various Neal Institutes throughout the
United Etatea and Canada during the paat
year after only three days' treatment with
all desire and craving for alcohol de
stroyed, and In a perfect mental and phy
sical slate. It makes no difference now
long the patient has been drinking, or
what be drinks, the cure Is effected In
three days' time, and without the use of
painful hypodermio Injections and Injuri
ous drugs. The Neal institute la recciv
Ing dally enthusiastlo reports from every
quarter of the country, as to the efficacy
of the treatment That It does cure, and
cure permanently. Is established beyond
controversy by the testimonials of hund
reds of cured patients. For booklet "THE
NEAL. WAY." guarantee and bank refer-
- ences address the Neal Institute Company,
0 B 1,e2 go. joth St., Omaha. Neb. Or and
I island Institute. 1605 West Charles BL
ords and the contestants will receive na
tional rating on the results of the meet.
The bowlers did not forget Omaha In
the season about to close and the Middle
West bowling tournament was held here
last wlnier. The tournament was a decided
success, every record except one in the
middle west bowling history was broken
and the bowlers had glorious time.
Kansas Congressman and Governor
Do Not Agree on Maaaslne
Poataae Proposition.
WASHINGTON. March t-An Interesting
sequel to the recent fight In congress over
the matter of Increased postage on maga
slnes and periodicals developed at the
White House today when former Reprs.
sentatlre Calderhcad of Kansas showed
President Taft an exchange of telegrams
between himself and Governor fttubh of
Kansas. Governor BtubbS telegraphed to
Mr. Calderhead In part as follows:
I am advised upon excellent authority
that the proposed Increase In second clssa
postage Is aimed directly at progressive
msgaslnes and periodicals; that the rates
proposed are confiscatory and will prac
tically ruin every popular periodical In Ihe
country, and will, therefore, deprive the
perple of their only free press."
Mr. Calderhead Sent the following tart
"Dear Governor: Tour message is at
hand, and, as usual, you are wrong. The
congress of the United State Is not the
enemy of the people and the freedom of
the press Is not In danger. J wish you
would get some correct Information."
Pnfclle Utilities Board for Kansas.
TOPEKA, Kan.. March .-The senate
today by a vote of W to I adopted the con
ference report on the state public utilities
bill, which had before been rejected. This
makes It practically certain that the law
creating a board to have charge of all
public utilities In the state will become a
Onle Coal Miners Strike.
WHEELING. W. Vs.. March s.-M'nsrs
of the Tuscarawas (Ohio) field decided here
today to call a strike In the entire mining
district, which Includes a small part of the
Pennsylvania bituminous territory. It Is
raid that 10,000 men will be affected.
stoJj5i' njPsasaftttfWwBj., f I f
?C . i
You Can Go to Sea on
The treat one hundred tnfl bridge over the Southern
Keys is only one of the marvels of Florida. Come to the
country where both ancient and modem history hat been
made. Stroll the wonder-strands of Ornond. See the
motor races on the smooth, nard Daytona Beach, where
automobile wheels spin their fastest.
Excursion Fares to Florida
Via Frisco Lines
These reduced round trip fares are now In effect via
Frisco Lines from Kansas City daily, tickets being good to
return at any time up
Jacksonville. . . . ,
We Palm Beach....
Eonessekers' tickets are also on saw toe nrst ana wuro w
day at eeoa aaoutb at reduced tares.
The Southeastern Limited
leaves Kansas City at 6:15 P. M. daily: one day and two
Mghts ofrvptd travel brings ron M Jacksonvlllethe sewrod morn
hi TUssnres nleotrto flgbteT steam heated drawing room
Pullmane; Beefemly equipped ?ervation-U can IUc-lmai
Pred HarveymeaHi. Let me Send you the beautiful ITlaoo Uuo
hirrrslrw end tell you about Florida and Cuba.
Very Low Fares
To California
and Pacific Northwest
Take advantage of the low fares in effect
Dally March 10th to April 10th, Inclusive
and take the trip you have had in mind for bo long
provide every comfort you'll find nothing lacking
that tends to make your trip a pleasant one.
Superb Dining Car Service
Two Choice Routes.
Via 1 Paso
New Mexico
J. 8. McNALLY, Div. Pass. Agent,
e , . , ceptooeaoeeyeetil perfectly well Lxsialuntloa
Free. Write today or call for mj large book aboat Piies, fistaU sas staer leetal Diseases.
Vbich btve beesi sty specialty for years.
DR. K. R.TAftKY, Salt 224. Be Building, Omaha, Nebraska
Soldier at Fort l.eeven wert Shoots
Himself After Bidding Goodbye
to ftlrl.
Quartermaster Sergeant Fred Snyder of
the Thirteenth Infantry, Ordered to Pan
Antonio, Tex., shot himself with a re
volver today Immediately . after he had
bade farewell to his sweetheart, a Kan--sas
City girl. ,
Snyder, who was a native of Berlin, was
sitting on his bunk In the army Quarters
when he committed suicide. No reason Is
known for his suicide, except that he was
despondent over th prospect of being sep
arated from the girl, whose Identity has
hot been learned.
The lieutenant of Bnyder's company said
his accounts were In gur-d shape.
Dynamite Wrecks Rulldlnas
aa completely as coughs and colds wreck
lungs. Cure them quick with Dr. King's
New Discovery. SOc and fl.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co. ' t
A Well Fitting Collar
gives more satisfaction and adds more
to one's appearance than can be stated
In mere words. It's the finishing touch
that marks tho well dressed man. Our
stock of
(Quarter Kites)
In all the new and approved shapes will
give you wide range of selection, and
much collar satisfaction. Quarter sites
are bound to fit, where bait sites cause
much grief. See us about it.
Tom Kelley Jack KcQuillet
318 So. 10th Street
to june i, iwns
San ford
ft so
4 10
44 SO
Pt. Petersburg.
J. C L0V1EIN, . Divltlea Pttteafsr Agest
Jaastfee Bells leg, I tut City. Ms.
Via Colorado
Salt Lake '
FSSTULfl-Pay when Cured
t 'Q A mild treatment withoet aseof chloroform, etber
or other saestaetkt. Endorsed by hundreds of our 1
Pis' best citizens. Core positively ssraateed asl so-