NOTABLES TO Y.H.C. A. MEET! ' ': " ... .. ' ' i Men of Prominence Will Attend An j anal Conyention. OPENTJtt ' SESSION THURSDAY ' v.- - i. Planer t Tmmian IIel First Frac tion of Gatfceria Centlnsjee t Baa-la r FTelr Ifrt ' Tha thirty-first annual mate convention i of the .Toung Mvn'i Christian association j wlli orn here Thursday evening with , more tsn .delegates In attendance. The convention i HI last four days, opening with the annual dinner to be held at the Taxton hotel Thursday right, closing: with religious services Ptinday nlirht. No questions of momentous Importance for the .conyeoton to be decided this ses sion, but rtie volume of ordinary business will kep the members busy. Five sessions will be held by the convention. The de partments of the Toung Men's Christian association work will also have a number of meetings. Men. of national reputation will attend the convention. Among the vlsitora will be Hev. John Timothy fitono, pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian church of Chicago; Ilfy V''f. sV., president of the Na tional i Conrervatron congress; Harry P. Duncan. Judge 4f the Tenth Judicial dis trict; F. W". Ober, editor of Association Men, Uia, official YounK Men's Christian association magailne; Dr. William R. Dob bint, chairman state executive committee of Missouri; William M. Parson, state secretary of the Young- Men's Christian a.Hjorltlort oT-, 10a; A. J. Klllott, Interna tional atjjifent Wcretary; A. E. Roberts. In ternal tott I cijunty secretary; E. C. Wol cntt. general secretary at Sioux City; Dr. If. F.liestsnberg of the Chicago Institute and T(Timf,: tiool; W. Wv Lock wood of the Ifofant . ytefi i Christian association of Rhanghkl. Cnlka; W. J. Hill of Lincoln, Neb. Moat of the visitors will give ad dreMaev ' Second Prisoner is Victim of Smallpox Harry Mack Taken to the Pet Home ' ' When Stricken with Disease. B A second case of smallpox was discov ered fn the county Jail Wednesday morn ing, when Harry Mack, serving a term for breaking and entering, was found to be ill. Mack has been removed to the pest house. The Jail la again being fumigated. The building has been placed under quar antine, t .... FICKLENESS AMONG FICKS CAUSES A LEGAL TANGLE Omaha Man Wants Woman. Who May' or Mar ot Re Ills Wife, to Come Back Home to Hint. """" Carl Flck wants his wtfe back. Mrs. .Flck won't come back. .Besides she say she is not Mr. Flck any more, but Mrs. Earl Brcady of Kansas City. Hh. points to' a decree of divorce granted In Douglas county. Flck, through his law yer Sophus KeblAt replies that ehe has an nulled that divorce by her remarriage In Kansas tnty. , , Mr. Neble went to Kansas City recently to try to Induce Mrs. Flck or Bread y to return to her husband here. She left him standing on the corner watching the street car speed up the boulevard. Mr.. Flck is displeased. Now he has writ ten to hi wlfa, or former wife, as the case may be. ta notify her .that it she won't be good and come home he will prosecute, WATER BOARD MEMBERS TALK TO REAL ESTATE MEN Explain Their Views on the Neces sity of Making Another Bond Issue, Three members of the Water board. M. T. Harlow, 1. K. Congdon and Charles R. Sherman,' appeared before the Heal Estate exchange Wednesday and explained the situation, .the board relative to the pro posed bond lsue of something over $8,. OOO.oon,' ' Victor Roeewater also addressed the ex change on the water bond question. A FVIshtfnl Experience with biliousness, malaria and constipation I quickly overcome by taking Dr. King' New Ufe Mil SSo. For sale by Beaton Drug ,Co. ,, . . (tors Famon Sork Ilrrr has them all "backed off the boards" for QUALITY and DELICIOC8 FLAVOR. We have no-' eompetltfun in these two points. We brew and , sell much mora than any other brewery In the city. On draught March 9. Look for a STORZ sign or phone CIIA8. RT0RS5, Web. Jnd. H-1261. if you wise 'It In bottle. ballcarriers Policemen . . v And all. ram who do a great deal of walking and are hard on shoe leather . ESero Is a Shoe for you Drexel's "Diamond T" a specially constructed shoe for hard service. We have, uistomera . who get . from IS to 18 months steady ser vice from these shoes. Thry are nude of Plupy's glaz ed kid, beat quality, kid lined, foot formed lasts Doubled soled to heel with double steel shanks. Sole guaranteed waterproof. The quality of Oak Sole used In these noes will outwear X or 3 pairs of ardlnarxhoe. lib 00 worth of service for $5.00 DREXEL 1410 Farnam Street - -- Tea Tney ana Ws4aae ay rr aby bow la Assembly Boost. UNUSUAL EVENT FOR THURSDAY Great Sale of Corsets Manufacturers' Samoles. A Worth $1.50, $2, $2.50, at... UVL ill All new models, suitable for medium and stout figures. Made of best quality imported batiste and French coutil, hip less models, side lace models, broken busts, four hose sup portersall neatly finished with embroidery and lace. Actsallf Worth from $L50 to $2.50 J r mrwvTK'm-vu-wa-m -wM-m - n "W -wrm ww n wrm -w I r. M If It's (coxl sugTKestlnn when we say: "Call 1 g On Big Bargain Square. All New Models A GREAT SALE OF UNMADE Embroidered Waist Patterns M The Final Orders in Boys' Clothing $1:50 and $2.00 VALUES at 98c EACH From batiste, soisette and poplin materials, in all colors and white and-black. Each waist pattern containing ample material and all the trimming necessary, includ ing bands and edgings. These charming waist patterns have been displayed in our 16th street window. Bargain square, main floor; worth up to $2.00 Q at, each .... J O C WOMEN'S 75c NECKWEAR, at 25c EACH New Dutch and Middy lace and embroidery trimmed collars, fancy stocks, tailored stocks, embroidered and fancy lace jabots, fancy silk bows some Persian effects. All newest creations a hundred styles to select from worth up to 75c, at, each. . : w lIC 40c WIDE EMBROIDERIES at 19c a Yard 18-inch fine Swiss, nainsook and cambric Tlounclngs, skirtings, corset coverings; also wide edges and insertions choice designs in English. eyelet, floral, gulputre and blind effects. Big bargain square plied high at, yard, . , 19c COTTON FOULARDS Very stylish mercerized material of high luster, In patterns and color effects taken from the best silk foulards. 30 Inches jr wide, at, yard JLwC Bas.tnent Wash Ooofls Sept. NAINSOOK 36-lnch Imperial Sea Island Nainsook, made from fine comhed yarn and contains no dressing-. Just the right texture for maklnar the fine unrier- tfarmente special for one i day; a holt of II yards, at White Good Dept. . U II VI v 1 $1.75 ST. PATRICK'S DAY NOVELTIES In Hraridels Pompelan Iloom. Hundreds of novelties that are clever and new. Snakes, plug hats, Irish figures, harps, grips, pigs, candy boxes of all kinds, party favors and table decorations. Widest possible va riety. Very moderately priced. CHOCOLATE DAY INSWEETLAND This includes those popular bitter sweet chocolates, in a variety of rich, creamy, fruit and crushed nut center. These sell regularly at 40c a pound Thursday 'IC -nt. a nound "Ul 1 A We're Showing All the New Grays and Tans in Our Ladies' (J) Spring Suits and Coats, at For the larger part, mannish worsteds and Imported French serges are the materials. The suits show the shorter jackets, tail ored with Btratght lines, giving that most fashionable "The Mannish Custom Tailored" effect. . Some of the patterns are plain shades with a hair line or pencil stripe, others bring out the mannish checks, while some speak pnletly in plain colors. The collars come In three charming effects. The narrow lapel with the silk facing, another the sailor collar for the younger figures, while the third comes In shawl style, a very popular collar with the taller women. The pock ets are not so frequently noticed. The bottoms, however, command your attention for their Individuality and charms. The skirts are" narrower still, yet they lack that skimpy, scant apperance, -which called for such. wide comment when first these skirts were Introduced. The tailor's art has accomplished this. All these charms are found In hundreds of different fabrics. Never were we so able to perfectly meet the demands of all types of Omaha women, at $25. The coats are fitted Just a bit, yet In no way do they wander from the "straight line" effects of the suits, which Dame Fashion says must be the vogue. These, too, show the shawl collars and the plain lapels, the plain 'sleeves, and, too, they are finished with Duch ess satin or Peau de Cygne silk. We ask that you visit the display Thursday after making the rounds of all other stores. We promise you greater advantages in these garments at $25.00 than others stores' lines do that come as high as $30 and $35. THVItSDAY FOR THE F1KST TIME 100 Gray and tan "Slip on" Raincoats In full lengths. These are loose fitting models. Bet ter prepare for a rainy day. They are but $5.00. CAME TODAY. EVERY SVIT AND COAT MI ST GO Cut their prices, and vacate the valuable space they have been occupy ing all wlnter Every garment In any style or fabric, worth up to $5.00, will go Thursday, at $2.50 One big, quirk. Out of the Way Sale. No goods will "Summer" here this year. Make your investment early Thursday. Our Spring Silk Foulards are Irresistible The designs are so numerous, allowing no monotonous repetitions, that makes one fear that her next door neighbor or intimate friend shall appear in a duplicate pattern. Each design shows some touch of Individuality, perhaps, by stripes, checks, or pretty figure combination, The dissimilarities are in some instances great, in others small, but always perceptible. They come, yard '85 antl $1. NEW SILK POPLINS THURSDAY AT 69c and they are truly of royal beauty, coming In 27 Inch widths of blue, Copenhagen, black, brown and navy. These goods ordinarily wear, prices reading $1.00. Extra value Thursday, at yard G9. A HANDSOME GROUP OF NEW CHALLIES AT 29c in floraj'or Persian designs; also some pretty new stripes in light or dark colors with borders. Choice Thursday, at, yard 29. OUR .NEW BATISTE OR DIMITIES ARE HERE NOW AT 15c Our Big Sale on Frames to Order is Win- Bring msf YTe Mnmr PvianJo ,i -j alall wo tiuuy a, i iitu9 Of course;' 4hls is the main reason of .this exceptional offer. your, unframed pictures to our Art Department this week, and have them framed'at a saving of 20 per cent. 500 DISTINCTIVE STYLES OF FRAMING DONE. THE MOST SENSATIONAL 1 r T1 1 ' ' . . II H BRANDEIS STORES J g f- BRANDEIS STORES BABY SHOW In Our Assembly lioom, Balcony of Pompeian Koom Tuesday and Wednesday, March 14 and 15, Prom 2:30 Till 4:30 P. M. Prizes for Most Beautiful -Babies. 1st Prize Diamond Locket 2nd Prize Diamond Ring 3rd Prize Silver Mug , Every Child Will Have Photograph Taken Free. A Matinee Ticket to Every Mother. If you wish to enter your baby at the show, call up this store aml'ask for "Baby Show Manager," or you can fill out entry blank by asking tloormeu at front door univ l;iiie.s irom mumns iu t mumus jire entnuu1 w fii m . r -a i I iTr-r hj t iV. ' "1 End of the Week Wall Paper Sale 'Wall rapar for rjr room In tha honsa in all ahadss rsduca thsir pricas for tha bsjanos of this wssk. Thousands of rolls thrown Into this frost sals. Hot ana eompara tnssa pness wiu moss ox ouir siorssi All our kitchen blocks and bedroom patlerns, with borders to match, those worth to 10c, this sale, at, per roll , 3o All parlor and living- room and library patterns, wnn or wunoui uoruem, in all new colorings, worth up to fs All patterns of non-fadable duplex oatmeal papers, In plain, stripe and figure effects, worth up to 76c a roll, this week, choice at 850 Imitation Art Glaus, giving stained and leaded effect, regularly sold at 25c, this sale, choice, per square 35c uer roll, this week, at . ...lSUc .' foot, at 160 All our kitchen Llocks and Imitation varnish tile, regularly sold up to 20c. thla week, at, per roll 18Vi These papers are made by tha largest high grade. Wall Paper manufac turer In America, and each pattern carries with It a newness and freshness of design that makeu the antlcipatior of housecleaning time apleasure. i y H to b . 9 ! n fif: hi H i t ; Pi -1 H P B i B D u i H H f P B Si i Lraaies r ooiwear Daie 1 1 Ever held by any sHore in America Begins FRIDAY MORNING AT 8 O'CLOCK. 2,G00 pairs of brand new Spring and Summer 191 1 Dorothy Dodd Pumps and Oxfords MadeHo sell at $3.50', $4.00 and $5.00. All new styles, all new leathers, new velvets, silks, new white kids, and all new shades. Every size and width. Choice, begin ning IViday 2 pir Ktra help and floor spare will help to make your selections genuine pleasure. KKAI THURSDAY'S ANNOUNCEMENT. ! rl m; i i: i !! I' t i ii B! I I I i, B a B QXSWgJ (fturjk (VdfW QTAgWjffi GflAx&f QiuJM ZV"Z 3 bbb&bbSES B-jSumdl Oiuiip2Situi Lcira Where It's Best ( turn TblDklng about buying land? Want to know what soil and climate ara best suited for certain farming? Our Land Bureau . gives free Information about soil, climate, and conditions In all parts of tbe country. We have gathered data, and can tell you what you desire to learn. V.rlte the Land Information Bureau. Tbe Twentieth Century Fanner, Omaha. Neb., today and your questions will get prompt attention. Fpee lofioFEinisifiloo pkg. Omaha's Pure Food Center THURSDAY SPECIALS "LOT ITS" Hrand Macaroni for vc I large cans Sunset Milk 25c 48-lb. sack 'Kmcellence" Flour.. $1.00 l-lb. pkgs. Barley Flour, Barley Cof fee or Cream Barley 10c, for your health's sake. Imported (French) Sardines, per tin Large Kittle (assorted) Stuffed Olives : 25c l-lb. tins Fancy Asparagus Tips., lie l-lb. pkg. 20-Mule-Team Hor.ix ...10c I-lh. cans Kipe Olives 2'c Strictly Fre Kkks. fn;m the llrn- rels Farm) per dozen .110 "LoTl'S" Creamery Butter, per lb 29c w BAIEBT SKFABTMEBTT SFXCIAI.. V' 1'rune take 10c ?' A (ielklous ilth spiced cuke, with lm- (2 ; purled Prunes chopped fine and 13 mixed through cake: sell regularly for l!.ie Thiirsihiy (only) 10c j CaBTDY DEPlaTMXJtT PKCIaX. M Old FHshloued tlourhound Stick Zj Candy, oer lt ... 10c OA Tiie candy f6r young and old. Only V -ll. to a customer. MEAT DEPABTMXaTT T'nrk i.olnri, per lh No. I Bajon, per 111 .... Fresh Cutfisii, per Ih So Choice Finan Huddle, per lb. srsciAT. O lie llc .18c .13c foswgjk Qvttgz 0" C-i C CEr CfSJk pr?? Rollablo I Dentistry (ip Tail's Dental Roims TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Best Fasaa I'aper la Ifce West. The Sunday Dee Is anxiously swalted by tbor.e who are specially Interested in lands, (he sort that buy and sell end encourage others to do likewise .-.. . -rY--7 !pnni-,r - ; -m mm...'..""'" Better Bargains TZ Pcaliody Sto:!( Several Grand Shoe Bargains f i ni nil n t ii ii i . Shoe of all A kinds great' 1y under priced for Thursday atchlcss Showing (lev; Spring Styles In the Tailored Suits the coats are ft little shorter, the skirts wider than in the early spring models. This Season, as usual, tha CROWN JEWEL SUITS lead all competitors are superior to all others shown anywhere at the price, $25 Over 2,500 Tailored Suits now in stock, showing: 25 styles at $25.00 20 styles at $35.00 15 styles at $50.00 EXTRA SPECIAL THURSDAY 275 Tailored Suits beauti ful materials, all colors and sizes, including white and black stripe serge, made to sell to $25; choice, $14.90 Now Hprlng Imo, to $8.YOO Values, at $10. 50 Big special purchase, choice new styles In Bilks, foulards, panamas, etc. fancies, plain colors, checks and stripes; the most beautiful de signs; greatest values ever t 919.50 915.00 Kprlng Coats, $10.00 Long coverts, nergea and fancy mltures all new spring models; big snap. Dnlnty Wash Dresses, to 915.00 Values, at 91.0ft Sample lines from noted New York makers, Waists. Silk and net, black or white, values to $5.00, .-81.95 Aprons. O I n g ham ap rons, worth to 75c; on sale while they last at 49 together with marvelous1 Values from the Peabody stork. ' Over 400 garments for your selection. Batiste, lingeries, cotton voiles, French sephyrs, ginghams; beau tifully trimmed, to $15.00 val ues; choice . . IrvnA Skirts. To $7.50 values, panamas, sergea and foulards; on sale at $3.95 . 50c Embroider FJou icings at, Per Yard 19c Thursday we will place on sale a splendid new line of 18-inch Skirt Flouncings, beautiful new designs, as shown in 16th St. window the past few days; in values to 50c a yard, at IwC We have no competition in showing of embroideries, either in assortments or values. "We know it nnd you'll admit it, too, when you look over the new goods. Eztra Specials Thursd'y FROM THE PEABODY STOCK. No Dealers or l'eddlers on Tills Rale. At 0 A. M. Snow white yard wide Muslin, same conceit as Hope, sells at 10c yard (10-yard limit), at, yard 5Ht At 10 A. M. 36-inch Unbleached Muslin, 10 to 20 yards to piece, regular 7c value (10-yard lim it), at, yard. 5 At 2 P. M. Genuine Windsor Ba tiste, absolutely fast colors, reg ular price 12 c (10-yard limit), at, yard 7M At 4 P. M. 36-lnch Percales, fine . styles, 80 squares, dark or light colors, regular price 12&c (12 yard limit), at, yard 7H BARGAINS FOR ALIi DAY. B-4 Bleached Sheeting, the genuine Hterllug I rand; regular price 27 He, at fllo 9-4 Brown Sterling;, regular 26c, lstyo No. 5441 Southern Turkish Hath Towels, durable warp, large, heavy, regular price 15c, all day 110 No. 6451 Imported 54-lnch Merrerlied Iatnask, made to sell at 39c, Thurs dny, all day 940 6410, a heavy round thread linen fin ished Kheet, 81x90, worth 86c ear-h. all day 63o Ten extra specials In Wash Goods not advertised. Rug and Carpel Specials for Thursday ' FROM THE 1HG PHILADELPHIA STOCK PURCHASE Extra Hevy Velvet Rugs 9x11 size, big line of patterns, Pea body price $15.00; our sale Price 511.00 Tapestry Hrussels Stair Carpet 2 7 Inches wide, Peabody price 65c yard; our sale price, per yard 40 Illg Line Cocoa Mud Mats, at. . . . Big Corset Sale Thursday Manufacturers' samples, all new spring Btyles, high class new goods; in 3 lots: Corsets worth to $1.25 Two pairs of hose supporters 49c $1.50 quality Corsets, with extra long double hose supporters 15c Corsets worth to $2.50, all standard makes, in nearly all sizes, at V 08c We show complete line of all stand ard corsets: Nemo, Warner's, It. & O., Royal Worster, W. B., Kabo, C. B., etc. Prices ranging from $10Q Up, When You Can Save from 25 ro to 50 on Your Grocery Bill, Why Pay More? It Pays to Trade at Hayden's The best Patent Flour, made from the finest No. 1 wheat. ever niu-k guar anleed, and If not satlHliu-tory after using half your money refunded In full per sao '' 21 !. best Oranulated Sugar. .$ 1.00 10 bars lenox, uiauionci . iw" 'Km-All Soap ror . . 10 lbs. best White or bellow meal for I lha. best hand r'l"el "vy for , t lbs. good Japan Hba (iallon cans Table K rup ....... The bem hoda or Oyster Lrnckers The Lest -rlp (linger Snaps, lb. ti. beat t'rtso 1'retels. lb 4-ib, pkg. 1'yramU Huslilug l' Yeast i'oain. pkg ... .2o Tbe flnext line of Dried Fruit In tbe city and a saving of 2i to 50. Zggs, Butter and Cases Prices That Mmb Something to Too. Tbe best stib tly Fieuli F.ggs. nothing finer st !0c doxen, our price, ll'it Fancv No. 1 t'reaniery llutter, lb lie Corn- . Means . . .26c . . . lie . . . 2nc .Ha .to . 5c Fancy No. 1 Tloll Mutter, lb tic Oood Dairy Butter, lb ISc The bent Full (.'ream White or Col ored ' 'lieehe, lb ... 20c Highland tTavsl OrangM, Cheaper Taaa AppJss Regular buc kize, per doitcn SOc tiegulur 4oc size, per doien 'ile Hegular Hoc klxe. or dozen 20o Itegular 2fc vle. per doxen ...,16c MO LOMGEaV A IDIUBT Hayden's made It possible for every body io eat fresn ege(uble lha year "round. Freah Wax or (ireen Means, lb ...10c Fresh Hplnach, per p(-rk K0c Fresh l:eets, Carrots, Turnips, Had Islies or KhallotH. 3 bunches ... .10c Two buneheji fresh l'arsley , 6c Frenh Cabbage, per ll j Fanny Jtrkty Heet Fotatoea, I lha. for 10c Fancy Klpe Tomatoex, per Ih ...,10c Fancy Cauliflower, per lu 7c Faucv CrnlerrieH, per uuart ... 10c Two hemls freli l-euf Lettuce , . . . 6o Fancy No. 1 Country Mutter, lb .,23c ) Ijirga bead Lettuce, each 1u and 6c DON'T FORGET TRY I1AYDE11S1 FIRST K PAY6 S4.05 House llresses. 1.50 values, In all sizes, good quality percale; oa sale at 05 High Grade Wash Goods Szh At 10 A. M. Arnold's Holly Batista, the best In the world 15e -yard value; ona pattern to customer at, yard Ho A I . M 18c Imported Printed Dimity, fast colors, finest designs; one pattern to .customer at, a yard io At 3 P. Mr All our Imported Swlmes, all our hand embroidered fanelea, all white goods of every description, commencing at 8Sc yard up to 2 R0, t EXACTLY XAZiT VKICB Linen Specials Thursd'y Pure Linen Table Cloths, size 8x10, hemmed ready for use, worth $3.50; each. .... .91.95 Grass Bleached Table Damask, warranted pure flax, 70 Inches wide, worth $1.50, yard. $1.00 J Pure Linen Dinner Napkins, full bleached, worth $2.75 dozen; Thursday, dozen $1.75 Pure Linen Dinner Napkins, Ger man silver bleached, good value at $3.00 dozen; Tursday, per dozen $2.25 Axmluster Ha.Il Keinnantsj 12 feet long, 27 Inches wld, Ori ental ' patterns, Peabody price $8.50; sale price $5.05 Half Wool Ingrain Carpets 36 inches wide, Peabody price 60c yard; our sale price, yd.37H OMc, 70c and G54J