B THE OMAHA STOUT BEE: MARCH 3. 1911. GRAIN AND "PRODUCE I'ARKET 111 Trjitg to Start tally in Wbeat Price. TACTS FAVOR IE G TEE LEAKS Olfrkt.ff ,r . r auk tirawtl, with Posit lea. In and 1 Igkt 'trout 4 rap Tkelr filAHA March 4. lSIl. There ligr been ii Kir.TC fort ori the fisr-t nf hull tn stat so imp i-tant r"i rv In wheat penes. HTifl 't' dm been heirsd bv the much Itchier primary rf nipts. ninf headwav l.e,r.g made as th market if fully 2c higher than the ex treme lew p. nut Much of th Su'l argument t bned on the theory ihst wliil- hoar have the sd t artaire nf the nt eeatuindan'-e of wheat both at home and abroad a dciddiy la'k of cash demand and also fine crop ),ro- J'f'tS. The oo-n mrki Ir strong and higher beine beli-ed l.y the advance In wheal. al though stocks will undoubtedly show a hb-e-al inceaae again this week (ash sale Ho not show good strength end future are not llkelv m manually advance uniil Mi ce.ih strengthens Primary a. heat receipt were 3.V. iw bu Hid shipment were 214 .' bu.. against re cepts last year of till. mm lu. and shipment . a vui tu. Tteiirivv fl-TCW fro rssna.. 7r rT T1i tt : rn rent receipt f-ee csae Ik , western fine, free miu'fl. p, al ttih rk . current receipts, free riiSe IV ' " H 1. 1 .S E Stead y ; New York full irrn, fam-v September. 14- . fair tn pood. 1 -tit 1V . NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS wi.Mr L 1 Lt-ih li'iri Ttiial am for t. . . 17 da? M Ti 1 v l"i a atyirwa 1 nv i OMAHA LIVE STOCK"MARKETi;-H:-r ; v f. she llfep MM!; f'r To F"od ... gOOil to holce V, el, rui lo fraxit-i. (.. i'(i M W 1HK I.KM H tL MIRkET (tfitallna arla of tkr tkav nitiMndlt te. NrV T"r.K. Varc h 4 Flf 1 'Ii Quiet . H'nif I'Btrntd. 4"of.ir.: wirier ntniichrn. .'. K(i4 winter patent. 4 2i'a4np. airtr.ft near. I'lWniS: wtmr niim. No 1. .l i:.M'. inter t ti'M No : ;. lfi H 2. . Kan- ftrairhts. 14 i.til 1' I:ve flour. lrm: fair cood. H "n4 .: ' holre o fRncy, ft 4o',r4 .V. '.in k wheat fiour. nominal. inrt.NMr.Ali yrim. Amerl'-an fine v htte atid eilo. i l.Vo l.V, t-oarne. 1 lu-rj 1 1 1 ti dro-d. tZ mi. WHKAT nmrket. firm. No I rd. rfc.i e.evator. and :i;.V f o ).. afloat; No. 1 northern Iiuluth. I i ()". f. o h.. afloiit. Future market a eauy earlv on th rahle. hut rallied hnril.t on a hulili-h Iirh-ate retiort on farm rtTve ind Btrenrth In the outside market lotine r net hirher Mat. Wi: l-jiw. cloned Vt'V . July. (Ma"(Kt'r. rlimerl. W.k.r, P.eeeip'.s. If, mm hiiFhela: Bhit'mnia. huiel' ( 'fif'N Spot market. ; No i. tiy, f. o. t,.. afloat. Future markft wa vith- Soire Commodities Take Slump, Get ting Doti to Eather Low LeTel. BULLS GET tS "VTOEK ON STREET Half j Mirkrl Kaay 1 . rae aSMia Are rl Oat la lH Mr -lk ftr ft tarai ( ni Idrrrtl 4Md. Ma"h 4-M:iNFT-fn iviiure tatue lea to iwcbtt .airner ann au:i. . icr wee.. out transaction. rloalriE unchanrt. Mm f,r,w- Kecelpia. fil.RTI. huahel: MiipmmiH. JS huhe!k. 'iATS-- Bpot ma'ket. mrarti :" standard httf. x-: No. 2. ar.v,c: No S. R4 : No. 4. Futures market wbb without fan Brtion flomnK nominal. Tlw-liit. l.tTTi" Primary rorn tecelpt ei r.,.. hti ! Iu.heln Hid atnpmi-nla ware r"l nnti bu . aeaitiHt I H A V Quiet, ortnir. 11 .or, ; No 1. 1100. No. r-'-ipi last v.ar of 7..""U hu. and siill- I -. w-: No s 7Tff.,c "rita of ?7.i tu. Itlrarances mere ST.', fo" hu of onrn. oo(i hu of oata anu h-at and f.out -iual to 2U7.1KI0 hu. 1jIvt(,ooI rloBfri VSil lowei on hrat and ((iSd Ihuit on corn j The folio inK rash Kai wet reported: WHF.AT-No II hard, i rara. Ki.c. i'OIiN No. 3 mhit; T can. 4"'iC, No. 5 )llo: 1 car. 4"',,f; enr. 4" . Ni. 4 yel low: 1 car. 3Sir: I car. 3i,r No X mixed t cars. 4(ir; 4 cars. : 1 car. S!"c, No. 4 niined. ) car. nr. 1 rar. :f-'-r. fiATS-No. 8 white: 1 oar. c 2 rra. Sr; No tnhltr. 1 t ar . No. 4 u- 4 ash TrlfH-a. liard. Mlic; No. 2 4 hard. Liwuy, No. S Bprina. tt4-'ii '" aurum, n-'sTt car. -M'. 1 WUfcAT-No. hard. Kt'oMHr: No. jelled hard. Tl'ttfH No 4 npnnft. t if. No '& Mwr; No. 3 auruin. KlS'rrHIlt;. t'DKN No : whitr. 40S'41r; No. white, 'i4(r: No. f color. Hf . No 2 allow, 4S'3lr; t llow. Sxrfiuc: No. 4 yt-iiow, 3!fl 4r; No. 4 corn. 3kVa:Sc. ClATS No. 2 wlnla. ZSiftSPV-: irtara. k1ie"r; Ko. whit. i(Vr: No- white. Kwti i-c; No. 4 yellow. -.'Vfc BARLtT No. 1 7tvaCt ; No. 4, W7Bc; No 1 feed. t&HtHiHc: ri'tectetl. ui KYliNo. 2, 'IWuMx.-; No. a. arlot Reerlrtik Wheat. ChluaiEo ..: n Mlnnoapolta Zi1 tmiaha 11 Luluit 4c. 7h'n Tlc. Corn. 3til Oata. va 4f III CHirifaO GRAIN AND FR4lIOi Fratarra of the Trdli aaa loalnc Prlrra Baar4 f Trade, CHICAOO. March 4 Wheat closed strong; today at th htchest polni of the week he main reason waa the oeieat or an iiance lor Immediate etiaftmeni oi reci- H' I's Quiet . stair common to choo-e. 11"". 2,'-ilf, ft, lnlc; Parlftf coasl, l!l" l,'f7:ir. IMO!-. 14'aITr MIIiJJs Quiet . (. cr.tral Amcrh-a. 2fjr; I'-oi'ota l.EATHFH Steady hemlork ftrsts. 2!ViJ Z'f. secinds. 21Vu2T'C thirds, lxrilfk ; re jects. u'a IT'- PHiiVISli iNSI'ork. firm; mess. fiTWl. nominal: family. Cr m short c ara. tic DtKil fW! Heef steady, me. ti4.Mi 1 t.h"; faniilv . Iili.iiirii l,.iit). twf hams. J;T 'ni'd 31' mi. I'm meat, steads ; pickled bellies. 1" to 14 pound 12 ivi'uir, uti; plrkled ham. ?!- Wi l,ard. firm: .middle west, prime r.;.tfc.Xi; refined st4idy; fonttnent. W. to; tsouth America. llfl.W); fomtiounrt. In. Wi T A I ,L W Kttav : country . M'd7u. liUTTEH SieMdy; creamery, held, evtra 3Mt : firsts. ITVliIPSc; seconds. lfcitllc; state, tlfciry. common to fair. li,&lc, iac trv, etirretit make, firsts. Ilka Uc. E'VSS Firm, freuh aaiherert. extra sec lee4. lRi' W-rc ; firata, lTW'l"1c; aeconda. loilP'ic, ref rlxteratoi . firsts. n't lie; aenondn. 34. state Pennsylvania and nearhy hstmery. brown, lt4; weatern. freah gathered whites. flfc-'C PCil LTRT Alive, dull; western chickens. l.VJil.Mrc; fow ls. 174i Ike: turkeys. XiValHc;, dressed, easy; western chickens. 14c; fowls. 14il7c; turkeya. lixjjSic. VEtTHER IS THK CRA1 BELT Llb awr ta Ikt Kala la saatawrat. OMAHA. March 4. lflu. A i hanpe lo ellphily colder weather oc curred last nlKhi In the lake region, upper MiasisHippI and Missouri valleya and the northwest. Temperature are ahRhtiy lustier In all other sections, hut no de cided rise Is shown in any portion. Liltrht know fiurnea occurred within the last Uerai -four hours In the lower lake reg-ion. the extreme upper portion of the Ohio valley and eastern states, and littht anow Is reported tailing in New York City this morning The urea of htfc-h pressure, that luticlty. Lst trades showed a net "-'", mtended across the Rock v mountains from of luc to J-Vfeic. Every other leadinR . the 11(r,nmest to the Gulf alnce Vi ednes staple on 'cliatise finished also at an an- d8. niornltic. now overlies the ujler Mla ance com , to Wa's.c. oats to 4r , (1UT1 and v,IMrr MibsIksIiiI vaieva with and provisions JSc to I , '-if A Iwtter tone In the flour business, iivrr feundatr covering by aborts and decided ctlvuy on the part of bull leadera con tributed toward fiircinu Wheat to a hlttior level, rimailneiis of primary receiat had a part in hrmribsT about the renewal acamper by shorts. Mills in the northwest led in the buying and there was unmis takable pivlna om t lnT jn-essure. Nohe vl these conditions however, bad lull swine. t the stax t Luring the early portion of the session, in fact, a weak feeling pre vailed. chleDv because of decline at UvertmoL Ertrctne low and high figures lor May were fcnc and HlSic. with the latter the ruling one in tha end. a rise of JV4iHo compared with 4wnty-four hours before. fciigns cf oonsider.ble export businesa Btrenrthened corn. May ranged from 4,"Sc to 4Kic and closed tSt4t"4iC net higher at 4'k,i'4i'-.c. Cash com waa riorted alow. Io. 1 fellow finished at 4tiMr4iC Oata rallied less than ajiy other grain.. May varied between ao'ac and 3Sc, wllh the close 6 Vc up at So-c. lmTrovemnt in provision prices came from the atrenmh of grain, tietter Call from ttie south- aud the relatively high quota tion lor lard in iungland. pork al the end f the day had i;ameu 7V(i "c to l"Sc, la.rd 7c to TVuHk- and ribs 2V to ll"c. Prioea to Chicago, lumlwhed by the fp dlke Oram company. Telephone Iougla i4.a. 70k Brandcia building, Omaha: vaieya crest over the vicinity of NEW TfiRIC. Ma'ch 4 (Special Tele gran; I fine overshadow itig consideration in the business world rturmr the week was the attention fixed on the anion that would I taken at Weshinnon on the i'anadian reciprocity agreement. The stock market toward the rr.ldslie of the week, w-hen the chance for a vote on the agreement diminished, began to give aw-ay ard lee activity prevtiied. Thursday pru'e suffered a slump on a marked increase of selling activity and leading issues went below the low figure readied oa last week s break, althourh the decline did not go down to the level riached at that time In lndon Yester day s dealing were, if not governed, at least affected to some extent by what ate palled technical reason, such as appeal to professional ecula1rir and relate chiefly lo the quantity of buying or selling which has been going on and the extent to w hlrh Quotation have moved up or down. While it I not considered the failure to pass the reciprocity treaty that I al together responsible for the slump, still It cannot be denied Jt. to a very great extent, controlled the market on certain Issues nr Balllsk Feel In a. Toward the end of tlie week sn uneasy feeling that what are called leading Inter ests and Insider have been bullish on the stock market, only on account of the new financing of the year and only so long as It held out promise of coninumg. began to make Itsell manifest. Advices trotu abroad where we have been negotiating the saie of new sureties have not oee.u cie'liting these interests which long ran. bullish views. There has lieen no let up tn the pace of producing and marketing, at least tem porarily, new issues of corporate obliga tions and share The output of the week was fully tmummniKi. the bulk of It goirg lo the account of February, which brought the total for the first two months of the year to an amount ixMi.i In exctess of last year offerings in the corresptinding jieriod Insofar a t'. . week's stock market re flected the rat'.road rate decision. It ex pressed refusal to accept the arguments which bull quarters had been extracting from this decision. Common sense recog nizes merit In the contention that the rul ing did a good deal 1o break the endless chain of prices of w hich so much has been heard In the last year. Mark Railroad BalldlaK. es York. NEW If'RK call, nominal lime loans easy j sixty days -fiS ier cent. mpiv rias ;iu i per cert: 'x mor'h Kvi:' br cent ri.lWE M1.K' A.MILL 1 AI'I.K-iql jer cent. FTKKUVO KXCH ANvF Gtcsdy w ith actual hua nes tn bsnker bills st M r:s kMli' for sixtv dv hills and si M C, for oemanri Commercial bills. 4 .k." 4 H? F'l VFR-Har. f..c: Mexican dollars 4.V. HOVDS ciovemment. steady; railroad, steedv. 'losing quotations on bond were a follow: rn lnt m v s in' Japan w 1"'H I He Vf Ml, i - k a, it j . . . ' ll!- L. A !-. 4a 181 ... '", L. N lint s . tl K AT 1st 4a . inrs e ren 4 m 1 Mn 1-a-lflr 4 . . 7V N K. H nf M 4a Mi, l't N V ' ( 7 IS as do eh 4 . ti K t . N. H 4k H 17 rt 4 IW. II S N' W 1st r. 4a EOGS TITTLIS LOUXE FOR UTEK ( HK il.O I II I' T4( K MlRkl 1 Items ad fr 4 attle aid ebeea tead -linn H la her. March 4 -r ATTl.F-n. eetpts I M k ra... flo poi' pnTi . . . . , . . . r b. e reupnn V 4a. ret d(i reupoo atlle-i'hal 1st ia.. Am Ax. ft A T A 1 rT 4a Am Tatsw-ne 4a . . . i. Armour Co 41 At'-h!inn gen. 4. . . rif, rv 4 rt" rv. na . . A c L in a ... Hal A Ohio 4. rtn aw flo II W . . . riK,k. Tr c 4a. . 'en. nf Ga aa. . . . Can Leal bar an . . . 1' nf N J g na . I'hea (Ihiu 4 do eaf a i-hUwgi A Xvt C B b 1 4a .. de gen. 4a CM Fl' ( r h t i . i rtfi rt 4 . . Coin llirt ua . (-,,n Mid 4a . ffceea t"4fteea e) 1 weaty-I'la e 4 rail H laker for tkr Wefk, TAklle 1 .a aa Wa time 4 Kewt t ew d y wiltk a Week Ago. Itia'lict strM.il . r.e.'-s 4 V- ' St I W'k ,"S S Tld b;fi i, :. 71-j and I. uy, An ansa ox lower pressure has replaced the high over the vicinity of Hloug Ctty. An area of lower J pleasure has replacMl the high over the western portion, and generally unsettled I weaihcr prevails throughout the mountain i region ana west to the Pacific coast. Laght rains ate falling in the southwest and i along the Pacific coast, and Knows are j scattered throughout the mountain dis tricts. While the weather will be cloudy and somewhat unsettled In this vicinity tonight and tSunday, it will probably con tinue generally lair, with slightly warmer tonighi. '1 tmperatur and precipitation as com pared with the last three years: 1ML. iWO. 190R. 190,, Lowest last night.. I it 30 ti Precipitation ou .00 .00 Ji Normal temperature for today, SO decrees Leflciency in precipitation alnoe March 1, The large orders for equipment placed and bids asked for on other contracts, the contracts for railroad improvement and extension awarded by western railroads and the reports from the mercantile and manufacturing centers are encouraging lor a prosperous season in Industrial lines The ease of the money market sup ported the price level of etocka. although at declines. This ease waa demonstrated bv preparations for the disbursement of niore than 1 1 00. 000, 000 In interest and dividends this month, without the slight est fleeting effect on Wall street Inter est rates. The weekly statements of the great foreign banks covered the jierlod of month-end changes and by some what less strong positions Indicated the Hloux I tipproach of the spring monev market which usually gives the clue to the finan cial character of the balance of the year; but at the moment there is nothing to excuse apprehension that the severe strain which developed In 1K10 will re appear In the present twelve month. Jk.rticlea.1 Open.) High. I Low. Cloae. Tes y, heat- j j j Mav...lWtW 81V Shi Wn,a0Vnfc Julv...lkSr"i I l I rpt...f'7S8l ?V WW " Corn I I I May....47V6-Vi 4KV,! 47V4JVfr', July....4eVe V wi N S. fcrpt... 4HA. 4!i W" 4!Hfp Oais I I I I I Mav...:w",'irV, SiS.; WW, s SOS s July. so l Si,,jnv,i. kept... I W i 30M Stt Pork- I I I I I Mav... 17 W 1 17 tm,. 17 SO 17 17 4.ri July... 16 8t 16 B71 lti bTVi 1C 7b , 16 67 Lard- I I I I Mav... EfV, 5 17Vki lu July... I" I HI'; lo eepl... I k S!m. 3U I 2k I li'V, Ribs- I I I I May... I I 50 K0 47 Juu ... k nm k ki& k i:w i" Sept... kl7S k rm kl7fe k li i I li' correHponfllnf period. 1D10. .U Cash ouotattona were as follows: FlA R fteady ; winter patetils. i IkV 4 3f- atraigtiia. M.i74 i. spring Mtraighia. i I"fi4 00: bakers, .,.tk(i4 40. RVBV No. k. k..iitiK:. bAKLh,V- Feed or mii.ne. i.'iB7ic; lair to choim- malung. IsvissM.-. 6JLtloV Flax. No. 1 southwestern, li.M; ,No. 1 northwestern, Timomy, .i 7i. Clover, Ilii UO PROVIPION'P Pork. Hies. IT bill., tik 7al . Lard, per K Ins., SH la. ruiort no, (sloes lionsei. 7 VrrU.ii4. ktioit cleat siaes ibiMxedi. It, .HvriH 7o. Total clearances of wheal and flout were uuaJ lo 2u"..t' hu. ITimary re'eiHa were 5.W.WU0 bu.. compared with lili.avu bu the corresponding day a year agn. iltma.ied receipts for tomorrow : beat. cars; corn, Kki can,, oata. Ilk cars; hugs, K.ouO bead. Chicago Cash Prices: Wheal. No 2 red. avarkio. No. 1 red. K"'uwa , No X hard, Bjilc, ; hard. kTar.ajc; No 1 north ern spring. kHcxyll.wi; No S uortliern spring. k',(IHar; No 3 M'ring. Inu,e o,n. No. h. 4WiSr, No. cash, 4.ii'ii44',( ; jso I while. 04c; No. "S white. 4.V44c; No. 1 yellow, 4teD47c; No 3 jeliow. 44c ata No. t cash. 21'iJl'c: No while. HtpSlSe: No t white. 2sti 'c, No. 4 white niSe; BtanQajd. 3dsaiilc. Pl'TTItH ftcaaj ; irrauitiiea. KVfiji'ic, Dairies. l,,y'1c fKiS stesdr: receipts kin" cases: at auark. cases Included. r-'ul4r, firsts, lWc; ,rim flrets 17V- I' H t f t - ""' : daisies 1H.tii.ir twins. HSJl"; youug Americas, L'VsUc; long bonia. U'V'u 14c ptiTATubs-Mnady; choice la fancy, 4n4ac; fair to giHi. 3Vi4ik. pol'LTKY btead : turkevi. dressed. lic', bens. live. i4 ; diessed. luc, sprli.gs. lna, lie; springs, dressed, lie. VfclAL Steady; to WMh. to H-lb. wis., l-i , hi lo nwit i arlot Re'elpts: Wheat 11 car corn, Jul car' N-ts. 1" cars. Kmimaied Tomor ruw. Wheal, k cara. corn. XU ear, oais, LU cara. .11 inches. lefloincy .11 incfaea. Deficiency corresponding period, llkifl Inches. L. A. 'elr Local Forecaster. St. lals Crarral Market. S'T. LOF1P. March 4 WHEAT Higher; May. It"ic: July, Hhc; cash, higher; track No. 2 red. kTtSOiHT.V.c; No t hard, tfifciikc. CORN Higher; May. 474i'47V: July, iHc; cash, higher; track .No. i, 4uc; No. 2 white 4i,'n4'c. L ATS Higher: May. Sr: Julv, Eic; Cash, higher; track No. . (ajraStiwc; No. 2 White, 31V. R Y K Higher, S4c FLCil'R Firm: red winter patents. W.ikk 4.si,; extra fancy and straight, !3.70fri4 10; bard winter dears, W.OiwaS 40. PrJEIkTlmothv. $j.00ii9.r). COKNMEAL tZHl. PRA-N steady ; sacked, east track, tl OS Cil.ft". HAY-Flrra: timothy, l4.0njil8.M); prairie, ni i"ej 14 li. PROVlSlONB Pork, unchanged: .lobbing, tlk.oo. Iry salt meats, uni hanped ; boxed extra shorts. ID kO: clear rlhe, (Ii all; short clears. b MS Bacon, unchanged ; boxed extra short. lio.7; clear riba. tlo.TTj; short clears. 1IHK7V 1'tK'LTRY Frn : chickens. 1?V: shrines. Vac: turkeya. l.ic; ducks. Hie: geese, he. RI'TTER Steady ; creamery. ISfcaic EGGS Steady. 1CV- RfK-eipts. Shipments. Flour, bhl a 7.snn 7 j,i Wheat, bu 41. wm Sk (n, Corn, hu 2x11.111 140110 Oats, bu a,i ri.(jc Heavy elat-k Sales. A fairly active stock market for Sat urday. The sales exceeded those of this date a year ago, both in numlier and value. Total sales were rSfi.tihO shares; tl. Si 0,000 bonds. A vear ago 1 bit, MO shares and 1 1.4 06,000 in bonds. From the financial markets point of view, tii experience of the last ten days brings to the foreground two familiar principles. One la that whenever the entire community has mude up Its mind conclusively that nothing can happen to get things out of the rut, something In continently happens and the other Is that when such a thing has happened, and has not impressed the imagination of the multitude by the hue and crv of an ex cited market, it is almost "immediately forgotten. The event which promised o he so prolonged a topic of public inter est turns out to be not even the tradi tional, nine days' wonder. Three riavs eKhaust its possibilities. Markets have passed through both sets of experiences already in regard to the railway rate de cisions. In the middle of last week noth ing was more remote from the Stock Exchange calculations than a sudden and violent slick which would test the foun dations of the market. t came, It has passed, and now Wall street 1b merely wondering ugain what the next test will te Number cf sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: salea AiiiB-dialmer pfd Anialmniaiad Ognr Anierli-atl AgTieutlunal Aniarlimn heet Sugar... AniarH-an tan American A F American ('nil on oil . . An,erioan H. 4V 1. pfd. Am lee Harurltlas c PAH 1 ' A tl 1 i 4 . . do ref a PlK'lllanf ia .. Flf p I 4a ... tin 4a. . . rtn r. 4a, aer. do aerie B. . . . Can l:ia, . rv. k III. cen. lt ref. lm Met. 4a Bid. J. (lo r 4a No rwMTlr 4 ..', da a ..... . . V O p 1, t'1 4 . Fann rv. B 11 111 On roil. 4a. . H Heart log gen 4 IX", "S b A s .1(i do gn. i . mi Rt 1. W r 4 . 7" lt gnld 4a .... l, "S A U 4 .. Sa Pac. eol 4s. US f:;4 do n 4a 4a ":-1 So 11 ret 4a . .... sn lUillar ba. .. . . . . 77 Be gan 4 , I rloo Parlfir r M1TM Receipts were; '':ic,i Motirtav CifCl-lai Tliearisv . .. Official v ednesilsv Of'icin! Thurda of final Fndav Estimate Saturday .. Six di 1 1 t(x week Same risv ut week .-aoie Cat r week ag:. Same da S weeks ago. am (lavs 4 weeks ago. OM A H V Mi ll 4 IP'l Carrie ILt fheep n..-!6 4 14TT i.Mn 1.4H" lis 4,a Sai .... Shan ... we r r-KX , , . T Vi (to rv la' A ret g Hunher bv M na . . fcirn ( iem . m W aha 11 na . 71.1, do tt A ex 4 . 7f W eainm Mil 4a V Waal. tie,-, rv ta HKi, W ia rtetilnal 4 . Mn. rc. cv. 6.... las , ( lm t( 4 7v ... . fl, 4 . . 7 " . -h . K . ""W wa ICS . 771, .11(1 . Kws . sns ln.i 10V. S'lV, ,H"S . ani . KKT IV u . A.W to w I Same dav last year. ..!7,'tS 1S.-.'K ::'.. l," IS 4W 174 a.41'4 14 a:' .t r 4 k 4 r..M;. se 2o : l":' 4v7K, "::". CHbAon , L IllliLf i t ., head: ; bee i 1., J,: im T, v.,, ; w, ern si, er 4 7. fi.', j feeder. l Ufijl':, ?i CCWB It;!.' ral' e 17 tlii :v, I Hin, fteretpt. est Una 'ert sf "A4 hesd ! ni-ke I.- big her; light. IfcVoli . n.tved 1 X', v.,r(7 7 ?0; beavv . 1. 7'"u7.1?.. ri.uch i ;' good i,, choice heavi 1 v.fi7.K' I ( 'u . S- bu'k of nle p. -r.tf. V. lf- .-lltlf A1' L.A M I Keceiin manteo at l ii tiestl. mal'Ket mcHdl 1 1 e S;, ikc 4 m HEALTHY TONE IN BUSINESS 'Some Eaairoadi Have Dftidrd to Go Ahead with Flan. ITEEDED WOEK IS TO BE ITS RED ikrri lUwrrtrr Makes aw.f letr resi les ltes-.rtlr.as as ta laas.rti, f tkr Big Alea nf tkr I I asaflal W rvrld. si 4 v.: ling x L'v eaifT, w estern. T'ni 7r. lamhs. 1 ,.J ,c,v, 27, it, :o 1 . pip. estl na V CM T" native. .". mnf. ; .17 c i lv' JI-.Mr r. 1 1 live 'lock Market. March 4 C.ATT1.F. t. I.awia FT l.oi'IS. ceipts. l.i head includinc 10" market steady, native beef 7 (4 native cow and Ke- heud 1 rXHt : Steers. X..I1"! heifer- 14 mi The following table shows the receipt rf U:. hogs and sheep at Kouth Omaha 'or the year to date a compared w'tti lat ear: juu jum lnc lcc 'ttie it-'oj; i7i, ir.o s.r.u7 ... . Hogs 4i, A 77.1 C.9 f Iwh-P SU-iil ai.n"1 Th following table shows the sverace prloes n bogs st South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: I'atoa. t luu. I1H10. ,i!t. jlSH.;lim.UWsS.l'!lor.. 4 ( learlss Haase Baak Alatrsneal. NEW TCKK, March 4 The statement of clearing bouse banks for the week shows that the banks bold 1 4flfc.oun more than the requirement of the 2i lie? cent reserve rule. This Is a decrease of fl.WC.imfi in the proportionate cash reserve as compared with last week 3 he statement follows ally average Loans Specie Lepai tenders Ex -deposits Circulation Reserve Reeerve required .... Surplus V. fi. dep. Included.. Actual condition Leans Sjiecie Legal tenders ... Ex-deposlts Circulation Reserve Reserve requited Surplus Amount arl , , ,Hr4 .WKf- 117, sis, 7S.f4.ii . l,.TT0.ln.fn 4ti.7ua.m Iffl.lSt.BllO atk.4w.0MI 1.KU..JH0 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb Mar Mar. Mar. War. ..I SfeV ." 1 1 .. C k?4, 1 HSV 6 7k' ! lev k is k ra p i k n 47 k V f sn k Bf. t 111 4 03 t Ml 4 11, 11 4 12! 6 141 4 10 I 4 a (: I 6 14 4 6 :w 4 20 6 2i 4 a I 0lj 4 ( 7 f, 0 6 76 7H f k..! , fi 73 r am fi (H 6 11 6 Oi, h kH Hi I 4 7k 4 77 4 M 4 W 4 7:' 4 7 4 SI tii M': stockers atid feeders, ta 7Mii, . Texas and Indian steers 14 . cws and he'fer. X., wfu'.", ,(i; calve (In carlotsi. tl, Kitn on. HUGS-Receipts. 4. Son bead; market strong, pig and lights. K 4(u7.ir.; packe-. af.wnti7.ai; butchers and l't heavy. It, K.J 7.3U No sheep on sale. t. Jnsenh lire Hwl larket. ST. JOSEPH. March 4 CATTLE-Receipts. )00 head, market stead : steers T. 3.'n1r6.M. row and heifers. t,;.2.,iii'..-. ; calv, 14 wnl.a H iGS- 1;im eipt ttalO heed: market, strong to i.c higher, top. lb', bulk or sales. lii.Kri ti.st. SHEEP AM LAMF.S-No sheef. sale; irarkei sieadv ; lamlii. t.''!i..l- I Y rKKPTi iN C. AIAM NEW lnl.k. a-i-b 4 .Simm lal to Th l.ee s-Tlirn is tilt I reason lo (i-iiht thst I'lisipes on th whole is In good sh.ipe srd the lend, ti along praMi. s u s!i line I toward a steady . heiilthv Itnprov emept The PlHgiir in '1,11111 mm have a had etle, t on the trade In ortnilh lines of cotton good, but It is to Ik- doubted if Ml- Wll he scrhtus 'I he rallr,inds, or st least some of them, have decided to postpone needed Inip'oie nients no longer This dcteriiiitia' ion is re flected in the demand for sn.-el and It Infuepcc is k'adualiv sp. ending to other lines The foundation Industries of the coun try ate farming, the railroads and iron and steel The farmers have never been in such strong condition Hetiee the three great industries ol the rnntitrf lieing 111 good Hlutpe, s safe stitte atid conservative improvement along nil lines 1 im hnnl'v be avoided A tis 1 1 si iix; Some (ihservi't finance and terorus tor SLdtS. llelf- Tiii finate Kloaa of I (.mar. the great turn of ha figured out then with Ih! cresting re ef Indus1 rv loiiiiacltv t h, are: lal coiiiiniitilf looks tu John on Sunday. Receipts and disposition of Itce stock at the I nlon Stock Ysrds. South Omaha, for twnty-foui hours ending at Z p. m. yes terday. RECEIPTS Cutlle. Hog H ri kiMl la kislii. Receipts of tlve stock at the five prtn- 1 1 ial w estern markets emcrdH ; J Cattie Sheep. Increase J t SKl.KI. 2.1Wi.0 'l.ataMsin ll.Mk k-io 4I..MX l.X4l(i 2.7r.:,2(i l.Xl.UtH ..1(10 C, M A St P. Wabash Missouri Pacific l nlon Pacific c c. c c c c C334. MB. pi al r;.8.( "a.i.7t l.S74.i.kna ...... 4n.747.tVIO 3M1l.r.7fc.(l0 a43.C72.22u ;i.K46,67i". Erx-t'. S. dep Included l.fcJ0.(4i Summary or state banks and trust com panies in Greater New York not reporting to Nrw 1 oik clearing nouse: Amount Loans tl.llS.2Hl.20O Specie Ilfi.214.wi0 Legal tenders HU .7C2.( Total deiKinlts 1.20h.,7liO I e crease. Rank clearings for the week ending today were tlH.7He.ni.ao and for the corresponding week last year (24.M2.lM.4i.. IiAILY CLEARINGS tKkr.i.ooo 1.2U.1K". l.kM.aon a.HM.KiNi ij.lkll. S.fflKr.AlK' l.sati.oTT. 4.4,'ti irrr. !H.Uu Increase. t2.2(il..aiK r.;oi,7(H. Kik.lim l.6H7.iSflO Monday ... Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday .... Saturday . Totals . ltllO. t S 474.444 IS . B.141.f,lb . . 4.JM.317.1H . 4.K72.KU, 4(1 . 4 4i(iH.rrr . 4,i4:;.oiu.2!( 1011 ( 2 16.271 72 2.214.Hh;,.r V 0(T7.U7. t.73fi.k!tO m t4i.mil 21 (.2K-7.'4U.lu .tU.HZ.VA.ii, (1S.7OI.3IL30 High. Lew cinaa. Ksesss 4 Mr lo-l aad PravUlana. KANSAS C1TT. MBrch. 4 'WHEAT Ms'-. k7VoK7S.c; July, gr.v bid. Cash, un- ciii.nged to ic Higher: No. 2 hard K7fiix S. kitfi'.Ac; No. 2 red. 93(1 Mc; No. ii, 87 1 1 antral nf Ni 1 iimuwnk No to 01c CivRN Mav. V6Hc sellers: Julv. 47'Chi.o -tc. eetieis. i ami unenanren 1,1 w higher; No 2 mixed 42&4:ic; No. 3 42'(H2',-c; No. 2 while. 42'o4Mc: No. 3. 42W42V OATS- I'nchanced . No. 2 ahllc. SliHV; No 2 mixed WC'.KUSc RYF No 2 7it(7c HAY Steady: choice timothy. tlS.Hifl 14 ': rhoiiv prairie. (.2 004, 12. 2i. RI'TTER Creamerv, 2:; firsts, 23c; sec onds 2oc; packing Block llic. , E"-(i-Extras. 17V: ftrsts. 15V. Kscslpts. Shipments Wheat, bu 27 .turn &7.0H0 Corn, bu 4(' ( 2H ik Oata bu a.tkW lO.uuO Aniarlrsn Ljtiiased Anieriis Loromotlv . Amsncan g at R Am. BAR pfd Am. Steel Fminnrle... Am. sugar Refining... Aniarlca.ii T. a T American Tohaero pfd.. Amariran W aolall Anaronda Mining C. . At.'hiaon Atrtilann ptd Atlantic Ciaat Litia ... haltimore A C 111 lu Hattllahenl Hleel ....... Hru, lyn Rapid Tr I Canadian 'Parlfir J natural beat her lOmi-Bl Laitier pfd ;.) 31 mn, . . s.mai trii ti, 71X1 r7 u .. S.INH. 4ni, 44 l'3 M Ma BZV, 6L'l, IW fj, 61 kid 11 aw j7 "rri, .. 4.xnti 7i, 74, 4i. I.li, lint, l i it 117 .. l.Uim 14J 144 V . . l.ktm i. IX t .. 11.K1U l! i(K ii i!4 wta. x4:,(.; Ho-lb. tu. Mllaaaak.ee tWrala Market. MH WATKEE, March 4 FLOl'R Mar ket f II. her. WHEAT No 1 northern. !oii tl 00: No. 2 northern fCfc-avc; May flStrjSc. asked. OATS P'aodard 31fl"?'-r BARLEY Samplea. 8-1i(kic. Teorta Markrl. I'l'iRlA. 11! March 4 (X)RN Steadv ; No X veliow, 4.: . No t mixed. 43V; No I mixed. 43V: No. 4 mixed. 42c. sample c OATS nchanged . No. I w hite, Sov. stanilard. 3tsr; No. S white. 2SV- ttalatk 4-rata Market. I'l LI'TH March 4 -WHEAT No 1 port hern kk-,r; No I northern. iWfci;'c Msv c Julv, If'SiC. OATS - l..r Mlaaeaaolls t.rsla Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 4 WhEAT fclav. k-Vc. Juu . fl V. Septemtmr :io-,e l ull. No 1 t-ard tli'iW: No 1 tiortlMun. ae-.omll ; Na- 1 kurtUrm, ls;,ips.,c . Nu. 1 1ieti,,t. II-AX-t- fcS I ( KN-No. X ye'.lo 42'jC I'ATs-kD. I white Wi,2S(:. V. Y E N o. 2 ,,(, PKAN-ln lmIh sarlta. t't b 21 f'Lul'K First patent, MitH seeohd l airnt. 14 iv(i4 ! first clears. C Ut. n S io, end clear. 12 uiti 2 7u 'u Jo V A. 1 Si. Its. Ilvrrpa! Orala Market. l.IVEKP(.s.L Marih 4 WIltAT-Snot. dull No. 2 red western winter, nv t'crk. futures quiet, March, k k'v . May, fi ('d. July. 4d. "C'R-N SiHit American mixed, new, fast t Atuancai mixed, old. quit. La ;!. I uturt, du... May, a 3Sd. Jul), is 4wd. rklladelakia Pradaer Mwrket. PHI1-AI.ELPH1A. Marvh 4 BITTER Steady; extra auaiaru creaniary, 27c; liaariir pnnia. 24 1XiJ& Mm;, frniui Iviui and. tuber ' Ja fmlo Alton , new C fc '. l-ld 'In nag" A N W C, M AS P . . ( . a at L Oilman P. A 1 Cnliadr. a Southern Couaolidated l,aa f.-ti Hrmlucl , le.iamra Hudann Tiivr a Kn Grand Ii A R. fi Pfd UlaiUlar' gavurlttea av E-ia 14 pfd... tn Jd pld UMiaral t-trlc braml Nortliaell pld . Oesat Northern fir r'.fa. llllnola Camral lnlerh.tn.urti Mt Int. atat. prd liiurrnationat 11 a 1 ae ai , lot ldarlna pfd lmseuauotual I'sinw lntaniaLlolu.1 I'ump low Cantrml kanaka vtts So K (' a pld La.'kHto Oaa lauavilia A Naafyllia .. kllliti A 81 Lou la at . st. r a a a at ... a. K A T kl.. K. A T. pfd I Miaaourl rai'lfir NatKinal Biarult ... National Lead Ik ft I. a- M kiew Tisrk lwntrl k v.. o A a Norfolk A Wastero . Norm Anirfeii Nnrtfcrn Farifir . Fanlfu Mali ........... Faiinavivam Hwi.pM a ua r . t . c a ai. l Pirtabur c,l Praaaad Sisal Car Pullman Palaua Car ... ..iwar gtawl Bp ring . HrmrtlTi Kepi, 1,1 ir IX.I ttapubiir Siwei pfd Risk laiat.d CI, kutl Island cw pfd . at l a r m ltd st Loua W Trauma of grey goods. l u k ' , koatnern Parlfir ' ktamliiarn Haiiwsv .... l.Hl KM, J.kiie l.4l 77", 21V XI, lll.l m, MO, 1ii2 nr. "a 21 a 211, laUa Stork Market. LONDON, March 4 American securities opened steady and a fraction higher here today. I'uring the short session covering caused additional gains, with United Ptates Btee.1 leading on forecasts of a favorable statement of unfilled orders. The closing was steady, with prices ranging from un changed to above parity Consols, mone.. 10 13-1B Louisville A N.. an samunt 11 11 M M., K. T AnuU (jppT N T Csntral.... Anaconda ......... 714 Norfolk W Atcklaon 1074k do pld dn pfd .llk'-i Dnutriu A W.. .. Baitlmoi A Ohio. ..1116 Pannaylranla atiadlan Pacific 21 Rand Mtna Oiiaasassw A O ... S4' Rwadlng . 12 BuULhem kt .123 '4 do pfd.. . JHi, Bnutkam Jalfla. . X:'4a bnios Pacific... . 73 do pfd . ti. B. Blael . 4a do fd . u Wskaau . 27tk do pfd 1JC Bpanlak 4 W. A at. .14 . .11 .W4 . M , 424t . . 7 . 1V . at. a .llkw .nt A N -W.. east A N.-W., west St. V.. M. A O R. AY y., east R. Q... west R 1 A P . east Illinois Central Chicago, lit. Western .Total Receipts rlSPOPJTION Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co chwart-Rolen Co Other buyers 1 3 4 ill Cattle. Hog. K7iB 1.2H0 l.RSIt l.K3 121 tthloagc, O Chi.. Mil. lr Hears Den ear a Rio O na ptd Erie do la pfd do Xd pfd Grand Trunk.... liltnola Central. SILVER Bar. quiet at 144 6-16d Jier ounce. M ON" E Y fWBVi Ir cent. The rate of discount in the oiwn market for short bills is t4 per cent; for thro months' bills. 2 k-18 per cent. . .. 7" ...121 .- 17 ... IKV ...40 IWl Hi -d pld Ceffee Market. NEW VOPK" March 4 COFFEE Fu tures rloaed sieadv at a net dt'iin of "f " iiuints Sa'ea were Sc.uiP tiass March re.,- April l(i4c; Va'- June and July. i Uk-: August Ii!-: hriitnlr -; ti.twr k 7tK' N'ovenilsfr kfi'ir: Tntcemtser snd January kilc February k 50c Sisr.t. nn- "etiri; No. , Rio 12V No 4 Santos. 127c. Mild nonunaJ Curdova, U'Muljt. Hi-l Ossads Market. NEW TCKK March 4 PRT Ci'sOnS The rnMfin S(rf.ds markets were moderately MB 4 I I HI I'M l(l SHU l.aai )MI mo J(l k(W km na 4al I.i km vn W H ,W 1.IMU lla. 1 ! IK, n, I luv .' J UK' luu I.IHN, 4,1.1 4i lul it. UK4, n ' u 14" 14 1'a Tn a 4k 14. Itk ht l:i 1" k--a na 1 i" 4i I'V e"'w 1M"V 144 14V IS 12 3"a 4'a )uk 14k Ilka 14 s;v 701, Xi.V J"a 4 Ni, 147 13 Vat 4 1M IfV 4., II 14 l"a "a l tl ll.-V 14:v 'a 12 f.i S7a l'la 4' W scrl li !" ti, la steady for 11, dav pen, 1 ciotn ann vara continues at a saci 1-f-oe of va'uea Brown and bleached brand goods are ouiet Iiress linens for spring of ll'lS are now he'ns ordered Fiurlaps are vjulet and spot g-.oa sre s'.eadv. kaaar Markrl. NEW YORK, Mart h 4 -el'GAH-'ft eaA: niuacovado. lrl. 1 17cs oel.lrifugfcl at test. 8 67c. mclaase sugar hb tesi. 2k2c; refined, staadv , crushed. i40c. granulated 4 (tar, pawaered. kc Maval Market. PT LOTMS. March 4 WOOL l"n rl.anged : terr-iory aud western suediuma lfl2ic. fine mediums, JfVeikc. fins, 12 lie. 4 a. kallaa ptd Innii Ciippar Texa a Pactfn T bl L T t L a a ptd ... miia Parior t'niun Pa-iim ptd I 11 1 tad Sta,a kaattr.. I'niied kuoea Kulaer. I ailed Siaiaa ul I k Mlael ptd t uih ( 'upper tiVtj (lniiial ... W&ah Wahaall pd W w im Starr land Waatihsbeaae t. trie tkaauBru L Hum 43 A,.aat l.a. k.a. XUi IM 1W is. a? laak V v 4.V la HiV I a an 41 si l'a 4.1 aa 3-V a . XI 2,a. 1 4M . 4a Sa. 1 X.4, X uw 17:-v a tV hi 4 a 62 a SI 21a 11 ir 73V 1U4V 4f'a 117i, 1V Mi Ik 114 lla II lu?a "a 77 :ui, . at xari kit, V4 f a 43 a 144a 1J0 n HI Wa I 1i 1V lis,, 3i 7(i, It r:v 47 147 11 bv, "A m, ti lie Ml 11. 14 33, lie, 144 4 11 a S'la v -a is 4IS i 107 7-S I i" ! 1H, 12-V iv I a la 12 1,-ti II I; a Xa Ma a is a a; 116 a 4.1, gt f a r.i L.dsea.1 aeonarttleak, Quotations furnished by Bums, Brinkar A Co.. 44k Nsw Omaha National Bank bullaing: Baxtrlo Oraumr). pf IMatnaa Craamary. aom Cautral Cual a Cos pld ywirauuit Cmmary 1st g. par aani.. Qrwal Wastarn amr Oo. f p. a sht.. Vowa Portland Osmanl 1st sntg. 4a.. kai.aaa CUT K;. A Lt. BIS - Omasa Country Club a, lsli Cioiaba baa as. M Omaha Watar kv lat ....... omasa AC. St. kl. is. ISXi Onasa ACS. St. Hy. pi A a. a.... Oman a C. B St Ry aom Oniataa A C. B. Hf A krutas.. Oroana 1 L. A 1. k 3U. Oniaha National tavnc atuuk Oeaaoa Waiar Oa. b t. .............. Oman Watar Oa. M ptd gnaridan Coal C'ompaur amiih-Loukwuod Mtg Co. (a Paoken' Nat bank stock. Bu Oniaaa Uaaia Slant Tarda ataak. a -alia 1(1- AakaC (7 la m r at 7 klU ta Pv ls na 7 at W 71 Ma lull at at 7li M . ' at xta 11 a 7 17 V M Xd ..... A ... 74 4 Bf ISO IM at Baalaa CIosIbb Iterkx. BOSTON; March 4. Closing quotations m gtocks Allnuex .- Amai Coppsr A Z L. A 6 ... Anson Cum. . Atlaiuir B A C C A B Hutu Coalition ... ti. A Arisuua (a! k Hacla Cantannml Copper Kallgs C. 47 Eaai Hull C M.. Franklin C.lrnux Con branny (ton Oraclie Catutnaa . . laie Rnyala Copper Kerr La Lake (Xfpper La Mali Coppar kfiauu 04par ... 4 Motuwk ... 4-a Nevada Con ... Z Nlpiastnf Mltiaa . ... 14 North bull . 4 Kort Lk kL IS Old iKimimon 17 (aneoia ... ti rwi.wtt a a c... .. 47 Wulney ISal BluuilMvD C W Superior ... U euswTus- ABM. ... a Kuperiar a P C. . ... "a Tallianark . . .31 I . k B 15 A kl . .. do ptd lla t'tah fim V VUili Oiiper (To. xt Winona 4 W ulveruia 1 . 41: lV . 1 . . 4 . X .11(1 . nt . 47 . II . t . 4V - Ja . 4 . 34 . 47V . l:i ! a 12ti Totals :rd r..78k CATTLE There were no fresh receipts this morning or any consequence. 1 lie total lor tne week has been omy moderate, snowing a conaiuciauie lading pfi as com pared wlih last week and a suil heavier uecrease as compared with a year a;o. SUil there has been a lair run and re ceipts have been large enough to supply ins aemaiids 01 buyers- lieef steers snowed considerable strength during the early part of Hie week, pr,ced steadiiy working upward until on juurxuay the market waa generally recorded ua ii" Joe lugner than the close 01 Hie previous week, un iriday the market broke lur the lack of a proper buying support anu a part of this advance waa wipcu out rmi at the close of tue week killing cattle are generally quuled JOtpIuc biguei Uiau one week ago. I own aJid iielfer also firmed up during U.s early pari ol the week, beitui quoteu liKyii'Kt higher on Thursday, hut omy JiH(i2oc niguer lor the week alter the breuk 011 r liuay. The demand lor cow stutt was very lair thruugboui th week and butcher stock ol all kiiiua solo quite lreeiy ou must Ua.l l ' ttockcrs and feeders were also free aell ers ounng the first part of the week, bul toward the latter pari ibere was an easing orf owing to tne lact mat the country cuu not buy as freely a auuclpaled. in us at Uie cluae of the week prices are iiardiy as strong as at the close of last week. Quotations on cattle: Uood to choice beef steers, eti.OuHJVifc; lair to good beel sieeia. ii .aAak.wu; common to fair beef steers, lo 0U ark.a., (tood to cboic oows and bailers, 4 (. ui'; lair to good vows and belters, H.2ua4.0; common 10 lair cowa and belters, U.ootu4.2k; good to cboioe Blockers ana feed ers. ta.4(i4..H0; lair to good stockers and feeders, Aa.ixkuA 4t commim to Ian Blockers ma feeders, HJbtiua.W, slock lie il bis, vx7e t.4.i0, veal caJves, ktuO-uA.w, buna, slag, etc., Muottrfc-lu. iiOtir rartial recovery in hogs featured the trade this moiiiin,. a limited supply and broad speculative demand prou ui.,114 improvement. Bulk sold readily at prices strong to a nickel higher than yesterday s average ouat. Lard ofteringa were alow at stronger margins, while bacon load found an eaay outlet from the start. In some in stances extra heavy packing grades bad 10 sell al figures no better than steady. Speculative orders called lor over li per cent of total receipts, a purchase that shows the largest pel cen lag to shippers' credit of any day thus far this season. Choice lights made a creditable top of tfi kb and good butcher weights cleared around B8 ktrt. Si. High price, as well as long strings, reflected average Improve ment, quality of aupply being seasonable. Very little change in the market ward movement of hogs is apparent for the week Just closing when last week a receipts are taken as a basis fur comparison. The trend to the market has been lower, bow ever, and spreads between lights and heav ies iisve Shown a tendency to wioeu. Jd a general way, present prices are right around lkc lower than those In force a week aso. Representative sales South Omaha.. St. Joseph Kansas City . . . St Louis Chicago Totals l.ai 1110 sun lYtvK' :; i"' i.;' 4, .Mm f ,(l Pin 24 w" l.' OMAHA WHOLXlkALC feillt, No 1, delivered to cartons. 27c; No. . No 2. In J-lh cartons, solid pack. 14c. dairy, in Market changes every BUTTER Creamery, the retail f ade in l-ll In Jb-li, tubk. 2,'.c 2ic; packing stock 6-lh. tubs. l(ial'7c. Tuesdav . CHEESE Twins, li.Ujtilfic; Young Ameri cas, lrV; daisies. lSa 17c; triplets. lbvjf lac; limberger. lkc; No. 1 brirk. lfiv; Im Ported Sw iss, 32 ; domestic Swiss., 22c; block Swiss, lHc. F'Ot'LTRY I tressed broilers, under 2 lbs., d". per do , hens, live; cocks, lie, ducks, lkc; geese, lie, lurkeva. ic, pigeons er dox. (l.lo; homer squabs, per dog, (4 00; fanrv squabs, jer dog.. (3. So; No 1, per dog.,' (3 00. Alive, broilers, lac: smooth legs 10c. hens, 11 V; stags. 13c. old roosters 7c : old ducks, full feathered, lie; geese fuli feathered, kc; turkeys, 17c; guinea fow la 2i.c each; pigeons, per dot.. Sue. homers per dos . ";'. squabs. No. 1, per dos.. (150' No. 2. per dog., boc; capons, over t ;us., I4c: old turkeys. 17c. F'ISH (all frosen) Pickerel. c; wlute. He pike He; trout. 11c; large crappiea. litfiibc' Spanish maitkere.l, lHr; eel. lhc; haddock llr floundors. 12c; green catfiah, 2(c; roe shad tl tn, shade roe, per pair. Sic; frog legs, 'per box... 60c, salmon. 11c, halibut, loc; h IEtLf CL'TS-No. 1 ribs, lie; No. 2, 12c No 3. HV; No. 1 loin,K,V; No 2. 13c; No.' IHV; No- 1 l','u''J(" .'a1'1 I T'c; No. IS. ' v; jvo. aa . r( 1 J'iB"-i " - ' .'II .J, tJaP 'KKVITS-Apples: California Beliefiower; per box. l'i: Colorado extra fancy Jona than, per fu u box.. -. ,a; B. Twig, per full bu. box. a-.Bti, " . w . r-earmaiu. per full bu. box. (276; Washington extra fancy Wlnesap. T J: ".. -u -U.7. ..'. .7 l:- slxes, per no.. ni.u,iuii aiu. np- rilns 4i-tier. 1'' --nm, par uux. pins, a . I. unci- .elect ,- I (). llBJia"1- i"-. l, , , 1 . t, , X2S(o2&0; Junioo, ouncn. a-.j. cran herries': I'er box. (3.60. Dates: Anchor brand new. SO 1-1 pkgs. in boxes, tier ma".'. L...IL 1 11. 1 ,, , . ,.L . 1 . . hox. a2.wo; uma " - - ' " iu., -yi- Figs: New Callfomla,, 60 fi-ot. pkgs.. (2.0t); Turkish, 7-crown. ier id., joc, p-crown. per is lar: ettmia, 11 m., u.&i a-run.: F'lorldfcV av-l-irr-ow ",, e,.w. c'i aiKtj, ti nO A-iemoiia: 4-.0 00,1,-11 e urana, r X - XaJlCy, awew ui,, n.w, cboioe aoit-aou BtatiA, per mix, nm; 2411 aisa toc per box less. Oranges: Camel la Red- lands na vein, v- hu. acao; 12 i. P" b0- K br box 12 ' 176 Bna ' smaiiei si wi, nnoio nsvelB aO-kfi-lSfi 1b. t2.SO; ISO and smaller sizes 2.sO(p;i.7fc. Pears: California M inter iseiiis ner box. Bs. .0. New Terk C ark Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan A Bryan, memliers New York Hock v coutn 0.xus?aiu street. exchsngc. i Omaha. Aniar. Tnba-cn Kav Sulla ba Butt ( talillon I'artuB Cnuio Chief Cona rBvia-ltv E.r ( antral biroua kaimnul b. initio. d Kl.ieani firaeii Calutliaa.. , .43 InaplraLlan . " Laruaw . 1V Nevada Cona.. .. . ji'a ui.ii, C upssr . L4 l-r Caliural . JV kwift Pkg (ti . la Bussrior Plila . 24 Truitt, Closer , t'nllod ltpiMr .. . a OJiawar .. X , kanr Lak .. I ?v 4V .. Ika . la - IV .101, .. j 4a . lv v v New lark Hlalag fctarka. NEW YORK. March 4 Cloning quota tions on niuuiuj All" unialuek Tun' I Biork XX ao aonda 1 r.wi (ai a Va Hnno SUrwr .. Iron Stiver ... Leadvlli Can '.iffarss Stocks were 17 auitl Chief . Meaii'SD HliLaj'io I'PUUr H.ai.Qard . ... ta.Mie Jarkat lui. iai 1 I 17a .llw i.A .! .. J Baak 4'learlaga. OMAHA, March 4 Bank ( loariBga for lousy were (.17.743 Ii and for the corre sponding date last year 14. 143, 0:5. 2b. 1 e. as. r , -v )(. v 17,, M "4V 4V lV a a. a 171 k) V 4" 77. lit ' a V "a ws "V X (iaaaas City Live Ktark Market. KANSAS CITT, Marvh 4 CATTLE P.eceiput. bead, including 10 head southerns' market nmci ; native steers (T, .i.f;i 7., . southe- n steers. Ti 2irt cow s and heifer u.fsti,.2I.; nauve -tows and betfers (i.XiapAwii: st.kers and iwtnie'-fc (4 7sui ; tiuus, (4 kuVH.2.:, : caia-sa. ti 0 kii weat era itaora, k Joi&uA, , Western cows. tiX.t,2. H'.K'ia KeotMPia. 1.69 bead: market, steady to ae biTher: balk of sales. x fcaarr Ti,. heaw. sfc A. tri. ki . packers and buu ti er teanttT.Oi; lint. f7 0ii"t7 1 SHEEP AM LA M Rt No rceij.ts market steady; mutual. HAM ; latnlx taasaAlk ImI we' nees and yrarliiuts, H. ti, lrd weairn ewes, $4 wvt4 K. No. ... ii. .. 64 .. Ml . .. 44... 4k... 41... 7... ... 4- .. AX ... iii. .. 74.-, 71 . ., 41. .. t . 67. . 4t... 11... 1... 1... At. Bb. Ml iai '.1M4 Ul XM 2.,2 Ml 176 x;t, . S.i . .2a ..mi . .nt ..X.A ..Xfll . .xa ..47 . VUi ..X41 ..271 ..tld . .Hit ..Ml .X4 ..IMI. ..las . .i-u ... ..ik ... . .2.,! ... ..241 ... . .y . . PiGsi . .iai an Pr 4 4 4i 4 A, 1 m ( in 6 7v C 72V 4 7b 4 76 tt 1 76 4 74 4 To 4 77, t so 4 an 4 m 4 Si 4 BU ki 4 Ml 4 XI 4 W 4 SI sn 4 Ml i BU an a Hi 4 ta 4 Ml 6 tn 4 w 4 i C Us No. 14... '13... 41 .. ... 7k... '.U .. .. m .. 41... 1. a. 47.. 4 . Ik.. X4.. 76. . X7.. 71.. 76 . 71.. 46.. to.. 4k.. su. . T7.. X . ta.. At. XII 2..S ft. ....i4l ... H 144 . ...244 . ...t'X XlNi .. .X4I 344 . .. .24 ... ,3kl . . . .Xt 341 ....XHK Ce-l ... in,. ...Xod H44 Ma lu urn ... 1H4 ...ta ... .in la: ... tn Zm ... ut mi ....227 ... ..ai na xis, OLJS A.ND iNDs. 4 V, i Ik ... 4 An Bk. Pr. ... 4 46 t 16 14(1 ;, ... t ti, 44 4 1 ... i Ik, ... Mi ... 4 ki! Ml 4 tS 11 6 a in ... 4i ... BV ... 4 ki, ... 4 ki ... 4 16 ... It ... I ko ... 4 44 ... I 4a ... 4 W ... 4 ti ... 4 SO ... 4 Ml ... 4 to . 4 Kl 10 4 Ml ... 4 M ... 4 M ... 4 Ml H I u 4 ... 4 Ik ... II. ... A 4 ., VLG ET ABLF6 Beaiuj : Rtrtne and wax. 32 lbs., tl.aO. Para- Ier dox. buncoes. 1 . . . . ner uni" 11 - - . ..... -. , ou., ?sc Cabbage: Wisconsin, per lb.. IV. Carrol. Pf bu - 7uc- Leiery; California Jumbo per dos. bunches. Sic. Cucumbers: Hot bouse. lVk and 1 dox. in box. per dog., 12 25- Lgg Plant: Fancy Florida, per dox.. X200. Uarllc: Extra fancy, white, per lb.. Tic. Lettuoe: Extra fancy leaf, per floa.. inc. Onions: lowa. reu aim yellow, per lh 2Vc; Indiana. wlUte. par lb., Ac; Span sii per crata. (150. Onion Seta: White, ner bu., 12 lbs.. (l.TT.; yellow, per bu.. U ibs.. 1.; rfXl. per ou.. , v-anev soutbem. koiioi. Parsnips: Par bu., 7ic. Potatoes: . r . . . .. . . . ,1 KbllkB T . 1. , . ., .... E,axiy vjllio a- -'v. . r Genuine Bd River Early Ohio seed, per hu tlXo; low and W iscousln. whit . v... -r., ,1.- ri,,r.n,. . .... Stock, ler - "i 1 tniia.hu.cas: Per lb.. lWc. Sweet I potatoes. Kansas, per bbl.. (3.0a 7 o matoes: riorida. pr H.ks. crate, (3-t4 4 mi Turnips: I'er bu., 7bc. ailBCELLANEoUti Almonds: Califor nia soft shell, per lb.. Jar; in sack lots, lc less. Brasll nuts: Per lb., lac; in sack lota, lo less. Cocoanuis: F'er sack., k.oo, per dox., Hoc. Filberts: Per lb., J4e; in aack lots, lo lees. Hickurynuis: Larp. per lb., ic, small, per lb., be. Peanuts: Kuaaiad, per lb., 6c; raw, per lb., Hin. pecans: Large, per lb., lftc; In aack lota, ic ieaa. W alnuta: Bkao., per lb., tv, C'alilomia. per lb., lkc; in aack lots, lc leas. Cider: New York Mott'a. per a-bbl.. ti.7&; pet- tbL -7i. Honey: New. 24 frames, (3 7k. v. i, ate 1 be bus inught thtni to lot' an opiitnls'ic utte-nnie at least once a nmntb. lie is .luOL-e viH'v . lirinrtpal I'Hftl Jam .1 Hill only islks when the spirit moves bun diaries Al S liwab Is rather erratic; sometimes he gives 0111 tnierv tews thick 11 td last but at ot bet times be remains silent lot long periods. president Brown of the New link Central fur a while held the record for pubic st a 1 eiuents and bs Is still 111 the field, though his recent pro nouncement that he had not a dolls' in vested In i-ailroud stinks was regatded as s trifle injudicious Just that time when every railroad wants 10 raise capital, since, obviously. If every Investor followed presi dent prewn s example Ihe rs'lroads would be in difficulties a railroad cannot run on air. Presided Ripley of the A villain liaa not been voluhie of late, since his terrihty IeBetmistic proitnosticatinn. followed lmnie diatelv. it may tie recalled, by a less dole ful one, he has been inconspicuous Presi dent enderllp of the Nml.inal City bank Is never publicly i Holed these tiavs whereas in former years he occasionally favored the public wlih his views. Moras a lr lalkrr. J. P Morgan occasionally pusses s terse remark aboul bis health In reply to the persistent Inquiries of reporters, but la yond Mini he keeps his own counsel. Jacob H. Si tuff will not in- a word fur publica tion unill he has put several hundred or several thousand miles between htm and New York. John. I', itockeleller tias ceased to occupy a prominent space on the front pages of the newspapers each week James Sim yer only on rare occasions will come forward with a statement on finan cial matters: when he does speak he usu ally says something worth while F.dwln Haw ley has no fixed rule; If one knows him sufficiently Well tie will talk, though not particularly volubly, shout his own properties, but he believes In minding hit own business end letting other penpi do the same. CM 10 H. Kahn really made his debut in the way of entering the literary-' fieid only the other urn. his apprecititil.n of the late l;dward H. Harrlman being his maiden effort. Henrv P. ravidson Is un usually frank and consequent lv very popu lur with the iiress representatives' The younger generiulon of financiers a a whole lire reudler 10 realize the advisa bility or standing well with the public than their predecessors, although the latter V,,""if .,T """l years been obliged to modify ihelr temperamental reticence. fWlliasT (he Ooalda. na"tlo1t.0f ''"J" ""-lbuia the elimi nation of the Ooulds from American rail road management. This voung man wl l well repay watching by the war ' 17',.lhe.1th'ra Achievement to Ms credit wittun the last twelve months, the f.rst liemg the removal of the IViarson O'wue and the second the comprehensive Play for developing the Harrlman lines. It Is charact eristic of this financier that he does not appear publicly in the deal. Before Mr. Harrlman died he selected Mr iv-abn as his closest banking associlne and apiiarently part of the late railroa 1 w xard s mantle Tell upon Mr. Kahn. It will be recalled that Mr. Harrlman be wailed the fact that he could not find xnv young man" exactly suited tn take his place Has one now been found" New- interests who will secure repre sentation on the Missouri I'acific hoard st the annual meeting and who will here after have charge of the financial and physical development of the comtianv stand ready to supply the companv with all the funds it needs for purposes of re habilitation and development. One iiHnker has said that rioo.O011.noo or more will be furnished if needed. The property cannot be considered In anv respect In satisfactory physical condition. Estimates of the amount of monev which will tie needed run all the wav from XT (km - to (20(1.00(1.000. but (IOIlOnO.(H(0 would n,.,!,. ably place the property on an equal foot Inr with Its competitors. On s comparative basis, it would seem that there is considerable room for ex penditure of large amounts of monev be eomnarison the Missouri Pacific's per mils capitalization approaches the fir tires shown bv lis Immediate eomtietltors Cm bare comtwju-isnn the Missouri I'acifi s imt mils capitalisation 1b lower Itinn that of th Fnlon Pacific. Atchison. FYtsco of Missouri. Kansas A- Texas. Many Ck a acres Ahead. 1 bbl ; stocks. hbls.; receipts. bbl : stocks. B. r.U'V 1. (7.2.: H. (7 40; N, (s 00, W U. 4 Au rHELr Actual trade iu sUeap or unub waa slacking mis uiuiiaui e-e uo tiwau supplies weie available, ieavliia tue luar fcrt practically barren. r 01 ibe week, receipt are barely mod el ai. uuamy alio assortment i uu.11 runs Iming aboul the same aa general character of uftarlxs last week iiwea, earnng and lamba maue up the bulk, naidi enough weibers showing up In straight slupuienis I teat values The few buncues ol aethers sold were usually cut-offs from yearling atringt, 'Ihrae conaitiutia nave lei. maiiily le spuusible lor in various dev eiopiuenta in prKea; Limited receipt, a beiier oeuiaJia, aue 10 a oruadttr vuiuma of retail tiaae, ml an eastern scale of values li.at rs l,eotd some Int. discrtnuuauuu between rheap aud IkOiM Ewes and earllngs met with preference at all pointi. advances elsewhere warrant ing plenty of improvement locally. Closing aaiss average ail of 1k2.c higher toan (iUOLatious a week ago, ewes selling as high as (4 4! and good yearling iuoi ing around (t lfcHJt 2t VI ethers are quotable up to (4 It, actual lops reaching (4 at. Isr mand has keen lively on must days Willi clearance early and complete Prioea for iambs were held in check by eastern roet that did not admit of higher figures st tilt point South Omaha aa.ea were only slightly lower than ihoae re ported farther east, regardless of addi tional delivery chaigea. ate, and any inde pendent advance could tiardly be justtt ed. Caood lanitis sold as bigs, as (t . cioatng eaaiy, steady with traue st last week rioee laemand wa active and ample and involved several orders from II. country for shearing Block Ouoiauuiis on kheep and lambs: Good I choice lamlw. X. kii'rrfi u; lair to good lamli. k.y.tu,..,. hanoy weight yaarUngs k lumi..3i, tiiavy vearuuca, ft wi-.xi, cuoa Tarpeatlae aad Haaiaa. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Mar. 4.-TT RPEN TINE Firm: at NK'c: sales. ES iitils : re ceipts, ak bbla ; shipments, 2.316 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales. 25-1 Sim bbls : shipments. 70 66.OU1 tibls. Vfuotations: (7.1i: K. (7.17V F. t,.2; !. 1 17. o; K. 7.W; M. r-M: (S.U,; WW. (A. JO. I Reclamation Work on Sun River Project and Half trillions on Irrigation Workt in Western Kontana, One hundred million added to the Mis souri Pacific's capitalisation would In crease Its per mile trross rapitallgai Ion ; orly only r2 4." and its net capital ixation to Mk ono. The former would Mien he h. 1 deeded only bv the I nlon Pacific and 1 bo letter bv the Viiion Pacific. Atchison and Missouri. Kiitmas A Texas. Within the next five v oar j hance win occur in railroad presidents, owing to lh fact that present incumlients of the of fices are close to the age when their re tirement will become oompitlsorv some of them being close to HO t.tiars of age or be vonrt thst period and the rules of the linos with v hi( h they sre connected making Hie are limit for active servb-e cr, tears jtmong tnnar who have paseed W vea-s lames MoCres if the Pennsylvania, Is f.2 year old; George B. Harris of the Burlington who is k years old. E. P. Rlplev of the Santa Fe. who is .". tears old. K. T Jeff rev of the Oenver " Itln . . e . -.v. I'irimde who 1 (77 years of age: T. H. Eoveriunent Preparing to bpend. Xriree ; Joim of th biatv." wb is ri years old: onorge 1 , naer t.r tne i:eadiiic. who Is fi". years old: A. J F.arlinr of the St Paul. who I (1 vear old. and MUton Smith of the Louisville A Nashville. Other executive who bate not reached the age of an tears, but some of w hom ars repirilv dolnr sn are Robert Lovett of th Harrlmon line, who is Ro tears old: diaries M Jlavs of the Grand Trunk, wno I , are j w ho GREAT FALLS, Mont.. March 4 (Hjie eial.) With assurance from the secretary' of the Interior made to the delegation sent tu Washington by the local Board of Commerce, that the reclamation work by Irrigation tn the Sun river valley will te Itegun this summer. Great Falls is anticipating a new iirtxsjierlt J . for the Pun River jiroject means the rxpendit ure of ts.iooom) The Board of Commerce delegation went to Waaliiiifrton when It was reported there was danger of diversion of the Sun Fitter money to an Arixona pro.iet'i and they found, after du inquiry, that the money for the local work will surely be used here. Not only that, but Sorrel an' Balllnger jiersonally gave his word to the committee, which consisted of I'r A. F. Longeway. president of the tmaxd. 6. U. FUibblns. a prominent civil engineer, who has done much work In reclamation ser vice, and Jamas OGrid;, vuia-prentdent of the townalts company and actively Identified with the Boston A Montana smeller, that there would be the greatest progress possible In If ginning the work and It Is now expected actual operation will be started about August 1. The Sun river work will stimulate busi ness la this city without doubt, for the chief portion of the work l leas than forty niiiea from tu city and this city will, of course, be tii center from wuicji tl operations will be directed. Business men are Jubilant over the outlook aud say It will mean a noticeably better bual-n- activity for the next two or three years and then a greater prosperity, be cause of tb Increase in populaiiun suck k work is aure to brln fi ts M tears old: F A. 1 lelano of lbs "a has I, who Is 47 tears old: W. r Brown of the New York Central who Is f,7 years old: C. S Mellen of the New Haven who j Is fif tears old; Howard Elliott of the 'Northern Pacific, who Is 50 Tears old: P 1 L. Wlnchell of the I lock Island, who Is r,2 j tears old H L Miller of the Chlcaeo i t-piem Illinois who Is 4s years old Theo dore I' s'hoiit i,f the Alton, who i IA tear ;o'd: S M Felton of the Chl'-ago Great i Western who Is r,7 year old: Georke Gould of the Missouri pacific who Is 4fi ear old and W 1'. Truesdele of the ll' l,Fupri v ho I fie years old F Ii 1 Tirlerwood of the F.rle V R. Thoma of t'.e lrf-tugh Valiev and William HiMirv Cannt'f of the Nickel Plate are con sldered ?.. embers of tills croup, but helr age I not deflnttelv Inown 4"tioa Market. NEW TOFtK, March 4 COTT"N Sieadv ; March, 14 lhc; April. 142c; Mav, H 34c; June. 14 Fc: Julv. 14 17 Octotier 12 71c: Tieeember. 12 xiw- Spot closed oulet. middling uo lauds. 14 4k- 34 C' j,n mp 1m FT. tA"T'lft March 4 COTTdN T'n ( hatigeJ middling. 14a'' No SHies; re- ceijiik. 7( bale,, sblpnietitk 1.214, bales; stoi k. 22.!ili l,t.iek New York rotfon market as furriislted b L4a.-an A Brvan ni-(nliers New York Cot ton exchange, iii Souih Sixteenth street Aur ust 13 c: 12 41c: Januarv . Hi iMdtits lower; middling gulf. Month I Oin ! High. Low. I Close. Ye y. Mar Mav Julv Aug. (at. ... 14 14 14 sr. ...I 14 W ...I 13 74 . . . i 12 tl I 14 lfc I 14 4 I 14 ".'fi I 13 r.h . U W) I 14 12 I 14 32 1 14 13 I 12 fj : 12 to i 14 17 1 14 K4 I 14 IX ' 13 fik I 12 tl The Secret of Success is giant I an of lies Want Ads in the Can-