I11JT, iU,r.: MM AHA. riUDAi. .MAKOi 3. 1311. 3 " Nebraska MIAN SUFFRAGISTS HEET 3ebntk.s AwotiBtion in S-n;ea it TE2LH K23 A1Z DZ1XGA1XS sVprt (a .T I rca.rfcat. elag Artfvlt Iweia Irtr I .til DtHnwxi ef ihr A rlatiwa. 'r-l.Tr, . Cnrw; I-TNCr-iLN. fc,tfc t.s;. fcraaka W o-nac. 5. r.ri t cays' f"Hi twii 'ire? t .a. -Tbe S. f.k: i's lrfkkii at a;; f-..u; ci.ur-rh. with d. , a: i,,.. f-ora a m er th . Ti;r r,D a- rt 'ea hsu ti f ' debatst': JUv. r.r: hr ii rsj.-i.on. Nebmkka l iiy; F.er. V . Iimri. Kn e. rJ Theodore l.c, c. l Boa. Tbe ot 'iT f:.'; r cr n.c:c t-e somen. 1 1 lre Fl.u'hrnlc of Lrccs.. th jirrsidcrra. a m the c!,ar. It. PhtMork-- (rae r;-rrt of br work during th pear. Tl tiui'..k'.i l.k con ducted two car. ;a c:i tie ik?: -fc.r. one in April na :o . -v.i a-. a th e-tr-er January ? i T" i ir. E o. !lK1k 2 ft u-,urod for the awt'.a tlon in i-t addiemr.g !;. tr-, k cii eoi; tl Kearney aud Peru NorirtBiP. Oi . u: nm:n8,7 arid stu dent bodies A Ireraotiu, lirana la.and. (rt and . an. 1 he .iteueb"rt an Munml U-al oir i,.J le 4x;rided th last yeacr: Kkf t.:j. e: ; keven nire MTt tc Tr scfTrajr- rj.k-r-s t: :!'srcut Ibf state, m whic-a tn fa.r. progress of the trwn r.'m wwr discuf.ked and plans Hiniil thai' wc cw:nrt best for tbe Kebrasa enianciaiii n to In Ini. Tb trearurfr. I'T Frr.tn ITir cf IVwa. as arrr.jril ttf i m;i.'T tiand)4 rt.;.t.i;-i r han town xif"j-A. ru i.t.y a ttT tiaric ta tb tMstu-'urr. Tb auditor. Via. Ju N Cos tf F.i 1r ana JJra. M . Ctrn of UnwiL ven fa th rrJcTl ttl th U-eai-rtr. IM t tHBlllm. Tt f 'jio 3 tia rrr'"c-!. 1b cUoinf CrfflrTitiaii 'isi Va- VintaTri t.f Krrir aaw, tliairmai! , Mrt Jlrti Kirtnli. Ttj Rk: Mn. FVnk . Htrrlwa. Lanotiin. T!iuUori .'.r. H. H. chair tnax; Mra. O'Je K. Ckr-rik'-r. N(!.ruu rStr; Mr. Tbtrr Poyr. Ert-Vrn r.or. rmrty lira. Jur K. Cov Eifiw; Mr. C. L. H art,. UMola. Mra. E'l Shkm arrtreKj tkJ aT- tnxcm. Mra. ftnui i tl.f w if of r.; Stewart rT Oiotw ' TTomitirat fwlrrr in poWtlea. ir(Ma. Ft Is r?'0t c.f tli fi!iieri Womaji Firffrar a.i(inriatirm :i.t3 "rr naj-r of b a-t'.naj aioria: km. Mr. Ptwart'a i9fsw-i r-JIJ ikV lOane Fncar rvrring aa St V tr r.)rwit.g foature -f tba ctnivf!tlc. Next Convention of Eoyal Neighbors to Be Held-in Omaha Xa Kate Rexairstoa f Chriit it Zn demd for Kcatrr cf Sspreae Box4 ef iTtiAjren. KEiRXEI. N"-f-v y'j-'ll . -lrec:fc: Talrraia. Tba 4.:. on - .f '. f.eal Neirbbora ciaad bt today afW a norms . twniiiua ifra. K. HurrA rprtmaKliBT lL Onik.a C tmaiwsrcjaJ uub aid lb IVruclas coscty Ceiecaacoia, won Uke f ft:t ftv; abc tritmiiaJ atax roa- 1 cottaai wtci -;Q 1r beid la . ti roat mrtrojioEa, Itm. Kale Rrmdnrtcw f Omaha aa andorawd almcjct unaniinour for tb ciactlaB to Uk anxf ero board of ma nag era ta k fceld is Lfiver. Fo-ji- can didate wars ta ta f-rld i?oti: i!ra Htntovftm, A3 la '( of t idmuli tb M ecteralaa acacjea; aU ti. !' arap 4 lh ataa Lx tepi-em-rted. aaad , TaaaJuticma thar.k.n tu Ru aJ Neirbbr of Kearney for tb rtenajn Diot aad mttiooaj kcoordod tbeta durixif their ffla la tte cf.)-. Aged Man Recovers From Operation Eetrj CikLrr-tLa cf Erokta Eot. Ulia Lett BoCb Poet Becue of Trttz-irg-, Will Be Able to VTiIk. EnOlTrr" HOW, Vb.. Marcb r ' Srr cial Jf.ry Cajscaaan, the ap-d Cucter VOaatr farnaer. rb iiad the T-wfortar-e ar'.y ta year of hsvir.e br-tb f-t t-a swereiy fresen that ampLUrirm a lound reoessary. was brought to F.roken Eicw -,-terday from na:r.rs. 'bfre the oyertt'iti Was perfprnx'd Mr ."a-t.r.k liiei t'--e sevral cSitf east cf to-n and froee his feet Whist bauhnc fcMlder. Ke reiuitf v hit had fcappetied and aike3 urn! be tnoufnt they feit warm. w"nen ht reaxhed heme be dietoyered that bis ft-st aer suTl froi-n. but W-ieed be c-od treet Ibem elihout artU-ular axtr. K2 t.artcfl the tret snrat aad sow brant Lelp'.etis Tr. --e aai ae iciepbon in tb houb at.d. ar.Lc.jLia ther r plenty of ptNu-lMot. ;t n ils early a eA lt-fir it-jttTt Cr-overel and place bin under n eaiia? trektm-t.t ll aa tti tao itte tD Mit te feet. Ar oorfilta to aTtend-nf Ph.. sicn P-nt.::.s-lb paraUon as auocHRful and as fc:on at feasible aruficia! feet ill it fn-.eu.. Mr. CakTi ifikB. a he U C J ear old. a iH probably mkti bis future borne with frtenda la this 11 ia:uatue farm lard ka tfc ecuay ndis cotuudrncd eJ-to-0o. 0CCUPAT10!. TAX CASE . UP AT PLATTSV.OUTH Mmm ke r.arasM- raytag I rt aa PrddLer as keed litrr iuikrr ee-rtiea r Ordlaaare. rLATTeMcMTH .ti.. Mere 1 tsai i least eek. K i t .field tixle tier eirwertng artterart fr a Lie h L j r rured orders stir.t tiur ia Jar.uary. v as arresrled . ki.t f-.ed l y th r:ty tor-y t.argr.g ; -e dImitt aitb se.) lag goods, etc, in the c;iy la notation it tt ocutiinii .r.-natji'., afci'.fc fuej tioene fee T : -t' 't-rt at a day Tb TrrV s;THa.r-d li!"r ire court yrdky and tried tb case a hi b wl take wtrfter dkeeroert by ll Juei.ce tf the- Peace. M Ar- (.er After ronkiJermg t be raae ever right be decided Mr. C.f.e.d as eagkacd ia irteiwian commerce and tbereior bad ot uaied th bu:tv lax ocf-- ik.f f th citv and d:t"ttiiaod I tie Wkbiiie tk ehw. ttttcr was pendug tti ety brmw sj agamet tie d f .oant fas ten av' MCi.;ir taa. Ibe t.me a-eed b a ckktkt.nl m tb eery arid ak tutanit f,r aV aad tfxK-ufed a af.a r. sneaii. arneSd tre tiar k a. re tn ah id Mr. "CVid iwi;ri bad d-iKited -asu t aerurr It jy tb tta.d f tus ajpaaianc an to crtminal pruKxuuja Nebraska Cv ti H LTlV'ii5. t.. 5ar?h I ipwiaJ I-;-fram liaj.i i-j.t,;r.a and Mis V Irr.ran -rr uit .ac'r feurt hi af:n,rw.Ti It lirie run rr t-r as auio ..! cniiu t-j- U J'iJl.jj. tcnij-r;: tf fiuttcn. !;. tr.m- f KaF-HF. i 1 f out c oidti rr (Towuts 1 h ; rt.TTtim at HutiTi: trntuf ajid rond I rrrt hfi tb .CT;iii'iit bap-;n-i. Mr j f t.i.l:; bal urt uctK5a m d:;c;r. bj a trti t.f bor aurt a b 6id ao hi 'ar r.ntrii tb icutf ctthti and kocK kJ tVm rut at.njt tl bra aja arm arid Hatiiog that Ur ara rfj-v ;wr Inliarn Tb r:rr,r.an ha b-r hrr,w ir.j-4. roniinat-- bill tnH br t-t malnrttT. no tKr rr tTx.k Ei-Cnr.rrrTnaji Poyd. bo ha tt . , 'to fJt jfiT th la tap Ca.r. baa twa - kr a ty lirnn in itit vic-itiji . with Tral u.t c.rf,-r jirfDU M Xi.'K Tb a( tot; (.' Fu.-aca rial uc. ih oik tit fittttifd thi K, Kt.ARNKT-Wiuiftra N'.m'b Sncr.t cf biar Xfny y ar o d cil H oi.r hx.ti:i-c tT.tr an Ti of iwrwaJ ty k t.ad i.fd tier Butt rrar. iruiriB from lrt- aiid. M 'XC'K Ta.rtia from ih h(t -hool or M'- .-k and JDdifc.ia dfhi in M - '"'k it Ra-.vrcay -tur.c m .ib rw ,f .lrrniiau'.n Jr ibe ci.'iri" ajid r!M to conn lttrr. to coin latrr iw jb i"rt if Hauxnr. brh of thi rtiy. T'1 'belr bom on a j F.MUH-At tb rHr.t bond Pr- 11. &aw e-r roid fur tk. ,;.-- .i la t r ,l.BL??rr rLSlK' 'tKi. Tb o.d j Tb acnat tcnSay re.Wte-fl tb appoint lss.t,. 1 ter at Parker. S. P. Tb K.wrjon. it a rKATF.ICK-Karonna li,mmfi re '.;T )n,aj,-rt"s "t fcr Sivro aain r.drear ltifwr my. i , ot-dt and fti-aujport Th eoupie a married in o-rrnaj, B lKTli. maa in oajieo 1 ; t-kt. Kan.. Mcmdar unoutPM ih oatii ot tr.'e . inw, jer. jacnt i a looomotlv ijir.an of this city. . I--EATRjrR-naud H Miller of Uimlg and Miaa NeJD A. Mi'ier f B.' j t-j-rfnes ere BiarredTrrierdar by kt. j i. maa their home at lnooin ! FEATR.irn Tb t. fiarnat suit r- , . . i v tr. Ann R. Buwr , and th boua aooepted th aenat s amend aamFt tb flv aaJoun keiera t.f tt.ia . 1; ; J M - i-v.)e, F K. Mcbba. Wir.fieid tv IoHt and Wait Mever. baa Hwn eeiued out of court and u case dismUieed. I-Xr- C1X.UL.-A heary. iret anowriertod this seooon jerterday and last urct which Til. put tb ir.ter a-ai in eioe,iect cod tuion The abtwoe of hieb n inaa danrn b intr has i of treat hea dunna ibe Cry weaa.er. Th ground U son ia rirFt ciaas ctjnciUoa. GIBBCjN A funeral pronp-snioti of r'x leen auto from lx.e.;j preej;ted a u? je on the stroet br Vecnedar . er bCK.n. Tb body cf Rev. Mr. Mur; of I-a. eisbt miiea ecuth on the Pvr : ii.fr v..e line, a brouatt her fur burial in Kiveraide cemetflry. GlBBu'X Th body of VT. A. R.;5sera an oid tim seitter and ex-poetmanrc of i:bi.oa aiid rai4 fat tier cf Count v Clera J. H. Lhhol, aa buried In Rirerald oem etary br Mecneeoay. Mr. Keepers was - i ears aid and t- rr.. r r avbout thirty years ao I;ED CIXtT A petition is oeinr curco liyi ber caillntj for a bond mm of Bt.M fur th extension ef the water wrka inem. 1 he oa projioeed is to pip th J. surer siiriryfs to tx city pump. Tb rrrmx vater has iea tested and found to be of th Tery fajfrheat uauty and the supply is abundant SAKXET A maas mantnf of tb cit aens iil be beid lida- tiwoi upon caa by a petition scnd by neuiy lr voter of Kearney, to a-uminat a non parusan tirAet tor tns ctty olfioe. This action is take by lb loaders in both j-ames in o-ctr to foretoall a Utiar saloon tiaht that as near fercwinc. BEATRICE At tb aaauaj metlnc ef the irf-iinoa fire 6e;j-unnt last veals the loiiow uia otfloera war ieoted: Chariea t-itiank, aaBiMant chief; H a. Lech, pres Jderit; 1. Carmkihaal. view president; J. Axney, aeoond vk preaident; E. a. cin.b.e. aocretary . A. ij. Whita asoUstant eecretary; C u. Guduoej-. treasurer. I'AIUBTTRT Mrs. Frank Henahaw of Council Hiuffa ia.; and her da it nr. Mr, liertrao an aid ol liowion. iaaa.. ar in the cry, tti jruests of Mr. and Mra. c-ecuft ua. A. ,t 00 att Mxa. Howard if a lormer iaJ:t.uj- o-iar woman, hat-ina re.Fiaod he lor a atimtr cf years. Her huMiai,d is empn..red t, a eteamahip f rrr of ijtistan. KEAEXTT Joseph Trederk k, Z years -u. in 01 ui.ujs ireoter .a. an Implement C-k.er cf thi c;ty. ded at Lai borne eit.t btOm, o: Gears G. Sward, Medio tnne north of k edtieaaay of soar, i joi; Lloyd Khettel. Cedar Raploa. la.. tJia. hjucian had stated tweJv hour T. ' . . prior to lis oeath that h was tn no its- i-.-u jiia canter, out tb tad mate lain ed ttai be aou.Q cie. A prt-rat faneraj was he d Thursday afternoon, JlARVAi. iiiaxo R. fmlta died at .. bom in this city laet nifibt. aed atut ai. yeara ieavimc a widow aad Uire niaj riu.aren. air. tonuth is WaJ known 01 er centra Xebraaaa uiii fur eeeraJ ' ears b-n !.: aged in eeilmg tombatcmes I ' - t-iw-iuruii mitu wniy ret urnea last k trom one ol his tr.pa, thouai for some months he had been in poor hesaiuh. FAIRBVRT Announcement baa been rr.aoe c.f me approaching marria- of Mi Fern l-t 4 Lunoi.ln to Mr. Herheirt li Ptt v cich m-iil take piac at th bride a bone Id Uniti in June Miss Lnet is utj Lncan in iairbary. having lived het ''T many year and graduating from if. 1 kirC'urv Hicb bool in the das of 3" rue is the oaugcter of Mr. an Mra i.d Let i-ZARVARP Lc.uis B Austin. foUoalng an Liii(- of two months.. ci-d at an ear y hour lesieroay and waa burked in ttia cTTy tn:ay. t: t u k years of aie. coming to -anard nn his irui. the 4ave Mr. and Mrk AuMln. in lit II bad drticued to tioe here sinoe and teave a wioow. one caurrtf-r and tso sona. and on brother 111 i-etiier Colo, ii as a nxarbar of tn AtrwM iTit-r of Inn Workmen, which oreer took jrt in to burial eervic. I;tr CLOrP Th fdl Fellows decided lkt nicrt to orpai-iae a stuck company aim a ;oukJ iA t . for tbe purjiose ! erect.ts a bu.jdj.g which aij proud lor a lodk-r room. ;cra bouse and auei torium. Tbe Hise luw-uf miil raise a larcf part of U ia unuuiii ana th public J be aked t t-utctaae snares to take -V t'e renia-ndr-r Tb three buildinrs are y neeaod and tb g-merai pufeue leclins ia IkioraM t such a proit-i. FAl j;Bl'RT The entertk,tutnent given by tbc Jaui'ury . nime-"Ciai eiuh Xiooj K-..a. :.Q V.re U14 Lt Mnjitre'.a" was such a a j Bf 1 1 ai nun.aer af j-eop.-e ha 1 a--fl is t.a tr re;ated at tbeoeJver general if Maaaachusetts from :w o;ra boie J he oniriai cumriint. j 1UU liil cx.niprifces i W ki.wui, C V . i 10 is 1-arueit. Jk. i. cavlneaa, J. U iiuuhia- j Ellea A. lams. s-n in Peas and C ' P, theev. ta Hues. A. Laraen. a Jears old. Who died yte.oed to tt request aad arraatemenis i . . . . K. . . are l;nx n.ade to r-rr.e.1 Tuesday IMti at tb bom of ber Ktrrraic- on MvAday e riant. March a KEARNET What ill undortrted: t th lkrreM sal of farm mac fctnerj- and lit a iuk ever bed in fcuitlaio oountj iii b t' kt of tbe atsoti iatc-b te h be.d ulai'.h T 7'hls rati fc a th h ia a.id to b 1:1 iar-et uk th 1'n.ted rt under on markfe'Tieni. iJ I hereafter dinoed Into ana : iirtj and teetfu For the aai Marxh T two a uct V cieers bar teea fccurd "ri xt.fufcatjd oV.i.ars aorth cf farm cikiimtrt ail! be deposed of heaxrles the in i:oi and other proi-crto of ta ran h. ;if.l:'"iN" Tbe o-d Lcaea bui.d.tg o to M-ri tr of Ia.harr strwt and Ka-ir iad a -r ue 1 aa i k j-u ied out liilo tbe street aad il.e off. . of l. A. i-nc:. rti es aie. ai 4 t:. :i b..B l.e;r-ier buildup rui t-t 1-u -ed 4,l at ce z n.ak t .K'm fcr a large piirw) brick .a-k building to t lut op by the hirr iiar.a Bund tig afa.ici.iK.a. Mr 1-cn.t- of Arangtoa ha '- c nutacL- Tl.i w..l mak u'-.e an alr.H.-a t cur Iowa ( erae A letter aj . ;.rt.g a s :-k of bara-aia eottr.ter rx- t iky and lt March a tea t..'m ' 1 Jt u. i.iuit-!! a ill o; n a lanety ttot TtIrVifTH V:. 14.'ttj rf f R B F. eo.'i a- kid itb;i.tT of tfc Ce.u-i.-r it 00k. H is roiBity. ced at to tan.i v ' -, " " ' to kt an earrr hour ' l.r.J iT.r f., '"w!ur ba tca got b aka a 1 Nebraska f t r ru!.k.Tid f-r. -a net rkt- i br iTiaiwri nani am Vm r j. , ar.d tfi.rr TTiarr-tkx ,--wl ai 7a iit !Vt. 5-'a a rtivr-id to Ki th - huatiand atfl a - j T-iij isrfn CADET TAYLOR GETS THE JOB 'Coti".tnu-d from Fim Tt 1 cf lb dbai aa.id 'D,k 1 K f bon liswft tb rasa of tb L . f i-d. arr rriiS-tiTji f f bin fiwtrrt. if trrt that ' avriiil.a: 1 t n 1 nit H.I I WTl r arral.. --atHra C.hI.i Hoa. cavnr Brr-B i ;-m to for N- brafka Raturoaj- a5t-ntnn. Ilw ooi tvfit. Senator tarkwt. b mn? )-ur0y in baa iDpvmiruu rin la JCw Tork bfar dtkrlfr 0-r UlUa Ix.l. Th bout today jiajuwJ a biH by K.rrr ""T:iatfr Burk of South I'tioia. c.t.a.tr-n-raa of tb noT.mlt on Indian affair, rlrtr th Interior ifiiartnwnt cti-al auibonty to dirpr f lefi -o rrr laid In aiir Indian f awva-tion lT ioaaTy ihrowfi ojirn to entry. Tb bout loday riiiwd Rfnator Gajr.bie t bill jTovidmi for a4 ertnsion of tiro for oorc;.,etio of a briar acros tb Mlmotirl river at Tar.kioa by tb Winnii-. Tatk- k)t PMRKlrr Retorted. du t tb fart tbat Mr. Hackett- bo is aa editor, had incurred tha dis f)oaur of od of tb Rovth Iakota aeti atora taufie of aturki made ujon him in Mr. Eackt's ja-r. HMe l(rm t ladlaa IUL The bous agreed to tb final confer -rata report on tbc Indian ariropriaitKn bJi. which had boem In 1f;ui tla th two boaae for aotu time- Th aeri al Tbdrew It amenimi.t lnd TncUy rec- otniltiha: certain attamej-s claims amount- to aca net tb Coli-Uie Indians menx urr-n u paymemi 01 certain trader' ciaini acainut lndiiidual Indiana (Waale Crtraat iwi. Th aenat today confirmed tb foUc'- Robert O Eiiey. aasitaat aecretary of the troajtury. iui.it F. i-nnijcn. chief, and G. P. Robin aitaiit chief inrpector of looomo tiv boijera. Henry & EouteU, crnirter to Fxrturai Arttur C Ljemson. Jucfe of the Kixth circuit. Aieus C Ar.reilL th Zatem dirrnrt of Mjc.t.liran Charlea W. t.ona. JudF cf th Wtn era district of Mjchian. Charie E. Winner, jucr cf th liddi dinnct of Pnn tv-aola. CdlflratlB f Uwl The aenat today adopted th conference report on the bill codifyins th laws em braced In th Judiciary Utl of tb r viaed snatutea. Thenport was ubmitted ta th aenat by Keaator Ke) bum, the chairman ef th Joint commtttea, trhil ComeTainaa Moos, vie chairman, sub mitted the report In th bous. This completes th work of th Judiciary tiii of the revised atatutaa, th pna eoae bartnc beoom a lav durtnc the last aes oa. - - - Th committee vliich baa prepared the codlfTln of th dril laws and bflis irill be lntrodoced by Mr. Hey bum la the sen ate and Mr. Moon la th bouse. emhraolhaT this nortloa of th revised atatoies. Itiri Issalstaieata Georr E. Marty of Cedar Rapida, la has bees appointed copyist la th potest office on th recommendation of Rpre entatlTa Kendall It. . T. Elcarly has been appointed a penalcm sursaon at Ottuznwa, la. vice tT R. W. gearaa, eeceaaed. C B. Lanciey, ecatur; C J. Karlica. Souub Omaha; John EKray, Terumatk; Geuras P. Camera, Hastings; Reuben A, Faulk, Stroma burs. Neb.; Clair "Winili. Bun. . C Rood. Biaier; Ry E. hai been appointed ral'way mail clerk. Sew atasml Csurrier. Rural carrier appointed: Nebraska Pleasant, rout 1, WLUiam S Leaia. carrier; no submtuta. South Iiakoi I"e-meC rout L F. 1. Clarka carrier; no substitute. The applicauon of G. Wiism, D. B. VTol son. J. B PeJber, P. P. Voter and T. Berg t organia th Laurel National bank of L.urei. Neb, with Ml Mt c4ital. naa been approved by the comptroller of th currency. DEATH RECORD Mr. ttrffea. BLiCCVrFIEXX. Neb, March t (Special ) Mrs Pteffen, wtfe of John Fteffen. of this city, died at ber bom at I o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Tb cans of ber death was typhJtd fever, together with Bright s diseaa. Tb deceased lost a daughter with typhoid fever only three week a-o. i as a few cays over ST tears did and as born In Germany. Mra Stefftn a a the mother of taeiv chil dren, eight of shorn ar daad. Mr. and Mr feteTfen were among th oldest - I tiers of Kncx county. The funeral will occur Sunday. Hear 7 M. PnAUlpa. SPFJNGFIELJJ. Meaa, March t.-Hnry M Phillipa lor several years vie presi dent of tb Massachusetts Mutual L4 ln surano compaay. died bar today, a-ed Ti year. Mr. Phillips was mayor of this city fur three years and treasurer and're- rarer T none of Florence, win be buried Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Miss L ur son died of typhoid Tb funeral Is to b held fro the rendrnc and burial will t in Forest Lawn cemetery. rr. Jaeak H. taaatl-Hall. F.EBUX. March I - Pro!. JacoS He;nricL ' Vanmt-Koff, th chemist and author died 1 taday. K was professor of cbenuiKtry la BerliB ciurversuy and in received Li Nobel pr.M of MC ' for reaearch In chem-1 istry. He was bora In Rotterdam in 1 ! :cr ! 1 rlael Jasia D. Me la re. j j FFORJ.A, lil March t ColuceJ John D. ' MoClttra. bemared pacineer remdeat capital- 1 ist and protnlnant tn social a'fkjra. died . Uus morur.g after a tong llinesa. aged TI ! leara In tb civil ar be served os thai staff of G-el Shermax. 4 Prat. A. St. i.b.Mi. I CINCINNATI. O.. March t Prof A., B JctJiaoo. father of Ban R Jcrikun. preal-j dit of th American laac F.1 league died her loday. aged S4 years feeieral I ears ags Prof Jctnace aas on of tn wdj ducau oh 1 j DEATH RATEJS 2C0 DAILY Kxo-r rUlitJti firm roite td !05X 3CI11ICX EXPECTLD 10 D1X lrl aibr-tir ( rrlrn ..4 If nit f H w talatala I FFKINC. CT-ir.a. March i-Tre Trm a:b to dale f-om fa-.:ne arS the par-jf ftrf- W- and apoorcirs ti th offlriaj , :a:tr-jr. tb 6-fh rate a'rrac eai.-y. r-jt tf i.rfni i bar ;vje knna) ecr of the coni'ti-r In tb irte-ioT. or if tbey bsvT lhy are not rrniittinf the farts to become knrw It t iTnpoes'K fifi 1 eyf.irjite tb number of dea.:b that b.av required frorr la:k cf f.od nr. farnueO C'whran. an Arirk-aii wbo Is enrared )n the work of reif. write: "T m;:.ioii pr,T. w-:j fl. befo tb first crop is harvested. Tbw i:i s-arty bee oee tb people hai rot the st-eerth to u.. th soil and no aalmais t'.T J'lowln j re-ma; o Tb Oitne are direr: ins ther efforts to controj the p-.a-o chieTy al'rf th rat ways and frontiers, for politl.al rea sons. P!nr the reoer.t Russian reauert tnr rermi-fd-n to crows th border and quar 'fanttn tb Chinese t"wn alone the Am 'jr. v r.iri ras oeen attemptin- to check tb I'lae-u alona tbat frrmtler. but tb Rusian lecatloo Fkjs Uiks ha been don Ineffect ively because there has 'been no doctor there who are fmi:.ar with modern meth ods cf sanitation ljocal autbo-itie. rm-Joding t- polio and poifiiera. to former epidemics Jeft th People to ei; now fnex dn nt care or do not know bow to maintain adequate san'tary meaurea AMtwmrti the rcntral r'rtwei ha Issued erpHcdt order and maty of them. oth supfbe and funds are larkina. Japanese and Rusriarre b.s-re both offered assdstanoe. but only la a few places hav thee offers bees aooe-ted. the Chinese not Mklr.r to reoerr fsvors f-otn f ir-lrn-ers wboe political t-otires they dirvrurt T Tetser Will kid. Pbvmcians enmred In coTchattir.s; tb diseas ar cf th cptnion that aarm wettiirr win ki?l th (trai. ai-.hourh trils may brbTig only a temporarr respite. If th plaru" aa t.f the buborne type, the rummer beat would eerv to nut-men t it The pneumotuc tj-pe ka trans-riirted throurh j th respiratory apparatus, and a a con- a-QUetic When the Chinee enerre from their winter ouaruers tnt the open air! they will escape much contamitiaUcin. It is said by tb medical authoritie that ruch an epldemie aa tfce preeent one. which I is entirely pneumonic, has not via ted the I world nut tb middl apes. Owltf to tb loc-aj questions lnvoh-ed and ! the presence of f oreipnrr alone the rail- ! way. th piag-ue In Manchuria is reo-innr rrcater attention than famine, btjt th I death rat from tb famine is many erne ' rreater than that from the plarue. j 7 fnnilne is the result of tb da-true- ) Don cf tn crops by a tall of axteon Inches of rala In two day last August In a dis trict wber the people ordinarily hav a i hand-to-motrth exirtenoe- As soon as tb j first pare of fcCn-er wer fe: tb peopl! left their borne, but many of them were: enable to ret beyond th borders of th . orastatio-u They returned and took up th death strut-el betdd their bean-j stead. A relief oomm! tie, msnpased of foreirn- I rs at ahanrhat. Is -cilecttr.f money. So : far Japan aad Aaoariea-ae tb rmhy for- ' eim eoimr-ie that bav ebatrlbtrted to aid the suSerers, bet even th extenalv -J sistacc that has com from th United ; State is entirely leadeguat. It Is eetlmaxed that l.not peopl ar without food and ar exiatin- on roots. I rrasms or anythmf that affords th ' slirhtest of nourishment- Tfaos poasesstna train g-uard ft ztifht and day. Prom th famin th death rat is scr era thousand dally. ToleTs Honey and 'j-ar is th best coiara remedy I ever used as It Qiuckry stopped a sever cough that had long trouble ma" says J. "W. Kuhn. Princeton. Neb. Just so quickly and surely it acts In ail cases of i coughs, ooida. lkg-rlr.p and lung trtmbla , Refuk suhstiiuie. For sal by all drug- "! HYMENEAL Brad r-H war. A large and pretty aedimg was cele brated In th First Methodist church in Ralston Wednesday evening when Mist Corrda Howard became the bride cf Mr. Bert Brady. Mr. J. R -Walker played th wedding- march. Th marriag lines wer read by Rrv. J. L- Hoaard. brother ! of th bride, assisted by Ev. J. J. Burke j Tbc brid wore an exguislt gown of cream 1 satis and carried a bouquet of rose Miss 1 Veora Howard was bridesmaid aad war I a beautlfui gown cf cream silk. Mr. Roy j favel was best man and Mr. J. B Walker was maater of ceremonies Th ushers wer Mr. Chariea &avel and Mr. William Howard. Following the ceremony ther was a reception at tb bom of Mr. J. L 'ECZEMA ITCHED SO COUUTSTAW B?fan by Utt!e Pirrp!. Scratched Urt! Blood Came. Kept Getting Worse. Could N:t Sleep N:gtts. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment and the First Day They Relieved Itching. In 3 Weeks Eczema Cured. I suSered wtuk ecassaa aa ay neck tar sseut ai satiita. benm.Dig by lsu atav pa securing out. I acct scraacsung vai is based casac. It kept rrKBc "a. 1 ccxacs 1 sua nanus aay sun It kept iuc leg ter about a saonaa, aha 1 west as a darter aad gt sosk beakO t tak. lt ssenssd aa s 1 was rasng 1 r better. TW 11c fcisg sieosed aboiu tare Ok k. boi wars B starveg araau ea eves wotaa 11-kS batarc. The acseata iicrtjed sc badly 1 comas t ktk'ifl n at'T sasrc I ejit 1 s oexaot sad a gaw me some tnekkoe. but oai t ox uf g " t Iv se bkvs I Culrv SUtn e.s in ti kaui. sa I oecjcea La i-. 1 rm I lis beea uung (mtvi tvuej. m I gut sw a kHii of Outa-u-a Ciiuizbeat. ai warned ad ve asVcaee pan wcti Concur fjx u.rae t:se a Cki. as tic pat kbe Cki'trura Cmameaa aa. Th. trvl af 1 pwl u ea. reiirve sis af acini c ss i ouuid siarp ski Ut t -ht 1 1 leak i:a a aeca.. ia I outi mmr ta sras raist ed 1 kept 10 trtatsntai k.p tar laret sera, aad nty - "til bsstber sat ha tase evraed arSk rs on. M ae iaeS Cairan Soar mi Ourt- Mw a: lae til a J an arm bat you eaiil are iti he n aa a a iw Surued lt aae enr.- j swt. t aw as ' ae Citkrc-a bsMn jPmx ai ut sncr.it cm a I hkee umi'Wi.M ai as a tot s r-tpsa. " ka j -a. arts uaiii 1 arraa Cay. A.a. drt ia. It. a Osurura aoaf lar at Cutarv OrlMMk 'are. 1 are sta t-rrobru ka Wf 2"- .i r H"a-4 Tt nw a:ij M m JTrb. Homa-a ana Mm r-a imtt Tba out- tr-tc-n r-Jsts -- Mra Cha-le Ro ltw and danth:er of M Jwh Ma. sister and alec of th bnd. Mr Ereest Jackson and daughter cf farannah. Ma: Mr Praiy. mother of th g-oorn of aar.nali. M, and Vh Ftbel l!oyt el vvitman. Ma Mr ar,d Mra Rrady wrj lear Frida- ftw tyir bom at Ca-iowar. N'b . ber Mr. Prady ha iar ranch Jeae-JhBMa. V.es Vary Jcnson ef rr-esforc. f P.. fkurh.ter of Jens Johnson, and A'f-ed Jchns-TS of Certer-illa R. p.. wer tnar tied by I-er CTiarle W. Ranflg at bis reodenc W r -ear arternoon at I .uti They e- acoompanjed by th groom "xter. Mr. Carl T. Johnson, and Miss Ciara O. Kok PRJCES FOR STOCKS LOWER fear f Tariff Revlatea by r.itrw eal ef Cas'a Cviaer Heavy kIlta. NTW TC'F.K. March I -Pear of tanff vlsi by th ccrieTrpIatod e-trn eessinn f pc-urree caueed a heavy selling mov-n-et?t In lb Stock ex-hang 1st this after noon, a htrh caTied prices down anywb-r from 1 to uj points Wltli tb xoeptio of Reading, the low levels made on tb dar following tb Interstate roarnma comT-is-s.on freight rT derision war brekea throtirh Steel was off I points and t"hio Pacific sold down 10 ITJta, a declin cf : T pctnta FIVE LASHES FOR WIFE BEATER rrk nieCamley f BsHIbm ls-S-e d Taea t t Jal 1. ta PAtTTMORE. Md. Mare 1-Tb spe tacl was wtrnese-d In the criminal court b-re yeaiet-aay of a wbtte man. who bad brrtaXy beaten his wtfe. pleading fctr mercy with tears streaming down bis face when b beard the aentenc of ftv lasher at the whipping poet and !mpriontn-it ha .lafL But ther was no merry, because tea-ti-nony abowed that Prank McCauley struck Ms wife seven or eignt time, choked ber a-fl then took from ber mora than tX. T He w the Scare 1 4 Is painless compared wrth tb weak, lam back kidney treubl ranvs. EJect'le Bit ters Is tb r-nsedr. Sfr. Par nal by Bea ton Prog Co. sler for RearLster fr Treaawrr. VASHTVf-TTiV. Varcb 1-Jame r, Napi"- Tenneaae. was named bv Presj demt Taft loday to he reg'ster of the treas ury Nsrter Is s nerro Tb rreeiderit ree crnroended the promotion ef Lieutenant Colonel John BiddeJ of the enrineer corps of the army to be colonel, and Majors Cha-lee R P'tchle. Thomas H. Res and Charles Potter, all of tb ent-tneer corps to be lieutenant colonels. tr Iellr-twe Bttle4 Berk steer. Kow ready. Pbon your order to Charie Eton, "Webster 138P or !nd B-UO. The Key to the Situation Be 'Wart JL3. I1AYDHI 1232 Philadelphia Ba JAr.lES H. PCADODY OTOCIC Together with several smaller but no less advantageous purchases recently made Offer Bargain Opportunities in Eligh Class Dependable Merchandise Seldom Equalled Women's Coats, Suits, Skirts and Waists. Men's and Boys' CHot&ng. Men's, Women's and Chil dren's Dress and Work Shoes. Every Fabric, Every Yard Quality and priced at less than Tho Dargain HiWDEts Como Early Saturday mmm - BSTk SaeSBA SMMHHWIiBBaaHHHIMiWlHBBBMSBMBHMa rSl StlU.1 - "W. 8c W." Welch Gc Wiley Prof. Wiley o! Washington Advocates Pure Food So Does Welsh, the Grocer. These Specials for Friday and Saturday. Phone Douglas 1344 - rSAJa tl lbs. GrasBlated t ug ar for skuM Q 4 1 1 1 tiers XnamoTid c". bar for sa ITOIT notp I bars cf be six. Ike vaJo Is OUi BVTCI (n-BAXBaJk X can hoi fur Is ftVOX-S BVVT Washing r-cadar. ike (kg In VATT 11U- Nw band puckad beana. lb a aJCB th best Japan Kic her at, lk s TAJtL sTTmCT in one tbiKt cans at can. ..as TXAST ruin th reg-uiar kc pacaag t er a toiled K. E. Welch, rocer Bee vsroli Our Yindows Spring Clothes See Them. Our "Ad" Friday Night Yill Tell You Vhy Our Clothes Are theBestintheWorld. Readlt. Omita's Only Mtxlern Clothing Store. f p ,rt" The Home of AH Ela.RA0RDI.3ARY SALE OF LIADE-TO 0RDER LADIES SPRING SUITS A apleaxJid Ofportanlty to r4 four sprlna- sail snsn tailored to rw tBdl-rdnsJ -o - ta tl stjke aad sjsntrrial ) on ant for a prior that ti moch les khan wttat ocber score aak for ordinjurj rracjj -to-eur pujta. Tdlcrcd Salts of bpcried French Serge, Teilsrcd Sciis cf lcp:r!ed French Peplins, Tdlcred Sciis of H::r Lisa Strips d Sergei, cIid Vhite end Plain Cclcrs of G:cd Qualify Serge., Tailored Ssits of Pretty HannUh Scifiagt. Every soil Is lined with rnaranteed satin ad rnarantrel to be perfect ia fit. jnailt y and tailortn. About tsmitr Be-sr pretty cprtnjr models to nr)ect from at this prior. Or your fitting aprointnomt mow. n Vttcii for Cur Erwl Salt cf The Wovolty Skirt Co. 1416 Xortb 16th feme. Ktrl naive Ontflttews to Womra. ucyiuuiuy ociiuruciy. Uciruu 4ui OUR GREAT nkrupt Stock Men's, Women's and Chil dren's Underwear and FTOTiz3iins. Jewelry and Notions Laoes, Embroideries, Ribbons, Fancy Goods, Leather Goods. of Goods, Every Garment, the &ame can be duplicated Opportunity of 3 - - cr Ind. A-2511 ooajr snu ib. whit or J'kioe, for Is OAT nfTiln 1 lbs. beat Laxd bar at, lb s sVFAJU nut Tb No 1 grao ber at. Ik Us rotz uovuni-rt Na 1 grao here. 16... a I Ml 1 mild sugar cured, at. lb Is AOOa No 1 mild sugar cured, ax. lb tts aXB mOduTT HSf Her at per pound 1IH BIKf TKVSZtXCBU No 1 grade at. lb ...1st EXP TIlBlAUOVk- No. 1 laroeo. aC I la LiMH srrsTWm Th Na 1 gra&e. at. par lb s oatmeal. .... O&AuTB gUTt lis rtg-a- iar Ike pacsuvg. at . . . ISc auAKraxwjKT gaJOW Regu lar I fcc g-as iar for . . la POTATOBVs ty and mealy Ccioradut, buahel na TTA Our swn best t'ic grad at. par lk 7e COrraUs Try our oa biend. at. la, oniy....SO lxina rowsxjft i it, can ta.uoet bran for ISc BaJtrrjra rotrsxs-i ia can iiunuford brand. . IS. adls lbiiiraigj pesoltts in Are Bright Yith l-UIiL'. ll ' Quality Clothes. UiU ii Ye.r E e wva Bttfj't.Wir Jniti tordsj Opposite Lcya Hotr4. IIIWDHS Rngs, Carpets, Linolerims, Draperies and FiLmitnre. House Funrishings and Hardware, Silks, Wool Dress Goods, Purchase ! Wash Goods and Linens. Every Article cp to Standard in in any other f tore. a Lifetime. N. 1 acwTToa cxom n. i grade ber at 1 IS FU UVlada-.No. 1 plat er Wlsaet. lb .... aa MXMM Calif oinua Sugar Cured, at. lb.... 10 LM MwTTOa- No. grad. at. per Jb ....US BPmXBO aVAusns Jurequar- tera. at. lb a lazx. oisiu rzxjutn Welch fill mall order for lb advertised items and ai.y others. ehiptnaoit prompt., aervio conscien tious. Writ la today. 33f Farnam St.