.. BRIEF CITY NEWS. - , j aTnr moot FrlB It. ' P. t. trreerloa ft Bon Coal. - re TnM rm-Hyn .)rlry Co. ' 'Jr. KoHct, Bsntlst, 27 City Ntl Bank. Oaa, SUetrle fixture, Bargsss-OraaSsa. flanee. Printing-. rleUarera to loll fecial Bricklayer' union, No." 1, will hold IU annual stag eclal Saturday night at Met hall. Peart lr Want Divorce Fsarl Brown haa filed milt for divorce In the district court aitalnat Henry E. Frown. Way K Opam through the Nab. Sar Inga Loan Assn. to atart a fund to buy a bom; paye 6 per annum; 1 Farnam. Board of Trade Building. VsTlng aaa X.oa Aaaoot attea bar moved to their new quartera In the JDouglee block. Sixteenth and Dodge, and ar ready to make loana to home .builder. Jmprevemisnt Cine to Meet A meeting cf the Twelfth ward Improvement club will be held tonight at 6210 North Thirtieth atreet. Committee for the year will be organised. Omaha rim tan do lg Contraot In competition with fifteen other bidden, p. J. Creedon A Hone Tuesday were awarded tn contract to erect a PjOOiO high echool at Nchra'ska City. Bulla era' Eaehange Beady for Business Th Omaha Builder' exchange, which waa moved, on week ago from the Elk' building to the alxth floor of the Barker block, la about located In Its new quartera. Bryaa la Bound Over J. 1 Bryan, charged with having attacked and robbed John Rupe, proprietor of a pool hall, about a week ago, waived preliminary examina tion In police court Wednesday. Brvan wan bound over to district court under SD00 bonda. Trl Dlvoroea O ranted The follow ing divorcee were granted In district court Tuceday: James Gladwin from Ituth Glad win; Agnes lhtrgaicewskl from Abdon laiKaxcewekl; Kitty Cook from Waldo II. Cook; Charles J. Spain from ftella Hpaln; Illian McNanun from Jolin McManun. Prepare for Big- Bala Ho great 1 tho bankrupt Mock recently bought In Phila delphia by Jamen llayden for the firm of I (ay den Bi oa. that t Is quite a problem to find room for it all In the store. Aa a coneeqtience llayden Bros, have made ar rangements to utilise some of the Immense sidewalk space around the store Saturday when the sale starts. Obnrok Club Bora Entertained The Young Men's Christian association enter tained over twenty of the Junior Boys' club of the Walnut Hill Methodist ohurch Tuesday evening. The boys were given the freedom of the gym and enjoyed them selves for three-quartnrs of an hour on the various apparatus and by playing basket ball. Then followed a plunge In the pool, which was appreciated by the boys more than anything elite on the pro gram. Kndlng up with a good rub-down, ths boys dressed and took advantage of the game rooms. CONNELL IN AN AUTO TANGLE Health Commissioner and Connell (oaf used Over Terms of Par. rhaee of Car. Dr. R. W. Connell, health commissioner,' can have an automobile, costing not to exceed $8G0, If he will dismiss one Inspector and cut the expenses of hla department, ays tho city council. "If 1 get an automobile I will noteed to make a contemplated Increase In my force by one man," declared Dr. Connell. Who difference of the salaries of tWo men thus stand as the burden of disagreement between the council and the health com missioner. - Dr. Connell aaya that he haa been misunderstood by the oouncll In that he promised to get along without increas ing his force If he got an automobile, rather than to reduce It to get one. FANCY FOWLS AREBURNED Two Hundred Chickens Aro Destroyed r Blase la Bara Srt by Prowlers. A fir which Is thought to have been started by prowlers destroyed a barn In the rear of SOU Pratt street and more than too thoroughbred chickens owned by Thomas Uolden, a mall carrier, were burned. The barn waa a on and one-half story frame ttruoture, owned by ths rinkerton Brother lualty company. Golden occupied part of It (or living quartera. lie saved part of his lurnlture and a cow. Golden could not es Uniat bis loss. He had no insurance. COUNCIL IN SPECIAL MEETING t'aaaoa Appropriation Bills aad Also Award Plamblaa- Contract oa Jail Keeller. In an adjourned session of the city council Wednesday morning, tho bills for In month of February were approved and an appropriation ordinance passed. The eounell also awarded the job of installing hw plumbing In the city Jail to C. II. Keatler, who bid of 1509 waa low among six bids. The following marriage Ucanse oav Vn Issued; Name and Residence. Age William il. Witt. Omaha 3 Kdn Garrison. Omaha... u Jesse J. Rdmundson, Omaha 2fl Jennie J. Burns, Omaha U nurg Cosines. Omaha , it KUaabeth Uiandt. Omaha U Joeefih A. Swanson. Lyons. 21 Laura Larson, Lyons ao Albert Brady, Savannah n Cordelia M. Howard. Ralston J3 Alfred Johnson, Centerville, 8. D Id Mary Johnson, Ueresford, a. D Jtl klust O. Carlson. Omaha '.a 'Jig Peterson. Omaha & lehn F. K reuse, Florence n Katharine Kaer, Florence U klHTIIt AN U UBATHI, R'n t ha J. B. and Maria Carey, Not tli Nineteenth, girl; Frank and KihIs Hockett lM4 North Twenty-second, boy; William and lxabel Rlgg. If4 Miami, girl; Thomas and fnna Proctor. U Parker, boy; James and larle Tedeseo. Ml South Twentv-flrst girl lairy and Rose Miller. UU Central boule vard. boy Henry and Ijlllen Foa noil lUiiilltun. boy i R. W. and Kdna Wadlelsh hi Kouth Twenty-fourth, boy. keaihs Johanna M. Anderson. 66. Swedish akleeluui Alice Urown. 3, Patrick ave huel Josephine Zldrrlc. 1, SIT Poppleton svvnuet Samuel Hchranls, 79. 2217 Pierre Waller tMulth. kJ, 114 Mouth Twenty-eJghta' xretiue. UolldtaaT I'rrmlti. Twonias W, Haien, 171 Corbv street frame dwelling, tl.fci); Louis Arkerman. 1107 lia-ta streeu brick store, fS.Ouu; ft. A. WlleotV 32S lnbjr street, porch; tin); Ptxr Nlelswh 4101 Charle street fv-wm dwelling. tig; Anna M. Nielsen. fil Ca" avoue frarao, Mrs. C. H. Nash i South Twentieth street, alter , Ji0, W. K. Htandeven, 3.30 Martha Hl'rrts fi-aoi dwelling. ta.UUU. ; PERSONAL Pa"rAGRAPHS Mr. Mar Johansea and tlUi ola Jo-h-a be visiting al be home of A. O. ftnarroiv, K Maana sireot. They re ttmied to their hM at Muiueatulis this rnnrningx J, N, Neeley. eountr treaauier of Thomas tounljr. was In tuimha VV1ues1ay. Mr. Neley la buostlng bard for Thomas county rnd tUulare thai It is OuuUuar part of ivs eiate, LAYS PLANS FOR TROUBLE City Council Hat Sown Seed for Liti gation in the Gai Case. CONFLICT IN OAS CONTRACTS Resolatloa (alls for Rids for Three Tears and ftpeplf Iratloas Pot he Time as Running for Five Veers. The city council planted another sed. which I likely to bear fruit In the ehaf of court litigation, when It passed the reso lution asking for bids for street lighting with gas, according to Attorney W. J. Con nell. In the resolution a direct conflict exists as to the lime the contract Is to run. rVc tlon 1 of the document stipulates thnt the city of Omaha will receive bids based on speciflcalons on file for equipment and ma. Including maintenance and care for street lighting, cither sepsrately or combined, for a period of three years. The specifications, whlrh are a pnrt of the measure, provides that the work to be done under these specification shall con 1st of furnishing all the materials and all labor and equipment necessary to light with gas the streets of Omaha during the con tinuance of thl contract for a period of five year, beginning on the date of award of the contract. The question was raised Wednesday morning aa to which requirement should maintain. Of the four bids opened by the city council Tuesday night, three were sub mitted on the proposition of furnishing street lighting for three years, whlla the Omaha Street Lighting company, a new organisation, who aeeks to furnish equip ment and maintenance, submitted Its offer on a five-year basis. A difference of opinion exists among law years and city hall officials. Assistant City Attorney Dunn contends that the three year prrnislon should maintain as the res olution was framed around this time. City Clerk Dan Butler Is of the opinion that the five year period will hold, If any docs, as the bids were made or supposed to be ac cording to the specifications. Both Cannot Prevail. All agree, however, that both cannot pre vail and that either the bid of the Omaha Street Lighting company or the bid of the Omaha Gas company, the Welsbaeh Com pany of America and the American htreet Lighting company of Baltimore, who bid on the three-year proposition, will hav to be thrown out. That a serious blunder was made when the city council let the direct conflict slip through Is agreed to by all who have studied tho resolution. It has been sug gested that the only thing to do Is to throw out all bids and pass another reso lution. When shown the resolution Wednesday morning Assistant City Attorney Dunn stated that he believed the three-year proposition will hold. "But," he said, 'the conflict Is a serious blunder which could easily hav been avoided. 'There Is no earthly excuse for such a conflict. All the members of the council would hav had to do would hav been to read the renohiUon through and the dis crepancy would have hem plainly discovered." lteMolutlon I Passed. Th resolution was Introduced by Coun cilman Johnson and passed by unanimous vote, after a resolution drawn by City At torney Rine waa thrown Into the discard. Oa Commissioner Crowley was concerned In drawing up the amended resolution and submitted the term of It to the council before th' resolution ' was put In ' sup posedly legal shape. I "Thcr la a conflict, aure," said Attorney W. J. Connell Wednesday morning. "As to which period will maintain is simply a question of law. But It looks to me aa though th City council has planted another seed which Is likely to result In litigation If the contract Is awarded on this resolution." Rush to Prosecute Coal Land Frauds Special Assistant Attorney General Will Appear in Action" at Seattle. Sylvester R. Rush, apeclal assistant at torney general, has gone to Seattle, Wanti., wher he will be engaged during th next three months prosecuting the coal land fraud case. These are similar to the Deuel land case recently tried In Omaha, re sulting In the conviction of Georg E. Townwen Arguments for a new trial In the Townsend case hav been taken under advisement by Judge Thomas C. Munger, and If In the meantime a new trial Is granted it cannot be taken up until after Mr. Rush returns from th coast. Th Seattl case involve thousands of acre of valuable coal land In Alaska. A number of persons hav been Indicted for using straw entrymen to defraud th gov ernment out of this land, exactly In th sam fashion alleged to hav been em ployed by Townsend and others associated with him. The only difference Is that th Townsend cas Involved twelve homestead era, while th Alaska coal land Indictment mention aoout suO alleged straw entrymen. ERYSIPELAS PATIENT GOES TO COUNTY HOSPITAL Room Is Finally Provided far Him aa Reeommeadatloa at (only Physician. Thomas Kelly, who was a prisoner In the county Jail suffering from erysipelas for several days, haa been admitted to the county hospital after a spirited session by th county commissioners. Th action grew out of th recommendation made by County PhysicUui UcCidnii. Dr. DnLinilry caused the man t be barred from the hospital originally, holding that hla orders pro hibited esse of that sort being admitted. ARCANUM LODGE HEAD HERE C. H. Bewea, ltra foaasellor. Is Entertained hr Loral Members of the Order. Clovls H. Bowen, supreme agent of th Royal Arcanum lodge, waa In Omaha Tues day and was entertained at dinner by the local Omaha organisation and a reception waa given In the evening for him at the Metropolitan hall. Mr. Bowen came here from hla horn In Pawtucket, R. I., and Is making a tour of the country. A large number of the 1.0U0 member of the four councils In Omaha and South Omaha were In attendance at the reception. Mr. Bowen declared that the allowing mad by Omaha wa excellent, and talked on points pertaining to the general welfar of! (he order. R al Estate Men Offer Reward for Plumbing Thieves Kxlmnxe I'ul Price- on IIcm.Ih ,f riun.lerci lliccn t:plMlii flic ( ommixsion Hill. So many houses belonging to anil un'lnr the tare of members of the Omaha Real kstate exchanKe have recently been 8trlpKMl of their plumbing by petty thieves, that at the weekly meeting. Wednesday, on motion of K. II. Holland, it was decided to offer a reward of ft) for the arrest and conviction of such persons. John P. Preen, who drew the commission plan Mil for the Ad club, which was pre sented simultaneously In tho senate and house Monday, Kpuke on the proposed change In city government. He said the provisions of the bill which had been drafted for Nebraska did not differ greatly from that of the Galveston plan, but that there were certain differ ences. The bill provides that cities of loO.ooO or more In population shall be governed by seven men. When these men have been elected by Australian ballot and not by vot ing machine they shall select the mayor of th city from among themselves. This Is a distinct departure. , Any qualified cltixen may become a can didate for one of the seven councllmcn by paying I0 upon the filing, of a petition signed by loo voters in cities the six of Omaha or twenty-five voters In smaller cities. Ten days before the primary elec tion Is given for the filing of candidates. At the primary election seven men are voted for out of the whole number. The fourteen men with the most votes are then the candidates at the regular election held thirty days later. Again seven men arc voted for and the seven with the most votes are declared elected. If the proposition to adopt the commis sion plan Is defeated then any city must wait two years before again putting It to a vote of the people, . It is also provided In the bill thai no one unless physically unable shall be accom panied to the voting booth. Kven those unfamiliar with the Knglish language must do the best they can. In spoaklng on this matter Mr. Breen said: "More than nlnely-nlne out of MO men who ask for aid do not nctd it. I do not mean to disfranchise any one, but 1 do mean to protect tho city against corruption." THOUSAND BREAKING TAX LAW Nebraska Corporations Delinquent in Tiling; Annual Reports. HAMMOND WILL PROSECUTE l ol lector of Internal Hrirnnr Pro poses to ln.ke Aid of the l.n llrnsllc Measure Are I'rti. ihlril, More than l.ft Nebraska corporation must answer to Ross Hammond. Internal revenue collector, for neglecting to file annual Income reports In accordance with the corporation tax law. This Is the last day of filing for the fiscal year. Cnless the delinquent corporations com ply with regulations prosecutions will fol low. The law provides that every corpora tion shall pay a tax of I per cent on In comes of to.noo nnd over, the amount of the tax to be determined by the reports filed. There Is a rigid provision In the law for de linquencies. Some corporations do not enjoy an In come of fcj.noo, but these ate required to make reports to the Internal revenue col lector Just the same. Failure to do so makes them Just as liable as delinquents having an Income of I5.W10 or over. It Is suspected that a large number of the delinquents art corporations not earning that much. At any rate all will have their attention called to the fart that reports must be forth coming, and further delays will result seri ously. There are corporations doing busi ness In Nebraska and up to the close of business hours Tuesday all but 1.500 had made their reports. Some came In Wednes day, but there are still more than l.tmo delinquents. On account of the rush at tending the close of the fiscal year the clerical force in Collector Hammond's office has been extraordinarily busy during the last few days. The 3.800 corporations In Nebraska bring In revenue amounting to about IO.OnO an nually. In the I'nlted States the aggregate incomu collections average $a;.000,0uu. High School Plans Ready and Work Starts at Once Ono Contract to loclmlr. Construction of w irlng and Hazing OIl Structure, Mrs, C. E. Fanning Dies at Hospital Wife of Omaha Paving Contractor Succumbs After Four Months of Illness. ' After an illness of four months, Mrs. Ellen Fanning, wife of Charles E. Fan ning, paving contractor, died at the Clark son hospital at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning. Mrs. Fanning was f8 years old and had lived in Omaha for twenty-eight years, he is survived by two married daughters and a brother, William Gray, beside her husband. The daughters are Mrs, Ada Borshelm and Mrs. Oeorge At klin. Mrs. Fanning was born In Washington, 1. C. It Is expected the body will be taken to that city Friday or Saturday for burial In the Congressional cemetery. HYMENEAL. ' Cosinas-tiandt. The marriage of Miss Kllzabcth Oandt, daughter of Mr. and Mr. John Gandt, to George Cosmas, wa celebrated Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the horn of the bride' parents. 8932 North Twenty-third street. Father Ilarvalis performed the cere mony. Mtus Alma Burls was the brides maid. Miss Mary Beshllaa was the ring bearer. Nicholas Pettrow acted as best man. About forty guests attended the wed ding, which was followed by a large recep tion. Mr. and Mra. Cosmas will be at home at Sixteenth and Chicago streets. Stors Celebrated Ruck Beer. In bottles ready for you. The only genu ine bock beer In the west. It's delicious. Phone your order now to Charles Storx. Wab. 12t, Ind. B-1XL Moving Picture Men Organized Notify City Council They Are Ready to Co-operate in Regulation of Theaters. With a strong organization and definite plans of action devised, the motion picture theater proprietors of Omaha, now stand ready to fight or assist the city council in Its regulation of theaters. This Infor mation was given out to members ot the city council Wednesday, when officers of the newly formed organization announced It was ready to Invite any action the coun cil wlsnes to take, and to confer with the city fathers. The league Is called the Nebraska Mov ing Picture Protective association. It was organized last week, with a membership of about twenty-five theaters. The pur pose as unnounced in the by-laws, Is to aid In good theater legislation and to protect the theaters against improper laws. The mayor and city clerk have been formally notified of the league. Connell Attacks Ouster Evidence Lawyer for Icfon of Chief of Ya , lice Hubniiu Motions shield on-tbe Stand. Upon the resumption of the ouster hear ing proceedings' against Chief Donahue Wednesday morning In the city hall. At torney Connell for the defense submitted motions seeking to strike out evidence of fered by the state, which he contended waa Immaterial and irrelevant. Though not succeeding In getting the ruling of the referee in his favor, Connell claims that he has paved the way to kill "the rubbish" by whloh he designates the evidence offered against the chief. Arthur Shields, secretary to the chief, was again placed on the stand and Identi fied letters addressed to police captain, directing them to use every effort to stop the sale of liquor Illegally. Plana for the construction of the re maining wings of the High school have been completed by Architect John l.atenser and will be presented to the committee of building and grounds for approval Fri day afternoon. As soon aa the plans are approved, con struction work will be put under way, ac cording to,Ir. Holovtchlncr, a member of the board. When the contract Is let an Innovation will be Introduced, as the contract will not only call for the erection of the new wing, but it will also provide for the destruction of the present building. It Is th Inten tion of the board, says Pr. Holovtchlncr, to combine these Contracts In one. Then both construction and destruction work will be under the Immediate supervision of one man and It will be possible for ma terial taken from the old building to be used In the new wing, wherever feasible. Ir. Holovtchlner also aaya that the board will get busy on the construction of the new school buildings throughout the city by the first of May at the latest II be lieves these buildings will be ready for occupancy by February 1. Commercial Postal Station is Opened Special .Mall Service for the Whole sale l)ls( r let Put in Operation. The new commercial mall station near Cnlon depot was opened Wednesday morn ing. The first delivery of mall was made at the usual hour In the morning and the operation of the new postofftce for the wholesale district proceeded. The first letter was delivered to P. T. Walton, manager of the Grand de Tour Tlow company by 11. E. Gunner, carrier No. MC. The postmaster, railway mall service of ficials and others were at the station early In the morning to see that everything was properly started, and also there were a number ot visitors who looked over the building. Every branch of tha postofflce business Is represented at the new station. Twelve carrier will distribute mail from tills of fice. Though the office was officially opened today all of th work at the new station is more or less of an experiment. Post muster Thomas has not yet announoed a list of regular clerks, carrier and other employes needed. Alleged Mail Thief Arrested. HAN FRANCISCO. March 1. Local post- office authorities received word today that Charles Fells had been arrested at the Juarex race track, charged with stealing four registered mall pouches from the Oak land ferry boats in December and January. Rheumatism Advice Gives rromlaant Doctor Best Pre scription X Easily Mixed Qpring Overcoat Days are now almost upon us. And so we invite you to come to our store jukI look over tlie.excpption.il show ing of spring weight Overcoats, (.ravenettcs nntl "Slip On" L'.iin coats now to ho seen. Kvry new nioilel for this coining season, every correct fabric, nnd every popular price is represented in this splendid assortment. Should you need a new Cravenette, please remember that out'b really are rainproof. Hu,t whatever yon need, we assure you It'g Impossible to go wron on any "Nebraska" garment. Beside this, our price will gave you at least one-fourth probably more. Any prlc you like, from $10 to $25 The thus of HlzhMertV HAIR WHITE AS SNOV The Key to th Situation Bee Want Ad. "Get on ounce of syrup of Saraaparllla compound and on ounce of Torla com pound. Then get half a pint of Rood whiskey and put the other two Ingre dient Into It. Take a tableapoonful of this mixture before each meal and at bed time. Hliake the bottle before using." This Is not new in this city a many of the worst cases of rheumatism and back ache have been cured by it. Good results come tho first day. Any druggurt haa these Ingredients on hand or will quickly get them from the wholesale house. Any one can mix them. Not only will this presprlptlon knock rheumatism In a hurry, but It Is a splen did tonic and soon restores appetite and vitality. Those who have tried It are en thusiastic over the result obtained. Adv. ITIFICATES" 1 An 00D AS GOL ONLY OXK CHECK Oil DRAFT ACCEPT Ell OV AKV nR ilvn Bring your Credit Award. Manufacturers' Drafts, Due IMlls, ttrand Prize. Honda, etc., issued by ny Piano company, anywhere, regardless of dating. Ave will allow jou full value up to f 150.00 on the purchase of AMY WGW PIANO IN OUR IMMENSE STOCK pa ra with any newlv purchased Piano from our stock. CHOICE OF Oeaalae Dlasaoaa sUsur, Ool4 Watoa Tob, (HiBtlainaa' Ool& Watoa (warranted, M years), ZrfUUe' Odd WMca, tfaata vuuwu nan ru. EST fill PIASCS GREATLY REDUCED $50 to $125 Cd fran Car Ritdtr Prists and ge you' l2X&"holVl?f foour r,1'c1k " th purcha. of any New Piano at th REDUCED PRICSS, M V-iYIXira Lady Gold Watoa. Gentleman'. Gold Watch (warranwi i ftft lYC' 0T Ch,Cl"' Cm an'huw- Io l" j.w.lry Just th .am If you buy a Plane. 51.00 Weekly Paymeds Accanled cn Any of iha Fclloninr Banrainu , p " ' 0 0 Died ( Fneawnaa" Is never written of tho who cure cough and colds with lr. King's New IMacovery. Guaranteed. 60c aad II. Kor sale by Beaton Drug Co. !' A) $365 UGED And your manufacturer's draft for thl I'laver Pi. ano. Regular price) $GOO $257.00 And your manufactur er's draft for this beau tiful $500 PIANO. I pi i i i Mnwn T vej- 0118 PIANOS And your manufac- taror' draft for this n H Sir i . RguUr Price $400. Guaranteed for 15 year. Tour Manufacturer's Draft will be takes aa part varment en laaos. rnee aav beea greatly redaeea. tock Ualads mmmwKm nuns, weeer, .raniaa, auiabe, Waeeloek. aietaao eaa ae Btelnwar fUail, Kimball, Chleksrta? aaa lunar oLbara. r IMA aui- - SCI1M0LLER & MUELLER PIAI10 COMP'Y la SAIt fAlkllT 1311-1313 I-A 11 NAM ST. Vol. Beea-. ! w. uwihi u mo uuaraatee 1 oat Muuid Back of Every Bala. iJtifi -i iT-iiiiUlJ,'i!in"i-J--1 . ii tin - i,iri'aw:g;,w mi.ii.ni.mi 1 1 a I !,: ffl AN!, M ,,KaifTDTiicnteicEq ' j f . jl i us oto kM mi wt'rH I IV I?1-- IW, la Ul l n. fcif ' tf ' I t S ll li J tmh ii i t F i- j tPlXI AND ll! E-v rax wvrm cmuocai cof . U) urn ron crnr V' - I f Restored to Natural Color with VYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY ALMOST A kttXXACUR Mr hair wa aa white aa now when I commenced uainf Wyeth'a Saga and Sul phur Hair Remedy. One bottle reetorrd tny hair to it natural dark brown color. Aa I am now 70 year old, I consider tha result moat remarkable. It la an agreeable and refreshing hair dreeainc, keeping th hir soft and gloeer, without being in the leaat greasy or eticky. WM. WKSTLAKJt J10 West Main Street, Rocheeter, N. Y. Wiry fcenHat when WYETrTS SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY la dairy preeacfuf Jaet aack results? After year of study rnd analysis of the hair, we bars been able to produce an laaal lair Toale and Beatorer, which con tains an actual constituent of hair, com bined with ingredients of recognised merit for treatment of hair and scalp diseases. It makes and keeps the scalp clean and healthy, gives life, strength and lustre to the hair, and RutBres Gray Hsir ta Natsrat Cc!or No matter bow long snd thick yoor bslr Is WYETrTS SAGE AND SULPHUR HAlk REMEDY will make it longer snd thicker. It Win remove every trace of dandruff in a few diwa stop falling in one week, and start a new growth in frnrtt ASsal A tKrs ejaAn.e.k. a Vlsl WWW IV Mif W MlVlllUVa - Guaranteed to be as Bepresented or Money ftefonded Co. AKD $1.00 A BOTTLE AT ALL DKVGCISTS 7 Zr!VZ k " ""V0 ta sxnd w. wffl ru iexTge bottle, esnrees prepaid. 74 COKTUKDT ST. Hlf TOM CITY, If. Y. I nnn, nWNI prepalO. WYETII CHEMICAL COMPANY, FREE J nc laac at WiMk'i Saaie aana a.n.1,.. . who will ae , thl. mnimttati l7VSi!!l7T !T ul9 ot WTcteg an Bulling the oap stamps to cover For sale and recommended by Shermaa & McConneU Drug Co., Owl Urug mm I W -w. T "W- I .tT-i -I'VW XI' liu ' lwal-a M - .. ' A - i Ah ; Y m Its Name Tells All About Florida for "Florida" means "Land of Flowers" the country of bright colors and fragrant aromas, of wonderful palms and palmettos. Here, too, is the flower of culture and fashion Palm Beach the Southern rendesvous of wealth and women. There isn't a balmier spot in Christendom a batter tennis court or more delightful bathing. Excursion Fares to Florida Via Frisco Lines These reduced round trip fares aro now in effect via Frisco Lines from Kansas City daily, tickets being good to icium m an uino up to June 1, lull : MS IS 4 14 Si S S 10 s.so ifck"?T1"ej,-'-: S4SSS I flanford., r own ee e Oral Tampa N il Miami '., t Augustine U.M Ht. Petersburg. , "lei M Uelaud barstow ale Homiwwli: firs' tickets are also en sale th flrs and third Tum. dr ot each uiouth at reduced faro. The Southeastern Limited L?aJrtan! Cit? P. M. dally; one day and two nlgbx of rnu d travel krlnn vn,. a l.l. in... " . lwo Ini Thi n..-,2..irifT.J' l""kr-iY,""iu.,fa morn ' ? --v. w usuwu Bmia om(ia m uuiuMia, uts-ificiir uauwju ste,ia nna drmnin r.w.n. vurMMMi-iiijrary cars. Dnlli toue Llr;, i i Tr"" wmm you toe beautiful frUu Uua beokUtt and tell yuO atxut Florida and CubaV lAam t. C. L0VREIN, . Divi.Ua P..Mer At. at FRISCO UNES iMCtiea Isil.isg, lUasst CUe. Ms. TtlesaeM 7 rersisteut Advertising is the ltoad tf Mg lleturus The Dee's Advertising Columns Are That Koud.