nir: r.i:i:: omaiia. rninAY. n;r,nr.nT 24. 1011. 11 Along Auto Row J Today, be Sere that yon get a One of Omaha's brightest men said: "Greatest Car in the World," l;e exclnimed. "Kevolntionary f-cientific liMvery uf 11 rc;il Automobile, (Jrainlt-t t't'ii cprion of human rnochanical mind s-urtlv has ht-tn oiiterod into." lie could not help hut say it when he saw the new, beautiful 1911 OLDSMOBILE line. ou w ill alo say it is the prettied and IkM contnu-Utl line of ears yon ever looked nt, the swellest line of city cars you could imagine, at prices you can afford to pay. ."ont!rned from rage Ten ) Glimpse of that eatrtftt! Car n 0 f v V TP r Si Tlierp are more satisfied OLDS owners in the United .States than any other, .lust k an OLDS driver if he has ower enough, he'll tell you "yes." He has, he always has. We don't lack power, we never did; our 1011 cars are finished to ierfection, no mat ter what others may tell you, don't fail to see the OLDS cars before you spend your money, as we are certainly giving a lot of car for the money. "We are on exhibition at the Omaha Show, and will be at the Sioux City and Lincoln Shows, also at all of our salesrooms. Follow the crowd and you will find the OLDS. Nebraska Buick Auto Co. LINCOLN, H. E. Sidles, Gen. Mgr. OMAHA, Lee Huff, Mgr. SIOUX CITY, IA., S. C. Douglas, Mgr. Baser engineer and In final rerfectlon two year r In th Inker eler-trle". Chain drle manufacture the country ovr dnriH the perimet" a a foolleh waste of per. 'Beautiful In theory," they Mid. but not In prartic. chains are mor efficient." VUit after on season operation the shaft driven Baker had permanently eetab Mhed In superiority. People had seen Ita unju8lifle1 u-ces la the hsnds of orer l.i oner. One wwM a record after in 1hr afforded atlll further proof. Chain irie a doomed. Now that all leadina motor cam are de pendable and will take the owner anv wheie he dtmrea to (to. dcslrner are pay Inc unusual attention to comfort and con- enlen'-e. The K. M. F. . ")" designer have built with Infinite en- a line of hodte that ire a comfortable a a parlor rocker. The nuMoni a- built not stuffed. The long hair Is ele-tei with care and none better ran be found In the market than that ued in K. .f. F. car. The eat are wide and the hack are high rnmirh to give ce and comfort over the roughest roadn. The tonneau are larae and roomy the de tachable and deml-tonneau are larger than found on many touring car. BO C-P&ucafier Touring Car With Fore Door. C V tZ S r 'J THne HP. G. MoFttlniwall Co, At the Show and 012-14 Jones St. o)!1!!! lira BETTER StAqGad Tread ISeptiibKc 3 DO BJOT KID Specify Them on Your New Car. ST71 T7 eie eaufi - mtm CO. Distrlbutcro Republic Rubber Co., Youngstovn, Ohio. Charl- T. Jeffery. head of the Tbomai R. Jcff-ry company. hn Just finished a trip In the wctt. where he conferred with F.amhler dealers and representative, re irardina further extenrlona of the big Rambler aalea nd ervice orfanlu'lon throuithout this territor". "The weat," .aid Mr. Jerfer'. "(rot the firrt ifood rain It ha had itnce laat Fep tember on Xfonday. Februarv 1.V Thla wan followed by a few days of fine weather, with the reult that the Omaha motor car fliow hi crowded with farmer and buel nee men anvloua to buy cara. We aold fifty Ramblers durlnc the week, moat of them to farmer, and ranchman through that errltory. "The attitude of the wetem" bue1nee man and farmer." said Mr. Jeffery'. "hag under iron" a change very similar t that experienced by banker, and commercial capta!ne In the cities. I found everyone out thre optlmlr!e and. with a proeport of record crop, thla year and good pricea. aale. will b Tery large. "I met one farmer who told me an Inter eating fact about the ateady Increase in th. averace price, paid for car. by farm ownera. He aald that of fifty men In hi. section who owned automobile, moat of them began the first year with a ti.OW car, nought a better one the next year for about ll.Sfl. and laat year raised th. average above fift". It Is very Interesting to not. that the farmer 1. a careful buyer, demands quality and cannot be deceived by price "Our aJe at the Omaha show have averaged Tery much as they did at the Chicago show, that is above J25.0M." Johnny Altken. famous driver of National motor cars, really did try to quit th. rac ing game, but the sport proved too strong for him. and now he la going down to the Mardl Oraa. After quitting the game "lrrov. ocably" last summer, he started in the Vanderbtlt and ran third. Then he won hi. big class race at Fair-mount- And then he quit "for good." H. gripped, himself firmly and refused to ac company Wilcox and Mers of the National squadron on their triumphant parad. at the Loa Angelea motordrome. Kafely stowed behind the eak of th. Indianapolis National Branch Sales oom pany. "Johnny Altken. salesman." laughed at th. lure of the fascinating sport. Of course h. would start just one mora In the l-S.000 International toa-mll. sweep stakea. And that was to be all. Then cam. th. Mardl Graa races, which arc to be run at New Orleans February K, 17 and TL Th. car. wcrw entered. Th. queston, "Who will drlv. them." aroae. It was decided to glv. Ixml. Diabrow hla w ish and let htm pilot on. of th. big blue cars. Miss Helen Miles Rogers, whoa engage ment to Ogden Milla Reid. son of White law Reld, American ambassador to Kng land. has just been announced. Is a slater of O. Vernor Rogera. secretary of the Mitchell-Lwla Motor company of Paclne. Wis., and In charge of the foreign depart ment of the big tlO.Ooa.000 corporation, which Is said to ship more cars abroad annually uiaa any other American auto mobile firm. i Everj one acknowledges the nerv. and daring of th. automobile racing mechan ician, but juat at present tb. palm must be awardec1 to a Nebraakan, Orrln A. Curtis, born In Shelby and aon employed aa a mechanician at a garage In David City, Neb. In a atx-cylindar, fifty horsepower Mitchell . car, and with Miss Lillian P. McCracken aa hkt "driver," Curtla threw in the high speed one evening last week and started on a Journey that may end only with death, according to J. T. Stewart of the Colt Auto company, Omaha, agent for the Mitchell. "Until death, doth part." read the Rev. Cleveland Klelhauer of David City as be stood on one foot in the tonneau of the awaying Mitchell car and pronounced Orrln A. and Lillian P. roan and wife, with another young couple, Earl Able and hla wife, aa witnesses, and Frank Jones, chauffeur for thla twentieth century bridal party, looking back over hla left ahoulder every now and then and letttng the speed ing car swerve so each time that the blushing bride and pretty Mrs. Able punc tuated the wedding ceremony with screams and exclamallona. The young people never will be able to tell exactly where they were married, be cause Frank Johna was hitting it up at aon,ethlng like fifty miles an hour, but It was somewhere on th. high road between David City and Kolfy. and th. Rev. Cleve land Klelhauer declared he never had made a better job of It on terra fir ma, despite the fact that the charming bride was hanging onto his left shoulder tuost of the lime and that the best man butted him twice on the right ear and the groom stumbled onto his eoraa with each lurch of th. whizzing fifty horsepower MlU hell-fix. Ve are Showing This Car in our Booth Every Day Here are Some Prices: ll-M-Touring Car $1,275 1 1-B Touring Car $1,700 11-A Touring Car $2,300 11-F Touring Car $3,000 LIMOUSINE 11-T limousine $2,700 11-F Limousine $4,000 ll-L-4-Roakter $1,175 11-II-RoadMer $1,550 11-C Roadster $2,200 11-K-Rofidpter $2,850 LANDAULET 11-T Tndaulet $2,700 11-F Landaulet $4,000 More of thee cars are owned by good people in Omaha than any other manufacture celling a machine anywhere near its class. j : t j Deright Automobile Company 1818 Farnam Street U ) 1 A 1 THE ULTIMATE CAR Experienced Motorists Drive the Stearns The1 majority of Streams owners hare driven otJier in airs. Tlcj luTe finally come to the htearn be cauap, aa Uicy hay "It's tlv ultimate tar. " Three) nn know motor car value. They know what is twoc - Miry in automobile conjunction and they realise , . their ideals In the Stearns. The Steams la purchased to kri o be nxed year after year, not to he traded In. It i built for STTrre service -serr Ice that a motor car seldom en counters. That Stearns deain is right and Stearns . construction the best. Is admitted by every man ron- Tersant with automobiles. A Popular Stearns Ms del The 1VSO H. P. Stearns Model is a most popular one. It has all the best qualities of Stearns con structionand Stearns cars have been built since , IWrtt. Although rated at 15-30 horse power. Its motor develops more than 85, allowing extreme speed when desired. Flexibility has been developed to a nurVed de gree. The small riiHtanee necesary to turn this car -lews than 36 feet for the complete circle renders city driving: exceptionally eaay. The 15-30 H. P. Model Is built as a four-paNen. Rrr Toy Tonneau Runabout, five-paMnfrrr Touring Car and five-pan aenjrwr Mmonine and I.mdadlot. Investigate This Car Zt will pay ran to lnYeatirte this ear, and cat (or yenraalf the veadarfnl Utaaras conatroction. Smasaiaa tba sali-baajriaa; anotor, the automatic aoubls t carbnrator. the ary tnaltlplo alsa dutch aad tas solid rear asJa ooa stracUoa, with tta rail floating drlva sbafta. SToto It aaay-raaaiaf avalltlaa, ita rvcarvo power to moat aay imir caaelsa, Ita warta as a bill -dim bar. Ziuaut taa Body eoastractloa aot only for tha rraca of Ita linos and oaoaaoo of finish bat for it atroncta aBd duabiUty. Veto bow tha drop frano parnuta low doors, walls r'tC tLat axoataat Mfarnard of aU a low cantor of gravity. Siuaiu tba Btaarns ta detail and than yot will approoUts tt aa do those wbs owa "Tba Ultimate Car." WALLACE AUTOMOBILE CO 2203 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB. Agents Wanted in Unoccupied Territory i i TaaUbala Typa 1S-90 X. P. Toy Toaaaaa Jtaaaboat Opoa Typa 15-80 ar. P. TonrlBr Car TLera la a distinct field for tba steam i motor car, more particularly in thoae parts of the countr- where roads are bad. aBd where hilla, mud or aand require maximum power and flexibility. Steam has the ad vantage, because every atom of steam Is available when needed, wnereaa In a I Una engine, only a mixture cf proper rich . neaa can be used. Beyond that, there la no reserve: Thero Is no cranking la tha steam en gine: on simply turns oa th steam. And I there is bo gear shifting or disconnecting the engine from tha transmission. Thee . is ao clinch problems. Greater aper ta . obtained by opening tha throttle. Conse quently, to car la so rexib( or aa ijoUaVly adapted to every poasibla road condition aa the steamer. The Invention of the fiasher boiler, and Ita adaptation known as the White genera- I lor, hava probably duo mora to raaka the j u!-e of steam prat tarsi In automobiles J lhaa aU aiaar lavaauona comblaad. iU) o o ! ! RIM A r e R e a Demountable atoor Ssiviiig Rims 3 Turns of 3 Screws Takes It Off Do It Again and It's On Try It Yourself in Our Exhibit The Baum Iron Company Distributers for Booth Demountable Rim Co.. Cleveland, Ohio. J