THE HKK: OMAHA, TllllRSnAY. FIOBIJUARV 1011. l. " r OilAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET ;mnd for Cttle Slow and General Tendency Lower. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS HIGHER keep la C.oo4 Demand, Price. Klrom, While l.amk Are Aratl Fifteen Ool Maker Than Tea. ferdny. Ona Wtar U. 1C Omaha a C . HI. Hr. 6a. !:' Omaha a c n . Hr. rM 4 a. a (lOHhi C H St. Rv i-em Omaha " Dr. A atork Omaha E L P. U. KJ iini.iha ;.M.n.l Hank a''irk Omaha Water "o. lat (f4 Omaha Waier Cav M (14 PA.ia' National lUHk, So. Omaha.: 1'aton (ti-li Tarda alrvk. ea-SIa , Ibarldaa V' Cofntr T4- M 74 (IV, MV, 71 aa (Ti IS 44 UtHt 1 HOI.EsALh! V-.1t.Kt. MTTTF.R rrimw. o I. llvri ta the retail trad In 1-lb. carton, 2Sc; No. 1 OT'TTT OM.UH Feb "3. 1H1 wr: Call la. Hor. Sheen. Official Monday .... 4 u 4 W 'h! Official Titrtav ti A 11612 Run Katlmata Wednesday ... I VO fooo 6 VX Three daya this week. .1.1.101 Fame days lt week. . .19 ft" Urn, riavs 2 wrk ago 12 tVU Sme daya S wk ago.IMM ham daya 4 weeks ago. 19.042 Bam daya laat tear 16 i: Th following la).). ilia receints of 'la. hog and sheep at South Omaha for th Vfl r a . . . . . --.I fth laat 27.:6i ?r..?i4 2.'i74 23.'.73 21.521 ? '4 25 IP 2 :.; i mors 2 702 11.S73 :.4i within to houra. after tha opening. Spar, illative nod shipping orders wer taw and disci 1 1 1 1 i n a I i n ar. Average coat, nan slightly under T . 1 . aa Indicated by popular prices fur laid, butcher ami bacon weights. Choice liKht nnlmais sold ai high aa 87.25 and better klt.ds of butcher trade movaj nt 17.16 and Ii-vh. Weighty and rmiah pack i n K olfcritig lind to sell at 17 and iind-r. t'ta character of Individual loads deter ml n liiK the price. Representative sales: Vaae Cattl Jloan Sheep Th in To" Dec. initya m4i iv 318 Vf. 3M 2l Sl.1-6 363, M 330.491 45 102 'nil.. I..- .i.i- .i .1 Price on hogs at Month Omaha for the last everal daya. with comparisons: Pate. In. !:910.I1K19.!1OS. (1907. 11304. MM. ?. 17... i- r ta rah. J.., rb. 17... "ah. 14... Feb. 19... Feb. M... Feb. il.. Feb. 2i. I I 711 (5 1? 4 3? M! I 731 V; 4 16! 4 4 911 I 74' 4 M Kj I 771 I 4 021 4 8a i tot 4 M T 10 4 74! 4 14 ' : 4 W 7 0S' I Hot 07 .4 Oil 1 J ?.Wi I Mi I 0 . 4 ID 4 81 I 4 I 2 I 971 4 151 7S I m ' T 'lb ll 4 141 831 I Km 4 64 t I4 I Mi I 4 071 M t K 4 M I V W! t Ml I 7 4 82; t 961 4 74 Sunday ; Raoalut, and deposition of live atock trie Ijnlon tock Yard a, 8outh Omaha twenty-four, boura endlns at 3 o clock y tarday: ' RKCK1PT3. C M. 4 8t.'P.CU.1HOS"4S1,"'P.H' v, aDaan 1 IMIaaourl Paolflo 4 TJnlon Paclflo 87 C. at K. V. (aaat).. 7 C. N. W. (weatl.. 89 C. Kt. P., M. 4k O.. 15 C, B. A Q. teaat).. S C, B. g. (weet).. 28 C, R. 1. 4t P. (eaat).. 1 C. R. I. P. (west) .. (Illinois Central 1' i c. o. w a i at for es- 4 1 26 1 41 19 t m i 1 l 'i 1 11 Total receipts ....144 142 LUHPO.S1TION. 26 16 2.4fil 2.i.' l!l 567 826 1,24.1 i,m (0 M 40 10 I ' M 1 1 I . t Inn . UU. ?m.,h 1!"ckln Co 44 l.;0 fi.,2 w?t.iii Hnii vunipany 407 Cudahy Pk. Co U Armour aV Co to0 Bchwarts-Bolen Co Murphy Morrall '"j Blnclalr , rt W. B. Varmant Co .k B. Lewis ; 7 tuston eV Co 7 . B. Root 4b Co 49 ' " 1. H.' Hulls, W " li. Jlusa I., woir 8 . VtcCraary tc Carey M w ertneimar 122 I. K. Hamilton 1iW la Rothschild 61 Alo. Kana.-CaJf Co... 14 Christy 67 Other buyer 6iS tsi Total J.875 9,754 4.693 t-ATi LB--lnera was a fair run or cattle for a Wednesday, 140 cum being reported In. Still tha total or the tli.-t half of the week foots up only 13 lj head, as aaalniu J9,4) bead for th 1 Cttye lust week and 16,100 head for the same ptrlod a year a.o. .' la spua of tha laol that receipts locally were by no means burdensome, the market seemed to be nevoid of any life or osp. In fact, ail this wtk the market lias lacked good buying auj'port and ths trade every day 1ms shown more or loss dullness, wtlh buyers Indifferent, and not apparvntly caring whether may secure any aricat numWr of tu.ii.le' tr not. '1'ne ll-n,tlon. aa -lven by tile nckrs or this apparent lack of, n uuant. lt,ni4vril.. la the old one that Is aJwaya K-ard fthls sea on of the nauieiy, L.uiit, . winch is uppased to decrease U10 conuuining de mand for meat product. YS leather this js the true explanation or not, 1H0 -fact re main that the market on all kmijs of kill In cattle tvas ry tinsailsiaL-tury to the availing interests. There was a vary fair showing of rood beef steer In the J ards, hut tiio demand Was so slack that the market did not at any time show any strentrth of activity, nd about the beat thot tou'd he said of It wouiu De to quote it as slow and weak to 100 lower In spots. Sni pretty gouu cat tie sold up to t15. Cow snd heifers opened very weak, buy ers at the bidding lower 011 about fveryimiiK. in tha end by hard work aell tt in some cases suoerzd out what looked to them as about steady prices, but as boted In the cane of beef steers the whole market was weak and In cases as much as uc lower. Block cattle and feeders were not far ftom steady, but the market did not de velop and sreat amou.u of alreiinlli, and the country demand was not nearly so ac tive as sellers would Ilka to se. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef ateers, Vi.iWdii.SO; fall to K'od beef steers, ,Ki'rii;.i; common to fair beet steers, $; good to choice cows and heifers, 4.ici:i.40: fair to good cows and heifers, f4.2..'ci 4.M); common ti fair cows and heifers, f:i 2.'.d4.2u; good to choice stock era and feeders, fCi.40i(r..iv!: fai. to Rood lookers and f.'ed.irs, f.VOOuJ.40; common to fair atockers and traders. t4.2..ii.oO, atooa. heifers, W.7oii 4.i; veul calves, ,4.; T.7i; bulls. stSKS. etc.. 3.73a5 o. , Representative sales: bi.KK U'1'lCi.RS. O. I.araon-Wvo. 4 cows l'v 4 10 20 feeders.. fv"4 f 10 Thomas Nelson I cow Iiv I xf, cows 1"!1 4 40 II feeder. . M0 5 0 H 1 1( I Ion trade awung back to Mon iIhv s levels this motnlng under tha influ ence of a bread demand at all of th lead ing t acKitig centet. Local ' teceipts weiw falrlv laire and local reaction Juat about eous'.led yesterday decline, bulk of rale averaging f.i 10c higher. Movement was fiatuied by plentv of action until Iste In the sea-Ion. when !nnilrv became quiet Snd prices weakened romewhat. Packer purchafed the big end of the supply snd pot up their larger droves , ln jo, tubs. Sbc; No. 1 In Mb. cartons, S6c; larking stick, solid pack, 184c; dairy. In f In. tuba, 16vl6fl. Market changea every Tuesdar. CHK105K-Twlns, 16aiV(C; young Amer icas, daisies, 17c; triplets, lic; llm burgnr. 18c: No. 1 brick 17c; imported fiwisa, t3o; domestic Swiss, f2c; block bwlsa. le. POULTRY I Jrtssed broilers, under t lbs., P per dos., hen. 14S4c; cock a, lie; ducks. 1M-; geese. 18c; turkeys, 25c; pigaons. per dos., fl.2W: homer s-uaba, per dos., H.00. fancy squsbs, per dos., f3 54; No. L per dos., fl.ou. Alive, broilers, lie; smooth legs, I'M-, hens, lie; stags and old roosters, ac: old ducks, full feathered, Uc; gees, full feathered, tVc, turkeya, 19c; guinea fowls. 2fo each; pigeons, per dos., sue; homers, per da . Uw squabs. No. 1 per dos., fl.60; No. i. per dos., Wj; capons, over s lbs., 14c. old turkeys, 17c a FISH tall iroien) PicVeret, Jc white, 11c; pike, 9c; trout, Uc; large crappies, l.tfUe; bpanlsh mackerel, lKc; eel, lac; haddock, i:ic; flounders, Jzc; green cattish, Sic; roe shad, fl each; ahade roo, per pair, aoc; frog leas, per dos.. 60c; salmon, 11c, halibut, luc, errlr. o. BEKF CUTSU-Ribs: No. 1, luc; No. 2, 12!4c; No. a. c, Loin: No. 1, 16ic; No. 1. lie; No. t. KHitC Cnuck: No. 1, i'V; No. I, 7'c; No. f, io. Round: No. 1, 8c; No. I, 8V-; No. t, Sc. Tlate: No. 1, 'vie; No. I, to; No. t. 61.. FRUITS Apples: Missouri Ben Davis, per bbl., fjOO; California Bellefiower, per box, fl 66; Colorado extra fancy Jonathan, per full bu. box, 12 10, (1. t'wig, per full bu box, f2 "0; vv". w . Pearinain, per full bu. box. f27S; Washington extra, fancy Winesap. 11-112 sixes, per bu., fii.ii; lov-16 Ires, par box, f 2 50: v.vahington Pippins, 4'i-tler, per box, fi.25: 5-tier, per box, :'. '. iiananas: Fancy select, per bunch, i 2H0 lb); Jumbo, buncb. f2.75'da.;6. Cranberries: Per box. f3.50; Wisconsin Late How brand, per bbl., flO.50. lates: Anchor brand, new, to 1-lb. pkgs. la boxes, per box, 42.00; bulk la 70-lb. joxef, per lb., 6?c. Figs: New California, 12 12-ox. pkgs., aic; 8 12-ox. pkgs.. f2.40; 60 -os. pkgs., fi.0i); Turktsh, 7-orown, per lb., lttc; t-crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crovvn, per lb., 12c. Grape Fruit; Florida, 46-64-t4 sizes, per box. fi-U0; 80-96 sixes, per box, U.60. Umiini: Llmon elra brand, extra fancy, jM0-:s0 sizes, per bos. f4 50; choice, SuO-SW) sixes, per box, f4U0; 240 size, 60o per box less. Oranges: Camelia Redlands navels, 80-Hi sizes, par box. f2.55; Mi size, per box. J2.80; 160 size, per box, f2.!A; ITS and smaller sizes, fa.00; choice navels, 80-86 sixes, 12 50, 129 slm. f2.50; 150 and smaller aixea, f2.koQa.75. Pears: California Winter Nellls, per box, fii5; New York Kelfer, per bbl., box, fi7B. VISUKTABLBB Beans, string and wax. per hamper, too0s4.0u, beets, per bu., 75c; cabbage, Wisconsin, per lb., ,tc; carrots, per bu., 7."c; celery, Michigan, per dos. bunches, Dbc; California Jumbo, per dos. bunches, hue; cucumbers, hot house, l'x snd 2 dox. in box, per dos., f2.2u; egg plant, fancy Florida, per do., 12.00; garho, extra lancy, white, per lb, .Lx; lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per doz., 40c; onlom. Iowa, red and yellow,' per lb., 2c; Indiana white, per In., ,2c; Spanish, per crate, fl.50; par sley, fancy southern, per dos. bunches, dOg) tiuo; parsnips, per bu., 76c; potatoes. Early Ohio, In sacks, per bu., Hue; Iowa and Wis consin, whit stock, per bu., Vuusoc; Colo rado, per bu., ho:oc; rutabagas, per lb., IV; sweet potaioea, Kausaa, per bbl., J2.IC; tomatoes, Florida, per 4-basket crate, xj.io4M.uw; turnips, per bu., 75c. MlHt'BULA.NKOl: ( Almonds, California aott shell, per lb., ISc; In sack lots, le less; Brazil nuts, per lb., lac; in sack lots, la leas; cocoanuts, ptvr sack, f5.&0; per do., toe; filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lc lew; hlckorynutrt, large, per lb., 6c; small, per lb., ec; peanuts, roasted, per lb., ec; raw, per lb., tiVtc; pecana, large, per lb, lttu; In sack lots, lc less; walnuts, black, per lb., 2',c; Callfua'tila, per lb., 19c; in sack lots, lc less; cider, New York Mott's, par '-bbl., fX75; per bbl., iviii, bonny, now. 24 frames, X2.75. A. ...t.A . . ) ...Sli ...241 ...1a ...( .. .241 ...1:1 .. .11 ...J7t ...277 ...21 .. .24 ...tit . . .2"! . . . J :te .... ...( ... ...Me .i. ...27 ... ...Jit ... ...2X1 40 . . If-f. ... ...2ft ... ...rn 4 ...2".S ... ...21 ...4 ...rl . . . : .4 ...fc.5 ...2.0 . . .JW4 .244 .141 ....I'd ....IM ....24! . .. .?4 ...21 ....201 ....:tt ....r ....131 . ...2S0 ....lad ....210 ....In 1M .....44 ...2.17 ....1T7 ....175 ....?( . ....! ....2A( ....214 ....2r4 ....247 ....i-i ....140 ...143 .241 aft 44 fr. 4 il 4 Ml 7 IX 7 00 7 Oil 7 (0 7 on 7 M 7 IKI 7 00 7 no 7 on 7 ajv, 7 021, 1 l?V4j 1 00 7 as 7 IW 7 05 J 1)5 7 "5 7 M 7 04 7 Oft 7 OA 1 04 ... 7 06 7 ... 7 OA ... 7 06 44 7 as ... 7 04 ... 7 05 lt0 7 05 ... 7 64 . . . 7 06 7 (16 7 06 7 i 7 "5 7 04 7 m 7 05 7 N 7 o'i T OS 7 OS 7 5 7 OS 7 05 7 O714 t (17H 7 07 ' 7 10 7 14 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 M TIO 7 10 7 It .. 7 in .. 7 in .. 7 10 .. 7 10 .. 7 in .. 7 14 .. 7 10 .. 7 14 Home Imorovement trade was apparent tnis morning, but any quotaoie advance did not extend to sheep, as tha latter cisas of stock ruled steady to possibly strong In spots. Total receipts were limited and consisted almost wholly of fed western animals atlll In tha fleece. A lively demand, due to acant supply and better conditions at eastern markets, re sulted In an early clearance of anything in. in kiii. iniiu sold unevenly higher, mucn of the stuff ranging around luo nigner. one string of 7j-pound fed west ern brought as much as fa. 16. and tha irsoe as a whol showed very narrow spreads as compared with Chicago quota tion. Sheep were wanted, but all of tha regu lar buyers were disposed to keep cost on an unchanged basis, and no appreciable Improvement was evident. Inquiry was reasonably active at rirm figures, and ewes, of which the bulk of th sheep con sisted, commanded f4. 0utf4. 40. A fairly rnu aino movea at wetners aoid as ilgh as J4.40 and yearlings are quotable up to fn.25. Quotation on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lainh. f6.0lVaH.2O: fair to good lambs. S.'..4"b'il.0. handywelght yearling, f5.O0id0.25; heavy yearlings, t4.60tj)6.i0; good to cholc wether, f I.2fa4 50; fair to good Wethers. f3.Mfa'4.25; pood to choice ewes. t4.lftii4.40; fair to good ewes, f3.854M.10; sheep, culls to feeders, f2.0o4j3.50. Representative sales: Av. 407 western lambs W3 8i western lambs 82 101 western lambs, culls 47 41 western lamlia. culls 69 yearlings 94 wethets 97 ewes 94 lambs 74 lambs, culls ., 63 lambs 75 yearlings 94 lambs 85 No. 16.... ... (1. ... 7 67.... H ... 22... .... i IS... 2.... 42. ... 72. 41.!!! m... so.... 44 ... 47 74 ... 70.,.. 44 ... i ... 45... 17... 44.,.. 74 ... 44.... 75... "0.1. .. 4) 75 4:i . . . . M ... 4.1... . 4. ... 72. 41!!!! 4', 44 44!.... 4s...-; 15... K.... 7.... 21.... 45.... 4( 4".... 41.... ... 74.... 11... 16.... 60.... 41.... 72.... 77.... .... en.... 69.... 41.... 54..., 44..,. 11.... 40.... 47.... i4.... 71.... 42.... 1'4... 12.,.. 44.... 40 40 (4 80 140 40 (0 10 No. Av 8k. Pr. 7 140 ... 7 it 74. 2a ... 7 10 7 241 ... T W 47 24 ... 5 It ' 15 Xi ... 7 14 11 24 ... 7 14 41 2RI ... 7 14 40 H ... 7 in 14 at ... 7 10 4t !4 ... 7 10 42 243 ... 7 14 JS S'l ... 7 14 1 144 ... 7 10 M 17 ... 7 14 C 2!U ... 7 10 71 i; 40 7 1 51 24 ... 7 14 4. 271 ... 7 1 44 ?23 ... 7 10 ) 1.4 ... 7 14 45 140 140 7 10 44 175 ... 7 14 71 im ... 7 i 74 2 ... 7 1 41 221 ... 7 1 a: mi ... 7 10 SO 241 40 7 10 41 14., ... 7 14 ; 240 ... 7 10 47 271 80 7 10 ti 250 ... 7 14 t 243 ... 7 10 4 m ... 7 12V, 47 ... 7 12V, 4 2X6 441 7 44 244 ... 7 12', tt :..iia ... 1 1114 71. C-04 44 7 It 45 2.'4 ... 7 16 74 224 ... 7 1 6 14 ...ill ... 7 It 44....'..Sll ... 7 15 4W rJ 60 7 15 24 116 ... 1 16 4 2:t4 ... t 15 (4 m . ... t li 71 243 ... T 16 II 227 ... 7 16 76 1.4 ... 7 16 60 121 ... 7 16 7 1(0 ... f 14 6t II ... 7 16 46 225 ... 7 15 40 2:16 ... 7 1 42 221 ... 7 11 61 Tit ... 7 It 11 447 ... 7 16 71 ll ... 7 16 64 244 ... 7 il 62 216 7 15 67 201 ... 7 15 St 16 ... 7 15 40 212 10 7 16 II Ill ... 7 16 71) 2?S ... 7 II 5i 221 ... 7 16 4u 217 ... 7 15 74 1H4 ... 7 14 65 104 ... 7 2 41 171 ... 7 1 46 Ill ... 7 la SHEKP In lamb AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Stock Yards Exchange Addition Now Open for Business. HIGH SCHOOL TO HAVE DEBATE Friday Kvealaaj Team Will (amprtr with PIsttrniMtk, TaklasT Affirm ative f Qaeatlna mt Malwlala. last P reseat Armameat. ' 65 western 14 western 60 western 4iai W4stem 22 western 2T western 63 western 7 western D6 western lambs 224 Western ewe , 18 western lambs 2s western feeders mi western yearlings 645 western ewe 205 weatern wethers 121 western yearlings !i;i western ewes h2 western lambs, feeders. :r Colorado ewes, culls U40 Colorado ewes, culls He, 11.... 11 10..., 31... 11 ... II..., I.... 4 6 .... II I ... If..... I I . .. 11 ... I.... 7.... II. .. II ... 14.. I . . I . 12.. 7.. I . Av, 71 1166 ) I . l'lil VC 1014 1174 I2-.6 t.l I'i40 1'26 iot; ;tt 1(164 1117 MM 111! (04 ( 174 i J0U ln 1-3 14 ".ITt 10S4 mi 147 1.4A ..... 7:t v.; rviio kl tli rr. 4 7 4 10 6 U a la 6 6 16 i 1 I 6 4 60 6 64 6 60 1 6 ail 8 60 6 0 4 M 6 70 6 74 6 76 COWS. I 10 4... I .VI 1 to 4 no 4 on 4 l 4 4 -V 4 in 4 40 4 4.1 4 46 4 .Ml H111TR:7. . ID 7 It.... II I.... to.... 1:.... It..-.. 4 ... 14.... U.... I?. ... to. . . . i.... 10.... S4. . . . .... 10.. II.. I I. . 1.".! 20.. At. . ,liis .. M . 13CI3 ..III. I ..1RI ...IS 1 .. (li ..11.17 ..1215 ..ll.' ..Il ..144 . 1 1 7.1 ..144 ..1:41 ..121- Pr. 5 15 75 6 71 6 .6 6 76 VI 5 'l 5 l I to a a 6 i i 5 90 6 (0 6 ;. 1 ti 4 17 4 li 106 72 60 so .'....112 .....114 ..... 89 92 55 3 Its Pr. 6 75 6 75 t 25 5 25 t 10 4 40 4 00 f 55 4 75 00 5 25 H 00 15 4 40 00 4 85 5 00 4 25 4 40 6 00 5 35 4 85 8 HO 1 90 Loadoa stock Market. London clotting; stock quotations: Contola, mooey ,.60 5-14 liulavlll Naih..l.W4 do account ........ stw. Mo., Kan. at Texas., Amal. Cupper v! 441 N. V. Centra! 114 uieon4 ,ui ...... 4v Nortolk Althlaon , ..flit de pfd 24 do ptd 7041 Ontario A Waitarn . 44 Ball I mora -Ohlili Pennaylvatila 4644 vsnaaisn rarmo ,,..zi9 ftand Mlnea Cheaapeaka A Ohio.. i Haadllif Oil. .Ureal Waalern.. 2SV, Soul hern Railway at. r. 'itVo"i!! Chi., Mil. Da Baara Danvar do ( Krie , do lat ptrl do M ptd Grand Trunk Ililnola Central ... iilLVUlv Bar, ounce. MONEY 3' ifa 2S per cent. Th rate of discount in the open market for short bills i 3' per c-nt; for three months' bills, 3' per cent. 1", do p(d 111", tiouttaern Pacific 364, Inlon Ptrlflc . . 7b!, do ptd U I'. S. Steel , 62?, do pfd . 41 Waba.h . 2414 do pld 140 Ppanlh 4 steady at 24 . 414 . 29V. 44 .122V, .14 : tvi . 44V .128 . 1V4 . 40 . to l-16d per Kaaaaa City l.lve- Stork Market. KANSAS C1TV, Feb. 22. CATT I, K Re ceipts 10.0H0 head: Including 4M1 southerns; niurket, ifteady to shade higher; native steers f5.40j4ti.1a; southern steers. S5.15ti0.00; aouth trn cows and heifers. fr.2.v5t; native cows and heifers, f32.V44J.2u; atockers and feeders. f4.504i6.8Ti; bulls, (H.40o6.26: calves. 44.i0j4S.25; western steers, f5.20(g26; west ern cows, f i.2.i5.25. HtHJS-Recelpts 9.000 head; market aieady; bulk of sales, f7.264ii7.-!0; heavy. 87.20 ji7.30; packers and butchers, f7.2iffl7.40: liKhta. f7.Ji.i7.46. KUKKP AND LAMBS Receipts 8.OO0 head: market strong; muttons, f4.0iva4.75; lainbs. 65.2.116 25; fed wethers snd yearlings, f4 255.iO; red western ewes, f4 00jjM.40. ..Iltl ..ire , . 1 . 1 - o . . If . Ill" . . 1"1 . 1" ..14.10 . .141X1 4 14 4 2.'. I 40 4 in 4 4 4 4 . 4 .i 4 4". 4 75 4 49 4 e. 4 in 4 4 ' 4 i I -.1 4 ;,-.i 4 4 . 4 7 1 4.. 17 . I . .1117 . .1241 ll'i .II:'.! . c..i . iiiiu . f-2 I 1 .1 1 " 'li . ! J. 122 :i t.l 1H U.S. I... I. . . 1 tin 4 76 1. 4 .V i . CAI. l 4 ". I . ..14 . . !.:.. . . s.l ..117i . .141 I ,.174il . . 1440 . .144 1 . .17.-1 . . Il' . . '( .Vl 4 64 4 I US 4 in 4 76 4 Ml 4 an 4 an 4 j 4 li 4 - 4 ; 4 ; 4 Vv'. U o-i 5 in -j on :. in .1 4 to 4 75 4 7. 7 4 7i 4 75 4 an 4 Ci 6 5 2 S 6.1 I, 5 t-l 15 4 blciiao l ive Klock Market. IIUCAGO. Feb. C.'.-CATTLE-Recelpts lT.'iOO head; market steady to ahade higher; beeves. f.i.luu,6.s0, Texas steers. f4.r-3ta.iW; western ht'-ers, f4.60ji5.7u; stockers and feed ers, fct.NK.ii.-vO; cows and heifers, f2.6iKit6.70. HOUrt Receipt 2J-.0-0 head: market strong to 6s higher; light, -17.2ilj7.60; mixed. f7.10j4 7.60; heavy, f .'.00-n 7.40; rough.; Kood to choice heavy, fT.hV9 7.40; pigs, f7.4o i".65; hulk of sale. f7 2 .4J7.40. SHKKP AND LAM Its Receipts :2.000 head market steady; native, $-5. tri 4 .So: western, f l. l'-ji 4 hi ; yearlings. )4.hoU5.73; lambs, native, f.V 006.40; western, 6o.2.,7jo.4.i. St. I.sals l.lve Mek Market. .T. LOIIS. Feb. 22. C ATT I, K Receipt 3 '00 heard, iuclmling tmo Texana; market sleadv, native beef ateers. fi.o-viT.OO: cows ami he!fer. ftinKfiHiO, atockers and feed ers. f.:.;;ti'3.4s: Texas and Indian steers. Jl Vr-U.; 61): cow s and heifers. f3.50j.yo0; cbUcs. in car load lots, f 5 00-fi (i 00. Him :s-$'7ifi7.jO; Liverpool Grain Market. I4VKRPOOU Fwb. 32 WllKAT-Spot, dull; No. 2 red western, winter, no stocks; futures quiet; March, 6s 10:,d; May, 6s lod. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, nw, 4 2d; American mixed, pld, 5s Hd- Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Feb. 22. HAY No. 1. flOOO; No. 2, tD.OO; packing, fS.00; alfalfa, f 12.00. Straw: Wheat, 85.50; rye. f6.50; oats, 17.00. Waal Market. ST. l,OUIS. Feb. 22 WCHf-Unchanged; territory and western mediums, lMj22c; fine mediums, K-fii-ic; fine. 12wl3c. Australian Athletes Will Visit America Team of Swimmers and Banners Here on Their Beturn from England. NEW YORK. Feb. 22.-There Is every pos sibility that some Australian athlete may pay a flying visit her next fall. A team of athletes, swimmers and other perform ers ar going to England for the Kraptre celebration, and the plan Is that they will return home this way. There will be men for all tha distances uV to a mile, as well aa hurdlers and Jumpers. Among the prob able members figured on Is Guy Hasklns, who attended th University of Pennsyl vania snd won the Intercollegiate In record time. He Is nov, living at Christ Church, New Zealand, and though h was said lo a dit .a Ja.wu tfti uis.l ill nwMJo; atail little practice now and again and U Is claimed can move as fast as ever. The sprints will be looked sfter by W, A. W'oodger of New Zealand, who can do about even time for the 100 yards, and Nigel Barker, who once beat Duffey. Th man Keo li t n,wo head; market j for the hslf-mll will be G. A. Wheatley of butchers and best heavy. TJ.f MIKI'I' AND lMHSRcelts head, market utra-iv ; native muttons. 4j4 3.'.; Iniuiis. fi io-;6.40. 1.500 fJ.S 4 VI I -5 4 4 I M I 1-0 7 JS Son . !vl 1.2 BTOCKLHtf . 6'-n 75 t til S cows. 4 cows. 4 taadal. .... 441 441 . 441 7 t'l , 4:4 II r s ., In.40 .10.2 J oa 6 1 i M 6 -.1 6 : 1 25 6 2 6 25 6 21 6 6 1.. 6 4.1 I 4 . 1 . AND 17.. M . 2. . 34 . li 1 HI 170 lt '.4'. l li". Kil 7 f. ' bi 1 ,'.-i 1 J. 4 (0 FKKDl'RS 4-, 6 46 . V2l 64 5 4V 6 wl 4d (7 44 tal y 1; ftki;n2 R. Nwukhi Wyq. 1 1 1 I I cow a 4 li 24 feeder.. Hatch- Wyo. 9 cow It twader.. 6 :i 6 n 6 Li I : 6 o L u 6 .. I'll 62-4 6 441 M Ik Hl-i 943 t t i 75 "1 J 64 bl til s. .Iitat-iih I. lie trk Market, ST. JMMF.PH. Feb. 32. CATT LK Re-celi-ts. 2. 11") head: market steady; steers, f4.M'i6.2iV rows and heifers, HiOui. i6, calve. f3 .V"iS .25. I li HiS-K. 1 eipts. T.5o0 head; market, steadv to 5c lower; top, f7.40; bulk of sales 7 1.-U7 2".. SHKKP AND LAMBS Receipt. I.60O head, market steady; lambs, fcj0 0ti. klix-k In Klahl. Receipts of live stock at the five prln 1 ial ne.-tern markets jeMerdav: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 3 & St. J oaf ph. 2 Ut) Kanaka City lnoi Ml. Louis 3. .Sou Chicago 17.M6I t . . Totals 3K.O4 loo 9 1 9 o. 26 U4 - ti.'.a-ti Victoria, the present holder of the Austra lasian record of 1 minute 56 seconds. These figures he set up couple of years ago, and It Is said that he Is much faster now. J. L. Haviea wlil be used In the hurdles nd the running broad Jump and la a first rate performer at both. I.aat year he mad a world's record for tha 440 yards high hurdle by running In 57",. seconds, and he can beat 1 seconds for the 120 yards high sticks. He has a record of 23 feet S Inches for the running broad Jump. Tha swim mers will be Beaure.iairo and Cecil Healy. The latter has Improved, so much of late that recently he failed by only a few aeo- J onds to lowvr 'he world's record for th nine. 1 h athletic ass-cm 1 ion of Victoria. New South Wsies, and New Zealand will 6. 1.0 1 contribute a fund to defray the expense 15 4); of the team. The addition to the Stock Tards Exchange offlc and executive building Is now open for the transaction of business. Henceforth will be loosed here, the shipping depart ment and th various railroad and govern ment .officials. The building, which " will have communication with th old office, will greatly help to relieve the congestion arising from the growth of business In the yards. It Is fitted up In the very best style for the dispatch of business and the con venience of the patrons of the yard. The basement will be used as a store room for records. The old offlc building will be solely devoted to th handling of the freight business, and will continue to be used s In the past by th taff of th general mana ger. The present year will witness extenslvj Improvement at the yards and In the vi cinity of the Exchange building, the exist ing brick pavement being replaced by concrete. The unsightly passageway be tween the Sto-k Yards National bank and the Exchange building will be removed and for It will be substituted a structure more In harmony with the architecture of th bank office. These are altogether aside from the work that will be carried out In the yards to bring them up to date and adapted to the requirements of the Increasing de mands of this great Industry. For the purpose of giving the people of South Omaha an opportunity of seeing for themselves the Improvements that hav been effected the Exchange will give a dancing and card party Friday evening, and visitor will have the sight-seeing varied with cards, a dance and refresh ment. t'ommlaslea and Coat. City Clerk Good having written to Des Moines for Information as to the cost of running the city under the commission form of government, as compared with the cost under the old regime, has received the following reply from City Auditor J. W. Hawk: "Th total expenditures of the city of Des Moines for the year, 1906. exclusive of park, library and library building funds, were f655,098.28. Population estimated, 76.000. The same expedlturea for 1909 wer f883. 704.21.. Population estimated, 86.000. The ex penditures In the park, library and library buildings funds for 1909 were f87,656.fl, mak ing a total for the year of f071,420.90. Prior to th commission form of government (1908) these three funds wer under separate boards and I hav no way of ascertaining what the expedlturea were so I deducted them In 1909 from the total In order to give you a correct comparison.' Our fiscal year does not end until March 31, 1911, so I can not give you the expenditures for 1910, but trust that 1909 will give you the comparison you wish." , t If ! School Debate. With prospects auspicious for success South Omaha High school this year again entera the field pf high school public ora tory. Friday- evening Its debating team will pit it elocutionary power and Intel lectual caliber against the team of Platti mouth High school and the proposition e lected. for debate Is: "Resolved, That the policy of maintaining the United at Its present strength, is preferable ti llife" policy of uhsrantlaUy' Increasing -It. South Omaha boys havc'.th affirmative side and the school will be represented by Edward Bratton, Wlnthrop Law and John Orchard. The debate takes place in the high school auditorium and the audience will be entertained by the capable school orchestra. .'.'.' ' . Floyd Atkinson bead.' Floyd Atkinson, the 12-year old son' of Mr. and Mrs. William Atkinson of 92C Mis souri avenue,- died In the South' Omaha hospital early this morning from the ef fects of Injuries sustained In an accident at Twenty-second and L streets last Thurs day afternoon. The lad and two other boys were driving In Atkinson's father's wagon when the horse became frightened and ran way. The Atkinson boy jumped out 'of the vehicle and losing Ills balance fell against the side walk, his head striking the curb. Although an operation was per formed to relteve the pressure on the brain It was unsuccessful and the boy never re gained consciousness. The body has been taken to Brewer's undertaking rooms. Fir Does : Uauiaue. Fir yesterday afternoon did damage to Die extent of f:M) at the dwelling of truest Boland. at Eighteenth and G streets. It bad Its origin in a defective flu and started between the roof and the ceiling. The kitchen and the east end. of the hous were burned out. Most of the furniture was saved, but Roland has sustained a loss of about fiOO. The cottage, which is owned by John Hill of Omaha, has suffered dam age to about 1200. Maabet Rail .aaaes. Two basket ball games are scheduled for the Young Men's Christian association gymnasium this evening. The high school freshmen team will meet the star flv of Walnut Hill and the Young Men' Chris tian association flv will have a tusscl with the squabs of the Omaha associa tion. Some Interesting play should bo witnessed and there Is sure to be a large attendance of the younger element of the city and a fair sprinkling of elderly base ball enthusiasts. Death of Mrs. Hoffman. Mrs. Maud Hoffman, wife of John Hoff man, and daughter of Frank FV Rowe. ' night chief at Armour's Packing house, ! died in St. Joseph's hospital this morning 1 following an operation which was necessl- I uld bv a long and Painful Illness. Th. I funeral will be held Friday morning at 8 o'clock from Mr. Rowe's residence, 1J2 North Twenty-fourth street, to Si. Bridget's church. Revi Father Callahan will officiate. The Interment will be in the German Cath olic cemetery. 'the office not Inter than tha evening of th !sr before their intended publication. The 1 .lies' Aid society of the First Pres byterian church will meet this afternoon with Mrs Joseph McKe. 2417 K street. 'Phone Hell South 8n4, Independent F-la fnr a case of Jettcr Gold Top. Prompt de livery to any part of city. William Jetter. St. Hilda's Guild of 8t. Martin's church will meet with Mrs. Stearns. 1610 North Twenty-third street, this evening at S 01 hick. Mr. and Mi. W. P. Corrlgsn were called yesterday to Plsttsmnuth on account of the drill h of Mrs. John Farrell, aunt of Mra. CoiTlgan. The following birth have been reimrted: Martin Morgenaon, 27705 Jackson street, bov; John Mvkov. elx, 1624 North Nineteenth street, boy. The Liberal Cluster of Antelope Mill will hold an Important meeting Thursday even ing at 8 o'clock at Stanek's hall. Twentieth and Q street. The Women's Home and Foreign Mis sionary society nf the First Preshvterian church will meet with Mra. C. M. Rich Thursday afternoon. Miss Arna Martin, stenographer In the city clerk's office, who underwent an opera tion for appendicitis. I making satisfactory progress towards recovery. The Leflcr South Fide AM society will he entertained to tea this afternoon by Mra. Bertha Hughe at her home on the Boule vard, Mrs. Swaney assisting. The WashlnKton birthday anniversary en tertainment of the young people of the First Presbyterian church will be given this evening In the lower auditorium of the new chiirch. NOTICE My wife, Clara V. Oborn, has left my support for the second time and I will not be responsible for any bills con tracted by her. G. A. Osborn. Th Swedlsh-Norweglan Republican club will meet this evening In Its hall. 2421 N street. As business of Importance Is to be transacted, a full attendance of members Is requested. The Retail Liquor Dealers' association held a meeting for organization yesterday afternoon In I'nxlcker's hall. Thl was th second meeting of the body which now he a membership of thirty-five. The funeral of Frank Neumann will be held Thursday morning from the residence, Forty-slxlh and U street, at 9 o'clm'k to St. Mary's church. The Interment will be In the German Catholic cemetery. Mayor Tralnor lias appointed Councllmen Frnnek, Miller and Tom Peterson as the committer to investigate the alleged taking of water from the city mains by means of suction pumps and electric valves. Senator Tanner announce that all per sons Interested In the proposed charter amendments, the school laws and senste file No. 141, which Is the ubtreasurv bill, will be given a heaving at the Lincoln hotel, Lincoln, thl evening. Two 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gedys. Twenty-eighth and H street, died yesterday morning. The funeral will b held this morning at 7:90 from the residence to 8t. Francis' church. Interment will be. In the German Catholic cemetery. Hannah O., the 2-year-old daughter of Carl Larson, Twenty-sixth and Harrison streets, died yesterday morning. The funeral will be held this morning from the resi dence. Rev. Dr. Wheeler officiating. The interment will be In Laurel Hill cemetery. The minstrel entertainment of the Sham rock club will be given In the high school auditorium on the evening of February 28. Rehearsals are being conducted every even ing of the chorus. There has been a special rehearsal with the forty piece orchestra and the illrector expressed himself highly pleaed with the result. Parker's I.eaane. SWIFT' A CO. 1st. Council Bluffs GRAND JURYJINISHES WORK Eleven Indictments Returned, with Five "No Bills." NOT ALL MEN UNDER ARREST Member of -lte-ath Mr ret 44as Taking Part in Kalrmenat Park' Hold aa Com In for Prose. ration. 1 Miller Wells" T I ...J fehepaidf Uvdctv 'Totals- Bnnnelb. . Beyers HUmpert Stern ..... Sherwood Totals . Hammond Merrlette Root McCord ... 1 homas . otal' Powell Burgess ...... Campbell ..... Stafford. ...... Tombrink .... 158 . ..180 138 no ....'.....184 7S0 CUvDAHYS 1st. ...... :..ik8 1.174 ......... .167 ,"...!... ..151. ' 159' ' ..........819 ', 2d. 8d. Total. 173 1 64 496 -. 157 - 42 135 146 " 419 1H0 111 411 IliO 173 517 787 m' 1,208 2d. Sd. Total. 1117 &j 671 158 - 163 4X5 143 154 4H4 141 126 . 418 1HI - 173 613 820 813 2 .511 Hie cheat of Ids Irnod II cl aitt Itn.i. : W. L. Dodson. Iiel-I ..- .irltles in connection with a cb tul I0.1 1 .:red fi-om A. A. Clark Co.. and William Ridewy. the rial 11. e of the i. ..- .. (Slnsl whom was not disclosed. the Attorney The grand Jury yesterday made Its final report and was discharged for th re mainder of the Ja-nuary term of the dis trict court. Eleven Indictment were re turned and five "no bills." A number of casts reached the grand Jury too. lat for complete Investigation. Including some cases wher the accused are under bonds to await th jury's action. Them will be Investigated at th March term. Foreman Shield said last evening that the Jury had put In ten days of work. Attorney W. H Ware, who ha been appointed assistant county attorney In place of Harvey Ouren. who refused to accept the position, had chief charge of the work of the Jury. Only five of the Indicted men ar under arrest, and tha other Indictments were not made public. Mert King and Gordon Bowers each drew two Indictments for the part they took In the Falrmount park holdups on th night of January 4. one each for robbery and the others for assault with Intent to commit robbery. Bond In each case was fixed at flOOO. Both of the men ar In Jail, but ..I n.i.. th Indictment against uowm fr ailly be quashed In accordance with ,m,ni made with County Capell, by which Bowers became the prin cipal witness for the state. ). was slg nlflcsnt that the Indictments were based on only one of the four cases of robbery committed by the same men oil the same evening. They are accused of holding up John W. Bock at the point of automatic pistols and robbing. Indictment may )t be returned In each of the Palmer on tk Mt. Joe Palmer, another one of th Sixteenth avenue gang of which Bower and King were star members, was Indicted for break ing Into a railway merchandise car . and stealing a lot of plunder. ' 1 The other Indictment made public Is against W. B. Smith, one "of th young clerks ccused of robbing the S. A. Fierce tt: Co. shoe store of a larg amount of th most expensive stock In the store, although the goods specified approximate only vf30. '.'No bills" were found In the cases of Dick Lyon, accused of cutting John Blck with a knife during a fight at th Boyd liquor house on South Main street, the evi dence indicating that both men were drunk; Albert and Emory Erwln, the two boy who attacked James Thompson and beat him with clubs for persecuting their, blind father; Mahlon Bethers, who was held for cutting a gash eleven Inches Jong across lavra N(. HOONKA steel silver In Ms great toe. driven tlvrre when he stubbed hi toe a Vvv ami. today chiisxi In, death 01 Wil liam Baker by blood poisoning. Raker was a blacksmith. IOWA CITY An. on aggy. Jr., Wan Killed accidentally while hunting on the Iowa river at Riverside. 111s g-in struck a seal in his boat, was discharged, and his l-ravn wer blown out. HlKiNK-Miss Verna AmoM or Mesanna nd t4. W. Woods of Boon wer untied In marrtsge here Monday afternoon ac th Methodist parsonage, .rtev. A. II. Latnrnp officiating. HUBBARD lr. Thomas Crosgrove. aged 78 and one of th oldest practioners of central Iowa, died at his home here todav of cancer of the face. He practiced for many years at Mount Pleasant. HAMPTON E. .1. ratlerson. a pioneer retail merchant of this -city, who has been In business her for forty yearn, died at his home here Monday of mu-alysia. He was 65. He leaves 021 e son and on daughter. YOUNG WOMAN SHOOTS DEPUTY Ikloaa-o ilrl Fall to Hit Original Taraet anil Mealals Arrest . by Officer. CHICAGO. Feb. 31. -Deputy Sheriff Ottn Ohewlch was shot and seriously Injured late today while arresting Anna Pearson. a young woman who had entered th Board of Assesi-s' c fflc In ih county . building and fired several shots at Cnaties W. Smith, an employ. When she saw sh had failed to wound Smith the young woman tan into an ad Joining office, waved the revolver about, and threatened to shoot anyon who fol lowed her. Ghewlch ran from th sheriff offlc on th eleventh floor, grappled with MIms Pearson, but arrested her only after she emptied th revolver. The girl said sh had accepted attention from Smith and had decided to shoot him when she had learned h was msnied. An Aatt Collision means many bad bruises, which Burklen'a Arnica Salve heftla nulckly. a It dcetsorri and burns. r.o. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Polo Prosie-eta Bright. NEW YORK, Feb. 22 Negotiation for an Anglo-American polo match this year, at first tipset by the necessity of many of the English players being in Loudon during coronation week, the latter part of June, came to a favorable head tonight by- the receipt of a cablegram saying the HurUngham team will be sent to play In June If its matches are completed ty June 10. aaSSSl W Bay frail Stocks and Bonds RobL C. Iroeiedow & 5S-B60 jrw Omaha Wat. Saak lar. Omalt, atabrcaka. J k.29 Totals...; : OMAHA. PACKING COMPANY, ... v.. 1st. ' J25 ...149. , , '. .131 - . :..M3 , ...181 2d. IWt 137 ' 127 ' 13 234 -3d. 'Total. 131 1S9 166 113 194 404 475 424 419 009 ! .i. ;..72 ., m. asm ARMOURS ' 1st. ..124 ,..132 ...1S1 ,'..167 ...164 .758 2d. 3d. Total. 142 167 433 1S5- 160 427 141 171 4H3 165 ' 169 . . 501 101 . 153 468 744 820" 1322 O'Grady Disappears : From Edgemont, S. D. Lead Youth Charged with Attempting to Blow Up Homestake Mill Forfeits Bond. EDGEMONT. S. D.. Feb. 32 -It became known today that William W. O'Orady, the. Lead youth who was to lie tried here next, month for an alleged attempt to destroy on of the Homestak mill last April with "Pettlbone dope" has disap peared. O'Grady, who wa recently ex tradited from a Chicago Jail, was out on fl.600 bail. The charges against him ar highly sensational. EXPLOSION AT MANAGUA PLOT OF ZELAYA LIBERALS Fifty Arrest Made In Connection with Recent Destruction of . Arsenal. WASHINGTON, Feb. 22-Th fact that the Investigation of tho arsenaj explosion t Managua, Nicaragua, on February 13 showed that the fire was a plot of the Zelaya1 liberals was reported to the Stat department today in a telegram from American Consul Moffatt at Managua. Severe punishment. Mr. Moffatt said, was proposed for the leader directly Implicated and fifty arrests have been made. The treatment of the situation by President Eidrada has completely restored confidence. E3 You Gxn Live in the Middle Ages feet the Sixteenth Century through and through, as you' wander among the bastions of the old Spanish forts of Florida, and Took up at the watch towers on the aged city walls of America's oldest city, St. Augustine. Vou can revel in the war scenes of four centuries, see relics of the old religious strongholds, where Castillian monks de fended their picturesque rnonast ries against the attacks of stalwart Serninoles. Not far off are the scenes of our own Spanish War Key West, Havana and Cuba. Excursion Fares to Florida Via Frisco Lines. These reduced round trip fares are now in effect via Frisco Lines from Kansas City daily, tickets being good to return at any time up to June 1, lam Jacksonville. West Palm Beach. . Tampa Nt. Augustine Palatka Barstow 4S S 44 40 Nil 44 00 44 SO S.S0 Banford Orala... Miami St. Petersburg. , Deland ... 844 8 . .. 44 1 ... 44 4 ... Mil ... 44 4 Homeaeekars' ticket ar also on sate th first and third Tues days of each month at rts&iced fare. The Southeastern Limited leaves Kansas City nt 8:15 P.. M. daily; one day and two nights of rapid travel brings you to Jacksonville th second morn ing. The newest electric lighted steam heated drawing room Pullmans; perfectly equipped observaiioa-liiirary cars. Delicious Fred Harvey meals. Let me send you the beautiful Frisco loo booklets and tell you about Florida and Cuba. J. C. L0VIE1N, . D ivisaoa aS44f4r aftal FRISCO LINES Jsatlisa Bail.isf, kUani City, Me. Ttltsk 5.5i4i 1 1 22. OKI 38 VO l.4Mal Seearit!. Quotations fui nit hed by Burns. t:rlnkr A Co. 44 New Omaha National bank building: Avery l'g ato" Ai:anl. Cl. Uai Co da. IIMV H.alr(.-a ti'amer Co., pI4 ill. tuna aiivk. Omaha 1 urn K.l:aTis bank aloe k. oniaka .. ii,i.a1 v'.t at 1 a pro 1 !aaur lu 4 (ar tai.r.. o.vat W atrii Sugar Co. I c. p:i.. Hl.fct Cutlar f 7 p. t. ta. CllI.. It-aa 4a. aarraula. 4 r cant K I.,, 4"M . K- A L'. (Id Kaaraaaa Co. warranta, 4 ear aat Omasa -,HBrr Cm 4a. U4 Oavaa Gaa 6a 142,1 Bid. 44 6- tl V lit llt'a t'a J 7 tit (a I 1 I in i a- H f 7 71 M-4 Pa) t a I t 4 KERN DOES NOT MEET BRYAN Indiana Democrat Kind It Impossible lo Com to l.onlsvtllcWII Visit Commoner at l.lneoln. LOUISVILLE. Ky.. Feb. 22.Willlam Jennings Bryan and United States Senator-elect Kern of Indiana did not hold tha conference here trday which they bad ar- Friday evening rangea. Mr. tvnn rinding It Impossible to The .German Cecilian club will gv. com to lulvlll. ,r,S(. inasoiirrade ball rialurdav nixln Mr. Bryan said they would meet in Ijn coln. Neb., when Mr. Kern will b his guest. Mr. Bryan denied this meeting woui hav any p otitic.! tlgnlQcaao. Tata II eM for Stabblna. Of the six men arrested In connection with the stabbing of Thomas Pllus. at j Thirty-fourth and V streets Sunday nifc'ht, j two are held on suspicion of being the principals in the affray, Felix Petsacony. arrested by Captain Dworak and Detective I McGulre. and Anthony Ualkua, arrested by Detective Zaloudek. The police claim that some women who wer witnesses of the ' cutting say that these two Jna.l th at- ) tack upon the injured man. Plius. who, told the story that he was stabbed Just ss he earn out of his home, baa declined : to give the names of his assailants. The sftalr waa a sequel to a christening of a child of Pllus. , Magic I lly Uoaalp. jCoal See Howland. 'Phone South 7. j Tburaday will be Shamrock n.g.-)t at the j Laglea baxar. The city office are cloned today, the an- t clvrrraiy of Washington s birtnday. Th young women of ft. Agnes' church .' will give a card paity In ths Maaoniu hail This is Home Day. Buy your home. You can get a bargain today. the Workman temple. Nausturtiiim camp, No. 1747, Royal Neigh bors of America, will gie a social inl, awning tn the Woodmen bail. Item fur Hits column should b left at See the list prepared by dealers for you. You will feel more independent when living In your own borne. You will take more pleasure in making the place look beautiful. It Is the one place you really can call home. You can't call a rented bouse your borne. If you are now paying rent It Is time for you to get your own home. Buy on the easy term plan a few hundred dollars down; pay the balance like rent. In a short time the home Is paid for and you have not missed the money. In today's Bee there will be many choice home bargains advertised for sale on easy terras. Own your own horn) do It aow. TO i ;1 ;ri it-. iafifififlfi