the m:r.: omaiia. wkuxkspay. tt.p.ktwrv 22. irit. .1 A !i i - !! J1 .i" -5t 1! a Nebraska Nebraska EILL TO ABOLISH LORDS' YETO House Committee Will Report Subsidy Billi'i i-U-tll ..f .I1-1 '.! LINCOLN NOT AFTER SCHOOL Airship Company rormed at Fairbury Measure of British Ministry Intro diced in House of Common. BEGESXKG OF SIST02XC but j Commercial Club Ad-)? Rc;olationj ri to Medical College. EOT TYEG TO SECTxLE IT s tin a f W. C t fcUad r. mm aaalldate far rirliraia Mra mrl viae -lea Mayar l.rr fr Rfmlailla ! Local Corporation Buys Curtisi Bi plane to Tett Stability of D-yice InTentd uy A. T. Hill. rralMn t at HI KaMIe fa Makr Nalnl ir la ikf law- rai:.-s i f fr--s-nt , -r a:"---t r.Mwi if t-e i-.--..n .1 I 'M at Manias at tie 11 -'a- u,n Th ames up in court 1h laTT-r part of nh sni In th- m--iittn- no sa'iwns ha.e f' 'KT l.i;K-M I'.l'rv f..r;7i. r i.t ! ''f "ill of lb- si. a m .,n ni the I :nt a c "I eat v-.;Tn. w :i. tl'i:; he roa. 10 toos af' rri-ate Irt-r-s . ' t I e ban luet-d -,rj. .-.a n rh rt the Wan bot1 h )" trairm-n una station ravn. .VKTON-F'-irt . ls h-,r.t d ra- t siih ,lv Mil shk-h alieady has prised t Via? ' cominut.ii Kt-n to s w-w-m pp-i. in amaw j juial. ass ordered favorably reported to ! Measure Will Go In Monday, nGHT ' There i Little Chance of Its Passing. WASHINGTON". Feh. II. -The oofin ma.l I- 'Vt-V. Feb. ' :i FAir.PrnT. N-b i. :i.-.Sf vai. Fa;rbury has th distinction of havlr; an ax-ship corn;any and tie people of this city will soon be farored atth exhibitions. t tarn of Ore This la the r-ault of a movement on the fart of Frank tv. Ellsworth, who fa a loco motive fireman. A. T. Mill and severa.1 ether, who have oraanized a romiwny. ; I "Jnn tbm la.t mintf-r Ma-:. KlNworth and H!.'1 havr ba-a-n buiMloa; an a r.hin on fa .lure (From a Staff CorrwponJent.) LIN'COLN. Tb. Z1- iSiwlnl . V To con-r1n- tba poopic of th! ptrft that I.lrvroln toa not want xhv mrl)- al a- hol whk h l) ow mlnlalr.-l by tue rntv-r"it- of Ne- biaska at trnuM th- i.jn'f.n ommr. uai j t)l. buan). trpe b, lt p,.,. a cl)b ad.-tH rrao:iina I art aa a bet-aus- the not..r wa too a.-nai!. a!t-!almrr The r-.luilooa were ai ful- j Th, . rini,y da--tded to !.orcha a Curtiss ,0 ! trian from .Kt. I-O'iia and hare ordered Whereas A report has oeen circulated ; that the rity of Lincoln desire to w-ure t imi Tr Uyn i-f the rwrk o ftue me1iai : college nf tiie ('nlvertilty of N-braaHa nuw 'and spend a cojple of weeks learning to rv"i i" Omaha, and (rltuiwm has been j oi-eraie t uiivs bic'ai.r. He men ti'"1lr'Vni th" '"r n ,"' "l-nt of ,h"ibrin the machine to Fairbury. Mr. Ells-P.eaK-.v-d. Tsat tha Uncoln rmnmerrfal ! worth haa had om experience In th avia- LKib. thrx'Uh i' bcurd of dire tors, h-rey i th n disclaims any dniri whatever tj secure f r j Lincoln any portion of the work now teiven i la Omaha or ti mharras In any way the j rea-nts or n university m carrtnT out to some remark of Rv M. Tibbtta on Tne government h'll ! y b lb ,," crmm:ttee on poMoffli-e tJM,, ,,,,,, M-i-o.i.n ciiun-o. ur.a a to ihei;1 the veto of the ITotise of , a vote of , to . I Tack-d f oit at B mot every service. rri. if th- aocerrmen- I- ble to It as amended so as to om t t-n..twc.fie , -", n"n,in! arswer t-e com- r rnn- 51 ,n- e' rerr,-rjen. i soie io i mmicat-oii at the op" hnuw next !at- ra lt a It stands priTi:a to acnpUrt j ne-. makirLg It apply only to Soul t j ur.y ffr,- nock te larneiy a h alori.- chpnee tn the rarhamen-arv -vau merr-a. ' .n io- aj orewerv. mai n in Br'talt. wa in?ro'uced In Even with tho narrow rrarsin for the the Hons of I'mhm to.'av -v Pnir'ar Messrs. Lowden X I.IImrf and IWN Asnuith. t Michigan reserved th right to vote No one professes t:"see the oi:t.-orr- of ins ! rmet It on the Toor of the house. Mad r n'ltui)onal battle If tt.e liberals have j t rot been for the rotrs of the two mem anv tl.o'ig'i; of c-t mi romie the.- nre Uep-j ets named the bill could not have batei inc thflr intentions to th-rpsM -es and the I reroriad at all. as the democratic mem- full one. which wli; be here In April. Mr. Kiisworth wiil go to St. lxvns Iarch i; gr-s:et crtroversy Vnon In this eountr for several generaiions b-gan with both siiies ai-rar-ntty detei-mined not to vieid except to superior force A f ill house faced Mr. Asnuith when he the l.-ret is artvuscl and there 1 be hou tKN"I"V hi Sslmlay the Northmert ern train brought here an liallan emirant umai wno came dire-t from New iork f'er lak.-ata w mnrked lienison. O.. hut !he wan tirkete.1 to Ien'on. ia. As there tare no Ita isns at present here, there vu j inu,h trouble in c-ttin from h-r anv tn t n ir.ainm. The authorities at Kills island foM of Wisconsin vred with th-nv . i of r,,:,7t iVmson. O OU.n. toVk mu", Ths bill will not be reported until Mora- j In-ereM In the esse and stood ready to da. so there will he 'Ittle opportunity f ir I he p her financially. Her friends wers lo- aiea ax. ienison. - . an-i sne was sent mere hers stood soiidly against It. and Mr. j-'t. bouse to act on It. As the senais plana for medical education whli h the mn regard aa best fjr the stats aa a atioJa. Sew taaallalatea Appear. yv. E. Inland has appesrtd in the city campaign fight for a -nomination as ti rlAeaniain. His friends are circulating a pe tltiTTi for him. n . K Klraba-'I is also men tioned as a (Itinoi ratic aspirant for the board. 8everaJ petitions are now tn circu lation for Viayor Lovs aa a car.JMate for ranoreloatlon. and in spite of the fact tht t ttia meetmg set for last night su not held sn4 no agreement has boan formally en Vared Into by his friends he la getting strong and enttiualiuiUc support. Alfalfa Show Spends Day in Valentine Thousand Persona See Exhibit Which Waa at OrntLa. Land Show Hear Lecture by Prof. Hunt. VALENTINE. Neb.. Feb. 2L Special.) Ths Alfa fa show waa held bers Mon day in ths large machine aheda. of the Valentin lumbar yards, tn which there waat plenty of room in which to display th sxhibit aa well as accommodate the lau-ga crowd that cam to sea it. In the moon aa Interesting lecture waa given Prof. Hunt of fyracuee. Neb. on the r.-!d. ba"in: ridden In one of the biplanes In the Omaha a.tation m-et last July. Mr. Hill has invented a new device for an airship which is termed an automatic stability device. Ths opan-ator sits in a basket, which ia on a pendulum.- the pen dulum is attached to the wings and In rose to make th customary explanation on th Introduction of a measure of such mo ment. (ssstrr Bealad rreaaler. The premier at one let the opposition know that he flt th country a as behind him and therefore did not hesitate to rein troduce th bill without change from last year. Tli measure, h said, had gone be fore the electorate at th recent elections and had been endorsed b" th return of Its supporters to th House of Commons. passed It only by a tie vote and the nous commute amendments would necessitate a conference, th who! subject 1a expevted to die with this congress. lews es Sstea. IOWA CITY An on asgv. Jr . wjr kiiied accidentally stilt hunting on the loaa river at Riverside. Ilia gun atriK-k a seat in his boat, was discharged, and his brains were blown out. TANKTON Mrs. Mary Tyler, mother of U. U. Tyler of this city. ha a broken hip. i yier the result of a fall on ice. Mrs. 1 yier Is Mr. Asquith declared that when th lords has years of age and the accident Is for today. FORT PnpOFFo-i Podge. MarhaJl town and Waterloo High schools will par ticipate In a triang-alar debate the n ght of March i Fort I-otise going ti Marsiall town and Waterloo coming h-r. Mar phalli own g-s to Waterloo. Judges have just been selected. At Fort Todge. wher this city will d-hate the affl-majve. th Ji;rige will be Harvev Ingham of Ies Moines Q W. Walters, professor at the S'ate Normal school, and J H. McCono loanie fo-mer mavor of Mason City. At Marshalltown Judges will be Charles u. Aii'ttn of Grinnell. C J. Wonser. the Tarra editor and N. J. Voban. district rn-y at Vinton. Have you taken ad vantage of our great HALF PRICE TROUSER SALE? If not don't jmt it off too Ions. Sueli bargnins nre fountl nowhere e!e and even at this store-will not continue iinlefiuately. (hir entire line of medium and havy l. : i I, j y f , v'IUIll Hi nil M.t iiim v'n.'i- uuiuu"i. 'l 's our oHirtunity (rai it. 03 to 012 Trousers for -tSK-N Ja . I ' ; k' .: I 1 r, aska a. a -.-w u . j . 11J -TTi iv7't i we, Th? Home of Quality Clothes ess, th ship tips either way the weight ; r,,,rt,d ,h. Kudg-t of V they committed I her a most serious one of the body will pull on th wings, making ui-. -,,m ..e tfc.i HVBBARD-Dr. Thomas Crosgrove. aged it impossibl for the airship to rapstae In the ajr. Mr. Hill thinks this d-vlc will eliminate a gr-at deal of danger make aviation lesa hazardous. 7 ' 1 . :Z, T ! one t h oldest practioners of' iv me n.o-i K-j..t central lewa. died at his horn here today blindness ever Deroet rated. , oi cancer of hf face. Me practiced tor Dd ' -It la asserted.- continued Mr. Aq jith. majiy years at Mount Pleasant. that the government s proposal will have ', IOWA CITT-Vlc Presid-nt Frank Tan - m . ,. . , i ner of the Iowa Citv Sl Ottumsa Inter- the effect of enabling a sing!, despotic ; urb.n' r.!,,,... company, announce, the chamber to rid rough shod ovr the '.ec- ale of a K'X".!" bond Issue in London. assuring the bulWlng of th road. ames Pratt, sired raraak.a Tiewt es. riipvriv-T vv- u . w . fomieriv operator at Hurlineton der-,t i Uiat and th government Is charged with Fairmont, died at a o'clock Monday after- enthroning, under th subtl dlsruis of! MARSHALLTOW nooa of tuberculosis. i . t a i SB. of La Motile, an pr,TP,rr p, . .... , . . " l man. was run down and killed by an engine th. I Ln rctrt? 1 SZ in .ch"rR nthra!I and set at naught th very spirit Hhl,. workir.g on a freight train in the t lVT wJJ: "" Such a ri.w Is on. of th company's yard, at Orirnell last night. in a serious condition. , most unsubstantial nightmares that ever BEATRICE Mrs. Magdalen Penner. a 'Heeled th Imagination " wir f Johannes Penn-r. living near Host this cotnty. died sninday morning, aged ti years. Sne leaves a husband and four chil dren. KEARNET Superintendent H. E. Brad ford, of th Kearney schools, haa gone to Mnbita. Ala., to attend a meeting of th principals department of th National Edu cational assoclauon- KEARNET Th contra ting firm of Scoit brothers of this city has beam dis solved, one of th partners having moved to a Pacific coast state. This was th old est contracting firm in th city, having been organised in lkTo. KEARNET Th business men of Kear ney mijl hold a Bargain day on March a tho second of a series they intend holding io stimulate noma trade Alt th mercn ntl h l' ' ttnmm a ' . ....... way to grow th alfalfa, aa well a ; r-dunion m .nls of n n. ahowuxg th profitabi aid of th Industry, prosrlrig that It a a on of the most profit abi crops a farmer could rais. as some farmara havs re a. Lxed aa much aa fTl per mar a alfalfa. This exhibit is exactly th asm aa waa ahown ia Omaha two weeks ags at th land show. This town was th only atop between Buffalo Gap and Morfola. On of lha cziiiblu showed th voluUoa of corn from th arllet tagea sp till its prawent conditio. William Jaunea of Liorcii ester. Neb-, waa la charge of th xnlblt. b and hi father balng th atiglaators and daslgners of thla axalbtt aa It Ls. It showed th gov erament atatistica on alfalfa as f al io ws : That, la 2K thara was acre gr-iwa and A touBal a poor sal aa M per too, and La ISO thsrs war Cwtn.000 acre grown and sold at Sai per ton. a. so tat 1310 tfaer wer atnt,0aa acrs grown and It found a raady sal at S per too. showing th i craas Ln produotioai as wall as domaad. It Is aTtimatd that elo to 1, 00 paopl saw th aahlblt ia ' spit f a cold day, which kepi major . of th termers away. Th alga school was dismissed tn th afl rnooa o all th cbildrea sad a shaao to sea th sbow. fhuibi ur, l riAm SLiiVICt atstsalissi Aiwa at .s arth waetera Ola Uk a i4m mm Orawated alLaek Hllia NXUGH. Nh.. Feb. 2L 5pcial.) Aa lnjunctlesi has been secured by M T. Har ringtoa of O'Neill against th Chicago aV Northwestern Railway company taking off Paseenatex No. I which runs cast from Long Pine to Omaha la th afternoon and snakes th return trip hi th lata after noon and sveniog. Just ahead of th Black Uiiis passenger. Ths propo of th com pasy waa to lt It rua to Norfolk, hut bo farther west. Th railway conuulasaoa on appUcatioa grantad permission to th railway company, but without giving th people west of Norfolk a chance to plead their caa . A petition was circulated several days ago among the citisen of this place pro- icwini auexinsi in new oraer aad was seat to th railway commission. (Similar a-Uon waa taken by othor loans along .h Una Th train tn questioa ia n of th most convenient from th standpoint of mall s-rsic on the rrad. If? H the ma!! re- lved the night befor caa be answered j and mailed into Omaha or eastern points i -ha asm day. Th passenger going west ' 'a th evenit g ran hardly h dispensed , aita bar a use It would lead to a crowding . f th Black Hills train in th same: siaaiaer as a few )eara ago when stand-; tug room a as hard), to b secured. r AIRiJURT Sunday waa Rovk Island pay day In Fairbury and th company dis tributed about i&,t to Its fiutt employes at this piai-e. Owing- to th Impaired condi tion of business, th Fairbury checks wer not as large as in previous months. BEATRICE Th republican city central eommltt- met last evening and fixed March 1 as th data for th republican primary. Already there are a number of candidate in th field for th various cirv offlces and there'll he. more to follow te for th tun for filing petitions. Msrch 1". wlil haw expired. KEARNEY Tom McMahon. a workman for th Union Pacific railroed. was caught by th boom of th derrick used at tha new coal chutes for hob-ting structural steel and his legs wer badly lacerated. He was taken, to the I nion Pacific hosDILal - at Orand Jsland for- treatmant. ' He Is - a Kearney boy. and haa beam in th amoloy of th I'nlon Pacific for th last sis years. FAIRBVRT Ther Is a diversity of ooln- lon among th farmers as to th effect the cold speil and runs anil have on th win ter wheat. Lncouraging reports wer brought in last week regarding the winter wheat, but th frees of Sunday has put th matter ln a different light. The wheat acreage is fully up to th average of other years and with th mild weather prevailing in last month and th recent rains ha put th crop ln fin condition, with th exception of th frees. Jefferson county farmers ars anxiously awaiting devolop menu. BEATRICE A larg number f rttisen met last evening in th Commercial club rooms to hesr th report of Manager Capps of the Beatrice Electric company, who ex plained th reason for th increase In rates recently made by th company. He stated that th rate charged compared favorably with, those of other cities; that th com pany had not been self-sustaining for years and that th chant; was made to remedy this difficulty. A oommitte will probably be appointed to make a more thorough in vestigation and an expert electrician may be employed to aasist in th work. Medal Presented Taft is Fourteen-Karat Gold Committee of Trainmen LiTettijrite Seport About Souvenir Given President WORCESTER, Masa. Ten. a.-'Four-teen-karat gold and without, th taint of prison labor," ls the verdict In th case of th much-discussed medal presented to tlon. Sine th presentation lt had been cbsSged that the medal waa of bras and that th ngraving had been don by a prisoner in th Worcester county Jail. An Investiga tion was beg .in by the Worcester commit tee of th trainmen and President Taft al lowed th investigators to us th medal In their work. Th medal will now be returned t th president. NEW LABOR , LAW IN WYO K N G Statate rroaieita Kaaplay aaea t af sVasaen far Marc Than Eight Hasra Dally. CHEYENNE. Wro, Feb. M (Special. Among th more Important pieces of legis lation enacted during tha closing hours 1-av Crtppaa Caaaas Strain and weaken th system aad If not checked may develop lot pnammonla. N danger of this when Foley's Hon? aad Tar Is taken promptly. It as a reliable family madkJa for all coughs and coida. aad acts auickly and affectively La rasas af croup. Kafos suswUtutaa. Sold by ail aruggista. saestla Win t nasastaauhlp. IOWA CITT. Ia., Feb. 2L ..Special The Muscatin High school basket ball team won t)i stat tnterscholasiic championship by defeating th Iowa Ctty High school on th former's floor Monday night. to 11 Th Bom team outclassed th visitors. FORT PODGE R- C. Com bearo of Cedar ; Rapids haa accepted th position of assis tant aecretarx of the new 7.t"3 Young Men's Christian association In this city. Mr. Conybearc ia a Co college graduate. HAMPTON K. 8. Patterson, a pioneer retail merchant of this city, a ho has been In business her for forty years, died st . his horn here Monday of paralysia He was H. Ho leaves on son and mis daugh- ter. J FORT DODGE C. W. Tost has seen elected president and Miss Ultle Goetz treasurer of th Fort Dodge district of th Young People alliance of the German i Evangelical church, which Just closed a : big annual convention at Mmervey. Both , ars Fort LKtdge workers. MITCHELL The postoffice fight in this ' ctty has begun. W. A. Branch, editor of the Clarion, a progressive republican or- Tsft l..t toril hv th. tr.inm-o ! is circulating his petition to oust ... ' James E. Welia who was placed there by ', of America, when the president was thtne progressive element thre years ago. i chief guest "slier at th trainmen's oonven-' His term does not expire until early In WiZ. ' II i Dr . x.- t. e-e.u . . t . . . . 1 I of th Interstate Firemen's assoctailon is j to be held here June 21 and IU. under the auspices of the Harlan fire department. Beven hundred dollars in purses will he hung tip for the speed events Probably ten or a doves cities will send teams u corn pet - HARRI.BCRO The recently organised sthletic club has adopted a constitution and by-laws, and elected th following offi cers: President. R E. Clean : vice presi dent. Even Evenson: secretary. H. c. Kehm; treasurer. O. P. Dodge. The tewn hall has been leased f r one year and will be th home of the club. FORT DODGE t'onductor J. B- Crabtro of the Chicago Great Western escaped hor ribl death, bat lost th toes of on foot hen he slipped on an ic-y car step and fell I ander his moving train. His clothing cs ugh t on th wheel trucks and he wast dragged fifteen or twenty yartls. It is hoped amputation of the foot will not be I necessary . j MrTCH ELL Manager Wheeler of the J of th. eleventh stat. legislature was -a. I fsrWVSJ. The regulating the hours of labor of females ln laundries, restaurants, mills, shops and factories and providing a penalty for their employment for a period ln excess of aught hours per dsy. Ths law does sot apply to domestic. Th laundry proprietors of th stat will probably fight th law to a finish, lt being held that same is clsas legislation. If nut unconstitutional. Ther are fourteen laundries ln the stat. with aa lnvast-4 capital of nearly a half mUUoa dollars, aad employing nearly 300 hands, la all probability th laundries will refus to comply, and thos responsible for the bill will probably institute suit to test th validity of the law. It Is barely poaaibls that Governor Carey may veto th bill. be shipped to Mukden. Manchuria. seeds are for the exDeriment station of tha Japan- government at Mukden, and which I Is in charge of E. C. Parker, a young man j who Is a graduate of the state agricultural ' roJeg at Brookings. j is IOUX FOLL3 Th recent attempted ' hoidup at Winner, when men named Peter I Klo-k and Elia Place attempted to rob 1 . . trwvi and a companion, both home steaders from Tripp county, has had a sen sational and tragic sequel. Peter Klock. one of the accused, han ended his life bv cutting his throat. Th deed was com mitted in his shack at Winner. DENI80N The anti-saloon people of Manilla, hav not given up their fight to keep saloons ut of that town. They have mad an appeal to th district court from th action of th board of supervisors in Doming the consent petitoos aa good. Th i YOU CAN SHOP TO YOUR ADVAMT AGE BY MM "BOM- Vara Him Stassaad Biar, Mt4 a tck rob, OaatJaanaa'S Ool4 sack (warranted so years). ' Sol Watea. auls Diamond gcaarf Pia. onr on exxcx ok sairT acczttxd oar aar on iajto. Brlaf Tsar Credit Awaids. Ha a af au. tmraa r Drafts. Iras Sills. Plan Bands, raaA STrlna. stau, etc., Issn y aay IMaas company, aaywhara, rayarilaai f datixor. w wnll aOsw yon full tsJ"- p Sa tl 50.00 a any purckas of AHY HEW PIANO ! OUR inr.lEHSE STOCK Frr rra pa newly n f I fl I O T fll" w LuLL bilulbb ur s Ctr AU FIS55S C'EATIT CEC'JSED S59 to $125 Csl frcn Cur RtjtUr Pri:t W allow yon fall va!u up t $1(0 for yonr check on th pur-has of any New Piano at th REDUCED PRICKS, and glv you beside s "hole of a Genuine Diamond Ring. Lady's Gold Watcn. Gentleman's Gold Watch (warraataad 1 ) ears i. Gold Wau-h Fob. Genuln Diamond tvearf Pin. If you hav no awards or chcks. corns aryhow. Yon get ths Jewelry Just th earn If you buy a Plan. 5I.C0 VeeMy Payr.crJs Acccplcd cn Any cf ih Fclianiag Bargains! ' 1 rm a inn in., Ii i - - ,V ) a) 0257.00 Aad your manufar tsrer'g draft for this Player PS aasx ReraUr price S3G5 UGED PIANOS I And your manufactur er's draft for this beau tiful 500 PIANO. 0118; SCIK..OLLER a MUELLER PIANO COr.lP'Y Aad your mannfac- rer's draft for his NEW Pia a. Remlar Prtc S40O. Gsarajtteaed for 15 yesrs. Tear aSaanfaanrarsr's Xraf will a avkaa aa part paymant n any tkass piaaoa. Tries av iiaa g-i aatiy radaosd. ntock lndndas sswwy. Bar hoaa. Wr. Birtaaa. atsaba. Wkaalsek. aan. rkatl, XisiaaiL tThtckamac aad aaaay tara. Balaaos caa k paid la salt raiusTi. 1311-1313 KAKNAM 8T. tsl Boar, laaai us. av-iaaa. K Record of SI 1 caan Honest FsPatilnr la tie GsLaraataw Tbat Btaada Back of Etrery Salo. 4 FATAL HAND TO HAND FIGHT Jeaa-pfc Pltrker Attacks WIIHans stil ler, Saaa Ho rsssd Walklan with Wife, and U Killed. ! SEATTUE, ai.. Feb. B. William Mil-! ler. aged s years, killed Joph Pitcher ! yesterday ia a hand to hand fight near j Enumclaw. Miller. Mrs. Millar and Mrs. j Pitcher wer walking in th country yes terday when Pitcher appeared from ambush i and attacked Miller. Miller In turn felled ' Pitcher and then beat out his brains with a j tton. I vp Si ECU Of IMIKtHliL It UooL KaMLraey t lob lateuigalra t all far larger pr-arillea. KEARNEY. Neb, Feb. TL (Special ) A omniittre cf three Imsincss suea from tli Kearney f omina-rciaj club, W. J. tt, r.. A. 1. liriiliae and W. 1 1. Roe. aa recently ai-pp!ntrd to Invest. wale the NaJfi of Mjvennt-r.dcnt C. B. VaniKl -.rat the etate Industrial hool n-ded a largsr appropriation for the nevt bi-en-au.-n. Th cuinnutte H.rwtt a day at th liie urn Ion. bdt w-r not contuu-rd suf-flr:-ntiy to mak any report to th C,,m men:laJ cljb. and so hae srrur-d a com petent contractor of this city to maks an aaiisoat of a:t ne, r,-y repairs or ad JitMas to the s-hool. and ui..n b.s a-su-u.aie a report a til be based. This re.rt wul U nutde to th Commercial ciub and ret oinmradatioa or aciKn aiu prob- uay result- Jadsaarat far lasaraare. BROKEN HUW. Nt h.. Feb. :i - u.1 .) la couuty court rsterda) Jj,ls Hol comb nndeied a av, i-K.n in fa'.or of Dr iieo'g Bathi..m t.f n,i p ( e. ho eea trymg to co .ect f. iin.ran. r the .Vorthavsiein Tne ard Mar urne i,ni,ac). A store belon r i-aitnolomea and li as destroy ai h-. r 4 e-i-en.o-r a d ;t a, nis ci'm on the i, ,.,, n.Js ihat ti.e byilj ' a., not atii tii ,, ,rW ,o .'io.l-..-e .tiu...,e ,d iiu rt(r.t but the I't o4.d n..t It and rvn.i.r-d a .1 t-r tne ,.,ni - , "f ' ins. e. n ng tu urvd for l...aj e al P.eyan lai mean, haa be-a figtit- of lam-i...t.Hal,,ns a ' 1 r i:-,,, il(H U BV aV4aruaa. t ioMie-- sai.aa 1- owal A Better - Than - Usual" Breakfast rm vvltli Cream. f ! ' ? 1ffmji. ,.e "v. it) IV i-5 ,i - " . ii aataarsaa : "Stum r- ---a s. v 4 "The I'leraory Lingers" Pcatam Cereal Company, Ltd, Bittl Creek. Mich. EIS V7FI Feb. 27m 9 n1 b) sj (I u n A A LO)(Sli Ever Seld By Any S tore Anywhere A Tremendous Cash Purchase Including Entire Surplus brock oi A Well Knovn Eastern Tianufacturer Every Rug rou buy here next Monday means an actual saving in dollars to you. SEE OUR 17 GREAT WINDOW DISPLAYS This was the greatest as well as the most fortunate purchase of Rugs ever made by a western store. The stock is tremendous. A Few of the .Yonderlnl Bargains .J.9LS n5 $20 Room Size Brussels, Aiminster and Velvet Kug'?, go at $'X Axminster Rug, 9x12 fize, new fatterns, will go at Highest quality 9x12 Seamless Wil ton Rug, worth up to s-To each. at. Ultra large t-ize Rugs of extremely high quality at special prices. Entire Stcck cn Sale NEXT MONDAY Third Floor 29L3 IT.lilr"0 I U I n 1 a 1 I Ji a 1 Li I St"vgf, A Few of the Wc-derlal Baroains Room Size Brussels Rugs that are 5A?3 f la ana f IS quality, go at , Axminter Rugs, 27xGO-inch size, worth up to $3.50, at j.., Reversible Bath Rug?, worth up to $.5.50, will go at Reversible Bath Rugs, worth up to 2.C0, will go at , Madeup Rugs, from cut rolU of carpet, at half pries. ;.6'J J159 " 90c 79c IT?