Tin: omaiia. tiksday. n:r,ia;Ai;v 21. r.ui. r Mirl for Ma effort lo set t'.iem a, re lu rotary. t.ovrraar Aaprevrs Bills. Govern. r Aldrh h sent word to the leals latin todiy that ha had approved the fol lowing nifiiurn: II. It 1. by Bushe of Klnihell. appropri ating il.&oo for the finishing of the south wrst baxoinent room In th stste capital building for the use of the staia normal educational board. H. It. Ill, by iiaxnet of Buffalo, appropri ating money In the library fund of the Kearney normal for th purchase of book a for the llhrar. F'.mernenoy clause. tf. II. 70, by Iwrt of N'niaha. appropri ating the matriculation and other fees of toe Peru normal for the purchase of hooka and library supplies, tmergenry clause. 11. II. ;. by Oark of Cherry and Kent of Nherldan, provides that the matricula tion fee of the t.'hadron normal shall go Into library fund for that school. H. II. by Hartels of Wayne, provldea that matriculation fees of the Wayne nor mal K-hool shall be need aa a library fund an at the other schools. The republican of the houee are In caueua this evening at the Uncoln hotel to decide on aome' action regarding th Bcheele-Wertman contest from the Twenty-ninth representative district. A Joint reaolutlon Introduced In th sen ate y Morton of Douglas M adopted aakln gthe governor to appoint commit tee of five distinguished veterans of th civil war to arrange for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the battl of (lettysburg. The reaolutlon waa requested by General Manderson. who wii Informed from Washington of the appointment of a almllar congreaalonal committee which 1 lo confer with committee appointed by ail the state. EW BII.M BKFORE I. EG1 L ATI H K Lea llaa Measar Ikantliig Peaalty fr Mala af Llejaor to Indiana. LINCOLN, Neb. Feb. .-8peclal Tele gram. )Th following bill wer introduced In th senate today: S. F. . by Kemp Cut notary fee for taking oath or affirmation to & cents from 10 cents and cuts In two rate for taking deposition. ri. r. 300, by Belleek Giving etale superin tendent rllit to lasu temporary certifi cate to teacher In time of scarcity of teachers. H. K. SC(. by flelleck Provldea that atate superintendent may allow high school of lower degree to give normal training when county lacks accredited high school. H. F. 2, by Lee Keducea minimum sen tence for selling liquor to Indian from two years to one year. B. F. '3, bv Placek Broaden the gen eral duties of attorney and their duties toward the Judiciary. B. F. i(06. by Hoagland Making it unlaw ful for any pernon to drive or pans through the gate to the land of another without cloelng the gate. B. F. 3M. by Bodlneon Providing for equalising of superior district In counties which have adopted township organisation. 8. F. K. by Hoagland tby request) Ex tending area of actionable negligence of telegraph companies. . 8. F. 120. by Hoagland Making alieep atenllng a felony. H. V. 1M, by Cordeal Providing jurle of six membera for case In lustlce courts. K. V. "i:i. by Cordeal Providing for the election by county boards of county engineer and "lrpervlsor of highways. S. K. 113, by Bartoa I.lmlt the expense of promotion for all Nebraska tock com panies to 6 per eent of the par value of th mock. Every company la to file a ttafe inent of compliance . with the law In the office of thw state, auditor. It apnlle to companies now organised which shall here alttr Increase their stock. R. F. Yi by Bsrto--inquires all insur ance comnanln when they organise to obtain a license from the slate audl'.or before undertaking any business. 8. F. I. bv Tibbets Increases nay of county auperlntendent In small counties from 14 to 5 pr day. with a maximum of H.OjO per year. . 8. F. 9. by Hosglsnd-Reducea the maxi mum period, for tite bonds of Irrlga'lon district from twenty to eleven years. P. F. 143. by Tanner-Provide that um niona may bo served In proceedings Jlo vacate or modify court orders on attorn-iy of record or by publication If party live outside th state. B. F. ds.-hy Oil! Authorizes the furnia tlon bv twenty-fire- or more pjnsnna of co operative companies. They are allowed to engage In any lawful business. Including works of International Improvement, and pay the usual filing fee. X. 1'VlflO, by Morton Provide that prop erty of an Uleglilmpte person alia 1 1 descend to husband or wife In name manner as property of legitimate petS'n. The "resent law provides that It go lo the mother of the llleplttmnt person. B. F. 17). by Hoagland Rei,"ilate the data of maturity and rates of inrireat for Ir rigation bonds. . AUTO SHOW OPENS IN MAZEOF COLOUR (Continued from First Page.) The manner of the clicking off the miles by these, the manner In which they or som' times misused and made to read wrongly and the ways of testing speedo meters to ee that they did register cor rectly were ll explained to the curLJ ones. Many of the dealer had special men explaining the working, parts of the ears they exhibited to the public. These men, taking tha chassis or the uncovered engines of a fully built car, would explain and demonstrate th working part of th different makes and the manner m which the factories tested and built the parts of the car and the reasons why people owning these car were not alway success ful with them. Chief among these reason. they declared, was the fact that many misunderstood the engine and ran the car In a poor fashion. Tuesday afternoon will be the first y th show will be open to 'the public. An orchestra will furnish music to th patrons alt through the week, as on tha first even ing. Beat Stoaey Is th landlords profit Bart a aaviugs account with Neb. Savings V Lean Ass'n. to provide a fund to buy a horn. l0i Farnam 8t. WESTERN UNION WINS SUIT Bell Telrphvae u...uay Mast Itetara tacks aad Par Ultldead ea Then. BOSTON. Feb. SO.-Judg Colt In th United Hlate circuit court today confirmed th report of Kverett W. Burdett as master In th suit of the Western Union Telegraph company against the American if II Telephone comiany for an accounting on stocks received by the Bell company aa rental.- and rualtles for telephone licenses. The master awarded the Western Union 24(s7 shares of stock and JC.573.M aa divi dends and Interest thereon, exempting from th accounting stock received by the Amer ican Bell from the American Telephone and Telegraph company, the New England Tel ephone and Telegraph company, th Bell Telephone company of Philadelphia and the Chicago Telephone company. The Nerves Are Robbed by Coffee Think It over-lfnd POSTUW "There's a Reason" APPEAL IN TURPENTINE CASE Supreme Court Vail Review Convic tion of Official of Trait FIVE CONVICTED OF CONSPIRACY All Were KeateareS I Pas- Flaes and Tw Wer filvea Termi af Three Maath la Jail. WASHINGTON, Feb. . Th uprem court of the United State today granted a reuses t that It review th conviction of official of th American Naval Stores company, accused of having violated th Sherman antl truat law. Of th men concerned in th court' ac tion, Bpencer P. Bhotter. chairman of th board of director of the company, Is under sentence to serve three month in Jail and to pay a fine of $5,000, while J. F. Cooper Myers, vie president of th company. Is under sentence to serve th aama length of time and to pay a fine of $2,500. Edmund S. Nash, president, was fined $3.D0; George Meade Boardman. treasurer. $2,000, and Carl Moller. manager of th Jacksonville, Fla., branch of tha company. $5,000. Th decision to review the conviction I a step In one of the moat spectacular prosecutions known under th Sherman anti-trust law. For th first time men have sought to have set aside sentences of Imprisonment for alleged violations of the anti-trust law. History ( the Case. Th American raval stores company, whose officials were concerned In the ac tion of tha court today has been referred to as the "turpentine and rosin trust." Aa a distributer and exporter of what Is claimed to b more than 50 per cent of the turpentine and rosin obtained from the long leaf yellow pine of the Caroltnas, Georgia, Florida. Alabama, Mississippi Ixulslana and Texas, th company long ha been a prominent flgur In th trade of the world. It customer are scattered through th United State. Today' action wa the outcome of a prosecution begun In lvttg In the United States circuit court of Georgia against the company. Its officiate and other for al leged violation of th Sherman anti-trust law. It had been preceded by other prosecu tions. In ore of the Bpencer P. Bhotter. whose activities as chairman of the board of directors had made him th most prom inent flgur In th company, was found guilty of violating tha Interstate commerce law and fined. In another h wa found guilty of violating th Bherman anti-trust law and fined. In the case before the court today he had been sentenced to prison for alleged violation of the anti-trust law, in addition to payment of a fine. Th government' claim of conspiracy among tha defendant wa based partly on the peculiar system of markets for tur pentine and rosin. It was asserted by th government that the only open or quotation market In th United States for tha sale of naval stores was at Savannah Ga. At ali the other port or markets. It was claimed, tha prices were based on th closing prices at Savannah. This being the cas the government claims the defendants conspired to stay out of th Savannah market in th early part of 1908 In order .to depress that market and during that time to make large purchase at closed markets, where tb price would be depressed because of th depression at Savannah. COUET DECIS0NS . ON BIG QUESTIONS by the latter receiving cash of tha amount specificed In tha published tariffs." Me said that the purpose of congress in passing the law was to "cut up by th roots" every form of discrimination, favor itism and Inequality, except In the case of certain excepted classes. In these excepted classes, he said, congress had not placed those perosns who had contracts entered into with the railroads before the passage of the Hepburn law for tha Issuance of passes. IOWA LAW ABOUT RELIEF VALID Accepting; Deaeflta 1 Nat Bar to Salta far Daaaagcs. WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. Th constitu tionality ( tha law of Iowa paased In I8SW, enabling an employ of th operating de partment of a railroad to su a railroad for Injuries, notwithstanding tha fact that ha had received Injury benefits from a relief department supported partially by th rail road, was upheld today by tha supreme court of th United States. The constitutionality of tha law was at tacked when Charles L. McOulre sued the Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy Railroad company for $2,000 damages for Injuries. MoGuIr had been given P8t by th Bur lington relief department, an association maintained by tha railroad and lu em ploye. It was claimed that on of the regula tions of th relief department wa that employe must elect from accepting relief from it and pressing a claim against tha company. The company first contended that tha recovery from the relief fund waa a bar to th action In court a.id when that wa decided agatnat, an attack waa mad on th constitutionality of th coda. Tb supreme court of Iowa upheld th constitutionality of th law. Th suprem court today affirmed the decision of th state court in an opinion announced by Justlca Hughes. BUCK'S BOYCOTT CASK KXDF.D Baareasc (aart U..uiasea Appeal anal Divides Casta, WASHINGTON. Feb. JO. Th noted "boy cott" cas brought by th Buck Stov A Rang company against th American Fed eration of Itbor came to an end today when th supreme court of the United Htates dismissed formally th appeal to it from th lower courts. The action does not affect the contempt cas against Presi dent Gomper and two other federation of ficial. Th proceeding today waa In ac cordance with the action of the court In refusing recently to allow tho argument of th raxe to be completed beoaua th partlea had settled their difference out of court. Kach side wa directed to pay It own cost. .NO ItCIIECiRl.Nu I til'AHANTY CASK apreate taart Orrllae ta Rater Farther lata Matter. WASHINGTON. Feb. 20.-A rehearing la the case Involving th constitutionality of th Oklahoma bank guarantee law of DOT waa denied today by tha supreme' court of th United Statea. Tha court recently held that the' law was constitutional. CLAY CENTER HtlOH It UVILTY Deslrayers af I it PI a at la Llllaa la la Pay f aafa. WASHINGTON. Feb. U -Th suprem court of tb United States today found Mayer Gaorge W, Hann and four ni em bers of the council of Clay Center, Slan.. guilty af contempt of court fur destroying the subject matter of a litigation before It. The court let them orf with the pay ment of costs of the proceedings. Complaint had been made to the court that these men destroyed a portion of an electric light plant after the court of the United States had dismissed an appeal to It from a decision of a lower court In a controversy In regard to the plant. 1NO IlECiatO 11 Bin THUT CASK V ftaareaae taart lnes .Nat Haa4 Dowi Fta4lacs a Klctel. WASHINGTON. Feb. .-No decision was rendered today by th supreme court in either th Standard Oil dissolution suit, th tobscco corporation dissolution suit, th corporation tax raaes, nor th Amer ican Federation of Labor contempt cases. TILLOTSON LETTER RECEIVED 4- fine nor describe the wrong doing; that Is done by the statues and by competent authority. Senator Barkett Talka. Senator Burkett, when asked as to the charges made by Carrier Tlllotson, said that he knew absolutely nothing about th matter; that he supposed that Mr. Thomas knew the law regarding the solici tation of contributions, and that so far as he was concerned ha did not believe there was anything in them. He had not been advised by anybody "as to the letter of Tlllotson and wss Inclined to look upon tha letter aa the outgrowth of resentment over a transfer. (XPERT TO itlERRHK COVNTY eaator Inwi Take mp Reasrit for ew Road. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, F)b. 20. (Special Tele gramsSenator Drown has taken up with the Agricultural department tha requedt of J. L. Hayes of the Good Roads association that an expert road builder be assigned by the department to assist th farmers of Merrick county In building a road forty mile long through that county. It was found that a good roads expert now operating in South Dakota caa be spared from his present field and wilt be ordered to proceed to Merrick county at once. Justice Hughes of th suprem court to day affirmed with costs th case of tha Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy railroad against Charles It. McGuIre, brought- to the United Slates supreme court from the Iowa state supreme court. Th decision is In favor of McGulre. The petition of MoGuIra claim $2,004 a damage on account of Injuries alleged to have been received while acting as de fendant's brakeman. The accident was due to negligence of defendant's employes, it is alleged. Senator Brown today laid before the senate resolutions passed by tha state sen ate, urging the passage of the Klnkaid bill which authorlxes an extension of time to homesteaders In tha vicinity of Scotts Bluff having homesteaded under the reclamation act In which to nak their final payments. The senate today passed tha Gamble bill to extend the time for completion of tha bridge across tha Missouri river at Tank ton by the Winnipeg, 'Yankton at Gulf rail way. Tha bill giving an extension of time to th Yankton, Norfolk & Bouthern rail way to construct a bridge at Yankton was favorably acted upon In tha committee, and Senator Gamble expects to call It up and pass It at an early date. - 1 Senator Brown took up with tba Post offlr department a petition of cltlsens of Genoa. Neb., reciting that as tb last three quarterly reports show very substantial In crease In the volume of postal business transacted there they urge that additional office space b furnished to Postmaster W. E. Kennedy. The poatofflce officials have taken tha matter under advisement from tha record of th Genoa office. It la very probable an additional allowance will be mad to Increase tha office space. Representative Klnkaid this morning es corted Dr. J. D. Milligan and wife of O'Neill, Neb., to th Whlta Houa and In troduced them to the president. Dr. Milli gan and wife are In Washington for a few daya on a Sightseeing tour. Representative Walter I. Smith of Iowa while at the White House said today that if an extra session were called ba would probably resign Immediately after March 4 to tak his seat on th circuit court of tha United States. This he will do In order to give his constituents an opportunity to elect hi successor at one. Otherwise he will not resign until about March IS. Misses Moors, Klnsler and Hamilton of Omaha arrived In Washington Saturday on a sightseeing tour of the east. They will attend a reception at the Whlta House to morrow night In honor of tha army and navy and will chaperoned by Senator Brown. BrearkLal Troables an relieved by Browa'a Bronchial Troche. STORM ALONG ATLANTIC COAST Dlatarbaaea Bxteads fraaa goathera New Easrland ta North Ca rail a a. NEW YORK, Feb. .-Tbe etorm from tha southwest which raged over tha south central portion of th country yesterday and last night struck New York and vicinity In force this morning and before o'clock a snow blanket mora than two Inches In thickness, had been deposited here with prospects ' that the fall would continue through the day. There was little rind, but th temperature waa 24 degrees at $ o'cloca and falling, this increasing the probability of considerable accumulation of th fleecy covering. The storm Is widespread, snow or rain having fallen over tha greater part of southern New England. The chief centers of th disturbance appeared this morning to ba In North Carolina and central Penn sylvania. Th northeastward course of th torm promised to tak it farther Into New England. The weather haa cleared to tha weetward. th moat westerly points affected now are Michigan and Ohio. Traffio in this city and neighborhood suf fered little delay in tha early hours, but as tha force of the storm Increased, trouble began to be experienced on surface rail line and by th shipping tomi th bay. PITTSBURG. Feb. . One of the heavi est snow fall of th season la being ex perienced throughout waatera Pennsylva nia. CINCINNATI. Feb. 20.-Th fore of th leet and snow storm that assailed this section yesterday waa still felt today. Eastern Kentucky and portions of West Virginia were cut off from this city, tele graph and telephone wires being practically useless. DALLAS. Tax., Fsb. Ml-Ib the pan handle af Texaa today all trains were either stalled or many hours late from tha effecta of a two days' blitsard. Tb storm Is moderating. Throughout northeast Texaa. where peach and apple trees are In blossom and vegeta tion of all aorta had been green for two weeks, th temperature touched freezing today. In the northwestern ctlon fruit bud and blotaoms wer killed. TO IIKK A tutu It OM: IJAV tak LAXATIVE HKuUD Quinine Tabieta leuftrtta re!uiti tnuae tt It tatts ta cure. a ti. Citot fc a signature la ea aa ba mi CAUSE OF TROUBLE IN MEXICO Minister Limantour Review Condi tion Causing Uprising;. SAYS FEUDAL bx&rEM MUST GO t.arae instate la .Northern Mexlea thaaldl ' Ba Dlstrlhatra1 Aataas People Troop Na Match for Cowboy Istsrtesu. ' PARIS. Feb., 30. In a review of the crisis In Mexico made today for The As soelated Pres.", Jose Yves I.lmaitour, minis ter of finance lu the cabinet of President Dias. declared that the only basis for peace waa that the Insurgents lay down their arms pending negotiation with the govern ment Which on Its part should grant a reform of tha evils that made the revolu tion possible. The only alternative that he foresaw was th probability of a long wasting struggle, for, said the minister, "the federal troops ar no match for the cowboy Insurgents." In the opinion of Senor Limantour the feudal system In Mexico must go and the great estates In the north which have been passed from family to family should be distributed among the people. Refaaed ta t'oatesi with IMae. For himself the minister said he had no political ambitions, though ha had been frequently urged ta contest tha presidency with President Dlas. He expects to start hoir within two weeks. "I have no political aspirations," said Senor Limantour In concluding the Inter view. "I seek merely the uplifting of my country. I have often been asked to run for tha presidency, but have refused. I expect to leave Parts In a fortnight for New York and to proceed thence by steamer to Yucatan fora private visit." Three saaetiss Made. The minister makes three suggestions: First Th abuse contaminating local administration as In cities and towns which have the greatest grievences, should be Immediately abolished. Second Som means should be found to allow the people to share mora extensively In the holdings of lands. . In' ths third place, there I opposition to President Dlas on th ground that he haa been too long In office and that new blood la needed to direct the affair of th republic, "but," added the minister. "Dlas wa legally returned to the presi dency by the people. Called State Criticised. "I dislike to touch on the delicate ques tion of neutrality." continued tha Mexi can, "but I am convinced the United States' Interpretation is too restricted. Un less it Is enlarged It wilt seriously Imperil the government's chances of quelling the revolution. "Mexico prevents Guatamalean revolu tionists from remaining near the frontier Just aa France at the time of the Portu guese revolution forced the Carllsta living near the Spanish frontier to remove at least 200 kilometres from the border on the ground that their nearness consti tuted a menace tc a friendly power. "why cannot tn United State adopt tha same attitude and not only arrest armed revolutionists If found crossing Into Mexico, but also prevent revolutionary meetings ' and tha dispatch of arms and hlp?" Minister Limantour, who already has placed In Europe $55,000,000 of bond In conversion of th Mexican national debt of $110,000,000 haa decided not to place tha other half of the bond for the present. wis success In placing tha new 4 per cent bonds at THc, he considers a splendid trib ute to Mexico's credit abroad, though th revolution caused Mexican securities sren- erally to fall froiril to $ points. Pasaeager Trala Taraed Bark. TORREON, Mex., Feb. 17. (Via El Paso, Feb. 20.) A passenger train on th Mexi can National waa held up here by a band of Insurrectos who burned tha Unit bridge to atop the train. A third-class paasenger fired at tha band and they returned the fire. On shot entered th Pullman car, but otherwise .Americana and Pullman passengers were not moleatet. All men In tha common coaches were relieved of arms. The train waa allowed to return to Torreon. A special car containing fifteen recently wounded federal officers passed through her today from Chihuahua bound for Mexico City, which shows that there haa been hot fighting In Chihuahua lately. Defeat af Navarro Doabted. EL PASO, Tex., Feb. 20,-Thera Is no confirmation that General Navarro and hi ieo era is nave lost neavuy in an encounter with insurrectos cant of Juares on the Rio Grande. Such a report wa prevalent all night, but American soldiers report Navarro further south than where the battle Is said to have occurred. Juares offloers say no wounded have been brought In. The Insurrecto junta today say that Made to and hi strategic board have gone further south and expect to meet their n.aln army between Juares and Chi huahua and take Chihuahua. BUTCHER KNIFE IN HIS HEART Phlllsi Krelter of rierla, . D., Found Dead aad Wife Is Charged with Mordrr. ABERDEEN, 9. T.:, ret. .-(SpeciaI Telegram.) Philip Krelter, aged SJ, a farmer living four miles from Hecla, wa found dead this morning with a butcher knife sticking In bis heart. He held another knife la his hand. His wife, Eva May Krelter, aged 25, la under arrest on charge of murder. It Is alleged the woman had been staying for some time st a Hecla hotel, but went out to the farm, whero her husband had remained, on dunday. The couple had been married but six weeks and only removed to th Hecla neighbor hood a month ago. FISH COLORED WITH WOOL DYE Kaathar af Wholesale Dealers la Phil, adelahl fa Ba Praaeraled by Food Bareaa. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 20.-The dairy and food bureau of the state agricultural department haa discovered that a large number of delicatesen and other stores of ths city have been for a tong time sTTT Ing "dyed" fish a a substitute for smoked I WJ2FOOME Thl$ great remedy assist t nature tn all necessary physical changes of th sys. tain, affords bodily comfort during th period of waiting, and preserves th symmetry of form after baby coaes. Ths penetrating snd soothing qualities of Hatter's Friend silsys nausea, prevents eating of th breasts, and la efsry way contributes t strong, healthy motherhood. Mother's Friend Is wtta aa tuu .wiva Tr.ikv lux vui free book containing valuable Infor mation for expectant mothers. IXASriTXD SOUXJlTOS CO., Atlanta, Ga, floh. When Harry T. Cassldy. the agent of the bureau told the retail store proprie tors what they were doing, they were surprised as they had purchssed the stuff as genuine smoked ftsh. Cassldy's attention to the food article was attracted by Its rich red coior. Pur chasing some of the fish, he had It exam ined and the expert reported that he could dye wool with the coloring matter ex tracted from it. In smoking fish there Is a loss of fifteen pounds to every hundred It is said, but in dying the article, there Is no loss at all. This permitted the viola tors of the Isw to undersell their com petltor In th smoked fish industry. BOMB WITH LIGHTED FUSE FOUND IN CHICAGO Attempt Made to W reck Howie af aa Italian Laborer Waa Had Beea necelTlasT Black llaad Letters. CHICAGO. Feb. 20. A dynamite bomb with a lighted, time fuse two feet long sputtering and spitting fire was found early today on the front stairs of a house occupied by Glacombo Frlsa. an Italian laborer. Two policemen passing, saw an open door and within tn burning fuse and extinguished the blaring powder be fore It could reach th explosive. The bomb consisted of five sticks of high percentage dynamite, bound together with a string and witb fuse and- cap adjusted to one stick. Frisa lives In a two-story house with his wife, four children and a married daughter and her husband. He ha received a number of threatening letters In the last few months, signed, "The Black Hand," and asking for money. The last, received a week ago advised him that his home wculd be blown up If ba failed to leave $b00 in a package on hla front doorstep or if he notified the police. He ta a sec tion hand for a railroad. MASSACRE IN NEW GUINEA British Admlalatratnr, Two White Of. flcera aad Party of N: alive ' Killed. BRISBANE. Australia, Feb. 20 Word was received her today from Papua, a division of the Island of New Guinea, of th mansacre of Stanlforth Smith, the British administrator of Papua, two white officers and a party of natives by In habitants of tha Interior. Smith, accompanied by the officers, twelve native police and fourteen carriers, left Port Moresby, th capital of Papua, on November 18 last to explore the Inte rior of 'the country. Tha party was last heard from December 7. Searchers were sent out and these have failed to return. Two natives, who accompanied the Eng lishman, arrived at Gouribarl with the tidings that all tha rest of the party were killed by natives. Stanlforth Smith was born In Australia In 18S9 and represented western Australia in the federal parliament for six years. He had traveled extensively and written much. Mrs. W. A. Clark Improved. NEW YORK. Feb. 20 Mrs. William A. Clark, wife of former United States Sena tor Clark. Is seriously 111 with aooendlcltls In Roosevelt hospital. An operation, was performed successfully this afternoon. Mrs. Clark waa resting comfortably late in the day. - The Weather. . For Nebraska Cloudy; cold. !For Iowa Fair; colder. Shippers' Bulletin Prepare 48-hour ship ments, north snd west, for sero weather; east, for 6 to 10 above sero; north, 10 to 16 above. . - Temperature at . Omaha yesterday Hour. Deg. ... 11 I a. m.... 6 a. m.... 7 a. m..,. a. m.... a. m.... 10 a. in.... II a. m.... 12 m 1 p. m.... 2 p. tn.... S p. m.... 4 p. m.... 5 p. m.... 4 p. m ... 7 p. m.... 8 p. m.... ... lo ... ... S ... ... 1 ... 11 ... 1 ... Ik ... 1 ... 20 ... 20 ... 1 ...Is ... 17 ... U Loral Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Feb. B0. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding period of the last three years: 1911. 1910. U09. 1908. Highest today .......... M 32 4-1 M Lowest totay S 4 SI ti Mean temperature 14 IS 40 2o Precipitation T .18 T .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from tha normal at Omaha since March L and compared with the last two years: Normal temperature 26 Deficiency for the day 11 Total excess sines March 1 1111 Normal precipitation 02 Inch Deficiency for the day 0;' inch Total rainfall since March 1 16. H5 Inches Deficiency since March 1 13.nches Excess for cor. period, 1110 4.74 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1M0... 6. US Inches Station State of Temp. Highest Raln- weatner i. p. m. too ay tan Cheyenne, cloudy 10 14 .02 Davenport, snowing 24 82 .02 Denver part cloudy 12 Iti T Des Moines, cloudy 22 28 T Dodge City, clear 16 22 .00 lender, part cloudy 14 20 .02 North Platte, clear 14 24 T Omana, clear 17 20 T Puehlo. snowing 16 is ,01 Rapid City, part cloudy. ...14 20 T Halt Lake City, cloudy 28 .12 .00 Kanta Fe, cloudy 22 26 T Sheridan, cloudy IS 22 .00 Sioux t'lty, clear 12 16 T Valentine, part cloudy 10 16 T T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WEISH, Local Forecaster. Ski Without lines IN THE LENS We Make Thrill. Hl'TEHON OlTlt'AL CO., 213 South lfltii Rtrrct. i 1 1 Tb Ugliest iypa of happiness. It reached fcy having children la tha home; hut tha coming of tha UtUa ones U often attended with appre hension and dread. Mother'! Friend If used by tha expectant mother la preparation of tha ordeal, carries her through tho crista with safety. TV MIOTHFi5 JFriend . )V i ! III I YETO FOR TIIEJREGON PLAN Governor Carroll of Iowa Preparing Message for the Legislature. DEAD LOCK REMAINS UNBROKEN ember af Members A re WaTerlng aad Have otifled Friends They Ho Not Feel Tied ta Caadldate. (From a Slati i orreepomlent.) PES MOINES, la.. Feb. 20,-tSpeclal Tele gram ) It became practically known to night that Governor Carroll Intends to veto the bill which last week passed th leglxlature providing for the Oregon plan of election of senators by the people In Iowa. Strong pressure has been brought to besr upon him to effect this veto snd he Is said to be preparing a veto measure, ahlch, however, will probably not be sent to the legislature tomorrow owing to the absence of a number of members. He will veto it on the ground that It evade th constitution. May Be Break oa eaator. Informal conferences of members held to night disclosed the fact that quit a num ber of the republicans are wavering and hav notified their friends they do not longer feel tied o any candidate for sena tor. It la expected this will Inure to the benefit of Judge Deemer. Today's ballot resulted: Kenyon. tQ; Deemer, $9; Porter idem.), K. absent. S4, paired, 10; necessary to elect, 57. Many Bacilli la Water. Officials of Des Moines water company are threatened with prosecution and Im prisonment as the result of a report filed with the city council today by Dr. A. R. Robertson, in which the physician declares the city water Is unfit to drlng and con tains numerous bacilli dangerous to the health of the residents of Des Moines. Immediately upon tha filing of the report tha council passed a resolution direct ing City Solicitor Prennon to Instute pre ceedlngs against tha officers of the com pany under which they may be fined. HOUSE PUTS LIMIT ON DEBATE (Continued from First Page.) of no quorum was made and a roll call ordered. Tha clerk reported 201 members present, a quorum. The reading of the omlbus bill for amendments was begun. Representative Roberts of Massachusetts, one of the filibusters, offered as an amend ment the entire list of French claims and demanded the reading of th seventy printed pages.' Mr. Mann made a point of order that th amendment was not germaine. When the point was pending Representa tive Dalsell of Pennsylvania brought in from the committee on rules a rule provid ing for the suspension of the rules on all bills from now until the end of the session. Whensver suspension Is Involved, It limits all discussion to forty minutes on each measure. Mr. Dalzell said tha state of th public business required adoption. SCALES BROKE OUT ALL OVER HER BODY Scalp Affected, Hair Began to Fa!!. Hands So Disfigured She Had to Wear Gloves All the Time. Two Hospitals Unable to Assure Cure. First Application of Cuticura Soap and Ointment Allayed Itching. Psoriasis Has Disappeared. "Allow me to say a few words In praise f the Cuticura Remedies. About three years ago, I wax affected by white scales on my knees and elbows. I consulted a doctor who treated me for ringworm. 1 saw no change and consulted a specialist and he claimed I had psoriasis. I continued treat ments under him for about six months until I saw scales breaking out all over my body save my face. My scalp was affected, and my hair began to fall. I then changed doctors to no avail. I went to two hospi tals and each wanted to make a study of tha case and seemed unable to cure it or assure me of a cure. 1 tried several pat ent medicines and was finally advised by a friend who has used Cuticura on her children since their birth, to purchase tha Cuticura Remedies. 1 purchased a cake of Bos p. tb Ointment and the Resolvent. After the first application, the killing was allayed. "I am still using the floap and Ointment and now feel that none other Is good enough for my skin. The psoriasis has disappeared and 1 everywhere feel better. My hands were so disfigured before using the Cuti cura Remedies that 1 had to wear gloves all the time. Now my body and hands are looking line." (Signed) Miss Sara Burnett, 2133 Fitswater St., Philadelphia, Pa., Kept. 30, '10. Cutkmia Boap (2&c.) and Cuticura Oint ment i&Oc.) ar sold throurhout tb world. Send to Potter Drug A Chem. Corp., sot props., 1W Columbus Ave.. Boston, for Irs book on affections of the akin and ecaip. TEETH yOU OCT VEKSOsTAX. ATTBHTIOH DR. CLARK Til AIbTI.ESS DEaTTIST 04 rastoa Block, leta and Taraam I extracted alz teeth for a lady Sat urday afternoon, using my local anaesthetics and she affirms mat there waa absolutely no pain. You can secure her ntme bv making a personal visit at this office and can correspond with her and get her own veraion. STOTJJ THESS TXICESl Bet or Teeth SS.OJ Very heal het of Teeth SS.00 Aluminum i'lates, very best made 910-00 Gold Plates 3S and ap Hold frowns 4 ai4 ap Porcelain Crown, like your own teeth 93.00 (Krt.l rllllnaa 91-00 aa4 op Sliver Filling SGa Porcelain Pilling, like your own teeth 91-00 and up Brlilxework. per tooth $4.00 Office hours, I to II Bvnlnga, to Si Sundays, IS to 4. John Says: "Estral antral Stanlslawkowskl gul eakiwlaa baa eom nusaced to smoke TKTJST SVITES So Clgara. Many coun tries nissy flags but ouly Oil glut loss Smokerlno." Central Cigar Store 321 So. 16th St. 1 "TJONT buy a watch by the case. The movement is the im portant thing. You can be sure of the move ment if you are sure it's i WALTIIAM. ,IC Time You Owned a Waliham" WALT MA Q il i WATCH Or. Lyon's punrncT 7oo.fi Powder Used by people of refine ment in every part of tho world where the use of the tooth-brush is known, for Almost Half a Century. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN UNI 10,000-ton Twin-screw PaMnrr stmrs. etm-t tt I nlted atttn..Mir. I Norway. Sweden FT il and Denmark .fc.AU :1 0cdr II Apr il All steamnri equipped with Maronnl w Ira lea. ' Flrati I'ahtn, 75 op; aa-on! rahln, ". A. B. Johnson ft Co., 1 Broadway, X. T, Or to local scents. AMIi'SEMG.VTt. v ,sJ JUJtT Ibt Komi ol Foil Frolloi Call TH OHXT OXIOIaTAJb JUTS SEAT. illy Watson Airs iu FAMOUS BEAUTY BEEF TRUST Carrying the Largest aad Heaviest Chorus in the World. Coma and guas weight of the gtrla. the combines Extra Attractions Tonight .Amateurs Tuesday Night Weight Guessing Coat Wednesday Hlbt . . Waltaing Ooateet SrSCIAI. LADIES' MATIWEE 10 TOsTIOHT SSo, BOe Sad Te BARNEY GILM0RE ' In "Kslly rrom tb Smerald 11." This Afternoon at 4 F. at. MARY MUNCHH0FF la Concert rrioe 60o to 93- Wednesday Matinee Th Tlrg-ialaa liOYD'a THEATER Tonight. Mat. Tu-, TuoxSh Sal EVA LASQ And Br Excellent Company la the Screaming rare Comedy CHARLEY'S AUNT West Wean Th Kit of the SVsasoa wtr.Dri-aw -OMAHA'S rui C1ITIA" iZJhj Dally Mat-, l-85-60e SINGER'S SERENADERS aXTKATAOAVEA AID TAUDEVItLB La a- (Prof. Dope) Ksliy Xlnaldo, the Wan dering Vlolinistl Living Liaotrte riag- aad Mlg ateauty Chorus. LADIES' DIME MA TIE EE BTSBT SAT AMERICAN Phoneel Doug. 1041) lad, A-I041. THltl SHOWS S tlS. 710. ' All This Week Murphy, WUlarS I Co., la Manager ttowerguy's Trou-esi Sully Si Hue eyi Jumping Jack BtawkLuSl ClaaO CroMen; Lane WklUrj truio ft Cherry Advene TaadevUl. Matinee Every day at S:1B. Every au-ut at Sil. Mr. Mymaokl Tom Watetaj A atiglit la a Monkey Muni Malll Callahan ft fit. George; trrant Si Heagi Mesa, Monro and Vowalli Work aad Ower) Ktnoarome) 0rptaam Concert Orchestra. . . at f fr i U , 111 iUllVflllill.F.i lip J1I 4 I 1- t I' 4 r