Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Merciuiti May Extend Their Serrice
by Use of Motor Wagons.
tasires aei lb it1nt of r'.ifaeoae-,
Beattiee fbe laeresae of F.ffl-
eteaer ftf Vrtlrr 1 s af
Pewrr Veblrlra.
That merehsnta sr1 maTnifartiirere In all
Wneo ere alive to the value of lb mm
snerrjal ear Is ev-tdept in nil who g-et a
brnad view of the situation all over the
wnrlfl. The rcosTsve htitne man of to
day avails blinelf of rrn v modern device
for doing thtnra nyinrmlrtllv, which at the
itmt time la always a Mifr of time and
labor. Fan centurv method, tn 1M. x
of prncreaalon, art an lmpo1im'nt to any
The development of the commercial car
haa reached the ruts now whfrf It I not
nwwirF for the merchant to ak ff It is
practical, but rather, which l$p I mnM
practical for hia purree ami the condition
of the road within h(a business tcrrflory.
Merchants of al clauses In larae cities and
small town realise that on of their most
difficult prohlema la that of maklnc deliv
eries. Prompt delivery aervice In an asset
worth many hundred of dollar. An a
motor-propelled vehicle can cover three
time as much mileage In a Riven time a a
horse-drawn waaon. It stands to r canon
that deliveries will not only he prompt,
but tha aervice can he extended many
miles, tbua Increasing the. territory from
which trade may he drawn without In-
crcrtlna orrlKSl rviertse
The following finma live a fair esti
mate of aiitoaaron de'lvery compared
with the hore secn.
The average cr. of en' r.ore and deliv
ery wacron. covering approximately .!3
lira, fo one month i a follows.
Stable hoard 1"
i.ona .n r-artu and waaon I '
portal ion la now hecomina evident to all.
Just a It ha been apparent In the past
to the discerning fw. and the argument
Total cot per month 171.5
Tlie aiera-e c-oat of an autowaron. cov-
erlnr approxtmateU tnllex lir one
month, la as foliona:-
K'wl I rent r-er mile. :. niles f 4
r;Hrax and tip-keep expense 1? '
1. river & 00
Total cot per month W.m
Tn rrnni-arins thea two tabl-a one mt
arrive at the f'llowin conclusion that
the difference -in mlleaee-1a nillra in
favor of the auto xntii "m the basis
shown, the cost per mile for the horseand
waeon Is ST. cents, while the coat of the
automobile is only. ." rente per mile. From
the above It la plxlt 'l18 'h ""
n favor of the power una la being made
more forcible by the increasing coat of
feeding" and staMInx; horsea and the de
creasing; cost of maintenance of power
Ix- :ivery in large r it lea la becoinlna; more
t, o and more of a difficulty, omin to the
enormoua territory which haa to be cov
ered, especially with concern where a
large and auo-eeeful trade la to be etal
lished and maintained. The ratio of de
livery aervice has gradually become ex
tended until the horae la incapable of cov
ering the necessary distances during the
day, and when used la practically unfit
for aervice the following day wherever ex
tended route are attempted. With motor
trucka these long route can be easily cov
ered with dispatch, making oslble earlier
deliveries of goods In district which pre
viously did not receive deliveries until the
following day.
The increased efficiency of aervice of this
sort means increased satisfaction among
Is much the cheaper to operaie. rr-nmu-r.n , he mc.rrhlln,g. rtrpnB. U is strong
the expense per mile.- festure In attracting a greater volume of
When one further consider that !he,(r , nj Blor. yukk deliveries are
auto travels three time the rrrstance ni
the horse and oonaeo,uent1y does the work
of three horses with one driver. It la a
vei-v simple problem to figure out how an
outfit of this l;lnd will pv for Itself In a
surprisingly short time. One other thing
to consider Is that horses are an expen
whether they are in service or not. while
an auto costs no more to keep when not
In use than the ordinary delivery wagon
When horses are sick or disabled, as they
oftentimes are. the expense Increases, and
sometimes doubles.
The Inadequacy of the horse In trans-
" -TkS:i Ihs Envisd'17ssner cf ihi i'Vsadtrbili Ccp
Thi World's Utsi;p!sa oJ Ajtomebiia D!g" tncS Consfraefian
The only stock car that erer won th Vandrrbilt Cup, thai only cat
that ever won it two years In succession, and the only car that ever
"tood op" and finished In two such races. 1 If member the same
AIXX won both races!
A car that has to remarkably demonstrated to all the worfd its su
perlor qualities that a urtliaer gains a sense of security, of
prestige, and a confidence that are priceless.
Kuilt by the American Locomotive Company, which has concen
trated upon this car all the intimate knowledge of every kind of steel
gained throngh generation of analyzing and testing, combined
with knowledge of manufacturing accumulated through the experi
ence of bulling 45,000 locomotives.
MX CVLINHKIt, sixty-horsepower touring car. fa.OOO.OO; four
cylinder forty-horepxer touring cars, t.."SOO.fM); town cars with
limousine or landauiet botlies, either twenty-two, forty or sixty,
horsepower. All cars fully equipped. Including top. Continental
I. and detachable rims. The UKST T1MK THE AIXT) H S KVKK
AV st.a. 1UIIU8IIC, IB KpisVCf II., Lcsomstiva Co.
219 Sedh Fecrleentb Sirse!
(it - Ztft
.lmavs annret-iated. and the trade will In
evitably drift to the store which can guar
antee such service.
Electrics Become
More Popular Each
Succeeding Year
New Style. Will Be Shown at the
Coming- Exhibit at the
Auditorium. '
Entries Are Made
For 500-Mile Race
For Decoration Day
Seven Are Already Entered and it is
Expected Thirty Will Face
the Starter.
Gasoline may be king at the coming? Auto
show at the Omaha Auditorium, owing to
force of numbers hut nnnnlir in Ira nae-
tlcular line la the electric, which Is enjoy- I ,n M ,mPor,1 Mercedes; Eddie Heme,
ing more of a voitue here than ever before. I Pwon- -Arthur Gretner, Ralph Mul
It Is estimated that over 100 - electric
pleasure cars are driven In this city, mostly
by women, who find in this type a ma
chine that Is easily handled and which
perhaps Is more fitted to their needs than
a gasoline car. Most women would have a
bard time starting a motor In the first
place. Again many of them object to hav
ing to tinker with the machinery or per
haps change a tire, solids or cushious be
ing preferred by many of the women be
cause of the Immunity from puncture.
"The electric tendencies for this year
make an Interesting study," says Den las
Barkalow. manager - of the Electric Gar
age company. "In the first place the pur
chasers of this type are striving to get
amay from many of the gew-gawt with
which toe Interior of the ears have been
decorated vases for flowers, smelling salts
and the like. Now the plainer the Interior
ritttngs the more aristocratic the appear
j ance of the car, seems to be tte opinion of
i many. Handbuffed leather lnseead of up
holstery has the call thla year and In gen-
eral there has been a refining of the pro
"Mechanically speaking, the -average
wheel base has been Increased somewhat.
I-ever steel continues to be popular, al
though some makers fit s steering wheel,
such aa ia found on gasoline cars. Gen
erally an , optton Is given of pneumatic or
solid tire. Rome dealers prefer the solid,
because ao many owners are women, who
fesr puncturing of tires.
"Also there Is an option In most cases
of lead or Edison betterlee. The mileage of
the average owner Is from fifty to seventy
five miles on a charge. The average speed
has Jumped from about fifteen miles to
twenty miles an l.our. "
INOIANAPULI Feb. U -Sex en entries
have been made in the oVmile interna-'
tlonal sweepstakes rate to be held on the;
Indianapolis motor speedway next Memorial!
day. the last entry which has been named '
being a VYescotl specially built car, with '
Harry Knight, one of the youngest speed- J
way drivers in the business, nominated as i
the pilot. !
The cash prlie of l.0 which the speed-i
way management has bung up for this
one race Is proving to be a magnet for the j
greatest drivers In the automobile racing j
sport. Almost without exception the men!
who have been successful In motor racing i
during the last three er four years will
atari in the big race, and the speedway
management, basing its estimate upon the
intentiona announced by the various manu
facturers and drivers, reports that fully
thirty cars will be entered In the contest
and probably more. The entries thus far
made are Lewis Strang. In a Case car; C.
B. Baldwin. In an Inter-State "So;" Johnny
Aitken. In a National ' ; Louis Disbrow,
in a Pope-Hartford; Frank Fox. In a Pope
Ilartford. and . a Simplex. It la probable
that Ralph De Palma, the mile track cham.
plon of 110. will pilot this last car. but no
driver has been aomlnated aa yet J
Other drivers who will participate in the
event according to advice received from
them, are: Harry firant. two timea winner
of the Vanderbllt race; "Wild Bob" Bur-
man. Arthur Chevrolet Roencer Wlshart
ONE (IIMTAXV WRITES "Our Avery Truck taken the lc of throe tPAms and tt men- ami is
vfPIt tin $9.0" jmt day." (Think what this moans $ 2 2 . o smo-d per mouth, or $:!,"9 rnr- yc-ar
AXTHKR FIRM RKPtltTS "The Avfiy Trut'k has cut our hniiliDg rxiciis-s from i to Ti er-cnt.
hlivs not had ono cent Ptncnsc for renairrt.'-' ; .
VI' V . . V i r . 'j
A Mlillr.B, .1 TK.iHSTr.ll. WRITLS "Myst-ir and one mini have done the wtirk with tuts truck - which
formerly required four teams. It is saving me $li:0.00 jer month." - '
It'g built by a Company bavin "Jf) years etperU-nce In building power liaulitiR machinery. TUijj. ex
perience has given us full knowledge of the requirement for such work. The first Avery Truck went at
once Into successful service and la still hauling loads as large a five tons, although Jt has . a , rated
capacity of but three tons. r
See them at the Automobile Show or at our Warehouse, of write for complete Truck" CatKlni;' T( r
ritory not already taken Is open for contrac ts with Live Ialerg.
Crlse reaskt
Strain and weaken the system and If not
checked may develop Into pneumonia. Ne
dangar of this whea Foley's Honey sad
Tar is taksa promptly, u la a reliable
family medicine for all coughs and colds,
and acta aulckly and effectively la cases
of croup. Refuse subsUtutea Sold by aJi
3 ,1XmS
i if i k ii ji r
z BJo skid to dread
I With Staggard Tread
. j Tlio "Stnanl Tn-atl" is the only non-rkid tire that combines Alienee in forward
- uiiyu Invent slipping on the fctart or in hill climbing and-a
.safety grip" that j.itivelv prevents hkiddinp.
The KVpuWir Stanrd Tread Tire U really two tires in one, as the big .olid rubber
tinl that funn the Muggard tread are equal in tl.i. kne to the tread of any ordinary tire.
Republic aiaooard Trend Tires
are the inot etMuiomiral-uut in first eot. but-in the safety from accident thev injure
anj tJic lenjrth of servue and satisfaction aud service they give.
lie Baum Iron Company
ford, Joe Horan and a score of others.
Tnls Year He Will raver Fifty Tbea-
aa Miles arwwwd Eiaarllak
Ceast I.lae.
Harry long, who rode more than V; Snfk
miles on a bicycle during l?lo. haa w.
won to the motorcycle and has started out
to reel off 60.000 miles durlni 1911 .
power-propelled machine.
Long s IM0 trip wias made sround ik.
entire coast line of Great Britain which
win De bis course this year. This is his
very first whirl at the ihotorcvcle b.. v,-
started ont like a vWeran Mder after only
iwn minutes coacntng.
ne speea or a motorcycle." said Long,
"is very deceptive alter Hdina- ki.i.
It comes so easy. Thirty tnllea an ...
a motorcycle seems no more than ten miles
on a bicycle. I had to watch my corners at
Along Auto Row
Manager Craig of the K MV
Omaha, baa Just received word from the
tactory that "Bullet" will arrive in
Omaha on Monday to remain here during
show week. "Bullef la tha wnr..r,.i
E-M-P car, which in the last two years
has a mileage of more than .n
md on track and runs of practically
every character. Thla car will be shown
at the E M F company's salesroom. Oi
Famam street. The prise cups wl.l also
be en exhibition.
The Baum Iron comui win . . . . .
tlauoua demonstration at their store Thlr-
wenin ana Harney, during show week
repairing and welding By the new oxy
acelylene process. This Is a method of
fusing metals by which any and all kinds
of metals caa be Joined together ia one
piece. It Is the only method by which
breaks la aluminum. rn. bronse or other
tows base metal, can be successfully re
paired. Guy South I. showing today torpedo
type of car with three cross seats seating
six passengers. Th c.r a lorpe,0 type
"c"'" r Designing department of
the 11. H. Franklin Manufacturing com
pany and is radically different from tor
pedo mod la commonly seen. It has a
wheel base of lit inches and from its torpedo-like
construction has the sppearance
of even greater length.
A point of difference between this and
other cars is the arrangement of its seats.
The front seat has at its back a wind shield
which rises and meets the front of a cape
top which covers the rear of the car only
Beneath this top srs two seats, escb having
a passenger capacity ef two. The door to
the rear la not high. It swings ouf over tha
rear mudguarda. Aa auxiliary step Is pro
vided ia front of the rear mudguard and la
used by the pasaenger la stepping from the
running board Into the rear seat.
The forty -a U norae-power, six-cylinder
motor Is covered by the Franklin type of
sloping hood. The two headlights with
which tha car la eo,ulppd are mounted
upon the highest point of the forward f.
ers, their bases being connected for pur
poses of stability by a horizontal metal
rod. Gear ahlft and emergency brake con
trol levera are outside the right hand side
of the body, there being ao door at thai
Regular Franklia torpedo models are
known as double torpedo phaetons. Thia
ear is known as a triple torpedo phaeton
It is finisned ia a ( color.
The American Locomotive company, mak
ers of Alee cars and Al'o trucka. haa re
cently iaaued a most attractive tittle book
let, written by Harry Grant, who won the
Vanderbllt cup two years la suecess.oa
with tha same IdeattceJ car.
It is very well written and a most "hu
maa document." Beyond snost racing inv
era. Grant has the ability to analyse the
conditions surrounding the riding of a race
and the book Is a most interesting bit of
reading to every one, whether he la Inter
esled especially ia automobile racing or
..'.-.l - St
5-Passenfier Touring Can With Fore Door.
V eJ F ii Mi i i 1 r :
At llic Show and 012-14 Jones St.
A aswtfasj Sorapo
mi parties wonased. demaada Buck
f len s Arnica Salve. Heals wounds. ,,,
I burns or ftelunea a... . . .
No nutSino holts, no clamps
no hunk, no junk
Weigh this carefully
And remember vz guarantes thz Booth demountable
rim for life
Peerless, Pierce-Arrow, Packard, Lozier,
Winton, Stearns, Pope-Hartford, Chalmers
And scores ef others are asking us to equip their cars with.
our rims and are specifying them when ordering new cars.
"The only perfect demountable rim' Barney OJdfield. '
Adapted as standard equipment on all Benz Cars.
The Booth Demountable Rim Company
On exhibition at the shw in the space of
J . mit vj ciaiua
. Lrug Co