Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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Council Bluffs
Expert Burns Continue! in Court,
Giring Testimony.
l.apeaa mt Perls Alan Streets in
vtal.h Melae Are l aid la l ikn
lata Cenaldera tloe.
nn:1 y of hard and earnest work
" yesicrdny devoted to valuing the
pinperty- of lh city water plant, and when
the court adjimrticd at 5 o'clock there wu
III aPTH'renMy thre4 days' work before
l'xprt Hums heforc th city closes Itii
leatlmony on direct examination. Although
exact 'total have not been computed, the
ph steal valuation o far total 4on.ono. In
round number.. There la to be ad(Jed to
l hi the cost of the paving above all pipe
on paved streets, the cost of engineering
and atiperlntendance when the plant wi
ronstrtistrd and ahlch must still be taken
lno account. These Item and the nuiner1
r.u olher Incidental will bring the ag
RicBSie above IMft.finft. from which the"
d'Pteclation must be computed and de
ducted ,
A no! he,' effort wu made yesterday after
noon hv the fudge to secure an earher
I our for beginning court In the morning
and 9:30 waa suggested to the Omaha at
torney reprentlng the water company,
Meter. Webster. McHugh and Stout, and
th will give an' answer Monday. The
late hour of beginning and continuing until
f- o'clock la placing a aerloua atraln upon
"ctirt Reporter Jasper Ferguson, who is
rornpc)ld to extend hi shorthand note
dal'v. Thla has kept him dictating to the
phonograph until after 1 o'clock each
The.Jurtgea again complimented Attorneys
Kimball and Tinley upon the splendid
manner In which they were presenting the
city's case, declaring that It relieved he
court of half the work that would other
wise be Involved In the case.
Flgarea hy Rams.
Kngineer Duma yesterday continued his
valuation of th Broadway pumping sta
tion. Including th reaervolra. Ha bad pre
viously given the value of the pumping
machinery in round numbers at IIR.OOn, and
yesterday gave the final details, making It
IIS.Bftsafi. Added to thla are the boiler plant,
1 965.53; feed pipes. ST1; oondenslng pump.
!2.22; air tanka. $34; siphon well, S75.3;
wagon . scalea, engineer cottage on
Tlroadway. I1.2S0; atock and tool sheds,
im.M; reservoir, t8S.7O.0T: sewerage and
drain, til,!.f. The last Item Includes
S.OOn feet of oak flume built aa an Intake
from the river at a cost of 18.400. It was
used one year and abandoned and la now
decayed and worthless, requiring the de
duction of the full cost. Engineer Kler
sted'a valuation of th reservoir for the
city in 1908 waa Sfln.MO.
Tha .work Af laying the foundation to
how the depreciation of the property and
Its present values was begun when the
city plaocd Contractors John J, Myrtue and
J. Chris Jensen on th stand to give the
present value of tha building. Tha build
ing housing tha Broadway pumping atatlon
waa placed at 17.107. ; tha new building
completed last fall for tha purification
plant. 12,046.60; engineer's cottage on Broad
way. 11.084: custodian s cottage at Olendale
reservoir, 1921. M;, store and tool house, 172.
Thaaa depreciation Indicate soma of th
percentage of . depreciation that will be
insisted upon by 'fh city. Following are
soma of the larger Itema valued by Mr.
Bum Mnee the beginning of his testimony,
and which will b reduced by th per
centage of depreciation to be fixed later.
Iteaalaed fttatemeat.
Iron pip In plant.... 1117.251. 9
Special casting..... . 4.SO8.30
Cost of laying mains 4,740.22
File hydrants g.762.00
Valves and valve boxes 4,Si4.tiO
utennei reservoir. Including cot
tage Fiver pumping station buildings....
Rtandplpe at river station
Steam engines at river atation
jther pumps and fittings at river
station ,
Pipe in engine room at river station
Ruction and intake at river station
Hollers at river ststlon...-.
Appurtenances to boilers at river
station .......,
ewers arid drains to river station.
Including connections to Broad
way station....
("indsr -roadway. North Thirty
seventh street
Miscellaneous fitting at river ata
tlon .
l oot shed at river atatlon
Buildings at Broadway pumping
station , .'
Smokestack' at Rroadway atation..
Pump at Broadway atatlon
Hollers. -tltUnas and other equip
ment at Broadway atatlon
Kewere and drains. Including obso
lete fltinie
Klohon well, obsolete
Broadway reservoirs.,
Keal extate of plant
15, 490. S3
1. 176.00
iw no
131 00
11.179 48
.16 IS. 22
11,18 0
S,70 07
The cost of th paving at and crossings
under' railway tracks and beneath Indian
creek Is scheduled by th Inventory at
approximately StO.OOO, but these value In
clude the Broadway and South Main street
gianlta paving, which will probably all be
replaced with brick during th ummer. and
this will eltmlnat a large portion of th
tost.. ... ...
There a world of comfort In a perfect
fating pglr of glasses or spectacles. We
have tha .most' competent Registered Op
tometrist' In th west In charg of our
Optical department. Our prlcea ar more
than reasonable. Our fitting la absolutely
guaranteed. Leffert s.
Hral Ktttl. Tra Haters.
The following transfers wer reported to
The Be February 18 by th Pottawattamie
County Abstract company. Council Bluffs:
BenJmln-Fhr' Real Fatal Co. to K.
J l'ay. lot 10, block J7. Central sub.
and lot S. block 4. Webster add.
Council Hluffs, w. d S 1 M0
ofineii io ueorg iwnitii, part
a awA. l-;&"44. w. d
Hutu Hunujoiln and husband to F
J lay. lot f block 4. Bushnell add
Council Rluffs. w. d
C. V. 11 11 tee t Anna T. Witt man
lot SO. .iock 1. Vi ilaon Terrace add !
Counrll Bluff, w. d
A." A. fisrk and wife to Martha Head
lev, lot A and I, block IS. Central
sub.. Council twuffs. la. s. w. d
Klv tiaoffers, tots
A guad watch Is aft times ruined by a
bungling watchmaker. If your watch
needs attention leave It with expert re
Pa li era hoe work 1 guaranteed by a
reliable- business hou. I.efrrrt s Big
Jeelrj Stor nip!o th higheat pr'cej
watchmakera In th west.
- Marrla l.teeaaee.
Si an tag licenses war iaaued yeatcrday
I th folloalng perao'.:
Nm. andi Residence. jig,
-harle I: Knutt. 'iuuoil Bluff y,
llaiai Hammermetater, Council H)utt..,.x
RamAr.d C. Vuis. Hamburg jj
1 - Margaret Hanaon. Ulllett. nil 'jj
lister K.'Wrav. Omaha 14
lva Ma Hopkina. tinaha ."'.!!i'.!lS
Cieorg T. Howard Council Bluffa i
Grac Hatdeat, Cauacil Bluffs ..u
Tou r probably awer that pn.mnonU
alaaya reatiHa from a cold, but you neer
heard of a told resulting u pneumonia
wnen Chambarlam's .ougli Ceniedy was
uJ. Why tsk the riak wnen this
luav be bad ur a trtfla For sale b all
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Taa CoancU Blaffs Offloe af Taa
Omaha Baa la at IS Boats Street.
Both rheaaa 43.
I1 via, drug.
Corrigana. undertaker Phone. 141.
vVoodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. it.
Lewis Cutler, funersl director. Phone 17.
Pure blackberry Juice and Virginia Dare
wine. j. j. rviein v:o.
WANTED Rrliable gir for general
housework. SW Fifth avenu.
Ocullats' prescriptions accuralelv filled
the same day at leffert' Big Jewelry
liat Hunch of keys; Wlckham'a name
on hrsas tag. Return to 1 Bcott street.
Rew srd.
Nursing mother drink Anheuser-Busch
mslt. Rosrnfpld Ilquor company, 619 8.
Main strfet.
Have your glasses fitien. r repaired by
J. W. Terry, optician. 411 Broadway,
offire with Ueorge Gerner.
The John Una castle, Royal Highlanders,
hae Issued Invitations for masque ball and
mix suclal at Danish hall tomorrow even
ing. The K. A. Pierce ft Co. shoe store I now
oi'en for business at their new location,
6SJ West Broadway, between Pearl and
ixth stir els.
Pee the beautiful window display of
Knaffl t rints. including the new Madonna
of the Hills and the Ouardlan Angel. L.
C. Fauble Art hhop, 333 Broadway.
Cii.4in K" in tne Saitnua. lOvemns; I'ost
of February IH. After reading, send your
copy of the Post to the school board.
Oakland evenue chapter of St. Paul's
guild wilt meet at the home of J. . Uardt
ner. ,112 l.awton Terrace, Tuesday after.noon
at i.M) MiiHic will lie one of the feature
of the niri-ling.
Mrs. Robert E. Thelnhardt and daughter,
Caroline, have left for their home In
Henrhlaml. Fergus count v, Montana, after
an extended visit with Mrs. Thelnhardt s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Rohrer.
Ireaneaus R. Duncan was yesterday given
a decree of divorce from Cora Duncan on
the grounds of desertion. The husband
was JW and the wife 2 years old. and the
court noted on the decree. "French and
While Mayor Malnney waa In Baltimore
he soured some practical and desirable
plans for landscape gardening, suitable for
Kohrer's park, which he at once forwarded
to Mr. Rohrer, and which will be put to
use this season.
Several changes will be made today In
the train schedules of the Union Paclfio
railroad, affecting th arrival and departure
of trains at Council Bluffs. For the west,
train No. 23, the Grand Island local, will
take the place of th North Piatt local.
No. 21. leaving at f:35 a. m. The North
Platte local will leave at 11:20 p. m., reach
ing North Platte at 11:30 the next day.
The Counrll Bluffa High school basket
ball team defeated th Malvern High
schoolers In a fast game at Marvern last
night by a score of 31 to 2o. The gsm waa
witnessed by a good crowd, manv of whom
were rooter accompanying the Council
Bluffs club. The stars for the B'jffs team
were Robinson and Hunt, and Bover and
Boner carried the honors of the gam for
the Malvern player.
The local Knight of Columbus will go
to Neola today to confer three degree
upon 'a class of lsty that has been
organised there. The Council Bluffa
knights will confer the first and second
degrees and the second will ba exemplified
by the Sioux City council. A special train
will carry the local knight, to the number
of about 175. leaving the Rock Island sta
tion at 1:16 o'clock sharp.
Th Omaha it Council Bluffs 8treet Rail
way company yesterday paid the Judgment
of S900 secured by Nels Swanson when he
sued the company In the dIMrlot court for
$12.00 for Injuries received while being con
veyed to a hospital in an Omaha ambu
lance, which waa hit by a street car. Th
company's check for 1,03.27 was received
yesterday afternoon by Clerk Brown In full
for the Judgment and corns.
Th regular meeting of the Golden Rod
club waa held at th horn of Mr. William
Henry on Thursday afternoon. A pleasant
afternoon waa apent at high five, after
which a two-course djnner was served. Th
hostess waa given a handsomely decorated
plate. The first prise wss won by Miss
Gatesford, the second bv Mr. J. C. Roth
and the cut-for-all by Mr. Gatesford. The
club will meet again In two weeks with
Mra. Putman on Avenue B.
Mrs. Lenl U Booth, wife of James 6.
Booth, applied to the district court yester
day for appointment aa guardian for her
husband, who Is Insane and an inmate of
the Clarinda hospital, with no hope of re
covery. 8he states that he ha an Interest
In his father's estate which can cly be
Recured through a suit In court, ami that
his creditors as well as his wife and three
children ar entitled to Its use. She asks
that the bond ba fixed at a nominal price
and that she be authorized to bring the re
quired suit.
Th almost impassable condition of th
country roads greatly reduced th number
of Saturday shoppers from th country
and made yesterday a comparatively duil
day In retail tradea circles. Th condition
of the road has caused a aharp advance
In th prlc of country produce. Egg
reascended to their old position above 20
centa a dosen and country butter also
soared around th old height ao long
familiar to th common people. Another
week of warm Weather ta declared to be
sufficient to withdraw all of the frost and
permit th Imprisoned surface water to
escape, when normal conditions of th dirt
roada may tie expected.
Contrarta with htgh tension wire has
knocked out" a number of the fir alarm
boxes ao effectually that thev man be
permanently retired until replaced by new
onea. The matter will be submitted to the
Board of Fire and Police
at the next meeting. The boxea ar of
the old type originally Installed, many of
which hav been replaced by th Gamewell.
Those out of commission now hav been In'
that condition for mar. than a week. Their
li Hinders and location are: Box 46
Twenty-first street and Sixth avenue; 4l'
I nion Pacific transfer; 3g, Tenth street
and Tenth avenue; S3, Ninth street and
twentieth avenue. They ar ao badlv
burned out that City Klectrlcian McKlnlev
cannot repair them without Installing manv
new part.
A number of local Kagle. headed by th
chief officers, went to the home of Sam
fiainen at Neola Tliuraday evening nd
helped him ceb biate lis slat birthday an
mveraary. For the purpose of assisting
him in remembering tha event they nave
him the emblem of the order an eaale
claw pin don In solid gold. Mr. Gamen
In the i.M-.i P.Di. i ..: unien
pVU?!ry ,"vl.nt been " ch' t'' member
- .... .,."v uuii uignnixea in this part
of the atata. lie is a butcher, and still does
the larger part of his shop and slaughter
house work. Among the Council Bluffi
delegation were Fdward Aniinwall presi
dent of the local aerie; W. H. Barghauaen
vice prealdent. and I.. I.. Kvans J it'
Bryant. B. J. Weber, Mahloji Harford'
.lames Caaey. GeorKe Aamuaaen. William
Harding. Harry Urifflth and F. Gibson.
Misa Julia Officer la sending out a few
marked copies of the ties Molne news
paper containing accounts of tha recent
purchase bv the school board of that city
of a S;.5o0 lot to enlarge a school yard for
playground purposee. The members of th
Council Bluffs Bosid of Education received
cople of th pa pei. Mis Officer 1 also
urging people to read a story In th currant
Issue of the Saturday Evening Post entitled
Living Johi.nv Jones a Chanc." The
aition of the Dea Moines board is exactlv
the policy that Mtas Officer has sought to
Indue ihe Council Bluffs Board of Edu
csijon to follow The Des Moines Register
?d der ',ot, ,he Incident thus: Judge
W. A. bDurrler hia &nlH i. . . T
1 of IrvInK 1,'hnnl 1 ..""!.
; . . j , Y j. ' wimnr acnool
uir.,''&A T.he houM on th Prop
e I, will be moved away this spring by
Judge Spurrier, as the board simply pur
,.iiasd the ground. It will be used for
pla ground Durooaaa Th. . . . ,
1 , 1 mi nil 01 inis
!.''?'" ,,pr.1f",' -'cord with th new
Ipolli v of Ihe mhool board to gradually
.sosorn aa much of the ground surround
ing th school buildings aa possible. The
pie.-nt acqulfdllon ,iv ,ne bor(J a "
,u, iroin rieasant atreet to Park
RING., RINGS. RING. Friendship
Rings. Birth Stone Rings. Little Flng.r
Rings. Sign.t Kings. Dinner Blngs, Kn
gavement Rinxs. IV,1,H,.. tii. '
( - ".i'i. p..
them In leffert window. Price Inier
I ?ling
N. V. I'luiiibins Co. Tel. 2a0. Night LrlTul
Coup of Iowa Senator Places Respon
sibility on Progressires.
Kenyoa Forces Were Rattle
Were Nearly tlaairir 'or
are Drnerrit. ('eased
Threwlagr Hlai.
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Feb. 19. (Special. ) Among
the politician of th state tha Impression
Is strong that aa a result of th evolution
of the last week In regsrd to th senator
hlp th position of th stsndpatters In the
state 1 much strengthened at the expense
of th progressive faction. It Is admitted
on Tery hnd that the progressive have
not played a good politics a their adver
saries and that th advantage I largely
with the latter,
Th turning of th standpatters to Judge
Horace E. Deemer In a body wa a coup of
the flrat Importance. The availability of
Deemer for tha position was recognised at
one. Hi nam had been mentioned a
dozen time In th paper that are not tied
up with the candidacy of other. H I a
man of such high characUr that no pos
sible explanation will satisfy ,th public a
to why h waa not electefl.
But th trick came a great deal nearer
to success than had been anticipated. It
1 now known that the democrats were
Just on th point of Joining in with the
standpatters and a large body of th con
servative progressives to elect Deemer, and
that the democrats actually caucused on
th matter and a majority of them favored
electing Deemer. But Wiey had agreed to
all stand together and because a few of
them refused to Join In th Deemer move
ment It had to be abandoned.
Jt I also true that th progressives cam
very near being stampeded for Deemer.
They wer fairly dased by the situation
and many of them declared at one that
th challenge of th standpatter should
be accepted for th most acceptable com
promise which could possibly be offered.
As soon ss time waa given for th special
workers for Kenyon to get busy they wer
able to line up th northern Iowa progres
slves largely on the theory that Fort Dodg
and the Tenth district are entitled to th
senatorshlp because of nvr having had
very much of anything.
Rardra Uses Progressives. -As
a result of all this th railroad pro
gressives ar placed In the attitude of be
ing obstructionist, of being opposed to any
harmony, of baing selfish and stubborn
rather than broad minded and patriotic
Their attitude lacks much of being that of
disinterested and patriotic republicans and
that fact will Inevitably harm them very
much in the campaigns of th futura.
Th attitud of th progressive who
Joined In for th selection of Judge Deemer
was not that by so doing they were yield
ing to th other faction, but that they were
securing on who Is In every sens of the
word a thorough progressiva and above all
elaa on who Is so conspicuous for his
ability and his true culture that his selec
tion would stand as a matter of great
credit to th Thirty-fourth general as
sembly, - It seems now probable that in case ther
Is a deadlock to th and of th session that
both sides will start at one on a fight for
th primary victory of next year, that tha
standpatters will select either Toung or
Carroll as a standard bearer, whll the
progressives will probably be unable to
agre upon sny candidate for th place.
Under the circumstances It will b easy to
see that th standpatters will win. They
will hav the advantage of having shown
a willingness to sink personal preference in
th senaatlonal matter and although they
had refused to recognise majority rul In
the party they had at th laat tried to se
cire election to th senate of a good man.
Ther ha been soma discussion as to th
attitude of the national administration
toward the contest her. So long as It
seemed to b a controversy between Toung,
who had been conspicuous In th Taft club
of last summer, and Jdug Kenyon, an of
ficial of tha administration. It Is certain
ther was no part taken from Washington.
But as soon as Toung was out of It, Mr.
Roberts, director of the mint, earn on and
took personal charge of th Kenyon candi
dacy. This Is believed generally, however,
tg b only a matter of personal friendship.
Assrortaloa Matter.
Th work of th appropriation committees
of th legislature la Just now fairly be
ginning. The problem of how to stretch
out an Income of leas than two million dol
lar to cover a budget of nearly four mil
lion dollars Is largely In th hand of th
two man who ar at th head of the
committee Senator Matlea and Represent
ative Moore. Both ar well equipped for
th positions. The (tat educational Insti
tutions and th institution under th board
of control alone ar aaklng a llttl mora
than th total amount available for th
legislature to appropriate, or about a mil
lion dollara each. They can readily show
that they really need all thla money for
th thre college and fifteen other Insti
tution. '
Ther la demand for money for various
other matters, for lncress in pay, for mora
offices, for boards and commission, for
roads and other things. Ther will b no
nw buildings started for th state nor pur
chase of land. The elalma against th state
are few. Tha national guard doea not need
anything more.
Prohibitory Awraimtat.
It Is not probabl th legislature will
authorise a vote en th prohibitory amend
ment to th constitution.
Th bouae Is disposed to be pretty
strongly temperance, but the senate la con
servative In its views and a majority ar
disposed to permit things to run as they
ar for th present. Th advocate of con
stitutional prohibition ar really not pre
senting th matter very atrongly because
they realis that they ar getting better
results under tha present Iowa law than
they ever secured under constitutional pro
hibition. Ravi ta ! Caaabltaa-.
Th legislature of Iowa will not go on
record a favoring any mor stringent regu
lation or prevention of gambling. A bill
which had been Introduced provided for
applying th Injunction principles to th
gambling house, making It possible to en
join th owner of a building from permit
ting gambling and then. In cas of con
viction, th fin would li against th prop
arty. It la a draatie measure and probably
would hav had th effect of breaking up
organised gambling In most of tha cities.
But th bill has been Indefinitely postponed,
alaaa MwaM sr Kltlaa.
In explanation of tha plan to return to
th system of voting oa saloon con taa ta a
embodied la his bill introduced Saturday.
Representative ahankland aaya.
Tba proposed law would not change the
present law in any way except In th
manner of securing th consent of th
voter to operate saloons. Th pr cent i
a follows: In cttle having a population
of i (Ml or mor. a majority of th voters;
In clues of leas than and over 2, MO,
V per cent of the votere
Th baol of par cent would remain tha
- j
Iowa Iowa. j
, 1
sine ouM all other laws regulating tht
liquor traffic.
A apecial election could be celled bv the
niavor upon petition ot per cnt cf tne
01era, or. If In th countv w per Cf-nt ot
Ihe vnteis residing In the count.v. coiiH pe
iitbn Ilia board of supervisors to call an
Ao election may be called every two years
upon petition of per cent of th voters
or the lily or county s th esse may be.
People will bsve a chance to pass upon
the question every two years instead of
Ine ears as at present.
Will Favor l.akbylaa;.
Th senate refused to follow the ld of
the house In approving and Indorsing
lobbying on th prt of government em
ployes at Washington. Senator Schrttp
called up a hous resolution which had been
sent over memorialising congress to pass
a bill forbidding sny executive order like
that Issued by Prenldrnt Roosevelt in re
gard to lobbying among federal employes
for higher pay. Senators Smith and
Hammlll tame to the defense of President
Roosevelt and declared that the Roosevelt
order waa a proper on and th Iowa legis
lature should not go on record as con
demning him and his effort to Introduce
business methods In the department at
Washington. The concurrent resolution
wss therefore Indefinitely postponed.
The senate having a small attendance
did not. take up the concurrent resolution
approving the amendment to the federal
constitution ao that an Income tax might
be levied, but made It a special order for
next Wednesday. The resolution will pass
HlttlasT the Tax Dodger.
Another way of getting at the tax dodgers
showed up today In a bill by Senator
Fltchpatrlck of Story, which proposes to
place th compensation of county treas
urers on a percentage basis graded ac
cording to the amount of taxes and special
assessments collected. The pay Is to be
2 per cent for the first $30.0MK collected, 1
per cent for th next 1100,000, and a less
percentage for still larger amounts collected
and turned over to th county, this to be
In lieu of salary and th county treasurers
to employ and pay all necessary help for
collection of tax. This would afford an
incentive to th county treasurer to make
It warm for those who fail to pay their
taxes and prove as effective a th tax
ferret law.
I.eaallalar Street Nanaes.
Th senate passed a bill from the house
legalising the actions of city councils In
the matter of changing names of streets
ven though th nam changes war not
properly recorded. Th scnat also passed
a house bill that Is much desired by the
w'wmen auxiliary societies engaged In fra
ternai work making such organisations
legal th same as organisations of men for
similar purposes. The senat also passed
a bill for th registration to farm names
on payment of a fe of tl to th county
Rev Ulna; Mlae Laws.
Senator Clarkson Introduced In th sen
at today th big bill for th revision of
th mine laws of th state and better pro
tection of miner. It 1 a bill prepared at
a conference of the senator from Monro
with President Whit of th United Mln
w orders, the president of the state branch
and representatives of th mln organisa
tions and operators. It completely revises
the law on the subject adding many provis
ions ror extra safeguards for the workers.
State Exaaalaer af Aecaaats.
Senator Fltipatrlck Introduced a bill to
fixing a new seal for th compensation
of county superintendents of schools. ' It
is graded according to population of the
country and mas from $1,409 to $2,000 a year.
Senator IFt spot rick Introduced bill to
provide for a board of examiners for county
treasurers, consisting of four special state
examiner to be appointed by the state
auditor who shall be on aalary of $t800 a
year each. They shall make examination
at least four times each year of every
county treasury and shall prepare and
adopt a uniform system of bookkeeping; for
all county treasurers. Another bill also
gives county treasurers authority to name
their deputies and fixes the conditions.
The board of optometry will not hav to
turn back at tha end of each flecal year
ell the money received in feea If a bill by
Senator Bennett Is adopted. It authorises
the board to turn back all but $500 at th
esd of th year and to us this for ex
penses. Meaaerlat te Delllver.
Th proposed memorial service to th
let Senator Dolllver has been postponed
until March 14 at the request of Mra Dol
llver. Robert Q. Cousins will speak.
The house passed th bill to require a
two-thirds vote to remove a county seat
where It has been established fifty years;
also a bill to turn pedlers license Into th
road fund, and a bill to raqulr publica
tion of proceeding of town councils.
A resolution was adopted In regard to
the 1st Henry stone, former speaker of
the house, and a coritmltte waa named
for a resolution regarding th services of
the late P. A. Smith. ,
Way Cleaa th Streets.
The city of Das Molne again today r
sumed th cleaning of th street by flush
ing with water. A few days ago th city
waur company eured an Injunction to
prevent tha wast of water, claiming that
th us of th water on th atreet waa
endangering the fir protection Judge
McPherson has dissolved the aama and
the city has resumed use of th water for
that purpose.' A sudden rise in tl water
of th rivers lias mad a difference.
Fall lata Mia Shaft.
A fall of 135 feet Instantly killed John
Birmingham, a miner living at Valley
Junction, Friday afternoon. He fell from
the top to th bottom of th shaft of th
Iowa Coal company mln. south of th
Iowa Portland Cement plant. Every bone
In hi body wa broken, and the body
eruhed. The haft la 136 feet In depth.
Ther wer no witnesses. Th body was
found by th auperintendent.
Glrl Areldeatatly Kill Herself.
TRAER. la., Feb. 19-(8pclal.)-Rtui n
Ing to her horn after hav been calling
on neighbor. Mrs. John Rogers, a former
well known Traar woman, found her daugh
ter, Haael, aged 19. lying dead oa the
kitchen floor ot their home near Cbanut.
This Information reached her today In
a telegram.. A shot gun waa by the girl s
sid and th load had penetrated her breast.
At first foul play wa uspctd, but aa
no tree of a ktruggl could be found it
I thought the girl had taken th gun to
hoot hawk that had ben carrying tit
chicken, and in some manner she acci
dentally discharged It.
Pea a Celleae Wla. Debate.
TOLEDO, la.. F. 19. Spcial.) In a
triangular debet between team rpr
Mnting Laandar Clark college of Toledo,
Penn college of Oskaloosa. and Parsons
college of Fairfield, held hare, at Oskalooaa
and at Falrflald last night, Penn college
won two of the three debates end Leander
Clarke won.
wa y "Sbaaahaled."
JOICE. Ia.. Feb. 19 (Special. ) Charles
Bowl I th tan of a prominent physician
of this placa if I 18 years eld and is
In New Tork City penniless, with th fol
lowing "shanghaied" atory behind It all. He
was la Beau;. Wash. 1U drank soma kind
of a concoction given him by a Canadian
and the next thing he knew he wss out at
a on the masted bark F.llsa l.lhn. By
the steamer Panama he arrived In New
Vork and Immediately notified his parents
here and as soon as money could be tele
graphed him he was on his journey home,
and Is expected here tomorrow.
First Iteresst Will Be Made In Floyd
l aaalr Eark Side lias Three
MASON C1TT. Ia., Feb, 19,-tSperlsl.)-
Floyd county is to be th first fighting
grounds in th contest for a seat In con
gress waged by D. D. Murphy of F.lkader
against Gilbert N. Haugen. Six attorneys
have been engaged for this contest. Mr.
Murphy will be represented by N. J. Wade
of Iowa City, T. C. Clary of New Hampton,
J. E. E. Markley or Mason City and J. C.
Campbell of Charles City. Mr. Haugen
will have representing him Attorney Babln
of Northwood and Attorney Sandusky of
New Hampton.
According to th latest reports a recount
will be made In each of the ten counttea of
the district, and In addition to this Irregu
larities wilt be charged. They will begin
to take depositions. In Charles City Febru
sry 23 before Melvln Stelner, commissioner.
The evidence secured throughout the dis
trict will be forwarded to the clerk of ihe
house of representatives and will find Its
way to the committee on elections snd
privileges. Briefs wjll also be prepared and
Iowa News Notes.
ONA WA Mrs. J. E. Selleck died Satur
day morning st her home in this city after
an illness of three weeks of tphoid-pneu-monla.
Mrs. Selleck hail been a resident
of Onawa for many years, her husband
being owner of a drug store at one time.
The store Is now conducted bv the son.
M. F. Belleck. The funeral was held 8un-
ONAWA-Ex-Sherlff Kd Rawllngs Is
making arrangements to open up a livery
business here March 1 In the Ross barn.
Mr. Rawllngs was In the business at fas
tens, la., prior to his election to the sher
iff's office six years ago,
ONAWA The February term of th dis
trict court will open February 20. Some
interesting developments In the saloon fight
Tnuun nas oeen waged in Monona county
he last few months ar expected. It Is
siaiea mat r rank Wlae or Onawa and D,
W. Mack of Mapleton will fight the grant
ing of permanent Injunctions.
eAununn-jjen t'srxer is minus one
eye. tie was going to hunt rabbits and
stopped to take out a shell when an explo
sion took place and the contents struck
mm in tne eye. The eye waa so badly
torn that an oculist had to remove It. He
is gelling along nicely.
LOGAN Superintendent and Mrs.' C. S.
Cobb and the teachers of the Doaan Hth
school entertained the senior class In the
iiDrary ana adjoining rooms of the hlh
school building last evening at a 7 o'clock
dinner. The tables were decorated with red
ana wmte carnations and the rooms were
decorated with red heart and bunting.
Music, games and other amusements occu
pied th time ot those present to a late
HAWKETB Sixty-three years married Is
the record of Mr. and Mrs. I C. Chapman
of this place and the years have not told
heavily upon them. Cards of congratula
tion poured In from all parts of the country
and many of their old acquaintances and
Intimate friends called personally to extend
GRANGER The Granger Farmers' Co
operative Creamery company haa held ita
annual meeting and a very flattering report
waa aubmitted. The officers elected are:
Prealdent, J. A. Ludwlg; vice president,
J. W. Darrah; secretary, J. Burkholder;
treasurer, F. U Damon; directors, A. A.
BIgolk I.. B. Pratt. R. McCloud. J. Hayes
and W. B. Hutchinson. -
SPENCER There Is always something
new In this world turning up, and one of
the latest la a farmers' threshing co
operative company, and it works like a
charm. It Is called the Hopewell Threshing
company and ia composed of fifteen farm
er, waa organised two year ago, and this
year earned $2,380.55 In fifty-one days. After
deducting all expenses, such aa coal, help,
etc., the stockholders received checks to the
amount of 44 per cent of tha Investment.
T. I Wilson wa elected president; Henry
Vollmer, secretary, and Joe Maurer, man
ager. IOWA FAL.L8-Publlo dissatisfaction
over the official announcement of the cen
sus of Iowa! Fall ha resulted, In action
being taken for another enumeration of
the city by the Commercial club. The
directors of the club have divided the city
into ten districts, with a director of th
club for superintendent ot nine district,
th tenth being in charge of County At
torney C. A. Bryson. , A careful and svs
tematlo count will be made and a record
carefully preserved of the population tab
ulated by blocks and showing the names,
age. etc., of each person In th city.
ORKENK Mra J. P. Chtistensen drowned
herself In Flood creek Thursday. The
daughters had been away from home at
tending a dance. When they returned they
did not aee their mother and thousht aha
had gone to bed. In the morning she was
not to be found. An alarm waa given, and
after searching the premises 'some of the
men went to the creek, about forty rods
distant. Here they found the body of Mrs.
Chrlstensen lying face downward In about
eighteen Inches of water with her clothing
caught In a barbed wire fence. It ia
thought that the woman became despondent
and decided to end her life. 8ho had not
been feeling well for some time.
Wasaaa t'oaf eases Theft ef Aalaaals
aaa Bacsle with Her
NEW TORK, Feb. It Mra. Edna Henry
Mann, a young- matron, was convicted of
horse stealing in Long Island City today,
(ihe is believed to be the first woman horse
thief ever convicted In or about New Tork.
Mrs. Mann broke down In court and con
fessed the theft, with a male accomplice, of
aeveral horses and buggies. She was re
manded for sentence.
ilusyon's fold Bemedy Relieves the
bead, throat and luegs slinoat Immediate
ly. Checks Kera, atopa Discbarges of
lbs nose, lakes away all aches and pain
rsased by rolda. It eures Uiip and oh-
finale Cough and prerent rneuinoiil.
Write Prof. Mnnyon, A.'ird and Jrffnreos
Ria , PUlia . l a., for medical st1c b
olulcl free,
Mrl W 1 I
V 'v "VJ
KnostmeaM y
Dentists a, Ptysic!an.
.Refuse Substitutes .
7 b
MaJcesywtr UUA
Society Leaders of Washington Con
tract the Aeroplane Craze.
rhmol I Re F.atahllaheri Where the
Ar ef allln Amnna the t loads
Will Rr Ta.ilil lo
WASHINGTON, Feb ll.-t Special Tele- "
gram.) First of all women of fashion to I
take to aeronautics as a sport. Washington I
Irader ar planning to lead the world s
"high flyers" In a literal t-cnue. The thrill ,
attendant on 'sailing through the air Una 1
fascinated them and In order to iniluluo
In It to their heart's content, they are '
going to establish a school and obtain In- 1
structlons In tho Science of operating fly- 1
Ing macJilnes. The school will become an ;
aotualltj" this spring.
The leaders of the movement are VI- 1
countess Brnolst D'Asy, wife of the naval
attach of the French rmhassv. lnv
brcesy end enthusiastic as a school girl:
Mr. Nicholas Iongworth, who retains the
girlish vivacity end dating of her "Princes
Alice' days, and Miss Gladys Hinckley,
by many considered the hamlKonicst un
married girl In society, who is "In" for
all that make fir good sport.
Many others are interested In the tno e
vent, and the school promises to be a ncnu
Inc success.
The Viscountess D'Azyr one of the bet
all-around sportswomen In society. Is no
novice to the pleasures of aviation. Al
ready she has made flights with French
aviators, and In this country has been the
Get it today.
Try it.
Use it for the table, for cooking:, for
See for yourself this product with all
the goodness of butter at one-third less
For your own benefit try
Swift's "Premium"
AH 'dealers carry it.
Made only by Swift & Company, U. S. A.
(Oleomargarine is Butterine)
Have your ticket
The greatest Variety of desirable routes lo and from ifr 1
Coast is possible to those holding tickets of Burlington Issue, .
Note the broad choice of routes available and how well Burling
ton main lines through the west Vflt in" with comprehensive
tours ot the Coast. 1
lOOI0 via Soenfo
I Angeles direct.
jKZTUAMIiro via
Deo ye r
or eoatliera
yon Bout) to
f aUBTUXlUNO) via
OO I WO to Seattle
Seattle and J
1... .11.1.
Offices on Court of
Best Known Building
In the city are very desirable. Well ventilated, brightly
lighted, and properly heated at all times, they afford ex
cellent accommodations at a low rental price.
Rental price includes electric light, heat ami atten
tive janitor service.
The Bee Building
Some Court Office, which will she .vu the advantage of a low renlal
In the best known and beat equipped bullUiiiK ii the illy.
BOOaf 1B Nicely located office on the Court, MVakiTVt feet, with a
Fir Proof Vaill In connection. Hents, per month 1B.09
BOOM (13 Thla office la well lighted during the day and la Mill, feet
in size, with a fire proof vault, ami la a cheap room mi per
month Slg.OO
BOOK 6li3 located tieit to the elevator on the Court, 2( equare teet
of space, and has a fire proof vault in connection. Heiital per
luoni li Slg.aQ
BOOaf 807 Is one of the rhenresi and heal offices In the building be
ing almost aquare, and having 225 square feel of space. Hents Tr
per month : . - S1B.C0
BOOM l la partitioned ao as to make to rooms, and has a ault
llerital per month S.lg.00
New EUvaton will It installed within 6 wtefo. '
The Bee Building Company
Dee Building Office, 17th and Farnam Streets
ilr.-i of -i.iui r.r'nharitc-Yt hll in a
For tiie ristii'v: muhh I'si ilrnne. air
i travel 1m no terrors and tUc VI.' rounieaa
1 Im cinciini nth one of Hi luol rnthusl-
j aotic of all Hi - Mimit rt In lief OkPtncj
'in hculii t t' her n'l 11 :! hine.
I'or Mr Miirtotih the uport has a1aaa
1 l ad an Irn otllile fascination, Kvrrt In the
cniv fl . of a' , phtiiln- ehrn tl W right
I brothers were making their fllnhH over St
I Tort Mecr. and the world looked to see
them. Mr. I .I'ticw o-th' niotot a lwa
to be noticed on the 1 when there wss
lo he a flight, Hnd It iciuircd a rlrtcrnilned
Ftand on the pint of Representative tong
I worth to restrain IiIm wife from trying a
! flight
j4- rof not contain Onlatea
Tnj TTr-Mt'r. RrvtPT for Cottehs, Cold.
Croup, Vh, opine: -4 -iih., Rronchitis.Oripre
CJoiiKh,lloarsoiMs.eii'. Pafeandsur-. a&ew-
W rite for It tortav. Mention t his prr. AMre.
read "Burlington."
OOIBTO rla ac.nlo Colorado, Malt Lake and Sfca rran- .
I clsco to X.OS Angeles.
' BtZTUBsTIru over southern roatas, or vis Shasta
i (tout and Pnret Sound.
Colorado and Bait X,ake te Los
San Francisco and central rontea,
routes, er via Sheet ltoute aad raj at
IOO IN a via Denver, thenc Saata T (Oread Caa-
I.o Ana-alss.
Saa lranoloo aad central route.
or soutnarn routes, or via Baa rranotaoo, Sal
Z.ake aad Scenlo Colorado, or via Shasta Koute
and Paget Sound.
or Portland via direct northwest
main line through Billings, or via Denver and
Bluings, thence Shasta IBoute to Saa rraaclaco
or Loi Angeles.
B1ETUBNIBO direct through Salt Lak and Scenlo
Colorado, or via southern routes and Denver or
Kansas City.
CO Omaha toCalifornia
Spokane, Seattle, Portland. Northwest
Mar. 19 to Apr. 10, 1911; colonist lares
City Passenger Agent, 1508 Farnam