Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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For Nebraska tnjett'ed.
For I'ntaett !o(.
For weather rprt see peg. J
Vn! XI N .
siN;r.r; mrv f.vf: ci:xt.
Coming and Going in Omaha
; Result of the Government'! Campaijr
Aam't Cattlemen for Lle-
gal Fencing.
jXillion and a Esit tertila Acrei Be
I itoied to Settlement
Tin.i 1'iiT i'lmt i TV lui.uvv ion. nan a,
Vigorous Campaign;
S'pubhcan Leaae jbelieye Vore en
eipr ocity ill Aot jse -eaciied
Before Adjournment, j
1 Beport on Omaha Election Investija-
Kope to 03iotrite th.n Veek j a to Be Wd on 0, naul
A ;: .Krr?Kv
aecesntv of tenl:n ma
chise to Women.
Lrg-1 Evidence.
cnrs ecf billa will yhilst
alwm. n. T..7e7V-e.,rr-w jCOJOOmX SOT LEGAL TBX3TJNAL
tnnv which the memlvr of various j
ufrrM clubs about the tai hop they Members Hold Tie 7 Xay BeTiew
tn demonstrate to th emmet- tne J General Condition.
1 :w 'A
. 1 . ... -1 1
Ich 2Icanre ILu litttnsinei Back
er! Insisting on Ballot
- . Ml d
exsity of passing the bills gn;iUnt womi ( j
the Cant t rote, wll -irat-4 her, , - T Tr,
tomorrow with of . .-'A -1 In nm aA XCCJ53 SZW LAWS;
T 1
- 7
, . , . f the ch-irch-- VV" rnbly and i J
Cose Draw. Sear Without Diapoaal of y.,,- ': la Case of Enority Beport Split Kay
Hattera at Issne. hi ,v v l,L .. un-adar .fter-1 f0t Follow Party. !
. nooi . V'' 4 of "' ffr and i j
.. . , ' All thr:gh th ek o err ruirrti ahl i 1
' Tfl Dm . teeasntwaloa ... . , CorVs-.o W.ld wtf h c.- 1 Id. i
Effort of Grarer to Gobble Ail Use
"Great American Deiert."
r -ifr t r-
1 1 e I T nra ! 1 III
He ltrrwrf
WASHiy.-.TOX. Fen :t.-Ai extn
Mm nt miitrm 'oom very lanra and
pmhaMe tcmiKht. t'nle F'remdent Tafl
nd the friends of te I'lni'lian reriotvr
axrwent are able to brine mnr" than
orr!:narv nr-"r to bear uixm the aemt-e
ami av rrt tiie eTpenilt ure of lime hr the'
ofrntienin nt the agreement -or It fnetui
it la fff!riilt t" e how the senate can
ra4b a vriie before aU.'ourtiment. 1
Alil of the Canadian aarwement fori
orniwlerai ion. In addition to Ion avneral '
ar.rorr-n;tfn bill, ar measore affrtin
tn piptt'ar eli-ei'on of aenator. the iena-
nr ijn'mrr -e. tow i- maiorTtl mnu
iiKt, aenerai ae nenmon. the wwtm. '
eiooel aiooriionm nl and the fortifl
of the t.nanii ranal.
Not one of tneae ran He mdeirac. 1 I
ri-:soiit a content. Fnrk of earn 1 of dnermin"! nena'or fnt:ent that
a vote. he! 1 be taken before adjournment. :
fura" of the mrnaorea mut le left no-
paed or the Canadian agre-nu nt will
die. Therw la not time enonh fur all. f
T he forrjfotnn a the opicn of the re- j
Bobllran leader of the e-nate. y era! Eond jrSa BeVOlutiOm.t and AIO
whoee knowt-!e of ;i ie lc-clalative attua- i cilltei ChaiTed With Fitting Out
ttoo cannoi oe onumei etreei new in f
STord with he oillne ai--n when th-. . .
wr a.ked for a ttment to wlit
mieht be exiiected rraardina; frendent
Tafl'a demand that vte He taken at th
preeent ee1on on the Canadian airce
Bient. Ttinte who honed to avoid an e ra
eroaion by cetTtna- a vole on t?ie McCill
bill ace their chant. for ner-e frnw'p
!- and lc a te c'oae of fie ee-wn
draw nearer tihonr anv of thee cn
t rover"-! nmitr reina; rotten out of t-n
wa .
With no Jiitie anMetv ttioee eenatur ho
fear the- are 'aclnis a mmmer aeeelon r
acekina; lla-ht from the V1ile Houae far
aa can be elsrncd no enaior who ha
talked with Pr-ldrnt Taft has be a com
anineioneil to announce pwaiUvely wbetiier
thera will be an extra -noi ia Ihe e- ent
tho aenate fa U to vole on the Canadian
agreement. Tli (etreral owlnton eeewie to
be there ! I bo an extra, am; on and the
oni at-t".nr who are makinc pfetiarajoia
to m-4'vny" rr "u-cu . i a.- .thoa wbona
twnifl exire on teat Jiste,
The arRuimnt iJoc-rd by conreonal
leader In usnwM-t of the content ion I hat
Prcwidrm Taft wiil caJI a ic.iai . aeaaion
la that ibe evcutive ia determined to de
rive wh.i ix-nt flt. he can from the chanisi d
conditine in the i'ouee where the demo '
aaia will be In control, and n the aenate.
when the republK an majority ill be ma
terially reduced by tne retirement of mi-
eiai memorra oi'imninf the admimm--a;.on
Aa the house pNs the ML-Ci;i ui.i by ,
a d"-iei--e vuie and irai maily all of t'.ie
dcmterala rmed for it. the preaitlcnt be-
lieic a denim 1 aii-. huuse in apn-ml
siun would again rut : a (Sin l w itliuu: ot
Ik. !t 'o is na.d the picstdn: be'ie ea
tiie senate, ae it will be mntui .;cd cil-.r
2arl would pass tne bill. 7 he senate
committee on 'nam e tiMlay det :Uil to it..e
briiia on the M-t.ail b"l .n y
Bird Tutstiar. i .n i . ji ,,i.i ni l
be imaldeied In r.-i ice'ion and the
coai osia of oiilnn.n Is 11 will be repined
But Idler than "Ih'.rxlu.. la view of i..a
aiiort lime liiat ren.ains t the t)j-rrnt
cxMnn it He uwl lo limit tha hranntl
to to ami.
m Pmwr Ado ate.
1-ven thou:i i.ic M.-Ca'l Hill unuid l
(itcii ku the at oi us "Hiuv.-um.. . ;utie ia
aia-.-e d'.Hilit t wiiether ooiiwir;:ua
fur it siiuuid j biouM.l aiuat. T5-j n la
u enthusUutii- uiai for the Mna.I
bill en rhe tr -muMi-un of lb sa iutx
Sum ditiUMtai n:a uir.n forwaid aa Ha
'.hampers., hit his effurts probahly
piv .e .nefftM.-Me as his moiiwi woud le
s..ra io l.e aiiired on the aiw.od Thai lie
o-. a k n v to emimiun tne renuoiti an.
Senate Takes Up
the Suiloway Bill
Pension lleaime
1 m -n nit a a i I s T m
plactl Direct Election. Measure
oil tS Ci'eTdar
W.i'HlN'aH'N. F-t It. B- a vote of
a lo lt:e senate loaay 'octt uu ihe 9 n.o
ara. eer-vic oenAion bl.l Thia vo4e doe
not dc:ravk t.w Jo nl r?su!UtKa fur the
ee.-ton of aroaioi s Ly poi.u ar ute. ti-.i.h
re-mttin I'te unfinil.rd busint as.
T ie t? from iVve tto-ran r itui :uii oa
;i,e e -..sio el l ll lin nj a the
r-.;i of a t arwun'ui ai d out in
t.triwiatr.-.-ni of ihi ei '-t'.wii m-i:r-.
.mourn -t :m tii a as made by Ai.-. Xlc
T( ut r of Noi'h I ft.j a ti nt ow.og to a
re iio.n Ui".-d h ihe t-uisla: tr uf ui
'i-e rc ' h m lo .lo i. Cuuid not
avor tne ilina: general penioon bill.
Two meaern I iki I
resea Boy Mrewk Th
to rwe
U'i.V. C. B. r l. I -Th
b.: gu r -o-i; ine Blw of Cai la
b.i ;r-t,: Ufte4. T i ai&e.iJ
oico inainlainl ivminuni.:t:.iu
tct em ;
".ur hta '
Hi o:.
Mon l.-t Ail Faatiues. N F
no'. r"vMd Ijuisnurg
erk iliiio-SKOmeu:
and Niit i .'a
,mi nigit H er a
ihe it-.- o.'f I. w
uu; floei
rhj Bruc d r as liart
srwai ui: a th
ilMcxi.-m- k a T'L-n in
nf Its
t.ritH. -
i . lee
.u ei-.-wue
a "1 i.rd li e.i sou-
s ru. lis.
e la , eUlVJIilSrnt i'isv -i
w-r tw f t it ana mad tiiwr
u. on loo.
ever ih e- io tna er.aie nu
T-e g?.erotirn. -ce-eieeii.g .teemcr
a.xe n. wlkb a..) p-ra causm in
ia- k fr--ru i:..-f and o;Ud i ' "
ae.ii for iu Mx'"cn itnii'ii la in v-?
' ot. Uartct
; rtin ru-j!;-i to mnn tn qu'm
jyrtaru th puhilc will U wnplnj-rd. from d-
I v, tlni In the tie ;mpT moA
i (rip wreet w(in ta tnt xhi!ttioi ot www tan
siif.'msti fl'.ma in !m-al -novtnj pictitr
1 i
. Bh'w I
Tb rel wwk will -tart Monaiy. when
a Jrawlnn rwu ta'W will be 1 en hjr Mr, j
tharie Trt of Htoa. Other women win ,
' make a(M-rheii before rarinus inr uirtowa 1
' lioltiina- meeting tha nitht. The lavbwr :
anion talks wt!l b- kept up tturina; the en- !
lira week.
Weanaria;-. tha da- of the bearing, will
of rvurw. f irniali ISie arate4. Intereat. A
, tr n beaT-lnii aboit Hw anti-auf-fraslrt.
amonif them Mr, tillbert Jonea.
. r"preent1n the National Uear'i lor tlt
, C! ic Education of Women and JUsa Alice
OU k09 -
; Hill CMttenden. will come
lip from New '
and auffraKiKta from all over the
mate are up rted to crowd the bla as
sembly chamber to the doors.
Bonilla is Indicted
By Federal Grand
Jury in New Orleans '
Filibuit-ring- Expedition.
Feb. IS. lmllctment
-re returned toda -'
by the United S'.atea
irrand Jurj' acaliwt Manuel Bonlla. leader j
of the revolutionary force in Honduraa:
Lee Chrl-dmaa. hia chief lieutenant; Joaeph
W. Peer, and Flonao. Iarldl In connection
Willi the
il.-od f;iibueler!n rleditlo) "iin
I the Hornet, which ea:let from here lm-fll
! Dt-centler.
Tt,e !ndl-tmm chaea Bonila. Chnei-
;ma. H-r and rav!d1 with wilfully and!
; mallcioiiety com.pirinv and flttina; out a
' military expedition aaainet Hondnraa. wiln
' which country the United States la at
, wa e.
Idstrlct Attorney Beatly asked the court
to issue capiases for tbe Indicted men and j
It is e.d the recognised Hnndnran governr
m-nt W!H s. aaked o honor reoutmrions fori
:ihe rttiii-n to th country of the ravtelu-
follow nn the Indictment a report sained
cuirency that aa lndci.ew.ieot inveetlgatsoa i
nt tbe H'.rnt-t expedition tud by Uta Slate
douaitmcnt at Wasliinsioo diaclwsed that i
both iuairm'a and NinrMw had
aa j
t veiy aided the Bonila revolution In viol
tlon of the Washington aareemcnu
a T'll TT 4.
ArmOUJS f i i-Li XlOL JjG
A l(WIPC Tfi V J 1 f 111111 ITT
XllUt,U. bU If i.UU.U.lVV
".sMtsri Scrrstary Befutei to File
Notice Until Oust?r Suit ii
ttatiy of
it'. rney
) (
Mate H.
TY. XI t. Ffb. lli.-ee-
h. n the ad . ioe of the .
toda ref is'-d to file i
ihe notice of withdrawal from the state ,
of the .rniour racking com-.iany. Tha
state has an euater suit nrnding against.
iii oir., i
The notice tv a returned to i
the oumuan.
In a elici t j the Armour Pv t.n com
pany f.ic arcretary of state wrote that nojh" aa1 bn raised and tne commute
i;!..iral wilt allowed until tha proidj" avt fir moner given for tne
cwj.n sa now in the supreme court ar "t more ground. The general
cik Hided. appi-opr.auons bill will probably make its
XA;01 VIULE. Tenn.. Feb. IE No resist- i apptaran.a In the eousa soma tiros during
acre will t made to tha involuntary bank- ' tha week.
ruiiuy pfoci;.ojh liin;iuttd aaui&t the
7nneee Packing and stock Yarda com-I
pan by New lurk creditors, said W. J.
Cumm.ns twday. and no attempt will be
made to oppuve ih imil .oa of the peutioa-
ci for the appointmer.t of J. W. Hawkins, j
g.rerai maiiai r or tne piant. as reran er.
Mr. ummina aaid: "L'nder Xir. Ua-vkin
tne plant v ill continue ta opemt without
(met n ption for tr.e benefit of the st.jrk
Bto bfti and creditors.'"
r A CITY. . Frl. The
neas of all Vat Armuur pax-king pi an la is
Lli United estate, at kanisaa C.'U'. Chi- J
cago. Omaha, fium City. t. Lula and
Fort Worm, is lo
conducted uniformiy I
in the sain of Armour and
-"'"-'Thia accoidma lo W. Armour.
head of the Armour lmresta In kansaa
.City, is the univ reason permision a
aed at Jcfferwun.C.ty yaateiday to retire'
he lii.enie ef the Artnour Packing cuna-
pany of HIanaa City to do buslnese In the ,
state of Xtistiourt.
flask t oaoaea at
AbhiUitCCV. i. D . Keo. Is. ..iiai
B. . T.-anm-nd. i-wlner uf tan "lura-n
T:ul and jm ' 'ti of Alu-Mcra. u ;
diMHind of h's inieriMa In that tnmti.ttoet !
asd -.!1 go to Mm IjbII. lie la succredtw '
a by Frank F" r.a:-.xom of Cedar)
Rjixds. la. P. It. U.nhtner of New Toek ;
l"it. m'o becomes onnected "ith the in-1
U.::tn a director- and xeMid ice preu- I
den;. Mr. Iiuner la the s-w-ln-'aw of tiovernor C N. Harried. I
Mystery of Silent Girl is
Solved bv
t ric-S'aiiia lia.e faa La k and forta. to i
an Frani-iho and t. hi&.a-:o for -.tie last
ih ee la: in eftuns to lurulif - Ihe uung
wotban iuiisil xii:ing' in tn
l.itif" Tjruiai' sunlit. The conjecture
that mh as ihe lung hi Us. fees, lorutuy
A:nud. wxa vri!tia f:nail. Uut at. II Ih
C rt rma.n U r sullen. reii rt ueiiit-aior.
Thru:fih Ins an. .Hies of il ao l.ia junta,
rcicar uf ihe Aw4ai4 Cbruita. eiic
xiu.t'!' wemil H xi iidxj aa
Hx'i B a-kaioiw of Cuun :l 1 .i.'s (fn
ia ; .-.e .ed lo m i sear od- 5w aa
UfT.t vr to te ju.en.le a-ui-irinea
F-ix- sad ia una Ie.u4 u.d at l:.i
isvee. Awl
- - - -
r-fc r wwrwfai etr-riT
Harw4 Dw4lsp p pf
1 Ftjm
T.TX- if.X.
!arf Co reeponrtent.)
Feh. 1. petal TleaT m. 1
Onir a few rr tentwr of the aetiate and
hoise roimninwi taf wwe invetljraln 1
eleetton eonnWona in Omtht hare netarnert.
and none of them will un'lerake to fore-
rant what the nnillre- are amna" to he.
The aena'e commute baa not yet looked
; ier the first evidfnee that wa taken h
i the bmtee T hen thev iro over that, they
will man an effort to am ee noon a j
j of eome :nd. arvl will avoid liavtn a
I minority flndinM- if nnMihle It la r-v :
- .- (
"Enable that tStey win miKirnet aome letrii
la'ion to remedy what difficulties they
have found, if they dewide that there in
anylhina wronar with the mai- the demo
cratic admlnietratlnn conducte-1 the !al
The aenatnr are- not all of the opinion
tbat the commitrew eoould he ennatdered
a letal tribunal and open to conviction
only by legal evidnce. Senator Kemp, one
of the committee, ea'd Saturday. "The
senate committee should not confine 1t;-"elf
to f1ndtn wha; wa true only upon the
tricteet legal evd-ice nut should make
Its report upon the general conditions which
were found to exirt."
It Is not at ail certain tJiat if there is a
minority report In either house the split
will be along- partv line, aa members of
both parties are to be found both for and
int ie tlief that thlnaw were
or less shady.
late lexltelleej Hooka.
1 n'mfmini wti nea .-aturoay momma
th, office of the aovemor br those in-
terMed In pro idfna books for state Ineil
tutlon A pian has been suriteeted to ap
propria'e the sum of I7.i for the purpose,
to be etperded irr s-ettlnit hooka for each
stale Inwiit'itlon whk-h It particularly needs.
Governor Aldrteh Is very much In favor
of the bill. Senator Kemp and Hcpresenta-
fives Gerdee. Baaaett and Johiwin. Mrs. t
H- D. Wheeler and Mr O. M. Stomebraker
"t the Lincoln Woman s club, and Miea
ttiarlotte Temuteton. secretary of Uia Slate
"-'"-r comnuimon. were present.
Thirteen state institution, will enara in
the appropriation for the htenmum of il.:4
Com attic to Reerrratlaa.
The heme ndiciary-'eomtntttea' Baa "Hp- r
pointed aa special investigators (0 vunt j
th Winnebago Indian rcaerratlun: Ui-osa-
man of Douclaa. Kotouc of Rlchardaun
and Hardin of Harlan. Billa have been
introduced affecting the mai-rioo- relations
of Indiana and the committee thought it
better to take no action upon them until
I the conditions there were better understood
1 ar noW- -M or 1 b," to .
require Indians to chooae only one wife i
to keep property inheritance mora clearly j that the president baa tendered tiie recre
definvd. jtarsliip to Mr. Pawson. and it now lies
Seinl kool tteeaa t at. I with rhe Iowa conKrrsaman Bhethev. upon
The Cnnme ...oiwmiitee I,.. to i. his retirement from ct.nuise on March 4.
executive s-rsion and lias decided to
rut rm the maintenance bill now being
nrepaeed the
appropriation of fcJd.OMI for 1
the csmpua of Omaha iledlcal college, the .
iippcr branches of the medical department j
of te state university. Two years ago
ry.M a given for a site and it waa
supposed to he a promise from Omaiia
fr:end. of ihe institution that money would
; be tu4n.isried for ne
building. This money
Ct!llJS Ur NhaKASX.A IUAS'lowa lemslatur to nostpone any election
v iiiose ar
Ulaskra? I. sere Woo
oa ta Tea Tearw Tlaker
Lake beta Uad Offiew.
I From a Staff Correspondent.)
! WASHINGTON. Feb. 18 ("oeciai T.e
' gram. Senator Brawn today rwrommended
tne appointment of W. C. Foster to pa
postmaster at Meadow, Neo.
I The cenaua bureau today announced tbe
population of Scotia Bluff aa 1.7. Scott a
Bluff waa not oa the map ten years ago.
i Tha village of Humphrey last one soul '
: during the last decade,
(day la 88 aa corapaiwd
it a popuiadoa lo
th ?a In :; and
fll in 1st.
Pri.ieni Taft anernoua signed an
axec-tiva order removing tbe '.and
from Aberdeen to Timber Li ik
ike. 8. D.
I n n in n . .
H.-.1- ..e w, .
aesariair oo (rtraei
IflSiSal HUB.
WASHINGTON. Fro. !.--nator Irl- '
mer gave nonce UMav 'hat he would ad-',
drers lie senate et Wednesday on the i
it!estions 1n ol ed in ihe ense-jtes of i
bribery in cennee nm wiia his eiei-iion.
the Authorities
Ftein t: first aue eirod fast : .. ref-usd to '
l,k about!. Hh iiad j os: n '.
her oxxt.r.riuu m found. Sha nid sue)
ni intu ti.e juufr:i to get out ef
me rain Amuug act,iiu wre
manv idrtuios uf acti wot a ajio chorua !
gir a w:tn aamea wriit;.i uaiee tucjn. T'i '
a r?r' eni iHUi.le t Sie her name aa
lime Iwe. io Black nor sod .... n i
Bsx-kmoi. I'na of me piriurea was tnat
of V'luiel la
It has ho poi ". e - xrn-d iiiat tier
ohse.a tr- aid
bfu:t:er ia v uk-ol-I
aud thai ie haa
KluCs and 'a saner
at J
BeUrmjj Iowa Congieiiman
Hat Norton's Place.
... TfTTXf
i XiU Vit -" m
DefiooeT R-oiwr i ah(w.
1 t ru
- I
leu TansaafS .Hawkre.Laaa
ela, V W III Tor, to
to ooo.
Fron a Ptaff Correspondent
WASHINGTON. Feb. lS.-e-peciai Tele
groni.) Aain tho rumor la revived tJiat
Representative Albert F. Dawson of !oWa
is to aucceed Cliarlcs D. Norton of Chicago
as private secret a rr to Preei.ient Taft. It
is current taik about the capital today
he shall accept the position of president
of the First National bank of paveonon.
; la., or become secretarj' to the preidrnt
of the Tilted 5tates.
in converation with a member of con
aress from loaa It wa.t learned today tl at
; the vote on senstor next meek will again
I be divided, and that the oung men in the
I Iowa legislature will cast tlie-r votea for
A.'bert V rawson, offering him as a com
promise candidate.
Mesilif of Deener1! leie.
While It is recognized here that the vote
which Judge Lwemer Is receiving 1 formid
able and may look like tb elimination of
Kenyan, it la believed that Changs of front
Is largely prompted by a d! pon t on oa
the part of a number of members of the
i of senator at this session and allow the
people to csftress their choice for senator
eitner through a primary ie tlon or at the
polls in 1912. DowMin haa many elements
j of strength. He Is es-entiaily a represema
! av of the yountrer element of the repubil
l caa party, aithouen not ciased 1n either
i the Cummin or anil- 'umniioa camp. It
will therefore be no 'f iain
', should rwueiia during tha coming es a
conatderabla Tote from the youngesr element
i of republicans, who are progTej. si-, e. and
i want a man in the senate no will grew
I in influence with his years
taiarday'e He I lor lo low o.
t'E MOINE. Ia.. Feb. UL Today's
Joint ballot resulted: twiner. 3: h,en'n.
: Porter tdrm.l. J. Absent, t. Neces
sary to oiect. fl-
Two Larara -eirle loos.
j W A I.TH A M. Maes . Fee. !S -Th Hood t
I Ri.otwr nu is m h ast Watertown -r
srui down t,1s - um.i Fm.r- S becauw. 1
mu f . 1 . t j 1
2... .;
1 of v iaM-it 4rar Th- cuiun.- mpui -
,fcr'n:l,z,:;v!E??ort 4t " xoney
oCi. ia s state last tiie operatives wee j Waa Used Ul Ele.tlOlU There
, IS1U Oil o " m .mm WW ' , jiivu
I tur an advance In aages.
The Auto show is
Read the list of
cars for sale under
Auto head on first
If you do not tea the machine
aJvtrt:sj'l iat )o "like, ca'.l Tjer
I'JUO and the ad taker a ill preiikra
to for you iha( alii br-ti raphe
from those who have rars to aril.
Now is 'li-; ti ine ta buy, if you
xpet t lo ii k u,i a, barza!u.
t-on't a g
They m y
be no4. tomorrow.
Call Tvler 1000.
HA '
r i
of the Week, aa Viewed by Tie Bee's
J Hurry Up Appeal
For Supplies for the
. Starring Chinese
1 Only One-Third of Ctrgn Eas Been
I BceiTed by Eed Croaa at
I WASHINGTON. Feb. l,-Onir one auar-
Iter of the cargo af supplies to be vent to
,"hlna on tha army transport Bufford. for
j ihe relief of the famine aufferwra. has been
received, and the Red Croaa haa Issued an
' urgent appeal for provisions and money
to com Dice the cargo.'
ConiT-tbut!ona of supplies should be sent
to the Seattle Commercial club. Seattle.
Wmb... and money for the purchase of
supplies to the American Red Cms. Wash
ington. D. C.
Advices to the Red Croas deilara the
piag-un ha spread to Shantung province
md is now within Vi miles of the famine
.iii'fncT. If the dieesee reaches cential
China, where thousands are starving. It is
pointed out. the mortality will he appalling.
China is Awaiting
Action by Russia
Government Diiplaya Keen Anxiety,
but Will 2Tot Yield Unfcl Pre.- "
inre ia Brong-ht
PEKING. Feb. Ss.-Tli Chinese govern
ment displays the keenest anxiety over
R k-.a a Uirealenod oillltac y demonstration
in III province but nevertneieos It may
not compiy with the demands set forth in
the note from ft. Petersburg until a show
of force takes some of the sting out of its
humiliation. It ia beiieved in Peking that
even should China acquiesce Russia would
not acicepi tta promise, but would insure
its fulfillment by occupying certain point
In Chinese Turkestan.
Tiie Foreign board affirm that Russia
l.a or..uied mi.itaiy porta wahln Ihe Chi-nei-e
frontier for the purpos of conuol'.lr.g
thtat .nXected with the pleagua and pi
venLng ihe disease cross. ng tne border.
In ine matter of t-us encroachment
greater fear (a felt regarding the attitude
of tha Japanese In Manchuria, who as-
asert4 ta b In close aaauciaUon with
tna Russians.
jEoly City" of Illinois
to Be Investigated
as in Eanrille.
E 1W1U.E. li:.. Feb. is.-
I i' - n-l.e- "... re. !S lioopestos.
' 'ioi u. wnuse Diavor
draws a aa.ary of j cents a ear and!
m, uuw aioermen aer- witnont remunera-
(tlon. wtti be investigated bv the grand
T j it 'ni:. n is siateo mat noanv a
; much money has been used at e'ectiun
that city
in Daaviiie.
Four Hundred Thousand
T 1 1 Tl A ' C T " 1 ! cider naunod than an:' ot the oi !ir toa'i
Dollar Fainting from Londonl:r. :Lr:
Nh.W TORK. Feo.. -What - said to
be famuua portrait of Ph'.i.p IV ef Spain.
pwlnlel by Velao,uca JxJ years ago. and
. a..w k.lued at lt w. rrh ed ta New
j T jrk ; miei'li r on tbe Xlaureteaia. In
! .I xi e of R. W. W liiama of Ia eitiua. Ac
I cording to reort the painting .a f-r ma
lroiieMt;'.a "t J. P. Morgan.
Kor many ears tbe por-rait waa loot
1 ind was finiliy dia.oerd among Ihe trea
' k' ci of Prince KHae ef neiittii who
1 lixd Itiil iniM-ant ot hi aanriti p nt
i au ra:a u Jt Lxirr it waa auid ,
r 1
s t:V-
r- "- S!
V . 1 I
Sen .and Meaaurea Objects of Good
natured Hamor A Satire.
Wesaososleao Spwtlliarnt Dlrweeo. V woo
- SfcrtoWwaf' -twt- ef leetstefs
Ikafto or Wis Cooatwrfett
)BMk lo Pwrodr.
WASHINOTON. Feb. IS.-That nnlqua or
ganieatHtn of newspaper men. the Gtidlrnw
club, entertained it friends at dinner to
night, and it would be hard to tell which
got the most fun out of the varied melmaw
of wit and humor: of arnae and nonsense).
hat waa poured forth the euesis or the
hosts. There were many men of high de
gree among the former: men of stern
visaire. with faces lined with the burden
of great public charge and reaoon nihili
ties; yet the- laughed like whool bov, and
chucxled and cnorHd with mtrlh at tha
merr quins and Jesta of the scrtSea that
unfal'lngly played ur.oo the foibles of some
t of their own number, or hit off In a mar
I ine l.'lt om r.i.l - ' i (1ba . . .
And Hie hosts had that keen eeuse of en
joyment that comes from a knowledge that
one haa purveyed successfully to the ut
most demand ef mind and matter srd has
supplemented a repast of the most ex
quisite Tiaada with a feast of mingled
humur and sartra. calculated to add tnflni e
aeet to tha entertainment.
Gr'dlr wi dinners differ from most other
furmai ajfaira nf t Iih t&lila In 1- ... ......
a guest dooa not wada drearllv through t
heavy course dinner clear down 10 the
eoffee and eirars. and onlv the, with
eirars. and only then, with1
mure or less o'lnea. nave an o
nortunitv to "sten
No; at one of t!ies
gina with the very
and spsrkle and
to foods
the fun he-
- .
01 ine uts
crack ies Uirougti
d.nner, and interrupi course in a fashion
calculated 10 drt
a aell meaning chef to :
Kor at Ostaei,
Tonight's dinner was no exception
to the
rule, far almost at tha nuiswt mete wa
what appeared to he a bitter row over ih
lnauguranon of Richard v Otilahan. pulv
iisner or ihe New Tork un. a r-u3ent.
to preside over the dinners of the Gr-diron
club for the next year, tite unaware of
opnoaitlon. he had taen U:a seat :it tiie
- , , m
"r'-ci: i -wi u .ur ituuoua oemocrxtic :
committee or rr.w.. Bt.aue thev had
undertaken to r-a the business ti.e
hons of repteser.ta.H es. relieving of all
j responsibility ihe unf on jnti. t.air
" oi. .si;, wn.un iney eii:bitnii in
ahai kles to dement;! ate a l:at a rules fight
n one- oongr can do to a i,rfi! r
. spe-aki-r in tiie next. ;hev
next. ,nev now extended
dinuiiioiia desina and demanded io
1 be
n.iguratcd a PfsiilfRt of the .r:i1,r,'
'oni'.n-ied on
tconil Page.
ia I adoa ai
a prn-e aa.d to have been
' Wuilxma do. lined
to say to whom tue
pictjaa was .unsigned.
Henutrandt a p.trtra.t of a young girl
ho.dtng out a medal on a i bam waa solo
for r MO Frtrtav at a continuation of th
a of Ihe an collection of the late Rooen
Jf. Hoe. of pi I'll rig pies furue.
Tout saies for in day were more then
t'ie acd ine i.msI aa far I X
New I era art deaiers wcra Ih
of the kemtMaadt.
Socelai Gai'ro"! t maiel "
! Klrra torn Ierewtlaj tafrao
tleai reoewraloar ike Work
He Ra Iw4ia;.
I One of the re;.C. of the peraiatent
t per .eecu'ion of the riflemen who nav
' maintainrd llles-.! feme on P'ibllc domain
i'n Voral-a ha been the rtoratton tti
I iee of aicrl'-ult-.ire of mor 'Ttan l.W"
' frtde a re. It I a o trie that m tb
(setfon w.iere ".eee land are located N'e
j hn4 mad it on y growth, outside of the
' lar r':tie d'iring 1 he 'ast de-ade.
'fads are made -!car h- ' Ivesler It. rtifh.
jnlio ha been employed hy the govern meni
I ss special counsel to l.k sfter the proweeu
j tlon of the lanl . at. In ta king of his
work one day recently. Mr. Rueh said.
I -Ths terr'ten-v orcpri1 In the counties
west of the moth meridian In this state.
! which rroee the star- north and snutH
' about eight y-flve mllea wst of Grand,
! Iflsnd and thirttv-ftve miles eat of Newtii
! Platte, ha beeo iwrsistetilt" rise Bed aa a
part of Ih C,rst Anerlcan 1- "'
wholly unfit for agricultural purpose.
General Haren ssld of these lends, with
other lands of the Great American I --r.
In his rport of 1kT:.: 'The early maps con
demned It. for the most part, a an ar'd
desert, and the adventurona trai eler who
wandered beyond the Una of civilization,
waa warned that even, should he not en
counter the savage Indiana, hnnger and
thirst and death accnmpanlt-d his evrT
ster-' And ever lni-e that classlflcslion
aa mad the chsngn has beeai contlnuaily
rung on -nod lands.' sandy plain,' 'sand
hllla.' 'waited desert.' etc.. until In 1TI
and liW. congreas appointed a committee tor
take testimony on the advisability of con
demning Ihese lands and selling them to
the highest bidder. The great grating in
terests that at that tima had taken posaes
sioa of them, gave lurid testimony that
these lands were unfit for any other pur
pose save graxlng. and should he devotod
exclusive!- to that end. The then governor
of Nebraska objected to thla disposition of
these lands, and appotnnted two scientific
gentlemen to Investigate thia proposed sale,
and they reported, in I TV and !X aa fol
lows: "Die annihilation therefore. of
ow rn ; av, w ofw arr-o Bf these vac
fertile acres that are surely changing their
dry character to answer tha farmers vr
leiua uses and demands and by law, nam
ing them aa rant pasture oa common,
whesi' they could la the near frit or, he
fruitful farms thla woud be a fearful rob
bery and thoeie who ar conspirators In the
attempt should receive public execration.
Thia policy which is- now . proposed and
which would stop the operation of th
present land lawa which have been per
fected by three-fourths of a century
agltxtlon ad legislation, would be in the
Interest o the few against the msnv
in the intt-t of caiutal against the toiling
milliona. The succee of thla protect would
be a crime against society and calamitous
to us aa a state.'
Voo ft Mcaoe to rrk.
j "The wlirnie lo auction off these landa
a defeated and the strusKl for the po
! session and control of them has hern going
, on viih varying intenslf even since. The
coumit comprlHed In Diis be.t within Ne
braska and the pup ilstion, as shown, are a
Counties of Neinaska. weal of tha Iin
mer'dian. and population of sarn.
.'. . i ; i.'
.-S. Si'c
' l- Ott S
L!xiiiiei' ....
Da wes
Bog Untie
LrU4H . ...
I nt
. -
II :
.'. ;io
I 4
. i.:i
ill. tit
I i7
1 n-l
! M'-Pheraoa
' ''"n
.. li
I Perk ma
!'""" -
s i.'J
i ii e
Dunuv ....
li-d S
j Touil
( "It appear that this ve-cfion of tne stale
ot x'')r-k " poiiulauon 'nearly thiee as isi-ye as tne ata'e of Nevada, and
! for the !ast ton yiaia has :ncrtsd ?1 ;a
I or a per cent, while the
enure state, t.-,
increase In ihe
esa counties ta
(only 111 per cent fr the !at ten yeai.
i it fanner appear tnat wunout this a!-
led arid d!rct and a large number of
: them and
lle ci.aiacter. and
outetde of a few of C:u 'ai ke cu;e. th
alaia would sia.'fety have "hi.wa any ;n-crra.-e
in popu.atiun wuhm tiie 'art t:i
yerns. tnd would lis . 1eu in toe an.
cats wt:i luwa.
FrMlo-lle of lreal ataiia.
'T;:ai tiiete iunda ut e of great ixue t'
t ie people of ii:i Muie. is ft.nhet d.-
lo-ed ly Bullet.n No. ;i. Issued In De
ceinlier il. lo the N'ebeaka B..isj of
liior and Induat. :ai iat.Mic. tiwiw.n-
iiliat :n tne production of ioia:oes or n,
coT.-ni.tee tecn:,,..r iviti. Hie ft.llowirg counties in ins
J alleged ana iIimi i.-i oroooc d ;rtoe in t ,e
nr'i-r mmel than i;e oilier n.:.-
jef the iaie of Nemaka. as follows: .Scu
j Bluff. i44 biihi-l: i- .ein,an. liuro.
i e!: Cherry. J.U t7 oui-he i tiox liutte.
I es buslieia. Two other co'jni.ea of ttti
i alxirlct aixo proiluced more ox. m me
j diction of laie. Hltctuoi k county pio
' l:ii'"d o.17a buxlie s. Red Wiilow T.'llt
I Luxiirla. Ijundv lj iMl buxiirii. In.u l.
t, M. busheia. li us uu! ran.i,ig all utile.
counuea of tne stale In the production of
tin ceres! XO..O T .ui-tn. which -o.1
I: ear b-isi.ela. K Has t tnitrr btn demo i
stratcd that thia a.lrg.d arid ur: on of l
' a ie is tvlpted to th r'd!Rt!on of spi oiy
a licet, and a faet cxoing to tne f-ont iw
i-i product on of this ceirai. a uow n :
two of the eeuDiiaa uuiiaiik.iiig a'l oitic.a
n ma " :a lulx paciciilar aa fj.-u vn
i heenne in ;' pr-i i. rd t-Ji b.ihe a
nf ai'img wheat, and toeriuau cuiiJii; 7v
Us. bu.-iiei. aod gen.-ra.iy It a.p-a.i i at