Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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II T ?co Mst
F. 3. Cr4oa ton Coal.
tr. OT-le. Baalist, ;7 ;i,y ym Ban,
Oa. Z:trla futtnr, Rarg a-Ornga.
Times. Prlstta.
p T Massy an. Ta'.inV-. in th
AmrrUan 3af t .posit Vaults In Th Ba
Bulling. ran bo. II r
Ask for tvore Ionian Enlman
Thursday Mrd a ,ujt fr dlvorcr In 1!
trirt court against her husband. Louis
Fraatlia aalai tw mil rp
liit!." a fvltim account in the Nrt.
Favlnss I.on Atm n. will help you sav
your aarnlnss. MOi Karicm 3. of I'. B'dg.
g! 4 CmlNHHi cans tn ma
jority if toasts by fir or burglars. Da
r;drrit: rnt a prlvat saf In our Big
Vault. Only 13 r yar. Omaha Paf Da
posit A Truat Co. 1H4 Farnam strt.
Tm Mart BmployM Adda4 Postmaster
F F. Thomas has received a eornniunlca-j
tlon from Washington stating that hl re
quest for four additional men to load and
unload mail on the mall curs had been
ranted. The order is effective Maria 1.
rrjmaa Wot Zmprvvad The condition
of Edward P. Berry man. who sraa stricken
with paraKsIa aeteral weks ago, la not
gTsatly lmpro ed. At tlmee his condition
Is surh that the patient Is encouraged, but
generally he la not much better.
Oe-antry CInk Bonds Bold Bonds or the
Country club to the sum of $:.! ha
been sold through the Burns-Brlnker com
pany. A report on the sal of the bonds
of the new tssu was made at the taut
meeting of the board of director of the
Bahools Ara Dismissed Becaus of the
ralna Thursday morning, half-day sessions
were held in many of the public schools
Thursday. After the continuous rain of
the morning. Superlatendent Davidson gave!
schools In the outer districts permiailou
to close for the day.
Said for Burglary Richard Ryan and
I.loyd Oliver, accueed of the burglary of
the Orpheum Jewelry company' window
last Monday morning, waived ssamlnatlon
In police court Thursday morning and were
bound ever to the district court on $500
bonds. Ryan Has confessed.
Bsrlwar Salesman Lost H M. Hlnk
ley. hardware salesman of IJncoln. who
left home February 11 to attend the hard
war convention In Omaha, has not been
heard of by his family and relatives sine
that time. The police were asked Thursday
to make every effort to locate him.
Froteeting- ta Bridge Three assist
ant of the county surveyor' office are out
on the Platte river, west of Vail)', dyna
miting Ice to protect the steel bridge near
that point. A large force of I'nlon Pacific
employe I at work Just below thl place,
protecting the railroad bridge In the same
Wells dot Eighteen Koatfc A. motion
for a new trial for George Wells, con
victed last week of breaking and entering
a I'nion Pacific car and stealing) 2
worth of meats was overruled by Judge
Estall Thursday. The prisoner waa aen
tenoed to one year and a half In the peni
tentiary. Moga Brlag (food Frtce Th Poland
China hog sold at auction by D. C. Loner
gan at Florence yesterday, brought an av
ert price of S87.U per head. In all,
fifty-three head were disposed of, and th
total receipt were 14.817. The highest
price realised was 1215, paid for "Dark
nees," a fin brood sow. Th purchaser
waa H. T. Kuhl of Florence.
Falsi ey Kstarcss W. o. ' Palaley, gen
eral manager of th Land show, returned
Thursday morning from Lincoln, 111., where
he waa called by th illness of his father,
J. B. Paisley. When Mr. Palaley left Lin
cola his father waa much Improved nd
ther war prospect for hi temporary )
covery. A a complication of hi original
ailment, Mr. Paisley has developed Bright'
sUUvsrick Z,aavea Xosyltal Robert
Bhlverlck, th Omaha boy who wa th
victim of a freak accident recently in
Hamilton, Ont., ha bean discharged from
th hospital at that place and Is now with
hi brother, Asa Shlverlck, at Buffalo,
N. T. While watching a performance, th
word flourished by Mordkln, th Ruaaiaa
danoar, broke and flew Into the audience,
the bLade penetrating Bhlverlck' skull.
Herri la Tsry aUea John F. Mer
rtso), th wail known proprietor of th
billiard hall at 1510 Harney street, who baa
Waa oooflned to hi bod at hi home, 407
North Twenty-fifth street, for several days,
waa reported yaatarday aa being very low
And with only fighting chance for rc
ouvery. Mr. Morrison underwent two opr
liana oa Tuesday. Th case I diagnosed
as oirrhoaj of the liver and complications
of kssurt trouble.
-. Aaetaer Balloon FoaaA Word ha bean
received that another on of the sounding
balloon released from Fort Omaha ha
beea found. This on wa picked up oa th
!se4 Browa stock farm, nine mile south
east of Anita, Cass county. Iowa, or about
sixty-five mil distant from, tha fort. Th
balloon waa released on February t, and
(ho gaa bag waa picked up last Monday.
H waa not until the following day that th
Instrument were found, they having be
come detached from the balloon la some
"The Liver Pills act
So Naturally and
Such a statement, coming from
th cashier of a bank, shows what
confidence responsible people hare
in these pills. Mr. A. L. Wilson
after trying them wrote:
1 have used Dr. Miles' Nerve
and Liver Fill and alas your
Anti-Pain Fills, oa myself, with
good result. Th Liver Pill
aot a naturally aad so easily
that I ecexeeJy know that I
have taken a pill. Frequently
being troubled with headaeh I
take aa Anil-Pain pill and get
Immediate relief la every case."
A. L. Wilson. Sparta. 111.
Mr. Wilson was tor a number
I ef years cashier of th First
National Bank of Sparta.
Dr. Mile.
Nenre and LiVer PiUa
are different' from others. Man
kinds of liver pills are "impossible"
after one trial on account of their
harshness. Dr. Miles' Nerve and
Liver Pills do not act by sheer force
but in an easy, natural way, with
out fripinjj or undue irritation.
They are not habit forming.
If th first bottl fall t honafrt. your
grugglat will return th prloe. Ask him.
Mlk.ES MEDICAL CO-. Elknart. 14,
Short Weight Manipulation Explained
by Inipsctor Pe gg.
tdvlae that lii.rr Mosmelteeper
Have Her fva ealea aad Meae
area aad Make !eaaad fee
Fall Welha.
"Every nisetrlfe should have a fet of
correct dry and liquid measures, and
should aleo have a set of certified sraiee
lhat she may know that she is getting what
she Is paving for."
This advice as given by John Orant
Pg. inspector of wetrhts and measures, to
the members of ths Household Economic
department of th Womsn s clubs In a talk
Thursday morninsr. The Inspector lllus
trated his talk, mhlch was on "DlJihonest
Welehfs and Measures" by measuring
potatoes and cranberries In dl,frent meas
ures, and ahowing the dlrrepsncles In the
welaht of these measures
The tricks of pdlers and dealers as e
posed Interested the club women exceed
ingly. When Mr. Peg showed how a dent
In a mtl park measure affected the ca
pacity of the measure, and the quantity
which th housewife received, there was
murmur of enllhiend determination to
"watch the measures." The trick nf the
measure with, th lifted bottom wa also
exposed. The capacity of th lxteen
pound paper sack was shown. In all his
demonstrations the final test was weight,
and the Inspector told the women that It la
better to buy altogether by weight.
"All dealers, you find, when you go to
market, are pleasant, very pleasant Th
dishonest dealer, aa a rul la mor tact
ful, more pleasant, talks mor than th
others-nd you pay h!,n for hi conversa
tion." ;
'e (ilfft lllastratloa.
The Inspector Illustrated his point. The
clubwomen were gathered about the scale.
watching the Indicator, as they would If
they were careful purchasers, and th In
spector waa talking as does th wily
dealer when he distracts attention from
tho fact that his hand la on the cle.
adding to th weight of the purchase.
A copy of th ordinance which Mr. Pegg
ha presented to th council for mor com
plete regulation of the measures used
wa given to th department by It author.
Th copy will be placed In the club library
after It clause have been considered by
th member. Mr. Pegg asked for the
"uoic-o co-operation in HI effort to bring
.... .uuiuuu oi in ordinance.
Th expose of th trick of hort meaa
urlng showed that It to th poor people
who buy In small quantities and who pay
th largest toll. But. th Inspector aaid. It
I not th poor who help, him In prose
cuting th diahenent dealer, but th people
who can afford the extra expense. "The
poor uffer In alienee. They don't want
to appear against the dealer; they are
afraid. It la the woman who ha money
that I must look to for assistance."
Th Inspector advised the housewives to
know what they were buying, to watch to
so that they got th amount they paid
for and to Insist upon receiving th cor
rect amount. ven though it might b mor
comfortable to keep quiet and let th
shortage, often small, stand. If they
bought neur.s h told them to send
them to hi offlc and have them certi
Meat Talk.
Henry Wallace, president ef th National
Conservation congresa. Nwlll be on of the
speaker at th annual state convention of
th Toung Men's Christian association to
be held In Omaha March 9-11 Several
hundred delegates from all th student and
county association In th state will he
present at the meeting to be held here.
Other speakers at th convention ban
quet to be held th opening night at the
Paxton hotel are: Dr. William R. Dobbins
chairman of the state exeoutiv committee
of Missouri; F. W. Ober. editor of the
"Association Men," the official magaslne
of th Toung Men Christian associations
of America, and formerly general secretary
of th Omaha aaaociatlon; Judge Harry S.
Duncan of Hastings, and Warren Swltxler
of Omaha, formerly chairman of the state
executive committee ef Nebraska.
The morning and afternoon sessions of
th convention will be devoted chiefly to
business and the evening to publio meet
ing. Sunday morning. March U. a num
ber of men s meetings will b held In the
various churches' of Omaha, and the aame
morning f.h Young Women' Christian as
sociation will conduct similar women
meeting In other of th various churches
Saturday afternoon, March U, the state
association Indoor gymnasium and track
meet will be held at the Omaha Toung
Mens Christian association gymnasium
under th direction of th Omaha associ
ation physical director. J. T. Maxwell.
Others of th prominent men of th coun-
... ..icui inn convention are
Rev. John Timothy Stone of Chicago A J
Elliott of New Tork City, International Sec
retary for student work: A. E. Robert
New Tork City. International secretary for
county work: Charle M. Mayn. general
secretary of the Toung Men e Christian as
sociation, Lincoln; W. M. Parsons, state
secretary of th Toung Men' Christian as
sociations of Iowa. Dea Moines; K. C. Wol
cott. Veneral Secretary at Sioux City. Th
conferences on city work will be in charge
of Charles M. Mayne; on atudent work.
Dean Charle Fordyc. dean of th Teach
ers' college. University of Nebraska.
Mayor Daklsiaa Will Send Nam of
Ilia lareeeur to City Coaa.
cil -Neat Week.
The resignation of Charles . (Doc
Breed. veteHr.aiian an I asaietant slauahter
house Ineperto'. waa received Thuraday
morning by Major Dalilman.
Mr. Breed send his resignation from
Froofclyn. N. T.. and glvea no reason for
resigning. His letter was written on a let
ter head of the Majestic theater, which
give him a manager.
v Two hav mad application for the va
cant Job, Dr. Hall of the firm of Hail A
Wilson and A. K. Klautuss hav sent In
their applications.
According to Mayor Dalilman It will be
Impossible for Blaufuss. who ha been
Breed assistant, to land th berth, as he
I not a veterinarian and for that reason
ha Is not eligible.
Mayor Dahlman will send a nam to th
city council Tuesday night for confirmation.
aekarae. st keawattsau IrealeaaaM
Result from disordered ktdoeya Foley
F.nay Pills hav helped others, they wUI
help you. Mr. J. B. Miller. Byracuae, N.
T , says; , "Foe a long lime I Buffered with
kklaey trouble and rheumatism. 1 had aa
vara backache and felt all played out.
After taking two bottlea of Foley Kidney
pUla my aac-kach la goo and where I
used to he awak with rheumatic paina
now sleep la comfort. Foley Kidney fill
did wonderful thing for as a." Try Uaoi
bow. aula by ail druggist.
A Qua; an law ut Buainesa Prosperity
Th Bee Advwtlsing Column.
j New Dean for Trinity
May Be Chosen Next
Week by the Vestry
Meeting to Be Held to A-t on Nom
nations Made by Bishop
Th new dean of Trinity cathedral to take
th place of Rthop tie-ores A Beecher
will be rhoeen some time nut week, the
vestry of the church and Hlshoo A. I.
Williams ef th dloces of NrtrasKa meet
ing for that purpose.
Thre men are now being considered for
th place, and as vet it seems to be a mat- !
ter of drawing straws as to whirh of the '
divines will be called to Omaha. Rev. J. A.
Tanrock of Iouglas. Wyo.. Rev. George
Davidson of Marietta. O.. and Rev. H. W.
Wells of Wilmlnarton. Del., are the three
ministers considered for the position.
When the vestry meets It will be short
one of Its most prominent members. Henry
T. Tates. Mr. Yates Is at present In
Europe on a vacation trip and the choice
will have to be made without his vote, as
he 1 not expected back for some time.
I. J. Dunn Protests
Against New Charter
Asks Members of the Legislature to
Change Provision Giving Coun
cil More Power.
Protests against the passage nf that pro
vision nf the bill for the revir.on of the
city charter which give th i.lty council
power to order street improvements with
out petition In a redius of 7.000 feet of the
city hall have been sen; to Senatora Horton
end Reeyan and Representative John
Grossman by I. J. Dunn, assistant city at
torney. Mr. Dunn dictated letters to thes gen
tlemen Wednesday afternoon, asking them
to use their efforts to hav the prosiaion
amended so that the radius shall remain
at 4. 5o0 feet. In his letters. Mr. Dunn aays
th present radius of 4.500 feet la too much
by half, but that It had better be left at
that than to Increase It by 2.600 feet.
"1 am making the protest aa a cltlaen
and taxpayer of the city of Omaha." said
Mr. Dunn Thursday morning. "In my
opinion, ths council should not be empow
ered to go thl tar for street Improvement.
I am surprised that the cltlsen of Omaha
are content to let thl provision slip
through, seemingly without protest. That
they are awar of the provision goes with
out saying as Th Bee bas repeatedly
called attention to thl section.
"Now Is th time for the citisens to get
busy. They can stop thl provision by con
carted action, but If they wait until th
bill I passed, then all they can do Is to
complain without hopes of getting the
question settled.
"I want to get my protest In before the
bill I paased and that 1 why I have asked
Messrs. Horton. Reagan and Grossman to
Interest themselves In this provision."
Commercial Club
to Take Long Trip
But One Boosters' Excursion Instead
of Two to Be Bon This
- Year.
Th annual trad extension trip which Is
to be carried out by th Omaha Commer
cial elub In June, win not go to San Fran
cisco. This wa th conclusion reached In
a meeting of the trad extension committee,
though not giving any discussion to Cali
fornia as an objectlv point. A many
route aa there were men present at the
meeting were advanced for the trip, and
the only point In that connection, on which
all agreed, was that the trip should be of
unsual length and Importance, and that
ther shall be but on trip rather than two,
a waa one considered.
A committee of nine men, with Joseph
Relley aa chairman, waa appointed to map
out th Itinerary for the trip. The com
mittee la under Instructions to arrange two
tentative Itineraries, from which on will
ba chosen. These itineraries are to b In
th hand of tho trade extenalon committee
of th whole nejxt Thursday.
An Important point In th meeting was
that th committee I getting theN trip
planned early and to that end it mem
ber are giving considerable attention and
work to the project.
Baby Boy Falls
Into Boiling Water
Richard Skankey, Jr., is Saved from
Probable Death by Eis
A heavy overcoat probably aaved the life
of little Richard Bksnkey, jr., Wednesday
afternoon when he fell backwards Into a
tub of boiling water at his home. Z724
Meredith avenue, and seriously burned him
self. Richard, who la I year old, had been
playing out-of-door and waa clad In a
heavy overcoat He came Into the kitchen
wher th washerwoman had filled a tub
with boiling water just taken from the
stove. Th llttl fellow, sunning back
wards, plunged Into th water.
Hts father, who la connected with the
advertising firm of Thomas Cuaack, Ntp
pened to be at home and In the room. Ha
pulled hia son out of the boiling water
without loss of time, but not quickly
enough to prevent the child from being
badly burned.
Dr. Paul L, Ellis, who Is treating the
boy, says that his chance for recovery are
good. Richard wa burned in place from
hi nrck to hi knees.
Francis Willard
Memorial Friday
Joint Exercises of the Y. W. C. A.
Omaha South Omaha Had
Frances Willard memorial exerctaea will
be given at th Toung Women Christian
aaaociatlon Friday afternoon by the
Women's Christian Temperance union of
Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Benson. The
program, which haa been arranged by Mrs.
Clara Burbank. prealdent of th France
Willard union, will begin at S o'clock.
Mr a. D. C. John, prealdent of th Douglas
county union, will preald.
Th program will Include excerpt from
tributes paid Mtaa Willard by member of
congress at th unveiling of her etatue In
Memorial hall. Vocal aolu will b given
by Mrs. J. C Pulver and Mr. Harry Paul.
Mrs. W. E. Challls will give a recitation:
Mr. George w. covell will make a plea
for mor member: Mr. John, for con
tribution to th memorial fund. Dr. F
M. Lynch will give an address on Frances
Willard s Uf and worn. Th meeting Is
open to th public
Commissioners figure on $200,000
Above Bond Issue.
Special r.levtlnn Nit He Held la Jane
to Pravlle the Kllrs Faada te
Provide tor Jail dad
Other Rtpeaeea.
Contrai ts for the building of the new
court house, as well as sundry Items of
expenditures In connection with the con
struction, up to the present I'm, amount to
Il.ftift.ftM 59. Itemized as follows:
Architect S
Bulldlna contract, it'aldwell A
K.TiTl on
.!.. Vi'l Oil
11. K9
1 l
nil HO
5.00 '
Plumbing and heating
Klectrlo wiring
Vacuum system
Grading court houre grounds
Inspector of concrete
Construction of scwer
MIsrellHneous expense
1nSwcttnn of elevators
Mercantile report
Inspection of vacuum system and
clock system
Against these liabilities are shown re
sources as follows:
Bond Issue sT.ono.nneno
Jail salvage ?: 6
Interest on reslstered warrants ,
Accrued interest and premium on
bonds 7.7X11 us.
Miscellaneous receipts li.00
Total Sl..g7.C.
Money waa provided only for the construc
tion of the new court house, no provision
being made, for furnishings or putting cells
In the Jail. Therefore the bonds of H.OnO.ono
voted by the people will only build the
building. It Is now estimated by one of
the county commissioners that at least
BOn.OOO more will be needed before every
thing Is complete. The cells will probably
cost SSO.flOO, the furnishings tliW.OOO, and
extras, not now thought of. probably STiO.000
The commissioners will call a special elec
tion, probably in June, to consider this
The roof of the building though not com
pleted ta watertight except the dome. The
work of setting the tile partitions is going
on rapidly and plastering will be started
within a month.
Bonds Are "old.
The remainder of the Jl.000,000 bond issue
for the purpose of building the court house
was sold Wednesday afternoon by County
Treasurer Furay.
The purchasers were Halsey & Co.. of
Chicago, bond brokers, who paid par and
accrued Interest for the block of 140.000,
which antil Wednesday had not been sold.
The sale cleans up the bond Issue, which Is
to run twenty years. The bonds bought
by the Chicago concern are 4 per cent
interest bearing with twenty year to run.
The receipts from this sale gtve th treas
urer a trifle more than S.'iOO.OOO available
money, which Is deposited In different
banks and drawing S per cent Interest.
Bids for th block of 1100.000 sewer bonds
and for a like amount of intersection bonds,
ordered by the city council, will be op
ened at S p. m. February 27. These bonds,
which draw 4Vs per cent Interest and have
twenty years to run, will be sold to th
highest bidder.
Park bonds to' the amount of $50,000 are
In the hands of the treasurer, but will not
be disposed of until a curative act. now
pending. Is passed by the legislature. In
the publication of, these bonds the word
maintain was used when the word Improve
should have been used. Th validity of
the bonds wer questioned on this ground
and a. curative act waa deemed the beat
way to correct the flaw.
Frank Baraa a ed Mrs. Swaaaaa Seat
Jail for BeatlasT Hotel BUI
at Alexandria, . D.
MITCHELL. S. D Feb. 15. (Special.)
Frank Bums and Mr. Clara Swanson.
who eloped from Planktnton ten days ago.
were apprehended at Alexandria, they rep
resented themselves as being husband and
wife, going under the nam of Mead. They
stopped for a week at the best hotel and
when the landlord Insisted on a settle
ment Burns went to the bank and en
deavored to cash a check, tut was turned
down. He tried to raise the money aev
ral other ways, but wa unsuccessful. H
and the woman walked out of town. They
walked twelv miles to Emery, where the
officer arrested them on advlcea from
Alexandria, and were taken back to that
place. In th examination that fololwed
befor th justice of th peace the Informa
tion came out that they were not married,
and that the woman had left a husband
and thre children to go away with Burns.
For attempting to beat their board bill
the court Imposed a sentence of thirty daya.
The woman, who walked the entire dis
tance, waa thinly clad and had a pair of
low ahoe on her feet. h was exhausted
when ah waa brought back to Alexandria.
Th chlldien of the woman are at present
at Plankinton with her brother.
Will Sead Deleaatloa to Atlaata to
Seeajre the National Meeting;
for Oaiika.
Local musicians hav everything In read
iness for their big annual ball at the Aud
itorium Friday night. They are making an
especial 'effort to get out a big crowd and
will have their band parada th street
Friday. They wlah to raise money to send
a delegation to Atlanta, Oa., In May to the
meeting of the national association In an
effort to secure the next annual conven
tion for Omaha. It Is now expected that
ten people will represent th Omaha order
at Atlanta.
HI Son Will Han It aad Mr. aad
Mra. Peafoid Will Kratala
la Omaha.
H- J. Penfold haa returnt-d from Cali
fornia, where he haa bought an orange
grove for hi ion. J. L. Penfold. who haa
taken poaaesaion of the farm. Mr. Penfold
left his wife and son at the farm and will
return to California In a few days, taking
his daughter-in-law with him and also
furniture to stock th farm house. Mr. and
Mrs. Penfold will return to Omaha after a
short stay.
The farm is located eight miles south of
dan Diego, In the orange and lemon district.
Temporary Realrnlnlaar Order leaned
by Jadaje Day la tan Pavlaar
A temporary restraining order enjoining
City Treasurer George blert of Florence
from cashing for Contractor M. Ford a pav
ing warrant for 7.1'3 waa Issued by Judge
Day Thuraday. The Injunction was se
cured on the application of A. Stephan, a
Florence taxpayer, and th amount repre
sents a portion of the contract price due
to Ford. The Injunction, la a legal phase
of long-austalned controversy over th
paving of Main street In Florence. The
restraining order waa asked to counteract
the writ of mandamus recently Secuied
by Ford agalnat the city clerk
klalldlnn Permits.
F. J. Peverln. I'M Hamev street altera
tlona. Su: N. J. Hildlng, Tenth and
Us. alterations. I'M
! Midnidit Train to
to Be Put On Sunday
State Shoppers in Omaha Will Be Able
to Return Home the Same
The Nebraska Itailwav commission hss
given permiselon to the T ninn Taclflc .
change Its schedule of train service so thnt
one of the afternoon trains leaves Omaha
at il. 3R o'clock, earning local traffic out
into the stste ss Tut as North Ptatte. The
railroad announce that the new service
will begin ftinday.
Train No. 21 will be the new night train,
carrying coach and sleeping car passengers
to North ristte and all Intermediate points.
The afttrnnon traffic, which was formerly
taken by the trsln now to be sent out at
11:55 p. m.. will be carried the through train
No. 1 .No. 3 will run from Omaha via the
old line taking In Papllllon. Gllmore and
Millard and all points from Omaha to North
Platte as a local train. No. S will leave
Omaha at 4 05 p. m.
Passengers coming from North Platts
will have the same service as befor into
Omaha, tralna N'os. 4, 10, 1 and K cover
ing the points of local travel. Train No. 22
will carry passengera to Grand Island, so
that trains Nos S. IS and 10 muy be caught
Boy Scouts Plan to
Raise Forty Thousand
President Taft and Colonel Roosevelt
Elected Honorary President and
Vice President.
W A PHI N't! TON. Feb. 15 After electlne
officers for next year and dlacusstnc plans
for the training of hove, the national
counrll of the Poy Scouts of America to
day adjourned their conference here.
President Taft and Col. Theodore Roose
velt were elected honorary nresldent an.l
honorary vie president respectively. Other
orncers elected were:
Col. Livingstone. Washington, president;
D. I Dulaney. Bristol. Tenn.. first vice
president; Milton A. McKee. Detroit, sec
ond vice president: George D. Pratt, New
I one. treasurer; Ernest T. Pcton. chief
Daniel C. Beard of New Turk. Ad
jutant General William Verback of Al
bany, N. Z., and Col. Peter S. Brown of
New Tork were elected national .m
Plana were Instituted for h. r
140,000 to be used In the establishment of
an .effective organisation of the interests
of the boy scouts. Before the council ad
journed S30.00O had been subscribed.
sjo Agreement Ft en eh ed In Case Where
Man I Charared with Stabbing
no. f l-1!t n'clnck tt'n.ulBt, Ih.
In th i4m nf Frank lflbhapri
70 year, charged with maliciously stabbing
. . - I A T . . I . . imvt i . i ,
rian Anuumn uu j 01, i 'f, . i wi in
tent to wound or kill, at 11 o'clock at
night had not reached a verdict and went
to bed to resume their deliberations today.
According to the Instruction given the
Jury by Judge Estelle, thre verdicts are
possible. A verdict of guilty aa charged,
carries with It a penalty of one to twenty
years; a verdict of assault and battery,
carrying lne ot 100 and thirty day In
Jail; or not guilty. -
When th case wa given to th Jury
Mr. Hlbbard wa not given over to th
Upon the outcome of this cass doubtless
will depend largely th future conduct of
m turnnnl Inturv ault now tenlnv
brought by Mr. Knudsen against Mr. Hib-
bara tor sio.uw.
How to cur a cold r a question In
which many ar Interested Just now.
Chamberlaln'a Cough Remedy lias won
It great reputation and lmmeni aala by
Ita remarkable cur of cold. It can al
waya b depended upon. For uaie by all
A Beaolt of the Election Volunteer
Firemen Realm Their
Th proposition to lusu bonds In the
um of S&.000 to purchase fire fighting ap
paratus at Florence wa defeated at the
lection held In that town Wednesday. There
wer 98 vote against th Issue, and 80 for
It. Following the count of the vote six
firemen sent in their resignations, and it Is
said that others will do the Same at a meet
ing which will be held Friday night to con
sider th situation. Th only fire appar
atus at Florence I an old hand cart, which
1 regarded a inadequate.
Injured 1 m Fire
or brulaed by a fall, apply Bucklen'a Ar
nica Salve. Cure burns, wounds, sores,
eczema, piles. Guaranteed, Sc. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
GOLD DUST offers the
shortest cut from the drudg
ery of dish washing. Just a
little GOLD DUST shaken
in your dish water will
remove the grease and dirt.
GOLD DUST digs deep
into cracks and corners
Eurifies and drives out every
it of dirt or hidden germs
which soap and water will not
reach. GOLD DUST ster
ilizes as well as cleans.
If you spend two hours a day
washing dishes, GOLD DUST will
enable you to save one hour and
your dishes, too, will be spotlessly
wnite, wnoie- r-j
some and san- r
itary. f
hlFMtnt Boi, &"OI, ar
A nimr. i. trlfn ik
nil G..i lut C'4
bat 111 4rtita?"0
I 1"
rl III
Gold Dust
makes dish water
that digs
ssyiwaj arosw mm aiau issai ramie iiiiih i was u a ins su auua
ii iron n1
i : i -m ara. av a tr gwm. ljl
l if ll Laiiaj Lks.1 j.n
And Everything is Baked Good
v ioi iiuj u me iwniDg puwuer mil maxei in Muni Dettcr. It leaven I
the food evenly throughout: Duds it ud to airv luhtnesa. m.ikri it
S delightfully appetizing and wholesome.
Dependability Purity and Economy
These three big qualities
ui notnei
Remember. Calumet
or uie nix n
- t
h -nj i , v r n f ' - . i i ' i n . . .-.
infer Resort Hotels
5un ny
provide all luxuries of metropolitan life. Each
in its way is unique; but all can claim perfection
of service and appointments.
The luxurious California Limited (exclusively
for first-class travel) is the train preferred by par
ticular people. It runs daily between Chicago
Kansas and San Diego-Los Angeles-San Fran
cisco. A Pullman to Grand Canyon of
Arizona. Fred Harvey meals.
Ask' for our illustrated books on th Train and th Trip.
Samuel Larimer, Gen. Afft., S13 7th St., Del Moines, low.
Cadio r
Thc Hospitals Use
II teittiW
Because it contains nothing but tho purest rnd moit
health giving ingredients.
That's why we want people who are not well to try it.
5 and 10 Cents per Loaf Outside Orders Filled.
raun your grocen ir Ii can t
.Bar in X.abuj.
720 South 28th Street
hoea Karnar 3687; I nil.. A
All correct forms in curren; social usage engraved in tbrj best
manner and punctual! delivered when premised.
and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail
A. I. ROOT, Incorporated
1210-1212 HOWARD ST.
- -
. rrT
Baking Powder
have mails Calumat the Standard in million '
is moderate in price highest in Quality.
ou must notconfuse it with the Cheap and Uig-Can kind ,
price t rust Dianua. 'J
your grocer for Calumet. Don't
uu a utMUiui.
ni aji m if e d
endgren's Malted Milk Bread
It's as near predicated a it U
to -make bread.
supply let
mH!Wm rjt
- 38 17.
0Tt tlOISli Bt 1 .
,1 J - 1 he StriMM. nsatien. B
i - n
Vs- ;.''vi