13. HIE T1EE: OM.MIA. THUKSnAY. FEBRUARY Ifi. 1!H1. n n rr IT"tT nern-etnpiiGii "! nnn rr ra rr wis rs own ej Ylotrola Cnncerts Horn Thle wee Aaaembl J com Q D D J.I 1 0 Ih owr a. U. 'a OrtM -y" Window ' , 4 j m iMenlayS Joci a 1 ft from the Albert V t'ahn Itock .V' 4f i II'.' it 5 I I vy l IX' i 1 1 - - Thursday's Big Special Sale $i Stunning New Silk Waists p All 1011 Spring Styles-58.00 and $10 Values at 38 i f J Iff Oar Bayers are now sasktnr tbelr seleotlone r voooa. ibii ti . feeea vona -r shn SB m A irrast l"t of cor rect styles lor 111. chiffons, taffetss. Utlidlnii and striped silk aalst man)' elaborate creations, others are plain, tailored -many with the new low neck. and peasant sleeve, in Ions and short aleeva effects. the newest rlnt colors and Second floor worth up to $10, at Thursday's Special Offers From Our Ladies! Winter Apparel Sale All our Long Coats In' blacks and mixtures, worth to $29.50, go, t, each . . ., ; " 87.50 All our Wool Dresses th.t originally sold p to $29.50. go at SIO All our Wool and Voile Dress Sklrta. no Thursday at HALF PlilCK All our Tailored Lawn and Lingerie Waists, Thursday at Half Price All our Healberbloom and Sateen Vettlcoats worth to $3.50, at, each . . . ; i ... . $1.95 These values are rock bottom prices. Make your selection early. id Thursday offers hardware underpriceo New Spring Walkiog Skirts, worth np to $10, at . Fine voiles, panamas, serges, mannish mixtures, etc..... 40c Granite t Cup Gem Pan. for II. 2ft Pet Mra. Pott's ft piece Sad Iron, for Hollers 1 lot Juat rllirhtlv dnmnfted, at . Tuba 1 lot Juat altahtlv damaged, at . . . .950 . . . .890 halt HALF 3 Specials in Our Basement Cloak Section Messaline Silk Petti coatsall colors and black worth $8.00 ' will go at ... . 2.98 Dotted and white round aprona, good aprona 26c values at plain lawn full '10c Special coats former $20.00 black and colors, at . .'. .'. .' . lot of winter for . womon . r prices up to sjj Boys1 C.othing Repriced for Thursday Only CHOICE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK ftc f r BOYS' SUITS AND COATS, WORTH Y. TO $6.00, ONE DAY ONLY, AT. . . Included in this extraordinary "One Day" Sale will be found all our worsted, Cheviot, Serges and Casslmere Suits and Coats ,ln Nor folk, single and double-breaster styles, tailored in plain and mixed colors. These suits were made by one of the leading eastern manufacturers. Not a stitch is missing, so perfectly are theymade. Remember, this is an exceptional offer, good for one day only. It's your cliolie of any boys' Suit or Coat, worth to f8.0(), for only 1 ,$2.55 B 1 i M i a n Et B B B Gloves Women 'jg fine kid, lambskin find English walking gloves tan, brown, green, gray, helio,'Wack and white; actu ally ;w or th up to $2 7C pair;'bargain square. IJL Ba Bw a,i silkSflf Silk Hosiery Women's pure thread black hosiery; high spliced l 1 i i :u .i-.-ui-NTj iiut-ia uuu lues, wnu uuuuu' soles. Some.slifl'ht imner-1 fections worth Oft ', . . . N 50c a pair a 27-Inch Fino Embroidered Fiouncinjs and Skirtings $ l . AT8 6 18-inch Corset Cover Embroideries k.l -!.-!-- i 1,1 1 r 1- 1.1 1-1 Til 1 1 J ir ryi tuouiB ufsigiis id rugnsii ryeici r lorai anu uiina renei rV; effects. Many worth 75c per yard bargain 90 square, per yard . . We've Never Held Such a February ' Sale of Furniture The prices take one back to the old low, good values In Furni ture, before everything conspired to maka furniture dear. And assortments are the best we've ever seen at a Sale. The public's Interest in this sale, is shown in sales that pass all records, and you know what miserable weather we've had, too. Liet Dressers and Chiffoniers !e used today to prove price re. ductions. Cuts as low as half in some cases, one-third mimt an), where your eye falls. Each today's choice will surpass tomorrow's. OOMK THURSDAY. - DRESSERS Za folAan, waathara and - aotld oartar-aawad oak and walnnt, mahorany, blrd'a-aya maple and Clrcaaalau walnut, equipped wltn fine mirrors . Talnaa Frloa 17.00 S19.38 S1750 tll.TS 11.60 $7.75 37.60 w...... 17.M jo.oo lao-oo cniFFOMERS Many of them are made to matok toe dreeaera offered herewith. 13.80 Ooldea Oak, and mirror S9.50 $18.00 Weathered Oak and mirror, t f 10.80 own rum pixob ict In mahorany, oonatatlnf of dreae er, chiffonier and draaalna- table, orlflnaUy price at 340.00, this sale, at 9155.00 M i n a a a B i n B B 1 B "Early Dird, Talking and SELUXQ SPRING STYLES For 1911, in ! HEN'S SHOES and OXFORDS at $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 You are not interested in snow storm footwear when you. can se lect your EASTER TAN, DIM, or KH1NEY SHOES RIGHT NOW at ePEClAI.Aiior.a 814 South ioth Strwt. Always the first house to each season,' and its worth while to see the handsome open your lasts Ed. S. Thompson (P Rourke'a Neighbor.) " : :B: o:a " q "S ' o; a ' a . Q"' a . !n -a : d a a n v n r b .a., n n h 1 Ribbono Wide' all. silk Dresden Rib- bonsf also plain and satin taffetas ; black and all col- bra, u to G inches wide woi tli up to 35c a . . . I C HU yard, at, per yard . . . lwv Handkerchiefs Scalloped and ' ? hemstitched i sheer all linen daintyv new designs, Madeira effects, Armenian lace edges, etc., worth: 25c, at,' ; A r i each ..... ...'. C ..... .luti . Have You Received One of The . ' 50c Jars-oi PALH1 OLIVE "iREAUi '"yip that we are giving away with each purchase of six cakes of PALM OLIVE SOAP for. Brandeis Drug Department. 49c i; Victrola Grand Opera Concerts Every Noon $ pjfu Hear, the newest Records at these free concerts every- noon. As-. Hi sembly room on balcony of Pompetan Room for one hour each day. w , ... .rriaay aiicrnoon at 4 p. m. we win noia anoiner matinee must rale with talented singers. No admission Is charged. 1 s . 1 BRANDEIS STORES DOBBS TALKS TO THE AD MEN keaaanssa. Gives Hit Viewt of Fundamentals for , Success. OTHERS , BOOST THE CONVENTION aaaaaaaaaaaal Ad M Mill Meet Aala Friday oa , t Ilrclde Whether to rampalaa . tm the Com mi I sal oa Form , . 'of tieverameat. . Introduced as the grealent "result gutter" In America, S. C. Dubba of Atlanta, presi dent of U Asaoclated Ad I'luba of Amer iia, .Boko u the Umaha ad men Wednes day noon; air. Uobbs was visibly pleased at the large attendance, and. commenting to a fiietxi. before the speeches, said the life of nilililny imeetlnge waa to nut keep Uie men 1o long. Mr. ftibl.a outlined success, giving the three f iiiid.imeniala as first, substance; sec ond, knolds; third, most Important of ail, enihultiam. S'lth the poaaeaalon of all three lie ald, "There Is nothing you can Out do. ' lie admonlahed all to find a pur pose In lite. "Our time upon earth Is too short for one purposeless day. '.. "I want to " Impress upon advertising nten," he continued, "that they are engaged tu an honorable profession fraught with responsibilities. You must study It as you uould any other profession." "He told of a man who responded to an urgent letter to attend a meeting of the eievutton committee, who, without going in tne trouble of dictating a letter, wrote. l am 'too busy" on the bottom of his leuer. adding. "Ih what you think beat and Vill' agree with you." "I wouM lather have, a man tight me than say, Hi ui T t ' "Tha4 wonderful results which the Asso ciated Ad clubs have accomplished In the hast fle ) iti Is nothing to what the future holder Ms are going to make the national association worth ehlle. VA'e 'Won't have to go a-fur the clubs to at ftliate Kith us. Ihey will be gnulous to gel In. "In roniluioti let us ever keep the Ideal ' bifui us thai (he world does not owe us a living, but that all owe to Ibe world the . f 1 II nifure of a rutin s service." I. .,Uiv..s of the t'llgrlm I'ubllclty as sociation, which secured the nailonal con vention for KoMon, traveling with Mr, !obt. la tnibuHing the ad clubs of the tounlry In the' great convenilon. which ha a li ta huid 10 maku an lnternatloiial (unicnilun m-oke briefly of what he found there.- He aald all details for the conven tion have been completed.- He said that among other things the Town Criers' club of Trovidenre would entertain all visitors at a great clam bake. He said Innumerable junkets on land and sea had been planned and that there would be an adequate amusement for the women. He said the association had the promise of the presence of six members of the ad vertising clubs of London, and that filr Alfred Harmsworth of. London ' and ex Presldent Roosevelt would" be among the speakers. ' Victor White of Boston told briefly of the sights about Boston and that it was hoped at leaat 100 would attend the con vention from Omaha.' Arthur C. Smith of the M. E. Smith com pany of Omaha, who lived many years ln Hoston. detailed many of the wonderful things to be Been In and about Boston, Frank Elllck of the local executive com mittee announced that on next Friday noon at the Paxton hotoi the Ad club would discuss the commission v platt of govern ment for Omaha. That Is whether the club wanted to enter upon a campaign to have this matter recognised by the legislature of the state and as to whether they would as a club try t have an enabling ,ct pased. ' About 300. were present at the dinner. Elevators run till 11 p. m. giving service for men who have i work to do at office in evening. New elevators will be installed within six weeks. Other acc-ommodation's; are; likewise first-class in the best known buijding in the city. 'Electric light, heat, water and excellent janitor service are incfuddll in rental price. Apply at once or the of fice, you want will be gone. BOOM 880 Fronts on Farnam street and Is partitioned to afford two of fices. This Is one of the most desirable offices In the building, an It lias a good south light and -Is almost In front of the elevators. The room Is 14xlS'j feet and rente per month for... S30-0O BOOM SOS -Is a large sited office on the sixth floor, having a south and west exposure. This room could be partitioned so as to suit tenant. 'There Is a firo-proof vault In connection, and with three large win dows there Is sufficient light for any purpose. Ask to see this room trie .If you need as much as 420 square feet. ice 'per month .90.00 BOOM C4S Is one of the few small outNlde offices having a vault In con nection. This room faces 17th street and Is particuarly desirable for , a small office. -. Kent per month , 918.00 SJUITB 69S-S8 An elegant suite of rooms on the north side of the build ing; (26 Is partitioned, making two rooms. These rooms will be rented In suite or separately. They would make good arf lilted a Kent for aulte per month. The Bee Building Company Bee Business Office, 17th and Farnam Sts. 833.50 Only Three Days Required To Cure the Drink Habit by the . Neal Way. The Most Severe and Chronic Cases Are Completely Cured In That; Time. ' ; The Neal Three Day Liquor Cure la an absolute specific for periodical and hab itual drunkeness. This la a strong state ment, but- It Is justified by v.'ie experience of hundreds of patients who have left the various . Neal Institutes throughout the United States and Canada during the past year after only three days' treatment with all desire and craving for alcohol destroyed, and in a perfect mental and physical stale. It makes no difference how long the pa tient lias been drinking, or what he drinks, the cure Is effected In three days' time, and without the 'use of palntul hypodermic injections and Injurious drugs.' ! he Neat Institute la ' receiving dally" enthusiastic reports from every quarter of. the country, as to the efficacy of the treatment. That it does cure, 'and cure permanently, Is es tablished .beyond controversy by the tes timonials of hundreds bt cured patients. For booklet ' THE NEAL WAI", guaran tee and bank references address the Neal Institute Company,' O. U. 1502 So. loth St., Omaha, Neb. Grand ' Island Institute, 150& West Charles St, QWJHW fcirUvt C- C5"9 (J3 OKftr&f C-5 C?3 Charles Van Court is Killed by a Fall Drops from Fourth Story Window of a Hotel at West Baden, ; Indiana. V E. P. Van Court, the contractor,' received tae telegram yesterday telling him the sud den death of his son. Charles IS., of Chicago, at West Baden. Ind. Van Court, accord ing to tne meager details of the message, fell from window of hla room on the fourth floor of his hotel Wedensday morning, and waa killed almost instantly. He had guns to West Baden for the baths. Almoat com pletely recovered from bis ailment he was planning on returning to uU home In Chi cago Tuesday. Ms Is survived by . his wife and a t-year-old bo., He waa 17 years old. i ' ... Van Court was a traveling representative of the arks Manufacturing coinpanv. Mr. and ,-dna. E. D. Van Court left for Chicago last night. l.lfiaK Ho-ilaa to dyaperaia, liver complaints and kidney trouble la needless Klrctrlc Hitters' Is the guaranteed remedy, soc.' Fur sale ' by beaton Drug Ce, . " rf n Omaha's Pure -Food Center 3 Thursday Specials Fancy Burbar.k Potatoes, per bu., 86 48-lb. sack "Excellence" Flour 81.18 Largs cans fancy Table Apricots. .180 10 bars Beat-'Em-AU Soap 86a Orape-Nuis, per pkg loo 16a can Imported Sardines lis 10c Fresh Pretzels, per lb ...So dip- a iltn ( ion. (atri C CswSi Cawi3k Caw3 Zii C3" C-K OAJTBT BIira.BTMXMT nsrBOiALr' I Cocoanut Brittle, per lb 104 Peanut Brittle, per lb lue g, BAKBBT BXPT. "irXOXAXB" Baha Cake ..10. A this ib a r rencn corree cane, nip ped In brandy syrup and Iced w Fondant, making a spicy comblnatl Burlington Will Fight Appraisement' for Condemned Lots Asks for $7,000 on Bancroft Viaduct Deal Was Allowed Two Dollars. Notice of appeals from the appraisement made and approved by the city council in the matter of condemning property for the Bancroft street viaduct have been filed by the Burlington Railroad company and Mrs. George C. Wallace. Transcilpts are being prepared in the city clerk's office. The Burlington put In claims aggregating 1.0- H was allowed . Mrs. Wallace, who owns five lots along the right of way. presented claims amounting to 82,060. She was allotted 73. Poth; are dissatisfied with the appraisements and will carry the matter to the district court. By an ordinance passed by the city coun cil Tuesday night, the railroad companies are ordered lo build the Bancroft street viaduct and are riven until the Mat day of June to begin actual construction woik. The ordinance also atlpitlatea that the via duct must be completed by the flrat day of January. 1912. The ordinance further speci fies that the railroads must eonatrurt the viaduct and approaches, ' tu begin St the west hoe of the allay east Of Twenty anth atreet. then to axtend weatarly along Ban croft street to the Intersection with Thir tieth street, and then northwesterly along Thirtieth street to he intersection with the east line of .Walnut street. The corporations named in the ordinance and ordered to build the viaduct are the I'niod Pacific railroad. Burlington. Mason City A Fort Dodge. Chicago Great West ern railroad and Omaha Grain Terminals company. Unless these companies begin actual work by , the time set. mandamus proceedings will -be Instituted by the city attorney, according to this official. MAN WHO BREAKS WINDOW AND GETS JEWELRY CONFESSES Hlcaara Hyaa Tells t'l Tares- Brlek Wlealilea, aad tiot Richard Ryan, arrested Tuesday by De tective' Fleming. Dunn. Mitchell and Sulli van on the" charge of breaking and enter ing the store of the Orpheum Jewelry com pany .at 1607 Harney street early Monday mornlnx. confessed his guilt to Captain Savage Wednesday morning. Ryan broke Into the store by throwing a brick, wrapped In cloth, through the window. Articles valued at StUO, according the figures of Kmll Zlekle, the proprietor, were stolen. Most of the property has been recovered. Lloyd Oliver, of UU Cass atreet. who Is col wed. was arrested as an accomplice and "fenca." He denies complicity, although Kyao s coofaaaloa Involves ulta, Have You Tender Feet? Then we have a shoe for you that gives you perfect relief from all foot troubled. This Is the only real Cushion Solo Shoo on the market today. These shoes are both a non-conductor of heat and cold. Any one who has suffer ed from cold feet can find im mediate relief in these shoes. They are made on a common ' sense last and fitted with soft por ous welt cushion Insoles that give a soft firm foundation. Stop and let us show you a pair of these shoes. Men's $5.00 Women's '..'.. $4.00 1410 Farnam Street ilollablo ' Dontiotry WV Taffs Dental tas Sticky Sweating Palms after taking salts c-r esthsrtls waters did you ever notice thai weary all pons feeling toe palms of your bands sweas and rotten taste In your mouth, Cathartics only move by swestlrg your bowels Do a lot Of Dun l rj a wiovi RET and see bow much easier the Deuer job is done bow you feeL - much I CaSC-SITS wc a boa far a week e t,alaat. all arut l(ia. Siggeal seller aa LM waala. atutioa beats s aaia. nnVQ5 ."firiTrn ciiito at iiai c UUIU v if III I tUtl UUIIU Ul IfiiUl J BIO SALE OF FUR NISHINGS ' SATURDAY. Watch for the Big Sale of Furniah- inffa, Saturday. Greatest Bargain of the Season Thursday S20 Silk Dresses $8.95 Have you seen them in our 16th St. window t Diagonals, basket weaves, neat checks, stripes, plaiu chiffon, , taffetas, etc., in nil tho newest shades for spring and in most ap proved spring stylos. You will acknowledge them the very choicest values you were ever offered, well worth $'J0 and some even more. Your choice, each nt $8.95- Just 200 in the .lot, so get here early and se cure first choice of these beauties. SEPARATE DRESS SKIRTS Values fo $10.00, at S4.95 Newest spring, 1911, models in chiffon, Pan amas, voiles and taf feta silks, black or col ors, values to $10.00. grfat bargains, choice, at, each ......$4.95 Pretty LINGERIE WASH DRESSES-lVimmed with laces, embroidey and tucks, and laces, values up to $7.50 nt, choice ... . $2.95 LONG CHALLIE KIM ONOS $1.50 values, choice at, each 08c eiS-. $15.00 RUGS $10.98 Extra heavy quality Velvet Rugs In a big line of the new patterns and colorings, 9x11 size, regular price $16.00, at, choice,- each ..... . $10.08 $5.00 WAISTS AT $2.05 Taffeta Net and Messaline Waists, all uewest styles and colors, values to $.. 0.; nt, each ;.; .'.$2.95 EIDERDOWN BLANKET ROBES To $7.50 values at, each $3.95 $18.00 RUGS $12.98 ; Brussels Rugs, 9x12 size, warn less, 8 wire quality, 18 lan terns In the lot from which to select;' your choice, at. each 81S.0S Ex ra Specials Thursday in Domeiiic Rsom f'SJ, Xot withstanding the advanced prfecs In staples ' 1, and domestics we are still selling lowrr than lA- ) ever, Here are a few samples: V AT 9:30 A. M. Kruit of thojjoni, tho genuine " ""t ' of ' article. 10 yards limit, at, per yard . . .GH 8 1 S e'ers these prices. - a-5r - '10c yard wide Bleached Muslin -81t 9c yard wide Bleached Muslin 7t 12 He Fast coloreJ Printed Batiste, yard 10 12'4c fast Colored Percales, yard 10c 6 He Full Standard Prints, yard . ... '. ; 4 "is 75c Sheets, seamless, 81xB0, fine quality y l 16c Pillow Slips. 42x36. at ....... 1J 18c Pillow Slips, 46x36, at 12so KPiCCIALS OX DHKSS filNtiHAMS. Colored Em broideries Something entirely new in em broideries, a beautiful line of Edges, Insertings, Bands and Flounclngs, shown. In blue on white, black or white, car dinal or white, pink on white, navy on white, nlle on white, lavender on white, also threu color combinations, all fast colors, goods worth 20c to C5c yard, on sale Thursday, yard 10t 15 10 29 Zion City Laces Most perfect Wash Laces made,' Exempt from the 60 per cent duty, sold exclusively by us In Omaha. ' , : Hail Eorctisr. Dress Forms We aro sole agents In Omaha and Nebraska for the Hall Borcherf Dress Forms. Other firms . offering thene goods either buy rnt. second-hand or are - offering Imitation gooils. We carry only the (Jcnulno Jlall Horchert I'ttrm. y . THl'KSDAV'S SPJUnAtSIN OtK Linen. Dept. Imported Mercerized Damask, as sorted pattern, worth 79 cents. Thursday, at, 'yard 50 Large slxe Turkish Bath Towels, -cream or white, worth 60 ccnls, Thursday, each r----'2i)t Hemmed Napkins, size 18xtS,, inches, worth $1.60 ier doien; Thursdsy, a iloen S1.00 Fancy Colored ' DedHprcads, extra. ,25 each, 81.50 large elle, worth Thursday, each Hlh Grade Wash Goods Batiste In printed or plain colors. In white back grounds, in tinted back grounds, In dots, stripes, checks, borders, etc. Everything new and up-to-date for spring 1911, now on sale, at, per yard .-15 12 and 10 High Grade White Wash Goods ' English Long Cloths by the bolt or by the yard. English Nainsooks and French Mercerised Nain sook In boxes, also India Llnons, Persian Lawns, French Lawns, Opera Batiste, etc., as well as checked and striped Irish Dimi ties, dotted Swisses, etc., at, per yd 7W 10 15 to $1.00 FLOUR IS DOWn WeoVr aUnr.rainr.".-t TyX r.S t eiS J tu "l mad Jr.Tm .... hlhitV,atant. nothina l-etter at 2.00 aack7 We want you to try It, and if not aa we any. your money will be cheerfully refunded. SALE PK1CE, PEH 48-POUNC SACK 21 lbs. Kest Granulated Bug-ar ..11.88 10 bars Diamond J or real All riuHf, for 10 lbs. best White ur Vellow Cornmeal for 10 Iba. Hrst Kolled Breakfast Oatmeal for ' Th. bast Tea 8iritns, pound ., Fancy tlcl'len hiantos Coffee. Ih. 203 The Best Hulk pesnut Mutter, Ib. 15c 1-lh. rana Aaaortrd Houps for . . , .7 'c Gallon cana Table Hyrup . .li'Jc OuttlDf Dowi Batter and Xfft Frlces The Very Heat 1 resli Kkks, uozen lit Good Liulry Hutler. Duur.il I Ic - Fancy Country Kofi llutter, lb. .Jlo Fancy Country Creamery , flutter, per pound ito ' Fancy No 1 Creaniary Butler. Ib. 25c Special Xlf eland at a vet Oraas-e tale Trie H KiujiLi Navels rxieil all ' for quality. " 112 size. res. iOc dot , sale price 10c .2(e ,150 .l(c .10c 81.20 12 size, tec. 40c do., aale piloe "Oc i 1)0 size. rg. Iba dns., aaln price 20c 17a and 2oo size, res 30c dos., sale price 16c Hardens' rreeh Tsretable JPrloes Are - Uie Talk of Omaha i 1-lb. boxes Fresh Mushrooms , ...lfc Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. 10c Three bum-hfs Frttth Hothouse its'lishes, for Co Two heads Fresh Leaf I-eltuce fur lo Three large bunches Fresh Heats, Carrtts, Turnips or Shallots , ...10c Two bunil-es Fieah t'araley Ic Freali CabhaKe. pound ln 1 anoy jray netl I'oiatues, lb. Fancy jrrn t'pers, 4 Tor Vresh tpinach, peck ftulabagaa. H.-fla. Turnips, Car- - rols, or Famulus, pound I 'c Ijirgm Cucuuibers, each . . , . . i . . 7 u 2 vo . . ICiu . .20o DOM'T FORGET TRY IIAYDEHS9 FIRST K PAYS