Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1911, Page 9, Image 9
TIIE 1U:K: OMAHA. WKDXMSDAY, rKHKUAUV 15, 1911. OFFERED FOR RENT '"'lied Rim tontlaaed. FOR KENT Neatly furnished room, mod ern, private family, fine location. 70 Georgia Ave. FOR RENT Nice front room, desirable for wo; good location. Ill N. 2oth Bt. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, team-heated. 2216 Farnam St. FOR RENT Two newly furnished sep rate rooms, adjoining liath. fine home tor two or three gentlemen. 60 8. l!th St. FOR RENT Nlrely furnished room, private family, desirable for one or two. -6 Lewey Ave. DRfllHADI.F, furnished rooms, strictly modern, prtvate faniUjf, good location. 4-4 S. 25th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, pri vate family, good loc ation 642 8. 22d St. DF.S1RARLE south room, private family. 8224 Farnam St. FOR RENT Two nlrely furnished rooms, modern, walking dlstsnce. 28"S Dodge Bt. DANDY Modern room, for gentlemen, good location. 2412 Dodge 8C FOR RENT Modern room, nicely heated. 7911 Farnam St. FOR RENT Modern furnlahed home, hot water heat: will rent to married couple. References. 4616 N. 21st St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, good location. 1814 Chicago St. FOR RENT Well heated, neatly fur nished, modern rooms. 101(1 Capitol Ave FOR RENT Nicely furnished, heated rooms, walking distance, near car. 406 N. 23d Ft. FOR REnV Nlcelv furnished front par lor, good location. 1924 Douglas Bt FOR RENT Two furnlHhed rooms, hot and cold water. 406 S. 24th Ave. FOR RENT One large front parlor, neatly furnished. 641 8. 27th St. FOR RENT Nice front room, modern. fas, bath, electrle light, well heated. 2705 )ewey Ave.- DESIRABLE room, good location. 1708 California St f r I, A ROE. nicely furnished room, private residence, new house, all modern. 2674 Evans St. NICELY furnished rooms, good location. 320 N. lath St. FOR RENT Modern, 2700 Farnam St. pleasant rooms. NICK. Ila-ht comfortable rooms, walking distance. 1U Cass St. FOR RENT Neat, modern, nicely furn ished. 211 N. 18th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished south front room, good location. 2672 Bt. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, warm room, private home. 608 S. 25th Ave FINE room, neatly furnished for gentle men, private family, good location. JUJ8 St. Mary's Ave. . FOR RENT Two nice front rooms for housekeeping. 2302 Farnam Ht . a i: : i FOR RENT-Nlcn rooms, neatly furn ished. 606 B. 20th St. NICELT FCRNIPHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 13th 6 1. DO DOE HOTEL 18th and Dodge; all out side rooms; steam beat; special week rata. Assart aaesita mm Flats. GROUND floo.. rroom. steam heated flat, the Dunsany, lota and flare sta. per Kaon in. CONRAD TOUNO. OS Brandels Theater Bldg. - a FOR RENT Choice 6-room flat, near ntah school, 122 .Ml. f-room cottaae, 41st and Jaoksoa; reduced to ua Tel. owner, hed 6n4. BE comfortable; 6-room apartment on west Farnam street with heat and jani tor service tree; every convenience. JUHN W. Huutsm. lt UKiNAU ST. MOST elegantly decorated and complete 41 or 6-room br'ck apartment In city; eleo trie llgnta. continuous hot and com water; steam heat furnished; tiled bath room; laundry vvltn drier. 1'rlce. ia. litg blocks from heart of city. H-677, Bee. CENTRAL AM modern. 4-room fiat. XM UU6 CA88 ST.. I. 6, and l-r. apartments at 17 and UU. J. V. Rasp Co.. D. itwi. 6-ROOM new steam heated, walking dis tance. 2.5o. O'Keefe Heal Enisle Co., lul un atia National, Doug, or A-21a2. Look at apartment No. 24 In THE STER LING tcorncr ot inth and 8t. Mary's Ave.); I lovme. strictly modern, steam hrat. gas stove, shades, curtain rode, hot and cold v.ter and Janitor service furnlshni. I AXHK tt KIATKH CO., olt Attia. sib Floor, is. X. Ufe UUlg. k'aratlaked lleairkersln Mouuis. FUR.M8HED room for IU;hl boiisekeeo Ing, vloa lu. llj 6. J-tto 8c. 4 ROOMS. t) and city aur; garden and chicken pnvlKke. uu Baiiciou R,l lO-Mcely furnished small room, fur one 1UiUa.v neat, gas. bath, i.itiity not air, iit,.tin, aiso iarae parlor, ith piano. ngm hoaa:eL.ii,a privilrgee. 21o fct. Mary a Ave. DIJNDEtT lh,ee rooms for light house aveaptux, modcru. liaJny i&14. THE HOWARD, :i and Howard. 4 rooms cumprtstwd In to room apartment' niahnaany furniiure; live blocks irom Ci'y National Hank. i.(. FOR RENT - Modern houccktupirg rooms. Oi ebeter Bt. FOR RENT Tan dandy houaekecplng rooms; hot water all the time; use of par lor; good location; on car line. Ja: Sher man Ave. FOR RENT-Nice unfurnished room, good location. 2573 llaniey m.-. Ft)lli RET-Two nl.ely heated rooms housekeeping. 1712 luusl m FOR RKST-To modern front rooms; hoo'Keepliig; 1:6 S. JSth .St. FOR RENT Tao rooms for housekeep ing 1710 ChicSKo Bt. - Full RENT-Mi e room furnlehed l7r housekeeping. Ai Leavenwoitu m. FOR RENT -Two nicely furnished rooms: reafons tile. I 'a en port bt For KENT Too nice rooms for house keeping, in 13 Hurt si Foil KENT To housekeeping rooms; Bnodern. ..c Farnam St. IKR RENT Two nlcelv furnlih-d rooms for llttht houaekeeixng. IMi N. i'th t.- Ft)K RENT one large nicely furnished urn irior i or ugbt ttooscaevpinx- ajil C'aits HI. FOtl RENT--NW ejy koukekeep Ing rooms, baih on sane rlior: 'oi luxa tion. MI it. Mih Ave. FOil KKNT-Taw Tl-m raorrm furl ab.ae4 wj. auuejiflraLivi; 1 ,Kshs ki ilarary aa. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished lloasekreplns Rmhi. F"OR RENT Nice room for light housekeeping.- 2 8. 42d St. FINE south room; well heated; light housekeeping privlletces. 2U Douglas Bt. FOR KENT-Housekeeplng and sleeping rooms; neatly furnished. 8.1S 8. lth Bt. F'OR KENT Large housekeeping room; alcove. 215 N. lid Bt. FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeep ing room. 1H1 California Bt TWO nice housekeeping rooms; steam heated. 410 N. ltith St. FOR RENT 'lean furnished rooms for housekeeping; nice neighborhood. 613 N. 19th St. TWO nice rooms for housekeeping. 1813 Capitol Ave. WANTED an experienced girl for general housework, no laundry work. Mrs. Sher wood. 110 8. 3-'d St. WANTED a rlrl for general housework, miiBt cook, family of two; references. 4932 Davenport St. WANThll a girl for general housework. IStiil Leavenworth St. WANTE15 A good girl for general house work, small family, must be good cook. Mrs. R. K. Welch, 414 8. 30th St. l'af arnlsaed Raasas. TWO warm, south front rooms: newly decorated ; on bathroo.n floor; Cass; convenient to two car lines; references. TWO modern rooms, gas range, shades, 120 N. lHh Bt. FOR RENT Delightful front parlors. 2224 Farnam Bt. FOR RENT two nice unfurnished front rooms, good location, walking distance. 117 H. 26lh Ave. FOR RENT Two nice unfurnished rooms with bath, light housekeeping. 1706 Man derson St. FOR RENT Four nice housekeeping rooms, 1! N. 24th St. Apply 1714 Webster. FOR RENT Four large rooms and bath, private family. 2407 Camdeb Ave Heswi mma Cotiaarea. COTTAQE. 1406 N. 26th Bt Tel. Harn'y 6064 DUNDEE Modern house, tJb. Harney 137. t 7.50-3-r., 2T21 Lake 8t., (rear.) 12.00-6-r., 2"09 Faul Bt. 16.0 6-r., 1902 8. iOth Bt. l00-6-r. cottage, 1625 N. S7th St. tls.OO -r. house. 20u N. 27th St. Robinson & Wolf. 445 Pa ton Block. CHEAP RENT Five-room cottage, large basement, hot water heat, bath, cistern, fruit trees sad garden, iJ. Come quick; otbevs after It. Decatur. Keys at 226 Decatur. 6-ROOM cottage; modern except furnace; beautiful lawn and trees. No. South Hid Ave. Kent only 626 per mo, islepboue Douglas 4040. FIN Ii a-room, modern bouse. KM caj- fomia. : : Houses. ina. Rlngwalt. Brandela Tb. Bldg. Honqpft " parts of the city. uuua" Crelgb Sons A Co, Be Blag. FERRIN Exp. & Btor. ltll Cap. -i'yler-U0O Oin. Van & Storage Co. packs, moves, stores household goods. Fireproof storage; 604 8. loth. 1) ranch. Jut 8. 17 lb lei. D. 4ii. A-lili NEW 5 rooms, modern except furnace, 1 block south of inton school. Inquire E. 8. FlkKK. 3601 B. 20th Ave. NEW 6-room house, modern, except fur nace. 2X10 No. 16th St. 14-KOOM house, modern, at 4219 N. 24th Bt. Near rar barn. Fine location for boarding house. O. C. Kedlck, 1S17 Far nam Bt. NEW 6-room, strictly modern cottage; Mock to car; 2407 South 17th. Phone lied 7547. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight ratea; moving aad storing. Expressmen s Delivery Co., '1 el. Douglas 4 CU OfXic. 16 So. 1? St.. Be Kidg. 6-H.. ia. 1220 Burt. Tel. Harney 1464V 112 60-CHEAP RENT-612.00. 1216 Charlea St., i rooma. One-ha If block to Harney car. We are papering and painting this house Inside and out. 8. E. WAIT ec CO.. 617 Bee Bidg. 6-ROOM house at 156J rC. l"th 8t 1656 N. 20ih, 4 rooms 112.50 21 Clark, 4 rooms u.00 2;li Webster, lo rooms 4 ou 712 N, 22d, 7 rooms, modern 36 00 RINUWALT BROS., Brandels Theater Bldg. 712 N. 22d, 7 rooms, mod., 135. 2218 Clark. 4 rooms. 611. 2JI0 Webster, 1 rooms. 124. King wait tiros., irnuei i'heater Bldg. FIVE-ROOM and bath, practically new, double house, tio. 1 elepnone Web. ltiul. 1 6-ROOM house, modern, except furnace. 611 S. 24th. MOST LIBERAL 1NDLCEME-N IB I t) 11 IMMEDIATE TENANTS. 6-r., 1 llk. lo car Pari), Meredith, 616. 5- r., mod., good aa new, ljtm r. Jlst, lu. 6- r., mod., clone in, Bo. 24th St., u. 4-r.. mod., cliwe, l47 N. 17th Si., -r., mod., tin, ice. 2416 Shei man Ave., $JC 6- r.. mod., chon e. 2712 Caldwell St., 7- r , mod., clone, 1(25 S. 27th St., I2i. 6-r.. city water. 74 Bancroft St., 410. 6-r., part mod., close, 122 6)aicv Bt.. 1S. 6-r., S acre, barn, til5 No. t.tb H'... lo. 4-r.. city water. 2oJ7 rt. Mil Bt , 67 Rt'KBf.l.L at M Kit RICK "0 , VJ2 Rainge i.iog. lith and Harney. klorrs aod Olllcn. FOR RENT Modern LKiuglas; team hrated, leuphoue Doug. -"JC. storeroom, 1004 raaunable rent. FOR RENT Office room. 6J1 located oa lop ficor. lacing coart. ,0 aura feel, la ciudina ajli. rcu.s lur 4 pr mooia THE B7E bcll-ulNu cukfAMf. DO YOU need more etui age room? Have very tine excis loom lo ul in wholesale district. Very best elevator service, ail drtfcs Lock lio Omaha. Neb. IN new building, corner ol 1-th and Far Dam Eta., au entire floor. 4xUJ. Suitable lur K Oliing or Myhi lactory purposes. All modern, botn passenger and freikbt ale ittur service. Set J. A- realana, lil6 6 a tisin l. NORTH WE8T coiner ISth and Harney Bis. O. C. itrUick, bit; Fariiaiu Bt. DEbh7 rcoiu, both I hones; use of steno grapher If desired jJ BiandU Bidg OFFERED FOR SALE j Fl -RNLSHIKG. for a five-room cottage j i ir saiv ineau. wj o. u ?l. I ' FECTIONAL bookcases, office furniture. I etc.. at reasonable price. Call st 407 Kai- bach Block. Lata and Douglas Bis. ! Msiirsl laatrassrata. HIilil-GltAl'E piano can be bought at a lo figuie, xHii,t leav'jig til,. IjJ a. Mia St OFFERED FOR SALE Maalral tastrsisaeats -tdatlaaesl. FOR "ALE By a widow who Is breaking up housekeeping a first-clsss second-hand pianola, good as new, cost 6260, adjustable to any piano; also 96 rolls of music In good order, which eost on an average of 62.76 per roll, or about 6260; the whole '"111 be sold for t-JOO. Address f. O. Box svn. Omaha. typewriters. BUT an L. C. Bmilh Bros, typewriter. B. F. "wanton Co., Distributers, 1316 Far nam SI RE N T an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Fhone Douglaa TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES. CLEARANCE BALE NOW ONI Prices low to get tha cash. 1-4 to 1-6 regular prices; any make you want. Oat on while they last. B. F. SWAN BON CO.. 1316 FARNAM 8T. 8ECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, )uo7 Farnam. atlacellaaeoas. FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. Wa lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments, BrunswIcK-Balke-Collender, 407 8. 10th 8t FOR Retaurant equipment 6. VJX.V OAUD l-sectlon J no. Van Range, dlxhwasher, steam tables, counter, stools, chairs, tables, sideboard, filter, steam cook ers, 1 big refrigerators, copper urns, brand new Capital boiler and tanks, etc. Write or call on C. W. Robertson, 313-16 South 16th St., Omaha. FOR BALE One Parker Broa. hammer less, 10 gauge, twist barrel, ahot gun. and leather case. 640. One Parker Bros, ham mer gun, 10-gauge and leather casa, til. Ml One Bmith Sc. Weston, 33 caliber, hammer less revolver, 110. Address L 614. ear Bea, KINDLING, 11.00 a load, del'd. D. 6848. 8A FES Overstocked with second-hand safea, all sisea and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. SAWDUST. I have about two carlcada of sawdust at Powell, Neb., that I would like to sell In lump or any amount to suit purchaser. Ii. 8. Dickinson. Columbus. Nsb. SCHOLARSHIP In good local business college at a discount. Apply at Tbe Bee office- 2d Hand ELECTRIC MOTORS LE-BON, 113 BOUT1I 12TII ST. 1150 certificate on Segerstrom piano. Make me an offer. Address N Ta3, Bee. BEAUTIFUL Onyx Queen soda fountain, with mahogany counter and canopy. Inlaid with art tile; price about one-tenth original cost. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodga Sts. OSTEOPATHY KATHERTN NIKOLAS. Theater. 634-6 Brandels Alice oJhnson, 306-1 Brandels Theater Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Fazton Blk. Tel. Red Till. HIRAM A. 8TUKOES. reg patent atty, 646 Brandeis Theater. Bldg. Xouglaa 64t. WILLARO EDDT, registered praotlUoner la U. S. tat. office. 616 faxton Blk. K. ittM. PERSONAL rjl AMI View Maternity Home, private Uuivm home tor women during con-ment- Box 117, Florenua. Tel. Florence 163. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electrlo needle, or injury ta the akin; lady attendant. 610 McCagus Bldg. MAGNETIC treatment. E. Brott. 1911 Cuming St., upstairs. HITPTITIih1 Pl'ss. sic,, cured; no knife; WU1 UAUJ book free. German Doctors, 4i0 Broadway, Council BluXXa, la. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing. In tact, anything you do not reed. We collect, repair and sail at 134 N. lliu St, tor coat of collection, to the wor my poor. Call phone Douglaa 4US and wagons will call. SAFETY razor blades sharpened by our new automatic machines shave better and hold their edge longer than new blades, tvery make of blade sharpened perfectly. Singled edged blades restmrpened, per dozen, 26c. Double edged blades resharpened, per dozen, 36c. Mall your bladesswlth check to AUTOMATIC SHARPENING CO., P. O. Box 616. Omaha, Neb. JOSIB WASH BURN'S book. "The Under world Sewer," at all book stores. Price U.50. RATHS ea't glow and massage. 1606 Dodge. d floor, opp. postof (Ice. Mma, Alien ot Chicago. Doug. 766a. WE RENT and repair all klnda of sew ing machines, ind. A-16U; Douglas lSttJ. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO 61 PAN T, ' a-tb and Harney Bis. MAGNETIC trestment. Mine. Smith. HINDOO TABLETS vlll Mitld, trace. SUangloeo. 6oc BELL DRUG CO. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Bant larltua, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Kamge Bldg. VIBRATORY asae. Dr. Rittesv timuilVUl bouse. 406 Old Boston Store. 4th floor, elevator entrance. 120 tt. loth. bTRICTLY private Christian confine nient home; best caie. babies fur adopjon. Davenport MRS. SNYDER. Swedish massage, radia tor and vlbiator tieaiuient. The Dunsany, Fiat . .mil and i'lerco. Douglas 4330. DR. EGGER8, private confinement home. 1616 Alariba bt-. Ouiaha. 'lei. Douglas i.M. DR. BAKEll. MEDICAL OFFICES. Expert spcciiilisis, diseases of women. Cuusuliatlou and examination free. 210 S. 14th St., Corner Douglas, onialia. Neb. PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. DrT King. U24 N. 24in. Web. Ind. D-1936. ""JOHN CANE T TreVad GrapT. 61 if" A g IIIIIIICI, IV Q toa. 1101 8 36tb Ave. lieu. Hot. A-3646. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as sti angers sie Invited to v'.alt the Young Women s Christian Association building at fteventeenta airtei and et. Mary s avenue, where they will be directed te suitable boarding placee or otherwise assisted. Look tor aur traveler a aid at the Union station. MASK 8U1T8 to rent at LIEBEN'8. WIGS ""1 ,ouu fr ""n. Griffith. 12 and 11 FKEN2EK BLOCK BEST nerve bracer for men. Grey s Nerve Food Pllis Jl.uua box. Postpaid. Sherman a. Met oiiucll Drug Co.. ouiaha. Adelight hair food gtowa hair; aee Mme. r layer. Megealh MSI Co.. lith & Faxnaia DR. BURKE ''ASES OK A oMfcN .. A.'vwa., uuiaiib A HOME for women during confinement Eaoies adopted and boarded. Building modem. For terms address matron. Tiniey liouie, 1 Bancroft St. phone Doutf. la.l. MASSAGE r,e"!nrM:. Mr fl'- l"! B. Ii. -d fioul, ltlll. , M AliJotllE Come to 4B7. 1 ant waiting. Vi Hired. POULTRY AND PET STOCK 1 IVs. Brown LefhArn Tfwvetera, f eaxh. tggs for setting. It 164 N. 17th Sl Wa 367a. Screenings, 11.36 par 100. Wagner, Kl N. 16th. RARRED Plymouth Rocks, a fine lot of cockerels at 12 and 6s each. Kin for hatching. F. C. Ahlqulst, 3761 Meredith Ave., Omaha, Neb. RHOPB Island Red eggs for setting. Phons Routh 1011. PRINTING RIE8-HALL Ptg. Co.. !( 8. 14th. Ind. A-K24. Lew W. Raber, Tririter.on BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. PHONE IND. A-1SJ0 for good printing. Uygstad Printing Co., 16th aad Capitol Av. MILLER A JAM1ESON, ml Douglas St Both phones. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS or TITLK. Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam St PETER J ESS EN, jr., Co. Tel. Doug. 1292. H. H. Neale. 3S0 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. REAL fCBTATlS ItBALsCHS. REED ABSTRACT CO. Est 156; prompt service; gel our prices. M Brandels Thsater REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Fit teenth floor City Nat l Bank Bldg. CITY PHOPKRTY roa KALB4 FOR SALEA BARGAIN Eight-room house, on paved street. In good repair; modern except furnace. In quire on prsmlses. 2706 Hamilton St FOR BALE 4-room house, with city water and electrlo lights; 2, 1 or 4 lota 'Phone Benson 262. t-ROOM, 130. 3220 Burt. Tel. Harney 1496. OWNER anxious to sell new, modern, 7 rooms and reception hall, oak finish on 1st and birch on 2d story; lot 60x12, nicely ter raced; j block from cars, t blocks from school. If the house pleases wa can make the prica tight Bee 1324 Seward St Phone Harney 4760. C. Fred Harrison snd Ooo. T. Morton to central bargains. 616 Omaha Nat' I Bank. FOR 6ALE Two lota, 112x140, on south lflth St. nar Vinton; all special taxes paid. Will aell as one piece or divide. Willing to sell at secrafica. Apply at 126 South 21st street FOR BALE House 1 rooma, water, sewer, toilet sto.; nice trees aad shrubbery, il South klst Bt BIX-ROOM modern cottage for sal oa easy terms by owner. 1126 Miami St 1003 Dodga. I rooma moderns closa 1st corner; easy terms. Doug. 3863. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAN (U LAAD FOR SALE ARKANSAS.,. BUY A FARM WHILE you have a Job, and have a horns when you have no job, 1400 and up; easy terms. , SMITH INVESTMENT CO., 840 Brandela Theater Bldg. - Vm-mmMtw BRITISH COLUMBIA FRUIT LAND yields to 11,000 per acre and upward an nually; choicest Edgewood orchard tracts, Arrow Lake district, West Kootenay, IM per acre; terms over five years without In terest. No Irrigating, delightful climate, splendid market. Get booklet "C. J." In vestors' Truct and Mortgage Corporation iLtd.), 134 Hastings W., Vancouver, B. C FRUIT LANDS. Most productive fruit land In British Co lumbia. "Carlln Orchards," upper Okana gau valley; requires no IrrigaUon; mild climate, fertile soli, fruits of finest quality produced In abundance. Railway station on property. Low prices, long terms of payment. Write for Illustrated pamphlet "C-4." Rogers, Black & McAlplne, Van couver, British Columbia. Colorado. MUST sell by March 1, best 160-acrs Im proved farm In Montezuma valley, Colo., five miles from Cortes. ; lays perfect for irrigation, plenty ot water; U acres alfalfa, fifty-five acres fine fall wheat, seventy acres fall plowed; full equipment machinery and horses go In price; lll.ouO, liberal terms. Do not snswsr unless you mean businesa For particulars address owner, N, J. cuu herd, 2116 Greenwood. Pueblo, Colo, ta-ACRS Irrigated ranch, Morgan Co., Colo., on tha Burlugtaa, 1 mile from depot; Improvements are modern In every particular; owner retiring. For full partlo uiars address EIC bcaroan. Brush. Colo. Florida. LANDS for sals In south Florida: lots selected especially for fruit and vegetable growing. Write for circular map. C. C. Morgan, Fort Ogden, 1'la. . " . - - - - as. L.J VII a lake with oranges and pecan treea on property. For psrticulara addresa owner, T. S. McManus. W aldo. la. ASK us questions about Flijrlda. Infor mation free; farms on easy terms. Kagay Realty Co., 60 Mulua'. Life Bldg., Jackson ville, Fla Idas). W-t ACRES ready to plant fruit treea Good buildings, 3V miles from Nampa. Bar gain from owner. J. A. Clephane, Route No. 2, Nampa, Idaho. Illlaols. FOR SALE S20 and 1 acres; Panhandle of Texas. Moor county; cheap; choice land. J. F. Donovan, Warren, ill. laws. .trim F" V ( ' M A v i : k. vv . v, . ... i .' ..v .. u . u IUVUIIJS properties 111 the cliy of Chu ago. owners ot which will trade ibeir etiultiea for guod clear land anywhere. These eg ul ties will net the Investor from ( to 1U per cent We have properties from 6-0. 0 HI to H,oc0,uu0. Submit complete description, location and price In fust letter. This will save lime, expense and trouble for all of lis. J. D. Rust a. Co., Cedar Rapids, la. STOCK and grain farm of 880 acres, sit uated in Koasutii county, la , fur sale easy terms, or will taae as first payment t.-o ixO In Hereford cattle. Fremont b. Gibson, Meson City, ls, Kaasaa. FOR BALE luO seres, 1 miles from To pe sa, Kan., 110 acres bearing orchard, bal ance cultivated, good land, 2 miles to ranroad station. N. 1. Daltou. iopeka. Kan. TWO KANSAS BARGAINS liM acres. Harvey county, t miles lo loan aell Improved, house, barn, orchard, fenced' etc.; V acres in cultivation, all tillable' 7j0. lou acres. Reno county, all tillable; fenced 75 acre in cultivation; 4 tiniee to town' Price U.lut. Charles Peterson, Hutchinson! Kan I... i aim It, a 'rlsta a. id K 1' kO.,,,, bottom land, un small stieaio, well uo proved, a bargain at p-i acie. asu Aiirta 1. N Deardorff, La;gne Kaa R. R. 4. box 2t- 1 REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAN CU LAND FOR SALS KasMMaa roatlaaed. 160 ACRES level, rich, deep soli, lv miles to Ness City, Kan.; all In grass; best al falfa land. Another quarter Joins, ssme description; sell separate or together. Great bargain at 126, ftuuO cash, balance sasy terms. KlililEL GARTH, Lamed, Kan- LAN D BARGAIN 6.400 acres In Hodgeman county, Kansas, four miles from Banta Fa railroad station, price I'UuoO, terms easy; 3.1M) acres under cultivation; fenced, good 11-rooin stons house. W rite or wire Grain 1-and Co., Kan sas City block Yards, Room 131. FOR SALE All klnda of farm homes from halt sections down to 80-acre tracts. Prices right; terms. Hodgeman comity farms and ranches to trade for eastern Kansaa farms and good Improved farms In Missouri. J. U. Dana Real Estate Co., Hutchinson, Kan. SPLENDID HOME A BARGAIN. 160 ACRES 6 miles out, all tillable, rich, black soil, 80 acres alfalfa, 4o acres for spring corn, balance meadow and paature; 6-room house, large barn and other build ings; 16 ft to water; lU.vVU; one-third cash, J. F. Harris, Kinsley, Edwards county, Kansas A GENUINE BARGAIN 160 acres, well Improved; . good orchard; 20 acres alfalfa, 66 acres pasture, balance cultivated; 60 acres fins wheat goes; 3' miles to town. Bnsp, 6ve per acre; terms on 64.UU0, 4 years, 6 per cent W. M. Beeghly, Solomon, Kan. QUARTER section In the famous corn belt, ISs miles from Clyde; T-room houae, good barn and outbuildings, windmill, elu. ; fenced end cross-fenced; 9 acres fins al falfa, 120 acres cultivated, balance pasture; good bearing orchard; bargain at 6V, 760, terms. 8. H. Knapp, Clyde, Kan. FOR BALE tii sores; alfalfa valley farm under-Irrigated and all good crop land; 1 mile from town. High aud graded schools, chinches and all kinds of ousiness, some new Im provements; very cheap at 6j0 per acre; easy terms. G. W. Baker, Baiina. Kan. EASTERN KANSAS BARGAIN. 100 acres, second bottom; rich, deep soil, all tillable; 66 acres In cultivation; 6-room house; good water, good stock buildings; 4V miles to Abilene; school one mile, 'phone and 11. F. D. Only lluO per aura. Jos- I). Ryan, Abilene, Kan. LOOK LOOK V4 section good, smooth land, all tillable; 6 mlies of town; fair house, good barn, plenty of water; 126 per acre, If sold in the next 30 days. Write us for free list of farms. Oakleat. & Hill, Cherryvale, Kan. 240 ACRES All nice, smooth, good black loam soil; good for wheat and corn; all fenced; S'-s miles from good railroad and market town In central Kansas; price lit per acre; write for particulars. J as. A. Brandt, Llndsborg, Kan. BARGAIN FOR QUICK BALE 1P0 acres, good Reno county land, 1 mile from railroad town;, 6-room bouse, bam and other gooa buildings; all fine, tillable land; choice farm and a snap; price until Feb. 16, 1 11.000. Come, we have what you want. Barrett Land Co., Hutchinson, Kan BARGAIN IN A KANSA8 HOME. 120 acres, 6-room house and outbuildings, well and windmill; 160 acres cultivated, 60 acres In wheat; fenced; smooth, rich soil, all tillable. Price, 626 per acre, terms. L&ndgrat (k. Darby, Garden City, Kan. FORD COUNTY BARGAIN. 120 acrea level wheat land, 11 mlies out; 240 acres cultivated; t0 acrea growing wheat to buyer; fenced; fair improvements, good well; 126 per acre, half cash. BROWN Si VERNON. Dodga City. Kan. 6K0.0OO IN uninoumbersd Income, businesa property and residences, here, earning 10 per cent to "26 per cent: ail allt-edsad. tn trade for bluegraes land, Missouri preferred. j. n . uuinui, policy vine, nan. Laalslana. LOU1S1AN THE SURPRISE OF THE WORLD. Eighty bushels of vats. 76 bushala r corn, 6 tons of alfalfa to the acre. For ex planation of farming revolution which has opened Loulslans for settlement writ at once to W. A. JONES. Secretary. LOUISIANA FARM LANDS CONGRESS, Shreveport, La. Hlaaeaia 160 ACRES. 7 miles from lvanhoa. the county seat of Lincoln county, Minnesota; practically all under cultivation; so acres pasture; buildings worth lu.OoO. Rented tor next year, trice, oU per acre, reason able terms. The Glob Land and Loan Co., Minneota, Minn. GOOD Improved 1 JO-at re farm 17 miles from St. Paul, Minn., and 2 mllea from station; nearly all under cultivation; lavel, mac loam sou; goou nouse, parn ana well. Price. o,M; 6l.0u0 down. Address owner. O. Utruble, Forest Lake, Minn. BARGAINS Improved farms, anv alia. Minnesota and Dafcolaa; also unimproved land; large tracts. We have what you want. Harvard Investment Co., Palace Bidg., Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE 240 acres choice farm land near Lake Benton, Lincoln county, Min nesota, at 4o per acre. Address H. fl. frranzen, Roselle, 111. Allsaoarl. MISSOURI FARMS FOR 8ALE. 1,100 acres, near Rich Hill; two sets Im provements; mostly all can be cultivated: some bottom land; price 4J0 per acre for short time. v acres, two miles of Mayvlew, on' C. at A. R. R ; nice modern 7-room house, large bank barn, ail improvements com paratively new; about l.tu) bearing apple liees; a bargain at 6K0 per acre. Oiher lands from 64u lo iau per acta; ten acrea up to two acrea. 11 acres, unimproved, five miles south town, at 6a; acres clover, balance pas lure and corn laud; bargain. Waller C, Chiles Really Co., Hlgginavlile. Mo. 120 ACRES, 60 miles eaet Kansas City, S',-a nines good town; 6 room house; cellar, well and ainilinill. barn, beautiful shady yard, grove for windbreak, excel lent two-acre orchard, route and phone, 1 miles to school, fine neighborhood; 30 acres bluegrass, hogtight; lu acrea timothy clover; rich, black soil; no rocks or ditches; M acre; terms on 6.600. Other farms, list tree, lunia Laud Co., Ionia, Mo 6,000 ACRES, good fruit land In south ern, central part of Missouri, railroad runs tbroubh land, good town sue, umber will pay for land. Terms 17.60 per acre, one third cash, three years on balance. J. W. Black, Marstialltown, la. Nebraska. 17 SECTIONS, good alfalfa land in weat ern Nebraska, will sell In sec Hons or all H'.i.iO per acre. Easy payments. J. W. Biack. iiarslialllomu, la. TWENTY-ONE thousand acres western Nebraska ranch to divide up. Price. M-6u per acre; - per cent good land. Write Henry Huinniels. lul N. uih 61., Lincoln. Neb. FOR BALE 240 acres unimproved, all level land, fine slock country, in flowing well dinliul. Holt county, Nebraska, 6-6 per acre; 41 ouy mortgage running five years at 6 per cent. Addresa Box lui, r airfield, Neo FOR SAi-E BY OWNER. Fins ranch pf l.4o acrea deeded land. 64o acres ik hool land, loi aied three miles from county seat on new line of Union i a. If K- railroad; 1.40U acres can be Irri gated from government -anal, school on land; one set uf buUuings, I'u acres ploaed i'lhe. Ill .A) an acie. Will .airy :ii"i for llace ears at 6 per cent. Wills VA linaui G. laics. Sculls tiluCi. Neb. BCtl CCYITC nunt. co i n i u, A6tat AND RANCH LAND FOB1 8AL Nebretsaasi. Caattaae. 6.00S ACRES rleh. level Ir.ipreved farm land rannh, $XtM per a' re; terms, ae trade; owuer. c J. Wnuy, bemiagfara, NiSw Nartk Dakota. SOLICITORS WANTED. I own and control about 6. (W0 acres at choice farm lands In Burleigh and Kidder Co.. No. Dak., and want 60 good representa tives, others need not apply. Best of ref erences. W. E. Kuney, ljnd Investments. Blauiarck, N. D. Oklakaaaa. FOR BALE In Knabel Co., 160 acres e'f black chocolate land, mllea south of Billings. Okl., In the Antelope valley 1 sides hedge and 1 aide wire, with 120 acrea broke out and the balance In pasture lots, orchard and garden; 7-room house, plas tered, papered, cellar underneath; ail in gootV- shape; barn, 24x36, room for 10 tons of hay, room for T horses; crib, tool shed and bsy fork, complete; 2 good granaries with driveway through center, will hold 2,000 bushels of grain ( these buildings and all other buildings are painted and in good shape; l.OoO locust posts, 4uo fruit threes, 1 wells, 1 cistern, plenty of water. This Is a level farm and no wast land on It; fine; can be bought down, V In five years, at reasonable Interest, T, M, Kabeuleon. Billings, Okl. Texas. HOMESEEKERS' FRIEND L. A. Pitts lived 40 years in Iowa and Illinois, and his advice is "If you want to get rich buy Texas lands while they are cheap." Wa have thousands of acrea of fine farming lands, larga and small tracts, at low prices. Don't buy till you see them; everything guaranteed and a square deal. Write or call on the Pitts Land and Development Co., Houston, Tex. BUY AN IRRIGATED FARM. We own 16,000 aores, rich valley land near railway. In northern Mexico; ample water to irrigate whole traot; canal now building; elevation 7u0 feet; fine climate: produce oranges, lemons, limes, grape fruit and pineapples to perfection; corn two crops per year; sugar cane, alfalfa, etc. El Celesta Irrigation Company, 8an Antonio, Tex. TEXAS ALFALFA LAND. For sale 320 acres, Childress county, 4V miles northeast of tha town of Childress; aublrrtgated; fins alfalfa land; water within eight feet of surface; to per eent tillable; 212 acres now In cultivation. This land will pay for Itself tha first year In cotton and will make man rich tha first four years in alfalfa. Price 6M an acre; reasonable terms. E. J. Holland, 1107 Commerce Bt, Dallas, Tex. v BIO TEXAS SNAP. 1 100 acres, 6 miles from Dallas; 1.600 in cultivation, highly Improved; everlasting artesian and shallow well water; on rail road, two publie roads; natural gas, tim ber for fuel; dairy, paying 112,000 annually: 400 other stock cattle, 30 head mules and horses, hogs, goats, farm Implements, ma chinery, etc., go with plaoe; gross returns 1910 tao.OOO; the best Investment anywhere at 110.000; terme. Turner A, Turner, 1310 Commerce St., Dallas, Tex. Utah. BARGAINS In Utah farms and ranches. Dowse St. Morris, Salt Lake City. Utah. Washlnsjtoa. HOMESEEKERS, . ATTENTION! Come to ths famous Grandvlew dlstrlot of the Yakima Valley, where you can make an independent living raising fruit Wa have some excellent buys In fruit and hay ranches from 1126 per acre up. For full particulars address, Robert J. Vennura, Farmers' Land Co., Grandvlew, Wash. WE have a few Improved homesteads for sale for about the actual expense of the Improvements. The prices are from 1100 to 61.0UO for 1H0 acres of Washington's beat land. Writs tor full particulars. ACME HOMESTEAD REALTY CO., 610 Riverside Ave., Spokane, Wash. Wyosalas. FOR BALE 160 acres land near Chey enne. Wyo.. at a bargain. Address Y IS, cars Bee. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm ss4 Rssek Laaid. for"rent Forty acrea of land adjoining Forest Lawn Cemetery on the east and south, possession March 1. 1100 a year. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 20 First National Bank Bldg. Doug. EX FARM FOR RENT 130 acres, highly Im- provldcd, located 1V4j miles north of O'Neill Tbls farm consists of farm, meadows and pasture land. There Is no better or more desirable farm In the county. C. M. Daly, O'Neill, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS 1100 to 110,000 mads promptly. F. t Weed. Wead uidg., lath and Farnam. nmvIN P. ROM ia run. m v i i. t ... to eiuu.uuO on improved property. No delay. LOW RATES. BEMI8-CARLBERG CUH lUt-312 Biandala 1 heater Bldg. LOANS to home owners and home build, ers. avlth privilege of snaklag parual pay ments salui-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 601 First National Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes, business property and Nebraska lands. O'Keefe Real Lsiats Co., 1016 Omaha National. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Ca WANTED City loans and warranta W. Farnam BVmlth A Co., HA) Farnam bt WANTED City loans. Pslers Trust Ca City and Farm. John N. Frenzer. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT to purchase direct from owner a quarter or half section of good eastern Nebraska land at Its actual cash value; Merrick county preferred. Address. Box SJ, Fremont, Nsb. More city people are going into the poultry business now than ever. It may be a sort of fad at first, but they grow to like it. Nothing will afford you mora pleaiure than seeing these buiy 1UU ftllowg ruuninj around the yard acratcriing aad cblrplig rrom morning umi uigbt. And words of pleasure. The Bee telle you I Where to get egxs Where the beat chicke are. Who the reliable dealers are. Tells you how to atart and bow to Because there ia money In it. Head the Poultry column today. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Exchangee, eolcfc sates, targe Mat . A4 krees K. i. Continental Bldg-. Omaba, Neb FOR sjulck reewlta (my exchange list). C. J, Canan. M O. N. i-. jtidg., Omaha. AN IOWA FA TIMER, want to buy Sonne cneapr land.' or be might consider an exchange.' What have reuT Ha Is a reader of tha Das Moines apHal. and the way ta reach htm aad thousands ot others; Ilka blm Is to adver rise In tha want ad eolumne of tha Capi tal. Rata, 1 eent a word per Insertion. 6 ants a word for six Insert loos aad M feats a word per month. IF yo'i wish to exchange write NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., 6X4 New York Ufa Bldg. Wl aiehanga properties of merit H H. CnWer. 612-6U N. T. Ufa Douglaa 766. OOOTJ l(v-acre farm In southwestern Nebraska; 1M acres In winter whest; all level: good deep black soil; will exchange for good T or 1 room house. Will make terms on difference. Tt us .r what you have. Address P-403. care Bee. WANTEDTO BUY REST prloe paid for ;d-hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. 8.71. 6ales of Pamaged-by-Handllng Ooods A sura euro for this clssi of sales Is found In Bee advertising. WANTED TO RENT YOUNG man wants to rent modern room, private, where can enjoy horns privileges. 8 773, Boa. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION as assistant, bookkeeper lodger clerk, timekeeper, or any elertcai posi tion. Best references. Address B 707, Bee. YOUNG man desires place to work for bvXid and room In private family while attending college. Bvylea College. Both 'phones. ... HAVING several years' experience would like high class position as saleslady; if traveling, would expect expenses paid. Ad dress U- 763, Bee. WANTED Position la doctor's office. H. 1301. i . v LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received up to 1 o'clock p. in. on the th day ot March, 1911, at HouellK, Nebraska, by 11. D. Myers, secretary of school board of school district No. 69, Col fax county, Nebraska, for the erection snd completion of an eight-room brick school ' building in Howells, Nebraska, according to plans and specifications prepared by A. H. Dyer at Co., architects, and now on file at their office In Fremont, Nebraska. bepareie bids will be received for the heating and plumbing at the same time and place. . t Ail bids must ba accompanied by a certi fied check for e per coat of bid.- The righl Is raoerved to reject any and sll bids. . 11. v. MX KIM, Bee y, Howells, Neh Fli-13-22-24 NOTICB OF STOCK HOLDERS" MEET ING. . Notice Is hereby given thst the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Plane Land company will ba held at the office of said company at Lincoln, Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m., on tha first day ot March, A. D., Jill. . C. H. MORRILL, President 4. B. MINOR, Becretary. Lincoln. Neh., Jan. lo, ml Jan31 dSOt STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE AN nual meeting of the stockholders of the Be Publishing company will be held at ths office of the company In Omaha at I o'clock Monday, March 6, 1911, for tha election of a board ot directors for the en suing year and for tha transaction ot ' such other business as may properly come before the meeting. By order of the presi dent N. P. FE1L. Secretary. F!ld2.'t GOVERNMENT NOTICES C O N STRUCTI NG QUARTERMASTER S Office, Fort Logan, Colorado, Febiuary 1L It'll. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received here until 10 a. in. March 14, 1511, for tha construction of a sewerage disposal plant and the extensions necesi-ai y In ths remodeling, etc., of present sewer system.. Information upon application. Chase Doster, Captain and Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Constructing iiuaj-termaHier. f'16-16-16-liM-6 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers for' February 14, 111, furnished by tha Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, ' 1714 Farnam street. Telephone Douglas 2mm: Peter Jorgensen to Mary Jorgensen, lots 16 and 16, block 1, Westsule 1 1 Frederick R. Nugent and wife to John J. Llnehan. lot 10. block 2, re plat. Durant Place '.,.,... .. l.pH L. M. Bowers to George P. Bemls, lots 17 and 18, block U and other property. Bowers' ad8ltion. 200 George P. Bemls to Monte CV Nugent, lot l, block 1, Andrews A Benson's addition 475 Joseph Barker, trustee, la Clarence M. Axhelm. lot 2.76, Roanoke Vi Frsnk 8. Parmelee to Cert rude 8. Parmelee, lot . Stewart Place...-. . 1 Minnie C. Hoilgin to Henrietta Ben awa. east 2u fl., north iws ft., loi 1. block 6, Shulla' second-: addi tion i I lnterurban Land ir to EOvvsid ,, lvws and Ethel J. Lewht. lot 13, block 3. Her addition 4"! Ralston Co. Anna C. Gurske. lot TV block 33, Rulston addition . 2.i . Cathrine HlgKinn iv ,lnie Savage, lot 6, block 1, Popple'. 31 Paik i Church Laller Day Bwlft.s to Jacob Keiidls, north 40 ft., .iiv 6, block 10 E. V. Smlih's addlt'jr. George T. Zl miner ul d wfe.t Albert Bwansou, lot . block 1. Heed's fust sddltion 1.2'i Edward F. Jepsen and alfe lo 'iiiomas L. I 'avis, lot 13, block 41, Kounize Place I. I'M Daniel C. Andreas and wife to Thomas F. Mnrrlwy. lot ;i. block 2. Mahoney at Minaiiaa'a ainlltion.. ii Ida C. Heliii and husband lo llxMiuis tilsen. lul U, block li. Ambler Place ..i., l'j . , keep at . ' '