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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1911)
V ;'.,. J . MfM'Jfwa AM, . KL 1 J.b . Nil t WANT-ADS Want atls received at anr time, bnt lo insure proper clasalflcatloB must h nresri. el before 12 O'tloi k tn. for (he evening editioa and before 7:30 for morning and Sunday editions. Want ada received after sorb boura Mill have their first Insertion under the heading "Too Late to Classify." CA8H KATES FOR WANT ADS. ItEOfI.AU CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1 H cents per word and 1 cent per word for eacl subsequent in sertion. Each Insertion made on odd dais, m cents per word. 3)1.50 per line per month. Kates apply to either The Daily or Sunday liee. Always count sis word to a line. Want aria for The Dee may be left at .ny of the following drug stores one la your "corner druggist" -they are all branch offices for The Bee aud your ad will be inserted Just as promptly and on the aaine rates aa at the ii i mI n office In The liee building, Berenteetli and Farnam streets. Albach, V. C, 4oth and Firnam. Bauin Drug Co., 2t)l N. 16th ,Bt. Kcianek. 8. A. 1402 South Itiih Bt. itfhson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Remia l'ark I'harniRcv, ;ud and Cumins. Wake-HrartiBh, L"M Sherman Av. Clifton Illll Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave. t'aughlln, ('. K., 6th and Fierce Sts. Crlasey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake Sts. t'ooney Pharmacy. 2223 Bouth ltith Bt. Cermak, Kmll, 1264-6 South 16th St. Khlrr. 1'. II., I,eaven worth St. fouler At Arnold!. 213 forth th Bt Freytag. J. J., 1914 North l!4th 8t. Freggrr Drug Co., 1302 North 15th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific Ureenough, O. A., 105 Bouth 1'th 8t. Grrennugh, G. A.. 10th anil Hickory Bts. Unlden Phiirmacy, 24th and Leavenworth. Harden. William. 2JJ0 Farnam St. Hanxi nm Park Pharmacy. ltl 8. 29th Ave. Hinterlong Drug Co., 31st Ave. and Far nain St. Hoist, John, ?4 North 16th Bt. Huff, A. 1. . ZXi Leavenworth Bt. Johansnn Truar Co.. V4th and Spauldlng. King. II. S.. iJ.TS Karnam Bt. Kountxa Place Pharmacy, MM N. 24th St. Mar.- Fred I,., 2018 Central BWd. Patrick Drug Co., J"2 N. 24th Bt. Peyton Pharmacy. 72 South IRth St. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Antra Av. Bchaefer's Cui Tries Drug Store. 16th and Chlrnu" Bta. Bchaefer. Auguat. K31 North 1th Bt. Be hmldt, J. II... 34th and Cuming Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. DKATH AND Fl'XEHAI, AUTICK9 HOUK Mrs.' Catherine, age 6S years S ' months 13 days, February 14. Funeral from residence, of daughter, Mrs. Oscar llofman, 1104 North Twenty-ninth street. Thursday at 8:30 a. in. to Bt. John's Catholic church at a. m. Interment Holy 8pulcher cemetery. g"?tcy!- Ult-'11 '' " "ttJfl BIRTHS AND D1CATHS. Births John and Irene Berry, M8 X. Twenty-fifth avenue, boy; C. E. and IajuI Boul (en. i28 Ohio, boy: O. and Wllhelmina. 8316 South Twenty-accond. boy; I. It. and Alice t;orley. 1611 Oak. girl; K. II. and Annette Goodman, 3618 lifayette, girl; Ulalna and ;ila Oiaham. 2JJ1 Leavenworth. bov; Charlea and Anna Hart, 114 North Twenty seventh, boy. i-xaths Harry Pollvka. 10. 2815 Caatollar Street; John Hoth, 60, Douglaa county hos-I-ltal; H. ,IHIieon, 5i Methodist hospital; Harold Chamberlain, 16, Methodist hospital, Koy Zimmerman, 31. 3J 18 Cuming street; William Marrow. 74, 4K North Twenty-seventh; Kdmond II. Ambler, 62, Hsrnard apartments; lllchard Itoblnaon, 42, Miami; Ole Oieaon, 28, Douglaa county hospital. MAHRIAUB LICENSES The following marriage Loan tea have been granted: Name and l(aldenc. John ft. Halley, Omaha Isabella Annie King. Omaha Robert Bwanaon, Omaha Mary liar ben, Omaha Allcs tjongmore. Omaha Alma Egan, Omaha , Anton Mnniivli Hniii nm.K. Age. ... at ... 2.1 ... 35 ... a ... ... as Agnes Nasek, South Omaha. Stanley J. W'lrks, IJncoln y Maragaret E. Berkson. Lincoln 23 Fmll B. Ijipour. Wahoo. Neb ; Itoss Boust, Omaha 22 ANNOUNCEMENTS J, A. GENTLEMAN C0.,TK- smVaJyars. X614 Chicago. D. 1M, B ifcl. K. T, Ittirrowea Co.. rustles door A w7n dow screens. 209 Brandela The. hlrtv Oil Y0 U PAliADlSE ! ' Baunda good. dn't ltt Happiness lu. Ttm wl.en you burn our PARADISB OAU To out down your coil km ..v; our edWce and burn Paradise. Will sit. ou to li 00 ton. Both phonss! i. W. BtUFOKD. -i Cuimng St. MJSS A.' 110LLAND Wishes to announce greatly reduced Prices during the nutnths of January and February; also, ael.ct. new spring tailoring material Included In this offer Suite i Jraxton block. Tel. Douglas 3uw. . 1 r "S. TTM r TO Ij.AN-IivJ 111 I I M P. Y I"?-J" "-.f d & a a i 4a ,. iv nee iiii1n. Phone Doug. 2jut L'NiON IOAN CO. 17a VID COLE CREAMERYCOMPANr .immerinan rrowt Furniture Co.. 1715 usvenwgnn. uci our plan, isur said. - He have Just added new eaulnment for rxum. isrue group inutOKrapha of conven tion, lodges, etc.; phnti.xrsphs of all klnrla Commercial Photograph Studio, got Boston oiure. iMugias ma. A-Ioi. TlORNBV BlusPrtntVCoT.1liBes Bldg Biamlels Bldg. ( KAT KOSMKR HOME COtiKINO. AKK1NS. tvt 8. 16 fM. UPSTAIRS. Duffy & Holand. undertakers. Tyler 1671 Filtera. filter repairs. 1110 Howard. D. ?ll GOOD MKKCHANT8' Ll'NCH Jl'.ft 8. 1M lK)ukl.t8l, 8, H. Col Sign Co . D. i;6S. 1S16 Farnam. VIRGINIA DARE WINK-Tto a larg bottle. Klein Liquor House. & N. 16th St. MRS. M. Y. IRWIN. 14 Brandels theater. China decorating and firing. Eaater cards. kiaaiRoaaiR Turkish baths. 107 Bo. l(h. Baniiary (or vr uutiiimi. Alwas opeu. LLER GRAND HOTEL ANNOUNCEMENTS ((Joatinuwi.t DOUGLAS Printing Co.. Tel. Douglaa M. DRCG3 at cut prices, freight paid on all $10 orders. Catalogue free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Nab. Ul"8- NEW BARBER SHOP. Finest In Omaha. Modern and Sanitary. loth Floor Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. Kosher Delicatessen All kinds of smoked meats & Fish delivered dally. Davs Kuklln, N. 16th. D. 2871 Lump coal, 16.00; Coke. Ii.60 per ton. Partridge-Thompson Co., In Public Market. 1610 Harnsy, Douglas 6642; Ind. A -3642. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE LU, Twenty-fourth and L Sts., South Omaha. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNGATE. china 870 Brandela Bldg. Tel. Web. W7S. firing. MAOGARD Van Ac Storage. Pack, move, store and ship li. H. goods. D. 1406, B-242S. KDttOTUEKY liquors an4 cigar. Cafe In connection 111 a). 14th 8d ALADDIN lamps and supplies. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Web. 116. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBING AND HEATING. REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St. D. 1477. E. T. Farnsworth, Att'y. 438 Bee Bldg. MASONRY contractor. Healy. Web. 1241. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Dong. 4750. Ind. A-3821. lt'H Farnam St. Stencil outlita; 6 styles; picture framing at moderate prices; glaxa, wall paper. Wis CARRY A FULL LINK OF SHKRWIN- WILLIAMS PAINTS, BRASS POLISH. LIQUID VENEER AND ALL tt RAMUS OF FLOOR WAX. J. WILLOW PLUMES made to order. We make, clean and dye all klnda of ostrich feathers; willow your old plumes. Our work" is our guarantee. Prices rluht. Perl P time Co., Room 1, I'axton Block. Phone D. 227. B. F. WURN, optician. 443 Brandela Bldg. PT-ATTNfr Corner 10th and Douglas uaA",u Excelsior Plating Works Will plats ana r novate your Jewelry, ail verwar. or anything which la Teltpnone Douglaa 2!teu. PUBLIC stenographer. f2 Brandela Bldg. Dr. Clark The Painless J)entist Very best set of torth on rubber, tS.OO. Aluminum plate. 110.00. Gold crowns, $5.00. Suite 204 Paxton Block. JOHN N1TTLER, I1TtriKtu.7.w"' IiTTVTTS w. kkkr tu like. 1JUAUO 3224 Mouth 24th t. Douglas 1SK, lied 3932; Independent, F-1377. AUTOMOBILES 'Smash up your auto. '8KIIJ' Into a post. "TEAR" vour too. And bring It to the best place In Omaha lor an kinds or repairing. DRUMM0ND Cori.ei 18tb and Harney Sis. DO YOU AVANT A GOOD USED CAR AT THE RIGHT PRICE! Ws are oferlng some fifteen such cars for sale at prices that wi.. niova them quickly. . HERE ARE SOME SAMPLES: 1910 Chalmers '30," paint, tires and me chanical parts in extra good order, equip ped. 1,2)0. 1910 four-pasaena-er International with solid tires, top, etc., almost new. I400.1 1910 four-cylinder, tw. .-passenger, solid tire lloliman, driven about 600 miles. A snap at $3fo. hour-pasaenger. one-cylinder Cadillac, and many others. 1175. If you want a big run fnr your money you can't afford to miss seeing this 11ns of real bargains. H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 2044-46-48 Farnam St. HUDSON, THOMAS-FLYER CHALMERS, P1EKUE ARROW 1,239,539 LETTERS DUPLICATED DURING 110. l.Ul WJ OA l EH?) MULTIGRA.PHEJ DUPLICAITNO CO.. 671-6-7 Brandela HMv Doug. 170. (You) Auto I'hon A-U91 AUTOMOBILE owners attention! Writ for our plan whereby you can securs our automobile tlrea. supplies and accessories at trade discounts and sav average of 33'i per cent. Gooda will be aent, allow ing examination. Full particulars mailed upon request. Th Geyer Bales Companv Dayton, O. Automobiles Overhauled Iet us figure on your spring overhauling Our repair shop Is equipped with every modern facility and men who know their business. Storage rates on application. PAXTON-MITCIIELICO. J01O1M4-16 Harney St. Auto Repairing TkTar" CALLS DAY OR NIGHT. The Paxton. Mitchell Co., 2010-16 Harney. r. 7824; A-sulL Auto Painting r"? ,DID J-U-S-T E-E-C-E-I-V-E-D th lata model of th Stoddard Dayton-lM-omobll and Waverly Eleotrlcs A few second-hand cara for sale DERIGHT AUTO CO., 1111 FARNAM ST. OMAHA. t wkitk ror iiat or automobile bargains H. E. Frederlckson Auto Co., Omaha, Touring Car. run about It uuu miles. In first claaa excellent condition, completely equipped. Coat over ROuO. Will sell or 11. cash. A great big snap. Address P O. Box .. Omaha. Keb. NOTICE Automobll men! 0k room snd show window at s reasonable rantal and In th automobile district. Berviee of telephone and sienocrapher Included. Ad dress E 761, Car Be. WRITE for prices. THE INTERSTAXB AUTOMOBILE CO.. 110-Hi J il UL BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call 00 OANGESTAD. 401 Be Bldg. TeL D. 1367. SEEING THINGS! To the best advantage Is the result of proper care and attention of your eyes. Our knowledge of tbs eye Is based 00 19 yrs. of fitting glasses. Consultation free. COLUMHIAN OPTICAL CO.. )-2U 8. 16th St. TOU can Invest 810 per month now In a town lot at Fort George, the geographical and strategic commercial center of British Columbia, and get in at the beginning be fore the first railroad. There are seven railroads building and projected to Fort George, which is at the junction of 1,000 miles of na Igabl waterways snd the me tropolis of a splendid agricultural, fruit and mixed farming country of 30.000,000 acres, bttHldes being the natural supply point for a tremendously rich timber, mineral and coal territory of millions of seres. Let us send you free a copy of "British Columbia Bulletin of Information." containing up-to-date news of Investment opportunities in this vast new and rich country, also synopsis of government land, mining, timber and coal laws, etc. Send your name and address today. Natural Re sources Becurlty Co., Ltd. Paid up capital I25o,0u0. bU Bower Bldg., ' Vancouver, B. C. BLACKSMITH SHOP for sale; best equipped and best location in northeast Nebraska. Buyer can make own terms. Also house and lot. Frank Leuck, Lock Box 316. Wakefield, Neb. (JASADY - Batata. . Loans ans Insurance. List your prop trty for ale or rent Quick returns, a). tV. tuiner I4I1 and Duuglaa. Tel. Ooug. laM SNAP WM " or trade for Omaha " property, good photograph gallery In good live Iowa town, only one bnerf building. Address 220 Logan St., Council Bluffs, la. FOR RENT, only hotel In small town; 12 rooms. Write Pauline Horaley, Perclval, FOR SALE Furniture and lease, fifty room hotel; town of 10.000; cheap rent. A bargain for the right party. Box 3d, Fre mont, Neb. IO BUY BELL OR TRADE SEK THE UlLLAND CO.. - BRAN DEIS BLDO 10-ACRE fruit and chicken farm in city,' Omaha; 950 cherry trees, M) currant bushes and fixed to raise 10.000 chickens. Inquire of owner, J. L. Nelf, 906 Hickory St. Tel. Red 630. For Sale Pool hall, complete, new fixtures. Inquire at lt .S. 24th St.. South Omaha. I MUST sell my restaurant. Best location In city of 6,0ou. Write for lowest cash price. E. N. Laird, Albia. la. GENEKAL store for sale: stock of gen ersl Mdne. in small town In south cenual Neb., wiih post oiilce in connection paj'Tng about So0 per month; rent only flu per month. Address Y 47, care Bee. FOR BALE Working Interest In our corporation; -$3,600 Invested will bring 200 per cent within 2 years; absolute real estate security kocs w.ih this investment; no. one but trustforthy, reliable peison who can quality iievu answer. '1 his Is ait exceptional opportunity and fine opening for person desiring a profitable business of unquestionable merit; 1.6o0 aalarv per year and liberal commission to right party. Ad dress O. H. C. Investment Security Dept., l North 14th St., Lincoln, Neb. Heumlsg Hvsim for gala. 20 room, good business. 2214 Douglas St 1 10MEO LEGIST Kssley buying or selling. 604 S. 27th. Harney 22,1. CHIROPODISTS MONHE1T. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat. Bk. D. U3J. DR. ROY. 1&0S Farnam St. Douglas S497. DANCING Misses Simpson at Coll. W. 2491. W. 6630. MORANDo, loth and Harney. Coug. DENTISTS BAILEY 4V MACH, 3d floor, Paxton. D. 10S5. DETECTIVES I OMAHA Secret Service Detective age. (nr.. bonded. 42S-9 Paxton blk. D. 1319, Ind. A-lXlt. CAPT. T. CORMCK. 617 KARBACH Blk. DRESSMAKERS COMPETENT DRESSMAKING; satisfac tion guaranteed; reasonable. 1214 Mason. DRESSMAKING by day. Webster 8718. First-class tailoring ft dressmkg. 1811 Dodge OOOD seamstress for alteration. Steady work, good wages. 2907 Leavenworth. EDUCATIONAL Y. W. C. A. Second Term Opens Feb. 6. GENERAL LITERATURE ORATORT LANGUAGES ASTRONOMT GRAMMAR PAINTING ARITHMETIC ORCHESTRA STENOGRAPHIC DICTATION SEWING PLAIN HEWING DRESSMAKINO SHIRT WAISTS MILLINERY TEXTILE STUDY JUNIOR CLASSES COOKING COURSE I COURSE II COURSE III DINNER CLASS LUNCHEON COURSE PRACTICAL COOKERY BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and Night aesslona. Students admitted any Urns. Buainesa, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Servlc and bales man ah t p. To cata logue Is free. Address li. H. Boy lea. Presi dent. Omaha. Nab. BUSINESS MEN WILL TELL TOU THAT FOR TWENTY TEARS THE VAN SANT BCHOOL has stood at th top aa a training school for stenographers. Make your inquiries and be guided by tbs Judgment of those who KNOW. Ion C. Duffy, Elisabeth Van Sant, Proprietor. Principal. Wead Bldg. 18th ft Farnam. I HAVE a scholarship In one of the beat business collages In Omaha. Her is an op portunity to get a full course In a business college at a low price. Ask about It at once, as I muet sell it Address, E 74. Be Office. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance U Uaaderse. U18 Faravaa. Douglsd 1213. FLORISTS (Continued.) BRANDE1S cut flower dept.; new store. A. DONAGHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001: A-1001 HESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam Bt J. H. BATH. lfLt Harney. Douglas 3000. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnsc and store re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats snd tank heat era. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 1206-1308 Douglas St. Both phones. FURNACES paired, I8tb Doug, s?60. HELP WANTED FEMALE Aaents ss Saleswomen. LADIES To demonstrsts hour to house, salary and car fare. W. O. Carr. Room 820, 210 S. 12th. Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER $56.' STENOGRAPH ER beginner 8 FILING CLERK 8.10. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015 City Nat l Bank Bldg. factory aad Trades. WANTED Girl to learn halrdresslng. Call Walton Beauty Parlors, 118 Board of Trade. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlors, 26-240 City Nat l Bank. D. 2396. GIRLS to work In shoe factory. F. P. Klrkendall Co., 1101 Harney. Housekeepers a ad Domestic. WANTED At once competent cook; only first class need apply; no laundry. 626 3d St., Council Bluffs. Tel. 274. WANTED Nurse girl, 18 to 10 ysars old. Apply 312h Chicago St. WHITE protestant girl with some ex perience to assist with house work. 1006 N. Military Ave. 'Phone Benson 430. LADIES' WANTED Take work home. Applying transfers. 416 Brandels Theater. WANTED A girl to help with housework and help care tor children. 1110 N. 86th St. WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs. Orr, 133 8. 88th St. WANTED A matron at Creche. 18th and Harney St. WANTED A neat girl, colored or white. LH9 S. 33d St. WANTED A girl for general housework. 312 N. 3Sth Bt i a. a-- WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 615 8.' 22d Bt.-' WANTED A housekoeeer by bachelor on farm. H. F. Stelncr, .iuerson, la. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 1020 S. 36th Ave. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; "no laundry; small family. 829 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for houxework. 2711 H St., South Omaha. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. Mrs. B. Christie, 1034 Park Ave. WANTED A neat second girl. 614 S. 20th St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; small family, 2o6 S. &jth Ave. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small family. 714 S. Lin Ave. WANTED A girl who can cook, for gen eral housework. 3722 Pacific BL WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages. 1111 S. 81st St. WANTED A refined middls-aged woman for housekeeper'; three In family; no chil dren. W. J. Lucas, 18 Locust St. ( WANTED A competent girl for general housework; no laundry work. Mrs. J. K. Wallace, 815 Oakland Ave., Council Bluffs, la- WANTED A woman to work by day. 725 N. 26th St.. Bouth Omaha. WANTED A girl for general housework. 1212 N. 26th St., South Omaha. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; 86.00 per week. Mrs. Mont gomery, 4&40 Seward Bt WANTED A good girl for general house work, plain cooking; good home; ons fond of children preferred. 8804 Fowlsr Ave. WANTED A competent laundress. J. A, Eaatman, 3030 Cass St. General house girl, 86; no washing. Mrs. M. A. Hall, 118 N. 39th St MIsmliaaowBa. YOUNG woman coming to Omaha as irargers ara Invited to visit ths Young Women's Christian association building al kt. Mary 'a Ave. and nth St.. wnrs loey will b directed to suitable boarding plaues tr otuerwle assisted. Look for our trav eler's aid at Vne Union station. LADIES W will teach halrdresslng free this month with th new Hermann wave, an electrical prooess that turns straight hair Into natural wavy and re mains ao permanently. W hav secured exclusive rtght to teach It Bplearoid money earned. Learn It now. also teach manlourlng, facial massage, electrolysis and chiropody. Catalogue He. Molar c'ol lege. Chicago, HI. HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, lloltors aad alasaasau WANTED Agents with clean record who hav been successful selling Be ran ton Cor respondence books. New proposition along th same Unas In connection with Collier s, Ths National Weekly. For full paruculara, call or address Collier's. No. 'ut Paxton Block. WANTED Rellabl men to take oar of our trade with faxmera In Nebraska. To every ons who can furnish team, wagon, harness and cajivaaslng case, and who can furnish good security, for (correct work only) a good earning la guaranteed. Ths Haller Proprietary Co.. Blair. Neb. 100 PER CENT profit to you; 800 per cent aavlng to oustomar; no competition; the only hand-rop machine on th market Special agents for South Dakota, Kanaas, Colorado and Wyoming. Day-Reynolds. 7W brandels Theater Bldg.. Omaha. ATTENTION Ws want men capabla of earning 8J0 par month to handle our line of Jewelry, novelties and ladles' gooda Bamplea now ready, liberal commission. State experience and reference first letter. Address, Northweatera Mfg. Co., Waterloo, lowav Clerical aad Offl WB want a man with 31.000 rash In a business enterprise with us snd take man agement of office at a good aalary. Ws will make the right man a good proposi tion snd are putting up cash ourselves Don t answer unless you uiwia business Address O 770. 1m. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Offlco Ce Office manager t tlM) Traveling salesman, Neb. territory ii", Stenographer, Spanish Mb to lino Ledger Clerk 3 Advertising salesman 8 Ho WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N, (inc.). OMAHA Est a b 8 yrs -KANSAS CITY. 762-3-4-5 N. Y. Life Bldg. ASSISTANT SHIPPING CLERIC $46 Stenographer, beginner will do 340. Bookkeeper $t. Saleeman. bank supplies 1100. if you are competent In any commercial line DON'T FAIL to see us. CO-OPKRATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Faetury aad Trades. Drug Stores (snaps). Jobs. Knleat. Bea Bl8 WANTED A good lynotyps operator. Jacob North ft Co.. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Experienced proofreader for Job and commercial work In town of 6.000 Inhabitants; steady work to right party. City wages. Give references. Addreas Y 84, Be. WANTED by March X. good, all-round printer and pressman. Pressua run by power; $16 per week and permanent position to right man. No boozer wanted. Address The Monitor, Bloomfield, Neb. WANTED At once, blacksmltft and woodworker; steady Job for good man; good wages. Koy McDowell, Tlngley, la. LINOTYPE operator for country office; must aveiane U lull tallc or over in nine hours' work; No. 4 standard machine; man must know something of his machine. Address Y 42, cara Be. A GOOD all-around harness maker wanted. P. Ham pel. Talmage, Neb. WANTED Experienced platen press feeder at once. I. A. Medlar Co., 414-16 8. 14th St JHIseellaajsows. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; practical shop work under experienced Instructors; Individual road work In large touring cars. W Invite your Investigation. National Auto Train ing Ass n., office 628 Brandels Theater Bldg. YOU ara wanted for government poaltlon; 80 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept 200 D, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to learn ths barber trade, our improved method makes It easy. In addition to free practice, our Instruc tions with charts and diagrams saves time. Since barbers don't take apprentlusfi, the demand and wages increases. We teach quickly. Tools given, board provided. Bar bers make more money now than ever be fore on account of the many added money making facilities. Call or write. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th St 6.000 GOVERNMENT positions open. W'rite for list. Franklin Institute, Depr 197-D. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED A Janitor In offloa building; man with first-class reference and ex perience; no others need apply; would em ploy man with wife. 407 Brown Block, 16th and Douglas Sts. HELP WANTED MA LB OR FKMALB Experienced canvaaaers can make big quick money; city or countryv territory. Apply Wallace, 412 Webster-Sunderland Bldg., 16th and Howard Sts. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. WE buy and sell all klnda of hoi Blus barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 4096. 20 HEAD of good farm mares and 15 horses. Weight from 00 to 1,400 pounds. These horses must be aold this week. Come early and get first choice. Barn In back of Milliard hotel, 13th and Douglas. AUCTION SALE of over 800 horses and mules; Gallup's regular auction aale, Union Stock Yards, South Omaha .Thursday, February 16. Among this consignment may be found .choice farm mares, heavy draft matched teams of farm chunka; also about thirty bead of second-hand olty horaea, most of them a little pavement sore, they sell chesp and maks useful horses to take out on ths farm, as they soon become sound when used on soft ground. L C. GALLUP. HORSE, wagon and harness. Webster 1487. 15 HEAD OF MARES-1.000 to L300 lbs; 10 head of horses, l.OuO to 1.4U) lbs. Barn baok of Millard hotel, 18th and Douglas. LOST AND FOUND LOST Boston bull terrier, whits breast ani. bobtallsd; t years old; big oollar on nock; waa last seen at lsth and Leaven worth, 6 u., Friday. Call A, C. BUM'S, btors Brewing Co., receive reward. LOST Lady's brown muff. Finder pleas return to 2047 Dodge St. and receive rsward. LOST At American theatre, Sunday evening, slrrer mesh purse. Return to lal6 Bt. Marys avenue. LOST On Florence oar or near 24th .and Fort Bts.. lady s black fur scarf. Finder notify bin. N. V. Chapman. 8uo Chicago Bt. Phone Doug. 481L MEDICAL FREE medical and eurglca.1 treatment at Crelghton Medical oollege, 14th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to oonflne tnent cases: all treatment supervised by college professor 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day and night HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protudlng PILES; 60o postpaid; samples free. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALAHT AMU CUATTSU.S. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC j NEW CO. 810 to 8W0. NEW PLANS. 3 This la a new firm, organized by the 3 8 LEADING BUSINESS ur 8 I OMAHA TO LOAN 6 to any honest person owning HOUSE- 8 8 HOLD GOODS. PIANOS, stc. or 8 I holding a salaried position, at ths t I rats of 6 PER CENT PER YEAR. 8 ( JUST THINK, YOU PAY 8 f anc Interest on 310 for on year. 8 ll.tiu interest ou 1 iwr vut yr. 8&.W Interest on o0 for on year. t 8 ALL OTHtR Bt MS I.N FKOPOKTIOW. I I EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. I Reasonable Appraisement Charges. 3 INDEPENDENT LOAN COMPANY, f N. E. Cor. 1Mb ana narney HiiwiiitiwiHiniiwtimmHmmnMiiiiiHii DO YOU NEED MUJEYf Wo will losn you money on your furni ture, piano, live stock or any other se curity at LOWER KATES THAN OIHEKS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or pDona and convUios yourself NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D. Ulft Ins. A-1JH 130 fee MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattels Cotl)e. PfinfMantlal pmirtMHI snUSr deal. T.OW est i T.erepst Rebates. No advance fee or APPRAISAL CHARGES. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., Room 21B, Second Floor Board of Trade Building. T.i nnn.ii. lnrt A -1071. Call or write Ixiana marie In Benson. Florence and Council Bluffs. We Do What a Bank Won't Do, Ws maks loans on furniture, pianos and teams. In any amount from 86 to 3100 for any length of Urns up to ons year and al low you to pay it back In small wsekly or monthly payments. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room U, Arlington Blk., 15UH Dodga. Phones: Douglaa 8466. Ind. A-24. MONEY 808 Paxton Block. Tel. TO LOAN. Come in and let us explain our low rates. Re liable Credit Co., Douglaa MIL A-1411. phivit V. nartv will loan honorable aal. aried people smalt sums on their plain note; banking methods, lowest rstes; loans made quickly and confidentially; payments arranged as aesirea. Aaaress n in., ties. MONET LOANED SALARIED PKOPLH. WOMEN KKEPINO HOU8B AND OTHERS, wlthcut security; easy paytneata. Office In 66 principal cities. Tolmao. Room 108 New Omaha National Baas wag. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W f VT . A T A TT Dodge Btre, MOVING SlUHAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO Mov. Ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage, City offloa, 816 6. 17th. Doug. 3l4; Ind. B-1841. OMAHA VAN ft STORAGE CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners, eot n. letn; su a. mi. ooug. 4163. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard aad Rooms. THB IRVING, tlOJ Leavenworth street THE BACHELORS. American rates. single, s.16 to 840; double. 8b8 to 3. IN PRIVATE family, room and board; home cooking, home oomforts, an ideal location; rates reasonable; within five min utes walk of business district. 713 So. lth St ROOM and board In private family for gentleman who la employed. Call Webstsr K4. BEAUTIFUL suite of rooms, suitable for or e. ivo in. loin m. ATTRACTIVE front room with large al cove; walking distance; boms cooking. Phons Douglas 3386. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms and board; walking distanos from downtown; best of boms cooking. 133 8. 36th Ave. Tel., Doug. 8902. FINE largo room sultabls for two. 1811 Caaa. Douglas 1476. BOARD aad room for two; on ear Una, 8420 Cdsg St. CLOSE In, thro blocks from pootoffloo, two steam heated rooms with table board for four men. 85 per week. 1710 Chloago St. LARGE room sultabls for two. Also smaller room, with board; on featli room floor. 8410 Cass. FOR RENT Nlos rooms, new Sa4. good board. 817 N. 21st St FOR RENT Largs south front room, with board, for coupla of men; private family. 3H68 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Two south front rooms, steam heated; desirable for three gentle men. Board if desired. 2610 Harnsy fit FOR RENT nicely furnished room, sooth front; board. 2214 Douglas. FOR RENT Desirable room far two, nlos table board. 2223 Howard Bt FOR RENT Modern neatly furnished rooms; good board. 710 S. 18U St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms, horns cooking. 2301 Webstsr 8L WANTED A ooupl arf borders, family. Wsb. 1687. ROOM and board for ooupl of geotlo- men. 314 N. 28d Bt VERY nlos front room sttd aJoove, walk ing distanos, good boars Douglaa (384. Varnished Hems. Nice south, single room, famished. Douglas St. 8111 ELEGANT FRONT room, private family: walking dlstaaoet reasonable. 887 8. 26 Ave. A STRICTLY modern room for one or two gentlemen tn West Farnam dlstrlot In private family, excellent bed; hot and cold water all ths Urns. Harney 81L BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In new brick flat, blocks west of Hotel Rome: electric lights. Mrs. Eagon, Tyler 1&28, tM S. lth St. WALKING distance; warm, well-furnished rooms In private home. All modern conveniences, on N. 80th St car line. 824 N. 20th. Red TI92. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In brand new flat. with, housekeeping privileges. Phone Tyler 162. two furnished rooms. TeL Wibatu s7s 8618 N. 80th St FOR RENT Two Btoely turnlsbsd rooms U 8 hd 81 PLEASANT, comfortable furnished room; strictly modern; walking distance. Hut Uwy Ave. TeL Douglas 640L PLEASANT, warm front room; prlvats borne; fine location, oa car line; easy walk ing distance; modern; fins for one geotle autn. 3X1 N. 26in, "Keep our ad folng la the Be. It Is paying us. It ! brlnglnf eg considerable new bnslnsg. "It puts ut In touch with business men who dm business photos. "The Bee does the) work." COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC BTTJDIO. 108 Boston Store. This ad has run a month under announcements at the rate of $1.50 a line per month. It is the same story with all of them. OFFERED FOR RENT fTaralahed Itooma : ontlnnrd. STRICTLY mod en rooms, walking dla- tmnrm 41X M. f4t h A v Li n.r . . up. TeL Ind. A afc. AN elegsnt large front room; fine fur niture; strictly modern. tM m. vtoi no sign on bouse TWO large rooms suitable for four; board If desired, ilb No. 86th St. PLEASANT modern rooms. 212 N. 8ith St VERY desirable rooms, continuous hot and cold water; H block from two car lines. 411 Cipltol avenue. 1801 H St Mary's, eeoond floor; striotly first class turnished rooms; modern and elegantly furnished; for gentlemen only. ELEGANTLY furnished room, hot water beat, good bath; everything atrlctly mod ern; walking distance. 2417 Jones St VERY pleasant aloovs suite. TeL Dous las 8634. CLOSE In. large, warm, front room modern; reasonable. IHM Dodge. ' ON THE SHERMAN AVE., car line, two very desirable modern rooms. Continuous hot and cold water; In private home lin N. 17th St. Webster 6400. A SMALL desirable room for younc ladv S045 Dodge Bt. ' DESIRABLE modern room; private family; good location. 131 N. 31st Ave. WALKING DISTANCE Two very deslr able housekeeping rooms. Also some very nice sleeping rooms. J.TH Webster. STRICTLY modern fumls)ed room-gentlemen only: half block from poatolfice. W N. 17th. Douglas 6194. vosionice. STRICTLY modern room In private fam ily; no other roomers. Phone Harney 3634. VERY desirable large front room, suit? able for two. 801 S. 26th Ave. STRICTLY modern room; walking dlsl J?f oeVh?uJek,epln Privileges, it desired. S48 S. zotn Ave. DETWET European Hotel. 18th ft Farnam! FURNISHED, steam heated-room, pri vate family, for gentleman; walklna dis tance, bta 8. 26th St JtfZi yUn Udr nm CLOSE IN. two newly furnlahed front rooms; furnace heat. 610 N. aoth St No sign. Phone Douglas 6ta ONE large front room; striotly modern In private family ; breakfast If desired. 'Phone Douglas 6187. FURNISHED room, In prlvats family; board if desired; good locatiou: striotly modern. 'Phons Red 73U6. TWO warm. 2d-floor, south rooms, nloely furnished and well cared for; sUl modern, for 3 ladles or gentlemen, house keeping. 2707 Dodge. CLOSE! In, two large front rooms; dsslr- iV,tor 4 men; eleou-lo lights; strictly modern; reaaonabls. lulS Burt Board If desired. I. A Rrivr. .w a . - , w, vuum iruni room; pn vate family. U4 N. J7th St Phone B-tAb. LA ROE front parlor, nicely furnished; lares front room with alnmi.. .,,,. .i. ... two or more, Also other rooms. Buiotiy TWO Urge nicely tarnished rooms, all modern. oonvanl.niM i kimw 24Ui Bt. on line. Sultabls for four aentle- uvu mv v. mu. xougiaa etiij. UROn rMn nmfM. I 1 . . - .... A' ' , rum f g M rT ISDSQ also other rooms. 221s Caifornls. DM NISW hrim mtrl excellent bath, else trio light 111 8L ktth Ave. Harney 6814. i niWn in m - Cspltol Ave. Douglas tSO. LARGE, warm front borne, desirable for two, striotly modern, walking distance, on 84th bt oa line. 3wfJ N. 2Ud. Red 4L ROOM suitable fas' iwe rouni i,h or without board, use of Oen Tec smoking. B-S308. nMla raianS u-M &.k - m . rivets famllyi home cooking snd good T . A H 1"! W. rrAnft Mwim iIm .n.n at 88. In nrlvale titrtntiir 118 N. tSd. BOMB) nloe. warm, oloae In xuim. aI slrable for young men. or man and wUe. aia n. im. TWO rooms tn orlrsue restdano! m Mm. near Omaha olub; new house, newly fur nished: striotly modern; eleotrlo lighu; hot water neat; best beds: responsible bualnui men desired. 8126 Douglas. Tyler MODERN furnished rooms. 1407 Chloago. TUT fX T v m.aAam a A'lm a n . . . . . . TeL Douglas 628. Refarenoee exchanged NICELY furnished front room: new borne, private family. Usl Bo. 82d fit Harney 716. VfarVKITi Mnm. , i n. I-1. .1... . em; also want soma one to build fires In furnace mornings to go on rent 660 So. 26th Ave. FOR RBINT Nloely furnished room, orl- vate family, good location. 641 So. idlb FOR RENT Nice steam-heated rooms. modern. 821Vt N. 1Mb St, Flat C DELIGHTFUL front room, modern, good location. 817 8. 26th St. FOR KUiNT ieai ra Die rront room, all modern, good location. HT B. 26th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. healed, modern, walking distance. 118 N. 26th Bt FOR RENT Large front room, neatly furnished, modern. 707 Farnam Bt. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, all modern. 208 a 26th St. f i 9 ! i 1 l' fPtv4H'