Jill, llt.J,: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1.1, 1311. t f I I 1 ! ' ! J Kr 111 vrc. i r BRIEF CITY NEWS Times, rrlatlnff. Kas Boot Ma It. 9. Creadon li Son Coil. tn. Barton, Dentist, J7 City Nafl Bank. ttaa, Xleotrla fixtures, Sarrssa-Oraaaen, aan Tear Mom; and valuable In ths American Safa Deposit Vaulta In The Be building. $1 rarta a box. $1 a year. Investments In the Neb. Savings Ioan Aaa'n. earns 6 per annum, credited semi annually; ioo to $5,000. 1W6 Karnam Street. Hoard of Trade Building, Omaha. fleet and Carelessness cauae tha ma jority of losses by fire or burgi&ra. lit prudent; rent a private sats In our Big Vault. Only J per year. Omaha Safe De pualt ,Trust Co.. Ml 4 Farnain street. To IMvlde BeeponstMUty Tha house committee of the Commercial club will meet Friday and revise the system of man aging houae affairs. It Is proposed to sub divide the responsibility of the house work among tha various members. Trade Extension Committee Meets- David Cole, president of the Commercial club, has called a meeting of the trade ex tension committee Thursday to map out plans for trade extension work during th coming year. It la expected the commit tee and the club at large will carry out Borne unusually hard worK' and new Ideas In advancing the trade Interests of the city. Xrajloek rnnsral Will Be Raid Thursday The body of Mrs. Kralcek, who was ahot Monday by her brother-in-law, has been turned over by the coroner to a private undertaker. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at I o'clock at St. Wencealaus' church. Father John Vranek will officiate. No arrangements have yet been . made for tha funeral of Woltman, who killed himself after ahootlng Mr. KraJIcek. Teacner tot Xtw lobool Miss Anna Carruthera, a graduate Of tha training class for teachers of the Omaha schools, waa named Tuesday morning by Buperln tendant of Schools Davidson aa the teacher who will have charge of the primary grades In the new Fairfax school building. Mlsa Carruthera began her work Tuesday afternoon, when the new wing was opened for the primary classes. Prisoner Breaks Jail Ed Lang, serving a vagrancy sentence in the county jail, es caped from custody Tuesday morning In a sensational manner. Iang, who had only a few daya left to serve, waa working In tha matron's department on the fourth floor. Tha garage of the city Jail Is built up against the wall of the county Jull. and tha roof waa a matter of some fifteen feet below the Windows that open from the floor upon which I.ajig waa working. Watching his opportunity he raised the window end made a flying It Hp to the roof below, crashing partly through the rotten boards. ' lis extricated himself, and run ning, along the roof, made another leap to the roof of the tlnshop adjoining the Jail. From the rout uf 'lie lower building ha anally jumped to the alley. and made off. SON CUTS MONEY FROM BODY OF HIS DEAD MOTHER la Later Arrested for Intoxication Tarrying Concealed Weapons. Cutting a money belt containing fc!G0 from the dead body of lils mother, according to n etory told Iteputy Sheriff Dick Flanagan, by his brother, William Borsen, $01 South Twentieth atreet, Monday night, Henry Borsen, the youngest of two sons who lived with their mother, Mrs. Anna Worsen, one mile north of Krug park, divided tha money with his other brother last Satur day and was arrested Hunday on a charge of Intoxication and carrying concealed weapons. He had iltM on his person at tha time. . . ' ; When It was li.Yued his mother lay dead at home he was released without trial. Mrs. Borsen, uied 71 years, died of pneu monia BaturCuv morning, after an Illness ol three d k. Ifn body was left In tha house. Aoic-i :;. the story told Deputy Sherifts Flanagan and M. B. Thompson by Wtlllan) Boivn, when he went to the home of his dm J mother Sunday morning he was chased "off of Uie place by Henry, who flourished a revolver. Neighbors became Indignant Monday night because the body was deserted In the silent house and not burled. They called the ehertr? a office and two deputies responded.' They found the doors and windows of the house wide open, while rain pelted In. It was deserted except for the dead body and a cat. The body was removed Tuesday to an undertaking establishment and the funeral will b held Wednesday. FRIDAY TO BE CLEANER DAY HenrraratatlTea of Rival ("oareraa to Ha Heard la Itotall aa Merita of the Maralaea. Friday has been set as vacuum day by tha county commissioners, for at that time representative of the rival companies after the vacuum cleaning contract for the nlw court house will be heard In detail. One of the firms will have a complete ma chine upon the ground with a salesman to explain Its working principles In every par ticular. At a meeting last Saturday the commis sioners expressed their willingness to sign contract for a machine represented by i, J. Hantghan. ro you knew that fully nlna out ot every ten ranee of rheumatism are sim ply rheinatlein of the muscles due to cold or ds'ip. or chronic rheumatism, and re sjuW n lL-ernal treatment whatever? '.tply Cttamberlatn'a Unlm.nt freely and aeo how quickly It gives relief. For sale by all sealers. I . . , i : .' ' ' "f ' ml: liX I 1 ..ti'iifri,,)ffl SIL'.ii,-.r,i;.:ra;,,1S!,lsrr,;il 1 I II! llMll.llin TTx! I i.llMMMl! MMM I immiMiiiiii l I ' mH'iiiii;ihiiiMihiiiliiiililil!lliill 1 HUH llllllllllllllll IlllllilMIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH II I llll I i J . "v Makes Home Balling Easy Gives nicer, better food than baiter's. There Is no balling powder like it for hot biscuit, hot breads and cake. Made from Pure Grape Cream of Tartar, Woman and Children Have Narrow Escape v rom the Flames Policeman Coraeau and Driver Clyde Dunn Fig-ht Their Way to the Rescue Groping half unconscious fron suffoca tion, unabla.to find the door through which they could go to the street and safety. Mrs. Nellie Haegen and her daughters. Evelyn, aged 8, and Mildred, 12 years old, were found in their rooms above the Omaha Art and Frame company while It was burning at ( o'clock this morning, and saved from the Impending death by the assistance of Clyde Dunn, driver for Fire Chief Salter, and Police Officer H. Cor neuu. The dense smoke which arose from the urt store to the rooms above drove men and . women Into the cold, wet street In their night clothes. Mrs. Haegen and the little girls staggered about their rooms trying to find the door when Dunn and Corneau, with handkerchiefs over their mouths, felt their way Into tha rooms and found them. They were carried to the street below, where men swaddled them In overcoats and took them Into the Hoff man undertaking parlors, four doors north. Theyeoon recovered. Mrs W. H. Wyman of Cokevllle, Wyo.. who came to Omaha yesterday to visit Mrs. Haegen, was asleep In another room when the fire was reported. . She waa one of the first to escape from the smoke-filled rooms, despite the fact that the house was strange to her. Peter Petersen and Frank Doty, roomers at tha place, were awakened by the smoke and fled to the street. When R. R. Redden, owner of the Omaha Art' and Frame company, the rear half of which was gutted, arrived on tha scene the blase waa practically extinguished and he was able to estimate hla loss at $1,000. "It waa lucky that the flames were con fined to the rear part of the store." he aald. "I had about 12,800 worth of fine pictures and frames which would huve been a total 1ob," Redcfen was unable to tell tha causa of the fire. . . Weather Balloon Travels at Rate of Mile a Minute First to Be Returned Goes Hundred and Ten Miles in Hour and Fifty Minutes. Soaring to a height of ten miles in the air the sounding balloon sent up from Fort Omaha Saturday afternoon drifted 110 mllea and was picked up one hour and fifty minutes after it had been released. B. F. 8herry, one of the meterlologtcal ex perta who ts here to take observations, re ceived word Tuesday morning that this bal loon had been picked up at DeKalb, De catur county, Iowa, not far from the south ern border of the state. The gaa bag, to which was attached the recording Instruments, waa released from Fort Omaha at :40 o'clock In the afternoon, and it waa found by Andy Wilson at 5:30 o'clock the same day. Though the balloon traveled far In a very short period of time, Mr. Sherry explains that frequently the upper currents at a height of ten miles drlfyat the rate of 100 miles an hour. He sayt that air currents are especially active at this time of the year. Shortly after -word waa, received from DeKalb another meaeage came to Mr. Sherry, stating that another balloon was found Saturday afternoon at i o'clock on the farm of Mrs. A. Hawbaker, three mllea south of Dallas Center, la. This is about 1('7 miles distant. The balloon found on thla farm was tha one released last Friday. Name for Successor to Bishop Bonacum to Be Given by.Board ComulteiY Board to Meet in Omaha Thursday Morning at Bish op's Besidence. Choices of a successor to the late Bishop HoruiLum uf Uncoln will be made Thurs day morning at a meeting of the board of consuilere at the residence of Bishop Richard Scanned. The meeting will be held some time during the morning, and three nanies will be selected. These name will be presented to a meeting of the bUhops ot the province at an early date, and the blshopa will likewise designate their choice ot several of the moot avail able divines. In turn all names will be forwarded to Home, and from the list thus presented will be selected the suc ceeding Bishop ot Lincoln. The board of conaulters which meets here Thursday morning Is composed of the following: The Rev. Father J. C. Free man, Wymore: Uerrard Boll. Crete; Wil liam McDonald, Hastings; Mathiaa Bor, Wahoo; M. A. Shine, 1'lattsmouth, and William Crowe, Friend Baeharhe. Itheaiuatliu. 'lrpireaaees Result from disordered kidneya Koley Kidney PlUs have helped others, they will help you. Mra. J. B. Miller, Syracuse, N. Y.. aaya: "For a long time I suffered with kidney trouble and rheumatism. 1 had sa vers backaches and fait all played out Aftor taking two bottles of Foley Kidney Ptlls my backache la gone ami where I used to He avaka with rheumatla pains I sow sleep la comfort Foley Kidney 1'ille 4 id wonderful things for me." Try taea ow. Bold by a4 druggutta. n m wr CARTER GETS MOST MONEY More Than $35,000 Spent on the Park Last Year. OTHER PARKS GET A SHARE Report of the Hark Hoard Shews Moaey Spent oa Parka and Boule vards of the 1 Ity for Twelve Months. More than J.",5.O0, practically double the amount expended on all other parks In Omaha, was gpent In Improving the Levi Carter park last season, according to the report of the Park Board commissioners, which was aent to the city council Monday afternoon. To be exact, SU.143.1S was expended on Carter park, exclusive of the amount di rected to the green houses and nursery. The Improvement and the resulting ex penditure of this amount was made pos sible by a donation of SLUOOO given by Mr. Carter's widow, now Mrs. E. J. Cornish of New York City. The park, which Is a memorial to the late Levi Carter, is the result of Mrs. Cornish's generous gifts to the city. All told, she haa contributed $8.1,600 towards tha park. Elm wood park comes In for the second largest appropriation, but the money ex pended does not compare with the amount set aside for Carter, park. All expenses, Including keeper's salary, totalled $7,561.74 for this park. These amounts were spent on other Omaha parks; Hanscom park, $3,819.76; Hivervlew park, $D,81.99; Kountse park, $3, 162.59; Fontenelle park, $108; Miller park, $3,830.66; Bemls park, $t1.34; CuVtlss Turner park, $K!6.B8; Jefferson Square, $2,390.17; Capllol avenue. $27.22; Bluff View park, $i2.&5. Improvements along Florence boulevard more than doubled the money spent on any other part ot the System. For Improving Florence boulevard, $16,468.37 waa appor tioned and used. Other boulevards were Improved to theae amounts: West Central, $7,77.E; Bouth Central, $3,504.24; Southeast boulevard, $1,663.88; Northwest boulevard. J1.2V1.17; Northeast boulevard, $99, and La fayette street, $3,921.78. Among the receipts for maintenance of the parks is the sum of $660 which comes from concessions. The Hanscom park priv ileges netted $J; Hivervlew park privileges, $150, and Levi Carter park privileges, $200. Relatives of Davitz Insist Effort Was Not Made to Find Them Nephew Inists that Davitz had Letters and Cards Addressed to Them. Mr. and Mrs. August Abendrotn of Ro salie, Neb., are In Omaha looking about after the disposition of their uncle's body. William Davits died at the county poor farm January 14 and his body was taken to the Gentleman undertaking establishment and then turned over to the Crelghton Medical college. Abendroth resents the statement made that the relatives did not care for the old man In his declining years. He also Insists that the county authorities had plenty of ways of finding tha addresses of his rela tives. They say that the reason that the relatives had not called at the poor farm to seo Mr. Davits was because he was well enough to go around town to visit them. They say that ha was not able tq write well and that he had In his possession stamped lettera and postal cards all ad dressed, by which his relatives could have been found. Mr. Abendroth says there was no disposi tion on the part of the relatives to neglect Davits. He saya that he lived on he farm at Rosalia with him for over a year, but was taken sick and came to Omaha, being rprovlded with money to go to St. Joseph's hospital. That the next he heard from 1 Davits was that lie bad gone to the poor farm. He asys also that he had sent Davits a box of clothing, and that when ha was In Omaha last fall at the carnival Davit had come from the poor farm to visit with him and bis wife for a day. He Insists that had tha authorities used proper diligence they would have had no trouble in reaching the relatives of Davltx. Omaha Benefited by New Order of the Indian Department Action is Said to Be What the "Com mercial Club Has Been Working For. Omaha receives a triumph through the order Issued from the Indian affairs de partment at Washington Monday, accord ing to H. C. Jordan, in charge of the local Indian warehouse. Mr. Jordan, when In terviewed Tuesday on the reported change ot methods making Omaha and Chicago the only two points where contracts for Indian supplies may be let hereafter, ex plained that the Commercial club has been veeklng for the arrangement for a lung time. The final order Is a concession to tha lequests and general efforts to bring It about by tha Omaha business Interests. It means that this city will become almost an Independent headquarters for the let ting of great contracts for supplies, in stead ot being only ona of three. The next date for the letting of Indian con tracts will bo April 1L AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA General Manag-er Buckingham Tells What Stock Yards Will Do. ' YARDAGE WILL BE ENLARGED haaM Water Fraarhlee Be F.xteadeil riaa la to Kxpend Tkree Maadred Thoaaaasl In Halldlas; Special ayatem. F.verett Buckingham, general manager, explained yesterday the object of the con templated Siooo.rt bond Issue by the Vnion Stock Yards company. "W Intend." he aald, "to matt additional Improvements and then In the event of being able to put In the water supply sys tem a considerable sum of money will be required. That will cost probably S300.0"0 and of this sum tha Stock Yards company will have to furnish a big proportion." Asked as to the Improvements Intended to bo carried out in the yards he said tha company was going to provide addi tional pen accommodation, sheep barns and rebuild all the unloading chutes with a view to making them In conformity with the most modern plans. More paving would be effected during the year and other new buildings erected to rope with the growing business of the yards. It might be mentioned that this progres sive policy was sanctioned s'. the annual meeting of the company some weeks ago. "Of couree." added Mr. Buckingham, "this $2,000,000 will only be authorised and we will Issue It from time to time as we need It to carry out Improvements." There was a fine run of stock to the yards yesterday and Mr. Buckingham ex pects that there will be steady business for the next ninety days In all classes of stock. The hall of the exchange building yester day had quite a new face. The walla and celling have been repainted, giving this place of business a clean and bright setting. ClmniK the Ht reels. Effective Bteps were taken by Major Tralnor and City Engineer Roberts to com pel the contractors, who are doing tha grading on Twenty-fourth street south of O street, to keep the thoroughfare clean. For the last three days Twenty-fourth street at the city hall has been covered Inches thick. In parts, with dirt. To cross from one side of the thoroughfare to the other one had to wade through Inches of liquid mud and people desiring to get on a car at the north side of O street had to stand In this. The consequence was that complaints were general and the grum blings of citizens were enforced by people coming Into the city on business. Mayor Tralnor told the contractors that this state of affairs would no longer be allowed to continue and the city engineer threatened that he would pass no more estimates until the Btreet waa cleaned and kept clean. Following this strong hint steps were taken to Improve matters, but much yet remalna to be done to make the roadway decently passable for pedeatrains. Condition of Railroad Avenne. F. Krebs has fileu a complaint with the city clerk anent the condition of Railroad avenue in the vicinity of Y street. "On account of the construction of the Mud creek sewer the recent thaw of the snow has caused the ground to settle to such an extent that 1 am compelled to wade through mud In order to get to my resi dence." he says, and he adds: "There Is already considerable damage done to my property owing to the caving In of the banks." Mr. Krebs. desires the necessary steps taken to compel the contractors to make tha required repairs to the street and sidewalk in order to prevent accidents and give him access ,iuula property. I. nsaaitary "Maker lea. The hearing of the charges against two bakers for having their premises In an unsanitary condition has been fixed for Thursday. Trie cases were called yester day morning In police court, but Anastos Ere a, ona of the defendants, who has a place at Thirty-second and Q streets, did not appear, and his $10 bond was for feited. George Kerchkoff showed up and was represented by Attorney K. R. Leigh. City Prosecutor McNally Btated that an effort was being made to have the charges withdrawn on the promise of the defend ants that they would improve their bak eries. "I will consent," suld Mr. McNally, "to no such course. This ts a matter vitally affecting the health of the people, and I think those people should be taught a lesson. Why did they not comply with tha law before their attention had to be called to it so forcibly?" (jovrrsment Uf Commission. The question whether the city should adopt the commission form of government will be considered at a meeting at 8 o'clock in the city hall tonight. Attorney A. 11. Murdock, as chairman of the com mittee appointed to Investigate the matter, has a carefully drawn-up report to present. Judging by what happened at the meeting Saturday afternoon, it Tould not be sur prising If a resolution fa oiing the Innova tion were voted down. Hed Oik Officials ka the City. D. B. Ounn. mayor of, Red Oak, la., and Councllmen Sam Payne, W. 1. Qllmore, Kd Williams and Lew Fikea visited South Omaha yesterday to make an examination ot the wear of a certain kind of paving that had been laid down in the city last year. With City Engineer Roberts as guide, they visited the sections of the city where asphaltlc concrete has been used, and so Impressed were i they, said the mayor, with Its durability tht they will leuommend its use In Red Oak. Maglo City (.osivlp. Coal See Howland, 'Phone South 7. The fchamrock ciuu win vf uauce to morrow night In Bushing's hall. The Smtle club was entci mined by Mrs. Julius bwanson, Foity-tiilid and O streets! The women of the Lefler Memorial churcu will give an entertainment in tha church this evening. A fine program will be presented this evening at the meeting uf the local at ru of the Eagles. South Omaha Plaltsdeutseher Vereln wil, give a ball and entertainment In Franck't hall Saturday night. A prize musque ball will be given by (jk Wynne Workers lodge No. 173 tonight It. the I. O. O. F. hall. Miss Genevieve Kennedy entertained the "Lea Elites" at her home. After cards, luncheon was served. Street Commissioner and Mrs. Johnson 4tii houth Thirty-third avtnue. are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter. Clover Leaf camp. No. . Royal Neigh bors of America, will give a dance Thurs day evening In Ruehing's hall. The cane against Hilly Donley, colored, for running an alleged gainl.llng joint at n n ji. Ill tiff H 11 Sarsaparilla lias made itself wp;ome in the homes of the people the world over, by its wonderful cures of all blood diseases and run down conditions. Oct It today In usual tliuld form or chocolated tablets called Barsataba. Twent) -sinth and 1' streets, was" dismissed esieruay by Police Judk'e Cailanan. Oak Council, No 1.U2, Knights and ladles of security, will give a valentine party thl evening in the Woodmen hall. Woodmen Circle. No. in, will meet with Mrs. Josephine Herman, 4.'w fouih Eight eenth street, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Robb entertained fllty friends - Saturday evening at their home. U1& North Twenty-fifth street. 'Phone Bell South Wi. Indeten1cnt F-lMtt for a case of Jetter Uold Top. Prompt de livery to any part ot city. William Jetter. A valentine masque carnival wiit be neld by the Woodmen of the World In Bush ing's hall tonight at which prizes will be given. The Willing Workers of the First Chris tian church will meet with Mrs. Monroe, North Twentieth street,' Wednesday al ternoon. The young people ot the First Christian church will give a valentine social at the home ot Mra. Hancock. 824 North Twenty fourth stree., this evening. Mra A. F. fctryker writes home that she Is greatly enjoying her sojourn at lxing Beach, Cal. A recent I' tn turmii.ii the orange groves of thla part ot tha slate. The Ladies auxium, ,u toe uuin Miliaria lodge of the Ancient Order of Hlberplans will give a dancing party Tuesday evening in the Danish Brotherhood hall.. 2418 N street. The Clansmen of America initiated a class of twelve at their meeting Saturday night. The program Included an exhibi tion drill by the degree team of lodge No. 1. Omaha. The next meeting of the Woman's Home and Foreign Mission oocHH In connection with the First Presbyterian church will be held Thursday, February 23, at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs, C. M. Rich. Many South Omaha Klks attended the twenty-fifth anniversary celebration In Omaha. There was no meeting of the city council as several members belong to the order and othera received Invitations. Notwithstanding the announcement that all gambling resorts had been closed In the city, the statement was made yesterday that two houses were still running In the business section of Twenty-fourth street. The coroner's Investigation tnt the cir cumstances of the death of William Tobln, who was killed by a Rock Island freight south of Harrison street Sunday, will take place Saturday morning at I o'clock at Papiilon. The only savings bank In Douglas county Is the South Omaha Savings bank, located in the old quarters of the Hourti Omaha National bank. 2614 N street. This bank is owned and controlled bv interests closely Identified with the tftock Yards National bank and pays 4 per cent on deposits. Any amount starts an account. Truman Buck, president; H. C. Bostwick, cashier; F. It. Getty, assistant cashier. St. Valentine's Day in Omaha Forty-Three Years Ago Recalled Aaron R. Hoel Recounts Gala Incident That Happened Hereabouts Many Years Ago. Bt. Valentine's day forty-three years ago was a big holiday In Omaha. It was an Ideal day for a hanging out In the open, and a hanging out there was, witnessed by thousands of men, women and children gathered here from many miles around. Aaron R. Hoel, a pioneer resident of this city, recalls the Incident, for, being sheriff of Douglaa county at that time, he was one of the central figures in the at traction. The man who paid the death penalty on this day was a young fellow, Ottawa Q. Baker, convicted of the murder of a man named HIgglns, who waa a clerk In W. R. King's wholesale grocery store. Baker was a porter at the same place. During the day of the murder about $1,600 had been taken In at tho wholesale house and It was placed in the safe. Baker's girl had gone to Kansas and In his ardent desire to follow and be with her he laid plana to get the money. He murdered Hlgglna, opened the safe, and after taking the money hid It In a tin- box on Twelfth street between Howard and Jackson. Ha was tiled, convicted and Sentenced to hang. "You have no Idea of the way the wo men flocked to the scene of the hanging, which was on the prairie back of the site of the present high school building," said Mr. Hoel In speaking of the incident of years ago. "They actually made a martyr ot him, coming to the scene for many nines around, all decked out In their Sunday beet Sure, they would do the very same thing today If they were given the oppor tunity, but by law all hangings are now conducted In a rather secret way at the state prison, Kome were attracted, of course, by morbid curiosity, but many were inclined to make a martyr of the pris oner more out of pity because ot his fate than by the nature of his deed. Women are just the same today; let a man go on trial in any of the stale courts, and the first thing you know they will ba sending him flowers." Mr. Hoel recounts that just before the hanging the prisoner was escorted to the scaffold by a guard composed of firemen, armed with muskets. The guard was In charge of tiherlff Hoel. After the hanging the body waa secured by aome enterpris ing individual who mounted It and had it on exhibition here for a long time. Counterfeit Dollars buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys Dr. King's New Lifo Pills, for constipation, malaria and jaundice. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Thin Home-Madm Cough Syrup Will Surprise You Stops F.vea Wklag Ceagh dnlckly. A Family sapply t Small Cost. J i Hers Is a home-mado remedy ' that takes hold of a cough Instantly and will usually cure the most stubborn case In 24 hours. This recipe makes a pint enough for a whole family. You couldn't buy as much or as good ready made cough syrup for $2.50. Mix one pint of granulated sugar Tilth Vi pint of warm water, and stir I minutes. Put 2 V, ounces of Pinex (fifty cents' worth) in a pint bottle, and add the Sugar Byrup. This keeps perfectly and Las a pleasant taste children like It. Braces up tha appe tite and is slightly laxative. Which helps end a cough. Uu prcbably know the medical value of pine in treating asthma, bronchitis and other throat troubles, sore lunga, etc. There is nothing better. Plnex la the most valuable ooncentrated com pound of Is'orway White pine extract, rich In gulaicol and all the natural healing pine elements. Other prepara tions will not work in this formula. The prompt results from this liiax- F. icnsive remedy have made friends for t in thousands of homes in the United btatea and Canada, which explains why the plan has been imitated often, but never successfully. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your druggist l.aa Pinex or will get It for you. If not. send, to The Plnex Co., Ft. Wayne. Ind. Twenty 171 TrJafMl? rrour. to jKJEWjrc ModerateCost Best Management Mditirraiiaa North Cape Caronatioa Mutr Otitars THE PILGRIM TOURS, BOSTON. MASS. IATU3ND I WHITCOIM CO. salt. ."Vr..?.'., .WORE JS OR IE NT 30 fine tours, $285 upward. Fie-uent sail ings. Kill Alinuil Orient Cruise. Feb. 1, 191 1. by ii. H. Amblr; 71 d.iys, u!l expenses ;4u0 mid upKsiil J Kuiiiid li.e World Tours, mil; IIM.e mid uu. W. B. Book, 1584 rani am Bt., Omaha. sTeb. TraiggyS. tiara, TWitl fatOldliig, Turk. UNEXPECTED GUESTS When the Long Distance Lines of the Bell System tell you a friend is coming from a distant city, use the Local Lines to order supplies in a hurry. The problem of tlie empty refrigerator and the tinea-pet-ted guest Is solved by Koll Telephone? Service, The modern housewife i prepared to meet any emer gency if she lias a Hell Telephone, for every market In the country Is within her reach. Coal Strikes and Coal Prices worry not the man who relieu upon central station elec tric service for his POWER. The fear of waste and extravangance in the engine room disappear when the E.LECTKIC DRIVE is installed. Expensive boiler and engines do not have to be maintained, repaired and replaced. Electric motors do away with line shafting and losses in power transmission. In every form of power application the electric drive enables saving. ELECTRIC ENERGY MEANS POWER ONLY WHEN YOU -WANT IT, AND THEN ALL THE POWER YOU WANT. Every year shows further im provements, economies and developments in electric power machinery. We employ competent engineers who vtill invstigate your power needs upon request. You. can depend upon their reports. 0 r; J A ! 3 A ELECTRIC LIGilF & POWER COMPANY Elevators run till 11 p. m. giving service for men who have work to do at offico in evening. New elevators will be installed within mx weeks. Other accommodations are likewise finst-das in th: best known building in the city. Electric light, heat, water and excellent janitor service are included in rental price. The Bee Building Apply at once or the office you want will be gone. BOOM 660 Fronts on Karnam street and Is partitioned to uftnriL Uu ot fictiH. Tli'a In on of the must dslralla tfflces In the hul Idlim. as It litis a goud south light and Is almost In front uf the elevutors. The room is 14x1 SVi feet and rents per month for $3000 BOOM 60 Is a large aised office on the sixth floor. liavhiK a south 'and west exposure. This room could be purtitiuned so ax t suit tenant. There is a fire-proof vault in connection, and with three lurge wln Uws there la sufficient light for any purpose. Ask to see this room If you nesd aa much as 420 square feet, i'rlce per month 940.00 BOOM 646 Is one of the few small outhida offUes having a vault In con nection. This room faces 17th street and la psrltcuiirly dealt aide -for a small office. Kent per month VIS. 00 VITB 638-38 Ail elegant aulle of rooms on the narth side of tha build ing; SStS Is partitioned, making two rooms. These rooms villi he rented In suite or separately. They would umke good architect a quarieia, or would he desirable for anybody wishing a urth I'Klit ' Kent for suite per month 77. . 932.60 The Bee Building Company Bee Business Office, 17th and Farnam Sts. THE THING TO DO. If you lose your pocketbook, umbrella, watch or any other article of value, the thing to do is to follow the example of many other people and nlverti-e without delay i; t"h. "? x- Poind ' column of The Ilee. D- -saais 'sayipt in iniassi susul PC NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. A. F. McAdams. Local Manqger. V