THE LEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1!U1. f WARRANT ISSUED FOR MADERO j ProTiiiontl President of Mexico Be lieved in El Paso. FAPERS ARE FOUND ON CASSELAS laaerreeta Utrfrr barged With Flaw Ins 4rnted Military KapedHlwa "! Frleadly atlon la In latlnM of Neutrality Laws. T.U PA.--O. Tex, Feb. U.-The self-styled provisional piesid.nt of Mexico. Francisco I. Madcro. la la Kl Paso unless he has slipped our in fhe'Ust twenty-four hours. Bo confident are rite I nlted KtHtea officials that the duelling head of the Mexican revolution Is mm here that they had a warrant Issued this afternoon for hla ar rest. Rhe warrant was trsued by United States Commissioner Oeorire H. Oliver. The Issue of tha warrant came as a result of the capture of papers on the person of Martin Csssllas, a revolutionary leader, as he was returning to Mexico Sunday from a visit to Kl Paso. The papeig mere In the handwriting of Itadero and were sivned by him. All were dated February 1J and Kl Paso. The war rant charge that Madera planned an armed military expedition against a friendly nat.on and ranged arms and am munition i he wnt tnio Mexico from the I'nlted Stales In violation of the neutrality and customs laws. The United Btates troops and all the federals on the border have been given orders to make the ar rest. Last week officials In Juares issued circular stating that Madero was wait ing In Kl Paso for a chance to enter that country. This was denied by heads of the Icsurrecto Junta here. Casslla la Jail. Martin Casslllaa. Mexican revolutionary leader, was held In the sum of tl.QUV by Lniled mates Commislsoner Oliver today In default of which he la spending his sec ond night In the Kl Paso Jail. Arrested Sunday while returning to his command In Mexico, after a visit to Kl Paso to ascer tain what disposition to make of seventy prisoners, he declares he baa committed no crime and will make do effort to give bonds, "not even if you cut off my- bead," were hla parting words. Caasllaa when he came to El Paao made the mistake of bringing in his rifle and then tried to take It back again. He also had soma revolutionary dispatches when be returned. Paaqual Oroaco, tnsurrecto leader, the man who gave Juares tha big scare last week. Is now camped at SaJamayuco, thirty miles south of Juarex, waiting to give bat tle to Navarro and federal reinforcements, according to his own announcement to men who returned from there today. Navarro la supposed ta be thirty mtlea south, com ing up Lbs railroads, although reports In Juares are that Navarro has gone wast and will attempt to, get around Oroaco. Three More Woaaded. Three mura wounded lnsurrectoe have keen brought to the temporary hospital In Kl Paso, Indicating further fighting east of Juares along the river. There are now thirteen wounded inaur recloe la toe IS Paso hospital. Customs , Collector A. L, kharp and other El Paso- ans bava made formal application to the American Red Ooes for tha appointment af Drs. J. W. Taxd, and E. J. Emanuel as Red CToaw physicians, with tha approval f tha United Stales department, to ac- ' eons party he tnsurrecta army and relieve tha wounded. If appointed In this manner, they will be given protection from Mcxi can fedesej bullets. , Juares Is stronger guarded1 and tha gam Pliny a.mes have not bean resumed, but tha moat exciting thins In tha town these day 1 when tha aavairymea take their Corves ta waXer. MILITaUT THAIS i TO IB TIED rear Cera l.laed With Steel Will Be Mat te Navarro. MEXICO CITT. Feb. 14-Mllltary tralna. modeled after those used by tha Russians In the camp palgn against Japan, are being X. M r use against the rebels In J Chihuahua. Four cars, lined with tem pered steel and containing seventy-two loophole, some of which will accommo date cannon, are about to bs put la com ml.vlon. It became known today. Tha cars are being constructed in fac tories here. They will be sent ta General Navarro for a , practical demonstration. Thfse portable forts bava tha wooden ex terior of ordinary cars except that they are painted like checkerboards so the port holes are hard to distinguish. Between the wood and steel walla are four Inches of sand. A telegram from General Luqua from OJinaga said a detachment of his forces had been, sent to attack a formidable grmiu of rebels who were again menacing Co.ani. fifty miles west, which until re cently has been occupied by federals, but now la either undefended or garrisoned by a srr.sll force. The reive la were said to be under the leadership of Anselmo Munos, and to be strons'y entrenched In the canyon of Tiburcco, - where they were awaiting the arrival ef the federals. It Is thought U) he the same band which was Clsl.xiue.l a few days ago from the hill of Kl Mulato. . . General Navarro Is reported in dis patciM s from Chihuahua today to have ad vanced to l4cerno. a ehort distance be yond Ahtimada. FIGHT OVER REMOVAL OF COUNTY RECORDS FATAL Fares Hand Killed aad Three 4 oooty Officials la Jail aa Kesalt of Fwse. OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl . Feb. lt-Wyatt Ptaplea. a farm hand. Is dead, and three county officials are in Jail at Mountain Park, as the reult of the trouble which has arisen user the removal of records of the county from Mountain I"ark to ttayder. Staple, who a as employed on the farm ft:. R Bull, one of the county commission ers, was hoi hy one of the men who ar rested bull, although his identity is un known, ll is said Staples attempted to prevent Hull's arret. J. T. Aruimroim. another commissioner, Hii County Clerk G. B. Hiistow were ar retted later and takrn to the Mountain Park Jail. iituni many tarmera ara gathered at Mountain Park. Governor Cruce ha ordered Sheriff Dan - els of Kiowa county to Mountain Park to lela of Kiowa county to Mountain Park to prevent trouble. The e.-Hinty officials are charged with moving the county reeotds from the legal tvunty seal. 1 WRECK ON GREAT NORTHERN Ikouibvr of Prrwu Heoorted soesly I Blared la trrldrat Near toloasola Hlver. WKNATOHKK. Wash.. Feb. ItGreat Northern tr n No. 4. eastbound. was recWed this evening fifteen miles east of Vt'eaatthee near the Columbia river. The wirve are down and ao delaila have be. n rxrHved. A uiimVr of ptrsuaa are reported ser tooaly lajurutic but aae killed Hitchcock Replies to Big Magazines Postmasteer General Saji Periodicals Are Bealizing; Enormous Profits From High-Priced Adi. WASHINGTON, Feb. II -Lame profi'a exerted to be Inuring to the publishers of magasine and Immense losses being sus tained by the government In the trans portation of magazines as second-class mall matter at existing rates are made the basis of a statement Issued tonight by Postmaster General Hitchcock In response to the attack made by the magazine pub lishers on the proposed Increase of the postage rate on the advertising pagea of the large magaslnee, from 1 cent to 4 cents a pound. Mr. Hitchcock makes it clear that the proposed new rates "does not affect news papers of any kind nor does It apply to periodicals mailing less than 4.9) pounds of each Issue." " In his statement Mr. Hitchcock said in part: "In an advertisement signed by thirty four of the principal magazines and per iodicals of the country, it la said the In creased rate 'will drive a majority of the popular magazines out of existence and with them the enormous amount of first class mail their advertising creates.' "The public should know that this charge Is made in the face of the fact that a part. if not all. of the periodicals are realizing tremendous profits from the high priced advertisements contained In their columns. which the government is today carrying at the extraordinary low rate of 1 cent per pound and at a total cost of more than 9 cents a pound New York Republicans All Gather in Harmony Colonel Roosevelt and William Barnei, Jr., Sit Together and En gage in Amiable Conversation. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. For the first time since the fight at the state convention at Saratoga laat September, all factions of the republican party In New Tork state gathered tonight In harmony. The oc casion was the twenty-fifth annual dinner of the Republican club of New Tork city In commemoration of tha lOTd anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. William Barnes, Jr., newly elected chair man of the republican state committee, who led In the fight against Colonel Roose velt at Saratoga, was seated at the right of the former president and entered Into an animated conversation several times during the dinner. Beth. Low, president of the club, pre sided. He had on his list as speakers Colonel Roosevelt, Rev. Dr. Frank W. Gunaulus, president of tha Armour Insti tute at Chicago, who delivered the Lin coln oration; Judge Emery Bpeer of the United Statea circuit court of euorgla. and George von L. Meyer, secretary of tu navy, who represented President Taft.' Lloyd C. Grl scorn, Henry L. Sttmson and Timothy L. Woodruff were among the re publican leaders who were present. General Frederick A. Grant. TJ. S. A.. General Thomas H. Barry, U. A. and Admiral E. H. C. Leu tie, also were guests. AttraietloM to Omaha. "Folly of tha Circus" at tho Brandets. "Cleopatra" at tha Boyd. Vaudeville at the American. Vaudeville at the Orpheum. Burlesque at the Gayety. Burieoquo at tha Krug. Mr. Cohan axenaaTwy permits himself to Indulge ta a bit of decorative egotism In tha ornamentation of his new theater In New Torn. There ara painted friezes all over tha place Illustrating episodes and achievements In the Cohan career and that of hla "royal family." The subjects chosen for thasa pictures ara "Giva My Regards to Broadway," which la a large panel di rectly above tha stage showing "Little Johnny Jones" watching a homeward- bound steamer leaving Southampton; "Tha Yankee Prince" at Buckingham palace, "George Washington Jr.", singing "Tou'ra a Grand Old Flag." "Get-Rich-Qulck Wail Ingford's" scene with the suspicious di rectors, and "The Man Who Owns Broad way" In a scene from that musical comedy. Mr. Bam Harris, Mr. Cohan's associate In tha enterprise, has no pictorial representa tion in the theater's schema of garnish ment. ' 1 Zelda Sears saya her stage manager ends all her tempests In teapots by telling her the "door story," according to the Dra matlo Mirror, thus: "There were two little children who were very poor. They and their mother slept In a small, bare room with two doors. One of these doors led to the yard, the other to the kitchen. One night It was fear fully cold, and though the mother aifd the children huddled as close together as they could, they shivered and their teeth chat tered. They heaped all their clothes op the bed, even the last strip of carpet. And still they shivered. Then the mother got up and took the door to the kitchen off Its hinges aad laid It on the bed. 'Mamma.' said ons of the children, 'aren't you sorry for the other poor little children who have no door to cover themT " Miss Emmy Wehlen Is mentioned as the London singer of Miaa Frttxi Scheff s most successful part, that of the title role of "Mile. Modiste." the coming spring; but the announcement la offset. It would ap pear, by the tact that aha is definitely named as one of the attractions coming to the Grand before June. She la the Im ported star at "Marriage a la Carte," a musical entertainment which Is Just now being provided with the commodity of "laughs" by Mr. Franklin P. Adams, humorist of the New York Mail, and Mr. Torn Lewis, who was so amusing in two of the tuned Cohan farces. The latter re- j 1u;. Mr Conor, 1 Mr. Barney CU more In "Kelly from the Emerald Isle" will be seen at the Brands Is theater for six performances starting with a bargain matinee on next Saturday after noon. "Kelly from the Emerald isle " la written for Mr. G U more by Joseph Lo Brandt. Harry Conor, featured comedian of "Mar riage a La Carte" at the Casino theater. New York, was severely, if not seriously, Injured by aa automobile at Eighth avenue and One Hundred and Ninth street. The machine ran ever his chest, and two ribs were fractured. Edgar Selwyn, author of "The Country Boy" and co-author with William Collier of i ll be iianxtd IX 1 Do, ' will return TT-J.1L rM t txwt WHO PAYS THE COAL BILLS? Question Between City Council and the Police Board. REPAIRS AT CITY JAIL ORDERED Pleaahlaa I aspect or laatrarted to Have Katltnate Ready ay Toalaet That laaaardiate Aetloa May Be Tikes n Matter. Attorney Thomas of the McCoun Coal company wants the city council to pay for coal fu ml Fried the city jail. His demand raided an Interesting point, which City At torney Rlne was railed on to untangle. The city council advertised for bids for furnishing coal for the city Jail, city hall and public library. The McCoun Coel com pany was awarded the contract, but the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners entered Into a contract with another com pany to furnish the coal. The McCoun company delivered coal, nevertheless, and the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners refused to settle, claiming that it had the right to buy its own ccal and make lis own contracts. This controversy raised the point as to whether the Board of Fire and Police Com missioners could enter Into such a con tract. Attorney Rine gave It as his opin ion that the Board of Fire and Police Com missioners could enter Into a contract only aft.r It VmA Kaam nA-rtA hv ihm rftV council. And If the council ordered a contract, which was afterwards made by the police board, the latter would have to pay It out of Its own funds. Otherwise, the council would have to foot the bill. A motion also prevailed for the passage of the ordinance regulating the storage of all petroleum products, but the ordinance regulating the construction of fire-proof buildings was held up for a week. To Improve Jail Conditions. City Plumbing Inspector Weltzel was or dered to bring in plans and specifications and an estimate for putting the city Jail In a sanitary condition. He was told to re port tonight so that a resolution ordering the expenditure may be passed. The for mer estimate of $M0 was considered exorbi tant, and a hint was given Weltzel to cut this amount by half. The committee on railroads and viaducts reported on the ordinance which forces the railroads to build the Bancroft street via duct and recommended ita passage Tues day night Protest on Wooden Blocks. A petition protesting against the paving of Sixteenth afreet with wooden blocks was referred to the city attorney. The petition attacks the legality of the ordinance on wo grounds that It was passed before the improvement district was created and that the signers did not represent three-fifths of the property owners. The annual report of the Board of Park Commissioners was placed on file, pending an opinion from the city attorney relative to outstanding bills. The report shows that the park board spent IS8.3S6.0 for park Improvements and $37,449.98 for road im provements last year, and that there is a balance of 13.794 In the park fund and $2,938.46 In the road fund. On request of T. L. Rlngwalt. It was or dered that an ordinance protecting dogs and cats from cruel treatment be Intro duced for passage. A resolution for the grading of Redmond avenue from Thirty third street west at a cost of KOOO was referred to Councilman Davis. i IP. to the stage next season as an actor. To this end he has written a comedy named "The Arab," in which he will play the title role. As Indicated by the title the princi pal character la that of a son of the desert. The three acts are laid In Syria. The first performance of this play will be given by a stock company In Los Angeles next May. The Oncomers Is the name of a new so ciety recently formed In London with the object of exploiting, by means of periodical matinees to be given at West End theaters, plays and players who have not yet gained the attention of the West End managers and audiences. Experienced artists have enrolled themselves as members, and the patronage of such eminent players as Mr. H. R. Irving. Mr. Lewis Waller, Mr. Charles Hawtrey, Mr. F. R. Benson, Mr. Gerald du Maurler and Miss Declma. Moore has been obtained. The B. H. W. concert series announce Miss Mary Munchhoff for a song recital on Tuesday afternoon February 31 at 4 p. m. George W. Wilson, the character artist, will shortly produce In vaudeville Horace Haxeltine's dramatization of his own latest sensational mystery story, "In the Noon of the Moon," which appeared recently in ons of the adventure magazines. "Preserving Mr. Panmure." Sir Arthur Pinero's latest play, which has Just been produced' in London, Is an emphatic suc cess, and notable In that It marks the re turn of this distinguished playwright to the field of farcical comedy in which he was so successful earlier In his career. After every seat had been sold for the three contemplated performances of "The Easiest Way." in Richmond. Va., the mayor of that city prohibited Miss Frances Starr's appoarance on the grounds of In decency, and the major was mighty near right at that. Charlotte. N. C. and Chicago, 111., are, of courae. not to be compared as theatri cal centers. Yet the cunning comparison may be made that Miss Viola Alien in "The White Sister" drew $3,300 for one per formance In the North Carolina city, while Mr. Albert Chevalier during his entire laat week in Chicago attracted the Insig nificant sum of $1.700 and there were nine performances. Producing managera are to have a meet ing In New York this week to discuss the elimination of the state of Oklahoma from the theatrical scheme. This calamity la threatened on account of the action of the state railway commission in raising the transportation rates. It coat $1.20 more to carry "Ren llur ' 8u) miles in Oklahoma a short time ago than it uid in the adjoining states, and that precipitated the trouble. Mayor Gaynor sat in a stage box at the first New Tork performance of "The Boss." but. according to the Evening World, he betrayed no sign that he hai even a bowing acquaintance with such type aa Michael Ragan. Mr. Wiltun Lackaye is to go Into the va riety theaters, where many performers get very large salaries, although not fitted with the Intellect to appreciate thla actor at his epigrsmatio beat. Another masculine star who is to contribute to the mixed enter tainments la Mr. Dustln Farnurn. so that It may be Inferred that we shall not again be called upon to regard 'These Are My People'' In a new manifestation. He is to get Sl.tfal a week in a short play. . In formation Is not given as to Mr. Let Way i salary la his new employment Women Prepare to Hold Office Gatherine Held at Pierre to Form Party Whose Aim Is to Seek Office. PIERRE. 9. D.. Feb. 14 (Special Tele gram ) A rathertng of women of the state was held at the capltnl today having for Its purpose the organization of a party for women, which will seek to secure of ficial places which are accorded to them under the constitution without waiting for the right of suffrage for women. They appointed a committee consisting of Mrs. May Billlnghurst, Mrs. Janet Cola. Mrs. Florence Jeffries, Mr. Cassle Hoyt Mrs. lone Russell and Mrs. Lizzie D. Laughlln to meet within a few days at the call of the president to select a name and formulate a platform for their party. The women announce their Intention of taking an active part in future campaigns In the state and to assert their rights in this way even If not to allowed to vote. They made a request upon Governor Vesaey that he name a woman as one of the members of the state board of charities and corrections, such place not requiring an elector under the provision of the con stitution. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS ELECT NEW OFFICERS W. W. Slabaasa la President W ell Kitwi Workera la Aseoelatlea Speak. The annual convention of the Douglas County Sunday School association was concluded Monday night by a banquet in the cafe of the Young Women's Christian association building. Thirty-six officers and workers for the association were pres ent. Miss Margaret Slattery, formerly an International superintendent, was the principal speaker at the closing meeting. She talked on the work of the Sunday school, of Its growth both In America and In foreign countries and Its Influence. Other talk were given by Miss Margaret Brown, superintendent sf the elementary department of the Nebraska State Sunday School association, and by the Rev. Charles H. Lewis, secretary of the Ne braska State association. The election of officers of the Douglas County association followed the banquet. The following officers were elected: Pres ident, Judge W. W. Slabaugh; secretary, Charles S. Scranton; treasurer, L. W. Ed wards, and these superintendents: Ele mentary department, Mrs. C. H. Ilink house; home department, Mrs. C. L. Shook; temperance department, C. E. Byars of Valley; pastors' department. Rev. M. O. McLaughlin; adult department, E F. Dennison; teachers' training depart ment. Rev. J. M. Kersey; intermediate department, George E. Winslabe; mission ary department, J. L. Duff. The association opened Its annual con vention meeting Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. President George G. Wallace opened the meeting with a few Introduc tory remarks and prayer. The program for the day consisted of a number of addresses by the prominent Sunday school workers of the county. Miss Carrie Brown talked on the question of the elementary work and Miss Margaret Slatlery covered the intermediate class work. Rev. M. O. McLaughlin took up the point of the boy and too Sunday school. President Wallace spoke. -at the evening meeting, his subject being, . ."The Sunday School and the Men and the Religion Forward Movement." The Douglas county - annual Sunday school Institute session for Benson and vicinity was held Sunday afternoon and evening at the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. M. Lewis of Lincoln and Miss Margaret Brown of Grand Island. The officers for the district association were elected as follows: President, A. G. Roth, Baptist church; vice president, B. F. Klstler. Lutheran; secretary treasurer, a A. Searson, Methodist; visitation super intendent, Miss Campbell, Presbyterian; pastors' visitation. Rev.' J. C. Wilson; elementary superintendent, Mrs. Edward MoGee, Irvlngtonr teachers' training, Jacob Gehrig, Lutheran; Intermediate depart ment, Mrs. O. M. Humphrey, Irvlngton; adults' department, Mr. E. E. Murdoch, Methodist; missionary department. Rev. G. A. Campbell. seedy Relief frsa Kldaey Troable. "I had an acuta attack of Brlght's dls cajie with inflammation of ths kidneys and bladder, and d laziness." says Mrs. Cora Thorp. Jackson. Mich- "A bottls of Foley's Kidney Remedy overcome the at tack, reduced the Inflammation, took away h nain and made the bladder action nor- mBX I wish everyone could know of this wonderiui raiueuy. noia oy aii aruggisia Washington Affairs. (From s Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 14.-tSpevial Telegram) Army orders: First Lieutenant Robert Hterrett, Ninth cavalry, is detailed for recruiting service end will proceed to Fort Logan, Col., for duty, relieving First Lieuteuauil C. ajmery liathaway, Nintu cavalry. j decond lieutenant William II. Cowlea, I Fourth cavalry, will assume charge of construction work at Kort Meade, to. D., relieving Jam as d. Parker, quartermaster, who will proceed to West Point, N. jor duty aa assistant to constructing quarter master, relieving First Lieutenant Guy Kent, First cava;ry, who will join his regiment-Orders of January 21, relating to First Lieutenant William F. .McUtuKhlln. medl cai reserve corps, amended so a to relieve Lieutenant McLaughlin troru active duty upon expiration of leave of absence. Captain Charles L. J. Kron witter, coast artillery corps, la relieved from treatment at Waller Ked general hospital, arid will join his proper station. First Lieutenant Walter J. Scott, Tenth cavalry, la detailed fur general recruiting service and will proceed to i'orl McUoweil, Cal., for duty, relieving Captain Leon L. Roach. Fifteenth Infantry, wno will Join his regiment at Ban Francisco In time to sail lur the Philippines aoout May 4. First Lieutenant teuton Norman, medi cal reserve corps, will proceed to Fort W inxate, N. M., fur temporary duty. Deutai Burgeon John ix. Milliken la re lieved from duty in the Philippines In time to sail from Manila about August 16 for San Francisco, where he will report fur further orders. Captain Charles N. Murphy. Thirteenth Infantry. Is detailed as a member of the examining board at Fort Leavenworth, vies Captain Henry a. Wygant, Thirteenth In fantry. Orders or January 11. relating to First lieutenant Fane M. Hialr, medual reserve corps, amended ao aa to relieve Lieutenant Blair from active duty on expiration of leave granted him today. Captain Julius N. Killan, commissary, will proceed to Louisville, Ky., fur tem porary duly. Orders vt January U. relating to First Lieutenant Gordon B. t'nderwood, medi cal reserve culpa, amended so aa to relieve hun from active dutv on expiration of leave granted him tuday. lave of absence: Captain Murray Raid win. fcJuhth Infantry , four room ha; First Lieutenant Gordon B. I'ndarwood, medi cal reserve corps, twenty-tnree days; First Lieutenant Farta M. Blair, mrdicai reserve corps, twenty daya: Major Henry I wa, medical corps, four monina, CapLun Henry 8. Wysant. Thirtenin infantry, twenty days; Captain Theodore B. Hacker, ccmaiiaavary, one month; First Lieutenant William FN McLaughlin, medical reserve corps, one moncn ana lour aays, lieuten ant Colonel I 'avid I. brainard. deputy commissary general, three months; Captain 1ub L Ivi-vaii. a uiaauiin uuaairy, ta May ELKS ENJOY THEIR JUBILEE Silver Anniversary of Order Drawi Great Company to Auditorium. VISITORS FB03I MAST PLACES Lealslalora ('nil of Honor With Othere Froa Nebraska and lowra Cities See and Aaslaad Many .Novel Taraa. In a monster meeting that packed the Auditorium to Its doors, the Elks of Omaha lodge. No. 39. celebrated last night their twenty-fifth annlversay. Lincoln Elks and a large number of the legislature were In attendance and occupied sears of honor In the center of the great building and front ing tha stage built at one side. Delegations from Council Bluffs.' Shenandoah, and many other points both in and out of the stats helped swell the number until. If enumerated Ct all. It would be counted In the thousands. Song and good fellowship, as Is the fash ion of the Elks, was the order of the evening. At frequent Intervals during the festival the great structure fairly shook to the volume of sound that poured from the throats of ths multitude In song. Mystic Mass at Door. Cpon entering the hall everyone was forced to pass through a mystic maze that brought the unsuspecting up against a mirror, when after many turnings they were able to find their way Inside. The building was decorated with flars and the pennants of the lodge, while bunt ing was artistically looped from tha galleries. Every available bit of space on tha main floor was filled with tables, both large and small, and the stage at the end was made to hold part of the overflow. A part of the crowd, all of which could not find places on the first floor, occupied seats In the gallery. During the program a Dutch lunch was served, a small army of waiters distribut ing especially prepared Individual boxes of sandwiches from huge hampers supported hlRh overhead. The entertainment committee, which had kept a steadfast secrecy aa to the nature of the evening's program, held to their at titude of mystery and there were no printed programs. That they redeemed their prom ises of some surprises and something good, was evident from the salvos of applause that greeted nearly every number on the long bill. I. J. Dunn, a local member, was the speaker of the occasion. In a brief, but eloquent speech of but a few minutes dura- A Mighty Who wisely rules himself. Curious what a scrap you have now und then (maybe two or three "noTa".and several "thens") with what the old Scotchman called the "deevelish part" of 'your-make-up. 1 It's safe to say "you" and not miss the mark, for we all belong to the same lodge, and it seems to be a part of some great plan to try us out and see if we can thus earn the right to rule greater things. a Most every day some one of the many "warriors of the enemy" comes across your pathway and puts up a scrap to see if he can rule. You must be well trained and alert or he will make you bend the knee or, per haps, break a leg or permanently cripple you. There are several of these "enemies" which can be named over, but for the pur pose of this article let us speak of the narcotics, the family which includes morphine, whiskey, coffee, cocaine, tea, tobacco, etc., all the same family, each member having a different degree of strength. a Now, coffee is perhaps one of the most plausible and deceitful of them all. a a It has many friends, but coolly and cunningly knifes them, and they don't know where the blow comes from. ; a a " . Many and many a poor, nervous wreck, with weak heart, suffers by day and lies sleepless at night without suspecting that his "dear old friend," Mr. Coffee, is quietly pushing him along towards the silent city. No, coffee don't hurt everyone by any man ner of means, but it does pick out the highly organized individuals and wrecks them by the score. see Perhaps the victim realizes it, but has fallen time and again in the battle and been whipped so often that he has given upr and bowed the head to the chain of his master. "I simply cannot give up my coffee," is the wail, and so day by day he grovels and the master stretches him a few turns tighter on the rack of suffering. a a a Make sure' of one thing. Onc you become conscious of the fact that a fight is on, suffering follows steadily until you are able to rule. . Then comes the reward comfort, health and happiness for the victor. a a It is good work to stand right up and smash away with a "mailed fist" but it's much more comfortable to whip Mr. Coffee by throwing him "right over the side of the mountain" and give his place to Postum. a a A steaming, fragrant cup of this famous beverage has the clear seal-brown ,'color which changes to a rich golden brown under cream. - ' ' a Ofttiraes, the victory of one's better self over a known enemy is followed quickly by remarkable changes peaceful sleep, balanced nerves, stronger heart, and all the joy which comes after the removal of a drug and its replacement with natural food ele ments which old Dame Nature is only too glad to seize upon for the building material so badly needed and so long denied. v a a a Well, here's best wishes to you, reader. Hope you don't get "licked" too often, it's weakening. There's a Reason 66 Postum Cereal tli. Mr. Dunn reviewed the quarter of a century that the Omaha lodge has lived. The speaker told of how the lodge was founded in li with a membership of only 36, and compared that small number with the l.tfiO names that now appear on the roster. He placed an eloquent tribute at the feet of the charter members. "They are men." he said, "who met and overcame seemingly Insurmountable ob jects. We oae them all due honor and respect. "Fourteen hundred, when compared to the millions that Inhabit this country, does not seem to be a great number, but is a part of a mighty army for a good almost beyond calculation, an army that stands at all times ready to give aid to the unfortun ate and those In distress." Cart Herring was master of ceremonies, or toastmaster, announcing the various events that helped to fill out an evening of pJeasure. Acts from tha local theaters, wrestling matches both real and burlesque. Samson's followers from the Den. feats of legerdemain, and almost everything In tha entertainment line, composed the varied program and kept the great audience ap plauding until late In the night. Featarea of the Bvealas. Farmer Burns and hla two eons In some exhibition wrestling was one of the main features of the evening. When the father matched himself In a three-cornered bout with the two bos it brought down the house. Jack Carson, better known as "Llttie Nemo." did some feats that drew great applause, escaping from handcuffs and chains aa If they were not there, and bend ing Iron bare with his teeth. Ths climax of the evening came when Sam Rice with his whole chorus of "Merry Maidens," at present showing at the Krug, stepped out on the stage and gave songs and dancee. The program opened with "America" and closed with "Auld I.ang Syne," with many merry songs between. A Total Eclipse of the function of stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels Is quickly disposed of with Electric Bitters, bftc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. .TIarrtaao I.leeoaoe. The following marriage licnees have been Issued : Name and Residence. Age. Andrew Anderson, Wakefield, Neb 4S Jennie A. Carlson, Omaha 47 George P. Bendixen. Omaha 2 Clara It. Miller, Good land. Kan 3) Ernest V. Olbson. Monmouth. Ill It Maude G. Fox. Cameron. Ill 19 Carl E. Ptrawn. Omaha Over II Johanna O'Donnell. Omaha Over 21 John B. Buckingham. Red Oak, la 32 Bessie Gilmlre, Red Oak. la ,T2 Peter P. Donovan. Omaha I Mary Walsh, Boston. Mass 23 uJler. Company,' Limited, Battle Creek, Nebraska Pythian Knights Arrange Elaborate Feast Veteran Knights Will Gather in Omaha From all Parts of Nebraska. Pythian knights of lilsli rank from s i parts of th state will gather in Omaha on February 19 to attend the fourteenth an nual banquet of the Pythian Veterans' Association of Nebraska. One' eusllf K-atlon for members-hip In thh organization la that all applicants must , have een affiliated with the order for twenty years, which means that aome cf the oldest as well as some of the most Important Fythlans of the state will be present In fact, the vet eran Pythian of Nebraska. John Q, Goss. of Bellevue. has been chosen as tnaat ma.'ter. Arrangements for the forthcom ing event were made at a meeting of vet eran officials in the office of John M. Macfarland. 3t9 Omaha National Hank building, last evenlnx. It Is expected that acceptances will call for about seventy covers at the banquet, and everything will lie arranged with true Pythian dignity. Among the t-aWers who have responded ara T. W. McCullough, Mayor james C. Dahlinan. Louis Hi i t. a. George A. Magnev, John H. WriKtit. pres ident of the First National Hunk of Lin coln, and grand master of the exchequer; W. R. Allen. Grand Chancellor, of Schuy ler; and Senator Richard O'Nell, supreme representative, of Uticoln. John Q. Goes, the toastmaster. Is a past grand chancel lor of the order. Besides arranging details lust night for the annual banquet the veterans' associa tion panned upon about ten applications for membership. Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remei y sets on this plan. It allays the rough, relieves the lungs, opens the se cretions and aids nature in restoring tha system to a healthy condition. Thous ands have testified to its superior ex cellence. Sold by all dealers. KOTtxzrfs or oceast steam smrps. rsrt NKW YORK PISHUt ARO.... GIBRALTAR HUM) KON'.l.... NSW YOKK t;iA;ttw NAPLES TIP At GIBRALTAR.... At.H-ANTg y RSBILLK9... Arrived. . Pottariam. . Lnaltania. .(alahrta. .Kmp. at Insta. . California.. . Caleionls. .. vma Btrma Romanic. 1. ,fiirmanla. . Sunt Anna. PP Michigan, S. A. lie