Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE liEE: OMAHA,-WEDNTiS DAY. KKBKUAttV 1.'. 1011.
I 'I
! '
I .
i (
Will spoil the prettiest house a
feat fhosen with poor tarfte will de
tract from any mt'' Appearance.
The, new spring rials' now
Exclusive Here
for Omaha and ,
Fully jReady
will make, you like your looks. A
shape for Aery style of aa aa
taste, and Just one uOeU'l
price- f
"A plenty" of spring
Shirts, too.
m ydoi
1518-1520 FARWAM SESJiKT
anthtislaets want a highway commission
'or the ftate and county engineer In eai h
lounty to appoint district road supervisors.
Among those present were Dan Biephena
Fremont, and from Omaha Could Diets,
'amiIk Nash. Ueorite iumpcn, assistant
snglneer; George M'.'Kride, county surveyor,
nd J. K. Oeorgc.
Pablle Lands and Bolldlnsra llodr
Inspects Nrhool.
WAYNE. Neh.; Feb. 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Kepreai illative Eastman, Scheie,
ftuahee, Roberts, Haller, Undsey, McCar
thy. J)oi t, Regan and Vartcla, member of
the house committee fn public landa and
buildings of the Nebraska legislature on a
tour of the state Institution, arrived at
Wayne at 10 o'clock thla morning and were
met at the dtpot by a committee of the
Commercial club and taken In carriages to
the college, where they were the guests of
President and lira. Conn at luncheon.
The. fore part of the afternoon was apertt
In Inspecting the grounds and buildings of
the Nebraska Normal and at 4 o'clock they
were given a reception at the club rooms
by the Commercial club. The committee
was highly pleased with the Institution and
Us excellent prospects.
Small dumber of Measures Introduced
In t'pper Ilndr.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 11 8pecial.)-The fol
lowing bills were Introduced In the sen
ate today; .
B. F, SH7. by Volpp Provides in counties
under township organisation for payment
of road taxes In cash by townships, paying
all taxes outside corporate limits of mu
nicipalities Into township fund and taxes
within corporate limits Into municipal
treasuries to be expended by township au
thorities. . 8. F. JiiS. Hy Bklles-Provldes that all
bond issued by county, city, town, village,
. school district, Irrigation or drainage die
- tiict shall be free from taxation by con
stitutional amendment.
' 8. 4 F. -bv JsnnetvPrnvldcs that the
Wmnty tax .nthaK be made up and, certi
fied! to tunty .treasurer before October 1,
' Instead of November 1, as now provided.
(From a Ftaff Correspondent.)
UN("OLN!-rik.-i 14.-(8peclal.) Senator
'Reagan received another horticultural'
tribute this morning, the occasion being the
celebration cU bis.' forty-seventh birthday.
For a slate senator that la fairly middle
aged, Senator ' Ileagan, bears his years,
experience and honors with a smile. The
youngest member of the senate is Aubrey
Smith of . liopne county who blushingly
acknowledges thirty-two summers. Thirty
three seems to be a favorite age, as Bart
llng of Otoe, Flacek.of Saunders and ftartos
of PaJIne all. claim It for their own. The
oldest man In the upper house la Wilcox
vf Cuming, who la 6S. Senator Reynolds la
1, Bodlnson of Buffalo, 6i; Pickens of Jef
ferson, 63; Cox. of Hamilton, 63; McGrew of
Nuckolls, 60. and Tibbeta of Adams, 62.
Roscoe Smith, representative from Boone
county, stepped into' a telephone booth Mon
day night to call up H. O. Taylor and
learn the outcome of - the Baesett mass
meeting at Gibbon, lie said to the opera
tor: "I want H. G. Taylor.".
Yea," answered - the operator, "where
does he live?". ''.",.'
"At Central City:"' said Bmlth and then
waited around for half an hour wondering
why the telephone company could not lo
cate So prominent a nun as II. O. Taylor.
Finally he got a hunch and went rather
shamefacedly back to the booth.
"I forgot to tell you," he said to the oper
ator, "that this Mr, Taylor is In Gibbon to
night. But h. really does live In Central
City." Then after another wait he got an
Extract from' a speech delivered on the
train coming back from Omaha Monday
sight after celebrating the twenty-fifth an
niversary of the felks by John E. 'Keagan,
Douglas county; ,- .
"When 1 die and go to heaven (loud ap
plause and cries of hear. hear). I want to
go to a legislature where I ran make all
the speeches, where the oratory of my mak
ing will not b continually Interfered with
by the BhrleV. t( Bartos about Insurance.
nd the groans .;f Banning about the high
Boat of lead pencils." (Prolonged applause
and laughter,, broken by a singing sound
Trom the comerVof the car "Around her
: seek she wore a yellow ribbon, etc.").
HOUSE- 221 TO 92
(Continued from First rage)
rates and that the president could grant
substantial .concessions to those countries
Billing to do h same toward thla country.
Representative I 'alien (Peon) followed
Mr. I'nderwovd., atlh the prlnclal speech
m opposition. He began by assailing the
' newspapers of the country and denouncing
the reciprocity agreement. Mr. Dalxell
tomplatned bitterly of the haste with which
the bill had been rushed through the com
mittee on way and meana and brought
before the house.
4 lark tlefeade Treaty.
. Mr. Clark of Missouri then spoke In sup
port ft he measure.
Mr. Dalxell." he said, 'Is the Marshal
Key of the army of protection, but today
he has led the 'old guard to Us defeat at
Waterloo. Mr.. Fordney ' seems to think It
(range to find President Taft and myself
In the same , bed. . Pontics makes strange
bedfellows. But the reason we are there la
that President 3afi baa come a.rt way Into
the democrat fell latrt)
"And I am glad to be heie today to wel
come Brother McCall, Brother 1(111 and ail
the rest of you who are standing with us
or this bill, Into the democratic errr"
Thla called for loud applause from the
republicans opposing th bill.
Mr. Clark aua hs knew some of the hgn
protection republicans would offer free
tiade snnndmtnts to the bill to embarrass
the democrats In Voting them down. To
amend the bill, he said, whs to kill it.
Rcprexentntlve Gardner of Massachusetts,
who has been one of Its foremost opponents
bnauue of its free fish provlslbns, spoke
for an hour. I
He complained that while the reciprocity
agreement admits fish free it malntuins a
hi.h duty on boats, sails, nets, tackle and
everything else used by the Gloucester
fisherman. y
Representative lngworth of Ohio in sup
port of the measure denied It whs a de
parture from the policy of protection. In
voting for the measure Mr. lAngworth
said he was following the leadership of
Payne, of Roosevelt and of Taft.
Han a on Pulp Scbetlole.
Mr. ManA of Illinois explained the print
paper and pulp wood provisions of the
measure. He paid while there wee prac
tically no difference from the rates in the
Payne bill on ground wood, the paper man
ufacturers of this country are guaranteed
by the reciprocity agreement a continuing
supply of spruce pulp wood from Canada.
The total supply of pulp wood In the
United States east of the Rocky mountains,
M- Mann said, would be exhausted In ten
years at the present rate pf consumption.
The supply In Canada la unlimited, so that
at the end of ten years it would be In the
power of the Dominion to shut off the sup
ply to American manufacturers and to
force ail the manufacture of cheap print
paper to that country.
In return for access to the American mar
ket, however, the Canadian government
haa agreed to continue the export of pulp
wood from private lands without restric
tion. Mr. Mann said he believed the re
strictions soon also would be removed from
wood cut from crown lands or land owned
by the provinces.
Mr. Mann said the value- of wood pulp
provisions to the United Btates Is the ne
cessity of this country's, securing Its pulp
supply of the future from Canada.
Repreaentatlves UrousBard of Louisiana
and Calderhead of Kansas closed the de
bate against the' bill. Mr. McCall closed
the arguments In behalf of the measure.
Mr. Brouesard waa the only democrat to
speak against It.
- Argument by Slet'stll. - - ,
Mr. McCall said It waa a matterof great
regret to him that he should be Competted
to differ with so many of . his colleagues.
He wa convinced, however, that recip
rocity soon would prove Its worth and he
believed It would oeneflt every section of
the I'nlted States as well as the Dominion
of Canada.
Mr. McCall spoke for twenty-five min
utes, detailing some of the features of the
bill. He said In conclusion that members
who voted against the measure most cer
tainly would regret their attitude.
As for the democrats, Mr. McCall said
whatever their sins in the past may. have
been In the matter of reciprocity their
faces were turned toward the rising sun.
Mr. McCall closed with an appeal to the
republicans to vote for (the bill.
A special rule shutting oft amendments
was submitted by Representative lioutell
of Illinois. In opposition, Representative
Gardner of Massachusetts assailed the
democrats for voting for a gag rule In the
house. Representative Pickett of Iowa,
characterised the action of the house In
pushing through the reciprocity meaaura
with such haate as unworthy the responsi
bilities with which the members are
Mr. Boutell said the rule followed the
form of many rules In the past by the
chairman of the committee, Mr. Dalzell.
Representative Fitzgerald of New York
said the only people who wanted to amend
the bill were those who wished to defeat
the measure or to filibuster.
Representatives Bru'ssard, Norrla, Ben
nett of New York and Guernsey of Maine,
made brief apeeches against the rule and
against the bill.
On the adoption of the rule Representa
tive Dalxell demanded the nays and yeas
and they were ordered.
During the call Speaker Cannon called
Representative Ollle James of Kentucky
to the chair. He waa given a prolonged
ovation by his democratic friends.
J. a. WIstrrbottra,
FALLS CITY, Neb.. Feb. U (Rpecial.)
J. B. Wlnterbotton, one of the old resi
dents of this county, who. lived at Rulo,
died Baturday morning and will be burled
Wednesday next at that place. Mr. Wln
terbotton came to Rulo soon after the close
of the civil war. He was born In Adair
county, Missouri. He enlisted In the Fourth
Missouri cavalry and served one enlistment
of three years. lie opened a hardware
store in Rulo In ltsu7 and has continued In
the business up to the time of his death,
lie leaves a widow, five daughters and two
Colonel F.ntare J. A. Balfoar.
LONIK-tN. Feb. 14. Colonel Kuataoe
James Anthony Its I four, brother of A. J.
Balfour M. P. died today. Ha was form
erly an of flier of the Scottish guards and
subsequently aide-de-ramp to King Kdward
and King George. He was the fifth son of
the late James Calfour M. 1. and In 1ST
married l.ady Frances Campbell fifth
daughter of the eighth duke of Argyll.
Robert II. Miller.
LIBERTY, Mo.. Feb. 14-Robert H. Mil
ler, pioneer editor of the Liberty Tribune,
died today. He was M years old. He
iuuiiun mv Liurrij t riuune in IM6, at a
time when the Impress of Horace Greeley
editor of the New York Tribune, was strong
upon the newspaper world of America. It
waa In rtcotmttion of Greeley's newspaper
leadership ttiat Miller called his paper the
Tribune. V
J as! lev Kdnln A. Jagsjaral.
ST. PALI- Feb. 14 -Justice Edwin A.
Jaggard of the Minnesota supreme court
died esterday In the Bermuda Islands, failure caused his death. He has
tMn til several months and biieved m trip
Its Bermuda would curs b Im
rrj in I j i in !
Convention of Iowa Body at
Moines Fassei Resolutions.
pleads lta Kapportera of Senator
looaar lo tote for Ken yon for
Senator Oreaoa Rill
Passes Senate.
iFroin a Rnff Correspondent.)
t'K.S MOINKS. Feb. It. 4 Special Tele
gram.) Representatives from ninety of the
118 local orders of the German-American
j alliance of Iowa arc In the city attending a
! Ftate, convention. The alliance now num
bers about t.'UXlo persons and the member
ship is snld to he Incrnasing- Resolutions
were adopted In favor of a more liberal pol
icy on the part of the state toward the
Germans and In the matter of the lhiuor
Ad Men to t'edar Rapid.
At the annual convention of the Iowa
Association of Ad Men It was decided that
Cedar Rapids should (fot the next conven
tion. The association decided uion pushing
an educational campaign for publicity and
a campaign for a series of addresses In
the state will be arranged. "
IHrrt'lor Itolierts Hero.'
Goorge K. Roberts, director of (he mint,
came here from Washington today and
spent all day at work among the legislators
seeking to secure a settlement of the sen
atorial matter. He addressed the support
ers of Senator Young at a conference held
In a committee room this afternoon and
pleaded with them to break the deadlock
and elect Kenyon for the senate. The result
of lie conference is not known, but It Is
supposed that Roberts is clothed with au
thority to act.
Today's ballot on senator In the Iowa
legislature resulted as follows:
Kenyon, 44; Young, 32; Garst, 16; Sammls,
5; Wallace, 1; Porter (democrat), 62; ab
sent, 6; necessary to elect, "4.
Orearon Plan Passes.
The Iowa senate today passed the Oregon
plan primary bill 31 to 16. It had passed
the house last week.
Hrldve Bill la Killed.
The builders of small bridges and cul
verts will have to continue the policy of
making them strong enough to carry the
traction engines over them. The senate
went on record today as emphatically op
posed to a going back to the old way of
requiring the owners 6f traction engines
to place planks over the culverts when
they cross. It was argued that while
some progress has been made there has not
been aa yet sufficient time to have all the
bridges and culverts reconstructed, and the
time for such reconstruction should be ex
tended. Senator Smith of Shelby tood
sponsor-' for the bill. It was defeated, 28
to 16.
Senator Proudfoot tomorrow will intro
duce In the legislature the bill for the
prohibition amendment to the constitution.
It is now all ready and the advocates of
prohibition declare that the movement shall
get a start.
Supreme Cosrt Derisions.
The following supreme court decisions
have been rendered:
Sioux City, appellant, against Simmons
Hardware company, Woodbury county, re
versed. Mary Duorey aealnit city of Dubuque,
appellant, Dubuque county, reversed. .
W. C. McNamara, appellant, against .1. J.
McAllister. Woodbury county, reversed.
D. H.' Payne avatnst Davis County, ap
pellants Jefferson county, reversed.
Ben Retts against Chicago, Burlington ft
Quincy railway, appellant, Lee county, af
firmed., J. K. Alexander against' S.I- H.r Crosby,
appellant. Poweshiek) county, affirmed,
Opposed to Saminla Bill.
The state received a copy of the resolu
tions passed by the Dubuque city council
protesting against the adoption of the
Sammla bill for a public service commis
sion. The resolutions were filed by Senator
Sohrup. The Dubuque reasons gffen are
that the bill would take from the local
authorities practically all control over their
domestic affairs.
The senate considered for only a few
minutes the Allen bill to authorise an in
crease In the pay of the secretary of the
State Board of Agriculture. The bill hail
been amended to fix the limit at SS.OOO and
was ready for passage. Upon request of
Senator Adams It was allowed to remain
upon the calendar without action, pending
a further investigation by him Into the
finances of the department.
The senate received the report of the
Judlclsry committee on the Clarkson bill
relating to the measure of compensation
for damages to a wife or mother. The
committee re-wrote the entire bill and took
out of It the features which had aroused
such opposition from the railroads. The
bill In the form reported makes no refer
ence to the "society and companionship"
element of damages. The limit of recovery
Is fixed a( 15,000.
For Care of the Children.
Senator, liammlll Introduced three bills
having relation to the care of children in
the state. Two of them provide that a
method be had of putting out children from
the orphans' homes and industrial schools
In homes on parole and revising the regula
tions therefor. It Is Intended to facilitate
the home finding work done by the board
of control through state ageti :a. The other
changes the age limits for the admission of
boys and girls lo the Industrial schools. The
one relating to girls changes the limit so
that only girls between 10 and 16 years of
age can be admitted; and for the boys the
ages are from 10 to 18. At present boys are
admitted as young as " years and girls are
admitted that are 18 years of ace.
Senator Brown Introduced a bill for con
verting the old Tabor college at Tabor,
In Fremont county, Into a state normal
school and making an appropriation there
for. Larger Hosutjr on WolTrs.
Larger bounty on wolves Is contemplated
In a bill by Senator Spaulding to authorise
the payment of iM for the scalps of adult
wolves and $4 each for cubs. The bill also
fixes the price for lynx and wildcats at
SI each.
Senator Legel Introduced two bills dealrdd
by the organisers of domestic building and
loun associations. They would exempt
such associations from the filing fee re
quired when the articles of incorporation
are filed with the state. Complaint Is made
that the fees are so high as to virtually
prevent the formation of any mire build-
lug and loan associations In Iowa.
inn eTiinrniirn rt s
Kort -KIe Million 4 orpurallun to
Take 4er Kaptorlea at oath
Bead aad Detroit,
TRENTON, N. J., Feb. 14.-Tb flude
baker cnrnnratlon with an a.othitrixe .b.,I.
tal of H'.0i).uu0. was lncorborated in the I
office of th secretary of statu hore to-
uBj, Ana iuriursiun la lurmru ii (jjrenase
I the p-.'oerty and assets of the Studcoaker
I Manufacturing -r-r?.iany of South H-nd(
lnd., a concern devoted to the manufacture
of carriages, wagon and automobii-.. and
the Kv rett-Metitter-Mandc: eiiiaiiy, an
automobile com ern of Detroit.
I Uliism il (nn llrnd lo llrrl
was Ben Pool, Threet. Ala., when d snfj
; over a gravel roadway, but liui Men s Ar-
jnlca ialve rurtd. htm 2c. For sale by
J beaion Drug Co,
We sell jcwtlry, silver
warp, out glnss and sou
venir gifts that reflect
credit, not only upon
this store, but upon the
judgement of the pur
chaser as well.
One may purchase of
Edholm, rertain of get
ting goods of highest
quality for. prices based
upon legitimate dealing.
1012 AND HARNtr VS
One Maa Killed, Pour Men and Three
Women Injured.
Omly Two Members of Party of Mne
Returning from Crosse Point
Kacape Death or la-
DETROIT. Mich.. Feb. 14.-One man was j
Instantly killed, one possibly, fatally In
jured, three men and two women were
hurt and two women escaped uninjured
eariy today when a touring car, going at I
a high rate of speed, it Is claimed, skidded
on the Icy pavement and crashed Into
telephone pole on Jefferson avenue.
The dead:
HARRY NEDRLANDKn, agent of the
automobile company, who was driver of
the automobile; skull fractured.
The Injured: "
Paul R. McKenny, Injured Internally,
Perhaps fatally, picked up unconscious.
Allan M. Gray, leg broken.
John C. Barder, leg and back Injured. '
Dave D. Nederlander, injuries about iead.
Madge Tripp, member of chorus in "The
Eho" company. Injured about the body.
Dora Thomas, head Injured. .
The Injured were taken to St. Mary's
hospital. After the accident, the automo
bile, a total wreck,' was lying a doxen feet
from the telephone' pole. At first It was
thought that McKenny was also killed, but
he regained consciousness at the hospital.
The two uninjured women disappeared.
The party of nine persons left Detroit at
a late hour and went to Grosse Point.
They were ''.returning: when the .accident
:,tContlpued from First Page.)
O. Yelsert lawyer, 'before the Joint session
of the Investigating committees of the
house and senate of the state legislature
at the Pax ton hotel Tuesday morning.
Anton SagI of the house committee and
J. H. KempVf the senate committee, who
were absent Monday, appeared at the open
ing of the session Tuesday morning. Doth
committees are now complete.
Plnkett'a Affidavit Head.
The affidavit of II. J. Pinkett, a negro
lawyer, was read by the members of the
senate committee for the first time. His
testimony, given before the house committee
week before last, was read from the tran
script by W. A. Prince of the house..
The senate committee was attentive while
the charges made by Pinkett were re
peated. In his testimony and his affidavit
the lawyer declared that affidavits bearing
notarial signatures and those of freeholders
and with blank for the voter's name were
freely distributed and carried about by
political workers' at the office of Dan
Butler, city clerk. Pinkett aiao related how
"voters" were Identified on short notice by
"professional" freeholders.
Velaer Tells of Hecorda.
The testimony of Telser was based on his
examination of the records of the polling
places In the Third ward. These records
are on file In the offices of Dun Butler,
city clerk, and D, M. Haverly, county clerk.
Forged affidavits and poll books bearing
the names of persons voting more than
once at ths election were produced at the
hearing in connection with the testimony of
The affidavits In question were declared
forgeries by Pan Butler when they were
presented to him by Yelser. The city clerk
said that the signatures pn the two affi
davits were not his.
Velaer Glrea Mia Findings.
Yelser testified in detail to his work on
the records of the election and primary In
the Third ward.
"I round,'" he' said, "32& persons voted In
the fifth precinct of the Thlitt ward. Two
hundred and slateen of these registered,
leaving It who voted by affidavit. When
1 went to the clerk's office I found there
eleven affadavlts for the election and
twelve for the primary."
Yelser testified that he had sent out 15o
registered letters addreased to those, who
had been listed as voting by affidavit and
that the postofftce had been able to find
but eight of these persons. Mr. Yelser pro
duced the 142 letters returned by the post
office undelivered. I
Yelser declared that In checking over the j
names on the records of the polling places j
hft found that riot less than lu-omv no 1
' appeared as voting more than once This!
j occurred ten times in but one precinct
I Hundreds voted on affidavits In the Third
i ward. 19 In one ct tnere are '
! less than MM affidavits for both elections;
j and primary in cxlsu-nce so far as the reo- j
j I
j - - - . . . I
Natural Laxative
by Physician
Refuse Substitutes
flftt rMuu rVk
If SI1
All ill
Fvlf-l'c! Ffl.Tmrio!ilTrw Q4-r1r
zi ui
Both These Immense Stocks on Sale at the
Lowest Prices in Men's Fine Furnishings
Ever Offered in Omaha's History.
Sec the Great Display in Our. Windows' ;
We have held sales of
men's furnishings
before, but never one
in which the goods
were of such fine
grade and the prices
so low.
ords In the offices of the city and county
clerks show, according to the testimony of
"About half of these affidavits." testified
Yelser, "are carelessly drawn up nd with
no evidence of any verification."
More Wituessee Subpoenaed.
The affidavits . were brought In and ex
amined. The names of several which ap
peared In pencil while the notary and free
holder had signed In Ink Here introduced.
These ptsons will be subpoenaed. Among
them ar H. Jensen, Henry C. Powell and
t.. V. McDonald.
Max Habler, 111 North Twelfth street,
testified In connection with an affidavit
on which Dan Butler declared his signa
ture had been forged. Habler waa unable
to say when and where he signed the
affidavit and for certain whether he signed
It at all or not. It bore his name. This
waa th only -affidavit returned-from his
precinct.' . . r ? : e . .
"I do not see why the Judges and clerks
accepted this affidavit," remarked Mr.
Butler. .
Another affidavit on which Butler de
clared his signature had been forged was
produced. This bore the names of A. K.
Worm, a water works employe, and Tom
Harrington, a city hall employe, as free
holders. Contest for Control
of Missouri Pacific
Attorneys for Standard Oil Interests
Demand Addresses of Stock
holders. ST. IOUIS. Feb. 14.-Attorneya repre
senting the. Standard Oil and Kuhn-Loeb
Interests, which are reported to be seek
ing control of the Missouri 1'aclflo rail
road company, made a formal demand for
the stock books of the corporation here
today. The demand was made on the of
fice of Martin Clardy, general solicitor.
The attorneys stated they wanted to get
the names and addresses of all stock
holders. This was with the view of obtaining
their proxies for use In the election to be
hold March 14 at which, the eastern allies,
it Is said, hope to oust the Goulds from
control of the syBtem.
The first demand for the books waa
mide yesterday and at that time a stock
ledger which did not contain the addresses
waa produced. The demand for other books
followed, Edwin Q. Merrlman, assistant
counsel for the road, refused to discuss
the purpose of the attorneys' visit and
would not reply when he was asked If
the road Intended to give up the books.
Kobbrd by Aegro Haadila.
STANFORD. Ky., Feb. 14 Three tobacco
growers on their way to V'snvllle late last
night were held up by ne:ro bandits, who
shot and seriously wounded each of the
travelers and obtained about $100 In cash.
The negroee escaped, but later two of their
number were captured.
l'lle. Cared la to 14 Dare.
Your druggist will refund money If pao
Ointment falls to cure any case of Itching,
bund, Bleeding or protruding H w
to 14 days. owe.
Diamonds Are an
Diamonds give to the wearer a
liiBerouB air and tend toward
Increasing hit chance of prosper
ity. Should reverses tome, there Is no
form of collateral which can bu
turned to such ready cash. Then
again, diamonds Increase In value
every jrear. Now is the time to buy.
We have a rich and varied assort
ment. Our diamonds will appeal
to you because they are perefctly
cut and marvelously brilliant.
They are sold with our positive
guarantee to be as represented,
t'ome In today and exanMne tho
diamond rings we are selling as
low as 20,00.
1 5th Slid IHniglas.
That Extraordinary Sale
e Hen's Furnishings
Cahn Stock,
With Our Immense Purchase of
Tlssro to Only Ono
That Is
Always remember the full name,
lor this signature on ererj bos:.
Asthma Catarrh I
tTABLIH0 lift
A Impie, nfa and effcctiv ircaimcat for bran
chial trouble!, without 4lQf tb tomacll with
druft. Uacd with auccoaa for thirty ytara.
Tb air rendertd wrongly aotitcpiic, Inaplrod
witb ovary breath, oiakct breathing oaay, toot bet
Iho aoro throat, and ttopa th cough, attaring rest
ful Bight. Croaoleoo la Inraiuablo lo Mother
with youuf children and a totufferera from
god aa aoatal for deacrMlvt Sooklet.
Try Creioleac Anti
aeptie Throat Tablet
for tba Irritated throat.
They aro elm pie, effect
U and aatlaeptlc. Of
yoar drug giat 01 from oa
loc la atampa
Vapo Cresoleoe Co.
1 Cortlaa St., N- V.
r -ft-;,.
Bvgs., 1S-85-50-7BS
Daily Mat 15-86-SOe
.liiiKlmg Jollity -and Fun. Willi JIM. Ml I:.
('(..NNlili-i and -T ilaby Hag Doll i'oriles.
Ladles' Dime Matinee Bverr Week Uay,
hat. Night. Feb.
letic bhow.
It. "Farmer' burns' Alii-
Hicca.h Siring Quartette
lucilay Kvenliiif, February lSlli
V. V. V. A. AudiUiriuiu
Program, Beethoven, Tcharkowsky,
Blnigagllt, llaydn.
Prices 1 50 and f 1.00 On sale by Kospe,
Kayden, Bchsaoller a) Mueller.
Fv. if M
1 'Wf
A Great Wrestling
Thursday Wight, Feb; IIS
Beserved Beat Bale Bow On.
v '
1322 Fnrnam St.; ':
. " rft .'
. - f -i.v
I . ' t
602 Broadway;
New York;, , J
!.- t 4
: (:
I 4
The high quality of'
the goods in 'the
Albert Cahn. stock,
was well known tq
every Omaha man. 1
' ' ' 't,: ; .ato :j
Ths -Horn
and Bam Bloe the live Wire Ooniadlan
A 9s Frodnotlon at Burlesque Prices
K.VTliA ts-e her IHg Hltip Hcene
Extra for the Ladissi Beautiful silk
fiettiooats wilt be given away to the
sdlee attending the-- matinees.
The Most Beautiful Chorus in Burlesque
Tonight Ohojus Olria' Contest
Wed. Wight .Waltting; Contest
Tours., Trl.. Bat., The Congo Xing.
MAT. TODAY S0c, TEW, 60d A
Tonight, Popular Prices '
Matinees Baturday and Sa4ay tSe
Mights, aSo, SOe, TSo." Beats 'Today
Beat Tues., 4 p. m., Mary Mauohhoff.
camaBTOg uhivdbsrt ' '
gee club, thujis.j&Ve;
riBBVAXT aeTu. : -
Olee Club assisted by Fredrick 47.
rreeiuantel, Tsnorj Miss Ellsfeketh
Hamllng, Soprano; Mastatr Joseph
oui, violinist. - !
Tonight, Mats. Tttes. Thos, Bat-'
And Bar Exoellent Cooipaoy in ,'
Ths World's Oireatest tiOTS . Btory..',
Best weak! The laughAbi oomedy,
tiHlBLEri AUX.
Mat. Sally, 8:16. BWary Wight, B:19i
W. X. Murphy and Atlanch SiloiMla
Diok, the Canine Penman j Jimi tad
Deely; The Plve Haundas; Biudlas ia
porcelain; Badiant Kadis JTunnan;,
Paul Plorusi Xinidiomei Vruheau
Concert Orchestra. "
Phones I r.
Doug, i&41i.
Jud-,. A.ljueL
TEIII IBOWS-8:18. 749. fl igtt,
All This Week . . . a..
John and Bertha Houlihan and Pied'
Oleasoa; Ethel Barr and Coupanyj
Will Dookeyi Dena Caryl; Haneyauj'
Co. Mat . 10c; Mights, lOo, aoc, 3oc.
Preliminaries. '-' l'
Prieesi 60o TSo, SI ana- fl.M , ,
and Hats
'.I . ri' '.