10 TTTE RFX: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1911. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wneat Open Lowrr on Good Crop Prospect. OUTLOOK IS "FOR A DECUUE Me Hall wa la laht Maht Mee-e-mrala f.lve torn gltaatlea More Krmtfh Advaare le Prooanle. OMAHA. Feb. 14. 1911. flood generoii ra Inn over the winter heat belt and particularly In the eouth (( where It was mot needed gave wheat a weak and lower opening. In canvassing the wheat situation thera aeema to he noth ing bullish In evidence. The trade l strongly In fsvor of lower value bearing ordlrmrv reaction due to oversold conill tlona of the market, which will result In sharp, temporary advances. Light movement In rorn is causing some how of strength, and country deliveries lll be further hind red owing to umpass- ble roads. With any support tha corn market could advance. Wheat broke aharply at tha opening on hesrlsh newe and rains In tha winter wheat belt. Flout- pricea were reported lower and demand In all sections continues very dull. Cash wheat locally was reported lo lower. t orn held steady throughout the day In face of the lower wheat market. Light re ceipts and little tr no prospects for a larger movement gave cash corn a firmer tone and ssmple wera reported sold at hko ad vance. Prlmsry wheat receipts were 23,yx bush els and shipments were 211 000 bushels, acalnst receipts last year of 692.000 bushels and shipments of JW.OOi) bushels. Trlmary corn receipts were S.TO.OOD bush els snd shipments wera WS.000 bushels. gainst receipts last year of 817.0HO bushels and shipments of 4'.'$,noo bushels. Clearances wera 685.000 bushels of corn, 1.0W bushels of oats and wheat and flour e-iual to 2&8.000 bushels. Liverpool closed -Sd to V lower on wheat and Hd to "!d lower on corn. The following cash sales were reported: WHEAT No. 8 hard. 1 car, Mc; No. 4 bard. 1 car (.rye mixed), 82c; 2 car (ry mixed. 81c. CORN-No. t white, 1 car (part old), 8Hc; 1 car, STlic; No. 3 yellow, 6 cars, :wc; No. 4 yellow, 1 car. 37'c; No. 3 mixed, 1 car (local sale). ie; 1 car. 38e; 3 cars, 274c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 3c; no grade, 1 car, ll'c. OATS No. 2 while. 1 car. 29c; No. I white. 1 car, SS'c; No. 4 white, 1 car, S8c; No. 4 yellow, 2 cars, 27540. Omaha Cash friers. WHEAT No. 2 hard, WW"'"! No. t hard. MTJjSOVic; No. 4 hard, 71fcMVc; re jected hard, TO'-i-S hlHc ; No. i spring, 86hr3 WV: No. 2 spring, 83(gS8i,c. CORN-No. 2 white, WAQWic; No. t white, 8917 .Wv: No. 4 white, iOeuM'rc; No. I yellow, Zirf 3&tc; No. 3 yellow, 37feffl8e; No. 4 yellow, 36,t?,17',o; No. 2, XlU'3H,iiii No. 3, 37ViJ8c; No. 4. 3S',41'37e. OATS No. 2 white, 28Wi2!c: standard. 27Vrra'c; No. 3 white, CTViUS; No. 4 white, 279274c; No. 8 yellow, 27',4SZ7c; No. 4 yellow, 2tfjiS27tic. BARLEY No. 3, 74flc; No. 4. 6gC4o; No. 1 feed, RK'tnwio: rejected, MfffiOo. RTE-No. 2. IWHSOc: No. 3. 7WJp. C'arlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 22 480 103 Minneapolis 360 Omaha 24 80 18 l'ulutb 68 CHICAGO GRAIX AND PROVISIONS Featarea ( the Tradlagt aad Cloota Prices am Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Feb. 14. Depressed "by Im pending reciprocity and by rain In the drouth-stricken southwest, miscellaneous holders of wheat sold out today with little or no reserve. Much evening up of open Interests on the part of larger shorts caused a rally, but the close, though firm, was at a net loss of Ho to Ho. Tha day's trade left com c to c higher .than Saturday night, oats unchanged to c up and provisions lens expensive by a shade to 20c. The firm tone at the finish In wheat re sulted chiefly from purchases here by the northwest against salea at home. This buying gave rise to rumors of export busi ness. There was. however, no basis for the talk so far as United States wheat was concerned. A decrease of the visible supply In this country helped the tendency to recover during the last half of the day. Earlier In the session prices had suffered from large world shipments, a gain in Kurnpean stocks, and from continued free offerings by Australia, India. Russia and the Argentine. Final prices here were the highest of the session. May, after rang ing from 1So to 9Zc, closed at the lant named figures. So off compared with Sat urday night. Corn was comparellvel v strong. May fluctuated between 4fH4r4XHe and 49c, closing Kao up at 49Lc. Cash corn was about atcady. No. 2 yellow finished at 4h(.&47c. Oata sold the lowest of the season. May bad as high and low points 31l4o and 31;,e, with last salea at 3IVa31!c, a net rise of Mj '4c. Provisions were bearlshly affected bv the large receipts of hons. In the end perk showed a loss of 7V,o to 20c. but lard and ribs a trifle less than a nickel. Pricea In Chicago, furnished by the Up dike Grain company, 70S Rrandris building Omaha. Telephone Douglas 3478. ' Articles Open. High.) Low. Close.) Tes y. Wheat May.. July... Kept... Corn May.., July... 8ept... Oats May.. July.. Kept.., Fork May.. July.. Lard May.. July.. Kept.. Ribs Ma v.. July.. Sept.. Bill 1 Si K'.J l'90Sil4i9Itfin.i 801, 8K90WV 2Ti IWOWiai i 487 49', 50', 4f!4S4fflH M'l9V'i 6IV1I bv,i 481! 4VQ MfctrW 81T, 3H4 31. 3tv. .11 si 81 31V 3131'4;31Stl 31 21HjVil31VVs 17 60 17 62Ui 17 37 17 2' 17 70 " 174 46 9 374 9 42 4 9 4.1 9 Jn 9 274 18 t 40 30 9 30 18 w I 1 80 i 14 974 (45 I 9 3?i! 9 37 9 ;o 9 42'i 9 37U, 9 27 9 274 9 30 9 l.'S 9 lft 87 37H 30 I 16 I 4 9 2i', 9 271,! 9 42' t 9 2241 9 36 I Cash quotationa were as follows: FIX r R Weak ; winter patents. 84.1094.tt; straights. 8a ..''() 4. 50; spring straights, W.lva 0; bakers, UVK-No. 2. Hie. BARL1CY Ktx-d or mixing. 6(V572c; fair to choice malting, gMjttTc. BliKD.S Fiax. No. 1 southwestern, 82.59; No. 1 northwestern, 82.72; timothy seed, 11 00: clover, 814.76. PROVISION'S Mesa pork, per bbl., 130.758 tl.ou; lard, per W lbs.. 3s X3 414; .short ribs, sides (loose), 8i2iioa.75; short clear Kirs (boxed). ;vi.'.(i'J h.'-. Total clearance of wheat and flour for Iwo days were equal to 2,000 bu. Primary recelpta were bu., compared with bui.Ouo bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Tha visible supply of wheat in the I nlled states decreased 11K.O0O bu. for the week. The atnouoi of brradatuff on ocean passage lncrrred 3..VS i) tu. Fstlniated receipts for l-jinnrrow: W heat, 60 cars; corn, l.P cars; oats, z cars, hogs, SG.oju head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 red. 804j:c; No. 1 red, NHSIV; No. 3 hard, tlti'jjc: No. 1 northern spring. Ksctill oi: Mj. 2 northern spring, (tikiy 11.01; No. 3 spring. KiK-iBl00. Com: No. 2 cash. 4fih! 4 tc; No. 3 canh, ivti44'c; No. 3 white. ai,c; No. 3 while, 44'vu Mlfcc: No. 2 yellow, ',9(7c; No. J yellow, 4Ji44,4c. Oa(s: vO. 3 iaih. 3tc; No. 2 while. S:-4i.l;'c; No. 8 white. 3Hiol.c; No. 4 ahite. 3i"o30-c; standard. 31', njlc. HI T I' ICR Kieady ; creameries. i726!c; daiiHS. I'ii2.c. Ktj'it Sleady. at mark, cases Included, ll'.jgl: ih'cii)I. lll'.'iJ cases; firsts, ljc; (ii line fli sts. 14''. POTATOKSV-Kasy: choice to fancy, 46 Hx.'; fair to good, 4!(rJJj'. PttL'LTKV Steady, turkeys, d reused, Jlo; CluckeiiN. live. I apiliiKS. live, 1-c- t 1 1 br'.tiK- wicdv ; daisies. lMiloc; tin. U'.ij ; oung Aniericss. 14tlic; Iimik Itotna. li4'ilc. KAI,- 8(,'1 : f o 8'-lli. welthla. 84c; 80 to te-lh. weighie. l'c; to Ru-lb. weights. Il't--. r l.ol Recvli'is-Today: Wheat. 22 cars; coin. 41 nn; out. )"1 tars. Ksdmated To morrow: vv hia(, i cars; corn, LP'S cars; mi j, Hi caif. MllnaiLrr 4-rala Market. Mll.WAI KKK. Feb 14 W II K AT No. I Bonliern. ll.(Hil 014, No. 2 norlhern, SSH-y 8 'l . Mnv. f.xi!" V bid OA! S -MamJuin i.i;!l,c. (nltX-Na 3. 4i"-in. : Mny, 4r''rC. b A Kl.K) t'anii le. K'Xi.'ic. 4ailable "mrplirm of Orala. NKW YORK. Feb. 14. -The visible supply rf srain In Hie I nned stales Saturdav. Fel.rcei ) H as rnninili.! b the Ntft York Irnri'He exchsnse. as as follows. Wheat. .; t..: t.; decrease. li bu. Com, i lu , (lu reae. l l'rt bu (nis, l'..':V.JU bu . ; de iae, IK 0i bu. Bys, 31,- bu ; decrease, ? one, tu. Harlev, t.4;'4 0no bu.; decrease, tjooni nu. The vl1hle sup ply of wheat In anada lst Ssturdav was n xr.'.O'io bu., a decrease of 2n3,(mo bu. KW VORK UKRRAL MARKET 4IHIi ( the Par Varteae C on mod I Ilea. NEW TORK. Feb. 14 FI ICR Quiet and ealer; aring patents. 86(iii'i.'.'n; win ter straights. 84 4 10; winter extrss. No. I. II (j.l.HO; winter extras. No. 2. 83.1..n3.30; Kanss straights. 34 3f'i4.S0 Rve flour, steady; fair to good, 34'a4 90; choice to fnnev; 4 4v,r4.hO. Ruckwheat f)ur dull; $L 25 per IK) Ihs. ( 'OKNM KA L Firm: white snd yellow, II. 2""!il.25: coarse, 811:S1.16; kiln dried. 82 5. WHKAT Hpnt market easv; No. 2 red, Kc elevator and tfc.c f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth. 31.114 f. o. b. afloat, futures market: Good rains in the south west, coupled with besrlHh foreign advices, caused new low records In wheat today. Pert of the loss was recovered, however, on covering and the light Interior receipts, the close being Sffltc net lower. Mav, VI 13-16(jSc. riosed 9s,e; .Tulv, 96 9-1H WSc, closed 97i,c. Recelpta 176.)0 bushels; shipments. 64...l hushela. CORN Spot market, steady; new No. 2, Mc f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was without transactions, closing at 40 net advance. May closed b. Receipts, .h.3.5 bushels; shipments. 3.W.S82 bushels. OATS ripot market steady. Futures market was without transactions, closing at Vu;,o net lower. May closed Sfi'ic; July, 3l0i; Houth American. 110.75; compound, none. HAY-8teady; prime, 31074c; No. 1. 3106; No. z. 90c; No. 3. 75frfe. HOPS Firm, sin ie common to choice, 11'ID. :.ViiL'c; J!n, lS'82ic; Pacific coast, 1910, 2(Ko2:,c; 1909. 14jl7c. HIDES Steady; Central America, X!e; Bogota, 22c. L1CAT11KR Firm; hemlock firsts, 234 iJ64c; seconds, 212o; thirds, ! 20c; rejects, KiyiTc PROVISIONS Pork, ' steady: mess, 322.B(Mi23.r0; family, 22.0ryj23.O0;i ehort clears, 319.60!;i22.00. Beef. quiet; mess I 4 ClKTi M Foi lamlly. i s.JOdc i .00 : l.eef hams, t-SWa 27.00. uCt meats dull; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., 312.0iKa 13.00; pickled hams, tl2.u0ti 13.00. lrd, easy; middle west, prime, 3'.).iVr!i).tifc; refined steady; continent, ij.k): South America, 810.76; compound. 8.0"u-8.26. TALLOW Quiet; prime city. hhds.. 7'ac; country, 75r74c BUTTKR Htcady; creamery specials. 29c: exttas, 27ii274c; firsts, 21ii2tc; seconds, Wjj 21c; creamery held specials, 24(r.!c; extras, 2.'l'e'-34c; first. 2P22c; seconds, iMiJOc; state dairy finest, 2.''a:w; state dairy finest, good to prime, zi'a'.'ic; state dairy finest, com mon to fair, 17'ii20c; process specials. Zulfcc: extrss, 20u asked; first, iydL9c; seconds, (11 hlKHHj Firm, unchanged. State whole milk, special, lo4'Ulc. Fancy white, 144tf ltic. F.OG8 Weak; western fresh gathered. whites, lriaic. POI'LTliY Dressed. Irregular; chickens, IWitU-. fowls, 134164c; turkey. li23u. WEATHER IN TUB GRAIN BELT Colder Weather la the Prediction for Toaiaht. OMAHA. Feb. 14, 1911. The rains of the last twenty-four hours were general In Kansas, Oklahoma, along the Missouri river and east over the Mis sissippi and Ohio valleys and lake region, and rains and snows continue this morn ing In the upper Mississippi valley and cast to the Atlantic coast, the snows being con fined to the northern portion of the lake region. In Nebraska and the Dakotas tne raina did not extend to any considerable distance west of the eastern boundaries and our reports do not show any precipita tion whatever in central and western Ne braska. The barometric depression, ac companying the precipitation, is now cen tral over the upper Mississippi valley. A relative depression overlies the middle Rocky mountain region, and Is causing un settled weather throughout the west, and light snows are falling from Montana south over the mountain region to northern Ari zona. With the disturbance over the cen tral valleys, and the depresulon over the mountain region, the conditions are favor able for continued cloudy and unsettled weather In this vicinity tonight and Wedneeday, with a change to somewhat colder. ' Temperture and precipitation as com pared wltn the last three years: 1911. 1D10. 1909. 1908. Lowest last night.. 32 84 0 22 Precipitation 00 .08 '.01 Normal temperature for today, 23 degreta. Deficiency in precipitation sine March L 1910, 14.72 inches. Excess corresponding period, 1910, 4.68 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period, 1909, 6.0t Inches. , L. A. W ELSH, " iocal Forecaster. St. I.oels Ueaeral Market. 8T. LOUIS. Fen. 14. WHEAT Futures lower; May, Wc; July, 89c; cash lower; track, No. 2 red, 9c. CORN Higher: May. 484c: Julv. 49'io: cash lower; track. No. 2, 44c; No. 2 white, 44V(Nf4c. OATS Lower; track. No. 2, 2fc231Uc; No. 2 white. 32(f324o. Kt K i nchanged at 83c. FLOUR Weak: red winter natents. 24 M fji.hu; extra fancy and straight, 84.10tf4.20; nam winter Clears, x.i.ajt)j.i.iiO. BKF.Drt Timothy, 36.0u3'9.&0. CORNMEAI-$2.80. BRAN Lower: sacked (east tracks it na 61.07. HAY Lower; timothy 12.00S 17.00; rirai rle. steady, 2U.0OS 14.00. PROVISIONS Pork. lower: lohhlmr 820.60. Ird, lower; prime steam, 89.274' 9.374. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 110.26; clear ribs, 310.25; short clears, 210.374. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 111.82V,; clear ribs, $11,624; short Clears, $11,874. poultry steady; chickens. 12c; springs, Uc; turkeys, 164c; ducks, 16c; !? SC. BUTTER Dull; creamery, 19fi26o. LGUS-Weak at 16c , Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 21,700 10,200 Wheat, bu 3.(kj0 37,uuO Corn, bu 240.00U M ri Oats, bu 1HU.0U0 74,OuO Kaasaa City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITT. Feb. 14 WHEAT Mav. 864c; July, 8trt,c, bid. Cash, unchanged to iuc rawer; rvo. i nara, Boyyoiic; No. 8, 84 d 81c; No. 2 red, tedWic; No. 3, 9iiS4c. CORN May, 4il,c, sellers. July, 484c. bid. Cash unchanged; No. 2 mixed, 414t 4i:c; No. 3. 4ltm4c; No. 2 white. 4:842-Vic; No. 3. 41Jj414c. OATS Cash, sleady; No. 2 white. 3143 S2c: No. 2 mixed. 2wt)c. RYE No. 2. 7n&,to. HAY Unchanged; timothy, choice, 81150 tj H.Ou ; choice prairie. l2.uu. BROOM CORN-30WJ1.10. BUTTKR Creamery ( firsts. 22c; seo- onds, Av. parking stoi'k, lie. EUUS HLxlraa, 17c; firms, lc. . . Receipts. Shipments. Wheal, bu. moiio ooo C orn. bu 7t.4ko w ornj tta. bu 22.UUO llaaeaKlie tirala Market. MIN'NKAPniJK Vh li ivuii.t 97c; July, i.sSc; September, sic; cash No. 1 liuril w. .. . , V . . 1 n . . 1 ty ..u,, . k - - . . ..... ,,.r,, n-..,!;, 1U. 2 northern. 9l4ij97c; No. 8, 9;(u94c. FLAX Closed, 32 9. CORN .No. 8 yellow, 42'ti4,c. OATS-No. 3 white, 2S4'o2s"c. RYE-No. 2. 77'ti774c HKAN-ln liw pound sacks. 320 7Vn22 00. FLOUR-nrst patents, 34.464(4. 66;" second patents, 4.i.j4 7.".: first clears, $2.8u3.36; second clears, 31.ttu(s2.66. Philadelphia Presses Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 14. BUTTE R Firm: extra western creamery, Joe; neurby prints. 31c. E(J!S Ic lower; Pennsylvania and other nearby fust a. free cases, r.tc at mark; cur rent receipts, free cases, lsd at mark: west ern firsts, free cases. Wc at mark; current receipts, free canes, 18c at mark. CHEESE Steady; New York full creama, fancy, September. 14c: fair to good, 1,4.1 134c. Liverpool (irala Market. LIVERPOOL Feb. 14.-W 11 EAT-Spot. dull; No. 2 red wesiern winter, no stock; futures quiet; March, '.l;d; May. ss 10 'vl. CORN-Spot, quiet: American mixed, new. 4s 2' td; American mixed, old. 6a ;d; fu tures, quiet; March. 4s 2',d; May. 4s Vd July, 4a '4d. ' FLOUR Winter patents, sleady. 29s. Peoria Market. PHORIA. Feb. 14,-CORN-Esy: No. 2 yellow. 44c; No. 3 4Jc; No. 4. 414c; sam ple. $v. OATS-steartv; No. 2 while. 31c: No. 3 v.tii(e. )'c; No. 4 while. 24c; siandard. 34 c. Omaha liar Market. OMAHA. Feb 14-HAY- Ne I. 81O.M; No. I fc. packing. tW: alfulfa 312 00. Straw: Wheal, to.M; re. KM; oats. 37 0". Sir Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 14 SUOJAR Raw, alradv; musmado, 89 tel. IH-: ten'ritu gal test. 3 4v ; niulssjei, M test. i-,Jc. ReLned s uar, quiet. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Movements of Say for Most Fart Without Importance.' MISSOURI PACIFIC IS FEATURE Traffic of Weatera Roads Holdlagr I p Well F,i8 to Justify Hxaveela tloa of Steady laiarovetaeat la the Fstsrs. NEW TORK. Feb. 14 Stock exchanre price movements today for the most psrt were without importance. Wall Btreefs chief Interest lay In announcements of Im portant new financing and in the tem pestuous course of speculation In the com modities msrkets. Developments In regard to the new financing Included an estimate of New Y'ork Central's plans, the directors hav ing authorixed Issuance of $30,000.0) tjiree year 44 per cent notes, sale of 3l0.oo0.ono j two-year 4 per cent notes by the Balti more at nio. ano ine statement that tne Kansas City southern's recent offering of 85.OiO.oo bonds had been largely over subscribed. The Canadian stocks and the Gould group, particularly Missouri Pacific, were the features of the market. Canadian Pa cific's showing of more than 310.0000n0 surplus earnings for the last half of 1910 gave that Issue strength and carried up the other stocks In the Canadian group. Steady absorption of Missouri Pacific, which had been evident for several weeks, was explained probably bv advices re ceived from 8t. Louis, which stated that attorneys for the standard Oil company nd Its bankers had made a formal de mand for the books of the company pre liminary to a campaign for proxies to be used at the annual meeting on March 14. Trafflo of the western roads, according to the weekly advices from Chicago, Is holding up weil enough to Justify ex pectations of steady Improvement, al though last week's storm Increased op erating 'expenses heavily. Time money was easier today, Bixtf nr! ninety-day rates declining allghtlyi TTIw clearing house banks today made the un usual gain of $;t,46,000 from the ub treamiry. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value. 82.890.000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: 1 iim tw rn.. I'M) 3.1 M (a 4.0OO 614, S v I.0CO 61 S 81 SI 1,J"0 4fi4 444 44 ( X Hi Id 47 Mm M'i MO 404 0 Mi., 24 im 2in ;i4 100 us 12S 1.10A 4Z(t 41' 414 8,KX . 10 7 0 1064a K,, 0 MVa M)4 Sn'i l.Ino liVauv 114 1.6") H:,H 14S 1454 l HI ,-',, tA4, jo SJV j4 ta 2O0 4I4 4n4 S9't 8,4no h;i 104 jnaif N) 1024, 10314 1" m4 800 mri losyj ihd 0 t 12 !4j 4,l 7 7SS 7"1 4,100 21J04 8l: S12i( 100 81 J1S 'S 104 '4 2811 8,100 M ItS ' ' 84 101) 234 OH 23 S 100 47( 47 4 4)4 no 14'4 14S4 1-U 8.6I0 124 ia 127 00 42 41 : 44 4M (74 87 87 8,800 14644 1444 144S 144 170H 8.400 (44 834 t, 1,400 73 734 72S 200 17 JH 84 T.4O0 3!4 21(4 114 8.600 814 4044 (0V4 l.eoo as 8d0 lfu(4 166(4 1M 8,400 12M4 12D 1204 1,700 (Kt(4 4.1 624 100 13S 134 134 1.KI0 94 ) 1S 2,400 60 844 84V4 1.600 1IM4 118(4 lis 100 17(4 17(4 17 no I014 10(4 10(4 200 434 43 44 200 194 1(4 It OS 86(4 C 844 "0 74 wTSa. 61 8110 11144 J1144 111(4 200 147(4, 147 4 14, 200 80 AO 10 2.I0U 142 14044 141 1.2U0 244 804 47 8,t0 0 874 6 loO 1:14 121 14 122 100 474 674 674 200 26V4 26(4 24 1.000 1134 112 113 1,00 434 434 43 700 724 714 71 4,700 15! (4 12'4 124 800 t !X(4 274 000 Vn 12,(4 l-'S 200 1074 107(4 lOKIj I'O S H 74 100 214 214 24 K) 24 24 IU4 400 1S1 10(4 16014 1O0 274 37(4 47. M0 161 V 164 8,100 864 6 844 1110 i n 8.8O0 U4 34 324 0 44 434 S3'4 xm 434 4.14 41 4O0 834 32 14 3:114 400 474 44 47, 634 8.200 120(4 DOS H'. 4,I0 24 2s 2H 1.000 6f'4 h n(4 8. 100 84 .18(4 14 4,") 40V4 I0'4 . 22(4 600 244 24 234 100 634 634 83 14,700 10S4 17'4 1V4 "0 34 .iS 43 Vl t4 IK44 41 1.200 43 41 V4 414 24.600 214 804 81 loO 11 UK7, 114 1.000 44 4 46 . 44 IU4 M 48 85 8.400 174 17 174 ,l0 2S4 374 2H 4O0 81(4 41 6" 70 100 74(4 14(4 744 700 4 4 6(4 7,400 1724 177 4 177 4 808, TOO shares. Amalgamated Copper American Agricultural American Het Sugar American Can American C Jr. F American rotton Oil American H A U dm Am. Ice Seetirlttea American IJnaeed American Isotonic tire American R a R Am. 8. Jr. R. pfa Am. Steel Foiindrlei Arn. Sugar Refining American T. Jk T American Tobacco pfa American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchleon Atchleon pfs Atlantic Coast Line Ball I mora Jt Ohio Bethlehem steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central Leat her Central Leather pfd Central of New Jereer.... Cheeepeake A Ohio..., 4hlcago A Alton Chicago O. W., new O. W. pfd Chicago A N. W C. , M. m St. p V.. U. C. A St. L Colorado F. A I Colorado A southern Conaolldated Gas Corn Products Delaware eV Hudson Denver A Rio Grande D. Jr R. O. afd.. manners' Securities Brie Erie 1st pfd Krle M pfd General Electric Oreat Northern pfd ureal Northern Ore etni... Illinois Central Imerborough Mat Int. Met. pfd ntematlonal Harvester ... Int. Marine pfd international Paper Imernatioaa! Pump Iowa Central Kansas City So K. c. Bo. pfd Laclede Gas Loulavllle Je Nashville Minn. Jt St. Louis M., St. P. A S. S. M M.. K. A T M . K. A T. pfd Mleeourt Pacific National Blacult National Lead N. H. R. of M. Id pfd New York Central N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A Weatern Northern Paclflo Pacific Mall Pennaylvanla People's Gaa P., t ., :. A St. L Plttahurg Coal Preaeed Steel Car Pullman Palaoe tar Railway Steel Spring Reading Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Island Co Rock laland Co. pfd St. L. A S. P. 3d pfd St. IvOUIS B. W St. L B. W. pfd Ski... Sheffield S. A I Southern Pacific Southern Hallway So. Rail way pfd Tenneaees Copper Texas A Pacific T., St. L A W T., St. LAW. pfd t'nlon Pacific Itnlnn Pm c I f 1 n nfd I nlled Slates Really tolled States Rubber United Slates Steel U. S. Steal pfd t'tah Copper Vs -Carolina Chemical .... Wabuh Wabaiih pfd veelem Maryland Weatlnghouae Electric Weatern Lston Wheeling A L,. B Lehigh Valley I.oadoa Stock Market, LONDON, Feb. 14. American securities were quiet and stead during the first hour today. At noon the market was steady, with prices ranging from unchanged to above parity. Closing quotations on stocks were: Consols, money .. 80 3-14 Loulavllla A N 1514 do account Kit . a. ai r. .. Amal. Copper C74 N. Y. Central Anaconda (4 Norfolk A W. Atchleon 11 0 4 da pfd da pfd lo4 Ontario A W. Bel. A Ohio.. lue4 Pennaylranla . Canadian Pacific ....tlO'4 Hand Mine ,. Chea. A Ohio e4 Reading Chicago O. W 24i Southern Ry. C. M. A St. P 151 -4 do pfd De Beers 1 So. Pacific ... Lxn.tr A R. 0 24 t'nlon Paclfls do pfd 74 do prd Brie 32 4 b. S. Steel.... do lat pfd e!t do pld do 2d pfd 404 Wabath Grand Trunk t4 P'd Illinois Central 1 Spaslah 4a . :7 .117 .110 . I . 46 . 8i 4 . . 8i4 . !S'4 k'S .12344 .lkft . M'4 . 2:H .lt?. . 17 '4 , 8B' . tv r'lLVEH Har, steady, at 23 li-lbd per os. MuNKY !4 per cent. '1 he rate of Discount In the open market for short bills Is 3il-Hr4 per cent; for three months' bills, Zai 1-18 per cent. leeks aad Bonds. 14. Closing quotations on follows: BOSTON. Feb stocks were as AHouee Amal. Copper A . K L. 8 Ariaona Com Atlantic H A C C. A S. at. Butie Coalition" .. e al. A Arliooa Cel. A llcua Centennial t opper Range C. C. Ket Bulls C M Kranklln Glruua Con tirenby Con Ureene tananea ... lale Royale Copper. Kerr lAke lke Copper La Halle copper U'lml Copper Aaaed. Sl dl. .. (4 Mohawk .. 60S Nevada Con .. 2i' Nipiolng Ulnea .. lis North Bulla, 31 . Krf h l.ka ... .. 43 .. lev. .. 104 .. : .. 4 .. 44 ..no .. 12 .. 47 .. 11 .. 87 .. 4 .. 114 . . : .. 3 .. 44 .. I .. 4 .; .. 84 ..121 12't Old Dominion ... It D.ceuia 62 Parrott 8. AC 6116 Wuincy 12 Shannon 67 e Superior 12-4 Superior A B 14. Superior A P. C 4S 1 an.ajack 84 U I. H. 4 II do pfd , 11 t'tah t on , 7 t tan Copper Co.. , ti Winona , 4 Wolverine I. oral teearltles. . Quotations furnished b' Burns. RrlnWer A o . 448 New Omaha National Bank building: Id. Aked. He 117 It M4 l"i 7 M tf'4 l'B 11 t. Ui 04 lM 1-4 liw 1.'(4 luo ; '4 i 1M M14 1-w e I 84 M Clly Nat. Bank alock. Onuka C'udahv Pa.Hiitg to. ae. ly4 Corn r.k hange Nat. bank Umana.... It 11 j of New York ia. 14 'Valrmonl Creamery lal g. 4 per oenl 1riii'Mi , , r , f". I'aliniont Cieainery, torn I General fclotora ; ii real Weieiu Susar to, 7 p c. pfd. (ertnan r Ire luauranue. Omaha....... He. II. Neb., e. hool M kanaaa Cry Ternonai 4a l.oa Co , la . 4 per cent warranla riant l a , Neo . eatrama 4 per oenl Otiiatia I ountry ''hit ft. iKl uauaAS Uas ea. 141 Omaha Water 8a, ia.4 et 4414 Omaha St. Ry. ee 1H It lo Onieha A C. St. Hy. 5. 1J4 7 :4 Omeha A C. B S. R. pfd. 8 per cent "J i Omahe C. R St. Ry com I TS t nlon Stock Tarda stork 6 gherldao coal com 76 Is Nee York Moaer Market. NF.W YORK. F'eb. 14 MONK Y On call, steady at Ii,j-,4 rr cent;- ruling rate. Z per rent; closing bid. 24 per cent; offered st t per cent. Time loans, easier; slty days. 8 per cent: ninety days, 3ru34 per cent; six months. !44i.l per cent. PR1MK MERCANTILE TAl'lvR 44j'44 per cent. HTKRLINO KXCHANOB Firm, wltb rtiisl business In bankers' bills at 14 M4M 4 Mftfi for sixty-day bills and at 21 'lO for demand: commercial bills, 84 K1 424. KILVKR Bar, 61T4C; Mexican dollar, die KOND8 Government and railroad, lesdy. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : V. 8. ref M, reg..v10n4 it. M at. 4vs 4 ao coupon Wi Jtran 44 8'4 V. 8. 2a, reg lo de 44a '.4 4o eoupon ioa k. C So. jat la 74 V. 8. 4. reg 116 U S. deb. 4s 1KU.... 8314 do coupon ll I. A N. onl. '4a H14 Allla-Chal. let 8a... 74 M., K. A T. let 4s.. tv4 Am. A. 8e 1"'.'4 do gen. 4 Ha 4 Am. T. A T. ct. 4i..lo7'a Mo. Pacific ee 7 Am. Tobaoos 4a 83S N. R. R. of M. 4(4S 6 do 4a uw e N. T. C. g. 314a li Armour A Co. 414a.. S34 do deb. ee 834 Atchleon gen. 4 M'4 N. T . N. U. A H. do ct. 4s. lo ct. ea 1344 do c. 8a lii4 N. A W. lat . 4a... M A. C. I., lat 4a S4 do re. 4o 106(4 Bel. A Ohio 4a 01144 No. Paclflo 4a loo do 8Va 3 do la 71 do S. W. ia ana, O. 8. U rfdg. 4a 8.44 Mroolt. Tr. c. 4a ... It Penn. ct. IS4a 1118.. KH t en. of oa. 6e I11IC4 eao eon, B io Can. Leather 6a Tteadlng gen. 4a 174 C. of N. J. g. 6e U'3'4 . L. A S. F. fg. 4a 114 Chea. A Ohio 4(4a...lol'a do gen. 6a 874. do ref. 6 H'i SW. L. 8. w. r. 4a... T4 Chicago A A. 114a... 71 do 1st gold 4a 8014 C. B. A (J J. 4a M'4 a. a. I. 4a 664 do gen. 4a 7', So. pc. col. 4. C. 84. A I P. ( l'4l ll do ct. 4a M C. R. I. A P. e. 4a. 7414 do lat ref. 4a f do rfg. 4a 114(0. Railway 8a los Colo. Ind. 8e ,. 71 do gen. 4e 774 Colo. Mid. 4a 67 Union PaclMe 4a loo4 C. A 8. r. A e. 4(4 4fi4 do ct. 4a 10c4 D A H. c. 4e a ,) i.t a ref. 4s.... M'4 U. A R. O. 4a ri(4 V, 8. Rubber 4a 1034 do ref. 8s 42 I'. B. steel td 6s H Planners' ea 4 Va.-Ckro. Chem. ts..1AI4 Kiie p. I. 4e II Wabaeh lat 6a I0114 do gen. a 74 do lat A ex. 4a.... 6"i4 do ct. 4e, eer. A.. '"4 Weitern Md. 4a I4 do serlea B 714 w est. Elee. ct. 8a.. 2l Gen. Elec. ct. 8a IM14 Wla. Cenlral 4a SI III. Cen. let ref. 4a.. 87(4 Mo. Paclflo 6s. 134 Int. Met. 44i ' Bid. New York Carta Market. The following quotations are furnished by Ixfran Bryan, members New York Stork exchange, 816 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Am. Tobacco 436 Greene Oanansa 84 Bay State Gaa 31 Inspiration . 14 Bonton Con 44 Laroee 6 Butte Coalition . ... ID Nevada Con 19(4 Cactus )l(4 Nawhouee 1 1-11 chtno 22u NeTada Iteh ...... 1 1-14 Chief Con 1(4 Ohio Copper 11-14 Fraction ,. u Rawhide Coalition .. 84 Harla Daly 1(4 Ray Central 14 Ojlbway 7 Swift Pkg. Co 101(4 Kerr Lake 74 Sears-Roebuck CO. ..1K04 Ely central 7(a surer Pick s Ely Con 24 Superior A P 144 Bly Witch 74 Tonopah Mining .... 8(4 Kranklln 10 Trinity Copper 4(4 Glroux 64 United Copper 1214 uoiorieia con 1 North Lke .. Goldflrld Florence... 14 Bohemia 34 Goldtleld Dalay 8 New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. Closing quotations on mining stocks were as follows: Alice 800 Little Chief 8 Com. Tunnel stock.. 23 Mexican 176 do bonda II Ontario 1M Con. Cel. A Vt 180 Ophlr 1M Horn BilTar 86 tandard 100 Iron SilcTr 160 Yellow Jscekt 86 Leadvlllo Cen 18 Offered. I Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Feb. 14. Bank clearings for to day were 11,913,487.14 and for the correspond ing aate last year 8Z,3b,6is.49. OMAHA WHOLESALE PRICES. BUTTER Creamery , So. 1, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 28c; No. 2, In 80-lb. tubs, 26c: No. 1 In 1-lb. cartons. 26c; packing stock, solid pack, 134c; dairy, in 0-1 D. tubs, l&Hloc. Market change every Tuesday. CHErG-Twlns. 16l4c: young Amer icas, 184c; daisies, lT4o; triplet. 174c; lim- Durger, isc; jo., 1 brlcK 170 ; imported Swiss, 82c; domestlo Swiss. 22c; block Swiss, 19c. POULTRY Praised broilers, under S lb.. 16 per doi., bens, 144c; cocks, 11c; ducks. 18c; geese, 13c; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per dog., 81-20; homer squab, per dox., 84.00; fancy squabs, per dos,. 8.1. 60: No. 1. per dox., 83.00. Alive, broilers, lAc; smooth legs. luc; hens, 11c; stags and old roosters. 8c: old ducks, full feathered, 12c; geese, full feathered, 94c; turkeys, 18o: guinea fowls. 25c each; pigeons, per dos., 60c; homers, per dox., 83.00; squabs. No. 1 per dos., 81.60; No. 2, per dox., 60c; capons, over S lbs.. 14c, old turkeys, 17c. FISH (all froxenl-Plckerel. 7c white, ltc; pike, 8c; trout, 11c; large crapples, 1215c; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, 18c; haddock, 13c: flounders. 12c: green catfish. 20c: roe shad, 81 each; shade roe, per pair, 65c; frog less, per aox., 00c; saimon, 11c; naiiDUt. 100; herring. 6c. BBEK CUTS-No. 1 ribs, lc; No. 2, 124s; No. 8, S4o; No. 1 loin. 17c; No, 2, 13c; No. 8, 104c; No. 1 chuck, 7c; No, 2, 7Vc; No. 8, 7c; No. 1 round, c; No. 2, 84c; No. J. 84c; No. 1 plate. Jc; No. 2, ; No. 8, 60. FRUITS. ETC. Apples: Missouri Ben Iiivts. per bbl., 86.00; California Belle flower, per box, 81.65; Colorado, extra fancy, Jonathan, per full bu. box, 8375; B. Twig, per full bu. box, 82.50; W. W. Pear main, per full bu. box, 82.75; Washington, extra fancy, Wincsap, 86-112 sixes, per bu., 82.76; 160-176 sixes, per box, 82 60; Washing ton Pippins, 4-tler, per box, 82.26 ; 6-tler, per box, 8200. Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, 82.2o&2.64; Jumbo, per bunoh, $2 763.76. Cranberries: Per box, 83.60; Wisconsin, Late Howe brand, per bbl., 810.60. Dates: Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs.. In boxes, per box, 82.00; bulk. In 70-lu. boxes, per lb., 64c. Figs: New Cali fornia. 12 12-ox. pkgs., toe; tfo 12-oi. pkgs., $2.40; 60 -os. pkgs., 82-00; Turkish, 7-crown, per lb.. Ice; 6-crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb., 13c. Urape fruit: Florida, 46-64-64 sixes, per box, 84. 00; 80-98 sixes, per box. 83.26. Lemons: Limonelra brand, extra fancy, 8UO-30U sixes, per dox, xt.bo; choice, 300-3 sizes, per lox. 8400; 240 size. 50o per box less. Oranges: Camella Kedlands navels, 60-i sixes, per bos, 82.86; 126 slie, per box, 82.66: 150 size, per box, 82.85; 178 and smaller aires, 83.00; choice navels, bO 96 sizes. 82.50; 126 size, 82.60; 150 and smaller sizes, 82.6X32.75. Pesrs: California Winter Nellls, per Dox, 8?.it; New iork Kelfer, per bbl.. 12 75. VKGETABLES Beans: 8trlng and wax, Der hamuer. 83ow?i4.00. Beets: Per bu.. 75c. Cabbage: Wisconsin, per lb.. 14c Carrots: Per bu.. 7dc. celery: Xdncnigan, per dox. bunches. Soc; California Jumbo, per dox. bunches, too. Cucumbers: Hot house, 14 and 2 dosen in box, per dox., 82 25. Egg Plant. Fane Florida, per dox., 82 00. Oar llc: Extra fancy, white, per lb., lie. Let tuce: Extra fancy leaf, per dox., 400. Onions: Iowa, red snd yellow, per lb., 24c; Indiana, white, per lb.. 3c; Spanish, per crate, 81.60. Parsley: Fancy southern, per dos. bunches, 60366c. Parsnips: Per bushel, 76c.. Potatoes: Early Ohio, In sacks, per bu.. Hoc; Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., loJtsOc; Colorado, per bu., iixtjaoc. Kutabagas; Per lb., l',,c. Sweet I'otatoes: Kansas, per bbl., 12 60. Tomatoes: Florida, per 6-bsk. crate, $j.u0 4)6 00. Turnips: Per bu,, 76c. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds: California sort shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, 1c levs. Brazil Nuts: Per lb., 13c; In sack lots, lc less. Cocoanuts: Per sack, 86.50; per dux., 80c. Filberts: Per lb.. 14c; in sack lo'., lo leas. Hickorvnuts: Large, per lb.. 6c: small, per lb., 6c. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., 8c; raw, per lb., 64c. Pecans: Large, per lb., loc; In sack lots, lc less. Walnuts; Black, per lb., 1'Wc; California, per lb., lHc; In aack lots, lo less. Cider: New York Mott's, cr 4-bbl., 83.76: per bbl., 86.76. Honey: New, 24 frames, 81 7 j. Wool Market. BOSTON. Feb. 14 WOOL-Conaiderable uncertainty pies alls in the local wool mar ket, aithougti there Is a fair demand for tlt-ecu wools and some movement In terri tory stock In original bags. Values re main steady. rales of Ohio fleeces are confined to one-quarter 'and three-eighths blood snd some delaine. One-quarter blood brings 27c. three-eighths Mc and waahed de laine 34c. Some Michigan one-quarter blood hss changed hands at 'a-64c. KI lAJLIS. Feb. 14 Wool Unchans-ed; teirltory and western mediums. liic; fine mediums, ltlec; fine, 12 u lie. evaporates Apples aad Drteaa I-re Its. NF.W YORK, Feb. II -EVAPORATED APPLES Steady, but rather quiet; on the apot. fancy, I2'nl3c; choice. U'yU4; prime, 104fjl4r; cold storage, 844 10c. IHIIKU Fltl'ITf-Prunes. firm on the light supplies; Iu4'gll4c for Callfornlas up to 30-40s; aprlcota, v truly on less pressure to sell; choice. 13c; extra choice, i3Vl34r; fancy, 13til4c; peaches, firm, wllh light offerings, liolce. 74'f?'J4c; extra choice. 74 "ifi'.r, raisins, firm on reports of llclit stocks on tne coaat ; loiwe muscatels, k'tty t.4c; choite lo fancy seeded, 844c; eeetl leaa, 44ac. Londoo layers. 81--dL4l. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Most Kinds of Cattle Wttk and Con idertbly Lower. HOGS EXPERIENCE ANOTHER DROP l.aaahs Slew fellero. kail Price He Bain Akaat gteadly, While Sheep Ceal or Metre. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 14. 1811. Hecelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Pheep. Official Mondsv 8 4 8.7tv 15.145 Estimate Tuesday 7.600 l.VOnfJ 8.600 Two day this week ..1S"4 t.V 21.845 Same days last week.... 7.fl:'8 18 448 11.870 Same days 2 weeks ago.. 12 1PS 14. 21.072 Bame days 2 weeks ago..13,S.'2 U K 1.! Same days 4 week ago..10..Va 11.841 51.670 Fame days laat year . .10.899 23,028 14.827 The following table shows the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date as compared with last year: 1011 1910 Inc. Dec. faille 143. 1?0.JM 23.434 Hog 272.148 27.1 S 84 Sheep 22S.648 182,893' 42,762 The following table shows the average prices on hog at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I u. !1910.lO.1908. 1907. 198.19. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. T...1 7 1 424 8 611 4 18 811 ri 4 74 10.. 11.. 12.. 18.. 14.. Feb. Feb. Feh. 9 8 16 4 181 81 s j 4 02 881 t (0 4 24 Feb. 8 894 S 77 Sunday. tl-.lnl. mwtA Jtl .1, ..... L. - mtijt lllBUBlDn Or 1V ItDia Ml the L'nlon Stock yards. South Omaha, for i"T,uj-iuur nours enning at 1 o cioca yes terday: RECKIPTS. 1 - , , I II... ClV. a. n XS'm'm r 11 . c. n 1' i Wabash , 8 Nal s li 07 i e s s s 7 324 47 16- I 4 91 6 70 4 68 7 SS4 8 481 M 4 0 I I 731 4 77 7 2041 81 8O1 4 171 90 f 4 77 e a 71 11 A ! 8 1 8 Til 1 2 1 65 11 I 8 4 63 10 23 2 2 7 I 43 12 14 2 .. 1 '2 !.' 211 41 ' 17 C. N. W.. ' a O. N. W., west.... 87 C. St. P., M. & O.... 39 C, B. & Q., eest.... 2 n. & west .... 61 C, R. I. & P., ejt.. 8 C R. I. p., west.. 8 Illinois Central 41 C. U. W 8 Total recelpta ....$12 DISPOSITION. Omaha Parking Co .. , 818 9.12 1,62 m 2.407 3,215 4.85 4,109 231 1.740 1,2!3 1.95S 2,439 Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co .. Armour ft Co Schwarts-Bolen Co .. Sinclair 90 W. it. Vansant Co 122 Benton, Vansant ft Lush 46 Hill & Son 109 F. B. Lewis 150 Huston ft Co 2 J. B. Root ft Co 112 J. H. Bulla 3 L. V. Hubs 4 L. Wolf 27 McCreary & Carey W! S. Werthelmer 29 H. F. Hamilton 42 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co 203 Sol Degen 203 Cllne & Christy 24 Other buyer 45 867 Total ,633 14,617 8,394 CATTLE Receipt of cattle numbered about 00 car, making the total for the two day this week 16,900 head, a gain over the same days last week of about 8.000 head and a gain over a year age of about 6.000 head. To make still another comparison the recelpta for the two days are the heaviest for any similar period In a number of weeks back. Condition were very much the same as they were yesterday morning, many of the cattle being of poor quality and weather condition and advice from other selling points being all against the selling Interest. The trade opened slow and dull tha same as it did yesterday and the forenoon wa well advanced before very much buslnea had been transacted. The best beef steer did not show ao much change, but the market on other kind wa weak and the trade a a whole very alow. The best that could be said of the market would be to quote It as alow to lOo lower than yesterday, or around t6e lower than last week's close. Cows and heifers showed about the same decline a beef steer and they, too, are about 26o lower than laat week' hlgk close. Blockers and feeder were very bard to move. The anow and rain has put feed yard in tha worst possible shape Imagin able and In consequence the country does not feel like buying. With a poor buying demand the market naturally la verv Hull and prices were lower again today. At the present time it l safe to quote feeders about 26c lower than the high point, while common and Inferior kinds are, IX anything, worse than that. Quotations on rattle: Good to choice beef steer, 88.00ig4l.40; fair to good beef steers, 3.fjorrr).); common to fair beef steer, t4.76u6.50; good to choice cow and heifers, 84.6(.60; fair to good cow and heifer, 84 26ii4 60; common to fair cow and heifer. 83.254.25; good to choice atockers nd feeder, 86.40rq6.0; common to fair stockers and feeder. 84.26j.00; stock helf er. 83.754.60; veal calve, 400!&8.00; bull, tags, etc., 23.76(84.20. Representative sales: , BEEF STEERS. Ns. 8 10 7 14 8 II 8 6 6 8 II 14 14 21 84 11 10 41 II 10 At. Pr. No. At. fr. U 6 00 ini 6 00 li8 6 : 133 8 89 1000 t 26 188 6 18 861 8 88 124 4 40 1014 6 44 862 6 40 IM 6 40 1014 6 45 11104 6 46 1147 6 40 1134 6 64 1120 6 14 1044 6 40 1211 6 U 11U 6 eo 1066 6 40 11 U I 00 II 10 , x ) 80 II 6 6 11 22 III. 10 II II 20 11 20 14 II I 30 ....1171 ( ( ....1217 I i ....123! 6 46 .... o 4 44 ....1238 6 44 ....1112 6 74 ....11M 8 74 1124 6 16 , 1374 6 71 120 6 74 12-S 6 80 1447 6 84 1114 6 St 123 6 M 1141 I M 1261 IH Hot 6 84 12X1 4 00 ISM! OS list 4 oa 1214 4 00 1217 4 08 S4 4 40 110 4 80 IH IH 141 4 44 11 4 40 1144 4 40 124 4 40 101 4 64 1014 4 40 la 4 10 IS 104 4 70 m in 1014 4 40 1114 4 04 11U 4 44 1114 4 16 1111 4 16 1060 4 14 11M 6 00 1164 6 40 1108 6 40 COWS. T., 4.... 7.... I..., a.... 6..., 6..., 6.... 4.... 11..., 8..., 8.... 24..., 10..., 11.... 1.... II..., II.... I.... 6.... 8.... 8.,.. 4.... 14.... 4.... 12.... 4 ... 4.... I. .. 11.... 6.... I. ... I.... 17.... 1.... 1.... 2.... I.... 1.... 2.... 1.... 1.... 8.... 10... I.... 10 ... 11.... 4... 8.... 2.... 4... . 4.... 11 ... 21... 1.... 4 ... 4..., .... 14.... II. ... 21.... 4... 4 ... 4... I ... I.... 4.... 4... .... 840 3 10 .... 848 8 14 .... 8 28 .... lot 3 40 .... 870 8 40 .... uj I It .... kl IM ....1047 3 frl ....1060 4 00 .... !4 4 IS .... 14! 4 U. ,...10S 4 18 .... 787 4 16 ....lino 4 u .... 171 4 US .... 14 4 III .... 131 4 U ....lfMl 4 14 104 4 15 ....lira 4 14 ....lot 4 3 ..UN 4 40 II... 4... I... 82... II... 4... 4..., T... 14..., 8... 8..., II..., 12..., 10..., I..., 6..., 10..., 4.... 4..., I..., II..., HEIFERS. .... 418 4 IV .... T4 I 11 .... M0 4 IS .... 6V4 4 le .... 24 4 ii .... Tri 4 .... fii 4 i .... H 4 4i) .... 417 4 4 .... Ill (M 444 4 40 .. 831 4 71 -. 14 4 74 .. 4u 4 M .. 470 4 14 ..liiTI 4 4, .1111 4 ea ..1101 4 m .. n 6 00 .. til 6 0 .. 117 6 16 II.. St.. 44.. BULLS. ..T 4 la ....1160 4 tl .... tkO 4 74 ...,14o7 4 71 ....1300 4 74 ....1060 4 74 ....11M 4 M ... 14ti0 4 M ....1466 4 It ....1144 4 to ....1IM III ...1220 64 ..14 18 . i:o 4 to ,.i:o 4 . . 1 Its) 4 o ..1140 4 40 ..ll.Kj 4 60 . .1100 4 60 . .ll-i 4 46 ..UOO 4 ..1440 4 40 ..llaO 4 U CALVES. MI 4 00 I HI T 04 , 260 4 25 1 130 7 60 2H 4 74 1 164 '7 61 ! 4 tw 1 1i0 t 60 170 6 26 II 1,1 T M 276 4 16 6 M 1 60 6 6 40 1 Hi T ;j 12 T 00 1 1.(0 7 Tl 101 7 0 I Ill in lie) 1 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDER" Til 4 IS I 411' 6 20 ... 746 4 60 ... 671 4 ) ... 411 4 U ... 42 4 k6 ...401 6 trt ... 731 8 06 ...VI 6 04 ... tul I 06 ...641 I 10 ... 116 I 10 ... 646 I II ...646 6 10 ... 774 6 It ... 700 6 ) I 7 :::: i 11 11 1 16 II 4 4 56 476 4 16 HI 4.0 114 4 1 4V1 4 16 HI 4 21 106T 4 4 III 4 40 101 I 4 774 6 40 43. II 20., 32 rci 6 4.7 11 4 40 1101 6 0 loul I 60 IKXiS The marketaard flow of hogs continued at high tide this morning, about the only difference In supply figures being a more even division of receipts between the six leading ti ade renters. Chicago s run, while heavy, was much, less than the M total st thst point yesterday, but any loss was more than equalled by Increases t this and other markets. Local estimate was posted at fullv lnOO head. Fresh declines In prices were genrral, most of the local offerings moving at dime lower figures. Trsdllig lacked activity early, but showed more life as the morning advanced, the bulk selling before midday. Long st rings held at a very narrow spresd nd shippers afforded poor support at all times. Speculstlve outlet was practically closed, as a falling market Is seldom a promising one for tradera who work on margins. iititoher weights, of which bulk consisted, sold around to. HO ard lights snltsbls for bann purposes dropped to 87. Heavy and extra heavy animals ranged at uneven margin below bottom of bulk. Weighty grades moved at 3ti.7rti6.SO, but extra heavy packing classes were decidedly slow at poorest bids made. Tha trsde closed very slow and weak wllh prices generally 15c lower than yester day's market. Kepreaentatlve sales: No. At. sh. St. f lt en as 14 I I M f TO I.. Ill N 111 AT Sh. Tr. . ..IM ... I 4V) ...SJJ ... 190 ...HI ... I HO ...? ... 40 ... 4 40 10... tl... I .. 10... 44... 17 til I IM 17 1 1 tS 7i n 47 4 I 10 4 0 4 so I 10 I IS I M II.. ....t0 ... 4 10 0 .'Ji I m IT 26 Tl -40 III Ill 4.. .1-4 I 4 SO 4. to I SO I 271 80 8 M 1- lt-1 ... IM 9.. H ... Ilk 44 3l 40 4 M 66 74 ... 4 16 74 til ... 8 IS ... I II II tl 4 10 M 3 M 40 4 M 71 268 ... 4 14 II 170 84 I to II !44 ... 8 M4 ... I M 4 ... I SO 66 :4 ... 4 I74 " t v2 .... I X! 40 2?4 ... I 40 11 2?-4 ... 4 87 1 VI ... 4 SO It 2t7 ... 4 SO 1 230 ... I 60 ', 2d6 ... I SO l.....!in ... IM 64 2S6 ... 40 II 117 ... I 60 47 Ml ... 4 Ml 14 24 ... 4o 11 .en ... 6 60 71 211 ... 8 fl 74 f.'l ... 4 i 31 2M ... 110 a. J?4 ... 0:1 16 Ill ... in 42 234 ... 4 4? 4 1 HI ... 4 m 40 221 ... 4 46 M 331 ... I 10 10 1I ... I 15 44 231 ... I M Tl im ... 4 13 . 2-' ... 1 10 214 ... I M 71 276 ... ISO 12 234 ... I 46 74 4?l ... Ito 71 211 ... I 44 1 .111 ... ltd 10 234 ... Ill 7 HI ... I 10 71 HI ... I 6 44 2S ... I to 72 191 ... 100 4 14 .. I M 7 m ... 1 DO "I 88 4 to 211 ... t 00 40 141 ... IM fHEEP Ewe showed a tendency to seek lower levels, while lambs held up In very good shape. Total receipts were normal nd assortment nd character of offerings sere about the same as usual. In sheep bulk of business was done at figures a big dime less than those noted yesterday. Wet fleeces gave strings a rather unattractive appearance and tins condition also Influenced price to some extent. After making due allowance for killers' disposition to figure In two or three pounds of moisture per head, the general situstlon was not nearly a bearish waa evident -at first glance. Choice handy weight ewes sold up a high as 24-25 and other good classes moved at 84.10Jj4.15. . . ..ij, 1 u Buaint luia were it-aiua eviiu It Is hardly probable that prime offerings .ui 10 any oeiier auvaiiiaae meui Al ewes. Demand was reasonably active at values noted and most of the stuff moved In very fair season. Lambs met with a quiet Inquiry, but trade wa resistant to bearish pressure nd generally steady pricea were main tained. Toppy fed westerns reached 85.86 nd a less desirable article went at $4.76. Yearlings were scarce and no change in the market Is quotable. ri,.n . , t . . , j. - . i u",o, u.ii. u 1 1 Bnrrp inn lamoii uouu I o choice lambs, 85.7&'(i6.0; fair to good lambs, 6- iKiCTf If. j . . , , . . - .- ru.nij'j.iD. iianeyweigm yearlings, e-i-fJ' IAO tmmw . . II 41 Utisl L .4 . choice wethers, 84.0094.26; fair to good wethers, 83.7oijj4.00; good to cnolce ewes, 64 004.26; fair to good ewes, $3.664.O0; biict-i?, vuue to aeeoers, e.uut4a.ov. Rervreiantatlve No. a v. Pr. 305 western lamb 72 t 70 273 western ewe 1(J 4 00 100 western lambs ,, 70 6 70 JOS western lambs 65 5 60 6R2 western lamb 80 6 75 4W western lamb....'...'.'!!!!!!"" 80 6 85 86 Western lambs SI E i. 416 western ewe 100 4 25 100 western ewe 102 4 00 11 weatern ewes, cull 98 8 00 124 western lambs 76 6 60 80 western ewea 121 4 18 62 western ewaa IM A IK 128 western ewe 122 4 15 101 western we nr. a is lit western ewe 103 4 06 884 western lamb 86 6 65 838 western lambs k s K 221 western wethers 108 4 25 225 western ewe V 4 10 443 western shorn lamb 85 6 00 287 western yearling 97 6 00 17 western wether 101 4 60 270 weatern lamb 82 6 76 7 western yearling 104 4 75 10 western lamb 70 2 60 262 western wether and yearling 91 4 66 69 western lamb 93 6 25 14 western Iambs 93 5 25 132 western ewes, cull 66 2 40 7 weatern lambs 35 2 60 144 weatern lamb 85 t 60 215 weatern ewe and yearlings... 66 4 &0 CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle glow Hoge Dull Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. Feb. 14. CATTLE Receipts, 6.000 head; market slow, weak; beeves, 85. 00 t6.80; Tex steer, t4.20ti6.50; western steers, $4 .604(5.70; stocker and feeders, 83.86 fco.80: row and belters, 2.66S6.60; calves, $6.75r9.26. HOOS Receipts, 26.009 hesd; market dull, weak, to 6c lower than early; light, 7.30; mixed, 8S.7ortjf7.10; heavy, 36.6tK87.06; rough, 86.80&.75; good to choice heavy, 8.7hTi7.06; pigs, 87.157.46; bulk of sales, 36.66 tyr.io. SHEEP AND LAMBH-Recelpts. 20,0(10 head; market steady; native, 32.764 46; weatern. 32.764.50; yearlings, 34.6Wi6.60; lambs, native, 84.60iS6.26; western, $4.6uro.2e. Kaasava City Live Block Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb.- 14.-CATTLB.-Re-cetpta. 12.000 head, including SoO southerns; market, steady and active; heavy steers, slow; d reined beef and export steer. 86.00 6.46; fair to good, $5,6036.95; western teer, 25.264i6.O0; stocker and feeder, $4. 666.76; southern steer. 35.0ra5.96; southern cows, 33.0036.16; native cows, 33.OixS5.20; native heifers, 3i.6tti4J.O0; bulls, H.lwn.6.16; calves. 34.25'.'J6. HOGS-Recelpts, 19,000 head; market, lOo to 15c lower; bulk of sales, 87.00tij7.i5; heavy, 37.00i&7.05; packers and butchers, 87.O0tji7.16; lights, 87.10iij7.20. e'HEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, (,000 head; msrket, steady; lambs, 10c to 15c lower; lambs, 86 4O&5.80; yearlings, 84.60 6.26; wethers, $4.16tc4.60; ewes, 3.8Di474.25; stockers and feeders, 83.00a4.0u. I. Loals Live StoeV Market. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 14 -CATTLE-Recelpts. 4.300 head, Including 1,100 Texans: market loo lower; native shipping and export steers, 8ti.5(Va7.0O; dressed beef and butcher steers' 84 0o.p6.60; steers under 1,000 pounds, 3H r';f, 6.76: stockers and feelers, $J.7jfjr, h6; cows nd heifeis. 34.0O.O0; canners, 82.8..ift.'i.25; bulls. 8J.;ii6.&u; calv. $5.0Uii'9.50; Texas and Indian steers, 84 .6OQ4.60; cows and heif ers, 88 76(05.00. HOUS Receipts, 12.0)10 head: market 6c loiter; pigs and lights. tT.CK(j7.66; packers, V, 9637.10; butcher and best heavy, tr.oOif 7.36. ,-HEEP AND LA MB.S Receipts, 12.100 head; market ateady; native muttons, 83 .75 4.16: lambs, 86.5Uoil.lO: culls and bucks. 32 50 &3.00; lockers. 32.00(8 3.00. St. Joseph Live Stack Market. 8T. JOSKPH, Mi)., Feb. 14. CATTLE Receipts, 3.600 head; market slow, lower; steers, 34.6om45 25: cows and heifers. V. u,i, 5 50; calves, 83. Wla 8 26. I IOJS Receipts, 11.000 head; market Blow, lo-nlio lower; top, 17.15; bulk of sales, 88.K 4j7.10. 8HEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts. 8.500 head; market dull and lower; lamba, 84 50 lock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western msrkets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. 8lieeo. South Omaha 7.n ISOirt 8,500 Ht. Joseph 3 5) ll.OiO f, mi) Kansas City 12 0"0 ia.i) (1.11 8t. Ixiufs 4, H00 12.100 ? m Chicago 6 (Ml 25. o.O 30, 000 Total .. .32.800 82.100 H.ty.O Dry Good Marker. NEW YORK, Feb. 14.-DRY OOODS-The rotton goods markets were quiet owing to weakness ln staple and uncertainty of buy era concerning their long further require ments. Export trade Is quiet. Yarn are easy and quiet Jobber ar doing a fair business in staple piece and a soeda? sale of dress goods during the day attracted many rjuyers. Tarpeatlae a "4 Hoslas. SAVANNAH. Oa . Feb 14 -Tl'RPEN-Tl N B Firm. 87Hc; aales, 144 bbls.; receljts. 3 bbls.; shipments, A bbls.; stocks, 2.817 bbls. f;OSIN"-Flrm: sales. 17177 bbls ; receipts. 1 740 hhls. I shipments. 2 an bbls.; stocks. i3.(M bbls. Quotations: B. 27.10, O. 87.12; K. 37 1.; F. T174; Ct. V It. 17. 4": 1. :.5. K. , tv. Al. ..!'.., .. tv ; , 8.H offee UarV'l. NEW YORK. Feb. 14 -C FFEE-Fulur8 opened Irregular at s decline of 2Hi24 points under liquidation nd a rene.al of bear pressure, which seemed to be promoted by declines in the European markets. Selllnn was not very active snd with fhm offers from Hrss'l refleoling prlmarv views far above a parity with the local msrket prices rallied sllshtly during the middle of the day on coverings, but again weakened Just before the clos tinder renewed llqtildat Ion. The final ton" was wrsk and last prices were 31 to & points net lower. Sales. 64.760 hsgs. Clos ing bids follow: February. 9ic, March 9.ii!r; April, 9 74c; Mav, .7'c: June nd July. 78c; August, 9 71c: October. .6.irr November, .47c; December and January, .89o. Havre was 1 lo 14 franc net lower ', compared with Saturday. Hamburg was 4 to 14 pfg. lower and Rio 200 rels lower than Saturday: 7s, 7V); Fantne 4s. un changed to 68700; 7s. rels lower at fit-tin. Receipts at the Iwo Rrniillsn ports were 14.000 bsifs. against 23 000 last year. Jimdlahy receipts, 2.200 bags, against 8000 last year. Rein was reported In all dis tricts of So Paulo. Spot coffee, nominal; Rio No. 7. 13T(fH4c; Pantos No. 4. UV&UJo. Mild coffee, lrm; Cordova, V,'4 ir,4c. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Feh. 14. METALS Stand ard copper, dull; spot. February, March. , April and May. 31 1 S74.fr 12. 124- London market, dull x-tc. a . . i( 1 reported at 'New York todav. i. ton. Custom house returns show ex ports of 8.5W ton so far this mon(eW-V It?oI i dea,e7 report no change In thiT -situation. Ijtke copper, 8IJ.ti2412 87'4-i::,"l-"T Tl2..T7'T'(n3624; castlnV: lli.ai YA- 'Ck. iJ w' un"e''rl; spot msrket. 34 80 6j4.-,.60, February, 84.1 25'a44 60; March 842 2 fr43.; April, 14 004743.00. Indon market strong; spot, JL194 10s 3d: futures. JEM in," it? d,u": I4-40W4.60, New York; $4,25 t-ouls; tendon msrket. u Kia Pt iirmr- K-Ww- New York; 860.40, Last St. Louis; Ixmdon market, f" IIon: I'veland warrant. 4s in london. Locally iron ws quiet. No 1 "tryx,n0r.,h,,rn' "i-'l2R; No. . 314.75 wif.i5. No. 1 foundry southern snd No. 1 ro''"d,y "',,h''rn " 15-15 75 Lead, dull at $4.30; speller, higher at 85.42'i. t ot tow Market. elo.-7.T.R!5.' J4-T'OTTON-Rp0t upland." 4 7rrrjy ?'rL 2tK ble ' " mdllnSiLi -COTTON-Ty,wer: hJl... fhti C:. none: receipt. 2 953 bales, shipment.. 2.781 o,les; .lock, aihlj lisu 1?" ""mished by exchsn ii 'T " "w ' cotton ... ..uu oixieentn street: High. I Low. I Clos. I Tee'r. " 75 "H US I M 14 04 1 2M 14 07 H M 13 85 13 66 13 76 13 86 12 7 12 87 12 84 13 W Mar. May July . Aug. Oct. 18 85 14 02 14 03 15 73 12 91 Wyoming Legislature Decides to Get Busy Two Important Measure Are Failed iiionaay ana utften Are Ad- vanced Rapidly. CHEYENNE. Wvo.. F.K ... . . - - cTn:iai.; After three weeks of introducing bill and r' oiBcussion of same, the rtate leg islature has now settled down to th real work of the session and will endeavor dur Ing this, the last week of tv. enact Into law some of the bill that hitv been Inspired by the will of a majority of the people of the state. Apparently awakened by the general de mand throughout the state for tha enact, ment of ororresalve . . . - wmrr neeaeo law, the Wyoming solon Monday vied mcn o -t buy, and the first surprise came In the tin,... e .... n, 1 11 w oium corrupt practices act, which had already passed the aenate, and which passed th house by a vdte of 28 to I. It i. certain , 1 governor tarey will not veto th bill It provides that candidate. v. ei 11 . . snail be limited to the amount ct money to be spent in a campaign and that such candi dates shall file with th. m., ..... a full and complete statement of campaign .-nuuitum. 11 also nrnvM.. 4k.. ..... county and city committees of all parties unit lie Wltn the secret.-., ..... - - J v. .LQLB lull and oomDlata ait.m.n . . . .1 1. ' "" "ceipix nd disbursements on account of the cain- I'tiiKn. The Met bill. Which nrnvlAae 1 i-. aw m lM m creation of a Dnltfitia.rv - . sion. and also for the employment of con victs on the ro.ds of the state, after being mended, was recommended for passage n i..e senate and will surely become a law. In the bouse there waa . he.4.,4 .k... over house bill 146, the vetrenlary measpro providing for the legalising of practice by over house bill 145, ths veterinary measure r, J ' ln me"r a finally niiicu. Perhaps one of th moat Important ao tion of the legislature at the morning ses sion was the passage in the senate of th Holllday Joint memorial to congress to mend the constitution and provide for ths election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. Two Deaths at Heron. HURON, 8. D.. Feb. 14.-(8peclal.)-Ml.s Eleanor Olson, whose death occurred In Rosweil, N. M., a day or two since, was a former teacher In the public schools In this city and went to New Mexico a year or more ago for the benefit or her health The body will be brought her for inter ment Henry DeLong. an early resident of this county and for aeveral year, living In this city, died early Sunday moinlne rn-,i a month's Illness. Mr. DeLong was a vet- er.n r me civil war and a wet knows. Grand Army man. Pitimiiia Follost a told But never follows the use of Foley' Honey and Tar, which check th cough nd xpel the cold. M. 8tockwi, Hanni bal. Mo., say: "It beat all th rrndle I vr used. I contracted a bad cold and cough and was threatened with pneumonia. One bottle of Foley Honey and Tar com pletely cursd me." No opiates, ju,t a re liable household medicine. Sold by alJ druggists. Mao fraira to Death la Cemetery BIOL'X FALLS, 8. V.. Feb. 14.-(Kpccla'l.) -William Switch, sexton of a cemetery situated ln the eastern suburbs, found tha body of Henry DeJong. aged 48 years, who several years ago rimi to this coun try from Europe, In a ravine, partly cov ered wllh snow. DeJong was a htavy drinker and Is supposed to have wandered to the ravine while Intoxicated and laytrg down and froxe to death. He was list seen alive a week ago last' Saturday, in far as known he had no relatives In tnla country. He waa without overcoat or overshoes. Haiti traaaletl by croup, coughs or colds are Instantly re lieved and quickly cured with Dr. King s New Discovery. 60c and 11.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Alllaar Man Gets riace. WASHINGTON. Feb. 14 -Among ,,tr nominations I'resideiit Taft sent ). senate today were Cornelius W. redlsion. I collector of custom. Ixs Anneles; .loiinXV i r. lenny. register of the land office. ' ter of the land office. Alliance' Nb "N William Karre. legister of In and office I'urns. Oie. Ths president also nominate Nswmsn Waring lo be iuetma,tt .. ol taa. Kan. 1 a e-r 1 i