Am cut 1 i IfSRB T-. .. ?- " - : -r-rH . v hrfWrffl ,.re&mv BOM E wiyv2&&3wr mm WANT-ADS Wnnt ails recclTeil at any time, but io Insure proper classification must be presented before la o'clotk ni. for I he evening edition and before 7:30 for morning and Sunday editions. Want ad received after audi hour will have their first Insertion under the heading "Too I.ate to Classify." CASH RATES r Olt WANT ADS. KUil UAH CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1M ccnta per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent In sertion. Lath insertion made on odd day, I )t tents per word. $1.80 per line per month. Hates apply to either The Dally or Sunday Bee. Always count six word U a line. Want ads for The Bee may be left at any of the following drug stores one Is your "corner drutiglst" they are all branch offices for The Bee and your ad will be inserted Just a promptly and on the same rates as at tlio main office In Ihe Uee building, Seventeen aud f'arnaui streets. Alrarn, w. C., 40l!i ar.d Karnatn. Ha'ini urug I'o., L'Ml N. lth tit. Reranek. ti. A.. 1402 South lth St. Rensor. Pharmscy, Benson, Neb. Bmls I'ark Pliarmary, 31 and Cuming. Blake-Biartish, rtt Sherman Ave. Clifton Kill Pharmacy, 2iii Military Ava. leughlln, C. H., 6tl and Pierce Sts. Crlss.y Pharmacy. 4th and Lake Sts. toon,y Pharmacy, Zia South 16th St. iriirin, r.nill, lTq-e DOUin mi" "fc 1 - l , . . . lc . A . L. C r regger urug Co., uo. Norm win c r lorencf urut tv., r iorenca, ,-,-if. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ava. and Pacific. Ui .enough, O. A., 105 South 10th St. Greetiough, U. A., 10th and Hickory Sts. Golden Plinrmacy, Z4th and Leavenworth, llayden, William. ftM Farnam St. Hantcom Park Pharmacy, loOl 8. 29th Ava. Hlnttrlong Drug Co., Slat Ava. and Far Dam St. Hoist. John. 6"4 North 16th St. Huff, A. L., 2K4 Leavenworth St. Jolianson Drug Co.. 24th anil SDauldlng. King. H. 8.. 2238 Farnam St. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 3304 r.. Htn St Mares, I'reit L.. 201 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co.. lfi N. 24th St. 1'evton Pharmacy. 736 South 16th St. ' Saratoga Drug- Co., 24th and Ames Ava. Srhaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chtcaito Sti. . . Hchaefer. August. 2631 North 16th St. Schmidt. J. H., ?4th and Cumin Sts. Walnut Hill rharmacy, 40th and Cumins;- UUADI AND Kl'N EKAL NOTICES JkMBLKR Edmund Holmes. February 12, li'll. at 8 a. m., aged 62 years 14 daya. Funeral services Tuesday. February 14, 111, at S p. m., from Burkett's parlors, 412 N. lth St. Frlenda invited. Interment private at Foreat iVTn cemetery. Rev. Charles W. Savtdge, officiating. Kindly omit flowers. MAVNARD-Julia, aged .76 years. Old Peo ple's home. Funeral nom residence of son, Ed Cone, Thlrty-sUtli and Ames avenue, Tuesday, 2 p. m. LOUbK NOTICE. A. O. I'. W.' Faneral Notice. ' Members of North Omaha Lodge No. U9 are requested to attend the luneral of Brother Prltchard Robinson, Tuesday, 2 p. ni., from residence, i-36 Miami atreet. Sis ter lodgea Invited. Interment Laurel Hill cemetery. iStgned) FHKH J. MllJb;R, Master Workman. F. M. M COLLOL'GH, Recorder. BIRTHS AMD DEATHS. I Plrths-Alfrcd and Bessie Archer, i 41 ii i sard, boy: Carl and Euna 5 lurnlni, 10SI Park avenue, boy; i Walter and Kthel ilachten, &I4 South Tenth, boy: Dennia and Agnes Riley, 1 Norm Nineteenth, boy: Alired and Alary Ka wltns. iJM Latayvlte, girl; Peter and ! Anna jacobsen, 41-4 North Twenty-elglun girl; Roy and Clara Kline, loil ouih Llanteenth. boy; Patrick and Kate Mc J i.lligott, S2 South Eighteenth, kin, Paul t and rrancia MiKeiicu. i.M boutn ifeutn i hoy; Albert and llollle Van llotii, Noith 1' orty-lirat, alrl; Hugo and Marie Wandrl, VitH bhcrman avenue, boy. I'eaths James Gtllla, Jr., 3t, Douglas I County hospital; John uoodett, 3. i Iake; Fred A. Hansen, 29, St. Joseph's I hospital: Alma M. llolqulst, 3, 2831 Cass; M ss Anna Palmer, t4. Hi tsouth Mkteenlh J. Lea bteele. 2610 Bristol; Mrs. M. J. i Warren, al. 002 Soutkt Thirty-sixth. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.,TJ tubatntsra. 1614 Chicago. V. lj. B-loua E. T. Burrowca Co., rustless door 4k wia low screens M) Braadeia '4 ha. Bldg. U. Iim. ou vouTaradise! Sounds cood. doesu't It? Happlnssa u. cteira when you bum our PAKALIsk COAL. To cut down your coal bill take our advice and burn Paradise. Will av ou ti.u o k w ion. coin p nones. J. W. BUDFOKD. bv Cuining lit. MISS A. HOLLAND Wishes la announce greatly reduced pricea durinjl the months of January aud Vebruary; .jo, aclect, new spring laiionug material included In this alter, bulla m Paston block. "tL Douglas V49. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW HATb, In sums to suit. 310 Bee Bidti. Phone LKma. Xtut. LMu.. , JAN CO. KNICKERBOCKER Turkish baths. 10! So. 14th. Sanitary for ut viiutuinu. .4iwiu open. lLER GRAND HOTEL lurkUu Baths Finest In the west. 1st Howar4 Sua DOUOLA Printing Co.. Tel. Douglaa S44, DRl'Gi at cut prices, freight paid on all I orders. Catalogue fiee Uiieriiiau & Ma Connoii Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. GL'S' NEW BARBER SHOP. F,nest lit Onialia. ilwlnii and rnnltary. luih Floor Omaha .Nat l Bank Bldg. Kosher Delicateistu All Wtnda of smoked nieaia at Fish delivered dally. Dv ivukha. iAH.s 16ih. D. toll "l'LULUJ MAKKKT special. Nut and lump coal, tout). Coka. 8-voO per ton. Part-rlde-Thoms..n Co.. in Publiu Market 1616 Harney. Douglaa i4-. Ind. A-3M3. VWtNI V per cent 1m than Omaha prloaa, HOMtt ITl'hMllHt CO.. Twenty-fourth aad i. su., fcouia Omaha MRS. CHARLES C. HL'NU AThl, china CUIng. 8.0 brandaia feldg. Tel Web, to.s. MAGUARD Vaa Pack. move, avura and ship li. H. goods. D. 144. B- A VOI R sewing mac hine will do good work tf ipalred l E. U loveloy. Al work warianlrd. Tel. Webster so. 23ul N. Hat ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued KDUOTIIKUY fZ lNu,lr. E2 ctgaie. Cafe In ronnaciloa 111 a. 14th lit. ALADDIN lamps and aupplles. Saratoga Drug Co.. 34th and Amea Ave. Web. 11. VIRGINIA DARE WINE 75c a lame bottle. Klein Liquor House, bit N. 16th St. MRS. M. T. IRWIN. J46 Brandels theater China decorating; and firing. Kastsr cards. r vvinr Tti?n plumbing and i , a i HEATING, REPAIR WORK. 1T08 Jackson 8t. D. 1477. K. T. Farnswortb. Att'y. 43i Bee Bldg. MASON RT contractor. Haaly, Wsb. 1141. BAKKER BROS. PAINT CO. Vout. 4750. Ind. A 321. 1609 Farnam St. Stencil outllts; s styles; picture framing at moderate prices: a1, wall paper. WS LARKY A FULL Ll.NUJ U' BlltRWlN WILLIAMS PAINTS, BRASS POLISH. LIQUID VENKER AND ALL, BRANDS OF FLOOR WAX. WILLOW PLUMES made to order. Wa make, clean and dye all kinds of ostrich feathers; willow your old plumes, our work la our guarantee. Prices right. Perl Plum Co., Room 1, Paxton Blk. D. 2Z&7. B. F. WL'RN. optician. 443 Brandela Bldg. PT.ATlMfJ Corner 10th and Douglas U"XlitU lTl.ln PUHpi Wnrb. Will plat ana renovate your Jewelry, sll- verware. or anything which Is metal. Telephone Douglas 29Sw PUBLIC stenographer. SS2 Brandels Bldg. Dr. Clark The Painless Dentist Very best set of teeth on rubber, 18.00. Aluminum plate, 110.00. Gold crowns. 16.00. ... Suit 204 Paxton Block. DAVID COLIC CREAMERY COMPANY. Zimmerman & Crowe Furniture Co.. 1714 Leavenworth. Get our plan. Nuf said! Wa have Just added new equipment for extra large group phutoeraphs of conven tions, lodges, etc.; photographs of all kinds. Commercial Photograph Studio, 306 Boston More, uougias ind. A-Zuoa. HORNBY Blue Print Co.. els Be Bids. Brandels Bldg. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARK1NS. 310 8. 16TH. UPSTAIRS. Duffy Boland. Undertakers. Tyler 1676. Fll tare, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D. 1813. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH K JETE S 1403 Douglaa Street. S. K. Cola Sign Co.. D. 376S. 131 Farnum. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto. "SKID' Into a post. i "TEAR your too. And bring it to the best place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing. DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Harney Sts. DO YOU WANT A GOOD USED CAR AT TILE RIGHT PRICE! We are ofering some fifteen such cars for sale at prices that will move them quickly. HERE ARE SOME SAMPLES: 1910 Chalmers "30," paint, tires and me chanical parts In extra good order, equip ped. 81.250. 1910 four-passenger International with solid tires, top, etc., almost new. 3400. l'.10 four-cylinder, two-passenger, solld tlre llolzman, driven about 800 miles. A snap at 8JM. Four-passenger, one-cylinder Cadillac, and ninny others, 3176. If you want a big run for your monev you can't afford to miss seeing this Una of real bargains. H. E. FREDttlCKSON AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 2044-46-48 Farnam St. HUDSON, THOMAS-FLYER CHALMERS, PIERCE ARROW 1,239,539 LETTERS DUPLICATED XUJR1NO 1910. (NOT SO BAD EH 7) MULTIGRAPHEJ DUPLICATING CO.. 673-6-7 Brandela Bldg. Doug. 1370. (You) Auto Phons A-1393. Automobiles Overhauled Let ua figure on your spring overhauling. Our repair shop Is equipped with everv modem facility and men who know their business. Storage rates on application. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 2010-12-14-16 Harney St. . OUR Una of 2d -hand tires ara bargains. Ideal Tire Repair Co., 2124 Farnam St. Auto Paintinir "M.UR.f.HL.Vi? Ti' va aVI ICVSJ TJUW. ANDREW MURPHY 4k SON. 1412 Jackson. J-U-S-T R-E-C-E-I-V-E-D tha late niodela of the Stoddard Daytoo ljocoinoblla and Waverly Electrics A few second hand cars for aale. DERIGHT AUTO CO., 1818 FAUN Ail ct. OMAHA. WRITE for list ot automobile bargains H. E. Frearickaon Auto Ce., Omaha. tntn l?u,iu irlrn Kxpart nnechanlaa 1 v '"6 RELIEF CAR ON cai.i-s uai uit muhi. The Paitoa Ultcbei: Co.. avio-14 Harney. D. .ai4: A-suu. ONE 30 H. P. 4-cyl. &-pasaenaer Cadillac Touring Car, run about k.uou uuibs. n firsi class excellent condition, completely equipped. Cost over ti uuu. Will aall for ,asn. a great Dig snap. Adaieaa f. v. liox too. Omaha. Neo. WRITE for prices. THE INTERS 1ATB At '1MUH11.E Co.. Slo-sij jjt. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call e CANQiaTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. lei. D. 3J7 FOR SALE Good livery and feed bars, auto la connettloa. Huppert at Gates Vawood, Neb. SEEING THINGS. I j a ins peei anvameBe ia ine result ox proper care ana eneiiuon ot your eyes. Our knowledge of the eve Is based oa Is yrs. of fitting glasses. Consultation frv. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO.. ut-iU ltlh bL BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) YOU can Invest S10 per month now In a town lot at Fort George, the geographical and strategic commercial center of Urltlxh Columbia, and get In at the beginning be fore the first railroad. There are seven railroads building and projected to Fort George, which Is at the Junction of 1.000 miles of nalgahle waterways and the me tropolis of a splendid agricultural, fruit and mixed farming country of 30.00o.000 acres, besides being the natural supply point for a tremendously rich timber, mineral and coal territory of millions of acres. Let us send you free a copy of "British Columbia Bulletin of Information," containing up-to-date news of Investment opportunities In this vast new and rich country, also synopsis of government land, mining, timber and coal laws, etc. Send your name and address today. Natural Re sources Security Co., Ltd. Paid up capital fc!SO,000. M Bower Bldg.. Vancouver, B. C. RESPONSIBLE general agencies wanted In large Western Oregon project; fruit and fsrm lands. No Irrigation. Noted district. Excellent proposition. Eugene and Great Western Land Co.. Eugene, Oregon. BLACKSMITH SHOP for sale; best equipped , and best location In northeast Nebraska. Buyer can make own terms. Also house and lot. Frank Leuck, Lock Box 316. Wakefield, Neb. llASADY Co- Real Estate. Loans and Ufl,3fl1'1 Ineurance. List your Prop erty for sale or rent, wulca returns. a. W. .winer 14th and Doualaa. Tel. Doug. HM KMAP will' sail or trade for Omaha property, good photograph gallery in good live Iowa town, only one bricK building. Address 220 Logan St., Council Bluffs, la. FOR RPNT nnlv hntal In . .II . . 12 rooms. Writ Pauline Horsley, Perclval) i. FOR AAT.R FlimUn?- mnA I.... 14,.. room hotel; town of 10.000; cheap rent. A Daraain tor ine rigni party. Box go, Fre mont, Neb. FOR BALE Good, clean variety stock and fixtures In Nebraska town of 6,000. Invoice at I3.30U. Address Y-21, cars Bee. TO BUY SELL OK TRADE 8EK THE MIDLAND CO.. 674 BRAND&IS BLDG. 10-ACRE fruit and chicken farm In city, Omaha; KoO cherry trees, a0 currant bushes and fixed to raise 10.000 chickens. Inquire of owner, J. L. Neff, K06 Hickory St. Tel. Red tSodO. For Sale Pool hall, complete, now fixtures Inquire at Ju N. 24th tt., South Omaha. EXCELLENT hand laundry for aale; snap for someone; price, tl.ouu; also steam laundry, lu,0U. Address J 766. Bee. - GOOD, first-class saloon for sale; price, 84.00V. Address 11 764. Bee. I MUST sell my restaurant. Best location in city or o,uw. write for lowest cash price a.. N. Laird. Albla, la. WANTED Capital for developing or chard proposition. Will pay to Investigate. Address K 749, care Bee. Hooaulaa; Howses for Smla, 10 room, good business. Z214 Douglas St HOMEOLEGISl Essley will you monev in buying or selling, m S. 27th. Harney 223. CHIROPODISTS MONHE1T. chiropodist, manlcurlna. hair drcaslng. hair goods. City Nat. Bk. D. HU DR. ROY.-UO-i Farnam St. Douglas 47. DANCING Misses Simpson at Coll. W. 2491. W. 6630. MOKANDS, loth and Harney. Vug. SSH. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACH, 3d floor. Paxton. D. 1085. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective ago., Inc.. bonded. 4-8-8 Paxton blk. D. 1318. Ind. A-1318. CAPT. T. CORM.CK. 617 KARBACH Blk. DRESSMAKERS COMPETENT DRESSMAKING; satisfac tion guaranteed: reasonable. 8214 Mason. DRESSMAKING by day. Webster S718. i First-class tallorln 4t dressmkg. 1818 Dodge GOOD seamstress for alteration. Steady work, gooa wages. -W( Leavenworth. EDUCATIONAL Y. W. C. A. Second Term Opens Feb. G. GENERAL LITERATURE ORATORY LANGUAGES ASTRONOMY GRAMMAR PAINTING ARITHMETIC ORCHESTRA STENOGRAPHIC DICTATION SEWING PLAIN SEWING DRESSMAKING SHIRT WAISTS MILLINERY TEXTILE STUDY JUNIOR CLASSES COOKING COI RSE I COURSE II CoUKbE HI DINNER CLASS LUNCHEON COURSK PRACTICAL COOKH.RY BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and . most sucosssful commercial school. Day and Night sessions. Kludsnle admitted any time. Business. Bookkeeping, stenography. Telegraphy. uivu oervica ana ciaiesmansnip. jui cata logua la free. Address H. B. Boyles. Presi deut. Omaha, Nab. I HAVE a scholarship In one of the best business colleges In Omaha. Here la an ou. portunlty to get a full course in a business college at a low pi ice. Ask about it at once, as 1 muat sell it. Address. E ,44, Bee Office. BUSINESS MEN WILL TKLL YOU THAT THE VAN 8 ANY SCHOOL has stood at the top as a training school for stenogiapliera. Make lour inquiries snd be guided by the Judgment of those who KNOW lone C. Duffy, Elizabeth Van Sant. Proprietor. Principal. Wcad Bldg, 18th Ml Farnam. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance L Henderson, lilt Farnam. Douglas 1211, BRANDEIS rut flower dept.; new store. A. DONAGHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001; A-I0U1 HESS SWOBODA. 1418 Fsrnam 8t I. kL BATH. 1648 Haras. Duiaa Sua FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works. UOfc-Liut Louglas St. Both phones FURNACES cleaned, repaired. lUh LADIES To demonstrate hor- to house, salary and car fare. W. G. fair, Room 321, 210 8. 13th. Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER, good penman, TS. Filing clerk, ISO. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015 City National Bank Bldg. Factory and t rades, WANTED Girl to learn halrdreasing. Call Walton Beauty Parlors, 113 Board of Trade. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlors, 36-240 City Nat l Bank. D. 2396. Klrkendall Co., 1101 Harney. Housekeepers aad Doaaaattca. m IWTirn A nnr-m .nmnaldnl rinli' Mnlv flrt oIbmh need anolv: no laundrv. 625 3d St., Council Bluffs. Tel. 274. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, must be good cook, no laundry work. 10U8 Park Ave. WANTED Competent young girl for gen eral housework, family of two old people. References. Mrs. Slgler, 716 Park Ave WANTED white girl for work by day. 20U California 6t- WANTED a, competent girl for general housework. 308 N. 20th St. WANTED a neat nurse girl. 8140 Maaon Street. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. In small family. Ill N. ith Street WANTED-A competent girl for house work. UX So. 80th Ave. WANTED Housekeeper by widower, no children. Lock Box 741, West Point. Neb. WANTED Neat girl for general house work, no laundry work. 710 N. SSth St. WANTED Neat competent girl for gen eral housework. 3027 Chicago St. WANTED Lady housekeeper, middle- aged preferred, must cook and do washing and Ironing, family of two, no children, references. 6108 Dodga. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, smal family. 807 8. SSth St. WANTED Girl for general housework; two In family. Ma Park Ave. WANTED A good, neat girl to help with housework. 8124 Leavenworth St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 2104 Douglaa St. WANTED A neat housemaid. 117 8. S9th Mt, . ,. LADIES wanted to take work home. Profitable. ,415 Brandela Theater Bldg. YOUNG girl to care for children and help with housework. Call Harney 8087. WlWTPh Mtit-aA o-l 1 IS In 9ft vAara old. Apply 8128 Chicago St. WHITE Protestant girl with some ex perience to assist with house work. 1OU0 N. Military Ave. 'Phone Benson 430. Mtscellaaieaiaa. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as trarters ara invited to visit the Young Vvomun's Christian association building at el Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. wnera iney Mil be directed to suitable. Doaraing places tr otherwise assisted. Look tor wur tra tier's aid at the Union ataUon. LADIES We will teach halrdresslng free this month with .the new Hermann wave, an electrical process that turna straight hair. Into natural wavy and re mains so permanently, we nave secured exclusive light to teach It. Splendid money earned. Learn It now. Wa also teacn manicuring, facial massage, electrolysis anu chiropody, catalogue tree, jnoier Col lege. Chicago, III. WANTED In northwestern town, a strlotly up-to-date dressmaker; none other need apply. Address Y 45. care Bee. LADIES and girls to work on sofa pil lows at home, experience unnecessary. Call forenoons, suuui 13th street. HELP WANTEDMALE Aitsti, Solicitors and Balesutea. WANTED Agents with clean record who have been successful selling bcranton Cor respondence books. New proposition along the sama lines in connection with Collier's. The National Weekly. For full particulars, call or address Colliers. No. 'Ita paxton Block. WANTED Reliable men to take care of our trade with farmers In Nebraska. To every one who can furnish team, wagon, harness and canvassing case, and who can furnish good security, for (correct work only) a good earning la guaranteed. The Haller proprietary Co., Blair, Nab. 100 PER CENT profit to you; 300 per cent saving to customer; no competition; the only hand-rope machine on the market. Special aents for South Dakota, Kanaaa, Colorado and Wyoming. Day-Reynolds, 738 Brandels 'theater Bldg., Omaha, Clerical mm Office. TRAVELING aalesmsn, 1100. Stenographer, bpanlsh, 76. Stenographer and bookkeeper, 30. Ledger clerk, 806. Collector, 840. WESTERN KKF. & BOND ASS'N, INC., Omaha Eetab. 8 yeara Kansas City. 762-3-4-6 New York Life Bldg. WE want a man with 31.000 cash In a business entei prise with us ana take man agement ot office at a good salary. Ws will make the right man a good proposi tion and ara putting up caah ourselves. Don't answer unless you mean business. Address O 770. Bee. BOOKKEEPER. 376-36. Clerk, stationery dept., 150. Ledger clerk. 3')6. CO-OPEMAVl VK REFERENCE CO., 1015 City National Bank Bldg. Factory aad 'trades. Drug Stores (snaps). Jobs Kales t. Bee Bldg. WANTED Experienced proofreader for Job and commercial work In to 11 of 6.000 Inhabitants; steady work to right party. City wagea. Give references. Address V 34, Bee. WANTED by March L good, all-round printer and pressman. Presses run by power; 3k per week and permanent position to right man. No booser anted. Address The Monitor. Bloomfield. Neb. WANTED At once. blacksmitn and woodworker; steady job for good man; good wages. Roy McDowell, Tlngley, Ja. LINOTYPE operator for country office; iiiiftt ai-iu L lou iaitt-t r in nine hours' work; No. 4 standard machine; man must know something of bis machine. Address X 44 cars Ba. HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) M tictllaseesi, WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; practical shop ivork under experienced Instructors; Individual road work in large touring cars. We Invlts your Investigation. National Auto Train ing Ass'n.. office 628 Btandels Theater Bldg YOU ara wanted for government position; 8S0 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 200 D. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED A-l soda dispenser. Reo Cafe, York. Neb. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade, our Improved method mnkes It easy. In addition to free practice, our Instruc tions with charts and diagrams saves time. Since barbers don't take apprentices, he demand and wages lncreaxps. We teach quickly. Tools given, board provided. Bar bers make more money now than ever be fore on account of the many added money making facilities. Call or write. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th St. B.OftO GOVERNMENT positions open. Write for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 197-D. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED HALE OR FEUALR Experienced canvassers can make big quick money; city or country territory. Apply Wallace, 412 Webster-Sunderland Bldg.. 16th and Howard Sts. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. WE buy and sell all kinds of horses; Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 4036. 20 HEAD of good farm mares and 18 horses. Weight from 000 to 1.400 pounds. These horses must be sold this week. Come earlv and get first choice. Barn In back of Milliard hotel, 13th and Douglas. AUCTION SALE of over 600 horses and mules; Gallup's regular auction sale, Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, Thursday, February 16. Among this consignment may he found choice farm mares, heavy draft matched teams of farm chunks; also about thirty head of second-hand city horses, most of them a little pavement sore, they sell cheap and make useful horses to take out on the farm, as they soon become sound when used on soft ground. 1. C. GALLUP. HORSE, wagon and harness. Webster 1487. HOR8ES for sale. 2018 California. 15 HEAD OF MARES-1.000 to 1.300 lbs; 10 head of horses, 1.000 to 1,400 lbs. Barn back of Millard hotel, l'tth and Douglas. LOST AND FOUND LOST Boston bull terrier, white breast anf. bobtalled; 8 years old; big collar on neck; was last seen at 16th and Leaven worth. 8 P m., Friday. Call A C. Stors. Btors Brewing Co., receive reward. LOST Horse, a black gelding, about 8 years old, weighs about 9o0 or 1,000 pounds. Reward for return to Omaha Gas Co. LOST Lady's brown muff. Finder please return to 2047 Dodge Bt. and receive reward. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical collets. 14th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases: all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone Douglaa 1167. Calls answered day and night HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem. edy for Itching, bleeding or protudlng PILES; 50c postpaid; samples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY IAD CHA'ITttLt. Kssmnismiitmuummw mwutmu ww NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC t NEW CO. 810 to 850O. NEW PLANS. 8 8 This Is a new firm, organized by the 8 1 TRADING BL'BINEHB JI OMAHA 1U 1AJAPI 8 to any honest person owning HOUSE- 8 HOLD GOODS, PIANOS, etc., or t.AMin a MulAriffri nositlon. at the 3 rats of 8 PER CENT PER YEAR. 8 JUST THIN iv, iuu 8 60c Interest on 810 for one year. 8 31.&0 Interest on . lor one year. 3 84.U0 Interest on &0 for one year. 8 ALL OTHBf St'Mg 1U PROPORTION. EASY MUN j HL.I I muni a. 8 Reasonable A aiseiiieni cnij. t 3 INDEPENDENT LOAN COMPANY, 3 3 ROOM 20 , w l ni r,i,i, di-lxj., f 8 N. E. Cor. .6th and Harney. 6 43838l8nWlW4wewwwwe "DO Y0U1EDMCNEY. vt- -Ml lsiaM vmi mnnmv on vour furni ture, piano, live stock or any other ae curlty at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or phone and convince yoursen. NEBRASKA LAJAIN UU., D. 1266. Ind. A-1354. XX Bea Bldg. We Do What a Bank Won't Do. t, - ln. An furniture. Dlanoa and taarns. In any amount from 86 to 3lu0 for any lengtn 01 ume up to 011 iwr aim al low you to pay it back in small weekly or monthly payments. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 13. Arlington Blk., lSUVs Dodge. Phones: Douglas 2466. Ind. A-24t6. PRIVATE party will loan honorable sal aried people small auma on tnelr plain note; banking methods, lowest ralra; loans made quickly and confidentially ; payments arranged as desired. Address F .-S, tiee. HONir LOANED BALARIKD PiEOPLB. WOMN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, wlthcut security; easy paymeuta Office In 66 principal cities, 'lolmao. Kaon 8U8 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates. Re liable Credit Co., 808 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglaa 1411. A-liU. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W 1' IVr A'PAli w Dodge "troet. MOVING STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO Mov ing; furiuluie packing; fireproof atorage. City office. 216 S. lUh. Doug. SJi. ind. U-Uil. OMAHA VAN STORAGE CO. qleana your carpets on your floors; electrlo vacuum cleaners. 6o4 it. 16th; 3o a. 17lh. Doug. 4iui. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Haosae. THE IRVING. 8102 Leavenworth street THE BACHELORS. American rates. Single, 835 to 840; double. 8.-6 to 3 6. IN PRIVATE family, room and board, home cooking, home comforts, sn Idral location; ratea reasonsble; within five uilri utes walk of business dlstriot 118 . lta St. OFFERED FOR RENT Board anil Rooms t'ontlnaed. ROOM and board In private family for gentleman who Is employed. Call Webster 3M4. BEAUTIFUL "tilts ot rooms, suitable for 3 or 4. 100 N. 26lh St. ATTR VCTIVE trcnt room with large ai rove; talking distance; home cooking. Phone Douglaa Mi. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms and board; wsiklni; distance from downtown, best of home looking. 123 U. 2sin Ave. Tel., Doug. 89i.'. FINE large room suitable for two. 1918 Cass. Douglaa 1476. BOARD and room for two; on car line. 2420 Cass St. CLOSE In, three blocks from postofflce, two steam heated rooms with table board for four men. 8 per tvetk. 1710 Chicago St. LARGE room suitable for two Also smaller room, with board; on bath room floor. 2410 Csps. FOR RENT Desirable, neatly furnished rooms; board. l-i S. Ave. NICE room and board for two In private family. 313 N. 22d St. FOR RENT Nice single room for man; board. 1561 N. 17th St. FOR RENT Nice steam-heated room; bath; gentlemen desired. l$M S. i;th St. FOR RENT Two very nice rooms; hot and cold water; walking distance. 128 S. 26th St. FOR RENT-Neatly furnished rooms; board. ISIS Chicago St. r I'll rv i i iviii'm una i,umn, nume cooking; walking distance. 206 S. 25th Ave. NEATLY furnished rooms; home cook ing. 2018 California St. HT. JAMES. 416 S. 18; stm. heat, free bath Am. 31. 25 up; wkly., 85 up; meals. 2oc. Famished Hoonae. Nice south, single room, furnished. 2213 Douglas St ELEGANT FRONT room, private family: walking distance! reasonable. 637 S. 26 Ava A STRICTLY modern room for one or two gentlemen In West Farnam district, In private family, excellent bed; hot and cold water all the time. Harney 831. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In new brick flat. 3" blocks west of Hotel Rome: electric lights. Mrs. Eagon, Tyler 12, 638 s. r.uh st. WALKING distance; warm, well-fur-nlshed rooms In private home. All modern conveniences, on N. 20th St. car line. 624 N. 20th. Red 7792. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In brand new flat, with housekeeping privileges. Phone Tyler 1628. TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webster 6978. 219 N. 20th St. . FOR RENT Two nloaly furnished rooms (88 8. 12d St. PLEASANT, comfortable furnished room; strictly modern; walking distance. 2308 Dawey Ava. Tel. Douglaa 640L PLEASANT, warm front room; private home; fins location, on oar Una; easy walk. Ina distance; modern; fins for one gentle man, m n. am. STRICTLY modern rooms, walking dis tance. 418 8. 84th Ava. 81 par wee and up. Tel. Ind. A m. AN elegant large front room; fine fur niture; atnctiy modern. 830 N. 8Uta; no sign on house. TWO large rooms suitable for four; board If desired. 215 No. 26th St. PLEASANT modern rooms. 811 N. 36th St VERY desirable rooms, continuous hot and cold water: H block from two car lines. 3411 Cf.pltoi avenue. ISOl'.i St Mary's, second floor; strlotly first class furnished rooms; modern aad ' ftf iintlamn .nlv alcu An i b i , i. .on.. u iuwiii, uui water heat, good bath; everything strictly mod ern; walking distance. 2417 Jones St VERY pleasant alcovs suite. Tel. Doug laa 3634. CLOSE In, large, warm, front room; modern; reasonable. lt4 Dodga. ON THE SHERMAN AVE., car line, two very desirable modern rooms. Continuous hot and cold water; In private boras. 1504 N. 17th St. Webster t40. A SMALL desirable room for vounc ladv. 2045 Dodga St. WALKING DISTANCE Two very desir able housekeeping rooms. Also soma very nice sleeping rooms. 2204 Webster. STRICTLY modern furnished room; gen tlemen only; half block from posloffice. 120 N. 17lh. Douglaa 81K4. DESIRABLE modern room; private family; good location. 131 N. 31st Ave. IN NEW home, strictly modern room, excellent bath, electric light, 111 So. 36 Ave. aTnirTl.Y modern room In private fam ily; no other roomers. Phone Harney 3634. 4 ROOMS, gas and city water; garden and chicken privilege. 1R14 Bancroft fet. Red 66i6. VERY desirable large front room, suit able for to. 201 S. 26th Ava. STRICTLY modern room; walking dis tance; housekeeping privileges. If desired. 648 S. 26lh Ave. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th & Farnam. FURNISHED, steam heated-room, pri vate family, for gentleman; walking dis tance. i02 S. 2sth bL WANTED By young lady, room mate. 2006 St. Mary s. "Keep our ad going In the Ree. It Is paying us. It Is bringing us considerable new business. "It puts us In touch with business men who usu busineps photos. "The Bee does the work." COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. 306 Boston Store, This ad hai run a month under announcements at the rate of $1.50 a line per month. It is the same story with all of them. OFFERED FOR RENT Farn l-liiil It on m (iu tinned. CLOSE IN. two nowlv furnished front "mid; fiii'MH.e lust. ,,lu N. -0th St. No simi. I'hone DoukIh.s InVSj. ONE iHrtic Itoi.t loom: strictly modern; In iuIvhH- I hiii I. : breakfast if de.-llud 'Phone Douslas oi;7. l'THNISIIMi i-.,.hii. In private family; hi an! if dc.-ii i o. fcoinl location; mi let: niixii in. 'I Iiomo Uid TWO wui in. :d-(loor. couth rooms, n Icily fin lii.n. il ami well cured for; all modem, inr 2 Indies or gentlemen, house keiinn Doiigc. CLOSE In. I wo large front rooms: desir able lor 4 vuung mm: elccuio lights: Mnctly niooeiii; reabonahle. 1615 Itutt IHmlu If dcMlfd. LARGE, modem, south front room: pri vate faun,. Ill ,N. 2 til St. Phone B-22J3. LAKGU front parlor, nicely fin ni.-hed , lariie front room wlih alcove; auitahln tor two or uioie. Also other rooms. Sluctly uioilein. :u.i No. .ad. TWO large nicely f iirniMhrd rooms, all modi in. i n eiiicm es. unc block from 24th St.. on line. Sultiiliie tor four gentle nun. ol4 No. VMi. IUhikI iS UiilJ. LARGE front parlor, nicely furnished, also other rooms. 2-'li Calfornia. CLOSE In rooms, smelly niodern. Dli Cipitui Ave Doiifclus 4tklJ. LARGE, warm front room. In private home, dutilrahle for two, strictly muurn. walking distance, on -Uh St. car line. 220 N. 2od. Red 4:32. ROOM suitable for two young boys, with or without boaid; use of den fur smoking. B-2;iA8. , ONE large front room with board In private fainil ; home cookimj mid gonj location: strictly modern. Phone Web. 6J75. LARGE front room, also smaller rooms at fx. In private home. Strictly modern. 616 N. 23d. SOME nice, warm, closo In rooms, de sirable for young men, or man and wife. 21S N. 19th. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished south front room. 2.21 Howard St. TWO rooms in private re.-Iilence, no alt;n; near Omaha club; new house, newly fur nished; strictly niodern; electric lights: hot water heat; best beds; responsible business men desired. 2125 Douglas. Tyler 12:8. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front rooms to gentlemen, no children, no other room ers. 704 8. 24th EL KO R RENT Nicely furnished room for two people; private family. 614 So. 19th street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, well heated front room, also back parlor. Walk ing distance. 2202 Douglas St. FOR RENT Large front room, furnished for four gentlemen, reasonable. 190 Dodge St. MODERN furnished rooms. 1407 Chicago. 7 FOR RENT Nice front room, all mod ern. 2548 Chicago St. FOR RENT Furnished or . unfurnished rooms. 842 So. 19th St. FRONT parlor and bedroom for rant, good location. 112 S. 2Sth St FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, breakfast if desired. 1616 So. loth St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, all mod ern, aood location. 618 N. 18th St FOR RENT Nice, modern rooms, on car line. 3702 Farnam St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, het. 1118 Burt St FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, mod ern, private family. 702 8. 28th Bt FOR RENT Two nloely furnished rooms. S23 S. 20th St. FOR RENT Clean, modern rooms. 1907 Clark St. NICELY furnished room, hot water heat 1026 8. 22d St FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, gas, bath. 3309 Howard St. FOR RENT Modern front room, private family, near car lino. 2606 N. 34th St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room, desirable for two gentlemen. Ill S. 36th Ave. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room. 714 6. 17th Ave. FOR RENT Two part If modern rooms, neatly furnished, for k-m'"ii. private family. Breakfast If desired. 3238 N. 24 in St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room for couple parties. 2045 Dodge St STRICTLY modern room. 438 S. 24th St, Tel. Douglaa 642S. References exchanged. NICELY furnished front room; new home, private family. 1131 So. 3Id St. Harney 715. Hotels aad Aaartaaaata. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 S. th JH. DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodge; all out side rooms; stsain heat; special week rata. Apartments aad Flats. GROUND floo., 6-room. steam heated flat the Dunsany, 10th and Pierce eta., 23 per month. CONRAD TOONO. 408 Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR RENT Choice 6-roora flat, near high school. l-'250 7-room cottage. 31st and Jackson; reduced to 8J0. Tel. owner. Red 6264. BE comfortable: 6-room apartment on west Farnam street wltn heat and Jani tor service free: ery convenience. JOHN W. BOBBINS, FARNAM ST. i S t