Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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TTin T.EK: OMHAA. TTKNPAY, FEBinttV 14. 1011.
County Commissioner. Talk of With
holding Contract Award.
Opposition. Hrnt 1 n llnnd anil la.
lata If in fteall tke Lose Rial,
df r nsj.the 'joh at the
(rl Unas.
Cnuntr official Sre talking of reconsider
Ins: tne contrnct recently authorized for
viruum cleaner for th new court house,
and Peter F:tswr, -county commissioner.
1 trying to keep the chairman of the board
from signing thf contract.
Pome weeks ao Commissioners O'Connor,
T.yndi mil) I'loksrtl vhtlted several cities
and various vacuum cleaning systems In
operation. They eliminated all but one sys
tern, and upon their return recommended
thin system to the other commissioners.
Vpon tho advice of these three men Mr.
Klsasser and Chairman Bedford alio voted
for this system, making the choice unani
mous The firt hid of the firm, represented
by If. A. Hanlghan. ' I4.6.W for a six
sweeper system. When the commissioners
hoKan to talk business till" bid-wax cut
Mia). The hid of the Talm Vacuum Clean
Ing company was JJ.fO and a company In
retinfjlvanla had n bid mill lower. Thla
latter via not considered seriously from
the first.
When the Palm people learned the con
tract vi likely to be awarded to the other
fu m they at ouce, rent a salesman w ith two
complete systems to try to convince the
commissioners that thMr syatcm was beat.
He first got the ear of Peter Elssssex.
At the earnest solicitation of Mr. Etsasser
Mr. O'Coeinor .and Mr. Pick ai d visited the
rn I m of(lca and .listened to tha arguments
aiialnst the other system. A. representative
of the system was present during the In
terview, but had little to say.
Mr. Plckard aaja he will nut defend the
successful bidders; that they must talk for
themselves. He was frank to say, however,
that ha considered the whole matter a
knock. He asked If It would be fair for an
automobile ' salesman to show a- (picking
new machine in competition with one on
the road a long time, whose parts had
been W0rn find unpalnted.
The Palm machine la what Is vailed a wet
machine and uses 130 gallons of water an
hour. The.Titec system Is a dry system
and u sea no. uulo,-,
Tha l'alm . people declare that the Tueo
system does not meet the architect's speci
fic atlons In many ways and that since
their system la lower in. price by $40f, that
they should tie awarded the contract.
Mr. Pickard nay no has a letter from the
l'alm system poople In which. It is as
serted that the. Tpee system Is not really a
vacuum system a al.
Both , Mr. Plckard and O'Connor now
say they are wiling to see both machines
In operation and near all poslble of both,
and to then decide which Is best. They say
the signing of the contract .will be post
poned Indefinitely.
The l'alm people say they will ship one
of their alu sweeper machines to Omaha
and put It In working order so that the
best macnlne may be chosen by compari
son. . ,, .
Team Crashes Into
. Plate Glass Window
EorEet Run Two and One-Half Miles
Through Crowded Streets
and May Die.
A runaway Uam belonging to the Omaha
Banana company J and hitched' to a big
van, coming at break-neck speed down the
Harney hill at fwon. daahed head
on lrvlo the plate glass . display
window. , of U. t. .hukert, the
furrier; at Fifteenth nd Harney streets.
Several oltlsvps standing wn the corner
bad narrow escapes. Moth horses were so
badly cut that thry probably will die, and
the window, a large affair, 8x14 feet, was
shattered. Into pieces no larger than a
plate. The team was drlverlcss.
Kefore. making their sensational stop In
the Harney street window the team had
come tha distance of about two and jne
helf mUes, without mishap, having started
al Twent'lom Ih and Ohio streets. A
good pail, of their run was adventurous,
for turning onto KUteenth street at Cuming
the horses tlueaicd the crowded thorough
fare at tu BpefM Turning at Harney and
almoM .uvnettlng (hey sped down the slope
and would have, collided lfli another van i.ot, V""" cerrd Into the window.
i , n.lto, the driver, uul gone Into
J. store, al . Twenty-fourth and
l j i. ,tets,' after some banana cratos.
Ulun be cam out the team was not
there. In did not know what had fright
ened, them. , , s. . .
gratia Oat Mateiueut to the He
sourcci) a ail Output et - e
Itraska Karma.
Famson Is continuing to I a booster for
tha entire stale of Nebraska. He has sent
rut to over 2 000 bus.ncss hi.uits a c rcular
which contains, he fullowlng terse state
ment it tho resources of Nebraska, com
piled front, rouoris pf t:i; Mate
burau of labor and Industrial statistics:
Nc brtk fur lt:.
Produced eora more valuable than all the
gold In the 1'nlud States ard Alaska.
Produced orn ww th more than the total
toraccft crop of the I'nited States.
I'rodueed wheat worth more than the
total augur crop In th I'nltid States.
Troduced live stock worth more than the
ci ud ; p troleum of th whole I'nited 8 ate.
produced grain. lonltry, lle stock, but
ter. ckk and fru't worth more thn all
' the coal uitiwd in the I'niud 8tt. s. out
side of the slate of Illinois.
Traduced nay worth more than all the
gold at d silver in Alaaka.
I'rodueed reals worth more than all the
copper mined in the I'nited States.
t'ruducid arass, gialn. live sto k worth
more than all the iron or aimed In lite
I'nited States. '
If the '.m ptoduced b; the hens of
Nebraska were placed In a double row, end
to end. they would be Ihno l ines us long
as ine total lailroud mileage built In l'KK
The permanent school f ut d of Nebraska
would rtavcli l.'UXi miles If converted Into
ei. -dollar bills and placed tnd tu end.
tainsun lo makes an appeal to Omaha
merchants tu send In subscriptions to the
paiade tuno.
t ables (bat he l Vllve aad Well mmm
that hr Will toa Hrtirs
(a Omaha.
Rr;;lift of M'.sa Marxaret Pamm have
tmH a rbl,rm from hr siatin that
sh is a'le and w r II and mill soon start
for hr h tii n (.i.lia Trlrnds here wore
il . rout 'it up last week over the repore
from Hi i tin Miss lamm was mlss.ntf
She has bcn stus-ins music In Uerniany
fr f-nr tcrs and Is rlumlnv to (Ms
Country la engage la cunctrt uik.
. ' " 1 1 1 111 ''.''SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWf
It la
In Our
Valentine's Shedwater and Waterproofed Foulards
An extremely high quality of dress foulards, in new' color
ings and exclusive designs, re being shown in our silk de
partment and are specially priced for "Valentine Week."
In our Kith anil .'-Douglas St. windows are shown many
of our most attractive patterns for 1911.
We mention extremely attractive groups at, yard
59c.05c-95c-$1.50 $l 95 and $2.50 Yard
Main Floor -Bargain Square
Vomcn's Tailored Waists
We bring forward a big special
Jot of new Waists for Tuesday.
They are very smartly tailored
nainsooks, lawns and madrases;
a number have embroidered
fronts, while others have the at
tractive black and white stripe
materials many plain tailored,
all with white collars $1.50
and $2.00 values, .
Victrola Grand Opera Concerts Every Noon
.)IIFrom 12 o'cl'l until I p..m. every day this week, we announce
- brilliant concerts on the famous Victrola Talking Machines, In our
Assembly room. Hear tb,e greatest grand ibpera stars' most brilliant
numbers. It it. free, and JCu are cordially Invited.
A 50c
rr?i I With each purchase of 6 cakes f
Kl; d of Palm Olive
licic a a jx.xu
U AtMl'sl A V 1 -Iffl
Free Matinee flusicales Tuesday and Friday
. Miss Tot Sleeken will slug Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. This
matinee will be hold in Assembly room balccny of Fompelan 'room.
No admission fee will be charged.
Different Floors As.lane to the arl
as DrSarf.neatsTmo Flours
to lie Hrateal.v . ,
Disposition of the office spage In the new
l'nion Tai-lflo headquarters building has
become quite a problem with the local of
ficials. Several times plans of placing the
various departments of the road have been
outlined only to be changed later.
Announcement Is made that the following
la the probable manner of placing the head
quarters' force In tbe new home. The first
floor will be given to the paasenger depart
ment and to the land colonization depart
ment, as these are the two offices which
have much to do with the general public.
The executive, operative and transporta
tion offices will have the second floor, the
generul manager's and the gerferal suerln
tendent's office being given spacious quar
ters. The freight department will hold the
third floor, with perhaps a part of the
claim department.
The fourth floor will be given up to the
tax, land and the purchasing departments,
these hree forces not having the number
of men a the others. The fifth floor will
house the legal offices and here will also
probably be another part of the claim ser
vice. The sixth floor will have the most
of Its space taken up with mechanical of
fice men and there may be a part of this
floor used for keeping records for Im
mediate uses.
The auditing, accounting end treasury
departments, which are together In one
sense, will have the largest apace. Thee
three office forces will have the eight,
ninth and tentU floors and he floor left,
the seventh f'ocr, will be taken by the
engtneerl ig force. The eleventh and twelfth
floors will be rented
TLe l tbe cUtuaUoa-te Waal Ads!
. mm.
Jar of Palm
Soap at 49c JJ.
en lis A r
vtuuc at . . .
Hsydsn's MEAT Dept.
Here's Ycur Chsnca
All This Walk Wt Kill Sill
10 Lbs. Leaf 01 fid
Lard fcr
Haycfen's HEAT Dept.
uPTaffs Dental Roims
rrobaflos) Oftlrer lo Make Crasatfe
Dsn Play.
Slogy Bernstein, prosjatlonary officer. Is
after pool halls, where bovs are allovod to
make their headquarters. Following the
raid of the Jacobson pool hs!l at Twenty
fourth and Ames vrnu Sunday, where
sis boys uader 17 years ok', were tak n In
tow by tue police. Uernsteln eaNs he wiil
file complaints aga ns this p ace tor sid ng
and ab.f'tlng delinquent children. Hern
stein will takrt similar steps against other
hells thet rater to young lads.
To regulate these plac-s Bernstein will
suggest to the city rounetl that It pass an
ordinance licensing .sen table and requir
Int the iruprlio! s to put uj a bond.
ii,n n n so nana n a BSBBananaaanBOOfLJ
'yN'jipq v pn. is. irr
oS u u
I rIJB One ltles' Hitn lttrn with B
t I esch copy of the New Pprtnc. 111 Style Hook. H If
cJl''1 jr
The Diys Arc Numbered Now Until the End of This Great
Ladies' Winter Apparel Sale
All our Dress skirts, in wools and voiles, now at half priep.
All our Dresses worth up to $'Jl.50 go now at $10.00.
All our Fine Tailored Velvet and Corduroy Suits, worth
to $75.00, now at half.
All our Pony Coats repriced at a third off.
White Goods. Linens
Sell for Less Money Tuesday
white noons fok frockh
4 6-lniM Imported Marquisette,
our $1.25 kind, specially priced
Tuesday choice of patterns,
t 754
36-inch Long Cloth, bolt of 12
vrd8- $1.10
itcatitirul Table Damask
goet Tuesday, at ....
The Most Popular Furniture
Sale Yet Held in Omaha
Greater than ever the variety while the savings
bring prices to the level of half a dozen years ago.
There Is a chance of msny people helns; fooleil In huvlnn hut It Is,
I!-. V. .L.h" ,veLy J?"ly who et fooled who. In nred of eronoinlelna.
stores O Lantern 'bargains ' hung up by the so-called cheap
T!2 ,fr,ln5 Quality of our furniture Is best known by those who to-
' vear our Kehr"Hry Clean-Lp Sale started a week
earner and was a at and anrrs ttn.r .ir.... ...... t .i. - ,
tbS ami X ,h ,"enl"- dsy of this trwu sale, tlmt with only half
Th. ZZuft? f' iur le,, "re far al,e,,, uf opening day last year. Why?
2tr5nger eachyearn ennelt " tnUurt. and public s faith It, It grows
Of golden oak,, weathered oak. solid
quarter-sawed oak, golden oak, solid
mahogany, bird's-eye maple and
Circassian .walnut, all fancy beau
tiful mirrors the more expensive
ones have French plate ones
Trice. .. Values
ia-38 i.n.00
17.BO 127. DO
SO.OO 120.00
- " I
n.iu iiuimiioub Yl,"r I'""
half to one-third off January prices.
ues offered at this sale.
II -i f f
I ' vo wm ; -
I Jij - 1
If t-us-- ft - u ,iL 1
. Ji he )& ag
The automobile event of. the year. . ;
Keep ported about it through the Bee. ! C '
It will tell you how fast the i-ars jire running:. How rtet'ji tin-
ev nre. Kvervfliinjr. e ervwheie, all of thn tinie. .
Don't miss a number now.
and Domestics Will
Silkollne, in all new shades and
colorings, special, per yard
,at 12H
Cotton Blankets, full bed size,
our 1. B0 kind, repriced Tor
Tuesday, pair SRI..;
New mercerized Table Damask, worth 40c,
Some to match the dressers, all
kinds of solid woods and patterns,
quipped with mirrors alao.
i'r,r? Value
10-0 15.00
Dressers and chiffoniers. In many
styles, Including serpentine, colo
nial and the swelled front, each hav
Inpf fine French mirrors.
mIXcZn. Value
BESS ::::::::::::::::::::-,!iS:SS
1126 01
suirered in reductions from one
Make a visit to see the great va
. ..
- " f
If your grocer
n II n i rf rv frtr
than "Welch,"
then QUIT7
your grocer.
These Specials for Tuesday
and Wednesday
nOSI a ALB For
Tues snd Wed. onlv,
4S lbs best f'atent
Flour for tl.flO
tlUOAM 21 lbs. tirnnil-
lated for tl.OO
SOAV 10 bars of ls-
mond V for 850
OAF Five bars .'f
"lorv" fur tSc
Xm : i nns for. . sao
I.nrge size cans. .40
riaum 5c sire
for 3o
here st 3o
OATMEAL 10 poumt
best for 85o
OOmif MIAI, Ten lbs
lt hlte or yellow
f.'r 15e
at. lb. Be
JAP RICB Bret, por
pottml 6o
rOTATOSS Irish, dry
and mealy; special at,
bushel BSe
PEAS, Corn or Toma
toes; regular 15c kind
dor.., 11.10; can. 100
TEACHES or Tesrs
Henular 2e kind
doz.. IL'.:5. ran. . .190
at. Ih 100
SFAftl aiS No. 1.
at. lb. 10
2238 Ponnorn Qf lhone Douglasi 1544,
2237 arnaiTl DI. 0r Independent A-2S11
Omaha Loan and DuildlnQ
Now Located in Their Nw Horns in
N.W. Cor. 15th&Dodee Sts.
Asset3 $3,900,000
Thatis what most peoj)lc do
Telephone us and tell your loss to
In Our Windows n
vou will' find a goed many specially priced articles this
week. When down town, look anyway.
! Vy s. 17. LINDSAY. Jcvcler Y ,
. 161f BooarU. Street. " I i
lulls are t!i;:l they htp clii)ibir..
I'.ne. at. Ih 100
LAM1 IT1W-AI, per
pound . . So
Shouliiers, lb So
At. ier Ih 10
POT BOAST No bone.
fat removed, lb.,.10o
HAMS Sugar cure.1.
a hole only, Ih. ... . 150
BACOW ringar cured,
Site kind, ih 130
too prsde. at. h..l0o
SiMlshlpt, misrt ..Son
OOc giade, lb.. .10
when they lose articles of value.
alfOmaha in a ningle afternoon.
What they oot. 7 !!ow jrootV