Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1911, Image 1

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Wit, hoasor, Mellon ana eoaalo
)lenre heat of entertain
snent, liMr(lM, asanaeaaeat.
Tor Nptiiiiskd - Vrf 1 1 led.
Km- Iowa -( nottlfl.
For 'a)hi rvorl are ik i.
VOL. XL NO. 206.
Such Is the Firit Testimony Given
at the Legislative Hearing
on Omaha Election.
Joint Session it Being Held at the
Do Rot Know Yet as to Nature of
the Probe.
Tell of th Vtmt th A otea Were
Handled In the rreclnrt of the
Third Ward Where Fran
la Mleed.
Who election Investigation Is tills
will the. senate commutes aci concur-)
rntly and In conjunction with the house
With these question still unanswered the
Investigation was resumed at the Paxton
hotel at I o'clock.
The members of the senate committee
took seats In the room and participate!
In examination of witnesses.
"Hoes thia mean a, concurrent Investiga
tion?" I. I. Albert, chairman of the senate
was asked.
"No, we are Just Retting the foundiitlon.
seeing where th- matter stands." replied
Albert explained tlmt the participation of
the senate committee In the hearing Mon
day afternoon did not signify a l manent
agreement to so continue It.
Senator Hoagland took a prominent part
In the examination of witnesses and forced
direct answers, to explicit questions.
Dennla H. Cronln, republican m-niler of
the house committee, also took a more ag
gressive stand and Insisted on explicit and
exact answers to the questions propounded
to the witnesses.
Examine Jadac and t Irrka.
Th examination of the Judges and
clerks of election In the Second precinct of
the First ward occupied the afternoon es
aion of the hearing.
The evidence In litis connection soon be
came" of much significance and Interest so
the Investigators. ,
That . there were three clerks and two
judges of election In this precinct, while
the lgw provides for three Judges and two
clerks was the testimony of witnesses
Iavid Tonge, W Pacific street. Judge at
the Second precinct' of the First ward,
divulged a schema of "railroading" voters.
His testimony, brought forth with many
questions, amounted to' the statement that
a printed ticket, bearing the names of can
didates, was brought to the polls by voters.
' particularly Italians, and that the voting
njsehlaei,a puiled . according ., to; this j
printed ticket by the Judges at this pre-
Ala.. I
... , . , . A I
. . 2 . ' J . .
nrlntAil I Abas Hnrsa that ntmal ff t n
straight democratic ticket with the exrcep-
tlon of "Johnny" Lynch and Judge Sutton.
The Witness, declared that he "pulled the
democratic lever." (meaning the lever for
the straight democratic ticket) flrat and
"attended to the two others."
Tongw testified that he pulled the levers
according to the printed ticket.
Noon found the status of the Investiga
tloii of Omaha electlona by the committees
front the house and senate of the legiala- i
ture uncertain that Is, In relation to each
other, f
"We will go ahead at 1 o'clock." was the
sentiment of the house committee, gather
ing for a resumption of the hearing which
adjourned on February 4.
"Probably we will meet with the house
committee at the hearing at 1 o'clock,'
said I. U Albert, chairman of the senate j Austin lllrrell a description of the govern
committee, aa he sat down for lunch at "tent's propoaala for home rule given In the
the Rome at noon. House of Commons today.
"It la by no means settled thst we will! Tl' c'llf secretary for Ireland was re
hold a concurrent Investigation with the i lvln to a question regarding the reten-
house ' committee." said W. V. Hoagland
of the senate committee shortly before
Thus on the eve of the resumption of
the Investigation by the house committee
the action tu be taken by the senate com
mittee remained uncertain.
Evident tllaoatlsfuctlon with the work of
the house committee was expressd by mem
bers of the senate committee.
"The house committee has gone ahead
wtihout any attention to ua," sa.d Senator
I'ncertala) Uit to Da.
A transcript -of the evidence adduced be
fore the house committee was delivered to
the senate committee shortly before noon.
None of the aenatoia had had opportunity
to review tna evidence at that hour. They
were yet uncertain as to what they
would do.
John O. Telser. lawyer, representing ths
governor, declaied himself in readiness to
present svldenue bearing on the charges of
election frauds at the resumption of the
hearing by the house committee this after-
The house committee proceeded on the j
resumption that It would be Joined by i
is senators on the resumption of the hear-
r . l . . ... . .. i .1
ins. t'lacts lur me Bnimuie wvrv aatfignca
in tne commutes room at rarior a or the
I'axton hotel.
"We are going ahead at 1 o'clock," aaid
B. 8. tlarrlngtou. chairman of the house
cuinmlttee, aa h aat in his room In the
Faxton fcn conference with otner members
of the house committee.
The members of the two bodies now con.
ci mid in the Investigation of fraud in
Omaha's election are'
The Senate I'omatlttoee.
I. U Albert idem.), chairman; lawyer,
Col jmbus
fittorge W. Tlbbets (dam ), lawyer, Hast
ings. J. U. I.e (deiu ), Lynch.
J. II hemp trap ). ier. Fullerton.
V. V. Hoagland trep), lawyer. North
lb House toaantlttee.
H. g. Harrington, chairman, Ainaworth,
democrat, merchant.
W. A. 1'iince. Urand Island, republican,
law er.
I'. 11 Cronln, O'Neill, republican, newa
paper publisher.
Anton agl, U liber, democrat, banker.
II C. Mstrau, Norfolk, democrat, coal
Mr Prince is a cousin of Governor Aid-
AU members of both committees. wlthl'" h,r hubnd l helton. la., after a
. . -. .
U'unlluued on Scond Pag.)
Former Legislator
Pours Oil on Himself
and Applies Match
Ex-State Senator David Hart
Adams Endeavors to End Life
at Hattingi.
HASTING.. Neb.. Feb. 13.-(Speciat Tel
egram.) Ex-State Senator Iiavlil Half of
A damn county saturated lit h clothes with
kerosene and art fir to himself at hi
home here this afternoon. Blazing from
head to foot ha ran from his houw and
j hrs
1 stu
1 a short distance away. People
his assistance anl extinguished
?s. but he was badly burned
chest and fare. Beard, hair and
were burned away. His con
tve. hut the attending physician
.will rerover unless complica
tion! Inhalation of flamea.
iit -5
hel. " 7.
elerted to the state senate
M o i n In but was prevented
from ils seat by mental trouble
which , i lin a week after election,
l-ately s of his daughter, Miss
Eva Ha, , , caused him to glow more de
spondent and It la supposed the worrk ove.
her condition prompted him to attempt
Indian Contracts
to be Let Only at
Omaha and Chicago
Goods Purchased at Gate City Will
Not be Duplicated Double In
spection Abolished.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. An Innovation
In the matter of letting contracts for sup
plies for the Indian service established. It
I fald: "In the interests of economy and
good business." has been Instituted by the
bureau of Indian affairs. Instead of hav
ing four "openings and lettlngs" as has
been the case heretofore,' there will bo
only two-at Omaha and Chicago. Con
tracts for goods let at Omaha will not be
duplicated at Chicago or vice versa
The new system will do away with a
double Inspection wh'ch has been In vogue
heretorfore. An inspector at San Fran
cisco might differ In his Ideas of standards
fiom an inspector In the eastern ware
houses, thus establishing different stan
dards of quality.
The estimated cost of supplies, bids for
which will be let next March and April,
amounts to about 14.000.000.
Asquith Will Send
Veto Bill to the
Commons Monday
Evidence that Government Expects to
Force Bill Through by Creating
New Peers, if Necessary.
LONDON. Feb. IS. Premier Asquith an
nounced in the House of Commons today
that he would Introduce the government s
Veto 0111 next Mondsy. As evtccwe of the
government's intention to force this meas-
tire through, John W
Oulland, the Scot-
utsh liberal whip, stated In
a speech at
I "- ousy
:JUBt now "''"piling a list of mon who
would accept peerages with the object of
I P'n8 the veto bill In the upper chamber
the event that the conservative peers
j Proved recalcitrant.
j Irish Program of
. British Ministry
Austin Birrell Says It Proposes Entire
Reconstruction of Irish Ad
ministration. UMK)N. Feb. 13. "The entire recon
struction of the Irish administration." was
tlon of the vice presidency of the depart
ment of agriculture and technical Instruc
tion for Ireland by Thomas W. Russell, al
though he has lost his seat In parliament.
The secretary attributed the situation to the
probabllly. at a not remote date, of a re
conduction of the Irish administration.
Vigorous nationalist cheers greeted the
promise which was taken to indicate the
possibility of the early enaction of Irish
Bathtub Trust Wants
to Compromise Case
No Defense Will Be Made in Civil
Cases if Only Fines Are Assessed
in Criminal Cases.
WASHINGTON, Feb. It-Falling to se
cure the dismissal of the criminal Indict
ment against them, the defendants In the
.-kvrnment's action aaainat the s....b a
bathtub trust will resist the government s
I civil suit and begin their defense at Pitt..
burg- tomorrow. The testimony on the gov-
ernment'B side In the civil case Is all In '
Ther. wa. an intimation that ahould the!
t government
compromise for fines only In
the criminal caae. no defense would be of-
fered to the civil suit. U. S. Kenyon. assist-
. .,
ant to the attorney general, declines to
withdraw hla demand for Jail sentences.
Woman Crows When She
Wants Eggs for Her Meal
A tall German woman walked Into the
rertaurant at the Omaha I'll Ion station
Monday and sat down on the counter stool
with the rest ot a hungry crowd. It soon
developed that she ass hungry and a cup
of coffee was tried on her.
The coffee was fine, but she wanted
something else. Try aa they might the
waitresses could not get the order that
was so vividly described In German.
rinauy me woman roae irom tne cnair,
carefully napped her arms and crowed,
i oca-aaoooie-aoo. iggs was ins oraer. ;
riy nw neip oi an interpreter, il ue-
veloped that the woman was Mrs. Julius
Bchnlesdorfer and that she was going to
i""'! i rauon. r-ne pin ueen
left In Germany by hi in two decades ago 1
" '
Governor Lauds Reciprocity as a
Great Step Forward in Constructing
Words Spoken Yars Ago Apply to the
Situation Today.
"Log Rolling" and Vote Trading Is
but Indirect Bribery.
IHnaer of the loans Men's llepnhll
ran Inh of l.lnenln Marked tir a
Nolrmorthr t Iterance From
Governor Aldrlch.
I From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 1.1. i Special. (The twenty-second
annual banquet of the Young
Mn'e Republican club of Lincoln brought
from Governor Aldrlch a first discussion
of the president's policy on Canadian reci
procity and a warm commendation of his
policy. Two hundred men were present
at the banquet In the Llndell hotel, and It
Was addiesscd by A. M. Hare, Senator
Kemp, Congressman-elect Sloan and Gov
ernor Aldrlch. The governor said:
"Mr. Toastmaatcr and Fellow Republic
ans: tin this occasion 1 want to submit
to you a few observations on progressive
republicanism, and as a text for these re
marks I Want to take the closing sentences
of a speech delivered on a memorable oc
casion by the first progressive republican
of America. These words thst I am about
to quote were littered upon an occasion
and in a situation somewhat analogous to
the present day situation that we have In
the Nebraska legislature. Abraham Lin
coln was In the Illinois legislature with
the object and avowed purpose of bring
ing the state capltol from Vandalla to
Springfield. He waa making headway, but
when success seemed almost In sight he
was met with the proposition 'vote for a
certain measure or we will kill your cap
ital removal bill.' Several caucuses hsd
been held and the parties had failed to
bring Lincoln to terms. A final meeting
was held and toward the close of this
caucus Abraham Lincoln arose and in the
majesty of his manhood at the close of
his speech said:
" 'You may burn my body to ashes and
scatter them to the winds of heaven; you
may drag my soul down to the regions
of darkness and despair to be tormented
forever, but you will never get me to sup
port a measure which I believe to be
wrong, although by so doing I may accom
plish that which I believe to be right.'
"These elouent words, or these divinely
Inspired words are sentiments worthy to
be uttered by the Man of Galilee, and lq
many respects there Is a profound analogy
between the Nazarene and Abraham Lin
coln. The Nazarene never, compromised
with error, at ver excused a wrong; slSvays
stood out" boldly and unalterably as an
enemy of wrong. Abraham Lincoln, no
matter what might he the consequence,
never would compromise with wrong even
if by so doing he could succeed In getting
some things that were right.
Oat- of the Legislators.
"Tha sentence above quoted points out
plainly and unequivocally the duty of every
legislature' and of every public man; that
is to say nom essure should pass through
the halls of congress or a state legislature
save and only on Its merits. Would that
every member of the Nebraska legislature
would atudy and analyse and commit to
memory these words and If my so doing
he could burn these sentences and Its
language so deeply Into his soul that he
would only support each measures aa had
merit and Justice and right on their aide,
how Infinitely better off the legislature
of Nebraska would be; how much cost
and trouble and Injustice would be saved
in wrong measures being turned down be
cause they were wrong, and right measures
supported because they were right.
"I do not believe there la a member of
the present legislature who would accept
a dollar for hla vote or for his Influence;
he Is here with right Intentions so far aa
that Is concerned. If to get a measure
through that la right he lends his vote for
an appropriation for an Institution that
costs the state $100,000 or more; that Is
not needed by the state; that la a burden
upon It, and the only reason for It la to
help some particular locality; In other
words what la termed as "log rollong ' In
the legislature, la wrong In principal and
deplorable In practice. The practice of
thcae methods simply amounts to this 'If
you will support my measure I will vote
to put your hsnds down Into the pockets
of the taxpayers of Nebraska and mulct
them In the sum of 1100,000 or more to
erect an Institution, or put through a
measure thst is absolutely wrong and un
necessary and from a standpoint of busi
ness should not be tolerated.' Is this not
doing by indirection what could be done
by a direct purchase of a vote? In other
words no leglslaturer haa any moral right
to vote for an appropriation that la wrong
In principal any more than he has the
right to take money for his Influence If
from thl, wrong a
"Ihrihim l.lnnnln
In either case It Is the people who suffer
nd Injustice.
eerrnce to Right.
Abraham Lincoln, like the Nazarene. did
. I , r'""1' ,OUB"t
',Z".,n t JT. .. lne
noted champion of right and the Inveterate
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
and she had raised the family of eight
children alone.
By hard work Mrs. Srhnlesdorfrr was
able to bring herself and the eight chil
dren to America In 1900 and has lived in
Altoona, Pa., since. She never learned to
talk English, but her children had. and
several of them are now living in the
Finally one of the older boys ran across
Julius Schnleadorfer. the father, who had
come to America ears ago and was a
prosperous Iowa farmer. The glad word
went to Altoona arid now she is on
y to frhelton. la., to Join the
after the long absence.
i Because Mrs. Schnledorfr aDoka .tv
low German and the Interpreter spoke
nign, tne progress of breakfast and
story waa slo.
From the
Wsfchloclun Gtaf-
Crazed Man Kills Sister-in-Law and !
Then Himself.
Michael Woltninn Fires Three Times
at Mr, lnele KraJIrek and Then
Shoots Hlimelf Throng h
th Head.
,. ... ., v .. .-. -i--nj. . ...-.;. .
Michael Woltnian, years old and sur
vivor ot scores of prairie Skirmishes with
Indians. Is dead from a bullet wound in
flicted by himself after he had far&lly
shot hla slster-tn-law, Mrs. Vlncle KraJIcck,
aged 47. The double tragedy occurred at
1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon in the base
ment Of Mrs. Krajlcek's home, 2618 South
Seventh street, where she wss engaged
over a wash tub. Woltnian lived for an
A partially disordered mind and a fan
cied grievance that his sister-in-law was
trying to prejudice his wife against him
are the reasons that the family give for
Woltman's deed.
Woltman lived next door with his wife
and a family of six children, ranging In I
age from 8 to 21 years. Three years ago j
he left his employment In the L'nlon Pa- i
rlfic shops, and has been working only at
intervals since then. He had threstened
to kilt both his wife and Mrs. K raj leek
once before during the winter, but hair
quieted down, and his family thought him
to be safe.
Yesterday morning he called at Mrs.
Krajlcek'a house, and apparently was In a
friendly mood, commenting upon her
chicken house and woodpile. At noon he
waa acting In a strange manner, however,
and waa making tin eats. His wife, who Is
a rheumatic cripple, had her H-year-old
son, James, call up the police station.
Officers Delehanty and Ferris were sent
over from their beats at the depots, but
arrived a few minutes too late for the
Woltman fired at the woman from his
yard as she stood in the doorway of her
basement. It Is thought that he nsed
his aim, tor Mrs. Krajicek ran Inside, lock
ing the door after her. Woltman kicked
the door In, and shotfher twice through
the breast as she stood over the tub, kill
ing her almost Instantly.
Mrs. Wolunan heard the shots and sent
her boy, James, out to see what waa the
trouble. Woltman ahook hla fist at hla
son and ordered him back In the hoase.
He then went upstairs, kicked In the
kitchen door, and, sitting down on a fflalr,
sent a bullet Into his brain. There he waa
found by another sister-in-law, Mrs. John
Duffy, who lives Just back of the other
two houses.
Mrs. Vlncle Krajicek lost her husband
about alxteen yeara ago, and lias been liv
ing with her only son, Frank, who Is a
young man 21 years ot age In the en'ploy
of the Omaha Packing company. The
family says that in reality Woltnian had
not the slightest cause for a grievance, as
the murdered woman had repeatedly given
him money.
Once earlier In the winter Woltman had
come home with a revolver and had ifiade
threats of shooting his family. While he
slept on the sofa James, the 14-year-old
son, quietly "sneaked ' the gun out of his
father's pocket.
Woltman leaves, besides his wife, six
children, who are as follows: John, a
l'nlon Pacific shopman; Annie, a stenogra
pher employed by Wright & Wilhelmy;
Annie, an employe at Wool wort he ten-cent
store; Frank, engaged in th upholstery
business; James and Henry, both In school.
Coroner Crosby has taken charge of the
bodies, and an Inquest will be held
Five Men Killed by tiploaloi.
HAZKLTON. B C. Feb. IS. -Five men
mere killed and two severely Injured yes
terday aa tha result of a premature ex
plosion in a small tunnel on the Grand
Trunk Pacific at Kltselas. H. C. The men
mere working at the far end of the tunnel
when a box of powder, placed near th.
mouth to thaw out, became oerheatt
and exploded.
Open Season for Deadlocks
jtv ;s
Senate Committee
Amends Sulloway
Pension Measure
It Reduces Payments to Veterans of
More Than .70 Years of Age
to $30.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13.-By a vote of
to 3 , the repate rSmmltt.iy on , Jonnloni
today agreed to report to the senate the
senate Sulloway general pension bill, which
already has passed the lioune. It waa so
amended thut the annual cost. In addition
to the estimated for the ensuing
year, will be about $15,000,000. As the bill
passed the house It would have cost about
M0 10,000.
Senator McCumber. chairman of the
committer, opposed the Sulloway bill and
endeavored to have the committee report
a measure which would cost for the first
year about :ii0,0ii0. He was Joined by
Ser.ators Gore and Taliaferro In making up
the minority on the final vote.
As passed by the house the Sulloway bill
would increase th monthly pension of
veterans of fi2 years from S12 to SIN; of C
years front 12 to $J0; of 70 years from Jlj
to US, and from 70 ir more from $20 to 136.
The senate committee by a vote of six to
flvo reduced tho proposed maximum al
lowance from 1G to $.T0. As there are esti
mated to be (il.ttil veterans who would be
affected by this amendment at the present
time the change would decrease the annual
cost 'a little more than $4,500,000.
On the statement made by Secretary of
the Interior fiallinger the cost of the Sul
loway bill as passed by the house would
be S45.4S9.46S. but the committee found that
there would have to be added to this
amount about $4,000,000, to which a limited
umber of veterans would be entitled under
general laws, Increasing the total to about
$.V),000.000 a year.
Its friends do not anticipate an easy
time passing the measure through the
senate, especially as It has been intimated
that President Taft would veto It If It were
presented to him for his signature. The
fact that aome aenators are confident that
the president would veto the measure Is
said to have Induced a withdrawal of con
siderable opposition, but on the other hand
there are senators who feel that the respon
sibility of such action should not be placed
utMin the president.
The motion In committee to report the
Sulloway bill was made by Senator Curtis
of Kansas and It Is expected he will lead
the fight for Its passage by the aenate.
Later In the day Senator Scott reported
the bill to the senate.
.oted Architect Who Was Hart la
Auto Accident Is In Critical
NEW YORK, Feb. 13 No Improvement
waa noted this morning In the condition of
John M. Carrere. the architect, who la un
conscious at the Presbyterian hospital aa
th.- result of Injuries sustslncd in an auto
mobile accident last night. Mr. Carrer",
who Is known throughout the country, haa
been regarded by eminent architects as one
of highest merit. Is suffering from con
cussion of the brain and scalp wounds His
condition, hospital aurgeona say, la critical.
Woman Smuggler Finishes
Her Sentence in the Tombs
NEW TORK. Feb. 13 The prison sen
tence of three days in th Tombs, Imposed
last Friday upon Mrs. lloberta Menges-Corwin-Hill,
divorced alfe of Captain Ar
thur Hill of the British army, who pleaded
g il'ty to a charge of smuggling, expired
K lay and Mrs ili'l was released. A big
cr d of the curious was in watting when
Ir'. Hill, closely veiled, appeared on th
a of her father. Morris Menges. the
sclig man, and was quickly escorted to a
Federal Force Which Attacked City
Retreats to Ojinaga.
Mall Advices from C'hthnahna Report
Force of Heavily Armed Indians
and Inaorrectoe West of
tho t lty,
MA UFA, Tex., Feb. la.-Delayed advlcea
reoelved here today clear up suspense over
results of the fighting Between insurrectoa
and federals around Mulata. ' The last
word received last week told of a federal
reverses in an assault upon rebel lines at
Muluta. It is learned now that the tldo
of battle remained the same, with the re
sult that the federals retreated to Ojinaga,
their base of supplies. The Insurrectos
were unable to check Luque's retreat.
Their supply of ammunition was exhausted.
The federal los waa forty killed and
The lngurrecto loss wss one killed and
woundod throughout the two days' battle.
Their leader, Ortega, has provided excel
lent defensive works against the federals'
uFsaults. The Insurgents ioughl from be
hind breastworks, stone heaps and trees.
It reminded one of the days of fighting
when the Indian combatted the westward
march of the Yankee.
Agtil Nonroiubatiata ivilled.
Storlea are told ot teaer'a! soldiers' cruelty
to nonuombatanta and the refusal of the
Insurrecto leader to permit his men to
take revenge. Four old noncombatants
were found In a farm house near Mulata
when the federals first approached the
town. They were Kucevlo De La Crux,
Crus Samaneljo, Decederlo Carrasco and
Mattaa Carrasco. One of them waa 90
years old, another waa blind and another
a cripple. All were white haired. The in
surrectos found these old men with their
hands tied behind their backs, lying riddled
with bullets. Their heads were crushed,
and one wss slaahed across the face by a
sabre. A number of Americans viewed the
bodies and several signed an affidavit de
scribing the Incident. This sworn state
ment will be aent to Washington.
lira rant to Incident.
A dramatic Incident followed th discov
ery of the four murdered men. A 'govern
ment soldier, had been found lying wounded
In the field. He had been cared for and
fed. When the murdered men were found
the insurrectos made a rush for the plaxa
In Mulata to take revenge by killing this
wounded soldier. In the crowd was a son
and a nephew of one of the aged victims.
Like crazy men they ran yelling into the
plaza and dragged the soldier Into the
street. Many argued against him, but oth
ers, maddened by the sight of the butch
ered old men, drew their pistols and de
clared they would kill any man that tried
to stop them.
At that moment, Ortega, the Insurrecto
commander, rode Into- the plaza and called
a halt.
"My children," he said, "I have had a
home laid In ruins and a wife and babies
driven naked and starving Into the hills.
(Continued on Third Tags.)
waiting automobile, which started off to tne
rapid-fire clicking of caniuia shutter.
Mrs. lllll. the first woman upon whom a
prison sentence haa been Imposed here on
a smuggling accusation, pleaded guilty to
a charge of brli.glng a Sfi.uuu ssbla coat and
Jewelry valued at S.TuO Into the country
from France without pajmetit of duty.
The sentence was Imposed after a lecnt
warning from the federal bench that in
pnsonment would hereafter l a part of the
penalty in smuggling cases.
Jarsc:i cf Gage Introduces Resolution
for it to Come np
Not Yet Prepared to Difcuss House
Roll Bill No. 1.
Seward County Election Matter Comes
up at That Date.
Meemlirr I'rnni llnlflilo (milt) t p
helil In Opposition to nnllal
II on oi a I hj ot of Lower
From a Staff Con epenflent .
LINCOLN. Feb. U.-c Special. -The Ne
braska senate will titke Its turn at giving
an opinion upon Canadian it Ipiodiy to
morrow and will consider : resolution In
favor of the treaty off-tvd lc. Jansen of
tlnse. The resolution of Col'.on against
the treaty was defeated in tne h mse last
week, anil the republicans in t.lo aenste
will try lo gel through fit nfflrmatlv
measure In support of President 'aft.
Senator Jnnscn said this morning th;
he bellexes that the ,-esiltttlnt will go
through without much opp mltlmi.
It was not liilioii tip whon offered hr
cause It was objected to hy Heagan of
Douglas, and. under the rules, goes ove.
for one day. It reads as follows:
"Whereas. There Is now pending for rati
fication by our national congress a trade
agreement between Cunarta and the United
Stales establishing reciprocity between
these countries, and,
"Whereas. Wc firmly believe that such
reciprocity will result In great benefits to
both of these countries, whose Interests
and people ar so closely allied; therefore,
be It
"Resolved, That the state senate of Na
braska. In regular session assembled, most
emphatically Indorses the ratification ot
said trade agreement, and that we ask
our senators and representatives In the na
tional congress to work and vote for this
treaty, and be it further
"Resolved, That eoplea of this resolution
beforwsrded to our senators and repre
sentatives st Washington."
The house refused to begin Its work upotg
the Initiative and referendum bill mI',
although It cam tip in regular order.
Hatfield of Lancaster, the author, tried
to get It brought to a settlement In th
committee of th whole, but after several
sections hsd been read th members began
to quarrol about considering it at all.
Prince of Hall and Harrington of Brown,
members of the Omaha Investigating com
mittee, had asked that It be put qff until
they returned,! and others thought It ought
not to -come tip' nntll a longer ' lima -has
been given for consideration,,,
waa II. R. 1 and has been up for six
weeks. It went back to Its place nn gen
eral file, and Just before adjournment it
was decided to make It a special order
for next Monday afternoon.
The discussion of the Heheele contest
case and the rpports from the majority
and minority of the committee on privi
leges and elections giving both aides of
the caae waa made a special order tor
Thursday afternoon. The governor sent
his notice thst he has signed II. R. ui.
the ratification of the federal constitu
tional amendment which establishes an In
come tax. The house spent an hour this
afternoon discussing the tax ferret bill
without taking final action upon It. An
amendment to limit the Investigations of
the tax expert to one year back Instead )f
five years, as the bill provides, was killed.
The senate spent its afternoon session
after the Introduction of the reciprocity
resolution In committee of the whole and
moved a number of bills one step further
toward a vote. The bill from the bouse
which provides fur the purchase of Cob
bey's statutes for the members at an ex
pense of $3,600 was held up and Smith of
Fillmore tried to kill It, but failed.
The house has put Itself upon record In
support of the action of H. C. Basset t of
Buffalo county In voting In accord with his
convictions against capital removal. A res
olution by Itaker of York statea the con
fidence of the house In Representative
Bassett In spite of the petition which has
been circulated In his county demanding
his resignation because of some of his con
stituents thinking he Is not voting accord
ing to their views.
Mr. Bassett was at first Inclined to pay
little attention to the reports of the peti
tion clrculaing among his friends, but to
day he and two republican colleagues, H
a. Taylor of Merrtok and I. 1. Evans of
Adama went to Gibbon In Buffalo county
where a mass meeting was held tonight.
The resolution adopted by th nous waa
as follows:
"Whereas, It has com to th knowledge
of this house, through newspaper reports,
that the citizens of Buffalo county are be
ing asked to sign a petition demanding th
resignation ot Representative 8. C. Bas
sett because of his attitude on the capital
removal bill which was up for third read
ing last Friday, and,
"Whereas. Representative Bassett, by
his ability, Integrity and Industry, has
won a position of Influence and effective
ness second to no other member of this
house; therefore, be It
"Resolved, That we express our con
fidence In bis sbsolute integrity and com
mend him for his courage, hla devotion to
the welfare of hi county and his atale
and hla high-minded conception of hla
duties; and, be It further
"Resohed. That we express It aa our -opinion,
based on his record In this ss
sion and his attitude on other measure,
that In 'his vol on the cspltal removal
bill he waa governed aolely hy his convic
tions and by his belief thst he was ssrv
In gthe best interests of his county as well
as his state, and that personal Interest
nor any other similar ulterior motive had
anything to do with his action on that
Mr. ttassett haa Isiued a statement which
he will submit to the voters of his county
In an effort to make them ses thst hs re
fused to support ths bill becaus of Its pro
visions and terms, which hs believed to b
He declare:
In voting against the pa. .age of bona '
roll ::. the capltol bin. I then felt
and still feel, that I acted for the best In
terest of the People of Buffalo county
ami the state of ebraiKa. i am fully
ratlyflied In my own mind that the inopl
of Buffalo cuuntv liace been deiehed la
regard to tit caplinl removal location:
that thy did Dot then and Uo nut now