Till: OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: FEBRUARY 12. 1011 .1 Jv3VANT--ADS; Want nda rM-olvp1 M f n V llmo l ii t r injure nM-r classify aflon must be irri-njHl In-fore 12 'o'clock m. fop Hip rvrnfnn ckh ami lirforp 7:.'tO for morning an. I KiiMiUy edition.. Want ads rwcivnl after mirli hour will have tlirir Inst Ihm-MIoh under llie heading "Too Late to Classify." f.tSH nTFS r'llll WANT AIS. IU:(il'L.H CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1 14 roots prr woril and 1 rnt prr word for eat Ii subsequent In Kcrlioii. Kuril insertion muile on odd I")". Hi renls iter vtord. ljSl.no per line K-r montli. lutes apply to either TI10 Dally or Sunday Ilee. Alv.tt) rutin t M wortN Lo a line. Want ads for Tlie l!e mny lie left at any of (he following dm 4 stores one In your "k r Iriisixi-t" tliey are ail Inane h of lite for 'liio Hoe and ur ad will ,e in-ailed JU,t a pioiiijMly a ud 011 t'10 -iiiiic rules mm at lie ri.aln orfire in llu Hoe Builiiiui;. Seentee(li and 1 ..nj: in i-tneu. aii.h.i, u t.. v ., h ., :i. .,.. 11MI I ruK I ,,. J ;. r . , Heranek. s. a 11 .. . ad -sad- liiirmiisy."; canta will i ! A ( 'iMii. I'hariiu y, lit ri.-v.n. N.-b. ii' mis I 'ark p,nr;i,av . .:::d ami Cuming akp-Hra.ii.-l, , r.rv an Ave lirti.n Hill I'linrriiac-y, 2H3 Military Aif C aughhn, C. 11., :,ux ,lM,i i-proe sis. t nsy Pharmacy, lui. nncl Luke Srs. oon.'y pharmacy. ;.'.! Stnith pith St. c ermak. fcmu, ,.',t-u South Mh St. f1'1". P- H., l-av .iworih St. foster & Arnol.ll. 21.; N,,rth J.,t!i St. rreytag, J. J., vm North 2Hh St. Drug Co.. Norm n.th St. J' lorenc Drug Co.. Florer."e. Neb. Green's Pharmacy, nrlt Ave ana l'iclf!c. Ureenough, (J. A., 1C South 10th St. OreMiouKh, G. A., lot n and Hickory Sts. Golden Pharmacy, 2ltn nml Lea . eiiw orth. llaydon. William, li.'.k Farnam Ft. Ilansrom I'aik Pharmnrv. l.'iiil S. ?nth Av. Illnl' rlon- Drug Co., 31st Ave ami Far ram .st. Hoist. John. Kt North 10th St Huff, A. I,., yx'4 Leaven wot tit St. JohaiiHon Drug Co . 'ltli nn I rpauldlnR. KlriK. II. H.. 2j: I'ariinm St. Kountie I'lai'e Phurnia'-y. ZWi N. N;n St. hi:im ami iiM ini, Mintus tNGSTltO.M-Mia. C. A., rehnjary 10. 1!11, nt tioitic of riuiiirliter. Mis. J. L. Ularli, Hi-".! North Fortieth street. Funeral from the resilience (Sunday aft ernoon at 'i n'clork. Kr.enda Invited. No fiowiTH. Interment I'rocpett Hill eenietcry. griTniiWifiTiMri.tt Tmsum lllltl IIS AMI IIHtTII'. HlithB N. M. and Itciwa Ullhert. 2JS Day entiort. alrl; ShiimuI atul Kdna Kelfinaer, 14'Ci North Twenty-first, hoy; Albert and 1'iumla llonoink'hi 141 South Fifteenth, rl; .Kmepli anil Marie Skalek ZWS .south Nineteenth. KO'I: Clinton una Margaret 1'ini'h. ,'ilns I'liderwoiKl avenue, (fill; Ueorse and Marie Cai lliei k, South '1 hn ty- lith avenue. Klrl. II. .1. and llertlia iiiiiel, 212 Military tivenue. hoy. I lentliM Mathilda KtiKxtrurn. .n. JIL'2 North Fortieth; Ulaml J. llinter, 7i, ;ill."i Eolith Sixteenth: Lllen KhniviueHt. KH, LVii iNortli KlKhtetnth; Jamen ileiitde.'. 1V1, 111 Houtb Fourteenth; John Conntantine, 42, 34"S Capitol avenue; Cathrrii.i l.acev. H. 2.W3 South Kleventh; C. 11 lluxhold. 78, Forty-fourth and tlrover; Marlon It. Cul ver. 40. 1143 I'ark nvenu: William Hev.tr, dJ, Uounnlas county hoxpltal. IAUD OF I llA.MiS. I denlrs to express my appreciation of the Jtlmlnens and xymputhy 01 friends nt the time of the death of my beloved wife, and heartily thank all who so thoughtfully Bent I flower. W illiam Anderson. ANNOUNCEMENTS t a nr.MTr.ii'MANrn under TAKERS. cmbaJmara. 1614 Chicago. E. T. Burrowta Co.. rustless door win dow acretna. ft Urandels Ths. Uldtf. L. W. Oil YOU PAltADlSEI Sounds ood, doesn't UT Happiness u- rreme when you burn our lAHAUIsa COAL.., To cut down your coal bill taks our advlca and burn l'aradlne. W'lil it you 1.W) to 1200 ton. Both 'phones. J. W. BEDFUKD. 2.IU Cuming St. 10 V(ttT W A VP l-nllF llhlilntfrDnh ..-,.L. k vlons promptly and with a sattHiaction that J j'su have never experienced before, call Jf Ct'lMKKClAL I'tloTOtiKAI'IllC STL'UIU. MISS A. HOLLAND Wishes to announce greatly reduced prices during the months of January and February; a.Jo, select, new spring tailoring material Included In this offer. Butte Mt l axtuii block. Tel. Liouglat MONEY TO 1JAN-I.OW 1IATK. In sums to Hiilt. :I10 lice IJIiIk. I'liiilm Houg. M4. UNION 1AAN CO. 1LEU GRAND HOTEL Turkish Batb Finest In the west. Itiih 4k Koivard Bta. KN U'KKKUOCKKli Turkish baths. 17 So. 14th. Sanitary for ladles or y.eiitlemen. Always open. DOUUL.A' frlntlng Co.. Tel. Douglas 64 DRI'OB at cut prices frc.ght paid nn all 110 orders. Catalogue free, tjherruan & Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omsha. Neb. GlTS' NKW HAItHKU SHOP. Finest In Omaha. Modern and Sunitry. loth Floor Omaha Nat l Hunk Uliltf. Kosher Dolicatossen All kinds of smoked meats & Fish deliverej dally, l'ave Kuklin. .''.t S. loth. D. 73. PL'HLIO MA1!KI"T special. Nut an 1 luiiip coal, t, .00. Coke. per ton part- rldge-Thomaon Co., In Public Market. lolJ liaruey, Duuglaa jil.. lnd. A-3ol.'. TWENTY per cent les lh.ni Jmsha pi lets. HOME Fl'HNlTL'UE CO . Twenty-fourth mJ L hts., boutli Omaha. jit irRiVriillkN' "--u !o r"Kuii S-, 1VU X llXii I 1)n uf ayuots an " - rlrari. O&f In ctil:nL'lliin. lit ti lllh f rri: " MAGUARU Van litoraKe. Pack, mova, ators and ship II 11. gooiis. D. I4ui. Il-r4.i YOFIt sewing machine will do good work If repaired by K I.. I.ovejoy. All work warraiiu-d. Tel. W ebster iul. KS N. ilst bt. MRS. CHAKLF.S C. HLNXJAI" cb'ns firing. ITU liiandcls Uldg. Tl. t 6li. ALADDIN lainpa ami supplies. Saratoga lirug Co., 24tu and Ames Ave. Web. 11 U. VIRGINIA DAllli VlNK-7ic a lare bottle. Klein Uquur House, t.'i N ICth St. MRS. M. V. IRWIN. 3to Iliandeis theater CI Ilia decorating and firing, r-isier cards. LYNCH JK0S. Pl.l MIUNd AND HlOA I INU. REPAIR WORK. I CS Jackscn St. i). U77, E. T. Farnsworth. Att . 4Jj Rev lnu J0HNN1TTLKJ, ""K"' LUX US T,1K BEKU vw like. LLilJ'3 S.i4 boutn Mth lit Douglas Iui3. Red y.-J-. lmlf penJeiit F :37T U. F. Wl'U.V. optician. 443 Urandela BMg. l'LVTINl "''''f "'! 1'ouKlai f. l-'l"l''r Pitting limit Will plate ana r num vour jewelry, sll erar. or anytumg winch I ineial Irlepimne 1'ounlas -J!,. ri'HLIO stenotsrapher. S.2 Rrandeis HldR. DAVID COLE CREAMER V COMPANT. HORNBY Blue Flint Co.. ill Bee Ud. k ASONKI contractor, liealy. Wsb. 141. a. . .. : : .iuii & nolium. I Uiierlakers. Tyler 1171 Filters, filter repairs. U10 Howard. D. mi. Oik D MKRCHANtS LUNCH Tl " JL1ES LW Douglaa Street. iC. B. fa. Cola Sign Co.. D. XO. 1311 Farm.ro. 7? is received more Kjut: nuia ad will cos o($L9. Ttyit once - Call fyler au $TtiTi win prepare jour ad ciRd place it. ANNOUNCEMENTS lContinued. BiynG:K bkos. paint go. Doug. 4760. Ind. A-S821. 1U09H Farnam 6t. fitencll outfits; 6 styles; picture framing at moderate prices; kIhws, wall paper. WK CARRY A FULL LINK OF aiiERWIN- w1lliam9 paints. brass polish, liquid veneer and all brands of floor wax. WILLOW PLUMES made to order. We make, clean and dye all kinds of ostrich leathers; willow your old plumes. Our work Ib our guarantee. Prices right. Perl Plume Co.. Room 1, Paxton Blk. U. 2267. Zimmerman & Crowe Furniture Co., 1715 Leuvenwoilh. Get our plan. Nuf said! EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINi. 316 S. 1BTH, UPSTAIRS. AUTOMOBILES "SmnBh up your aiito. "SKID' Into a post. "TEAR' your tot). And bring It to the best plare In Omaha fur all kinds of repairing. DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Harney Sts. DO YOU WANT A (lOOD USED CAR AT THE RIGHT PRICE! We are oferlng; some fifteen surh cars for vrIa at nric that will nw....A quickly. here ARE BOMK SAMPLES: 1S10 Chalmers "30," paint, tires and me chanical parts In extra good order, equip ped, H.250. 1H10 fuur-passenger International with solid tires, top, etc.,' almost new, Hi0. lUlO four-cylinder, two-passenger, solld tlre Holzman driven nhnnt A,m n,oA snap at H60. four-passenger, one-cylinder Cadillac, and mtiny others. (176. If you want a big run for your money you can't afford to miss seeing this line of real bargains. x H. E. FREDR1CKSON A UTOM OBILE COMPA N Y 2im-4ti-48 Farnam Bt. 1 1 U DS( )N, THOMAS-FLYER VI IALMERS, PI ERCE ARROW 1,239,539 LETTERS DUPLICATED DURING 1910 (NOT SO BAD EH?l M ULT1GRA PHE.I DUPLICATING CO S73-5-7 BrandelH Bldg. Doug. 1370. (You) Auto Plume A-13H2 Automobiles Overhaulotl It us figure on your spring overhauling. Our repair shop is equipped with every modern facility and men who know their business. Storage rates on application. PAXTON-M riVH ELL CO. 2010-12-14-16 Harney St. OUR line of id-hand tires are bargains. Ideal Tire Repair Co.. 2124 Farnam St. Auto PaintinR;:",u"i" T " "b 5et our prlcea now. ANDREW MURPHY & BON. 14U Jackson! J-U-S-T K-E-C-E-I-V-K-l) the late models of the Stoddard Dayton Locomoblle and Waverlv Electrics A few ki'ioml hand cars fi r sale DERJGHT AUTO CO., ISIS FARNAM ST. OMAHA. WRITE for list ot automobile bargains H. E. Fredrlckson Auto Co., Omaha. Auto Repairing JP??mchn, CALLS DAY OR SioSft. Cft alltcb.;: Co.. fclu-tii Haruey. D. i&24. A-aJu. ONE 30 H. P. 4-cyl. T-pasienger CadlThT; louring Car. run about nines. In first class excellent condition. completely equipped. Cott over fc.ww. Will ei lo, II. cash. A great big anap. Address P ii. Box ti, Omaha, Neb. W K1TK for prices. THE INTERSTATE At: roM.JIULF.J-0.. 31.-o2 S. isui St. BUSINESS CHANCES TO C.F.T In or out of business call oa OAKGESTAD. 404 liH Bldg. Tsl. D. J3; FOR HALE Good livery and feed bar a. autu In connection. Kupperi it Usu a.im uod. N'rb. i:i:SPO'8l RLE nnril au.nlu. u . .. - n KIIIWJ in lare western Oregon project, fruit and farm lands. No Irrigation. Noted district. Ex. elleul proposition. Eugene and Great UeMoin Land Co.. Eugene. Oiegon. FOR SALE For cash, stock of groceries and qiieensware In good southeast Nebraska town, at Invoice price. Stock and fixtures inv oice about IJ.1.W. Good location. I ud llb.:.6u cai-h busnusa last year. Reason for selling ill health Address V-3j, cure Bee TO Catholics Only If you have $20 or I more to invest in a safe and profitable en- i terprise hlch has banking endorsements ' fend tor my free book. Philip Harding' I Dept. C lJi, Box ii. Sisiksne, Wash ! WANTED An experienced man. with capital, to become partner In a wholesale hardware business. Address Y 31. care Bee. MONEY Raised by sale of stocks or bonds of industrial, railroad, traction or mining issues. Large clientele of Inves tors; old tstahllshed banking and brokerage houst.; moderate commission. Address, in vtstors, P. o. Box ko. New York. psec uu win i vau BUSINESS CHANCES iConunued.i NOW WILL HE A GOOD TIME FOR YOU TO buy a Hotel HiiHlnesM. Kestaurant, Cigar Store, Contectlonery (Store, ttukery, liar her Shop. Howling Alley. Coal Husiness. Feed Business, Drug- store. Grocery Store. Hardware .store, Aien Furnishing Goods MusinesK, Implement luisinesH, Llverv Barn, Lodging House. Meat Market. Aianunic turiiiK Business. News Stole, Oftlce Huol nesM. PhotoKiapn dailery, l'ool Hall. Print ing Oiflce, hcilooii, '1 ranster Kusincsii, i.u.., hi r Yard. Moving Picture Show, Plumbing Business, Electric Light 1'iaiit, Grain Ele vator, Bottling Works. Clothes Cleaning Works, Rooming House, or anv business. I HAVE THE ABOVE KINDS OF BLS1 NESS FVK SALE, various sizes and prices. Call on me. WILLIAMS. Room 411 McCague BlUg., l.Mh and Dodge bts. YOU can invest W per month now In a town lot at Fort George, the geographical and strategic commercial center of British Columbia, and get In at the beginning be fore the first railroad. There are seven railroads building and projected to Fort George, which Is at the junction of l.wjo mlies of navigable waterways and the me tropolis of a splendid agricultural, fruit and mixed farming country of 3O.0ui.Ouo acres, besides being thu natural supply point for a tremendously rich timber, mineral and coal territory of millions of acres. Let us send you free a copy of "British Columbia Bulletin of Information," containing up-to-date news' of investment opportunities In this vast new and rich country, also synopsis of government land, mining, timber and coal laws, etc. Bend your name and address today. Natural Re sources Security Co., Ltd. paid up capital t25ti,0t)O. 542 Bower Bldg., Vancouver, li c DRUG STORE FOR SALE Town 4U0. A snap. A 12.0110 money making up-to-date stock of drugs for only Jl.MM. Cash or bankable paper. This store hus made as high as $2.ki a year. Reason for selling, owner accepted the presidency of a large corporation and is compelled to be absent from the store. Good location for a physi cian. Do not answer unless you mean business. Address. C. 11. Hutchins, Amoret Mo. ' PATENTS THAT PERFECT AND PAY. BooltR. Auvice, .search and hMlVlV List of Inventions Wanted. 1 iirWj Send sketch or model for search. Highest references. Best results. Promptness as sured. Watson E. Coleman, Pat Law'r, 622 F St., N. W. Washington, V. C GROCERY store, with living rooms, $300, 1500. X00. $1,200. GANGES'! AD, Room 404 Uee Bldg. ADDITIONAL CAPITAL furnished established going concerns; In dustrial, railroad, mining, bond Issues ar ranged; no promotions; bank and mer cantile references given and required. P. O. Box 7'l. New York. FOR SALE Finest and largest barber shop in Denver: principal street. J. W. Noesen. Denver, Colo. Gtnerul Delivery. PATENTS secured or fee returned; Illus trated guide book and Ilst nf Inventions wanted sent free to any address; patents secured by us advertised free In World's Prngreaa: sample copy free. Victor J. P.vans & Co., 724 Ninth St., Washington, D. C ("AXADY 9- Real Estate, Loans ana v,auaii Insurance. Hat your Prop irty for rale or rent, vjuluk returns. B. u ioi ner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug. I V SNAP wl" e" or trao for Omaha " property, good photograph gallery n good live Iowa town, only one brick building. Address 220 Logan St., Council Bluffs, la. 1-OR RENT, only hotel In small town; 12 rooms. Write Pauline Horsley. Perclval la. ' FOR SALF Furniture and lease, fifty room hotel, tow n of 10 UUii; cheap rent. A bargain for the light party. Box 30, Fre mont. Nub. SEEING THINGS. To the best advantage Is the result of proper care and attention of your eyes. Our knowledge of the eye is based on IK yrs. of fitting glasses. Consultation free, COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO.. HuO-211 8. 16th St. FOR SALE Good, clean variety stock and fixtures in Nebraska town of 6,ow. Invoice at l-'.Jeo. Address V-21, care Bee. TO BUY SELL OR TRADE SEE TMH MIDLAND CO.. Z4 BRANDB.IS BLDO. AM ovri.lillnnul iiiiiu.i.iiiti, t ...... . - - ...... i i taie agency; exjierlence preferred, but not com pulsory. Central Assurance Agency, x2 Brandeis Bldg. STORE building and three lots In south west growing county seal town. Price. $2.. W ant stock of grocery or mer chandise In Nebraska. Address K 746, Bee. PATENT your Ideas: It pays; send sketch Invention for free opinion ami illustrated guide book; no patent, tin charge. Bunvea Patents Co., Room id. Washington. 1. C. BLACKSMITH SHOP for saleT best equipped ajid best location in northeast Nebraska. Buyer can make own terms. Also house and lot. Frank Leuck. Iock Box 316. Wakefield. Neb. HOTEL 44 rooms, running water In rooms. Stekin heat, electric (all bells Price $4.5iv. O iHmneil. El I'aso Bldg.. Colo rado f.plings. Colo. 1 HAVE a proposition to submit to own eis of bonds and stocks that have defaulted their Interest that will make up their loss Address Room 316. 271 West lth St.. New York. WE BUY, sell or exchange anvthlng What have you to offer? Write for full particulars to National Buyers and Hellers Agency, 42 Broadway, New York City. FREE RENT, light, heat and use of tele phone to butcher who has enough capital to put butcher shop In grocery store doing good buslneaa in choice location. Cohen 24th and California. WANTED Capital for developing or chard proposition. Will pay to Investigate. Address K 749, care Bee. Man 1,250,000 mure mar itzrce BUSINESS CHANCES ' (Continued.) NOTICE Is hereby given that the stock of goods and fixtures of The Grand De partment Store will be sold at public ajc tlon to the highest bidder at 10 o'clock a. m. Friday, February 17, 1811. at Its store, loth and P St., In the city of Lincoln, Neb. Stock of goods consists of dry goods, ladies' fur nishings, notions, shoes, gents' furnishings, furniture, etc. Complete Invoice will be open to inspection to prospective buyers. Stock and fixtures will Invoice from $2",inii to $30. oho. For further particulars, write Elmer w. Brown, trustee, 410 Fraternity Bldg., Lincoln. Neb. SALARY $100 TO $150, OFFICE Expenses and a commission allowed monthly to resident sales managers open ing unoccupied territory; manager required to carry Initial account of $.kki to ll.iiOO; this account must be secured with cash or Its equivalent; the return of the same se cured to you; contract for one year. Ad dress Sales Manager, Suite 614 First Na tional Bank, Omaha, Neb. FORCED to sell a good paying restau rant, worth $700; will take $200. See me Mondav. GANGESTAD. Room 404 Bee Bldg. 10-ACRE fruit and chicken farm In city, Omaha; VM cherry trees, KM currant bushes and fixed to raise 10.000 chickens. Inquire of owner. J. L. Neff, SKHi Hickory St. Tel. Red llu:)0. For Sale Pool hall, complete, now fixtures. Inquire at 108 N. 24th St., South Omaha. FOR SALE Schaeffer's restaurant In South Omaha. 1 am going into the horse business. EXCELLENT hand laundry for sale; snap for someone; price, $l,ouo; also steam laundry, $10,000. Address J . Bee. GOOD, first-class saloon for sale; pi ice, $1,0(K. Address H 764. Hoe. 1 MUST sell my restaurant.. Best location In city of 5,000. Write for lowest cash price. E. U. ljiird, Albla, la. Rooming; Houses for Hale. 20 room, good business. 2214 Douglas St. 1 1 OM EOLEG J ST yoeyw!li buying or selling. 604 S. 27th. Harney 223. 20-ROOM rooming house, close In, rent $00; for quick sale. $4M); easv terms. GANGESTAD, Room 404 Bee Bldg. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat. Bk. D. 231 DR. ROY. lTiffi Farnam St. Douglas !;. DANCING Misses Simpson & Coll. W. 2491. W. 6C30. MORAND S, 16th and Harney. Cong. 2964. DENTISTS Dr. Clark The Painless Dentist Very bist set of teeth on rubber, $3.00. Aluminum plate, $10.00. Gold crowns, $5.00. Suite 204 Paxton Block. BAILEY ft MACH. 3d floor. Paxton. D. 101&. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective age, inc., bonded. 4JI-K Paxton blk. D. 1319, lnd. A-1319. CAPV. T. CORMCK. 617 K A P.BACH Blk. DRESSMAKERS COMPETENT DRESSMAKING; satisfac tion guaianteed; reasonable. 2214 Mason. DRESSMAKING by day. Webster 3718. fJrslMjitalh)ring A dressmkg.lS18Dodge FLORISTS Bennett s Flower Dept. East entrance L. Henderson. 1619 Farnam. Douglas 121. BRANDEIS cut flower dept.; new store. A. DONAGHUE. 1(107 Farnam. D. 1001; A-1001 HESS & SWOBODA, 1413 Farnam St. J H BATH. K.2H Harney Douglas Itma FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat era. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 1JU-L'0 Douglas bt. Both phones. FURNACES ''TT1 "p1 ana c set. Doug. 6200. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Snlawosea LADIES To demonstrate hoi"-- to house salary and car fare. W. G. Carr Room o2i' 210 S. 131 h. LADIES anxious to earn big money sell ing the. "Klosflt" line of ready-made pat ented petticoats that fit any woman like a glove, should address me for territory privilege. James A. Mears. 35 Warren St New York. WOMEN Sell guaranteed hose; 70 per cent profit; make $10 dally; full or part time; beginners Investigate. Strong Knit Box 402. West Philadelphia. Pa. Clerical and Office. WANTED Bright girl, with some knowl. edge of typewriter for offlc work. Gl' references. N-4U0, car Bee. peoMmonW on nlffesmrx lOOOndf HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Of flee Continued. A BRIGHT, capable young woman for work In office. Must be experienced In stenographic and clerical work and must own her own machine. Apply Superintend ent, Brandeis Stores. LADIES may earn good pay copying ad dresses, etc., at home In spare time. Par ticulars for stamp. C. H. Rowan, Dept. E 200, Chicago. STENOGRAPHER WANTED Must have experience and be accurate. Applicants will furnish references and state salary ex pected. The Ballo-Brodersen Co.. Denison, Iowa. WANTED-Stenographers and bookkeep ers. No filing fee. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 Bee Bldg Bookkeeper, good penman, t". Stenographer, $40. Stenographer, $f5. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015 City National Bank Bldg. YOUNG lady that can read and write Mexican, native preferred. Call at room 21(1 llonshaw hotel from 11 to 12 mornings. Factory and Trade. WANTED Girl to learn halrdresslng. Call Walton Beauty Parlors, 113 Board of Trade. WANTED Experienced chocolate dip pers; good wages; railroad fare advanced. Ward-Owsley Co., Aberdeen, S. D. GIRLS to learn lialrdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlors, 236-240 City Nat' I Bank. D. 2XW. GIRLS to work in shoe factory. F. Klrkendall Co.. 1101 Harney. P. AS YOU read this ad. so will thousands read your want ad, if it Is In The Baa. Housekeepers and Uitmestlrs, WANTED At onoe competent cook; only first class need apply; no laundry. 52. 3d St.. Council Bluffs. Tel. 274. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, must be good cook, no laundry work. 103S Pork Ave. WANTED Competent young girl for gen eral housework, family of two old people. References. Mrs. Slgler, 716 Park Ave. WANTED white girl for work by day. 2012 California St. WANTED a competent girl for general housework. 3o8 N. 2uth St. WANTED a neat nurse girl. 3140 Maaon Street.. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework, in small family. Ill N. 25th Street WANTED-A competent girl for house work. 1122 So. 3uth Ave. WANTED Housekeeper by widower, no children. Lock Box 741, West Point. Neb. WANTED-Neat girl for general house work, no laundry work. 710 N. 38th St. WANTED Neat competent girl for gen eral housework. 3027 Chicago Bt GIRL for general housework; must know how to cook; two in family; good wages; references required. 4582 Davenport. Harney 3i31. WANTED Lady housekeeper, middle aged preferred, must cook and do washing and ironing, family ot two, no children, references. 6108 Dodge. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, small family. 607 S. 38th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; two in family. S45 Park Ave. WANTED A good, neat girl to help with housework. 3114 Leavenworth St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 2104 Douglas St. WANTED A 39th St, neat housemaid. 117 S. A MIDDLE-AGED or elderly woman for general housework. 823 So. 25th Avenue. LADIES wanted to take work home. Profitable. 415 Biandels Theater Bldg. YOUNG girl to care for children and help with housework. Call Harney 6o87. Miscellaneous. roONO women coming to Omaha as ' largera are tnvlted to rlstt the Young iVomtn'i Christian association building at M Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where the Kill be directed to suitable boarding places cr otherwise assisted. Look for uur trai ner's aid at the Union station. LADIES We will teach halrdresslng free this month with the new Hermann wave, an electrical process that turns straight hair into natural wavy and re mains so permanently We have secured exclusive right to teach It. Splendid money earned. Learn It now. We also teach manicuring, facial massage, electrolysis and chiropody. Catalogue nee. Muler Col lege, Chicago, ill. i I.ADIEH, make supporters; $12 per 10O; no canvassing, material furnished; stamped envelope for particulars. Wabash Supply Co., Dept. M 17s. Chicago. WANTED In northwestern town, a strloily up-to-date dressmaker; none other need apply. Address Y 45, care Bee. SALES1-ADIES WANTED Must have had considerable experience in the retail dry goods, those who are especially ex perienced In buying and selling laces and embroideries are preferred. Give references and state salary expected. The Balle Bruderseii ('., Denison, la LADIES and girls to woik 011 sofa pil lows at heme, experience unn jcesary. Call forenuons, &JU7 rtouth l.dli meet. WANTED Nurse girl. 1 to 10 yesrs old Apply 3127 Clucugo St. N. Y. WHEN answering advertisements found In Che Want Ad columns, please mention The Bee. :Ou HX C . -'W' .5 kV-Y ;s. 'Iff '.'i-cT. -n-V. - " ...K..-? nJA-JW w. HELP WANTED MALE Aaents, Solicitors and Salesmen. $1M a week on dray inal.ng outfits; don't be on agent; own and operate your own business; we start and help you. Smith, Pa., writes. "$;nu In two weeks;" Stlcknev. Man., "$H worth of plating In a day;" Boswlck, N. V., "make an average of $10 a day." We started hundreds ot others; Grays outfits plate gold, silver, nickel, etc.; we furnish recipes, formula, trade secrets and teach you the art; work easy, profit enormous; royal now dipping proc ess; every family, hotel, restaurant, shop has table ware, Jewelry, metal goods of all kinds to be replated: everv other busi ness overcrowded; no plating shops; a grand opening; nail It now", free sample of plating. Gray Co., Plating Works, 273 Gray Bldg., Cincinnati. O. SALESMAN Energetic man, good ad dress and strong personality to call on pub lic and private schools in Omaha and vicinity with a new and unique educational work having the endorsement of a great many prominent educators and qualify for a general agency, superintendents or prin cipals, with selling ability especially de sired. Liberal commission only while demonstrating. Address, Windsor Pub lishing Co., 235 6th Ave., New York City. WANTED Agents with clean record who have been successful selling Scranton Cor respondence books. New proposition along the. same lines In connection with Collier s. The National Weekly. For full particulars, call or address Collier's, No. 225 Paxton Block. WANTED Reliable men to take care of Our trade with farmers In Nebraska. To every one who can furnish team, wagon, harness and canvassing case, and who can furnish good security, for (correct work only) a good earning Is guaranteed. The Hallcr Proprietary Co., Blair, Neb. SALESMEN Making $600 monthly selling RockporLJots Him each. Deep water har bor. Sarfaln & Montgomery, San Antonio, Tex. WANTED Land salesmen. Best small tract proposition now on market. We fur nish you strong literature, live prospects and proper support. Extra large commis sions to live men. Write W. B. Cooper, 452 Sheldley Bldg., Kansas Cltv, Mo. HIGH CLASH SALESMAN' lin tn tir; dally. New office specialty; quick sales; as Indispcnslhle to the office man as his u iiewrner. caies manager, 144, Newton, Iowa. WANTED Experienced advertising nov elty salesman to represent us in Omaha and vicinity. Exclusive contract. Com mission basis. References required. Metal Mpeclalltes Mrg. Co., 427 Randolph St., Chi cago. W A VTtill Mil louni.ir, nf al.llltv ....... appearance to call on all merchants In their territory; elegant aide line; convenient to i j , .jniiiiiriBniiB , prompt remit tance. A-54. Belmont Mfar. Co.. Cincinnati Ohio. WANTED District mnnager calling on wholesale grocery trade. $5i(l or security required. The Kaiser Mfg. Co., Ltd.. Chi cago. WANTED A representative In everv town to send me safety razor blades to re- sharnen: demand alreadv created: liberal commission; signs, etc., on request. J. 11. Banks, Razor Expert, York, Neb. AGENTS Listen! Our "Substitute for Slot Machines" sells like wild fire; no capital required; exclusive territory. An derson Gamo Co., Anderson, lnd. MANAGER wanted every city and county, handle best paying business known, legitimate, new, exclusive control; no in surance or book canvassing. Address, Chas. Halstead, 43 W. 34th St., New York. WANTED District managers: $21 per week and expenses; sample and full par ticulars 1'k'. Kaiser Mfg. Co., Chicago. BE a chewing gum manufacturer at your own home; no machinery necessary; 60O per cent profit; big demand; particulars free. Jensen & Schwarz. 1H13 Welton St., Denver, Colo. "AGENTS WAXTED-15 to $25 dully sell ing our automobile specialty; send for free particulars today. The Kimball Importing Co., 215 Summit St., Arkansas, Kan. WE pay $:! a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound. Year's contrai l. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 78, Parsons, Kan. FREE to Agents "Hints," best agents' paper out; you cannot afford to he without It; send your name and address now. B. G. Bowman, Editor, 1427 Carroll Ave., Chi cago. AGENTS make 600 per cent profit selling "High Grade Post Cards;" special selling plan; enormous demand; D.uw varieties; samples 10c. Particulars free. Sullivan Card Co., 1234 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. SPECIALTY SALESMEN To sell high grade practical account register (fireprooD; exclusive territory; liberal commission. Apply, stating age, experience, references The Champion Register Co., Cleveland, O. MAKE money selling our sleeve boards, clothes racks. Ironing boards and other quick sellers; exclusive territory. Cata loguo free. Sterling Mfg. Co., Box 12, Racine, Wis. BUILD UP profitable chewing gum busi ness; sell our brands to dealers in your town; four flavors, novel packages. Write today. The Helmet Co., Cincinnati, O. RESPONSIBLE mnnagers, ladles or gen tlemen, everywhere for sales ugenclea wide ly advertised toilet articles. Permanent In come from your own business. Experience unncci srary. Krom Co., Chattanooga, Term REPRESENTATIVE man or woman: permanent position; exclusive territory granted. Lee Butcher Co., 2 Hill sr. Newark, N. J WANTED Immediately, experienced salesman or saleslady to s -II call r.dars. wall pockets and advertising novelties in Nebraska. Write Lincoln Novell v Adver tising Co.. 1841 o St., Lincoln. Neb. AGENTS Easy make $10 every day In the year selling our specialties, particulars free. Write today. Newton Nuelty Co.. Cedar Rapids, la. ,-. .t t,.- j :. .v, . ? hV : - y r '. '-;.'". i. HELP WANTED MALE Agesti nml Malesiiien Continued. CREATIVE salesmen of the highest type will be Interested 111 this little story of suc cess. We are furnishing to retail dealers In the hardware and general store lines a system of direct advertising that does three things essential to success: It produces splendid results for the dealer; it returns a large income to our salesmen; it gives us a satisfactory profit. We can use a few men of the right type In territory which we have not yet develnpol. References, bond and a written application on our spe cial form are required. BERKLEY SYSTEM COMPANY, Old Colony Bldg., Chicago. ACTIVE agents wanted to sell the new Racine Aluminum shoe, the worklngman'n trlcnd, direct to wearer; soles of ailmi nqni, strong, light, water proof, outjara 4 pairs leather suites; great demand In y.iur locality; good money to hustlers; aot quickly. W rite for full particulars to The Metal Shoe Co., Distributers, .station 10, Minneapolis Minn. FOUNTAIN PENS for Agents. dem onstrators and premiums; g ild, sller and pearl. l del.; all pens fitted Willi 14-kt. gold lllos ami fully guaranteed; also large showy holders with goid-plated nibs at low prices. Diamond r'oint Pen Co., sti'-tts Fulton St., New York. Largest manufac turers In United Mates, .send tor price list of our "Marksman elvet Polm ' pens. 2uu line. AGENTS For a vacuum cleaner I '.at weighs only 5 pounds, sells for ti, yet o,,im the work oi the molt e il.. big prof.ts; liveliest proposition ' ever of feew .o .... . weekly; other ,.. an.i m.inu........ . means sale; you can sell w of our i.,.ic,,,,., to one of any other make; write ill o.ici . P. &. W. Vacuum Cleaner Co., alt West 4jiii St., New York. WANTED For Nebraska, Iowa and Kan sas, three good specialty men tor proposi tion worth from $.'1,000.00 to x7.fiOO.ou annually to producers, fine man made ;:ii ti i.ia't ten days In January. We ask no bonds. Unquestioned references essential to con sideration am! personal Interview. E PUD Straus Bldg., Chicago, III. WE PAY $M a month salary and furnish rig and all expenses to Introduce poultry and stock powders; new plan; steady work Blgler Co., X-D77. .Springfield, 111. SALESMEN Experienced In nnv line lo sell general trade In Nebraska. Unexcelled specialty proposition with brand new fea ture. Commission with $35.00 weekly for expenses. The Continental Jewelry' Co . Cleveland, O. FREE sample No Splash waterstralners are winners; dally profit $5 upward; let us prove It. Send 2c (mailing cost). Seed Filter Co., New York. A SPECIALTY salesman to sell retail grocers and butchers one-piece containers with printed card; large commissions, ad vanced weekly; mercantile references re quired, desirable. Alvah L. Reynolds, M Church St., N. Y. City. A MAN to work Investment proposition A good thing for right man. Address! 0-4hl, Bee. 100 PER CENT profit to you; 300 per cent saving to customer; no competition; the only hand-rope machine on the market Special agents for South Dakota, Kansas', Colorado and W yoming. Day-Reynolds, 7: Brandeis 'theater Bldg.. Omaha. WE WANT a few experienced, seasoned solicitors for high grade work in good ter ritory. Applicants must be refined, edu cated, of good habits and capable. Our eommlsslon contracts enslile tl,. ,l,.i,i ..,.' ties to earn a year's salary In four months. .v., niiu-, uiioiaim j.yceum itureuu, If 13 r leiiiuiK loug., r.es .vioincs, la. ATTENTION We want men capable of earning $2iK) per month to handle our line of jewelry, novelties Bnd ladies' goods. Sam ples now ready. Liberal commissions. State experience and reference first letter. Ad dress, Northwestern Mfg. Co., Waterloo Iowa. SALES M E N O u r side line men clear $:, a day while waiting for trains; a thoroughly high grade, dignified proposition that any salesman can easily place with retailers in arry line. Robert Thul, tiranlte Bldg., St Louis, Mo. LARGE manufacturer with excellent Hue and established trade wants experienced traveling salesmen. Straight salary with expenses advanced Stale particulars Iroquois Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. SALESMAN for ChIchII'm .anil.,,,. Phone transmitter fitted' uhh m.e.m.n. dlslnfector; liberal commissions; territory going fast. Wiite for particulars t.slav. 14 American Bank Bldg., Seattle Wash. TRAVELING Salesman Warned -i',. u-.,ei small country tuwns: 21, ner cent ,,,i,i,, le sion and $40 weekly drawimr account . Oldest rider company In the United Slates. lieu. Cross Cider Co., St. Louis. Mo EARN 125 weekly showing samples and taking orders for cut rste groceries; outfit free. Ohio Grocery Co., Marion, t) AGENTS a big business of your own without capital: write Immediately for particulars of the rejalne line. J. V. Home & Co., St. IajuIs. WE pay $S0 a month salary and furnish rig and all expenses to Introduce poultry and slock powders; new plan; steady work. Blgler Co., X kid. Springfield, ill. PREMIUMS easily earned by selling use ful artl'ies. Write for Samples and Illus trated catalogue. Donaldson Specialty Co., 1615 Polk St., San Francisco, Cai. AGENTS make big money selling Auto specialty; flu; to t0 a month or more easily made. Writ today. Rex Supply Co., Dexter, Minn. AGENTS Improved specialty for automo. bile owners; quick seller; big profits, II lustrated booklets. Write today. Hall Bros.. Nato ma, Kan. WANTED AGENTS l-ir It lmnt mmI.mii" tute for slot machines; patented : sells or. sight for $1. Particulars. GUha Conmunv Anderson, lnd. AGENTS make big money selling auu specialty; $mi to $. a month or 11101 a easily made; writ today. J. Dobbs, Mc Loulh, Kan.