THE OMATTA SUNDAY BEE: FEBTU'ATtt- 12. 1011. tit ERAMimiTORE' til cy ?j? t i' 1 1 l ? Valentine Silk Week Brinninrr Monday, we devote "Valentino Week" to n sjieeinl sliowinof the famous Valentine's "Sliedwater" Foulards. Never were foulards so attraetive and never liave atterns and colors Ijeen so charming- Every Valentine creation is 1('l per cent ure silk. Every yard will shed rain and is proof against water spots. Display on main floor. NEW SILKS FOR SPRING 1911 Extraordinary sale of plain and Persian Printed Shantungs and Pon gee Silks, in the natural pongee color. Also H7-inch all silk satin bordered luessaline in Alice blue, only with a dee) Persian border to harmonize. As displayed in our qa Kith St. windaw per yard, at.-. Oil Imported waterproofed double width stunning Foulards, with and without borders. Brandeis foulards are precisely ys shown C1 by the best New York shops. 42-ineh Foulards at, yard JJ)J- America "s well known finest stot proof foulard, cameo, various neat .lardimere patterns, scrolls, rings and iJacijuards, per yard, at 49c-59c-85c SILKS ON OUR BARGAIN SQUARES Spot proof foulards and yard wide washable tub silks, in CA various stripes, at half price, per yard, at tJVv One square loaded with fancy dress and waisting silks, messa lines poplins, chiffon dress taf fetas, Persian silks, etc.. PA per yard, at OlC One square of 19-inch moire silks, bengaline silks, broken lots of taffetas and messalines, Persian kimono silks, etc., per 'JC- AUt at Dress Goods and High Class Imported Silk Stripe Voiles, Bordered Marquisettes and Embroidered Robes Mostly 54-inch English and German tweeds, tailor suitings, white and black novelties, cream nerges and cream diagonals, etc. A beautiful collection, jer yard, at $1.00 to $1.95 STUNNING BARRED NOVELTY COATINGS In light and medium greys and tan effects, strictly all wool spring weight, worth $1.50 a yard, bargain square, per yard, at 59c New Enlarged Section Devoted to Fine Wash Fabrics Novelties shown that are exclusive. Our direct importation. Brodure Marquisette, printed voiles, embroidered Swiss mulls, silk stripe Priestley's English voiles, main floor, yard, at. .25c up to $2.95 MAIM FLOOR SPECIALS IN WASH GOODS MONDAY ,"Uc Kosco Silk and .Cotton Jacquard, at 25c .")) Silk 'Stripe Voiles, at. ... , 35c C!)c 40-inch Plain Voiles, at '. 39c .".."jc and 40c Best Iniported Ginghams, at, 29c o0c 27-inch forded "Silk Dot Novelty, at 39c .'!. 127-inch Genuine. Irish Poplin, spot proof, at 25c Extraordinary Special Sale 50 LINEN CALLING CARDS 49c Fn rince 'o Pomp an Room Tomorrow, we will pit lit a Scotch Linen Visiting Curd, Im old Knglish or Script type, while yi.u Hlt or while you stop in rtl'.er p.uts t. f store. T.O fur only 49c VALENTINES All the prettiest novelties In Val entines and Valentine post cards at 1c and up. Everything that la new and attraatlve. Also decorations and favors for Valentine parties. No where pise in Omaha can you find Mich a variety of suitable remem brances for Valentine day. Stationery Department Alain Floor. and FUR COATS IoweM price limit on hlh dim Kiirs ever known in Omaha's history. Kvt-y fur piece Is reliable In quality and correct In style, at less than one-lhii-il its value. Kemember there are sl more weeks of winter. Canadian Marten Sets, pillow muffs, zaza and throws to match, worth $10.00. at . .$3.98 One Persian Lamb Set, rug muff, fancy neck piece, $L'l2.50 set, at $8.98 One Red Fox Set, large pillow muff, shawl shape neck piece, worth $:?,", now $12.50 i Two Canadian Marten Sets, large pillow muffs, shawl collars, worth $l2,", now $10 Three Isabella Fox Sets, large pillow muffs, shawl collars; worth $...j.00, now . .$15.00 One $42.50 Blue Wolf Set, large pillow muffs, shawl collars, now : $19.00 One Blue Wolf Set, large rug muff, shawl collars, now ....$15.00 One $(')D.00 Fine Ked Fox Set, pillow muff and shawl, now $29.00 One $60 Fine Bear Set, pillow muff and shawl, now $25 One $60 Fine Pointed Fox Set, large shawl and rug muff, now $2J Two $49 Isabella Fox Sets, large rug muffs i i'i wmm i ' One $49 Fine Black Fox Set, head trimmed, rug muff and shawl collar, now $25 Other fine sets of genuine Marten, fine black foxes, combination sets of fine furs. and shawls, now ................. $10 all at same radical reductions. We have grouped a lot of $6 to $10 Brook Mink, Canadian Marten, China Mink, large Pillow Muffs all good, sound skins, etc.; rare bar gains at $2.98 and $3.98 Hundreds of other fine separate muffs and fur pieces of all kinds, fine Minks, Jap Minks, genuine Martens, Black Foxes and Wolf, Raccoons, Canadian Martens, etc. all at one-half to one-fourth off former prices. Final Reductions on High Class Fur Coats On $150 Fine Near Seal, 62-lnch L.ongj Coat, Natural Australian Opossum collar, cuffs and reveres, fancy lined now .969.00 Two $150 Fine Near Seal. 62-inch Pointed Fox. collar and revere. it bargain at...' $69.00 One I1HO.0O Extra Fine Near Seal, 6;J-lnch Coat, a bargain at . .. $89.00 One $3hO.OU Fine Dyed Otter Coat, 52-lncli lung, a big bargain, at (198.00 One $150 Fine Near 'Seal, 62-Inch Coat, fine beaver collar, cuff and reveres, a bargain a. $69.00 One flllVOO Fine Krimmer Coat, B2-lnch Innn. a bRrgatn, at $99.00 One $150.00 Fine Krimmer Coat, 52-lnch Inr.c. a bargain, at $89.00 Other Klne Fur Coat". Sealskins, Pfny Coats Hudson Beal, Beaver Coats, Etc.. all at great final reduced prices. The New Embroideries 1911 We will show Monday, complete lines of high class novelties for the spring and summer season, in laces and embroideries, in matched sets. Dress trimmings, garnitures, fringes, tassels and buttons, all the new ideas in endless variety. $1.25 and $1.50 Exquisite Embroideries 85c Yard 27-inch Fine French Batiste Kmbroidered Flouncings, in elegant baby Irish lace and combination Jap effects, thirty beautiful de signs to select from, worth up to $1. ."(), per yard, at 27-ln. Fine Swiss and Datlste Embroidered Flouncings Klegant Designs in Knglish Kyelet, Madeira, (iuipuire nnd .lapa- 59c 85c ncse effects, also dainty baby patterns; bargain square, worth up to per yard, at. 24 inch fine allover embroideries on sheer, plain and barred fabrics, dainty designs in eyelet, floral, dot and leaf effects, for waists, dresses, vokes. etc.. worth up to $1.2."), per yard at 59c 22 and 27-inch fine embroidered swiss and nainsook flouncings, skirtings, corset cover widths, in Knglish eyelet. Madeira, filet and floral effects, worth up to 7")C yard, bargain square, per yard, at 39c 18 and 22-in. Fine Embroidered Flouncings Also Skirtings, Corset Covers, Bands and (Jalloons, endless variety ot choice new designs, many worth 0c per yard - 0C QOK, bargain square, per yard, at lS-lnch fine embroidered flounelnsB, corset cover widths, Insertions and galloons, all new designs,- worth 26c per yard, will go on sale, at ITa per yard, at Fine Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric em broidery editings and insertions, me dium and wide widths in an endless variety of neat, new designs, worth up to 20e per yard, 4 A at, per yard 1UC Final Reductions of Women's Winter Cloaks The spring goods are arriving. We must have the space. All our cloaks must go now at prices regardless of their cost or former selling price. $23.00, $30.00 and $33.00 Fine Black, mixture and noveltv cloth coats the season's best styles, at $10 Black and Mixture Coats Many dif ferent kinds, worth up to $20.00 all in one lot; on sale, at $5 All our Women's Fall & Winter Suits to be Sacrificed All the Fall and Winter Suits, fine Rroaddoth, di-itvonaU, worsteds, mixtures, etc. All the Women's Smartly Tailored Winter i All Our Women's Kamhiooable Tailored Suits that are worth up to $20.00, all in one big lot at. $7.50 Suits Worth up to $35.00 at ill) All the Children' Winter Cloaks Three Lots Choice of any children's winter coat in stock, many made to sell up to $16, at .$5 Choke of any 15.00. $6.00 and 17.59 Children's 'Coat, all kinds of fine materials, all up-to-date styled, all erp at a.60 Hundreds of' Children's Good Coals of various kinds, the best of styles, 18.00 and ft.OO values, ages 1 to 14 eavs, at 91.50 Matinee Musicales This Week in Assembly Room So many have asked us to hold musicals in the afternoon that we have decided to conduct two matinee recitals this week, one on Tuesday at 3 p. m., and another on Fri day at 3 p. m. The moat talented vocalists from various studios will sing. Miss Tot Slesken will be the principal vocalist Tuesday afternoon. The World's Best Ginghams, 25c Yard France and Scotland have sent the choicest product of their looms in an endless variety of plaids, checks, stripes and plain colors. The attractiveness of these beautiful 32-inch imported ginghams will greatly impress you. The cheery color combinations will make Ihe prettiest early spring and summer dresses. Many new plaids have just arrived. Come and see them Monday in baseineut, gingham section, per yard, at UU What Is New 1a Our Drapery Department This department Is now full and overflowing with the most elegant assort ment, from the inexpensive to the finest imported goods. Imported Scotch Madras Portieres, usually sold up to $4 a pair, at, per pair, only 91.69 and $2.98 Cluny Curtains, trimmed with linen lace, white and Arab, at, per pair SI. 98 Bobbinet Curtains, double thread, trimmed with 6-lnch Met lace. pair. . .$1.09 Filet Net Curtains Our new Spring stock Is now complete, at, pair . $2.98 ,0 $0 French I.acet Arabian Curtains, imported direct by us, pair, l.8, $5.H, $7.50 Duchess Curtains, every pattern selected with great care and Imported direct by us from St. Gall saving at least. 2B per cent to our customers. Prices At $4.50 up to $12.50 Bed Sets made from very fine Swiss, trimmed with 7-inch, colored borders, In pink, blue. and yellow, complete set, at, only $3.98 Swiss Curtains 40-inch by 2V4-yards long, In blue and yellow trlpes, usually sell t t oo Monday, ir pair 7Bo Bunxalow Nets 40 Inches wide, with overlook edges usually sell at 40c rd, Mon day at per vard 2nc Remnant's of fine silk Tapestry and Brocke tels. The sre 26 Inches wide, 3 inch Ion, worth up to $6.00 a yard. at. each v.v ....Mo Our new cretonne, art ticking-, taffeta, madras and dozens of other new drapery materials are now beinar shown. . We are exclusive agents for the Imported Waterproof English shade cloth. Victrola Grand Opera Concert Fre Every Nooa Aaaerpbly Room Hear the glorious Caruso records, hear the voices of the most famous operatic stars in the world. We have arranged a special pro gram for Monday noon in our assembly room to which you are invited. You will be charmed. T H Hjj Palm 6, Cream with six cakes of Palm O.'lveSoap for.. Women's Silk and Wool KHKSSKK Ml Me veret Ht!e I preent wrsr oinl for the ue.v e a s o n, li o fecund Worth IRI2..10 and fl.YOO, at 37.50 H.OHAI, tmtiANOlES Beautiful white tinted grounds will make prelty party dresses, spe cial 25c organdies; basement bargain table, at per yard, I2ic 32E2Csi EE - White Persian and India 1. loons Also Mercerized White Batiste and Klne Lingerie, 3, 5 and 8-yard pieces, many lengths, worth ISc yard. special table, at 7ic Krinkle Crepe Seersucker White Waisting A rare bargain in our basement Monday, specially priced, at per yard 6ic BRANDEIS STORES Great Sale of Fancy Poplin at 15c Yard We secured this lot of. fancy poplins at a big reduction from the regu lar cost, due to a cash purchase. Kemember that these poplins are fresh, new bolts, absolutely, perfect, full l!7 inches wide, in black and everv good shade. A bargain for Monday that should make you an early morning shopper. Plain shades that will launder splendidly, together with the fancy poplin weave for stylish skirts and dresses for spring wear, 2'm is the regular price per yard, on sale Monday, per yard, at . . . I6c Fancy Floral Pattern Kimono Crepes l'ou generally see them priced at 1 8c a' yard, from the bolt Monday morn ing in the base ment, per yard Desirable lengths 42, 45 and BO-lnch Good Grade Bleached Pillow Tubing lite, 21c and 22,c values. In muslin dept., basement, at 5c 12ic Valentine Novelties Heart Candy Boxes, at 5e, 10c. 15c and 25c Motto Candy hearts In Candy Dept., Pompeian room. Nurse Stripe Ginghams The Usual lOo and !2'-c kind will be old beginning promptly at 1:30 Monday afternoon, In dress lengths, a limit of 20 yards, yard, at 5ic I BRANDEIS STORES TREATY TO BENEFIT FARMER Peciprocity Agreement Analyzed in lti Main Features. BIG MARKET lUit OUR PRODUCTS I oritur rrrrtMr wf National Reel nrncH) l.raune Arian Stronl that Meat Should Support Prealdenl Taft. Tuui'hiiig tli pC'itdli.K t'aty for recl ptcv ll ulili I'm.ada the St. I'aul l'luney' l'r-K pitnts an lnterlev with a man fio has made a umly of the matter while evietarv of the National Keclprovlly leaRiic-, T. M. Knappen. He can no good teafun. he aa a. uhy the self-cun tiu.ted champions of the western farmer should rai'ily lump Into I lie arena aKalnst tli treaty w Itliout understanding Its pro vlaion. and gtea some ftKiires to furnish hlH for Intelligent conitlderatlon. "Tak lumber, for instance." as Vr. knappen "The chance are that the aver age man. who has hastily taken a posi tion KSitiKt the Muiprment, lias nut stopped o consider lumber at all We import iimmnve riuentitlrs of lumher and uiher fore-.t piudurts from l anada and pa a stiff dut to I in li- 8in for Ihe pi.vl gr. Hv ihe terms of ihe agreement the total amount of duties the t'nited Stales will remit on the hasls of last ear's Im ports lioni i aumla Is JMl.i,S."J Ct thix amount 1-VJ) l. Si Is lopped off from the lumber llor.t,'li luintur is plaicd ahaoliitrlv on Ihe free list, aod I'hcle Sam thereby Ktvea i.p tavt amounting to !.jlv;0 f..i the benefit of the fnmer and olhcr con sumer. of, such lumber. Hcaty "rail a llona. "liut of even more importune, perhaps, tlmn the rrnilsslun of the duty on rough lumber la thr merrllesw scaling down of the duties on finished lumber. Boards, planed or flnlfhed on or.e side, which now pay a duiv of Jl.T.".. will come in for .VI ceni" Itoaida. f i nl f li il on Iwo sids. which now pa. a dm.v of I.' a lhouand. are re duced lo ij ems a thousand Uoaiil fin ished on three sides. which now pay a duty of 12 375 per thousand, are reduced to SI . 1 Jo per thousand. Hoards finished on all four sides, which now pay a 'duty of K 'i. are reduced to Sl.fiO per thousand. At these rates the moment that lumber begins to rise above a certain point vast quantities of finished lumber can be Imported from Canada, lven now we are Importing dressed lumber from Canada at a tariff of JW.10S. (in shingles Cncle Sam throws off elM.OOO for the benefit of the consumer and ITZ.000 on lath. The farmer will l,e interested In finding that fence posts are on the free list as well as a number of other forest products. So sweeping sre 'the additions to the lumber free list and so drastic ihe reductions In the duties rclalned that It might be ald that the benefits derived fium the changes in the lumber schedules alone would Justify emphatic endorsement of the reciprocity agreement. Canada Neeila Our Prodacta. 'Our farmers should understand (hat In opening up out markets to fanada'a natu ral products, we sre also getting a'l lg mar ket there for our natural products. We hear very much about how the SKreemenl la Inlmlial to the Interests of the barley raisers, but our attention has not been called to ih fact that last year we ex ported 14.0110 hushela of barley to Canada and paid hereon a duty of 1J cenu a bushel. Canada removes this duty under agreement. 'l.aM jear'our farmers shipped T.ilSO tons of bav to Canada, and somebody paid a duty of ll.'i.M' on that ha I at ear fan i ada bought TlQXI bushels of potatoes fioin jus, and a dutj of tC.oOn uas paid Unit on I t if the other fresh variables. Canada 1 Loiight from us last year $'J.iW worth, land had lo pay on them tariff taxes of ' flri.uOO. 'f sophs alone Canada bought 'last viar from i: EitO.l barrels and the duty thereon was Li0. These are on! a j fw of the Items of agricultural produce that Canada takes froni...j in the l atuial stale ilh the enttie remission of the duty II is reasonable lo expect that our ma'kei In Canada for these products will b vastly I increased. i for Mock . rowers. I "There is much in the asT'crment lo inter est live siock grpwns and win their up- port. Canada bought from us last sear ', several thousand bead of cattle, 121,000 1 horses, 104. COO sheep and 2t.000 other live animals, and s vast quantity of poultry, the total duties levied on which amounted to $176,000. All of these now go on the free list, and the Canadian market for thoin Is to be as untrammeled as the market In any part of the I'nlted States. "While meats are i ot placed on the free list, the reductions offered by Canada are so sweeping that there must Inevitably be an Immense Increase In our exports of such products lo Canada. Fresh, dried, smoked and salted meats and lard are le duced by Canada to a nominal duty of 1' cents per pound. What this means to cur market for meals can be lnforrd from the fact that last year the imports of these articles from the I'nlted ftates Into Can ada were so enormous that the total ;uty collected by the Canadian government amounted to more than $noi. The amount of the duty I anada remits on these products -based on last year's fig ureswill ne almost $4o0.'i00. "last year Canada imported "VI.'sjO dozen ' effsa fi-.,ni tli I'nlted Slutea 4nd naid .1 duty of J23.0OU thereon. Kgs r on the free list now. There are sco'o ot oil t r agricultural products raised In thl lO'inir.v, finding a ready market In CaiuvM. " hich are now to go on the Canadian frc. 1st. lor be the beneficiaries of grca ly icu.ircd j duties. K.I fee I vf free Wheal. I "As It can be demonstrated thit lli.i re IkhI by the I' lilted Slates of me J.ity on wbtat will have hb direct uniOAui'd cffeol j on the wheat raisers, and will 1 ave an In direct favoiable effect, while .he market . for our products olhei than cereals will be ; vasil.v enlnritcd h. the proposed agreement, it Is liatii lo yee why !?! northwestern i farmer should not be far more Interested in the ratification of this agreement than our mercantile and manufacturing classes. Ttie latter get practically no free lift Iwn efils outside of wheat that will amount to much In prarthe. whereas Ihe former gets sweeping, substantial and Immediate bene fits from the U"e i arid i on redu-.d duties. "Add to mis the farmers' participation In thx inci eased piuaperKy that will come (to all the northwestern states from the blessings of fret commerce with our neigh i bor and a situation is created that makes j It Incredible that any farmer who fully ac i qualnts himself with the facts would for a moment .denounce the agreement as , not being In his Interests." HUNT FOR AMERICAN STUDENT Hrsird Offered for Information of Henri- Wolfe, Who I)Iap peared In Home. FOUR OMAHANS TO ORIENT Mr. and Mn. Gould Dietz, David Cole and G. H. Kelly to Go. NO DANGER FROM THE PLAGUE ROME. Feb. 11 I'nusual interest has been excited In the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Henry Lawrence Wolfe of New York, the student of painting at the American academy, who has not been seen by frl -nds since Monday. I"red eiio Crow ninshleld, director of the academy, today offered a reward of JloO for the dis covery of Wolfe, dead or alive. Mr. Ci'ownlnsliield has examined the academy records. In which he find that the missing man was 2!' years old. The room which lie occupied has been tlior ouhgly searched, but ' yielded no clue he j ond Indic ating that the occupant w hen ha left the place Intended to return soon. Apparently he took no baggage or clothing, other than what he wore. He was dressed In his w oi Mini eh thes when last seon. It has been ascertained thai on i-'ebruai v 1 he drew To frou. the banking house of Sebastl & Hell, while on Monday he rircw I', from a private account amounting to only lo. J atr In ihe day Crow ninshleld raised his roward to The police are mak ing a close inqulr. aiming the ouicn of the city, who are employed as model". They have learned that the missing artist took a tr.nti In the couiiti. on Monday wlih Richard Smith of New Vork. a student of arehlti ti're at the aiadimv. When thev separated Wolfe said he uas going to the chuivh Santa Maria to examine a painting which he d.slred to ropv. Hut One Stop to Be Made In China, Hongr Kong; Being: the Only lltr to Be A Islled In That Country. There will be no cnance of the four Omaha people who shall Join the trade trip of Americans to China and Japan, catching the plague infection, according to a report from Could Dletx Haturday. Mr. Litetx announced that the American trade excut slonista will restrict their Chinese visit to Hong Kong, and will pinke no touts outside of that city Into other parts of China, where from telegraphic accounts a plague is raging. The Omaha people who are to take the nip are overjoyed over the perfection of plan for their Joining the great ex cursion. Pavld Cole, president of the Commercial club, completed arrangements for the reservation of accommodations In the expedition when In Chkago several das of this week, for Mr. and Mis. Ooiild Idols, tieorge 11. Kelly and himself. Ooiild I 'letx suneeded 111 making the preliminary arrangements In a special trip for lliat purpose lo Chli ago several d.ivs before. It Is reported the t hh agu promoters of the l'lp are bf lug deluged with requ.-s s for reservation nnd have found It necessary to withdraw the Invitations, whhh pre viously were sent out lo several cities for reprcsr nla;lon on the tour. I.) nrhrd J Oae-Man Mob. j I'utlT Wt.fJTII. Toy , Keb. II... A negro j w ho attempted to alta.k a w hile woman ! K'ridH.v, was the victim of a 'one-man" ' mob heie toilav When il.e nero, itt tt,e ;euslodv of on on Ihe wn to 1mH, was shot and killed by Jmes H,.rrn, lius ihand fcf In victim. tn America ii hiss Is -he reat king of -ores. I r kings New . Imki.ui cr , -hL- quh k. safe, sure oiigh and cool remedy. ;i-c ind 11"' .'or aie h H aion t'l og Co. Senate I'aasea Kmhim Hill. .WtSlllMIToN. I'eli II To" Ionise bill piovidlug s r00.n0 vear foi the elec tion of huildlngs for AmeiuHii emoa-shs and consulate In foreign countries, whs passed by I lie senate today Gas Resolution May Contain a Sleeper Tangle i Still Up in the Air, with Gas Company Ready with Ap peal Bonds. Whether the resolution asking for bids for gas lighting has a sleeper In It, is occupying the attention of city officials at present. The resolution, drawn by Gas Commls- j sloner Crow ley, and adopted by the city council last Tuesday night, asks that bids be advertised for street lighting with gas. Hut In the notice to hldders. which Is a part of the resolution. It Is staled that th 'city wants bids for lighting with Incan descent lamps. Just what ttiat word In candescent mean has caused the trouble. I Some contend that under this clause any I company which can furnish lights with ! Incandescent lamps will be entitled to bid, whether the Incandescent light is furnished through eleotrh lc . gas or gasoline. It la pointed out that Ihe clause should read lighting with Incandescent lamps with gas. Ihe resolution has been turned over to I City Clerk Huller. but Ihe notice has not 'et appeared In Ihe official paper. As 'elsiant City Attorney Putin's attention was eald to the clause and lie gave his opin ; ion It is said, that the p i in as used In Ihe clause u as all right . Huller has he'd up the icsolullon, be cause he savs he w.inta to know what munh Ipal publli alioti. the resolution must be advertised In aside from Ihe official , pat r. The ics iliitlon. hi- h w.ia n substitute foi one prepared h t it; Aitorne lilne. will be pnsenled to the illy oum II at Us meeting of Ihe whole Mondav afternoon, for further Inst rui tlotia. avoiding to Unt ie r. 1 That the imiaha lias company Is taking all ne essary steps lo appeal from Ihe ac tion of the ill'.- council whhh rejected all bill ee!opd HHtutday afternoon when I Attorney llrrilinKti of the lias mmpanv notified Mr. Dunn that the company had filed three appeal bonds. " The Gas company has ptesented three bills to the city. One calls for about K'72.l for lighting the streets for a period of five years. This amount Is based on S" a lamp per year, and a royally of M a lamp. One for an amount approximating flW.OW based on S8 a lamp a year, has been filed; as also hss a bill which was based on M a lamp up to Including June 1908. 8ince, monthly bills hsve been filed by th company. in ih bills have been rejected and resolution passed by the council which . . t" a tenders the company nor mon- .on,. ... -lamp a year from the first of January. 11(10. IMot to svrrnH Boll Merslls. ATLANTA, (la, Cob. 11 -What pur potts to be a pi"' lo distribute boll weevils throughout the lotton raising dis tricts of lieorgia and Mouth Carolina, w as exposed today w hen lov i inn -elect Hoke Smith gave out a letter he received telling of the detHlls of the plan to project a plague. According to the letter, two men hsie In their possession IliO.Otli) live In sects, which they intend to distribute On Bsmj F BaiLtr Sanatorium This institution is tha only on In the central weal with teparats buildings rltualed iu their own su.plo gtoiiuds. yet entirely dis tinct and rendering it possible to rlasblfy cases The oho building blcg fitled for a:i devoted to th treatment of noncontagious and oonoieutal liUeasea, no others be log admitted. The) other. Rest Cottage, beiug designed (or and dvoted to tha exclusive treatment cf select mental cases, requiring for a time watchful car and sp . isl nursiug