13 IS Com 23EUBESES3E3S. THK I'-KK: OMAHA. SATTHDAV. FKHHUARY 11. V.HI. v v r j OFFERED FOR RENT Faraleaea Honaekeeplngj Rooms. FOR R ENT Nice steam-heated rnnmi. furnished tor housekeeping. (M) S. 19th St. FOR HENT-Thrw ((round floor houa keeping loom. 30:14 California St. FOR RENT Twn neatlv furnished house keeping rooms. lt15 Chicago St. FOR RENT Nlr south front rooms for housekeeping. jS Howard St. TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping or sleeping. Z2M Farnain. NICK large parlor, well heated, e Jitable for two Indies or gentlemen; alo two small room. 414 N. 191 h St. Douglas Ml. DUNDF.E-Thiee rooms for light house keeping; modern. Harney 2P14. Inforaieheit Hmiml, TWO warm, anuth front rooms; newly decorated ; on bathroo n floor; 24fil Ca; convenient to two car Itnaa; references. LARGE pleasant wardrobe. 40 N. V, unfurnished t h. room with TWO modern rooms, $204 n. mm st. gas range, shades. FOR It ENT Three very nlca rooms; references. S210 Cass 8t. south THREE nlca rooms, reasonable. pleton Ave. 2224 Pop- FOR FiF.NT Threa Decautur St. or four room. 34 FOR RUNT Two clean south rooms; good location. 2020 Burdette St. THE HOWARD, list and Howard, small apartments. $40; lease $.X. R-44K7. Apartments and Plata. GROUND floo.. It-room, ateam heated flat, the Dunsany, Ultb and Plarca Sta.. per month. CONRAD TOUNO. 40t Brandela Theater Bldg. FOR RENT Choice l-roorn flat, near high school. 122.00. '-room cottage. 31st and Jackson; reduced to 30. Tel. owner. Red iiU. MOST elegantly decorated and complete 4 or 6-room brick apartment In city; eleo trlc lights, contlnuoua hot and cold w.ater; steam heat furnished; tiled bath room; laundry with drier. Price. $60. Two blocks from heart of city. H-677, Bee. S-ROOM apartment with kitchen and bath. New Hamilton apartment. 710. Telephone Red 7IW0. CENTRAL All modern. 4-room Oat. N. 23d. 120 HE oomfortable; $-room apartment on west FVrnam street with heat and Jani tor service free: every convenience. JOHN W. ROBB1NS, VHfl FARNAM ST. Haasea and r4tagrs. COTTAGE. 1406 N. 2Cth Bt. Tel. Harn y S0M NEW N. 30th (room brick fist, Kt. Harney 4072. all modern. 11$ Eight-room house, 4&9 Iiard; large grounds for gardening; partly mod., $20. , Eight -room, all modern house, good lo cation. 8H N. 40th; rent. $40 per month. Six-room, all-modern cottage; nicely dec orated. PU N. 41st Ht.; $27 60 month. THE R. D. MERCER CO., A-15S6; Doug. 1630. 704 City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Frame barn, 21st and Izard streets. Large enough to ac commodate thirty to forty horses. Water and light. Apply at office of Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail way Company, Mer chants National Bank Building. -ROOM cottage, close In, all modern. In quire 10S3 So. Slst. Phon l. 6J Bo. Sat. WEST FARNAM l-room modern houea, fine lawn, good (hade, plenty fruit of all kinds, paved street, good little barn, full lot, onlv $30. Hansen, 32 Brandela Theater Hulldlng. Douglas 107. NEW k-room. strictly modern cottage; Mock to car; 2407 Houth 17th. Phon Red 7i47, HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded: cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expreasmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas City Office. $14 bo. 17 SC. Be Ktdg. THREE ROOMS CLOSE IN STJUM HEAT $32.50 Winter $27.50 Summer 8tam heat, gas range, shades, hot and cold water and janitor services furnished. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Bole Agents. 4th Floor N. T. Ufa Bldg. t ROOMS and bath, first floor of doubl house; large lot. 'Phon Webster lSt. FOR RENT Four-room cottage en 28th Av.. near Douglas; $12 a momh. Apply t Dexter L. Thomas, 411 Be Bldg. a-ROOM cottage; modern except furnace: beautiful lawn and tree. No. 2AX South ld Ave. Rent only $15 per mo. Telephone Douglaa 4040. riNB f orn.a K-raoaa, xnodera bout. .'. c , Hsuaea.loa. Rlngwalt. Brandela Th. Bide "NEW, f rooms, all modern except heat, $4l1 a. toth Ave., 1 block south of Central bojlvard and Vinton school. Tel. Tyler lo-'J. Houses In all nart Crelgh funs 4t of Co., th Be city. Lxi t-R.. $3. $22u Hurt. Tel. Harney $44. FEKR1N Exp. Btor. 1511 Cap. Vyler-lJuO Om. Van A Storage Co. parka.moves. stitres kouaahold aooda. Flrepro.it storage; tut 8 14th. Branch. A S. Dth Tel. D 4.U. A-lMi tares anal Offices. ON E room with use of talephoa. very cheap. 421 Paxton Blk. IN new building, corner of nth and Per tain. Sis., an entire floor. 44 x lit tiuttabl for lobbing or lutht factory purpose. All modern, both paaaeoger and freight eU- tor ervn;. A Freelaud. IU Far u til. OFFUnED "Oh Horn and Of fires Continued. FOR RENT Model n storeroom, V Douglas; steam heated; reasonable rem. leicphon Doug. 4200. FOR RENT Office room. 433. located on top fW.or, (so In if court. 370 njuar frL ia eluding .suit; ren'.s for t-i per montb THE BV.lt BUILDING COMPANY DESK room, both rhenes; use of 4teno giaplier If desired. t;rnd i PMg. OFFERED FOR SALE FINE weathered oak buffett and library table at sacrifice, utintj Ho.. 401 N. lt St. FURNISHING." for a fl-room cottage for sale cheap. Ml S. 2d St. M astral Isatrssiesti. FOR SALE-By a widow who Is breaking up housekeeping a first-class second-hand pianola, good as new, cost $iV), adjustable to any piano; also 96 rolls of music In good order, which cost on an average of t:.V5 per roll, or aboil $2"0; the wnole will be sold for $-). Address P. O. Bug WW, Omaha. Typewriters. BUT an L. C. Smith Bros, typewriter. B. F. Swannon Co.. Distribute! s. Ulf Far nam Si. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Phone Douglas 2919- TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKE? CLEARANCE PALE NOW ON! Prices low to get tne cash. 1-4 to l-$ regular prices; any make you want. Get one while they last. B. V. SWAN SON CO.. 1J16 FARNAM ST. BECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam. M tscella neons. FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables, we lead world In rheao bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balkt-Collender, 407 S. 1Mb. St 2d Hand ELECTRIC MOTORS LK-BRON, 313 80IITH 12TH BT. FOR BALE CHEAP, check on 8egars trom Piano Co., for $160 on piano purchase. Address P-77, Dee. FOR SALE Restaurant equipment. 1-sectlon Jno. Van Range, dishwasher, ateam tables, counter, stooRi, chairs, tables, sideboard, filter, steam cook ers, i big refrigerators, copper urns, brand new Capital boiler and tanks, etc. Write or call on C. W. Robertson, $13-li South K.th t.. Omaha, FOR SALE One Tarker Bros, hammer lets, 10 gauge, twtst barrel, shot gun, and leatbur case. $40 One Parker Bros, ham mer gun. 10-gauge and leather case. tf i One ernith & Weaton, U caliber, hammer less revolver. $10 Address L (14. care Bee. S-PIECE antique cameo set. over 100 years old. Call KM N. 24th. Web. 6679. f A FEH Overstocked with second-hand tates, all sixes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co. 1110 Farnam St. SAWDUST. I have about two carloads of sawdust at Powell. Nb.. that 1 would Ilka to sell In lump or any amount ! suit purchaser. R. b. Dickinson, Columbus. Neb. 8CHOI.ARSHIP In good local business college at a discount Apply at The Be omta KINDLING. $1.00 a load, del'd. D. 684t. OSTEOPATHY KATHERTN Theater. NIKOLAS, 34-8 ' Brandela Alice Johnson. Brandela Theater Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red nif. HIRAM A. STUROE9. reg patent atty, 4 brandsls Theater Bldg. Douglaa WILLAHD FDDT, reglatered practitioner to U. Pat. office, lis Paxton Blk R. WL PERSONAL niJAMllVkw Maternity Home, Drlv at U"""" noma fur women during con- menu Ui. Hot UI, Floreuo. Tel. Florence FERFLUOU8 hair permanently re moved without lctr1o needle, or Injury t tb akin; lady attendant. (10 MoCagua Bldg. MAGNETIC Ueatment, K. Brott, TU S. lith St. HTTPfTTlf W Pl. " curd; no knife; iiUl 1 UXViii fr. German Doctor. 420 Broadway. Council Uluffa, la. THE SALVATION ARMY solicit caat-off clothing. In fact, anything you do not reed. W collect, repair and sell at 1U N. Uih St.. for coat of oollaoilun. to the wor thy poor. Call 'pooa Douglaa ilii and wagons will call. JC81E WASHBURN'S book. "Th Under world Swr." at all hook storea. Price 11 60. RATTIH Bttt S'ow and maasag A I).,Ju. id floor, hod. l lo poatof- ftc. Mme, Allan of Chicago. Doug. leeo. WB RENT and repair all kind of sew ing machines, lnd. A-163; Douglas 14M. NKBRA8KA CYCLE COMPANY. lUh and Harney Sta. f AflMViTIfl treatment. Mm. Smith. HINDOO strengths. TABLETS will i.utld. tiace. tuo. BELL HRUU CO. PRIVATE HOME during confinement) babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 140 1st Av.. Council Bluff, la. OMAHA Stammerer' Ins.. Ramg Bldg. VlRRATfiliY Maasag. Dr. Rltten V1I5UA1U1U Uuumm. Old Boaloa Stora 4tb floor, lator entranc. U ti. IMh. aTRICTLY private Christian confine ment hunt; best cai. table for adopaon. uls Davenport. MRS. 8NYDER. bwedlsh massage, radla tor and vibrator treatment. The lunaany, Flat u. vtn ana rieic. Douglas aunt. DR. EOtjEKS, private confinement horn. lol Maltha til., Omaha. Tel. Douglas &u. DU. JiAKlLK, MfcDICAL OFFICES. Lxkert specialists, diseasea of women. Consultation and examination free, lly ti. Mill bt., Corner Douglaa. Omaha. Neb. IF parties who saw lady struck by fall ing signboard on Wednesday, February 1. between Farnam and Douglas, on Utb St., call Harney 6748. It will be worth their while. PRIVATE maternity King. 1X24 N. tun. Web. home. Mrs. Dr. $U; Did. D-1S3. THITV PAVP The Tre and Orap- OVJlXJi VAiNf.1 vl. Trimmer, la In tOn. 1101 . 26th Av. Red. 7701 A-J64, TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha a stranser r invited to visit tb Young Wonieu Cc.ntlan Association building at fteventemth street and oi Mary s avenue, where thev will be direoted to sultabi boarding place r otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler aid at th Union atatlon. MAUK ICITb la rent at L1EBEN . W1US and teupea for men. It aad 14 FHENAER Griffith, BLOCK. BEaT aerv bracer for cna. Gray Nertr Food Pill $1. a box. Postpaid. Sherman A McConneU Drug Co , Omaha- PERSONAL (Continued. Adellght hair food grows lislr; see Mme Frajir. .lefcaih -Stat y Co.. lith At Farnam Dli IlTIIiKF. DISEASES OF WOMEN LJL. mh & UouB,B,i omal.a. A HOME for women during confinement. Pables adopted and boarded. Building modern. For terms address matron. Tlnley Home. 403 Kancroft St. Phone Doug. W-'l. PIANO INSTRUCTIONS--B glnners. tOc 'Ptn,n 8 I fu. MASSAUE treatment. le; S. 17. I'd Mrs. "loor. Steele. Kin. 5. POULTRY AMD PE STOCK ONK DOZEN choice Plymouth Rock pullets and cockerel, reducing flock. Phone; Web. JM7. J JDog Brown Leghorn roosters, t.'l each; eggs for aeitlng. l. Ur2 N. SlU 81. We. :6T). Screenings, Il ia per 100. Wagner. S01 N. lah. f 'l ClITJF S"I Sc lor a S0c box , . vtJitu n( ,n. Koup itmiedy. r quickly worst tonus You can't . to be without It. kuI) White, box D, Aniea Ave., Omaha. WHITE S1T1Z puppies. 3S16 N. Wtll. H:;4 PRINTING RIE3-H ALL Ptg. Co., ltH P. Hth. lnd. A-3624. Lew AV. Raber, l'inter,'0 one UIHM Dili. BEE BLDtJ. ENTRANCE ON COURT. 'l'HO.vE LVD. A-2CI0 for Llygstad Priming Co.. into goou mil C l.rlnting. ipitol Av, MILLER A JAM1ESON. 1212 Douglas St. Both 'phones. REAL EsiATE AHsTIIA(T UP TITLE. Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam St. PETER JESSEN, Jr., Co. Tel. Doug. 2292. U. H. Neale, 3C0 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. It UAL tllTATK OBlAt.KH. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1SSS; prompt service; get our prices. Z4M Brandels Theater REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. Fif teenth floor City Nat'l Bank Bldg. 4.1TV CHOHkHir roll bALat FOR QUICK SALE. A new 8-stury tine pressed brick build ing with a 40-foot front, strictly modern, located right in business district uf Ex celsior springs. Mo., the great Health and pleasure resort;' leased to responsible par ties; annual Income l.t8; price lU.ouO, sub ject to a $4,000 mortgage at 7 per cent, due on or two years hence; leaving an equity of $8,500, which la realising over Is per cent. Would take a second mortgage lor a small amount. Can you make this big per cent In business working hard dally T Reason for this great sacrifice Is we need cash. Address P. O. Box 12z, Excelsior eprlugs. Mo. FOR SALE 120 acres with 40 acrea lying Within th Incoruc-ratlon of Wlnfred, 8. D., and four blocks of postofflce. Lays Ilha a floor; all woven wlr fenced; new build ings, Including strictly modern cottage with hot water heating system. A 7-acre plat adjoining cannot be bought for lews than $6,000. Owner la compelled to sacrifice on account of health and must move away. H had planned on platting ten acres or the fortv this spring for residence lots and was offered $100 to $200 for choice; $i0.0uO spent In brick business blocks in vvintrea mis vsr bealdes manv new residencea. Town boomli g. W are not speculators, but offer a fore to party of o00 ir investment aoes noi prove a $1.0u0 winner above purchase price within In one year. Must be taken before March 1. Price $126 per acre, $5,000 down. Inquire Farmers' Saving! Bank, Wlnfred. S. D. Owner Ijeaving City offer hi home of 7 rooms and reception hall, finished In oa. completely mooern. Just west of new Omaha university, Terms. 2581 Evan treet. Tel. Web. 6778. FOR SALE 4-room house, with city water and electric light; 2, $ or 4 lot. 'Phon Benson 2s2. LESS THAN COST 44 900 buvs a Kountxe Place horn, worth $6,600. Brand new, ( rooms, strictly modern; oak finish, hot water heat. Leaving city and must sell. A chance for a real bargain. Telephone owner. Web. 8224. C. Fred Harrtaon and Geo. T. Morton for central bargain. 1( Omaha Nat'l Bank. FOR SALE Two lota. 182x140. on south I6th bt-. n.ar Vinton; all special taxes paid. Will sell as one piece or divide. Willing to sell at aecratlc. Apply at (Us South Usl treat- LOTS In booming town ol 7.000 population. Nowata, Okl. Tel. A-&XS0 FOR BALE Hous T room, water, sewer, toilet, etc.; nice uses and ahrubbary, ail South lUet Bt -R., $4,000. 2 Burt. Tel. Harney 2444. SIX-ROOM modem cottage for sal o easy terms by owner. 2124 Miami tit. $00$ Podge, $ rooms, modern; cloa la corner; easy term. Doug. Sil. ACREAGE FOR AI.E. SO ACRES about half mile west of Ben son on Military road; 10 acres In apples; most of the balance in plum ana peaches, Mra. Theodore Williams, Benson, Neb., Tel, Benson 236. REAL ESTATE FA H M AND ItA.ttll LAND FOR iALK California. California for Wealth, California for Health, California for Comfort 365 Day 8 in the year. No snow, no bllxzurds. no thunderstorms, r.o high winds, just sunshine and prosperity all the time. Fresh vegetables in yuur garden every day In the year. Strawberries ripen every monin. v e na.v mi urm iana in the Sacramento valley for $. per acr. The soil and climate provide perfect con ditions for rnlaing oranges, rigs, uigllsh walnuts, almonds, grapes, prunes, peachea and all deciduous fruits. All kinds of vege tables and alfalfa. Terms to suit purchaxer. U'rlta for booklet. Trowbridge-Iiolster Company, 1201 City National I'aak Hldg.. Omaha, Neb. Canada. BRITISH COLUMBIA FRUIT LAND yields to Jl.ouu per acre and upward an nually; choicest Kdgewood orchard tract. Arrow l.ake district. West Kootenay, $. per acre; terms over five years without In terest. No Irrigating, delightful climate, splendid market. Get booklet " '. J." In vestors' Trust and Mortnag Corporation Ltd ), 124 Hasting W , Vancouver, B. C FRUIT I.AND8. Most productive fruit land In British Co lumbia. "Carhn Orchards," upper Okana gan valley: requires no Irrigation; mild climate, fertile soli, fruits of finest qusliiy produced In abundance. Railway station on property Low prices, long terms of payment. Writ for Illustrated pamphlet ''C-4 " Rogers. ( Rlsck A Uc Alpine, Van c)UYr. Brttiab I Columbia. REAL ESTATE AM) Ht.M il i.. U KR SAI-E 'Continued ) FARM Calorado. MC8T sell by March 1. best ISO-acre Im proved farm In Monter'.ima valley. Colo., five miles from Cortes.; lays perfect for irrigation, plenty of water; 12 acres alfalfa. , fifty-five, acres fine fall wheat, seventy acres la!! plowed; full equipment machinery i and horses go In price; lli.ipcui, liberal terms. I Do not answer unless you mean business. ; For parttculma ailni.sM owner, N. J. 4lp : hol d 'JIIM C.r.nBn ill IMiaI.I.. f r,ln SSS-ACUK Irrigated mnch. Morgnn Co.! , t olo.. on (he Uurline.ton. 1 niiie from liPoi. i.npiovem. nis aie mmirrn In eva.y paiticular. owner retiring. For full partiw , ulara addreas li. E. ceaiuan. Brush. Colo FOR SALE 2 acres best Irrigated land, with full, good water lights; subdivided into 10-acre tracts; near growing city, at Kit-gain; on term.. J. H. Jenkins, pueblo, Colo. Florida. LANDS fur sale in Mouth Florida; lots selected six-i ially lor trim and vegetable grow ing. Write for circular map. C. C. Morgan, Fort Ogden, I'la. Foil SALE Two Improved farms on large lake with oranges and pecan trees on property. For particulars address owner, T, S. McManus, .Waldo, a. ASK us question ai. Florida. Infor mation tree; farms on i -oy terms. Kagay Realty Co., (HI Mutual Life Bldg., Jackson ville, Fla , laiku. SiiW ACRES ready to plant fruit trees. Good buildings, miles from Nampa. Bar gain from owner. J. A. Clephane, Routs No. 2, Nampa, Idaho. lows. STOCK and grain farm of SS0 acres, sit uated In Kouth county, la., tor sale; eay terms, will lake as tirst payment $.10,000 in .ord eattle. Fremont ti. tilbaon, Ma.. City, la. FOR EXCHANQE-We have Income properties In the city of Chicago, owners or which will trade their equities for good clear land anywhere. These equities will net the Inventor Irom (j to 10 per cent. We have properties from $'u,li0 to ll.imO.ouO. Submit complete description, location and price in first letter. 'Una will save time, expense and trouble for all of us. J. D. Rust e Co., Ceuar rtapids, la. FOR SALE 10 acres, 8 miles from To peka, Kan., ilu acres bearing occnaia, bal ance cuitivatea, guua laiiu, miles to anrojid alatiun. V 1. ualluu, jopeka. Kail. ltiO AC 11 Ed level, rich, deep soil, 24j miles to iVeiia City, Kan.; ail in grass; best ai fulta lanu. Auoiner uuarter joins, aame uesvnpuon; cii separat or together, oital bargain at $Ju; i,uv0 cash, oaianc eusy terms. ivlM.ytcL. & UAllitl, Darned, Kan. FORD COUNTY BARGAIN. $20 were level wheat lanu, 11 nines out; 2w acres cuitivatea; iuu acrea growing wneat to buyer; lcncud; lair improvement, goou well; per aire, hall cash. BROW W & HiftAOH, Doug city, Kan. FOR BALE All kinds of farm homed from hait feeciioiin down to u-acie tiacta. Prices right; terma. Hodgeman county lai'ina unu ranches to Uaua tor eastern Kansas farms and good unproved larma In Missouri. J. a. Dana Real Eatat Co., iiutcninson, Kan. uuAKir.it section in th famous corn belt, ivm mile Irom Ciyde: 7-room houae. goou barn auu outbuildings, winuinlil, etc.; lenceu ana croat-ientea, acres tin al falia, 12U acres cultivated, balance pasture good bearing orchard; bargain at x, ou. terms, ti. ti. Knapp, Ciyae, Kan. SPLENDID HOME A BARGAIN. 160 ACREti O miles out. all tillable, rich. black aoil, do acre aiialta, go acre fur spring corn, balunc meadow and pasture; 6-room house, large barn and other build ings; 16 tt. to water; U,uou; one-third casn J. F. Harris, Kinsley, kdwaru county. Kansas A GENUINE BARGAIN 160 acrea wall Improved; good orchard; 20 acres aifalia, 3o acrea pasture, balance cultivated; 00 acres line wneat got; 3', miles to town. Snap, t5 per acre; terms on 4,uu0, 4 years, 6 per cent. W. M. Beeghiy. Solomon. Kan. BARGAIN IN A KANSAS HOME. 820 acrea, 6-room hous and outbuildings well and windmill; lu acres cultivated ha acres in wheat; fenced; smooth, rich soil. ii unable. 1'rlc. 126 or irr i.r,. Landgraf & Darby. Garuen City. Kan. EASTERN KANSAS BARGAIN. 100 acres, second bottom: rich, dun ii sll tillable; 6 acres In cultivation: -roiim bouse: good water, good stock bulldim: 4 miles to Abilene; school on mne. pnon snd It, F. D. omv fluo uir m. r. Jos. D. Ryan, Abilene, Kan. 240 ACRES All nice, smuoth, good black loam soil; good for wheat and corn; ail fenced; Shi mllea from good railroad and market town In central Kansas; price $,16 per acre; writ for particulars. Jas. A Brandt, Llndsborg, Kan. sO-ACRE farm, 42 mile south of K C between the Frlsoo and K. C. Southein' bottom land, on small stream; well im proved; a bargain at $t5 per acre; cash Address I. N. Deardorff, La,Cygn Kan' Ii. H. 4. Box 21- $M).00n IN unincumbered Income, bualnas property and realdsncee. here; earning 10 per cent to 26 per cent; all gilt-edged, to trade for bluegraa land, Mlnsuurl preferred J. W. Gumm. Coffeyvllle, Kan LOOK IXIOK ' section good, smooth land, all tillable; miles of town: fair house, good barn, plenty of water; tJS per acre. If sold In the next SO days. Write us for free list of farms. Oakleaf & Hill Cherryvale. Kan TWO KANSAS BARGAINS 1W acres. Harvey county, 2 miles to town well Improved; house, barn, orchard, fenced' etc : HO acres In cultivation; all tillable' $7,610. 100 acres, Reno county, all tillable; fenced 75 acre in cultivation; 4 miles to town' Price $6,500. Charles Peterson, Hutchinson Kan. LAND BARGAIN 4.400 acres In Hodgeman county, Kansas four miles from Santa ft railroad station' price $,oi)U, terma easy; 2.1o acres under cultivation: fenced, good ll-room stone house. Write or wire Grain Land Co Kan sas city Stock Yards,. Room 13.'. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE ICO acrea. giod Reno county land. 1 mile from railroad town;. 6-room house, barn and other good buildings: all fine, tillable land choice farm and a snap; price until Feb. is' I11.O.0. Come, we have what you want' Barrett Land Co.. Hutchinson, Kan - FOR SALE ir.2 acres; alfalfa valley farm under-Irrigated and all good crop land; 1 mile from town. High and graded schools, churches snd sll kinds of business, some new Im provements; very cheap at $i0 per acre easy terms. G. W. Baker, Sallna. Kan Lnnlalaan. LOl'lSIAN THE SURPRISE OF THE WORLD. Eighty bushels of oats. 76 bushels of corn. 6 tons of alfalfa to th acre For ex planation uf farming revolution which has opened Loulalans for settlement, writ at one to W. A JONES. Secretrv, LOUISIANA FARM I.AMH CONGRESS. hrvport, L.-r REAL ESTATE FARM A.D Ht.NCIl L.A.MJ FOR 9AI.K (Continued.) Illinois. FOR SALE .120 and li acres; Panhandle of Texas; Moor county; cheap; choice land. J. F. Donovan. Warren, 111. Minnesota. IWO ACHES. 7 miles from lysnhoe, the county seat of Lincoln county, Minnesota; practically all under cultivation; to acres pasture; 'buildings worth (.i.Oisi. Rented .or nexivear. i rue. i per acre, reason able terms. The t; lobe Uind and Loan Co., Minneota. Minn OOOD Improved 130 acre farm 17 miles from 8t. Paul. Minn., and 2 miles from station; nearly ail under cultivation; level, black loam soil; good house, barn and well. Price. $..; ii. down. Address owner, O. 8truble. Forest Luke, Minn. RA ROAINS Improved farms, any slxe, Minnesota and Dakota; also unimproved land; lnrge tracts. We have what you want. liurvard Investment Co., Palace biug., Minneapolis, Minn. ' FOR HALE -40 acres choice farm land Min- ii.T-ai Mi.n -m"n, kiiviii riiiij ho.,,. T u L- a LI . , . t ........,(. ne?i(ta. at $4 per acre. AUdrcsa Frunsen, Roselle, in 11. it. Mlssuarl. $.000 ACRES, good fruit land In south ern, central part of Missouri, railroad runs through laud, good town site, limber will pay tor iund. Terma $7 50 pe;- acre, one third cash, three yeurs on balance. J. W. Black. Marshaltluwn, la. Ill) ACRES. 90 miles east Kansas City, 3Vi miles good town; good S-room house; cellar, well and windmill, barn, bcaulitui shady yard, grove for windbreak, excel- ent two-acre orchard, route and phone, 1 miles to school, fine neighborhood; ) acres bluegrass, hogtight; M ai res timothy lover; rich, black soli; no rocks or uitcnes; $70 acre; terms on $i,too. other farms. list tree, lunia Land Co., Ionia, Mo. MISSOURI FARMS FOR SALE, l.luo acres, near Rich Hill; two sets Im provements; mostly all can be cultivated; some bottom land; price $:)0 per acre for short time. do acres, two miles of Mayvlew, on C. ft A. R. R.; nice modern i-room house, large bank barn, all Improvements com paratively new; about l.uoo bearing apple trees; a bargain at W per acre. Other lanus from to $l) per acrt; ten acres up to 6m acres. 100 acres, unimproved, five miles south town, at $85; 00 acres clover, baiam pas ture and corn land; bargain, waller c Chile Realty Co., lligglnavill. Mo. , 1 Nebraska. makkinoIt down Was $20. then $19. $18. 117-NOW $15 50 If taken sjoii. Cheyenn Co.. Neb., In Mdney draw; dark loam, level, six miles of Bur lington Railroad. W. 8. Ripley. 2T1 Burt St., Omaha. 17 SECTIONS, good alfalfa land in wel ern Nebraska, will sell In section or all $10.60 per acre. Easy payments. J. W. Black, Marshailtown, la. 1 ' BARGAIN. I am th owner of a well Improved 160 acre grain and stock farm, located In Knox county, Nebraska, near county seat town; good corn and alfalfa land; price $42.60 per acre. Will consider clear Income property tor one-half the purchaa prlc ana give easy terms on the balance. ' Ad dress Owner, Box 28. Sioux city la. t.OOt ACREti rich, level improved farm land ranch. $12.60 per acre; term; no ii ad; owner C J. vVduy, l-.euiiugford. Neb. J IN November I bought a farm cloa to Omaha cheap, but am having trouble to raise cash for March 1 settlement; have naid $2.0uo earnest money and to save for feiture will give good discount if deal Is taken off my hands soon; poaseaalon March 1, when $4,000 more must be paid and $ll.oo0 carried on place; It is a fine quarter, five mile from city; $6,000 worth of Improve ments; car line oos by. Adores 11 720, car Omaha Be. 10 ACHE FRUIT FARM Uj.gjo We are offering this suburban home property at a price that Is at leaat $1,000 leas than It should bring. On It you will find house, barn, I chicken houses, well, fruit trees of all kinds, grapes and berries. It Is located 2,4 miles northwest of Florence and ha been worked by owner for th last three years. $2,000 cash re quired. No trade. THE WOOD-KEHM CO., 67$ Brandela Bldg. TWENTY-ONE thousand acres western Nebraska ranch to divide up. Price, $8.60 per acre; so per .cent good land. Writ Henry Hummels, 1421 N. 26th St., Lincoln, Neb. FOR SALE 240 acres unimproved, all level land, fine stock country, In flowing well district. Holt county, Nebraska, tJt per acre; $1,000 mortgage running five year at C per cent. Address Bog 1016. Fairfield, Nb. ' FOR SALE MY OWNER. Fin rauch of 1.640 acrea deeded land, 640 acre school land, located three mile from county seat on new lin of Union Pacific, railroad; l.wW acrea can be Irri gated from government canal; school on land; on set of buildings; Ikj acre plowed. Prlc, $21.60 an acre. Will carry $15,000 for three years at 4 per cent. Write William G. iates. Scott s Bluff, Neb. North Dakota. SOLICITORS WANTED. I own and control about 6,uuu acre of choke farm lauds In Burleigh and Kidder Co., No. Ijjk.. and want 40 good representa tives, otheia need nut appiy. Best ot ref erences. W. iv Huney, ind Investments, Bismarck, N. D. Oklahoma. FOR KALE In Knabcl Co., 160 acres of black chocoiat land, 4 miles south of BUUngs, Okl., In th Antelope valley, $ side hedge and 1 side wlr, with 12u acres broke out and the balance in pasture lota, orchard and garden; 7-room house, plas tered, papered, cellar underneath; all In good shape; barn, nxm, room for 30 tone of hay. room lor i noraea; crib, tool shed and bay lorK, complete; i good granaries with driveway through center, will hold 2,uu bushels of grain; these buildings and all other buildings are painted and In good shape; 1.0UU locust posts, 4ij fruit threes, 2 wells, 1 cistern, plenty of water. This Is a levtl farm ana no wast laud on It; fine; can be bought dowp, H in flv year, at reasonable Interest. T. M. Kabentson, BUUngs, Okl. Oresjon. OREGON. Raker county, the first In eastern Oregon, offers mure Inducements than any oilier; Improved alfalfa, grain and fruit land, $4U per acre up; raw land, $10 and up; fine stock ranches', for price list and booklet call on or address Meyers-Eckerman Realty Co., liaker. Or. Utah. BARGAINS In t'tah farms and ranch. Dowse 4s Morris, bait Lake City, Utah. Texaa. U A. Pitts lived 40 year In Iowa and Illinois, and hi advice Is "If you want to get rich biv Texas lands while they are cheap. " We have thousands of seres of fine farming lands, large and small tracts, at low prices. Don't buy till you see ih.m' Avervihine- guaranteed and a sonar deal.' Write or call on the Plus Land and Dvlopment Co., Houston. Teg. REAL ESTATE rAHM An RANCH LA K D FOR SAM1 Texas Continued. Pro TEXAS SNAP, lino acres. B miles from Dallas: $.000 In cultivation, highly Improved; everlasting artesian and shallow well water; on rail road, tw.v public roads: nMural gas. tim ber for fuel; dairy, paying $12,000 annuallv; 40 oilier slock cattle. : hesd mules and horsca. hogs, goats, farm Implementa. ma chinery, etc.. go with place: gross returns lK $.K.tK; the best Investment anywher t $1N0.Qii0; terms Turner Turner, 1310 Commerce Si , Dallas. Tex. TEXAS ALFALFA LAND. For sale 321 acres. Childress county. 4't miles northeast of the town of Childress; subirrlgaled: fine alfalfa land; water within eight feet of surface; Mi per cent tillable; 212 acres now in cultivation. This land will pav for Uself the first year In cotton and will make a man rich the first four years In alfalfa. Price $. an acre; reasonable terms. E. J. Holland, 1307 Commerce St., Dallas. Tex lH'Y AN IRRIGATED FARM. We own 2.1000 acres, rich valley land near railway, In northern Mexico; ample water to Irrigate whole tract; canal now building; elevation 700 feet; fine climate; produco oranges, lemons, limes. grap fruit and pineapples lo perfection; corn two crops per year; augar cane, alfalfa, etc. Kl Celest Irrigation Company, San Antonio, Tex. Washington. IIO.M ESKEK ERS. ATTENTION ! Come, to the famous llrandvlew district of the Yakima Valley, where you can make an independent living raising fruit. We have some excellent buvs in fruit and hay ranches from $125 per acre up. For full parthulars address, Robert J. Vennum, Farmera' Land Co., Grandview. Wash. I. v r. nave a rew Improved homesteads for rale for about the actual expense of the Improvements. The prices are from $100 to $1,(100 for l' acres of Washington best land. Write for full particulars. ACM E HOMESTEAD REALTY CO., 610 Riverside Ave., Spokane, Wash Wyoming. FOR SALE 100 acres land near Chey enne, Wyo , at a bargain. Address Y 2.1. car Bee. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Ranch Land. GARDEN FARM of 21. acrea, comfortable 5-rooin cottage, with stable; level, second bottom land, facing east on 11th St, one half mile south of Council Bluffs city limits; will lease to desirable tenant for gardening purposes for five years; rental $J&0 per annum, including the dwelling. W, L. Selby, 438 Board of Trad Bldg., Omaha. FOR LEASE. The best S.dOO-acre ranch, eighteen mile due south of Atkinson, Neb. Fenced and crossed-fenced One-third hay land: 149 acrea under cultivation. Balance good pas ture. Nine flowing wells. For particulars write owners. INTERNATIONAL LAND & INVESTMENT CO, 210-12-14 Be Bldg., Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS $M to $10,000 made promptly, r. Weed. Wcad Bldg.. lath and Farnam. OARVIN BROS. 2d floor N. Y. Llf. $i4 to $100,000 on Improved property. No delay. LOW RATES. BEMIS-CARLBKRO CO $lv-12 Brandela Theater Bldg. LOANS to horn owner and horn build ers, with privilege of making partial pay. tnenta semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 40$ First National Bank Bldg. MONET TO LOAN Payn Investment C. WANTED City loans. Peter Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrant. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnam St. W. $600 to $6,000 on Omaha homes. O'Keat Real Estate Co.. 1014 N. Y. Llf. Dougia or A -2162 REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have a cash customer for Business property; Improved or unimproved; must be well located and well worth tb prlc asked. O Nell's Real Estat & Insurance Agency, I&uS Farnam St, Both Phones. WANT several good residence lots. Phon H a7l. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Exchange, quick sales, large list. Ad dress R. L Continental Bldg., Omaha. Nsh FOR quick results (my axebang Hat). C. J. Ceoan. 701 O. N. B., Jildg., Omaha. AN IOWA FARMER want to buy soma cheaper land, or bs might consider an exohangi. What have rout He Is a reader of th Des Moines apltal. and the way to reach him and thousand of other Ilk blm Is to adver tlae In th want ad. column of th Canl tal. Hat. 1 cent a word par Insertion. 4 cent a word for ix Insert loo and $0 peats a word per montn. IF you wish to exchange writ NOWATA LAND & LOT CO, 46$ New York Llf Bid. WB exchange properties of merit. H. H. Culver, 112-sU N. Y. Lit. Douglaa 7H. $1.KX equity In a nlca cottage In fin loo tlon, all modern; also som 7 par cent mart- gages. Want a first-class automobll or vacant lots. 8. E. Walt. 617 Bee Bldg. WANTEDTO BORROW WANTED At once, from private party $1,000 for six month or on year at I per cent. Real estate ana otner security that I absolutely safe. No agent or shark wanted. D-743 Bee. WANTED TO BUY fd HAND roller or flat top of flea desk. Must be cheap. Address 0-136. lie. , WANT Grocery or any other good bul- pess B 741. Bee.' WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished room, prlvat home by young man. Address A 740. care Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION as aaststant bookkeeper ledger clerk, timekeeper, or any clerical post tlon. Best references. Address B 707, Bee. IF YOU deslr a first-class, nurse call Douglaa 434. practical YOUNG man desire plac to work for board and room in prlvat family while attending college. Boyle college Both 'phone. POSITION wanted; lady stenographer eight years experience as stenographer and secretary. Chicago ana eastern refer euces; permanent. Addresa J il. car Be YOUNG lady wlahea employment In doc tor or dentist' office. Experienced. Beat . .. 1 ,m OI reference. ruuua ikk. POSITION on dairy farm by an excellent mlUer. trunk Weniwonc, tioutb Omah TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Beat Farm Paper la th Want. GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Neb,. February 10, 19U. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will b received her and by wuartermaster at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m., oentral standard time. April 1. inn, for furnishing Wood. Coal and Charcoal during th fiscal year ending Jim SO, 1I2, at Omaha Depot. Omaha. Fort Crook, Omaha and Robinson. t,hraska; Forts Leavenworth and P.lley. Kaiifss; Forts D A. Russell and Msekenile. V yom Ing; Fort De Molne.. Iowa, and Foi t Meade, ."oiith Dakota. Proposals for de livery at other places will not be fntei talned. I'm led Slates reserves right to -lect or accept ny or ill proposals or any part thereof Information furnished on ap plication her or to Quartermasters at sta tions named. Envelopes containing pio posals should be marked "Proposal for Fuel." and addressed to Lieutenant Colonel D. E. McCarthy. C. V). M FtO-llMiS 14 2l- PROPOSALS FOR EQUIPAGE OFFli'lC deport quartermaster. Third and OHvn streets, Bt. Ixiuls. Me., January 10. 1911. Sealed proposal In triplicate subject to th usual conditions will b received here until II o'clock a. in., central time. February K. lull, and then opened In th presence of attending bidders, for furnishing and de livering at United States Clothing depot. St. Iuils. Mo.. 4i0 trumpet coros. Ll") bedstead casters, $.n cots and K.tVO bed stead parts. Quantities to be subject to Increase of W per cent If rtlred by tl de partment. Th United State reserve the right to accept or reject any or all b'd or any part thereof, illenk forms snd In formation furnished upon application to this office. Proposals to be sealrd. ad dressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Proposals for Equipage, to be opened February 14, lull." W. M. Coulllng, ..laio. and Quartermaster, Depot Quartermaster. J X-31.F1 1-11-13 LEGAL NOTION NOTICB TO CONTRACTORS. NEBRASKA CITY, NEB,. JAN. .il. 1311 Sealed bids will be reu-lved by the See. retary of th Board of Education of Ne. braska Cliy, for th erection of a High School Building at Nebraska City. Ne braska, according to. plan and specif liga tion on file at tinf office of Either A Lawrlu. Architects. 210 .Paxton Umidlng. Omaha, Nebraska, and at the offk of th Secretaiy of th Board of Education, Nebraska City, Nebraska, until Munduv, February 27, 1811, H o'clock p. m. Separata bid will bs received on the general con struction, heating and ventilating and Sewerage and plumbing. Each bid must b accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the amount of the same a called for In the specifications and bidder a' blank furnished by th Architect. Th right 1 reserved to raise t any ur ail bid. r .ii i"t NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS UtC.'. JNG. Notice Is hereby given that the regular tinual meeting of the atockliolders uf lot South Piatt Land company will 1 hell at th office of said company t Lincoln, Neb . at 11 o'clock i. m.. on th first da of March. A. D. 1911. C. H. MORRILL. Pre dent. A. R. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln. Neb. Jan. SO, 1U. janM d30t RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION TATIO.1 Tenth and Mason. t'alon Pnelflt Depart. t.. .a S;1$ am M .a 4:10 pin A'riva M:i pm a ft:46 pot a 4 .1 sin a :l" put a k.ni pni a 1:21 am a 4:So put a pin a 4:i am alo:JU am v 1:20 pm San Fran. Overland China and Japan F. Atlantic Express Oregon Express n 4;o0 pm Los Angeles Limited. ,.b12: pm Denver Special a IHit am Colorado Express a 3:60 bin Oregon-Wash. Limited. ,a!2:.S0 pm North Platta Local a 4:16 am Columbus Local a 6 S pm Stromaburg Local bl2:4o pm Chlcaaw, MIlHSiktf W t. Caul - Overland Limited all:43 pin a am Omaha-Chicago Ex b 7:1) am Omaha-Savannah Local. a 7:li am ail Cpm Colo -c al. Express a cou pm a s ?. pm Colorado Special a 7-42 am a SO am Perry-Omaha Docai....l :is pin bio 00 sin Wnbaan Omaha-8t: Louis Ex. ...a -M pm i 111 in Mall and Express a 7:02 am all:lH put Btanb'y Lcl. (tromC.B.)h 6.0U pro blo li ara Chicago Aorlhittiirra NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express. .... a 7:4 am 10:W pm Sioux CHy Local a $:4& pm a s:2 pm Minn. 4k Dakota Ex....t I :oo put a sua am JLAti i BOUND, Carroll Local a 7:00 am a 3 60 pm Omaha Express a 7:40 am a ;4$ aut Chicago Local al2:0a pin a J.u aut Colorado-Chlcagu a :w pm a 3:2 pm Chicago Special a .ut pin a : am pacific Coast-Chicago.. a :u pat a 3:2 put Los Angsles Limited... a :6o pm ali:.' put Ovsriami LlmlUd all :4a pm a 7:44 am Carroll Local a 4:30 pro alO:uo aus Fast Mall a pm a . pm WESTBOUND. Llncoln-Cbadroc .......A 7:M am ell:0u am Norfolk-Dallas a 7:60 am alo:t bin Long Pine-tio. Piatt... b 3:14 put b k:M put llaauiias-SuDerlor b 3:1 bin t a:Hu tint Deadwood-Hot Spring. 34 put a :M pia Caapar-Landar a 3:s pm aL;uu am reuioot-Albion u : put iw nw Missouri Pacific . K. C. A St. L. Ex a $: m a 7:40 Ai K. C tiu L. Kg., ex cept tiaturday aUsle urn a 4.ao ma K. C. at tit. L. Ex., Sat urday only UiOv pin Cblenao. sao latand nv 4'a.L-aflii T, Rocky Mountain Lta....alJ;M am Chicago Day txprssa.. .te aut aio.u pm a 4 .30 put blu.b put nif fc p.u 1:14 piu 4:u3 am a 5 41 pro t; pa l Jo pm aU .64 an a 1.44 pm t s-uw am aVuVaw Chicago Local rass....piu:j ant Des Moines Local Pass. a 4:u put Chicago Expr a 4:40 put Chicago Limited a 4.v put WEST. Chi -Neb. Ltd.. Lincoln. 1:20 am Colo, and Cal. Express.. a 1.24 pm Okl. A Ttxaa txpre.. $.1$ pm Rooky Mountain iia...aiu.M pm ttltauls Centra Chicago Express a 7;0o am Chicago taunted a 6:uo piu Mmn. -St. iiui ca oi.waiu Minn. -tit. Paul Ltd a 6 00 piu tstiHig Urea " .-u Chicago Llnutea a 4s pni 1 win City Limited. .....b k:w put Twin City h.xpra a 3 00 aut Chicago xp(sa a Im am a p.u A . via Unrllngton Stalloa ltth and Mas. Marling;' Depart. Arrlva a 3 ti pnt a l a pm ti S lO pm a 3:44 put au u pm a 7 m a :lo pm A 4 10 pm b I.u3 am b xo:3uam a 7:10 pm a 1:40 am A 1:40 pm a 1136pm all. it) pm a 7 .oo am A I 64 pm a :) pm aiO kj am alO io am 11:44 am a 4.44 am 4 14 pm Denver A California... a t lo pm Puget Sound Express.. a 4:10 pm Nebraska points a M am black Hill a 4:10 pin Lincoln Mail b l:M put Northwest Express all 26 pin Nebiaaka polnis HH tin Nsbraaka Expras a 3:14 am lJucoln Local tcbuyler-PlattsmoulU ..b $ 06 pm Lincoln Local .....a 7:2g put Plattainouth-lowa a 3:13 am Bellevua-Plattamouth .al2.30 pm Central Nebraaka ail ii pm t'blcago Special a 7.i4 am Denver Special Chicago Express a 4:34 pm Chicago Fast g.xpi..a w pin Iowa Local a 3:1$ am C'roaton (la) Local a 3.4) pm lit. Lou La Exprea a i M pm K. C. As St. Joseph al0:44 pm K. C. at St- Joseph a I 16 am h C. til- JuaspO a 4.30 pm Webetar Antln ltA aad Webater. Mlssnnrl Pacific Depart. ArrlTa Auburn Local b 3 6tt pm b:i.64 am tklonan, 31. Paal, Minneapolis Oaanhn lloui City Express b 1:11 pm kl) 4S a n Omaha Local 4 pm b t . pm hiuux City Passenger. Twin City Passenger. b.oux City Local b 30 am e 3.3. am a i.J pm Dally except Lmiiton Local... IS) Daily, lb) (c Sunday nly. I) 1 am fcjnda. I