Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Council Bluffs
; Minor Mention
Ta Council larrs office of Th
Omaha B.. H , u soct street,
ot Bhooes M.
Davis, drum
Cnrrlg.ns, undertaker. Phone 1U.
Woodrlng t'ndertaklng company. Tel. 33.
Iw1i Cutler, funeral director, rhone IT.
Pure blarkberry Jule and Virginia. Dare
In. J. J. Klein Co.
WANT M' ttriiiMt jfirt for general
)io., i k., g'w l-ifin avenue.
Valentine framed, Pii-ture and texts
make beatitiral valentine r'auble a Art
Nursing mot here should drink Anheuser
Ttwh malt, hosenfeld Uquor Co., 61 8.
Main street.
Have your glsases fitted or repaired by
J. W. Trry, optician. 411 Broadway, office
with George Uerner.
Fryer Printing Co., new location. 1911 and
KZ3 W. R way. f-;iones 20ft. Mall and phone
call answered la tereon.
' Mies tuabel Stnlth, daughter of Dr. and
Mra. O. O. Bmltli, Is confined to her home
with a mild attack of tonallltli.
Juatlce J. K. Cooper liaa been confined
to hla home on Unooln avenue for the last
two day by a painful attack of lumbago.
That 8. A; t'leira Co. etioe atore ta now
open for business at their new location.
l.U Went,-. Broadway, between Pearl ana
snath atreeta. ,
The msmbwi of Harmony chapter No.
K. Ortr of the Eastern Star, will give
thelf monthly kenslngmn In Maeonio tem
pi thla afternoon at t:M o'clock.
Tri ran of "the Mr('ord-ronovan Shoe
company agalnat Carl Tedeeco for the col
lenlnh of a muni! balance waa dismissed
In the fllstHM bwirt ycaterday, having been
fully -ee.Usfled.--j,
John. M(irv, whoee name lies been In
print before, was convicted In police court
yestsrdev- morning of appropriating coal
from the Illinois Central railroad without
authorization. He waa fined $.'i and costs
and hi bond fixed at (100.
lieteetlv. Tom Richardson, who has
i been suffering from a mild ease of amall
pox and a good stiff cane of quarantine,
waa released -from restraint yesterday and
waa about the atreets. Ill face, showing
a complexion that, resemhles a modest
hliishv"ls the only evidence visible of hie
unpleaaant experience that have covered
the last three weekjs.
Alvss Hudleson, who ha been the lead
ing phot ok raj) her of Council ftluffa for
aeveral yeara, has closed out hla bulnea
her and laat right left with hla family
for Tipton, N. M. Tipton Is one of the
new towns In one of the Irrigated districts
and hold forth aome alluring premises to
clear-headed and active young men. and Mr.
Hudleson la enthusiastic over prospects for
.bettering hi condition. He made a prelimi
nary Journey there after the holldaya and
Immediately -returned and aettled up hla
bualneas affaire here.
Pnme nf the aldermen are beginning to
wtnder how Expert Burns could manage
to spend $2 OR for atreet car fare In Coun
cil Bluff during (he-something less than
alx daya ha waa here working on the
waterworks valuation. The problem be
comea particularly difficult when It la re
called that he had an automobile at hi
disposal part of the time and the horse
aud buggv belonging to trie engineering
department all of the time. .They knew
he waa pretty active and busy while he
waa here, but admit that he must hav
been "going aome" to work out forty-onu
atreet car rldea In aaarcely el daya.
One of the Thomas children, all of whom
ner aouffht ta be taken bv the probation
court offloers . wben the father. Abe
Thomas, waa sent to Jail In Omaha for
fifteen daya, ; wan -voluntarily surrendered
in Probation Uiflcer Hemer ycaterday.
Tha unfortunate child la years old and
ta both" deaf and dumb and almost blind.
It physical afflictions wen found to be
or auch a Character that it waa oeemea
advisable to send it 'to the date Institu
tion for feeble-minded children at Olen
wood. Mr. Thomas removed the remain
der of her fomllv to Missouri Valley and
got them out nf the Jurisdiction of the
Juvenile court whll' the necessary papers
iwere bail) W4e ptrt..
In the course of a drunken row. In which
the police say both aldea were about
equally to, blame, John Blck was severely
out about the face and neck with a knife
In the hands of , Dick Lyons Both men
were In police court yesterday morning.
I.vons charged with assault to do great
bodily Injury and Blck with disturbing the
peaee. . Lyons was held to the grand jury
tinder 1300 and Blck waa aent to Jail for
ten days. - The trouble occurred In a ealoon
at A23 South Mlrt atreet on the previous
evening. After the aasault Blck made hla
way to the Dodge Light guards armory
ana gave the young soldiers a real exhi
bition of flowing blond. A telephone call
from there brought the police, who took to the station, where nr. Tubba
stitched him tip, Both of the men are lo
cal character. Blck had recently com
pleted a short term In the city Jail.
i .
Vrty(Head of Poland-ChlM Ho era
DUpoaea ( at Nlo Flsaree
. far Owacre.
Forty bead ef high-grade thorwughbred
roland-Chlna hog were sold at the Jen
nings feed barn on East Broadway to
bidder who gathered from all part of
the country to get the prlxe animals for
breeding purpose. .
Pari of the pig came from Harrison
county, but the most of them were brought
In' by Pottawattamie county farmers en
gaged in -breeding fine atock. The patri
arch of tha buneh waa a aatlafled old gen
tleman who heard with much pleaaur
that hla actual weight at 3 o'clock y eater
iTay, midway between meals, waa Just 912
pounds, tie waa not for sate, but his nu
merous family ware. One female pig, born
In March, aold for $101, and a number of
other March .rigs, sold at price ranging
above fn a head. All were sold early In
tha day and there were buy era on hand
for mora of the-same quality If they had
been available. Nn announcement what
ever bad been made of the aale and pros
pective bidder had only been advised by
postal cards It appeared to have been
all experiment that the owners of the
thoroughbreds were a little reluctant to
have generally known lest It might prove
a failure.
The brilliant success of the sale served
to emphasise the necessity for completing:
arrangements for stock sales In connection !
with the Auditorium. In which many farm
er hold shares i'avlllon aales, widely ad
vertised, .w ovijd x Undoubtedly bring large
eiowds and make the sales permanent
featurea of the Auditorium.
Heal Relate Traaefrre.
The following transfcra were reported to
The Bee February 7 by the rottawattamie
County Abstract. company, Council Bluffs:
Franklin He4tn to M J. Thayer, lot
s. In block . In Kiddle's subdivision
In Council Hluff. la , w. d $ 1 000
Frank Helton to A W . Thser. lot $
In block . in Kerry addition to
Council Hlufr. la.. . d
T Helton to A W. Thaver. lot I, in
block V. Hld'lle'a aubdivielon In
Council Bluff la., w. d
Treasurer of rottawattamie count v.
Iowa, to F J. Sclinorr. lot t. in
block T. In Benaon a Second addition
lot 3. In blocs II in Klrming A
Davis' addition: lot . In blo k t. In
Wrltsht'a " Council Blurts,
la. tax d
Countv treasurer to F. J. Kclmorr.
lot I m block- . In Burns addition to
council Hluffs. 'la., tat d
V 'llllain Herbert M' end wife to
Daniel lrlcoll and wife, lot I. in
Aud s subdivision of ' ne't of 24-711-44:
also lot 2 In Aud a subdivision
of e' ne', of .4.;.V44. w d
leese I Mlnlik et al to Aliram H
Houghtallng a nev4 of :;-7i-:w.
w. d $
Ira Oravl'i'.l and Ife tit Uov Ma
field. lots I V fwrt t In block l
McClelianrt. t. 1
Varretha HniPCli Mvrtue to John .1
Mtrtue lot 'I in blot K M In l(ll-
road addition ,'t Council Hlu(f.
w. 4 I"
)KIy trtvutera, total......... IU.UJ
Council Bluffs
School Board Decline to Submit
Proposition for Playground.
Miss Jalla Officer nerlarea she Will
Flrlac Mantfasaas Proceed lege
Have Pabllo Vote
Haylnc lots.
Confronted by a bonded Indebtedness ex
ceeding imnoi and estimates for the cur
rent expense of the city schools for the
present year aggregating nearly $lV).00n. the
Roard of Education last night did not look
kindly upon Miss Julia Officer's request to
submit the proposition to the voters author
ising the expenditure of W.anft for the pur
chase of three additional lota to form a
larger playground for the pupils attending
the Third atreet school and further carry
ing out the plans Miss Officer had matured
to Inaugurate the public playground move
ment In Council Bluffs.
' Miss Officer formally presented her peti
tion for the desired action Indorsed by more
than a score of the heaviest property own
era and taxpayer In the city. The matter
had been pretty fully discussed In the news
paper and elsewhere and no trouble was
encountered In presenting the matter
quickly and lucidly.' It waa evident from
the start that favorable action would not
be taken, and after a few Incisive questions
were asked, Member Capell moved the
resolution that the board refuse to submit
the proposition to the taxpayera. and It
we carried by the unanimous vote. Miss
Officer Intimated that mandamus proceed
ing would bo resorted to to compel the
Submission, and the attorneys on the board
were not prepared to ay that she had not
the right to do so.
Meet with W. B. Herd.
The board meeting was held last night
at the home of Member W". B. Reed for the
purpose of giving him the first opportunity
to attend a meeting since he suatalned the
misforturfe of losing his left foot by blood
poisoning. The financial report showed that there
was IMjfi less on hand than was In the
treasury at this time laot year. The secre
tary was Instructed to publish the estimates
of 1100.100 for the teachers' fund, NO.000 for
contingent fund and $8,000 for the bond In
terest fund. He was also Instructed to pre
pare for the annual city election In March,
providing voting booths, election supplies
and Judges and clerks.
Principal Reed of the high school stated
that nine pupil were absent from the high
school on account of scarlet fever, and
that the building had been fumigated on
Saturdays, and all of the books and sup
plies similarly treated.
Tha aalary of Miss Sarah Sperle was In
creased from to H0. Truant Officer
Hemer waa Instructed to secure a state
ment of facts and procure .the arrest of
a man named Orrel, who created a disturb
ance at the Eighth Avenue school In con
nection with the forcible withdrawal of
hi children. For the coming year all
Janitors were allowed three day' axtra
pay for cleaning the building preparatory
to the opening of the schools.
Flaanclal Report.
The financial report of the aecretary and
treaaurer ahowed the following balances
on February 1:
Total receipts $37,441.96 ,
Disbursements 23.4VJ.67
- ' Balance ..V.......'A!;.r 4.08.2- 4,039.28
Disbursements $17,378, 0
Receipts 14.aa.7
Overdrawn f t.056.93
Total receipts $M.S9I 42
Disbursement 44.742.87
Balance $ JO, 148.56 30,148 56
Receipt $7,347.01
Disbursement 6,222.90
...$ 1,124.11- l.U.'4.U
La amount overdrawn...
Grand balance total
... $25.311. 4
... 3,066.93
y City
Report mt Coadltleias Made
The management of the extensive public
park system of Council Bluff for the last
year haa been of an excellent character
as Indicated by the report made last even
ing by City Auditor McAneney, who Is
the secretary of the board. It dealt en
tirely with the financial end and showed
that tha total amount f receipts from
all sources since the beginning of the
fiscal year, April I to February 1, was
$11,183.53, and that a very substantial por
tion of this Income was yielded by the
park themselves. The park concession
yielded a net revenue og $506.88, and the
aale of surplu park animals for the In
crease of the deer and elk herds was
$1,021.15. leaving $9.636.M to be credited to
the park fund tax collections.
The report shows that the expenditures
were kept well within the Income. The
expenses for the first nine month of the
fiscal year. Expenses arawn from the
general fund to Febtuary 1. total $4.526 04,
miscellaneous expenses, $9US07; expended
for permanent Improvement, $2.2S.6; mak
ing the total expenditures for the nine
months, $.3M. W. The general fund cov
er all of the expense of salaries for the
paik commlaalunet and the regular pay
roll of employee. f-ed for park animals
and general maintalnance. The Income of
I1.5T4 from the parka more than pays all
of the expenae of maintaining all of the
park animate, and the feed now on hand
will be sufficient to lat until the end of
the fiscal year
The financial report also shows that there
haa been collected from the special levy
to provide another est end park the sum
of $4,121.69. The 4Utlou of expending
this money and plans for the genersl wel
fare of the parka were Informally dls
cused. but no action taken. It waa evident
that there will la a balance In the park
fund at the end of March of more than
$2,000. which w'll not Include the March
tax turnover fiom the county treasurer,
which will approximate $4.(14). and the
board will have ample funda fur prosecut
ing the plana that are now about matured
for the permanent park improvements that
will be made during the year. These are
not of a nature to be given out at the
present time.
N. T. PlunibiBfc Co. To..
fright U17B.
Marrlaa Ureases.
Marriage license were laaued yeeterday
to the following named persons :
Name and Residence.
John Clausen. Persia, la
Klla Harmaen, Persia, la
Walter H. Ramsey. Persia, la
K.ina Thorsden, Persia, la
V T. MrMshan. Council Bluffs
... 23
... 34
... ?4
. 2i
. .. SJ
JDItia Khrlg. Council Bluff
i Charles K. I abaugh. IJn. oln .Neb
.t Hester Jennings. Kansas City
larence l Silernil. Albanv. N
Stella 14. tilhl.a, f iuni II Bluff
A iua:anl of Buainvsn Voiril
lb be Advertising Colvuuava. v
Council Bluffs
Supervisors Fix
New Drainage Ditch
on Nishnabotna
Poital Card Vote Determine! Action
According to Number of Periona
Who Receire Benefit.
The Board of County Supervisors yester
day established the Nishnabotna drainage
ditch, although the canvass of the postal
card vote of the Interested land owner
showed a very large majority of the owner
and a small majority of the acreage In
volved to he against It. The Journey afoot
of the members of the board 'last week
along the tortuous convulsive course the
stream had made for Itaelf apparently had
aome weight In Influencing the decision of
the board that the channel should be
straightened and prevented wondering so
aimlessly through the richest farm land
on earth. The final decision, however, was
reached by an original and Just method.
The postal card vote showed J.440 acres
against the proposition and $.077 In favor
of It. After giving the farmer favoring the
ditch the benefit of not counting In the
original canvass two tract of eighty acre
each whose owners had filed protests there
waa still 433 acres over and above tha re
quired amount to make a majority of
those protesting against the Improvement.
On the face of the returns It looked aa if
the objectors had won their hard-fought-for
victory, but Attorney W. H. KUlpack,
who had been retained by those favoring
the ditch, pointed out the unfairness of
considering the protests of the men least
benefitted on equal term of those whoae
land would receive the greatest benefit.
At hi suggestion the board agreed to al
low one vote for every acre receiving 100
per cent benefit, one vote for each two
acres In the BO per cent class and one vote
for each four acres of the lands classed as
JS per cent benefitted.
Thl gave the farms needing the drain
age most a chance against the overwhelm
ing majority of the acreage receiving lesser
benefit, and appealed by Its fairness to all
present. When the canvass was made on
this basis It was found that there were
only l.iVO votes against and about 2,300 fav.
orng the ditch, and the board Immediately
passed the resolution establishing It.
The estimate of damage waa also greatly
reduced, nearly ,000 below the estimates
fixed by the engineer, and approximating
only about $21,000.
If Attorney Frank Shlnn of Carson makes
good his threat thb big enterprise is not
yet fully launched. He represents about
two-thirds of the land owners besides the
people of Carson, whose flour mill, elec
tric light and water pumping plants will
lose their water power. They claim that
this property Is worth $:,000 and In the
estimated damage It is awarded $4,700.
lawyer Shinn has declared that the mat
ter will be immediately taken Into the
district court and carried further If neces
sary. The estimated cost of the ditch Is
above $90,000.
Patrolanaa F.arl Allen t'aaght
Chief and Suffer . from
rot Ice Board.
It cont Patrolman Karl Allen Just even
$10 to ride a few blocks of his regular beat
on Broadway on one or more occasions dur
ing the last month. It was quicker and
easier than walking the distance and would
not have been expensive If Chief Froom
had not happened to observe him leave the
Btreet car near Pearl and Broadway. In
vestigation dlscloaed that It was not the
first time, and a communication was re
ceived from the chief at the regular
monthly meeting of the Fire and Police
board last night announcing that a fine of
$10 had been Imposed for the violation of
the rules. The board concurred and the fln8
was assessed.
coward x. wright. appointed by Fire
Chief Nicholson as driver of No. t hose
company, was reported by the chief to have
proven himself competent and faithful and
he was ordered enrolled as full member of
the department. The same action waa
taken upon the same kind of a report from
Chief Froom of the police department In
the case of Patrolman J. C. Rauterkaa.
Only routine business waa discussed and
no other- matters relating to the genera:
welfare of the department; with the excep
tion of questioning Chief Nicholson In rela
tion to the second alarm caused by tht
fire that destroyed the George Graham
residence. 2011 Poufh Twelfth street, Sunday
nignt. ine cnier was positive that every
spark of fire was extinguished when the
firemen left and was Inclined to believe
that the last fire waa of Incendiary origin
Revival Drsnlsg Well.
The revival services at the First Chris
tian church continue to draw audiences
that rill the church. The song service
with which each of the meetings begin.
I particularly attractive. The theme of
the pastor's sermon last evening wa. "The
Old Paths." Ton I nhl "Conversion" will be
the subject considered. The meetings will
continue until Friday night, ending then
with a "mothers' meelng."
Northern Ktearabnat Company Wll!
Inaugurate Weekly Service
from Davenport.
DAVKNPORT, la.. Feb. S-(SpeciaI Tel
egram.) The Northern Steamboat com
pany unnounced today that it would In
augurate a weekly packet service between
Davenport and St. Paul, putting the boat
Morning htar Into the service as soon as
It returns from New Orleans.
The Morning btar leaves here with IM
excursionists for New Orleans May 4 and
returns Mav 2K. It will then become the
first packet with Davenport and St. Paul
aa Its terminals for many .veara.
Following t lie purchase of the Diamond
Jo line by the Streckfus 8teamboat com
pany of Hock Island thla Indlcatea a lively
Vtar on the Mississippi.
Sadden Iteaih at lmm Fall.
IOWA FAt.US la. Feb. S.-tSpecial.)
Milo Blackman died here suddenly early
Monday morning, within a couple of houra
after coming in off hia run on the Illinois
t ei lrsl. lie had been on a freight run
between Waterloo and Fort Dodge and
waa taken sick after leav ng Waterloo Sun
day afternoon. He gradually grew wore
and decided to get off here. He went to
the home of hi alsler. Mrs. Capwell, and
retired. About an hour later the membera
of the family heard a noise In Ms room
and on Investigation found him choking
and unconscious. II had auffered for
several months from a goitre and went to
Rochester. M .nn., last fall for an opera
tion, but the surgeon, on t xamlnatlon. de
clined to opt rate heiauaa of hla w eak
heart. 14.: returned hum- and re entered
the train aervlce of the Illinois Central. He
was the oidi son of Udflc Hla.knian and
waa Uiru Ur Jauiu( 4 U4
Judge Wright Holds
Coffin Must Remit
Fort Dodge Philanthropist Ordered to
Pay wife i Expemei and Tem
porary Alimony.
FORT DODOE. Ta.. Feb. I -(Special. )-
Judge R- M. Wright thl morning handed
down his decision In the hearing for tem
porary alimony In the case of Nellie B.
Coffin against the aged philanthropist. I.
8. Coffin. the declnlnn rnrln th.
plaintiff In all particulars.
Judge Wright rules Mr. Coffin shall at
once pay her Indebtedness Incurred at her
present home, Detroit, Mich., the amount
being $223. Ha shall also pay her $100 tem
porary alimony monthly, beginning Feb
ruary 15. and shall pay the $..0 attorney
fee before March L
The suit for separate maintenance will
be tried during the next term of court.
No assignment haa been made.
The defendant In the sensational case
1 in his 37th year. He wa married, for
the third time, two year ago to Nellie 8.
Ingalts. who I now only 47 yeara of aare.
Phe lived with him one year, then leaving
hla home and bringing ault for separate
maintenance on lx sensational charges,
neglect, cruelty and non-aupport being
among them.
Iowa Newa Note.
TOLEDO The fiftv-nlna animals m.kln.
the Aberdeen-Angus herd of H. I,. M.
riruncr oi near here, were sold Monday
for $9,000. The herd la one of the ol,i.i
and best known In th state.
CRE8TON The Board of Sunervlanr.
here have authorized Countv Attomcv
Armltage to appeal from Judge Maxwell's
decision that Cottage hospital Is a charit
able Institution, snd for that reason
exempt from taxation.
VINTON After helnar nut for li?ht hnllr.
the Jury which haa heard the case of
murder against John Donnelly, a well-to-do
tock buyer, today returned a verdict of
not guilty. Donnelly was charged with the
nuruer oi inane Andrews.
CRE8TON Game Warden Brvant. nf thl.
place has received word that a .hi nmAnt nf
forty-eight partridges Is on the wav here.
They will be cared for until the snow goes
off, whin they will be turned loose over
tne county, not being given in care of anv
D A V K N PO RT Henry Bandburv. o
Davenport neero. who nnfmnl to iiavinu
John Brunk. a saloon 1M. down stairs last
November, rrom which Brunk died from a
broken neck, ha been sentenced to a
year at Fort Madison penitentiary for man-
JAIIOR-The Southwest lowa Teachers'
issoclation will hold Its next meetlnar at
tied Oak. March SC-Sl and Anrll 1 Th. or.
ficera of the association this year are m
loiiows: rresiuent, Pror. v. B. Johnson
)f Tsbor: vice president. Miss Anna Temnl..
ot Atlantic; secretary and treasurer, Miss
uryden of Council Bluffs.
CRF.STON-Mrs. Will Bradv. wife or one
of Creston councilmen. and school direc
tors, died at the fsmily home Mondav
rriorning. A family of small children in.
eluding a two weeks old baby girl, is left
motneriess ny her death. She was the
daughter of Mr. and Mis. James Wise
man, old residents of this place.
MT. PL.KASANT-Dr. A: W. Buell. an
eccentric character at Mf. Pleasant. Is
dead at his home at the age of 81
years. He was the founder of the Buell
Home for Aged People. Some of his ec
centricities were having his tombstone
errected on land belonging to him several
year ago and having chosen his own
casket some time ago also. He leaves a
large estate.
TABOR Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Cumings. re
ildine east of Tabor, celebrated the fortieth
anniversary of tholr wedding Thursday,
February 2. About twenty members of the
John Allen Post and of the Woman's Relief
corps, or wnicn Mr. and Mrs. Cumlngr
are members, drove out to surprise them
and spent a most enloyable afternoon. The
woman club or Tabor presented Mra.
Cumings with a beautiful post card album.
CRESTON A committee of "Good
Roads" enthusiasts met here yesterday ana
conferred with the Board of Supervisors,
asking that a portion uf the one mill tax
allowed by law, be expended upon the
"Blue Oraaa" river to liver roau. They
asked, not especially tor this road alone,
but for the upbuilding of ail roads lead
ing to this toau. The ooard took the mat
ter under advisement anu win report at a
later date.
' KKINtotCK Frit Strohbeen, who is re
puted to be the richest man of Urunuy
county, was Saturday declared Insane. He
. aui.e he had recently etabiished his resi
uence In South Dakota, he waa taken Sun-
uay to Yankton. Mr. htrohbeen haa durum
recem years became neavuy interested in
oanklng property and other businesses In
south Dakota. He owns li.ttiO acres of land
in Orunoy county, where the famuy has
resided for many years.
MANNING J. Escher. farmer, haa
Been awarded 17,000 verdict in Carrol
county district court, for Injuries which
ne sustained by being thrown from a
load of oats to the creek below, wmie on
a defecUve county bridge. Escher claimeu
both physical and mental injuries. In a
former trial of the case, the jury awarded
Escher $7,000, but the case was reversed
by the supreme court on an error In the
Judge Instructions.
K1..L.IOTT Mr. William Peck, sr.. and
William Peck, Jr., if Elliott were fleeced
out of $300 recently oy a smooth Individ
ual, who claimed relationship with them
and told thorn of an eatate that bad been
left to them, which he had been appointed
to settle up. He needed a little money to
close up the affair, a he had expended all
he had and needed about $JU0 more to com
plete the legal paper necessary. The
money wa handed over to him by hi new
found "relative' and he took hi lekve.
CARROL.D hlle the parents lay In wait
here to prevent him from securing a li
cense. Karl Wilcox of Wurm lake quietly
slipped into town during the night, routed
out the clerk of courts, secured a Jlcense
and the next morning, haatening to Mreda
he married Mis Euith Pratt of Auburn.
The parents, who were opposed to the
marriage, were informed over the telephone
that the marriage ceremony had been per
formed. That was the first new they had
had of the event, which for two days they
had aought to prevent by lading In wait
lor the groom.
ealth and natural Conditions Com from
Blfht Peedlng-.
Men, physlcslly, should he like a per
fectly regulated machine, each part work
ing easily In Its appropriate place. A
light derangement causes undue friction
and wear, and frequently runins the entire
A well-known educator of Huston found
a way to keep the brain and the body in
that harmonious co-operatlun which makes
a Joy of Jiving.
"Two yeara ago," she wrlie, "being in a
condition of nervous exhaustion, 1 re
signed my position a teacher, which I
had held for over 40 years. Since then
the entire rest has, of course, been a ben -fit,
but the use of Lirape-Nuta liaa removed
on great cause of Illness In the past,
namely, constipation, and Its attendant
"I generally make my entire breakfast
on a raw egg beaten into four spoonfuls
of Urape-Nuts, with a little hot milk or
hot water added. 1 like it extremely, my
food asalrmlatea. and my bnwela lake care
of themselves. I find my brain power and
pliyahal endurance much greater and I
i know that the uae of the Urape Nuts haa
contributed largely to this result.
"It ta Willi feelings of gratitude that I
write thla testimonial, and trut It may
be the means of aiding others In their
search for health." Nsme given by
Postum t'o.. Battle I'reek. Mich.
Ileal the little book. "The to We'l
vlle." In 1Wgs. "There s a Reason."
Xver read the above letter? A new one
appears from time to time They are gsn
Ulae, true, tad full of ba-ua litttreai.
Firing Your t YfMlit A wants. Manufacturer' HiaflA, lue Hills, Ornnd lrl. etc., rtc, I saner! bjr anr riano
company, anywhere1, re-RRnllr-. of dating. will allow yon full ralne up to $)180.0O on any purrliaso of
We allow von full value ur to S1R0
and give you besides a noire of a
20 year I. Hold Watch Knb. Oenulne
it you nave no awards or checka.
$1.00 Weekly Payments Accepted on Any of ihe
m" -l-aj "" ..I...!. .-I"
i if m 4
It- f)
- o (Ml I
Anil your manufacturer's
draft for ttiln Player ri
ano. KoKular price $600
J W Saw fas I I & I
A Ilecord of 51 iears
The Next Time
You are "up in the air" for
a place to lunch, when you've
lieeu the rounds and they all
look alike, come to the one
where you're sure of a delicious
cup of coffee, sandwiches that
satisfy and pastry, that la un
excelled in the city.
The Boston Lunch
1612 KAItN.tM SlltKKT.
Illill IXH (il.AS KTItKKT.
If you believe that the women
of this commuii'ly have self re
spect and intt lligonce you must
admit that moat of them read The
I in aha Bee.
ii 1 i
Gold Medal I jj
Flour 3 jj
NVtoitexi (Sew,? il
" . . - -'-' - -"" ' 1 11 '-'' .,... . ...J.,,,. .a I'
'ywpiyr mu its,. ,hh 11 SMllj $ t, -''v.i--....-.,.w...-,
fcy " Today is Home Day.
hn Buy your home. S j
Dealers have prepared nice lists for j
ln Read what they say. zt j
Act now.
n1" When you pay rent you are paying the landlord a profit which you iPT"
! might as well turn into your own pocket. You can do this by purchasing a rj M
T home of your own, paying a few hundred dollais down as first payment pay iJi
the balance monthly like rent. Bu your own landlord and stop the leak in PW'I
II , your income.
j H Ixjok over, the miiny extra good bargains advertised for ealo In today LO I
l'ee on easy terms. PW '
With the coming of sprlna. values will sdvance get In line for your PyJ i
I n share of the lncreaac. i,M
3 L"s
fiirni rW-i ii
PA 0
with any newly
purchased Piano
from our stock.
REDUCED -$50 to $125 Cut
0(1 for vour check on tha nurchaae of anv
Henulne Diamond Ring, I.ady a Oold Watci,
Diamond Ki arf Tin
come anyhow. vou get the Jewelry Jut
And your manufactur
er's draft for this beau
tiful $500 PIANO.
Tour Manufacturer's Draft
hose piano. Prices have
J aueinway; Stager Bona,
Phall, Kimball, Chlckerlnf
la east FATimwra.
Phall, Kimball, Chickertng
Honest Pealing la the Guarantee That
i f- )r
I. r
More city people are going into the
poultry business now than ever. It may
be a sort of fad at first, but they grow to
like it.
lW'tauf tlii're ia uuiiiey in it.
Head the Poultry column today.
Oennin Diamond Kliif, Oold
atoh rob. Gentleman s Oold
atch (warranted 80 years).
Ladies' Oold Wstoh, Genuine
Diamond Scarf nn.
from Our Regular Prices
New riano at the RKPl'CKI' I'MICK..
Oentleman'a Oold Watch twwrrantel
tha same If you buy
Following Bargains;
And ntir niauufac
irrr'a draft, for
this EV l'lano.
KeffuLar Prlce S4(MK
Guaranteed for IB year.
will bo taken aa wart payment on any
been grreatly
uoed. Stock Inolude
and n
axdman, Knabai, Wneelook, Mo-
and many others
alanoa can be paid
Tel. Dong, least
lad. A-1635.
Stand Itark of Kverj Sale.
in the Yard