12 THK BEE: OMAHA. TIH'KSDAY. KKTmrAKY P. 1011. T n 1 C1 ttt: 11 Sing at Our Free Noonday Concert in Assembly Room (sicca?, ronjxlu Boom) Thursday Noon. You Are Invited to Come and Enjoy this Concert V IPiJl VALENTINES BBIBBIHBIID B I K T7V No Other Htorf In Omaha Can Show a Variety if Pretty Novelty ValesMlnr fiurh aa We Hare. All rrlom. Also Score of Valentine Kavnrs, IkworatJons, t'artls, Ktc. for rartles I Special Sale of Vomen's Dresses k. ' i sa $ 250 Silk and Cloth Dresses (Samples from a New C7 GfTh ), at u ww mk 1 . "A I 5 ktf M Mill hll ( I line Ladies' Hi. me .lotirn.il 1'nllern with copy of Ilia New Spring. 1911 ttyle Hook sjoo J 0 York Manufacturer) worth from $15 to $22.50, af crftt.t, 111 I VXX it if MX. mm I 'I f$7.S0l VVc bought these stunning dresses at just abut one-halt their value. Every one is a model that is strictly up-t-datc and show the very newest 1911 style features. Mfldr of taffetas, voiles. t'jrrxjn 1 -)v4-'Xj .V-'l r-rei-, r1 r-Vv I tl mc Cfrrrc all the popular and fash ionable colors. Many arc beautifully trimmed, others smartly embroid ered, many arc plain tailored. Every one is a charming model. Worth and $22.50 J !i 1 llli You'll Thank Us for Telling You About This "End of the Season" Ladies' Yinter Apparel Sale Choice of any Wool Suit, orig inally worth lo $4-5.00, now. . Choice of any Black Cloth Coat, originally worth to $4.5, now (Sizes 40, 42. 44, only.) Choice of any Velvet Suit in our stock, originally worth to $35, now Valentines Make Tour Selection from the largest line la the city. The assortment, as well as the price, will le advantage enotiKli. None- isn compare with the showing In on,' stationery section. See the many new effects this year. I wuHniWlliMMur ii Taaaaaa ml In ""TJ 110 toys' Suits, worth to $4, Cut Their Prices for Quick Selling, Thursday, to $L75i! These Suits are the broken lines and odd sizes of nil our regular winter selling lines. IS very garment has been taken where sizes and lines are not complete, and placed Into this "Quick Selling" 110 lot, to go Thursday at the very low price of 91.75 Kor service, style and make you could not suit your boy better, than in one of these suits. Be here early and you'll get the better ones. $1.00 Knickerbocker Pants for Boys, Thursday, at 50c 27-in. Fine French Batiste Embroidered Flouncings in thirty beautiful de signsCombination Baby Irish and Jap effects worth up to $1.50 yd, at, ydSSC 50c Embroideries at 25c Yard JH an422-inch fine swiss, nainsook and ba tiste embroidered flouncings, skirtings, cor- set cover widths, alwo insertions and galloons worth up to 50c yard big bar- f 5 &KJ gaiu square, at,'er yard Pure Linen Torchon Laces and Insertions also Cluny Curtain Laces match-r-a new shipment specially priced for Thursday, per yard . . Wash Laces and Insertions . Sample (strips and factory ends French vals, platt vals, point de Paris, tor chons, etc., etc. many - worth He a yard big bargain square, Ol' ......... di J2S Many to b A FEW HARDWARE SUGGESTIONS g SI'KCIAIJA ritK'KD FOR Till IISDAY J $1.65 Alcohol Stoves, go at 9H I F) 40c Hard Coal Hods, special, at 10 . 15c Auto Pliers, Thursday, at f) - Card Punches, the 25 cent kind, at 15C 1 j Thermometers, special Thursday, at HALF THICK . b, m 1 Bi..i b ,bi...bi bwbji n m u n a h a w afl ! fOTTgl C5Wgi furVT Q,VUW& CwWi CUVt gouA QttuArVtA The land of the fabled Fountain of Youth," of waving palm, beautiful flowers, the bluest of slues and of per. petual sunshine. The ideal place for rest or recreation during the Winter season. Numerous good hotels with accommodations within the reach of alL And the trip costs but little. I will be glad to give you full particulars and forward a copy of a beautifully illustrated booklet Through service Chicago and St. Louis to Jacksonville via Louisville & Nashville R. R. The Attractive Way to Florida P.W.M0RR0W, N.W.P.A Chicago. J. L DAVENPORT, D. P. St Lotus. at, per yard 5c Six Cakes and One Jar All for m r fop :S f ' By special arruubt -.itU the B. J. John Von' SxnpvCo. . wo are-hi a position to Offer the V' bple of Omaha absolutely free a 50c jar of Palm OHVe cream with 0 cakes of Palm Olive soap for 4!c V'V - i'"'uK Oepurtiiii'iit-i ttouth Hide. Thursday is Chocolate Day :w . Delicious bitter-sweet chocolates with soft 1 creamy centers variety of pure fruit and crushed nut flavors regular 40c, OCo .chocolates rThurscfciy,' at, lb. . . . ,aUv Saturday is the Great Kii GIotc Sale Tliousands of pairs of long aud short kid gloves, whites,' blacks and al colors all perfect bought al a great sacrifice." Th"ey are worth as high as $2.50 pair nr. "Great special sale Saturday, pair. . . IwC BRANDEIS STORES jj iJ-i- GAS v COMPANKEEPS BILL toa Not File its statement for Gas Furnished in January. COUNCIL'S ' 1.10 V IS NOTHING B !" ManaKcr klabaaeh mt the ' .t t'utittu', Who A 1 no Sa tae Mijltrr I'robnbly Will ,j lo tlir l'ourt. i i . I;ur Boiue reason, uw Omaha Has com pany b failed to present lt bill for l'uet llphtlng to the city for th month ot Januar i -l auitlly hr company la very pit.mpt eaa.haa Us bill In the hands of the i-ity comptroller by the second or third ai . tha- latA'sU but so far this month, no b(ll has 4iuu'n tip." . "t'lly ufficials ui"e wondering what the dflay mVans.'TJji'y contend It may be an irrsight and attain that there may be mVthod In tbV apparent oversight of the ccmpany. . tiy tuiiiF.'iir ilriiy is taken to mean that the 'onPny has decided on a plan cf action regarding- the bills which 11 has ptotnleri to the city nouncd for street lihttna; lor4 the past five years. Hecently l.vth bills ore .rejected by the city council. , . Manacer ClahaiiKh of the fas company stated Wtdri.aday morning: that the com pany had dtctded on no plan t action, "but to protect our rights, we have tiled an appeal bona In the district court and If we are forced to Institute proceedings Htcainal the. cli, we will ask Judgment in the amount contained In the second Hi! presented' said Mr. l.'labaugh. -V. wunUt .rather settle the difference, tltliuul going to court." continued Cla tu iili. ' If the .coumil and the company Council to Inspect Productions Put On at Omaha Theaters Judiciary Committee Will Take a Look at Plays Before Fram ing Ordinance. A tour of inspection of the theaters and moving pleture shows of Omaha Is planned by the Judiciary committee of the city council. This Junket will be made the lat ter part of the week and early next week In order to give the members of the com mittee a chance to see tire dsns of shows that are produced In the city, If present plans do not miscarry. ' A resolution regulating moving picture shows 'was Introduced nto the city council Inst week at the Instance of the Baraca union. At the meeting' of the committee of the whole the proposed ordinance was re ferred to the Judiciary committee with in structions to bring In a new ordinance which would cover all points objected bv the Itaraca union. On motion of Councilman McGovern a resolution was adopted which may include OMAHA BECOMES LAND. MARI Heal Estate Men Hear of Land Show's Results. ADDRESS BY C. C. R0SEWATER Ma Hack of Products Kiblblt Tells Kxefcauc of Vast Poaalbllltlea , rreiraltd by be West era Acres. With the announcement that seven big land agencies of the west had established each a branch In Omaha aa a result of the Ijvnd how, C. '.' Kosewnter, general manager of The Bee Publishing, company, moved the Ueal Estate exchange to en thusiasm at the weekly luncheon Wednes day over the prospect of making this city a. leading land market. Mr. Hose water told the exchange that vast areas of land in the western states were to be had by deal ers In Uhls city for service In making sales. The appeal ance by Mr. Rosewater. on In vitation from C. C. George. tirn!dint of the exchange, served to give h members a revels t'on as to the oslbtlitles which were at their hand for, extended business. The representative of the Land show ex- Omaha's Pure Omaha's Pure Tood Center Thursday's Specials : CAKDT SBPABTMXITT f Angel d''ood Taffy, per lb. 10c Made with pure cream and cane suicar sells regularly, per lb., 25c; Thurs day (oniyi, per lb loo fj .Vanilla. Strawberry, maple, molas- rcs ina lunucuime imvurs. AXEBT DEPAKT1CZKT Thursduy we wil sell our well known ."Jjessert t'akes", per lb .-..lOo ThiHijio a dsllclous Vanilla Cake, mads of the best material with cocoa nut, nut., currant, augar and nonparlel tops, la one ft the finest small fancy cakes to be found. Made fresh In our Bakery dally, and sells regularly, per lb., 20c; Thurs day (only), per lb 10c WSAT DEFAJtTMIWT I.esf Iard, per lb 100 Pork Chops, per Ih 19Ve Leg of Lamb, per lb 130 CJ) No. 1 Bacon, per lb 19o No. 1 Ham, per lb. . .' ISO r nuHjr win lie iitin uy. v e iic&vo made extra preparations to have a full line of Treah Canght Ptsh, In cluding Pacific Coast tied Snapper. Black Cod, Steel Head Salmon and Baby Halibut. Besides the regular Kastern variety of Lobsters, Oysters, Scallops, Ktc. 1 TEA AID OOrrXB SZPABTMEXTT Dlainond CJelatiue, I'ernilell Oehitlne. Jellycon; legular ll)c anj 2lc sell ers; Thursday (only) To Suclinixl's Pell' Ir us Cocoas. ',4, S and l ib. vans, respectively, 3 So, 46o, 8So Gherardelll's Ground Chocolate, flnet In the world, ',-lb. tins 0o Glierardelll'a Ground Chocolate, finest In the world, 1-lb. tins 3So OBOCEBT 9ETAJtTMEKT 26o cans Imported French Peas. , .150 25c bottles Bayle's Horse Radish Catsup ISO l&c bottles Bayle's Chilli Sauce... 100 30c Jars Southwell's English Marmn- lade S Oo Large tins Hlckmatt's Fancy Apri cot m, SOc per doreu-. $3.33 Bishop's Tomato Catsup, pints. . . .900 Per dozen 93.00 S&o bottle Royal Table Same COo 3oc cans Grogan Hipe Olives 30o e " QWivr fi-BtW (Jihuvrs QfSPXk QttuiVi. (JurVr CiiSai C53 the Censorshll) of theaters if the eitv fnltl. nlainH that lhA Aiianln. m i.t rim.h. mm 1 ers see fit to pass an ordinance. "In order that we may know what we Y.W. C.A.Will Try to Collect Fifty " Thousand in Week Association Enlists Business Men in Campaign to Raise Funds Covering Debts. Omaha's business men have enlisted In the services of the Young Women's Christian association and In a campaign to clear the association from debt. It is proposed to raise S50.0O0. This will clear the association of mortiaKe and equip It to meet tlx? demands of the work. Those business men who have expressed their appreciation of the value of the as sociation to the community, will meet at luncheon at the Commercial club Thurs day noon to formulate plans. The campaign Is to be held n-t .seek end the .',0,CW0 raised within the week. If Reliable Dentistry P Taffs Denial Roims 4YV W You Can Really Find Today What Ponce de Leon Sought' Four Hundred Years Ago Find the land of youth of playtime and frolic and sunshine and joy. The country of year-round sport, where grow pineapples and cocoanuts and the sweetest of oranges, and lots of delicious fruits you may never have heard of. Excursion Fares to Florida Via Frisco Lines These reduced round trip fares are now in effect via Frisco Line from Kansas City daily, tickets being good to return t any time up to June 1, 1911: Jackson rille. . West Palm Beach. Tampa ft. Augustine Palalka Barstow $41 B0 50. BO 4 10 4S.00 41 SO 51. SO Fanford Ocala Miami , . Ht. Petersburg.. Delaod 4 1410 4SSS Homeseekers' t.lckots are also on sale the Brat and third Tues days of each month at reduced (ares. The Southeastern Limited leaves Kansas City at 6:15 P. M. daily; one day and two nights of rapid travel brings you to Jacksonville the second mom InR. The newest electric, lighted siesm heated drawing room Pullmans; perfectly equipped observation-library cars Delicious Kred Harvey meals. nje send you the beautiful Frisco Lines booklets and tell you about Florida and Cuba. J. C. L0VREIN, . Diri.ios Ps.Matsr A feat FRISCO LINES Jaecties Boils' iof, KasMi City, Ma. Telepbose , Three Big Breaks in Four Blocks of Twenty-Second St. Jogs Are Made at Each Street Cross ing of the Proposed New Thoroughfare. are oolng we win visit the theater and greatest definite result of the show. Gen picture shows," said Councilman Hummel, eral results had been to Interest the public who la a member of the Judiciary commit- In the western direction In nnnmli nn .In - . - - tee. "Objections have been raised In some quarters as to the kind of shows that are being produced In Omaha, so the commit tee will do some quiet Investigating on !; own account. It will probably be two wetks before we will be able to bring In the new ordinance. By that time we have laiuiot 'et together, then there is only j hi pes of having made a thorough Investi gate way, to settle the trouble and that Is i gatlon of the theaters and moving plc- m i-ruirai ii u sennit point lor me uni m j possible ilea teirnory oi tne west had b?en the, .,,, those who are Interestinc them Selves tn the project of lilting I lie associ ation's debt and who will attend the luncheon Thursday are Victor H, Cald well. John R. Webster. J. A. Munroe, C. C, Belden, J. K. Baum, Robert Dempster, N. P. I lodge. Wallace K. Slieiard. Ueorga H. Payne. M. U. Cameron, V. 1. Wcad. W. II. Butholtz. Charles It. Sherman. Charlea II. Brown. K. 11. liavls, c. r. Foley. F. W. Juilaon. W. 11. Rhodes. T. Ii Stevens, M. A. Hall. K. C. barton. A the uanatural drift of migration north Into Canada and south Into Mexico. .'There Is an excellent chance for rsai estate men of this city to make business connections with the great irrigation arid agencies he referred to, and to aaslst them Mr. Rosewater. "I have received numer ous Inquiries from the firms In the west; tur s. I in the i-tturta. ' In i lie ttpiulmi of Mr. Clabaugh the reso- , Councilman Berka, another member of .ut.uii passed by Hie city coonuil Tuesday j the committee, stated that he favored the nitthl. t.-mi. uruf the gas company not more I proposed Junket. than I a '.auip per year for street light from Januaiy I means nothing. It we Oo nut accept these terms, which can only dute from I lie time of presenta tion to us. we can furnish gtv under pro se! against the bill.' faid Mr. Clabtugh. "'Abut resolution means absolutely nothing ' iir. 1 Uiduli views are s'.iared by many ot hall officials, which includes Assistant City Attorney punn The assistant city a'luiney otd the council Monday after iv M. n Hil' tlnj lesulutlon meant little, if Suvihlrg. ,l"'Hf this advice the council j.afi( ihe resolutii'ii Tuesday night. " The "it-solution paused Tues1ay night a ompronitae nu-iiire ana was a neat i) of ducking the Iraiie." said a city ufiklal Wedtierday morning. Managera .of the various theaters In the city sav- they will welcoraa any v. alts which the city dads propose to make and that th ooors of the theaters will be threwn open. . A Hloody Affair N lung beiitnrrlume top it and r.ire weak luigs. co hi; lis and colds with IT King's New I Hifuv ery. Jk- and $1 00. For sals by Ri al on I 'rug- Co. kulfraar Dill Passes la Kaaaas. TtiPl'.KA. Kan. Feb. The Kansas filial!' thin afteniiK.n -.mrsed the resolution i ' oul.ii it nil ainei dment to the constitution K'.viiim . w..iee the riKbt to t in all ... n .... -.,, f lh. CRAIG HAS A NEW CITY MAP t aa Tell at (.la ace "W here Repairs Are Urlast Malt aa tltr I reels. A new plan for keeping tabs on street cuts has been Instituted by City Knglneer Craig. A map system, has been Installed by which It will be possible for the city engineer to tell at any time where the streets have been torn tip fur any sort of Improvements or repairs. The plan adopted, which Is used In New York City, la that whea a permit is Issued for the tearing up of a street the district affected must be Indicated on the map. When the contractor who waa given the permit finishes his work he will report to the city engineer, who, uhii Investigation, will order the district eliminated from the repair map. . in, .iimiiiivi n iri u iH)5ntDe tor helm, Clement Chase. per 1. Yost. Mrs. Kmma F. Hyers of Minneapolis, nbw executive secretary of the north central territory, foi incrlj general ate- j retary for Omaha, win and assist In the campaign. 1. 1 tin i. t.y vote f to K. The rco- ern states aa to the facilities for trsns-i Austin. George N acting buk.'ness In this city." The speaker then offered to personally get I he local dealers In touch with the egencles he referred to and to assist them In making Omaha the future land market for the territory west of the Missouri valley. Several members of the exchange biouglU up the Complaint that Nebiaska had failed o make any sort of proportionate allowing In the I -and show. Mr. Uotewater ex plained that tills stale had Buffered tha4 disadvantage through not possessing an organised system of exploiting Its re sources. Mr. George bore out this state ment wit 'i the remark that the state Ih far behind, all others of the central and west aection in the advertising Idea. Three breaks In a distance of four blocks j will prevail if the present plans for the i opcins of Twenty-second strict from ' l-ioilye street to Howard ;'titet are ap proved by the cily council. The plans have been referred to the city engineer's office I for the purposi of drawing up a plan of I assessment. Under the plans the beginning of the I extension is at 1 lodge atreet. The new I street will run on a direct line for a blocU to Douglas street, where the firat break Is encountered. I The street 'r gs twenty-five feet to the j east and thn runs on a direct line ,o j Farnam. At Karnam there Is another Lrrak ! to the cant of t hlvty-seven feet, win' re the : Mreet continues In. a dhcel line to Jiarney, ' where another Jo of forty feel i-i planneil. The pioMisid openlnx then runs to How ard, where a connection Is nuide with the come to Omaha I other section of T .venty-s. cond street. Tlw present plans were drawn. Including these breaks, to avoid excessive ases- Teek. C. M. C. C. George, Wll-ras- An accessible office in the best known building In the city is offered TO YOU NOW. The vacant offices are few, so would suggest an early inspection. The rental price includes electric light, heat and good janitor service. The Bee Building Kooin 41 S On 4th floor, fronting on the court About 170 square feet, with vault and wash stand. Rent $18.00 per month. ICooin 42uv On 4th floor, fronting north. About 300 square feet. Has wash stand. Rent $30 per month. Jtoom 6 1 On the 6th floor, fronting 1 7th street. About ISO square feet, aud has a vault and wash stand, l'rlce $18.00 per month. Itooms flUU-H On the 6th floor, fronting north. About 340 square feet with wash stand. A fine suit of smaller offices. Rent $32.50 per month. The Bee Building Company Bee Business Ofiice, 17th and Farnam Sts. A Guarantee of Husiners Prorptrity minis anu the coinlemuliiH of bu'lding?. The Bee Advertising Columns. j according: to the city engineer's office. luUon liai pwvloualy passed the house. jt Ay time. EXAMINATION FOR CLERKS FOR DRUGGISTS IS HE10 SIstfKlatit CaaitlUalea appear Bel fore Ike State llnaril for j Klxtv-elght candidates for licenses as I pharmacist clerks were examined by fivi members of the Plate Board of Pharmacy at the Crelghtnn college Wednesday. ThoHe who composa the examining board are A. W. Pease, president, of Falrbury; R Koss. secretary. f Fremont; II. LH-k of Central City. L. J.-KIMen of Beatrice and J. Kurls Hanger of Fairwater. ma 1-1 1 Every woman's heart thrills at th rooms and prattling of a baby, and mo herliood is her highest and purest joy. Vet the suffering incident to this great consummation of her life's desire, robs the anticipation of some of its sweetness. Most of this can be avoided by the use of Mother's Friend. This great remedy prepares the expectant mother's system for tho com- j lng event, and i's uco makes hor comfortable Curing all the term. Motcer s " Friend assists nature in gradually expanding all tissues, muscles and tendons, it strengthens tho ligaments, keeps the breasts ia good condition, and brings the womaa to the crisis in healthful physical condition. The regular use of Mother s Friend lessens the pain (una tun U.LU1.1 IUTCIJ IUI ma mother. For sals at drug stores. - Write for free book for expectant mothers. , ESADFIXXD EEQULATOE CO., Atlanta, Oa Omaha Loan and Bui. ding fc;r,nnintion Now Losatcd in Their Now Homo in SV3oAGUE N.W. Cor. 15th &Dodge Sts. La &3mm Assets $3,900,000 JTFifliniai B WE ARE SELLING & it i'I.h Llnils-iv kntvcM and folk- for ! :' . 'loe.i !,! ' ?K fiyjfy.J silwi to fie iloien. This cale I.i.hIs uli loll. week. -'l f jf Jl ! V i Irf.i k fi the mine f I , Sf S. W . LINDSAY, Jeweler 1S1 Ooorlas Street. IVrsi-tfiil AlvtMti:.i is tin luiail to lij? Kcluiiis Tlic Hce's Ailvt'ili.sing t'oluiiiii.s An; 'lluit lioad. s