10 TTTE BrTB: OMATIA. TmTRRTMT. FEmiTATiT fl. 1911. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wleat Openi Steady After the Break of Day Before. BREAKS SHARPLY UPWARD lorn Market Rrraka Onlii l.lejnl rfatlna Brraaw af the llimf la TO BP at IKmi la " low. OMAHA. Feb. . I The wheat market opened steady after the Revere break of yesterday, but bearish sonrilttnn and sentiment with reported rain In the dry sections of the southwest started renewed liquidation and values raet off still lower. The corn market followed wheat again and wan lower. Buyera wera discouraged and easier rash demand and clearing weather over the belt weakened the market. W heat broke sharply Just after the open ing on renewed selling. News In all fa voring the bears and profit-taking by shorts ia all the buying support the market I urn. Caah whtat was dull and offering light at lc lower. Severe liquidation owing to the slump In wheat broke the corn market- llecelpta are light, but the demand la Mow and new hipping ordera are scarce. Caah corn wai weak and" sales were reported lo lower. Primary wheat recelpta were 46,0O0 bush els and shipments were 231 ,0"0 buahela. agalnat receipts last year of 741,000 head and ahlpmenta of an.OTO buahela. Primary com rerelpta were f.lS.OflO buahela and ahlpmenta were 5i.4.00O buahela. egalnst rerelpta last year of 1.017,000 buahela and ahlpmenta of IM.UQ buahela. Clearances were 541.OO0 buahela of corn. 40 buahela of oats and wheat and flour equal to llS.cn buahela. Uverpool clneed 'n'aM lower on wheat and ttd lower on corn. The following caah aalea were reported: WHFAT-No. 2 hard: 1 car. fc; 1 car. 4rc. No. 1 hard: 1 car. 86V,c. No. mixed: 1 car. 8lj. No grade: 1 car. 70c. CORN-No. 8 white: 1 ear. 3o: No 3 color: 1 car. 38'4c; No. 3 mixed: 2 cara, 38c. OATS No. 4 white: 1 car. 28c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 27c. Oniik fash Prlrra. WHEAT No. 2 hard. SBtfWc; No 3 hard, HnViUttc; No. 4 hard. 73Bc: rejected hard, 72V)HHc; No. 2 spring, tubule; No. 3 spring, tkViii9c. CORN No. 2 white, SS'VafclttHa.c: No. 3 white, 38V(c; No. 4 white, 375r38'4c; No. 8 color, r.4tr,Wc; No. 2 yellow. $h,.384c; No. 3 yellow, 87Vu3'ic: No. 4 yellow, 37(tf No. 2, 3?Vp;Sfc'4c; No. 8. 37Hil4tc; No. 4, :i7(&r?Vtc; no grade, KtiSHVkc. OATS No. 3 white, VsW'a-c: atandard, 2f. cj J8".c; No. 8 white, ;Vfl2x';c; No. 4 while, 27Vfr28c; No. 1 yellow, 27Vi28c; No. 4 yellow, 2HWu2io. RARI.KY-No. 8, 73'gWV.; No. 4, (374o; No. 1 feed, 6fia4c; rejected, Mjj!ne. KVK No, 3, 7lS0c; No. 3, 7jT9c. larlut Iteoelata. Wheat. Corn. 62 648 i: 14 31 76 cleara, shorts, clearn, r; clear 3117... lower; boxed, rlha. 3116:,, extra ahort OMAHA WIIOIEIALC FRICR). RI'TTErV-Creamery. No. 1. delivered to the retail trade In 1-ih. cartona. 27c ; No. 3. In 30-lh. tub. 2T.c; No. 1. In Hb. cartons, 2. V-; parking stock, solid park. IV; dairy, In 6-lb. tuba. l.Vn loc. Market change every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins. 1&11Hp; young Ameri ca". 1V: daisies, 17'c; trlpleta. mc; llm burger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 17Se; Imported Swire. 32c; domestic Swine, 32c; block Swiss, l'Jc. PTJLTRY I "reeaed brollera. under I lbs., f. per dos.; hena, 14'V; cocka. 11c; ducka. lie; geese, 13c; turkeys, 2fc; pigeons, per dn , 31 20; homer squabs, per dos., 34: fancy squabs, per dox., 13 60; No. 1, per dox., 3.1. Alive, brollera, lc; amooth lege, 10c; hena, )0'i ; stags and old roosters, 7r; old durks, full feathered, lie; geese, full feathered, 9'c; turkeys. 19o; guinea fowls, &c each; pigeons, per dm., oo; homers, per dot , 3.1; squabs, No. 1, per dox.. 31.50; No. 2. per dox., 40c; capona, over 8 lha.. 14c; old tuikevs, 17c. BEEF CUTH-No. 1 rlha. ltc: No. I. li'4o; No. 3. 4c; No. 1 loin, 17c; No. 3. V.c; No. 8, 10c; No. 1 chuck, 7c; No. 3. 74c; No. 3. 7c; No. 1 round, no; No. 2, 84c; No. 2, oc; No. 1 plate, 7c; No. 2. 64c; No. 8, So. FISH (all frozen!-Pickerel. 7c; white. 11c; pike. Ho.; trout. Ho; large crapptee, 12-fiiSc; Spanish mackerel, V.tc; eel, ISc; had dock. 13c; floundera, l-'c; green catflah, 20o; rne ahad, 81 each; ahe1 roe. per pair, 6.'c: frog lega, per dox.. 60c; salmon, 11c; hali but, 10c; herring. Sc. FRVITS Applea: Mlmourl Jonathan, per bbla., IE 75; Mlaaourl Hen Davla, per bbl.. 34.75; California Helleflower, per box, (1.65; Colorado, extra fani-y. Jonathan, per full bu. box, 2 75; B. Twig and VV. W. Peat-main, per full bu. box, 3-60; Waeh InKton, extra fancy. Wlneaap, BC-113 alxe. per bu., 82.75; l.-O-lTR alcee, per box, f$2 6t. Banana : Fancy aolect, per bunch, K.2.V9 350; Jumbo, per bunch, II 7(1 3. 75. Cran berrlea: Per box, 13.50; Jeraey, per bbl.. 3!7S; Wlaronaln Bell and Bugle brand, per bbl., 8J0.5O. late!: Anchor brand, new, 30 l ib. pkgs. In boxea. per box, 82 00; bulk In 70-lb. boxea, per lb., 640. 1gs: New, California. 12 2n. pkga.. Roc; 36 12-ox. pkga., 32.40; 50 6-ox. pkga.. 32.00; Turklah, 7-rrown, per lb., lc; 5-crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb., inc. Orape fruit: Florida, 46-54-64 alzea, per box. 33.75, K-5 alzea, per box, 83 25. Lrmom: LJmoneira brand, ex tra fancy. Soo-3ti0 alxea, per box. 34.50; NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Price. Drift Downward on Exchange During; the Day. COPPER PRODUCERS' FIGURES !xanre Ce . NK. r . t per eit... W4 lie 'Omh C'lintry C1.,h a. 1JI M 1 lotiuha i t. IHT M n.mha Wter U 1M M M Omha at R. U. 1H4 1"! Omaha B. Fl Jtr. U 1 ' om.ha C. n. at. Ht. f a.. 'rimh B t. l . rom S 1" llnion oHi Tm. 4 (Siratlan. Net), Water ta ln2 ibwirt Co " lafarorakl Btateaaeat Falle e Pre dajec Ay Very AiTene Effect o Topper tkarn TrmallaaT tnr I.oaaoxt Aereaat gmall. I.oaana !ltMk Mantet. TjONPON. Feb. American aecurltiea opened aomewhat lower today, but quickly rallied on covering and at noon were firm and from unchanged to 4 higher than yea tenlav a New York closing. lyondon closing atock quotations: Cnnaoli. niner 4n arrovnt ... Amil Copper . Ie Been Lnnr 4t Rio u . do rd Erie do lat ph) do kJ pfd O-rand Trunk IIIqoII Central .. 81 l.VEK Bar, Chicago .... Mlnneapolla Omaha liuluth Oata 162 CHICAGO GRAIN A.D PROVISIONS Kealnrea of the Trading; and Cloalag Prlcea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. 8. A lower level than at any time within the laat three montha wait reached by wheat today. lUg atocka and no demand weighed on the market. Buying to choice. J0-3'i0 bIz.jb. per box, 34 On; 240 alxe, 60c per box lesa. Oranges: Camella Red lands navals. 80-96 alxea, per box, 82.66; 126 alia, per box, 82 76; 150 alxe, per box. 82.75; 173 and amallcr lixes, 34.00; choice navela, W-M alzea, 82 .35: 12ti size, 32.50; 150 and smaller alzea, 8..Ku2.75. Pears: Cali fornia Winter Nellls, per box, 82 76; New York Kelfer. per box, 32.75. VEQETABLKS-Beans, string and wax, per hamper. 33.6Og4,00. Beets, per bu., 75o. Cabbage, Wlaconsln. per lb., IVic; carrots, per bu., 75c. Celery, Michigan, per dox. bunches, 35c; California Jumbo, per dox. bunches, 9uc. Cucumbers, hothouae, 14 and Canadian Pacirlo 2-dox. In btx., 3-'. 25. Kggplant, fancy Flor- jt'entral Leather Ida. per dox., 32.00. Garlic, extra fancy, .Central Leather pfd... white, ner lb.. 15c. Lettuce, extra fancv Central of New Jeraey leaf, per dox., 4oc. Onions, Iowa, red and fi. h per lb., U-1,1,.,,0 0- w., new.'.', NEW TORTf. FVh Prlrea drtfted I downward on the atock exchange today. I Anatnda Selling was more general and pressure A,.r"- ,? more constant and effective than on other recent daya on which auch a movement has been attempted and there was talk of an Impending readjustment of values on a considerably lower level. The only Important developments were the monthly figures of the t'oppwr Pro ducers' association and announcement of the purchase of a large block of Atchison convertible bonds by a syndicate repre senting American, English and continental banking Interests. The figures disclosed In the statement of the Copper IToduc-ers were anything but favorable, but had no very adverse effect on copper sharea. Not only did cop per stocks Inrrease enormously during the month of January, but consumption at home and abroad was much below that of any recent month. Trading In this market for London ac count waa of email proportions. There wi.i considerable buying In this market by IOti don brokers, but these purchases were be lieved to be for New York houses. The bond market was steady. Total sales, par value, 83,115,000. I'nlted States 3 s and the 4's. coupon, ad vanced 4 and the 4's, registered, 4 on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: galea. Hlrtl. Low. Cloaa. 10 M 31 tm 17, D K4 W N-1 7X Ml M4 H 8,7110 .', 4S 4.1 200 av, (L, ax in), 61114 110 IM, 16 ! ZIH 2J4 100 it 12 liiq 4!4i 42 .UK) Hula la't .0 1-S txatsrille A Nash. .IS! .Ull lltlo, Kan. A Teiaa.. 7S ... 7 N T. I entrsl 117 '4 Norfolk A Western.. IK" A I lie-Chalmers pfd Amalgamated. Copper .... Amerlran Axrlcqltiiral ... beat Sus&r tin C. A F Cotton Oil H. L pfd.... Securities Ltnaeed LooomotlTe .... S. A R R- pfd Amerirwn American American American American Am. toe American American AmertfAn Mm. s. A Am. Steal Poundnaa l. Am. Sugar Rehnlng 300 Amerhan T. A T 1.7U0 American Traceo pfd Ji Amarlcan Woolen ! Anaconda aflntng Co Soo Atchison W.liiO lAtohiaon pfd lAtlantlc Coast Line Baltimore A Ohio 0O luethlehem 8teei Ron IBrooklrn Rapid Tr !.30 ,. 1.S00 5"0 146S li MO Si 7 J10 I! 4K' 5' :u 41114 l'S l'f-7 ' ' SI1 Ilna do pfd do pfd 1- 'a Ontario A Weatrrn. Baltimore A Ohio. . Pennarlvanln I'anadlan Paolflc . . . .J1.'', Hand Mince Chesapeake A Ohio.. Southern Railway Chi. Ureal Wcatem.. J4 do pM Chi . Mil. A t. P. l.w Southern Pacific ... I nloa raclfle .. An do pM .. I', ft. Siael. ... .. Jl7 do pfd ,. Sl4, Wabaah .. m do pM .. K.'t Spanish 4a .... ..Ut steady at 2.T4,d per ounce. 1 . 4r. . 67 . ' . . , .12JW .l47a . Ml, . '4 . 17i, . Mli . M MONEY 2 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 31 per cent; for three months' bills, 8 1-16 per cent. Boaton C'loalnsc Marks. nnSTON. Feb. 8. Closing quotations on stocks were as follows: yellow, per lb., 2'aC; Indiana white, per lb. -hicaio per ciate, 91.W. j-arniey, xaiicy q w 14.800 k6 Colorado A Southern.... UonaolUiated Oat Vrn Products 3c: Spanish, southern, per aox. punches, ouwo. Far- OhlcapJ A N. W snips, per bu., ibc. i'otatoes. early Ohio, 10. M. A Bt. p., ei-d4. In sacks, per b'i 9oc; Iowa and Wisconsin, !c C. O. A St- L white stock, per bu. 76iUS6c. Rutabaitaa. iColorado F. A I per lb., Hc. Sweet potatoes, Kansas, per bbl., 32.50. Tomatoes, Florida, per 6-basket MISCEL,L,ANEOU-AlinondH, California, 'tZnrtr A IUo Oranda"!!;! soft, shell, per lb.. In sack lots, lo less D. r, n. pfd Uraxll nuts, pet lb., 13c; In Back lots, lc : maimers' securities less. CocoanutB, per sack, 35.50; per dox., Hrie 80c. Filberts, ,er lb 14c; In sack lots, lc Krl Pfi less. Hlckorynuts, large, per lb., 5c; small, 'Kri 2,1 pW per lb.. 0c. Peanuts, roasted. 8c per lb - i",neraI. KI,Rctr'c 1 cover ahort aalea caused a rally, however. raw, V-c per 10. recans, large, per lb., 16c; .w. cini and the clone waa a shade lower to a shade 1 m Hack lots, lc less. W'alnuta. black, 2Ho 'im",i, cenu-al .".".'.'.'' hitiher. compared with last night's figures. I )ler b.; California, lc tier lb.; In aack lots, iintcrborouxh Met.!"!!!'.!'.!.. in the end. corn showed a loss or '4c to ; jo less. Cider. .New york Mott a, i.t.7o perilnt. Mat. pfd jt. to per pdi. itoney, new, 24 frames. l.S'H) TOO l.oio 4.XI0 14 47 12SI!t 100 M H-bbl. Ii.76. 'Iz-Vc, oats were off SV and hog products down fttiTVic to 20o. Except from purchasers seeking to off set short sales there was no support for wheat. The break In quotations came after a flood of overnight stop-loss orders from frightened outside holders. Some belated unloading on the part of local operators rut quite a figure, too. Even the most patient owners were obliged also to admit the aoaenre of any Immediate improvement In cash demand. After midday, though, the effect of the short covering In progress begun to have a decided result In the way of gradually putting the market back to where the slump started. During the session May fluctuated between B'.tc and SM'tiC, with the close a shade net higher at WSiC Corn was bearlshly affected by cables. May varied from 48o to 4ulo and closed steady, '4Ac down, at 491ii4!il,c. Cash corn was weak. No. 2 yellow finished at 47 (riCc. Oats made a new low record for the crop sfioat ear to date. High and low figures for May were 32 'c and JlVaaiSc, with last sales '4!So off at 32c flat. Packers and allied Interests kept an over supply of provisions in evidence all day. The outcome was a decline throughout the entire list, pork 20c, lard 5il7'v-c to luc and ribs 7Vc. Trices In Chicago, furnished by the Cp dlke Grain company, 708 Urandeis building, Omaha. Telephone iJouglas 2473. NEW VtlHK ;EKRAI, MARKET Quotations of the Day Commodities. on Various NEW YORK. Feb. g.-FIH'R-Market dull; spring patents. 35.1V(ir.35; winter straights. 84 IOf4.20; winter patents, 84.3or4.75; spring winter extras, No. extras No. 2. straights. 34.45iir4.U). unlet; fair to good, tancy, 34.40ti4.60. l.tno 100 ion D Vo 2II lt."0 t,7UI x0 ?D0 1.2IH) WS 200 l KI i.uo 144 144 17l' 14 7214 'M 31 61) S lM'i U) lis 174 M 4 lltS Articles ! Open. ( High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I I May..:'aSI ,liily..j!f2Vuwl S'pt. Corn Mav. July. rept. lats-- l'l l'4flTt! ihOKI-SI I 61V.I I I May..!82fl.1J' Jiily..'Bwi!2si Sept..! 32 1 I-firK I I 94S M.! MSKI'ati'i M I X2i,i tt2'l.2V(lW Kl'. Vl-tk.UlVtliSI w;, I I I Vxi 4e;V4'..4iV.i 49'i hOi 4in1oO','iuOVui ol' bO-. olSI tlt clears. 34.004iH.35; 1. 3S.:K(T3.60; winter t3.1in :!.:(; Kansas Itye flour, market 34. 20i?74. 35; choice to Buckwheat flour. steady; 32.25 Der 100 pounds. CUKNMEA I, Steady; fine white and yel low, kiln dried. 32.85. WHEAT Spot market barely steady; No. 2 red. ;c, elevator, and u7c, f. o. b.. No. 1 northern, Lhilutn, i.M", r. o. b.. afloat; futures market declined under aggressive bear pressure" and considerable stop-loss selling to new low levels for the crop today, but partly recovered In the afternoon on export reports and damage news from the sout.iwest. It closed un changed to Vc net lower. May, IW 13-lc tl.Oo; cloned at 81.00V; July, 9W(!7-16r.; closed at I'-J-.o. Receipts, 31,200 bu. ; ship ments. 24.9;',4 bu. t-nuv snot marker eAsv: new No. 2. 52,c, f. o. b., afloat. Futures market as ! Soanljem Pacific . decline; May. btV'ii 57c ; closed at hiic, lte celpts, 140.500 bu.; ahliments. 153,765 bu. OATS Spot market easier; standard white, 3.1 4c; No. 2. 6c; No. 8, ST.cj No. 4. 344c. Futures market was without trans- i International Harreater Int. Marina ptd International r-aper Inlernatkinal Pump 4. W0 4 loss central 1"0 l Kanaaa Cut Southern 3" '4 K. C. 80. pfd 1"0 '4 Laclede Gaa 1HV LouiaTill & NaaliTille 1.1'" H' Minn. A 6. Loula 2l M St. P. A i. 8. M 13W M , K. A T 1.7'HI MS M . K. A T. pfd t" ' Mlaaourl Paclflo 4.400 So1 National Blacult 1"0 12' National Lead 0 i N. H R. of M. id ptd.. . MO) N.w York Central l.Tm 11S N. V.. O. A W Norfolk ac Western 1.4tx 107! North American 400 71' Northern Pacltlc S,40 l""'s PacUlo Mall PennaylvHiil ''"li Peotila'a Oaa "0 10r P.. C C. A St. L Hlltaburs Coal Prcaaed Bteel Cjir 40 3 Pullman Palace Or Hallway Steel Sprim 3;H Keadlns 133, 00 141 Va Kepubllc Bteel w lUpubllc Steel pfd. J J J4 Kock Island Co 3,0 V Rock Island Co. pld ) gt. U A 8. r. 3d ptd St. Loula 9. W SO 3J si 1. a. W. ofd mioee-Sheftteld 8. A I 2.1 14 4 14ss 12 'st.it iia" 14 170 'a 34 72 '4 aua 4S'4 at. 1M4 129 ! 2'a 13(1 IS7, 53 114 V. 43 law 334 47' 1114 147V, i:8 ; 7 Mi 11J M 36 '4 113' 4S l'W 714 U-'4 127 '4 10'a 04 lost '37 1M 84'i as S27a .la 4.i4 I 334131 4'aAki S24'31-''4I May. July.. La ru May. July. Sept. Rlbs Msy. July. Sept. 18 00 I 17 3 etXiitti 50 &3 32 IS 03 17 5 tin 7 9 60 I S 6tVtt2i h" 9 42 I 42 I y 42 I 3 45 .11 V 17 7 17 10 57 8 4? 50 0 52 'J 35 I 32 3244 St 4! 311 17 R.i 17 20 9 67 I v 4,-41 50 1 I 60 I 9 40 I a24 I I 05 17 40 9 67 9 55 9 674 9 67 9 45 9 4, A 700 7,100 71 m 1.K00 4") 700 4"0 Cash quotattons were as follows: actions, closing 14c net lower; May closed at 37c; July, 3c. Receipts, 73,200 bu.; ship ments none. HAY (juiet; prime, $1,124. nominal; 80 41 S5c. HOPS Firm, state common to choice, 1910. 25ihv2c; 1909, 18$ 21c; Pacific ma!. Ililo. 204i22c: 1909, 14GP17c. H I11CS Hull; Central American. 204c; Bogota. 22c. l.r. l HEU-Steady; hemlock firsts. 234 &264c; secoiKls, 2ll23c; thirds, 19W 20c; rejects, 6il7c. I'Uov ISIONS Pork, steailv: mess, $22. 50i23.n0; family. $22.0123.00; short 1 o ar. 8 1 9.50 y J2. 00. l.eef, aieaily; mess, 8l4.t:04 14 5l: family. 16. 50 17.00; beef i hams. 325 .Kyii 27.50. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 poiiihIs, 2 4 14 4c, pickled hama. l.'4'o 12:v,c. I.ard, S.ooo 6KI 107, "0 7I) ben IKK) 1.000 1,M soo ia4 & w4 3S 180H 'SS 4"4 IIS 11S 4 s It1, !7S 40 14 1,000 75 47, auo sharea. 2S . 7-T 2 24 M4 17i" '7-i 4"'. S 11 4r,4 ftj'a l 3K'k 60', 'l44 iisv. s 1 US 41V SOa 105 !X4 118 14.'.', S3 4014 107t MJV, 12S 10f,74 2 -H i) I'M 4 180 4 34 234 47 1411 129 ar b'l 14.1-4 14', 1704 3JS 34 .1IW, 44 i 154 1-'9H 1S li M7, US 17 12', 4 W'4 3S4 66 1114 1474 20 1174 W4 4 54 1'2 7H 74 1131, 4:i loi'i 714 127W 2X 'li7T4 lti4 4 31 160 a74 loS 344 ftg 33 43". 4:4 31 ' 674 56 117, 284 Ko4 374 !4 24 :.i 174 M', et 4(H RH 119'. 4.''' M, 14 37 f-4 70 744 & 178 Allouea Amal. CVipper .. A. Z. L. A 9. Artrma Oom, .. Atlantic B A C. C. A 8 Hutte Coalition Cal. A Artaona. Cal. Hecla... Centennial Copper Rans 7. C. K.n Ilutta C. M.... Franklin tltroui ltn O ran by Con Oreene Cananes .... lule Borale iVajper. Kerr I a ha Lake Copper I falle Copper Miami Copper Aakrd. Bid. ... 4 Mohawk 44 ... 46H NeTada Con 194 ... 4', Nlptrallia Mines .... ln7a ... 16 North Butte 29', ... 4', North l.Alie 6', M. 12 Old Dominion 40 ... 184 Oaceola I'M ... M Parroit 8. A C j2', ...416 Quince 61 ... 12 shannon UV, C. . 47U Fuperlor 37 ... 13S Superior AB M 44 ... 4 8upeHor A P. C 14 ... 4a Tamarack 44 ... 45 U. 8. 8. R. A M... 34 ... i do pfd 4Si l' Vtah n 12 7 Ctsh Copper Oo 4r.4 34 Winona 4'4 Wolverine 120 30 14 OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Best Beef Steer Stronger, Othen Are About Steady. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN LOWER Sheet) anal Iambi la Good PemaaA and Fairly Active ellera at Frlrea Generally Steads with Taeaday. rterelpts irere: Cattle. Official Mondav 8.511 Official Tuesday 4.417 Kf-tlmate ednesday . .. . 4.8') Three days this week..l2.72S Same days last week. .. .19.114 Same daya 2 weeks aaro. .19 042 Same days 3 weeks aico..14.9u7 Satlie days 4 weeks aaTo..I7.6i Same dava last vear 8.611 The fnllowina: table ahows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date as compared with last year: year. jni pin. Inc. Pee. Caltle 122.020 106.4 15,532 ..... Hons 22S.102 329.VW i.lt" Sheep 19S,7 157.4V7 41.318 The following table showa trie average prices on hogs at South Omaha for ths last several days, with comparisons: Hne;a Fheep t 790 8. 73 10. S 8.1-2 11.000 11.500 4.44 23.370 jv.oTS 30.075 23,675 24.701 17 :t 80. 7M 25 K03 29.645 7 4W 14.5S4 Pates. I 1911. 1910.1909. 11908. 11907. 11906. U. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 5' b. Feb. Feb. Feb. 80.. 31.. 1... 2.. 8.. 4.. 5... 7 5441 7 464, 7 28 7 754! 7 tv 7 8941 I 8 32 B...I 7 4S"i 7... 7 424 8 51 8... 7 3041 8 47 11 12 S 80) I 82 8 a 8 30 3 03 6 91 8 29) 04 6 14 ( 13 0 721 S 3 4 C$ 851 8 44 4 63 88 t 411 4 69 ( 811 ( 4H 4 70 I 6 53) 4 70 I 93! 4 74 Ml S 53 4 22 91 6 Mi 4 S3 . ..11 E.TI A 7 A t lt t l O O' 1 " 4 20 87 6 69 4 64 4 131 4 17 4 10 a 4 18 4 17 4 26i Near York Cart) Market. The following; quotations are furnished by Ixigan & Uryan. members New Vork Stock exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Br State Oaa St Greene Cananea Boaton Cora 4 Inspiration Bulla Coalition ... 4'actus Cliino Chief Cons Fraction Davta-Daly Kerr Lake OJIbway Ely Central Ely Cona Ely witch Franklin . '.. Jiroui Belmont (ioldfteld Florence . Uoldflald lialay 19 Larose 19wj Nev. Cona 21Nwhouaa I1, Nevada Utah 13V, Ohio Copper Vi Has hlila Coalition 7Vkhar Ctntal 7 Swift Pag. Co V, Seara-Roatiuck Co., 38 Silver Pick . 4 . ( .. 4-J, . 15'. 14 1 1 18 . l;a . .44 . li .1014 .l14 74 Superior A Plttaburf If. Tononah Mlntnc 4 Trinity ITopier .. t I'nlted Copper .. 1. North Laka 8 Bohemia Bank Ocarinas. OMAHA, Feb. 8. Bank clearings todav were 32,346. 2S0.93 and for the sponding date last year 32.357,986.18. 4 t -a 12', 4 4 for corre- Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 8. COFFEE Futures opened steady at a decline of 11 to 13 points under renewed liquidation and bearish pres sure, which was encouraged by reports of lower firm offers from llrazll and appre hension of a continued weakening riiioiik primary holders. Later cables from Europe were easier, and while bullish private ad vices were recolved from Hrazil the local market became very weak during the after noon, due to continued bear pressure, ac tive liquidation and stop loss orders which were uncovered as the market entered new ground for the movement. The close was barely steady, at a net decline of from 32 to 37 points. Sales, 108,250 bags; February, 9.92c; March, 9.96c; April, 9.97c; May, 9.99c; June, 9.98c; July, 9.97c; August, 9.89c; Sep tember, 9.79c; October. 9.67c; November, 9ti2c; December, 9 59c,; January, 9.57c. Havre closed at a net decline of 1 to 14f. Hamburg was to 1 pfg. lower. Rio, 150 rels lower at 7 f.Tii); Santos. 250 rels lower, 4s 8 3C0; 7s 3450. Receipts at the two Brazilian ports. 14.000 bags. Jundlahy re celpta, 6,400 bags, comparing with a holiday last year. Fine weather jvas reported In all sections of Sao Poulo. A private cable from Santos reported no change In crop prospects, estimating the present crop at 8.000,000 bags, the next crop at 10,000.000 bags, and stated that stocks In the interior were almost exhausted. Spot coffee, weak; Rio, No. 7. 124c; Santos. No. 4. 124c; mild cof fee, nominal; Cordova, II) Vt; 154c, Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, South Omahs, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m., yesterday: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r s. St low fiptures Really good butcher's sold around 87 30. while bet baion animals. In full load lots, topped at 87 40 A portion of a load made an entreine high prh-e of IT 45 Shippers and speculators were Indifferent buyera and Inqulrv from these quarters waa of little consequence In effecting a clearance. Provision trade Is still a sec ondary factor In determining hog values, of course, as It la generally admitted that the rouse of the market at present hinges upon the volume of dally recelpta. No. At. h. Pr. N- A. V Pr. I.'l ' t 00 1 S 40 t 10 0 i 170 1 ll J 14K ... 7 0 M JM 10 7 II 8I :t ... 7 S 114 . . 1 it n 344 ... T so :t ;'. 140 7 fl t M ... 7 S'l M X1S ... 7 M I :-.- ... 7 JO IJ ... 7 JO fi J74 ... 7 ?4 4 ITS ... 7 ti 68 144 ... I J.' 47 IM 140 7 J 71 ; ... 7 S!'a 7 21 ... 7 7 :.17 ... 7 4 t4 ... 7 a ti s: ... 7 ss o n ... t rs 77 sit ... 7 .v. 7S 14 M 1 IS 7S M ... 7 S :s tl ... tit M 211 ... Ill 4S X ... 7 J 1 114 ... 7 35 40 J") l 7 2.. 47 ... I ji M 370 M I M an 177 ... 7 .15 hO 170 10 7 is 4 1 ... 7 .ti SS ... 7 .VI "1 17J ... 7 Si n 1.10 ... 7 11 4 2'4 ... 7 J.-, I : ... 7 n 7 ;is 4 7 js tn 2S2 ... 7 0 41 JS4 ... 7 3S 47 f.7 ... 7 0 44 m ... 7 Si in M7 ... 7 W 77 21", ... 7 55 S2 JS ... 7 SO 44 7 ... 7 47 IA4 40 7 SO 74 !i4 ... 7 U Hi .840 ... 7 30 4 :'2l ... 7 S.i 44 2S ... 7 S tl ... lit . ISO ... 71 0 ' ... 7 SA 7fc fib ... 7 !' 71 714 ... 7 374, 70 74 ... 7 SO M JS2 ... 7 J7i, 47 237 ... 7 SO 71 115 ... 7 J7V, 44 2)4 40 7 30 71 236 90 7 37', M 238 40 7 n H 2"! ... 7 171, 40 2SJ ... 7 SO 71 2IJ ... 7 40 2 2l ... 7 SO 74 140 .... 7 40 20 2SJ ... 7 311 4 :4 ... 7 40 4.1 US ... 7 SO "4 213 ... 7 4I 70 S44 ... 7 SO 14 818 ... 1 40 41 244 ... 7 30 C. M. & St. P 6 8 Wabash 1 3 Missouri Pacific 2 4 2 Union Pacific 44 3 15 2 C. oi N. W., east lo 3 2 ., C. & N. W., west 35 48 8 2 C, St. P.. M. at O... M 1 8 1 C, B. & Q , east K 5 C. H. & g.. west ... 36 27 12 4 C, R. 1. & P., east... 9 7 6 V., R. 1. P., west 1 .. 1 Illinois Central 8 5.. 1 Chicago O. W 3 9 .. Total receipts 19i 172 69 11 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co T;(l Swift and Company 5H5 Cudahy Packing Co 1,226 Armour & Co 626 Murphy Sinclair 2 Benton, Vansant tk Lush. 27 Stephens Bros 92 Hill Ac Son 278 F. B. Lewis Hi Huston & Co i 17 J. B. Root & Co 141 J. H. Bulla 7 L. F. HuhZ 40 L. Wolf 0 McCreary tk Carey 42 8. Weitheimer 04 H. F. Hamilton 25 Sullivan Bros 18 Lehmer Bros 5 Lee Rothschild 125 Smith & Polsley 4L Mo. & Kan. Calf Co 4 McConnaghey 42 Cline c Christy 71 Other buyers 631 ' !.t29 2.497 3.721 8.791 153 l.tlii'J 1.876 4.042 1,747 1,336 FI.Ol'R-Easx; winter patents, 4 2OU4.70; ! '""V: niiddle west prlnie, 89.8.-149.90; refined, M . 1.. ...nn.lnAn. aiOII' .....l. A mar AS Si 1 lift. winter straights. Ii whi.; uprlng straights. H ao'nt.iO; bakers. 8a.4taS.JO. H K-No. 2. 81c. P. A HI. K V i-'eeu or mixing. 6W70c; fair lo choice malting, WtSc. Sr. EI is-r lax. io. 1 southw estern, 3-' 5 .4 asy; continent. 810 40; South America, 411.00; compound. 38.iKk-uX.25. . TAL1XJW Quiet; prime city, hhds., 7"tc; country, 7 'ft 7 '2c I'.i TTF.K Firm: creamery specials, 284 ili'c; extras, 2Tw274c; fusts, 22f(i'24c; state NVE4IIIFH IN THE 4.HAIN BKl.T No. l northwestern. 2.0A,; tlmothv. 88.50W ! tiatry, lincst, 2bc; factory, current make, 10 50: clover. 3M.76. Ki4c. PROVISION! Aless pork, per bbl.. 821(A)! I'll EES E Firm to steady; state whole 621.25; laid, per I0v lbs., 'J 52va; ahort ribs, j milk, winter make, best, HtU2c; aktms, Idea iloosel, 9 5o.i 10.00; short c.ear sides t 21 1 Hie. iboxedi, 310.1241110 25 I KUiiS Easy; fresh gathered, selected ex- Total clearances of w heat and flour were j 1 1 a i. 2:o21c; fieKh gathered, firsts. 21w equsl to 116. 000 bu. I in nary receipts werei21v-.c: fresh natliered. seconds, iai-iij204c; w.i0 bu., compared with 741.000 bu. the , trcsh gathered, dirties. No. I. 18c; fresh . orrespondlnK day a year uo. Estimated j -ai lien il. dlrlies, No. 2, I54jl7c; refrlger receliits for loniurrow: N heat. 9 cars; corn. atr, firsts. 16c ankcd; western gathered, U5 cars; oats. cars; hog.s. 2.tM head. wnltc, 27y0c. Chicago faMh 1'rlcea v nt at : No. 2 red. CViiw4o, No. J red. ;'i.Mc, No. 2 hard. l;iyJ5c; No. 3 hard. 9tOj.i9bc; No. 1 north ern spring. 8lo"1.04; No. 2 norihern spring. !tc(i $1.02; No. 3 apring. 9.'cill.oi. Coin: No. 2 cash. 4ii'u47r; No. 3 cash, 44.i44t3c; No. 2 white, 44u47c; No. 3 white. 4t'i444c; No. 2 yellow, 47(u4;4c; No. 3 xellow. 44''fil4c. uats: No. 2 cash, ;il'4c; No. 3 white, 314ui-'c; No. 3 white, :'4'(i3i4c; No. 4 while, .104'ti Jlc; standard, Sl',.,(514c HI 'I TER Steady; creameries, 17i)26c; dairies. 16fu22c. Eti 18 v tuk ; receipts. 7.278 cases; at niark. cases Included, lfjc; fiisls. 20c; prime ftists, 21c. CHEESE I nsettled; daslcs. l.Vi.ir.c; twins. UP-jc; oung Ameiicus. H I'Uia oitnia. i!-in So. Kllay pm Tanncaeaa CVtpper ..... Taxu Pacific T , St. L. A W T.. 4. U A W. pfd... I nlon Pacific Pnion Pacltlc pfd t nltad States Realty.. I nlted Stale Hubber. United State Steal.. I,. S. Steal pfd t'lah Copper Y.-:rollii Chemical Wab4ub Wabaab ptd Western Maryland .... Weatlnshoua Electric Western fnlon wheelini A L. 10 Lelillh Valley Total aalee for the day. Nfi Vork Money Market. NEW YORK". Feb. 8. MON EY On call, steady, at 2'24 per cent; ruling rate. 2- per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, firm; sixty days, 3 per cent; ninety days, 34 per cent; six months, 34 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4a44 per cent. STEHL1NO EXCI IANGE Heavy, with actual business In bankers' bills at 34.&SJ5 (b4.M50 for sixty-day bills and at 34.w15 for demand: commercial billa. 34.824(6 4. 83. SILV ER Bar. 51c: Mexican dollars. 45c. BONDS Government, strong; railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: .1004 Int M. M. 4',i... MM. 'Japan 4 . !"-' do 4',a I"J4 K. C. I?... l.t v., .114 1.. g deh. 4. ism .114 U A N. unl. 4a . ! M K. A T. lt 4a -lOi' .. do sail 4.... !"' Mo. Pacific 4a Metal Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 8.-METALS-Standard copper, weak; spot. February, March, April and May, 3ll.75(i(12.00. London mar ket, steady; spot, 54 10s; futures, 56 6s. Arrivals reported In New York today, 170 tons. Custom house returns show exports of 6,029 tons so far this month. Lake cop per. 312.6244fl2.S74: electrolytic. 812.374'? 12.62; casting. $12.oor,il2.35. Tin, weak; spot. 339.754i40.20; February, 3.'l9.75va0.15; March, 339. 60040.00; April and May. 8U9.3744 39 874. Ixindon market. steadv; spot, 181 15s: futures. 181 10s. Lead, dull; 4.4((f 4.50, New York; 34. 254.30. East St. Iouis. London spot, 13 2s 6l. Spelter, dull; 85.40 4(6.50. New York; 35.30fu6.374. East St. Louis. Ixindon spot. J 7s 6d. Iron, Cleve land warrants, 49s In London. I .orally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry northern, ti.2Uf 16.26; No. 2, $14.7541 15.75; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, 15.2S'g'15.75. , Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 8. COTTON Spot closed iqtilet 5 points lower; middling up lands, 14.40c: middling gulf. 14.K5c: no sales. ST. 1JI'IS. Feb. 8 COTTON Lower; middling. 15c; sales, none; receipts, 5.352 bales; shipments, 4,567 bales; stocks, 22,746 bales. New York cotton market, as furnished by Logan & Bryan, members of the New York Cotton exchange, 315 South Elxteenth street: Month. I Open. I Hlgh. Ixiw. Close. Yes'y. rf . t). 8. raf. U. do coupon V. 8. S. reg do coupon I'. S. 4a. ret ilo coupon Allia-Cliar-lat la.. Am. Ag. 5a Am. T. A T. I unrr 'leiiiperat ores tienrrally W est of Miaalaalppl River. OMAHA. Feb. 8. 1911. The western area of high pressure noted nuiMiig in over toe Pacific slope Tuesday nooning ha-s extended east w aril across the Hocky mountains, the plains states and central valleys to the Mississippi river. Coldi r weuthcr accompanied the eastward movement of the high pressure, and tem peratures are low er e. r where west of Hie elver. The crest of the area of hlgu pressure still remains over the Pacifiu 1 slope, and with the general condition of I V' V 1 1 . . c;nr weather that prevails throughout the P01 Alol-.a-Mi in. choice to fancy. Mf . , he outlook is favorable lor continued 3 N H. H. IU4M; N. Y. O. 4',a.. W( do deb N. Y.. N. l'4 cy. tin . Il'' N. A W. Am. Tobacco 4a do 4a Armour A Co. Au-hiaon sn. 4a do CY. 4a do cv. 6 A. C. L. lt 4s... Hal. A Ohio 4a.... 40 2,a do 8. W. 4,a... Proolc. Tr. cy. 4a. t an. of ua. 5s 4 en. Leather 4a. .. C. of N. J. s. 5a Cliea. A Ohio 4S,a....l"l', do gen do cv. 4', !"" SI I. H of . . do n. 4 . '.i No. Paclflo 4, ..93 do 3a .. '4 O. R. L. rf.lg 4. . . . "4 Penn cy. S',a till. . .104, oi mn. 4a . . SI4 Reading gen 4. ... ..12.' 8. U A 8 T. fg. am W e. 4 411 SKL, 44, 74 93 '4 ,4 74 M', 77 K, M 4a Ti K 3 ',.... HaL, 4 n II A 11. 134 i tat c. 4a. . Vi ..IK', . .UHO, . . 7l'4 ... 93 , ... M . ,1'4 ... 7, 4a l' ... 7H Mch. Mav July Aug. Oct. 14 26 14 41 -14 44 14 19 13 31 I 14 .12 1 14 47 I 14 50 I 14 25 I 13 34 14 11 14 77 1 4 27 14 25 1 4 32 14 43 14 ISO 14 lit? 14 46 14 05 14 OK 14 18 13 16 13 18 13 32 Totals 5.092 13.674 10.061 CATTLE There was a fair run of cattle for a Wednesday, but not enough to make up for the deficiency earlier In the week, so that the total fur the three days amounts to only 12,100 head as against 19,100 head for the same days lust week. Still the receipts are larger than for the corresponding days a year ago by 4,300 head. The quality of the beef steers on sale this morning was very much better than it has been lor a long time back, that Is, there were more good fleshy cattle. At the same time there waa a large sprinkling of the common and interior grades. The demand for the better grades was quite good and , the market opened a little stronger on cattle of that description. Thus there were quite a number of loads good enough to bring 36.0o(o0.30. Some of the packers were very Ugh: buyers and the demand was none too lutge for the general run of stock so that the common to me dium killers were sold at no more than steady prices right from the outset. Cows and hellers commanded about the same prices as yesterday, the better grades being firm. The market was not especially active, but still the bulk of the receipts changed hands in fair season. Feeders sold at good, strong prices the same as they have every day of late. The demand was sufficiently urgent to clean up most of the offerings In lair season. Quotations on cattle: Uood to choice beef steers, 35.90316.40; fair to good beef steers, $5.60fyb.90; common to fair beef steers. $4. 16I16.6O; good to choice vows and heifers, S4.5oiu6.50; fair to good cows and heifers, 34.25'g4.50; common to fair cows and heifers, :i.2.Vn 4.25; good to choice stockers and feeders. J4.7.V6..0; common to fair stockers and feeders, 34.00g4 76; stock heif ers, $,).'i5'u4.50; veal calves, 84.004 8.25; bulls, stags, etc.. 33.75ti6.0O. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. SHEEP Conditions surrounding the sheep and lamb trade warranted a cheaper scale of prices this morning, but the actual market was agreeably surprising, bulk of early business averaging steady. Demand for the better grades of stock was reason ably active from the opening, but sheep met with favorable discrimination as a rule and sold more readily than lamb offer ings. Total supply was relatively large and bulk consisted of fed western animals still in the fleece. Some of the stuff waa late in ar riving, however, and delay because of this fact, made final clearance rather difficult. Wethers were scarce, as on most days lately, but good ones were wanted around 84.16. Ewes sold as high as 34.00, but the trade was weak in spots and Inferior kinds proved slow. Yearlings, bought to arrive, went at J4.85. Lambs showed little change, general feeling being bearish, with prices steady to possibly a shade lower. Choice animals brought as much as 36.10, with a heavier article at 35.85. Anything at all respectable moved above 35.50, feeders paying almost aa much as packers for the few strings suitable for second finish. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Oood to choice lambs, I5.85ii6.10; fair to good lambs, s35.0OSi5.8S; handyweight yearlings. 34.854JI f 00; heavy yearlings. 4.j4.85; good to choice wethers. 83.904.16; fair to good wethers, $I-.653.90; good to choice ewes, I3.75fc4.00; fair to good ewes, $3.503.76; sheep, culls to feeders. 82.OOU3.60. Representative sales: No. Av. Price. BATTLE OR RACE AT JUAREZ? One Side Afraid nd Other 'Dimen'J No One Hurt in "Exhibition. DISPATCH TELLS FEW THINGS "9rTf" InaorertM Are Mlek front . Katlna Tim Mark (lest Meal Oroaeo la llaakerlac for Heal Meal. 60 western ewes 110 4 15 17 western ewes 145 8.60 133 western ewes 115 4 00 99 western ewes 104 8 85 106 western laml.e. feeders 46 4 50 424 western yearlings 98 4 75 32 western wethers 107 4 25 151 western ewes 110 3 75 168 western ewes Ill 3 75 654 western lambs 80 fl 00 163 western lambs 77 6 00 201 western ewes 117 4 10 439 western ewes 102 4 10 610 western shorn lambs 72 6 25 202 western vearllngs 97 6 00 11 western lambs 69 4 75 92 western lumbs 80 5 66 461 western yearlings 89 4 75 668 western ewes 91 8 60 7 western yearlings 71 4 75 6 western lambs 51 6 50 85 western lambs 79 6 66 244 western ewee 91 4 10 240 western ewea 112 4 00 611 western lambs Is2 6 25 270 western ewes 118 4 10 337 western ewes 118 4 10 294 western lambs 75 6 86 710 western laml s, feeders 61 5 66 70 western lambs, feeders 61 6 65 340 western lambs 95 6 70 254 western lambs 61 6 50 256 western lambs 82 6 10 F.vaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. N17W YORK. Feb. S.-EVAPORATEII A PPI.ES Inactive, with prlcea steady on the spot: fancy, 124fa Mc: choice. II10 U4o; prime lOV'Oc: cold storage, 84'1l"c. DRIED FRl'ITS Prunes, firm, but the demand Is small and trading Inactive: 64 i!14e for California up to 30-4es. and 94 1rll4c for Oregons from XO-.TOs. Apricots, quiet., but steady, with small offerings; choice, 13c: extra choice, 13441 134c: fancy, 134'(il4c. Peaches, firm, but In small de mand: choice. 7',i7ic: extra choice. Mi 84c; fancy. 84C(i!'4c. Raisins, firm, with a unlet trade; loose Muscatels. 6'4i!4c; choice to fancy seeded. 64o7tc; seedleHS, 4Vi'6c; London layers, $1.4i'!i 1.4u. Chicago A A. 3'ta.. 71 ', ,1o l,t gnld 4. L B A q. i. 4a M a A. U a1. 4... do gen- 4a 47S . I'a. Ific col. M. A S. r. d. 4a '., do cv. 4 4a. 4M-; fair to g'Mxt, I'Ol l.TKY- M ady ; tin keys, dressed. 21c; clilcUens, live, U-ic; springs. lie, 134c. E.l Stead ; 50 to 60 lha.. 8 lC; oo to 85 lbs.. 10-t.c: 65 to 110 lbs.. Il'jc. Car It Receipts Today : u heal. 52 caia. corn. 646 cars; oats. -.1620 cars. Es timated Tomorrow: Wheat-, 9 cars; corn, 20u cars; oats, 131' cars. s. Inili t.raeral Market. ST. LOUIS, Feb. -WH EAT-ll gber, Mac. W.'-.-c; July, 914c. Cash: Steady; truck. No. ! rid. Jk-; No. 2 hard. ?'-.rn:-o. uRN Futures lower; May, 4v4e; Jul v. No. 2. 44.c; 4'Pkc. Caah: Eier; track No. 3 white. tiV't ii.V'. iTS Futures lower: May, rtc. I'ish: I-.wer, track. No. I. :l4c; No. 2 wince 32c. It Y K I'nchangvit at Mc. I'l .Ol'R-WuUt I red winter patents. 8I..'4. i5 00; extra fancv and strslislit, 4.uo.4 40; bard winter clesr. 41 :4'tilt 70. r SKEI Tiinothv. $.'..'JiiS..'-0. , itiliSMKAIUW HK.VN Stad ; sacked, east track, II. I Ji MO MAV Dull; timothy. $l3.0vh p. 09; prairie, ! til l.i 15 CO I POCLTKV Fii ni: chickens. I V: rprings ' lr-c; turkeys, IHc; ducks. IV: gcee. ac. IH'TTER Steady: creamery. l'.ii .No. i:ilU8-lr at 19c fair in this vicinity tonignt anil I liursday, I wlih no Important change in temperature. Inset I led v. eat In I- onluiuea general east I ui ilic Mississippi river, raiua and snows I me falling m the lower lake region and Ohio valley and lams are scattered' throughout llie southern slates. There has I l.i i n a sltkht but general rise In tempera- I lure tiPt of the Mississippi river since the plecrtling leyon. Minimum temperature and precipitation compared Willi the last three years: 19U. I'Jl'l. 1909. 1'JOS lowest last night 20 21 28 26 I-re initHlion "' ! .4 .w. Normal temperature lor today. j- degrees. lulicieiicy In piccipitatiun since March 1, 1HU. 4. 61 inches. Excess col ii oponuing p riou in l'.'iu, 4 89 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1909, ;.!! Inches. L. -V- WEl,ilI. leu-al Furrcaaler. C. R l. A P. c 4a do rfg. 4a Colo. Ind 5a Colo. MlJ. 4 I'. A . r. A e 4',a. I) A H. y. 4a IV A R. ti 4a do rpf. Oa Plfctillara' 5a i:n a 1 4a do gen- 4e do cv. 4a. aer. A . . ,lo aerlea H lien. Klac. cv. h . . Ill On. lat ref. 4a.. lot Mat. 44 Bid 74', ctn lat ref. 4a tS Ko. Railway 5a 7s do gn. 4h 47 4 4'nlnn Pacific 4a. . . 4 do cv. 4a ts-W do 1l A ref 4a . IS C. S. Huhlr 6..... '1 14 I 8 Sleal 2d !m . 7"' Va -l ar. 'hem. i ', Wahaali U; km 74 a Im i h n 4a . 7Vi WVtem Md. 4a. .. 71 t. Kle. cy tm. I4S', ewia Ccolral 4... Mo. Pec cv 6, ... 7 Ho', 7i '."i lui4 l'"l i .111.'.', I K i 1"4 Dry t.ood Market. NEW YORIC. Feb. 8. DRY OOODS I Trade on primed goods continues steady I and the large printers have now hooked I heavy order for spring delivery. There Is a good demand In the markets for printed foulards and Jobbers and cutters have be gun buying skein dyed back salins for fall. Cotton goods are unlet. Varus are ,ij I'nderwear and hosiery are In quiet de mand, more particularly on the low grade fabrics. .IT, .lol'j .'4 'Turpentine and Itoslna. SAVANNAH. Feb. 8 Tt'RPENTIN E Finn nt si'.V-. .Snles. he. Mils.: rec.-liits. 141 bbla.: shipments, Mi2 hi. Is. ; stocks. 3.927 I.Ms. H44 Ri iSI N Firm. Sales, l.,I?1 hbls ; rec eipts. i-'-S 1.074 hbls.; shipments 4 1.k bMs.; stocks. ' .W.rilS bhls. ' Quotations: H I . E. 87.0"(i7.it5 1 F. $7 02417.05; $7 .oft: II. $7.in7.1; I, 17 15; : k. 87..74; m. .!.; n. ..9o; ti, $.: w v. $8.05. Flour, bhls '.Vheat. bu Corn, bu Dais bu PROVISIONS Pork $: Ii d lower, SO. Drv salt meats, shorts, 1 10 4.4; ttcar Shi.lient 14 I'kl 77 ?' 96 :.. I kllatlrlphla I'roilure Market. PHII.ADEI.PH1 A. Feb. S.-IU'TTER- Fii in: extra weniern creamery, 29-; extra Iieal'bv prints, 3ta-. I EiiiiS--Fii hi: Pennsv Ivania and other ntarby lusts, fiee cases. 2U- at mark;; Pennsylvania and other nearby current re-,' " . it,ta free mnvt. 2.U- st mark: western. 'ng fusts, free ca.ea el ii'si k; western cur rent leccipta. free caea. 2.1e at mark. C il KhE - Steadv' ; New York full '-reams, fancy tepteinl.er. 14'y ; fall lo goisl. lJiulU:. New 1 orl. 9'Inlns; gtneka. NEW YORK. Feb. 8. Closing quotations on the Mining exchange: All.e I". Little Chief Coin. Tunnel stuck.. l Menlcan do bouue ! imtario ...... Vl luo tlphlr X Mjndar. . 144 Ycllua Jackal , lu 1mi. tal. A I Horn Silver .. j 'lion Silver .. I ,eedvt!le Cca eoHared. l.M-al eurltlea. (juolatlons furnished by Horns 441 .xew viiiiaoa rvai.ociai i ll'clnla Shii.iupi.iu I 5 ;ji em ',?'' 96I4H.. Ilalalk t.ralu lUV . unohangid: Jnhoing! i Dl'Ll'Tll. I ' l. p. iu.e Heain. f.. ei I north, i ll 81 W: N" 3 lower: t"ed. extral May. 3102: July. 4101. ribs. $10-3.4; Short. UAT b-3tu 30- lil.aio Ra.laav i ity Nai Bit nk '..luniou. aco., I'u.tal.l Packing Market. -WIIEAT-nort hi t n. No 1 l,'y fif ; 11.27 Hldg 4a. Imialia H L a. I4C4 i o. 5. 11-24 hai.g Nal- tialik llinalia ... i ilv ot 'on '"' f,rni"lt creamer, li g 4 par cant l.armati Klr ina , Omaha.. ... Hi.ka F Piere lln ''H." ' t . Ho.all. Neb.. .h..l U... i ... Co . ioea. 4 V cent earranu. lavas ana rvia i IM 1 ,M K'i l'rt I 33 R.-iiiker A ink Imlld- Hi I Alt,l , 4.', V. M t ..-', H lev 7 M ', Lo l'H) K.24 . ... lol '-, !. M M I licrpool drain tiarkpl. LIVFRI'otlL. Feb 8 -WHEAT Spot. dull: No. - reu vesi-rii, no siock; rutures, ateailv: March, 7s ',d. CORN'-Spot, steady; Aineiican mixed, new. 4s 3d; Anieil.an mixed, old. r.s 2d futures, steady; February, nominal; March, its 3-u; . SiiKHr Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 8. - SI t !A R -Raw. firm: Muscovaila K test. 2 .'; centrifugal, '16 test. 5.4k". nujiuss'-H sugar, .J trst, 2..c; J l f.lied. tea'J t I Oiaalia llae Market. j o.MAHA Feh 8 HAY- 'u. 1 i0fi: No. 2 $9 t); (ncklng, $: alfalfa. tl2'. Straw: i Wheal, I5..0; r'. e, $6 50; oals. 37.00. No. Av. Pr. No. Ay. Pr. 4 14.' 4 6 4) 14 101 t 44 4 kl 17 1770 4 15 1 5 4 60 1110 4 00 t l'XIl 6 40 II 1127 4 () 171 6 4a 40 1111 4 00 4 .S8 6 40 It Ii0 4 f M 102 6 7l 11 lilS 4 04 14 1 6 70 45 1233 4 M t f0 I 76 II 1440 4 04 J 13I 4 75 II lil I 15 i: .6 t 10 1 1244 I 20 ) ir'2 I IKI 14 15:0 4 25 21t 1016 b IS II 13u 4 SO Ji L'4 i t COWS. 4 107 35 t It"! 4 6S 2 445 3 if) 10 1030 4 70 g HW8 85 10 I04j 4 74 2 KM I SO 24 10H8 4 76 2 M 3 0 12 17 4 at) 4 11W) 4 00 6 lo0 4 M i f-4 4 10 4 485 4 14 4 1017 4 :5 12 1124 4 45 4 Do.' 4 i') 6 1114 4 I'l t 11. 'J 4 8-1 6 12.'4 4 K 1 CS4 4 (XI 1 1012 6 (10 II t.u 4 6.1 4 1131 4 Oil 17 ll'M I 6.i 13 461 i (l.l 7 Ml 4 U 7 117, 5 CI i 4 lOJ'J 4 4) 1 121 6 10 10 1H2 4 45 1 1131 6 25 ' HEIFERS. 4 KJi 4 4T. 4 147 4 90 3 -M 4 fl 14 K"7 4 W) 44." 4 HI 2 4i 6 U0 21 644 4 .'.0 4 hU 6 00 a 4"3 4 5". II am) 6 05 1 '.o 4 5"i 1 771 6 HI 7W 4 S5 I 'j3 t 10 4 f 7 4 60 4 640 5 in I f' 4 tl 10 nl 6 I'l 6 " 4 7j 22 71 4 30 6 7'.'6 4 So 49. 1037 6 60 BULLS. 1 i::o 4 40 1 MO 4 40 2 4 1.0 1 MHO 4 HO 1 l. iKl 4 M 1 1120 6 00 3 1.133 4 !,- 1 1770 6 00 llvl 4 (il 1 !70 4 00 1 14. 0 4 65 1 1310 b 04 I 13U 4 70 1 lllll) 6 10 2 14.Nl 4 70 2 11S 6 '0 1 11.30 4 75 1 a 10 1 1.V) 4 75 4 15.14 b 10 1 6W 4 7S 1 1240 li J 15:i0 4 6.' CALVES 4 .17 '. 4 7 . 1 20 7 25 j :r. 4 75 1 2MI 7 60 (1 3J 6 00 1 170 7 60 a 44.' 6 UM 1 1,0 7 60 6 2') 5 00 1 470 7 76 4 : .,! 6 U 2 I7S 7 ii 44 !:.! 4 .'0 4 1HS 4 00 1 Wl 7 10 1 120 I 00 I 11 7 00 4 l.l 8 0.1 4 Hi 7 00 3 1.S3 4 00 8 I .1 7 2'. 4 174 4 su I IJ 7 1 124 6 00 STOCKERS AN O FEEOEiO. 7 6u 4 l 14 4V4 4 45 g ",4i 6 .'. U 6t 6 io 7H 6 10 4 o3 6 ail 19 fi.-'J a 13 27 65 6 60 4u "' 6,.S i 15 20 t'.i 6 in j' ' .14 5 27 "'. 5 o0 , 7..0 6 ;5 I :u 6 ii a Ml 6 J'. 6 til j 40 ; , 0 6 25 21 a7 5 40 S41 6 1 l'H4 6 46 I 11 417 j 3'l 12 11114 6 76 I Ml 6 ::6 31 Ii' 6 'ii I K 6 4 411 ;.' iron 5 fi 4.1' 6 40 20.... ' Hi? 6 65 , 4D4 6 40 3 1"7i) b CHICAGO LI VIA STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Steady Hogs Slow Sheep Weak. CHICAGO, Feb. 8.-CATTLE-necelpts. 17.000 head; market steady; beeves, $i.00-a 6.85; Texas steers, 84.165.50; western steers, I4.4ri;.70; stockers and feeders, $U.&5i5.90; cows and heifers, $2.&UJ.MJ; calves, 8.75iH'9.O0. HOGS Receipts. 36.000 head; market slow and weak, 10c lower than yesterday's average; light, 87.&07.7ti; mixed. 87.S6ftJ.70; heavy, $7.167.60; rought, $7.157.30; good to choice heavy. 87.3O'(r7.00; pigs, $7.&0;iJ.S5; bulk of sales, $7.D&(u7.V. SHEEP AND IAMBS-Receipts. 23.000 head; market weak; natives, $2.D07i4.2j; western. $2.60W4.;t5; yearlings. $4.6tKc: 10; native lambs, $4.2.Vn$.16; western, $4.50fut.16. St. I. oals l.lve Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 8. CATTLE Receipts, 3.000 head. Including 100 Texans; market strong to 10c higher; native shipping and export steers. 80 60W 7.00; dressed beef and butcher steers. 88.00fri6.oO; steers under 1,000 pounds. $ti.25tt.7&; stockers and feeders, $3.76$ cows and heifers, $4.0iy(i.O0; canners. $2.86i?f 3.25; bulls. 83.76(05.50; calves, 86.0Op47.26; Texas and Indian steers, $6.0Ut 6.60; cons and heifers. $3.0071 4. 75. MOOS-Receipts, 11, 900 head; market 10c lower; pigs and lights, $7.2.Vu7.S0; packers. 17.65-97.60; butchers and best heavy, $7,664 7.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 5.400 head; market steady to weak: native mut tons. $3.76o2.i; lambs. $6.&O7!.20; culls and bucks, $2.5t.K&n.00; stockers, $2.t'ij3.0O. Kansas City Live Xtock Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 8. C ATTLE Il ceipls. 8.000 head. Including 300 southerns; market strong to 10c higher; dressed beef and export steers, $. 16(116.66; fair to good, $i.4OEi4.10; western steers. $6.25iiti.2r; stock ers and feeders, $4.7yu5.90; southern steers. $5.2tygtl.2n; southern cows, $'l.2.Vu4.7ri; native cows, $l.10ffi3.36; native heifers. $l.4Oii6.00; bulls. $4.44-.5.:t.': calves. $7.00'n8.2.:'.. iUKIS Receipts. 18.000 head; niMrket I01i-' 20c lower; bulk of sales. $; heavy, $7.44i(7.riO; packers and butchers, $7.40(i7.55; lights. $7.6041 7.fit. SHEEP AND 14. MRS Receipts. 6.4'J head; market steady; lambs 100 higher; lambs. $"..3.'((i. 10; yearlings. $4.60i ."..ST.; wethers, $4.2.4 4.60; ewes. 83.76j 1.25; stock ers and feeders. I3.00tn.00. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. Feb. 8 CATTLE -Receipts. ItuO head; market stiong; steers. (4 6OU6.40; cows and", heifers, $3.6O.i6.10; calves. $.!.."k'tS 00. IIUtiS-Recelpts. 7.000 head; market Hi'u 15c lower; top. 87.66; bulk of bales, $7.35if 7.5.-.. SHEEP AND LAMRfi-Itcceipts, 4,000 hiad; market steady; lambs, $4.&tyyd.H0. Stock In Muhl. Receipts of live stock nt the five prin cipal western markets vsturJay: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep KT 1A1 I territory and J tine mediums, Wool IS. Feb Market. S. WtxU.-riichaniied; western mediums. l-y:c; log lc ; fine. lZu)mt I t(.s IS riaSn hog trade tins morning was the result of bearish ef forts caused by large receipts. All phases of Hie generul market betokens cheaper cost and packi-rs were more mail wiiiiiik to make the most of 1 he sltUHtion 1 .pelting bids uere all of a .li ne lower, but sellers were slow In al lowing 'line Mints anil inoveiro lit was halt ing. Whtti Irsiiing finally started on bulk tlie market bad settled to a loiiirs- lower basts, mini of the business being done vvuhin a $:2"7.;5 spread. Butcher weights made up the big end of ;ti.il. as usioil. and bacon uuallty was fcenerallv popular. Ilfavy grades were de (.Idcdly slow at all limes and had to move South imialia. Ht. Joseph Kansas City... St l.ouls Chicago Totals .... 4. son 1.0m .... 8.O0O .... 3.0"0 ....17.000 ....3I,4() ll.OoO 7.OU0 lv.OOII 1I.) 3o.0. II .."rlHa 4,11.41 tl 4.0 ' 6.4'l I 2J.0 O I 1,'JllO 60.1"0 j I'eorla l'l.-J)i;lA Feb. 8- 44'4c; Nil. I. 42-c: sample, t IATS yuiet ; no values Market. )RN Lower; No. 41k-. o bl a 1 11 ii l.l e. ROOSEVELT ARTICLE NOT SOLD he had written Roosevelt. It was Mark Twain's Manuscript Crlllclalng Colonel 4A'lthilran hy I'.stafe. NEW Yt IRK, Fel' 8 - The sale of many of the manuscripts of the hue Siimuel L. Chments tMark Twain) at a Fifth avenii? .cii,in todav d d not Include, as had been advertised, a short article Cril 1C1M1IIK " "e " withdrawn at the last moment bv ronust of Hie estate, as waa a stricture lie had I written on congress. It was explained J only that the estste d sired to retain th-m. j The lepage sutograi.h manuscrlp of 1 "A Iiouble-Rarrelled 1 'elective Htorv" was I sold to a dealer for .jo. 1 wenty-eigut l.ages from "Adam's I'lary" went for $1V. The total realized was $2.75). The withdrawn article on Roosevelt re firs to him cis a 'showy charlatan' sdore-l as perhaps "no Imposter of his creed had been adored since the golden culf." KI, PAJSO. Tet.. Feh. 8 -Tha first hattla of Jtiater. between fedecal troops and In surrectionists was exhibited here today. "Exhibited" Is the proper word, for no one was hurt on either side and tha "ex hibition" was viewed hy 1 ooo or more Fl Pa siva ns, who lined the bank of the Rio Orande on the American sifle, about three miles wet of this Hty. The exchange of missiles occupied shout fifteen minutes, during which about J00 shots were fired. According lo Tascual Yiroxco. leader of the Insurrecto. his men fired only fifty nf these. He declared that the federsls got away so fast that they were out of range before more could bs fired at them. Tonight the federals are behind the walls of the cathedral of Guadeleupe, of the barracks, and the bull ring at Jusres se- cross the river from here. Oroiro remains In possession of the position which hs or copied at noon and held against the eral advance. lie declared that lie flrmlr Intends to attack Juares. hut that hi Is awaiting the arrival of General Ttlanco with 350 men. He said he looked for the latter at any moment. Orosco's present force In the TlclnHy of Juares numbers tinder 000 men probably ,V0. Of these 820 were with htm In tha skirmish this afternoon. The federal forces by actual count numbers 184100 foot sol diers and eighty-four mounted Infantry. They took with them no artillery and Oroxeo haa none. "Oroaeo not Ills Gnats. The Insurrecto leader and Mi men spent last night at a ranch known as "Rancho Flores" usually Inhabited by a few horses and a herd of gnats. The owner today In nocently admitted that "Oroioco got his goats." This bit of American slang proved true, for when the Insurgent leader's camp was discovered later his men were drowsy with the eating of much "near" mutton. Oroxeo quit the ranch during- the fore noon and by moving, through tha deep arroyos which scar the desert everywhere, reached a new position on tha hills along the river across fro mthe smelter. Hers the correspondents who had been on his trail since daybreak discovered him. He and six lieutenants met the visitors half way up the boulder-strewn mountain side. He carried a rifle, like his men. He loked careworn but determined. He answered questions only after deliberation and often evasively. lie waa obviously of no mind to betray his plans. lie borrowed some Ink for his fountain pen and als. writing tablet. He expressed a wish visit El Paso to get s "square meal His 320 men were scattered along the hills for three-quarters of a mile. Some of them had the horses on the other side of the range watering from the rivef. Some one leaving El Taso In an automobile coincident with the departure of the federal troops from Juares under General Rabago gave them tho warning. Making a trumpet with his hands the El Pascan shouted "get busy the troops are coming!" The scout machine was qulcly followed by scores of others, each with a load, many of the pas sengers being women. Others came on horseback, In carriages, express wagons, hay racks, bicycles and hundreds by tae street car line, which runs out to the smelter. Other hundreds on foot arrived breathless after It was all over. "The revolotocos" had resumed the In terrupted task of watering the horses. Iteliela Klre from Ballets. At the alarm of the automobllist ' the whole mountainside awoke to life.' At TOO yards the revolutionists looked like Insects making their way on all fours to avoid the bullets through the male of cactus, soap weed, sage brush and boulders. It was about 2 o'clock this afternoon when Colonel Ruhago marched out the river road on the Mexican side. The esetern wine of Orosoo's force opened fire when the fo soldiers appeared on a crest about yards distant. The federals halted in A compact mass, but escaped Injury because ihe "thirty-thirties" carried by the revolu tionists are not effective at that distance. They returned the fire for fifteen minutes. Thi-y then turned and retreated at ft dog trot. Tho mounted men of the federals did not come within range. The crowd of sightseers on the American side bear witness to the celerity of ths retreat, for the federals were in full view i'or nearly a mile. As soon as news of the impending fight reached Colonel harpc, commanding the Twenty-third Infantry, he detached rein forcements to the guard at the smelter to prevent possible violation of the Ameri can neutrality law. Hoys Dinner for Oroaeo. The skirmish had been over for an hour when an insurrectionist, clutching a J-prso bill In his hand, crossed lo the American side. He had been sent to buy a dinner for Orozco, who liad bad a surfeit of goat meat. A soldier turned hlt,i back, fearing that he wished to purchase ammunition. Again on the main side he ' encountered some newspaper men, who guaranteed the Innocence of his mission. He bought his nun. II. -a under their supervision and was sent back grinning. Orozcu was content with repulsing the enemy. After the retreat of the latter hs teuiched the grounds thoroughly, bill dis covered no sign of blood-letting. The "liiurul" effect was needed. Oiozcu's mi.. 11 ui i-i.pvn ecvciai poiiii.t among . 11 in sympathizers, firt when le allow cTj lanugo 10 1 iiiue iiini si unu'-iie on Sun day and, frond, for failure lo attack Juarez. General IcIU Ilia Mile. In tin cuiitfe of '-rinvc rsuttou today hs gave Ms side of Hie story for the fiisl time. lie hud wailid at Lauclie tsvo dais f. t- IUIihko. lie whs without food or water. His inch clamored tor an udvanci on Juan, he said, declaring that Kahugu v. as u no Hi or I, ail been engaged fuither miiiIIi by Uem ial i.luiao. , Leaving fifty million guaid vvlieie two ruils had been removed, he slatted north. His men were nearly exhausted fiom lliirst. hunger and fatigue and his leu si s unable to move faster than a dejected walk. He hud been gone an hour when Italian's tiaiii Slilied The rebel rear ,nui.l ingaged the. federals at Intervals dining the nlglit. Ruijugo meanwhile : moved into the trenches which tirofcco had I deserted. The rebel leader wasted no lives I In assaulting these trenches. He had built j tin m and knew tlifilr utrengtli A skirmish flit, was iiiaintalned at Intervals Holiday. : Then, by a daring move, protecting his .in- with rapid fire guns, Rabago escaped nto a puns on IIib hill. laSMsjeasjauai all IJI ainjrair aS.WliaOTitaij.1 1 - W Buy a ii(7 Ball t Stocks and Bonds. Robt. C. Droesedow & Co, 8S9-E60 Hew Omaha flat. Bank Bldr. Omaba, tfebreaka. MSiayrimiCTghwi