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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1911)
The Omaha Daily Bee FOR ALL THE NEWS THE OMAHA BEE BEST IN THE WIST WEATHER FORECAST. For Nrhi-nska- Rain or mo. For Iowa Snow For weather report set" Pago 2. VOL. XL-NO. WJ. OMAHA, MONDAY MOUSING. FKLUUTAUV s 1!11 TKN PAOllS. SIXOI.K (OPV TWO I'M NTS. CONGRESS FACES ' MANY BUSY DAYS Both Houiei tt Washington to Labor at High Tension Until March. IMPORTANT MEASURES PRESSING Lorimer Tote and Senatorial Election in the Senate. BORAH HAS CALL ON HIS BILL Likely to Force. Senators to Act at Early Date. RECIPROCITY MATTER IN HOUSE Will Prnbaltlr (, Ibronk l.nittr llnt anal aenate Mn Pass It n I'rrtrat Ultra Kesaloa and Tariff Revision. WASHINGTON. Fib. . Congress worked under IiIrIi during Ilia latl wk and the prospect for (he remainder rf the session do not promise many day l-arrep of exrlleineni. The congestion Is such thai appioptiailon bills are In noma j t'anger. bin member of exK"ilenci recall . conditions rqualO ' bad which were met without Hie necessity of extra sessions. The real difficulty In both branches I ffcnw to be thai numerous mat I era of a political or partisin nature are being Infused for consideration before the close' of the congress on March 4. and It I real ised that many of there must fail through lack of time. The Inevitable result Is to make members Irtjisble over delays and : not Infrequently the time-honored ami j ti.uch-vaiinted rour mj between ructions j la congre ss has been depressed to ; the imhtt nf pnmnltfti rilsnnnrarance. ' Most of the measures of an inflammable character are pending 'n the senate, and chief among them are the Lorlmcr case and the resolution looking to the election of senators by direct vote of the people. The latter, as Hie result of a persistent flKbt made by Senator Uurah, who re ported lha decision from the Judiciary rummlttea under circumstances which as sured a contest, was advanced last week j t the position of the unfinished business, j Poshing Direct ote Bill. Senator Borah la determined that there I Shalt be a vote on bis resolution In time to obtain consideration by the house. He will urge senator who oppose It to make their esrly In the week. After waiting what ho believes to be a reason ble time, ha says ha will Insist upon con tinuous consideration until a vote Is had. 1 ha Indications are that he has sufficient votes to carry out this program. Tha situation Is extremely Interesting. -A large' majority of the republlcane Is op jod lo the resolution, but the progressive republicans and the democrats control th situation by two or three votes. Several efforts were made by Senator Borah to haa a "ay fixd in which to take a vota, but unanimous convent thus far has been iafusf.a.ensitur,.Jtlvyburn, the colleague of Mr. Borah, remarked dryly one day that) he thought he would be ready to give such", consent on March 4. w hich, of course, mean that he would oppose tha resolution to the end. Una senator could prevent a vote on the resolution so long as he haa strength to occupy the floor and three aenatora could conduct a successful filibuster for a week. Half a dozen determined membera prob ably could hold the fort for the rest of the session without any difficulty what ever. Jt Is unlikely, however, that meas ures so extreme will be taken. Hale Admits Mtaatlon. When Mr. Borah, on a roll call, pre vented an executive session on Friday In order to carry on the fight which gave his resolution preference rights, Mr. Hale acknowledged that Mr. Borah "had the votes." The Inference was that the veteran republican leader would be willing to per mit the resolution to come to a vote. If the resolution passes the senate It la not known what Its fate will be In the house. Ordinarily a measure which had to do only with tha manner In which mem bera of the aenate were elected would And ready acquiescence In the house. Thla resolution, however. Will encounter a crowded canendar and parhapa an unwill ingness on the part of members to give time to a measure In which they have so little concern. The situation has changed somewhat In respect to the Ixirlmer case. It now looka aa If there may be a vota during the present session. Senator Burrowa, chair man of the oo remittee on privileges and elections, haa promised It, and there are others who favor Senator Iorlmer who deny that there Is any plan to filibuster against such a vote. As this matter Is entirely In the hands of the aenate and requires no action by the house, any day before March 4 will be sufficient tor the recording of the senate's decision aa to whether Senator Llrlmer Is to continue as a member of the body. Fair lleartags Glvea. legislation to put Into force the Canadian reciprocity agreement probably will be ad vanced during the present week. Many ap plications were received by the ways and nieana committee for hearings, but such hearings aa are granted probably will be disposed of by Thursday. Tha McCall bill on tha subject may be reported out of the commlttte on the following day and a rule to permit consideration of the measure without amendment will be brought In with little delay. Many of those who oppose the reciprocity sgreetiien in the house concede that It will jtase. but the situation In the senate Is not ao favorable. Tha upper house would not V likely to permit the passage of a meas ure of so much Importance until oppor tunity was had lor full debate. There will be no chance for such debcte thla session. W'sst Na Rslrn Session. Senate leaders, howevui, are extremely anxious that there shall be no extra ses sion. Some of them fear that the calling it congress after Mutch 4 would arouse sentiment throughout the country In favor of a general revision of the tariff. These republican leaders say that the temper of the country at the present time Is such that a tariff revision evasion might menace the principle of protection. Whether this fear will weigh heavily enough to the senate to act upon the reciprocity agreement Is doubtful. Mull ul the demuciaia of the house are believed to be la favor of the Canadian agreement. J.ut to determine this question absoluuiv a caucua lias been culled for to .mono night to frame a party policy with lesln-it to the question Many lniHrtt.l measures are pending in ' ' VuUuu4 VU evolld i'ag :, ogressive League ''-. nds Many Appeals On Direct Vote Bill Gt ' '- V ' and Legislator of Various Vrjjed to Instruct on fending Measure. WASHINGTON. Feb. 5 -The recently organlr.ed National Progressive Republican league, through Senator Jonathan Bourne. Jr.. of Oregon, president of the league, sent telegrams to the goernors and legis latures of various states today asking them to bring Influence to bear on their re spective senators In favor of the Joint res olution providing for the election of sena tcrs by direct vote. The telegram Is as follows: "The Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution providing for the election of I'nlted States senators by direct vote will be acted upon by the I'nlted Mat" senate within a few daya. It Is not certain that It will receive the necessary two-thirds vote, tt Is certain that ?0 per cent of the people are in favor of It. Will the senate represent public sentiment upon this question? Do you know how your senators stand? If their position Is In doubt, wire and write them. Bring the force of public opinion to bear upon them. it Is a critical time. Your Influence may determine the result. Wire them today." Dix Wanted Neither Sheehan Nor Shepard Governor Told Murphy He Believed Both Candidates Should With draw Before Caucus. A Ml A NY. N. Y., Teh. 5. Before the dem ocratic caucus selected William F. Sheehan aa a candidate for I'nlted States senator, Governor Dix told Charles F. Murphy, the Tammany leader, that he believed both Mr. Sheehan and Edward M. Shepard should withdraw, according to a statement tonight by Dr. Minor McDanicls. an assemblyman from Tompkins county and one of the In surgents. Mr. Murphy. Mr. Mi Daniels said, told the governor he would ask Mr. Sheehan to withdraw if the governor could bring about the withdrawal of Shepard. A few days later Murphy was told by Governor Dix that Shepard had declined to withdraw. The organisation then decided to name Sheehan. Governor Dlx tonight declined to affirm or deny the story. "I have no comment to make," was all he would say. Dr. McDanlela said he had an Interview with Murphy laat night. In which tha Tam many leader told him of the talk with Gov ernor Dix. Murphy, It la said, told Dr. McDanlela that he believed the Insurgenta had suffi ciently demonstrated to their conntltuenta their opposition to Sheehan and that In the interest of party harmony they ahould now support tha caucua candidate. ' The third week of the deadlock ended to day with no apparent prospvet of a break. Sixteen Joint ballots have been, taken. . Stock Rustler Landed in the Penitentiary John Piper, Arrested at Winner, S. D., Pleads Guilty, but Refuses to Name Accomplices. r SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Feb. B.-(Speclal. The latest prisoner to be lodged In the Sioux Falls penitentiary is John Piper of Winner, Tripp county, who entered a plea of guilty and will serve a term of two years. Piper was arrested several weeks ago, as stated In these dlspatchea at the time, by the Lyman county authorities Just after he had been arrested on the charge of "rustling" by the authorities of Tripp county and had furnished bonds for his appearance there He also was charged with atook "rustling" In Lyman county, and It was thla charge to which he pleaded guilty and will serve the sentence atated. That Piper la only one of a band of "rustlers" who are operating In Lyman, Trlpp and Gregory oounttea la Indicated by a remark he made to Sheriff Borrherdlng of Lyman county a short time before being brought to Sioux Falls., He practically ad mitted to the aherlff that othera were Im plicated with him In the wholesale "rust ling." but added: "Before I will tell you who they are I will go to Jail for a thousand years." Notwithstanding hla refusal to confess and furnish the names of hla accomplices It Is understood that the authorities of Lyman and Trlpp counties have secured a clew to the Identity of some of the "men higher up." whose tool Piper appears to have been, and that Other arrests will be made lo the near future. Missouri's Capital Burning to Ground Lightning Strikes Cupola of Structure at Jefferson City and Building is Doomed. JKFKKKSON CITY. Mo.. Feb. 5 -Lightning struck the cupola of the state capltol building here at 7:15 o'clock today and the structure Is burning rapidly. At 8:30 the building seemed doomed. New York Club Voting in NEW YORK, Feb. a. (Special Telegram. In examining the ballots cat by the New York City Federation of Women's clubs, which elected Mrs. William Grant Bown as president. It was discovered today that out of a iiosalble '2l votes there were cast for some officers aa many aa alxty blanks and fifty-nine voted ballots void, or 11 that were not worth the paper they were on. Had the club women not been so anxious to anticipate a suffrage amend ment In New York state, the chances are that a few of the mishaps at the Hotel Astor. where the election waa held, might have been averted. The "federation" l as been political from Its birth. The activities of the Tanuuany tiger when latslilim f hU tall hae been mild In comparison, ll started out to vote '"uM like a man'' with a IT.-shlent of the board uf tlr.ti"iis aud a ballot tailored EXECUTOR SAYS EDDY WILL VALID Answer to Bill of George W. Glover Made by Friends of the Church. DISPUTES CHIEF CLAIM MADE Will Broad Enough to Escape New Hampshire La,w. MONET NOT FOR ONE CHURCH Allegation it is Generally for Denom inationa Plurposes. CHARITY AIM OF SCIENTISTS Assertion Made if Resldsjarr Bequest Void. It Wsali Not io lo the Helra-at-Law cf Mrs. Kddr. CONCORD. N. H.. Feb. 6 An answer to the bill In equity by which George W. Glover of Lead. S. D., aeeka to have the residuary bequest In the will of his mother, the late Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science, declared invalid, was filed In the superior court late Saturday night by counsel for the executor of the will. Henry M. Baker of Bow, N. H.. and for the trustees. Adam S. Dickey. Archl- j bald McLellan. Joslah E. Fernald. Stephen A. Chase. Allison V. Stewart and John V, Dittemore, all of whom are named as defendants In the original bill. The answer disputes the claim of the petitioner In the bill In equity that the statutes of New Hampshire and Massa chusetts prevent the F.rst Church of Christ. Scientist, In Boston, from legally receiving the residuary bequest. While the statutes In question limit the amount of a bequest to any one church the defendants aver that the bequest of Mrs. Eddy Is Intended "for denominational or other uses which are not confined to one church." Tho defendants deny that there Is no regular system of educational and char itable work connected with the mother church and say that, "on the contrary, the fundamental' purpose for, which the church waa established and exists, namely, the promotion of the doctrines of Christian science, la essentially charitable, the objects sought to be furthered by such promotion being the furtherance and spreading of religion, the spiritual educa tion of mankind and the relief and over coming of sin, suffering, disease and dis tress." Another principal argument set forth la that George W. Glover haa released all claims aa an heir to tha estate of his mother and has bound hlmaelf never to contest 'or question any disposition of property which ahe might make, and there fore doea not occupy any poatlon of trust entitling him to the direction and guid ance of the court In the performance of fiduciary duties for which he haa asked. It waa further declared that the bringing of the bill In equity l a, "flagrant breach of faith" on the part of tha plaintiff. Resldaarr Be.nesi to ksrek. Even If the residuary bequest were void, saya the answer. In effect, tt would not go to the heirs at law of Mrs. Eddy as in testate property, but would pass to the church in trust for the execution of her final and paramount purpose and extending the releglon of Christian Science aa taught by her. Hence. It la argued, the plaintiff, George W. Glover, haa no Interest In Mrs. Eddy's j estate, or. In the effect of the statutes, upon the residuary bequest. The defendants ask that the present bill be dismissed and that Glover and his man aging attorney be enjoined and commanded by the court not to bring, prosecute or maintain any other proceeding In any ccirt relating to an alleged claim of Interest as i an heir at law In Mary Baker Eddy' estate. Creighton Founders' Day Observed Tuesday- Banquet Will Be Held at Hotel Rome in Honor of Edward and Count J. A, Creighton. Founders' day will be observed by Creigh ton university this year with a banquet at the Hotel Rome, February 7, In honor of Edward and Count John A. Creighton. Governor Chester H. Aldrlcn will be pres ent as guest of honor, and the principal address will be delivered by W. D. Oldham of Kearney. Mr. Oldham will take for hla subject. "The Call of the West." There will be 200 men in attendance, rep reaenting the combintd faculties of the de partments of arts. law. medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, as well as a large number of men prominent In political, commercial and educational circles. An elaborate ten- course banquet will be served, and at Its I conclusion Trof. Charles F. Crowley, head 1 of the university chemical department and j gas commissioner of Omaha, will Introduce Governor Aldrich and Mr. Oldham. i Kartsqiuke skork Iteeorded. CLEVELAND. O.. Feb. 6 -The seismo graph at St." Ignatius college recorded an earthquake last night, commencing at 10:rr p. m. and ending at IMS. Father Oden- j bach, the university astronomer, slated j that possibly California was the scene of the tremors. I Women Botch City Federation after the regular municipal output. Some one In trie excitement, however, forgot to older the printer to put In the ring wherein the cross of the voter records his choice. This slight lapse, coupied with the Innum erable Independents whoae names appeared either In print or were whispered In willing ears in the corridor, accomplished Its fell purpose. Women did their beat to cancel social debts by writing In or crossing up a laudtdate, but the lallot proved their Waterloo. The testimony of the inspectors that In structions were freely given to those In doubt only added horrible proof of the In ability of the fen, mine tu make her mark. The voting lasted ten Some of the landldat.'a anl delegates ula displeased with the voting It was darned that In Ik. niakejp of the ballots fraud waa prac-Wievk. From the Minneapolis Journal. "STREET CAR CLARK SAYS WORLD IS BETTER Next Speaker of House Declares He is Optimist. COMPARES WITH YEARS OF PAST Aeroplanea and Other Modern Inven tions Form Vehicle art Pragrras In Varied Ways Maaees af People Wik4nic l'. - SPRINGFIELD. Maas., Feb. 8.-8aying he is an optimist and believes the world Is growing better. Representative Champ Clark of Missouri, speaker-elect of the next national house of representatives, de livered a message of "hope and courage" In an address today before the Toung Meh's Christian association here. Mr. Clark contended It was better to look upon the bright side of thlnga than upon the dark, and that a "Jubilate la more pleas ing music than a miserere." If the world were not growing better, he said, then the school system which America boasts and which costs so much was an Ignominious failure and all religion was a failure, and he did not believe either to be true. Why so many good people believe the world Is growing worse was explained by Mr. Clark as a matter of evolution of communication: that nowadays any place on earth la In reach of the telephune or telejraph and a man may do a thousand things and never get hla name in the news papers, but the first time ha does a bad thing "In tt goes." Mr. Clark said that when he went to Missouri thirty-five years ago the average number of 'homicides In Tike county was between four and five a year and now they averaged less than one. That, he believed, was measurably true of every other county In tha country. How World Progreaaea, "Somebody once said," continued Mr. Clark, "that after all, we are simply veneered savages. I neither affirm nor deny that proposition. I'p to ten or fifteen years ago a prize fight could be pulled off in any state with absolute Impunity. Now there Is not a single state In which It Is not a penitentiary offense. Up to compara tively recent years a duel could be fought in any state without any fear of serious consequences. Now there is no state In which It Is not a felony. A man who would have anything to do with a duel in Mis suurl is a stark Idot. It Is a murder In the first degree to kill a man In a duel there and a penitentiary offense to -fight a duel; a felony to agree In Mlusourl to go out of the state to fight a duel. Work of Aeroplaue. "Thanka be to Almighty God, wars are becoming rarer and rarer. One thing which the flying machine will pU'compllsh will be to put an end forever and forever to all wai. lotteries have been stopped. Insti tutions for preservation of morals, relief of human sufferings, for perpetuity of our Institutions are springing up on every hand. "The Idea of reformation of criminals rather than their punishment Is taking a deep hold on the minds of men. There Is more money today devoted to charily p-r capita than ever before. Controversial ivliglon has passed and practical religion la at hand. The masses of the people are waking up to the fai t that politics should be. puiifled. demanding primary plections. senatorial elections by populur vole and other important n forms "Of couree we have not attained the This mighty republic la built not for a day but for all time, one and indivisible, destined under God to a the dominating Influent c throughout the world in all the cenluiles Set lo be." Ural F.atale Men Flrrt. RAPID CITY. 6 D.. Feb. f,-, Special Telegram. I The Rapid City Real Kstate Dealerr' association here today elected of ficers ax follows: D. C. Uitker, president ; D. B. Ingiani. vice president; Carlysle E. Farley, secreiarv; D. H. Ingram. Carlysle V.. Farlev T. W. Brown. Arthur lrson, llowaid Radcliffe. Fred McCay, delegates to S'lUtli Dakota Kcal Estate Ivalers' as sociation at iicirs itbiuary 7 and S. Move Up ! EXTENSION" NEEDED ON No Yellow lever On Board Gunboat, Say the Officials Joseph Y. Porter, Superintendent of State Board of Health, Gives Marietta Clean Bill. ON BOARl t'NITBD STATES GUN BOAT MARIETTA, by Wireless, Via Key West, Fla-. Feb. 6. That there la no yel low fever aboard thla gunboat was as serted positively today by Joseph Y. Por ter, superintendent of the State Board of Health and port quarantine officer at Key West, who visited the ship this morning and made a careful diagnosis of the sus pected cases. The quarantine officer assured Captain Cooper that the auspected cases were ma larial fever only, and after an examination iof the fever chart of Coxswain J. II. Minor, who died aboard the ahip last Sunday at Puerto Cortex, stated that, while the eliart waa typical of yellow fever, the case could have been other fever. Dr. Porter Informed Commander Cooper that he could haul down the quarantine flag and anchor at Key West. The ship' officers, he added, might go ashore. The ship still la In quarantine, however. Many bluejackets have received wireless mes sages from anxloua relatives and Cam mander Cooper has permitted them to send wireless replies to their homes assuring parents and frlenda that there la no dan ger. South Dakota at the National Corn Show John P. Thompson of Elk Point Wins Sweepstakes Prize for the Northern Zone. MITCHELL, S. D., Feb. 5 (Special South Dakota fared well at the National Corn S'iow in Columbus, according to the reports received. The winning corn of the South Dakota show was sent to Columbus for a state exhibit. John P. Thompson of Elk Point was awarded the sweenstakes prixe for the best ten ears of yellow corn for the northern sone. which comprises the states of North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Montana. 10. P. Sand of this city was awarded the first prize on ten ears of mixed corn for the northern zone. G. W. Dunmire of Scotland was awarded the second premium In n class open to the world on timothy seed Thtse winnings will add to the standing already secured by the state in its grain products. Uncle Sam's Aeroplanes Scout Along Mexican Line WASHINGTON. Feb. 5. (Special Tele gram I Geneial l-eonard ' Wood, In com mand of the I'nlted States army; Geneial James Allen, chief of the t-lgnal corps, and Coinuaodoie John B. Ryan of the Trilled States aerial reserves are perfecting plans to mobilize the active tnemheis of the aerial reserves on the Mexican border. Six aero planes, under command of the best known aviators in America, will be engaged ac tlveK aa scouts In preserving the neutrality of the I'nited Stales before the end of this week. probabl. This will be the first time that fl nig machines hav been used In atiual war fare, and all the rrut isiwers of the world will watch the experiment. The Immediate future of the aeroplanes for military piirsiaes utpends upon the re sults obtained on the Mxi an larder. There are massed along I lie Mexican border si Ihls time twenlv-two lnx,.s of lotted sUalcs vat air), conn" i-ung l.i OUR LINE. FIERCE FIGHT NEAR JUAREZ Rebels Force Federals to Retreat Toward City. MANY ARE KILLED IN BATTLE fi amber of Federals Desert and Colonel Robs ao Is Itelnai I'nr ased rT Orosco and Hla - ' X- ' - Men. ' ' ' " ' Bl I.I.ETI. EL PAfOTex.. Feb. 6. Colonel Rabago and his forces escaped from Orozco late this afternoon. They are now said to bo coming in the direction of Juarez, with Orozco and his men close behind them. EL PASO. Tex., Feb. B.-A. R. Coleman, correspondent for the El Paso Herald, ar rived today from the battlefield south of Juarez and reported that the federal troops had not yet been defeated by the rebels at 9 o'clock. Colonel Robago's troops were entrenched and holding their train against the rebel fire. Many men have been killed In the battle and several federals are said to have deserted. Mall advices from Chihuahua to the Herald today say that a special train has arrived there from the northeast bringing many wounded from the vicinity of Coyome, Chihuahua, where the rebels de feated the federals and killed 107. The correspondent Bays the death list la con firmed by several mining men, all of whom report the people In that region are out of supplies and almost starving. One man says he saw nineteen federals wounded guarded by soldiers and that he saw also a wagon load of uniforms taken from federal dead. DEATH RECORD. ftllbert Thoraon. SIOCX FALLS. S. D Feb. 5 -(Speclal.)-Dcath came suddenly to Gilbert Thoraon. a pioneer resident of Sanborn county, who for many years had lived on a farm near Ietcher. Ho had not been In good health fo. some time, having had. trouble with his heart, but was accustomed to do light work about the place. Death came while he and a soi were engaged In building a new pigeon house. Intending lo rest for a few moments he tt down on a keg. and al most Immediately fell to the ground dead. Dr. W. I., lion man. STANTON. Neb., Feb. 6.-1 Special.)-! r. W. L. Bowman a pioneer physician of thla county, pasaed away from this earth Sat urday morning at 1 o'clock. He reached the age of & years and several months. He had been ill for some time. All of his ?hlldren were at his beiUide, including his vife. who is also evry feeble. troopers. Commander ll.van is in Wash ington to arrange the ic.ohili.allcn with 1 Generals Wood and Allen. The I'nlted j States government :m negotiating with : Curtlss to take coimuand of lis aeronautic I experiments. The teal scouis will be tin : I'nlted Stutea army officers, who will go i aloft in the aeroplanes as passengers lo 'make observations, ll will be their dut to piixcnt Mexican troops or insui recti j from seeking refuse within the bnrd t. j of the I'niled Stales. ; The at ruplane. slatotxd fifiy nibs oi ! more apait, will make wide, sweeping pal tola i.wr all the territory to winch ! Ihi y arc assianed. uv iimifineut of large hudi- s which camioi be Id. nlifiej ; will be simiallrd hv wirclcs or otherwise to the cavalry tronis, which will he ready , to set out In pui hu;i . ! It In regarded as , rotial'le leu during Ihl. s' i ice 'li' a'- opianr Wi'l be end-.-: fire. II will be the firi.1 actual ici of the ab'lity of an air ciufi tu avoid bullets. FIKST ST0H31 OF SERIES IS HERE Rain and Snow Over Valley ol Mississippi and Missouri More Brewing in West. GREAT BOON TO FARM HOPES Precipitation Strengthens Agricul tural Frospccts of Section. RAILROAD TRAFFIC AFFECTED Trains Late Many Hours and Plows Are Ordered Out. TEMPERATURE ABOUT FREEZING Wind lllah several Honrs, bnt Mtftt nfferlnar la InonrreH Street tars Operate I siler Diffi culties. WI1TRE1 rsCDICTTOir. WASHINGTON. Feb. 5 -The coming week w ill be marked by a series of well defined storm areas passing eastwsrd across the I'nlted States from tha Pa cific ocean. In consequence of which periods' of fair and foul weather will follow In quick sin cession, according tf tho weekly forecast of the weather bureau. The first of these disturbances Is now over the eastern slope of the Rocky mountains, whence It will move east ward, attended by fains In southern, rains or snow in middle and snows In northern districts east of the Mississippi river, anil reach the Atlantic states Monday night or Tuesday. Another disturbance will appear on the Pacific coast Monday, across the middle west Wednesday or Thursday and the eastern states Thursday or Friday. The third disturbance of tho week will roach the Pacific coast by Wednesday or Thursday and prevail over the middle west the last of the week. Marked variations In temperature will occur during the week In 'practically all dis tricts eant of the Rocky mountains. Precipitation In rain, snow and sleet amounting to nearly an Inch of water fell over the Missouri and Mississippi river val leys yesterday. The, storm began soon after midnight Saturday and continued In varying fits of Intensity until after dark ness cam last night. Temperatures ranged In a narrow scale about the freexlng point, never becoming severe. Through the first six hours of the storm a rather high wind prevailed. Traffic In the three el'le- of Omaha. Soui Omaha and Council Bluffs was affected by the storm. The street cais s.ere somewhat delayed, but service was maintained with little change In schedules. Hallway service generally was affected over a wide territory. Delays, rather than cancellation of service- ui common. Helps Crop Prospects. . Vast benefit to the agricultural prospects of the west haa accrued from tha precipita tion. The peculiar condition of tha aoll gave the snow a double value. The winter mellowed fields exposed a surface porous and almost dusty dry. Moisture began to soak Into the soli as It fell and but little will escape Into the streams. A great sup ply will thua be stored for the nourishment of the crops of the coming season. The storm swept Omaha with an easterly wind. With a lower temperature It would have become a blizzard. The general nature of the storm Is Indicated In the reports re ceived at the office of the weather bureau In Omaha. Yesterday morning snow was reported falling at North Platte, Valentine. Neb.; Sheridan, Wyo. : Bloux City and Des Moines, la.; Rapid City and Huron, 8. D. Trains from tha west arrived In Omaha last night one to four houra late. The Oregon and Washington limited of tha I'nlon Pacific, due at 8 o'clock, ran Into the storm between Omaha and the eastern border line of Colorado and did not arrive until 11.05 a. m. Trainmen on the North western line reported heavy snows In north ern Nebraska. Near Sioux City snow plows were sent out on most of tha roads to clear the tracks In many places four teen Inches of snow waa on tha ground last night, with snow Htlll falling. The railroads did not suffer from the storm yesterday as they did from that a month ago, owing to the fact that the wind was much less violent. (esrral Ortr Iowa. Too. Railroad reports from all over Iowa yes terday Indicated that practically the same storm conditions existed as prevailed here. A good shower of rain dampened the dust that had accumulated on top of the frozen earth and made a firm foundation for the snow. For the purpose, perhaps, of awakening the superstitious groundhog, there were a number of sharp claps of thunder over Council Bluffs In the afternoon. The ex cessively drv cond'tlon of the soil In the vicinity of Council Rluffs has caused thou sands of wells to fall and their owners have seized upon the opportunity lo sink them deepen Street car traffic was jtomewhut Inter rupted during the dav by the storm and j the entire complement of sweepers had to ! be lironirhl Into use. The snow was so jwet and heavy that It clung to the pave ment and re'iuiied many trips to move It. I"- on the trolley wires made brilliant 'leotric pyroteih ics whenever a car pasted. IMPRISONED MINER IS FREE l.arry Meliols, W bo Waa aaaht br I lave-In at l.eau. S. ., (inly I MUhlly Hurt. LEAD, fl D. Feb. J.-Tbls in.nning Larry Nichols, a miner who was Imprisoned in the lloinestaUe workings by last night s caveln. w hich klllnl Shift Boss Joe Thomas, was dug out and removed to the hospital. He Is not herlously Injured. Seven oiher Imprisoned numus made their escape through otlur workings and reached the aiirface. The men were filling In an old caved slope when the ground gave way. Monarch Mine Fire I ndrr Control. SHERIDAN, Wyo.. 1 b 3.- i Special The fire in lie mines of the Wyoming Coal coiri,H ..v at .Monarch Is now under control ulii) It in ixpeclei the millers Will lie able to return to crk in a few dav The e phivioit was cauued ty drilling through tee walls mlo an old abandoned woii trig in w'nhh g.i-i li.i'l accumulated. This ignited ga h, o.ber rooms and cmrie aud soon lb, worUng" win mu i ef smoit.-. Twii'v nine miners h,i a miraculous i diaih..