unday Bee. WEATHER FORECAST. r'or Nchiiiska- Knin or snow. For low :- I'lomly. For father report ht pi-po I NEWSASECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT VOL XIr-XO. :u. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, FKUHUAKY 5. I'UI-FIVK SIXTIONS-THIUTY-SIX PACKS. sinuli; con fivi-: lt.nts. The Omaha RECORDS TO GIVE flUUDEVlHEXCE Further Derelopments in Legislative Probe of Election Now De pend on Booki. TEISER TO CONDUCT INSPECTION Committee Order Records of Third Ward Given Examination. HEARING QUITS TO THIRTEENTH Harrington Will Subpoena Number of Important Witnesses Then. USE OF BANDS IN EVIDENCE Wllaru Telle of Kladtaa F.tastlr on AMrlrli l,eer l,ee Krrama HI a nit Prettea the Hobo Hotels. Pevelopmenta In the Invest Iratlon of the fraud connected with th Omah election 'id primary by the leglststur now depend on the result of an Inquiry Into the records of the polling place In the Third ward to he conducted by John Yelser. Further possibilities remain In witnesses to be subpoenaed at the. Instance of B. . Harrington chairman of the committee from tha leslslatiire. For the last three days of the week the Inquiry by this com- j tnlttee was In progress In sessions held at tha Paxton hotel. Ist night Chairman Harrington re viewed the evidence of the hearing and prepared an outline of the program of In quiry to be taken up at the resumption of tha hearing on the afternoon of Febru ary 1. The chairman waa closeted with Wllll-am F. Manning for aome time. He haa de cided on number of witnesses who will be summoned to apear at the hearing a week from tomorrow. "We are practically dona with the pre liminaries of the case now," said Mr. Harrington t hla room at the Faxton. "Tha Inquiry la now In auch ahape that I expect that further testimony will bring mora direct evidence bearing on the charges made. It haa been our purpose to bring In all testimony which might have a possi ble bearing. I do not want any person to feel that their statements have not been welcome If they had the least bearing on tha case. We have let In a great deal of matter and testimony because we could not afford to take a chance of missing some thing material. Kiprrtu Records to Sard I.lsnt. Mr. Harrington expreased the opinion that positive evidence tending to either prove or disprove the charges of Irregularity . would be forthcoming upon the completion of the examination of the recorda of the third ward now aealed up In the office of P. M. Haverly. county clerk. Thle In veatlgatlon la to ba made by John Yelser, who alta at the hearing aa the representa tive of the governor. Alt other membera of the committee yes terday departed for their bomea to remain : o. rf S;nrlar. Mr. Harrington -win W met here today by Mn. Harrington.! They will remain here until Monday afternoon, when they will probably go to Lincoln. "The senate aa I understand It." said Mr Harrington, "haa named a committee I 'to alt with ua In the Investigation here Monday. but in view of our adjournment until a week from Monday I do not know what the aenatora will do. "Another portion of evidence of value to ua which will be. of unusual significance. will he the official census figures from waaningmn on ma inii puiiuui "' voters m the third ward." aald Mr. Har- rlngton. 'This will be available no doubt at the reaumptlon of the bearing a week , from Monday." ciiio?; T"erqs3-enrs Tan of rubber baud on voting machines for the purpose of preventing the casting of votes for Governor Aldrlch waa ex pooed before the legislative Investigating committee this morning. Positive and emphatic, statement of dis covery of tr.e band was made by C. O. . Cunningham, J512 South Tenth atreet, west ern agent of the Woodward Tterney printing company. I order to discredit this evidence Dan Butler brought in fig urea showing the vote from the precinct. The wltneaa waa unshaken In hla declara tion of the presence of the band on tha Aldrlch lever of the machine and Its pur pose there. "What do you know of fraud In either the election or the primary?" asked W. A. Prince of the Investigating committee, tak ing up the examination of the wltneaa. "I know that there waa a rubber band tightly wrapped about tha Aldrlch finger of the machine," exclaimed Mr. Cunning ham with forte. "It waa there when I voted." "Lld you rail attention of the election official there to that band?" asked Prince. "No, I old not,' replied Cunningham. I did not because I did not think that my neighbors were in a conspiracy to rob me of my right to vote. I did not realise ntlt later, when the use of the band waa xpoaed by newspaper, and when I heard of It from others, the purpose for which tha band waa there." Mr. Cunningham described In detail how the band was arranged on the Aldrlch lever. I root a Waats to Know. P. H. Cronln of O'Neill, a republican member of the committee, at once declared for a demonstration of the workings of the voting machlue under the influence of rubber l amia. Thle mechanical demonstra tion will bo mad before the committee upon the resumption of the Investigation here on February 11 The testimony of the Saturday morning etelon was occupied with the examination of a aeries of wltneasea, Including Le Ilardiuan. formerly campaign manager In Pougtaa county fur Hhatlenberger; Edaon Rich, attorney for the Union Pacific Rail way company; Bond P. Geddea, a newa p!r man; Milton Barlow, president of the Water board and president of the Vnited tKatea National bank; F. W. Me Glnnla, head of a private detective agency, amployed by th Anti-Saloon league In trac ing false registration and numerous other league workers w ho went Into the colonised districts. Through the detective and a number of ether workers the names of scores of per son registered from assignation houaes and "hobo" lojgtng bouaes were put Into the recorda.. The committee adjourned until 1 o'clock n the afternoon of February IS. The ses sion began at t o'clock and continued until anon. Members of the committee went .to their homes or returned to Lincoln In the course of the afternoon. l.ee Herdman. the lawyer, who figured In (Continued on Second Page ) Creditors of Mrs. Leslie Carter Are Urging Bankruptcy Actress Called Into Court in New York, Where it is ' ed She Hat oents. Made Pr V NEW f. -i'eclal Telegram.) .utlon In bankruptcy V v the I'nlud States circuit rr. against Mrs. Caroline I.. D. fa. otherwise known as Mra. I.ealle Carter The liabilities. It Is alleged, amounted to 2.onf), with assets of SLOno. Preferred payments, made while Insolvent ! to other creditors, are alleged in the peti tion. The Institution of the proceedings is the culmlnall n of continuous efforts on the part of many small creditors to enforce payment of their respective claims by per sistent legal proceedings, since It was ap parent that she had produced a successful play. Her attorneys have received Instruc tions if such proceedings were Instituted to consent to an Immediate adjudication. While it Is true Mrs. farter Is not In i possesion of Immediate funds, and while i the proceedings m that account would ulti mately absolve her from the payment of any of her liabilities, her attorneys have meirunea dv ner to mane a proposal j heava I in and perhaps In a reorganlsa conslstent w ith , her Income, that would tlon o fthe entire aervlce. Postmaster Wen operate to pay all of her existing creditors , rra, Hitchcock is thoroughly Incensed and iw cents on the dollar. She proposes, if all her creditors will accept to set aside I a substantial part of her weekly Income to be turned over to any one that the creditors will agree upon, under an agree ment to continue the payments for every Week she may be employed until each law ful claim against her shall have been fully paid. Two Queens Said to Agree on All Points at Issue Denial that Victoria Eugenie and Marie Christine Refuse to Speak as They Pass. VIENNA. Feb. I. (Special Cablegram.1) The following Spanish communique appears In the rolltlsche correspondence: "There Is no foundation whatever for the rumor recently disseminated that the relations be tween Queen Victoria Eugenie and her mother-in-law. Queen Marie Christine, are not of Wie best. The relationship between the two queens has not been clouded In the least, but haa retained the very friend liest character that It assumed from the beginning. The two exulted women often appear together In society, aa on a recent occasion when they attended a children' party given by two of the ladles In waiting, the duchess of San Carlos and the march ioness of Salamanca, at which the crown prince and Ms youngest brother were present. , - "The attribution of political pretension to the queen mother must alao be repudi ated JJ'nce King Alfonso tiiiv d ill -Jotity and took over the management f atate affairs .the former queen regent has had no idea nf Interfering In any way wltb political matters." Dog Turns on the. Gas, Killing Mistress and Also Itself ; tj.. . V.,, v-V- r T. New York Canine, Becomes Frisky, Bites the Gas Tubing, and Fatal Results Follow. NEW YORK. Feb. .-Spoc!al Telegram.) Flags, a little pet dog belonglngi to Mis Elsa Maxter, caused the death of its mis tress and Itself through It playfulness to day. MU Maxter, after reading awhile, dropped off Into a dose, leaving a lamp burning on the table. When the mistress dosed off, Rags began to frolic It is aup posed hi Jumping about It either grabbed with Ita teeth, or accidentally pulled the gas tubing from the lamp, allowing the fumea to escape and fill the room. Both the young woman and the dog were found dead this morning. INSURANCE COMPANIES MERGE National lla Fire a the Company Poll lassie. Mrs Kroolf Their A LEANT. N. T.. Feb. 4. (Special Tele gram.) Certificate of merger of the Na tlonal Fire Insurance company and the Ben Franklin Fire Insurance company both of Pttt-burg. ha been filed with the atate insurance department, and Superin tendent of InsuranceTTotchklaa today 11 cenaed the merged company to do business In New York tinder the name of the National-Ben Franklin Fire Insurance com pany of Pittsburg, Ta. The merged com pany haa a capital of tl.GOO.OOO. YELLOW FEVER ON MARIETTA t'ommaader "ays Thero Are Bat Three taara mm that All Will Recover. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 4. The following wireless dispatch from Commander Cooper of the I'nited States cruiser Marietta was received here this morning: Associated Press. New Orleans: Please deny all sensational reports regarding the appearance nf yellow fever on board the Marietta. There are probably three cases of yellow fever among the Marietta's men i tills time and all are doing well. No , nrw VUM ,iave devei0ped ,ince Monday. The danger of further cases is very rlight. Aged Woman Would Get Son Free to Attend Her Wedding With her face wreathed In smiles, sc companled by her married daughter, a woman who had herself seen many sum mers. Mr. Mary lllgby called at th city )all Friday afternoon and coyiy announced 1 to Captain tavags tbe advent of her com ' ing marriage. "Well-er-er, stammered the captain, startled out of hla usual blase attitude, I 1 sin certainly glad to know ll. by the way. what la your name? The captain waa Informed and then came the drnoUAmrr.t. for the far from youthful 1 brlde-to-tM had an object in view. ( "aly son. Jack Kigby, la in Jail and I HITCHCOCK FINDS SUUBCEOF EVILS Postmaster General Discovers Sub ordinates Have Used His Name to Overwork Employes. WELL TAKE DRASTIC MEASURES , Railway Mail . Service May Be Reorganized as Result. TWO MEN ARE UNDER FIRE Alexander Grant Incurs Displeasure in Connection with Work. GOOD WILL OF CLERKS NEEDED General Pnrpose la to Hearfjust Hoars of Service o that All Will Work l aad One Half Hoars. WASHINGTON. Feb. .-Inefficiency, in aubordlnatlun and mismanagement are al leged to have developed In the railway mall service ana areiiKeiv in result in an im. I makes no concealment of hla Indignation. Hecently he l as been conducting a per- sonal Investigation. His inquiry Is not concluded, but the faots thus far Indicate that Its results are likely to be drastic. Kumora reached Washington today from several points that changea In leading of ficers of the aervlce were imminent; Indeed, it was reported that resignations of the second assistant postmaster general. Joseph Stewart, and the chief of the railway mall service, Alexander Grant, had been sub mitted to the postmaster general It can be aald n atuhortty of Mr. Hitch cock that neither of these officials has re signed and that their resignations have not been called for. Mr. Hitchcock toriie.it expressed himself aa entirely satisfied wtlh the administra tion of the office of second assistant by Mr. Stewart, for whom, personally and offi cially, he entertains a high regard, but he expressed himself aa much dissatisfied with the mnagement of ;he railway mall ser vice, particularly as tespects the personnel of the service. Orders by Subordinates. His investigation, he Indicated, hail dis closed that orders had been issued by sub ordinate officers, placing upon the em ployes unreasonable, and, in aome In stances, humiliating burdens. These were promulgated In the name of the postmaster general, although he knew nothing about them until after Investigation. "The orders were Issued," Mr. Hitchcock aald, "notwithstanding the fact that 1 had Issued general Instructions that in the carrying out of proposed Improvements In the service, no additional burdens should be placed on the employes, a I believe that In the development of our efficiency system the hearty good of the en ploy ee ls absolutely neceasary." " Mr. Hitchcock said the only change In the status of the railway mall clerks was caused by an effort of the department to effect a reasonable readjustment of hour of service so as to equallxe them through out the country. Through the operation of this system . the . hours of service of some clerks were slightly Increased, while those of others were reduced. The general purpose waa to have the maximum period of employment not to exceed alz and a half hours a day. In the working out of this system. Mr. Hitch cock suggested, the railway mall clerks had not been lowered In rank and the aervlce in no respects had been curtailed; on the contrary, the department's efforts had been to obtain through congress im proved physical and financial working con ditions while striving to keep the service apace with the development of the country. The Investigation Instituted by Mr. Hitch- cork probably will not be concluded for some days. It la not possible to foretell accurately the precise result, but a thor ough overhauling of executive officials of the railway mail service la possible. If not Imminent. HEARING ON FUR SEAL BILL Dr. llernaday aaa Prof. Elliot Attack Preoeat Method of Carina; for Aalsnals. WASHINGTON, Feb. 4.-An attack on the government's policy In caring for fur seals on the Pribtlof Islands In Alaska, was made today by Dr. William T. Hornaday, of the New York Zoological gardena, and Prof H. W. Elliott. They apoke for the Campflre eluh of America before the aenate committee on conservation of natural resources. The speaker declared that under the art of last year, which cancelled the lease theretofore held by the North American Commercial company and gave control of the kilting of fur seals to the secretary of commerce and labor, there had been no cessation of wanton killing. The hearing waa In connection with the Nelaon bill to prohibit absolutely the kill lng of fur seals for five yeara from and after May 1. 1911. except by natives for food and clothing and manufacturing of boata for their own uae. Tbe Department of Commerce and I.abor, through Mr. Lembkey, opposed the bill. Beareaatloa Ordlaaore lavalld. BALTIMORE. Md., Feb. 4. -The West seitreuatlon ordinance, drawn for the pur pose of dividing the white from the negro residences of this city and under which criminal prosecutlona for violations have already begun, waa declared Invalid today by Judges Harlan and Duffy In the crim inal court. , want you to let him out ao that he can j come to the wedding." was the request. I "I certainly would like to help In a mat I ter of this sort, but you will have to see I Judge Crawford tomorrow morning," aald Captain Savage. Saturday morning, atiil hopeful, the bride-to-be ahowed up In police court and asked for the Judge. The Judge bent hi Judicial ear, tor he la In full aympathy with llttl j Ian Cupid. However, Jack RJgby proved to be well known to the judge, having met him officially several times. "Madam, I am aorry," bs said in dulcet tone, "but I will hat to decline Jack's Initiation for bira wltb many thanks. I'w.&i M j i Events READY TO ATTACK ' JUAREZ Outposts of ' Insurgents Are Within Sight of the City. ITS FALL IS MATTER OF HOURS Revolutionary, Leader, issssseti that Jssrn Will Bo Made Provisional Capital of ' Mexico. tr.t. PAfMV Tx.. Feb. 4. The attack upon Juarei by the 1.200 lnsurrectos under Gen eral Oroxco and General Ulanco la acnea- uled for tonight, according to Informa tion from the Inaurgent camp. Official notice of the intended auaca reached the American consul at 10:31) last night. In this notice Oroxco Bald lie .tirk within twenty-four hours. Couriers from his csmp, about ten miles this morning said he ex pected firat to reconnoker the town before striking and that he was awaiting rein f nr. ementa. Juarea, too, was looking lor reinforcementa tor the federal garriaon. but revolutionists said none mignt oe looked for from the south, where Colonel Kobago and his shattered command were. This morning Oroaco's outposts were al most within sight of Juarei. The revolutionists' leader told friends yesterday that he expected to attack Juares lata Saturday evening or Bunday. He declared that he Intended making Juares the provisional capital of Mexico, and, rallying his followera there, atart on a march south against Chihuahua City and ultimately against the capital of the repub lic Itself, Mexico City, far In the south. Thla, however, only after his followers bad been mobollsed and drilled into a compact fighting force. A renewed exodus from Juares took place late last night when the offlc'l no tice of Intended attack reached the .' roer lcan consul. Th notice was at once made public and within a few minutes the in ternational bridge to El Paao bore a long string of refugees. from America losial. The following notice waa publicly pro claimed at 10 o'clock thla morning: "To Whom It May Concern: "American Consulate Cludad, Juares, Mexico, Feb. 4. IU: "Having received notice officially from El General En Jefe P. Oroxco, a prominent commander of the provisional antl-re-elec-tlonists In Mexico, that he will initiate an attack on the City of Juares without de lay, I would earnestly advise that all Americana, all foreigners and all non combatants should absent themselves from Cludad Juares until such time as a state of tranquility shall have 1oen established. "(Signed! THOMAS I). EDWARDS, 1 " American uonaui. ' Mealeaa Raroles Arrested. Vnited Ststea troops arrested six Mexi can ruralea between Fort Hancock and the Rio Grande river thla morning. The prla oner said they had a brush with a large band of revolutionlata and took refuge in Texaa. Hayti Insurgents Capture Three Forts News of Spread of the Movement Officially Communicated to Department of State. WASHINGTON. Feb. 4. The revolution ists In Haytl, according to a rumor which baa reached Port au Prince, the capital of the country, have captured Fort Lib erty, Ouanamlntat and Trou. Tills In formation waa conveyed to the State de partment today In a telegram from Ameri can Minister Furnlsa at Port au Prince. Two minister of the Haytlen caUnet, the minister adda, have left the capital to lead the government forcea against the revolutionists. The secretary of war has departed from Port au Prince on a gun ljt with UuOpa for UonkUrs aoii tii becretary of the Interior Is on hla way to (ahaboa. tJsiaaaa-W-aJaa- MtWM m-'J j- 'n Lil III,!" Coming and Going in Omaha Ttn H2 LllS of the Week, as Viewed by The Bee's Bonilla Forces Take Possession of Puerto Cortez General Lee Christmas Saya Capital Can Be Taken Without Further Bloodshed. PUERTO CORTEZ, Hondura, Feb. t (Via wlreleas. New Orleans, Feb. 4.). General Iee Christmas, the revolutionary military leader, arrived here today with part of hla forcea to take over the adminis tration of this city, evacuated several days ago by the government forces and held by the International troops pending the arrival of thje revolutionists. Puerto Corte Is the most Important port on the Atlantic coast of Honduras. PTEI..A. Honduras. Feb. 4. General Lee Christmas, the American soldier of fortune who came here to break a lance for former President Bonilla and restore to his party the political contra 1 of Honduras, saya it Is "all over but the shouting." "The revolution Is over," he declared In an Interview. "The evacuation of Puerto Cortex and San Pedro was better than a victory by attack. The last stand of the government troopa will be at the capital. We can surround Tegucigalpa and starve them out. There need be no more blood shed." It la reported that the rebel gunboat Hornet arrived at Puerto Cortes today with coal and supplies. r WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. After an Inter view with General Bonilla at Celba, Hon duras, Commander Davis of the gunboat Tacoma today telegraphed the Navy de partment that, he had been given to under stand that the revolutionary commander would agree to an armistice within a few day. George Grey Killed by Lion in Africa Brother of British Minister of Foreign Affairs Attacked by Beast While Hunting Hear Nairobi. NAIROBI. British East Africa, Feb. 4 Oe'orge Grey, a brother of Sir Edward Grey, the British mlnlater of foreign affaire, died last night at the hospital to which he waa moved following hla encounter with a lion last Tuesday. Mr. Grey, with several com panlona, was stalking lions near the Atiil river, when he separated from the others and waa auddenly set upon by a large beaat. He waa badly wounded before his friends could come to hla rescue. Mayor Dahlman is eT Real Matrimonial Agency Here a a chance for aspiring Omaha bachelors who want to get married. At, the same time It gives Mayor Dahlman an opportunity to display hla prowess aa th manager of the matrimonial bureau. For his services has been requested by a love lorn New Tork lady, who wants to come west. She Is ready to come. Is handicapped by nothing aave one child. She frankly ad mita that aha has no money so her newly acquired lord. If she manages to Isnd one through the good offices of the mayor, will not be pestered by such a thing aa disposing of her money. The woman, who says her name la Mrs. II. Aernold, writes that she is a respectable Clerman woman, 38 yeara old. 8 he makes no demand other than her "husband to be" will be a father to her girl, who ia IS yeara old. Tbe main thing ia that she thinks Omaha would be a good place 'lv in and that she wants someone who can sup port her in befitting slie. Moi Lialiliuaa BIRTH DAY W 1 .11 IB GE.T YOUR LICENSE Artist BISHOP BONACUM IS DEAD Head of JHocese of Lincoln Passes Away After Brief Illness. WAS SIXTY-FOUR YEARS OF AGE Went to I.larola from St. I.oala Wheat toe- Keo Was First Cre ated a Quarter of Cea tory Abo. LINCOLN, Feb. 4. Right Rev. Thomas Bonacum. for twenty-three yeara bishop of Lincoln, died at his nome shortly after 12 o'clock today. He waa 64 yeara of age. Bishop Bonacum waa plaintiff in the fa mous suit to oust Father Murphy from the parish at Seward. 'Che factional dtf ference between the two men attracted much attention among Catholics. His indisposition dales from last Monday, when he was seized with a violent chill, Tueaday he waa somewhat Improved, but Wednesday he grew worse, when pneu monla developed. Bishop Bonacum ha been in charge of the See of Lincoln since It was founded over twenty years sgo, embracing the ter rltory south of the Platte river In Ne braska. He came to Lincoln from St Louis. The bishop's mness. a complication of pneumonia and Bright's disease, came upon him very auddenly and he felt well up to lsst Monday evening. His slater, Mary Bonacum, and several priests were with htm at hla death. The present plans for the funeral provide for Inter ment In Lincoln, but the body of the dead prelate may be taken to St. Louis for burial. Mra. John Young, another slater. Is expected here tomorrow. Right Rev. Thomas Bonacum, flrat Ro man Catholic bishop of Lincoln, Neb., waa born near Thurles, County Tlpperary, lie land, on January 29, 1847. In bla Infancy he was brought to America by his parents, Edmund and Mary iMcUrath) Bonacum who settled In 6t. Louis. Bishop Bonacum received his early edu cation In the Christian Brothers' college In St. Louis. Hla classical studies were pursued at the provincial aemlnary at Mil waukee, Wis., after which he entered th noted school of the Lasarlst Fathers at Cape Girardeau, Mo., St. Vincent's college, wbere he studied philosophy and theology and from which he was graduated with dls Unction. Deciding to further perfect htm aelf In his studies he went to Europe, and entered the University of Wurtburg, in Bavaria, which at that time was one of the most celebrated schools of Catholic theology In Europe, Including among Ua professoro, Hergenroether. after warda cardinal prefect of the Vatican (Continued on Second Page.) Now Runs a received this letter on Saturday morning NEW YORK. Jan. l.-To the Mavor of Omaha: Lear Sir Reading In the papers here that good women are scarce In that lmi i ui me wuniry, i lint ine pnvllrgi to write you asking your honor for a grea favor. I Ilk to ao west a.nd married again if t could get acquainted wiiii n iiunoBi, sooer, nome loving mail I am a refined, resuectabiii (tnrn.. m yeara of age, neat housekeeper and good cook. Jolly and very fond of home. Have no money at all, but a well behaved gin ci is. wiucn oi course must be wel come to a man. aa 1 should want him i. be a father to the child. Your honor would oo me a sresi ravor oy getting me suet a man. 1 hanking you very much In ad vance for your kindness. Very respect. -urs. M. AtH.Mlhll, RJ0 West 113th Street, New York city. Mayor LaMmau will do all he can t land her a man. He ha called the atten Uun of many bachelors sround the clt lisll to th letter. They were all Interested until they got to that part of Hie telle w hich raid she had no money. Th, n the got eo:a leet. Hut the (naor 'still I, a hepta that sonivoiia wlil come to his rescue PLAN TO ltEtyUHlti SCHOOLDEOHEES Educational Department of State Can raising Public on Entirely New Policy. REQUIRES UNIVERSITY TRAINING Must Apply to All County and City Superintendents. BIG REVOLUTION IN. EDUCATION Many Communities Now Have it Vol untarily in Fore. VARIETY OF SCHOOL BILLS FILED Western rhraols, Ileoteai for Mnaey for tarlewltnrol si'konl, line iot (Ivps t ft Hope Kntleelt nf K.n fnrrlne Claims. i From a Ptsff I 'orreiond'wt.' LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. 4. (Pperlal.V-fc uiiflamental chHnito In the edocatlnnsl ays- m of the stme Is contemplted In II. Tt. 4V by I'lllcy of tiajre. now before the com mittee on pulillc schools, and State Senator rabtroe han been conducting an Inveatl- stlon anions tin- county superintendent i fintl what the ronpnn of opinion Is s to the ulsdoin of requlrlnu i-ilb-pe de rces for the ot flees. Killer's hill ieiilres that every man who gets a position as a county superintendent much he a bachelor of arts arailuate from university or n holder of a four-year caree from a normal school. ,lt has a laiiMe to save retroactive action and ex- opts lliohc now in the service. Most of the superintendents In Nebraska rtow are KraUttstes of normal school two- ear courses and many of them have had more educntlon for their profession, but hey could not he said tolie nenerally hold- rs of hlKher decrees, Mr. Crahtree found letters which he receix ed from narly yo men Interested In the question, that he proplo most Interested are about nriually divided upon the question. The men w ho hold the degrees aro not by any means lie only ones ho think they sre neces sary. There are strong argument advanced on etu'li Milo, but the majority or men who know the field best, think, accord ing to Superintendent Crahtree, that tha nove would not be altogether wise. "There Hie many strong young men," sulil the superintendent, "who make the teaching profcsalon a stepping stone for further education or for other profes sions. They aro capable and Interested In the work while they are In It, and we should not be deprived of their or- vice." Western Nebraska's Interest. 1 . This session has brought out a nun. er of educational bills of all ktnda la both house and senate. The members from the western part of the state are all deeply Interested In their educational facilities. Th representatives . from southwestern . Nebraska, led by Kaman of Franklin, made a short but strenuous fight to get $100,000 for an agricultural school of their own. Many bills, not iivrtudtng the big appropriations naked for all the normal schools- modify lit different ways the present educational conditions and laws. Several bills make new library regula tions. Frlea of Howard haa H. R. 0, which makes a library appropriation by a school board from the school funds optional Instead of obligatory as it hns been. II. It, M. by Parties of Wayne provides that the Wayne Normal shall sot aside matriculation fee for library purposes aa haa been in done In Peru and Kearney Nromala. If. R. 81. by Taylor of Hitch cock also deals with county superintendent end provide for an Increase In their salaries. In the bill Is passed the aalarles will be apportioned to the actual popula tion of the county and not to the school population as now. Fllsey has another bill, which modifies the granting of bachelor degree and IL R. 162, Introduced by him appropriates Stt.OOO to maintain departments of agriculture and domestic science In high schools. I ulveralty Homoval. Of grester interest to educational au thorities than any other queatlon Is tha removal of the State university In whole or in part to the campus at the state farm. The committee considering this bill has bad several meeting with the regent of whom four are opposed and two favoring and tha matter haa been discussed on every side, educational, practical, : financial and aesthetic. The aettlement of It la of great Importance to the f Jture of the university and will nut be decided wlhout a lung deliberation. Appropriation Measures. Tha week haa not been especially produc tive of assault upon the treasury, but there have been a few appropriation bills. II. Ft. tJi by Murphy of Saline appropriates f0,00n for the purchase of the Gilbert homestead In that county for a atate game park of ilk acre. II. K. ZS1 provides a commission for recodifying the statutes of Nebraska snd appropriates I20.00U for that. Quackenbusti and Hardin suport thla bill by reuueat. II. K. 2tl3 by Htebbln of Dawson set aMe $25,OU for the offloe of slate highway commissioner. If. R. 3"1 set aside S2,00t for marking the Oregon trail In Nebraska. II. it. 4 Is another appropriation for agri cultural Instruction In the high schools of the counties. It I by Haeset of Huffalo and Taylor of Hitchcock and provides for an expenditure of tl.h) for each school. If. K. 3"u by Mockett of Lancaster appro, prialee S4u,0u0 for a state santtorlum for In digent consumptives. H. It. S18 propriatea tlOU.OuO for two new buildings at the Uncolu Insane asylum. The total expenditure involved iu thear bills amounts to $22.. not Including H. It. 30t, which la indefinite. ARCHBISHOP RYAN BETTER Prelate's Heart At-tlea la . Mrotiaer aad Ho la la Quite laser fol Mood. PHILADELPHIA. Fb. 4-After a ban night, Archbishop Ryan ahowed Improie ment early today. The archbishop's heart is still very weak. Archbishop Ryan maintained the Im provement shown earlier In tha day ano was quite cheerful. At noon Uie following physician's bulletin was given out: "The archbishop's condition shows a little further improvement. The heart ac tion is somewhat stronger." Maar r.artsj Sharks at Manila. MANILA. Feb. 4 -Tbe earl liquate which have continued for aeveral d.iv. coincident with the eruption .if Muuii Tuui. are deei eing in Inteiislty arid f. i,.itiie. ji iiwm looav a ioimi i,i W iuki have beeu recoiuvd at the uluc, ,4 (oi I