Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Women Best Buyers
The paper that is read by women
brinfri best returns to advfitisers.
'VOL. Xlr-NO. 198.
I i
The Man Who Will Invest in
A Suit or Coat
By invest we mean putting in money for a
greater return than the actual sum for the man
who wants to do that, we have these suggestions:
1 i sT"fl E? We re offer,nK th better grades
01wUUof Buit nd coaU that 'e carry the
year 'round, In fine blacks, browns,
blues, grays, tans and fancy mixtures, tbat originally
were priced from $25.00 to $35.00. Those garments
are built in styles tbat will be good for another winter.
The savings are more than enough to make it a good Investment.
A 1 M We 0,fer U tb0'
We offer all those snappy tailored
are so popular now.
They are our regular garment that in
the early Sanson brought from $15 to $22.50 at every
sail. The assort ment offered at this price is large a
few of ail the popular fabrics and shades each garment
Is fully up to their qualities as when sold at its original
price, j- These are our "end of season" sales. A shrewd
buyer can make wonderful investments at these stock
riddance times.
Men's Pant Sale Saturday
Thin In the week that we cut the prices on all our mrn'i
I'huih, Inning lot a single pair that Is not a genuine bargain.
$:i..",0 rants, nil elzes $1.95
$5.00 Punts, all sizes $2.95
In thia Ihhi lot Hill le found aome very extra values. See
thfin omiy Saturday.
Big Specials in
Men's Furnish
ings Saturday
2Kc Fine Wool hose Saturday ... 1SH
60c Suspenders, with double fasten
er and the finest webbing, special
al Saturday, at 3So
1 Pluck Sateen eihlrt. all 790
$1 Rlbted Coat Sweaters now..6e
All $1 and 91.50 coat shirts, sizes
to IS1, for 690
6-doi. 60c wool fleeced undershirts
go Saturday at SBo
Big clearance sale of all our men's
I'nlit Suits and 2-plece suits, Sat
urday. 10-diix. ROr fine silk four-in-hand ties,
i holes of the lots, at, each.... ISO
i r i x i v i s k
raEE On l.ndiPH Home Journal Pntteril with
(each copy of the Now Spring, 1911 Style Hik.
at 800
y i
t I
Boys' Clothing
Clean-Up Sale
Suits and Coats, worth to
$4.50; Saturday ..$2.75
Suits and Coats, worth to
$7.50; Saturday . .$3.75
Suits and Coats, worth to
$10.00; Saturday .$5.00
$1.00 Knickerbocker Pants,
at 50
50c Blouse Waists, for 32
The new and very delicious fmxen
cream c uidy comes, assorted flav
ors, tresh .-laturday regularly 4rtr
a pound. Saturdny only, at Hi. .84,0
Those Bennett's Kl of feats Chocolates
that we sold at a special !!hc a pound
Saturdiy, was the randy hit of the
year 5)c pound, extra creamy, Sut
urday 89o
(Saturday We Break All Records for Value I
Giving in Ladies' Winter Apparel
Note the tremendous price reductions. Nowhere in
America has the end of the season riddance spirit so ef
fected prices on all kinds of garments.
Choice of any Indies' Black Coat in
our entire stock, sizes 40, 4- and 44,
originally priced at $.';.").()(), Saturday
Choice of all our Velvet Suits worth to $;,"i.00,
Saturdav . . . .Vvi
Women's Flannel Gowns, In plain white and colored stripes, $1.50
garments, for 75
Women's Flannel Gowns In pink and blue stripes, regular 85c gar
ments, for 59
Women's House Dresses, in dark percales, broken sizes of our
$2.25, $2.50 and $2.75 lines, Saturday, at $1.75
All our Indies' Flannelette Short Dressing Racquets, worth $1.50,
tor . ' 75
Kntiirrisv mni nhii at a ' o'clock this ercitt sale begin. I mind
are Hues of'all colors and le.Uliers. some with five rittinas. some beau
tifully lined, some with hey silver nnd gold polled frames Knch one
Is exquisitely incite In popular sines sod shape. W.'T. B.T.r heard of
nch values, therefor, w. promise to astonish you with th.ra. following-
are three evtn pics ot the bug to he found (
Real 1 'Ik skin, ted saffun lined. oi Initially valued
: 1 1 JVfiO at
Pluck tioat Seal bans with silver and gold phitcil
frames, worth regularly from .l 00 to Jt.lHl, at....
IJ-lnch plain leather cr'vered fnimed ours, nnd 12-
Irch bsgs with five fl'tlng, a bargain t $4.l0. nt) other goat sent bigs with heavy, miisnlve sll J
ver frames and tan colored leather linltias. iHmll
fall to he at this sale Saturday The bin values)
are here, and vou're sure of a bis barmiln. lie-
member the rricp
A ft
Children's Clothing Greatly Reduced Saturday
4001icnutlful little white lawn, white madras and w hite linen dresaes Ihal are sllghtl)'
mussed, and also some that sre the "fews" of our regular lines, in from 2 to .". years.
All carefully made bv a manufacturer whose one aim has been to build children's dresses
with style and fitting qualities, of the best materials on the market. Saturday we offer tlK
entlre lot for quick selling choice of to different patterns at hHlf price.
All our Gir's' Coats, sizes 2 to 1 2 years, worth to $7.50, at
All our Girls' GoHts. sizes 6 to 14 years, worth to $15.0", rtt
All our Girls' Tailored Suits, sizes 6 to 14 years, worth to $15.00, at.
Two Dis.inct Corset models, Saturday Repriced at $1.19
tine infers the extreme long skirt and hip. and the medium
lilijii busf In fine Coutll, beautifully trimmed with Val lac.
and sheer Firing at buat lh. Is equipped with double
hose supporters, htilit on non-rus table boning of the best
'quality. Saturday special value at SI. 19
The other ir. oel Is made of Batiste beautifully embroidered,
built along medium lines to fit the average figure, and has
the amo advantage' as the one above, akoo special Sat
urday $1.1
i' I risleies, all trimmed with Val lace, Saturday 350
Make This Saturday's Furni
ture Sale Work for Yoa
r-US The kind with the heavy, brush that regularly
sold at $2.00. spe
cial price Saturday
You'll find them on the third floor. No telephone orders ac
cepted. Tl cre's tnly Hot) of them.
here's Three Wonder
ful China Specials
for Saturday
Ih Thai. Saturday.
3-Piiece Japanese China Tea Bet, 1 tea
poU 1 augir and 1 creamer, our reg
ular ILJiO set, Saturdiy, choice, 699
Candtllefs, consisting of a candle
stick, candle shade and candle hold
er, originally sold at 75c Saturday
special ' ft&C
Faucy shaped Warwick China Jugs,
in Delft Blue Finish, with heavy
gold stepple--Saturday 490
UKUU3 aflU 1U1L.E.1
1 -lb Peroxide, Saturday 850
I -lb Peroxide, Saturday So
$1 fctoott's Kmulslon for 89o
tf-oz. glyceilne lotion fur .luo
I I liullyn Malt, Saturday.. 80
1-doz. it-Grain (julnlne capsules.. 60
1 Pennet'.'a Rheumatic Compound,
at 390
2nc Sanltol Tooth Powder 180
ISc Willow Le Triple talcum ... ,70
10c Palm Olive or Jap Hose soap.. So
Be (jComt oil Soap. .......... .". . 4
fic Ivory So i p. 6 bars 19o
Packer's Tar soap ISO
10c Williams' Shaving soap. . . . . . .60
;r,c Box Toilet aoap 80C
fiue Crabuppie or White Hose Per
fume, ui 890
600 Pair of $3.50 Ladies'
Shoes Go Saturday at $1.98
And they are the best $3.60 shoes you ever put on
your feet. Kach pair has the Bennett Co.'s name
printed on the Inside, showing that they're the
kind we gladly recommend. They come in all
styles new this year, in Patent Colt, Gun Metal
Calf and Suede, in either button or lace. We
have all sizes, and will fit each pair as carefully
as though we were selling the shoes at their face
value. $3.50. Hemember the
price for Saturday
No, there's no fault with the shoes.
It's with us. . We need the room; our
new spring goods will soon be here.
$3 Men's Shoes Reduced to $2.19
So it is with men's winter shoes. We must turn shoeB into space
not money at least only a very little money. Think of buying
fine Patent Colt In either button or lace, all new styles, for $2.10
Women's mercerized lisle hose. ra-t black, with
Barter top and high spliced heel, ;;5c guide for,
lit pair 85o
Women's extra fine INle hose, black only, .
grade for 350
:i pans lor 81.0a
Pure silk seamless hose, all sizes, tn black
inly, 7fc ones for 39d
Boys' and girls' school hose, two weights, scum
less, fast black, 'J0c ones for 18M0
Underwear Prices Crop for Saturday
Women's 1.0 Colon Suit '
Women's kHc Merino ests and punts, gar
ment : ...soo
tine lot of odds sod end In women a undcrwoi,
gHtnenls worth 100 to H.50. hi 00
Children's Underwear, remnant pale. 2Bc to R0o
values, at garment 9a
The Prudent Women Will Visit the
Hardware Department Saturday
Cur Floor Sweep Brushes, with fine bristle,
worth up to I.HO, go Saturday at Half Price.
10c Tampico Scrub Miushcs, go at 30
Bath Tub seats the 26c kind, Saturday at 190
60c Purnb Belln, .Saturday Half Price.
One lot
for .
Men's lSo
MAiir rx.oox specials.
of ladles' neckwear, values to 3Tc, Snt-
Velllnirn. black Bnd colors. 2 Tic value
. .100
$1.00 2-cliiHp kid gloves, all for. .690
nine linen Initial lianilKercnieie, iuc sou
grades, each
mire linen intttiai nanuaercnieiB, psi
' 100
Fruit Prices Drop Om Night
These are special prices that prevail for Satur
day only. -
Fancy Colorado Apples, box
Fine Colorado Potatoes, bushel BOO
Florida drape Fruits, 10c Blue for Bo
Kxiih Flue Bananas, dozen . . 5
Ovster Plants, 2 large bunches 6o
F.xtrn. large' bunches ot Radishes -80
l l.rv. burtehe of Onii.ns for lOO
5c kind, dor.en . .ISO i 40c kind, doxen .85o
SOc kind, dozen . .30o 1 4fic kind. do.en .350
(Meat Prices Drop Saturday
Pig Pork Boast, per pound
Fall I.amb Legs, per pound
Pig Pork Chops, per pound
Choice Pot Koiist ,
Vcnl Shoulder Boast, per pound
I.amb Shoulder Boast
Veal Chops, per pound
Iln lyamh Chops, per pound ....
Lamb Stew, per pound
Veul Stew, per lb
2.000 lbs Sugar Cured Bacon, per
Swift's Premium Hams, per pour
. ...lOo and so
. . . .llo and Bo
pound. . . .14l0
Hake Bennett's Your Valentine Store
Our big display of pretty, new Y11111118. in all their dainty de
signs, Justly deserves your attention. Thousands Of these flew
Valentines carefully arranged for easy selection greet you, in, our
stationery section. Prices from 1 to $3.00
VALEKTIITE BOOKS It la now an established custom to give books on
Valentine Day. Wo have many of these, especially adapted for the day.
Bennett's Big Grocery is a Big
Money Saving Store
Bennett's Capitol Flour, Back
Bennett's Best Coffee, pound . .
Bennett's EeBt Coffee, 3 lbs
68c grade Teas, assorted, lb. ..
68c grade Teas, assorted, lb. . .
Tea Klftings, pound
20- pounds Granulated Sugar . . .
B. C. Baking Powder, 6 lb. can
and 100 stamps.
Sntder's Tomato Soup, 3 cans
And 10 Stamps
Tea Garden Spiced Figs, Jar . .
. .360
. .680
. .460
. .180
. .860
. .800
Peanut Butter,
! Jars for ,
10 stamps.
Boneless Herring, two Jars for
and 10 stamps.
Takhoma Biscuit, 2 packages for lOo
and 10 slumps.
Ft c. Tura Maple SyruD. V4 gallon can
for ' a0
Fould's Macaroni. packages ....850
Gillette's Mustard, 10 stamps, Jar lOo
Preserved Ginger, V4 pound box ..85o
Mother's Tomatoes. 3 10c cans for 85o
Another Big Butter
and Egg Sale
Others may tell about
such sales, but Bennett's
Capitol Butter, la far
ahead of all other but
ters, both from tho qual
ity and taste standpoint.
Our Eggs also come di
rect from the country,
Bennett's Capitol Cream
ery Butter, lb. brick,
full weight, apeclal
Saturday 87o
Fresh Country F.gga,
Just tn, extra fine
dozen Saturday .,..830
February Magazines
Cement Ufceri Pay Tribute to Men
Who Have Been in Office.
kktn, Vt hlch Has tttti Great Sac
im la All Waya, Wmu Kept
Open Last F.venln at
tk Aadltorlam.
All the officers ot the State Association
ef Cement t'sers received re-election with
glowing words of tribute In the final ses
sion of the association at the Auditorium
Friday morning. A new board of directors,
composed of threo men for a term of two
years, was also elected. The association ex
pressed its vote In acclamation, approving
the nomination made by the nominating
The staff of officers Is composed of the
following, H. C. McCord.. Columbus, pres
ident; C. F.L.llllc. Valley, vice president;
l'eter Palmer, Oakland, secretary. The
lie' directors are Frank Berger, of Itas
tng": Frank Wblppcrman, of Omaha, and
M. Blown, of Sutton.
Thomas II. MacDonald. member of the
loua .State Highway commission, enlivened
llis x salon with several startling state
n nils and suggestions In the course of his
paper on "Concrete Bridges and Culverts."
Mr. MacDonald declared that Nebraska
and every other state which has not done
so already, should establish a board Sim
liar to that in Iowa to regulate the con
struction of culverts and bridges. He de
clared that rank favoritism la prevalent
among tufynshlp and county officials so
that the safety, comfort and general wel-
faie'ot the public is. under a great menace.
lie point, d out that owing to thla system ln ,he American for February there is
li, public admlnlatiatlun. bridge wrecks. n by Albert W. At wood describ-
U loss of Uvea and great expense u ,he '""""poly exercised by the ex-
Sle-dily Uing incurred. pr,'M '"'"Panics in America, Krnest Poole
... ... . I gives a study of the character of Louis
. .'.""T,"'"J".r. i: Br-ndels and William Allen White con-
In Harper's for February, Major A. H.
H. Hanson continues his account of "Gen
eral Lee as I Knew Him." Robert Ken
nedy Duncan writes on "Camphor: An
Industry Revolutionized.'' Harrison Rhodes
has a paper on "Baltimore" and William
Dana Orcutt contributes "The Conserva
tion of Human Effort." There Is another
Installment of Margaret Celand's novel,
and unions contributors of short stories
are Mrs. Henry Dubeney, Arthur Sher
burne Hardy, Anne Warwick, Margarita
Spalding Gerry and Alta Brunt Sembower.
Bcrlbner's for february contains the
second paper in his series, "The West ln
the East from an American Point of
View," by Price Collier, "The German
Railway Policy" by Elmer Roberts, "Con
querrlng the Sierras" by Benjamin Brooks
and Ernest Thompson Seton concludes his
account of hta Journey rnto "The Artie
Prairies." Dorothy Canfield, Donald Hamil
ton ilalnes and Fannie Heasllp Lea are
among the writers of short stories and
there Is another Installment of "Kennedy
Square" by F. Hupkinson Smith.
The February 'tlantlc opens with "A
letter to the Rising Generation'' by Cor
nelia A. P. Conner, Arthur C. Benson
writes on "The American Spirit" and
Charles C. Nott, Jr., on our national habit
of "Coddling tiis CrlTilnal." There are
papers on arcl-.&ec'.ogy and Journalism,
poems by J. B. i Iw.iier and Amy Lowell,
and another installment of Mr. Gals
worthy's novel, "The Patricians,"
Great Brltlan." by Martyn Johnson,
"Smith," by W. Somerset Maugham, re
told by Lucy France Pierce, and "The
Phelps Collection of Napoleonana," by
Mary Swing Rickert.
ln the North American Review for Feb
ruary, Paul S. Reinsch discusses "The Car
negie Peace Fund," Thomas Nelson Page
has an article on "The Democratic Oppor
tunity," Frederick McCormlck writes on
"What Does the Secretary of Btate
Mean," and Wayne MacVeagh has a re
view of present conditions under the title.
"An Appeal to President Taft." There la
another Installment of the serial by Jos
eph Conrad and the usual review of books.
In the February Strand Dr. Conan Doyle
brings to - a conclusion his latest "Re
miniscence of Sherlock Holmes" "The
Adventure of the Devil's Foot." Other
fiction Is contributed by Frankfort Moore,
Richard Marsh and C. II. Bovill. Elizabeth
Lonergan writes of "The Ladles of the
Diplomatic Corps" at Washington, and
John Holt Schooling contributes a paper
on "The Signatures of Charles Dickens."
The February Bookman contains the
usual chronicle and comment on literature
and life, and there are articles by Catherine
Frances Cavanugh. George Mlddleton and
Algernon Tassln. f"alvin Winter writes on
David Graham Phillips and poems are con
tributed by John1 Kendrick Bangs and
Agnes 'Garfield Smith. There Is the usual
comprehensive review of new books and
and "One Song More," by Owen
The Sunset magazine for February opens
with an article on San Deigo, James F.
Smith writes on "The Philippines as I Saw
Them," Thomas Q. Ashburn has an article
on "Using Uncle Sam's Soldiers to Fight
Forest Fires," and Herman Whitiker
writes on "Mexico and Her Common
Man." There are short stories by Grant
Carpenter and Joseph Kocheli and the con
cluding chapters of "The Rules of the
Game," by Stewart Edward White.
The Columbian for February contains an
article by Senator Bourne "Where the Peo
ple Rule"; Albert Kllery Bergh has a paper
on the career of Richard Mansfield; Presi
dent Taft has an article on "Why We
Should Have a Merchant Marine," and
George T. Ferris contributes "Lincoln's
Must." Among the writers of short stories
are Klwood S. Brown, Roland Ashford
Phillips and Szetoscar Tonjoroff.
contractors Is being practically killed in the
tountry diMrl. ts, ' he said, "because of the
tributes a political article. Among writers
J of fiction are, William J. locke. Richard
The Smart Set for February opens with
a complete novel by Cyrus Towneend
I iVuahhurn i-hiiH ii. ..i. uradv. Jules KcKert Goodman contributes
Lvoi.tlsm that is shon by the officials. ! Bi.( JamM H ..A Ladv o( the ,... G. Vere Tyler,
lu older to get any work the contractors j K(rby j ..Ag jt Was in the Beginning "; Adele
not enjoying the favors, are forced to bid I ' i i,Uehrmann. "Disciple of Art "; Louise K.
lar below the actual costs. As a result. u, ... . " ,, I F.berle, "The Wife Who Wasn't." "The
Cook's Own Story." Cleveland Moffett has I tir'a,?,, Motive." by Viola Burhans. is a
an article on the Pure food law and Jud- "to,y of pr,M fight; "Who Par' b' T.
i. renuieion, anu "Mrs. Aiaiiory. Dy
Mrs. James Carstairs. Jr., are unusual
neur Morrla. Harris Merton Lyon, Damon
whatever contracts are canted out from
those bids are done so In an unskilled,
chvap and Improper manner, and wreck
arc caused."
Air. MaclHinald's paper was illustrated
with a number of strreopticon views show-
lug the aineitnt types oi image ana cut- Runyon, Owen
veil work. Many of the illustrations W'oolston.
allowed wrecked wooden or old-fashioned
bridges lu Which great damage and. In
kuiue iaes, loss of lifa bad occurred.
Following the election of officers and dl
isclors, a rcolutton to tlx a reasonable
alary tor the president aud Secretary was
uuU. placing the matter iu th hand of
In executive coulliiuice Th executive
mmurttwo will decide upon the p!ac at
which the uext annual Hiow shali be held. I
J I la generally understood that Ihl.i shall I
t acttle.1 merel as a matter of lorn in
Uvoi of Omaha
ihe ip-iilUn lemalnrd open Friday ,
iallll. 11 o t lock 111 hliil
Protest Against
Wooden Pavement
Petition of Property Owners on South
Sixtenth Street is Filed
with Officials.
A petition protesting against the paving
of Sixteenth street from Douglas street to
the viaduct has been filed with the city
The petition, which Is signed by the
Board of Trade Building company. Home
Realty company, Fred Vogel, Jr., owner
of the Schlits hotel building; the Ken
nedy Investment company and the Inde
pendent Realty company, along with five
others who do not own property which
abuts on Sixteenth street, asks that the
street be paved with material other than
wooden blocks.
The petition has been referred to John
P. Breen, who represented the petitioners
asking for wooden blocks.
To consider this etitlon it will be neces
sary for the city council to meet in spe
cial sesslop. A dale for the special meet- j
Ing will llkelyvbe set by the council at Ha I
meeting Tuesday night. i
"The protest is signed by properly own- j
era representing less than one-fifth of the .
feet frontage along Sixteenth street." aald '
Mr. Breen. "But five of the signer own
property on Sixteenth fctreet. The other
signers are those who are caught under the
ljO-foot provision. As we had more than
four-fifths of the front feet property own
ers on the original petition, 1 hardly think
thut the petition will avail anything.
"One of the signers of the protest signed
Omaha Joint Wipers Have Been
Sleeping on Their Rights.
Plumbing; Inspector Wrltsel Insist
that the Laws of the City Mast.
Re LI red I'p To Re
fuses Renewals.
Nothing but refusals and consequent dis
appointment greet plumbers when they ap
ply to the plumbing Inspector for a re
newal of their licenses for the year 1911.
Under the ordinances of the city plumb
ers' licenses expire In December. The or
dinances also say that after a period of
twenty days after the expiration of the
licenses they cannot be renewed, but hew
ones must be Issued.
Many plumbers In Omaha have slept on
their rights. They have delayed taking out
new licence until recently. Invariably
they want their licenses renewed, but the
reply, without exception, has been nothing
They must go before the board of plumb
ing examiners and have new licenses
issued. Some have been requested to take
another examination and some wl be per
mitted to bland on former examinations.
More than forty plumbers have been
turned down since A. Weltzel, the new
plumbing Inspectcr, went on the Job.
first election," sal.' Mayor Dahlman Fri
day morning. "But there Is" a seeming
conflict In sections one and eighteen and I
want an opinion on this before I take any
"I believe If Senator Albert's attention is
called to this he will make the correction.
I will suggest that a committee be ap
pointed to confer with Albert and get this
matter untangled."
MIm MeOer Piles Complaint Aaalnst
Man on Receipt of the
Industrial Growth
is Shown by Report
Internal Revenue Collector Finds
Corporations Have More
Than Doubled.
Indicating the enormous Industrial growth
of Nebraska, Ross L. Hammond, collector
of internal revenue fur this district, an
nounced Friday that the number of cor
porations which have reported this year la
over double that of last year. There were
417 corporations in the lift of those taxable
last year, whereas the present reports show
a total of 1,045 corporations.
The assessments will be collected from
now until June 30, the date when Hiohb
unpaid shall become delinquent. Mr. Ham
mond explained that the reports received
thus far probably will be accepted as cor
rect, and that his department will not have
to verify them except In case where It
shall develop there is a suspicion of under
rating. Such cases will be placed In the
hands of the Utilted States district attorney.
Threatening letters addressed to Miss
McGee of the City Mission caused the ar
rest Fridav morning ot Clyde Kearney, a
Third ward figure.
Miss McGee offended Kearney by send
ing Anile Talbot, a young woman, to t he
county hospital for treatment. Kearney Is
charged with vagrancy.
Registration Bill
Takes Wings and is
Lost Owner Seeks It
New Draft of Proposed Law Disap
pears from Desk of the
City Attorney.
Lost, strayed or stolen rrom ths city
attorney's office Is a. bill which Mr. Rln
has drawn, providing for new registration
laws. Mr. Rine has been busy preparing
the bill for some two weeks, and Thurs
day, when he had it all but ready for
presentation to the legislature, It took
wings and flew to parts unknown,
Mr. Rine wants to know what has be
come of his bill and would like to have It
returned. He thinks that perhaps It
crawled into someone's pocket, thus hop
ing to s void the stormy weather It might
encounter when It got to Lincoln.
The bill was drawn after consultation
with Mayor Dahlman and City Clerk Dan
Butler, both of whom are interested in
registration laws at the present time. Mr.
Rine asked their co-operation in running
down his lost bill.
Met; ruth Plead ot Culll.
NEW YORK, Feb. 3 Patrolman MHt
thew Mclirath. the well-known athlete,
pleuded not guilty In the Kings county
court today to an indictment charging him
with felonious assault upon George Walker
In Mctirath's home last Christmas night.
Walker was shot five times by the police
man, who claimed he thought Walker was
a burglar.
son C. Weliiver and Louis Brownlow con- !
tributes "What Will the Democrats Do?"
Johnson and Florence
"Society Inside and Out." and E. Phillips
Oppenhelm's novel "Havoc" is continued.
At the City mission they treat the mat- ;
the woodea) blocks, so from a legal ! ter "tly and say that the woman was
standpoint the amount of front feet owner-! ent 10 u,e noB'",a' ,ro'" 11,0 I
ship on the protest is cut dow n to a large Mag" hav,n ""thing to do with the ;
extent." 1 matter. j
Kearney was sentenced to ten das in I
jail by Judge Crawford Friday morning.
IJpplncott's for February opens with a j
novel by George Randolph Chester and
among the clever short stories are, "The J
Ijidy and the Acrobat." by Anna Con
stantly. "The Super Who Stayed Boss."
by Courtney De Kalb and 'The Error of
ills Ways," by Elliott Flower.
The humorous department, "Walnuts and '
Wine." Is full of anecdotes. Jukes, and .
vrrsts. and there are alo poems by Ella
Wheeler Wll ox. Harvey M. Watts. Mahlo') j
Leonaid Fisher, Mary Ber!ey. and other. ,
The leading article In the February
Forum Is "The Fortification of the Panama i '
Canal." by H. A. Austin. Other article. I ' """S One-Half
are "The Message of Tolstoy," by Arclil- I ,"r "' ' Brought
bald Henderson and The Mystery of tJumt F"n-
'Fiona Macleod,"
Will ot Name Special Committer I n
til Mr. llnun Krtnru from
Most Wonderful llrallna.
.Wier u. if fciui 11. any er witii a aoie, King. I'oit I)in. N. V, ws vired
i, iiu. s AriiUa halve Fur sale by
iaiMU Dit'g Co.
1 In the Wui id Today tor FeU uary. Fred
j ert.- Adrian lfe-lunu write on "Kallwav
Problems and Railway Kite.'" and Xai
I Mashck contribute ' The ImuiigisM and
I the Farm." tuber interesting uiiii ica are.
"A t tiriuliwl l abiatui of Nature," by
Nlu ). Winter. " 1 "est it tuum l.i
by Richard LeGalllenne. 1 , . " "
There aie two short stories. "The Flash " J,,"ufc 'ei prices, wmcn were soaring 1 hough a resolution was aoopted ny uie
by Mrs. Havelock Fills, and "Women ' dur'n ,,1,J lM,e fall and early winter, took city coun. il Tuesday night, protesting
Profile," by Marian Cox. and a further! blK l"m' 'rlJay and the leading adver- j against the Albert bill, and provision was
Instalment of "The New Machlavelll " bv i H!im,'" ,,jr Saturday an published siiow ; made for the appointment of a committee
H. ). Weils. that good hams may lie hud for 13 cents a 'of five to look after the city's Interest.
pound. No. J bacon is advertised by llay- I Mayor Dahlmun is dc!alng the naming of
Ainalee s fur February Contains a story a"' "iamei ai -u cents wtucti 1 just i"S committee until me return 01 ssimuiii
t 11 y Attorney uuun, w no iruno u tne res
olution. As soon as Mr. Dunn returns. Mavor
li.tiiitiiaii vil! ,-onfrr Willi him us to wsys
and means for getting the Alls-rt bill
aitieiiiLd to the satisfaction of Oiuahu residents.
by F.dgar Sallus. entitled Ros-s of and." u"K-'alf the 4t-cent price which was
Other stories of interest are Margaretta ' '"arged tor beat bacon last fall.
Tuttlc's The Shadow of the Waste i "ii1 from Vo. I steers are also ad
Plaies." F.lllott Flowers "Coakley of cra vcttlsed tor from J to li centi and pork
Top." "The Panther's Cub." by Agnes an I , roasta are !'S, c uts
F.-erion Castle"; "The Assimilation of Hind iiuanera of No. 1 mutton is being
Pari Green." b J W. Marshall"; "With ! "'' foi' 'H"ie. accirding to some of
Benefit of CltrKN." bi" Albert Kinross, ! the advertisement, chile the f 01 e j "' "1 the 1.1. e ut the bill. II looks all right.
"The Clean-up at the Clltheroe," by Csrt-y lw ci.u a pound at retail.
fur nil ti ui ulium cities aie ex .i pKd iu ihe
Is the ilay of our '2 per cput discount ii of
men's boys' and children's clothing.
This is a big saving on such high grade clothing
as that hearing the name of
IF o p n 1 & In I O 3
Hroken lines of neckwear that bold from $1.00 to
now half price.
Hrykcn lines cf blurts that sold from $1.00 to $'..")),
110 v.... 95c
liroken lines of underwear that sold for $1.(K) and
and $l.r0, now 75c
Broken lines of hoys' sweater coats at half price.
All men's, boys' nnd children's outing flannel night
robes ami pyjamas at one-third off.
"We have about fifty soft hats, samples which are
slightly soiled, your choice $1,50
Drevnine,1fin8 & Cg
t S. WILCOX. Manager.
The Store of the Town.