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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1911)
TITC BEE: OMAHA. SATTKPAY. FKHmTAKY 4, 1011. (f SAVE $15.00 to $5.00 SATURDAY 11 mm a. mm v m w m m on bAfirttii buns anjj OVERCOATS The stork In now re-arranged nil repriced, especially to give reroM-hreiiklng IIS.00 vil'iM for Saturday $15 00 In th regular starting price of Sam- p k garment n't at tlila tltna of year lt' a popular one for young fellow to pny. Saturday we will replenish thla snmew hat (I p I c t il assortment, by add ing Suits ami Over coats from regular 120, I2Z.F.0. 2R. 2 and $10 lines, and re pricing them at $15 I Kvery Suit or over coat I thia season's most approved shape and color size from 31 to 40 and "8am-pe-k make" The final word In clothes perfection. $20, 12:2.50, f25, $2H and $:tO Kampet k Bulls and Overcoats IDDTCTP IU nVUIKITr riCr ,l,rM affidavit In ntieMlon. These affl- AnuLola In LI I riAItll 1 1j ImdJji davit are n lc of Mr ! Butler at this time. . I V 5ven Men Held in Connection wun Explosion in New York. ir a raw . V v. IliSii. MANSLAUGHTER AND HEGLIGENCE Owner of Hnat Which XS m Loading Kiplmhe Admits Ilia (raft Had o I. teens and He ThoossM one Waa Needed. t'p to 13.75 Men's Sweater . . . .$1.80 Men's 7Bc. II, and 11.50 Neckwear. 500 l'p to 12 00 Boys Sweaters 5o See the Hlg Olsplay of Men's and Hoys' Spring (Japs. Boys' regular sizes at ... Knickerbocker Trousers, $1.00 to 2.00 values, ten to sixteen IB years, 50t e w-wxrw ii c.i ii a a m ydom rtortrs OVN ITOIK 15184520 FARNAM STREET Horton of Douglas, one I for relieving trustees of collees of liability from debts - contracted by the Institution within cer tain limits and another for establishing cer tain days upon which all public schools are to fly flaxs. An effort was made by Sen ators Sklles to kill the latter measure by offering a motion for Indofinite postpone ment, after the committee of the whole bad reported favorably and Senator Hor ton had lei t the chamber. The senate voted him down and recommended the bill. . The senate Omaha Investigating commit tee doeH not expect to go to Omaha until next week. A rexolutlon waa pasHeU this morning giving this committee, the mem bers of which are Albert, Tlubets, Lee, lloHglund and Kemp, fare apd expenses for investigation. DIRECT YOTE ADVANCED STEP IIRII'.K BKsgtO.M OF TIIK IIOlsK aaxs Resolution Made Unfinished Buiineu Through Borah's Efforts. WINS IN SERIES OF TACTICS Idaho Senator Deniaoda Roll Call Motion to Adjoorn and Aitln o Motion for F.xecnttve ftesslon. SEW TOrtK. Feb. S-Ef forts of the New Jersey officials to place responsibility for the explosion of dynamite Wednesday, which coat upwards of thirty lives and caused heavy property loss, resulted today In service of warrants Issued late lat nlKht In connection wtih the Investigation. They ' charge manslaughter and negligence, j The first tangible result of the announce ; ment that warrants were ready for ser ! vice came at a comparatively early hour. when James Healing, owner of the de stroyed lighter Katherlne W., the powder boat upon which dynamite was being loaded from the New Jersey Central pier when the explosion occurred, appeared at the city hall police station In Jersey City and gave himself up. Mr. Healing's name was on the list of those for whom the author- ! Itles announced warrants had been Issued. The others on the list are: I-ouls, F. Calldetta, dock master on pier No. 7 of the fent rl I A. II. Hamilton, general freight agent of the Central of New Jersey. J. H. Morris, freight agent of the Cen tral railroad at Communlpaw. R. A. or R. O Morse, assistant manager of the E. 1. Impont de Nemours company. Frederick Peters, manager of the same company.' Charles Hitter, checker on Pier No. 7. Captain Burr St. John, superintendent of the same company. Boat Had 'o License. Ilea'lng had admitted that his boat had no license to carry explosives, but de clared tht he nad never thought one was required. Other lines of Investigation taken up by the authorities yesterday. Including that by Public I'rosecutor Oarven, were con tinned today with unusual vigor. No adili tion to the list of dead or missing de veloped during the forenoon. Healing when arraigned, demanded a hearing and an adjournment untl1 tomor row morning was granted. The warrant of arrest charges man slaughter In negligently handlUjig dynamite at pier 7, and causing the death of Michael Massra. Ueneral Freight Agent Hamilton went from his offices V New York to Jersey City shortly after noon and surrendered himself. , Absence of Committeemen HalNUar Meet I ob. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 3.-(Speclal.) Only a morning session of the lower hoose was held yesterday, the members deomlng It practicable to adjourn until Monday after noon on account of the absence of several committees which are out on Junketing trip. Kastman made another effort to have his agricultural bill reconsidered, but upon mo tion of Fllley of Uage the bill was tabled by a vote of 40 to 37. ' The house went Into the committee of the whole with Kastman of Franklin In the chair, with the following result: ; J I. R. 236, by Hon ham of Jefferson, pro viding that all plans tor the erection of a school hotu-e shall l approved by the state superintendent Itefore the building is begun, was reported back to the house with pron ca and asKed leave trom that body lu sit again on the inrnsure. 11. R. 04, by ttvans of Adnms, providing for a hoard of pardons to consist of three men who shall hold regulur meetings to hear all appiiratlons lor pardons, was recommended tor reference back to the Judiciary to he considered Jointly with H. K. M, a Minilar bill by Minor vt t'jincaster. II. It. !,'. by Uushee of Kimball, urovid- Ing that tne government of country high schools shall be taken from the county Ihiui'iis and placed in the hands of a county Imerd ot regents elected by the district school boarus oc the county, was recom mended for a place on the general file. M K. 67. the habeas corpus bill by Metx ger of Cas; II. K. i, the county attorney increase bill; H. K. 15, Uromnmna salary assignment bill, were laid over until next meeting when they will again come up for consideration. H. H. 1. the Hatfield luitiutWe and refer endum measure, was laid utr for later consideration, as was also H. K. S, by Fries of Howard, tne bin providing an option for school boards as to whether or not thev Klio.ll act aside lu cents per pupil for library pui posts. Davilla Government in Honduras Totters United State Vail Tender Its Good Offices When General Bonilla Reaches Puerto Cortez. , i WASHINGTON. Feb. S.-The government of President I'avllU ot Honduras, in the opinion of the government, Is tottering. I'poii the arrival of Ueneral Bonilla at Puerto Cortes the I'nited States will tender I Its good offices tJ the revolutionary com- j mander In an effort to bring about cess- tion of the Internal strife In Honduras. 1 WASHINGTON. Feb. 3.-After a series of thrilling experiences Senator Borah, sup ported by progressive republican and dem ocratic senators, made tremendous ad vances through, the lines of old guard re publicans and placed the resolution for the election of senators by direct vote of the people In a most advantageous position. After taking several rebuffs the Idaho senator, with persistence not often ' wit nessed In the senate, .pounded away until he landed his resolution in the favoreH place on the legislative program and It must come up every day as unfinished business. . The moment the Lortmer case was laid aside Senators Nelson and Borah clamored for recognition. Vice President Sherman saw Mr. Nelson first and gave him the floor. He moved to take up the bill to reg ulate the leasing of the Alaskau coal lands, whereupon. Mr. Borah promptly moved to lay that motion on the table, which failed, 3 td 41. Most senators thought this settled the' question and that the Borah resolution had been relegated to a position where It would not prdva a dangerous factor in the legislative program during the short period remaining of the present congress. After the senate had proceeded with the Alaskan bill for a short time, Mr. Nelson gave wary to Senator Warren to make a motion that the senate adjourn over until I Monday. Mr. Boiah here Jumped Into the fray again. - Ilorah Demands Roll Call. He suid that he would object and that h? did so because It had b come apparent that scnaiO.s opposed to his re olutlon would not give consideration to It If they cjuld help it. He demanded a roll call on the motion to adjou.n until Monday and this time he won by a mall margin. Thus et cjuragtd, Mr. Hoi ah aked that h i r.s lution b made the unfinished bu i nets of the s note. Fioru the previous roll cill It appeared that, th.'s reaclu.lon might be given this refeience and Senator Pemoee hu.rledly moved an executive ataslon. Such a mo tion, under the rules of the stnate, may be mad4) at any tlini, and there. ore Mr. Bo. ah again fcund himself elbowed out of the way." As the ex cutive motl n wai be lr.g put to the senate, Mr. Borah made a ccmand for a io 1 call, a cu ed a suff cleitt number of s.conds and the call was or deied. I On wi-at was lettarded as the most s'g- n f cint vote of lhi day, the executive ses sion va i-eiikd, 3.i to 4n. All of those who voted In the affirmative are regarded a lined up against popular elections of senators and those who voted In the nega- I live are known to b? In favor of this pol icy. Barked Aaalnat Closed Session. All of the votes were cast OPEN BOOKS IN ELECTION PE0BE (Continued from First Page.) quarters. Large numbers of laborers were brought here and given quarters which did not belong to them and they had to swear their votes In." "Do you believe there were any general frauds either at the primary or at the elec tion?" asked Mr. Prince. "I believe this: The friends of the local candidate for governor had a very effective organization. This organisation waa active In getting out a large vote. In their seal they probably overstepped a great many safeguards provided by law. I waa in the clerk's office at the primary and at the election and the conduct there was entirely scandalous, not because of the clerk's fault, but because of the law. There waa a seeth ing mass of men trying to register. This ought to be remedied to prevent Imposition on the voters and to safeguard the ballot." YKlSEIt WO I Ml OHKSi THE BOOKS Gets Poll President Iavilla already has Intimated that the friendly intervention of the Culled States would be welcomed In order to avoid useless bloodshed. The American govern ment consequently will express Its willing ness to both parties to exert its good of fices In re-estabttdlitug peace. NEW YORK, Feb. . -Confirmation of last eight a cable advices from Tegucigalpa. ia lean Juan del bur. Nicaragua, that the Honduran congress had ret'iuwd to approve the Morgan loan tianaactlon was supplied today by Senor Parades, the Honduran financial aenl In this country to. nego tiate the loan. enor Parades, who is In bis city, said he hud received a cablegram from Preoldnnt Davilla announcing the re jection of the local convention by the cou i,iv of Honduras. Permission to Investigate Books for a Week. Look In the records and see. This was the advice and request of John Yelser, testifying before the legislative committee Investigating the charges of fraud In the Omaha elections. "Taken under advisement," said Chair man Harrington. In the afternoon session the committee decided to give Yelser permission to go Into the records of the voting lists of the Third ward. He waa given until a week from Monday to complete thla work. Telser was the last witness to take the stand In the morning session. He declared that he expected to be able to put before the committee through Information to be handed to him some time In the day. the names of ten men who were In their graves when their names were registered. Samuel Mancuso, real estate agent, de clared emphatically that he had seen blank affidavits bearing notarial seals and freeholder'- signatures, both at the city hall and at polling places and that names of voters had been inserted later. He was un able to give the name of the notary or of freeholders In any Instance, although he said there were a great man such cases. Mayor of Sheelr lows. . Nick Dargaczwlskt. known to local fame as the "mayor of Sheelytown," other as "the village smithy." made l-nself a wit ness by virtue of being one of the great "common pepul." The hearing waa In progress. A lull had come and for an instant the witness chair was vacant. "I come here to say'dat vas one honest election Per were no fraud at all." by republ.cana.- but several republican sen- I tors vi t d with the demociats against' the closed session, as follows: Beveiidgu, Borah. Bourne, Biistow, Lrown, Uu.keit. Clapp. Crawfyd. Cum mins, lilxon. Uronna, Jones, l. Folletie. Mxon and 1 e kins. DEATHjlECORD. I Merrill M. tiswrr, ' Ni;W HAVKN. Conn.. Feb. .-.Merrltt M. :owcr, twice prohibition candidal fur gov- rnor of Connecticut, died List night here, :tged 71 years. Mr. (lowers son married Lillian Norton, who has become famous as ilm. Noidlca, the operatic singer. Youug Cower made au ascent In a balloon and was never seen afterward. A. J. rrtaoad. BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. (Special Tele gram.) A. J. PethouJ. county surveyor slid former! county clerk and county treas urer, died her this afternoon of dropty. lie was one of the earliest settlers of Jage county and a Maunch democrat. He had always taken an active part In polttl.s lu county until taken HI a few moi.t.ts ago. ATTORNEY JEROME FACES "HALF-BAKED JUDGE" Lawyer Una-eeed In Uetllnar t (! uanr on Larceny ( barge Against Kobla NEW YORK, Feb. 3. Former District Attorney Jerome and Justice Swann, who Jerome recently characterised as "a half- baked Judge who holds office by the grac I of Charlie Murphy." faced on another again In the court of general sessions to day. There was no reference made to Mr. Jerome's utterances, but the former district' attorney secured a delay of twenty-four hours in the ' arraignment of his client, Joseph a. Robin, on th charge of the larceny of ISC.tfuO trom th Washington Sav ing bank. Jerome's contention that the proceeding was a new on was upheld by th court. Indictments were ordered by the grand Jury today again! William L. Brower, vice president, and William 11. Mills, cashier of the Northern ilstik of New York, the Uobin Institution, which was closed re cently. The Indictments charge violation of th law which prohibits concealment of leans by officials of a bank from th di rectors or trustees of the Institution. Out) One -Oil Olio nnE." Ti ut is l.MkstUe i-tio'iio (Jul. .ne. lol; for Die slgnatui of K. W. irove l"wnl the world over to eu a old to on day. Zc. BtOTKMMTa OS OCAJT StElkSkUt. R Ulltll Klul.ud I as.ols . . MUMUbaiS LMo 1.1 V KhWKll NAPl.ts qi r k sdtvwH HI MS . IU( h'A sU H(-1ur iKa.a Vsnsds The startled committee and audience looked up to see Nick in the chair. He had Just got started on his program, when the committee, with a laugh, waved him aside. Victor Itoae water of The Bee took th stand In th afternoon session and talked on the registration laws. The commute wired Senator Burkett Senator Brown and Representative Hitch cock, asking for the census figures on the population of the Third ward. A list of about twenty numrs. taken from affidavits In the office of Dan Butler, which appeared to be Irregular documents, was read by Mr. Yelser. This list con tained many unusual and uncommon names of foreign tone. The affidavits bearing these names, said Mr. Yelser, specifying in each Instance, were IrrefWur. frequently larking In required oaths and signatures. Woald Open Poll Booka. Pronounced opposition to th opening of th record now sealed up In the office of D. M. Haverly, county clerk, developed from members ot the committee when th request was mad by Yelser. The first, second and fifth precincts, said Yelser, would probably show th greatest Irregu larity, but he advised that the whul ward would stand Inspection if the order for the opening of the books was to be Issued. "Oh. why not take this to your county attorney T" asked Mr. Harrington, chair- j man. "There Is no law for that," replied j Yelser. The lawyer urged that only by the ; opening of the voting lists showing who) really cast their votes could the committee hope to reach exact and positive evidence of fraud. , Three evident forgeries of the name of Dan Butler to affidavits were . discussed by Yelser. Butler, who was present at the hearing, declared, loo. ll.t l,ia luiim- iiad I very evidently been forget to the three , i sffuiavita. The committee members de- ' j tiaitd for a luitbvr Investigation of tu. j riance In the attitude of the members of the committee lecame apparent In the session Filday morning. Anton SkI came to the fore with frequent objection to the admission of ccttaln testimony on as many different grounds as the Instances num bereo. agl la one of the three democratic members of the committee. His home Is nt Wllber. ills attitude brouaht frequent remonsti ar.ecs from t. II. Crontn, repub lican, from O'Neill. The session was ; marked by not a little of near parliament ary by-play. C. J. Smyth, lawyer, was on the stand when a typical Incident was produced. Smyth had testified that he had received Information concerning apparent Irregular ity in tiie pilmary from a man he did not care to nr. inu while on the stand. "I was told confidentially," said Smyth, "that a number of pctFons had voted tinder names of other persons registered but not in the city sixty In one ward. I was also told that a great many votes in one pre cinct were not repiesontod by voters.' This latter statement was found to be Incorrect eventually by the recount. "I would rather not give the name," he added. "Members of the committee are anxious to get the name of our informant," said W. A. Prince, the lawyer member of the committee. Before Smyth could say whether or not he would answer, Sagl fired an objection. "I object," he exclaimed, "because the witness had said that in one case his in formant was found to have been Incorrect. He may be Jui-t like soma of the witnesses we had here yesterday." Members Dlanarree. "Do you want me to rule?" Inquired Chairman Harrington-. "It Is not before you, ' retorted Prince. "I will withdraw my objection," said Sagl. Smyth was excused at this point. Ho stepped to one side and gave a name on a slip of panel- to Harrington. This was In turn handed to the bailiff for the service of a subpoena. Lee Herdman was the name which. Smyth secretly communicated to Harrington. This was admitted by Har rltiRton with much reluctance. When the name was handed to the bailiff, Pan Hutler. who was sitting near by re marked,' "There Is no hurry about that." Thereupon the ballff placed the name among a collection of witness lists In his. "Will you call Lee Herdman?" Harring ton was asked. "Well cr I think so," he answered. again reluctant. Cnder examination by Yelser, Smyth ad mitted that talk of corruption In the elec tion had been general throughout the city. The witness was asked by the committee to state his views on the laws bearing on the election. "My opinion la that so far as Omaha Is concerned the primary law Is a dead fail ure," declared Mr. Smyth. "I think that nominees secured under the primary are far inferior as a general class to those chosen by the old convention ssytcm." Blanks Pnssed Around. The latent but positive opposition be tween members of the committee, again be came obvious during the examination of Samuel Mancuso, reul estate agent,' who declared with unwavering posltiveness that blank affidavits bearing notarial seals, but not the name of the voter, were passed about. Mancuso's testimony was the most direct and positive in tone given. "Did you see the voter's name put In?" asked Y'eiser. "Yes, I did." replied the witness. "Yelser1 then took up the details of the form of the affidavit tft make It clear that the witness was testifying to a positive Irregularity that the notary's seal had been affixed without swearing the voter, "I object." exclaimed Sagl of the com mittee. "Let the- witness answer for him self." "Do you want any Investigation?" In quired Crouln of O'Neill, turning about to Sagl. This little clash passed by, the witness was handed a blank affidavit to proceed with his testimony. On this blank he pointed out where he had seen the signa tures and where the signatures of voters had been Inserted. Prince (rou-Kxamliiei. Prince of the committee too over the witness with a series of questions which suggested cross-examination. "Yes, the name of the notary and his seal were on the blank affidavits," Insisted Mancuso. "What waa the nam of the notary?" asked Prince. "I do not remember," answered Mancuso. "And now, was the name of the voter there?" asked Prince again returning to his cross-examination. "It was put In afterward," reiterated Mancuso. "I signed some of these as freeholder myself," continued Mancuso. The witness said that after signing a number of these affidavits as freeholder he refused to sign more, feeling that he was not legally qualified to sign them, in that he was a freeholder of . the ward, but not a resident. Prince and the witness entered Into a merry round of questions and answers, in which the same ground was threshed over wearily. ' "Now, were there very many of these af fidavits?" inquired Matrau of Norfolk. "Yes, quite a bundle of them," said Man cuso clieerruny. "Were you there to work for Aldrlch?" waa the question of Sagl, the Wllber dem ocrat , Old Not Work for Aldrlch. No, I was not," said the witness. Did not these people vote for Aldrlch?" i 1 1 - I . ..... . . . V. .. .. .. . I. . . I . . . J asaeu rai, icici nii lu iiiudv nun iittu i voted on the affidavits which had formed the basis of the testimony from Mancuso. "I'm perfectly sur those people did not vote for Aldrlch," snapped Mancuso." i wtih decided assertion in his voice. use of rublHr bands to falsify the working of the voting marhlnr "Io you know a Creighton student from New JerSey who worked In the election?" asked Yelser. "1 know several of the Creighton boys, but I do not know where they are from." "Don't you know thst such a man as I have described was called Into consultation about how rubber hands could be used on ti e voting -machines?" asked Yelser. This question gained nothing from Flynn further than a declaration that there had been no discussion of the use of rubber bands In committee. "You we.-e Interested in the naturalisa tion of voters, were vou not?" asked Yelser. ehool of Flection. "We tried to get out all who were en titled to vote." suid Flynn. "Who paid for this. work?" "t don't know," answered the democratic chairman. "Do you know of a notice being sent out for a 'school of election' to be held over the r.uilvveiser. for Judges and clerks of election?" Inquired Telser "I never heard of such a rheetlng," In sisted Flynn, firmly. Matrau, democrat, who had remained sl lerit through ' the examination of Flynn, offered a broad and general question. I "Do you know of any effort on the part of the democratic central committee to vote men not entitled to vote?" "No sir. I do not." SHld Flynn. Flynn squared himself back In his chair and at the suggestion of Chairman Har rington proceeded to relate what his per sonal opinion of the situation was. "We will not put thia In the record. Mr. Stenographer." said Harrington, turning to Frank Sutcllffe. Mr. Flynn remarked that he felt that a great Injustice was being done by giving the people of the Blalo the Impression that Omaha's election was corrupt. "These charges come out after every election," he suid, "and something ought to be done that would end It." He had not gone far Into his oration when Harrington lalsed his hand. "I think," he remarked, "that this ought to go Into the record." Flynn then repeated his preamble and th speech went Into the record. Ilenles lllank Affidavits. It. M. Prlmcau, a notary and employe In the office of Dan Butler, was put on t,o tnnd. with the result that he made i declarations of the utmost exactness In the I performance of his duties. "Didn't you sign blank affidavits to facilitate your work?" asked Yelser. "No sir. I did not," nald Prlmeau. Vou are a democrat?" Inquired Prince of the committee. "Yes," Btoutly replied the notary. Then Prince suggested that John Battln, an attorney who waa In the office of Mr. Butler on election day be subpoenaed. This order was made by Chairman Harrington. f.. A. Benson, real estate dealer, the man for whom the suburb of Benson was named, told of a case of election fraud which he had seen at the Hotel Boquet, then the Karbach hotel, at the municipal election before the last. An auto load of men. he said, had been delivered at the polling place just after the legal hour had come for the closing of the place. The door was shut, he said, but one of the election officials cn the Inside proceeded to vote for each of the fifteen or twenty men In line. Mr. Benson also told ot a fight which this election official had with a nolloeman In the process of trying to prevent the Illegal votes. i Testimony Is Kxelnded. "Excluded," was the stamp of disap proval which Chairman Harrington put on this testimony "M,i Interacted Matrau. "w are not inveatlcatlng that election. "But It waa under the same law as that about which you are now proposing to cod ii .vi.i.nm to form the basis of a re vision," Insisted. John Yelser. "Oh, If we are going to take in all this it will make toT big a book. The people won t read It all," said Harrington, with wave of his hand turn over the list of TH) reports to John Iwls, the Insurance agent and co-worker, under whose directions they hsd been compiled. lwls will testify later. He will also bring In some of the men who made the investigation on which this list of re ports Is based. Idaho Irrlanted l.nnri. Idsho's greatest Irrigation enterprise (a Kuhn project). In the celebrated Twin Fall country-, has representatives at the Merchants hotel, room 2. Omaha. By seeing them yoj ran seoure literature and reliable Information from people who live there. CaU on or address Major Fred R. Reed, general agent of all Kuhn enter prises In Idaho, or Oeorg E. Schroeder, a former well known resident of Omaha. The Weather FOR NFRR ASK A Colder. FOR lOW A Snow or rain, colder. Shlppeis' RuIU tin Prepare f'Tty-elght-hour shipments, north, for slightly above tero; a.'. for I t 11 ahive: wevt, for 15 to 2o aliove. and south, for slightly below fi ees ng. 1 Mnperature at f imaha yesterday Hour. $5 a. m.. a. m.. 7 a. in., la. m.. 9 a. m. . 10 a. m.. 11 a. m.. . 12 m 1 p. m.. 1 p. m.. 3 p. m. . 4 p. m.. 6 p. m. . p. in.. 7 p. m.. 8 p. m. . Record. Peg ....2'i ... .2 .... ....ti ....27 ....29 ....PS ....i7 ....2 ....2J ....21 Going Fast Howell's Closing Out Sale-. Must Go Faster Howell's Closing Out Sale. Everything Ilust Go At Cut Trices. We Are Going Yes, Going Out of Iluslnes. Keep Us Going and save ilO per rent to 50 xr rent on all your drug store purchases. Make out your list now, anil get m year's supply. We will sell you; Kpaom Salta, Ac a pound; sulphur, 5e. a pound; pur ground white or Mack iepper, 2ic n pound; pure ground mustard, Hoc a pound; wood alcohol, 7.1c a gallon; perfumes, any odor, one-half regular prlre; ronihs, hair brushes, tooth brushes, rubber goods, one-third off; and everything else) at a rut price. I.OCftl OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Feb. 3. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared wun the corresponding period of the last three years. 1911. iai- WW. Highest todav 29 SI 61 St Lowest tcday 22 13 35 11 Mean temperature Itt 22 4S io Pieclpltailon ) .00 .00 .0u Temierature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1 and compared with the last two years: Normal temperature 21 degrees Excess for the day 5 dogreea Total excess since March 1 973 degrees Normal precipitation OS Inch Deficiency for the day 03 Inch Total rainfall since March 1.. 14.73 Inches Deficiency since March 1 1A. 27 Inches Excess for cor. period. 1P10 8.04 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1909. 6.33 inches lieporta from Stations nt T p. m. Station and State Temp. High. Raln- of Weather 7 p. m. Today, fall. owell Drug Co. 207-200 N. 16th St. Hotel Loyal. Have you heard of any fraud In the Is election?" asked Prince. "Yes. I heard that registrations were made from a grading camp and . a pool hall." replied Benson. Mr. Benson was not pushed for further details on this by the members of the com mlttee. "Most of these rumors of fraud come from defeated parties?" suggested Matrau, with an Interrogation point In his voice. "No." blandly rejoined the witness. Rev. J. M. I.eidy ou the Htand. Rev. Joseph M. Leldy, superintendent of the Anti-Saloon league, took the stand i with his file of reports on the lnvestlga rtlon of a list of 750 registrations In the Third ward which had excited suspicion. "We Just Investigated those which looked doubtful," explained Leldy. This gave Sagl his opportunity. "I object because the list Is not com plete," he cried. Prince and Cronln fired back st Sagl both at once. "I haven't offered these reports in evi denre yet." said Prince, addressing Sagl. "Yes, you're too fast," admonished Cronln. After a series of fencing, questions and answers resulting In a tangled status of af fairs. It was decided that Leldy might Clevenne. clear 41 46 .Of) Davenport, clear 34 M .n0 Denver, part cloudy I2 62 .10 Pes Moines, cloudy 28 40 .00 Dodtte Cltv, cloudy 62 H4 . Lander, clear 40 4 .001 North Platte, clear 38 60 .C0J Omaha, clear 23 29 .00i 1 ueblo. cloudy 58 M .00 Salt Iike City, part cloudy. 34 3S .20 Santa Ke, cloudy 44 60 .00 Sheridan, cloudy v 84 .(W Sioux City, part cloudy l is 1" T Indicates trace ot precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Lite I a bubble Of pleasure and trouble! Look lor the Joys ens You'll find thy ar double. His Lucky Friday "I always look for ward with special pleas ure to Thursday-night supper", said a young Eastern business man the other day. "That is the maid's day out. And my wife always gives me. one of VW bwif M'W 40 - JSf( "I find that it pretty nearly makes a meal in it self. It sets better than a heavy dinner. And I feel snappier for my work the next morninrr. "I sometimes wonder if this is the reason why Fri day always seems to be my lucky day." 21 kinds 10c a can Just add hot water, bring to a boil, and serve. Jours CavrssLi. Com r as Cstndea N J Look for the red-and-whito label ' SM .k $30 Suiti to Order for $15 Extra Pants to order $5.00 To clear out all Fall and Winter goods we make the following reductions: $50 Suits to order. . .$35 $45 Suits to order... $30 $40 Suits to order. . .'$25 $35 Suits to order... $20 Perfect fit, good work and good strong lining guaranteed. IlacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 304-306 South 16th Street Near Farnam AMUSKMKNTS. I .RUG Tws Frolloi Dal! Commencing Inn., rb. 8, for 4 Says GIRLS FROM DIXIE With ADAMS AND GUHL Oermaa Xoeentrlo Comedians ant BEAUTIFUL nf QUEENS OF THE A SOUTHLAND MW 30 Double extra features vry night t2.00 In fold g-lvsn away -to the ladles Wednesday Matinee. Monday Might Ama tears Tuesday Vla-ht Chorus Olrls' Contest EXTSA JAKI Finil, th Orek Bunas wrestler, will met all com ers at 140 ponnds, Monday, Tnsday and Wednesday nights, aftr th show. NO EXTRA CHARGE f v Klynn Cannot Remember. Tom Klynn, chairman of the democratic i central committee, street commissioner of j Omaha, was put on the stand. Ills testi- , mony consisted of denials of any charges ' of corruption iri answer io neutly framed j questions from the democratic members j of the committee and an oration on the j fair name of Omaha. j When It came tu the question of who paid tor the work done by the committee in getting out the foreign vote and the issuance of first paper to alieus he could I not remember. , Yelser took up the examination with a ' series of question concerning talk of the CoughorCold ( is broken up by using SIOAM'S LIMMERT Pr.ce. tic, mud z.OO. SS10 The Electric Wash ing Machine has Solv ed the Help Problem in Hundreds of Families There are many families with small children That employ one servant. When there is more than one child the laundry problem becomes serious. It is a question of employing two maids or a reg ular laundress. The Electric Washing Machine saves so much time mid so much labor that it settles this problem permanently the day it is installed. I The cost of operation is less than the cost :f burning three KJ-candle jMwer lamps. carbon filament Within h short time the machine pays for itself. Ask our Contract Department to arrange for a demonstration forvour benefit. Omaha Electric Light Sc Power Co. TODAY AT 8:15 TOsTiaXT AT g'OO IUBI TBI KT7SICAX. COMEDY BAO MADAME SHERRY Frlces. Boo to M.tK); Mat., BOe to H-M BUVDAY TJHTXX, WIDIIIDil MATIHXB WIDIIIDlt MADAME X Tm., o. T, 4 F. M MMB. PAD! -OMAHA'S FUsT CEbTTEB." ergs., 13g-60-T5 ffjj3lJZ Mat, ls-as-so. suit BIO SHOW AiTlSOt' EXTAAVAUAKSA TAODIT1UB u,l bheldon l Hasting 1,'oaliiy Chorus 1-xtra-Oe" A rinst i oin. toe tisppy Chnppy Ladles' Dim Matla Every Win Day. I gat. Might Only. Amataut wou.ast, lOc, g, DOYU'S THEATER Douglaa 191. S caat. Mats. Tussday, Thursday, kturnsy. EVA Una sud Jisr Excellent Con pasy u th X.augbsnt Cumady. IHIi VAiYto or CtMU'ANV It. at Wk th goclsty Comedy of M y wirt. AIlVANCKIl V.U DKVI1.I.K MATINKK TOHAY, ii:li Vote: Curtain tonight nt 8:15; flf teen mi Unites earlier tliiin usual. AMERICAN THEATER ALL THIS Will LOTTiat Mllig Foster and Dg, Uucmey and Moor. Orlelta and i -lor. k miner h'u VV II Uid an lOITKS AID rOSltig. Three bos Sally, Silt, T:4S sud St30 Dally SlstiiiM 10 Cns.