Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 15

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'afe M
VThe cRee'g
limine Ma
llic Bee'5 Junior Birthday Book
jr Husband's Voice A Seraon iht Keckl,e" ftnd Ex
btamereman. travag-ant Economy of Women.
j x 4 I I I I II I I
11! w
ough the Butter-end-KgKS Man en
.ued to deliver his male. flat itnd ex
, remely profitable wsres at the home of
the Amateur Wife. Her 11 unhand s Voice
still preached of household economy.
Since the Helpful Handmaiden had dis
closed the depth of her Infatuation for
the middle aged dairyman that particular
avenue of saving wa cut off. Hut there
remained to be Investigated the lex al
butcher and grocer.
"Prices out here are away ahead of any
thing In New York, and the things are not
nearly so good." the Tout Graduate Hue
band announced so often and so convinc
ingly that finally he converted Ilia Wife,
tio one Saturday morning proclaimed her
Intention of accompanying him to town for
the purpose of marketing for the Sunday
Til get a ateak for tonight and some
roast beef for tomorrow and some let
tuce and chicory they're always nicer In
New York," declared 111 Wife
And on the train to town she busied her
self with making and revising the list of
purchases she Intended to make.
"How are you going to get them deliv
ered?" Inquired the Pout Graduate Hus
band. He loved to sermonize, but shrank
from the practical application of his the
ories because he wan not always sure that
they could be demonstrated.
Why, I'll carry them home myself," she
" tetorted scornfully, "I'm not one of those
women who are afraid to be seen with
bundles! If ou are sure enough of your
position you can can y home the' washing,
ou know."
"1 guess I'd rather be a plebiun and
have 11 sent home," replied the Post
(iraduatu Husband, to whom the tenets of
excluslveness were rather a Joke.
"I've been figuring how mui:h money I'll
have by this trip.' pursued the Amateur
Wife, "and I think it will be at least sev-
tnty-five cents. There's three cents a
pound difference on steak and eight cents
on roast, beef. Of course that's not count
ing the price of my railroad fare, but then
yuj paid for that."
Her Husband s heart sank within him.
Well he knew that If by any specious
reasoning His Wife could persuade herself
ythal she had saved half a dollar she might
whik lionie wiin a new wi ui iuis iui
i based In all good faith on the strength of,
and Incidentally a a reward for, her econ
omics. He left his off lie early that afternoon
mid look the first train to Mountainville,
expecting to find that His Wife had gone
before and that she would greet him with
a triumphant story of. her marketing and
possibly the new furs.
Hut she had not returned. And It was
"not until six o'clock, when a steady, nag
i.lng drltzle had set In, that the sound of a
carriage stopping in front of the house
proclaimed Her arrival.
The Post Graduate Husband opened the
front door and Ills Wife, laden with a
gigantic bundle, entered and sank Into a
"I'm utterly exhausted." she confessed,
"but I've got some wonderful things to
eat and such bargains! Why, we'd save
money If I went to town to market every
Dinner Justified her optimism, at least so
far as It concerned the porterhouse steak.
And the state of Her Husband s appetite
was such that any other consideration
seemed for the moment the Inereet detail.
It was not until after the coffee perco
lator had been removed that the Post
Graduate HuBband observed that His Wife
was busily occupW with pencil and paper,
and from the Intensity of her concentra
tion he Judged her to be figuring compound
interest or even logarithms.
"Well." he said with s suggestion of
twinkle In eyes and voice. "how much
money did you save?"
"That's Just what I'm trying to find
out." His Wife exclaimed with a bewild
ered sigh. "Hut It comes out differently
every time. 1 tell what we'll do. You put
down the figures as I call them off, and
then we'll compare our totals. I know per
fectly well that mine must be wrong, be
cause It's far too much. Why, accord ng
to this thing I spent $8.17, and. of course,
there d be no economy In that."
The Post Graduate Husband agreed, and
at His Wifes dictation act down various
expenditures for carfares, . lunch, sodas,
etc., besides the amounts paid for meats
and vegetables.
"That makes $7.17," he annonnred. "You
have forgotten a dollar somewhere. Here,
let me see your first list. Maybe 1 can
find It."
"Oh, no; I know what It Is," the Amateur
Wife admitted. "You see, It was raining
a little and the bundle was so heavy and
I was bo tired that I took a cab from the
station. That makes seventy-five cents
you haven t got."
"And the other quarter?" pursued the In
quisitor blandly. "What did you Bpcnd
that for?"
"Let me think! Oh. yes; here It 's! I
gave that to the organ grinder! You see,
he stopped outside the butcher store when
I was buying the meat and played that
thing from 'Rigoletto' I love so much, and
then he came In and held out his hat and
"And sOou economised to the tune of
$8.17," laughed Her Husband. "All right,
baby," he added; "but don't economise too
often. We'll go Into bankruptcy If you
do." ' '
(Copyright, 19U. by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
1 Peter. 2:1 "Not using your freedom for
a cloak of wickedness '' Topic, "The Abuse
of Liberty."
Liberty Is the Instrument of personality,
and the abuse of liberty Is treason against
the democracy of human existence. To
abuse liberty Is to misapprehend Its na
ture, to misinterpret Its laws, to Ignore
Its fundamental opportunities. The tri
umphs of ltbe-ty are delayed when men
aubstitute lawlessness for its stern re
quirements, and when they wantonly
waste the resources which should be dili
gently conserved.
In this American republic of which we
are citizens, and in which with painful
processes the Implications of liberty are be
ing worked out. we are vaguely conscious
of the fact that our theory of life calls
for a threefold manifestation of liberty. We
must have liberty to know, to do, to be.
Amid the clamor of economic theories. In
sistent science and experimental sociology
we cling desperately to our Ideal; we are
determined to know, to achieve, to be,
Kven so must It be In the spiritual realm
which Is the ultimate Justification of the
cosmio procesi.
To knowl Knowledge Is power in all
spheres. In domains physical, mental, spir
itual, but especially Is it power In the re-
publlo of the spirit. In the domain of the
spirit most of all should there be insistent
striving for abiding verities; and all work
done in the subordinate realms should be
deemed preparatory to the task of ap
prehending spiritially the laws and possi
bilities of spiritual existence. Commenda
ble and Inevitable Is the impulse which In
cites the old Genesis writers to crown the
creative process with a conception of God,
Inevitable, too. Is It that the Flakes and
Drummonds and Tennysons of thought
should pass from the laws of matter to the
laws of spirit. Thinking is In Its very
nature progressive, and Into It at some
stage must enter the elements which render
It spiritual, satisfying to the deepest de
sires of the heart. The study of the uni
verse, the world, life, body, mind, must be
estimated as Introductory to the study of
the free spirit , Its God, Its laws, Its possl
bllltles. Spiritual Ignorance means the
abuse of liberty. God, misinterpreted, means
maladjustment. Men will cringe where they
should stand erect, bring bleeding bullocks
where they should bring consecrated hearts,
seek, rewards where they should desire
communion with God.
rj ii
111 .- U
fames Alexander Jenkins, D.
Marj's Avenue Congregational
D., St.
Undoing of Mr. Uplift
'Shall Wire Bon the Business"
Argued by Father vs. Son.
Nor Is It otherwise with man's knowledge
of himself, for comprehensive, spiritual
knowing Is the only safeguard against de
lusions, excesses and abuses. Spiritual Ig
norance carries with It misinterpretation of
the laws of human life, and liberty works
maliciousness and desolation. The Ignorant
man becomes a tyrant over life's sanctities;
the man who knows becomes the willing
servant of socloty. Abused liberty pro
claims war between the spirit on the one
hand and mind and body on the other; but
tliev liberty which has the knowledge of
Christ makes personality the glad unifier
of spirit, soul and body.
As free men who would make the most
of liberty, we must insist on knowing.
No knowledge which the finite can possess
Is too exalted for the humblestyson of God.
In the republic of souls no privileges are
reserved for aristocracy. It Is the duty of
the lowliest to learn the truth from the
stars In their courses, to know the sig
nificance of being, the Implications of (in
carnation, the legitimate functions of
church, book, priest, the inspiration of
Immortality. Such knowledge Is evidence
of the right use of liberty, and Its marks
are toleration, sympathy, good will, the
surrender of personal privilege for the
common good.
To Do Liberty means action. Lethargy
and inactivity are marks of bondage, and
even action may bear the sign of serfdom.
Much of the worlds 'doing" has been
slavish rather than free. Nero was not
the doer of a free man's deeds, though he
wore a crown and wielded a scepter. Na
poleon's achievements were those of a
slave to ambition. Rousseau's freedom
was limited by the tether of his moral
weaknesses. The deeds of the man who
Is "free Indeed" are not traceable to selfish
ambition, official prestige, or formal sub
jection to the dictates of organizations,
rather have they the disinterested, spon
taneous quality which characterised the
activities of Jesus of Nazereth. To the
fulness of the glory of His doing men may
not attain, yet are they able to labor In
the spirit of the Christ. The "works" of
the man who Is free In Christ cannot be
mltated successfully by the worldling.
Only freedom through tUs cross ran pro
duce the deeds of Paul and Frances, the
ant Ions of Luther and Lincoln.
To Be In holy writ the Kternal is dis
tinguished as "1 Am." and the spirit of
God unceasingly encourages the free man
to possess the assurance of his own being,
an assurance which will enable him to
say "I am," even amid "the wreck of
matter and the crash of worlds." And
with nothing less than this assurance Is
the free man content. He strives to
possess past and future, In order that his
conscience may utter the full, glad cry,
"Now am I the eon of God." Wherever
being Is unsatisfactory, limited, circum
scribed, It Is certain that some liberty has
been abused. The scepticisms of this pres
ent are confessions of the limitation ot
being through broken law, through free
dom mlsappllej. When the "perfect law of
liberty" Is obeyed, being becomes pro
phetic, poetical, mystical, saintly and Im
mortality secures Its highest earthly dem
onstration. And this meditation closes where It be
ganwith the thought that liberty Is the
God-given Instrument of personality. To
abuse liberty is to make knowledge a
stumbling block, deeds monuments of folly,
being Itself a shadow. The biblical culmi
nations In evil are only witnesses to the
abuse of liberty, the closed gates of Eden,
the brand of Cain, the unpardonable sin,
the doom of Judas. The biblical culmina
tions In good are only witnesses to liberty
rightly used, the devotion of Jeremiah, the
loyalty of Ruth, the return of the prodigal,
the martyrdom of Stephen. Kven so ts
It In sll of life. Liberty abused Is sorrow
and unrest, while liberty rightly used Is
Joy and peace.
mi -' a . iii i li ii i itv i l sTM 1 1
I 1 hddbirM
February 4, 1911.
Name soul Atli! ross.
Christina Anderson, 3606 Haskell 81 Windsor
Joseph Baughnian, D006 North Forty-second st
Lucille R. Brown, 206 South Thirty-fifth Ave. .
Helen Bock, 2715 Camden Ave.
Central Park 1901
Farnam 1898
Miller Park 1901
The Secret of Popularity
Keaily glad to nee. that many of our
4Vn are discussing the question whether
v otiKht to know more about their hue-
bunds' business affairs," remarks Mr. I'p
llft, pausing from his reading the paper In
an effort to Interest young Mr. I'pllft In
I he newest problem of social economics.
Not If hubby can help it, they won't."
contends Son, who sees a -multitude of dire
possibilities In the custom should It once
V'ecome a fixture with the feminine side
of marital partnerships.
"It seems to mo that such sn arrange-
' ment ought to prove vastly beneficial to
the husband,' as well as to the wife." con
tinues Father.
"What chance would an enterprising
business man have of tucking away a few
extra bones for himself It the dames had
the run of the officer demands Bon, with
a keen eye to the practical side of lite.
"It's hard enough for a married man to
keep his wife from pinching off the loose
change he brings home In his trousers'
pocket. If she had the right to camp out
In the cashier's cage, believe me, the busi
ness would soon belong to her, and hubby
would be Just another hired man."
"The average business man has a great
many troubles now." says rather,, "that
his wits knows nothing about. If she
knew these matters she could sympathise
with him."
"But would she?" doubtedly queries
Bon. "Most of the married dames that I
know would tell their husbands it served
them right if somebody slipped 'em a
bunch of wooden coin or a stack of phony
. checks. Inatead of handling hubby a tew
.kind words tu cheer him up, wlfle would
be mora apt to order him to firs the
pretty girl cashier, blaming the loss on
her. What It he could save a few bucks
more It the Sunshine of the office had to
put on her lid and goT"
"I have always believed?' argues Father,
"that a wife should become acquainted
with more than the domestic aide of her
"The Imported article Isn't always what
It's cracked up to be." protests Son.
"Some trusting wives fondly imagine that
their nobis husbands spend ten hours a
lay growing in their offices as they drive
their hired men like slaves under ths lash,
with the sole object of making more cush
to bring home to their better halves. That
just shows you what a vivid Imagination
will dm. Ceually the real picture la so
different if little wlfie could look upon It
she would tear uft a mad scene."
"Ths details of business sre so dry,"
lather complain. "It aeenia to me that a
man's wife could bring inspiration to him
by dropping into the office st unexpected
"Take it from me. Pop," advises Pun,
that business men have several very
popular methods of moUtenlng the dry
ietulls of trade that are not supposed to
oecome generally known at the hapy
iuiiw. These unexpected call from wifl
lie all light if some kind friend lips off
niibby In advance, so the prettiest stenog
rapher In the shop isn't taking dictation
whitn she strives. Sonie ety classy little
.lames have been known to lose their jobs
lu cases like this."
"It Is proverbial that a woman in
tuition in btigiriei-s deals U imu h more re
liable tnsn a inau's Judgment." relates
lather. ''If I were In business 1 shoulvi
alwa gt my wifes advice."
Intuition is all light in trying to pl
winueis al the races." hedges Hon," "and
a dame can drop off the right pony as often
as a man when ii cuiur tu thai stum.
Just the same. I'd rather fiag Intuition
a u.I play a f bel when paying the rent
bf the loi and liie heltf dt-penri on it. "
1 fuel twitala thai fi eti onlalde Mwn
on iioubUsom tansl In basin
give, might save htm money."
"The boss gets enough fresh Inside views
from the help to keep his goat working
overtime as the game stands now," Son
retorts. "If the wife has to blow Into
ths shop every day and give orders on
how to run the business, there's a bunch
of us Wlsenhelmers who are either going
to chuck work or else pass the buck on ths
marriage game."
(Copyright. 1911. by ths N. T. Herald Co.)
"Why Is Mary so popular?" writes Es
telle Kegler, the girls In a certain set kept
asking one another.
They asked so often and Mary's popular
ity was such a constantly growing quantity
that they set about systematically to dis
cover the secret, and what do you think
they found f N6 secret at all. It was just
as plain as the signs on railroad billboards.
Mary was sweet to old folks.
Be It understood the rest ot the girls In
the set aren't discourteous or disagreeable
to those who have been touched by the
watching, hand of time. Rather they cheer
fully Ignored their elders. There are so
many exciting things to do, places to go,
motoring, dancing, cosey little conferences
over a box of chocolates all curled up In
your dearest chum's cosey corner, and
there Is so little time for all the merry
whirl they can't possibly stop to be
But Mary has a mind above chocolate
eclairs and what Helen Is going to wear
to Clara's party. Before she graduated
from pigtails she discovered the spirit of
youth was contagious and she will tell you
the youngest girl she knows Is the beauti
ful old lady across the street, who admits
to TO summers.
Now, It so happened this lady across the
street Is a social dictator by reason of
birth, wealth and social charm. TTnen all
the other girls were kow-towing to her
and then running away to be chatty to
gether, Mary was dropping in. bubbling
with happiness snd brimful of confidences.
It was not a play Jor favor that Mary
made. Fhe was Just a wholesome, natural,
loveable girl, with a faculty for selecting
real friends.
Then the girls wonder why the ludy
across the-etreet Is always giving cosey
little parties fori Mary, where everyone Sits
around the library table and Is happy, and
why, when Mary made her formal entrance
into society this winter the very most
wonderful party of the season was given
for Mary by this lady. They don't know
Mary and the lady have formed a pleasure
partnership to which one contributes youth
and enthusiasm, the other counsel and sug
gestions, and both sympathy.
Neither could they understand how at the
holiday hop Mary could deliberately sit out
a whole dance with an old lady who wore
a lace cap and showed other signs of hav
ing outlived her usefulness as a pleasure
They didn't know the old lady was a fa
mous musician In her day. and neither did
Mary until she received an Invitation to
be the guest of this same lady for a week
and to occupy a seat in her box at the
opera every night for six wonderful even
"Mary's popularity again," they told each
other. But now that they know the
swer they are making new friends, and the
older folks of their acquaintance are won
dering why girls they have always known
have suddenly become so attractive.
"You Hear Me Talk!"
Two Pullman car pillow thumpers who
were quarreling over a certain passenger
who had tipped one of them somewhat
liberally. The other seemed to think that
he was entitled to part of the plunder.
"Ain't you got no honahT" asked the
aggrieved one. "Whaffo you try do me
ought'en man lawful share of his yers
money T"
'Cos you have no claims on ds stipend.
Dat'S whaffo."
'Vouah all tongue talk! What 'bout yer
consclentitlous. If yer has dat commodity
concealed in yer robbln' black carcase?"
"Whose you callln' black, nigger?"
"Whose you callin" nigger, nigger?"
"A gen'leman Is." ,
"Well, let me tell you dat you Is so
black dat you could go to a funeral wldout
clothes on yer, an' no folk 'ud know It.
You hear me talk, man!" Railroad Man's
Llllie M. Brown, 2616 Wirt St Loturop
Etta Blackstrom, 2606 South Ttalrty-firBt St. High 1895
Sampson Brown. 2616 Wirt St .' Lothrop 1898
Donald Bohan. 722 Bancroft St Bancroft 1903
Victor Hugo Croly, 4304 Camden Ave Central Park 1904
Boyd Carey, 115 North Thirtieth St Farnam 1897
William Dellaplalne. 1612 Cuming St Cass 1897
Joseph Dougherty, 2118 Grace St Sacred Heart..' 1902
Ellrabetb. R. Elliott. 3324 Bedford Ave Howard Kennedy ..1902
Katherlne Engler, 625 South Thlrly-flrst St High , , ,1893
Sabry Fales, 2021 Center St Castellar 1903
Ernest Gross. 2443 South Twentieth Ave St. Joseph 1902
Sarah Goodman, 1714 South Thirteenth St Lincoln 1899
Hazel Graser, 106 William 8t Train T1896
Vivian Graser. 2768 South Thirteenth St Bancroft 1901
Lois Hai:. 2602 Burt St Webster 1900
Fred A. Hennlnger, 3060 Woolworth Ave Park 1897
Otto Johnson. 3115 Miami St Howard Kennedy. .1898
Andrew Johnson. 2413 North Eighteenth St High 1896
Gunnar Knudsen, 4748 North Fourteenth St Sherman 1902
Joslln Kanglor, 2411 South Twenty-ninth St Dupont 1904 v
Fred Kenyon, 3239 Ohio 8t Howard Kennedy ..1901
Richard Krage, 2763 8outh Ninth St Bancroft 1901
Jochan Kanglor, 2411 South Twenty-ninth St. Im. Conception 1896
Michael Levy. 2885 Chicago St. Central 1903
Frances M. Lewis. 824 South Nineteenth Strr Leavenworth 1902
Fisk WMlllam McKee. 3310 Spalding St Franklin 1900
Antonio Magauaro, 723 Pierce St Pacific 1905
Met H. Mayhack, 1617 Maple St Lake 1903
Julio I. McHale, 806 Hickory St Lincoln ,1897
Robert Nelson, 2410 South Twenty-ninth 8t Dupont 1904
Theresa Nlsser, 905 Dorcas 8t Train 1902
Verna Peterson, 3816 Chicago St Saunders 1900
Edward Rleser, 121 Woolworth Ave Train 1898
Fanny Forbes Robertson, 4 6 Saratoga St High 1896
Glen H. Sullivan, 3319 Franklin St Franklin 1899
Bryan SJaberg, 1017 South Thirtieth Ave Park I8"98
Paul Seastedt, 3012 Cass St .Webster 1896
Charleo Sharmed, 1614 South Eighth St ......Lincoln 1891
Frances Shutte, 2716 South Twenty-fifth St Castellar ........ 1899
John Sims, 4105 South Twelfth St Forest ........... 1888
Marguerite Tangney, 2120 Vinton St Castellar ..1898
Frederick Wickstrom, 414 North Twenty-eighth Ave. High . ..1892
Katie Whitley, 3121 Charles 8t Franklin 1900
Glen B. Wurn, 2012 Locust St High . . ,T. 1894
Joe Yecha, 1213 South Fourteenth St. . . Pacific 189S
Margaret Zechmelster, 979 North Twenty-fifth Ave. .Kellom 1903
Theresa Zechmelster, 979 North Twenty-fifth Ave.. Kellom 1895
Elizabeth Zarp, 1602 Elm St Castellar 1904
Fable of Pala sad Purity.
Dresaed in the latest cycling costume,
with goggles all complete, the motor cyc
list gayly toot-tooted past the park on his
way to the soo. Suddenly he stopped and
said to a small urchin:
"I say, my boy, am I right for the soo?"
The boy gasped at so strange a sight.
"You may be all right if they have a
spare cage," he said when he could find
his tongue, "but you'd ha' stood a better
chance If you'd 'ad a tall." Llpplncott's.
Something Happened
One of the congressmen defeated at the
last election, telling in Washington "how
It happened" said cheerily, "It was a good
deal like that story that's been going the
rounds lately. They were examining a wit
ness at an Inquest over the body of a negro
named Henry, who has been killed by
train. 'Sam,' said the coroner,- 'what do
you know about this accident to Henry?'
" 'Not much. Bah.'
" Tell us what you know, Sam, In your
own way.'
" 'It wus dis way,' explained Sam. 'You
see, boaa, I wuz slan'ln' on de stashun
platfowm wit Henry, an 'Numbah Klve
win chalk up klndah late on de bode.
lef Htnry an' went roun' de stashun fob
a liT dram. When I come back, boss,
Numbah Klve done gone by, an' I stahted
up de track to go home. Artah a IT ways
i come cross a tatg uen a 11 T ways on
I fin's 'nothsh laig. Den I stumble g ainst
a hald. It wus Henry's haid.'
"8am had ended the grim narrative, but
the coroner asked another question:
" 'Well. 8am, what did you do then?"
" ' ell. boas,' replied Sam, 'I thought
wal, 1 ss tuh mahself, 'Somethln' mus'
done happen tuh Henry.' "National Maga
A Hright Hrakrmaa.
A brakemen who had not been long
employed was going up a very steep grade
on hla first run. With unusual difficulty
the engineer succeeded In reaching the
tup. At the station, looking out of his
cab, the engineer saw the new brskeman
snd said, with a sigh of relief:
"I tell you what, my lad. we had a job
to get up here, didn't we?"
"We certainly did." said the brakemun
"and it I hadn't put on the brake we'd
have slipied back." Liiinincott's Maua-
i lint.
Oaly Mae I ell.
Harry had been naughty, and was sum
moned before his "mother. "M v hov." said
hi mother. "I've said the Ten
ments over and over to you. and new
you've broken one of them "
'Tbal leaves only nine, tnt-n, doesn't It.
mamma?" lamaikt Ui boy. and .i
eru raiae. "sue a suaa s wits eouid'4lu,lUr 11 l ihaL-Llppincuiia, j
- - " JL' , " - ' i
, g , , fe Pec sat) . 4 max $ treers s
Mf saw iTV-rj vm t - m -
Mb- 'iM Mm ' Lt- .
I "ar? ii i i unjt a f , x
i vii.sTi'n f i i if f w r-' w m -1 i
" a -san mm a. a. a. 1
I I .. ? , V, L 'J
Some Silhouettes of the Sidewalk
The Old
Here where the tide of Broadway flows,
Then ebbs away, to flow again.
The poor proud rlsyer comes and goes.
And lives his mimic Joy and pain. ,
His long locks waver In the breexe.
He rolls his 'r's.' his 'ss's' hiss.
And when his younger friends he sees.
He holds them with a tale like this:
"When Booth and Barrett played with me,
Those were the days ot drama, sir.
Our 'Hamlet' was a thing to see,
It would have made your pulses stir. 1
My role was sobs and sighs compact.
Ah, sir, It was a noble thing.
And Booth once said 'Would I could act
As you perform the Player King.'
" 'Othello' held my favorite part
Casslo It was you know the role?
In the great drunken scene my art
Would have enslaved you! Bless my
I was the understudy well,
1 watched and waited day by day.
That Casslo kept his health so well,
I never got a chance to play.
"There is no acting nowadays.
Actors, today, enact themselves.
And gain a public's easy praise
While work like mine it simply shelves.
With a good tailor at your back,
A careless esse, a handsome face,
'Tis easy to succeed! Alack!
The mad world rushes by space!
- --..svsl st m
"Take the young actors of our time,
What do they know of noble verse?
They can't declaim a noble rhyme,
And when It comes to prose, they're
John Drew? Ned Southern? Men Its.,
Is their s great acting, do you think? '
Refreshment? Hem! Well, as you please.
Since you Insist, I'll take a drink!"
(Copyright. 1911, by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
'. ; --W-a
Cheerfulness as a Tonio
There are more ways than one ot taking
a bracer. I walked three blocks with the
girl next door the other morning and the
tonio effect of her presence hasn't rjrn
off In the least, writes Kstelle Kegler. And
what do you think site administered? .v'hy
nothing in the world but pure, unadulter
ated cheerfulness.
I started out feeling about as happy as a
first class funeral procession, and In order
to give outward expression to my Joy I
had donned my most unbecoming and som
bre suit.
"Walt a minute." called a cheery voice
behind me. I turned to encounter the
merry person of the girl next door. She
reminded me so much ot a bright, fragrant
flower that 1 felt graver and mote dowdy
than ever. A red umbrella was held dain
tily above her fluffy hair. In which nestled
a ruse of the same color, drooping from
her snug little hat. That roi-e simply de
fled the weather man.
"How well you're looking." she chirped.
Latching step and gratefully dodging rain
puddles. "Isn't tills rain fun? I alas
Ilike to walk i amy das, the drops sound so
paltsry on your umbrella. Coming home
Is always so much more worth while after
you've been wading all day.'.'
"Never thought of It Just that way," I
admitted, feeling a whit mure friendly to
ward the weather. After all, my gray suit
wasn't so Impossible.
Just then we met a friend. You could
tell at once she wus a candidate tor con
dolences and would gladly aay mean things
about the weather man and fulks In general
all the way to the car.
"Oh, Kdlth, who was that stunning chap
I saw you walking with lust evening?"
asked the girl next door before a complaint
could be entered.
Immediately Kdlth forgot there was such
a thing as weather, fur. the stunning man
was her latest enthusiasm.
"I won't tell, put III bring him ore
some evening." she laughed happily.
"Yes, do. All three of us girls will liav
one of those coaey parties, and each. Invite
a friend. We'll run my chafing dish and
have a spread. Some rainy night. It's ai
ways so 'comfy' rainy nights."
No use. All that day I simply lova4)
rain, and I've been wishing for mors eve4
sines. '