TITE BEK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEIHlUAItV 4, 1011. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wteat Mrket Weak and Values Show a Decline A fain. KANT CAUSES TOE THE DEOP Cort NeeelaM Arm Mt, hmt htp laaj Drn Brine Oat -port,, tansta Alrr la Far of Whtal Iieella. . 1911. one and OMAHA. Feb. The wheat situation In a weak ttlum declined to lower levels. There la ro Improvement In the cash and milling demand. The heavy cash situation In the south west marked and large Increase In th northwest stocks and very little to Indicate any early distribution are tha bearish fea turea. Corn la strong and active Independent f wheat. There la a decided falling (iff In the movement, limited offerings being re ported by blddera end receiver". Shipping demand ia Improving and export business la good. Ixwer cable and general beariah aentl rnent, with verv poor cash demand and Increasing stock weakened the wheat market and value suffered a loss of nearly 1c from yesterday's" close. Cash offerings were light, but no .lemand waa In evidence and sales were 1c lower. Light receipts of corn and active ahlpplng demand brought out aupport aid corn allowed an advance In face of the lower wheat market. Clearancea and primary ehipment of corn show ateady Improve ment. Cash corn ws 'o higher. Primary wheat receipt were 44.000 bu. and ahlpmenta were 27.ta30 bu., agalnat re relpta last year of WOOD bu. and shipments of 232.000 bu. Primary corn receipts were 513.000 bu. and ahlpmenta were 77f.,fln0 bu.. against receipts last year of 879,000 bu. and ahlpmenta of 416.000 bu. Clearancea were 601.000 bu. of corn. 72a bu. of oats, and wheat and Tour equal to 280.000 bu. Liverpool cloned Stt'yl lower on wheat and "fcWHd lower on corn. The following cash sales were reported: WHEAT No. 2 hard, 1 car, M'ic; No. S hard. 1 car. Mr; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, KV, CORN No. 3 white. 3 enra. 40'.c; No. 3 white. 2 cara, 40c; No. 3 color, 1 rar. 40c: No. 3, yellow. 11 car. 40c; No. 3 mixed. H tars. nsc: No. 4 mled. 2 cara, 39e. , OATS-Htsndard. 1 car. stnndard. 1 car. 28'ic: No. 3 white. 4 cars. 29c: No. 4 white, 3 car, ZS4e; no grade, 1 car s 2d. Futures dull; February'. Manh, 4s3,d; May, 4s6'd. 4ad; 1KW VOIIK liKIFHtL MARKET Varloaa 28c. Omaha C'nsli Prices. WHKAT-No. 2 hard, ti91Uo: No. 3 hard. No. 4 hard. 74',3jS, u,c ; rejected hard. 744JMV-". -No- 2 aprlng, 89yI'6()2Vic ; No. I spring, Srt'ySOWnr CORN No. 2 white. 4oS40V: No. $ white, S9V40'c; No. 4 white. SSSnfrfSc; No. 3 color. 394 tj 40c; No. 2 yellow, 39V(40c: No. 3 yellow. ,'l'4'a40c; No. 4 yellow, 39i7 39Vc ; No. 2.' 39yti40c; No. 3. 39H39c; No. 4, I8irt39c; no grade, 364j38e. OATS No. 2 white. 2?'t( Zic; standard. 2f()29ic; No. 3 white. 28V029c; No. 4 white, 28i284c; No. 3 yellow. 2!4-S!c; No. 4 yel low. 27t'.,81e. BARLEY No. 3, 7a$0c; No. 4. 60 70c; No. 1 feed, 56'q64e- rejected, Wo. KYK No. 2, 79S80c; No. I. 7tfT9c. Carlo! Hecrlpt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 202 28 97 31 63 Chicago Omaha , Duluth CHICAUO URAIX AMU rROVISIOVS Ffitirri of the Trading; and Closing rrlrea nn Board of Trade. CHICAUO. Feb. 3. Prospects of a fair Increase In the visible supply this week put a finishing touch today to weakness In wheat. At the corresponding time a year ago there was a decrease of lWt.000 bu. Closing prices were 'c to V&Hc under last night. The end of the evasion left corn Mru-'tc up, oats at an advance of a ahade to c, and provision !xi(4l2Hc down. Wheat displayed a heavy tone all day. There whs much unloading by longs who had bought on the Idea that the southwest would develop a crop scare. As a matter of fact the weather In that section turned mild Instead of developing the cold wave which had been looked for. Moreover, pre diction were current that wheat stocks at Kansas City would be more than n.nOO.Om bu. by the end of the month, the longest total there on record. In this connection It waa pointed out that Minneapolis had enlarged Its atore of wheat 890.000 bu. this week, and Huluth had gained 355.000 bu. World shipments promised a big falling oft. May fluctuations ran from (,'' 40 to (HSc. with last sales Vri'Nc off at 96c. Sign . of unsettled weather. Indicating light loadlnga In the country, helped to trengthen corn. May ranged from 49Tc to Iov4(i6oV. and closed at 50'c, a net gain of 'ar. Cash corn was steady: No. 2 yellow finished at. 474748e. There was considerable covering of short oals. May varied between 32c and 334c, closing a shade up at 34'c. Provisions weakened because of unloading of packers,. The outcome was a net de cline of 7V4(V12Vvc In pork and 2Vj'u5o fur both lard and ribs. Prices in Chicago, furnished Ivv the Up dike Grain company, 708 Brands! building. Omaha. Telephone Douglas 24ft. Month. Wheat I Open. I High. I Low. Close. Yes'y. I I I Juay.. rW.&'al W.i 96' .iiily...,,.. , J.I'iiii-v, 3''g.l Wi Sept... I 92V , 92SI MV2r1lU' C.- I .1 I May...49ViW'.VijV , 30'., J uly... I IO's.il'ti'l50'f''61Va5 ' Kept...! 61 -ai Li 1 at t ' r t . 1 1 .May... 1 w-ai S-" 3v July-.-iSJ1,!! ': hept... a?',: Tork- I Alay,..l U 40 1 .( u 1 y . . . 1 li 7b I Lai u S04.,96'Arn 60 61 61' 32: (taetatlnaa of the Dnr C'oaanaodltlea. XKff TfiRK, Feb S -FLOCR-Iliil. si. ring patent. I6 1.VJJ.40; winter straights. 42fa4.30: winter paients. V4.4"Jj4.8i; spring cli.srs. 4 'y I :S; winter extras. No. 1. 11.404)3.70, No. 1. JU .23. 4(); Kansaa straight. 4.W.i4.7.". Rve fiour. dull; tslr to aood. t4.mti4.3B: choice to fancv, $4 401-4 0. Buck wheat flour, quiet; American, J.'c, c. I. f . New York; Canadian. 6tWc, c. I. f.. New York for export. . 4'ORNMEAL Steadv; fine white and yellow, tl.204j1.2u; coarse, tl.l2&1.15; kiln dried. $216. WllKA'l Knot mnrket easy: No. 2 red, 97'4e elevator anil i4o f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, tl.l,. f. o. b. afloat. Futures tnatket was easier on liquidation on the poor cash demand, weakness In the north west and more favorable weather, closing So net Iriwer. Mav, tl.C'IMiftl.Ol,. closed tl 0H': July closed tl.00. Receipts. 2,400 bu.; shipments, 2.1.9C:. bu. CORN h'pot market steady; new. No. 2. 63o. f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was without transactions, closing at ' net de cline. Mav closed at 5c. Receipts. KS.jHO snipments. iiii,7M hu bu. OATS Spot market steady. Futures mar ket was without transactions, closing un changed. May closed at c; July, &c. Receipt. 802u bu. HOI'S Firm; state, common to choice, 1!I0. 2Mj2!ic; !!. Itvjj21c. Pacific coast, 1910, !H22c; 1K)!. 14'ul7c. HA Y Steady; prime, 1.12Sc; No. 1, $l.ft"3 107',; No. 2. 95c; No. 3, SOc. - 1 HUES Firm ; Central America, 20'V9 21c; Rogot. 22c, LKATH i:U tsteadv; hemlock, firsts, 2.T4 Cl'f 'ac; second, 21'4S23c; third. lSS20c; re jects, l(VSi'17c. PROVISIONS-Pork, quiet: mess. tOtrd) 22.50: family. $21 .0024. 50; short clears. 130.000 22.00. Rf. eteadv; mess. tl4 XVf?l4.5t): family. l.50tf 17.00; beef hams. $25.rjOtf 27.6) Cut meats, stradv; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs.. tl2.6ajfl3.SO: pickled hams. tl2.M3il2.75. Lard, firm: middle west prime. tl".0w'lo.lfi; refined, quiet; continent. t!0: South America. tll.2f; compound. tSOMl8.2j. TALLOW null; prime city, hhds.. 7So. BPTTKR Creamery specials. 28c; extra. of7 25',tc; third to firsts. It'a2nc: creamery held third to special. 174j2".c: atate dairy common to finest, 17W2?c; process, second to special. 1Kt21c; Imitation creamery first, 18yi9c; factory held. 16'S17V,c; current mnke. 1'pl7c. CKKKSK Raroly steady; state whole milk winter make, best, US 12c; skims, I'h 10c. F.IKJ8 Irregular; fresh fathered, selected extras. MaV; fresh eathered. first. 21'v; fresh gathered, seconds. 19(o21c: re frlKerator. firsts, lc; western gathered, 1 niie, iaszc. firm: western chlck 14W14Wc; turkevs. Vift western chickens, 13 turkeys, 16ijf'23c. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Various Inflaenoei Prevent Continu' ation of Advance in Pricey. JLAEKET IBRLGULAB IN TONE Vnrk for the week were tx."4.S45 llver and tluf.KS gold. Hill and Htrriail Stopka and I nlted State Steel Imm tnder Preaanre -Coal Stork and Gnotd Groao Advance. NKW YORK. Feb. 3. Various restraining Influence today prevented continuation of the advance In prices which went on with out serious Interruption through the pre ceding seven day of trading on the stock exchange. Simradlo movement at various place through the list gave the market an Irreg ular tone. While the Hill and Harrlman stock and fnlted States Steel were lagging under pressure, the coal stocks and the Oould group were advancing, although they too. shared In the decline at the close. The strength of the Oould Issues revived discussion of possible change In control of these properties. In the absence of anv authoritative Information Wall street I Inclined to the belief thst Standard Oil In terests will soon be dominant. Considerable attention was given to a reKrt which also lacked official confirm ation that arrangements were under way w'hlch contemplated formation of a new steel corporation of large capitalization by Interests formerly Identified with I'nlted States steel. The copper shares yielded much of their recent gain after a further advance early in the day. A hardening In the monev market was noted today for the first time In several weeks and was presumed to be a reflection of Increased demand for speculative pur poses. Known movements of monev for the week to the close of business last night Indicated a cash gain of more than 312.000. 0"X) and the banks made a further gain of tl.3tn,04 from the subtreaaurv today. u"nn were firm. Total aa es. liar value States Ss. registered, declined V $3.5!5,O00. I'nlted on call. Number of sales on stock were a POl'LTRY Alive. ens. 123r12Vtc-: fowls. 1c. liressed, weak; tll8c; fowls, ltifeltk-; WEATHER IX THK GHAI BELT Generally Fair for I Weather Saturday. OMAHA. Feb. 3. 1911. The cold wave that spread over the cen tral valley Wednesday night, continued ICamdlan Pnrittc eastward during the last twenty-four i mri Leather Alll-ch,lmer pfd Amalcuntel CVpper American Agrtrultural , Am. Beet Riigar American On Amarlran C. A jr Am. Cntton oil Amrc,n H. aV U. pf. Am. Ice Securities American IJnaem) Amarlian tAxomotlre ., American g. A It Am. s A R. pfd Am. Steal Foundries.... Am. Sugar running American T. A T American Tobacco pfd.. American Woolen Anaconda Mining Oa... Alrhlaon Expected Atchlann pfd lAtlanllc tvat Una Haitimore ft Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brook Irn Rapid Tr and leading quotation follows: ales. HI ah. Lev. Cloa,. 60" M IS, 4. VI Mi l.ono 5li 10,400 44 io ii sno ms loo !4 M0 2J ino 12 3l 4 14,7(m i4 700 104 " 700 iio" 4.1'H 1S 100 to nnura and Is affecting the lower lake re gion, the upper Ohio valley and eastern states this morning. Zero weather pre valla along the northern border and frees Ing temperature are general from the lake to the Atlantic coast. An area of low pressure has succeeded the high that ! central Leather pfd Ontrnl of New Jersey... Chesapeake Ohio ("Mcaari Alton Chicago U. W., nav '. O, W. pfd Chlcags ft N. W M. ft 8t. P sno 4,400 400 4'0 BOO 1,300 4.H00 1.6O0 t.Ofl 40', 10ife I'M 123V4 10', 3"4 " v 33 V, .u .I 43 U 24 214 12 41', 7H lot iiivi 14 9 '40"' 1'S) io:v 121 imvi 3.1H 7 24 35 T.300 ft)', 84 S cienaeo over me central valleys inurs- c C, c. ft t. L day morning, and temperatures are much Colorado p av i nigner this morning along the Missouri rlvor and east to the upper lakes. There has been ho precipitation worthy of men tion In the central valleys and west to the mountains since the preceding report,' and the weather continues generally fair west of the Mississippi river, except some pre cipitation occurred along the lower Cali fornia coast within the last twenty-four hours. An area of high pressure, accom panied by colder weather, has appeared on the Pacific slope and will continue east ward over tne alleys, bringing colder weather to this vicinity by Saturday aftcr- Onlorsdo ft. Southern , Consolidated Ga, CVirn Products ; Delaware ft Hudson , Denver ft Rio Orande... D. ft R. o. ofd DIMMIera' Securltle, P:rle Krle lat pfd , Erie !d pfd , (lanerril Ktectrlc Oreat Northern pfd t!reat Northern Ors ctfa. llllnnla t'entral InterhoroUKk Met. 100 100 700 .700 100 S00 ;oo 4.oo &no on 1 too 2.(00 l.oo 7.KO0 00 47'i 132V, 4W sr. 144S US 178 14 71', 36 'i am, 4 21V, 14 lilt, 4 V, u w, 14SS U 171 12', 71 4 H ', 4a noon. While considerable cloudiness will 1 )i. Met. pfd. prevail In this ably Saturday, expected. vicinity tonight and prob generally fair weather Is 1911 ll'I'i If . 2S 13 35 . .00 .00 .00 for today.. 21 Lowest last night Preclptatlon Normal temperature greea. Deficiency In precipitation alnca March LiMinn 15.24 Inches. ' . M.. st IMS 11 (W do- Excess Inches. Deficiency corresponding period, 1909, 5.31) inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. international Harvester int. Marina pfd International Paper .... International pump loi Ontral Kanaas City So K. C. go. pfd Laclade Oaa Loulavllla ft Nanhrlll. . ft St. P. ft g. t. M.. corresponding period. 1910. B.07IM., K. ft T. is., r.. r. pta... Mlaaourt Pacific ... Nnllonal IllK-ult ... National Lead N. n. R. ot M. Jd N'ew York Central. N. V.. O. ft W ' .Norfolk ft Weatarn. North American track: No. 2 red. M'&1.01; No. t hard. 2"r.h,rn. r.,clr,c " pfd. St. I.onls tienernl Market. ST. LOCIS. 51o.. Feb. 8. WHKAT Iower: May. 9tic; July. 92c. Cash, lower SGt OO CORN Steady; May. 49'ic; July. f'ash, steady; track: No. !, 4ug45V4c; No, white. 4t!c. OATS Ixiwer; May, S2c. Caah, lower; track: No. 2. 32c-; No. 2 white, 33c. KYK Unchanged; Kc FLOL'R Steady; red winter patents. t4.30 ttG.'iO; extra fancy and strnlght. $1.00i 4.40; hard winter clears. .:40o.1.70. SKKO Tlmothv. t-".0Oi.o0. rOKNMKAI 12.30. HKAN-liull; sacked, cast track, tl.10 ftl.1l. HAY-Iull; timothy, tl3.00et8.M; prairie, tii.nooiin.oo. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: jobbing. t20 75. Lard, lower; prime steam. 39.66. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 1075: clear rib. 110.75; short clears, til. 00. Kacon. unchanged: boxed extra short, I $12 00: clear rlhs. 312.00; short clears, 312.12H. I Firm: chickens, 12c: springs, ; un ( Pennsvlvanla. ex-dlv J? . Peopl.'. Caa No. 2 p.. r.. C. ft St. L Plttaburg f oal PreRsed steel far Pullman Pnlace Car Hallwar Stael Spring... Heading I Republic Steel I Republic Stael pfd i Rock - Inland Co iRoik Island Co. pfd.... It. U A 8. F. :d pfd.. 1st. Louis S. W . St. L. S. W. pfd Slnra-Rheffield . ft I. Southern Pacific , Southern Rallwav So. Kallaar pfd Tanneaaea Copper Tata, ft Pacific T., St. L. ft W T.. St.' L. W. pfd...., J2', a;.", Maf July, tiept. . Mav. . July, t-epl. I ,.! N04i1o .1 S 70 , It 421.,i 17 TH. 90 I to I S 90 I i""Vil 1 1 18 50 n 70 9 52' , 8 -0 9 u SO M 18 tO 17 70 I IS 87 Vi I 17 824 Da ... ' I POULTRY Firm: chlckena. 12c: springs, iiminn Pacific nfd 134-: turkeys. 17c: ducks, liic; geese. 8c. U nited States R.ally.. BUTTER Quiet: creamery, 19g!5c. 11 mtej gtaiee Bubbar. EGGS Firm; 19'sC I'nlted Statea Steal... Uecelpts.shlpments.U. s. steel pta.. 82'V 7a 1 2'i! It U) I Si 86 7u t Mi t K t U 70 r itatentti 4.20W spring siralghto, Wti'iite: fair Flour, bbls Wheat, bu. Coin. bu. Oats. bu. . 4,00 ?0 0ii0 BT.iaiO 39.000 13,000 31,000 52,010 ; 28.01 Kanaaa City Grain and Provisions, IIS.-. Caah quotations were a follows: FljOl lt Ntrad ; winter 4.7.i; straight. !.0k,4 .V: 4h'(4.7o: bakers. t.1.Jtxlit.uO. lU'E No. 2. il,c. MAKLKY-rewt or mixing to choice malting, ScV'uS'U-. SEEiw Flax. Nu. I southwestern. I2.5S; j No. 1 northwestern.' 32.151; timothy, $lo..ioi, 10 mi; clover, eM.'i.V - ' PROVISION."--Pork. mess, per bbl., $30 25 I C J.jo; lard. p'r luo lbs., s.77'i; short ribs. side tloosel. l'i-t("l'i 'M: short clear sides! tboxedi, titl.25'ii 10 no. Wheat, bu Total ilcui anies of wheat and flour were Corn, bu . equal to 2i,uu bu.; exix.rts for the week asiOitls, bu . shown by lirailsirtct'H were equal 10 2,32.- ' tX' bu.; primary receipts were 4v4.oi bu.1 coinpaiea with tkv.u"o the corespondent; uuy ft ear ao. Kttmaii (i receipts for tomorrow : Wheat. 11 cats; cm, "-.Hi cars; oats, 147 tars; hog, li no head. Chicaao t'ush Prices Wheat : No. 2 red st't'u-jo-mc: No. 3 rtd, s.i'H'ii'tV.c; No. ; liaiu. n-sim"t' . .mi, iiaru. M-a'iis..c; No. 1 northern spring. flutlt; No. 1 north-i rtn ii'niia, e'-w.f w, sprniLT, si-'.t. , iAli, 4.n,-,i-; No. .1 i .. 2 v.ulte. 4.a4,',4c; No. No. yellow. 4, 214-. I oats: No. 2 ca.m. I 1A.0; No. 3 white. t'lah Copper Va.-Car. I'liem Wabanh iabaali pfd wcatem Maryland .. 1 Wcatinthnuae Klectrlc jwekteru I'nion KAN8AB CITY. Feb. 3.-WHE AT Hay : T .l.'l l .7,-. 9"j::.f'i'.ljVc hid: Julv 8iii.c. Cash un- """" chantied to ic lower; No. 2 hard. 90)95c; No. 3 hurd. 87iiW: No. 2 red, niD&e.. CORN May f.i sellers; July 4'.,4M!r:,c sellers, Cssh Vrc lower; No 2 mixed. 4:i',944c; No. 2 white. 42'yuuivo ei-dlv.. Total ! (or the day, I. oon 1,400 j.SOO 1 oo 1.100 200 300 . ?OI) soo M0 100 DOO 0 "m t.K 100 11.000 " ioo 709 1.400 4.000 , 4.300 O0 .30 l.f.00 14.00.1 2.400 "4O0 . 700 SOI) a.10 .134.300 500 SOO . 4.S.") 0 . 1.300 . t.SOi) ,. 1,300 300 . 7,100 10 . 1.100 . I.300 . J, 200 . 40.700 .' 200 -. ss.soo . 2.700 . 1.500 . 1.400. . 1.400 . i.'OO 400 6) . 1 . Wl . 34.DOO JM.0O0 12 43S '2014 MS 114 l'H us 1S 34S 47 111S 14114 lid's n s 6J4 "' 37 113'a 41S 107 127'i zs 12 i 107', 20S 3d ltilS 33 tans 34 S 3.1S 44 43', 33 67 S S4' HIS 2S U 3. 2'., 23', 52 4 17S 4 ' 42 US 124 4S MW "S 37 S 7i' S 1I1S hare. 12S 43S 'is' r4s in 17', 13' 41 IDS 3S 7 HIS 146S 13SS Sf.S 47n 63 'bS 3S 114S 43 IMS 71 S k' ! 128S 107 s 30 S." 1I 37 IMS 34 S US 3!S 14 4?S 1S FS lai n 4SS sS' IDS 33 S i2 17S 3S l 80', 11 4fi us 34 ' '74s r,S 17DS 33 4,S i1 43', S 6M4 SOS sis 21 12 41 S t.0 I0i.S 4 S ! 14DS 4', S3 3!H 10.-.7, 102 S 121 106 S3 77'i joss 31 S 103S 0 4S 34 23S 47 14HS 131 S 3S .;.'., f. 143S 14'. 170, 33S 7! MS 29', 4 S 3-S 1."4S 131 1S 13 lis Its MS 115', 17 12', 41 1S 34S S 111S 14&S 2S i:iS :iS e M ;a M 34', 114S s loss 71 S 1?S S i:ts 1U7S 4 18 34 S Ifcl 37'4 !..', 34'. 7', 32 S 44 4'i 32', 53 11S 2S 4..', S, 38S it s M 17S'i 3 St 41 U os 12H 4 4..SS 1S 3IS 6il e 74 S "S 17S HKPOH.T Or Til K t l.EAHirG HOt "E Trananetlnn of tke Associated Bank for tke Week. NFW TORK. Feb. 3. Pradstreet bank clearings report for the week ending Feb ruary 2 shows an aggregate of tS.SW.oun. as against t3.201.i).mi last week and t.1.714. 0"9m In the corresponding week last year. The following I a list of the cities: CIT1K8. I I (Clearing. I Inc. Dec. New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia ft. Louis Kansas City Pittsburg Pan Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis Cleveland New Orleans Detroit OMAHA lxs Angeles Louisville Milwaukee Seattle 8t. Paul Atlanta Portland, Ore Buffalo Denver Indianapolis Providence Richmond Washington Ht. Joseph Fort Worth Mejnphls . Bait Lake City Columbus Albany Tacoma Savannah 8pokane Toledo Hartford Rochester Des - Moines Nashville Duluth Wichita Peoria Norfolk , Oakland , Kloux City New Haven , Grand Rap.fls Kcranton Birmingham Jacksonville. Fla..t Oklahoma City Syracuse Augusta. Ga Worcester Kvansvllle Springfield. Mass.., Dayton Portland, Me Wheeling Little Rock Charleston Knoxvllle : Chattanooga Lincoln Davenport Wilmington Mobile Wilkesbarre Kalamazoo Pacramento Topeka Cedar Rapids M aeon Fall Rivet Yrtungstown New Bedford Springfield, 111 Fort Wayne Canton Sioux Falls Akron Helena Columbia, S. C Lexington Fargo F.rle Rock ford yulncy Bloomingtnn Chester. Pa Springfield. O Mouth Bend, Ind... Lowell Jackson, Miss Blnghamton Decatur Mansfield Fremont VlfkshurK Jacksonville, 111... . York. Pa Waterloo Houston Galveston 15.6!. 13.6!. 1.2 . ....! t2.075.17.0"01. 2Si.34.oOV. I78.1'-9.i.. l.Mt.07.Oilo. 7S.771 .0t o3.H49.00n' 5n.sR2.tinoj 42.34H.OHO.. 3S,PvM.O"0" 23.471. nil 18.132. nm. I 17.677.t0in 1.0,. 21.2Rl.0ooi .51. 15.ai4.iv; 1 13.6M.ntin! lo.973,4sl 7.2:. 15.810.on0, .8 . 14.2fi1.ti: .3j. 9.OSI.OH0J I 8.8c71.0ili I 1.7.070,0H 16.21. 9.714.tiol 3.4 . S.T.SX.tS!, I 7.809. 8.207.000; 7.9S6.Ol0 7.4o7.W 6,471.000, 7.4M.miOj 8.473.000! 4.S77.ss! . .mono; 6.62,00Oi. 4.0S5.rtiO. e.nio.O'JOl 3,4T4.0I 4.011.0'i 3.939.000 4. 3S9.000I S.478 00O .... 3.724.0rtf 2.377.0IO;. 3.40X,OOOl 3.217,0-nll 3,:a4.oiol a.uss.oon 2.270.0no. 2.829.0001 2.773,0001 3.1S1.000I J.Mi.oooi 2. 707. 0 10 2.752.001 2.26.000 . 3.199.0(01 194.8 2.1C5.0j-. I 2.I03.01 2.033.0001 1.8 1.807.0001.... 1.9M9.0H OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Friday, but Lower for th; Week. HOGS MOSTLY TEN CENTS HIGHER Xot Knonak Sheea) or t.amba tn Make a. Market, bnt tke Frellnst la tendy for the Day, I.orrer for Week. I indicate Present values are little worse Ithan IV lower limn last Saturday, a retlval j of shipping di'inand being responsible for holllsh leactiui;. The market closed up verv atrong. espe cially on heavy h.gs. which showed the most advance. Light hogs, on the other hand, made the smallest gain. the top being only f.c higher than yesterday. Still tne average or all the sales was l;y higher than yesterday's average. KepreseiuntHe sales; IS. 3 SOUTH OMAHA. 8 " I Recelots v 1 . Pa Hi. 10.0 Official Mnnri'ir (Ifi 1-41 Official Tuesday Isr-S oriiciat veun.sdav i..wi Official Thttrsdav ' t.XU Estimate Friday SOO 3. S.. 1 28.0'.. i3.7j. i6!f8i . 7.5 .4 17.4 6.6 5.7 8.9 2.4 k'.i 20.8 2.8 16.0 .1 48.4; ....I 5 15.1 i6!6 4.6j. 22.81 44. & "i'.k 11.7 22.8'. 6.2. 13.6 . 21.81 . 25.8 "6!b 28.2 'ii'.'i 'u.7 15 3.6 it'.i 7.6 22.0 "i!ii 6.7 10.7 1, 874.0011 1.787.000 1.625.0001 1,754.0001 1,318.000. 1.6nZ,ttl 1.442.orot 1.663,000, 1.481.0001 1.107.000 1.&O0.0OOI 1.3),000i 1.135,001)1 3,700,0001 1.215,000 1.0-j.000f 1,055.000 .. 36.000i . 97K.OOOI . 792.000 . 944.0001 810,000 k:m.i"' 1.104.000 1 1,207.000 612.000 774.000 646.000 655.0001 573.000 57!8,000 472.0110 4I12.01X) 535.000 813.000 528.000 392.0001 3n2.0O0 312.TT.) 408.000 293.000 989,000 1.061,000 26.393.000; 11.166.0001 .31. 6.1.. .21.. 8.81. I 44.3 8.3 27.0 5.0 226.4i 9.8' 12.6 6.1 26.6 8.6 13.7 19. 6.6. 22.8 90,81 1 6.61 18.6 17.1 11.7 "i.i 6. 4.0 29.3 25.4 "2.6 1.8 16.9 17.3 1.0 10.7 1.4 12.7 7.5 6.0 4.1 31.1 18.1 26.7 11.2 33.17 34.202 40.SK9 87.994 28.5:40 20.012 Five days this week. ..22.748 Same days last week . ...24.394 8a me days 2 weeks ago.. 20 441 Hume daya 3 weeks aso..22.3"0 Hame days 4 weeks ago.. 17. 500 Same day last year 16.161 The follcAving table shews the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year tt dale as compared with last year: 1911 ' 1910. Inc. Dec. rattle 108 86 94.237 14,629 Hogs 109 79 199. S38 49 Sheep ...175,309 137,836 37,523 The following tabi .tiows the average prices on hog at South Omaha for th last several days, with comparison: Dat. I mi 1110. 1W. l08. 107 . 11906. 1. Jan. Ian. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. 23.. 26.. 27.. 28.. 29.. .. 31.. 1... 2.. 3... 7 4?H t 06 7 45S 7 92 7 49S I 02( t 061 4 21 too t 2j 4 27 (II 6 4 71 611 16 S3 ' b 36 4 tu 7 4SWI 8 03 i 91 1 4 Jl I 4 54 6 11 a O VI 7 54W, I 7 46-jl x 12: 7 26 8 30 221 7 75m 8 j 6 0.'! 7 3S'.t 8 30 6 91 4 16 4 l, 6 711 5 3K 4 13 6 72 5 86 4 56 4 17 6 s-l 6 4.t 4 14 4 101 6 881 5 41 4 69 6 811 5 4 4 . 6 M 4 70 Receipt and disposition of llv stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours, ending at I o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CA RS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep H'r'e. C, M. St. P Missouri Psclflo ... I'nion Pacific .... C. ft N. V'., east.. C. ft N. W., west.. C, St. P., M. k O C. B. & Q., west. C R. I. ft P.. east Illinois Central Chicago G. W 20 In 12 4 4 4 1 loii n.O 1.10 AJ 1.202 .SJ 414 K3H 37 1.606 822 2.458 1 4 41 .... .... 26 31 9 18 6i 10 12 217 .... 271 cent PAPER Not included In total because containing 1 other item than clearing. Ness- VorK Money Market. NBW YORK. Feb. 8. MONKT On call, steady, at 2Vn2Vi per cent; ruling rate 2S. per cent; closing bid. 2S Pr cent; offered . .1- pant' time loans, strong; sixty dav. 2J(iS'A per cent; ninety days. 84ti3 tier cent; six months. 84 per PRIM F. MERCANTILE 1 8TKRLING EXCHANGE-S eady. with actual business in bankers W 14" 8(40 4.R"60 for sixty-day bl Is and at M 8t for demand: commercial bills, It-V,,..1. SILVrlR Bar. 52Hc; Mexican dollars, 4;c. BONDS Government, heavy; railroad, ''nosing quotation on bonds today wer ss follows: l'. 8. rar. I. rf....l00ilnt. M. U. 4',... do coupon 100 Japan 4 f. 8. Sa. ra o 4is do ooupon I"?" '"T: 8. 4 rag .., !!'" 1 e- '" a., i n.mnn 11. i L. ar i . uu. Allls-Cfml. lat 5..... 71 M. K. aV. T. lat Am. A. 5s n -, "" a r M, -I" jV . . . UTT " rT14J. I ll -mm.i Am. Tobacco 4. N . of M. IWylH. " V do O.XTS-l'ncliHoeed: No. 2 white, aiVttai'.c; No. 2 mixed. 31V J'-'c It l K No. 2. i4(a.is'. HAY Weiik to Jl.o.) lower; choke tlm-i othy 314.kiil4.i0: choice nralrie. 312.00. BI'TTKR Creamery. 24c; firsts, 21c; secondH 19c: packing stock. 124c 1 LOGS-textras. 'X'i-; firsts. 19c: seconds. Receipts. 91.0H0 104 0.l 18,'asj Shipments, tw.ooo 49.0W 13.1100 London ' Stuck Market. LONDON, Feb. 3. American securities opened steady and a fraction higher today, loiter the market declined under realizing and at noon was easy with price ranging iroiu unchanged to ;i lower than yestei dav's cloning i.ouuviiie r... 10 St., K. at T 47it N. Y. Central ' Norfolk W Ids do pfd I'M Ontario W...... Faonaylvania Conaola. monay. 4o account.. Amal. Copper." Anaconda Atclilaon do ptd Baltimore at Ohio:. 11. mi. Corn: No. . canii. 4i-j5,,te. . 1 w hlte. . o iu tc: No. yellow, 4 v i- 2'4c; No. 2 winlc Phllndelpbln Prod ace Mnrket. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 3-HITTEP.-Flrm: c tra western creamery, 29c; ncorby pr'ti's. S"c. r.'n.; ,iriu .. ri in iiauiH iiji.i iiiut r .... ...i nearby firsts, free cases. 3ie at mark: cur- i 1n nod rent receipts, in returnable cases, 22c a ' . mark: wesiern first, fiee .cases. 2:'c uw marl-; current receipts, ftee ca?es. 2.'c at mark CH KESE Steady: New Ycrk full cteims. fanev. September. 1 " I4a ; October. WW He; fall" to good. I-'VU I3'i-r. t'analsn facirtc. i.hap4dka U.. t'nKag. O. W.... t til . Mil. A St. I pa Beera Denver Si Klo 0. do p'd bill do Ul P1 do Jd p(d ru.ia Central . . .!14 Kad Minea .. ; Hxadln .. 14' bi.utharn Hy do pfd....'. .. 1S iJcuthtrn Pacific. .. Lnlon Pacltlc... .. 7.1 1 do plil .. i V. 8. Slal .. 4"i do pld .. ut Wahaai .. do pfd . Spanhn 4a .Ii0 . M .1W1. 41', . ; . i'i . . 2l .124 ,I84"4 . , . as Armour m '-o Aichlaon sen. 4,.. do cv. 4a do ev. la. At. c. V. lat 4. Bal. Ohio 4a... do l'a do 8. W. Ja... Brook. Tr. cv. 4a. tVn. ot Oa. la Cn. Leather la. r of N. J. I "a 61 t'H M 7IVt 3 ' US', 1S sua, JJ'4 4Va s', MS aV H 1J4'4 c. 4a.. M4j K-, 1 11K1W 70S 4a.... J"4 83'a Fenn. iv. 3'a ml.. ion do con. 4a. loss KMiReadln gen. 4a....7t 23 8. L. aV 8. F. f. 4s l 7a H 4'a i do deb. .... 4 N. Y.. N. ....mA ct. 4a ....110 N. ft W. lat l.... Mt 00 CT. 4.. .... No. Pacific 4 .... -. do 3a .... HO O. 8. 1. rfdf tl,. ft Ohio -,."".,' 7 do rat. la W7 8- w- rnlraso ft A. 711 K 1" la u a. u. I. 4a.... 8. A. U 4a. do n. 4a 3'a - a u Jl I P. a Wa M do C. K. 1. P 74l do rtK. 4a l'olo. Ind. oa. "ol. Mid. 4a. V. s. r. D. ft H. ct. aU. ft R Iiii, 31 Ho ... ... ...... ,.ir ounce. MONE 2wi-t pei cent. The isle of discount it. Hie open market for short bills Is 3-jj7-16 per cent: for three months' bills. il'a'K '-'a per cent. do ral. la Dlatlllcr," 5a .. Krla p. I. a.... do sen. 4a.... do cv. 4a. aer. do aerlea 1 Gen. Klec. i" III, I'm tat Pacific col. 4a ct. 4a do lat ref. 4a.... WVi 8o. Railway as... .... 7S', do gen. is tnt I'nion Pacific 4a.. 4.a ' do cv. 4a do lat ft rf. 4a li 4i 4. I". 8. Rubber 4a.. .. , .. '. . . .. .. So ..107 .. ..10H' . .list .IIR'I lli I. 8. Aieel 2d oa Pu ... 77- Va.-Car. Chem. la..i"2 ....1X0 Wahaali 1st l"Hi .... 7i do lat ex. 4a ... SS A.. 74 Waatern Md. 4a S Til'Waat. Klac. c. sa.. i"' . t tVI Wla. Ontral 4a S8' rel. 4. 7i Mo. Pac. cv. oa 34 i-i euiiirl s. 17g2icj i-4(n:t2c; No ti!te, jiiJiV; standuiii gl'loo'.C. l!l"i TF.R-St ad dairies, loui.'c. tltKiS Meady, at tuatk. cases Included lWil-w; teceipis. i.uwj cases; lusts, JuJjt.i prune firsts, 2IVjC l IIEI.SE. Stcauy ; dslsles. lt4li 15V; twins. 13'ai4lvi": yuunk .vmerican, lo'jlac; lon huriiK. l-i44l4c. J I o'l A t OiS dead) : choice to fancy. UQ l 4vj; fair to good. 4'ifl'V. I Ol l.TRY-8ady, lurkejs. U.e. 15a-,' d,t-ed. .k; cnli kens, lUe, !:!; uiesseu. YKAL 8lady; io to S" to fcj-lL. wrihta. welKlits. ll'-c. I hicago Ht-relpla Today: Wheat, it rata, mm, 324 cars: ..a is. 151 cars Estl in n led lutnot row v heat. 11 cara. corn. 1M, cj; oats, 147 car. Mllnaaker Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Feb. 3 -FI.Ol lt Lover. WHEAT No. 1 northern. 1.04',ll.Uu: No. 2 iiui-tlierri. $1.0i104; May. t.,t. ATS Standard. ;'2'-.c. 1! A 1 . 1 . 1 : V - Sa i 1 1 1) I es . sOHS9c . I.iiral Seer rlllt-a. following quotations are furnished Dnlath Grnln Market. DCLUTH. Feb. l-WHKAT-N northern. II 02 a'. No. 2 northern, 1100'kC: May. l.l,; July. 1 Ot1-.. 4iATS-21'c. I . ti.'-lb. lo'jc; e., i .c weight, s'c, So to UO-io. t I PEORIA. 1 .o. a a" Hcrla larket. OATS- lll.. No Sttady dutd. 21 c; No. Feb. 3. CORN 4. JSc; sample. : No. 2 uinte, 3 white, 31l,c. -I 'ml, allied 4"r)41c. stan Ltniiornlrd uilea and Dried Frnlts No. Minneapolis l-ratn Market. M I N I'APOLl". F. b. 3. W II E AT il a ' 11 or',: July. i.O -til.'Ss-: No. ,,,d l.3'.. No. 1 n.rtherr. II .( 1 J, i 1 .' 3S: northern. Ifc'iC'il' .'d1,; Nj. 3 wheat. :e.c. Fl X Clostd at I2.i'. IMKN-No. 3 yellow. 4ru;lile. DATS-No. 3 white. :jU'."'c. IIVX-N'i. 2. T17':e. 'RRAN-ln 100-lh. aacl.s. $JJ 0-Jj 22 ,V KUK'R- Fit :n : firet im tents. 14 tv. i 5 ik". second pal.nts 84 -'.) 4 w : first clear J3k. , e"ond cli a i . fJ.CV! 2.65. I NEW YORK. Feb. 3. EVAPORATED ' A I'PLES viih I and sleads ; on the spot, i lancv . 12-..a4l.: -hoice. Ilill-ac; prime, I V'ktt ii'c; cold storage. SVtM 10.-. 1RII-Ik lH t ' ITS-4'ruriu i.n- firr.i 3tiitfli.llv for I iri.L'i.111- ninlliiin. iini'a tr,,i olsc to ll'4c for California up to 4o and I (' o H ' for (rKuii from Kt to 3.m. Ap i rlcota. firm on small offerings; choice. 1.1c; ; extra choice, l:t'.i 1 :,c; lancv. I?.,iiltc. ; lkeaehes. o'liL but pri e are firm on small lotlei lns Irom the coe.st ; liolce. T'-t Tc The by Ixigan .t t.ryan, memoirs New Yor, block exi-hanke. :ti Soutn aixteentli street, uinaha. Bid. (Ti'raio Santlarv 4a i Columbia. A 0-. r.. , i-i ,1 IC'udabv Pkl l"- ' I9-' M I Corn ti hanga Nail, bank '.i ntf,.. ' it-..ner.' Ii a a mr itnt ' lllrka Kullr-PIron (Sloui Cilyl 1 Itosail tNeb l riliool aa vt w.ru i i-ji.laod 1iiimi f ta J ' Kau.aa O'y 4a tMo.l S.llool ., k ..uajy itiild.i.l 1 I'" Kat.aai. C'lly. Mexico ft Orttnl pfd U Kauaa, I' it v. Uejiit o ft Orient cam . 14 L..n l oaniy tli.t ' aairaiia 'Nalra.ka lnd a trauma aa i NaiiL-v C .unty tNah I 4 wairaai, . ,,'f : Oinaba Uaa a. Il If . Iituali V, a ar 6a. 1044 M i iw. ... Oui.l.t ft 4.'. b iU Hy. 4a. U- T rnttl At . SI Hv el l. I p ,. i i uuiai.a ft 0. P. St. H. com 44 ! I'nion block Y-nl ato.k . Slrttloi. i Neb I Waler la lot. Mel. 4',a.. 1 Itoaton liuiInK Stoes. BOSTON. Feb. 3 Closing quotation on shocks were as loiiows: Allouaa AaekJ ''- '. lk. 10 1N l.-l 10U M ' IS lua M A ma I. Copper A. St. k Anions Com Atlantic b. & . C 8. N Bulla Coalltloa - i t'al. ft Arlaona t'al. ft HorlS ! tcntennlsl i t ..ppr llanse C. 1 , Kal Bulla C. M ' I ranklm 1 lilroux ("on Oraliby '"B I tlreene l'analit-a .. ' 1. 1 Koya.o Copper ', Kart Laia ' Lak i oppar ! Ui Salle I'oppri... 1 al aim Copper Totals 23 78 2 3 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. wioawm i acmni L.o Swift and Company.... Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour & Co Murphy W. H. Vaasant Co...... F. R. Lewis Huston A Co J. B. Root ft Co J. H. Bulla McCreary ft Carey S. Werthelmer Sullivan Bros I Rothschild Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.. Sol Degsn Cllne ft Christy Other buyers Totals 1.139 CA i x LsBdl here were not here today to cut anv fliru r. nn tha market In fact even to make a market, only 30o head all told being received. In addition to what little stuff was carried over from yea terday. The receipts for the flv days foot up 22.700 head, being a falling off of about 1,600 head as compared with last week and a gain of about 6, MO head as compared with the same day a year ago. The week started out with a little stronger market, but prices from that day on rap idly declined under the Influence of large receipts at all market points and a conse quent rapid decrease in values. This mar ket suffered along with the others and to day it la safe to quote the general run of killing cattle a 25c lower than last week. This would apply equally well to beef steers, cows, heifer, calves and in fact ail classes of killer. Feeding cattle hav held up very much better than killers. Thu good to choice feeder, the kind that ha been bringing well up toward $6.00 or better have shown little change in price on that grade, be Ing Just about steady with a week ago. A an example of this attention might be called to the fact that a high as 36.00 was paid yeaerday for well-bred cattle to be taken back into the country and to be placed on feed. The market on stock cattle has looked pretty weak on some days, but still the change haa not been very great as com pared with last week. In fact a good many Kellers are quoting them aa Just about steady. Warmed up cattle, the kind that packer and feeders both bid on are lower in sympathy with the .decline on beef steer. quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steer. 5.75i&6.25; fair to good beef steers, o..iKrr6.7u; common to fair beef steers, $4.754jo.60; good to choice cow and and heifers, It-oOge 30; fair to good cow and heifers. $4.2ira4.50; common to fair cows and heifers, $3.25(&4.25; good to choice utockers and feeders, $5.306.1)0; fair to good stooker a.id feeders, $4.7oaS.30; common to fair atockers and feeders, 14.00 '.14.76; stock heifers, $3.7&64.2u; veal calve $; bulls, stags, etc., l4.UXg6.00. representative sales: BEEP STEERS. U Mohawk .. ' . a.-'i Navada Con I . 14 N'lplaung Mines .... K", . H- North Hulte . C North Like . l i' Old Dominion 41', . !' tliceola I'"1 . a4 pirtoti 8. ft C 1 . j'iil IJi '.ney , . 12 St.annon H'l . aa'a Supei lor -''1 , . 12 1 -u trior ft B M 4 Kuperlor ft P. C I .', ' 1 7-lt, Tamaj ack 4. ' . S.' I . 8 K ft M .. :.'- 1 . - du pld . 14 t'lah t on I2V1 "Saltan Copper t:o 4 ! . 6N W.l'.ona 4 1 . w olerllia IS" I . 1IH I No. tl'."'. M li... 11.... 10.!.'. I . . , . At. Pr. 7l 4 U .... 145 .... "7 .... 7U ....1167 .... 461 .... M .... U0 ... .10110 ... 891 ....10.M .... W5 ... '5 .. . .lBTsl 1044) .... 90 ....lluO .... -4 ....1101 ....1044 ....1015 ....1O10 ....1112 ....1040 .... 44 .... 46 .... 77J 41'. .... 6S0 .... I'd .... 4V4 .... 864 .... 6'J8 . ... 4li:i .... 74 .... 0 .... "10 ....low . . . . ,...l"l .... I0 .. .111a ...i"ii ....IMS .... :0 i i6 t 34 i 40 I 40 i so 4 M No. 36.... II.... 4.... .... J.... 10.... 1 COWS. I 40 I 40 I 40 3 ia 1 US 4 fri 4 00 4 01) 4 16 4 10 4 :o 4 n 4 tb 4 2.'. 4 25 4 30 4 40 4 40 HEIFKP.S. 4 ... 4.... 21.... I.... 11.... . .... .... 11.... 24.... .... ... tl.... 16... 10.... I.... I.... 4.... A 1044 . ...14.'S ....1172 ....110.1 ....1144 ...13.0 12WI ....U6i , ....1117 .... 8N7 .... 3 ... .1100 ....101)7 ,.,.12'Jfi ....1073 ....lilt ....1114 ....1204 1 1 S7 .... M2 . ...UuS ....liril ....liss ....VIM 1170 rr. 6 66 6 C6 i ti t It 6 10 6 116 6 46 00 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 46 4 46 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 00 4 40 4 ail 4 46 4 . 4 70 4 10 4 16 4 !6 4 4 S.". 4 40 I 60 4 id 4 60 4 60 4 5 4 66 . 10.. l., 1.. 4.. 10., 10.. I 1 is.. 1. 4. BLXI.S. 4 00 4 ti 4 31 I 16 4 4 4 4.1 4 :,n 4 :,6 4 6-: 4 v 4 4') CALVKS. t 4 !i 457 4 :j 1., 417 4 7i 1.. 311 4 6 . ; .1 00 , 2 6 . 2. 444 5 1. i. 47 5 : 2 61 i J . I 4 6 40 1. -nj 6 r.n STOCK Kii-S AND New i.rk lark Market. I The following quotations are furnished i hv l.ol-an ft Bryan, meinbi-rs New Vork ; Siock ecliant;c, 315 Soma Sixteenth street. 4- t;- .:.u Mim-Le. Xi:W YORK. Feb. 3 Closing quotations on th Mining exenunge: Aina I extra choice. L. u ..... ,...t. ! looee inusiatels. J setdeil, 14'rf7t-c: 1 layers. II 4'ii 1 4j. 8i8-sc; fancy. with buyera Indif fernit ; o'iii'c; 4'holt e to fancy seedless, 4i4r; London l'om. 'lunntl alut k 4 do bf.uda t'on t'al ft V, H.-rn tiller 1:011 e.nor 844'tit4i4c. 1 a.eadillla I'm - una ro. Lltlla ct M. il.lt ..... ontar.o 01 tin standard .... Yaliuft J ke. I -u I. -6 . l I 4)maha : ' Ainar. Tobacco. 1 Bar lHats liaa. . ! luatiin I'ona.... i Puna Coalitlou i I'm. lua : t hlno ' hieJ lCO ; Kraciioii ! pava-lJaly I l,...ba : hair Lake I fcl 1 'antral. .. I Kly 4 ir.a fc!) WIHU raliklin I l.iel,u& I palm. ill' . tioititi. id I Ooldfietd .19 Greene t'anallsa.. . Intpiratlon . tS lroa . la-?, Nl-vuc:, 1 una . 21 .Nrarhoute . tZ Nrvi.lt I nil I -1 Ohio 1't ppr . 14 Kawbi.le 1 oali.lon 1 1-14 Ra 1 entral . 4-, eift 10 ... a.ara-Rburk Cu. . ISSIIier Kick . 3a gipertor ft Pilla. . . -1 1 u.n.pan allD.rii . T 1 . 1 iini.y Copper 1 4-14 I'nned Copper.... 4 Norm Lake lira l.U;14 Uybcnila lai ii'-i 4 .. i ,.. ) . I 1-14 ' ... I'. 1 . . 1 ; ; ..l'W ..iit ... I.'.S 2u.. .. 600 60.) 413 Ul 4 M 1:7.1 .0 4 i 4 6') 4 . 4 . a 1" 6 I ". 6 I.'. 6 :'l) 6 !6 .. 744 .. .'.: .. j . . 100 .. v.u) . . 10u7 . .11117 .. 133 .. 6 .0 .. . . Ill .. Mi ..1370 ..K'lC) . . 1 .'IS ..11611 ..14O0 . . Mull ...lil ..IWu ..IHW . .212.) ..2010 3o ko o lis H.O I -1 1; ICS i: , 10 FF.KDKR.-4 7.W e 7.HI 474 i'.'J 4 66 4 4.1 4 l 4 60 4 611 4 66 4 7.) 4 7.i 4 SI 4 ail 6 i 20 4 40 4 .'. 4 ;o 4 7.1 4 ; 4 4 n 4 k.' 4 i 6 imi 6 00 t M 6 6o 4 00 6 60 ' 7.- 7 tm 7 2.'. 7 6.1 7 im 7 60 Feb. 3. 1911. j Hogs Sheep 3..r-M 9 031 11.275 11.901 111 2.V! 10.390 1,701 6,H0 4K 43.98 39, 2M 33.827 I7.2.'8 2'..4"4 So. 161 No At. s. pr, ,0 A, sh rr 14 3J4 l 7 M 41 114 ... 7 40 I4 no t .10 ;; .. ... j 40 3 24 ... 7 Z5 4 144 ... 7 40 14 I ... 7 t:, 32 2, ... 7 to 42 317 ... 7 :'i 7 2:1.1 ... 7 40 6" 270 ... 1 Si 71 rt.". ... J 40 5 1") ... I ' :i ... J 40 177 ... 1 .10 k r?l ... 7 40 . 3 t" ... 7 30 ft J4.". 90 7 i SO !! ... 7 SO 72 Z'l ... T 40 27 2el 7 3:M 7 1,, ... ; 4.1 2 40 7 31', Jr. 3 ... 7 40 41 C1 40 7 3Ji, !' t4 ... 7 40 67 3"J ... 7 32', 70 :43 ... J 4.1 42 t74 4.) 7 3?L, It 24,1 ... 7 el 74 2.13 0 7 s:. 44 2.1 ... 7 40 64 2.11 ... 7 36 24 ;.I4 ... 7 4" t:j ?"0 ... 7 3.". Iv. :'1 ... 7 40 61 276 ... I 36 :'4 2ltl 30 7 40 61 2." SO 7 3 . 40 214 so 7 4 72. rT.4 40 7 35 64 2'.4 ... 7 40 4 2(17 ... 7 36 74 J24 ... 7 40 IS 240 140 7 86 Oil ... 7 4o 4 L1 ... 7 36 16 24H ... 7 4H 40 Jl ... 7 36 26 ?34 ... 7 40 hi 77(1 ... 7 36 4.1 22 40 7 40 74 24 ... 7 36 K 211 ... 7 40 US 264 ... 7 3.-, !'l ... 7 4f'j :i 24lt ... 7 3T4, li 20 ... 7 42', t 236 ... t :.7i 71 268 ... 7 4.'4 67 34 7 37 S 74 23 ... 7 4.1 40 337 ... 7 374, 87 IPS ... 7 4i 4.'. 741 ... 7 40 16 '2 ... 7 4S 70 313 M 7 40 64 104 ... 7 46 72 267 ... 7 40 46 218 ... 7 46 73 7l SO 7 40 70 203 ... 1 41 t 13 ... 7 40 14. 1S7 ... 7 4.-. 72 240 ... 7 40 S3 ... 1 46 MUsha- Neither sheep nor lambs were In large enough supply this morning to reflect the actual condition of trade as a whole by the various sales. Only two or thre doubles of stock arrived, everything selling readily at figures little different from those noted yesterday. Receipts during the week have been fully normal and demand, while ample, has been generally quid. It haa been a hard mar ket for sellers from the start, aa the retail situation In the east has been unresponsive at all times. Desiate this fact local prices have been held well In line and such de clines aa were evident were easily war ranted. 8hecp have been meeting with a freer demand than Jambs and are closing about l,".(fj2fc lower than they were a week ago. tiood wethers ate quotable as high as $4.0017410, but the percentile of this class of stock has been notably limited. Kwes made up the bulk of sheep and cominanded $3 501(3.75, according to quality and weight. Karly In the week $3.8Ii waa a possible top, but at present is too high to be quotable. Good lambs have been plentiful, but tone to lamb trade h.ts been decidedly uncertain throughout. Best kinds dropped to $5.7i.ff 5.95, the latter price being paid on a day when Chicago's top was also under the $.00 mark. In a general way the trade Is very nearly a quarter lower than at last week's close, loppy offerings finishing around $h.75. Anything with abundance of weight is still avoided, of course, but some revival of country demand has proven a sustaining feature and dally clearances have been creditable. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs. $; fair to good lambs. tt.ttoVi6.fio. Imndv weigh yearllnK. $4.60Tri4.75; heavy yearlings. $4.2.V3'4.50; good to choice wethers, $.1.8teu 4.00; fair to good wethers. $3.Fya3.86; good to choice ewes. $3K&3.76; fair to good ewes. $325!ij;3.60; sheep, culls to feeders, $1.50'3.25. Representative sales: No. V) Colorado ewes, culls..., 420 Colorado ewes, feeders. 229 Colorado ewes, feeders. 34 Colorado wether -nO Colorado lambs 84 Colorado lamb 130 Colorado lamb Av. . 82 . 98 . 97 . V7 . 62 . 62 . 79 Pr. 2 00 3 45 3 45 4 00 6 AO 6 60 6 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle aad Sheep Steady Sheep Slow. CHICAGO. Feb. . CATTLK Receipts. 1,500 head. Market dull and steady. BeeveB, $4.8CJj6.80; Texaa steers, $4.00&j.2o; western steers, $4.30336.50; stockera and feeders. $3.70 tif..tif; cow and heifer. $2.606.75; calves, 6.5iv-d.00. HOUa Receipts, 17,000 head. Market slow. Mght. $7.4o7.8S: mixed, $7.3o47.0; heavy, $7.(j'7.u6 ; rough. 7.067.26; good to choice heavy. tf.laVirt.te; P'M. $7.454f7.90. Bulk of sales. $7.40tr7.0. BHEKP AND LAMBS- Receipts, 4,000 head. Market steady. Native, eJ.4V.il.30; western. $2.2M7.3tH yearllnga. $4.40lc5.5o; native lambs, $4.2r46.05; western lamos, $1.25 l.05. Kasiaa City ll Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Mo., Feb. 8. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head. Including 100 south erns; market steady; dressed beef and ex port steers: $5.7f4r6.50; fair to good, $5. 25 5.75; western steers, $o.00!6.80; stockers and feeders. $4.754t5.80; southern steers. $4.75'ov 5 90; southern cows. $3.2:V& 4.75; native cowa, $1 2.Vrt5 25; native heifers, $4. 5006.00; bulls, $4.003io.lO; calves, $4.508.00. I It KIN Receipts, 5.000 head; market Mj'IOc higher:, bulk of sales. 7. 457.65; heavy. $7.46177.55; packer and butchers, $7.Wj7.6.; lights. $7.65?(i'7.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ..WO head; market 10W15o higher; western lam.., $6.00; lamb. $5 00,16.00; yearlings, $4 50415.2.'.; wethers, $4.00frH.30; ewes, $:t.5Ka'4.00; stockers and feeders, $3.00g3.75. St. Loot Live Stock Market. PT. LOUIS, Feb. 8. CATTLE Receipts, .-v. i A innli.Hlnff OWl To v u m ' tviarlf.it BOO lieU. IHVluuuif, - ' ' " - " "- ' - steady; native ahlpplng and export steers, 16 MrlJ I.UO; oresseu . urn aim umui.rr Btrri., $6!oOi41.6ui steers urwier 1.000 pounds, $6.2o4) 6 75; stocker and feeder. $3.7itju.&0: cows and heifers, $4.00476.25: cannera, $3.O0V(i3.35; bulls. $3.7fi&6.50: calves, $.-,.00&9 .26 ; Teias and Indian steers, $3.00(i4.75. ni)8- Receipts. 8.0U0 head; market steady; pigs and lights. $7.G04i8.O0; packers, $7 50&7.76; butcher and best heavy, $7.60 7.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 800 head; market steady: native muttons. $3.75 (fvb.b: lambs, $o.u0i8.10: cull and buck, 2.50ij3.00; stockers, $2.6OS3.0O. St. Joseph 1.1 ve Stoek Market. ST. JOHEPH, Feb. . CATTLE Re ceipts 500 head; market steady, steer $5.2oii6.2S: cowa and heifer, $3.266.50; calves. $4.00.00. HOGS Receipts. 1.500 head: market strong to 6 higher; top $7.65; bulk of sale, $7.3Mi7.50. 8HKEP AND LAMBS Receipt 600 head; market ateady; lambs, $5.506 5. 76. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western marketa yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 300 6.5n0 400 St. Joseph 5ii0 3.5HO bin 1 Kansas City I.O10 5,isi0 J.rusD Kt. IXMI1S f'l Chicago 1..VJ0 14. 'Mi iT.OiU 4.HI0 tMiaiin nntttmil rtn Tfl I tW UU5 nLYlLii Uf InAuL Confidence Inspired Among: Business Men by rorwsrd Movement. IRON AND STEEL IMPROVING Tendency T'orrard 1. renter Activity Una ao far Been Confined Chiefly to Finished Material Market Mni Favornblr. NEW YORK, Fib. 3i-Duns Review of Trado tomorrow will sav : Improved outlook In lion and steel, greater Interest In drv annds. larger ilcal- lnps In hides und lout her, gcniTally ex tcellent crop advices and extultng market I for bonds, f.icllltstcd by the cm! Inning 1110 In money, are fentmes of the week. The Indications are f.ir nn IncrensiiiK ciclit I'ul.itice abroad, due In inrt in the li11er conditions In foreign 1 1. miner, e and the r,il:in of the I nit. 11 I'aclfie system In vot ing to spend 7o tuti.OK' In the next, few yin s In double tracking the road. These me signs of a forward movement which serves to Inspire confidence timonu business men In all branches of trade und ttvtulry. In spite of the fuel that the volume of trnnfue llons Is still below the point of nniitMl out put. Recent Improvement In Iron mid Merl h.1.4 become more pronoiinecd. with tTV lesult that the future outlook Is now vlnwt-1 with Increasing ..ptlmlsm. The tendencv tow r 'I grealer activity Iihs so far been ronfiin-l cnieiiy to iinisneu materlnl iniiikets. .et hIi?tim nee n.,4 ln,,il.m ,. 1.- .1 ..t demand for pig Iron. Reports fiotn ;i-i'i:i territory sugKest that buyers ore displaying more Interest. Fair slied mall orders ate being tecelved for boots and shoes, but In rnet,tl h.ifl nrsl Is not as good as when buyers wctt personally Inspecting the market. I'i.'..4 are firmly held and the new illseount-i u-.-manded by the tanners have o-. h-o.m'c.I many protests throughout shoe circles In the dry goods mnrkt compel li Ion for business Is keen and buyers are pre.ee liux with deliberation. Concession In 1'av.ir of buyers have leer, made by foreign mi l do mestic producers of dress goods and other lines, but the st iiiiuliitlng effect of clnso prices Is not especially marked as v.'t. Jobbers are doing a atoadll expindltii; business In dotnestli'S, prints, glngh-i itis nml a few other staples. Limitation of produc tion continues, but distribution docs not expand materially. Export trade, Is quiet, but the shipment for the week serve to bring tho movement for January above that of the saino month a year ago. BHAD8TR KKT'S TR 4, 111-: HKVIKW Ills to- Optlinlam More I'roiionnced. lint trlbutlve Trnile la tliilct. NEW YORIv, Feb. 3 -Hradsti eel's morrow will say: While optimism as to the future out look Is rather more pronounced than In any pre vious week this year, actual distributive trade Is still quiet and business expands rather slowly. Hot and dry weather in the southwest, hlKh temperatures in Hie eastern half ot the cotton belt and excessive rains In Cali fornia are some of the obstacles noted to full retail distribution, while at northern and western cities retail trade Is hardly up to expectation based on price reductions designed to move stocks of winter goods. Wholesale trade Is liuidly better than fair. The far western agricultural ivglonn note considerable caution In nrnklng pur chases. Farm Implements are actively In request and some leading plow munufaci urers re port the largest orders ever booked at this season. Improvement In the finished branches of the steel trade continues to muku progress and operations tend to Incrcaso. Business failures In the I'nlted States for the week ending February 2 were hh compared with 315 last week. 2J2 lit the like week of 1910, 286 in l!i9, 272 in 19"8 and 198 In 1907. Wheat. Including flour, exports from the t'nlted States and Canada for the week end ing February 2 aggregated 2.32M70 hit., as compared with 2.132.513 bu. last week and 2,465.698 bu. this week last year. For tho' thirty-one week ending February 2 export are 73.169,986 bu., aa compared with H)l ,L-. fi'l bu. In the corresponding period last year. Corn exports for the week were 4.3Ht,nHl bu., as compared with 1,831.343 bu. last week and 1,240,060 bu. in 1910. and are the litrgest for any week except February, 1906. For the thirty-one weeks ending rebruary 3 corn exports are 22.5X4. 153 bu., as comparer with 16.270,823 bo. last yesr. t OMAHA WHOLESALE PIIICKS. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to the retail trade In l ib. cartons. 26c; No. 3, In 80-lb. tubs, 24c: No. 2. In l ib. cartons, 24c; parking stock, solid pack, 13c; dairy in 60-lb. tuba. Initio. Market changes evary Tuesday. CHEESE Twin. lGiffiec: younrr Ameri cas. 18Vic; daisies, 17Vc; triplets, 17Hc; Mm' burger. 180, No. 1 brick. 17V:; imported ti wliis. 82c; domestlo Swiss, 22c, block Swiaa, 19c. POULTRY Dreed broilers, under t lb to per do.; hens, lCo; cock, lie; duck 18c; geese, 13c; turkeys, 25c; pigeons, per dux., $1.20; homer squabs, per do., $t; fancy squabs, per do.. $3 50; No 1, pr do., $3. Alive, broilers. 16c; smooth leg 10c; 'hen. Who; staga and old rooster 7c; old ducks, full feathered, 12o; gee, full feathered. !c; turkeys, 19c; guinea fowls, Zbo each; pigeons, per do., ft, homer, per do., $3; squab, No. L per do., $1 60; No. 2, per dor.. 60c; capon, over $ lbs.. 14c; old turkey, 17c. Beef cui i-rice io. i nn, isc: No 4. 1C tf""- " -w. in,, iu. 2. lo'-ftG No. $. 10c; No. 1 chuck, 7-.i!; No. 2. 7!io: No. 8. 7c; NO. 1 round, 9c; No 2, Sc; No 1 sue: No. 1 plate, 64.C, No. 2, ec: No 1 Ka.3" Total.. .4.100 4o.i 6. TOO Market. .", in i i.i 4 .v. i :i. i r. 6 3 .-. l.lterpvol Urals Market. LIVERPOOL Fsb. 3 WHEAT Spot, dull: No. 2 red western winter, no stock Future, oulrt. March. 7s d . May. 7. ci i HN-Spot American n ixed. ne . unlet; tnliigal. ' tt, 4:'d, Amerl.an mixed, old. ateady; i 89 teal, Uoyi;!. aasar Market. M'W YORK. Feb 3-SI'i firm: musi-oiado ia te-n. 2 H.o lawaiurts and Ksporli. KW YORK. Feb. J. Imports of mer chandise and dry goods at Ih port of New York for the week ending January !S , ere tkluid at 111. us'. 112- liniHirts of seeie for the port of New York for the week end im 3 4.i3 4mj, molasses sugar, I today v. era 1148.624 silver and II.V2K7 gold. K(ined, steady. I tiporL of spcci trout th por$ f Nr I All-Raw. j Sv': cen- Hank 4 Irariiiks. OMAHA, Feb. ?. llank ciearlnm for to day weie IJ.713 7 81 and (m tha corres. iondn' date last ear. I.'.kl.l 'a o0. (luiahn liar 4larket. oMMIA. Feb. 3 - HAY No. I lln iiO: No. I. in txi; pat kina.'- ' alfalfa. H2 0u. straw ; Wheat, ot. ry. HMi eai. 7 flu. -.l 4.. .i.". S 4.1 a i".i : -i .: i in 2 4V) t !i 20 1, 4 3 h i 440 SS. 2 71.1 (i. HOGS Lighter receipts of hogs resulted ' In lively competition this morning at prices j mostly a ilimo higher. Techuit uiiv . it ua-i a ."A !'"- higher trade, but when yesterday s i weak opening Is oiought into the compurl i son, the full advance was genrrally ei dent, .'ill classes of liuvers executed their I orders with little or no deluv. so tl,u( 'clearance wus complete and early I'm hers : fjok bell,. I he ape; illative demand .ailing , for about 12 pr t ent of total upplv. Nol very much bt. bluets was ibine l.eiov.' ' $7..'. only tlie extra heavy anil root.-!) pack- li.i; iu.les going at ;.2j and let.-, jl.x-.l of iiialit. legardles-i of well;!,, v en: at $;.5t and better. liesl bacon and but. hei ' ottri ina ria. in d I. 4... a ni. kel l.lliei il.uu jilie i Mreme liih pricu esterda'. ) Home increase in receipts ilu.iiig the week j added to unexpected liquidation at ( hit-u-o Mild other points, afforded linkers a i 'lant e Ito Lear lli market laiel. I tforls al clicapuiilng coat were not oei iiiuuvntly fruitful, oowr, a today Improvement Coffee NEW YORK. Feb 3.-4f)FFKH -Futures opened steady at a decline of 3 lu 'i t-oiuts under a little local selling and it. sympathy with rather disappointing French cantos, but offerings were nol as heavy as recently. There appeared to be a good ileal of realiz ing by recent sellers, incl'idlng some ol th ? tot loll exchange people. I"n-ii offerings from Brazil were said lo La steady, .ml the market during the e (l uno n turned firmer on buying for a I irn, atlribq;."! io Importers and Ktiropeun buying ciders. Havre was neiieveo to ne n iuiki i.ii ei j here just before the close .md Die final i lone was strong at a net advance of 10 lot 3.1 points. Seles. 1 1 j.'sjo bags. February, 1040c; March, 10.56.; April. lOolc; ;.ljy. 1066c; June. 10.64c; July. U.li-.-. Ann i-.t. 10 54c; September, ln.40. ; Octo. .), 10 41. : N'o iniber. 10.40c: Decetiiliei, .'..; : J.iiu.aiy. lu.'Kk' Owing to I he liolil.if ihere wre no cables from Brjillian m.i. l.el.-i Havre! t eucted after an early ad . a 'i'"e. b it vul u d again later, closing W" pf'-is- net hlsh.r. Hamburg closed '.li'x pfg. lower. N'ew I York warehouse deliveries vest -id.iy wei. 7 440 hat-'s. BKainst 24.K12 uas la: t year, "not iiiiei; Rio No. 7. i.'.il:.' , ; S.inu.s No. 4. 13'ac Mild, iiotiiln il; Coidma. 1 i j 15c. x4tsCEIJLANEOUS Almond. Coiir..' oft hell, per lb.. Ito; In sack lots, ic Braall nuta. per lb.. 13c; In aack lot, lo less. Cocoanuts. per sack 15.60; per dol. 10c. Kllberts. per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lo lea. Hlckorynut, large, per lb., 6c; small per lb., 6c. Peanut", roasted, per lb.. ou: raw, per lb. 6MiC Pecans, large, per Jb ' 16c; In sack lotse, lc less. Walnuts, black! per lb., i"rc; California, per lh l.; i (a(.k lots, lo less. Cider, New York Molt', per Vi-bbl., $3.76; per bbl., $6.76. Honey, nw, 24 frames, 14. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 3.-METALR Standai d copper, ateady; spot, February, March, April and May, $1L904i 12.15. Ixmdon market quiet; spot, lo5 6s; futures, IM Is 3d. Ex ports of copper so far this month, accord, ing to custom house returns, are ;i.6:h tons. Ijike copper, Ii2.2iyu 12.87'; eleetrolvt ie. lit 37ru!2.62't,; cafctlng. $12.(112 25. Tin, weak; spot, $41. 24.i 41.75; Fel ruary, $414.,'n 41. 50; March, April and May. H.ZStHi .hi London market steady: spin, fit? !; fu tures. flsT. leatl. dull, $4.4Mt4.is). New York, and $4.2:g4:i5 at Kan St. Louis. London spot, 12 IS 9d. Spelter, dull, $'..3.V..'. 4 ., New York, and $5.2."o.30 at lia.-l st. Ijuls. lx)iidon, f23 los. iron. 'lei eland i arrant. 4!s ;i1 in London Locally iron was quiet; No. 1 foundry northern, ll'.i'.'.i 1H.2i; No. 2. 114 7Mi 15.75; No. 1 foundry southern and N i 1 foundry soutoerr. s-ift ll.'. i'.',.-1.'. 7."., KT. IH'IS, t'eh. ,l.-J1i:T.Ms-Un, lower. 4.:i2'...; spelter, firm at I..2... JjONDoN. leb. 3 Heavy sales on lie part of the tin syndicate brokers 1 xeiti-.l tb metal exchange todav. Tin shaie-. opened at 11 but quickly dropped to lite 10s. After the big business the clove nk feverish at 117. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb 3 -COTTo.N - Sp.-t closed quiet. 2i points loner; iukIiIIihk up lands. 14.-, mlddlliiK gulf, H.9H-; sales. :)) balia ST. I.OITS. Feb. 3.--COTTON I n cliamred: midtlling. l.'ac: no sales: receipts, 3,022 bales; sh.pmenls. 3.279 hales, stuck, 21.197 bale. New York cotton mat ket. as f irnisiie I by ligaii & liryan, meinoeis New vnrK Cotton exchange. 312 South bulcml h stn et Omaha: Month. ! Open. I H'gh.i Low. 1 close Yea'v. Dry iooda 4larket. NEW YORK. Feb. 1-II!V liooli.-i-Tlie cotton goods market Is eu.-iier in the gray goods division. Sales ut .'-iin'li A4x6ns were made for February ilellviry at 5'. Nsrrow cloths are a shade easier on small .-all Fine ard goods are somewhat firmer Jobbers are I01117 a steady biisl ness in domestic and punt departments Yams rule quiet, alth prices Irregular. T he local markets are quiet. March .; 14 34 Mav ... 14 72 July ..J 14 70 Aug. ... 14 40 Oct 13 40 14 5S 14 7. 14 7s 14 4." 14 40 14 X I 14 '..I II . . ' II 17 I 14 .is 14 I 14 f.'i 1 14 5.1 n 27 I I I I 14 i.l 14 s: 14 8: 14 :.,i i:t 4:1 ..1-11 Illi-iliUtllS 18c; f ne. 12i 13c Market. Feb. 3 wool.- Lower; wesi lisg.'2c; fine mediums, nils nail lloaln. I SAVANNAH Oa. IVh 2 Tilt TEN- j Tl N I-. I"'!' I" s:,.,i-. ral.-s. 20 bbls , it. ce'iils. 2v: l.bls.; shipiiunts. i.i bids. ; sloci. . 5,0. "7 bbls. u )S N Firm : sales. I.:'3 bbls; teceipis, I T. bbls; shil.llielils. 13.127 bbls : slot.,, to i,."!' bbls. Ouoiat oils: U. $ v.. K. )k.; F. 6 87 O. 6lsi; II. 6 9i; I $r ', IC. $) 4u; M. $7 60, N, $7.0; WG. $8 00; WW, $8 0. XV Buy and Bet: Stocks and Bonds Fobt. C. Druesedow & Co , 159 1 60 law Omaha Mat. Bank Bid' Ouata, rJabraain.