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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1911)
titk r.i;K: omaha. Saturday, fehiiuatiy 4. mit. 13 V QrccRtu FOrt SALE fnraltnr. . , I Hacrlfice hlv.h rala weathered to.un and library furniture. It. a iii'uhv calr. ruK b-'fl room set. Ice c!i m. j,a rtr.g. before leaving town. I 1 one liainey 4il N. illsl St. REAL ESTATE .in T ritrllrri. . Y an L. C. Smith A Bros, typewriter. K Swansun Co.. Distributers. U14 Far- Ft. KCOND-tand typewriter sold, repaired. . una! Typewriter Exchange. l'W Farnam. TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES CI.KA RANCH HALE NOW ON! Price low to get the rash. 1-4 to 1-i regular inlcf; any make you want. Get one while they lt. II. K. SWANSuN CO., 1316 FARNAM BT. Mlseellaaeoee. SECOND HAND MOTOHS LE-BRON. 313 SOUTH 12TH ST. ihm.i in r- f 211-inch diameter No. 34 nun salvanlxed Pipe, with lour 46-Inch .bows and 1. Thla wa used for ventllal nir mirn,.a and nine la In sood condition. T ha Bee publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam. FOK SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tabled. We lead the world in ihun bar fixture: easy payment. Hrunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8. 10th St. ran SALE One Parker Broe. hammer- In. 10 (ansa, twlat barrel, hot run. and leather case, hu una r-arser rsros nam iner tun, 10-gatig and leather case. IlKfts. One Pmlth Weaton, 38 caliber, hammer- lea revolver, lit). Address L 814. car Bee. WB HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar tela which ws will el for 60 centa each jher are fine for rain water or ashea fall at preea room. Be Publishing Co.' SA FES Overstocked with aecond-hand afe. all sixes and makes; bargain. American Supylv Co., Ill rtrntm St. tKITHAITK OF TITLE. Midland Guarantee and Trail company. bonded abstracter. 1714 Farnam Ht. TETER JEsSEN. Jr.. Co. Tel. Dong II. II. Neale. 3T0 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE ""Ht AD HtOI l,I r"i (Continued! rallfarwta. T" HKAL KSTATlB DK41.KH". REED ABSTRACT CO.. Fat. 1S: prompt service; get our price. M Brandel Theater FOR F ALF in acre if es good land ai there le In California, half mile from Huron. Fresno county. traina dally; not far from Tulare Lake, where there I an abun dance of water- ditoh going peat this land; la worth t-4 per acre; on account of eicknexa thla land I offered at . per acre: 11.000 cash doan; will divide lend If required. C. W. Comstock. owner. Sj4 a. Broadway. Los Angeles. tal. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRCT CO.. Fif teenth floor City Nat l Bank Bldg. FOR bargain in homes In Benson see Chappell A Hon. Duve block. Tel. Ben. 718. CITI" PROPERTY FOR "ALU WEST FARNAM LOT, $1,600 On list St.. Just north of Davenport, have a very fine lot that can he bought cheaper than anything In that district. Very beat of surroundings, pavea aireei. paving all paid. Sewer, water, ga and permanent aklewalk. Norris & Martin 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4270. Web. 4tiM. FOR SALE Two lota. 132x140. on aouth ISth est. nar Vinton; all apecial taxee paid win !! aa one niece or divide. Willing to U at secraflca. Apply at 826 South list treet TULA RE COUNTY LAND for aa! by owner, A tract or l.uxo acres or. iirauciasa land: suitable for alfalfa or trees; fine for subdivision; shallow to water; also shares In ditch. Price, M per acre, with terms Have also Km) acre at lesser price. All of It In good location. Address A. F. Laney. Plxley. Cal. REAL ESTATE farm ami i.a.iu for rai.b APPLE land at S.1S per acre, on easy term. 10 acr tracts, near Olenwood, within T tnllea from i. F.: when cleared of brvsh worth 160 acre; splendid soil; good toad, pleiitv of water. John LHibula Olenwood. Santa Crua "o.. CaL ' COAL MO-tl.tO del d. Kindling. D ll. " KAWDtjST. I have al"ut two rarlnuds of sawdust at 1'owell. Neh., that I would Ilk to sell In lump or any amount to suit purchaser. K. P. LMcklnaon, Columbus. Neb. pfHOLARSHIP In good local business college at a discount Apply at The Bee office. at PIANO, nearly new; must be sold ,'mce. at a bargain. 1934 Locust Five-Room Bungalow NEW and strictly modern. Rooms all on one floor: furnace heat; lot 7oxi:. Owner offering this for few days only at 2.50O. Eauy terms. If Interested, come prepared to deal at once as It Is sure to sell to flrt party we ahow It to. A decided bar gain for someone. AVRAY & STEVEN, - rtoom 610, Bee Bldg. Doug. 307. FOR SALE 2725 Ame Ave.. Omaha, cor. lot mxiz, wnn a-room oouse, cuy water, closet, gas and electric IlKht; ce ment cellar; runted at 11 a month; all clear: paving paid for; taxes paid up; property will pay 12 per cent on Invest ment; owner nonresident; easy terms; call at Mr. Slavln a. 113 Larimor Ave. California for Wealth, California for Health, California for Comfort 3(55 Days in the Year. No snow, no billiards, no thunder storms, no high winds. Just sunshine and prosperity all the time. Kreh vegetables In your garden every day In the year. Strawberries ripen every month. We have the best land In the Sac ramento valley for per acre. The soil and climate provide perfect con ditions for raiding oranires, flas. English walnut, almonds, grapes, prunes, peaches and all deciduous frUltY All kinds of veg etables and alfalfa. Terms to suit pur- charser. Write for booklet. - Trowbride-Colster Company, 1201 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Caaada- One million acres land for sale. ultabl for colonization or Investment Improved farms and farm lands. Alberta. Saskatch ewan and Manitoba. Public sale In March. Write for lists. Ueoige td wards. 317 Porage Ave.. Winnipeg. I oei a ( ontlaaed. Want to MaVe Money! W have merchandise slock, city prop erty, lands, etc., to exchanc In every part of tha I n! ted. IJat your property with ua. We will treat you square. Have eora good proposltiona near Houston. Tex. Tell us what you have aad want. We will de the rect. CONTINENTAL REALTY CO.. Box 263. Waterloo. la. FOR PALE OR EXCHANGE (CO acres In Red Hlver Valley. N. D.. la mile west of Grand Forks, on the N. P. Ry.. and 4 miles from good town; good soil; no wet land. U. D. W Insert. Cedar Kaplda. Is. Kaaaaa. t QUIT RENTINO ten years ago and cama west with s, bounht lff acre Kansas land am well fixed now and happy. 1 loo, oame tw years ago and have done Welt in thia fin climate. Uood netghbora, school and rnurch. I urge renter to coin and see the alfalfa, corn and hogs. No doctor bill. Will make you rich. It acres, improved. I miles county aeat. 2&; term. 640 acres. Improved, miles county aeat; tie; terms. SWITZER LAND CO.. 812 Pleasant St ies Maine, la. REAL ESTATE rASM Al MARCH I.AISII rR lAts FOR SALE Brickbats, screened, Ve per TWO HOfSKS FOR SALE-Just built; Central Blvd.; no-paving taxes; completely lard on ground at Lealtt Neb. Address modern; rooms; Dutch parlor; laundry. ' j. Funk. Fremont. Neb. Call O. W. Snyder, 1MUJ Valley St.. Tel.. OSTEOPATHY KATHERYN Theater. NIKOLAS. 134-1 Brandel Six Rooms, $4,500 A 13.000 value on the NORTH SIDE, liv ing mom across front of house: every mod- Allc Johnson. t Brand... Theater Bid,, ern convenience hot water heat: lo4.x 17; HOME. MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE. WALKLP REAL ESTATE COMPANY, S75-79 Brandel Bldg. Douglas 2WX, A-33S6. PATENTS Colerada. GREAT AUCTION LAND PALE n'h wants to buy Rood aoll, Irrixatlon water all you want summer and winter; reservoir 1,000.000 barels; a gold dollar for ten cents. Do r.ot Dtlss It; come and see. Maps. Information. H F. Uilford. Uronar, Weld Co.. Colo.-t "FOR SALE Finest 1.B00 acr Improved farm and ranch In Colorado for tiw per acre Every foot of It rich and smooth; only I miles IU xiusu, "w win iu vuiuva tlon. J. C. Cane, owner. Ilogo, Colo. roi.ORADO Improved ranch for sale. lo- within six miles of Denrer. Soil equal to the bent in the state; suitable for airy or garaeniu wen iur uinor pur- doxcs. Ten acres in iuu wnrai. n aier mis ...ill I, K n t n r. In - .1 Season. Will v ainsm. nuui Ml, Owner, P. O. Box ai, ueuver, 1,010. ) ACKt M ml. town. New six room house, bain, sheds. iJ plowed, be lane fenced pasture, all smooth. Uilabl. Rural rout, telephone. Good mad. soil, netgs bors. Crippled with scla.ica. causa foe selling, tii per acrei U:n If waated. u W. AlbriKht Urewster. Kan. eraUe awtlaaed. A BARGAIN ACHES. IMPROVED FARM Ton can buy this about the same as pay ing rent. two sections In one body, located a little a est of central Nebraska. miles from (tood railroad town, buildings worth e-voiW; ciay soil. In the tst winter wheat section in the state: tmi acres under plow Terms: Will take ax firm payment a business or residence property In Omaha, Soulh Omaha or Council Bluffs worth from M.) to KW and 12.000 cash, balance practically the same a paying rent. Am old and wish to retire. Address E-710, Bee. 320 ACRES HALL COUNTY Nebraska Farm One of the best Im proved farms in the county; t" acres al falfa. s6 an acre; eaay terms, iUO-acre Adams county, Nebraska, farm; fair improvements: 1H0 acres cultivated"; SO acres wheat l-V) an acre. A barsraln. l,X-acre Improved farm and stock ranch near Burwell. Neb., Ili.SHO. Who wants this. )-arra Improved Norton county, Kansas, farm; 1M acre wheat. 36 an acre. Ask about this. lZX-acre well Improved valley farm near Oxford. Neb. $W an acre. Ask about thai also. )-acre Imoroved svuear beet farm near Drush. Colo. 1126 an acr. One crop of beets will almost pay fur this. W. W. M1TC1IELL, Board of Trade Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE An estate in Labett county, Kansas, of 240-acre stock farm; fine creek bottom. nevr overflows; I miles of par sons; baa good Improvements, some tiut ber, W acrea In grass, clover, alfalfa, timo thy; plenty of water; rich black land. Terms on half at per cent, long time, Price, P per acr. Bugg Bros.. Parsons. Kan. CRAWFORD COUNTY. KANSAb Nice, smooth, rich pram with timber along the creeks, best corn, clover and timothy land In southeast Kansas. Send for description list. James Wllkina, Walnut. Kan. FOR SALE Farms and ranches fa Oreen wood county, Kansas, the banner cattle county In th world. Ihav 1,200 acrea of EASTERN NEBRASKA BARGAINS. POSSESSION MAItCH 1. M acrea all In cultivation, fair Improve ments, all high table land and beat of soil. M acre of fall wheat which roe with th place, three miles to rood town. One of the choice M s in this part of the coun try Price. llSo.OO oe acre. 220 acres, highly Improved and on main road. R. F. D. and telephone line. 4 miles to good town, 1K0 acres In cultivation. M acres clover and airaira. una orcliaru. Land Is all high table land, except about acrea. which is rolling and I in pastura About & acres natural timber In paelure: ll-room house aixl large barn. Price U6.0U0.UU. 80 acres, well Improved, t mile from Bouth Omaha, all good land, II acres alfalfa, 15 acrea prairie hay, balance la D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HI RAM A. 8TUROES. reg. patent any.. 444 Brand! Theater Bldg. Douglaa . Building Lots WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner jots, 40x124, water, sewer, gas. c In U. a. Pat office, 1 Paxton Blk H. 3UiL shade trees, KINE LOCATION; ' WALKUP HEAL ESTATH C S5TH AVENUE AND JONES. 2 fine cement walk. ii. each. COMPANY, Douglas 2MI8, A-236S. 876-7 Brandel Bid. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Grippe, rheumatism, massage treatment Dr. Sdargu.rlt. Halloran. Ut Neville Bia. V. T76L South 36th Street BRAND NEW, strictly modern, 7-room home; 3 good bedroonui, large bath, ela KaTii gas and electric light fixtures, fine 448 1 basemeni, vv.c w. fu.vw ' ... ... Oriental Massac. 448 basement, j Prof. Dinijian L Theater D. PHICE. H.7. . WAI.K1IP REAL ESTATE COMPANY. H View Maternity Home, private 875.7a Brandels Bid. Douglas -Dm, A-SJ6B. home lor women aunng con- --1 ment Box 117, Florence. lei. lorenc jOR BALirtouae 1 rwm, water, aewer, toilet etc.; nice trees ana suruuoery, bouth Ut St Wl si-prpiri.iinim hair permanently re moved witbout electric needle, or Injury to SIX-ROOM modern cottage for sal oa the akin; lady attendant, no jacuaguo uwi. tay terms by owner, sum juiami ou MAGNETIC treatment. lth St. E. Brott. 7a 8. CHOICE bungalow, new and all modern, with 7 good rooms, line lot ox i.e. near car line,- price reduced to 13,100, t&OO cash. J. W. Rasp CO., aw nranuoia mag. ttv-ir SALE e-room house. 116 N. J4th St. lot tlxSl leet. H,wu; can on prernisea TTTt-miTTTr' nlles. etc.. cured: no knife; J.1.UL J. U ACLi book free German Doctora. Broadway. Council Bluffs, la. THE SALVATION ARMY o1lclt cat-oft clothing. In fact, anything you do not joqj Dodge, I rooms, modern; close In reed. W collect, repair ana sen at ih : easy terms. Doug. mn xor cosi o& t;uiici.'ii. thy poor. Call phone Douglaa 41S4 and wagons will call. lAuur vviBUHiTRN'H book. "The Under world Sewer,:' at all book stores. Price II. SO. Tl lTH! Pa't glow and massage, ItioS " A iio Dodgu, 3d floor, opp. poBtof- flce. Mine, Allen of Chicago. Doug. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind. A-lt3; Douglas iw. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. . . lttb and Harney kits. I1T? nI?K'l.,. Specialist Diseases of men and women. N,- E. cor. 16th Douglas. Omaha. Call or write. MAflWliTir! treatment Mme. Smith, JUlULlllj bJ mh thlri UooT HINDOO TABLETS 'vlll i.uild. trace, irengtnea. 00c tk.ut ukuu tu ' PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Adelight hair food a row hair; aee Mme. Prayer. Megeath Stat y Co.. Uth 4 Farnatn I DR. SOGERS, private confinement home. UU Martha St. Omaha. Tel. Douglas (ii. OMAHA Stammarer' Ina. Ramg Bldg. Kountze Place Home t rooms, atrlctly modern, with hot water heat, oak Ilnisn, tiiea oatn ana lull lot; located In one of the best neighborhoods In Omaha. Price. Iti,5u0. Owner going Into buslneHS and needs cash. This Is where you can make your money count. J. H. Dumont & Sons Phone D. ). ltWu Farnam St., Omaha, C. Fred Harrison and Oeo. T. Morton for central bargain. 1 Omaha Nat l Baalt. $2,900Six-Room House MODERN, birch finish. Juth and Maroy; half block three car tinea, uarney sat. Vim? lTTlOV Massage. Dr. Rltten- houae, Sue Old Boston Store, 4th floor, elevator entrance. DO 8. lbth. LIST your property with the Payne In vestment Co. for quick sale. One of the oldest companies In the city. Entire Id Floor Ware Block. 0. E. corner 10m ana Farnam. Doug. 17SL A-1188. STRICTLY private Christian confine ment home; best vara, babies for adoption. -old uavnport JOHN CANE The Tree and Qrap- j vlne Trimnler lB , town. 1101 B. 26th Ave. Red. 7704. A-StUs. 8-R.. tt.OOO. 3230 Burt. Tel. Ilamay 2464. WANTED For adoption, bright baby an, leiiaoie coupte. a est. Dec. TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as trangara are Invited to vialt the Young Women's Christian Association building at reventeentn street and el. Mary's aveaua where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler a aid at th Union station. Biggest Dundee Buy Cut to $4,600 from $5,G00 8 rooms, all modern, right near car, two big lots DO foot each. Recently sold for JS,t. It will pay you to buy this. Shopen & Co.. 840-41 ,1'ax ton ttia u. 4ia Jua. A 147. REAL ESTATE FARM AND MAN CH. LAND FOR SALS. MASK SUITS to rent at LIEBEN'B. BEST nerve bracer (or ma a. Grays Nerve Food Pliia ll.Oo a boat Postpaid. Sherman a. McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Acreage for Heat. FOR RENT Ideal rtalrv farm on West Center and Sixtieth t-ta. Large barn. 47 bv luO: aoud house, 00 acres oi pasture I long lease. N. P. Dodge Co.. 15th and Harney. f ttTTrKN nucreaslve years of sood rram make northeastern Colorado wheat landi the best offering before Investors and bom buyer today. Prices advancing, but one crop still pays for the land. 'Write J. H Helnhardt. Sterling. Colo. KK-ACRE Irrigated ranch. Morgan Co., Colo., on the jjurunssion, 1 mne irom depot': Improvements are modern In every particular; owner retiring. For full partic ulars address E. 3. Seaman, Brush. Colo. rierlda. ' FLORIDA HOMB FOR BALK.' m axrea wall Improved land: good build ing' good soil; 6 block to main business street; same to depot; up-to-dste town, 1000 people; electric light and water works; would mass an laeai true rarm or fine private residence and ground. For particulars address. Albert I Ackley. De Funlak Springs. Fla. blue stem pasture land for exchange for ",lr-, 10 nBy D, merchandise to th amount of 112.000. Prlca u'Uv"tlon- pr,ee- Jcr , . t .cr. Lock Box 4S4. Eurek Kn acres, .on macadamised road. I mil ls per acre. tcx cvi m, &ureu, , .no ah tui.hi aenti mn, LtiiO ACRES, solid' tract. 4 seta Improve ments; I nines town, best soil; can't be duplicated in stats, lis. Beet terma Kansas-Colorado In vest meat Co. fchouti City, Kan. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN SOON 100 acrea, good d-rootn bouse, large barn, other buildings, plenty fruit; grove 40 acre, pas ture 120 mow land, balance cultivated; 24j mile town on goad road; rural route, tele prune; plenty water, windmill and tank; 200 rods new hog wire. !o0, easy terms; would take some trade. W. U HUBBARD. Welds, Kan. ' MR RENTER Bargains In west central Kansas. Nice ltM acrea Improved. ( mils station; easy terms; 2.Wu. Ijo acres raw land, 13.300. Ed. Ewlng. Dlshton. Kan. 7 ACRES, well Improved, adjoin R. R. town in southern Kansas. A.ialfa, eora. wbeat sUick and fruit farm. Prloe aVA.uul. best of terms. W. 1. Carter. Sterling. Kan TWO TRACTS of Lv20 acres each, cheap; one Improved, one not. Klngery Realty Co., Kiugery. Kan. FLORIDA Three crops a year can b grown on Florida land. Pota toes, corn and hay (which anyone from this vicinity knows how to grow) and will net 1 12 an acre or mora After a ahort time you wfll learn how to gfovr grape fruit, oranges, celery, .egg " plant etc., which pay from SX00 to - 11.000 per acr. Cllrnlraa perfect, mild sum mers and winters. Three hun dred and sixty-five growing days a year. Beautiful wide river (the "t Johns). Ex cellent baas and shad fishing. Waterfowl and quail shooting. Artesian walla. Forty-acre tracts-, on terma , to rutt anybody. No taxes or Interest until fully paid for. Join our excursion on Feb ruary "to to see this land. Your expenses paid If you i buy. Special discount of 15 per acre on all land sold bn thla strip. Call and aee sam pl of crons grown. Benson & Carmichael 401-642 Paxton Block. Omaha, Nb, FLOKIDA LAND. Soil -of best uuality, most desirable locav tlon. finest and most healthful climate la U. B. land where It la possible to beoome Independent from an Investment of J10 at 10 per nionin. ror particulars, see w. tl. bpuncer, 124 N. Lawrence Ave., Wichita, ' ""CITRUS COUNTY. FLA,. Ha th beat fruit and truck landa In Florida; I have Improved place aa well aa unimproved places for sale In sixes and at prices to suit all; writs lor lit erature. Edward Walker, real estate broker, Inverness. Ha. Idaho. PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. Dr. King. l-4 N. feth. Web. us; lnd. D-18J. and toupea fjr men. Griffith, 12 and 14 FREN2ER BLOCK. WIGS DR BAKER. MEDICAL OFFICE. Expert specialists dlaaasea of women. Consultation and examination frea 210 8. 14th St. Corner Douglaa. Omaha, Neh. MRS 8 YNDKR has opened maaeace par ol a In Tha Dunaany. room , loth and Pierce Sta . where ahe give salt 1 w. Swedish movemant vibrator and radiator treatment fbea doujc. atto. MASSAOE: scientific treat. Mrs. Steele, moved to lu? 8. 17th St., 2d floor, room I. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FARMS FOR RENT 127.60 acres In aw U section 36. township IS N., rang 11 east which la well 1m- f nosed, and Is one mile northwest of Mll ard. Neb. Mr. Hermansen, the present tenant, will cheerfully show the place. Possession given March 1. 1U. acres In so V of ae , section 31. township 16, N-, range 13 east, located about 4th and C street, South Omaha, on Union Taclflc railway, "Lane Cut-off. House and barn need aome repairs which shall be made by tenant and coat of same will be allowed on the rent. Possession given March L Ml. Apply to J. A. UKItMlll. Land Commissioner, Union Pacific Rail way, Room r'4 "East ' Brandel Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Arlaaaa. IXJO 3. black aad tan eolllea, water fowl and poultry. J. M. Maher. Fremont Neb. FINE land can be bought cheap. Some government and relinquishments; beat . . i -. . 4 . ,. . .. .II., 1 Dos. Brown Leghorn rooster, IS ach; ADoU, .na oth.r fruit grow to parfactioa. egg for setting. t laul N. 37th 8t Wa 261. CALL Webster 321T for freh laid egga BARRED Plymouth Rock Finest lot of cockerels I ever owned; also aome breeding hens and pulleta Write for prlcea. F. C. Ahlouiat. ri2 Meredith Ave., Ouiaha, Neb. Phone Webster sta. For particular write Wilcox Realty Co wuicoa. Aria. PRINTING y Lew- W. Kaber, Winter, rJ". BEE BLDO. ENTRANCE ON tXJURT. A r kaaaaa. FOR SALE At m elg bargalu, 4 6O0 aera of rich bottom land, above overflow. In southwest Arkansas; about 4,000 In cultiva tion; Sou acres deadened and ready to take In; good storahouse and atock of merchan dise aa R R system; gin. mules, larmlax Implements and corn and hay a plenty. Will sell for t- per acr and giv a bar gain In the personal property. Want to sell all to on purchaser. Ne events Bead apply. Address A. W. Mule, pine Bluff. Ark. lMES-HALLPtg. Co.. 1 14th. lnd. A-3U4 INVESTIGATE THIS BARGAIN. Good loe-acr farm, belonging to heir: Mill v-R A JAMIESEN. IS! louglaa Bt must sell at ence; four miles out; i la Both 'plioa cultivation. 26 timber. 100 level -no rock, lias seta improvements: fine water; whaat. winVH IND. A-!s for sool printing. . va... . .v.ww llvsscad Pimilng Co.. JMA And Capilul A v. lAUdiea IrimKH -aiuita. spiUiSJaia, Aa.- IDAHO FRUIT LAND. 90 acrea of fin Irrigated land with plenty of water,. In, the famous Counc.ll Valley and almost adjoining the great Council Mesa Orchard tract and equally as good In every respect Can be sold In lu-acre tracts. Council Valley apples always take riKoi prise in ( ouncii Bluffs Horticultural Fair. Price IO0 per acre, part casn, balance easy terms, rena (or booklet anu lull particulars. J. Hon roe Smith, 431 80. 11th street Boise. Idaho. ( llllavta. 1M ACRES fins corn land I miles from independence. la. good vn room house: bam for eight horse and sight cowi rooia for 16 tons of na ; nog nouea; chicken house: aranary for l.tuO bushels of small grain; crib for t.uuo bushels of corn; buggy shed; steel tank sod windmill; good teuo ing; an Ideal farm for general farming or dairying, price iiz.sw. terms, ai.oou cash. Lalancs long time per cent privilege pay ment. Aaareaa u. c msuup. owner, . N. Evans atl-. Blooming too. LI. lawa. FDR BALE OR EXCHANae-Several good quafrler and half section farms In kuck Co.. Neb. Close to Baasett a aood town on the Northwestern railroad. Prices range from lis 10 par acre, ovt m. Bioua City, la. BUY A GOOD IOWA FARM IN THM HEART OF THE CORN BELT. Do you want to own a good farm la th heart of lu corn bail? If so, come to (joarla. la, ana let us snow you. our big list Is Just out Write for one If you are la tartsted. Yours for business. Woodward Land Company, uowria, ia- FOR quick aala I am orterlng a nice 10-acre home four miles of ttie town at f.'n ACRES wheat, corn and aUalfa lass, southern Kansas; t miles county sent; N eras wbsat. W acres alfalfa; well Im proved. Pries !!&, L. L Klsar. El Doraoe, Kan. from Benson. All tillabls, gently rolling land and all In cultivation. Heat close-in land bargain near Omaha, Prloe, $124. 00 per acre. WESTEEN IOWA BARGAIN. 120 acres One of the best and best Im proved farms In Fremont eoupty. Iowa All high land and alt tableland except a small nortlon of Pasture, wnlch Is a little rollins. Larg bouse and tenant houses. Barn 60x0 feet with stalls lor 24 horses, larg bin, driveway and room lor o ton of hay doubla comcrlb 40x80 feet large cattle aheds. hay sheds, seir-Ieeder. hoc houses. two windmills and all buildings necessary for a modern, up-to-dats farm: 23 acrea apple orchard ai.d plenty of other fruit of different kinds and varieties. Fenced and cross fenced, most of which Is hog tight woven wire. This Is certainly a fine atock and arain farm and la all ready for busi ness. Pries 160 per acre. Possession March L a K. COMBS, Rooms 801 to (11 Brandels Theater Bldg. Omaha. Neb. 'Phones Douglas 3U1K, A-37U. 1.000 ACRES rich, level Improved farm land ranch, 112.60 per acre; terms; no trade; owner c i. Wlloy, heuungford. Neb. DON'T WHITE. DON'T WAIT. But come at once to Man chester, Kan. Let me show you the famous Dickinson, Clay and Ottawa Counties Kansas Corn, wheat and alfalfa land. Many are se curing the best of homes; many are making profitable investments here. Why not -youT Large list sent upon request. ,E. E. FACKLER, Manchester, Dickinson County, Kansas. RFAL ESTATE "4HM A 1 HAKCII I.AXH FOR Sat5 LEGAL NOTICES Texas -Caatlaaed. A POUT 1 PCS ACRF.S. Rraxos count. Texss. I miles station; two-thirds hot 1 em, balanoe upland; W per rent tillable; faneed. several subdivisions; pv cuiuvallaa; ideal or alfalfa, potatoes, cans. eora. ete.s bal ance timber; five housea, barn, sverlssttnsl water; moat Ideal hog ranch and stock farm la state; hogs oa range will pay la ter eat on .0r; bottom timber will par far place: best personal reasons for offer ing this bargain at M per acre for qui. sale; terms. Address owner, aV W. Mi , UUUaaa, T ORANflK orchards near Houatrm are big Investment. Our five-acre orchard are sold on easy monthly payment. The Alvin Japanese Nurseries adjoin and their ex- pert develop and care for our orchard three years write today ror muairatea orange booklet. Federal land gt Invest ment Co., Houston, Tex. - Waaaiagrtaau YAKIMA ORCHARD PROPCRTT W have for sal, at an exceptionally low or4, tb finest best located orchard oa Neb Hill. Th tract eonaista st 17" acres- Is near ths Nob Hill car Una, Is planted to 1-year-old apple and pear trees, and oaa be subdivided into 17 beautiful acre tracts Ideally situated for suburban homes. Spe cial pries lor casn aown. nenry wonasoa Healty Co.. Nsrah Yakima, Wash. REAL ESTATE LOANS lion to 110.000 made promptly. F. Wsad. Weed Bldg., ISth and Farnam. nmviN BROS, td floor N. Y. Llfa lf4 to 1100.1)00 oa improved property, f o r. I,W RATES. BEMIS-CARLBERO CO 110-313 Brandels Theater tt'Qg. 111N8 to home owners and boms build. era with privilege of making partial pay ment semi-annually. W. M. 1 MUM AS, OS First National Bank Bids. MONEY TO INVEST I have a few thousand dollars as trustee. Want to buy farm mortgages due within two years. ecurltv must he gilt-edged. Olv full particulars. Including discount you will make. , It. F. KLOKE. TRUSTEE, 801 Omaha National Bank Hldff.. Omaha. iONEY TO LOAN Pay ns Investment Co, WANTED City loana Peters Trust Co. WANTED Cltv loan and warrant W. Farnam Smith i Co.. 1320 Farnam St tooo to 15.000 on Omaha home. O'Keafe Real Estate Co. 10)1 N. Y. Llfa Douglas or A-1152. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have a cash customer for Business I 1 olo.-t'sl. Express nroi.ertv: Imoroved or Uulmproved: must I r-innAa Special be well located and well worth the price I erry-omaha , Local asaed. O Neil's Real Estate eV Insurance Agency, lu05 Farnam St. Both Phones. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEET- INtJ. Notlcs Is hereby irtven that the recular annual meeting of the- stockholders of tha Iticuth Platte Land company will re heM I at the office of salt! company at Lincoln, Neb , at 11 o clock m., on tits rirst day of Inarch, A. D, !11 t . H HiiKKii.u 1 resiiierw. A. R MINOR, Scorelarv. Lincoln. Neb, Jan. 30, 1911. JanSl d vt RAILWAY TIME CARP 1'Nloy gTATlOX Testh ssd Maaoa. falsa Pacific Depart. Arrive. San Fran. Overland L. a I 16 am ali sopm Chin and Japan F. M. a 4:10 pm a l pm Atlantio Exprese a . am Oregon Express a 4 00 pm a :H pn I oe Angeles Limited... all. o pm I r Denver Bpedal a am a 7:W am Colorado Kxpreaa t l:W I'm a 4: pm Oregon-Wash. Limited.. all so pm il:ipm North Platte Local a 1:11 am a 4 46 am Columbus Local a 6:30 pm ali:iw am Btromaburg Local bl2:0 pm b 1 r pin CalcasTO A Northrreatera NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express aJ iiar Sioux City Ixcal a I 4 . pm Minn. A Dakota Ex. ...a 7:00 pm KAS 1 HOUND. Carroll I .oca I a 7:00 am Omaha Expreee a 7:40 am Chicago Local al2.06 pin Colorado-Chicago a 1:10 pm Chicaso Special a 4:J pm Pacific Coaat-Chlcago. .a 4:i pm a I'M pm Los Angeles Limited. ..a t o pm alK:l pm Overland Limited all:4A pm a 7:46 am Carroll Local a 4 pm alO:uo am Fast Mail il pm a 3:3j pm WESTBOUND. Llnroln-Chadron a 7:60 am all :00 am Norfulk-Dallaa a 7:60 am al0:46 pm Long pine-So. Platte., .b 1:16 pm b l:W vm Hastings-Superior b 1 18 pm b :') pm Deadwood-Hot Springs. a 3:66 pin a 6:l pin Casper-Lander .....a 1. 06 pm alLuo am remont-Alblon o 6. SO pm a 1. 60 pin Missouri Pacific . K. C. & St L. Ex a 1:30 am a 7:40 am K. C at St L. Ex.. ex cept Saturday ali:U pin a l:6u um K. C. aV St L. Ex., Sat urday only li:U0 pm talvaata, Heek Island - I'nctflc KAbT. Rocky Mountain l.tu....al2 51 am al0:4i pm Chicago Day r.xpree..a 0.46 am a i.du pm CniCBaO locai iH.,..uiv:a nil UlU l.lplu lies Moines iocai iwia e.vv pin Chicago Express . ..a 4:40 pm Chicago Llnmea a .v pm riil -Neb. Ltd., IJticolu.a 3:20 am I'nio. and Cal- KxpreMs..a 1:2a pm a 4:iM nm Okl. & Texas Express. .a Hi pm a 1:20 pm Rocky Mouniam m... aw. ua vm ai.' Ml am Chlcaao, ea St. Paul Overland Limited ......all:43 pin a T.i m Oniaha-Clilcago Ex b 7:lo am Omaha-savannah Local. a 7:16 am all :45 pm a v. a :jo pm a 7:42 am a 0:60 am a I0:2W pm a 8.2 pm a .1 am a !:rn pm a it am a 3:2s am S.m pm a 4 am aii:Jb put pin I am a Lis 1 a 1 47 pm .b 6:16 pm bl0:00 am SWAPS .a 7:00 am a 3:45 pm .a :00 pm a 8;oo am ,b 7:00 am .a :00 pin a 8:u0 ani Exchanges, quick sales, larg list. Ad dress It L Continental Bldg., Omaha, Neh. WB exchange properties of merit H. H. Culver, S12-813 n. x. uta uougiaa isse. FOR SALE or trad flvs quarters farm land In Stanley and Lyman county. S, D., for Omaha or vicinity residence or business property. Just foreclosed oa tries taoaa Will deal with owners, do agents. Ne braska Loss Co . Z20 Bea uiag.. uniu. GRAIN, DAIRY AND STOCK FARM. Well Improved, nearly level, SOO-acre farm near Omaha; one-third cultivated, one-third extra fine native hay, one-third pasture, School ana church adjoining. Trackage for shipping ran be arranged. Price, ISO per acr. Owner will lake smaller l'airn or first mortgage on good land as part payment; siv.uuv casn require. ARTHUR C. CROBSMAN, 218 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Douglas 6107. Omaha. FOR quick results (my exchange llsU. C J. Canan, J01 O. in. .. niatH unuuia. MY (,040-acre farm for sals or rent dress Henry Stehl. Ha sett Neb. Ad- Kavlai Daltwta. Ot ACRES. Stutamaa Ca. N. D., clear for good realdenoe. clear, la Das Moines Price of land 130 per sera 0 acres, well Improved. K miles front Winnipeg. Manltooa, for Income. Prlca it per acre; meg.. U.M equity. Lock Box Ts6, Spirit Lake, la. v Laalalaaa. FOR SALE Louisiana sranx aal rut treea are money makers. Will sell you 0 seres or fertile land with Mm manare and fig treea bearlna In I sears for 260; 30 monthly payments; will culti vate ana taas cars 01 trees ana pay tax tor 3 years; no Interest; till guaranteed. treea tins aeaaou in Una section nave netted from li to tit; Inducements oa larger tracts. For further particulars address) A. J. Uodard. Abbeville, Lev Mlaaasa(aw FARM lands for sals; bargains la Im proved farms in southwestern Minnesota Writ F, M. Young. DstiraXf, Mixta. ACHES 3H miles from Foxnoms, Minn. Ntc grove, huus lax2ixli; kitchen 11x14x17, orss Pain, laxxs; granary, ltxilxS; good hog house. Ihls Is ths biggest bargain la sew enter 11 nUtes. Prlcs 60. Will Uads for an automobile, 240 auras In WUkln county. Mlnn with forty acrea timber on It; land la level; has fine drainage, all ditched and ditches paid fur; tarnt la all lenoed and cross lanced; ha abuut 60 acres cut over 'maple and oak. There Is a barn eoxia); will held iuO tons of hay; house UxJO. Farm Is eight luiita from town; has rural telephone and mail. Prlcs 646 per acre. Will trad tor atouk X goous. ttjorn U. Uialaaun, Minneuia. Mina WE have for sale nine quarter section of the best land In the state; we will sell this land one yuarter to one person only on the following terms: fl per acr down and 11 per acre per year, covering a period of ID years; optional payments at 6 per cent Interest These special prices and In ducements are to locate nine families la this section of ths stats In short order, tail or addreaa: NELSON DOOLITTLK. Crocker Bids., Das Moines, la. SOLICITORS WANTED. I own and control about 6.000 acres ot choice farm lands In Burleigh and Kid der Co., No. Dak., and want 60 good rep resentatives, others need not spply. Beat t referenoea W, E. Runey, Land Invest msnts. Bismarck. N. T. Si ear esto. BARGAIN to homeeeeker or Investor; l.SM acres finest land in northern New Mexico, one mile from railroad, W par aura. C. O. Fisher, Raton, New Mexico. AN IOWA FARMER wants to buy some chespor land, or he might consider an exchange. What have yout Hs I a reader of the De Molne Capital, and th way to reach him and thousands of others like Pirn is to adver tise In ths want ad columns of tbs Capi tal. Rata 1 cent a word per Insertion, a lllluela Ceatral- Chlcsgo Express .... Chicago Limited ... Mlnn.-Mt i Minn.-St Paul Ltd.. W abash Omaha-St. Louis Ex. ...a 6:30 pm a 1:3 am Mall and v.xpreB i.uara au la pm bianb'y Lcl. tlromC.D.)l 6:00 pm oiuas am Chicago tireat Western Chicago Limited a 6:43 pm Twin City Limited b :S0 pm a 7:6s ern Twin City Express a :U0 am a 3:30 pm Chicago Express a lt pni Darllagtoa gtatloa 10th and Maaea. Barllntoa Depart Ariiva I rienvee ft California. . .a :iu pm a 3:43 nm Puget Sound Express.. a 4:10 pm a 3:46 put Nebraska points. Black Hill.. Lincoln Mall Northwest Express. Nebrsska points Nebraska Express.. Lincoln Local. a 3:20 sm a :10 nm a 4:10 pru a 3:46 pin b 1:20 pm al3:16 pm ,all:26 pm a 7:00 am .a 8:20 am a 6:10 pm .a 1:16 an a 6:10 pm o i:uh am tai. rtata 1 cent a wvm ir luaeriiwu. 1 . . ,, , . a.iyi . ;: : cents a word tor six Insertions and 30 (UU Bchuyler-Plsttsmouth ..b I 06 pm b JOJuam a word per month. USJcoln Local a 7.J6 pin a 7:60 pm a wore per mumu. piattsmouth-Iowa a 9:18 am a 8:60 am IP you wish to exchange writ NOWATA LAND LOT CO., 663 New York Life Bid,. One brand hew No. 70 Colt's actylen ga machine) and gas rangs to trade for I Chicago Fast Express. .a g:30 pm a 8:00 pm Bellevus-Plattamouth Central neoraaaa Chicago Special... Denver Special.... Chicago Expreas. .al2 30 pm a 2:40 pm .SJ1:26 pm a ll;pm .a 7:16 am alluo pm a 7:00 am .a 4:30 pm a 8:66 pia good hogs, cows O' chicken. 4006 Orand Ave. Phone wen. en. K. C. St Josepn. K. C. at St Joseph.. Tnwa Local. Creston (la.) Local. at 1 .011 la uxnress. SO. OMAHA hotel business worth 11.000 1 v r A St Joseph lor awn. 640 a- Improved farm near Big Springs, Neh., price m a., lor stock goods. 320 a. level land, lifi a., for stock hardware. 820 a. Panhandle, Texas, lr0 a. broke, $25 a., for good mds. stock. 100 a. Improved farm, Fillmore Co., Neb., 1100 per a., for Omaha income property. 110 a. level. Banner Co., worth 6.600, for chlcaao, Ozark Co., Mo., land. I ... . I tl t U 1 VVCUiMril DlTTLilT I a :15 am al0:IO am .a 3:S pm ai0:M am .a 4:30 pm all: 46 an. ..al0:46 pm a 1:46 am ..a 8:16 am a 4:10 nm ..a 4:60 pm Webster tatloa IStk aaa Wsbstsr. Mlsaoarl Paclfl Auburn Local. I. Depart Arrive b 8:60 pm bl 1:66 am Paol, MlaaeapolU OMAHA EXCHANCE BUREAU, Phone Doug. 2018. 311 Karbach Block. TO EXCHANGE 320 acres proved. Brown Co. good railroad tow stock machinery. Box Sioux- City Express b t:15 pm bll:45 am Omaha Local c 6:20 pm ,m I etioux l.liy rMorninr, v m .J y iu 320 acrea well Im. Sioux .:ny rMrair " pn 8 n mn from Twin City Passenger... b : am 3ox U. Frederick S. D Emerson Local b 6.66 pm b 6.10 an Oklshonaa. . FOR SALE Flvs miles from Kremlin. Okl., all smooth black soil .good for alfalfa. 139 acres wheat, balanoe pasturs; good bouse, barn and orchard; would take 64.000 stock of groceries In trade. Wm. Krause, Kremlin, Okl. EASTERN OKLAHOMA. Send for prices aaJ dasortpUoas of farms, Ira Stout i-uahing, Oku 4rsoa. OREOON. Bake, county, the first In eastern Ore gon, offers more Inducements than any other; Improved alfalfa, grain and fruit land, 640 per acre up; raw land, lf and up; fins stock rauuhee; tor price list and book let call on or address Meyers-iEckerman Realty Co., Baker, Ore. SEVERAL farms In Greer county, Okl.. (c) Sunday only belonging to estate. Administrator wishes to convert land for good clean merchandise. J'r lovui, cioiuina ana eiiovb preieram. I e-GrXr"lal Might exchange for good stors building. I tro I LIN oscar wen, St. Joseph, Mo. (a) Daily, (b) Daily except 1 am Sunday. ASSERTED FORGER EXCELLENT Kountx Place horn for smaller place, acreage or downtown In come. Owners, Phone Webster iW12. WANTEDTO RENT YOUNG lady desires room and board with family in Hanscom park dletrlct; must have room tor piano, u vuz. Bee. BY young couple, attractive room In private family district near 3sth and Far nam; can lurnisn best or references. Ad dress A 706, Bee. Mayor Gaynor Proves Ho Has Not Forgrottea "Cobalaa Warrant" Wants Attorney Disbarred. NEW YORK. Feb. S.-Not much has been heard recently ahouLtho "Cohalan) war rant" so prominent In the news columns a year ago, but Mayor Oaynor proved to night that he, at least, has not forgotten. He has written a letter to Archibald Wat son, corporation counsel, In which hs de mands that evidence looking toward ths Indictment of Alfred Epstein, a lawyer, for alleged forgery be laid before ths dis trict attorney and also "be put before tbs Boat liaaota. FTV QUARTER SECTIONS, nlmproved, good soil, svery foot Is good tlllabl farm land; saay terms; ) per avoro, F. L. Crosby, Bonssteel. fl. D. SPLENDID Improved farm, 160 per acr. eastern South Dskota; will taks merchan dise as part payment Neister, Sioux Fails, a. D. Mtsaoaurl. TOPI Don't go a step rurthsr lass Douglas Co.. dowa 'a ths beautiful Osaraa Rales anything; com, 80 to 6 bushels per acre; sll other crops la proportion; eheea aal good land oa earth; 6 to 6j4 par aora Frea Informa.tou. Uloba Heal a.iaie Co. Ava. Mo. . FOR SALK Soma of ths best fruit land In ths Koshkonong-Braadsvllls fruit dis trict prices lower then anybody. Also Jood farms al vsry low prices. Writs a. . Cox Real Kstats Co., Braudavllla, Howell Co.. Mo. FOK BALE 736 sore splendid Versa Co. tMo.) Uk sad grain farm: every aer good. piant -jt water. Prlca 6-) par Sore, as good as 41 JS loaa land and far better climate. Write for better deecripiiea. It s apurgeon. Owner. Olatha Kan. FOR SALE 330 acres Lyman Co. land, I miles from town; 46 acres broke, all fenced and cross fenced, good well and other Im provements; ,6u0 If taken within thirty daya. Address owner, O- C Hemenway, Capa, & D. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Ths best 32d-acr highly Improved farm In Brown county. South Dakota. All under cultivation except ten acre-grove; $.',UOO worth of Improvements; only 2 miles from town; leased for Uil: sll level land and free from stones. Address Box P. P.. Frederick. S. D. BUY Bo. Dak. farms now. We have 4 Improved farms, loO to 240 a, st from l to 7ti an. a, on terms. Thess places ars bargains and are at 16 to 1)0 less than reg ular price. This party has to sell; good reasons. This Is In the corn belt and will make nice nomas or Investment. Act quick If you want amy of It. Reich & Weber, Delmont, 8. D. 13.60 to 360 for Osark landa Osark Land Co., 4U3 Bes Bldg. FOR BALE 40 acres near town. 36c; SO. 1 . . ..... turn' Imi liiinmuul ! .hat . I. the low price of tit per acra Address, i-n,, tor aal'e or trade. Virile for par O W. Uala. Moultun. la.- ticulars. New Home Realty Co., Birch EIGHTY acre, Butler county. lows, farm cloae to good town, to exchange for. good general uisrcbaudlaa, hardware, furniture or tiupleuasut stock. J. C Farr, vt atarloo, la- Tree. Mo. Stknuka. EIGHTY acrea Improved, good smooth land. 4 miles of Madrid; very easy terms; Lpr tent luteraat: poaaeaaioa la 3 aa eialey Land Co., Madrid, la. EASY TO HANDLE 160 scies level farm laud; a II. OS) mort gage running 6 years at 4 per cent can be aaaunied; tl.ouO caah, balance 6 years, at 6 per ceut; 6j aa acre. W. a. Olive, Indian eia, la-. Owner. Texas. orangeTfig and truck farming WILL MAKE YOU INDEPENDENT. 00 TO WEBSTEH ON CLEAK LAKE Ideal climate, no winter, mild summer, hunting, fishing, boating, swimming; live out doors, raise three crops a year all profitable. Webster Is midway between Houston and Galveston; has railroads. In terurban snd finest wagon roads In Amer ica. Land well drained. Irrigated and fertile. Best proposition In Texas. Tracts and terms to suit everyone. Will take down (tarty from Omaha and vicinity on Feb ruary 7. Special accommodations. Very low rate. Trip at our expense If you buy. fcpeclal proposition to first hundred settlers. For particulars address S. KIKavU ARD, Room . Paxton Hotel, Omaha FIRST-CLASS furnished, heated apart ment hv vouna couole. no children, ('an furnish beet of references. West Farnam b"-" association for ths disbarment of Ep. dlstrlct preferred. D 700, Bee. stein.1 WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for 2d-hand furniture. carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. aWL WANTED to buy second-hand Ice wag one. Write or address Y 2b, care Omuua Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS INTELLIGENT and ambitious young woman desires position as traveling sales woman for a first-class line of staple goods, In an established territory, medicine, land or books not considered. Best of refer ences. W 7u6, Bee. POSITION ss assistant bookkeeper, ledger clerk, timekeeper, or any clerical igni tion. Best references. Address B 707, Beo. COMPETENT bookkeeper wants charge cf set ot books. 3 or 4 hours each evening Address D tlbst. Bee. , IF YOU desire a first-class, practical nurse call Douglas 6348. KOREAN school boy wants place, any kind of house work. P. O. Box, 104, South Omaha. YOUNG man desires place to work for board and room In private family whll attending college. Buy lea College. Both 'phones. GERMAN girl desire work In family; speaks German only. 728 No. 12lh St., South Omaha. LEGAL NOTICES NEBRASKA CITY, NEB., JAN. 31, 1811. Sealed bids will be received by the Sac rotary of th Board of Education of Ne braska City, for ths erection of a High School Building at Nebraska City, Ne braska, according to plans and specifica tions on fll at the office of Fisher at Laurie, Architects, 210 paxton Building, Omaha. Nebraska, and at the office of the Secretary of the Board of Education. Nebraska City. Nebraska, until Monday, February 27, 11)11, 8 o'clock p. ni. Separata bids will be received on the general con struction, heating and ventilating and saweraxe and plumbing. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the amount. of the aame as railed for In the specifications and bldder'a' blank furnished by Vhe Architects. Ths right Is reserved to r)ecl any or all bids F2dlot Washington Affairs (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 8.-..Speclal Tele gramj Army orders; Captain Barnard Miarp, '1 bird Infantry, will proceed to Fort Bayard, N. M., for treatment at tns general hospital. Orders of iiecember 10 relating to Major Powell C. Fauiitieroy, inetllcal corps, ic- ' vokeu. Captain William F. Creary, Klglitli In fantry, will pioceed to Hun Francisco and report to the superintendent ot the ami transport service for temporary uuty as quartet mahter of Ihe Buloid. Major Gideon McD. feianpoole, medical corps, Is detailed to represent the medical department of the army al Ijike Micnlguu hmuiMiy asHoclalion meeting to be l;elu iu CIiIcsko February 1H. Major Elmer A. Dean, medical corps. Is detailed to take Puuise of lnMructiuii at the army field service school ai Foil Leavenworth, Kan. First Lieutenant C. Emery Hathaway, Ninth cavalry, will procoed to run tia ard, N. M . lor treatment al the geuuial hoxptlat at that place. Fust Lieutenant nomas M. Knox, First cavalry, is detailed lor recruiting service and will proceed to Jefferson Barracks tor uuiy. Captain William M. FaKsitt, Thirteenth Infantry, is detailed as member of the ex anuning board al Fort Leavenworth, Kan., vice Captain Frederick V. Fuger, Thir teenth Infantry. Plmt Lieutenant William II. Thearle, medical corps, will proceed to Jeffeisuii Barracks, Mo., for teuiorary auty. (Hueis of January 81 relating to Colonela William M. Black, engineer, Joseph 11, (liraid and John Van K. Huff, medical corps, and Ileuteiianta Colonels Allen ji. Smith and Charles VS lllcox, medical corps, revoked. Orders of December 23 relalliix to Flist Lieutenant Philip Remington, Twelfth lu fantry, are amended so as to diiect him to report to tiie coiniaanding general, De partment of California, for temporary duly pending toe arrival of Lis regimeiii. First Lieutenant John '. ninitii, coast artillery corps, Is assigned to the one Hundred and Fourteeuin company. I eaves of absence: Captain Henry D. Thomaaon, mcdicai col p. extended ten days; Captain Samuel B. Mclnlre. pay master, one month; Major Alexander ,. Stalk, luetlical col pa, olie lllolilli aud iweuty day; Captain Frederick W. Fuger, Thirteenth Infantry, from February 20 un til the departure of the Thirleeiitn infantry for the Philippines; Major Abraham . Bukhara, quartermaster, unUl February i.