11 2 The Grandest Bargains In The History Of Our Store Are Now Offered In SEEAT ALTERATION JLii 1LA TTTE TtEE: OMATTA. RATTTIDAT. FETVRTTAKY 4. 1011. r Grand I Men s ; .... . 6 At Less Than One-Half Their True Value?) Final Suits flri-iiTb" Sail a nfxl aid (Overcoats I i P I 8 atmrdlay 1 of the past three weeks have enabled us to sell (k xall lot of Men's and Young Mens Suits and y) 8 Our great sales practically every sm Overcoats in our Store. So we have decided to now make the Greatest and Final Reduction of the season, in' order to dispose of a great number of only Slightly Broken lots of garments that regularly sold up to $30.00. This assortment contains several hundred garments in all, and includes every correct winter style, every popular fabric, shade and pattern and sizes to fit tall men, short men and thin men, stout men and men of regular build; as well as all young men. Sizes range, 33 to 48-inch chest. Remember this is our Final Reduction, and is your last chance to buy a "Nebraska" Suit and Overcoat at Less Than One-Half Their True Value, Suits and Overcoats mat aom up io ,7) V X v w m m sasr a $30.00, Now at V - a 1 Except blue Qj) and blacksuits tra Special -Was V v Your Unrestricted Choice of Any Woman's Skirt In Our Store, SATURDAY . . . OVER 1,000 SKIRTS, NONE RESERVED, ALL MUST GO Suits and Overcoats w mi . 1 .1 T Hi .-s" That Sold Up To E 320.00, Now at black suits.) - i r (II I v '1 II I SIT I J" if I ' 8 if? fl M IK ii. ft-v-J 111 'till yi & ui is 1 t ft flUW i i ii nil n iri in i ii I 1 (fl ll 1 1 II I il 7; ft I In If L Never before and perhaps never again will such an opportunity pre sent itself to the Women of Omaha. Think what it means to take your pick from over One Thousand High Grade Skirts at this price. The materials are fancy Wor sted, Chiffon Panamas, Serges, Voiles and Taffetac, all in new and up-to-date models. Don't Fail To Attend This Wonderful Skirt Sale Satur day "Morning. Sale Starts at A. FL 111 ALTERATION SALE OF OUR Entire Stock of Men's Hats (Except Stetson's.) ALL OUR MEN'S HATS Worth to $4.00, in all styles and nhapes, including our Opera Hats, Silk Hats and CI (jft Imported Soft Hats. Choice, at. P 1.VW ALL OUR MEN'S HATS That sold for $2.50 . . .$1.60 ALL OUR MEN'S HATS That sold for $2.00 $1.30 ALL OUR MEN'S WINTER CAPS-Choice, at 45c ALTERATION SALE OF Men's Neckwear MEN'S $1.00 NECKWEAR, REDUCED TO 45c All our regular $1.00 and 75c grades of neckwear, including both Domestic and Imported Silk Four-iu- Hands. Choice, at ., 45c ALTERATION SALE OF Men's Kid Gloves MEN'S $1.25 KID GLOVES, G9c Fine Kid and Cape Gloves; in tan, gray and black. All sizes, sold regu larly for $1.00 and $1.25. Choice during our Alteration Sale, ()9C ALTERATION SALE OF Men's High Grade Shirts $L50 Shirts, 85c Percale and Madras High Class Shirts, plain or pleated fronts. Regular $1.50 grades. Choice 85c $1.00 Shirts, Reduced to 45c Light and Dark Striped and Figured Shirts, in fancy percales. A regular $1.00 Shirt. Reduced to. ALTERATION SALE OF "Shavknit" Sox 25c GRADES REDUCED TO 12Vc These are the genuine 'Shawknit" Sox that sell everywhere for 25c per pair. Medium weights in fancy col ors and all sizes. Now is the time to lay in a sup ply of these 25c sox, at I?1 f per pair i tfcfz n , o o THE MOUSE OF HIGH MERIT. M - . L ALTERATION SALE OF Men's Silk Mufflers MEN'S $1.50 SILK MUFFLERS,' G9c Your choice of all our fine Silk Reefer Mufflers f!Qf that sold at $1, $1.25 and $1.50, reduced to." MEN'S 50c MUFFLERS, 25c -Your choice of fancy Silk Reefers and Knitted Scarfs 0C that sold for 50c, now ...41 9 C 3235ZXE BRIEF CITY NEWS Ttmaa, rlntluf . BMl Flint It. ' T. a. Cr4oH k Bona Cod. Watch repairing. Ed holm, Jawalar. . m. Vattaa, dantlat. City Nat. Bk. Bld(. Oaa, Blaotrla flstaraa, arg--OrBa Amathyat blrthatonaa. Kdholm. Jawalar. Xaay Ton Koaay and valuablaa In tha American bafa Uepoalt Vaulta in Tha b building U rcnta a box. S3 a jraar. ICra. Kurray Oata loroa Tina V. Murray. Friday, wan mi riled a divorce from hr husband, TatrKk C. Murray, v. Xab. BaTlnffa U Loan Aaaa manaaamant uaes every precaution (or eafety. Kucda loaned on flrat mortKaijca; best clana of Bcurlty. 1S0T Far nam Streac Don't Blip Wear rubbers and avoid dan gerous full, i'ure 1'ara Uum Rubbers, H- tiveotli'iitf In rubber. Omaha Rubber Co., K. H tiprsuue. l're.Hldint 1 Harney street. Just around tha corner. Kepair tovt Old Ttraa Let us fix them and the will be as good aa new. We carry u comploe Una of automobile accessories. Uinsha ltibber Co., I'.. II. Spratrue, prrsi- drnt. Ik Harney tit. Just around the corner. ores and Barn Burn A barn belonging U Abiahaiu Cnhn, living at 2'.' Cumins street, whs dt'stroyed by fire Friday after noon when one horse was also burned to tiealh. ltio origin of tlie fire In unknown. The damage la estimated at about iMi. Mother Earth through tha story of "Deu calion and Pyorrha." Girl la Also Held On a grist of evidence showing that while ahe waa In Jail, Eva I.atham had made many attempts to aid Frank Smith, charged with causing her downfall, to escape tha penalty of the law, tha girl was bound over to tha grand Jury under J1.D0O bonda In a hearing Friday morning. Smith la being held under a charge of white slave trafficking. His case will be brought to a hearing next week. Tall for aa Old Ooa Oame Edgar Cur tie, a young farmer Just arrived at the Union depot from Randolph, la., was the victim Friday morning of a "con" game older than the Mils upon his Hawkeye farm. With blood In his eyes and Intent upon vengeance Curtis is now looking for a man to whom h loaned & upon the stranger's affable assurance that ha knew his brother in jsewman urove, Neb., very well. Z,os Angela limited Off The Los An geles Umited, one of the famous trains of the west running over the l.'nion l a eifie from Omaha to Lmu Anireles. made its last trip for some time Friday, because of another wanhout between Caliente and I As Yegaa In the Meadow valley on the AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Commercial Club Calls Meeting to Consider the Charter. MOOTED QUESTIONS ARE UP Charles Rrowa Gives Himself l'l Allrglna He Robbed Ills Em ployers la IlarrlibarKt Pa., of Hum of Moaey. At the meeting of the commercial eHib yesterday afternoon It was decided to have a meiting of cltlsens Saturday afternoon at J o'clock In the city hall to consider the charter bill now before toth houses of the leglxlature. There are three propositions the meeting will be asked tn consider: The commission form of government, the recall and a police board appointed by the governor, giving leprestntathes to each of the parties, with the muyor of the city. Although the meet ing Ik called by the commercial club. It should not he underxtood that the body lx committed to any of the propositions. . There la a strons dlverzence of oDininn ta..n Iim.lf-ii -.u .1 In mi kilt liArn Vu.inl. Ih.. . .... ..... - upon t least two of them, but It was tram has been discontinued temporarily. lni)Ut)1,t advisable that the club should Reports of the washout do not state how muke ,,,. tne n,edlum of the ventilation badly it will affect travel over the Hue, but the On aha officials of the road are now sending all Los Angeles passengers by the way of San Francisco. An extra sleeper has been attached to the Overland Limited and another on the 4 p. m. train of the I'nion i'acifie and the traffic will Mr. A. Peterson of 141 Lothrop street, returned tmiay from a trip to Florida, be handled in this manner, wheid h Invested in a tract of land In the! Rivervlew Farms colony. He Is most eh-J NEW AUTO ASSOCIATION SOON thusiastic over the opportunities offered la this aunny aouthland for people of moderate ( Orgaalaalloa to m-eeril Association n.eann. j of Urease Maaafartarera B. , ... , . . . ..K,,! llevrd Hrady o Be l.aaarbed. of a lifetime. A H private safe in our b g burglar ard fire proof vault la perfect security tor your valuablea Omaha Safe Oeposit and Trcst Co. lUilraoce ltiil Far lsin street. , Waata Alimony medoeed Jesse Howard Carter Puts in Bill to Aid Contractors HEARING ON RECIPROCITY Ways and Means Committee Listens to Gloucester Fishermen. Mutten. a negro physician, whose wife, announcement today of another meeting Oraie llutteu, aecured a divorce from him ; 0f a special coniinlttee to be held In some time ago with alimony in the sum of !m a month. Friday filed a petition in dis trict court asking that this alimony tie re diued. lie said that it aa only with the liieutest hardship that he could pay It. Story Tellers' Leag'ua Meets An enthu- of public sentiment upon these Important question. So far as the committee Itself Is concerned It will tn Its arrangements be left entirely to the clt liens and, there-. fore. It Is completely up to the people of South Omsha to determine what their charter shall be. lonlriari His Crime, The city detective force Is Investigating the case of Charles brown of Harrlaburg, l'a., who gave himself up yesterday. Brown is a young man about -i years old, and I appears to be down and out. He told the ! police that he had robbed his employers at Harrlsburg of which he took out of the till. When he came into the police station t An organization to . na hllj onV , in ,iM oosBession and seemed as anxious to get back to Penn sylvania as the detective force wag to get him as a fugitive from Justice. Maale City Goaalp. Coal See Howlatid. 'Phone south 7. CHICAGO. Feb succeed the Association of Ucensed Auto mobile Manufacturers, a subject of much planning for more than a year. Is believed to be ready to be launched, following the Will Permit Settlement in Accord ance with Equity When Unavoid able Loss Occurs. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. (Special Tele gram.) Kerator Carter today Introduced a bill authorizing the secretary of the In terior to settle controversies arising under the contract for the performance of oon tracta under the reclamation act. The bill provides that where it appears to the sat isfaction of the secretary of the Interior that loss has been Incurred by a contractor on work, such loss being due in part or whole to an unusual Increase In the price of material or labor, unforseen difficulties connected with the work or interference by the elements, he Is authorised to settle any claim growing out of the contract on piinclples of ciiuity and good conscience. and such settlement shall be binding upon , the parties thereto when approved by the I attcrney general. il. M Towner of Corning, la., represent- J atlve-elect. to succeed (.MliBi esi-man Jainle son of the Klshtli district, is in Washing ton. Mr. Towner arrived last night and made his appeurunce on the floor of the house at the meeting hour this morning. He was gnerally introduced, as new comers are, to Speaker Cannon and other I leaders of the maturity and minority. Senator Brown presented to the senate I today resolutions recently adopted by the Fanners' con wrens of -W brass a favoring ! the enactment of the parcels post bill. He I had them read to the senate and inserted In the record of the day's nroceedings. Senator (Jainble this morning accom panied Judge L. W. Cruffoth of Aberdeen to the White house and introduced him to the president. Judge Cruffoth is a warm supporter of Mr. Elliott for the circuit Judgeship. MANY REQUESTS ARE PILING UP No Hearings Will Be Permitted to Delay or Embarrass the Meaaaro .All Mast Appear at Onee. to appear before tha committee today, after It had been announced that he would do ao, caused general Inquiry. Tha explanation given waa that Mr. Knox felt It would be undiplomatic, and not In keeping with tha usual history of trade agreement negotiations, for him to appear before the committee and the various ele ments that entered Into It Mr. Knox's position, It was eald, had been clearly set forth In bis letters accompanying: tha trade agreement when it waa transmitted to congress. si.isti' meeting of the blory Tellers' league Chicago soon. Practically all details hsve been drawn up In tentative form and a complete plan is expected to be the result of the com- " !, , ... .... . . r'ree entertainment at bVhmoller A A name, final outline of the plan of In- Muelu-r Pi .no i o., Baturuay evening. The t-oriHJi alion and other details alii be cob- public invited. sidercd. Phone Bell South So. Independent F ls4 -w.i .Kiiiia Martin, stenographer In the city clerk's office, is laid up with the grip. ihe, inrin of a daughter Is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. smtln, ZJu'i M si reel. uua hcid on Thursday afternoon at the, 0i,Jet t uf the new asso. iatu.n will be fcr a case of Jener Uo'ld Top. Prompt de- Pi.l.li.- libiary. "M thulogy" uas discussed -latt t U for uniformity of practice of I '' lu any part of city. William Jetler Allien, an automobile manufacturers ,to Many Katguins in used pianos- no money bold sliovta. handle pa'.ent litigation, en l.i .Ml.is ltedrwid. Miss itedltelrt told an interesting sioiy of "Apollo" striking oft Itic Influent u of Ihe venomous python. iis. Chittenden axplalued the bonea of dnn. free stool, free a. art. Always re- coujagt progiess In mechanical knowledge , k muiier Juueiier piuno t o X sun' and other niaiteis. ' b. ouiaba, phones. Bell 6, sol, lad. Uli. OBJECTIONS TO FREE FISH Glusrritrr Klsberiueu ftj I'mposrd Treaty Woald Hals Tbelr Indaslrr. WASHI NGTON. Feu J.-The first hesr- ! tng granted by the "ays and means com I mlttee of the house on the proposed re- cl)irocity agreement with Canada was oc I rupled today with the protests of Olouces ( ter fishermen, who strongly oppose the free flh provision of the compact. Men I long identified with the fishing' trad.- testl 1 fled that the Industry would not be able to survive the effects of tlie tree admis sion of fish from Canada. WASHINGTON, Feb. .-The accumulated demands for hearings on the provisions of the Canadian reciprocity agreement broke upon the ways and means committee of the house Thursday when that committee of lis flrat hearing on the measure. Fisher men and fish packers from Gloucester had been accorded an opportunity to present their reasons for objecting to the reciprocal agreement upon fish and before the meet ing was concluded requests had been made for hearings on wood pulp, paper, lumber, barley and other schedules. Tn open hearings on all of these matters In the opinion of the committee mem bers will endanger the passage of the agreement by th present congress. After a short executive session late today It was made plain that hearinga will not be permitted to delay or embarrass the meas ure. In answer to telegrams from paper men, Chairman Payne said they had been In vited to como at once If they Insisted upon being heard. The barley Interests of the northwest, he said, had not been heard before the committee In the framing of the Payne tariff law and they also will be given opportunity to present their case. The committee does not propose, however, to open hearinga on subjects covered In i hearings two yea re ago. These facts were brought out in a de bute In the committee room before the I Gloucester fishermen completed their case. Representative Champ Clark precipitated It by asking Chairman Payne if tha reci procity agreement was to be reported to the house before tha flrat of next week, Mr. Payne saying he did not know, but indliated that the request of several per- sons to be heard will be taken Into con I sideratlon and the bill will probably re- main In committee until about next Tuea- i day. ! Chairman Payne also said the discussion I among members of the committee would be carried on later In ae utlve session. After that session members of the committee said that while some hearings would be given the v would not be such aa to delay the re porting of the agreement. The failure of Secretary of Bute Knox Editor of Liberator Asserts King George Was Whitewashed James Calls Trial of Head of British Empire Illeg-al No Indictment Returned. Taf t Sends Greeting to Convention of Hoboes at Milwaukee PAHI8, Feb. I.-TMward II. James, the editor of the Liberator, whose article was the basis of the suit against Edward i Myllua, convicted in London yesterday for libelling King George, today Usued a state ment saying the trial of his British agent was illegal and tha proceedings a "ahlte washing." The statement proceeds: "The trial was Illegal because Myllus was not Indicted, but was tried under 'an In formation ex-offlclo.' which ia used only in charges f sedition. It waa a white washing because tha crown had no right to call witnesses to disprove charges when the defendant had refused to offer evidence piovlng tha charges. Mylius having re fused to substantiate that big imy was prac ticed, the case ended immediately. "Myllua refused to proceed because the king refused to testify. If the king had gone on the stand and sworn that the marriage did not take place I would gladly apologise in the Liberator, which under the circumstances can only attack the trial as a violation of almost every principle of English law, evidence and liberty." President is Unable to Accept Invita tion to Attend and Hopes Meet-ing- Will Benefit Unemployed. MILWAUKEE, Feb. 3.-A row waa al most precipitated at today's session of tha Brotherhood Welfare association, made up of a band of the unemployed, when tha president James Eads How, in disposing of routine business, offered to read a letter from President Taft. "I have here, said Mr. How, "a letter from Mr. Taft and ulso a circular saying men are wanted for the I'nlted States army and navy. What is the pleasure of the con vention?" "Tear 'em up and throw 'em In tlie waste basket, " shouted a voice. "That's right." shouted the convention with almost one voice. "Tear 'em up. Throw 'em away. If Taft wants to talk to us let him come here." Culled from the Wire Frank Ixiftus and William Forbes, con victed bank robbeia. escaped from Jail at Brookltigs. H U . lat night. Friends on the roifatri assisted them. (Secretary BaJlinger has granted leave of UBvm v J " " ' vi .-.ew Mexico, v. ho will bring to congress the official vole on the new state constitution. James W. Hull, vice president of the Berkshire Life Insurance company, died at his home at irttrrield. Mass, after a long lilneas. Mr. Hull a Vj yeais old. Full military honors will mark the burial In Arlington National cemetery today, of IliA hudv of Hear Aiitlill-al I'Iimi-1h i iw- MAN WHO HELPED TO LYNCH DETECTIVE FOUND GUILTY William McKluley Couvlrlrd of Mmm elauanter I" foiinetlou talta Lynching- of Ktherlnutou. NEWARK. O.. Feb. Wllllum McK In- ley, a shop keeper, was today found guilty of manslaughter by a Jury which heard evidence against him in connection with the lynching here last Jul of Carl F.thrr Ington, a detective for the "dry" element of the community. McKlnley Is tlie second of the mob lead ers to be convicted. The other.. Munn-l lintha, a negro, was sentenced to life Im prisonment. Both men were indicted for murder in the first degree. ooooooo Q " tested by taste." (OLD GOLO o e oouy in jeai suinuai t iiariea F. Fper- , V. B. N., retired, who died Wednesday. 0 0 OTOMC atNOa-, Da Melnea, U atlffera sf Ike IsaMua Teas eVea, Space OOOOOOO At OnctrsiOt a pound 0 EH o 0 0