Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1911, Image 1
r The Omaha ally Bee TOE AIL THF. NT;W THE OMAHA BEE BEST W THE WEST WEATHER FORECAST. rim m;huask a cioudy. I oil lOW A Cloudy. For woaiiior report soe pnpe .!. VOL. XL-XO. V.)1 OMAHA, FIJIDAY M()I.XIX!, Fi:i;ini:Y 1!H1 TWKIA'K TACKS. sinulk coi'V two cents. D FRAUD H I LATE OMNIA REGISTRATION Borne of the Featurei that Were Exposed by The Bee Before the Late Election. WHERE VOTERS WERE HERDED Third Ward "Dumps" Used by the Dahlman Democrats. POOL HALL HELD NINETEEN Greeks Register as Democrats from One-Story Building. PHOTOGRAPHS TELL THE STORY Pictures Show the Place Said to Be ! Hive of Life. INQUIRY GETS UNDER HEADWAY Legislative torn mil tee Spends Dir la Testimony Helatlve to the Certificates Ornate by ( Itr Clerk at Primary. When tha legislative committee, now In vestigating the charges of election Irregu lsiltlea In Omaha and louglas county, fin ishes its Inquiry at the city hall, It can well devote some lmt to the matter of fraudulent registration In the Third ward. Before the lata election The Bee called at tention to tha colonliatlon of voters by the democrats in the Third ward, and printed lists of names which It believed to be illegally registered. Many of the ad dresses given for these voters were found, on Inquiry by Bee reporters, to be at pool halls and similar places, where thera was no opportunity for residence. One of these places wax at 517 South Thirteenth atreet, a on-atory building given over entirely to a pool hall. At tha time The Bee had photographs mad of this place, publish ing tha same, allowing that it was not a lodging: house, a dwelling house or a hotel, and that the names of those voters regis tering and giving It as their place of resi dence must necessarily be fraudulent. Nineteen Greeks were registered aa ciats from Glj South Thirteenth atreet. f areluaera Herded I.Ike hee-p. Another flagrant example of this col onisation was at 718 South Fourteenth atreet, where forty-two dyed-ln-the-wool democrats from "Sunny It' " were regis tered. Greeks and Italians Just over from the old country were herded like sheep by the democrats at that time and regis tered aa 'voters In defiance of law. So glaring and so bold was this fraud of registration that no Sherlock Holmes was needed to ferret It out. Tha one-story building used for a pool lia.ll at tl South Thirteenth street could not have housed tha nineteen men listed from there, and. as a matter of fact, did not house a aingle voter. The weather beaten building at 718 South Fourteenth atreet was occupied by an'ltallan saloon and a store where macaroni, olives and similar articles of merchandise were dis pensed. Forty-four men were registered from this place. Inquiry brought the statement from the man In charge of the macaroni store that the lodging house was full because, as he said, "A big lot of Italian mans are staying there getting ready to go back to the old country." "Are thtse voters?" the storekeeper was) .sked. t "No." he replied. "They are not. They came here to work. They got homesick sind now they want to go back." At South Thirteenth street is another lodging house for these transients where the guests have no permanent home. On the first day or reglotretlro twent: -to democrata were registered from th's ad dress, and on the roco d Jnv r tlon twenty-six more democrats were Ui!d to the Hal. I Bee xnosed the Fraads. At the time thtse frauds were L r per petrated. Tha Bee published lU's r.: ih namea and pictures of the place, ail m ;r upon the authorities to take a-vl.'n u !. ;:! ff the frauds that wre being ror.trm nlated by the democrats The nm .-r Is again presented to tlie attention ct , talatlve lnvetiga.:ng committee, wliii 'i may be able to take the te,litratkni l.c.L.k-; fur tbe Third Gr.i d::c.uer for li.ti; tne truth of wliat The live a.;i,1 befe elec tion, and which now the democrats claim had no touiiuaut.ii. in la . The picture puLlhd he.-tnUh arc Jiom photograph made lat (all at the time the fraud was tint expose!. 'I hey sno tne exterior and Interior of i e rooi hall Lt CI 7 South Thn-tee:U!i street, where r. nt een Greeks registered as democrats wira auid to have lad f-'lr ho"i W ITMfcSsEa RKKOIIl; I M V I I I DtS Teallsaenr Received to Hark la Alfl dattis Ultra. Terliuiuny cuix. n, v, u i ii.tikli, togriher liu denial by ll'-.i unjrr fue, filled the opening day of the licaiuit; in- (Contiuued eo Second page ) Danville Grand Jury is Ready to Report . on Indictments tnce Written Out and it is Ru--ed that More Than Fifty . Bills Will Be Returned. t.E. III.. Feb. I'-Stales Attorney In i.iurntnff Mated that evidence i i isl' -, ! the Kmnd Jury to date is 'all --md ready .so that Hie Jury ' inlghV ,.. It at any time and bcjjln j ! t lio wulu of voting Indictments. This may) j be don' during the day, although there I were a lm;e number of witnesses on hand I this moirltig, the majority of them being summoned In connection witn toe voie Hell ing InvistWailon. l ied Jaiilic, a local politician and protnt ner.i worker at the pollH at evrry election for several yearn, wis the first witness. 1(0 was followed by A. U. .amuels, vice president of the Second National hank. It In believed flint between Titty and 100 Indictments will be leturned. There no appear no probability of the Krand Jury being able to rueh a final adjournment i before next Wednesday. Election Commit-inner Joseph Durnhardt was summoned to appeal' before the grand( jury toduy with a list containing the name ' eve,'. reKl!,t:r,d itv. i ne cuarge nua oern frequently . made that more vdes wi re cast at the last elec tion than thuc wet-.- registered voters In the city. Miss Arnold Makes . Trip to Washington Journey of Missing Girl Investigated, but it Throws No Light on Her; Subsequent Disappearance. NEW YORK. Feb. 2. -The fact that Miss lorothy Arnold made a trip to Washing ton. 1). C. and remained there for several days shortly before her disappearance on December 12. was made public today by John H. Keith of the law firm directing the search for the missing heiress. Mr. Keith declared, however, that this trip had nothing to do with the girl's disap pearance. "Out of the doxens of possible clues, we have failed to develop anything new." Mr. Keith said. "We are still searching for Miss Arnold on both sides of the Atlantic, but there Is nothing to warrant ua In en tertaining tho hope she will be found soon. "We Investigated thoroughly the cir cumstances surrounding the Washington trip, which was made with her parents' knowledge and consent, but have found nothing to help us In the search." Mr. Keith denied that detectives had searched the marriage license records for her name last ThanksKlving or at any time previous to her disappearance. c.iiii:aikj, jeu. z. i nicago police were asked today to Join In a country wide' search for Mln Korothy Arnold, the New York helresa, who disappeared from her home on Dccepiber 12. Detective were as signed to the cane. 'WOMEN'S NATIONAL FOREIGN , A MISSIONARY JUBILEE Big Convention fa Washington Marks Fiftieth Anniversary at : Orarnalsatlna. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. -The largest mis sionary convention of women ever assembled In Washington opened today when the Woman's National Foreign Missionary Jubi lee gathered In a two-day session. The con ference marks the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of women's organized work for foreign mission in America. Several meetings have been arranged for In dif ferent churches throughout the city, pre sided over by prominent women mission aries. Mrs. Henry W. Feabody of Boston, Mrs. Helen Bennett Montgomery of Rochester, N. Y.; Dr. Mary Rlggs Noble of India, Mies Jennie V. Hughea of China and Miss Flor ence Miller are scheduled to address the Jubilee during tha conference. COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE ON THE BALLINGER CASE it Reports that Dili Is Pending: that It lias Na Function ta Perform. and WASHINGTON. D. C Feb. !. The long awaited action of the house committee on agriculture on the Balllnger-Ptncbot In vestigation report was taken today, the committee reporting that the bill to carry out the Investigation report being already Pending. It had no function to perform and asked to be discharged from the question. Where Dahlman Votes Came From :.'A Exterior of pool ball at 61? tSouta SHERMAN BREAKS TIE FOUSUJiSIDY Vice President Ihree Times Exercises Constitutional Right to Decide Deadlock on Roll Call. WATSON'S ABSENCE STOPS DEFEAT . . . Net7 TlTTinrrQTlfl V natnr Vnfata flint in Opposition and Disappears. THREE HOURS OF SKIRMISHING Gallinfer Presents Substitute for the Original Mcasnre. TW0 MILD SENSATIONS OCCUR i Owen Makes Protest ntnt t nnilnrt of A n y llnslncas by Present Mem- Assrrtlnas They Have Been Repudiated. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. For the third time In the history of the government the vice president of the 1'nlted1 States exer cised his constitutional prerogative of j casting a vote to break tics In connection j with three successive roll calls In the r senate. The first he .saved from Impend ing defeat, the ahlp subsidy bill, and the third forced an adjournment of the senate on a vote having direct bearing on the resolution' looking to the election of the senators tiy direct primary; vote. The vote on the ship subsidy, bill, both tn committee of the whole and In the senate proper, stood 39 ayes and noes, and on adjournment. 87 ayes to 7i nes. On all three occasions the vice president voted In the affirmative. . Another notable occurrence in connec tion with the vote on the subsidy bill was the absence of the now democratic senator frotn West Virginia, Clarence W. Watson, who had taken his seat early In the day as the successor to Senator Klklns. Mr. Watson was In the senate chamber for only a few minutes during the session, and voted on only one roll call. This vote was cast on an amendment offered by Mr. Shlvely of Indiana, regulating tho aggre gate expenditures which may be made under the terms of the bill. In- this pro vision the new West Virginia senator cast lila vote In the affirmative, thus Indica ting his opposition to the measure. After casting this vote he disappeared. The reault on the next ballot was not so close aa to render material the presence or absence of any senator, and no notice was taken of the fact that Mr. Watson was not In attendance. Watson's Absence Defeats Mill. After the final result became known the oppoinents of the bill. Including all of the liemocrats. realised Mr. Watson's absence had prcevnted the defeat of the bill. He Wat the only democrat present at any of Jthe roll calls whose vote was not cast against the measure. The final vote came after three hours of determined conflict . over amendments'. Ap parently there was no general appreciation of thoysharp division wjilch afterward, de veloped, aa a body1 the senate ni unpre pared for the tie votes. ' ' The two votes on the subsidy bill, which was a tie until the vice president broke It were as follows: Yeas: Bradley, Brandegee. Brlggs.Bur kett. Burnhap, Burrows, Carter, Clark of Wyoming; Crane. Cullom, .Curtis, Dick, Dillingham, Dixon, DuPont, Flint, Frye. Galllnger, Guggenheim, Hale. Heyburn, Jones, Kean, Lodge, Lorlmer, Nelson, Nix on, Oliver, Page, Penrose, Perkins, Piles, Root, Scott, 8moot, Stephenson, Warner, Warren and Wetmore, all republicans. Total. 89. ' Nays: Bevcrldge, Borah,' Bourne, Brls tow. Brown, Burton. Crawford. Cummins. Gamble, Gronna, LaFollette, McCumber and Smith of Michigan, republicans; Bacon, Bankhead. Chamberlain, Clark of Arkan sas, Culberson, Fletcher, Foster, Frailer, Johnston,.. Martin, . Newlands, Overman. Owen. Paynter, Peroy, Shlvely, Simmons, Smith of Maryland, Smith of South Caro lina; ' Stone. Swanson, Taliaferro, Taylor, Terrell. Thornton and Tillman, democrata. Total, n. . Eight senators .were paired, Money with Young, Bailey with Bulkeley, Gore with Dele w. and Rayner with Richardson. Five senators, Aldrlch, Clapp, Davis, Sutherland and Watson did not vote and were not paired. Galllna-cr Presents Sahstltate. When, In accordance with the previous agreement, the subsidy bill waa laid be fore the senate. Senator Galllnger presented a substitute for the entire measure as originally Introduced. The first bill granted a bounty only to Amerlcan-bullt vessels plying from American ports to the south- (Contlnued on Third Page.) Thirteenth aueet, where nineteen Greeks e John , everything reduced NOW. Everything is reduced" noW. From the Chicago Post THIRTY DEADJND MISSING Full Extent of Disaster in New York Harbor Not Yet Ascertained. LOSS ABOUT A MILLION DOLLAR1" Flftr Thnnaand Pennds of nnnml Kiplode, Work I n a- Havoc with Window Panes for Miles Three Inquiries On. NKW YORK, Feb. S. Three separate Investigations were started today to fix the responsibility foi the dynamite explosion in New York harbor yexterday. One will be conducted by a coroner'! Jury tinder Coro ner James M. Houghton of Jersey City, an other bv Inspector, '.'nribuftlbles James M. Conneliy bf JcraV'ilUjV arid a ttilrd by Public Prosecutor Pierre P. Garven of Hud son county. New Jersey; Definite estimates of the number of dead are still Impossible. The total of dead and missing Is thirty. The list of dead In the hands of the coroner Is seven, and it Is that official's belief that' most of the twenty-three men, whom he classes as "missing." were blown to atoms. The property losa, according to various official estimates will be between $750.W) and 11,000.000. The heaviest sufferer In this respect Is the Central railroad of New Jersey, at whose, docks the disaster oc curred. Mr. Besler sets the loss at about SMO.OOO. The Cnlted states government Is also a heavy loser, with $50,000 damage at Kills Island., and an additional U0.0U0 or S16.000 at the army headquartera on Gov ernors .Island, and at Bedloe's Island, where the Statue of. Liberty -waa ahaken bare of many windows and big electric lights. The blast was probably the largest ex plosion of dynamite that haa aver occurred anywhere. Intentionally or by accident. Fifty thousand pounds went up tn the single detonation. Search if Deiirln Resumed. A round maae today of the hospitals In Jersey City, In which victims of yesterday's explosion are lying Injured revealed that no additional deaths had occurred. Because of the grave danger In handling dynamite In the dark, the work of clearing away the wreckage and searching the ruins on the Jersey Central pier was abandoned last night, but It was resumed early today. No additional bodies were found during the forenoon. The time for the beginning of the cor- (Continued on Third Page.) Ai were registered. Jrk : . v Av fC! )NfZl Getting the Proper Emphasis is so1 Yes.Mory. Editor of Liberator Asserts King George Was-Whitewashed ames Calls Trial of Head of British Empire Illegal No Indictment Returned. PARIS. Feb. ;.-Edward H. James, the editor of the Liberator, whose article was the basis of the ault against Edward Myllus, convicted In London yesterday for libelling King George, today lasued a state ment saying the trial of his British agent waa Illegal and the proceedings a "white washing." The statement proceeds: hj' " "he" trial was Illegal' because MjiUe was not Indicted, but was tried under 'an In formation ex-offlcto,' which Is used only in charges of sedition. It waa a white washing because the crown had no right to call witnesses to disprove charges when the defendant had refused to offer evidence proving the charges. Myllus having re fused to substantiate that blgimy was prac ticed, the case ended immediately. "Myllus refused to proceed because the king refused to testify. If the king had gone on the stand and sworn that the marriage did not take place I would gladly apologize In the Liberator, which under the circumstances can only attack the trial as a violation of almost every principle of English law, evidence and liberty." FUNK TO GET VOTE TODAY Proaresalvea la Iowa l,ea;lslatnre Plan to Throw Strength to Him. (From a Htaff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Feb. 2.-(SpeclaI Tele gramsThe expectation Is that the entire progressive vote of the legislature will to morrow be thrown to A. B. Funk In the hope that he will be able to break up the opposition. The fact that even with Judge Kenyon on the ground no headway waa made toward electing him has ahown that he will not be able to gain from the stand patters. The plan of the Young followers it to watt until after the primary bill la disposed of and then to proceed to the election of a senator, aa there Is no ex pectation whatever that a special primary will be voted. Today's ballot stood: Kenyon, 6H; Young, SB; Garst, 1; Porter (dem), 64. Absent, one. Necessary to elect, aeventy-nlne. ARCHBISHOP RYAN IS DYING Venerable Prelate la In Seml-t'oma-toae State and star lot Emerge from It. PHILADELPHIA. Feb 2-Physlcians la attendance upon Archbishop Ryan said at noon today that the end might come at any moment. They issued the following bul letin: "Archbishop Ryan Ja alowly and gradu ally growing weaker. Thta morning he fell into a semi-comatose condition from which he may or may not emerge." The archbishop collapsed about 10 a. m.. after having had a comparatively good night and morning. Later he lapsed Into a semi-conscious state. Ilonlile Holiday la Xn York. NKW YORK, Feb. t-The New York Cot ton exchange today decided on a double holiday tor Lincoln s Mi today and the ex change will be closed on Saturday, Feb ruary II, as well as on Monday, February IS. SQ is Guest is Badly Beaten for Resembling Another Man Mistaken for ejiother man who had Just left the restaurant without paying for Ills uual. It. H- Hayes, a oung man who lives at the Young Men's t'hristlau association, recelvid a bad beating last night 111 the One-Minute Coflce house, 41 foiith Fif teenth stievt. Hayrs rutertd the One-Minute wlih noth ing but tbe mout peaceable lnt.ntiiin of a bite to rat. Yet H happened that the chuir be selected had Jii:t lfn vacated i by a gentleman Willi rf poor memory, n poor. In fact, that he had Uirtly slipped out of liie reata'jram with the little d-tall i about paying for his repast eutliriy for ISOIIrll. Hayes slipped Into the chair Just vacated Everything is so REDUCED now. EVERYTHING So reduced noW. ' ilNSURRECTOS NEAR JAUREZ Attack Upon City Opposite El Paso is Expected Soon. TRAINS MAROONED THREE DAYS Former Ireretsry tiarfleld Among; Those Detained by loanrsients Pullman Sheets I'aed as Handaacs' for Wounded. EL PASO, Tex.. Feb. 1-A number of riderless cavalry horsea straggled Into Juarex. opposite F.I Paso, early thla morn ing. Indicating that thsre haa been ngni- Ing near the city, which waa practicany surrounded by rebels all night. Jitmes R. Gbj field, former secretaryv ot Ute'tntejior.. Was a passenger on the tfain which was marooned when Insurgents tore up the track Hunday and for three days waa held up. With other passengers, by the insurgents. He arrived last night with the train, which waa allowed to come mio Juarex after the rebels had disembarked thirty ralles east of Juarex and had Degun preparations to attack the border town this morning. While the tralna were marooned soutn or Juarex between Sunday and Wednesday the food supply of the passengers ran out ana lnsurrectos fed them from their commis sary and from beeves slaughtered on the apot. The Insurroctos had a number of wounded and these were treated by pas sengers. Pullman aheeta being. torn up for bandages. Former Secretary Garfield as sisted In the work. Saloons and gambling houses In Juarex remained clased all night, but were re opened this morning. Early this morning the Juarez police ar rested Rafael' Escoboso, assistant superin tendent of terminals of the National rail ways In Juarex, and Gaspar Vela, night telegrapher. Juarez ortlcera reiusea to state why the arrests were made. Federal Troops Driven Back. The first clash between the rebels and the federal troops sent out laBt night from Juarez occurred about daylight, between Juarez and Samalayuca. according to the federal troops, who retreated to Juarex this morning. They brought three wounded with them and admitted that two were killed, but aald they were killed In explod ing dynamite to wreck a bridge. The returning troops said they met the Insurgent coming Into Juarex on a train and exploded dynamite beneath a bridge, which wrecked the engine of the (rain. Two of their own men were killed by the explosion and In getting away, three more were wounded by tho rebels. It is generally believed that the federal losa waa heavier than they report, aa many riderless horses have been coming into Juarex all forenoon and eight of them were caught tn El Paso with blood stained Bad dies, filx were captured at Isleta, twelve miles below here this morning. Train Blown lp with Dynamite. Only four Mexican federals were killed this morning south of Juarex, ao far aa known. The federals claim they killed fifty revolutionists when they dynamited the train south ot here, after midnight, but this Is discredited, for It was dark. ' Captain Joaquin GrostUa. Fourteenth Mexican cavalry. Is renponslble for the statement of the number of dead. Hrtru Passengers In Monoplane. PAU, France, Feb. 2.-M. I.e Martin, the French aviator, today broke the world's passenger-carrying record. Piloting a munoplune. he carried up seven passengers for a five-minute flight. and the waiter did nut notice lite change. Also, Hayes resembled the oilier man. Hayes ordered a meal of subntaiitiul pro portions. The waiter's t-cs Kiev.' bl Jtu wonder, and not a little admiration, for a man such, as his customer who could order two such dinners with kadi an air of non chalance. However, he uld imtliinx; if s man was hungry, that was his butnes. When presented v.llli the check Ha ts also wondered greatly, f Jitliermure. he pro tmieil. One word led to another and t l, ally the melee mine. Tne diner came on. a bad second. As the rcsuii he has nicu a complaint fur the arrekt of John loe. a night waiter at the One-Minute l.'uffc bouse. SENATOR ALBERT HE(1S FOR DKIiAV i ! Platte Countv Leislator Pleads with j Democrats to Go Slowlv on Initiative. THIS SESSION ONLY A STARTER Best Results. He Thinks. Come with High Percentage. WARM TILT WITH BUTLER MAN Skiles Twits Him with the Pledges of the Party. AGRICULTURAL FARM BILL LOST Iloase Majority nles Down llenrtred Thuasnnd Appropriation for ew State Farm In aothwesl. em elirnUn. (From a Stsff Corirsindent . LINt'OLN. Feb. 2 (Spei hil I Hoiistor I. L. Albert of Platte county. In the debute upon the Initiative and referendum bill In the senate this afternoon, spoke for over an hour tr a crowded, Interested chamber and gallery In favor of delibera tion tn licKlnnlnu direct li'tfinlatlon. Senator Albert took, upon hlmxelf the task of explaining the dilatory movements of the democratic majority In rertcemlna, "' Its party pledges and ho ciulued hlniReif with an argument cogent enough to win nn ostensible victory for thoe who bcllev that the Initiative and referendum laws passed by this legislature should be merely advisory to the next legislature. Senator Alliert followed Senator Skiles of Hutler. author of W. F. 1, the measure; before the senate. ' Senator 8klles chai . IctiKcd hln ' democrat io colleagues to carry through their party pledges. Ho staried buck with the fiinilati:eiital Ideas of Amer ican government, even touching upon tho Jefferson-llanillton diffcrtnecs as to con stitutional control. SUIIes litre Oilier strs. The pass evil flRht whs recalled as a Fdmllur occasion when, he said, the demo cratic party was lined against the vented Interests In favor of the people. ,lle cited tho other stales which arc liking the In itiative and referendum as proofs of the practical rapacity of the bill to serve Its purpose and' declared that long study ami experlee had taught tho experts of di rect leglKliition to advocate a 10 per cent petition as the proper provision to make the Initiative effective end atlfactory. The cost of operating a petition under that per cent has been figured aa about $2,000 In Nebraska at the present tlin, and that Is enough to keep any crank fiont taking advantage of the law, he declared. Senator Hklles raid that the liquor In teracts, if they were back of the fight for higher percentage, had best wit lull a from the fight, a the members of both parties were pledged to support an. cf- , foctlve bill and nily a low per cent bill. Immediate! eftectlvc, ,Miht a-t htf yrk. f 'ii- (out Innance on Lost Cans. The bill of Senator Albert, which has been Introduced as a substitute for S. F. 1. was characterised 'as a move by a clever lawyer to obtain a continuance on a lost case. When he arose to speak Senator Alliert was angry with what he termed a viola tion, of confidence by Senator Kklles. Tho vpeech of Senator Skllcs had contained a veiled to a remark made by tjeu ator Albert In Jest In a private conversa tion. Albert, the author of the bank guar anty bill, had daied to speak lightly of the right of the people to rule when the matter was to be taken as a Joke, and when Skiles made public reference to It he was Incensed. Senator Albert then proceeded to take up the arguments of the author of the bill an dtramplc upon them one by one. He said that a low percentage waa Just ex actly what would help special Interests to get their wishes from an Initiative and referendum bill. He pointed with soma sarcasm to the quotation Skiles had made from Jefferson I an principles of direct gov ernment and then asked how that waa to be reconciled with a fear that the people could De hoodwinked by special Interests In this situation. The. basis of the argument against a low percentage bill as presented by Al bert was that the right to atart legislation The appropriation of $100,000 for a new agricultural school at Holdrege waa de feated In the house this morning by tbe efforts of unlverxlty men who saw In a measure, a blow at the resources of the state university. Fllley of Gage, Kotous of Richardson and Smith of Boone, gradu ates of the state university, were able to speak from the standpoint of the one more central educational Institution of the state and show that the favoring of the south western part of the state would show dis sipation of the state' expenditures for educational purposes. A motion to Indefi nitely postpone the Eastman, H. R. 2. for the appropriation was carried In the com mittee of the whole by a vote of forty-six to thirty-eight. When the committee of the whole rose to report, however, East man moved that the house refuse to con cur In the committee of the whole report. The vote upon this question was close and a call of the houst making It necesary to scout for the abssul member was de manded by five members. Heport I -eft In In Air. The advocate of the bill tried by the ral' of house to defeat the report of the com mlltee, but when the vole was taken I Stood 47 to 44 tn support of the IndeflnlU postponement. Eahtman then changed hit vote to be with the prevailing aide an' be given a chawe to move to reconalde and the vote stood 48 to 43. Roland ot Dougla. a supporter of the appropriation, moved to take a recess to the afternoon. Kotouc tried to get In a motion to adopt I the report ot the committee, but It waa nnt put and the recess was taksn. The matter now (lands with the re- port of the committee of the w hole to postpone inoeiinneiy sun up in tne air. The temper of the house, however, unlets 1: changes, la against the apinoprlatlon. (oinitr Option HIM I'wund. The county oplion bill, fc". F. !1R, ws brought out of the committee obscurity In the etriitiie this r.iorniug and placed fui third reading and a vote without dlsi-ua slon. Tbe bill has been lost and the coinmtttet has been raying nothing at all ah.,ut or the reason for the long delay In brlnt, lug It up. Srnalor Barlos said that the ought to bs allowed to go on general file so that It could be amended and If amtndrt properly he might vote for li. Kemp re marked that any couniy option that Ballot would vote for would never amount tc much as county option. Olds asserted that