I j-y V. Y r I I) WANT-ADS Wast litis rrwltf'l at u ilmr, bnl I tt Inurr proper rlmtnlllcntion be presented before 111 'clock m. lo Ik evening rdltloa ! be'"'" "3I o'clock i of the nrrln ,ir",". , ,m and ..i-r . cel.ed after ear " w'" ftnimln ails recr dee the endlns "Too Late Clee'r." CA II R ATF.S t'fK WANTAn'n tIKdILAlt riaASaiKlCATlOlt Insertion. I 1-3 trait pre rent -er word l.r one. n,,-'V ' Insertion. Back Insert!" m " " 30 dd dars. t 1-3 cent r" or', Iter line. per month. nf Hate, apple to elth.r The . anrfay Bee. Always o to a II an. Wan ads foe The fire at nor r foil owl n dr one Is Tone "corner dm'" Be ... .- far -. i.irrtrn I"" n the main offleo In The flee hnlldla-. .,,eeeath and fnii streets. Arbarh. W. C. 40th end rrnm. V.nm I rug To., :1 N. rlelisotl r-nannnv.,. "";, ,i I'nmlns Bemls Park Pharmacy. 33.1 and Cuming. HlBke-BradlHli. 2810 Sherman ( llflon Hill ,hrmry-iL, sughlln. C. It., fith and Pier Military Ave. rrce Sta. ' ...... .t t aba ma. Crlssey Pharmacy, ".V,,, Conncy Pharmacy. Sout h h f t. Cermak. KniH. 1-14- South lfith St. Fhler P H.. CJ laeavenworth St. Foster A Arnold! -IS pt' FrevtBif. J. J , 1U North 24tli tt. K?rpie" UrniCo, 13K North Wth ft. Florence Drnit Co., Florrnc. Nfb Orern's Pharmacy Park Av and Pacific. (.rernoiiKh, . A.. 16 Houth t(h Ht. Wlllno 5h CI. A . 10th and Hickory Ma. l'n Pharmacy, and Leavenworth, llavdrn. William. 2W0 rnmah,,h Ave Hanaram Park Pharmacy. U S. Jith Me. lllntrrlonn lruB Co.. Slat Ave. and l ar- "'iVolM.' John, 2 North lth 8t. Huff A. I... 2!)-' Leavenworth M. Vohanann Druir Co.. 24th and Spauldlng. KlnR. H. P.. 22: Karnam 81. lvountr Place Pharmacy. .V 04 N. .4th M. Marea Fred L.. 2)lf Central flvd. V.YAck !.n,K Co.. 1 N. 24th M . H"fmer5" Cut Prlc. DruB Store. 10th and KrhVe"" AoRuat. 231 North lfith St Hchmldt. ,T. II , 24th and Cumin- M. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming DETH AND VMK Ell A la 1VOTICES GfANTNER. Anton Aged 72 yrari, 9 months, January i, lull- .,.u Funeral Vvennexday afternoon at 2 o clock from residence, 243 .Vorth Nineteenth St. KEENAN, William K.. January 29. 1911. Funeral from St. Phoiumena s church, Wednesday at o clock a. m. Interment at Holv Ht pulclier cemetery, r riends Invited. Cincinnati, New Orleans, Denver papers pieune copy. , l.ODUK NOTlCli. Masonic Fnneral. Funeral of our lata Brother John Wiley Stone will ba held at ths Maajnlc Temple Tuesday. January 31, at 1 p. nr.. at the re quest of Ait ana Imlg of Seattle. Vvash. Members ot covert and alsler lodges re quested to attend. F, W. BOYER, Secretary E. N. BOWLES, W. N. CARD OF THANKS. W desire to thank our many friends for their beautiful flowers and kindness in our late bereavement in the death ot our son and brother. Mrs. H. Coady and Family. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., embalmers. 1614 Chicago. V. lbjU, t-ltk. L. T. BurroweS Co.. lusiiekS uuur ot uin tuw screens. M Brandels 'i nt. Uu. L. Iwj. COAL At cut prices. ALL I KINDS. We s a v o on 5 c to $1.50 a ton. ..uunu a,iu gumuj guaranteed. ItuESiil-ATT'S CCT i-.iv.t. COAL CO., L'ja NICHOLAS 81'. BO HI 'I'llo.N Ec. Oil YOU PAliADlSEt Sounds good, doesn't ItT Happiness su preme when you burn our PARADISE COAL. To cut down your coal bill take our advice and burn 1'araillse. Wlil save )ou i bO to VI 00 ton. Both 'phones. J. W. BEDFORD. 1Mb Cuming St. lIJ..r9TRATIO.V from actual photo graphs make the best advertising you can buy; our work la the bmi; puoiugiapns lor any purpuov. i 'oui.itc ri .a. k nu.uti a,,,iic Studio, itM Boston Store HUig., lud. A-2o6o. MISS A. HOLLAND Wishes to announce greatly reduced prices durlrs the uionlhs ot January and February; ulJo, select, new spring tailoring material lmluded In this offer. Suite att 1 sxtou block. Tel. Douglas 3049. VII RflTHPl?.V BctUlU No. t Fuji Una f liquors and cigars. Cats lu ronnsctlon. ill to. Hlh hi. HAGGARD Van Storage, rack, move, siore and ship II. H. goods. D. 140t, B-2421 CYNIC AND PHILANTHROPIST! LISTEN. My back Is broken, body lifeless from watat down. I earned $1.0tO for Infanta' Home last fall. Your magasln order this tali will earn tS.OOO for charity, tha Inter eel of this money will provide tor my de cline and later pay a nurses wages, or endow a hospital cot forever. 149 subscrip tions to tha Ladles Home Journal and ths Saturday Evening Post earns first $1,000. Prlre $1.60 each. Either counts, whether new or renewal. Do get them In. Writs for complete catalogue and story. "A Broken Back." Phone Douglas ilui. Cor don, tha Magazine Man Omaha. MONEY TO IjOAJS LOW KATE. In sums ta suit. $10 Bee bldg. Phone Douaf. not UNION LOAN CO. Dra. Elabaugh Marea wish to announce the removal of their dental offices to rooms 16-alti City National Bank Bldg. LYNCH BROS. l,Lu?NaA10 REPAIR WORK. 170$ Jacksoo St D.' 1477. Gl'8 DOMlNdLtZ. former manager of lh first lvat.ona. iiank barber shop, hss ai,ait,.t I hat rtwiMt ai.a ant I u riifatH ha.k.. ah.iia In Omuhi aVntt a-nrtilMllv Invlta. 1 patronage. Opvn week day $ a m. to srt p. m. ; Saturdays until 9 p. in.; Sunday, .) a. in. to 12 nt. Tenth Floor New .Omaha National Bank I.ldg. 11 VTIVfl Comer 10th and IKiuglas 1 li.llliUt f-Iceitor plating Works Wlil plate snd enomn your tewelry. sil verware, or anvthint which Is metal, leit phone Douglas -JtAk. ANNOUNCEMENTS tl'nntlnued. 13AHKE1J BROS. PAINT CO. Doug. 4, JO. Ind. A-.J1. H'9Vi Farnam St. StciK il outfits; it styles; p tuie framing nt inodcrate piicea; glacs, wall paper. Wli I'AKKV A FULL LINK OF SUKKWLN WILLIAMd PAINTS. lilt ASS POLISH, 1 .1 VI 1 1 1 VKNKKH AND ALL B HANDS OF FLOOlt WAX. K. T. Farnaworth, Att'y. 118 Bee Bid. DOUGLAS Printing Co., Tel. Douglaa 644. ELBVATORS REPAIKF.D, freight, paa aenger. J. H. Kennedy. 1U4 B. 13th. D. 2r. vouu ncTuiiE 0.tvrhc.,rd, ;p?o, foe ' You can get pictures ju minutes after they are taken. Bring tho baby down. Look fur the blue llgin at night Paxton situ. dio, Hill Farnam. Upan lu a. m. to u p. m. JOlliN NITTLEK, HODat?bu,teIr1.er" I 1 1 VI IS THE BEEH lOU LIKE. lJjUiO tui South Mth ot. Douglas Rod iMi. Independent, F-1J77. 1LEK UKAND HOTEL Zimmerman & Crowe Furniture Co., 1719 Leavenworth. Get our plan. Nut said! VIRGINIA DARK "WINE. 75c a large bottle. Klein Liquor House, o'2i N. 16th St. MRS. CHAULE8 C. HUNOATE. china firing. S70 Brandcia Bldg. Tel. Web. utii. Alfred Jones, refreshment, music and service. 4319 Jackson. 11. lhM. Ind. A-2'.IW. ALADDIN lamps and supplies. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Web. lltl. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH r. JETE'S 1302 Douglas Street. 8. H. Cola Sign Co., D. 37ti8, 1316 Farnam. CHINA decorating for cluba a specialty. Mlfts M. H. Kinig, 33ti Brandels Theater. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. KOSHER, delicatessen. All kinds smoked meat and tish. 720Vfc N. ICth ot St. HORNBY Blue Pilnt Co., 618 Bea Bldg. HARRY W. MOOL. Engineer. Designer. Draltsmun. &0 Urandeia Theater. D. 2901. EAT KOaiiEK HOME COOKING. AKK1NS. S18 H. 15TU. UPSTAIRS. TWENTY per cent less th.m Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twcnty-toui'th and L sir.. South Omaha. MASONRY contractor. Healy. Web. 1241. B. F. Wurn. optician, 443 Brandels Bldg. Filtera. filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D. 3913. MRS. M. Y. IRWIN, 340 Brandels theater. Crlna decorating and firing. Easter cards. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. SKID" Into a post. - "TEAR" your top. And bring It to the best place In Omaba tor all kinds of repairing DRUMMOND Comer ibili Md Harney sis. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Attention! Vk rite for our plan whereby you can secure your automobile Hies, supplies and acces sories at trade discounts and aave average of 33,s per cent; goods will be Bint allow ing examination. Full particulars mailed upon request. The Oeyer Sales Co., Day ton, Ohio. Autoltepamng rLVan CALLS DAY OR NIGHT. The faxton Mitchell .Co.. 2010-16 Harney. D. 7k24; A-201L FOR SALE MJclel 10 Bulck roadster, equipped with Pres-to-llta tank and ex haust whistle. Call Harney Wi OUR line ot 2d -hand tires are bargains. Ideal Tire Repair Co., 2124 Farnam St. Auto Paintinir ""l-rphy did it." ANDREW MURPHY at SON. I41i Jackson. WRITE for list ot automobile bargains II. E. Fredrlckson Auto Co.. Omaha. WRITE for pricea. THE INTERSTATE AUTOMOBILE CO., 310-312 8. lsth St. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. COAL BUSINESS for sale in Council Blu.fs. This plant is a money maker and will bear the closest Investigation. Ad Uiess K 37, Bee. HALF of store for rent, suitable for mil linery or ladies' furnishing; best location in town. Address U 411, Bee. FOR SALE 9-room rooming house doing good business, big bargain. 403 8. 2th Ave. THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PER CENT ANNUAL PROFIT FOR TWENTY-THREE YEARS Is whst hunureUs ot Investors In British Columbia real estate have made. The "lirltibh Columbia Bulletin of Infor mation" tells about the opportunities along the three great transcontinental railways which are opening up thirty million acres of rich agricultural I an a inn nrty million acres ot timber, coal and mineral land in Central and Northern British Columbia, now famous as the l ort vjeome country. One nundred million dollars will be spent in the next live years la railroad building alone. Thousands of fortunes will be mads by thuja who get In before the big rush. Let us send you a free copy costs you noth in-ii ay mean a fortune for you. Writ today. NATL'UAL RESOURCES SECURITY CO., LTD.. 642 Bower Building. Vancouver, B. C. SEEING THINGS. To the best advantage is the result of proper care and attention of your eyes, Our knowieage or tne eye is based on 1 yrs. of fitting glasses. Consultation free, COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO.. 2U9-2U S. mh St. WANT to correspond with a good. 1n telllatent man or woman who has $2,600 to Invest In bona fide proposition, carrying a goou salary, to ngnt party. Address Boa 47. Rockwell City. Ja. FOR HALE Good livery and feed barn, auto In connection. Kuppert fc Galea. May wood, Neo. PASADY Co.,, Real Estate, Loans and v"loau Insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent, vjulca returns. H. W. corner 14tn and Douglas. lot Doug. . laM TO BUY SELL OR TRADE-SEE THE MIDLAND CO., ?4 BRANDfcUS BLDG. SMAIJa restaurant, including building on leased ground for sale; wlil aeil cheap for tsslt. Inquire 2-21 Vinton St., opposite car bain. iw SHARKS Avery Implement Co. stock for $116 rach. Ho in 427 V. M. C. A. COLORADO SPRINGS' best paying room ing house; 2a room. modern, pojaiofflue box 62, Colorado Springs. Colo. FOR SALE Pool ball, complete, new fixtures. Inquire at lu N. 24th Su, Suuth Oiuaht BUSINESS CHANCES IContinuad.) LF.TTER of Inquiry will give you Infor mation concerning an exceptional location for exclusive dry goods, or clothing and gents' furnishings, or a general store. Ad dreKs Sam A. i lark to., tueai ,.-taie). Fayettevllle, Ark. t HAVE the (ale of a good green house property that la located in a town of lB.ftK) people. It has been well taken care of and Is earning from 112.000 to 115.000 each and every year. The owner wlshea to sell and retire and will sell everything connected with the business. The value of this prop erty Is 130.000, but In order to make a sale will discount Is 40 per cent. For further particulars write me. Box 2S, Bloux City, la. CASH for general store. P 686, Bee. TAILORING business for sale; $150 will buy my well, equipped tailor shop In one of the best cities In Wyoming; employ 3 hands; poor health reason for selling. Ad dress Box 677, Lander, Wyo. FOR SALE 20-acre Rogue River Valley (Ore.) orchard; 14 acres bearing apples; Joins city limits; good proposition; $7.80) stock drugs in Twin Falls. Idaho country. Terms on both. For particulars address Lock Box 42, Ashland, Ore. CHIROPODISTS MONHE1T, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat. Bk. D. 2333. DR. ROY. 150S Farnam St. Douglaa 64ST7. DANCING Misses Simpson Coll. W. 2491. W. 6630. MORAND'S. 15th and Harney. Doug. 2964. DENTISTS BAILEY MACH, Sd floor. Paxton. D. 103S. DR. HORTON 627 City Nat. Bank Bldg. DETECTIVES Omaha Secrec Service Detective age. Inc.. bonded. 428-9 Paxton blk. D. 1319. Ind. A-131. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH Blk. L. E. BROWN. 61J Paxton Blk. Doug. 2781 DRESSMAKERS COMPETENT DRESSMAKING: satisfac tion guaranteed: reasonable. 2214 Mason. DRESSMAKING by day. Webster $718. EDUCATIONAL ' Y.W. C.A. Second Term Opens Feb. 6. . GENERAL " ' LITERATURE, ORATORY. LANGUAGES, ASTRONOMY, GRAMMAR. PAINTING. ARITHMETIC ORCHESTRA. STENOGRAPHY DICTATION. V SEWING PLAIN SEWING. DRESSMAKING. SHIRT WAISTS. MILLINERY, TEXTILE STUDY. JUNIOR CLASSES. COOKING COURSE I DINNER CLASS. COURSE II LUNCHEON COURSE. COURSE III PRACTICAL COOK.EKI. THE MID-WINTER TERM OF, BOYLES' COLLEGE Is now open In both the day and night saa- slons. Yet It Is not too lata to enter. Be gin now and receive that mental discipline that will double, your earning capacity. Business, Bookkeeping. Stenography, Teleg raphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue is fie. Address H. B. Boyles, President, Boy la: Building. Omaha. Nab. Official Training School Union Pacific R, K. Telegraph Department. ATTENTION BEFORE DECIDING UPON A SCHOOL know that The VAN 6ANT SCHOOL has for twenty years held the highest known record among business schools for per centage of success among Its graduates. Wead Bldg.. 8. W. Cor. 18th and Farnam. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance. BRANDE1S" cut flower dept.; new store. L Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Douglaa 121$. A. DON AGHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001; A -1001 HESS SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. J. H. BATH, 162s Harney. Douglas 1000. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stovs re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat era. Omaha Stove Repair Works. UOi-lMi Douglaa bt. Both phones. FURNACES cle?ned" rapalrod. Uth X Ua.t.ixvi,kl snxl caso. Doug. 6260. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and galaawoaavav. LADIES To demonstrate, house to house. Salary and carfare. W. U. Carr, Room l, 210 So. lllh St. WANTED An experienced demonstrator In burnt wood department. Apply at once. Superintendent. Brandels Stores. Clerical and Office. Stenographer some experience, $36. Stenographer, real estate. 1-16 140. Stenographer and cashier, $.M. Stenographer insurance, $50. Stenographer Implements $60 CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. lott City National Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Factor? and Train. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlors, Z3t-Z4V city Nat. Bank. D. llouaekeepora and Ionteatlt-a. WANTED Girl to do house work. Apply Goodman's Pharmacy. .4th and Leaven worth. GIRL WANTED For general house work; no washing; gooa wages. 114 California street. GIRL or general housework; must be good cook. Mrs T. C. Byrne. 2114 California. LADIES wanted to take work hajine. ap plying transfers. 415 Brandels Theater bidfc'. Wa.nTKIi A good girl f,,r soei si house work, German or Bohemian preferred. 13u6 Paxk Ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics -Cont'd. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 62nd and Military Ave. WANTED Housekeeper, preferred. 2ri3! Chicago St - mlddls aged WANTED A nice young girl to care for children, good home. 1H2U Sherman Ave. WANTED A competent glr! for general housework, small family. 6uf So. 38th Ave. ilarney 4(M. WANTED Girl to help with housework. 4166 Cass St. WANTED A competent girl for house work, plain cooking. 1708 Lake St. WANTED Girl for general housework. 128 So. 38th St. WANTED A competent girl for house work, three In family. Mrs. W. W. Fisher. 2210 F St.. So. Omaha. WANTED-A good girl for general housework, four In family. Mrs. Geo. Squires, 61 So. 37th St. WANTED A middle aged German wo man, with or without family, to keep house for two men on farm H mils west Ralston, Route 2. So. Omaha, WANTED First class cook. Mrs. Frank Colpetzer. 118 So. 25th Ave. WANTED Woman for general house work on farm, work not very heavy. Mrs. K. R. Ferrin. North Bend, Neb. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework, small family. 1549 Georgia Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 120 N. 42nd St. WANTED A first class cook. 2013 Doug las St. WANTED A girl about 16 to cara for children and help with housework, 4224 Douglas St. WANTED Good girl for general house work, small family, no laundry. 1417 N. 19th St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 2202 F St. S. O. Omaha. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1212 N. 26th St., So. Omaha. Hotela anil Restanraats. CHAMBERMAID Apply Manager Omaha General Hospital. Miscellaneous. TOUNO women oomlng to Omaha as ttrargers are Invited to visit tho Young Women's Christian association building at b't. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our trav eler's aid at tha Union station. LADIES Make sanitary belts at home; material furnished; $12.60 per 1U0; stamped, addressed envelopes for particulars. West vl 1 1 leM f .C,West vl Ha, N. J. HELP WANTED MALE Agents. Kalesiuea and kollcltor. WE HAVE salesmen s positions open where you can earn good money while studying our course. Practical, acnoul ui baleamansblp Drawer T-67. Cleveland. O. WANTED AGENTS Active agents are making from $lu to $16 per day selling the Ideal Hope Machine direct to the farmers. I want to locate some agent, a man of good standing In the community where he Uvea, In each and every state. Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas. Call on or write The Ideal Rope Machine Co., Sioux City, la. Lock Box 363. Boy. WANTED A boy to hold copy. Apply composing room, Omaha Dally Bee. Clerical and Office. Sec'y for Com. Club, 8. D $160 Traveling salesman, lumber $150 Two traveling salesmen, groceries $ 76 stenographer and bookkeeper t Assistant bookkeeper $ ii Stenographer, retail store $ A. Price clerk, electrical experience $ 60 Each one ot tho above positions must be filled immediately. If you have experience along any of the linea mentioned, do not fall to see us at once. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N (Ino.), OMAHA Estab. 8 yrs. KANSAS CITY. 762-3-4-6 New York Life Bldg. Experienced Installment collector for furniture business. State salary and ex perience and be able to furnish bond. Address L-6sZ, Bea. Bookkeeper Insurance, $75. Collector insurance, $60 and commission. Office Clerk electrlo supply firm. $46. Bookkeeper who can do stenographic work. $100. If yon are looking for a position DON'T FAIL to - t once. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015 City ..u. ..ant liiut,.. Oin.ia, iveb Factors- and Trades. Drug Stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg. WANTED First-class sheet metal work era; wages, 40 cents per hour. Hunt & Bchuets Co.. Sioux City, la. EXPERIENCED baker at once. Tenth St. 613 Bo Mlscellaneons. YOU are wanted rnr a government posi tion. $sa a month. Write for list of posi tions open. Franklin Institute, Dept M-C, Rochester, N. Y. MORE MEN NEEDED AT ONCE tor electrlo railway motormen and conductors. to to 40 years old, $aw to $low a month; no experience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately lor application blank, enclosing stamp. AJdreaa, V-Jui, care of lie. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; practical shop work under experienced Instructors; Individual road work In large touring cars. We invite your investigation National Auto Train ing Ass n., otflcs 628 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; commission paid for bringing students: wages in finishing department; experience in shops Saturdays; first work on free customers; all practical; Instructions with charts and diagrams saves years; our grsduates always send for our help: Dosl Hons waiting: catalogue free. Moler Barber College, liu s. 14 tn Bt. MEN under $6, mall service. Iowa Ave.. Cedar Rapids. Ia. I. S. 6., UO RAILWAY Mall Clerks Wanted-Averags salary, ll.iuo; alternate weeks off with full pay; preparation free for coming Omaha examlnationa Franklin Institute, Dept. ZU-C. Rochester, IN. X. YOUNG men to work in hardware store. Some enerlence. Steady loo. $4U 00 p month first year. N. W. Leering & Bon. Atlantic, la. HELP WANTED MAI.IS H FUMALK HOUSE-TO-HOUSE canvasser ran make l! aents on each 40-cent sale Apnly 41 3 Wbstsr-Sunderland bldg., lvh and Howard fcl LIVE STOCK fOn SALE Horses and Wagons. WK RETAIL AT WIIO'.ESAl.f. PRtraH 1IEAVY TEAMING GEARS and PEL1VERT WAGONS, made from tha best MATERIAL MONEY CAN BUY. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO . 1117 Farnam FIVE BIG HORSES cheap. Blue barn, rear of Millard Hotel, 13th and Douglaa St. LOST AND FOUND LOST Boston bull terrier, white breast and bobtailed; $ yeare old; big collar on I.eck; was last seen at 15th and Leaven worth, i p m., Friday. Call A C. Storg. Storx Brewing Co., recelva reward. IzOST Sunday afternoon, between 1 and 2 o'clock, a amall seal skin collar; between Dodge and Twentieth and Ieavenworth. Reward If returned to. Sol So. Twenty-fifth avenue. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases: all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day and night. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AM) C1C ATTfcXS. f mmmsM ,mimwn mi$$wmuK$iim m f$$ NOTICE TO THE PUttLIC $1 it iv ij ii, w U LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD M It FURNITURE. PIANOS. SALARIES. $ $J THIS IB A NEW FIRM. II $ Organised by tha REPOT ABLB $$ 1$ BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro- 1$ t tct honest working people In need $4 U f.f temporary Kelp from the exorbl- U U tant charges of tha ao-cailed loan t $$ companlea Wo will loan you all the It (J money you want auu "-- tl t per cent a year- . imD niaAna jou r j i For $ 10 mo. payments $1.70$ 50 J M For $ 26 mo. payments $4.23$ 24. M M For $ to mo. payments $t.4 $ 60. it tl For $100 la mo. payments W W $im.m j And all othar sums In proportion, u Kasy weekly or Monthly aVayuieDia u Reasonabla Appralsentknt Charge U A glance at tba aoova ratea win j convlnca you how mucU you save jf M dealing with us. $ NO R&D TAPS. NO DELAK. M MONEY IN YOUR POCK.i. WITHIN AN HOUR. u I IVIDE PEN DEN T LOAN CO.. U 11 ROOM $04. W1THNELL BUILOINU. u Could You Use $50 to a Good Advantage I Don't so to a friend. Come to us. When you borrow money you want the lowest rale, and we give It. We will loan you from $a.OO to $100.00 on furniture, pianos or teams, without removal; small and easy payments. $1.20 la the weekly payment on a $j0 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts in the same proportion. We give liberal dis counts on all loan paid off before due. Mall or phono applications recelvo our prompt attention. Strictly confidential. State Mortgage Loan (Jo., Room 13, Arlington Block, 15114 Dodge St. Phones; Douglas 2466 A 24tto. LOOK! LOOK!! Are you short of funds? Do you need MONUYf If u and you nave a PERMANENT POSITION. r own FURNITURE. PIANO. FIXTURES, HORSES, WAGONS, etc., we will gladly advance you what money you need. Our rates the lowest, terma lbs easiest and a SQUARE DEAL guaranteed. AMElU.iJ.AjN LUAN CO. 161$ FARNAM ST- BOOM 107. READY MONEY $10 UP QUICKLY Confidential, courteous, square ueai. low est ratea. Largest Keoatea. no advance fee or ArfnAiBAia uMnuto. Omaha Mortgage LiOan Co., Room 216, Second Floor Board of Trade Building. Tel. Doug. 2295; Ind. A-107L Call or write Loans inane in xienauu, r lorenco and Council Bluffs. DO YOU NEED MONEY t Wa will loan you money on your furnl ture, piano, live atock or any other se curity at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVEKTisu,. i-ouneoua treatment ana strict privacy. Call or phone and convince yourself. NEBRASKA 1AJAM UO., D. 136. Ind. A-1366. 220 Bee Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In ana let us explain our low rates. Re liable credit Co.. 108 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglaa 1411. A-1411. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLS. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, wltbcut security; easy payments. Office In W principal cities. Tolman. Heooi $01 New Omaba National Bank Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT b W. C. FLATAU..ffcPhV MOVING STORAGE. CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing, fireproof storage City office $1$ 8. 17th. Doug. 894; Ind. B-1341. OMAHA VAN STORAGE) CO. cleans four carpets en your floors; eieotrlo vacuum cleaner, at a. lUa; sv S. 171b. Doug, till OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. THE IRVINO. Z101 Leavenworth street. THE BACHELORS, American rates. Single, $35 to $40; double, $o to 1.6. 8t James. 416 8. 1$; stm. beat, free bath. Am., $1.26 up; wkly., $6 up; meals. 2ic. STRICTLY modern rooms, with home cooking; ratas reasonable, by day or week; meals. 2oc; half block west of postofflca 111 Dodge. ATTRACTIVE front room with large al cove; walking distance; home cooking, phone Douglaa 33M. , FINE large room, suitable for two. 1918 Cass. Douglaa 1476. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms and board; walking distance from downtown; beat ot home cooking. 121 S. itoih Ave. Tel., Doug. S9H2. TWO large fine rooms, walking distance, strictly modern. 181$ Chicago. BEAUTIFUL suite of rooms with board. 106 N. 26th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, desirable for three gentlemen, good board, iolu ilarney St. NICE room and board for two or three gentlemen, reasonable. 2014 Cuming Hi. FOR RENT Large south room, deajrabie for two or three board. 1.12 S. -i h Ave FOR beard. RENT Nice el earn 17 u Nicholas SL healed room. OFFEalu Jii.tiMr Hoard and Itoome Continued. FOR ItHNT-Nlcc stam hinted rooms, board. 1710 Chicago St.-- FOR RENT Nicely furnished, neat, home cooking. 2112 Dougliu. VERY nice modern room. Kood hoard. 710 S. 18th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnlshtd rooms, well heated, board if desired. r'nrnlshed liooins. Nice smith,' single room, furnished. 2213 Douglas St. A STRICTLY modern room for one or two gentlemen In West Farnam district. In private family, excellent bed; hot and cold water all the time. Ilarney 1.11. WE have tlree warm and comfortable furnished rooms at 1C1 N. 18th St. NICELY furnished room, housekeeping room, modern. ulso light 227 Dodge. ELEGANT FRONT room, private family, walking distance' reasonable. 6J7 S. 26 Ave TWO furnished rooms. Tel Wtbstrr 6w71 HI N. 20th St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms 133 a $2d St. NICELY furnished room near 24tn street ear line. X446 South 20th street. EA l rvA warm iiuiii iuoiii, nicely IUr nished; hot water all the time. 177 Dodge. PLEASANT, comfortable furnished room: strictly modern; walking distance. au Dewey Ave. Tel. Douglas 6401. TWO very desirable heated rooms In a rv- nrlvate home; fine residence disirirr- continuous hot and cold water; fine bath; use of phone; gentlemeu preferred. m N. 30th St. ONE large and one small room; light heat and bath. Telephone Tyler Mi. ,ij Capitol avenue. CLOSE In, two newly turnished front rooms; furnace heat. 610 North 20th ot No sign. 'Phone Douglaa 661!. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th A Farnam. PLEASANT, warm front room: nrivat. home; tin location, on car line; easy walk ing distance; modern; tin for one gentle man. U N. atbtn. STRICTLY modern rooms, walking dis tance. 418 S. 241 h Ave. $i per wee and up. Tel. Inn. A WW. AN elegant large front room; fine fur niture; strictly modern. 320 N. 3oth; no sign on bouse. TWO large, pelassnt rooms, strictly mod ern; Harney car; walking distance. $13 N. 26th. DESIRABLE modern room; private t ana lly; good location. J31 N. 31st Ave. LARGE, modern south front room; pri vate family. 114 N. 27th St. 'Phone B-2205. SLEEPING rooms, In modern brick home. XW Dodge St. Harney 2336. NICELY furnished room; mod.; close In. 631 S. 22d SL DELOR1E Hotel. 110 N. 17th. Steam Heat, NICELY furnished front room In new iteam-heated flat to young lady only. Mil Chicago St Tel. Red 6243. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, house keeping privileges If desired; good beat good batb; close In. $412 Dodge. NICE pleasant room desirable for on or two young ladles. 1810 Capital Ave. VERY desirable rooms, continuous bot and cold water; H block from two car lines. 2411 Capitol avenue. CLOSE IN, one large room desirable for two; also one smaller room; gentlemen preferred. References. tlO North 19th St. NEATLY furnished room, with or with out board. 702 N. 23d. 1801V4 St. Mary 'a, second floor; strictly first class furnished rooms; modern and elegantly furnished; for gentlemen only. ELEGANTLY furnished room, hot water heat, good bath; everything strictly mod ern; walking distance. 2417 Jones St. STRICTLY modern room; walking dis tance; housekeeping privileges, if desired. 648 S. 26th Ave. NEWLY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern. 706 S. 18th St, WARM room for gentleman or man and wife. 218 N. mh. STRICTLY modern furnished room; gen tlemen only: half block from poatofflce. ZM N. 17th. Douglas 6194. LARGE, warm front room, In private home, desirable for two, strictly modern walking distance, on 24th St. car line. 220 N. 23d. Red 4232. VERY pleasant alcove suit. Tel. Doug laa 3634. .NICELY furnished front room with al cove, all modern: suitable for two or three. 606 8. 19th. Douglaa 7811. FURNISHED, steam heated-room, pri vate family, for gentleman; walking dis tance. 5u2 S. 2Mh St. CLOSE In rooma. strictly modern. 1915 Capitol Ave. Douglas 4609. FRONT room, private entrance, for one or two gentlemen. 631 8. ZOth. ELEGANTLY furnished front room; hot water heat, telephone in room, electricity and gas; suitable for one or two gentle men; aiso smaller room. 6Zs s. 17th Ave. PLEASANT east front rooms, suitable tor two; i ao per week, eiz b. isth St. PLEASANT, modern sleeping rooms. In private family, one block from cur line Mrs. Mlron Kmbree, 814 Hickory St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished south room, desirable for two. 2577 Harney St. NK'E private home, young ladv to room and be companion, rent cheap, fine place, walking disiance. 2:ilB Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Fine housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1124 Jackson SC SI 'ITE nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. H44 N. 17th St. Doug. 2121 FOR RENT Small, r.lcely heated room. 2S13 Douglaa St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, one block from car line. 2218 Grace St. NEATLY furnished room, all modern, nicely heated, private home, walking dis tance. 609 So. 2f,th Ave Red 7966 FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeping room, warm, bath on same floor. 2f,2 Harney St. FOR RENT Nice warm room, pleasant location, walking distance. 117 So. 2f,th St. FOR RENT Two nleelv furnished rooms, private family. 617 N. 21st St. STEAM heated booms, good location, lfiif. Farnam St. KnR RUNT Two nicely furnished rooms. 1705 Ia-avenworth. Full KENT t'esirahl fnuil niuiii, fur nlibed If dssLrtd. tlT So. tsth St OFFERED FOR RENT Fa rn lulled Ittxioo I iiullnurti. FOR RKNT-Tho or three furnished , rooms for housekeeping, pile How artl St. Foil RENT - Suite of steam heated, mod Win room. 1SI7 Leavenworth St. I FOR RENT Two nleelv furnished rooms. boa ul if ot'Hlred. I'll.'. Hurt J-'t. ' FOR KENT- Nlie South rooms, nicely furnished. 1M3 Capitol Ave FOR RENT Nicely furnished modern room, good location. 2573 St. Alary's Ave. Foil UENT-Large sunny", wsrm rooms,. d nii able location. 2324 Harney St. Foil RENT Nicely furnished, well heated rooms. I Si; Capitol Ave FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, tnooern, convenient to town. 2u So. 2."th St. FOR RENT Llirbt. comfortable rooms, walking distance. isiis Cana St. Hotels anil Apartments. virn.v fi;i;m!iiki rtooMs tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 31't S 13tH POnCE HOTK.r.-iHth Dodge; all. oir Itile ro.vi:i. steam hi at: specim week rate SriTEP-f.Vi up; mcnl bonk,' f.VW. Ont'e- tntn preferred.. Tel. liar. 5iil. 1012 Geo. Av. Apartment mill 1 laf. An elecan' K-rocm apartment, main floor. steam nealed: strictly modern: reasonable, 21 N. Unxi. Inquire 320 N. 20th. 120.00- FOUR-ROOM ait. 3 blka east side park cars. Harney Sn6. GROUND floo., 6-room, steam heated flat, the Dunsany, 10th and Pierce Sts.. ii per month. CONRAD YOUNG. 408 Brandels, Theater. Bldg. . CENTRAL All modern, 4 -room flat 22C N. 23d. lis UO. "-room modem flat. 144 N. Istk i pFlatrs. luguirv a. jotfe 01. Call vx urn. MOST elegantly decorated and complete 4 or 6-room brlok apartment In city; also, trio lights, continuous hot and cold, water, steam heat turnished; tiled bath room; laundry with drier. Price. $60. Two blok fiom heart of city. H-o77, Bee. DELIGHTFUL 6-room apartment on West Farnam, with ateam heat and Janitor service free. Hardwood finish. JOHN W. ROBB1NS. 1S0J FARNAM ST. TWO 4-room modern apartments,' 2ifi8 Cuming St.; each has private bath, lavatory ana gas range in kitchen; ouk finish, gas and cleu lights, $lti.60 and flx.uO. THOS W. HAZEN, 207 and $ McCagua Blk. Tel. D 1300, NICELY decorated, 8-room apartments with kitchen and bath; gas stove and Ice box. Will make a special price. - 710 New Hamilton. Tel. Red iliOO. , FOR RENT Choice 6-room flat, near high school, $22.50. 7-room cottage. 31st and Jackson; reduced to $20. Tel. owner, Red 6264, Fnrntahetl Hoattkesplsg Hooaua, TWO rooms, completely furnished, ' for housekeeplug; laundry privileges. . 1707 Dodge. 1 ' NICELY furnished housekeeping room, modern. 1110 Farnam, 3d floor. TWO strictly modern housekeeping rooms In private family. 1610 North 17th street, Webster 1254. -.. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, heated front parlor. 121 Caaa St. well FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, for housekeeping. 2227 Dodge St. FOR RENT Three nice rooma, steam heated, main floor. 320 N. 20th St. TWO modern, furnished rooms for light housekeeping; private family; walking dis. tance, for $6 a week, Including gas, heat; laundry free. 219 8. 29th Ave. 'Phone Har ney 6111. TWO lovely furnlMhed front rooms for iiaah. KiaaMBaakeenlna. within eaav w&lklnv distance; everything modern; price rea- aonaoie. w 0. u.u FOR RENT Nlc steam heated house keeping rooms. 8403 So. 24th St. FOR RENT Two very nlc rooma for housekeeping. 3 N. 22nd St. F"OR RENT Nicely furnished rooma for light housekeeping. 1407 Chicago St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished steam heated housekeeping rooms. 712 N. 16th St.- '' . FOR RENT Modern light housekeeping rooms. 1624 Cass St. FOR RENT One large modern, welj heated room. 606 N. 23d St. FOR RENT Two rooms, furnished or unfurnished, desirable for housekeeping. 2715 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT-Three nicely furnished rooma, for housekeeping. IMs Webster St.-- FOR RENT-Furnlshed housekeeping rooms, nice location. 'iifi3 Ixdge St. FOR RENT Furnished moms for light housekeeping, walking distance. 2fi70 Leav enworth St. FOR RENT Two large rooms for light housekeeping rooms, for one or two ladles. 2120 Davenport St. FINE ROOM For IlKht housekeeping rooms. 2113 Douglas St. . FOR RENT-Desirable housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1411 Jones St. FOR RENT Nleelv furnished rooms for housekeeping. 2021 California St. FUR RENT Neativ furnished housekeep ing rooms. 2114 Chicago St - FURNISHED room for light housekeep ing, close In. 113 S. 2ltli St. I'nfnrulsbed Itoome. FOUR rooms, gaa and city water. 1ST 4 Bancroft St. Phone lied 6HM. TWO warm, south front rooms: newly decorated ; on bathrno.n floor; 24U3 Cass; convenient to two car lines, reference. THREE-ROOM housekeeping apartment In brick flat, $18 per month. 2"18 Davenport St. TWO modern rooms, gas range, shades. 220s N. mh st. LARGE pleasant unf urnlslied room with wardrobe. 603 N. 7tli. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, good location. K24 S. 2nth St. FUR RENT Two rooms, partly modern, good location. 2213 Charles St. FUR IIKXT-Two unfurnished rooms, walking distance, good location. 1712 How ard St. FUR RENT Two unfurnished well healed rooms. 614 S. I'Mli St. - FOUR modern housekeoplng rooms, refer ence required. $230 Burt Bk 4! i 1 1 I if Ji it i