TITi; BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. J ANT AT? Y sn. W A N T ADS Waal nJ received Ml nnr 1 1 . '"" luaare p.-uppr elaealflrnllnn e prrirBtrtl before J o'clnrk M. I" Ike rtnlii edltlaa ami before H;,u far Waal Id rfU-l after .ach will ltf their llr.t ljerlua mm4m tadla "Toe Lata CUealfv.' rtH niTC Ffit w" n' RtM LAII CLASSIFICATION j . . . word a I 'rnmwr 1 !, -. i-vnax t- ..Men! Be :::r::. t.'1"". j;-;,. ; air?, f .-eoiw - I er line ner m n f : II..-. . .i.v.f The lia'lr ; Hate t.ly ! either worH. j Isnitn) Her, Aln) " , la line. ftll,r ,,e lefl t aar f be fnll..rrlnc rtroic '"r'"7r saa Is Tea "cnrnee firnu ru-ll The nee ... .ii . .fi... for tmA . ait ..III I..- '' " rale t "I rnmntlv nt.d on the m ,fflee In Tae Bee V..U ln Ibe main l..frlith end KneneTn atreeisi .Kch. r.. 40rh nt V,,,,., tMi Co . N. Hi" J"' Heranek. K. A., m: B 1fithMPK j.nr.n I'Vnrin.T-v. r'.enrn "eJ- ,. . '' Phrrr-y Wd and CUT.r. !. t4radlr. '.H6 .".hernan Ave rilft-n Illli J-bHrmacy. T1S Mil1f"v at r-a-ir'-lln r R. lh and Pierce 8!a Cr'y Vhsrmey. ?tn ni.d Lakii .-ta I 0.111H ".'hnrniai'v. .-'1 H Wh CermnV. Kn.il. VX i fl. ' F'-'er r. II. ' Taverworth H. ' r 4 Mrr.liH. '.H N -5tn s' Frevtan . J lW V. Uth St FrRge, r.rvfc Co. ne-: N. l,:'h Fl,rin'c I 'nil! l' . InrerK-e, Neb ;ier' PhermacT. Park Ave and Pac'n f;iern.,.ii:h '.! A . 'I 8. I'Hh . CreeiiiMit:h. G. a.. I'lh and HI !ory at. Ci liifn pi.nrmnc.'. '' h Ieavenwortb Haden '.VHltjm. :Wn Farnsm St llanooni Pa-k Plisrmscy. 161I s. :th Aa Hinleilong D'tia; o. Vlst Ave and nam Si Hnm .Tni-n. C4 V 1th Bt Huff. A. L.. :r I.eavenwirtM St. .loliHnc.n I.Tt.if J41I1 ar 'l Spa'dln" Kinu- 1 1 H. Farnam .-'. Koult?e Place Pna'n."cy. S30I N ll ) ll-r-'iv ''harlea K.. Vli K ?4.h St. Maiea. Frel J... Hll Cenirnl Hivd. Patrick Drug l 16"'.' N. lith Ht. Piv'nii Vlmrmnc- ."M fi. I'it.i St. Ssratora Drug Co.. 24th and Am- Avt. tichaufcr'a Cut Price Drug Store lCtti aaJ .hica.-o St. ; Prhsefrr, Aug. N Ifith Pt I "'hni(d . H. ?4tl. and i'um!n- Sta ; Walnut Mill Pharm.-ivv. 40lh and Cim ni DEATH (Ml FIMllt A! Ml Tit KS I'O'.V Ell - F.dim'r.il. uRcd 77 yeiirs. Fiilii'ial Tiu-erlav tii.Tinttt;. .lantiHi'V I'i. t S:M fvi'in iho rr.ill- iesl!ince. Wi "hl laKu hlreet, to Ht.. Jolin's chuicii at 9 n. ni. Kcneral service j oiiati- from fe'si ueiit c 011 accouiit in hcIiiii : ciiurcii a -rv lce irt.L-. Iiiifini 11c Hoi Sepmchei ceiniAer.M Mr. .J'oacr le:r to nioiiin loss n luiii ilnuKliltrt. anil three on.:. N'KI.80N--Nl.i '.:itaf, rtg.d 61 year J i.tuiii lis. January i. Wll. i''unciui rueaiiu . jiftet tHion t 2 o'clock Iroin leHlilcme, 4.V2 NI.IioIuk atrett. ln ieiiuont Forest l.un cemetery. Wy'CTrr.,fCTaaa I.ODt.li I II I. Masonic Fuurrc.l. Funeral of our lul. 1 rot lie Jului Wiley Stone will lo held at t lie Munonl Temple Tuesday January 31. at 1 i. ni.. at the r um's.1 of An ana iihIbh o: Seutll.'. anh. Members of i overt and sister loile re- jucatcd lo Mttciid. . . p.,;..;..- MURPHY DID IT.-V-vUV,'V Srry-lvf- m 1 almiUS Gat our price- now E. N. BOVVLKb. V. N. .t.NDUfeiW MUKl'Ut A 8N. 14U Jacaaua ANNOUNCEMENTS 11 ' ' 1 " " " I J. A. GEN I LJ-..M AA U .. Ir": ! Hnnanner. in i nico. l, i.Kf. 104,11 K. T. Bu.;ovia Co.. rustless door A; win flow' allien, i&.i llrandeis The HUIk D. iuu COAL At cut prices ALL K IN DS a v a )u juc to il .'4 a ion. U"I.1'H III,. 1 Kiiaiaiito. m isks i.i,A'i"r; ,'t:i 1'i.k'e i.'o.vl 1:0.. Ij MOiioLAS Si. Alulll Pil'JNEn. " "till YOU PARADISE! ;-io"l,ilJ c d, (imsiit It.' Hapiuncn m -fciii.. u ...1. it,'.. Lui 11 uur A it Ul s 1.; COAL- 'i'j cui oon your oeal mil lak oiir .tux lev and lulrii 1'a.uillse. 1:1 .tve )oj l.,.0 lo - vo ion. Loth pliunea. .1 '. Ubl Fluid. 2..w t uiiimk St. i ILLUSTRATIONS limn ai-tual photo grtiphs make Hie besl ad cl'llsihK vuu call) liu... oil' work is iik us,; Mniiuc....,nia 1 lor 1111.1 1.111 t'o.-e. ( tMiiinei'. ihi i ..im u0 1 apinc 1 Hluiii.i. .-u iloiui. More I. .04.. uiu. a-Jjc.i. MISS X ' HOLLAND Wisl.t 10 arluium e .-r. ,ii tduceil I rh r iUii.iv, tue uuni'lis u I January ana Frli :i4i). h'.'.o. select. !' s i f : 1: ij tailoring tiiatenal m.-nuiea 111 tins tittei naite Ju. Paxton bioik Til. Imu a- 304a. AT rv ATT? V llA TK. In aum III VJ I I, I mil. S10 H.. lild. - " - ' - . 1;: "II ITEi'TUUA 1. rirnfutiian ic -llene ai'aiiiiat' wit i. sev 1 ral v.ais eierieiice 11, N -w lnl. 1 it v ami rlsi-u.,t-ie oil aic.u l.ctniiil anil f in.iierrniK .: k. w.si.ts 1 . tin wi'ik in si'ie tune. Cettaes. concrete VM,rl., m.,'. I'Ci i'i el. v e uih.. s. kh unu ue- xeol'tneiil works, j ; m i . ici em es. too. 'ei l'llIN ATE expression lesom. W eb. Mil EDIUniERY ScalUz No 2 Fui line vi liquors and tlai s ale In connection. Hi e. Uth Bt. II Ai. .Ai:i' Van & Sto-ane. Pack, move. lol and ship ll. Ii- atoo.Js. D lli. B-242S. iANcumios. i:i-l2Ws0 KEt AIR WOUK, Kut Jackson hi I). 1477. - - Ill's Du.M INCli'.Z. foimer manaKcr of the r'lisl Natmnai lunl: narber shop, haul open.. U.e mot cl.Kuntlv fitted barber 1 niip 11. . -iiiana oo ..... ,...ia ,. land waac. .w- run 01. palionaa iin week daj 8 a 111. 10 ,;ti COAL BUSINESS for sale In Council 1 . . - - . p. in.; suii.n.as uniil 9 i in., .--iinilav. .J Hlu.fs This plant is a money maker audi WANTED A middle-aged woman for a. in. lo U in. 'lentil Floor New iimahaiwtll bear the closeat Investigation. A5- j houaekeeper. 244 Manderson St. National Biink llliltf dress K .''. Bee. ; t YN'tf AND PI 1 1 1.ANTH ROPIST! Fi R SALE Moving picture machine and LISIEN complete accesn lea . fine opportunity tti My back la broken, body ltfflei-l from establish paving business In small town; Welst down. 1 earned ll.nuO for Infanta' j xacnfic price. Join 11 Lilidalc. West Home last fali. Your magazine ordur this ' point. Nrb. fall will eat 11 li.tajn for charity, the inter- I -- - -- - - en of this money will provide for my de- ! HALF of lor for rent, suitable for mll cline and later pay a nurse wagua. or : lluery or ladles' furnishing; best loccilon In endow a hospital cot forever HI s'ib. rlp- town Address G 411. Bee. Holt 10 th" l.adiea Home Ju irnl and the I - alui-d Evening Pot earns first tl.uu). pi ik SALE-Bakery, randy and cigar 1'iii ".; em h. Either count, alielrier j store. Is 16 Shemitin Ave fji .-omplile catalogue anj story. A Broken Hack." Phone Lkiugia 71 Gor- doiL lie Magailna Man imialia. Di Slahanah 4- Mares alsh to announce tn lemo al of lh- 11 dcl.t.il off I' 10 room alj Ctiy NeiLtu.il Bank Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS ICnntlnued.l iuTi KEiriiuosr Taintco. Doug. 4780. Ind. A-3821. lVfc Farnam ft Stencil, outfits; styles; picture framlnc at moderate prices; glass, wall paper. WB CARRY A FULL LINK OK BHKUWIN WILLIAMS FAINTS. BRASS POLJ8H. LlyLlD VESEKH AND BRANDS Ur' t'LOOR WAX. Filters, filter repair. 1310 Howard. D. 8S1J. E. T. Farnsworth, Atty. 438 Bee Bid. DOUGLAS Printing Co., Tel. Douglaa 644. ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight, paa- I senger. J. H. Kennedy, umj b. iu. v. w, your I'lCTuuE'-rS'r?:? ZiiC. IOU can gel picture &t minuivi wiw 1 tliey are taken. Bring the baby down. Look for the blue llghi at night Paxton S uiu. HUH Farnam. Open 10 a. m. to U p. Stu. m. JOHN NITTL4ER, "TfstXVer"' I 1 1 VI IS THK EEK YOU LIKE. iiVJAUO 8224 South Uth St. Douglaa 1889, Red Independent, F-1377. ILEli GRAND HOTEL ' urkish UalllS Finest In -.ha west. Zimmerman & Crowe Furniture Co., 1716 Leavenworlh. (Jet our plan. Nut said! VIRGINIA DARE WINE. 7c a large Lottie. Klein Liquor House, o22 N. 14th St. MRS. CHARLES C. H UNGATE, china firing. i'i0 Brandois Bldg. Tel. Web. oliib. Alfred Jones, refreshment, trvlce. 4318 Jackson. 11. laud. musio and Ind. A 23i". ALADDIN lamps at.J supplies. Saratoga Drug Co.. 21th and Amea Ave. Web. 116. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH 7TI IKTKS ,302 Douglaa Street. 3. K. Cole Sli,'n Co.. D. 3768. 1316 Farnam. MRS. IRWIN. Mi Biandels The. China .air.tlng leanons, naturalistic, conventional; night clunees Tuu. Thur. Order ror h:iia, I'laie card, otc. promptly executed. CHINA decorating for clubs a specialty. M.n M. R. Eiulg. J3n J-lrandela Theater. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. OfHKH delicatessen. All kinds of I tiikl meat and fish. 720 N. Ibth 3t. ' HORNBY Blue Print Co.. 618 Bee Bldg. HARRY W. MOOL. Engineer, Designer, Draltaman. Hiandeis Theater. D. 2301. . KAT KOsrIEK HOME COOK I NO. AKKlNs. :tltf rf. 16T11, UPSTAIRS. iwkmi per ctnt less tnnn Omaha price. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L St., bouth Omaha. MASONRY contractor. Healy. Web. 1241. B r VVuin. jopvlolajj. 443 Brandela Bldg. AUTOMOBILES "Smasri up" your auto. '1SKID" int a post. "TEAR" your top. And brin's it to the best place In Omaha ir all kinds of repairing DRUM.M0ND I 1 ii. ni iih and Harney Sis. j Auto lpainwg" ICAI.IJ? DAY OK NIGHT. The Paxton i kiiichel! Co.. 2ulo-l Harney D. 7S24: A-20U. FOR SALE Model 10 Bulck roadster. I equipped with Pre-to-ni9 tank and ex 1 haiiKt uhla'.le. Call Harney Wl OUR line of 2d-hand tires are lisrsalns. Ideal Tlr.i Repair Co., 2124 rarnam St. WRITE for list of automobile bargain H E. Freilrickton Auto Co., Omaha. C I) I '1' I ..- . ..t fIM we- rr i .-.., Al IoMOUH-E CO.. JW-alJ s. litn m. - BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANG EST A D, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 33i. SEEING TJIINGS To the beat advantage Is the result 'of proper rare and attention of your eye. Our knowledKC of the eye la based on 1 r-. of fittlii glasses. Consultation free. COLUMBI AN OPTICAL CO.. 2t-2U 8. 16th St. TO BUY --SELL OR TRADE SEE THE MIDLAND CO., .."4 BRANDEIs) BLDG. FiR 8 A LIC- 9-r;iom rooming house doing Kou In aiiiis. big bargain. 4j;i S. 20th Ave. WANT to correspond with a good in tC'MlKeni ;nan or w mall who hj'i AJ.iOO t inv.si In bona fine pi i-ioxltioii, carrying a fciuvl salary, to right patty Addres Box ., Rockwell City. la. FOR ALE Good livery and feed barn, auto In connei lion. Uuppert Gate, iiavwood, iser- A GOOD proposition Is waiting for any l eputahle 1.111 " Im ar. invest from 12.UU0 lu i,U"J; bunk ivteienies, real esial lUiliy. Addiess. A sot, care Be. ivJU' He1 Estate, Loan an 1 . .. . " -1 f.vf- ' . .. .... wulu .... .,t lllll,.b r.li 1 r. a . . i k i.i n. I Hill and DwUtfia. '11. Doug. liM . ' THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PER ' CENT ANNUAL I 'HOI' IT FOR T WENT V -TH RISE YEARS is what hiiimreda of investors In British . ioluintna rcai estate have made. i I in ni'iusli 1 oiuniina li'ill.tin or Infor matloii telle about lite opportunities along the ilueu ureal I I'aiis.-untinental railway which arc up. mil- up thirty million acre of nch agricultural lanu and fift million acres of limlier, eoai and mineral land In iiiitral ar.d Northern British Columbia, now famous as the Kort George country. I 'ne nunilred inllikiu uolluis will be spent in ihu ncM live iti.s In railroad building alone lliousmis of l.ntiuies will he made by these who K-t In hrfoie the big rush. Let ua send juu a free copv-costs you nolh nm 111a. iu'u:i a fortune for you. Write touav . N" A l'L'ILA L RESOURCES SECURITY CO.. l'T.lyi . 2 ' .ranvllle Sae-t. Vancouver. B. C. ; sauij restaurant, im I'liung running , on leased ground for sale: will ell cheap I for cash. Inquire 2321 Vinton Si. opposite SMALL restaurant. Including building 1 car lain. j - -- - - , l' SHARES Aver-. Implement Co. slock l.r 111 tacu. Uojui ut !... BUSINESS CHANCES ICon tinned.) SNAP, If taken at once. 12-room rooming house; rent and water 140 per month: In come. I1J0; full of roomers; good location; walking distance; selling on account of sickness. 319 So. 2th. Douglas 623. COLORADO SPRINGS' best paying room ing house; 2$ rooms, modern. Postofflca box 62, Colorado Springs, Colo. FOR SALE--P00I hall, complete, new fixtures. Inquire at 108 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. WANTED Partner with 11.600, In a busi ness that will net you 3u0 per month first year. Address W' S71 Bee. CHIROPODISTS MONHE1T. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat. Bk. D. 1333 DR. ROT, 1605 Farnam St. Douglaa 64s?. DANCING Mlssea Simpson Coll. W. 141. W. B8.W. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACII. 8d floor, Paxton. D. 1036. PR. HORTOV 627 City Nat. Bank Bldg. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age. Inc.. bonded. 428-9 Paxton blk. D. 1319. Ind. A-131. CAPT. T. CORM CK. 617 KARBACH Blk. I,. E WROWN. 613 Paxton Blk. Doug. 2784. DRESSMAKERS COMPETENT DRESSMAKING; satisfac tion K'-iaranteed; reasonable. 1214 Mason. DRESSMAKING by day. Webster 3718. EDUCATIONAL Y. W. C, A. Second Term Opens Feb. 6. GENERAL LITERATURE. ORATORY. UNlirAOKS, ASTRONOMY, GRAMMAR. PAINTING ARITHMETIC. ORCHESTRA. STENOGRAPHY DICTATION. SEWING PLAIN SEWING. SHIRT WAISTS. TEXTILE STUDY. DRESSMAKING. MILLINERY. JUNIOR CLASSES. COOKING COURSE I DINNER CLASS. COURSE II LUNCHEON COURSE. COURSE HI PRACTICAL COOKERY. HIE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES' COLLEGE , la now open lu both the day and night ses sion, let it is not too late to tnitr. gin now and receive that mental discipline that will double our earning capacity. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography. Teleg raphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogut U fiea. Address H. B. Boylea, President, Boyle. Building, Omaha, Neb. Official Training School Union Pacific R. R. Telegraph Depart mem. "florists Bennett' Flower Dept. East entrance BRA.N'DL'IS" cut flower dept.; new store. L. Henderson. U19 Farnam. Douglaa 1218. J. H. BATH. Iti28 Harney. Douglas 3000. HESS tc oWOBODA. 141i Farnam St. ! A. DONAGIIUE. 1607 Farn'm D. 1001; A-Wl. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER front, furnace and itov re pair. New furnaces and combination hot watvr heaters. Thermostats and lank beat era. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 120a-Uu6 Douglas et. Ulh phonea. VITlsM Ai'H'S craned, repaired, 18th HELP WANTED FEMALE LADIES To demonstrate, house to house Salary and cariaia. W. U. Cair, Room 326, 210 Eu. Uth St. GIRL to demonstrate. I'iOI Farnam. WANTED An experienced demonstrator in burnt wood derailment Appiy at once. Superintendent, Brandela Stores. l''tirr and I rauci. GIRLB to learn ha:rdres!ng. Oppenhelm t ailor. 2.i-2iO City Nai l Hank. D 2J96. WANTED Experienced bindery slrl, at cuce 1 A. Medler Co., 4M-41ti S. 14th St. WANTED Girls at Omaha Paper Stock 1 Co , 1Mb aim Many. Either colored or iuie. Housekeeper and Domestics. PUPIL nuraes at the Training School for Nurses. Child Saving Institute. IkJU Ohio St. Write lor information. WANTED A neat, experienced girl for general housework. 1'12.' Lothrop St. WANTED -A Polish or Bohemian girl for general housework. I9ui Farnam St WANTED A girl for general housework 2221 Dodge St WANTED Gin to assist with general housework; small family. 112 S. 3iiti St. WANTEDA nice, neat houaekeeper. 4H' j Gift St. WANTED A competent girl for general house werk. 715 Park Ave. I ! WANTED-A neat girl to assist with j ! houhework for familv of three, good home WANTED- Girl for general housework; must be competent; family of three. 2112 Leavenworth St. WANTED Ctrl to do house work. Apply Goodman Pharmacv. :4th and leaven- worth. WANTED-An experienced girl for gen- eral housework 325 St. 37th St- COMPETENT girl for general hoasework, must be cook 4J40 Seward St 1 WAMT.U 1 no washing 1 WANTED A girl for general houework. u 1 timing St. WANTED A white girl for cooking and general housework; no washing. good wages, an. all family. Mrs A. T. Cltlluii. r oii Ouiu.-- HELP WANTED FEMALE Ha Dome! Ics -Cont'd. WANTED A eirl for general housework; small family. 3009 Dewey Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. 717 N. SOth St WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 8;4 8. 24th St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; reference. 1038 Park Are. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1122 8. 80th Ave WANTED A good girl for general house work. 8229 Harney St. WANTED A neat competent girl for general housework. 3229 Harney St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, no washing; email family; good wages. 101 8. 83d St. WANTED A nurse-maid for child of 6 year. Telephone Harney 4760 or call at 3M6 Harney St. LADIES wanted to take work home. Applying transfer. 416 Brandela Theater. GIRL WANTED For general house work; no washing; good wages. 2114 California atreet. Hotels and Reataaraata. CHA MBERM AID Apply Manager Omaha General Hospital. Mlacellaneoa. TOUNO women coming to Omaha aa itrar.gers are Invited to visit the Young Women' christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be dlreoted to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav eler aid at th Union atatlon. WANTED Ladle to learn the new permanent hair wave, the reason's sensa tion; we have exclusive right to teach It here; no other work pays as well; possible for opera tore to earn HO per day; short term completes; work waiting graduate; our regular work 1 teaching hair dressing, manicuring, facial massage, chiropody and electrolysis; also want a few apprentice girls; small pay to start; catalogue mailed free. Moler College, Chicago, 111. LADIES Make sanitary belta at home; material furnished; S12.50 per 100; stamped, addressed envelope for particular. West Mile Mfg. Co., Westvllle, N. J. THREE girl for catalogue work. Must be 16 years of age or over. Apply at of fice Nebraska Clothing Co. HELP WANTED MALE Aiesli, Baleamca and Solicitor. WE HAVE salesmen a positions opea where you can earn good money while tudylng our course. Practical School of baleamanshlp Drawer T-67. Cleveland. O. Hot. WANTED A boy to hold copy. Apply composing room. Omaha Dally Bee. Clerical and Office. EXPERIENCED cigar salesman for city trade, large salary. Liberal expense ac count. Address E-6'6, Bee. EXPERIENCED cigar salesman country trade Address D-675, Bee. for Experienced Installment collector for furniture business. State salary and ex perience and be able to furnish bond. Addresa 1-682, Bee. Factory a aid t rade. Drug Store fsnapa), Job. Knleat. Be Bldg. WANTED First-class sheet metal work ers; wages, 40 cents per hour. Hunt & Schuetx Co., Sioux City, la. FIRST class carriage and auto painter, striper and finisher. A. J. Simpson ft Son Co. WAGON and carriage blacksmith. A. J. Simpson & Son. WANTED Millwrights at onoe. Great Western Cereal Co., l'ort Dodge, la. PRINTING office help, pressman and compositor (open press room, union coni poslnit room); salary, $21.00 per week; pre ter men who wish to take financial Inter est in the business; state experience and full particulars about yourself. Address, Superintendent, 209 Mfg., Home Bldg., Mil waukee, V!a. WANTED Mill wrlRhta at once. Western Cereal Co., Fort Dodge, la. Great YOU are wanted ror a government posi tion. M a month. Writ for list of posi tion open. Franklin lnslitut. Dept 206-C. Rochester. N. Y. MORE MEN NEEDED AT ONCE for electric railway motormen and conductor, lo to 40 ear old. tk to 1A a month; no experlem necessary; fin opportunity; no strike; write immediately for application blank, enclosing stamp. Aidre, V-Io. care of lie. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business, practical shop work under experlt need instructors; individual road work In larue tourina' ram Wre ini-ila your invetlnation National Auto Train I' ing A3 n., office ts uranueis 1 neater Blug. 1 WANTED Men to learn barber trade: commit sion paid for bringing students; waifes In finishing department; experience in shop Saturdays: first work 011 free custom. ii-; all practical; instruction with charts and diaaiams naves years; our graduates always send for our help; posi tions waiting; catalogue free. Moler Barber Colli Ke. !I0 S. 14th St. MEN under 25, mall service. I. H. S., Iowa Ave.. Cedar Rapids, la. 120 RAILWAY Mall Clerk Wanted-A verg fiary. tl.loO; alternate week of f with full pay; preparation free for coming Oman examination Franklin Institute. Dept. 2u3-C. Rochester. N. Y. YOUNG man to work In hardware store. Some experience. Steady job. tlO.UO per I month first year. N. W. Hearing & Son. Atlantic la j "- ' HELP WANTED MAI.M OH FEMALE HOUSE-TO-Hi H.'SE canvassers can make IK ernlo on each 40-ccnt sale. Apnly 412 VVi bster-un'lerland bldg., Ii h and Howard MS. LIVE STOCK FOR GALE ller.ee and assa. YOU CAN BUY IIAltNESS horse blanket, lap robe, etc.. and turail I" our money- ,ou frjr ! JOHNSON-DAN FORTH CO.. ve r;:tak, at whoi.ksalk price. HEAVY TEAMING GEARS and DELIVERY WAGONS, made Hum in lest MA'ltkiM. MONEY CAN BUY. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO. 1117 Fan.ara FIVE BIG HORSES cheap Blue barn, rar vf Millard Hotel. 13th and Douglas Si. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Vehicle. 2.70IVPOI ND team of mares and 2,on pound team of mares. 2411 N. 24th St. Phone Wel.ster 253. LOST AND FOUND LOST Boston bull terrier, whit breast and bobl ailed; I year old; big collar on neck; was Iat seen at 15th and Leaven worth, 6 P m., Friday. Call A. C. Stora, Btora Brewing Co., receive reward. 1 iaT At A nrftl iftrlnm Thursday nlarht sable fox collarette. Reward. tt City Hall. Douglas 4 MEDICAL FREE medical and earglcal treatment at Creighton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sts.: apeclal attention paid to confine ment cases: all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone Douglaa 1167. Calls answered day and night. MONEY TO LOAN ALAR V AND CHATTELS. tt NOTICE TO THH PUttl C U flS TO I1.W0 It U LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD 4 FURNITURE, PIANOS, SALARIES. l U THIS 18 A NEW FIRM. 8 18 Organlied by U RKPUTABLB t U BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro- 11 H teot honest working people in need U of temporary t.elp from th exorbl- fi tant charge of the ao-caJled loan u oompanlea W will loan you all the II money you want and Uiarg you oaiy U 4 par cent a year. U THIS MEANS YOU PAY It For t 10 mo. payments 11.701 19 j It For I 26 mo. payment HIM W It For I 604 mo. payment A.4 I w.i It For 100 18 mo. payment is la Ilia. It And all other sum lo proportion. It Easy weekly or Monthly Payment. It Keaaonabla Appraiaement Chargea I x glaoc at lb a aoove raiea win II convince you how uca you aava 0 It dealing with u. II HO RED TAPE. NO DJCLX. It klUNEY IN YOUR POCKT. U WITHIN AN HOUR. U INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., 14 ROOM 24, W1THNELL BUILdInu. 3 niminiwwmwi mtwttiwtttttw, DO YOU NEED MONEY! W will loan you money on your furni ture, piano, live atock or any other se curity at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and trtct privacy. Call or phon aad convtnc ourself. D. 1366. Ind. A-13. 120 Be Bid. Could You l8e $50 to a Good Advantage! Don't go to a friend. Come to ua. When you borrow money you want th loweat rate, and we give It. W will loan yeu from ll.W) to 1100.00 on furniture, planoa or team, wlthou: removal, amall and easy payment. 81-20 la the weekly payment 00 a 160 loan tor 60 week. Other amount la the linn propottlon. We give liberal dis count on all loan paid off before due. Mall or phone application receive our prompt attention. Strictly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co. Room 12. Arlington Block. 1611 V4 Dodga St Phone: Douglaa 1466-A-Z466. LOOK! LOOK!! Ar you short of funds? Do you need MONHYT If so and you nave a PERMANENT POSITION', cr own FURNITURE. PIANO. FIXTURES, HORSES, WAGONS, eto., we will gladly advance you what money you Deed. Our rate the loweet, term the tallest and a SQUARE DEAL guaranteed. AMERICAN LOAN CO. 1616 FARNAM 8T- BOOM 107. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let ua explain our low rates. Re liable Credit Co.. 808 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-14U. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLH. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, wlihcut security; easy payment Office In 66 principal cities. Tulman. Room 108 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT b Wn hT.A'PAII 1614 Dodge Street. MOVING STORAGE. CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing, fireproof storage. City office 111 8. 17th. Doug. SS4; Ind. B-1341. OMAHA VAN A STORAGE) CO. clean your carpel on your floor; eleotrlo vacuum cleaner 4 s IMh; S. 17tn. Doug. 411. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Room. THE IRVING, 110! Leavenworth atreet. St. Jame. 416 8. IS; aim. heat, free bath: Am., 11.25 up; wkly., 16 up; meal. 10c. STRICTLY modern rooms, with home cooking; ratea reasonuble. by day or week; meal. 2oc; halt block west of postoffice. 1711 Dodge. I FOR RENT Nice room, witn nome cook- ing. all modern. 2214 Douglas. ATTRACTIVE front room with large al cove; walking distance; home cooking. Phone Douglas 52S6. NICE warm rooms, ba'.h, home rooking. 818 S. !.th St. THRICE room, modern, boaid If desired. "I.i N. 20th St. NICE room and hoard for two gentle- mnt. private family. St N. Ifth St. FINE large room, suitable for two. 19IH jCass. Douglas 147i. j FOR RENT Large fror.t room, steam heated, .lesirame lor tnree gentlemen, goou board J'tlO Harney St. IT 1 1 1? l lA'T-Vli-. feonl mom fir tWrt I v.ntlemen firenl leinen nreferred. 92 N. 21th St.. South Omaha FOR RENT N'lcelv furnished rooms with brard. 1S18 Chicago St. STRICTLY niorlern furnished rooms and ! board; walking distance from downtown; best of home cooking 123 3. "..'th Ave. lei., Doug. 3Ps2. TWO laige fine rooms walking distance, strictly modern. Chicago. : FOR gentleman and wlf, who would ap ! preciate a home in refined familv. an east I front room, with alcove; handsomely fur nished, Willi choice table. 11-63'.', Hee. ! NICELY FURNISHED large rooms with 1 hoard. Large por lies and jard. Fine. 2: South 2..IH Ave II 1212 BEAUTIFUL aulle of rooms with board Iwi N. 2.'ith St. Knrnlsherl llnusi.. Ni. t- H'- th. single loom, f nni-l el 221' Doug-lM St OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished Rooms -Continued. NICELY furnished room, strictly mod ern, within 6 minute of business district 140 S. 19th. WANTED Rv joung lady, roommate at :W5 St. Mary's. - FURNISHED room at hsrsraln; strictly modern; walking distance. Phone II -3.141. A STRICTLY modern room for on or two gentlemen In West Farnam district, In private familv, excellent bed: hot and cold water all the time. Harney 631. WE have three warm and comfortable furnished rooms at 101 N. 18th 8c NICELY furnished room, also light housekeeping room, modern. 2227 Dodge. WANTED By young lady roommate at 1066 St. Mary . ELEGANT FRONT room, prlvat family: walking distance! reasonable. 637 8. 21 Ave TWO furnished room. Tel Webster b7l fSU) N. tOth St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished room U3 a 12 d BL NICELY ftirntehed room nar Mta atreet ear line. 844j Bouth loth atreet. EXTRA warm front room, nicely fur nished; hot water all the time. 1707 Dodge. ' PLEASANT, comfortable furnished room; strictly modern; walking distance. 2308 Dewey Ave. Tel. Douglaa 6401. TWO very deslrabl heated room in a new private home; fine residence district; continuous hot and cold water; fine bath; use of phone; gentlemen preferred, luj N. 80th Bt. ONE large and one amall room; light heat and bath. Telephone Tyler 142S. Capitol avenue CLOSE in, two newly furnished front rooms; furnace heat. 610 North loth c No algn. Phon Douglaa 66U. DEWEY European Hotel, ISth & Farnam. PLEASANT, warm front room; private borne; fine location, on car line; easy walk ing distance; modern; fine for one gentle man. 2 N. feth. "BTRICTLY modern roonu, walking dis tance 418 S. 14th Ave. 2 per week and up. Tel. Ind. A SW AN elegant large front room; fine fur niture; lrlctly modern. 820 N. loth; no sign on house. TWO large, pelaaant rooma, strictly mod ern; Harney car; walking distance. 212 N. 26th. DESIRABLE modern room; private fam ily; good location. )31 N. 31st Av. LARGE, modern south front room; pri vate family. 114 N. 27th St. "Phone B-2266. SLEEPING room. In modern home. 2608 Dodge St. Harney 2336. brick NICELY furnished room; mod.; closo In. 531 8. 22d St DELORIE Hotel. 110 N. 17th. Steam Heat. NICELY rurnlahed front room In aew (team-heated flat to young lady only. Mil Chicago St Tat Red U ELEGANTLY furnished room, house keeping privilege If deelred; good beat good bath; do In. 8411 Dodge. NICE pleasant room desirable for on or two young ladlea. 1810 Capital Ave. ELEGANTLY furnished room, hot water heal, good bath; everything strictly mod ern; walking distance. 2417 Jones St. STRICTLY modern room; walking dla tance; housekeeping privileges, If desired. 648 S. 26th Ave. NEWLY furnished room, atrlctly mod ern. 706 S. 18th St. WARM room for gentleman or man and wife. 218 N. Uth. NICE, modern room, In private family. 120 So. SOth St. Harney 4761. LARGE front room downstairs. Suitable for two, modern. 2204 Webster. MODERN, neatly furnished room, 11.60 per week. 2648 Dodge. STRICT! .Y modern furnished room; sren tlemen only: half block from postoffice. 120 N. 17th. Douglaa 6194. LARGE, warm front room. In private home, desirable for two, strictly modern, walking distance, on 24th St. car line. 220 N. 23d. Red 4232. VERY pleasant alcov ault. Tel. Doug laa 3634. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooma. 631 S. 22d St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, heated room. 2108 Douglaa St. well NICELY furnished front room with al cove, all modern: suitable for two or three. 506 S. lath. Douglan 7X11. FURNISHED, steam heated-room, pri vate familv, for gentleman; walking dis tance. 602 S. th St, FUR RENT Three rooms, nicely fur nished; heated; walking distance. 1432 S. 1Mb St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished private family. 410 S. 2ith Ave. room, FOR RENT South front single room. 21.14 Capitol Ave FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room; good location. 606 N. 17th St. FOR RENT St earn-heated rooms. In new home; hot and cold water. 1710 Caaa St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; hot water heat. 711 S. 17th St. FOR RENT- Neatly furnished rooms; private family 41i S. 26th Ave I'Oll RENT - Front parlor room; good location. 113 S. 2Mh St. FOR RENT-Neatly furnished front room, good heat, desirable for two. 702 N. J2:'.d St. I FOR RENT Nleelv furnished rooms, in modern home. 172.'. S 2Xlh St. I full RENT -Furnished room, i house. i"iii2 St. Mary's Ave. modern FOR RENT Nice room; private family; no children; men Preferred. 2."' 16 Jones St. 1'ori RENT-1 'lean rooms; steam heat: I laundry and kitchen privileges 1.V23 I I. ea. 11.01 III 01 FOR RENT-Clean front rooms, well j heated. 710 N.22d St I CLOSE In rooms, strictly modern. lfM" j t'ai' tul Ave. Douglas tW1. ! FI!)N"T room, private entrance, for one lor two gentlemen. fc.':l S. 2"'lli. IE YtlU are bioking for nice, comfort anlc. well heated looms with ga. electric light and continuous hot water, call 715 No. 2('th. tlfo and 3 Walking dititant e. ELEGANTI.V furnished front room: hot water loat. telephone in room, cli-ctri'-ily and ;(.. suitable for one or two fcentie nuii. alfo maller r.w.m ft w i,,. OFFERED FOR RENT Hmibi t oattaaed. n,E ASA NT east front rooms, sultabla for two; 13. bO per week. 612 S. 18th St. PLEASANT, modern sleeping retinu, In private familv. one block from cur line. Mrs. Miron Embree, 814 Hickory St. PLEASANT southeast room In private family. West Farnam District. Gentlemen only. 26 80. 31st St. Hotel aad Apartmeat. KICFI.T FTTRWUHFn BOOMS tnr -tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 B. ltta St DODGE HOTEL ISth AV Dodge; all out side rooms, steam heat; special week rate. Tb BACHELOR, 10th and Farnam. Apartmeate aad Flat. An elegant l-mnm apartment, main floor, steam h-ated; strictly modern; reasonable, 216 N. 22nd. Inquire 820 N. 20th. 130.00-FOUR-ROOM apt. 1 elde park care Harney SSS6. blka east GROUND flooi, 6-room. steam heated flat, the Dunsany, 10th and Pierce St., per month. CONRAD YOUNG. 408 Brandela Theater Bldg. SUITES tM up; meal book, ir.."0. Gentle men preferred. Tel. Har. 661. 1042 Geo. Av e. CENTRAL All modern, 4-rooni flat 220 N. 23d. 118 0 I-rtoBi modern ret, 14. N uth St. snstalra. Inquire eat a. loth at Call Waa. MOST elegantly decorated and oomplet 4 or 6-roora brick apartment In city; eleo trlo light, continuous hot and cold water, team heat furnished; tiled bath room; laundry with drier. Price. tM. Two blocks from heart of city. H-677. Bee. DELIGHTFUL 6-room apartment on Wet Farnam, with steam heat and janitor service free. Hardwood finish. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1X02 FARNAM ST. TWO 4-room modern apartments, 2f.n8 Cuming St.; each has private bath, lavatory and gaa range In kitchen; .ink finish, gas and elec lights, 816 60 and tit 00. THOS W. HAZEN. 207 and 8 McCague Blk. Tel. D 13on. THREE-ROOM housekeeping apartment In brick flat, lis per month. S11I8 I.iwcnport St. NICELY decorated, 8-room apartments with kitchen and hath; gas etove and Ice box. Will make a special price. 710 New Hamilton. Tel. Red 70. CLOSE In, new, atrlctly modem flat; gaa and electric lights; all oak finish; fine fur nace; completely equlped. The Bt. Louis flat. Red 6508. Fwrataaed llekecplai Room. TWO rooma, completely furnished, for housekeeping; laundry privilege 1707 Dodge. NICELY furnished housekeeping room, modern. 1110 Farnam, 3d floor. FOR RENT Two nice front rooma for housekeeping. 818 S. 20lh St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, south exposure, good location. 647 8. 24th Ave. FOR RENT Nicely fumlsed room for housekeeping. 2408 Cuming fit. FOR RENT Three modern rooma for housekeeping; gaa range, modern. Ifll Webster St. FOR RENT Two rooms for light house keeping, gas range. 8118 Chicago St. ONE nicely furnished parlor for light housekeeping. 2o69 Bt. Mary Ave. TWO modern, furnished rooma for light housekeeping; private family; walking- dis tance, for to a week. Including gas, heat; laundry free. 218 &. 29th Ave. vPlione Har. ney 6111. FOR RENT Modern room, gaa rang, aouth front. 2020 Burt St. FOR RENT One large room for house keeping, main floor, heat, cooking gaa and laundry. 614 S. d St. FOR RENT Front and back parlor for housekeeping. 618 S. Hit ti St. FOR RENT Newly furnished housekeep ing room. 201 St. Mary' Ave FOR RENT Fine room for housekeeping team heat. 4768 N. 24th St. FOR RENT Nlcfly furnished room for light housekeeping. 811 N. 26th St FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooma for housekeeping. 61 ti. 20th St. TWO lovely furnlahed front rooms for light housekeeping, within easy walking distance; everything modern; price rea sonable. 630 S 2flth Ave. THREE rooms, ground floor; gas range, modern except heat; walking distance. lriOS Casa St. ROOM for housekeeping; strictly mod ern, In private home; walking distance. 614 N. 21st St. Va'aralabrd Room. FOUR room, gaa and city water. 1814 TWO warm, south front rooms; newly decorated ; on bathroon floor; L'4'2 Caen; convenient to two car lines; reference. FOR RENT Five rooms, modern, heat furnished. S320 N. 24th .St. FOR RENT Six root. is. first floor, mod ern except furnace. I11 :. 22d St. FOR RENT Three Jrslralila aoutheast rooms, hot wate' heat, on cur lino. 3210 Caaa St TWO modern rooms, gas range, shadis 220i N. Isth St. LAIIGE pleasant unfurnished room with wardrobe. 603 N. 17th. House and t'ullairi, l-ROOM eotte; niodern. except furece beautiful lawn and tree No. 22 Bouta 12d Av. Kent only fer iuo. i eieo ione Duugla 40u. FOR RENT To I'ol.olO-l' PEOPLE 512-4-1 isiins. 27') Hurt St tl.1-6 room flat, 2.-1 S I'itli St J."i 9-room, 1111 "let n cxce.t luat, 2S13 I'o(1t;e St :iubMtoti 4 Wolf. 4,.". Paxton Biork. HoUSE -lo rooms, modi in. 2l2i; Caldwell St ; month. lis i room ilaiiiL lionie nice lot; modern except furnace jich N 27: h SI. Lh-'i-rnom modem i-xeept ileal. 7)10 N. 27th St. 12 .. 100111 toltagr. 2"i Paul 81 Roiiinson A Wolf. I-' I avion Blocit. 8-RtsiM, all modern house, good loca tion. ll N 4ut Ii . lent 141 per month it-room, all modern coitaae. nicely duco- ! Ited. ''II N. 41st .-t -i.t.u iiionth. THE S. D MrJKCEIt CO.. Tel. Doug l'' ' ' "y Nat l bank Bldg. FiNai I room, Dioilera boua. 77V4 CJ torn. a