A THE OMAHA KUXPAV BEE: JANUARY 20. 1011. CITY HAS NEW REVENUES 'SV,sLrge Sumi Are Collected Since Pass ing Occupation Tax Law. BOTALTIES SWILL THE FUND All In Make Wall Sam fol- Irrlrtl Kjirk War Samr re He. Ilaqsrnl In Parmrat of Their harr. Pin' ttip n.itipallnn 1a art h am ef f flva rVplmlr 1. 19", In Omaha, the c ity exchequer lias len enrif heil In the urn of !4;.;t7- aorordlna: to a statement 1 marte public liy the compl roller a office galurday morning;. Henlrte. thrie la an amount of $2. '3'l .TS, hli h remain unpaid. The delinquents re the Independent Telephone company and the New State Telephone company, a a thaldlary company of the Independent Telephone company. Tloth make their latementa promptly, but so far have failed to pm.v any occupation tan. Of the amount, the atreet railway rom pany la the heaviest contributor. Ita pay mams for occupation taxes amounts to i;.327 Tha Neluaska Telephone com pany la next on the list with a tax of !.. 3H4. whllo the omaha Usa company .omea third ! paving $26.fi09 .1.1. The Omaha Kle trie Uahl and Power company el fourth pl' e by pay Inn $34,778.87. In he matter p.' royalties paid for the year MIO, the Omnna. iihi company paid in $.T1.B2. H whit h representa 6 eenla on ea h 1. ruble feet of gas sold during the year. The electric light roinpany romes In with $I.1S2.R5. which Is J per rent of the (truss receipt of the company for the year, lesa the amount sold to the city. "rom subway and area taxes, the sum of 12.062.3 haa been paid Into the city treasury. Deficits of $S exiHts. the de linquent! being the Board of Trade build ing. 120; William A. Maurer. 7; Fred J. Yogel. Jr.. 115: City National Hank building, i, and the Charlea Dewey estate, IJO. Tha Brandeia companlea head the list py paying 11.511. 60. Hay den Brothers paid $2(8 04, and tha John t)eere Plow company, $107.72. McKeen Motor Car Company Doubles Its Omaha Plant Union Pacific Hai Completed Four New Buildings and Fifth is Nearly Complete. Tn view of the many orders for McKeen motor cars being received In Omaha by that company, extensive additions to the Omaha ahops are being planned by V. U. MrKecn, president of thf company. The additions will he made at the shop grounds near the I'nlon Pacific shops, and will make the efficiency of the Omaha company almost double what it was six months rko. Just recently the compan purchased $23. f) worth of new machinery to be used In building the McKeen car, and built a new building to accommodate the machinery When the new Vnlon Paclflo mill building Is finished, the old one la to be utilized bv the McKeen company In enlarging Ha plant. Ordcra for nine cara were received at the ahops lately. The Ann Arbor road of M'ehtgan will take four of the cara and the Oregon Short Line, a part of the Har rlman system, will have five placed on It lines. The cara ordered are of the ssv-cr.ty-foot type, twenty feet larger than The frst 'model built here. Work haa been flnlahed on four of the ;ve shop buildings being erected tn Omaha tiy the T'nlon Paclf'c. The total cost of tha five buildings erected will amount to over $.'.Vi,000. but the officials of the road con alder that the increased amount of work per day made posalble by these structures will soon pay for the Inveatment. The five buildings added are as follows: Mill work shop, addition to roundhouse, tool bouse, paint ahop and a pony sawmill. Aa a part of the mill, the railroad. Is put ting up two big waterproof storage lumber shed. The construction of the ahops began lust aon, and now all are completed except the mill building. This baa the aide walls Up and the roof beama placed, but there la another month's work before It la ready for occupancy. The roundhouse addition, which was the building most needed by tha Omaha ahops, was completed first, al though one of tha larger atructurea. It tontaina alalia for twelve more engines. County Dads Would Move the Poor Farm Thinks the Almshouse and the Hos pital Should Be Separated New Internes. Ia tha report of the advisory committee f tha medical staff of tha county hospital, filed before tha county commissioner Sat urday. Important recommendations are made. It is recommended that the alms bouse and hospital be placed under separ ata manaeemnta and that tha poor farm be removed from tha city, aa the present avatem of anion results In nothing but hardship for both. In addition to the regular house phy sician at least two Interne ar asked for, these to, recalv no enumeration other than board and laundry. The report con tinues: We think appointments on the medical taff should be made only tn the order that vaV ancles occur, otherwise all har mony will bs lost- Name coming before tha county commissioner seeking appoint ment should be submitted to the advisory committee before final action Is taken.' Tha following men are recommended te fUl Tanclea which now exist: Ernest Kelley. J. U. Ford. K. POx and O. A. Toung. Tha report, signed by H- B. Lamer and F. IX Coulter, was referred to the proper committee. Record Class Enters Omaha High School Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight Be port to Principal Gruff Saturday. Tha largest class that has ever entered the Omaha High school after tha midwinter laminations will take up tha work In tha high school Monday morning. Two hun dred and thirty-eight reported to Principal E. IT. Graff Saturday morning and regie tared. AS others are expected when school opens Monday morning, it is expected that a reo rd will be set which will stand for soma time. Larger classes havs entered at the beginning of school, but never has there been such a registration for the midwinter class. Tbs students are from tha various ward schools, having been graduated Is the Class B divislun. laaaalaaaaa S. VJ .. f if r w Last Days January SaleMonday and Tuesday "See what a beautiful castle! What a sum it cost! My money is not spent in choice of foreign viands. For horses and equipages I spend not a mite! My house is my ornament; my house my best costume; therefore, my treasury and coffer are ojcii, and what my house needs I hasten to buy." This exclamation of a wealthy French merchant in the closing days of the Renaissance indicates the feeling toward furniture in the time of Louis XIII and his immediate successors. From the models of the Renaissance many productions have been made, for as Paris has always been eagerjy copied in styles of dress by this country so has the (Jay Capital been drawn ujon by designers for furnishing and beautifying our homes. Among these adopted patterns one may see an exact repro duction of the chairs in which Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu sat while the shrewd minister dictated the policy of France. Or among them oue may see patterns of the tables near which Cardinal Mazarin stood when he said of the French populace "Let them sing provided they pay." In our store we are showing many models of days when designers vied with one another to produce masterpieces that would win favor from the Vallicres, Mainten ous, Du Barry and the like. These pieces give the home an atmosphere of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and endear themselves to the house wife who wishes her home to have a distinctive appearance. Only two days remain in our January sale and they will be marked by-the lowest prices of S.4 I l Sana , I the month. Classical" and modern pmtterns will' be sold at prices which are almost irresistible. $38.00 Seamless Brass Tube Bed Strongly made, serviceable anddurable $25.00 $34.00 Brass Bed High quality, thor oughly put together $20.00 $22.50 Birch Beds Attractive style, distinctive character, sizes $12.00 $17.00 White Enamel Bed Resjeaks refinement and v character, full size, durable $10.00 $30.00 Kitchen Cabinet Solid oak, pretty pattern, well made, serviceable, $23.00 $29.00 Kitchen Cabinet Solid oak, strongly built, neatly arranged, solid. .$20.00 $23.50 Early English Hall Seat and Table Beautiful design, high quality, $13.50 $27.00 Tudor Oak Rocker Broad arms, strongly made, distinctive . . . .. $16.00 $44.00 Mahogany Cellarette Handy compartments, rather massive, choice article $25.00 $45.00 Tudor Library Table Solid oak, in attractive model, durable $25.00 $60.00 Tudor Settee Solid oak, G feet long, comfortable and strong $35.00 $34.00 Mission Hall Clock Accurate as time-piece and attractive as orna ment ... . $22.00 $5.50 Fumed Oak Stand Serviceable and strong, quaint and attractive de sign $1.50 $4.00 Vienna Chair Cane seat, well constructed, very comfortable, durable. .$2.50 $11.00 Chippendale Music Cabinet Pretty mahogany finish, neatly ar ranged, solid $9.75 $10.00 Golden Frame Mirror Beveled French plate glass, 17x11, decorative. . .$0.00 $70.00 Golden Oak China Cabinet Pretty design, possessing all the prac tical elements, strong $45.00 $45.00 Cathedral Oak Table Extraor dinary quality, top 48x30, table of utility and strength .$25.00 $7.50 Dresser Solid golden oak, threo ample drawers, French plate glass mirror $5.00 $21.00 Fashionable Couch Denim covering, lined with cedar, six feet long, strong and serviceable $18.00 $45.00 Mahogany Clock Large, ample -case, decorated, accurate and strong. .$30.00 $27.75 Mahogany Chairs Heavy and strong, strikingly graceful and beau tiful, comfortable .$20.00 $34.00 Winged Chair Solid mahog any, rich denim covering on arms, beautiful .! $24.00 $30.00 Seven Oaks Table Distinctive . design, four large drawers, rather massive ...$20.00 $31.00 Bird's-eye Maple Dresser Strongly con structed along quaint lines, durable $20.00 $27.00 Bird's-eye Maple Chiffonier Well ar ranged and strongly built, high quality $20.00 $25.00 Bird's-eye Maple Princess Dresser Fur niture of character and strength, pretty $17.50 $62.00 Mahogany Dresser Extremely attrac tive design, commodious drawers, French mirror $45.00 $58.00 Mahogany Chiffonier Six spacious drawers, high class construction, strong. $40.00 $23.00 Mahogany Dresser It has distinctive charm and style, stately and strong $16.50 $20.00 Mahogany Dresser Sturdy and substan tial, possessing attractive characteristics ..... .$12.50 $18.00 Mahogany Dressing Table French bev eled mirror, strongly constructed, pretty $12.50 $42.00 Cheval Mirror Circassian walnut, French plate glass, highest quality $25.00 $21.00 Golden Oak Dresser Distinctive pat tern, beautifully finished, graceful $13150 $30.00 Golden Oak China Cabinet Commod ious shelves, strong, glass front and sides $20.00 $26.00 Golden Oak Buffet An original design, marked by superior construction $16.00 $24.50 China Cabinet Solid oak, beautiful thick glass front and sides, strong $15.00 $46.75 Davenport Solid oak frame, artistic and distinctive, horse hide upholstery $24.00 $26.00 Arm Chair Solid mahogany, uphol stered in pretty denim, durable $20.00 $15.00 Roomy Chair Mahogany finish, genu ine leather seat, durable and artistic $8.50 $8.50 Folding Go-Cart English hood, steel frame, heavy wheel, very strong $5.00 $8,25 Straight-Back Chair Imported cane back and seat, frame of mahogany veneer .$4.00 $36.00 Solid Oak Cellarette Neat ice box ar rangement, complete outfit, serviceable $20.00 $26.00 Dressing Table Oak veneer on pine, oval mirror, 33x17, curved front $18.50 JTl 50100 TAP POLICY I $11.75 Extension Table Oak veneer, G-foot ex tension, heavy base, durable and pretty $7.00 $48.00 Fumed Oak Clock Accurate,' strongly built, sturdy and commands admiration $32.50 $25.00 Jacobean Table Beautiful cathedral oak, cane top, diameter 19 inches .$18.00 $45.00 Dressing Table Circassian walnut ve neer, French beveled plate mirror 23x21 $30.00 $65.00 Golden Oak Buffet A meritorious ar ticle of character and harmony, solid. $40.00 $50.00 Golden Oak Extension Table Solidly made, diameter 54 inches, highest quality $39.00 $4.25 Golden Oak Slip Seat Chair Comfort able, well designed, strong, serviceable $3.75 $8.00 Golden Oak Arm Chair Attractive pat tern of great merit, comfortable $5.40 $4.00 Shirt Waist Box Matting covered, bam boo trimmed, 32xlG, 12 inches high, artistic $3.00 $21.00 Library Table Golden oak, top 40x28, an exceptionally graceful table, solid $17.00 $6.00 Fumed Oak Arm Chair Substantial, practical design, comfortable, distinctive ..$3.00 $75.00 Mahogany Tea Wagon Characterized by straightforward construction, highest qual ity, durable $40.00 $28.50 Reception Chair Beautiful birch, ex tremely attractive design, thoroughly put to gether $16.00 $20.00 Parlor Table Solid mahogany, 1)6 inches in diameter, most approved patterns $10.00 $90.00 Panne Plush Couch Genuine hair, solid mahogany frame, artistic model $45.00 $19.00 China Cabinet Solid oak, strongly con structed, graceful and strong $12.00 $100.00 Solid Mahogany Settee Chippendale shell trimmings, stately and durable $50.00 $10.00 Fumed Oak Chair An artistic model of lasting quality, spacious seat $7.00 $23.00 Massive Mission Rocker latest model, genuine Spanish leather seat and back $15.00 MilleiTo Stewart & Beaton Co Established 1884. 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street. f C v (