TTTK OMAITA SUNDAY HKK: JANITAHY 20. 1011. ll wuio tree v. . iLik TT 7VMW w rf in inp UL1I V Si T O Jndre by what the shops arc showing many of the small girls' fnx-ka etrlk a moat pretentious note, which cannot be Bald to be In harmony with Rood taut In regard to clothe, however. Thla ap pUM mora largely to party and dress up clothes than to the little everyday frocka. Th practical clothes are plain enough and unusually attractive. All the little frocks are cut on the new ntrrew line now ao popular with women. Thia la particularly true In the wash frocks. Some of the little dresses are finished off at the hem or at the bottem with a band of the embroidery or of the ma terial Itself. Others have sash effects which draw In the drees slightly, riving the banded effect. Little cluster plaited aklrta . caua-ht In with atraps are also shown. In faot,- all the styles that are fa vored by the older folk are duplicated for the wee woman, with considerable success." The empire waist line, for example, whioh was always good for chil dren. Is again back and la shown In many excellent model. The little tnnlo skirt la an adaptation of the grown- op styles to the little folk. In some Instances the tunic la merely simulated and the dress Is made In one piece, but In others the tunlo la separate ami Is slipped over the droes, somewhat on the order of the choir boy veat tnent In women's garments. Thla tunic Is eometlmos of embroidery or of lace and Is worn over a perfectly plain dreae, making a moat attractive garment. Rome- A - - - si It , ' . M ; i ""WW. ' Jt 1 fx f 'b Vw::--:J:vm:iis.-::ii: : I 7 1"' : . : " tt i v: Coair of Lidtit Bl-we Bx'oatlclct'h. With. Btxrvls cLintt TsLSsels.7ic3.t-cf Velvet? a.Tn. laxC. with 7V'axr7m'x-cf3 BlrJce "V 122ovr-e2r' Errz 20 a e vr jQr ? im-We Little Tfodelxxt White Ltner rrd Vn hz-''V. Lx-rrdexxe oA White Sfvals'S rvzfh. Trimming 0 Vi?aiih f'c I&ses and Sixties '-.i I Sf I atSS 1 X Jar V X heer fabric to match the yoke and la made fuU length. The white dresses for spring are now being ahown In all the shops. Host of them are made with the narrow straight skirt effect. They are nearly all trimmed with a band around the bottom and are much narrower than they werelast aeaaon, but the majority hsve enough fullness to allow the child to walk In them with comfort.- In the embroideries the beautiful openwork Kngllsh effect la most favored, aa la also hand embroidery and the imitation of hand embrol 'dery and laces. 1 The regulation aallor dresses are shown in large quail- Tp m ed tyrlth. TVi s e x?t irxtfa oJL Vgl Lrisetr.Setrwrre-rx ow oTUclat Kftots ofBHxe Satin. I?bborx air t3teevrsj. A?Ip-eZ TThair Sa.r EsLS,xXy -Be CbeeL by thus -nome Ixe39 maker times the tunte la made wltnt short aleevea and cut out In the neck and la worn over a gulmpe and a kilted aklrt Tunica of various lengths are ahown, but the moat favored are those that cotna to about the knees, or lightly above. The kimono aleeve la everywhiaa In evidence In ohU aien's garmenta Many cleeraa, bowel a. Instead of being cut In one with the body are made separately and Joined with a wide plait or. bertha which cornea over the shoulder and hides the Joining. In the alm pieat of the morning frocks many regular aleevea are uaed with Juet a slight fullness above the arm. The little blahop aleeve la ahown In some of the garments for ohildren. In aon-e of the yoke dreeaee the ahort veraleeve la of the kimono type aid of the same ma terial aa the dreaa itself, while the undersleeva la of tltlea The interest In these types always keepe up rcgardleaa of the variety of other etylee. The coats for spring wear are charming. Nearly all the amartest models are fastened at the aide and have the long revere. Aa attractive coat model waa .worn by a cucrdng little youngater the other day. It waa of soft but rough surfaced tan colored serge, ana art ly trimmed with, woolen latticed set, embroidered In blue and green wool. Collar anl cuffe war made from thin odd material and of mixed blue and green wool were the taaaela that hung from them and the rounded points of the collar In the back. The big buttona were covered with embroidered wool Inside serge rims. Another, little girl wore a smart gray chinchilla coat with a white knitted cap with an immense white pom pon on it. Any number of little coata In fawn colored brcadcloth are ahown. many of these being embroidered in self tones. I'eau de aourla la an admirable cloth for children's outdoor garments, many of which are worn made of this material. Particularly good waa one little coat In French blue with velvet collar and cuffs In deeper shades, attractively made with wide bands of the cloth, flatly stitched and ornamented with two velvet but tons. Matching leggina of the peauHe aourls a quaint little round crowned hat of velvet lined with old French blue completed thla charming little costume. A pretty practical frock shown waa of gray and white striped cheviot, with a trimming of Allcablue allk and a little gulmpe and short aleevea of embroi dered batiste, cut steel buttons ornamented the little blue silk aklrt band and edged the pointed yoke pieces. Another frock waa of blue henrletta over a box plaited underskirt. The belt and banding were of blue allk striped with lines of gray soutache and trimmed with tiny steel buttons. An embroidered collar of deep but ter colored batiste finished the neck and a smart little jabot waa drawn through an embroidered silt at the Id. Nothing la ao charming for, the small girl's party frock aa fine lingerie material and hand work, and fine lacea are the appropriate trimmings, but beyond a certain point elaboratenesa, even on these legitimate lines, defeats Its own ends and the child dressed with exaulslte simplicity la the child whose mother ahowa that she understanda what la what In the art of dress ing children. The empire line la everywhere noticeable In thene lr.tle party frocks. One sees many modela with the walat line up under the arms and ahort little waists, often a trifle low in the round neck and finished by a tr pleJU.1 frill. ,Vi".er itlrla In their early teena there ar bewltch Ivg luin ftocks and party frocka in crepe de chine vlle 'n nl.'Ton or allk etamln and trimmed in lace cr r:M w perhapa In tiny rococo rosea tucked among te iiere again on flnda aom very attraotlv emp'.i vo.ela, and tunic ar aa much used aa upon the evo.fjg frock of women. The blue I nd roe and wlilt shade, alway ao girlish an now once more modish, appear frequently In thae dance frocks. Pale blue chiffon or allk voile may veil white, and scarfs or rococo rosea of pink may lend gyety, or perhapa the frock may all be in white, with a aoft blue girdle and pink roaea. All white and pink are many of the frocka, and the wide girdle and big Geisha bow are particularly attractive on the Blender youthful figure. Black velvet haa Invaded the children' realm, not for party frock use but for the dressy afternoon and street wear, and It la ao tremendoualy becoming that one la disposed to approve of It use. Often gay Bul garian or oriental embroidery rellevea the black, aa doe a collar or a little guLmpe of good lace, and again handsome allk braid In the trimming and little gold buttons relieve the black. ' Plaids, checks, and atrlped gingham, plain and fancy percales, chambray. linens, dotted mulls, and printed organdlea are among the popular waah fabrtt-e for children thla season. Serges and caahmerea in plain colora, fancy mixture, checks, stripes, and plaids, also worsteds, are now being featured for early spring wear. Theee are shown mad up In tailor effects, Peter Thomsons, Russian, bretelle, and Jumper style. In regard to headwear for spring there Is shown an Immense variety of atyles suited to every type. Many fancy atraw bonneta trimmed with ribbon, flowera, and occasionally feathers are ahown for young children. For older glrie the tendency 1b to favor hat during the spring and aommer montha. These are to be had m numerous styles, frofn a simple, plain aallor "to a most elaixirate picture hat. Among the noveltl ara the Tyrolean and Pierrot shape. There 1 alo a tendency of matching materlala la hat and coats. Fancy white bonnets for Infanta ara to be had In many dainty effect s, the most elaborate showing a great deal of hand embroidery. Chenille cloth resembling woolen crepe, of a oft tx tuT and light In weight, will be used for spring dresses. Large patches of flat embroidery will be UBed on frocks of this material. The close skirts worn for the street demand the ut most daintiness In ahoea, and, with the velvet gowna, the uppera are frequently made of ttie saaie material, vamped with patent leather. Knitted scarfs are now broad and are fitted at the shoulder seams. On many there are standing collars that can be turned down If the wearer prefer. They resemble the evening scarfs worn by men. For hair ornamenta the low diadem of clanslcal de Blgn, with branching blades and wheat eura and grass rising to a point In the center, lead the, van today, and then there are the attractive hUgree gold Grecian fllet generously atudded with gems. The fashions of the last month have eatabllshed be yond a doubt the fact that the emplie Undencles will prevail for some time to coma The waist line in both dresses and ooata ha been heightened, and when th cut of th garment la not pronouncedly empire then fhe trimming la o applied aa to almulat th hoxt waieted Sect.