WANT-ADS Waal ade received at anr llsae, In I. a. re proper rlasalf Icatlo. as.st a presented before IX rl.elt a. I lea ririlai rdltlo. a.d he lore o'clock at Ik .rrtU evl" lor ss.r.l.. ... ...day .dill. da received after e.c. $ will arc their flrat l.eertt.. e.dl.a "Td. Lata ClaaaWr." CASH RATRI TOH WAJT AI. itroiun n.AmiricATioit tasertloa, f 1-1 ee.ta per ' je.t er ward tar ..em !" laaarllaa. Kara l.ea-rtloa. mm ' " sdd Idm. t -a ' 0, ' ar line per atoalu. Rale, apply ! either Tha Yl.Ur laadar Bee. Always el warn a llaa. Waal ada far The Bee aaar t a.r a fallowing "'"VTI aa la rear "eor.er dr.. mm mil li.a rh f flll Id" The tad . will ha i.eerte.1 " promptly .. 'ha rV! " tha anal, .fflee I. Tha Be "' eeealeeath a.d Faeaam AThaeh, W. C. i nd rrT1.. p.." hr.. co.. tm N. Itth St. Paraaek, . A.. 1401 B. 1h pensMI Phermney. Uengny. rumin, Femls Park Pharmaey. tM and I Cumin Pl.ke-Bradlsh 1 "herman Ava- A. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. Bl Military AT Caurhlln, C. R., 6th and "area Bta. Crtssey Pharmacy. B?i? Cooney Pharmacy. " II'1 rarmak, Emll. 13M- ',,ht Ehler. P. H.. Ianworth Bt Foeter 4 Arnoldl. 113 N 28th Bt rreyta. J. J.. U N. JJth St. FreKger Pru Co.. 1"J N. 16th Bt Florem-a Dru c:o., Florenr. N'h. Ureen'a pharmacy. Park Are. and Paoina Oraenouith. (J. A., 105 B. Wth Bt. Oreenoi.h. O. A., lth and Hlrkory Oolrten Pharmacy. !h and lavenwortft. Hayden. William, ??20 Farnam Bt. -HatiTom lark Pharmacy, lf'l . iitb A Ulnterlon Drug Co., Jmt Ara. and Far- lam flC Mnmt John. "l N. 1Mb. Bt. Huff. A. L.. 2!4 laavenwoith Bt Johanaon DrtiK Co.. :'4th nd Spaldln kln. M. H.. Farnam t. hounua Placa Pharmacy. N. JUn. l athrop. Charlaa K.. WiA K. 14th 8b Marea. F;ed U. M' Ontrnl Blea. I'atr'ok tru Co.. N. Kth fU. IVyion Phurmaey. '.'26 . lUi St. Baratoga Dru Co. 14th and Ama Aa Brhaeftr a Cut Frlca Drug Btora, 16th and Chicago Bta. Bchaerer. Aua. Vfll N. lth Bt. Schmidt, J. li.. Jlth and Cumin Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. th and Cumiaf- DKJk Til AM KI N EH A I, NOTICES JOHNSON Henry Jam.-a, ased years, 1 months k tiava. January M. 11)11. Funeral Thiirsdav afternoon at 2 o'clock from rpKlrtence. Mil Patrick Ave. Inter ment ProMpect Hill cenieteiy. HIHT1I AND DKAT1IB. Hlrtha William and F.lia Koaler, 3.I1M Parker, telrl; UcOrKe and Mary Wolf. yte2 Mason, bov; Jue ami Mary Foua, 27:t5 Soutli Eleventh alreet. alrl; Frank and Mary I'aui'k. 1 431 booth Eleventh street. Kin; Cm hawtlan and Kucy Piccolo, HIO1 South Kleveutli. ulrl; fam and Anna ierrara HI J'lfice, gfrl. Urattia-l'eter I. Stout, 8S. 2706 OWo; IUb art Rice, 1 year, 2624 Davanort. MAKKIAGB LICE IBI, Tha following marrU;. Heenaes been laauad: hava Name and Reaidenoa Age. Cliailca Lukaaxwicli, South Omaha H Whadyalawa ChruiiKka. Bo. Omaha... Ueorga M. Clark, Raymond, Nob 45 HatUo Folmars Raymond, Neb 83 John 8chendlar, Omaha '..29 Nellla li. llollcnbergt-r. Omaha, 11 Robert P. Hcnuyler, tiouth Omaha 11 Claira Bliaago. South Omaha , ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. OENTLKMAN CO., embalmara. 1U cnicago. u. vw. ct-iaut. E. T. Murrowea Co., ruatlesa door & win dow ecraena. KJ tirandela Tha. mug. 1. luo. COAL I At cut price. ALL . iiue. va a a v awe u a ton. uantiti and uualny guaranteed l,l.ii..i,i,.iii' v--.1 PltlCJfi COAL. CfX, hU4 KlCliUU X- iiOlH PlloNh.. Oil YOU PAKADISEI Bounda good, doean't It? Happiness nu pieine wiin uu burn our PAKAU1HK COAL.. To out down your coal bill take our advice and bum Paiadlue. Will aava uu tl.Mt to K w ton. uotn pnonaa. J. W. BKUKUKU, IWVti Cuming St. IF It la a picture, tha COMMERCIAL, PHOIOUKAPHIO bTLUlU can lurniah It. bue laity work for advarliaera Uluatratlon, Amateur work finished, tut Boston tore blilg. Ind. A-J&tw. MISS A. HOLLAND Wlahea to auuounca greatly reduced pi icm durir.s the months of January and February: a.io, select, new spring tailoring material included In tills offer. Sulto uu pakton block. Tel. liougiaa 3049. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW RATB. in sums to auit, uo bid. Phona LHtual. lava UNION LOAN (JO. PRIVATE: expression lesaons. Web. 6441. ED KOTMEKY chllta No. 1. Full llua of UQuora and cigars. Cate la connacUon. LU b. uth tit. MAOOARO Van at storage. Pack, move, lore and ship 14. li. goixls. P. 14ob, H-HZH. 1LEU UliiLND HOTEL Turkish BalhB Iffo Zimmerman & Crowe Furniture Co., 1716 Leavenworth. Uel our plan. Nuf said! MRGIN1A DARE WINE, 75c a large bottle. Klein Liquor House, o22 N. lath St. LYNCH BROS. LMJft?NaAMO REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackaon bt D. 1477. MRS. CHARLES C. H UNGATE, china firing. 870 BranUela Bldg. Tel. Web. oa.5. Alfred Jones, refreshment, music and Service. 416 Jackson. 11. l!o3. Ind. A-2J67. ALADDIN lamiw and supplies. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Web. 116. HARRY W. MOOL. Engineer. Designer. Draftsman. 35 Brandeis Theater. D. ul. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARK1NS, 316 S. 16TI1. UPSTAIRS. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L Sts., South Omaha. MASONRY contractor, Healy, Web. 1241.. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D. 3913. E. T. Farnsworth, Att'y. 438 Bee Bldg. DOUGLAS Printing Co., Tel. lkjuglas 644. B. F. W urn. optician. 441 Brandeis Bldg. CYNIC AND PHILANTHROPIST! LISTEN. My back Is broken, body lifeless from sist aun. 1 euined 81. mo for Infants' Home last fall, tour magazine order this fall alii earn fo.UAl for charily, the Inter est of tills money will provide for my de- cone snu taier pay a nurse s wages, or endow a hot-pital eel forever. 140 subscrip tions to the Ladles Home Journal anil the Saturday Evening Post earns first SI.0U1. Piue tl.io est h. Either counts, whether ew or renewal. Do get them In. Write for complete catalogu and Mory. "A broken Back." Phone Dougiaa 713. Gor ton, the Magazine Man, Omaha. tARKETf7UOSl Doug. 4760. Ind. A-88-1- lo'4 Farnam Ht SleartL eutfits; 8 styles; picture framing t imxlrisle prices, glass, wall peper WR CARRY A FI LL LINE OF Slil i:iVI. WILLIAMS VAIN'TS. BRASS PoLISlf L!',TII YKNFrR AND ALL BRANDS UF F1.UOR WAX. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) vuuh picture .r.rcrio? ttc Tou tan set plcturee to minutes after hey ara taken. Bring the peoy down, .ook for tha blue light al night paxton Miu. l,o. Mil Va iVnim. Open iv a. m. to IK p. in. I II VI IS TiiK KKK iUU LIKE. LUAlj0 84 South 24th St. Douglaa Dt, Red 333; Independent. F-1J177. OoOD MKRCIIANT9 LUNCH r JfcTK H 1302 L'ouglss Btreet. Dre. Slabeugh A Mares wish to announce he removal of their dental offices to rooini ki-61t City National Bank Bldg. HORNBY Wua Print Co., il8 Bee Bldg. MRS. IRWIN. M nrsnfle The. Chine suiting lessons, naturalistic conventional; night classes 'lues A 1 liur. Orders tor tune, place carae, etc., promptly executeo. t n A T Five baskets for $1. H. A tier. 8. H. Cola Blgn Co., V. Jt7G. Ula Farnam. FI.KVATOR8 RUPAIRKL). freinht. Ina- aenger. J. R. Kennedy, UH 6. 13th. 1. JW.. CHINA decorating for cluua a r-porialty. Mlfa at. It. tinig. k ttrandels Theater. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. KKIO" Into post. "TEA n" your top. And bring It to the text plare In Omaha for all kinds or repairing DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Harney Sts. THK onlv exclusive elsotrlo garaire In Omaha; expert battery men; work guar anteed. P. & F. Electric Oarage Co., Z::l8 larney St. Auto Repairing "T1 CALLS DAY OK NIGHT. The 1'axton- Mltchell Co., 2UI0-1 Harney. D. 7824; A-flilL FOR r'ALE M idel 10 Buick roadster. ejuiiped with Pres-o-llte tank and ex haust whistle. Call Harney iJ ONE line of 2nd-hsnd tlrea: ate bargains. Ideal 'l ire Repair Co., Z1M Farnam. GET our list of new and used electric cars; fine for winter. 1". & K. Electric Oarage Co.. 2;il3 llasney St., Omaha. Neb. Auto PaintiDsr murphy did it.-- nuiutaiuuujf U(. oilcea now. ANDREW MURPHY HUN. 1411 Jaokson. WRITE for list of automobile harealna. 11. E. Frearickson Auto Co.. umaha. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call oh UANGESTAD, 4'4 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. Wi. THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PER UhM' ANNUAL PROFIT FOR TWENTY-THREE YKAR8 what hundreds of investors In BritlHh Columbia real estate have made. Tha -'British Columbia Bulletin of Infor mation" tells about the opportunities along the three great transcontinental railways which ara openitiK up thirty million acres of rich aKrlcultural land and fifty million acres of timber, coal and mineral land in Central and Northern British Columbia. now famous as the Fort lieorKe country. One hundred million dollars will be spent In the next five years in railroad building alone. Thousands of fortunes will ba made hv those who get In before the big rush. Let us send you a free copy costs you nolii Ing may mean a fortune for you. Write today. NATURAL RESOURCES SECURITY CO., J-t A A-., biZ Granville Street, Vancouver, B. C. Wake Up, Old Man, Wake Upl YOUR EYES ARB YOUR FORTUAK Take care of them. Our 11 years, ex perience at your service. Consult ua. COLUMBIAN. OPTICAL CO.. 2UD-211 So. 16th Su TO BUY HELL OR TRADE BEE THE MIDLAND CO., tit BRANDEIS BLDO. HAVE you a little money that you would like to hava make big profits? Will atand thorough investigation; the secret of fortune Is "the first investment well made." For full particulars call and aee or address II. Harding, 648 ftarrge Bldg Omaha, or 'phone Doug. 1466 and 1 will eail on you. SACRIFICE SALE MEAT market fully equipped and doing fine business In good town of 6.O10 people, about lib miles northwext of Omaha, must be sold at once, and In order to do so have cut the price in two. This Is a fin- chance for aomeone to get located, and tep Into fine business. Price. Uaw. F. T. WALKER St CO. 840-342 Brandeis Theater Bldg. ' Phone Douglas M. FOR SALE Good livery and feed barn auto In connection. Ruppert at Gates' Maywood. Neb. ' A GOOD proposition Is waiting for any reputable man who can Invest from 2,ou0 to V4.IWJ; bank references, real estate se curity. Address, A 604, care Bee. fiASADY F" Estate. Loans and tvAOAWl Insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent, (julck returns, a. W corner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug, lijs' FOR SALE My restaurant, dance hall and opera house, fine location and good business. Good money making proposition. Cheap at a sacrfice, leaving city. Write at once. Henry Wolff. Turtle lake. Wla. $350 AND SERVICES buya half interest in 1110 uesi paying- uusinesa in Omaha your snare 01 profits, fu weekly; win stana closest investigation. Address P-6& Bee. FOR SALE Moving picture show la Ne braska town of 3,lJ population; a good business. Address Y-16 Bee. COLORADO SPRINGS' best paying room ing house; 28 rooms, modern. Postofflce box 62, Colorado Springs, Colo. AUTOMOBILE tire Irusmess for ! one-third Interest. Best Investment in the city. I2.0P0. 8I.000 cash, balance from prof its of the business; Invextlgstion Invited; other business reason for selling. E. Han- Key, .uit r arnam tsi. 10 SHARES Averv Imnlement Co ni. for $116 each. Room 427 Y. M. C. A. TOR SALE Good, clean variety nk and fixtures In Nebraska town of 6 out) Invoice, $2,au0. Addrrus Y -21. Bee. FOR SALE One blacksmith ihnn tools, with stock; Invoice. H.i'ioO; only shop In town of Jul; good territory and prices 81 0H) If taken at once. Address Box 2ul. Lebanon, Neb. FOR ALE For cash. 47 ilnr., h,ui. Omaha Stock Yards slock. Address. U 661 care Bee. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat. Bk. D. 33.13 DR. ROY. l.W Farnam St., Douglas fc7. DANCING Misses SI mo Hon & Coll W. ?1M1 . W. 56J0. DENTISTS BAILEY A HAl'li, td floor, Faxton. D lOti. DR. IIORTON 6J7 'ttv Nat Lank Bldg. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective axe. Inc.. bonded. 4JV9 1'axton blk. D. l..l. Ind. A-UIJ. CAPT. T. CORMCK. 517 KAKU.U'II Blk. L E nitiUVN, ;l Paxtnn Hlk. Doug 7T DRESSMAKERS Mies STURDY. 821 8. 2(lh SI. Tel. D. 7J14. DRESSMAKING by day. Web. 3718. DRESSMAKING and alteration. 417 North lutu street DRESSMAKERS (Continued.) Mr. ru-WaUu a specialty. 2438 Spalding. TLAIN swe ng. Ilainey 47T5. t'nMCKTKNT imrxsMUKINO; eatlsfae tion auaiatiteed: reasonable. 2:14 Mtfon. EDUCATIONAL Y. W. C. A. SECOND TERM OrEXS FEB. GENERAL LTTFRATPKfr;. LANGUAGES, ARITHMP-.TIC. COMMERCIAL. ORATORY ASTRONOMY. PAINTTNO. ORCHESTRA. BEWINO BHIRTWAIBT3. ' PLAIN PEWINO, TEXTILE STUDY. PTIESPM A KINO, MILLINERY. COOKINO THREE GRADK COURSES PINNER CLASS. PRACTICAL Cookerj LUNCHEON Course. THE MID-WINTER TERM OP BOYLES COLLEOE la now open It, both the day and night aes. aions. Yet It is not too late to enter. Be gin now and receive that mental discipline that will double our earning capacity, business, Bookkeeping. Stenography, Teleg raphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue is tree, Address 11. B. lioyles. President, Boyle. Building. Omaha, Neb. Official Training School Union Fad Go H. K. Telegraph Department. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Lept. East entrance. BRAN DEIS" cut flower dept.; new store. L. Henderson, 1MB Farnam. Douglas 1218. J. II. HATH, 1428 Harney. Douglaa tOOO. HESs ac SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAHUE, 1C07 Farnam. D. 1001; A-100L FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot wuter heaters. Thermostats and tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 1AM-12U8 Douglas et. Both phones. VITT?M P1"S5 cleaned, repaired, 18th i UJ.V.VJ-iO ,nd CaM Doug. 82(W. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and N.teaw.eaea. LADIES To demonstrate, house to house. rJalary and carfare. W. u. Carr, riootn a-o, uv so. uiu Bt. LADIES To demonstrate, house to house, salary ana carfare, w. U, Carr, Room 3o, 2iu boutn inn tsi. Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER DON'T APPLY I'N- LE.SS YOU ARE EXPERIENCED AND CAN GIVE GOOD REFERENCE. STATE SALARY EXPECTED. B-6ti, Bee. WANTED- Stenographer, beginner will do, but must be neat in appearance; tilce office, good hours. Address C 667, Bee. Factory aad Trade. GIRLS to learn hairdresslng. Oppenhelra Parlora. 136-140 City Nat l Bank. D. 23!M. Housekeepers a.d Domestics. AN experienced cook; good wages; refer ences required. Apply to Mrs. Arthur C. bmlth, im Park ave. GIRL who Is good cook for general housework: laundress employed; good wages. 416 So. 3kttt St Harney Sb9. WANTED A girl to assist with house work and care of children. 611 No. lutb street, South Omaha. Phone South 1060. PUPIL nurses at the Training School for Nurses. Child Saving Institute, 1V Ohio bt Write for Information. WANTED Girl to wait on tables; must be experienced. Apply candy department, Brandeis Stores. A NURSE GIRL. Mrs. Mantsl, 120 South 17th street. Harney 8711. WANTED A neat, experienced girl for general housework. 1622 Lothrop St. WANTED A Polish or Bohemian girl for general housework, lwsi Farnam St. WANTED A girl for general housework. 2221 Dodge St WANTED Girl to assist with general housework; small family. 112 S. Suth St WANTED A nice, neat housekeeper. 4803 Burt St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 716 Park Ave. WANTED A neat girl to assist with housework for family of three; good home and wages. 2402 Fort St. WANTED A middle-aged woman housekeeper. 2444 Manderson St for WANTED Girl for general housework; must be competent; family of three. 811J Leavenworth St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. o-t St. 37th St COMPETENT girl for geinral housework; must be cook. 4340 Seward St. WANTED A girl for general housework; no washing. 8313 Cuming bt WANTKD-A Rlrl for general housework; small family. 3009 Dewey Ave. WANTED A white girl for cooking and general hou.se work; no washing, good wages, small family. Mrs. A. T. Clillon, Fort Omaha. WANTED Girl for general housework. 717 N. 30th SI- WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 834 S. 24th St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; references. 103s Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1122 S. 3oth Ave. WANTED A good Klrl for general house work. 3229 Harney St. WANTED A neat competent yirl for general nouseworK. J larney St. LADIES WANTED-Take work home aT pl mtf 11 anbfers. 4L Brandeis Theater. Hotels a.d Restaurant.. CHAM HERMAID. Apply, Omaha General hospital. Manager Hlsorllaueoaa. TOLTNO women coming to Omaha as strargers are invited 10 visit the i ormg W union's Christian association building at ht. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. whers they will be directed li suitable boarding place or nttierMiMe uKsistrd. i-ook for our tiav tier's aid at the Union station. WANTED-An undergraduate nurse for night work In hospital' nod wage Ad dress P.-St S. hospital. North Piatis. Neb. A Guarantee of Business Prosperity Tile Bee Advertising Columns, HELP WANTED MALE W E HAVE salesmen a positions opea where ou can earn gooi money while iml. mg our course Piactical uool of feaUsmanship Drawer T-67. Cleveiaml. O LAND SALESMEN WANTED Best and rhtapeitl laud in California Sold in small tracts on easy trrma. We supply sttrac Uve literature, prospects and give all other utiiiaiice pokilile. Trow hridge-Bolgtr (-oinpany. 1-Ml city National Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) Clerical a.d Offlee. Manaser must hava wholrssla Drug experience I'Ti Ofllce Manager. Automobiles. Inv 8lf Traeling salesman H' tiffiee clerk and t pest Hill clerk 0 Price clerk VM.STk.KN REF. BOND AS3 N . INC. Omaha Est. 8 Years Knfat ( Ity. ::.2-l-4-6 New York Life Bldg. A GOOD competent position In railroad office. Muat uaa Smiih-Premlar typewriter. J loi, Bee. A YOUNG man for eeeretary of a com mercial club In a good So. Dak. town; must Kive good reference: employment for a year at tiood salary. A 6V. lea. FIRST-CLASS office manaper for well established business; good salary. Invest ment required. C (40, Bee. Factory and Trades. Drug Stores (snaps). Joba. Knlest, Bee Bldf. WANTED-Hamessmakers, riding: sad dle hands, cutters and sewing machine op erators. Inyuiie J. B. smith, 1'axton noiei. Mlsrella neons. TOU are wanted for a government posi tion. $80 a month. Write for list of posi tions open. Frsnklin Institute, Dept 2u6-C, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Young men to learn the bar ber trade, facial massage included. Bar bers make more money now than ever be fore on account of the many added money making facilities. Our course saves years of apprenticeship. Thousands of our grad uates In business sending to us for help. We place our men on trains aa railroad barbers, steamships, office buildings, pri vate barbets and valets. Positions always waiting. Tools given. Wagos in finishing department Call or write for our free catalogue. Mohler Barber College, 110 H. 14th street. MORE MEN NEEDED AT ONCE for electric railway motnrmen nd conductor., tu to ) years old, lu to 8I00 a month; oj experience necessary; tine opportunity; so slrlKS; write immediately tor appucatlun blank, encluslng stamp. A J dress, X-iuA care of Bee. WANTED for U. 8. army, able-bodied unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 86; citlEena of (lie United States, of good character and temperate buhlls, who can speak, read and write the English lan-e-uage. For information apply to recruit ing officer. Iftth and 1 lunula St.. Omaha, Neb.: Massachusetts Bldx., Sioux City, la.; i.w r. mm til., Lincoln, NeD. ; liv JJi. a Bl.a Grand Island, Neb. MAN WANTED with rig to take charge of sale of our medicines, extracts, spices soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, stock and poultry preparations, etc., In your county; sitauy work guaranteed; work healthful; Pltasant, very profitable; references re quired. Write us. We mean business. Shores-Mueller Co., Dept: 92, Tripoli, la. RAILWAY Mall Clerks Wanted A verage salary, 81.1U0: alternate weeks off with full pay; preparation free for coming Oman, examinations. Franklin Institute, 1 Dept. 203-C. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; practical Bhop work under experienced instructors; Individual road work In larije touring cars. We Invite ypur Investigation. National Auto Train ing Ass'n., office 628 Brandeis Theater Bldg. A GARDENER on my farm near Omaha; must be thoroughly experienced In vege table and flower raising and well recom mended. Arthur D. Brandeis, Omaha. HELP WANTED MALM OH FEM ALB) WANTED Live salesmen to handle ter ritory, selling direct to consumer. Good salesman can make $10 a day. Call 411 Webster-Sunderland Bldg. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Morses a.d Waa-aaa, YOU CAN BUY HARNESS horse blankets, lap robes, ate., and surely get your money's worth, if you buy Iron) JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO., Southwest Corner Tenth and Jonea Eta,. WE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICE. HEAVY TEAMING GEARS and DSUVIRT WAGONS, made from tha beet MATERIAL MONEY CAN BUY. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO.. 1117 Farnam LOST AND FOUND LOST Boston bull terrier, white breast and bobtalled; t years old; big collar on neck; was last seen at lMli and Leaven worth, 6 p m., Friday. Call A. C. Storx, Store Brewing Co., receive reward. LOST Pointer, brown and white, brown spot on back. Call Her. 1914. Reward. LADY'S cold bar pin sst with pearls: finder please communicate with Captain Christie at Army Biug. itewara. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases: all treatment supervised by college professor. Phone Douglaa 1167. Calls answered day and night MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CUATTULt. IJHWMMVKMU!WJmiMt5JWM $$ NOTICE TO THE . PUBLIC (I t $10 TO 81.000 M 81 LOAN (.m nuuattiuuj s II FURNITURE, PIANOS. SAlAlUEa 81 88 THIS IS A NhiW FIRM. ) L8 Organized by the HtrblABLB 88 t$ BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro- 88 $8 uct honest work.ng people In need M 18 ct temporary Lelp from the exorbl- 84 11 t-nt etiargea of the so-called loan M $ coinpanlea We will loan you all toe 88 8( luooey you want ana mi vuy U t per cent a year. 88 tj THIS MEANS YOU PAY M 88 For $ 1 6 lnu- pay menu $1.70$ V n 8$ V$ For 8 26 6 1110. payments 84.83-8 r6 is 88 For $ tVO-6 mo. paymsnts K 46-8 6u x II For lioo 13 mo. payments X8.ds$lu8.wt 88 18 And all other sums In proportion, u 81 Easy weekiy or Monthly payiueot. t 81 cteasonabie Appraiaeinent Chargra. i $8 A glance at the aoove rales wilt 14 88 convince you bow much you save oy 44 88 dealing with ua. u 88 lo RtD TAl'li. NO DhiUAt. M u MONEY IN YOLTR FUCK. A'. u U WITHIN AN HOUR. u it INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. 84 88 ROOM 204, W1TH.N ELL BUILDING, tt 8$ Doug. aoo. N. E Cur. loin and Hsrnay. 81 Could lou Lb; 50 to a Cooii Advantage? Dor. t go t fi--'!.". Louie to us. Whsn you boirow money ;iu want the lowest rate and i give ii V wilt loan you froti 8 os i L-ai.'JO 01. ru.-niture. pianos or teams. wlti--.t rt: wal; small and easy payments. $1-31- i ' ' weekly pa inent vo h lift loan for W noeks. Other amount lu ths aame propoition. Ve give liberal dis counts "D all loans paid off before due. Mail or phone applications receive our picmpt al.f.uoB. .-Mriciiv coui.Ucniiai 8tate Mortgage Loan Co. Room 12. Arlington Block, loli'., Dodge St Phones: Dougiaa 2(tto A-J46a. DO YOU NEED MONEY J We will loan you money on your furni ture. pIjuo live utock or any other is cnty at LOW tit KATES Tii.iX OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous tea, mem au,t uict pvivacy. Call or pi. one and cuuviucs ii,Lr(.( NEBRASKA LOAN CO. p. Bi6. Ind. A-IJU.. tilt h Bid , r tt-iT T to 1 A i.K . . 1 ome In i lMli St AA I 1 IV H Y 1,1 Uli M'lam. I 1 Jli X our low rate. Re-' FOR Paxtou Block. Tel. l oiinlss l.U. .A-1411. 1 , MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLK. W.1M1.N KEEPING HuLSK AND OTHERS, wliliiul security; ea Vaj merua Office In "4 prlnclrat cities, 'iuimun. iluua $ul New Omabs National Hank Bldg. , DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU,.,- Street Red suiA MONEY TO LOAN at.rr aad (battel. ; .aliased. LOOK! LOOK:! Are you shoii ol minis.' I'o you need Mu..l It so and yon nate a PERMANENT PdSIT.ON. or own FURNITURE. PIANO, F1KTI RKS. HORSES, WAGONS, etc, we will gladly advance you what money you need. Our ratee the lowest, terms ths easiest and a i-yl'AHE DEAL guaranteed. AMERICAN LOAM CO. 1M FARNAM 8T, ROOM tVL MOVING STORAGE. CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DFLIVF.RT CO. htor tog; furniture packing, fireproof storsga City office lit S. 17th. Doug. 14; Ind. B-U41. OMAHA VAN WTO RAG B CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; eioctrte vacuura cleanere. sv4 a. 16th; tut S. lHa. Dou. 411 OFFERED FOR RENT Beard aad Itooaaa. THE IRVINa. 1101 Leavenworth street St. James. 418 S. 13; elm. heat, free batb; Am., $1 26 up; wkly., tt up; meala, xjc. STRICTLY modern rooms, with home cooking; rates reasonable, by day or week; meals. 2fa; half block west of postoftlca. 17U Dodge. ATTRACTIVE front room with larg. al cove; walking distance; home cooking. Phone Douglaa 3386. SUITE of three rront rooms, elegantly furnished, strictly modern, suitable for 8 or 4 gentlemen; hot and cold water In room; electrto light; also other rooms. 8)0 bo. 22d St. DESIRABLH rooms; flrst-olsss board; close In; reasonable. Doug. I'M. 618 S lUth St. FOR RENT Nice room, with home cook ing, all modern. 2214 Douglas. NICE warm rooms, bath, home oooklng. 818 S. 25lh St. THREE rooms, modern, board If desired. 1 -N. 20th St. NICE room and board for two gentle mnt, private family. M N. 19th St. FOR RENT Nice single rooms, with board. 1U18 Case St. FOR RENT Large front room, steam heated, desirable for three gentlemen, good ooara. roiu iisrney t. FOR RENT Nice front room for two gentlemen, gentlemen preferred. 92 N. llth St., south Omaha. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooma btard. 181$ Chicago St - rith F.r.lshed Reosaa. FOR ItKNT-Nteely furnished front room. (IT t. Kth St Vary coorenlcnt te business. NICELY furnlahed rooma. strictly mod ern, within 8 minutes of business district $49 S. 19th. WE have three warm and comfortable furnished rooms at 1C1 N. isth St WANTED By young lady roommate at 1005 St. Mary's. ELEGANT FRONT room, private family! wanting uisiancvt reasonaoie. im o. 2s Ava, TWO furnished rooms, Tel Webster 8978. Hit N. SOth St FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooma $31 8. 12d St N1CILT furnished room near 14ta street .r line. 844u tiouth zotn street - FURNISHED room; bath; in private house; nan diock to car; z week. 934 N, 26tb street EXTRA warm front room, nicely fur nished; not water an ins time, iiui Dodge, LARGE heated room, suitable for twe young men, itu cans Bt , TWO very desirable heated rooms In a new private homei fine residence district; continuous hot and cold water; fine bath use of phone; gsnt(emeu preferred, li N. Wtb St PLEASANT, comfortable furnished room- strictly modern; walking distance. 2301 Dewey Ave. Tel. Douglas 6401. ONE large and one small room; llsht heat and bath. Telephone Tyler 1426. ail Capitol avenue. CLOSkl In. two newly furnished front rooms; furnace heat. 610 North loth tit No sign. 'Phone Douglas $&& WARM, front room, with all conven iences, in private home, for gentleman. 2414 Chicago. Phone Doug. 4216. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th Farnam. PLEASANT, warm front room; private home; fine location, on car line; easy walk ing distance; modern; fine for one gentle man. 221 N. 25th. $2.50 WEEK, warm, cory room, on bath room floor; suitable for one or two people; furnace beat; nice bath; plenty hot water gas and telephone; alao room and alcove light housekeeping privileges. 1061 fit Mary s Ave STRICTLY modern rooms, walking dis tance. 418 8. 24th Ave. $1 per week and up. Tel. Ind. A 2DQg. AN elegant large front room; fine fur niture; strictly modern. 120 N. loth; n sign on house. NICE south, single room, furnished. ta Liouglas St. , TWO large, pelassnt rooms, strictly mod ern; Harney car; walking dlistance. 211 N. th. A SMALL sleeping room. 1K21 Cass. IARGE. warm front room In private home; desirable for two; strictly modern; walking distance, on 24th St. car line. 230 N. 23d. Red 4233. PLEASANT, modern sleeping; rooms In private family; one block from car Una. Mrs. Marion Ombree, 814 Hickory St. SLEEPING room for two. 1821 Cass. 1 DESIRABLE modern room; private fam ily; good locution. 131 N. 31st Ave. LARGE, modern south front room: pri vate family. 114 N. 27th St. 'Phone B-22&S. LARGE east room, facing Park Ave.: new private residence; 31u. lei. Harney 4ift4. SLEEPING rooms, in modern brlok home. 2C08 Dodg,e St. Harney 2335. NICELY furnished room; 531 s. :! St. mod.; close In. DELOR1E Hotel. 110 N. 17th. Steam Heat. LARUE modern sleeping rooms; finest location in city. 118 N. DstU. NICELY furnished front room la n fleam healed flat to voung lady unly. SHU Chicago St. 'lei. Red 6242. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, house keeping privileges If desired: good be.il ood bath, closs In. 2(12 Dodge. STRICTLY modern furnished room. Gentlemen only; half Mock from post ofllce. .220 No. l.Ol. Douglas 61i4. FURNISHED, steam neated-roon. pit tale family, for genilem.ui; walking U.t .l c uu. S. 28th S. iiui iAvi'..M'oiu -eativ herit room with bath; hot ami cold Muter; Meom heal; electric lights; Keiitl-inen only. FOR RENT Nicely furnish, cj S. J-'d St. looms. Oil Foil ni.-heii ; Ri;'XT Three rcMiniH. nicely fur l,i - I 11 : alKin- itiMaucc. 1112 8 SXT - Ni in. 21cj I cly fiirnl: h rl. 'oui;!aH St. well FOR RENT Neatly rurnilnd pityiite famii. 410 S. ..Ih Ave. Foil KENT-Nice. N. 2th St. F Ht ItKNT- South i'.lt Hpitol A e. pleasant rooms. 2IJ front single room. F'll RENT- Mo l furnikhed front room; good location. 6oti N. Lth it OFFERED FOR RENT Far.lahed Hoome ( onllnned. FOR Rl:NT-Stesm-lieatd rnotin In "t nomo; r",t nl coil water. Lie Cass i .... FOR RKXT-Nicplv furnished loom; hot aater heat. 711 et. i;th pt FOR RENT-Neatly furnished rooms; private family. 410 S. 2fth Ave.- FOR RENT font parlor mom; location. Ill S. Sth St good FOR RENT-Neatly furnished front Bdlsi ,0! tl"t: d",rMe for two. 7V2 N. FOR RENT Nleelv furnished rooms, in modern home. 1735 S. Sith St. FtR RENT-Furnlshed room, modern house. IfnK St. Mary's Ave. FO,R, RKNT Nloa room; private family: no rhlldren; men preferred. 2bl6 Jones St. FOR RENT Clesn rooms: steam hPsT: laundry snd kitchen prlvllertes ls.j Leavenworth St. FOR heated. RKNT-Clean front rooms, 7l N.1M St. well IF TOUT are looking for nice, confut able, well heated rooms with gas, electric light and continuous hot water, call 715 No. 20th. WuO and $1.60. Walking distance. STRICTLY modern front bedroom. 403 a tn St. Phone Harney 67M. Hotels a.d A t. rime. la. JflCtXT FURNTSHFD ROOMS fr Omen. THE CHATHAM. U0 8. llth St SUITES-855 up; meal book. $6 80. Gentle men preferred. Tel JBar. 861. lutl Geo. Ava DODGE HOTEL llth aV Dodge; all out side rooms, steam heat; spcoiai week rate The BACHELOR. XHh and Farnam, Ap.rtBse.ta a.d Flats. An elegant 8-ronm apartment, main floor, steam heated; strictly modern; reasonable. 216 N. 22.4. Inquire 120 N. Sth. $0-FOUR-ROOM apt.. I side park pars. Harney tssi. blka eaat GROUND floo.. 8-room, ateam heated flat, the Dunsany, 10th and Pierce Sts., $22 per month. CONRAD YOUNQ. 40$ Brandelg Theater Bldg. $11 4 T-room modern flat. 144 N. Itth ft. tslra. luuulrv m a. Ivia t Call Wsa, MOST elegantly decorated and complete 4 or l-room brick apartment in city; eleo trlo lights, continuous hot and cold water, ateam heat furnished; tiled bath room; laundry with drier. Price, 450. Two block from heart of city. U-677, Bee. 6-ROOM flat strictly modern; yery best CENTRAL All modera, 4-room flat CO THE GENOA, 8S30 Casa. lust eomnlet.d Six apartments. They have five rooms luecoraisui. storage, gas ranges, refrig erators, telephone, shades, curtain rods. heat and water. They are the finest and In best residence location. Janitor will F.rnlshed Hssirktrplsg R..ssa, LIGHT housekeeping rooms, close in. 207 N. 17th TWO lovely furnished front rooms for ligm iiguwwFHn, minm easy Walking distance; everything modern; price rea sonable. 560 B. 20th Ave. CLOSis in. large xront room, aultabie lor Piaa snu wu.e, sw otnar rooma, gi7 MO. I'l" Db TWO rooma, completely furnished, for housekeeping; . laundry privileges; 1707 ivouge. SOUTH rooms, modern, with gas ranre- 1 ROOMS for light housekeeping; etrlotly modern; rent reasonable; laundry privilege .HI . ,HI1. TT WWW, .III, FOR RENT Twa nip front room, f nousegeeping. ris 0. zotb bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished hnnnVu ing rooms, south exposure, good location, 647 S. 24th Ave. FOR RENT Nleelv furnlsed rumi r ccusexeeping. Mot cumlng St. FOR RENT Three modern rooma for housekeeping; gas range, modern, 1111 Yvooaier ttt FOR RENT Two rooms for light house keeping, gaa range. 211$ Chicago St. ONE nicely furnished parlor for light uvuBeaeepiiig. bi. sisry s Ave. FOR RENT Modern room, gaa range, uulii uvui. 4vu uurt 81, FOR RENT Front and back parlor for uauKniia. 13 0, xotn Bt FOR RENT Newly furnished housekeep- i iwoiu. va di. ixtary s A vs. FOR RENT-One large room for house keeping, main floor, heat, cooking gaa and la.unri.-v fiu a 9-M ai " FOR RENT Fine room tor houaekeeptna- FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for suv uouaenevping. tu M. Zbth St. - FOR RENT Two nleelv fiin,uh.H ... uouBoneopijig. sis a. aum Bt l1. famished He.aaa. FOUR rooma, gas and city water. 111 Bancroft et. rnom nea eaae. TWO adjoining sleeping rooma; suitable for four gentlemen. iM cumlng. TWO warm, south front rooms; newly ceooraiea , on oainronm iioor; ivu can convenient to two oar Hues; references, FOR RENT Five rooms, modern, furnished. .M N. I4th St. heat FOR RENT Six rooms, first floor, mod ern except tumace. su . zia ft FOR RENT 1 bree desirable southeast rooms, hot water heat, on car line. 3210 Cass St lloaaes a.d Cottages. 4-ROOM cottage; modem, except furnace) beautiful lawn and treea No. 1208 bouts 82d Ave. Rent ouly 838 per sue. teie.iuus Louglaa iutu. FERRi N Kxp. 48 Storage. 1811 Cap. D. 113 Houses.lns. Kin wait Brandeis To. Bldg Nk.W, s rooms, all modern except best. 8i a J'uii Ave.. 1 block south of Cstur. boulsvaid and Vinioa sooeoi. lei. iyir ,-o COPl AC K. IM N. ftth St Tel. Haiaay 8uA Houses in all parts of the rity. Crelgu kona si Co.. Aee BIAaV THIRTY-SECOND and Poppleton. 6-rooin modern brick flat. WRIGHT LASUUltY, SK fu. 1'iin bt. Phone Douglas lui. $187 room mod. ex. heal, 2"08 N. 17th St. $1 7-room, mod ex. beat, 3010 N. 2ith St. Roonikon At V01f. 43o 1'axton Block. AJm. in 4k Storage Co. packs. movsj. ki.uee bouasbolil aoods. Fliepcoof siorags, sol a. liiiO. til-alien, u S.. liin. '1st. It- iiui. A-Ua ',-ROOU House, 10U anoy. tivautifui. Tun odern. welkins distance fenuy. Ununfui. luiner Park. Cor nun ,'.d So. Crnirsl Uoolevsrd. lnyuira tJ.l ixrog or i,j MrUriua. otiunty ,urti)yi HOUSEHOLD GOODS parked, forwarded; cluap lu'intit iai4; moving and utonii. Expr sriutn a I'tiociy t.'o., 'iwl. louaia3j j 1 u ouui. no -o. 1, rue mag. 1 SIX-KOoil. ail moUerii rtsidenoe, strictly 1 furl class. JujI Ueiorsteu, ;C( Scnaid, 1'iNE 6-iooui. modera i.uut. toi ma. 01 Ca.i- U16 N. Mli, $ rooms, strictly all mod ern. C I. iiciring. (17 Omaha National l.allli BUg FIVE-room lottak'e. new and strictly modern: nothlna' nur. $3o. Apply iv)l i'ratt St. 21"l LoCI'ST St. moil, in, hot waier heating: K-s log in fire place. Stable. Mo 8-aihi-on Really Co. lla.eea anil I nllnur t n 1 1 Kl VI '-111 K l ,,..l..,n I, ,ov, tlili.iy I class, 1MJ Nurtn ,'mii (IiW k-IV, Hurt 8:.V-No. .1!H6 N. 1Mb St. r . u"' I eV llng. Slilmei A Citasc l '.. w 712 N. 2-d. 7 rooms, irori. I'' S-V .Matiiierson, s loon:!., nsrn 8 ? . I'll..' N. 401 h. 8 rooms, m ! . .'.. RlngMall Bros, Rismleis 1 nesier lung), STRICTLY first class modern fne-rooo house, south front, conei. Kvi .-t-ward. fi;.u. lores and Olf !. IN new bulldlni;. corner of I'th inl Far nam Sts, an entire floor, 4IM.;.. .-.uitsDie for Jobbing or Hunt factory purposes, ah modern, both pawn-tiger and Irviaht ele vator service. See J. A. Fri claiul. lllo Far nam St. HEATED room for barber hop In ns brick building at 8-'d and Arbor ft. Ex cellent location for Koort barber. D. J. Hughes. Harney 4tv5-2ii04 b. iM Ave, FOR RENT Office room, era located e top floor, facing court. S,i S'lusrs feet, In cluding vault: rents for $."5 per month. THE BE 10 BUILDING COMPANY. OFFERED FOR SALE F.rnltnre. W O T l , ImmlUI, ..1. Clf tldUIS hold furniture; mahogany piano, muslo cab inet, aark oaa nnrai y iaoie. uuuni ..i.ui i,inn fumiiiiM Ktiffei oast bed. servants' room furniture, rugs, porclt chairs, hammock, ice client, gas range laundry anil lawn equipment; subject prior sale. Harney 4u38. 401 N. 31st St., oon. Chicago. OAK dining room table and sideboard. good as new, cheap. (74 S. loth Ave. A FEW fluff rugs at making price. Dean Rug Factory. Red Wii. FOR SALE Antique bed complete; leavw lng city; must sell at a bargain; no reason able offer refused. 1826 N. 18th St TTlR SALB A complete furnlahed at as room flat, bath and pantry; modern ea rept heat; piano, Sis and kitchen ranaeev heating stoves; rent of two rooms pari your rent; a snap; quick sale. 16ov M, 24th St. FOR SALE Household goods, $20 S. Mtk! Ave. OFFICE FIXTURES Handaoma eherrjl counter with Iron grilling, railing, eto. Apa ply at 1804 rarnam St HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale at North lth St Phone Webster 4U4V Typewriters. BXTT an L. C. Smith A Bros. trpewrRest B. F. 8waoson Co., Plsulbutera. 111$ Fa am 8C ' 4 RENT an Oliver Typewriter from t4) Oliver Typewriter Co. Phone Douglaa 118, SECOND-hand typewrltere aold, repaired, Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam, 8 . .m ( 11 1 see lLa.ee ma. SECOND-HAND MOT0 LE-BRON. $11 SOUTH 11TH ST, DRY kindling, $1 load, del'd. Web. $847. About 40 feet of 18-Inch d is meter Ne. tt gauge, galvanised pipe, with four 46-lnca) elbows and T. This was used for ventilat ing purposes, and pipe is In good conditio.. The Bee Publishing Co., Kth and Farnam. FOR SALB New and second-hand bllj Hard and pool tables. We lead the wor1 In cheap bar fixtures; easy payment. Brunswlck-Balke-Coliendsr, 407 S. loth 88. FOR BALE One Parker Bros, hammer leas, 10 gauge, twist barrel, ehot gun, and leather case. $40. One Parker Bros, ham mer gun, 10-gauge and leather case, lit 54. One Smith & Weston, SS caliber, hammsrw less revolver, $10. Address L 614, care Ilea, WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rein which we will sell for 80 cents each. They are fine for rain water or ash rea Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. SAFES Overstocked with eeennd-hand safes, all aizea and makes; bargains, American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. WATCHMAKERS' lathe, engraving ball and other tools and quantity of material. P. 4fc F. Electric Garage Co., 1318 Harney OSTEOPATHY KATHERYN NIKOLAS. 4-$ BrandeU Theater. Alice Johnson. 108-$ Brandela Theater Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Tin, HIRAM A. STURGKS. reg. patent etty $46 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglas J4HI. WILLARD F.DDY. registered practitioner In U. S. I'at office. 618 Paxton Blk. R. ZltL PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. (Triune rheumatism, massage treatment, Dr Marguerite Halloran, L Neville Blk. D. T76L - Prof. Dinijian o,"' 448. I1WANI1 View Maternity flome, private VJ home tor wouieu ouriria col flnement. int. Box 117, Florence. Tel. Floreno SUPERFLUOUS hair removed perma rumtly without the electric needle, or In Jury to the skin; work guaranteed; lady attendant 110 McCague Bldg. W HPT nUli' Plee. ete , cured; no kmfe UUfAUAVL bM,k tree. Oerman Doc tore, J0 Broadway. Council Bluff a la. VIBRATORY MASSAGE Dr. Rlttenliuuae. 308 Old Boaloa Store, 4t (lour, elevaior entrance, Im S. 14th. Opeey fcundaye tiom 8 a- m. to 13 p. m. THE"sAIA'ATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing, in fact, anything you do not reed. We collect, repair and Sell at 111 N. Hi n Ht.. lor coat of collecllon, to tile wor thy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4135 aa4 wagons will call. MASK SUITS 10 isnt al LIEuEN S. ni IJITPK'V Bpeciatlst Dlseasee ot ux.. J-J u nien Wonien. N. kl. cor. 16th & Douglas, Cuialia. Call or write. MAGNETIC treatment Mma. Smith, 822 S. Icio. tuird Door. HINDOO TABLETS vlll i.ulid, liaca, slieiigtlicii. uuc. BELL OKU'i C'J. 77. ' t R E A T M E N T. K. .,1.ACJ. i . 1 i c yUu l-T. 73 b, UV ' 'IT. Adellght hair food grows lair, see Lime. Flayer, Mrgeelh bla'y Co., lutb ac Farnam. DR EGG E RS, private confinement home, 161U Martha St., Ollluha. Tel. Douglas tU4L Ml si I J y treatment. Mrs. Stesle, 1113. ---'-'XVJi-' j.ih t. floor, room 6. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa s'lsngeis are Invited to visit Hi Young Women's Cnilsilan Associaiioii building at Seventeenth street and .M. Mary s avenue, wht re Ihey will be dliecteii lu suitable l.oaiding places or otherwise assisted. Look lor our travelers aid at the Union station. OMAUA SlemincieiV Ins, Ramge Bldg. PRIVATE HoME dur ng contluement; babies for adoption. Gocd .-umaritan Sani tarium, 74u 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. STRICTLY private Chriiiian confine ment home, hei caic, babies for adoption. Lasenpoit. l'li.l,'A'iL liialci inly home. Mrs. Dr. Kio. J3.4 N. --Hi Heb. iSJ. ind. D-1D34. Vt l: sua loupes for into. Griffith Yt lUi) u ,nJ j, FRE.i.LR bLOCSi. DR BAKER, MEDICAL OFFICES. Lpeil specialists diseases of Wo,nen. Cousuilalioii and examination free. 21u .'. Dili St.. Coiner Douglas, Omaha, Neu. WE RENT and repair all kinds of i-ew Ilia1 ma, bines, ind. A-16o3; Douglas loaA, .NLiiRASKA CYCLE 1'oMi-AM, LIU and llsissy kia, - i J, r X r 2 BMW , r J!