Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha
For Nebraska Fair,
For Iowa Fair.
For wrather report see rR 2
iVOL. XL-NO. 181).
OMAHA. WKDNi;s)AV MOliNINd. .lAXl'AKY -J.'i. 1!H 1 - NIXTKKN I'AdKS.
legislators md Executive Inspect
Sights of Land Show and View
i Stock Yards.
CrOTernor Says Finished Products Are
Scientifically Prepared.
on the List in Form
Railroad Ticket.
More; Than Otf II and red Trading
Stat Official ftnesta of Tiro Cities,
Incladlna Lieutenant (id.
rmir Hopewell.
A special train filled with legislators, tha
governor, mat officials and all the rent
c-f the slate house retinue arrived at South
Omaha at M o'clock yesterday mowing
bearing official visitors from Lincoln to the
Land iihow and tho stork yard. The three
ram carried 1"S people and wan In charge
of the legislative committee, Representn
tlve Bushee. Bulla and Harrington and of
George Bonnell of the Burlington railroad i
The trip from Lincoln was made In record
time without a stop. At the Burlington
South Omaha station the party was met
by Everett Buckingham. T. B. McFherson
and a committee from the stock yards and
the Stock exchange with automobiles for
the whole 136 guests. The first visit was
made to the hog killing department of the
t'udalvy Packing company. From there
the party was taken In automobiles again
to tho cattle department of the Armour
plant, through the pork packing rooms, the
brine rooms and then to the Swift plant.
At the Stock exchange luncheon was to be
served at 12 o'clock, but tho curiosity of
the legislators In the killing departments
of the packing houses was too great to be
easily satisfied and more time was spent
there and In the yards than had been
planned for. At the luncheon the visitors
were welcomed royally as friends of South
Omaha and Omaha and of the live stock
Industry. T. B. McPherson acted as toast
master. Speaker Kubl was the first man to be
Introduced and , he congratulated South
Omaha and the Live Stock exchange on
the Industry and Its wonderful develop
ment. Senator John II. Morehead. presi
dent pro tern of the senate, spoke along the
same lines and the concluding address was
made by Governor Aldrich.
A Id rich Felicitates Month Omaha.
"I am proud to say," said Governor Al
drich, "that the finished products of the
agricultural resources of the country are
not more scientifically prepared for our
consumption anywhere In the' world than
here In South. Omaha, Neb. It as much
energy and push and power were devoted
. to the state government as In devoted to
this great Industry It Is bard to suy how
far we would go. We all have the same
Interests; we all are the same people and
we want to stand by each other. I want
to counsel the legislature never to do any
thing unjust to this great enterprise or to
any other. We are proud of It and want
to sea It prosper. You seem to have done
all these wonderful things without ex
hausting your powers and your capabili
ties. 1 wonder what you would do if you
exerted yourselves."
After the luncheon at the Stock Yards
exchange the party was taken In automo
biles again around the South Omaha boule
vard to Fortieth and Burt and back by
Farnam street to the business section of
the city. The program at the Land show
'Included a visit to all the exhibits of the
wonders of this state and the west.
Printed programs were issued for this,
printed In .the form of a long railroad
ticket, giving a list of all the various at
tractions at the I.and show, which were
At ( o'clock the legislators were taken
to the Omaha Commercial club reception
and dinner. Invitations for this had been
given out personally during the South
Omaha luncheon. The legislators were
entertained by the Comtneiical club until
11:30 last evening, when they returned to
to Lincoln over the Burlington.
One Hundred Legislator.
Besides the legislators, of whom there
tie more than one hundred on the train,
Including Senator Ollls and Representative
Neir, who were somewhat adverse to the
trip as representing an expenditure of lima
that might be used In legislation, and as
Mr. Neir remarked, "accepting favors fiom
corporations," there were Governor Al
drich, Lieutenant Governor Hopewell and
Secretary of State Walt, L. B. Fuller, sec
retary to the governor; Henry C. Rich
mond, chief clerk of the house, and
bis assistant, II. B. Davis; Secretary
Smith of the senate, and his first
assistant. Frank Perkins; Warden F. W.
Smith of the state penitentiary. '. S.
Paine, secretary of the Nebraska State
Historical society; J. K. Dalsell. deputy
tale superintendent ; Bird Ciiti hfleld, sec retary
of the Nebraska Lunbcriiian'p asso
ciation; Crawford Kennedy, Levi Munson,
J. 8. P. Hlldebrand and the following1 party
of legislative women, wives of members if
the house and senate, Mcsdaines Harring
ton, Hoaglund, BusfTee, Coltun, Ncir, Fries
and W. 'A. Taylor.
Jielr Hefosc to Knt, lint OMIs Not
Affected that Way.
The true story of the visit of the law
makers from Lincoln to the Land Show
and the stock yards win never be written.
, Henry Richmond would never allow It. The
chief clerk of the house recently went Into
a Lincoln lestaurant with a number of the
lawmakers end was too much engrossed
,ln his account of the reason why there are '
no girls employed In his office to give the
waiter an ordt r. The waller being a shrewd
young man brought In a soup bowl of
stewed prunes and set them before Rich-
mond with a flourish. Richmond acted as
chief assistant to the committee in charge
of the vi"lt to Omaha. Harrington had
charge of the women, Bushee of the train
and Bulla of the nrwspaper contingent
and Bulla or tne nrwspaper contingent, i
Bulla and Richmond Got Into an argument
Just before the train started to leave the'
capital city. Bu.hee looked the train over i
and thinking everybody wai on gave the
signal to pull away. As the bell began to
jing and the wheels to move a whirling
cloud of grey came Into the offing. That
was Hcnrv. Following It at a few yards
was another whirling cloud of a reddish
tinge, that was Bul'a. The train speeded
om gathering ntoiuentum as It went, but it
Slayers of Stanley
Ketchel Guilty of
, First Degree Murder
Jury Recomhiends that Walter A. Dip
ley and Goldie Smith Be Given
Life Sentences.
MAUSHFIF.LD. Mo.. .Ian. Jt-C.ullty
murder In the first degree the verdict
rendered today hy the Jury In the case of
Walter A. Dlplry and Goldie Smith, charged
with the murder of Stanley Ketchel. pugil
ist. Sentences of life Improsonmcnt were
recommended for each defendant. The Jury
was out seventeen hours.
Stanley Ketchel wag shot October 15 on
the ranch of R. P. Dlckerson near Conway,
Mo., forty miles east of Springfield, by
Walter A. Dlplev. Ketchel was visiting on
the ranch, where Dlpley, under the name of
Walter A. Hurls, was employed as a farm
hand. Goldie Smith, arrested the day of
the shooting charged with complicity In
the crime, was employed by Mr. Dicker
son as a cook.
Ketchel was eating breakfast In one of
the ranch buildings when Hurt entered
the room, pointed a rifle at the fighter and
ordered him to throw up his hands. Ketchel
laughed, believing It a Joke. I'lpley fired.
Ketchel fell. Dlpley ran. The fighter be
came unconscious before he could tell a
detailed story of the affair. Ketchel died
tho afternoon of that day. tlnldle Smith
said Dlpley had shot Ketchel because he,
Ketchel, bad Insulted her. After rambling
through the Oiark hills three days Dlpley
was arrested,
"file attorneys for the defendants an-
nounced that an appeal to the suprrm
court would be taken. The conviction of
Goldie Smith of murder In the first degree
caused great surprise here. The conviction
of IMpley was expected. Both defendants
were In the court room when the verdict
was read. Neither seemed disturbed.
Only one ballot was taken by the Jury.
Five are said 'tc have favored the death
penalty for IMpley and life Imprisonment
for Goldie Smith.
Mrs. Thaw's Pearls
and Diamonds Are
Stolen from Closet
Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars Worth
Taken from Pittsburg Home
While Family is at Dinner.
PITTSBURG, Pa. Jan. 24. Tt became
known today that while the amlly of Wil
liam Thaw, Jr., were at dinner last night
the residence was robbed q,f Jewels valued
at S33.000. Included In the valuables Is a
pearl necklace worth S17.000, the pro.ierty
of Mrs. Thaw.
Mrs. Thaw bad been to a closet where
her Jewels were kept half an hour before
dinner, with A view to selecting those she
would wear. Only her maid was In the
room, and after locking the door Mrs.
Thaw Joined the family In the dining room.
She was absent perhaps thirty minutes
and upon her return went to the closet for
the pearl necklace. The door was locked,
but when she looked for the necklace It
was gone. Hastily opening the other cases
I she discovered all had been emptied of
I their contents.
Mrs. Thaw aroused the household and It
was seen that the thieves had taken noth
ing but the contents of the closet. A hur
ried call was sent to the police and today
two score detectives under the personal
supervision of the superintendent are work
ing on the case.
When the detectives reached the house
each servant was examined, but no In
formation concerning the robbery was
given. The police believe that someone
well acquainted with the Interior of the
house entered by means of a skeleton key
and with another key of the same charac
ter unlocked the door of the Jewel closet.
Mrs. Thaw Is a sister-in-law of Harry
Kendall Thaw, who was tried for shooting
Stanford White, the New York architect
Life Sentence for
Double Murder
Frank Ricketts of Anderson, Ind.,
Pleads Guilty to Killing His
Wife and Another Woman.
AND12RSON, Ind., Jan. 24 Frank Rick
ette. aged 29 years, today pleaded guilty
to the murder of two women, one of whom
was his wife, and was sentenced to prison
for life. I.ast Thanksgiving day Ricketts
went to the rooms of Mrs. Nettle Brltton,
with whom his wife had been staying
since their separation, and killed both
women. It was his plea that the women
threatened to shoot him when he at
tempted to bring about a reconciliation
with his wife.
Pay of Rural Mail
Carriers is Raised
House Amends Postoffice Appropria
tion Bill to Increase Salaries
Hundred Dollars a Year.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. -The
appropriation bill was passed by
the house
the rural
I today. The pay of carriers on
free delivery routes Is to be Increased IPX)
per yar by an amendment added Just be
fore the final vote on the measure was
taken. An effort to substitute stamps for
the franking privilege now in vogue was
ruled out.
Bluffs Freshmen Are Hazed,
Creating Riots on Streets
Thirty freshmen of the Council Bluffs
High school, who recently were promoted
from the grades, were hazed yesterday at
.,..n wi.on ihev started home, thev were
; 'n Uv . cll)wd of blUll,.n numbering
TBI. " , .
fully fifty, each of whom was equipped
with a device for branding the newcomers
as "frfsh."
Iodine was used to paint the hands, faces
c,u'e" of v,c
mowed swaths through the f,ne bead, of
balr. and various nonsensical sign, were
attached to the unfortunates. The chemical
was painted about hair, noaes and eyes
without regard to any Injury that might
The scrimmage reached a climax In the
business section of the Bluffs. One attempt
to place a victim In a farmers buggy
hitched on Middle Broadway caused a
Iowa Senator Declares Amendment by '
Schedules is Dividing Line in
Republican Party.
Agriculture Too Big: an Interest to J
Lobe in legislation. J
Members Score Officials in Connection
with Service.
Amendment to Increase Pay of Hnral
Carrier Offered l Several
llaUe of One llnndred
WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. -The future
dividing line In the republican party was!
Indicated In the senate today In speeches
or Senator Snioot of Utah and Senator.
Cummins of Iowa, anil the fact of this,
division whs pointed " '' ,,,p bitter. 1
Closing a speech In opposition to the I
Cummins Joint resolution for the amend-,
lug of congressional rules regarding j
amendments to succeed tariff bills, the I
I tab senator took giound Miiuaiely against
schedule revision.
"I accept the challenge." said Mr. Cum
mins, "and am prepared to hh.v that I be
lieve that the division here outlined will
constitute the Issue of the future."
Referring to the fear expressed by those
senators that the Interests of the farmers
would be Imperiled by piecemeal legisla
tion. Mr. Cummins said the time had come
when agriculture would be the dominant
Interest In a majority of states, rendering
It certain farm products never would be
discriminated against In the matter of leg
islation In the senate.
Mr. Flint of California called attention
to the fact that n the last revision of the
tariff Mr. Cummins had voted to put
asphalt on the free list, which would have
had the effect of destroying the asphalt
Interests In California.
Mr. Cummins said he had not felt under
obligations to place such a tariff on
asphalt as would permit the shipping of
asphalt across the continent in order to
protect a California Industry.
Honae Passe Poatofflce IIIII.
The house today passed the postofflce
appropriation bill, carrying about I2Ti7,0O0,
000, with no negative votes.
The postofflce committee of the house,
the postmaster general and others "high
up," Including, by Inference, he president
of the United States, came In for a scor
ing at the hands of members of the house
In oonslderatlon of the bill.
The debate reached Its height when Rep
resentative Slsson of Mississippi Bald with
"The mall service all over the United
States Is In a h of a fix to use a strong
expression, and this house should fix the
responsibility where It belongs. Some say
It Is the committee, some say It Is the
department and some say It Is the presi
dent. The department has declined to
spend the money appropriated for ad
ditional rural free delivery and Is going to
turn back a surplus of 11,700,000 from this
As soon as the rural free delivery serv
ice paragraph was reached In the bill,
several members were on their feet offer
In amendments to Increase the pay of
the rural carriers from $900 a year all the
way to Sl.ano. Chairman Weeks of the
postofflce committee attempted to limit the
debate, but the house would not hear of It.
Chairman Weeks said some of the rural
carriers on the hard routes were under
paid. Others he thought were receiving all
they deserved.
"However." added Chairman Weeks, amid
great applause, "the committee Is now
willing to have the salaries of the rural
carriers Increased $100 a year."
The house then passed an amendment
providing that after July 1, 1911, the car
riers should receive a salary not exceed
ing $1,000 a year.
An attempt to substitute official postage
stamps for the franks now used by mem
bers of congress and government depart
ments was defeated.
Circus Men Balk at
Bill Posters' Charges
Showman's Association Refuses to
Agree to Advance Will Use Other
Avenues to Publicity.
CHICAGO, Jan. 24. The showman's as
sociation and the American Bill Posters
and Distributers of the United Slates and
Canada parted company In the matter of
renewing contracts today. The Showman's
association Includes all of the larger cir
cuses In the country.
The latter declined to agree to an ad
vance In pay for billing their attractions I
and declared that the bill posters' de-
mauds for free tickets In addition to cash !
w ere extortionate. An alleged demand on I
the part of the bill posters that the show
men agree not to deal with bill posters I
outside the association was also turned
uuri uii me legal grouna mat such an
agreement would be In restraint of trade.
Other mediums of publicity. Including
newspapers and electric devices, will play
a prominent part In future publicity cam
paigns, it is stated.
runaway, which In turn caused another
runaway and uproar the whole length of
the thoroughfare. The bunch of Initiates
was marched to the vicinity of the Meth
dUt church, when a general police alarm
was turned In. The appearance of the
bluecuats Instantly dispersed the unruly
School authorities at the Bluffs are furi
ous over the outbreak, as they thought
the hazing spirit had been eradicated and
have taken steps to punish the disturber
to the utmost In their Jurisdiction.
A number of girls In the new clasi had
their face painted with Iodine and their
clothing torn. The use of Iodine in this
manner constitutes a felony under ihe
Iowa law equally culpable with the offen.a
of throwing arid and may be punished with
a penitentiary term.
From the Philadelphia North American.
Foreman of Danville Grand Jury
Makes Charge Against Sheriff.
He Also Ask that Another Deputy
Re Appointed to Cinnrd the Door
of Room In Which Grand
Jury Deliberate.
DANVILLE, 111.. Jan. 24 Foreman Isaac
Woodyard of the Vermillion county grand
Jury appeared before Circuit Judge K. 11.
E. Klmbrough as soon as the latter opened
court today and asked the court to cans.
Sheriff John T. Shepard to explain whv
he did not serve subpoenaea given him by
the grand Jury. Woodyard also asked that
a deputy sheriff other than Fred ("lr.")
Vulrlch be appointed to guard the grand
Jury room.
The request . of Foreman Woodyard
Paused a sensation here, Inasmuch a
Sheriff Shepard was mentioned In the first
reports, which later were denied, as hav
ing admitted buying votes. It was for
nlm, according to the stories, that City At
torney Frank W. Jones Is alleged to have
bought votes, as related to the grand Jury
yesterday by newspaper men.
Vutrlch, the deputy, was one of Sheriff
Shepard's chief henchmen In the last elec
tion and preceding primary.
A rumor was circulated early today that
Mr. Woodyard, who has appeared from
tne very first as the central figure of the
Investigation, and who has been looked to
by the element here which desires a thor
ough search, as the one man of the county
who would satlBfy all demands for thor
oughness, was dissatisfied with the way
witnesses were being questioned before the
grind Jury, and that he would ask that
either an assistant to State's Attorney
John H. Lewman or a special assistant
state's attorney be named to conduct the
Attitude of Proserator.
States Attorney lawman has not claimed
at any time to be the moving factor In the
Investigation, but has refused to announce
any plans or commit himself In any way
except to say that he was only the servant
of the grand Jury and would awatt the
commands of that body.
Among those for whom subpoenas had
been Issued for appearance today were
City Attorney Jones, whose conversation
with newspaper men and the subsequent
assertions and denials as to Its nature
brought the matter to a crisis: K. X.
Iesure, Speaker Cannon's son-in-law, and
Peter Sanlchas, the Greek policeman, whom
Frankenberger, the newspaper man, ac
cused of having sought to get the news
paper man out of the county.
At Lesure's home It waa tald he had left
the city and It was not known when he
would return.
Meat Who Come from Federal Haatlles
Will Beln New Life I n.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 14 -Men who ha.e
won their paroles from federal prisons will
hereafter step back Into the world to be
gin life anew, unadvertlsed and without
Attorney General Wlckersham and Roo-
ert V. LaDow, chairman of the parole '
board, have decided that publicity In such !
cases helps to defeat the oblect of the'
parole law.
In the future when the board makes Its
recommendations for releases and the at
torney general approves them the paroled
men will receive their liberty very quietly.
No man will be paroled who baa nut a
promise of definite employment or as
sistance. Quick results.
That is what
makes a want ad
The Bee has earned the reputa
tion of bringing quick answers.
If you want a servant, if will get
one (jtikkly.
If you want a position, It usually
get one at once.
If you want a tenant
Or a room
Or If you want to Bell -
To buy
To loan .
Call Tjitr 1000.
Watch the Other Hole Now
. J
Insurrectos in
Mexico Are Gaining
Ground Rapidly
United States Consul at Cuidad Juarez
Says News is Being Censored
WASHINGTON. .Ian. 24 Advices reach
ing the revolutionary representatives here
declare that the lit rising In Mexico is
growing rapidly In magnitude. A telegram
received today from the chief of staff of
General Madero, dated from "headquar
ters In the field, ' confirms the news dis
patches of the brisk fighting near OJInaga
yesterday. The telegram says:
"Complete victory for the insurgents, led
by Colonel thtcga, near OJInaga. de
feated federals and killed Itf nut of 300.
Another victory near Casa Grande ob
tained by Cuatllas with SO0 Insurgents
against federals led by Colonel Rabago.
"Caaa Grande and railroads are at the
mercy of the Insurgents. General Navarro
In completely cut off and there Is no news
from him.
"Insurgents hold a strong position be
tween Navarro and Chihuahua. Durang
has Joined Chihuahua and Snnnra against
Dlas. Near Torreon Insurgents have ,VXI
men well armed. They recently defeated
federals, killing one of their leaders, a son
of Colonel Gonxales."
The dispatch closes with the statement
that the Insurgent movement has gained
victory within the last month.
The fact that the federal forces of Mex
ico suffered heavy losses In engagements
with revolutionists near Galena and that
they are still calling for reinforcements
was reported to the State department to
day In a telegram from the United States
consul In Cludad Juarez.
News of the actual situation, the consul
adds, Is being strictly, censored.
Dakota Wesleyan to
Get Fifty Thousand
from General Board
South Dakota University is One of Ten
Schools to Receive Ap
propriations. MOW YORK. Jan. 24 -Appropriations
aggregating $710,000 were made to ten uni
versities and colleges at the eighth annual
meeting of the General Educational board
today. The gifts are conditional upon
additional sums being raised by the Insti
tutions. The donations are:
Dakota Wesleyan university, Mitchell, 8.
I.. $.'0,000.
Brown university, Providence, R. I.,
Carleton college, Northfleld, Minn., $100,.
Colorado college, Colorado Springs, $u0,-
Denlson university, Granville, O., $75.00.
Fisk university, Nashville, Tenn., $tA00O.
Mount Holyoke 'college, South Hadley,
Mass., $100,000.
Randolph-Macon college, Ashland, Va.,
Swarthmore college, Swarthmore. Pa.,
$70 000.
Western College for Women. Oxford, O.,
Depew Opposes
WASHINGTON'. Jan. :'t-Opposition to
the resolution now pending In the senate
calling for the popular election of Its mem
bers was voiced today by Senator Deew
of New York. While opostng the propo
sition, he offered an amendment which
would entitle all of the male citizens of the
United States to cast their ballots In such
To the New York senator the proposed
amendment as reported from the Judiciary
committee seemed but an effort to permit
the states to disfranchise large classes of
their electors.
"Instead of providing that senator shall
be elected by the people of the several
states," said the senator, "It virtually
given the people the right to elect senators
by Impairing the fourteenth and fifteenth
amendment to the constitution which were
Intended to secure the elective franchise to
all citizens of the I nlted Mates.
Mr. Depew endeavored to show several
objections which would arise In putting the
propositions Into practical effect. He dealt
uxn the advantage claimed to lie In the
experience that a senator gains through
long retention of hi seat. He could fore
see naught save a rapid succession In of-
Plans to Work for Development of the
Will A. Campbell of Omaha la Made
secretary and Prominent Men '
Are Klccted as Vice
The Western Development association,
whose purpose It will be to direct the tide
of Immigration and Investment to the un
developed wealth of opportunity In tie
states of the west, was born yesterday at
the Rome hotel, and with Its first breath
of life, emitted a lusty sound that will be
echoed to the seat of the United. States
H. M. Bushnell, president of the com
mercial clubs of Nebraska, Introduced a
resolution which was wired to President
Taft and congress, favoring Ran FTanclsco
for the Panama Pacific exposition. The
resolution, which was adopted by an
enthusiastic unanimous vote, follows:
"Resolved, That the delegations repre
senting Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming,
Utah, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon
and California at the first meeting of the
Western , Development association are
heartily and enthusiastically In favor of
the location of the Panama Pacific Inter
national exposition at San Francisco and
that this association shall wire to President
Taft and the congress of the United States
the united sentiment of this body to that
effert and request their congressional rep
resentatives to support measures In favor
of Han Francisco.
"G. K. CONDRA, Temporary Chairman.
",W. R. MELLOR, Becretary."
The delegates attending the meeting
emphatically expressed their feelings
against the action recently taken by the
Nebraska legislature favoring New Orleans
as the location of the International exposi
tion. Mayor Dahlman delivered an address of
welcome to the delegates, to which the
response was made by Fred W. Reed of
Twin Falls. Idaho. There were also short
talks by W. I). Livingstone of Salt Ijtke
City. C. C. O'Malley of Chicago, represent
ing Wyoming, and H. R. tiering of Omaha,
representing the Omaha Ad club.
Committee Report.
Tli three committees which were ap
pointed at the. morning session the com
mittees on permanent organisation, creden
tials and resolutions made their reports.
C. C. Rosewater, chairman of the com
mittee on organization, elucidated the pur
poses of the organisation and the composi
tion of Its governmental body.
The meeting yesterday Is to be known as
the first annual convention of the Western
Ievelopment association, the subsequent
conventions to be held during the months
of December, January and February at
any time and place designated by the ex
ecutive committee.
The executive committee will comprise
the following officers, who were elected at
the meeting yesterday afternoon:
President, James Brady, former governor
of Idaho; treasurer. Wllber Walker of Oak
land. Cal.; secretary. Will A. Campbell of
Omaha; vice presidents, Robert N. Lynch
of California, E. W. Petti bone of Montana.
tContlnued on Second I'age )
Election of Senators!
flee of men who would float In upon the
tide of popular favor and out again as
that tide might ebb.
The sway of the demagogic orator would
hold a menace. In the mind of Mr. Depew,
should the system prevail. lie recited the
several appeals or Issues that have pre
vailed In the last forty yeares or more,
to show that the passions of the hour
should not crystallje into legislation with
out time for deliberation.
"Parties are always seeking paramount
Issues The great leader of the democratic
party made till uuestion of changing the
method of the election of, United States
j senators,
Issue. It
as he thought, the paramount
failed to materialize, as he Im-
aglncd it would, because there was no
I popular resismse. and there Is none today,
I ' Most of the so-called radical legislation
of the lt ten years has been really con-
scrvatlve. in this proposition we are
called upon to disregard past lessons and
to enter upon an untried experiment, to
adopt a theory which opens the door for
Innumerable possibilities of danger to the
sovereignty of Hie states and wise con
servatism In the administration of the
I JjAN d show touav
jOinaha, Council Blulfs and South
! Omaha Clubs Have Part on
j Legislators and Idaho Mm in the
Limelight Yesterday.
Tells of the Wonderful Development
of Idaho.
t'rrano t hnmher ol t ommerce to t.le
a l.onf of llalaln Bread to Ml
Who Par d mission
at the Door.
Leglslstors and Idsho men held the at
tention of the Land Show yesterday.
The legislators spent most of the sfter
noon at the show and paid special atten
tion to the exhibit mude by the Minnesota
HtHte Highway commission. The fiond road
dlsplnv. under the supervision of John H.
Mullen, assistant engineer to the State
lllghwnv commission, became nil object
lesson In road building to the visitors.
The Idaho men gave a program on the
stage of the Auditorium In the afternoon
setting forth the advantages and resources
of thrlr stale.
Lawmakers t llt Hall.
Following a sightseeing trip about South '
Omaha, a noon luncheon and a trolley
trip to Omaha, the legislators In the after
noon were Introduced at the session of the
Western Development league at the Hotel
Rome and thence taken to the Land show.
The leulslators at the show were given
opportunity to divide their time between
the Idaho day program and general Inspec
tion of the displays.
The good roads display In charge of John'
H. Mullen, assistant engineer to tha state
highway commission of Minnesota, be
came the center of much attention from
the visiting legislators. Mr. Mullen In
the course of, the afternoon delivered a
special lecture for their benefit. He set
forth how the state of Minnesota Is hand
ling Its road problems and makes some sug
gestions for the solution of sectional
problems In Nebraska.
Idaho had a love feast yesterday. All of
Its energlea were centralised at the I And
w. Speakers came from that state to
1 .. of the wondrous advantages that are
given to anyone who seeks to build a home
In the west. As C. C. Rosewater aptly put
It, "Idaho Is very adequately represented
at the Land Show." Ho opened tho fea
tlvitles attendant upon Idaho day and In
a general way Introduced the speakers and
pf ike of the close relationship between
Idaho and the middle west, though there
are 1.210 miles between Nebraska and that
Mayor Reed Talka.
Major F. H. Reed, who represents cor
porations which have sient millions of
dollars In developing the northwest terri
tory for the land seeker, held the atten
tion of the ajdlence for several minutes.
He spol.e of the great advantages In Idaho .
that await those who have failed in the
more populous districts of the cast and ex
tended c general welcome to everyone to
come and try their luck with the lands,
climate, sunshine, water and general de
velopment schemes that have arisen In the
state of Idaho.
"The wealth of the Upper Snake river
country in Idaho," said W. O. Paisley, gen
eral manager of the. l,and Show, "Ilea In
Its water power. For twenty-five miles this '
river Is capable if furnishing power for
one plant for every mile of Its length. The
same conditions which produce this wealth
of water power make possible extensive Ir
rigation projects. The future of this sec
tion of the vast northwest Ilea in the meas
ure in which this water power la utilised."
Jones Tells of Idaho.
In a flow cf oratory, of which Idaho has
not yet been auspected or accused. Prof. J.
Wllkeb Jones told cf the homes that have
been established in Idaho. In the course
of IvU address lie paid due and glowing
tritmte to tha elder states which have made
Idaho a i-osflblllty. "From . these states
have gone v-'ltl.ln the last few years thous
ands of young opld who have been driven
westward by the pressure of economic con
ditions in the eust to establish homes and
bei.iti.e a part and parcel ef the western .
social fabric," be suid.
Today at the Land huw.
The women's clubs of Omaha. South
Omaha and Council Bluffs, the Callfor
nlans, the Wyoming delegation, tha Omaha
Real Estate exchange, the Knights of
Columbus, and Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica, all will figure in today's program. '
Sirs. M. D. Cameron, president of the
Omaha Woman's club, will make an ad
dress of welcome at 2:30. Mrs. Bruce Mc
Cullough of South Omaha and I r. J. J.
Sullivan of Council bluffs will also speak.
The California day program will be under
the direction of Robert Newton Lynch of :
the California Development board. Among '
the sKkers on this program, beginning at '
S o'clock, will be Mayor Dahlman, Robert
Newton Lynch, C. C Rosewater, Robert
K. Connolly, Colonel J. McNab and J. 11.
Peerman. A. R. Whltely of Cheyenne and
Prof. B. C. Buffum will seak for Wyom
ing on a program beginning at i JO
The programs of the day will be inter-
I sperst d with musical numbers by the ;
Hawaiian singers, the Land Show conceit .
band and Miss Nettle Roller, curnctlst.
The Fresno Chamber of Commerce will
give an added Interest to California day
by the distribution of l'..uOO loaves of
raisin bread. The bread .will be given to
all who present coupons to be Issued for
each paid admission at the Auditorium
ticket office.
Mem be is of the Omaha Real instate ex
change will attend in a body following
the regular weekly noon luncheon today.
Wllber Walker of California will address
the real estate men on Modern Real k.a
tale Methods."
The C.rcat Northern Railway company
will today give away five boxes of apple
grown In the northwest country. The ap
ples will go 10 the five person making
the most nearly correct guess on the num
ber of apples on display In the Ureal
Northern booth. The Ureal Northern ul
give away two caaea of apples each day
through the rest of the show on contests
of the same nature.
The Ureal Northern display of apples
Includes many of the finest grown 111 the
northwest country, which has been niadu
famous by its fruits.
General attendance at the show is prov
ing beyond the expectation of ths inansse-