Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
I'or N'hrnKki l-'ulr. warmer.
For I'jlr, "'firmer.
Top weather report rvv I'df,"
VOl. XI,-No. Ish.
Beads Comunication to Leg-islature for
tro Food Inspection Appro
Vffnld Back Koy to Establish Monu
ment on Homestead.
Exposition Contest Comet Up Before
fore Hause Committee.
.'letrlellBn' Mrmrr tr Introduced
Hefara llease m4 tpmlr Inrnmf
Tat Rill le Favored la
(From a ".tuff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, .fun. tl.-f.ipuclnnftovrrnnr
Aldrtch took hand In legislation today by
sanding messages on two minor matters
which ! wants taken up. one for an extra j
rood Inspection appropriation and the other
for a memorial to he sent to congress on
the founding of a national park In (lage
The park Is to be established as a monu
ment lo (lalusha A. (Irow and will be on
the alte of the Daniel Freeman homestead.
the first homestead ever laken out under !
the national homestead law. The bill for
ll was Introduced In congress by Repre
sentative lllnshaw.
Tha governor advised the appointment of
either H Hegole or It. J. Kllpatrlck of
eliatrlce to take the message to congTesa.
When the messages were presented to
the senate Jansen of Cage moved that
tha wishes of tho governor b carried out
as soon as possible and that a member be
appointed to present tha petition In Wash
ington, Thirteen new hills were Introduced In
the house Monday afternoon and there was
short session of the committee of the
whole with (Jerdes aa chairman. The pur
chase of Cobber's statutes became again
point for controversy and after the com
mittee of the whole had recommended that
the hill pass w h en provide for their pur-
hsse. several members tried to get a re
The relative merits of San Francisco and
New Orleans were thrashed out before the
committee of the house on this question at
the Koal hotel tonight. Representatives
of the two expositions are on the ground.
Other committees are busily preparing re
porta which will get a few of the 200 bills
on thor way to their final disposition.
Tha program of Tuesday la made of. cele
brating for the most part. About aeventy
flva members of tha house will take the
train to Omaha tomorrow morning at 8
o'clock, spend tha morning and lunch at
tha stock yards, visit the Land fhow in the
afternoon and dlna at the Commercial club
In tha eevnlng The aenata will also Join
In tha trip.
Tile new bills of the day In the house
Included tha new charter for Houth Omaha
which was Introduced ! Kulla, two meas
urea to prevent throwing of sharp objects J Freight cara loaded with gasoline ad
In the roads to Injure automobile tires and Joined the burning building, and before It
two redistill ting bills. Bushee of Kimball
Introduced the Hoagland bill In the house,
which will give Douglas county fourteen
representatives and four senators, and
Malrau of Madison brought up an Indepen
dent measure.
In the senate several new bills were In-
troduced and the absence of nine mem-1
bera did not prevent the passage of Impor- ,
ant measures Among these were M. It.
! and Vt (the appropriation blllsi, 8. F.
Bklleee bill raising the agea of Jurors
from S3 to $.1 per da ; 8. F. 3, giving unin
corporated religious bodies the right to sell
real aatata. and 8. F. 24. which amends tha
coda to allow an appeal from a derision In
which tha awarded damagea are only SI.
and - r. . which is a bill to ratify the
ronetltutlonal amendment for a federal In
come tat
The aenate precipitated a warm debate
when It began to discuss the question of
going to Omaha tomorrow, hut finally
after milch pro and conning decided to
risk tha possible damage to their reputa
tions from the criticism for dilatory tac
tic. . genator Albert it-marked that the
only reason he needed for going uaa that
ha wanted to go and that he would vote
yas with no better reason than that.
R Bll.l.a l THK I.FlilSI.ATI HK
ftaalli Oaaaba Ikmur Uraurr Makes
lis tii'raar,
(From a Staff Correspondent )
I. I$XI.N. Jn 23.' Special. )-Tlie fol
lowing ".bills were Introduced today In the
II. It. bv Bulla of Douglas The South
Omaha charter. Kmergency.
M H. U, bv Baker of York To correct
a Arf-rt In the anti-pans law whereby It
beenmea necessary to prove use of such
rasa. Changes the word "and'' to "or."
H. II IH. by Hurray of fawnee I'ro
vtdrs that In rlti,- of less than .V0 the
Clly shall not be liable for Inlurlea caused
Jv defective streets and aldewalks unless
written notice of such d.i. ct shall have i
twen filed at least ten days before auch I
a cldent
II K 2-4. bv M.M.d. of Custer Provides I
for the licensing of pool bowling alleys!
outside the coriMirat. limits of cities. j
II. K Zf: b l.awr. nr. of 1 Hi-.ige Amends '
eialnaae laws of In-I -o t!itt rountv hoards j
rnnv lev not t.. i xv.-ed mills for 'mh- ;
unction or improvement of uraintgcl
dit.-he. and providing that bonds may be j
Issued bv I lie (oiinly not to exce.d ten j
)esrs in length of time Kmerip ncy. '
H.kl stebtuna of Dawson -Pro-j
Mhlis throwing itlnss. nails, tacks, etc.. I
which mav be injurious to uiitomobilra Into
pubi c highways A misdemeanor.
M It .No ,1. bv Moore of Red Willow
ITuhla for the appointment l.y the dia-
triet court of Se-ial rountv attoim-vs lo I
bae cnarge i't special matters, whether
the regular official is disabled or not.
II l: No ) Johnxon of Johnson
I'rm in.v for a Mpoint ment by tha governor
tf a paiole off.cer who shall have super
vision of paioies at the i -em t rn t la ry , sal
arv t- be 9.;, s toon r.fnei Kencv.
II It bv liuidin of Harlan -
IhiI oit-'iii li I -r hIc 01 iel estate snail
l ..nlitia the present utaiuis
leUlllllg IVIllU. i III wntiiig
II It So '.'Hi. l.v Puis of Cass Prohits
tloov.111, ol.'ti uciio n I;. to blKhwavs wluni
may liuvi e i.ui .111 uule tirri., fine t lo
f i1 inn aeliev
II H N ..I bv Puis ..f 1 'a Provides
t'al when ntrv roads are blm-kad.d . ,"" '
with mi 11 ali'l t l. .- dutv of the road j his friends some of his thrilling experi
av?rar t. turn ,ou toe riei y h tHirloaid lo J
C'ear u. i, snow refusing ' ''ea In last night s big fire.
tne rli soall Imi liable to a fine of 110 I "However." says .Mr. Saunders, "my es-
I J ru t. iwr holil. fl iiu til Ultl ivt ' ..,. ... mora ehllhtu than Ihrlillliu I
road f ind
t It No .'!. t. of Klllll.all-
prop,.! rvdist. i.-iinic of tatr into repre
sentative and .'l !..,'.' illatrlcO
II It S.k !. 1.) Matru t.f Ma.tiun-A
rlltriettn bill
Tha foil.. wins Ml were intrvxiu. ed and
rea I for tba first lime in the senate.
w F f l M-.rel.rad bnl for
1 a. t re nting 10 lekal piit.ii. atlons and
alters aii.1 i-rov i.t'nrf for the manner of
u'oatin in) n Sr. oni Pag )
Panvillo Grand Jury
Begins Inquiry Into
Alleged Vote Buying
Two Newspaper Men Testify That City
Attorney Jones Told Them He
Bought Votes for Sheriff.
DANVILLF. 111., Jan. 21-Vermillion
county's Investigation Into the alleged buy
ing and selling of votea In the last ejection,
has atarteil. It. 11. Frankenberger. a re
porter for the Commercial Newa. a Danville
newspaper, went before the grand Jury to
day and accused City Attorney Frank V.
.lone of having openly admitted that he,
.Tone, bought votes. i
Frankenberger told the grand Jury the
same story whlrh. published last Saturday,
brought forth prompt denial from City At
torney Jones and Sheriff John T. Shepard.
for whom Frankenberger said under oath
Jones admitted buying the votes The con
versation In which alleged admission of
Jones took place was related by the news
paper man to the grand Jury.
(J. A. Martin, a newspaper man from
Indianapolis, told the same story to the
grand Jury as did Frankenberger. Frank
enberger told the Investigators that Jonea
had rented a small room In the rear of the
butcher shop of H. M. Martin; that here.
0,1 'he last election day. Jones met a hum
ber or voters approximately seventy-two
Instructed them how to v.ote and paid them;
that later. Martin, who Is Frankenberger's
father-in-law, and not related to the news
paper man from Indianapolis, asked for
and was shown the list of men Jonea la
alleged to have paid, and that his (Mar-
,ln n"me "PPearlng thereon for 15 aa
office rental, was erased; that Martin had
told his story to Frankenberger and the
telling was the reporter's only knowledge
of this much of tha story.
Former County Judge Murray Clark, In
answer to a subpoena, went before the
grand Jury late today In connection with
alleged election frauds.
W. C. Brown, a Danville election com
missioner, also appeared before the grand
Jury late today.
When Isaac Woodyard. foreman of the
grand Jury, arrived here today, ha aaid:
"We are going at this thing right, I
can tell you. If anybody has made any
Confessions we will know It. Everyone
whom I think knows about this thing will
be asked to tell about it. Subpoenas for wit
nesses cannot be served before tomorrow
, afternoon. The two witnesses this after
noon nr voluntarv."
Division Offices of
the Milwaukee at
Aberdeen Burned
Traffic on Division is Tied Up Until
Wires Can Be Restored Loss Es
timated at $200,000.
ABERDEEN, 8. D.. Jan. 2J. (Special
Telegram.) Explosion of an oil heater In
the Milwaukee freight depot at 8 o'clock
thia morning started a fire which de
stroyed the freight dcr.t. division officea
headquarters building and the pavsenger
station. The contents of tha freight depot
' and offices Is a total loss.
could be moved two barrels of gasoline ex
plodcd, spreading the flames to nearby
The movement of trains on the entlra
Montevideo division for 230 miles la tied
up until the wlrea can he restored.
Division Freight Agent O. F. Walter estl-
matea the loss of freight buildings and
records at 1200.000. In the passenger station
the records and tickets were saved
An hour after the Milwaukee fire broke
out, a blaze atarted in the basement of a
three-story brick building of the Crocker
& Owen Furniture store, In the heart of
the business i--ectlon, but Is under control.
The building and atock waa badly dam
aged from smoke and water.
Several Paaaenitrrs Injared When
Great Western and Northwest-
ern Trains Collide.
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 23. One hundred
I passengers were shaken up, but none was
; dangerously hurt, when a Chicago Great
I Western train, known as the Pes Moines
'special, and a Kansas Olty Northwestern
.train, both north-bound, collided In Kan
leas City, Kan., today. The Great Western
train was approaching a bridge over the
Kansas river and the other train, which
was switching, barked ita rear roaches di
rectly In front of the Des Moines train.
The most seriously Injured were:
Samuel Martin, traveling salesman of
Ilolslngton. Kan-, head and face cut.
W. K. Purcell of K annas City, brakeman,
seriously bruised.
Raymond C. Swan, postal clerk, Kanaaa
City, leg broken, badly bruised.
F. V. Slnkenfelt, salesman for Chicago
company of Winfleld, Kan., Internally In
jured. Purcell waa riding on the engine of the
Chicago Great Western train and was
thrown fifty feet.
. . ' . .
Habeas Corpna Proceedings Instituted
hr Ills Father Heard by Judge
, k,
TRFNTON. V. J.. Jn. IT -The habeas
corpus proceedings Instituted by Paul
Chsrlton to prevent the extradition of hi
, ,.,., i,i , .,,.
s"n Vi,Ttfr hr""n- " ,,al ' ,an'1
trial for the murder of his Wife, Mary
Scott Castle Charlton, came up again le-
f j d ellli,nb ,n th, rnltfli states
circuit rourt here today. Porter t harlton
was In court. ,
Sherman Saunders 'Flees
from the Fire in Pyjamas
Sherman Saunders of the grain firm of
Munderland rUiunders In the Hiandei
' bull, Una- livea on the fourth floor of the
1 . ....... . .,. ,,,i
waa clot lied only In my robe de null. I
tell ui the way that col. I did blow around
the eaves waa ftr from pleasant
"I might have been sleeping vet if a
fireman hadn't awakened me The room
waa full of smoke and I didn't atop for
any dress suits I should sav not. I kIiii
plv went down the fire escape. Hetter a
t-alr of pvjairaa and a whole stlu ilian
any undertaker'a winding shta
Number of Republicans in Congress
and Out Form National Progressive
Meeting of Organization Held at Home
of La Follette.
Says all Declarations but One are in
Nebraska Platform.
Governor Aldrtrh of ebraeka. Ooer
nor Carey of Wyoming; and Representative-
orris Are Among;
Other giornera.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Jan SJ. (Special Tele
gramsThe organization of Senator Joha
than Bourne, Jr., of Oregon Into the
National Progressive Republican league
was accomplished at a meeting of progres
sive republicans held at the residence of
Senator IFollette last Saturday night.
Preparatory to the meeting four members,
who are slgnera to the declaration of prin
ciple which waa given the country today
held a little private seance in the rata of
tha I'nlon station Saturday afternoon,
whera over broiled lobsters and things
which go with that "bird" discussed the
scope of the organization and the program
Tha gentlemen whose names are attached
to the declaration of prlnclplea. Including
Senators Brown of Nebraska and Cummins
of Iowa, Representatives Norrla of Ne
braska and Hubbard and Hansen of Iowa,
were secret lv to a degree today aa to
where the meeting waa held resulting In
tha formation of tha progressiva republican
Point to Prlnrlplea.
Frankly they were averse to dlsousslng
the matter In any form, contenting them
sclvea with pointing to that portion of the
declaration of principles relating to "popu
lar government." which advocates the fol
lowing: The election of the Cnited States senators
by direct vote of the people.
Direct primaries for the nomination of all
elective official!..
The direct election of delegates to na
tional conventions with opportunity for the
voter to express his choice for president
and vice president.
Amendment to state constitutions provid
ing for the, Inltlatlvi and referendum and
A thoroughgoing corrupt practices act.
All In Nebraska Platform.
Senator Brown, whose name Is affixed to
the declaration of principles, said that the
five "principles" for which the league con
tended were all embodied In the last plat
form of the republican party of Nebraska
with the single, excepton of that providing
for trier election of delegates to national
conventions by the direct vote of the peo
ple with opportunity for the voter to ex
press his choice for president and vice
president. He disavowed any ulterior pur
pose whatsoever In the formation of the
national republican progressive league ex
cept to bring about what progressive re
publicans havt, been contending for for
years, that "popular government Is funda
mental" and should take precedence of all
other questions.
Bark of Senator Brown s frank dis
avowal, however, there la believed to lurk
a dpepseated purpose to control state dele
gations,, and may be the purpose to go so
far aa to antagontie the renomlnatlon of
President Taft.
Circulated Boarne'a Speech.
Senator Bourne, who la president of the
new league which waa born on Saturday
night last at the home of the "prince of
progressives," Senator I -a Follette, la am
ply able to finance the league, one of
whose cardinal purposes la to circulate
Senator Bourne'a speech on "popular gov
ernment" along the lines of ,the Oregon
The launching of the national republican
progressive league at this particular time
la looked upon with grave question, not
withstanding the open declaration of prln
rlplea disavowing any Interest In any per
son other than those who are linked to
the rauae of brlngln gabout "personal gov
ernment." Aldrlcb Consulted.
In view of the fact that Governor AJdrtch
of Nebraska and Governor Carey of Wyo
ming have been consulted and have allied
themselves with the movement there is
every reason to believe that the organiza
tion of thia new league has been going on
for weeks, and It may be designed by lta
patron salnta to play a no-lnconsequentlal
part In the coming national election. Jt
will be Interesting to watch how wide the
movement will extend between now and the
next national republican convention.
Officers Klected.
The following officers were elected:
President Bcriator Jonathan Bourne, Jr.,
First Vice President Repreaentatlve
George W. Norris. Nebraska.
Second Vice President Governor Chase
Osborne. Michigan.
Treasurer iiarlea R. Crane, Chicago.
Executive Committee-Senator Moses E.
Clapp, Minnesota; Senator Joseph I Hris
tow. Kansas: Representative K. H. Hub
bard, Iowa: Representative Irvine I.. I.en
root, Wisconsin: Representative-elect Wil
liam Kent. California: Giffnrd linchot.
Pennsylvania; George I... Record, New Jer-
(Continued on Third Page.)
"I wasn't soared
tion. like Falstaff.
frightened, though,
tiiat makes me sort
Fry of Houtli Omalii
I simply used diarre
Siune of them were
I eaw one esrapade
of iroepy yet. Frank
1 didn't like the looks
of the f moke out In the corridor, so Instead
of running around to the fire era. whlrh
opened from the next room, he tried the
ledge outside bis window. It was only
about four Inches wide, lie took a run
ning Mart along the ledge and carried by
Ida momentum Jumped for the escape
Fortunately be got It."
Marlon I'ay, Herbert Sears and Milton
lloyd. playing In the "Fire CommlHlon
cra" at tha Orpheum. went hark to bed as
soon aa the smoke had rleaied away and
eiiv.yed their beauty sleep as f nothing
bad ha)pened.
af The OAff land
' ' cr-aa,-....
tv rye
From the Denver Post.
Thoma J. Field, Sioux City Hotel
Clerk, Loses Hit Life.
Many liar1 Narrow Kara pea Corri
dors Filled With Smoke lie fore the
tineata Are A waUened federal
liana- From Windows.
The deadi
THOMAS J. miLD, dark at the Howard
hotel, Btoux City 1 auffooated.
The injured 1
E. 3. strahl, X.lnooLn, leg- broken and
handa badly bnrned.
W. H. Stevena. St. Joaeph, Mo., aalas
man National Biscuit company; orarooma
by amoke.
B. J. Oreelsy, Chicago, overcome by
smoke; taken to the Omaha Oaneral hospi
tal In an unoonsoloua condition.
John W. Cathoart, St. Louis, osrootne
by smoke.
T. J. Campbell, plpeman hoaecart so, 3,
band badly lacerated.
rlre loaa 9S,ooo.
One man lost his life, four were com
pletely overcome by smoke and another
sustained a broken leg. In a fire which
broke out In the Millard hotel at 8:30 yester
day morning, damaging the hole! to the
extent of about $10,000. The fire was under
control at 4 o'rlock.
The origin of the fire la not known, but
It Is presumed to have been caused by de
fective wiring In the kitchen. Breaking out
at an hour when the guests were Bleeping
soundly and filling the corridors with dense
amoke before It was discovered, the con
flagration greatly Imperiled the Uvea of the
300 guests, and It Is ronsldcred remarkable
that a panic was averted.
The Injured were taken lo tho Omaha
General hospital In ,the police ambulance
and were attended by I'ra. 11. U. and T. T.
In effecting the rescue of John W. Cath
cart, who was overcome in his room on
the third floor, Fireman H. Klllott wa
overcome, but revived on the street ahortly
Clerk Sees the Blase.
The blase was discovered about S:30 by
Pam Carhart. night clerk at the Kodge
hotel. Mr. Carhart had occasion to visit
a atore room Just behind Ills office and
directly across the alley from the Millard.
He noticed smoke streaming from the win
dows and at once called up the night clerk
at the Millard, who Bounded the house
alarm Immediately. Carhart then called
the fire department. As aoon aa Chief
Salter arrived at the fire he ordered out
every piece of apparatua In the city.
Scene of the greatest confualon prevailed
throughout the. lobby and corridora of the
hotel, while on the mtslde many thrilling
escapes were being effected. One woman
was seen to hang from the window sill
for over two minutes before a ladder could
be placed to receive her.
Lowered from V'lndon.
Mr. and Mra. Kdward Silver, who were
asleep on the third floor when the alarm
waa sounded found the hallway Impassable
and sought to escape from the window by
means of a rope. Silver lowered his wife
to the street and then tying the rope to the
leg of a dresser attempted to let himself
down. Hefore he had released his hold on
the window sill the dresser waa over
turned and Silver was forced to climb back
Into hla room. Before a ladder waa at to
receive him, the door of Ida room had
taken fire and Silver waa nearly overcome
by amoke.
E. J. Strahl of Lincoln lost his grip on
the rope by which he waa attempting to
make hla escape and fell a distance of
aeveral feet to tha atreet, sustaining a
broken leg.
Police Captain M. P. Dempsey had a
aquad of officers on the scene, who did
very effective rescue work, greatly aiding
the gueata In reaching the lower floors.
The principal damage to the hotel is In
the dining room and In the corridora and
rooms directly over it. While the flames
were confined to a comparatively email
area, they were hard to get at becauae of
the dense amoke which filled the halls and
FleMs Know a In Omaha.
Thomas J. Fields, who lost hi life n
the fire,' waa a former Omaha man, and
was formerly Instructor at the I'nlveralty
of Wisconsin. He was enroute from San
Francisco, where he bad been visiting his
mother, and had stopped over In Omaha
for a few daya to visit Harry Hall, em
ployed at tliH hotel. He was head clerk
at the Howard hotel at Sioux City and
at one time was clerk at the Paxton in
t una ha.
Strahl of Lincoln received a broken
leg In hla attempt to escape. He aelzed
a rope fire escape and slid from his win
dow and being blinded by smoke and par
tially unconscious when he made the leap,
he burned hln bunds on the rope severely
and ' fell a considerable dlatanre. He waa
taken to the hospital. ,
Mrs. I'unn. wife of a federal official,
crippled with rheumatism, was carried out
front room 31 In safety.
A nutnbir of other guest were overcome
by smoke so that they were revived with
difficulty, but o far aa Is known all
others escaped without Injury.
Clerk A. J. Van Cut said last night that
he had delected an odor of smoke at about
1 30 o'clock, lie told a bellboy to make a
thorough sear, h at the time, but nothing
waa discovered. Later on, Mr. Van Colt
Continued on Pag Two i
I "S. V-.. x-. f 1 Xfvf.JiM al SANA,
Are tho "Rubes" of Yesteryear?
Evidence of Alleged
Conspiracy Ruled
out of Sclienk Case
Action of Court ii Regarded as Severe
Blow to Defense Both Sides
Submit Instructions.
WHEF.LINO. W. Va.. Jan. Il-An abrupt
stop was pot to the taking of testimony
In the rase of Mrs. Laura Farnsworth
Srhenit at 10:16 a. m. The slato then an
nounced that no more witnesses were to he
put on In rebuttal.
This followed an Important ruling of
Judge.!.. H. Jordan, who. on motion of
Prosecutor J. B. Handlnn, ruled that testi
mony of Mrs. Jane Hedges, the only wit
ness offered by the defense to show the
alleged conspiracy of the Schenk fam ly
to rid themselves of the defendant, should
be stricken from the rerord
Thia order Of the rourt rompletely
knocked out the conspiracy allegation,
weakening the case put up by the defenne.
Mrs. Hedges had testified that Albert
Schenk had said to her: "John has bought
ills wife a $.000 automobile. Every time
she goes out in It I hope she will break
her nerk. I will leave no stone unturned
lit rid the family of that woman."
Ir. Myers, who was the atar witness for
the state, had testified that Mrs. Schenk
bought the poison from him after John O.
Schenk came back from Kurope and that
she attempted to buy arsenic poison on
the morning after the defendant hud of
fered the detective nurse 11.000 to give
Schenk the poison.
I'r. Morrison testified that Dr. Myers
waa an employe of lr. Thomas M. His
kins, a brother-in-law of John Schenk, and
who was also alleged lo have been Im
plicated In the "conspiracy."
The defense excepted to both rulings
and court took a recess until 2 o'clock this
afternoon to receive copies of the Instruc
tions from both aides. Those of the state
had already been prepared, -hut the defense
was taken unawares and asked time to re
port. Handlan offered eleven instructions for
tho state, to nine of which there were ob
jections. Attorney J. J. P. O'Rrlen was 111,
but appeared In the court room before ad
journment and presented thirty separate
Instructions for the defense. One waa
overruled and two sustained when court
took a recess.
Eleven Persons Killed
in Wreck in Wales
Pasieng-er Train Bearing Miners' Del
egates is Telescoped by a
Freight Train.
CARDIFF, Walea. Jan. 2.1.-A pas-ouger
train collided with a coal train at Hopkins
town, near Pontypridd, today. Three of
the coaches were telescoped and man)
paaengers were killed or Injured.
Soldiers recovered the I odles of el-ht 1 en
and three children fro.i. the wreckdjj.
Those on the train Included it ounlur
of miners, who were on th;.r way to !,i i.
don for a conference with the mine owners.
J. C. Jeasea and Three Children H rn
ed Death Wkn Rsploaloa Seta
Fire to Itnoae.
MASON CITY, la., Jan. IS J. C. Jensen
and three children were cremated and Mrs.
Jensen escaped with three other children,
all badly burned, when a fire, which
started by pouring gasoline over kindling,
consumed the Jensen home located eight
miles north of Northwood, this morning. The
bodies of three were found in the dehrla
burned to a crisp.
Hundred Mexican Soldiers
Killed in Three Days' Fight
PRESIDIO, Tex. Jan. 13-tVla Marfa.
Tex , Jan. 23 ) More than 100 soldiers were
killed In a throe-day battle between the
Mexican federal tnvops and Insurrectos In
the mountains between OJInaga and Cuch
illio Parrado.
The government troops were caught In a
trap and were mowed down by the bullets
which awept their ranks from three direc
tions. The Insurrectos occupied the cliffs
and the soldiers were in the road with only
one way of escaping and that blocked Of
the 30 men who went Into the pass only
forty escaped, so far as known
They Joined the column under Colonel
he rev ulutlonb-ts' los was only five
men killed, according to their reports
The fightinK starlet January l'i. when a
small band of Insurrectos were routed at
Covama A column of .) soldiers pur
sued the fleeing Insurrectos and ran Into
the trap.
1 1
9m c ioru
Bellevue Committe Acts Favorably on
Consolidation With Omaha U.
Plana for I ombluatlnn Hate Hern
I nder War for More lass a War
Final Action la F.lperted This
A f ternnnn.
The board of trustees of Hellevue rol
lege, aciln a upon the report of the rom
inlttee which has been ro-operallng with
a like committee from the I'rilvcrslly of
Omaha hoard of trustees, voted yesterday
by a good majority to consolidate Hellevue
college with Hie Cnlverslly of Omaha.
The vote lo merge was carried with the
proviso Ihwt the trustees of the other In
stitution take the same action tomorrow
upon the report of lis committee. That
they will do'so Is virtually assured.
If the consolidation becomes a fait It
will be the beginning of the end of a year
long fight. Commit I era from the I'nlver
alty of OmahA and Hellevue have been
ailing Jointly upon the matter through a
subcommittee of four since last July.
The Hellevue board adopted the report
of lta committee by a vote of fourteen to
five. The dissenting votes were raat by
Hon. II. T. Clark, Judge A. ! Button.
Oscar Kelaer, Mr. Bursch and Dr, Ernest.
The full quota of the board waa not pres
ent. The committee that has been repreaent
Ing the Bellevue end Is made up of J W.
Wattles, chairmen; C. M. Wllhelm. II. H
Maxwel, C. F. Melirew and J. D. Haskell
of Wayne.
A Hlmllflr committee of five appointed by
the I'nlveralty of Omaha trusters last sum
mer with the Bellevue committee will re
port to their hoard today. The personnel
la Judge Howard Kennedy, chairman; J.
W. Hayward. Paul W. Kuhns, J. F. Flack
and O. t Redlck.
The two committees to facilitate matters
have been acting Jointly through tha me
dium of a subcommittee composed of two
from each. Of this committee O. W. Wat
tles was chairman and C. M. Wllhelm the
other Hellevue member. Judge Howard
Kennedy and J. W. Hayward aerved for
the Cnlverslly of Omaha. Neither Presi
dent 8. W. Stookey of Bellevue nor any
of the trustees of that Institution will
make statements concerning the future
mndltion of affalra, sayln gthat It Is too
early to predict anything. The vote for
consolidation, If concurred In by tha unl
veralty, they Bay, Is only a blanket propo
sition. Details will have to be worked out
Dr. Robert MacKenxle of the college
board of the Presbyterian church was
present at the meeting of Bellevue trus
tees yesterday and will be at the uni
versity meeting today. Just what attitude
he assumes towards the proposed affilia
tion Is not known.
"As a repreaentatlve of the college board,
I am back of any Presbyterian Institu
tion," Is the doctor's rather enigmatic re
ply to all questions as to where his Influ
ence lies.
Omnibus Claims Bill
Rejected by House
War Depredations Measure, Involving
About Three Millions is Killed
for Another Session.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. -Tha nmnlhtiB
claims bill aggregating approximately
Om.miO embracing reparation mostly for
damages In the south In connection with
war depredations was killed for thia ver
sion by the bouse committee on claims tr
day which, after a sub committee Investi
gation Indefinitely postponed action.
It Is believed that about 100 Insurrectos
were engaged.
A detainment of Insurrectos waa seen
after the fight with thirty-two raptured
Mauser rifles.
The battle lasted all of January 17 and
1 Colonel Dorantea advanced from
ojinaga with reinforcements. He rlrrled
about, avoiding the deadly paaa and en
tered the mountains from the west. He
discovered the Insurrectos and a continuous
fight for two daya followed.
Dorantea then retired Into the foothills
and he Is now awaiting reinforcements.
l.ast night another column of loo soldiers
left Oilnaga for the relief of Dorantes.
Several wounded Insurrectos and a num
ber of wounded soldiers have been taken
to San Juan. The , insurrectos had cared
for the wounded soldiers, treating them
with the same roiialdrratton shown their
men. There are about suo soldiers and
armed rltiiena of the government forces
near OJtnaca and the Insurrectos have
about Die same number In the dlatrluL
Delegation lo jutim un j v V. Hi ..1.. . c
in ine City hc iu u vMOt
! ivioihnu.
j Visit to South Onn.iiA ctotk Yards Ihis
1 Moi'nins.
Then the Business itcn Will Get Busy
at Night.
Hpei'lal PronrHtti I nrrlril Oof fur
finest From the llnivkee tstr
Miavt Delivers 1 11 terca I nu
I .crt ore.
Nebraska'. oinlr l.-Ki-lnt hi t will lir the
gueat of Oinalia lodnv . The ilcleKiitlon. Ill
strong, will arrive In the cltv nt in a m.
I A busy dny lias been arrnnupd for the
llnuulshed visitor
Tlie Column cImI rlnh of iim.ilm. 'lie Com
mercial club of South liiu.-ili.i and the Ijvnd
show officials will Join In -iitertulnln-,' tin
men who make the laus of thin rot, inn n
I'pon the arrival of tin- ilrli-aiitlon Hi..
South Omaha club will take rhargr and
pilot the members through the mysteries of
the South Omaha stuck yards. Dinner will
be served In Houlh Oinnhu. after which the
visitors will he turned over to the Ijmd
show entertanment committee.
Tuesday afternoon will be devoted lo
the visit to the Land show. The Otnnjia
Commercial club opens Ita doora at p. m.
for the entertainment of the visitors. A
reception followed by a dinner has been .
arranged by the Oaiahn business men.
II lay I u 11 for lovvnns. (
Iowa day at the Land show was given
emphasis by a special program lasl night.
Maurice Connelly of Dubuque and . Prof.
P. U. llolclen of Ames, the principal speak
ers last tilglit. arrived Monday morning.
Their shnre In the program was conrrrned
largely with Iowa and the relation of the
work of the lnri allow and development
movement toward the Inlereat of the state.
Prof. Thomaa Hhaw, expert In agricul
ture for the Hill system, associate editor
of the Dakota Farmer, arrived from St.
Paul Monday morning. He will lecture'
each day the remainder of the week.
"The effects of the Land ahow ought to
be frit In the statistics on food products."
declared Trof. Shaw. "The agricultural
development of the west Is one of the real
steps toward a solution of the high coat
of living problem.
"In Oregon they have 10,000.000 acres of
sagebrush that ought to be producing food.
"I estimate that In the territory covered
by the Land ahow here there Is a total
area of not lesa than I'i.0n0.0ti0 acree yet
to le made productive. That much land
will produce a -great deal of food. AH that
la required to make that land productive
la scientific agriculture. The land will
produce If it la treated right."
Inrrraaed Winter Wheat Area.
Prof. Phaw . Is striving to Increase tha
area which ran be made to grow winter
wheat. Hla methods have made It possible
to grow winter wheat far Into the territory
where It has been Impossible hitherto.
There are several thousand arres of winter
wheat within a few miles of Moorhead and .
Fargo which give ocular demonstration of
the success of hla methods.
"It will ultimately be possible to grow
winter wheat aa far up as the north bank
of the Saskatchewan river," said Prof.
Hhaw. "Winter wheat will mean a great
deal In the northwest, too. Winter wheat
will Increase the yield about 60 per cent.
On my experimental projects we have been
getting from twenty to forty bushels to the
'The cultivation of winter wheat accom
plished more than one purpose For one
thing It helps to keep down the weeds and
clean the land. Also It divides the time
of crop sowing for the farmer.
"There ia no question but that winter .
wheat can be made to grow and give good
yields In any part of the northwest if it la
given the right kind of protection. It is
but a question of getting it atarted.
"Out at Cut Bank, Mont., we liave grown
a twenty-bushel crop under dry farming
methods where the total rainfall for tha
year was but six Inches. This waa In the
year between September 1. 190B, to Septem
ber 1, 1110. During the growing season
there waa but three and one-half Inchee of
Mllleaer Urtm trowels.
Dr. F. H. Millener'a wirelesa telegraph
and telephone demonstration on the atage
of the Auditorium la one of the most at
tractive of the dally featurea of tha show.
The latest demonstration put on by Dr.
MUlener la of the talking arc light. Tha
talking are la an important part of the
wirelesa telephone equipment. The arc
light actually talks. The arc light repro
duces words spoken Into a telephone trans
mitter. At the same time the arc light
generale wirelesa waves which travel in
Infinite' circles In all directions like the
waves (it a pond disturbed by a pebble.
A series of arcs over tile atage of the
Auditorium will show this function of the
wireless phone lo the Land Show crowds.
Wonder Who the Ulatlnitnlaheal Uta.
Ilemaa with the silk Tile Is.
Clad in a tall silk hat and the other de
tails vf drers necessary to his, eastern Idea
of proper Sunday diets, L. W. Buckley,
director of special day events at the Land
Show, strode down Farnam street on his
way to the Auditorium.
"IMpe the Kink wid de tile," snickered a
newsle. "Bet that'a Uuv. Aldrich."
"Don't look like dat to me." je Joined an
other. "Dat'B Bob Fltaslmmune. ley papa
said he'd gone to farming t list's some
farm layout he's wcartu" all right."
"Youse all wrong.", chimed a third.
"Thai's the leader of the Hawaiian orches
tra." Mr. Buckley appealed at the Land Siiovv
a few houra later wearing a common, plain,
ordinary derby hat
No. no, never attain will Director of Spe
cial Events of the Western Land Products
Exhibit Buckley wear a silk hat in Omaha.
1'romliieat Officials to lie Here Tars-
day to look (tier K.xhlblia.
I Omaha will be host to a number of the
I important railroad men of the west Tues
I day. In conjunction with the Hallroad Da
at the Laud show. A parly of officials of
the Northwestern and of the Omaha road
will be in Tuesday morning, K. 11. Aishhsjk,