Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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iConllnurd i
Til SAI.X ATloN A KM V solo il runoff .
clothing I" fs'l. "' Hinc ilo nt '
tied roH'i'l, repair and s il Bl 'l N. I
ft . fnl cost of Colic. '.Ion. to 111" wor !
thy pi.or Cs'l phone Douglas tu.'i and1
iznns will rail.
UjolillllU' ! ) ll'onUtlllrd )
ete.. cured; no knife;
book free. Qrmin Doctor.
430 l)rod), Council bluffs, la.
MAHU 8l.'lTi4 to rnt at l.lls.l;l",. S.
in. 14th ft Doiglaa. Omnia, tall or write ;
treatment. Mm. Smith,
$23 8. Uih. third floor.
UMiuO TABLETS vill '.mill, tiaie,
-tiglhcn. 5"v. BELL ORUG CO.
-iJiVV,i1 1 v- BRO'lT. 73J tf. UTH ST.
Adclight half fAort grows lair; see Mine.
Flayer, Mrgeath Pta'y Co., Ktrnani.
I 'Ft EGGEIlfi, private confinement homo.
1011 Martha .St.. Onyilij. Tel. Douglas W.
1 V fl lrtr-eelmenl. Mr. Steele. 1113.
.U.IOOAUJ, . 1UU jjk il floor room .
OMAHA Stammerers' Inst., Rami; Bldg
TdliNiJ WUHtN coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited In vialt the Young
Xv omen's Christian Association building at
Seventeenth street ami .-I. Mary a avenue,
wlifrf thev will be tllrwted to suitable
hoarding place or otherwise assisted. Look
'"iU" JUT traveler a aid at the Union nation.
Jr- - .
riUVATK HOME during confinement;
babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani
tarium, 740 1st Ave.. Counrll Bluffs, la.
$10 per Acre
Kansas Land
Ion a 4 ontlaned.
KOK SALE OR TIUPK-An r"nd innnn
m k of a. nia' Hothlnc and fmnulium. In-
hnllng Indies and Kent n'lh grade hnf.
as is to be found 1n the state. P. O. It"X
W, Mlt hellv Hie, la
Want to Mak Money
W e have merchandise stocks, cltv prnp-
rtv. landii. etc., to exchange In every part
f the United. List your property with us.
We will treet you square. Have some
good propositions nir Houston. Tex Tf-il
u what you have and want. We win do
the rest
Ho 2M. Waterloo, la
KK3HTY arrrs Improved, Rood iimonth
land. I inlles of Madrid: very easy terms,
prr rent Ir.tercet; possession In M days.
Keiglry lJind Co., Madrid, la.
STKICTI.V private Christian confin
ment Iiuiii. best care; babies for adoption.
tf'IH 1'avenport.
PRIVATE mitarnlty home. Mm. Ur.
King, ir4 K, :itk. VVb. ia, lnd. O-l'jjo.
I ii ' -
WlClS ,n1 toupaa for mea. Grifftta,
HATIIN 'w masae, vxt
J iJoU. W loor. , opp. post
cfrlca. Mm. Alien tt Chicago. Loug. 766.
Kxpcrt apecialliila diseases of Women,
t oiisultation and examination free, lilu b.
Hth St., Corner Douglas, Omaha, Neh.
XV K KliNT and repiilr all kind of new
Ing marhlnea. lnd. A-1I.U; DiUglaa IwiX
loth and Harney But.
MI'.H HVNUKI1 lias openud ntuiaie par-
in i lie Juiiany, room , I'nii nnd
His , where ahe kIvhm Halt 'li w,
ellsli inuveiiietit. r.vlbraton and radiator
'i'i,i"Jpl!li- l'hone jioug. i:H0.
: i Screenings, 11.25 per 100. Wagner, Mil N. ltith.
1 HOB WHITE'S roup remedy, a sure and
j a effective remedy for roup nnd colds In
p.. nou trv. ao-cenr nox nv man. sr. noh
I White, Amea Ave. Station, Omaha. Box A.
cheap. ITO N. ith Ave.. South Omaha!
'l'hone Doug. 6tM, Monday, .
HytlREH Plymouth Hocks, finest lot of
Terels f ever owned: also some breed
Vrt; hens and pullets. Write for nrlces. F
jf. Ahhiulst. Vhl Meredith Ave, Omaha,
Neb. 'Phone Web. Si'M.
J f'KIZK winning White Plymouth Rock
cockerels, very leaaonable. 'Phone Har
ney 3t!.
1 Jim in Omaha during the land show and am pre
pared to show plats of fine Kansas land for $10 an acre.
This land is a part of the tract which sells for $40 an
aire. It is unimproved. The black dirt is from 5 to 15
loot doop. Pure water may be obtained from GO to 100
foot. Annual rainfall is from 20 to 23 inches.
This land produces 35 bushels of wheat per acre and
more. It produces 500 pounds of broom corn per acre.
One crop on this land will pay for the land. This is the
.section where eick people get well and well people get
rich. v
Kansas Is where Independence blossoms and men are their own
in aster 8.
Kaunas is where routers find homes and clerks safe Investments.
I shall be glad to meet every ono of you at my booth
in the auditorium to tell you of this land and to sell you
.some of i.
Home address, McPherson, Kan. Auditorium.
KINK land ran be bought cheap. Some
government. and relinquishments; best
water in Arlxnna and the finest climate.
Apples and other fruits riow to perfection.
For particulars write ucoa jveany
WIUCox, Aria.
KCL.I. doxen of single comb brown T,eg
horn roosters. iWl N. 17th Ht. Tel. Web. ilMU.
(Sood PW-acre farm, belonging to heirs;
must self at once; four miles out: 1 In
cultivation. 25 timber, 100 level, uo rock;
two eels Improvements; fine water; wheat,
nrn i.uIk clover land: bargain; IVOUO.
Aodi ess Trimble Bmlth, Sprlngdale, Ark
'I'HONK INt. A-2020 for good printing.
l.l gstad Printing Co., 16lh and Capitol Av.
MltXKR & JAMIliEN? 1312 Douglas St.
Modi 'phonre.
Lew W. Kaber, Pxinter,rTpX.T,
lOUKlilS 10H.
It I K-HA Lf. Ptl?.'' Cb., -m W: Ufi. Tnd: A'TBM
Midland Guarantee and Trust enmpany,
bonded abstracters,. 1714 Fnrnam St.
PBTKM JKS8BN. Jr., Co. TeK Doug. 219J
RKKH ABSTRACT CO.. Kst. lr.S; prompt
vice; get our prices. HrandeU Theuter
teenth floor City Nat I Bank Uldg.
FOR bargain In homes In Benson see
Chappell A Hons, Kagle audi. Tel. Ben. 711.
7--A Ave., facing Hanscotn park, ten rooms.
il uve full baeomrnt, furnace, two mantles,
.ls fixtures, all up-to-ilule, large barn;
lick at this then call me up and 1 11 war
rant you a bargain. John J. Muller. owner.
'lei. Douglas 79MI.
S R.. H.0O0. 80 Burt. Tel. Harney 24:W,
the cottage you nave been looking for.
r-. nice, targe rooms. gi unbilled In oak
iiirrh. and hard pine; full cement base-
'iuent. with laundry and furnace: llvlnn
room ha beamed celling; dining room has
paneled walls. Price is right, and teams
essv. Telephone Harney o. Harry H.
Putnam, 6140 Burt Ht.
IDM 4M1 ItXM II !.! HR tl K
FIM M lM-l l.M FOR
i i ki fa n m on it tarn i.txn rott i w
Do you want to on a good farm In the
heart of the corn belt? If so, come to
inwrlr. la., and let us show you. Our big
list Is lust out. Write for one If you are In
terested. Yours for business. Woodward
Ind Company, Uowrie, la
FOR nulrk sale I am offering a nice
sn-acie home four miles of this town at
the low Price of ITS per acre. Address.
O. W. Ciale. Moulton, la.
ten vears ago and came west with "W.
bought 1( acres Kansas landam well
fixed now and happy, i too, came two
years ago and have done well in this fine
climate. tlood neighbors. school and
church. I urga renters to come and see
the alfalfa, corn and hogs. No doctor bills.
Will make you rich.
100 acres. Improved, 9 miles county seat.
$i"; terms.
640 acres, improved, s mues county sent;
$15; terms.
12 Pleasant St. Des Moines, la.
7elraska-4 entlaael.
acres, all In cultivntlon. fair Improve
ments all tshle land nnd best of
soil, : acirs of fall whrst which g. ea with
Die place, three miles to good t"n. one
of the choice s in this part of the cuin
tiy Price, Ji;T. on per acre
JL'O acres, htghlv Improvtxl and on main
road. K. F. D. end telephone line. 4 miles
to good town. 1 acres in cultlx ath'ti. :)
acres clover and alfnlfn. fine orchnrd. Land
Is all high table land, except about .'ill
acres, which Is rolling ami Is In paeture.
About 25 acres natural timber In pasture;
II room house nil large bai n. Pi Ice,
J.".ou0 (.
SO acres, well Improved. ? mllrs from
South iinahH. all good land, 12 acres
alfalfa. 15 acres prairie bay. balance In
cultivation. Price. I.w.on per acre.
40 acres, on macadamised road. 3 miles
from Benson. All tillable. gntly rolling
land and all In cultivation. Best close-In
land bargain near Omaha. Price, l&.00
per actc.
320 acres one of the best and best Im
proved farms In Fremont couutv, Iowa. All
high land and all tableland except a small
portion of pastute. which Is a little rollln
Large house ana tenant nouses, narn wtm
feet with stalls for H4 horses, large bins,
driveway and room for 50 tons of hsy;
double corncrlb 4oxilo feet, larne cattle
sheds, hay sheds, self-feeder, hog houses,
two windmills and all buildings necessary
for a modern, up-to-date farm: 2a acres
apple orchard arid plenty of other fruit of
different kinds and varieties. Fenced and
cross fenced, most of which Is hog tight
woven wire. This Is certainly a fine stock
and grain farm and Is all ready for busi
ness. Price $150 per acre. Possession
March X.
A Minneapolis 1-arm, Mortuage and In
vestment Corporation, having acquired
large acreage, choicest lend comprised In
the Northern PailM ltallaay lnd Orant
In Crutial North Dakota, will now sell at
X holeeale and Retail. Prices and terms
reasonal'le. NX ant icsponslhle land dealers
to represent us In Nebraska and lewa. AO.
, tress, K-'6. omana. Be
tfclraa .re Western
Chicago Limited ..
Twin Cltv Limited...
Twin Cltv Limited ...
Twin City F.xpresa...
Chicago L.xp less
Omaha Xt Louis Ft.
Mail and Lxpirss
a t rm
a .) fm k t M sm
. clo am
a 00 tm a X Y Pm
4 im
a m pm a ?s am
a l.v: am all lb i.m
lion to l'.o made promptly. F.
Wend. XVead Hlrtg . 1st h and Farnam.
tSltnb r 1x1. fruuiC B.)b b.VD pm bw.U a
Ihleaao, Itork Island J'aclflo
Rockv Mountain Ltd... M & am alO V. pn
I'hlriio Day V.xpress a 8 4., am a 4 1 nm
Chicago Local I sss . .MO is ani bill IS pm
pes Moines Loctl 1 ass a 4 oo pm au . pm
Chicago l'xpross a 4 40 pm a 1.14 i,m
Chicago Limited a 0 pra a $.U3 am
Chi -Neb. Ltd , Lincoln. a am kin
- Colo. A Cal. Ki're...a 1 J6 pm a 4 . nm
O RV1N PROS ;d floor N. Y. Life. $:0 okl. Texas fc.xpree..a i 15 pm a 1 JO pm
o $!0O.M on ImpioNed property. No delay. I Hocky Mountain Ltd...ak) 46 pro ali 50 am
FOR SALE Farms and rahches In Green
wood county, Kansas, the banner cattle
county In the world. I have 1.2W acres of
blue stem pasture land lor exenange rot
merchandise to the amount of $11!,0U0. Price
$Ju per acre. Lock Box 4ol, Eureka, Kan.
C, 11. COMBS,
Itooms 80J to Sll Brandels Theater Bldg
Omaha. Neb.
'Phones Douglas VSM. A-3T11.
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
Colo-Cal Lxpreaa
Colorado epoiai....
cny.oiuatia XAtctu
iltuols lestrsl
always on html and for sale at amounts Chicago fcxpreae
lkn, Jlilknt A M. I'mhI
Overland Limited all 44 pm a 7 & am
4maha-Cluckgo b.x u ;.io am
Untaha Savanna ixical a 7:15 aon aU:4.tfm
a ti.iw pm a t. pm
from $-100 to $3 0U.
412 N. Y. IJfe Bldg.
.110-312 Brandela Theater Bldg.
Chicago Lltnited ... ui r.x.
Muin.-Bt- Paul Liu..
.a i .w aw a .u
u a. la pu blu.uo am
a J atti a t4a pm
..a o.axj pm l.twam
,.o V.iti aia ....,...
a w pm a s ou am
Ittarltnatow Statlvo iuih and Alasea.
LOANS to home owners and home build
ers, with privilege of making partial pay
ments semi-annually.
003 First National Bank Bldg.
Nebraska polnta .
Black Hills
Lincoln Mail -
MONEY TO. LOAN Payne Investment ' "wkl' nolmi
Nebraska Lxpraa ..
Depart. Arrive.
Denver California.. .a 4 10 pm a l it pm
Puget Bound K press.. a 4.10 pm a S t pm
" am a :lv pm
a 4 .10 pm a .6 pm
b l.M pm aliirWpm
aw :uo pm a 7 :W am
WANTED City loans and warrants. W
Farnam Smith el 'Co., 1320 Farnam St.
. 30-acre lilichly Improved farm, every foot
good land. 100 acres alfalfa, cut S' tons
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
flaltsmouth-lowa ..
Central Nebraska ...
Chicago special
Dmver bpeciai
Chicago Expreas ....
Chicago Fast Express.. a !W pm a 4 .00 am
Atlantic vumv liiiimvu. u.w pm
Inwu Local a It: 16 am 1(1 m . !
WANTK1 To buy five to seven-room creston tla.) Local a fu pm a 10:30 am
Mn to $f.000 on Omaha homes. O'Keefe
Real Kstatu Co.. 1016 N. Y. Life. Douglas
or A-21ai.
WANTED-Cltv losns. petets Trust Co.
..a .J am a ( l pm
. a a.le am a 4.10 pm
b t.isj am
,.b J:us pm bit: am
..a 7: pm a J W pm
,.a I 1 am a t:ou am
Pm a pm
..all.w pm all:35 pm
..a 7.1 am all:. pm
a 7-O0 am
a 4 pm a 816 pm
houe to he moved. M 032. 1 lee
"in ijhette conntV" lo Oie acre this season, sold for $ In the SWAPS
n,.ie.nPfTar. 'hTV oili";? Xr.ra' 7gn-T an , Kxchanges. quick sales, large list. Ad-
ements. son.e Dm- " .I"1" ".LW ?rZy ' H. 1. Continental Bldg.. Omaha, Neb.
FOR BALK An estate In
Kansas, of 240-acre stock
bottom, never overflows
sons; has gooa improvements .some tun- , .,.,. .,,.,. rth jioo.
her, 90 acres In grass, clover, airaira, tlmo- w.acre ,,,,, improved farm, all In cultl
thy'; plenty of water: rich black I. a. veic IL,"'
Terms on nan at .per cent, long time. 0Prhar,, )ltUtH go(, tottn, iali around H I . '. ciJ . """v "UUR'"1: Auburn Local
FOR SALE or trad five (iiiarters firm iklcsio, St
I anil in Manley ami Lyman county, n. o. I maba
St. Louis Express a 4.M pm all tS am
K. C. t. josepn aiu:o pm a :4a am
K. C. St. Joseph a :I8 am a :10 pin
K. c. eV St. Joseph a J;.i pta .......
Webster Btatlos
HUaoar: raclflo
-lOtk aad Webster.
Price, f i P" acre.
Bugg Bros., Parsons,
held at $2m) an acre; price
time, si:t5 an acre.
for a short
Depart Arrlva.
b i M pm bu.&j am
I'aal, AllnaeapolU a
SOO.V lfiO
,. ' ' , , ------ i,,t,u..o ,-, o"o in t-ianiy ami L,vman couiiiy, r. i'.. omilBaM.
vinUn" for Oui.ha or vicinity realdenc. or business piou, clty E,prM11 b t:15 pm bl,.5
aiiey lanii, rust-tiass ana iia a '"J" property. Just torei; osed on the lands. )m-h Local .... e S.-M
land, good Improvements, near Oxfoid. vv, wU, ow no ulienXm. N. om'' VVassVnger b I M
price. li0 an acre. i , . .... t, ,,..k. moux tuj i awrniir.. ... o .jo
acres, itood ti-room house, large barn, other I innd
buiiatngs, pieiuy i u i, mi.o .u pr!c. j, an acre. braaka Loan Co lu hiee Hldir Omaha
lure 120 mow land, balance cultivated; 2Mi i iso-acr. imnmwil farm and stock ranch .r"Ka oan co- iM ee '"dg.. umana.
miles town on goeu ronu. rum route, teie- combined, near Burwell. Neb.; verygoou FOR oul k results r,n ..rhunn lisO. C.
i , I r. , u- a t m i w ni mi a n .1 t.n.- 1 i ' . . I .. , . -i ihi I - - .- .
linoiir. "J wiipruveoieuin anu av niyi Ha ... j, C'anail, 701 O. N. ii.. Bldg..- Omaha.
INi acres western iNeorassa iiviiu. e , i , i , .
foot of it smooth valley lana ana goou A WHITK hull terrier nun worth US.
LM0 rods new hog wire. $t0: easy terms;
would take some trade.
W. S. HUBBARD. Welda, Kan.
Twin City Passenger.-.b :M am
Bloux City Local o 8;:i$ am
limetson Local DtW)m b 9:10 am
tbj Dally except Munday. te; Sunday only.
6K0-ACRB Improved farm, adaptable to
rloe. cotton, corn, airalta; ooo locauiy;
114 per aura If sold by Jaa. 1st. Rare bar
gain. Forster ax fcaunders Co.. Pine Bluff.
FOR SALIC At a big bargain, .MX acreg
of rich bottom land, above overflow. In
southwest Arkansas; about 4.000 In cultiva
tion; two acres deadened and ready to take
in; jrood atorehouse and stock of merchan
dise rtn R; 'Ri'syeremv, glm-nnle,- fartvrttig
Implemenrg and corn and hay a plenty.'
XV 111 sell for $J8 per acre ana give a Dar
guln In the personal property.
want to sen an 10 one iiuc;ujri. .,
agents need apply. Addreaa A. W. MUla,
fine Bluff, Ark.
2. ACRKaV-600 acres cleared and- In
cultivation. Halanra vlrnln timber, cieareo
land renting for $5 per acre. Price. $13 per
acre. XX'rlta for particulars, rorater A
Saundets Co.,, Pine biuii, Arx.
Improved Acre Land
Bargains -
1 have 871 acres of highly Improved Ar-
kansas land located in a district that will I
raise all that Iowa lana win ana an extra
crop for good measure; good well; and all
fenced. Mxty acres ready for crop and the
rest A-l hard wood tlmebr. On the main
line of the Rock lisland railroad. Would
not sell, but need money In my rapidly
growing business. Fred A. ltubblns, 710
Cornelia Ave., Chicago. III.
$.124 Seward ft., modern, built l!nw. See
this for a home. 'l'hone Harney 4759.
$29,00 Six-Room
' House
MOOERN. biltb finlali. SOth and Marcy;
halt block three car lines. Harney ,3M.
FOR BALE 2,200 acres of Arkansas tim
ber land at $11) per acre, four miles from
railroad. Will cut 10.000,000 feet. . mostly
oak; good land, good timber. No trade.
B. G. Denny, Lonedell, Mo.
FOR BALE 160 acres of aa good land aa
there is in California, halt mile from Huron.
Fresno county, trains . dally; not far
from Tulare Lake, where there Is an abun
dance of water; dltuh going past this
land; Is worth $50 per acre; on account or
sickness this land la offered at $36 per
acre; $1,000 cash down; will dlvhie land if
required. C. W. Comstock, owner, 254 8.
Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. "
FOR SALK-Two lots. 133x140. on south
1Mb tit . nsr Vinton; ail special taxes paid.
X 111 sell aa one piece or divide. Willing
to sell at aecrafice. Apply at 3& South 21st
FOR SALE- House 7 rooms, water, sewer,
ulet. etc, nice trees and shrubbery, til
jrxh 21at 8t.
FOR PALE J-room modern cottage, two
Ion. J. 11. Florence, 240 Avenue C, Council
California for Wealth
California for Health . .
California for Comfort 3G5 Daya
in the Year.
No snows, uo billiards, no thunder
storms, no high winds; just sunshine and
piuspetity all the time. Fresh vegetables
in your uarden every day in the year
Strawberries ripen every month. We have
the best land In the Sacramento valley for
$05 an aero. The soil and climate provide
perfect conditions for raising Oranges,
Figs, English Walnuts. Almonds, Grapes,
Prunes. Peaches and all deciduous fruits.
All kinds of vesetablrs and alfalfa. Terms
lo a ,nt purchaser. Write tor booklet.
Trow bridge-Bolster Company,
lm City Nat l Bask Bldg. - Omaha, Neb.
Don't Take Our Word
for It We May Be
No man in the United States Is in a
position to speak with such authority as
to the yield of farm ' products us Is Dr.
feeaman A. Knapp, who has charge of the
Farmers' Co-Operative Demonstration
Work, United States Department of Agri
culture. !Ie has over 400 employes under
him. and has enlisted more than 45,000 peo
ple In farm demonstration work. He Is
not a southern, but an Iowa man.
' He says: "It has been
thought till recently that the
Mouth would not raise large
crops of Indian corn, but a lit
tie demonstration has proven
" ' ,.'riat the soils end climate are
especially adapted for that
purpose, and that larger crops
can be raised than in the so
called corn states. Climntio
conditions are much more fa
vorable for the corn plant, and
as a large portion of the
plant ia of atmospheric origin,
climate Is of primary consld
. erstlon. All that is necessary
la to prepare the soil In the
. beat way and use good farm
methods, and the South will
develop into one of the best
corn regions In the United
Stales. We have produced the
last year under test from 80 to
150 bushels of corn per acre.
"Along the Atlantic and
Gulf ooasts, and even In the
Interior, are large tracts of
sandy loam land perfectly
adapted to truck growing.
They have .not as yet been
more than partially developed,
but ultimately they are going
to constitute the permanent
garden lands of the United
States. Single acres have
yielded In celery, lettuce and
such crops more than $1,000
per acre.
"It la unnecessary to dilate
tipon these facts. The South
has not been understood;
neither Its soil nor its climate
has been appreciated. Lands
are far below their value at
the present time, and there Is
no better place In the conti
nent for young, thrift and
vigorous men to start in agri
culture than In many of these
Southern States."
The above Is quoted from an official let
ter of Dr. Knapp. dated Washington, D.
C, February 26, 1910. Corn Is only one of
two or three crops often grown oh the
same land the same year In Florida, where
our lands are located. If you are from
Missouri, and have to be shown, call at
our office, 042 Paxton Block.
smooth, rich prairie with timber along the
creeks. bcBt corn, clover and timothy luud
In southeast Kansas. Send for description
list. James XXllklns. walnut, ivan
soil, fenced and small set Improvements, for , Anora kluin or vul 8e, H. ml
3'x miles from town, $1 an acre; terms.
332 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha.
FOR TRADE-LBO-aere farm In Lymon PHII fiSflPHY OF Rflfin PI flTMPS
COlintV Rnnlh I ,nl,,.l. f.w -,.,.11 ,,,u,-K I swi.,taw
j I . i, . ' i, ci vr , .-"' iv'., ...
near umana: state what von nave. b. i-j.
neea, cweenev. S. D. r.itrraai itiuninru -o o rrr in in.
TWO TRACTS of 1.S20 acres each, cheap;
one Improved, one not. Klngery Realty
Co., Klngery, Kan.
ward Hilarity, and Then
Some. .
"Oh, Page." said the young man, "I am
wants to buv some cheaoer land, or he
might Consider an exohanue. What have
you? Iln Is a ranriur of Ilia lies -Wolnea I
The beat IV section of land near Omaha I Capital, and the wav to reach him and
$28 ACRES wheat, corn and alfalfa land, for the money. Will eubdlvlde into two thousands of others like him Is to adver-1 surprised, almost grieved, to find t hat one
southern Kansas; S miles count seat; M eignties ana sen euner one or num. f1''" ',' want aa columns or tne vpi-who has such a reputation for wisdom as
acres wheat. M acres alfalfa; well Inv set of Improvements on eTtch. The soil Is tal.- Rate, 1 cent a word per Insertion, fi hniiM nsv a, mmh attention i hi.
I I i. !. I-l I I n. 11 H lnnH II... fir. r. Id 1 n I Cent a Worri tnr ml n..rl ,,n. Vt Mn I " SnOUIQ pay BO 111111 h attention tO PIS
r , good neighborhood, within S to 9 miles of a word per month. clothes, lou are as Immaculate and as
IS IX-ROOM modern cottage for sale on
eauy ternia by owner. 2134 Miami St.
$1,81)0 BUYS
i-ruom. 2-storv.
partly nio.lern hotiMe in
Orchard Hill Fas, tei ms. Call or write
M. Hanson, SK41 Decatur St.
Two houaes. nnxlei n, in good
repair, prompt paying tenants.
$ per month. Cslv, I7.'0. bai
ance monthly payments run
ning five years
OXVNER. E C4.'. care Bee
NEW "-room Iioum-. modern, oak finish;
cement baeemeni; good furnace. ;7 ,s
$5th St.; cheap. P, au3. Bee.
i loom miMlern liouae. cofkiieciiiig with a
ni up-to-date grocery on 4Hir line. Tei ins.
$.00 cash, balauce as rem. A bee.
APPLE iand at 1 16 per acre, on easy
terms. 10-acie tracts, near uienwoou,
within 75 miles from S. F.: when cleared of
brcsh worth $150 acre; splendid soil; good
loud, plebty of water. Julia Dubai,
GlenwooU, Banta Crua Co., Cal.
Benson & Carmichael
. 22 acres well Improved land; good build
nga; good atoll; & blocks to main business
street; same to depot; up-to-date town
$.000 people: electric light and water-
works; would mske an Ideal truck farm or
fine private residence and grounds. For
particulars address. Albert L. Ackley, De
r uniax nprings, Ma.
One million sires land for sale, suitable
for colonization or Investment. Improved
farms and farm lands. Alberta, Saskatch
ewan and Manitoba. Publln sales In
March. Write for lints. George, fednarda,
S17 Porage Ave., XX'Innipeg.
Who wants to buy good soil, irrigation
u vou want summer and winter:
reservoir l.oOo.Oul barels; a gold dollar for
ten cents Do not nuss n; come ana sea
Maps. Information. 1C F. Mil fold, Groner,
eld Co., Colo
C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T Morton for
central iarguins CI4 Ornsha Nat l Hank.
Tor Real Aereaae.
FOR FNT-ldeal dairy farm on West
Center and Sixtieth Sis. Large bam. t7
bv 1"A, good b""- 0 aires of pasture,
long lease. N P. IVslge A Co, loth and
M acres with house. J'.erney 47.
$ aw Jdealavav.
"AR'IAIN to henteseekers or lneainr;
1 tM scree finest land ia northern New
Mexico, one now from ram .d mi acte
C. o. Uher, Raton, New Mexico."
aiXTFFN suooesslve years of good erope
make northeastern Colorado wheat lands
k. k i ofterlna before Investors aad
home buyers today. Prices advancing but
one crop still pays for tne laoo. Write i
11. Uemhardt. Sterling. Colo -t,.
IRRIGATED Improved farms-, with full
u .,.r i m lit a. for sale near Rooky Ford
and Junta, in Colorado. Call at the
Merchant hotel Room . and Geo. XX'.
i'llngle will tell of the opportunities there
for liUeMiuent.
Poll of beat oualllv. most 1ealrahl ln.-
tlon. finest and most healthful climate In
V. S. and w here It Is possible to become
Independtnt from an Investment of $310 at
ji" per montn. r or particulars, see XX". E
Spencer, 34 N. Lawrence Ave.. Wichita
six towns, telephone, and 4 mile to school;
t0 ACRES. ( mL town. New Six room $,KX) cash, $1,800 March 1, will handle one of
' nobby aa a young lover."
Kam . xjo ii nftfl hA .iiia I i.... virgin hu M n rr i ti. inM hi .nm. i p v imoroveo. on e ecrric car i . v......
ire. ail amooin, uuauis. nurat per cent, takes the other; fo.w per acre in I - " .oo miuiuirn i-u. i u.v hui, muecu . icjoioeu ine
rneail nasture
route, telephone. Good road, soil, neigh-
Its entirety.
Possession given.
up to half Its value In clear Iowa or Ne-
'1 am afraid I cannot
rn. i. -- - - ..... . n in
; f i -., wtw .nun. I - - ' , , , . I Draeka land.' mnrtrarn ,ir ru.h f n r hftlanna: I
llna..Tp.r aire; time If a . r.m akin, no mT.a7 In b" Ina hi, ?!?'! .Sta Addrii-lioiTUn; M"y nave told me It I, foolish to
W. Albright, Brewster, Kan.
a no iniaiuive 111 0.1. iia I nln m-k
quarter or either one of the eighties, come I . -
and see the goods and come preparea to
MR. RENTER-Bargalns la west central b ,f d a9 t for Bale and tor ,al9
anaas. Nice luO acres, Improved, 8 miles 1 r,.t
we have a large list or xarms, nut only
tc Ansae.
station; easy terms; u.t a acres raw
land, $3,300. Ed. Lwlng, Dlshton, Kan.
IF you wish to exchange write
651 New York Life Bldg.
7H1 ACRES, well Improved. 1 Ad Jolna A. R.
town In southera Kansas. Alfalfa, oorn,
,h.t atock and fruit farm. Price $J0.ou;
best, of terms. XV. L Cai tar, sterling. Kan
$,360 ACRES, solid tract, 4 seta improve
ments; I nines town, oeav spii;-cant DO
duplicated In state, $18. Best terms. Kan-aaa-Colorada
InvesUnent Co. Scott City,
pay so much attention to clothes.
all I know."
"It Is a common error," 'spoka the Sate,
"but It Is nevertheless an error, ami one
One brand new No. 70 Colt a actylene whlcn onc Possessed me. When 1 was
I gas machine, and gas range to trade for young as you are, I was attracted by the
Av. ,,2!;"' " or cnickens. ot Urano external thlnga only and of these external.
. . , , 4iuiiae ouuiM w-eie oy iar nw-itinti mn-
AUTOMOBILfi) WANTTJD-1910 OR 19U portant. When I whs a :ittlo older I l.n
Llsten. ni,ii,nm.0rK,.w v.. .v.. derwent a rea. llon. I had a revulslTi of
best all-the-yesr climate In the world; teellna. Somehow I ga' the kit a' that
out of Its T0.00O population prohaly 60.0u0 clothes were an absurdity In - tnto. I
are from the cold north. Think safe In thought that the inner otrltoai mo- ...
say ni. all the farms in rvklnhnm. rimiv mougni tnat tne inner spiritual man was
rtt Arnesi PtuUmtn Co.. K. D.. clear, nd 80 per cent In the elate are owned bv everything. According an my thoughts be-
for good residence, clear. In Dea Molne I northern farmers. Aa a rule they testify came Introspective, I neglected my exter
Prtce of land $ Pr acre. they would not return north to live, either arjrearanca and went' about ni.m,
winter or summer. t - - .
a few downright bargains. This ia surely
one. Let us make you money.
New Location: ' i.
1213-1214 City Nat'.l Bank Bldg.
North Dakota.
roR BALE-Louisiana orange and fig Price or land per acre. mey wouia not rett
2 ... nmmit nmkri. 40 sores, well Improved, 85 miles from winter or summer.
tr"..r..1!.. I . i ...n. ..w xvinnlneir. Manitoba, for Income. Prloe. Thousands of winter toirt.f nrr. ,i,.land slovenly,
Ulll A. 1 1 VOU BUI V. I.IU.S IIU ..... .--r-w. . . . . . I - - " ' ' ....... . , I I
100 orange and fig trees bearing In 1 years $3$ per acre; mtg.. H.sw eiuiiy. a-oca ws t north seem to verify thejr judgment. "The two extremes," suggested the young
for 8360; $30 mommy payments; win imu- i". i - ..a,.,..i.n Viiy ioib 10 rraaa t man dlscerninL'tv
1 ,.i.. .... f i.... .nri ... I i ' ' I you. so vou ran live In lt fin. it,n.. " uiBcernin(.iy.
vate nnu ... '"-rr'.-WT I um.iciTnna w t MTrn I ma V m -A" ,,v. .-,-, ..,-.,. w
for a years; no raieresw tmn luKruimu. i ..... ... ...... ,.u,,in i,i, uiuaiia xsee. i -" .m.i.t., uuv m iiuiut
.:.. ,. .uason in ihia section hava netted I own and control about a.OUO acres of 1 1 I .i. . . i ,... ri,, . ,
from i : .fr ;n'L "i-i?m i",D":Lr.'a. : : .:vn.:J5 w.fcr "".proved foun(1 , couA not eo amnir ..,. ,
t-Otel. r Or lunnvr ymruirUiNi ssaalu wmm i uer .u., iu. a-'i. , ww tj, wu 1 - i "troicni innti utr biuph o KnOi'tVl IT.6r I " "
I r 141 it II on, uiiioib iixT-rta giwv j --3o v i niaiiuioc, Auui rnn i jrj, 13049, I -wniaw v lit a, ii tJtx t lie outiui 11 tie IllfJ Or-
of references. W, K. uuney, ina invest- oame atrophied
J. Godard, Abbeville, La.
ments, Bismarck. N. D.
FOR RXCHANGR 1M acres Ko 1 .mou, now.e.ige aim
all good farming land: has a big barn'l"" ,nward appreciation of the Important
house, windmill, etc; 50 miles from Des fundamentals of life I could not he happy
Moines., 8 miles from eountv seat rvi,.. I. . .. '
$.35 per acre. $ 400 at years. $4 MO 1 Tear ."Z . t"mp.8n ' ,
iiouit:, .iitari trti iiiv youn man,
mn AI.F.-Flve mUes from Kremlin. "V?r"nl. rTm rcn 1. Want half
. . .. ' . i . i. n , -i,.i.. I section wna lana in Oaknta or Nrhrmli. "vnn irn,-u . li.timi n,.,ii,m k..
...m. . .. . I - - -e j ... uitiifiu-
nilslng on both."
"Yes. Now I pay strict attention to niv
at ACRKfl 2V4 miles from Foxhome, Minn.
Nice grove, house 16x24x13; kitchen 13x14x17,
orse barn, lbx.xs; granary, iui, wu
...... ...,.. i i, i. i. i lie liinireMt bargain In
seventeen states. Price 40- win iraue m. t)Ki., an smomn uiuck sou .' ''"'. or $,000 to $10,000 merchandise
an auvo.oou ... . ,,. i...""' ":.3'i"r . 'TA ..u- ii "0B"- 'a.
40 ai:res 111 wuaiii cuuiu;, ui.ii,.., " .... i nouae. uii ii anu no.. . , .. w
forty acres timber on it; tana is iovbi, stock or groceries in iraue. vin. xvrauso,
has fine drainage; an aticneu mm ouui areraiin, jki.
paid fur; farm is an lenceu aim urom
i..norl hua about 50 acres cut over maple
and oak. There la a barn 40x10; will hold Send for prices and descriptions
100 tons of hay; house 12xJ0. farm is jra Stout, Gushing. Okl.
..hi mil., from town: has rural telephone ,
.,.i moii I'rii-a 115 Der acre. Will trade niaraer. Better. Busier That-Is What
for stock of goods. BJorn B- Glslaauu, d Ub) ln Tn, Be, wlu a for your 1" "BRST . H .
Minneota. Minn- Lu.ln-.a crI ?E,n'L'l ",l,,ni'ulB u,,,lf" Resentment of Hrlllsh W A VTtrn l,. i .
T have a $2,000 equity In a fine all-moo. " ."""T1" wn. e .nwa.aiy 4 laugh
ern cottage; want a first class auto oiv. " ,ne ,olly or tMo which makes It
EASIERN OKLAHOMA. I full naltloillara In first tl .-' neeassorv "T If.
or rarms. I " v "y- I '
"FARM landa for aale; bargains ln Im
proved farms ln soumweKieru
write . M. zoung, asjirii
WE have for sale nine quarter sections
carpets, clotlilny and shoes. Tel. t. mi.
Prejudice Costa
WANT to rent 3 or 4 furnished house-
of the best land ln the state; we will sell I Kag,r county the flret In eastern Oregon keeping roomg. vicinity of N and 24th Bts
thia land one quarter to oue person only offera raor. Inducements than aay others Bo.Omaha. Address L 31. Bee. '
on the following terms: 11 per acre "ow" improved alfalfa, grain and fruit lana, no
and $1 per acre per year, covering a period per acr0 up; raw land. $10 and up! fine
of lit years; optional payments at stock ranches; , for price list and booklet
cent Interest. These special pncee ana m- call on OP address Meyers-fcickerman Keaiiy
ducemrnts are to locate nine ianmi Co., Baker, Ure.
this section or tne state in iimi ".
i-'ull or address:
Crocker Bldg., lies Moines, la.
TOUNO man dastrM nlaea tn s.b .a
Oregon, for sale. For particulars address, board and room In private family while Vork took their revenge on Macready, the
TOPI Don't go a step further thaa
nmriu Co down !n the beautiful Osarka
Raise anything; corn, U to tt bushels per
acre; all other crops in propomuu, vum-
A ten-aore tract ln Klamath county.
Owner. 1D12 Pearl St., Sloug City, Iowa.
ah Dakota.
dle our Stanley County. S. D., lands, lib
eral commissions and free transportation.
The most notable real tragedy recorded
In the history of the theater was that of
the Astor Place riot. New York. May 10.
1849. Edwin Forrest, the American traged
ian, had been treated with such, hostility
In London that he had to abandon his on-
FIRST-CLASS, practical nurao caa pllagemcnt In that city, although he enjoved
engaged at once. Douglas 114. great auccess and favor In tha Fnellsh
provinces. The friends of Forrest Jn .New
attending college.
IF YOIT rieslra a fir. 1
est good land on earth; $5 to $J per acre. " e own aim nr .ur rri 1 nous- nurse call Douglas 5348.
Krea intormavion. u.uo. ,. .r. r"-i,.-...
Felland Realtv Co.. 5?,l Palace Bldg,
Minneapolis, minn.
Ava. Mo
uoylaa College, liou great English tragedian. He was hissed
from the atage of the Ast or Place onei-a
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper rf.air.. house the night or May 7, and prepared Id
change. Best of references as to character I "turn home. But many New Yorkers,
Auuiess iv Mi, nee. I sincere admirers of the actor, honlnir tn
overcome opposition, prevailed on him tn
reappear three nights later in the char
acter of Macbeth.
and ability.
FOR SALE Pome of the best fruit land
in the Koshkononir-Brandsvllle fruit dis
trict, prices lower than anybody. . Also
good farma at very low prices. Write S.
. , , , 1 ... 1 1 1 . u . 1
unimproved, good soil, every foot Is good
130 ACRES fine corn land 3 miles from
Independence, la., good seven room house;
barn for eiaht horsea and aivnt .,
for 2a tons Of hav: hoir house: ehii-Uen
house; granary for bushels of amall
gtaln; crib fur 2.0U) bushels of corn; buggy
ahed; steel tank and windmill; good fenc
Ing; an Ideal farm for general farming or
dairying; price $12.110. Terms. $5 cash,
balance long time & per cent privilege pav
ment. Address O. E Bishop, owner, liiul
N. Evans St., Bloomlngtun. 11
J. Cox Ileal EHtate Co., Brandsvllle, Howell tillable farm land; easy terms; $30 per acre,
Co.. Mo. . 1 crosDy, uonesteei, a. u.-'
rein SALE 720 acres splendid Vernon SPLENDID Improved farm, $50 per acre.
Co. (Mo.) slock and grain farm; every acre eastern South Dakota; will take merchan-
good, plenty ot water, j-rice. w pr . oise as part payment, jseiater. oiouaraua.
as gooa as liuu lowa .anu anu 1 a. D.
Climate- write tor ueiier ue-Tiiiuua. .
E. Spurgeon. Owner. Oiathe. Kan. I FOR SALE 330 acres Lyman :o. Isnd, I
1 - - .? " '". T1TT. miles from town: 4& acres broke, all fenced
WHITE KIEIl FARM FOK BAlyli. mnd cro fnced good well and other lin
lrtO acres. goid Improvements, well watered, provon,,ntl, $a,Bo0 If taken within thirty
good timber; $1.7o0. Address Iowa 1 rier, dll4i Address owner, O. C. Hemenway,
Marmaros, mu.
Capa. S. D.
FoR PALE-Finest I. WW acre Improved
fsrm and ranch in Colorado for $n "per
acre. Kv.ry foot of It rich and smooth;
only f miles to llogo: nO acres in cultiva
tion. J. C. Cane, owner, llogo, Colo.
F.1GHTY acres in governmenl Minldoku
tsact. near Rurley: all under ditch; low
nrii-e. f' iah balance ten years, an-
hwer iii.lck
AdUitaa G 4, Bee.
5,000 ACHES
In one tiatt t.uitahle for colonization
Has first water nghP and plenty of
wuter: practically all under complete
avail-in of Irrigation, fenced. neceFsary
of Grand Forks, on the N. P. Ry.. and 4 houses and sheds. Seveial hundred acres
miles from good loan; good soil, no wet "own to winter wheat and several hundrsd
more loosen or spring iropa; oaiancr in.
tiniolh ; alfalfa and natural grasses Fin
ed soil in the state. Price $.u per acre.
Terms $10 prr acte cah. balance un terms
to soil the purchaser. For Information,
write lo
Tod Block. Gieat f alls. Mont.
lti ai res lust outside city limits;
sens alfalfa; fair Improvements. Only ;0
per a re
MAI acur. " nilles from Kearnev; 3iji a. ic
In "cultivation; ho acres In pasture; good
linprov euienta. $t .er acre.
We also hae some good trading prumst
, Ktarne, Neb.
Foil SALE or EXCHANGE-.120 anes
in iieo mver t alley, N. D.. S5 miles west
land. It. D. XX Ingert. Cedar Rapids. U
Five miles of Council Bluffs, with Rood
t-room house and barn: lots of fruit of
JlUklnds. Land all suitable for cultivation.
14 Pearl Pt . Council Bluffs, la
good u nailer and half section farma In
His k Co., Neb. Clie to Baasett. a good
town on the Northwestern railroad Pri. es
range from lit to $Ji per acre. Box ;ia
Sluuk City. Ia
RIGIITT acre. Butler rounty. Iowa, farm
close to good town, to exchange for good
general merchandise, hardware, furniture
or Implement stock. J. C. Farr, X aterloo,
ABOUT 1.500 ACRES. Braxos county,
Texas: 3 miles station, two-thirds bottom,
balance upland; AO per cent tillable; fenced,
several subdivisions, 30u cultivation; ideal
for alfalfa, potato.-s cane, coin, etc.; bal
ance limber; five houses, barn, everlssiltlg
water; most Ideal hog ranch and stoca
farm In slatt : hogs on range w ill pay In
terest on $.o, bottom timber will pay
for place; best personal reasons for offer
ing this bsrgaln at t-0 per acre for quick
asle; terms. Address owner, S. W. Mered
ith. Milllcan. Tea.
have for sle. al an exceptionally low
or'ce. the finest, best located orchard on
Nob Hill. Tha tract conal'.3 of 17Sj acres,
Is near the Nob Hill car line. Is planted to
I year-old apple and pear trees, and can be
subdivided Into IT beautiful acre tracts
ideally sltuateti for suburban homes. Spe
cial price for csah down. Henry Johnsuu
Realty Co., North lakima. Wash.
vncv-n ....... fi.- -, . I
, u 1. 11 v, m 1 . 1 1 m. rnfnRi in no . . &a.i.,a i mi , , . ...
thoroughly experienced' deeFre. cTmnlon , T.l . .1 P""r'- rn
with live, up-to-date real estate firm deal- audience to the extent that few
If deMueii Address M 4. Bee
Ing in city or farm lands, or in colonlsa- enemies of Ma ready were admitted, but
T..'.r . ; active charge If a veritable mob gathered outetde. InfurL
to;":? Excy.ntP?eXrn:.ean,u?nf.lVBU bV the'r Uf
nufluirn Biuannru riri winnow lit tile
theater and threatened to destroy It. The
performance could not be given. Macrcart .
in disguise, made his exit through the front
of the house and out through the mob mi
reached Ills hotel In safety. Meanwhile the
mob and the police contended but the lat-
Derart i.h.. Iter wete 1n danger of niaaaacrc when the
Pan Fran. Overland T,..a g u am ,n in n .iiiiiu irriv.H n i.. , r., .... ,
i.taMloBF.p"r5iB... V.l0..Pn: :S;SE 'f th rll nr of
Oregon Expreaa a 4 00 pm a R10 pro eventn regiment.
Los Angeles Limited. ...all:4li pm a I SO pm Stones were hurled at the soldiers and
Denver Special a 7:04 am a 717 ,. f ,h., ...Pi., ..... . .
l.'mited al2 tO nm Z 1 m V allowed to protect themselves.
North Platte Ixal a 815 am a 4 4.1 am XVhen they were ln grave danger of being
o ss its:: ov'rro,"e 'y u',m ,h;y were oM""1
( blraao A Naria western j " '" . "
NOR THBOlTNn ...or. -.... v . mn, morn unions
Twin City Expreaa a 7:46 am alo n I attack by the mob. but tha soldiers re
Ploux Cltv Local a $ 46 pm a 3:M pm spunded In kind, and when the fight wai
aiuiu -"-- --..- i .w inn a l is am
ONION T AT I UN -Tenth and afasoa
falsa Pari Go
over there were 130 dead and loO woutuloi
FoR free descriptive booklet where ou
ran still buy good farming land from 110
to $-'' per aie on easy terms, write
B. mo , Pine Bluffs, XX yo.
Csrroll I .oca I
Omaha Express ..
Chicago Lot-tl ...
Chicago Special
a 7:00 am a I M pm
'",!;! "ra a$4am
.a 6 IV nm a 1 n.
a 8:08 pm a 41 am
Marrcady almost iiiimeiilatvly returned t,t
F.i gland Kansas City star.
panfic Coast ChlcaKo..a 6 00 pm a V2 pm
A Reliable (u.ik Mrdlriar.
js a valuable family friend. Foley's
lxia Angeles IJmlted.. a 8 & pm a 12 a pm Honey and Tar fulfills this condition ax-
Ovrrlsnd Umltsd all. 46 pin a 7:45 am actly. Mrs. Charles Kline, N. $th St.
WESTBOUND. of my family have been cured of bad
Ltncnln-Chadron A 7 50 am all 00 am roughs and colda by the use of Foley'a
Sorfolk-Dallao a T M.ra ,10 45 pm Honey and Tar and I am never without a
Haatings-Superloi b 2 la pm e l it pra bottle ln the house. Jt soothes and re-
Iieadwood-iiot Springs a t pin a I a) pm Ueves the lrrllatloo In tha throat aad
Casper-Lander a J 55 pra all 00 am looaens up the cold. 1 have always found
M,:"ri ra'cWIe-'' b 1 H " It a r.Uabl. cough euro." Bold by ail
1C C. 4k St. L. Es a t:20 am a 7 44 am aTufglata
K c. a- st. L. h.A.. ex- i
all-1 pra IIHpa a Guarantee of Burineas Prosperity
ct rt Saturday
K. C. ic SU U
balurda only
ii.OO put ..
The Bee Advertising Culuinna