8 THE BEE: OMATTA, MONDAY, .TANTAKV 2X 1011. WANT-ADS waat lit m1fc4 al stay- , ! i taaara proper elaaalflratlna rmaM Br far IS 'cloek a, far no eTeafagt edition kelare T ! Vlark at tka preview- aia far aaaralac aa4 dap adltlaae. Waal ail received after nrk koin will kav tkelr flrat s)erl keadlaar "Tm Lata ta tlaaalfr." CASK DATKI TOH WA5T $ REOt LAH Cl.ABiriCATIO.- faaerlloa, 1 1-9 ee-fcta per ward 1 per waM fr ttrk !.'' r . a l mail al.so dd dais, 1 1-8 ceata pee per llaa per saaalk. hales apply la eltfcrr Tka naiir '4ir Bee Always ta a llaa. . eta ward Wlit aa fnp Tka We-a ie)T le" at aar -I tka foliTlne atarea aaa la yaar "-earaar -Pirnaa'-"" '"T re all braack affl.-ea far Br and yaaa ad will hf- Inserted !" prompt I r aad aa tka aama ratea nl tka raala afflpa la The Ilea knllrtlng. enteenh aad raraam atpectai Albarli. W. .. 4fltb end Fart-am. rtaum Trtig Co . ?Jn N. 1b r Maranek. . A.. 11 t) "hMflI. peTison -phgrmnev. ilerson Neb. Femls TarV Prisrn'-T -",,", nisVe-Hra1lah, 21t ahrman v Hfton Hill Tburmacy. r?l M llttry Ava fauKhlln. V. Tl . ami lleree 8 a Trlsaey rbarms-v. rttn ar1 t.gp-e bt rnoiiM Phirmii-v. V'lh 91. I'armgk, Fniii. :."!t-4 B. 73tb . Fhler. P. H. T Leavenworth 81. Fnster A ArrnMI ?11 N Cith St Freytaa. S. J . 114 N. 2li fit. Fregger Prug Co.. l.W N. lth 8t. r lorenne Druif Co.. Fine-". 'eb. Orean'a pharmgey. Park Ave. and Pacific irernough, O. A . ;0i H. ltith St. Oreenoiigh. Q. A.. K'.h and Ulrkorr St. Golden I'liarmoey. ?"li inn) Inenwortc. Hayden. Wllll.im. ?Tt I-'arnam P' Hantcnm Park Pharmacy. Jb-.l i. Vflth srh Hinterlung Drug Co.. 51st A'.e. nd Kar nam St. Hoist. John, ?4 N. 11 h St Huff. A. U, 284 l.rav-nw-rth 81 .lohanaun Dn.f Co.. 14th and Ppa'dlng King. If. M., rr Famam St Kountia PUea Pharn.apy, Wl N. JUa. Kathrop. Cbarlea F... 11:4 N. 31th St Marea. Fred I... Central Hlva. Patrick Drug Co.; 1"? N. J-ith Hi Peyio-i Pharmacy. TM b into bt Saratoga Drug Co.. K4th and Amu Av bchaefeeg Cut Plica Drug 8tnre. lCth anJ f.hlcago Bta. . Bchaefer. Aug., N. 16th 8t. Schmidt. J. H.. :tth and umlng Pte. Valnut Hill Pharmacy. 40tu ar.a Cuming. UK 41 If AHI1 Fl IS KM 41. NOTICES ULV1N John Wesley, Januarv 21, of Mr. and Mra. A. F. Ulvln. yrurH, 21 days. Kuneral Monday, January 23. at from the residence. 21 IK Plnckney termonl Forest Lawn cemetery. I!U1. son aged li 2 P. St. 111., In- ANDKRSON -Andrew, Saturday, January 21. 1011. aged 60 year. Funeral from residence' on Bluff St., Florence, at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. Kit ENZER Mat y C, at residence of her sin, P. F. Krenrer. 424 N. 40th St., Satur day afternoon at 4:20. Funeral Tueaday morning from residence at 8:30, to St. Cecelia's church at !. In tel ment St. Mary Magdalene cemetery. CARD OF THANK. We wlah to thank our friends and neigh bors for the sympathy shown us In the death of our bthy. Mr. and Mrs.lmn Daly, ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., ft embalmera. 1614 Chicago. It. 1K.3, B-ld5. K. T. Burrowea Co., rustless door ac win dow screen. 2u Hrandela The. Bldg. U. lOua. COAL At cut prices. ALL KIND. Wa a a v ou 60c to 11.60 a too. cjuantitl una tuaiiij fcuaianieeu. KO&KNUJLATT'al CL'l PKICeJ COAL CO., ILi NICHOLAS eiT. BOTH pHONkid. OU YOU PAKAD1SE! Bounds good., doesn't It? Happiness su preme wtitn you burn our PARADISE COAL. To cut down your coal bill take our advice and burn Paradise. Will save you 11 M) to 1200 ton. Both 'phones. J. W. BEDFORD. iiOo Cuming St, IF It Is a picture, the COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO can furnish It. Specialty work for advertiser Illustration. Amateur work finished. 306 Boston Store Bldg. Ind. A-2S66. MAOGARD Van A store and ship H, 11. Storage. Pack, move, goods. D. 1406, B-2423. CYNIC AND PHILANTHROPIST! LISTEN. My back la broken, body lifelexa from walat down. I earned ll.ouO for infants' Home lust fall. Your magazine order this fall will earn I5.0u0 for charity, the Inter eat of this money will provide for my de cline and later pay a nurses wage's, or endow a hospital col forever. 149 auoscilp tlnns to the Ladies Home Journal and tne Saturday Evening Poat eara first Sl.omti Price 81.60 each. Either counts, whethe, new or renewal. Do get them In. Write for complete catalogue and story. "A Broken Back." Phone itouglaa iloJ. Gor don, the Magaxlne Alan, Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN LOW KATE. In sums tu suit. 110 lie iiia.. Plume Lioujf. vt. UNION LOAN Co. HARRY W. WOOL, Engineer. Designer, Draftsman. Ki'i Brandeis Theater. 1. KW1. KAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. AUKLNS, 316 S. 1IT1I, UPSTAIRS. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME Fl'RNITl RE CO., Twcnly-tourtli and 1. hi., South Omaha. CONTRACTOR of masonry. 1241. Healy, Web. Filters, filter repairs. 1210 Howard. D. 3312. K. V. Famsworth, Att'y. 4 Lee Hldg. DOUGLAS Priming Co., Tel. Duu-la titt H. V. Wurn. optician. 44 Brandt-la Bldg. B AK KElfttKOSr L'A IN T CO. Doug. 4760. Ind. A-3821. ltio-'? Karnam St Stencil, outfit: 6 sts Km; pi. iu.e iinauns- at moderate price; g!ak, wail per. v tj CARRY A FULL LINE Of ail I t: IX WILLIAMS PAINTS. BRASS 'OLI3H. LIQUID VENEER AN U A L. Ij uttA.sud OF FLOOR WAX. MISS A. HOLLAND Wish to tllioiii,i oj.i., i.-duced prices during Ihe munthk 01 January auu February; also, select, new .Hiring tailoring inaterial Included in this olfei. Suite ju. Paxton block. Tel. Douglas 3H3. JOHN NITTLElt, HoZS: rs LIJXLS THK BKKK VOL LIKE. LiUuo L:l aoj Mh St Douglas 1S89, Red VMi. Independent. F-1377. ED ROTHEUY "ul I una vii Itquoia ana cigars. Cats in connection 111 o. uth be. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH JETE S U02 iKiuglaa Street. lira labaukh A Marea wish to announce the removal of their dental otfl. iu rooms 15-616 City National Bank Bldg. HORNBY Blue Print Co, 618 Bee Bldg MRS. IRWIN. $41 Erance s TlieT China lainung lessons, naturalistic, conventional nlght classea Tuea 4k i'hur. Urueia tor china, place oarda, to.. promptly execul l' IV A T F,v baskets for $1. H. Aur lud. LYNCH BROS. 'rixAssso KEFAIR WORK. 17ot Ja kju bt. . 1477. ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight pas. enger. J. R Kennedy, p4 8. 13th. D. r.':i, CHINA deiorsMng for lubs a spaclalty Mliuj M. K. Lung, JOe Brandt-t Theater. ANNOUNCEMENTS Continued u'uu 1 1V 1 -tli ,,ial card. I for ;.c. Ton un get plcturea m minute arir thev are taken. Bring the baby down. Look f'T the blue light at nlgnt. r axtun Siu. dlo. 14114 Karnam. Open lo a. in. to 14 p. m. iler gran d hotel Turkish Bath Finest Mh in the west. Howard Sua Zimmermen I.eavenworth. at Crowe Kurn It ii r Co.. 171 Get our plan. Nuf said! t. II. Cole Sinn Co.. I). 1316 Karnam. VIHUIX1A DA UK WINK, hot do. Klein I .! li ur House, a ih 2 N. a In rite 16th St. DAVID COLE CliKAMKItY t'OMPANT. MRS. CMAKI.KS filing, hi') Hrandela l. HCNtlATK. rhlna Hldg. Tel. Web. W75. Alfred Jones, refreshment, music and aetvlce. 4U;i S Jackson. H. 1M. Ind. A-2M7. ALADDIN lamps I Drug Co.. :4th and nil suppiws. Ames Ave. Saratoga Web. llo. AUTOMOBILES "Smash tip" your auto. ' SK 1 1 " Into a Hist. "TKA Fl" our lop. Urlng It to thP! best place In Omaha for all kinds of reiwlilng And DRUMMOND Corner 1st h and Harney Sts. VITI 11? A C.V Auto repairing and palnt WXaivj 1.4 ,nK Urn ffeiffer Carrlaue Work. Zvth & Leavenworth. Tel. Led 6322 Allto Ut'ltnirillir Expert mechanic " "U 111 I'lll HKiiuK CAR ON CALLS 1 'A V OU NIC.HT. The Paxton Mltchell Co.. 2010-16 Harney. D. 7824; A-20U, AUTOMOBILE GLOVES MA DK RT Burleigh Glove Co. rOR SAI.K-M.del 10 Rulck roadster, equipped with Pres-to-llte tank and ex haust whistle. Call Harney H1C Auto Paiutiug yitr" it- o wet our prices now. .NDi;iW M LHPU Y & SOX. 1412 jackaon. for list of automobile bargains, drlckson Auto Co., iimaha. BUSINESS CHANCES TO UI-.T In or out of business tJA N( ii ;.STA D. 404 Hen Bldg. Tel. call on D. 3JH.-. CASADY f- R'' E,,a,- I-n. and 7 loi'rance. Llat your prop erly for sale or rent, yuick return a. v corner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug lia LOOK AHEAD. There Is only one last new country on this continent-the richest and best British Columbia is being opened by three transcontinental and other lines of rail way. ' over 30.000.000 acres of rich agricultural and fruit land; oO.OOO.ono acres of the finest timber, coal and mineral lands that have never been touched will be thrown open to the public for development. This la tha famous Fort George country IIOO.Ouo.ooo win be spent in the next five years in railroad building alone Do you want a share of the profits Let us send you free a copy of" the British Columbia Bulletin of Informa tion," giving synopsis of mining, land mln rr.a! "d 1'U'ber laws. Costa you nothing. Write today. Natural Resources Security Co.. Ltd.. 642 Granville St.. Vancouver B C GOLD and silver mine; no better In Nevada. l.iOO ore per ton In sight I want partner. Write me. John Sharp. Man Francisco. Cal. General Delivery. Wake Up, Old MtinTWake Up! YOIR EYES ARE YOL'R FORTUNE Take care of them. Our 19 years ex perience at your aervlce. Consult ua' COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO ' 208-211 So. ltith St. FOR SALE Nice hardware stock In good Nebraska town with three railroads Ad dreaa Y iy Be. hOR SALE-Photographlc bualnea. con sisting of cottage atudio with branch. Ad drese Box 66. Anthon. la. TO BIT Y SELL OR TRADE BEE THE MIDLAND CO., 674 BRANDE1S BLDG WILL eell or trade for Omaha property good photograph gallery, brick building' In good lively town in central Iowa Ad dress 216 Logan St.. Council Bluff la WANTED-110,000 to $14,000 stock of mer chandise. Have section of land five miles from county seat town, Nebraska. F M Phillips. Superior. Neb. t RELINQUISHMENT for sale or trade nice laying land near railroad town. Ad dress N-630, Bee. 27,MoACRK tract timber. Klttilas Co Wash., cruising over 32-..OCO.00O feet finest wetern white pine. Entire tract under laid with large depoalt soft coal. Three transcontinental lines within short dis tance. Bonuses for mills, factories etc 'ill- nun orooiirr now- 1111 f-.n,-nt 1 also be secured of 32.000 acres adioininir v i commission to brokers. For prices, terms etc.. address N 632, care Be. HAVE you a little money that voo would like to have make big profits'1 Will stanu thorough Investigation; the seti-f of fortune Is "the first Investment weil made." For full particulars call and see or address 11. Harding. MH Ramge Bldg Onmha, or 'phone DJUg. 1466 and I viii call ou you. FOR SALE-Pool hall, five fables- also line confections and cigars; good business possession given at oner; am going to California. Al Marshall. Louiavllle Neb FOR SALE Good livery and feed barn auto In connection. Ruppert & Gates May w ood. Neb. ' A GOOD proposition Is waiting for any reputable man who can Invest from $' Oui to $4.uo0; bank references, real estate "se curity. Address, A 604. car Bee. I WILL SELL: 10 shares Autopress pfd. at I7.,"i0; 3 shares Independent llar veteB (piano). P7.50: 10 Telepoxt "A'' with convertibles. $J.5o; l.no international Aa hestoa at 17 cents; 20o Calif, oil (Evans', 65 cents. A. O. Anderson, 1'eterson, la, HAVE you $1,000 or more to place in inMut-i.. f-aie iiivcHimrnt which an Incorporated concern positively guarantees return of full placed with interest lu case unsatisfactory III any way at end of six months': This will yield you MO per cent Interest in a few months. 4'osts nothing to Investigate. VV. li. Baugli. 1115 Farnam St. FOR SALE Nice, clean stock of general merchandise. In thriving Irrigated com munity, in Big Horn basin. Wvo. Town Mocaied Center of 50.000 acres irrtirat land. mly one other general store Good chance to make nn.nev. If Interested write owner at once. Addresa Y-14. care Bee. . FOR SALE My reststirant dan.- i,.u j and opera house, fine location and good ooHMu-es. i.uou monev tuaklnit ( heap at a sacrfh once. Henry Wolff ,.i ix . n rufl at Turtle Ijike. Wis. $150 and aervlce buys half Interest In the bfst paying business In Omaha; your share of profts, $55 weekly; will stand closest In vestigation. Addresa P 635. Bee. FOR SALE OR RENT-22-rooin hotel inoMl.N furnished, in count v seat nm .. I .tml Address Neo! owner, riox 253. Madiajn, I'OR SALE- Moving picture sliow oiaska town of s.unn population; 1 business. Address Y-15 Bee. In Ne-1 good WILL buy or promote arnori rin. . other husli ers having merit. Addresa D-641 car Bee. CHIROPODISTS MON H EIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat. Bk. 1). 2333 r'0 '.,OY Farnam St.Doiiglaa 6497. DANCING Misses Simpson H W. ;411 W 510. DENTISTS MA CI I. 3d floor. Paxton. D. 10.'. RAILEY 4b DH HORTON 62T City Nat. Bank Bldg DETECTIVES Secret Service Detect Iv -- Paxton hlk. 1 1. I u.. Omahl bonded. aire .. Inc., Inu. A-IJia. CAPT. T. I'OHMACK. JIT KARHACM Hlk. L. K iRi WN. tiia Paxton Hlk. Don 27X4. DRESSMAKERS Prmik'. Tailoring. 2213 loug. D. 47 li. Miss STURDY. R2I S. lth St. Tel. I.). 7314. PRESSMAK INO by day." Web , Mrs. Ross-Walste a specialty. 2426 S raiding. t'OMPKTKXT DRESS MA K 1 Nl i : satis faction guaranteed; price reasonable; 2X14 Mason DltCSSMAKINC, North lftth street. and alteration. 41; '.'V',"W:!'- Jlatne- 47i5 EDUCATIONAL Y. W. 0. A. SECOND TERM OPENS FEB. 6. G F.N KM A L LlTKRATl'ltE, LANGl'AGF.3, ARITHMKT1C COMMKRCIAL. ORATORY ASTRONOMY, PAINTING. ORCHKPTRA. 8 K WING SHIRTWAISTS PLAIN SKW1NG. TEXTILi: STl'DT. DRKSSM 4 KING. MILLINKRY COOKING THRF.K GRADE COI R3K9 DINNER CiASS. PRACTICAL Cooker LVNCHEON Course. THE MID-WINTER TERM OF J30YLES' COLLEGE Is now open lu both tna day and night sea- 1 aions. 1 et It 1 not too late to Inter. Be gin now and receive that mental discipline that will double our earning capacity. Business. Bookkeeping. Stenography, Teleg raphy, Civil Service and balesrnanshlp. Tna catalogue is lie. Addreas H. B. Boyles, President. Boyle Building, umaha. Neb. UUIcial Training School i.nlon Pacific R. K. leiegraph Department. FLORISTS Bennett s Flower Dept. East entrance. BRANDEIS" cut flower dept.; new store. L. Henderson, I51S Karnam. Douglas 1218. J. H. BATH, 1K28 Harney. Douglaa 3000. HESS & SVVOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAHUE. hXIU Karnam. D. 1001; A -1001. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206-1203 Douglas St. Both phones. FURNACES ll'""'1- "retired. 18th HELP WANTED FEMALE Aaeata mm Halesoaea. LADIES To demonstrate, house to house. Salary and carfare. W. G. Carr Room S2o. 210 So. 13th St WANTED Saleslady Nebraska and Dakota, hotel. for Omaha, Iowa, Apply 416 Millard Clerical aad 4fflce. WANTED An experienced demonstrator In burnt wood department. Apply superin tendent. Brsndels Stores. WANTED An experienced demonstrator In pyrography department. Apply superin tendent. Brandela Stores. Factory and Trade. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelra Parlors. 246-240 City Nat'l Bank. U. 23X. Hoaaekrepera aad Domestics, WANTED A good young girl to help with housework. 1732 8. 17th St. GIRL for general housework; two in family. 607 S. 3th Ave. Tel. Harney 4066. WANTED Experienced housework: no laundry. Harney 1465. Blrl for general loll Jackson St. WANTED An experienced cook and housemaid. 117 S. 3HXti St. WANTED Competent gin st for general housework, oitv u. 40111 WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. M0 S. Central Blvd Doug. 6467. WANTED A competent girl for second worg; reierenc.es requirea. cnanes Turner, oio r arnain St. WANTED A washwoman, white. 37th St. 210 S. WANTED A good washwoman. 614 N 22d St., South Omaha. WANTED A neat, clean, experienced cook at once. 3920 Cuming St. WANTED Young girl over 1 to help with the houaework. 1308 N. 46th St. WANTED A good girl Yor general house work, good wag -s. small family. Mrs J C. Huteson, 1930 Spencer St. Web. 2310 WANTED A good girl for general house work. 128 N. 31st St. WANTED Experienced girl for house work; no laundry. 1911 Chicago. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 1622 Spencer St. W A N T E I ) A young girl to eara for 1- jrpi num. ivi-irieiii;rp. mT Hanlghen. 327 8. 87th St.- J. J. WANTED A good girl over 16 to car for child. 113 N. 16th St. WANTED A good girl for housework Danish or German preferred. 720 6. 22d WANTED Good girl work. 114 S. 35th St. for general house- WANTED Cook and girl kitchen. 618 S. 19th St. to help In WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; rnust be good cook; small family. 'Phone Harney 4V00 or call at 3S16 Harney St. WANTED Girl for general housework and care of children. 614 N. loth St., South Ulna ha. Phone South 1060. GOOD girl, light housework. Tel. Har ney 410w 3421 Lafayette. NICE girl to assist with housework good wsgea. 24mi Cass St. WANTED First class cook (lady prefer red), good wagea. Kroy Cafe, York, Neo. , LADIES take piece work home. Rella- ble.aleady. 415 Brandeis Theater A (M)D girl for general 1322 South 2th street.. housework. Mlscellaaeoas. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strargera are Invited to visit the Young Women'a Christian association building at St. Mary s Ave. and Uth St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or' otherw ise assisted. Look for our trav eler's aid at the Union station. WANTED An undergraduate nurse for night work In hospital: good wages. Ad dress P. aV B hospital. Nor;h Platte. Neb. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Salesman Nebraska and Dakota. hotel. for Omaha, Iowa. Apply 411 Mlhard HELP WANTED MALE .! a ad Siilrnnri- satlaaea. N E I1AVK salesmen s s,sitons open where ou ran earn good money H'liili amoving our mump, I i actical tvhool o( salesmanship Diawer T-67. Cleveland. O I.ANI) Sl.lVMl.'V 11 A. V T L' I i Ll.. ! cheapest land In California. Sold In email I tract on easy terms. We supply attrac tive literature, prospects and give all other assistance iiosslhle. Tiow lit Idge-Rolster Company. LMl city National Hank Bldg. Omaha. .Neb. WAXTKti-Ueputahle firm or Individual to handle the exclusive sale of high class Washington I'ommpn-lal Apple Tracts. Address Box 245. Walla Walla. Wash. Clerical and Office. OhVlCK MAN WANTLD A Minneapolis Farm. MortgHge and In vestment corporation about to oncn a saies- J office In Cfitincll liluffs, wants a young J man as bookkeeper and office assistant. one wno has some experience on type writer prercrred. Must come of respons ible latnily and have la rue acquaintance among responsible farmers. Answer U-677 Omaha Bee. WANTKD -Drug Owl Drug Co. and prescription clerk. YOCNG MAN shipping clerk In whole sale house. Stale age and experience. F-613. Hee. WANTEIV- Kxperlemed cigar salesman for city tradx. Address J 64, care of Hei. INEXPERIENCED Ree. Stenographer, S-fi3;. Factory and Trade. Drug Stores (snspa. Job Knlest. Ree Hldg EXPERIENCED H A RNESSM A K ER. one that can do shoe repairing nlso; steady position to a hustler. Sam Schneider & Son Alnsworth. Neb. WANTED Competent tinner. J. Duffy 18th and Cass.; Douglas 62N0. Miscellaneous. YOU are wanted rnr a government posi tion. tfO a month. Write for list of posi tions open. Franklin Institute, Dept 206-C. Kocnester, .-m. x. WANTED Young men to learn the bar ber' trade, facial massage Included. Bar bers make more money now than ever be fore on account of the manv added monev making facilities. Our course saves years of apprenticeship. Thourands of our grad uates In business sending to us for help. We place our men on trains as railroad barbers, steamships, office buildings, pri vate barbets and valets. Positions always waiting. Tools Riven. Wages In finishing department. Call or write for our free catalogue. Mohler Barber College, 110 S Uth street. GOOD house and barn man, feur; good recommendations. South 14.). also chauf Telephone MORE MEN NEEDED AT ONCE for electric railway motnrmen and conductors 20 to 40 years old. lt0 to 1100 a month; no experience necessary; fine opportunity; 'no strike; write Immediately lor application blank, enclosing stamp. Ajdress, Y-AM, care of Bee. RAILWAY Mall Clerks Wanted-Averagu salary. $1,100; alternate weeks off with full pay; preparation free for coming Omaua examinations. Franklin Institute, Dept 203-C, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; practical shop work under experienced Instructors; individual rosd work In large touring cars. We Invite your Investigation. National Auto Train ing Ass n., office 628 Brandeis Theater Bldg. WANTED BUYER AND MANAGER FOR DRESS GOODS AND SILK DE PARTMENT. APPLY TO 8 N WOL HACH Ai SONS, GRAND ISLAND, NEW WANTED Sober young man, single, fireman for stationary engine, of Irish descent preferred. H 645, Bee. HELP WANTED Male ano female. WANTED Gentleman or lady, as editor and manager of a magazine with 6,0o0 cir culation; must have a few hundred dollars Address O 634, Omaha Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Wagoss. YOU CAN BUY HARNESS , horse blankets, tap robes, etc., and surely get your money's worth, If you buy from JOHNSON-D AN FORTH CO.. Southwest Corner Tenth and Jones Eta WE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICE 4. HEAVY TEAMING GEARS and DELIVERY WAGONS, made from tha best MA'lERiAL .KNKY CAN BUY. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO.. 1117 Karnam FOR SALE Five good farm mares from 1.100 to 1.4O0 pounds; three in foal. 2411 N. 24th St. Tel. Webster 2SS3. LOST AND FOUND LOST Boat on bull terrier, white breast and bobtalled; S years old; big collar on neck: was last seen at 15th and Leaven worth, 6 p. ni Friday. Call A. C. Storz. Storx Brewing Co., receive reward. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases: all treatment supervised by college professor. Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day and night. MONEY TO LOAN IALAHY AMD CH4TTKLI. i!!MBijjimwiiitvi auiiiimummtiUKu It NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC $$ $4 H $4 44 (4 44 $4 $4 41 $4 4 $4 $4 41 4 44 14 44 44 $4 44 44 $4 44 44 44 $4 44 u 44 $10 TO $1,000 $4 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD 41 FUKNITUKni. PIANOS. SALAKXEa, $$ THIS 18 A NUW F1KM. 4$ Organised by tha REPUTABLB 4$ BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro 44 ltd bonskt working people In need 44 tf temporary i.elp from tha exor bi ll tant charges of tha so-called loan II companies Wa will loan you all to $$ money you want and cnarge you om 44 4 par cent a year. $$ THIS MEANS YOU PAY 44 For I 10 nio. payments $1.70$ 10 3 1$ For I 25 nie, payments M id $ 26 u 4$ For $ to mo. payment 4 46 4 few $4 Fur Ijuo L mo. payment $.M $lox.Mt 4$ And all oilier um In proportion, 4$ Lay weekiy or Monthly Payinanca. $$ tteasonabl Appraisement Cliargea. $4 A gianca at tha aoove rata wui $4 convince you how auuca you aava y $4 dealing with u. 4$ NO KD TAPE. NO DELAg. $$ MONEY IN YOUR POCK a. A'. $$ WITHIN AN HOUR. $$ INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. $4 ROOM 3U4. Wl 1 HN ELL BUILDiNU. $$ Doug. 4040. r. t cor. lain and Harney. hiiiiii ii)iiiiiiiiiiht Could You Use $50 to a Good Advantage 1 Don't go to a friend. Cora to ua. When you borrow money you want the lowest rata, and we gire It. Wa will loan you from $1-00 to $loO(M on furniture, pianos or teams, without removal; smail and easy pa menu. $1 2u la the weekly payment un a $50 loan fur 50 weeks. Other amount In the same proportion. We give liberal dis count on all loans paid off before dus. Mall or phone applications receive our prompt attention, elrlctlv confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co. Room 12. Arlington Block. 1611C, Dodge 8U Phones: Dourflaa 246s A-346&. LOOK! LOOK!! Are you short of fundsT Do you need MONK Y 7 If so and oj nave a PERMANENT POSIT. ON. or own FURNITURE, PIANO. FIXTURES, HORSES, WAGONS, etc., we will gladly advance you what money you Deed, our rates tbe low wit. terms the easiest and a WjL'AKE DEAL guaranteed. AMERICAN LOAN CO. 1514 FARNAM ST.. ROOM 3o7. MONEY M Paxton Block. Tat. To LOAN. Come tn and let ua expiaia our low ratea to you. Reliable Credit Co., Douglas 1411. A. -114 MONEY TO LOAN a arr nail Chattels -oitlnaed. DIAMOND LOANS AT 57 V. C. ELATAL.V' ,l,od" f reel. soup. WON KT LOANKD JAN KD SALARIED PEOPL.K. UM1.N vinr-n.-?. wnm m eeciiriiyi ftay iamenia iifflra In n principal cltle. 'i'uimsn Kwn K3 New Omaha National Rank Hlilg DO YOU NEED MONEY! We will loan you money on your furni ture, piano, live stork or any other se curity st M)WKR RATKS THAN OTHERS AUVKKTISL:. Courteous tieatment snd altlc-t privacy. I'm 1 1 or phone and runvino. ytiurseif. NEBHASKA LOAN Co . D. Ind. A-13jti. 2.0 Ke bldg Private party will loan honorable salaried ' I Jieoplu eniull sums on their plain note- ' bauaiiiK methods, lowest tale, loans u.ad I 1 Quickly and conf uietitiallv : nm . lai.gwJ aa OcsneJ. Address A ait, Bea. a-Ar-KESSMEN'S DELIVERY (O.-Mot KMoiiiire pacKing. fireproof storage. ) oince :ii, . i,tn ')oug. 3!4 Ind. B-U4I. OMAHA VAN sTOHACK 11 your carpets on your floors; electrlo vacuum clean-rw sit SSltith; M a. r,ti uoug. 41SJL OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard and Rooms. THE IRVIN'T 2102 Leavenworth street MODERN room: board If desired; walk ing distance. 2223 Dodge St. STRICTLY modern rooms, with home cooking; rates reasonable, by day or week; meals. 2..c; half block west of postoffice 1711 Dodge. FOR RENT Nice south room, nicely furnished: private famllv: nlc. v.nrn couple of ladles; toard Is desired; walking distance. 25i8 Jones St. St Janies. 416 S. 13; aim. heat, free bath; Am.. $1.25 up; wkly.. 85 up; meals, 25c. BEAUTIFULLY furnished font room, with lavatory, targe closets; also smaller room; excellent board: on mr 10,. lng distance. 709 s. 29th street. ONE large room, nicely furnished, desira ble for three; home cooking. 2112 Douglas FOR RENT -Nice home cooking. 6.11 S. room, with 24th St. board. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room; board If desired. &40 s. 24th St. FOR RENT Very desirable room, private home, desirable for gentlemen; board If wished. 214 N. 23d St.- FOR RENT- Larue steam-heated front room; nice for three gentlemen; good board. 2610 Harney St. ATTRACTIVE front room with large al cove; walking distance; home cooking. Phone Douglaa 53X6. SUIT E of three rront rooms, elegantly furnished, strictly modern, suitable for 3 or 4 gentlemen; hot and cold water In room: ""nt: alao other rooms. 610 So. FOR gentleman and wife who wuld ap- i-.r. ,i,r m. uome in rerinea family, an east ...mi loom, won alcove; handsomely fur- nisnea, with choice table. B 629, Bee. Farnlaked Rooans. f'RRNT Nlcelv furnished front room. ni B. ltth st Very convenient to business SUPERB N. 13d. . large steam-heated room. 23 NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod aT?','11 6 mlnute f business district WE have threa warm and comfortable furnished rooms at 101 N. 18th 8L STRICTLY modern rooms, close In: price reasonable. 2018 St. Mary's. WANTED-By young iady roommata at 200u St. Mary s. ELEGANT FRONT room, private family: walking distance' reasonable. 67 8. 26 Av arlP ,m7,Llhed room- Tel Webster 171 pt u w . svtn st. FOR RENT Two nicely furniihed rooms 133 8. 22d St, rooms NICELY furnished room near 24th street car line. 2445 South 20th street. LARGE east room, facing Park Ave new private residence; $15. Tel. Harney 4994. FURNISHED room; bath; in prlvaia house; half block to car; $2 week $. N 26th street. EXTRA warm front room, nlshed; hot water all the time. nicely fur 1707 Dodge. LARGE heated room, suitable young men. 1617 Cass St. for two TWO very desirable heated rooms In a new private home; fine residence hi....!.... continuous hot and cold water; fine bath use of phone; gentlemen preferred iiy N. 30th St. FURNISHED ROOMS for light ho,,,.' keeping it desired; modern. 2232 Farnam LARGE rom with or without board n N. 22d. Doug. 6235. "oara. 312 Pt.PlSlNT comfort sKta . . . - - ' ...... luioreneo room i .,,,,, t-ti ... 1 1. 1 .. . . loom o,., nn,nniG uiaiance, Dewey Ave. Tel. Douglaa 6401. 2308 ONE large and one small room- liirhp heat and bath. Telephone Tyler 1426 -ii Capitol avenue. la CLOSE In. two newly fnrnlahed front rnnrn. ' fotnuoji li PBt MA s- Uk ww.i.b, - vw n u 1 1 j ivlh No sign. 'Phone Douglas 6663. bt, WARM, front room, with all conven lcnc.es, In private home, for gentleman -uia Chicago. Phone Doug. 6216. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th Farnam. STRICTLY modern furrHshed room" Gentlemen only; half block from Dost, office. 220 No. 17th. Douglas 6194. STEAM-HEATED rooms by day or wl, 611 N. 17th St. eK 1701 DAVENPORT-Neatly kept room with bath; hot and cold water; steam heat electric lights; gentlemen onlv. ' SLEEPING rooms, home. 2608 Dodge St. in modern Harney 23?5. brick ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM well heated, in strictly private family; choice residence district, within five minutes' walk from wholesale district; hot and cold water, bath, electric and gaa light privilege to use phone and library; no' other roomers In house; gentlemen only Inquire at 1326 S. 9th St. PLEASANT, warm front room; private home; fine location, on car line; easy walk ing distance; modern; fine for one gentle, man. 223 N. 2f.ih. $2.50 WEEK. warm, coxy room, on bath room floor; suitable for one or two people furnace heat; nice bath; plenty hot water; gas and telephone: also room and alcove light housekeeping privileges. 2563 St.' Mary's Ave STRICTLY tance. 418 S. up. Tel. Ind. modern rooms, walking dls- AN elegant large front room ; SIX) N. fine fur 2oth; no nlture; strictly modern, sign on house. FOR RENT- Nice warm room, newlv furnished; walking distance. 2..X2 Harney St NICK south. Douglas St. alngle room, furnished. 2215 FOR RENT Nice aoulh front room, de sirable for two or three. 1H24 Douglas St.- FOR RENT Nice warm, sunny rooms: bath; rates reasonable; meals if denied m S. 2..ih St. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished. 19th St.- mddern. good location. 6.-4 N. FOR R EXT-Modern front room, good lo cation. 2,i Howard FOR RENT Nice housekeeping and sleep lng rooms. 24U6 Cuming FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, close In. 209 N. Uth I MOVING STORAGE, ni PArJiwr. 1 vhunniiiu OFFERED FOR RENT Faralahrd llnnma t'natlaaed. Ftrs slrsble poi t. ItKNT Nice Inrse east for three gentlemen. 1' room, de 1'4 l'Mven ' U . 0" ' rm n" KtMl Wi:T-oaly furnished bed looms. FOR UKNT-Twn nlcelv good location. 314 s. 20th - furnished room HKAI'TIKt'L room, steam heated, walk Ir.if distance. 2O40 IjinK'don Court. - FOR RE.Nr-Nl.ely furnished: modern hot and cold water, bath. 2110 S. Pth. Poll RENT Nice modern room, for two. 2J77 Harney. suitable. FOR RENT Nicely ', lor, suitable for two j 2U4 S. l!th furnished front par or three gentlemen FOR RENT Nlcelv floor, tine of parlor furnished, on first and tdano. orlvate ramiiv 20i'S st I'esiraoie home lor two gentlemen Mary's Ave. FOR RENT-Nlce large room. In new St Louis flat; private family. S4u 8. Uth. NICE furnlsned rooms, desirable for two 320 N. 23d.- FOR rooms, RENT Nicely furnished suite for two gentlemen. KiOi Farnam. - of FOR KENT Nice front room; furnace I heat. gas. light. U22 Dodge - FOR RENT Nice larga heated rooms fine location. 618 N. Uth. DELORIE Hotel. 0 N. 17th. Steam Heat. LARGE modern room for gentleman; walking distance 403 N. Uth: LARGE modern sleeping rooms; finest location in city. 118 N. lsth. MCELT furnished front room ta team heated flat to young lady onlv. Chicago St. Tel. Red 624$. new Ml ELEGANTLY furnished room, house keeping privilege If desired; good beat good bath; cloae in. 2411 Dodg. FURNISHED, (team heated-room, prt vate family, for gentleman; walking dia tai.ee. .u. S. 2sth St. Upl DAVENPORT-Neatly kept room with bath; hot and cold water; steam heat electric lights; rentlemen only. C11.V1. 1 1.1 mnnern furnished room M-ou.-m.-n nniy: nair hock from no- office. 220 No. inn. I'ougias i4. OUTSIDE. flHt; bright. second floor ropm; modern ciean, gas and flectrlc cht Rood heal and not wster: Indv emnloved or man and wife, Jlh pp.r month. Phoni .--uKiaB wkri. iioward St. NICE modern room 1 S. 80th St. Harney In private 4761. family j GOOD room for men. 218 N. Uth. Hotels and Apartmeats. NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS foe m-n tlemen. THE CHATHAM, lit) B. Uth St. suites-$50 up: meal book, $5 60. Gentle men prererrea. lei Htr. 6l. 1042 Geo. Ava DODGE HOTEL 13th & Dodge; all out ide rooms, steam heat; special week rata The BACHELpR, JOth and Farnam. Apartmeats aad Flats. An elegsnt 6-room apartment, main floor. memo umieu. sinciiy moaern; reasonable 216 N. 22nd. Inquire 320 N. 20th. CENTRAL. N. 23d. steam heat. 4-room fit &a t.w x- cirv-xvcjvjm apt., 1 olkg east Fm .i. oirniy ssee. ojs a. jitn Ave., rooms; new; modern In every respect; tile bathroom floor vacuum cleaner- no children. Inquire on piciiuBCB. ici. A-ii iq or u. uiiuuftp 11001. b-room, steam heated flat, the Dunsany, 10th and Pierce st CONRAD YOUNG. 408 Brandela Theater Bldg. 118 00 7-raom modern flat. 1M AI. Uth Bi epstalrs, lugulrv . lOtk L Call Wea 18T7, 1 MOST elegantly decorated and completa 4 or 6-room brick apartment In city; eleo trto lights, continuous hot and cold water steam heat furnished; tiled bath room laundry with drier. Price, $60. Two blocks from heart of city. 11-677. Be. NEW 6-room flat near 24th ind Wst oak finish and tiers, curtain rod. .' range, gaa laundry stove, nice tiled porch, back lawn with Iron fence, vacaht Jamil arv 31. $33. ERNEST 1236 City National SWrEET, Bank Bldg. Omaha. 6-ROOM flat, strictly modern: vf k. nalirl,hn,hnn,l t K I , W w"l Farnlaked Heawkeeplng Room. FRONT ROOM. gas. half block from car colored. 917 N. 25th St, rora c' FURNISHED ROOMS for light keeping. N. 17th St. Red 6490. house- LIGHT housekeeping 207 N. Kth rooms, cloae n. FOR RENT A couple rooms, furnished for housekeeping. 622 N. 23d St.- TWO lovely furnished front rooms fro light housekeeping, within esay Wlklni distance; everything modern; price re. sonable. 650 S. 26th Av. v re CLOSE In, larga front room, suitable xor man mo who, ibu oiner rooms. No. 17th St. 311 FOR RENT-Neatly furnished house keeping rooms; closa In. 607 N. 20th St. FOR RENT-Two front furnished. 2722 Miami St. room; newly FOR RENT Threa desirable rooms; mod ern; hot water heat; near car; good neigh borhood; references. $210 Cass St. TWO rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping; laundry privileges. 7707 Dodge. NICE 2-room apartment, neatly fur nished. 2917 Mason St. FOR RENT Large front room cove; modern. 2708 Farnam St. ind al FOR RENT Nice front room and also sleeping room, well heated; gas. bath and phone furnished. 2114 Chicago St FOR RENT-Two very nice location. 2226 Farnam St. rooms, good NICELY fornla St.- furnlahed rooms. isn Call- FOR RENT Two nicely furnished south east rooms, with gas for light snd cook ing; sink In kitchen. 815 S. 18th St. FOR RENT-Two room for llghthouse keeplng; good location. 2u6 N. 20th St. FOR RENT Nice furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 606 N. 18th St. FOR RENT Nice housekeeping rooms modern, well heated. 2663 Dodge. FOR RENT Nice rooma for man wife, good location. 3414 Webster. and FOR RENT Nice parlor snd housekeep ing room. 2210 Harney FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms; gas for cooking. 818 N. 17th. FOR RENT Two nice modern rooms, parlor floor. 206 8. 25lh Ave. i I 1 846 FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, good location, loli Howard tOSE-lN front room for light keeping. 71 N. 22d house- I famished Rooms. FOUR rooms, gas snd elty water. U14 Bancroft St. Phon Red 6664. TWO adjoining ileeplng room; sultabl for four gentlemen. 2420 Cuming. FOR RENT Two nice unfurnished rooms. Call Sunday or evenings. 648 8 24th St. TWO warm, south front rooms; newly decorated ; on bathroom floor; 24"2 Cass; convenient to two car line; reference. FOR RENT Four hot water heat. 1301 Q, evening. nice rooma; 8. 26th A vs. modern: Douglaa OFFERED FOR RENT Karnlshed llonekreln- ltoo. THREE nl ce rooms, mam km; n iTth st - lloiu. modern I except heat I ...... FIVE nice rooms on main fl fur- nlshed or unfurnished, sir N. 4Mb St. lX'R RENT- l'our liousckccpmg moms: nnxlern I222 N. 1'ith SI - TIIIIKK rooin. m district. Phone ll.it n. ct,M n, v 21,:.: siM Is mam llonara and (oIlNars. Ri O.M lo2 lark worth st. house; Ae modern ec lti'iune 2" It fin tia' e l.rj.eii- I - 8-P.OOM cottage: modern, exo pt furnic; Soutl I Bll . .tflj 1-eautltul lawn and trees No La Ave. Rent uiily U (tu 1110 .AUkiPl 4o4U. KERR1N Exp Storage. 1611 Cap D 21 1 House. Ins Rlngwait. Brandrt Th. HiJi. NEW, k rooms, ail modern except liesi l,i S. JOtn Ave.. 1 block luuth of Cetitia. boulevard and Vlntop Bcnuoc id. tyir COTTAGE, HOJ N. ftth St. T.I Harney .VA Houses In all parte Crelgb Sun aV of Co., to llH city. Ill Orf. THIRTY-SECOND and Poppleton s-lconi modern brick flat. WRIGHT - LASBl KY. SOS r-o. liith St. Phone Dougias 152. $l-7 room mod. ex. bent. 2nN N. 27th Si $11 -7-room, mod ex beat. 211 10 N. s;tli St Robinson & Wolf. 4:ii PaMon rtlock! TENANT leaving city. bcaulful new home, lxth and Wirt. Is for rent. Fine te ception ball: Imgc living immi with beamed celling Dining room In paneled I'ollshed oak floors throughout Heautl fully decorated Not manv bouses like this for rent. O. A. Scott. Phone Web ster 3817. Om. Van 4k Storage Co. packs. moves. mh household goods. Fireproof storage MX s Uth. Branch, 80 8. 17tn. Tel. 1) uli.' aIu. .-ROOM houe, modern, walking dlstanr. fancy beautiful Turner Park. Cor. Dodi,; and Bo. Central Boulevard. Inquire in i-wiii or uvu. mi-.iiiae. Litun v aur u. IVO' ii.oo .sanier St., o rooms, partlv mod- ern. $20.00 42iW N. 2,Mh except heat. Ave., 6 100111H, nio rn $25.00-3.'.40 N. 2th St , 5 rooms, new and strictly modern. Call and see our list. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Dong. 17M: A-11S6. Ware Bio k HOUSEHOLD GOODS Packed, forwarded cheap freight rates; moving and storing Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas 3 ! City Office. 216 So. 17 St.. Bee Bldg FINE forma. 8-room, modern house. .;wi c 2717 Capitol Ave., 9-r., all mod., $no. 652 S. 26th Ave, -r.. all mod , $30 J. W. RASP CO., 6S9 Brandeis Bdg 1318 N. 40TH, rooms, strictly all mod ern. C. E. Heirlng. 417 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 8-U., $30. $220 Burt. Tel. Harney 2498. 1806 Park Ae.. 8-room, all modem housiO Tel. Harney 6670. Stores and Office. IN new building, corner of 12th and Far nam Sts., an entire floor, 44x132. Suitable for Jobbing or light factory purposes. All modern, both passenger and freight ele vator service. See J. A. Freeland. 1115 Far nam St. HEATED room for barber shop In new brick building at 32d and Arbor St. Ex cellent location for good barber. D. .1. Hughes. Harney 4625 2504 S. 32d Ave. FOR RENT Office room, 33. located ort top floor: facing court. 370 auuarc feet In cluding vault: rents for $26 per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnltore. MUST make Immediate sale of house hold furniture; mahogany piano, music cab inet, dark oak library table, bookcast, chair,- dining room furnltnre, buffot. oai bed. servants' room furniture, rugs, porclt chairs, hammock. Ice chest, gas range. undry and lawn equipment: subject to prior sale. Harney 4558. 401 N. 31st St., cor. Chicago. OAK dining room 1 new, cheap. table and sideboard, 674 S. 35th Ave. good ai FOR BALK CheaD: furniture and nlano. Tel. Web. 1309. Call evenings or Sundays. A FEW fluff rugs at making price. Deen Rug Factory. Red 7892. FOR SALE Antique bed complete: leav ing city; must sell at a bargain: no reason able offer refused. SS25 N. lxth St. 4 Typewriters. Birr an L. C. Smith & Broa. typewriter. B. F. Bwanson Co., Distributers. 1316 Far- nam St. RENT an Oliver Typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Phone Douglas 2919 SECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Karnam. Miscellaneous. SECOND-HAND MOTORS LE-BRON. 313 SOUTH 12TII ST. DRY kindling. $1 load, del'd. 1 Vt b. 5S47. About 40 feet of 28-lneh diameter K'n gauge, galvanized pipe, with four 45-Inch elbows and T. This was used for ventilat ing purposes, and pipe I In good condition The Bee Publishing Co., Uth and Karnam EXTRA fine piano, horse and buggy at bargain; must sell at once; leaving town Call at 1924 Locust. FOR SALE New and second hfind bil liard and pool tables. Wc lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easv pavment". Brunswick-Balke-ColleniJer. 407 S. 0th St. FOR SALE One Parker Bios, liammer less. 10 gauge, tv ist barrel, shot gun. and leather case. $40 One Purker Bros, ham mer gun, IO-gauc;e and leather case. $12.. a. One Smith A- Weston. 3X caliber, h.i miner less revolver. $10. Address L 614. care P.ce WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bur rels which tve will sell for 50 cents each They Irs fine for rsln water or ashrx Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. SAFES 4versto-ked with second hand safes, all sizes and makes: bargain American Supply Co . 1 1 10 I ai mini St. FOR BALE About $150 worth of Invoice stock of drv goods: all wood, clean stuck: cheap If taken at once. W rite or call :;..? N. 27th St. Ind. B 27.m. FINE home-grown Early Ohio potatoes. Order from miner and face retallrr' profit. Tel. Benson 2l OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson. 306-8 Brandeis Tlieali lir P.l!g KATHERYN Theater. NIKOLAS, CI-6 Brand-Is PATENTS DO BARN ELL. Paxton Hlk. Tel. I: !"1'7 IRAM A. STURGES. 1 c p.it-nt i,n Biandels Theater Bldg Douglas .:4'.9 WILLARD EDDY, leuiateie.l practttion In U H. Pat office. 61X Ph xion Bll- 't J" PERSONAL MECIIANO THERAPY rheumatism, itiusssge treatment Grippe T. M arguerlte llalloran. 226 .ellle Blk. Prof. Dinijian,' randels Theater. D. 3 GRAND View Maternity Dunn, prlvaia home for women during con flnement. Addresa Box 117. Flotenc. '11- Kioreru 392 8UPERFL1 OUS hair removed neima nently without the. electric to-tslie or In jury to the skin: work guaranteed; lailj attendant. .'110 Mi-Cague i ldg. VIBRATORY MASSAGE Dr. Rlttenliouse, 311$ Old Boston Slur. 41 1 floor, elevator entrance. l'o 8. lull. opa Sunday from I a- m. t U p. m. f: V