TIIE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. JANUARY 2.1. mil. rr r" Why Not Own an Irrigated Farm In the Arkansas Valley of Colorado? IVIup of tlic Arkansas Volley of Colorado, Showing Land and Water System of tlic Ncpcstn Ditch and Reservoir Co. THIS IS ONE IRRIGATING SYSTEM OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY THE FARMERS f?e3 R63 t6l HfcO R59 Eil9FfH J LK 1 PR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II M Mil yjHHH1H miHiH5 ; . fsFSEftr 1- 3f ircak" 3 . - jLvan-aA jlU P 1 5 . j ftvx - - l T E3ZZZZ2l!ZZZ ' 21 -3r 7 L liir?fti: - u:; 5Z -2iAT 7 1 Jli:. 23 zzv . 3?7lf . f s i i I b -i i i liii i i r ii j i r m i ii i i i i i i i . f i. i u i i i s ulzh i ' 1 a i i i i i i tirmur'iin w a i 1 1 - H ( ( V-A U WX L- i J . I 1 L-O Lr I I I I H fVV 'JTJ7rT7rJt I N N I I 1 I 1 I V I 1 1 v i yi r 1 i i 1 v k j r h ikzv&t j lz i i t i u - 1 41 U J A .A K m m m at - - ' - - - R 57 R56 Ff.SS THE NEPESTA LAND DISTRICT, The "Jewel of the Arkansas Valley ilJ. V V esi 1 WE HAVE NO INDEBTEDNESS WE LOCATION The land of the Xepeeta Ditch and Reservoir Company Ilea Just south of and extnds up to the main line of tho Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, and woat of and adjoining the famous development district of Fowler, Manzanola and Rocky Ford, where land values range from $150.00 to $1,000.00 per acre, according to Improvements and state of development. The land all has a gradual slope to the east, just adequate for the perfect flow of water. There are no wamps or sand hills; the entire district la one vast stretch of smooth, level land. There are no rocks or tim bers to clear, nor roots to grub. THE SOIL The soil of the Nepesta Land Tract is a rich chocolate sandy loam, the Ideal standard for Irrigation pur poses. It works freely and Irrigates nicely, and Is particularly suited to the production of all kinds of fruits which grow in a temperate climate. The silt or sediment distributed over the surface of the ground by means of irrigation, serves as a. fertilizer and enriches the land. No water shortage will ever occur under the Farmers Nepesta System. Three sources of water stored in reservoirs before crop la seeded, with double the amount of water that can possibly be used. Nepesta, our town, is already quite a shipping point and with the additional development and settlement f thia 10,000 acres will rank with any other shipping and marketing point in the valley and adding to the Importance is the fact that Nepesta la Just 26 miles from Pueblo, a city of 60.0J0 population, the largest indus trial city in the West, affording very valuable marketing facilities. Price of Land and Terms of, Sale ... 1, , i A .. J IlilA Art -, n,U k l . t o- ,k- f . lr Hit. we win sail m irftciv iruui v bvicb iuu up a i j.vv.vv yci thia uu v, v - fifth cash, balance in four equal annual payments at 6 per cent inUreaU I. J V. n Ah. A 1 n n n - 7a11. n9 PnlAi-aHn will i-r.ii ha oKIa t hliv II T K 1 a n A flflri U'fltPT - rights at the price and terms quoted above. . . HAVE $105,000.00 IN THE TREASURY. ORCHARD AND MEIX)N TRACTS Which would yon prefer? Either one is a money maker. Delightful about it. We can make unusually good terms on theBe tracts. work almost like play. Ask ut MARKETS The markets and shipping facilities of the Nepesta Land Tract are convenient to the farmer. Products of this tract find easy access to all parts of the country. Melons and fruit probably travel the greatest distance to the consumer, where they are attracted by the better prices. Cantaloupes and apples are shipped in car load lots to New York, California and New Mexico. The Arkansas Valley, surrounded by a mountainous region, and In close communication with rich mines of coal, iron, silver, gold, lead, copper, zinc, clay, limestone, gypsum, cement rock and building stone, gives It a combination of diversified industry and of great manufacturing activities. Six large beet sugar factories, nine alfalfa mei mills, and numerous canning factories and creameries prepare agricultural products for the mar ket. The immense steel works at Pueblo, the largest plant of its kind in the West, the smelters of Pueblo, and the Innumerable mining and manufacturing enterprises of the valley assure a local market for farm products and supply that wide foundation of varied industry that Is typical of the most permanently prosperous com munities In America or elsewhere. , There is no soil niore fertile than this; not only because it is In its virgin state-, but also because th natural chemical salts which nature originally put there for plant food have not been drenched and leached out by centuries of heavy rainrall as Is largely true in the case of humid climates. This is not a theory; the heavier yield of crops here as compared with those of wet climates actually proves it. Excursion First and Third Tuesday of Each Month Round trip $19.00. Be sure to make arrangements to go with me February 7th. You owe It to yourself and those dependent upon you to investigate the wonderful opportunities we offer you. For further Information In regard to this proposition, call, wire or write. W. FITZGERALD LAND COMPANY, 327-8 Board of Trade Bldg. Omaha, Neb. 4 IOWANS WANT BUSINESS LAWS Activity of Members of Legislature to Be Devoted to This End. H0AD LAW UP FOR REVISION Hew ftrBalatlon for Aulomobtlra and niffrrrat I'rovlnloa for Aumarnt On of tturadona Brfore Uw makrra Thla daaloa. (From a Staff Correspondent.) PKS MOIN'KS. Jam 21. (Special.) So far a rn be discerned tho principal work of tlm legislative acsHlon which lias Just been opened will be along the line of aiding lr. commercial affaln. Among the meas ures which are silre to receive a great di'al of attention and which hava already been projected are these: Revision of the road laws, perhaps a complete re-rltlng .of the laws. Introduc ing soma innovations and making possible more effective use of the money raised for road purposes. Tax law revision, This may take the form of organizing a committee to Investi gate and report rather than any positive action, but In some matter the demand Is f.n- repeal of present laws. The tax fcrrel law may be repealed so that It will be easier to evade taxation. There Is demand for repeal of the law to tax moneys and credits, but thia will not get through at this seHslon. Assessment of automobiles and new reg ulations for automobiles. One proposal Is for a special tax on machines to go to the road fund and that all autos be exempt from' ordlnai y taxes. School legislation in the direction of the meusurea desired by the State Teachers j association. The office of school treasurer lll be abolished. The township may be' made the unit for schoxl organization and thrre may he changes affecting the cer tification of teachers. The educational in terests of thv Htaie are demanding some inimwtunl legislation. I'rnvlxlon 'or extension of the college work into every part of th. Mate and In crease of the educational work being done for the benefit of the farmers and farm Interest Meillatrlrllnit I'rnlialile. Readjustment of the Judicial districts of the state. In soniw the judges hae very little to do and in other places they are- overworked. 'hatiKes in the law relating to collateral Inheritance laxes t strengthen the law. J'o-mI.Iv a bill will be passed for a di rect inheritance tax law. Pome plight revision of the primary elec tion law. The difte may tie changed to hVptcnihcr and ther may be provision that not all of the slate candidates shall be named In this wav, hut some of them be U ft to the con cnllons. The i hIIi.I ireKon plan" for the elec- lion of enator will almost certamlv he !o)'lcil l.t i he legitlalure. With this may lo a plan for the Huhtmio-ioii to the inters ef the .,( mioh of iheir preference for pi es Itif nt and i iee 41 t-sidcrt Ti uiijiuiii:ini of ii, ua rebuilt iaUiy aad food product, awl ev-waj giving the dairy commissioner power to compel sanitary conditions where food pro ducts are manufactured or exposed for sale. The creation of a publlo service commis sion, or In some form securing a change In the laws to give somebody authority to regulate the public service companies as to prices, etc. Apparently there Is no disposition on the part of members to Indulge In freak bills or to suggest radical legislation. The organization of the two bodies would Indi cate an Intention to have a strictly busi ness session and follow along the well beaten paths of legislation. The demand for appropriations will be large and It Is almost certain that a larger amount of money will be spent than ever before. There will be few new offices created and few abolished. State Kalr Mtaatlon. The loss of John C Simpson as secre tary of the Department of Agriculture will be keenly felt In Iowa, for It Is recognized that he has virtually made the state fair what It Is. tie came Into the office a few years ago as a clerk and stenographer at $.15 a month and Is now getting 13.310 a year, but goes to Minnesota at ". a year. He has devoted his entire time to the work of making the fair and has been steadily building It up until It has become a great Institution. Mnar Normal Inatltattoaa. Kiery county superintendent will be com polled to hold an annual normal Institute in his county If a bill Introdueed In til house by Harvey of Osceola county be comes a law. The bill provides that each county superintendent must hold an annual normal training Institute tor teachers and those who desire to teach. peealale la (ollrum Mark, Kfforts on the part of certain specula tors to gain control of the coliseum by pan haslng the mock at a low figure will be frustrated by the Greater Pes Moines committee. Some time ago the manage ment of the Coliseum learned that there was an attempt )elng made to depreciate the value of the stock of the coliseum company by circulating damaging reports s to Its financial condition. Ky this means they succeeded In buying many shaiea at a low figure. r'nr rw Normal ftrhool. Senator Punnegan of I'age has prepared a hill to establish a new state normal si hool In Shenandoah to he known as (he hhenandoah State Normal and Comnier ehil college. It provides for the accepl- sn, e by the state of the property of the ! Wcsiein Noimal College company of Slienumloali. which Includes three acres : of ground and a building ere led at a cost jot about jo"0 located In Shenandoah. 4- ! f Notra. I I'ftKSTUN- The ftnploves of the Ti inple iniKl theater or this place put on the p.av 1. Kle liuiksliof last iiiKht for ti e r i n l-n,l,i llils Is an annual event witu me slave managers here, and the play ia- v iincssr.t I,, a crowded house, it was ei ditablv stayed. TflAKIl The Mutual Te: one couipan which owns and operates exchanges in Tiaei. Itoinoe. k ami Uladhrook and which ts the proiM-ity of sit loeal iinllvldu.i.s was reoiKanlzcd vesterday and t lie owner ship ami cniniol of the company has passed to a uck luiotiany. t apualisvil i ju ,j. CKtolu.N A Juvtiuis cm was bafiut .. . . I,,.!-, via ll nr. I bnfika show a balance ol EO.l-ii.il on nmiu dered Mary and Cecil Huberts, the two at the time of the January settlement with stepdaughters of Ozy Smith of Lorlmor, the board of supervisors. With the excep- taken to the Iowa Children a home in ues 1 lion or a few tnousana mis ainouin uc- Molnes because of the alleged neglect by posited with the dirrerent bangs oi me the stepfather to properly care for them. I county and S49.UOD of the amount Is draw ing 4 per cent Interest, ueposuones oi un county a funds with duly approved bonds In the amounts Indicated ore as follows: First National bank. Woodbine. lUMWii; First National bank. PunlaD. S15.00O; Sav ings Bank of Persia. J10.UOU; State Savings bank, Modale. 10.0oii; Havings bank, Wood bine, State bank. IJunlap. (IO.uuO: Citizens State bank. Imnlap. flT.oflO: State Savings bank, Missouri Valley, HO.ooO; Petyon bank. Little Sioux, Jl-J.ON). Moat Wonderful Ilea 1 1 a. After suffering many years with a sore, Amos King. Port Byron. N. Y., was cured bj Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I5c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. CRKSTON-Mrs. Ella Truek. a Bohemian resident of Belle Plalne, 91 years old, died at the home of her daughter here. Horn In lOo, she Is said never to have known a sick day In her life, she was never under the care of a physician und never missed a meal. Her death was due to old age. LOGAN John Schroeder waa taken home here yesterday In an unconscious condition and it was a late hour before he waa pro nounced out of danger, it Is not known positively what caused Mr. Schroeder s trouble, but In the opinion of those In at tendance It may be a case of alcoholic poisoning. LOOAN Auditor's salary, as fixed by the Harrison county board of supervisors, is H,4"0; deputy auditor, I'.iuO; deputy treas urer, !u0; treasurer, 11.500; clerk of the dis trict court, ll.ton; deputy, rtt0: recorder, II.ixk); deputy, StMO; county attorney, fl.OuO; sheriff, l.ou; county superintendent, 11, aw; deputy. 14j0. NEWTON William Brady of Baxter, who was arrested here yesterday for shoot ing and probably fatally wounding lu Cross, also of Baxter, was released on ball of K.tHRt. Cross has been taken to a Des Moines hospital, where It was said today that he would probably die of the bullet wound through his lungs. MAR8HA1.1.TOW.V Formal decrees, which enjoin twenty-two saloon firms. In dividual owners and employes from selling liquor In Iowa for five years, and whlcti enjoin and close three saloons were filed here today by Judge C. H. Bradehaw. The court neara ine cases last spring and made rulings in them a few weeks ago. CKKTON-Mrs. Rebecca llarpln. one of .lie county s oldest resident, died at her ii, one in I'laltc township yesterday after 4 brief Illness. Mis. Hatpin came' to the ounty when but S years of age and had the chart prepared by Hugh T. Miehell ; court and geodetic, survey and based on Peary's observations. Representative Bates of Tennessee pre sented the majority reiiort of the committee recommending that Peary be retired with the rank of rear admiral. Captain Peary Near the North Pole Oeodetic Survey Finds from His Ob servation that He Was Within 1.6 Miles of the Exact Spot. WASHINGTON. Jan. 22 -That Captain Robert K. Peary came within 1.6 miles of the north pole near enough to establish his claim of having been at the exact spot, la the decision of the houtie committee on naval affairs, which has been considering the bill to 'retire Captain Peary with the rank of reaer admiral. The basis of the committee's finding is old and the wife ol N. an llarpin, a well Known lainier or ine township. CISESTON A Cherokee farmer and his three boys who scoffed at the "red tape'' considered necessary by I lie slate in mak ing it necessary for hunters to lake out a hunters license have been obliged to pav 141.iK) for their disdain of the law. Deputy game wardens nabbed them and three of the men pleaded guilty and the case of the other one was continued. CH KSTl IN" A e u r I' nf Italian la K. !f'.Tnf.'ni" ,H,XCM,1 "e )csl railroad Wholesale llalds Will Follow I o.l le .vaids barely escap.d cremation Thursday . , , . . ,, ,, night, when an overheated stove in the I tlon of KotoUa aod Ills I-olio tiers car set fire to their ouarteis An JAPAN TO OUST SOCIALISTS unerg.'ncy call brought assistance, but not i-iitll a badlv frightened crowd of foreign ers were lined up outside shivering In trie night air. The lire was extinguished with out much loss. V'll-ltf'A The hort course Just com pleted at iiliscs pi iied a great success paMng for Hself and the guarantors of ine i . pleiiae will not he called upon to make up any deficit. Such Is the an-num-em.r.t ,,,nuv ,.,,. Furl her. season lickels tl,r ih short course and domestic cieiice cmiuf haie been phdged for nxt cai. totalling :un. which is more than i.aa pledged f i the ioui Jum clo-eti even as late as the Satuidav heroic the course opened. It Is behei.d the next Mar advance sale will be largely aided io before ilie co ui.-e begins. liliTt .S'-Brief services were held at th hone this morning over the bodv of Sidney Uchaidson. piesident of " the I list National hank here, and his o,d linie Menus aid their last tribute of re spect to one who was unlvci sally re spected and liked in this cm. Mr Rich ardson came here from Monroe ' Wis twenc year ago and was at first eon-' iieci.il xv It I tin- lumber .merests of this place, l ot about xtren wars ago he h light the c.iuioiliiig Interest In the First National ba.ik and assiiiue.l il.r ii.eH dency of that institution, a position he bad held ever since. A widow and one , aie his sun ivors. The Ih.dv v. as taken ro Sii ney on No. 3 todav. where funeral mei ino iiiii in inn iage Suiifla . place LUUA.N'-v.wuali' iuaaujer M. fl, puts Throaahoat Kmulrr, VH-l'oniA. H. C. Jan. 22-As a result of the conviction of Ocnjlro Kotuku an! his followers, recently condemned to death, Japanese newspapers, received by the Sailo Maru today, say a great siippiesjlve movement against socialism has been or dered by the government. Wholesale raids are It be made agalr.st suciallsts. not only in Toklo but tltrouchout Japan. Ma-iv cablegrams and letters fioin so cialists In America and Europe piotcstiii against the trial of Kotoku have brought forth from the home office the following statement : "Although foreign ociallst.s may send in various psoteata regarding the Kotoku af fair, these cannot be considered. If any government should lodge a protest, the Japanese government will consider In, If called upon to take notice of such pio tc sis." Look, tor IHe tire illte On the package when you buy Foley's Hot.ey and Tar for coughs and coldi. Nona genuine without the Br lllve i: member the name. Foley's Honey and Tar and reject any subsliiuia fculd by aU tfrusciaUi The Luther Burbank Exhibit will show you the wonder creation of the man who proposes that all the world's waste places shall be utilized and all plant life shall be trained to pro duce better fruits, greater beauty and b more value to mankind in general. This mnn would turn the seething desert with its thorny cactus into a value producing and lif giving garden peopled by a prosperous people instead of the death dealing scorpion and rattler so he takes the cactus tlyit is fit for nothing and by hybridization and cross breeding makes a huge plant, whose leaves are food for animals and whdse fruit is food for man. This man is a scientist, who sees in the future better grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables, all in new forms, sizes, colors and flavors with niore nutrients and less waste and with even inferior nnd poisonous quality eliminated and with power to resist sun, wind, rain, frost and destructive fungus and insect pests; fruits without pits, seeds or spines; better fiber, coffee, tea, spice, rub ber, oil, paper and timber trees and sugar starch color and perfume plants. The IJurbank Exhibit at the Omaha Land Show, January 18 to 28, 3 51 1 1 , will be a part of the lrn ion Pacific Exhibit, and consists of grapes, peas, beans, cherries, asparagus, flowers and com plete exhibit of spineless cactus Burbank g most wonderful creation. This is the first time that u collection of Burbank 's creations has ever been exhibited at any show. 25 cents, the general admis sion price, takes you to ev ery exhibit; show and lecture 7 mmm