nn; r.KK: omaha. Monday, .tantauv j.i. inn. Ollie Pickering Looked Upon as Real Acquisition by Rourke; Honors at Shoot PA ROURKE HAPPY OYER FIND'Townsend and Rogers Olhc Pickering, New Outfielder, Declared Fait Man. HAS LONG RECORD AS PLAYER Sr Man Marled Rear Rail (irfff la ffcfin and Haa l'lard In I riiiPl 411 llirr I mini and .oeB, Inrloilina Major. K -v T Lourka thinks or t.tt 'Ir. ip r,1 .mcs to tin- nam of on Olll l'!innt. vi'fK l1r. h" banns to amll nrt ant t o tirkl lilnisaif. for ha has oinr hall piaai iter llrksrlng haa a tm r'"ii'l iif has hall achlvmnt ent ic rrkun-l hy 'a Junt ahrttlt hit tha Ornat.a 'a will n rl to supply any little gaps In the nutflcM in IS! I 'Jlii atartcl lasa ball in W". plalng ith YVh'HIng of the Tri-Htate league. Ilia first er Mills ns ratM aa too gr'en an it "pint the next mih the Vlncennea 1 1 nrt I Irnlepf n'lent team. Houston, Ten . pos.-ifa'fil llrkrrlng In 1 ''t. hut In 13 he was hark again on tl.a Indf pui'lenl owners' payroll, pla.vlt.g wltb Innnon. ) n't (tills alwAvs illd Itk In diana. TlKht'-en hundred and ninny-four found the outfielder Mill wielding" an Independent suck at iJroenfield. lnd., but In 1W ha a hark in the trace and went to tha Ktllv liMRue. playing with Cairo. III. Lvnchliui g. Va , fnund Dllle more than aloalile in l:i, for It was then he was J .1 "t h'-roiiiiiig a rial hall player. Hla flrat real major league circuit work aitie the next season In "f,. when he j.trl I xuinvll l In tlie old National cir cuit anil the next year he made hla flrat aip-ai ancn In Omaha, playing her pail of "that year and with Cleveland another pain, hoth towna being then on the old WrHi-ni circuit. He remained -1th Cleva-l.-ifxl until !:'-'. when he awllched to the American league rhllndelphin I.IUed Ollle. The Philadelphia American found Ollle a real outfielder In iww and V.H and he then went to Columhua In the association In t :if.. After two jeaia he waa back again on the American league circle again, playing with the ft. I.ouls bunch In !7. In i:Ji .In I'antlll.m wanted him In Washington, and he oume to Minneapolis In IMS, where he remained until he was Hold to Louls WII In the latier part of that season. How he is scheduled to come here and he. will undoubtedly set a pace that will inaJvc the iiuniiHters on the Western hague sit up and take notice that there I hall player In their midst that la liable lo take away the honori of the day. Grand Island Picks . Old Players for Team Manager Denman Sendi Contracts to - Men and Expects All But Two to Respond. tiRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Jan. 22. 8pe rlal.) Manager Penman of the local base ball club has tent contracts to the follow ing df the last year's Mmnd Island team., with Instructions to report In the spring: Ifugh Cook, "Pip" Cook. Graham. Smith, Carroll. Traver. McKlbben, Murray, Morse, tSreen. Clark and Taul. Of these It Is expected that all but Car. roll and tireed. win. report. They win be held, by Orand Island. Tha management la In correspond! nee w ith two men with tha view of securing one of them aa play. Ing manager. Arrangementa were com pleted today, f-r the u ; of the same grounds for another1 year, at a alight ad aii(. though tha eluta will not be at the expense thla year In fitting them up. I' Kill I.IHL HKAT tOl.MCK cor of Th In -One to Wltfeen la Heeord at Basket Ball. TKRC. Nrb . Jan., (Special. -The riru girls' huket JmlI Iteam triumphed over their nlif .rival from Cotner on the local fhmr her' lf ' FiUImv by a score of .11 to Ifi. The -tsuinc ,nu clean and good spirited, but at( no stage of the game Waa the outcome a) dotibr, the Peru glrla out plavlng tin Ir.'sPjiponemte from the atart. Kvery meirihel, 'on the team played an ex cellent game,', rspoelallv did Mlasea Hec. loff and r'cjrayth lilMinKUlsh themselves by their accurate H?ial throwing. A won derful improvement, waa in evidence In thla game over bit fonritr games, especially in tram work, which shows the work of the gills' faithful oah.,tn bringing re aultn. .The'llreiiB ur'r1'u '' followa: Hanks icsplalnl. right guard. 4 points; rorayth. left guard. ; fouls: lyborn. cen ter, 4 potnia: Tnuna. right forward. Ooff lef guard. points Siibatltutea: King. Curran and Moore. Kef.iee: Anna Hinlih of Lincoln. I'mplra Asplnwald of Cotner. OH K 10 lit SIIIlM, BIT TM1 I.4TR HanLryea Too wlft ta Klret Half for Opponents. IOWA CITT. la.. Jan. -r.- Special Tele gtan) -lt was a decidedly breathless crowd that witnessed the defeat of lirake here Saturday at the hands of the state univer sity team bv a a. ir of 5u to 3ti. Iowa had tha upper hand In the first half, but trako came back Mj-iaig In the second half and rushed low a for all It waa worth. The firi-t half ended T: to 8 In favor of the llawkeyc. the greater number of their baskets being made In the latier part of the first half Iowa starud out strong in the second half, but soon weakened, and the atrength of 1 1 of f i nan fur lrake began to tell. Hoff man of I'rake and Sallander of Iowa got the nui.sl hankotg. The game for a lime was gcilng decidedly anainsi the llawkeves. when time waa railed with the Iowa men only ten points to the ! The lineup; "w DRAKS II F j II a Lanaiag ''' lv ur.. coifin suiuii s. hiiuji, , . I "r '.' ' Hntfnian hiiO(tl. lii iil r.t r Ho Hi; Merlrir Tkoui . . 1. 1; ; i. o Nemiaa i lei.i ja.als Sallander. 4. Sinlili. 4: Kvden. I. Sclioil.lt. I. rii.uuaa I: l.eeper. 1; Holl nian I, Lansing. :i. Cidvllle. I. tiuala from foulw: ItM'.ri. 4: Hoffman. 4. Referee: Hihwii t inpiir: Keiscr. Time of halves: :i) nilnulea o it it I : r M t.K (Oi l M HI S Hoard of Directors Klecta Otlleers and I'rrnnrea for touting- Urtwa, Ciil.lMMl S. Neb . Jan. -teiclal Tele gtam -At the fit t meeting of the board of rtiret toia of the Columbus Base Ball rluh which occpiucd the greater part of Hati'idav evening the following officers weie elected i 1 C K. PnlliHk. president; C. C tiray. ire previilent. I". A. I'elerMin. aeretry-iheaa-rrr a ' . Jack Corhett was signeil up aa manager a'd lha reports of the soliciting commit tees were graufviog, Tle. meeting outlined the work for the season and were much ri' ajed utct 7u.(x.a Jar . tkia game for the i cuiiing ar. Lead Shooters at Big Omaha Club Event Billy Townsend Breaks One Hundred and Seventeen Targets in Day's Shoot. Rilly Townsend and George P.ogets took the high amateur honors In the Sunday shoot at the Omaha (iun club, Townend breaking 117 out of IS targeta and Itogera getting 11(1 out of m target Dell Gross, the professional ehoottera of Lincoln, sur passed the Omaha men. breaking l: of )M targeta. A high wind waa blowing across the founds during tha afternoon. Two women attended the Sunday shoot. Mrs. Karl and Mia. Duncan. Both are new memhera of the club and new ' at shooting, but Mra. Earl broke U of her 25 targets and Miss Duncan of her 2i. SCORES: fieurge Rogers broke lit of l.- targets W Townsend broke 117 of h targets. Pel dross broke l.H f i target. A. H. l-"rye broke 112 of Hi, targets. Walter Jones broke 64 of 75 targets. Iewla broke of SO targets. Kerr broke 1 of 26 targets. Mrs Karl broke 11 of i". targets Miss Duncan broke of & targets. GOLF LEAGUE TAKES CANADA Millions in Area Admitted to Domain of Western Golf Association. MOTION TO REORGANIZE TABLED Big Meeting la Carried Oat KraAothlr, the Ks peeled War Falling; ta Materialise William Hep. bara President. CHICAGO. Til.. Jan ' H rAnectat Tele gram. Save for the invasion of Canada and the annexation of Ita millions of acres the delegates to tha annual meeting of the Western Golf aasoriation at the annual meeting held last night at the Hotel L Salle stood pat on their present territory, which includea everything west of a north and south line made to pasa through Buffalo and Pittsburg. The promised war did not materialize, and tha amendment to change the name of the organisation to the Ameri can Golf association waa voted down unani mously. Aa waa anticipated the amateur cham pionship was voted to the Detroit Golf club, the dates being fixed as July 22 to 29. Thla award carried with It the Olympic cup competition. The Denver Country club, the only other applicant withdrew In favor of the Wolverine organixatlon. The Kent Country club waa the only bidder for the western open event, and eo Michigan fans will have a chance to see both of the west ern claasics. William Heyburn of the Ixulsville Country club was elected orealdent. th regular ticket going through unanimously aa followa: Preaident. William Heyburn, Ix)ulsvllle Country club; vlca preaident, John V). Cady, Rock Island Arsenal Oolf ciud; aecretary, Elmer A. Eulasaa, Calu met Country club; treasurer, Oliver C. ruller, Milwaukee Country olub; directors; Frank L, Woodward, Denver Country club; Fred H. Holt. Detroit Oolf club; Wallace U Iewold, Onwentila dab; B. Y. Bourne, Cleveland Country club; Ilobert K. Hunter, Midlothian Country club. .Na Hitch la Meeting. ' At a meeting of the outgoing and Incom ing offlcera held earlier In tha day tha line of action to be taken at tha meeting waa decided upon and tha administration policy went through without a hitch. In-tereat- centered on tha expansion resolu tions. When these cama up W, L. Yule of the Kenoaha Country club, who had fathered tha proposed amendments, moved the adoption of article 111 aa It previously stood with tha addition of tha worda "and all properly organised cluba In tha Domin ion of Canada." Preaident John C. Tennell of tha Trana Mississippi Oolf association announced that the organization would hold its tournament at Omaha. August 14 to It.' Before thla waa put Wendell Jtertig of Minneapolis moved that a vote be taken on the proposition to change the name of the Western tiolf association tq the Ameri can dolf association.' This -was loat. npt an affirmative vote being caat. The Yule resolution then came up and was carried unanimously. Tha only change made In this waa the reduction of the age limit from 24 to 21 years. 1 The other amendmenta relating1 to the aalection and makeup of the nominating committee and to the manner In which in dependent nominations must be made wert carried without any material alteration, although in the latter It waa decided that Independent nominations must be made in writing and signed by the five club mem bers making them. The former proposition was to have tha secretarlea of tha clubs file a certificate atatlng that the members making the nominations were members of their cluba. Personnel at Officials. There ha been an unwritten law that offlcera of the Western Golf association must be officials of olher associations, and with the Idea of making this a regular law. notice waa given of a resolution to authoilze the president to piepare an amendment to article vlll for submission to the next annual meeting The intent of this resolution is to have a majority of the board composed of representatives of other associations within the territory of this association. Just when the delegates thought all the war clouds had disappeared . G. Strick land of tha Kvanaion Golf club, Introduced the following resolution: "That a committee of five be appointed by the president of thla association to con fer with other associations for the pur poke of considering a plan for reorganiza tion of the present governing golf bodies (Including Canada and Mexico ir possiblei and present It to the next annual meeting-President Hmith explained that it was the disposition of directors to be consei va lue and while they believed there was need for a better national organisation they would respect the I'ntted States Golf association while It was the national body. l. K. Kelly of Kwnoor, raid the west hud been well treated by the Culled States Goir asaoclatton in gelling both the president and vice president from this section, and moved that the Strickland resolution be tahle, whuh was done. The report of aleeretary Wlllard showed a membership uf LA twenty-six new cluba having been admitted since the last meet ing. Mr. Wlllard suggested a new form of competition for the Tom Morris trophy. He also noted tha attempt of some vi ti. professionals to bovcott the western open meet last year because they disliked match play He suggested that tha Inroap tig committee confer with the proff .hvhsIs on the bst manner of holding the tou.-na ment The report of Secretary Atkinson showed a balance on hand of II W ,V a J gain of r4..''t oter the previous year. j The Key to the Hnualloo 1 e Want Ada. 'AMONG THE LOCAL BOWLERS Standings of Players and Teams in the 1 Omaha Leagues. YOUSEMS HEAD THE BOOSTERS Pete l.nrha Are la the Lead In the Commercial nirt anil Omaha tre lied In the PaeWera I eaane. Following are the standings In the Bow ling leagues of Omaha: Booster l.enaae. P. W. I.. Pet. Pins l oi.aen s Colts . : '. .744 S.t 1 7J Omaha Bedrllng Co.. 4J .11 11 ,7!S SI OIK Ruffner Tailors 4,' :'7 1 . "7 '4 Rangers ' 4J 23 l't ...47 M 0 I'enpleg Store 4.'i Z nil SSlT.i Mazeppas 45 '-'" .44 M 4 V Htors Malts 4 17 XI .:' .li.'l Rod and Gun Club . 4.". l,"i :m .JUS M.'Ox Individual averages: Names. Ar ' Naniea. A Youse! l'V 1:arhlti 1M o J'.linano Matih 11 I-'in I Ttr F. J.hna.n 14! Stunt 17.V Wek V tiee I;:, ponail 1 I'arkina 171; Ka l ener I'm Menreie 171; siaugh-er I'm ""man 1 7 HoaarJ ' HeweM IV ?ntter 1 cbnatanaeti . vi HHndo l;,e Mlum Mora P.naamg H Mc l.n I Biigaeman )f Ijintt 1 legett Ifci llsteh hmi4t IV. iiHimmf I4' lhnilroin u.".1 Ahtvn- 147 It"e p4 Kaplntan 144 K11od tfill K Hall 14R Arnateln 14.1 V.hit"ni"r 144 AMrtch lnj: K. Hierman 14J Hoarlar 11 (' E Hall 142 W Ulrr .:;' stmn 11 fu'-teea lkj c. Bierman 11J Sage lsi! t oiunirrriul League. P. W. I. Pet. Pete Lochs 4H S7 It .771 Omaha Ulcycle Indians nl :? 1- .7:5 Lux lis 51 S3 1 .''.47 Brodegaard Crowns 4S '.:'. L'5 .47m O'Brien s Monte Christos.. 51 i'4 -7 .471 Frank's Colts 4s 21 27 .4: A. Frlck at Hon fd 12 ; .2: Schroeder'a St. James 4t 3D .l.N Individual averages: Names. Games At ! Nimu Games. Av nilbpaath 4 1S1 1 Rraelln 4 144 Prlnllater 11 Ivnde,ler !1 Is" Martin 4 l7l Kaaertrg 1 lf Ohneaorg .VI 17' Noah P7 7.arp to 14 Travnnr 41 K7 I'rs hrsn 34 10' Prlmeau 2 167 Maratartln 4.i li' Kerr 48 147 Weakea 4 171 R. hnrliter 41 14 Angalaherg 15 ITS' Si annell 1M OfKlannrhwager .. ! IT I Mln hell 21 W Nelson 11 177i (Kanilrr IS ll Klsurk 4 177! Hrhul 21 141 Itejr 44 177' Wevmuller J 1a barter 47 l-7ISpetman SO lt Htnrlrhi 17Si Hire 14 1A4 Ralter 4j 1 7fi ; Coffer 4S Ifi7 Bowara 14 174: Hansen II 17.7 Baehr 44 17l Knig 1 K'7 S.huma.hfr If ITS1 K. Mnvna 46 lfi7 Thomas S 17.il Younser 16 14 Jensen U 1121 H'tort !1 1M Mis-an J4 173i Punhar 1M Sutton 171' Wilson 44 1M Keyt 12 171' Outthelmer IS 1M Voaa 44 I71'J. Moyna SO I'd rr.zwall n 170 Taft 1 14J iolomnn 4 1W Packers' P. fi 6 R 6 averages: Av I Namea. 1 Shepherd 14 nehn ... 17! Tex 14! Fturgeaa . 1M1 lleffner W. 4 4 3 1 Pet. .W7 .h7 I ..VK) .lh At. .... 1i4 14T .... 144 .... 144 .... 143 .... 141 .... 141 .... 140 .... 140 .... 144 .... VI .... Pal Swift Omaha .... Cuoahv .... Armour Individual Namea. Tombrlnk ... Koeh Mr-i'onl Patbrener Poall Horn Bmrt Millar Hammond .. gtam Barer Stafford ..... 14l llumpart 1S lsi 1471 1M 14 165 Manning Marietta llnl ... Tannar Drlaroll Lang ... Metropolitan I.ragae. V. I.. Pet. an 12 .714 31 17 .64 2 20 .5t 20 19 .577 24 21 .&:! 20 21 .47 20 25 . 444 15 27 .357 1 S3 .SI.S 1 22 At. Independents 42 Manev Snnklsts 4M Heselln Mixers 44 Poatofflce 4ft fterby Woolens 45 Harvey's Colts 42 Andy's Colts 45 Diets 4.' ldlewllda M Pat's Comets 48 Individual averages:. Names. A . 1M . 174 . 173 . 170 . IiU Names II. srhneidar Olllham Brran tunbar Srhoenman .. (ilhaon Pnhler Morton Seaaman Mrl'nrmlrk .. fiarnlah Ortman Silk P Sehnaldar Mnran Ward Laird Nelann Amaden Hlgima Moyna gwanaen .... Griffith .... Hasler Harrier Owvnne .... Barton Pearson .... Lemon Ltntnn Fettrhmayar Jarkaon .... Kupe Moberg Tompkins Andr Srhroeder .. Isanhart .... 8barkay .... 154 14 1U 14 1.S II I'.J 1S1 144 147 148 144 144 1S4 HI 14 1.18 123 . 147 . lS.ll . 14'. . lV. . m . 141 . 144 . 12 . Mil . 1411 . l'.sl . 159 1 . 1F.4I . i:.7l . 1641 Crescent Leaaur. W. 1. Pet. 10 S .66 a K .t'X 10 H .dofi ' 10 . .440 3 .XII 6 10 AT. 153 7.. l.M ;! 161 144 Pharmaev Juniors I'. S. National Hooaters.. 1'. 8. National Tellers.... Crelghton Dentals I". H. National Hangera.. riarmacy Juniors Indlvtdaal averages: Namaa. , At. I Namea. Ward 1 Ko Meany . Landatrom v lrta ghileen Parker 1421 Williams Llnta l.'oj Nlelda . Fogarty UA Hogurd . rutsr tS Barara , Nalain US! llllsa Irwin 1641 Kllng Murphy LS4t Jat'kaiQ ... Holly 1641. Lew 11 Mercantile League. 140 14 111 US P. W. I,, p.t. Pins. F.Quitable I.ifes 4k 37 II .7kl ?4 5.(6 Hartley s Colts 47 SO 15 22.IZI Carpenter Paper Co. 41 31 17 ' .H45 24 04 Onlmods 4k 2 19 ,tM 2:i.0oii C. S. Cleaning Co... 4x 2:t 2S .47 22.1iil Ak-Sar-Hens 4o a) 25 .444 21.2W A. O. I'. W. No. 17.. 41 1!0 21 ,4I SJ.iiti Kamns 44 l 2 ,:il'5 2l,ii6s y. M. I 4S 17 31 .3.4 22 047 Metropolitans 4s 12 3d .JiO 20,4jO Individual aerages: Namea.. Av.l Namea. At BengHtoii 174; Smith I5 Pl'-karl I77 Ileal! 15s Kltrkie 177 llaaker 1.. i. .lohntun n.'! Slmpaon i:, Vulla l.l! Creen t;,;-, M. "arlhy Kl! an Pahl LV, Riand 171 ! Meralg 4 Miiiatn 17 Marti l. J Rto. kwt ll 1ti K. hmelaler 154 I'hapmau 1S7' Lundnt rorn 14 L. Smith 1m i:aunt 1.( l.amh 144' Meli her 144 Amluim 1a'i lirady , firlflin Urn. sirkall 14(i Nealv i'l H. Johnson 114 Hamtll HI; It Zerhmelaier 141 F'Udev 1SH Noalsnd HI Kulherfoid b'orsytha i: zsliuidlar tliuaha League. P. W. L. p,t Pins Metz Hros 45 :to 15 .titi? 41 4h5 Storz Triumphs : 24 15 Hi;, Xi.SMt J. S. Cross 45 25 20 .5".o Hr.spe Co 42 21 21 .500 :4 j27 Melon 45 21 21 .4i7 S,'.;ij) Wroth s specials :s 17 22 4.K x 4,f Jetter Gold Tops 42 17 25 -io, 35.7ti Advoa 45 14 2)4 lt d 2t ouj Individual aveiagea: Namea Av .1 Namea. av. ltaiiimttiid .. Il WeiK-r 7-j Hunt Hull i;j ts.ma'l Ii l ain Weale lae lagan . 17? Andaraon I. Hi .li.linaen 1:3 Blakaney 1- siafford 171 Kma.her 1--I J.'i..-n - (l)erda . 1-I M. HaUey , Youaen 14 Ionian i;u Stun 1"J Mann hunllng-oii I:: l.fpiticky iaj 7.1m mar man is lrkun ,n Spragua .. ISO, Hngaa ja., Ma.iham si Keuolila l.,. KratKiato lit. Wilev 1 si. build' i: Uedlas . . , Srrft :! riltaarald ... la.. Inn an 1 7 s J Huhnll Klahal .. 17! W .itiniau 11,; 1 hand I77- 1 handler ... u" tiolf 174 Wat s, K iiimau L4 Noiaard imi Han lay liroiia ln'lgreea e 11 nadT ll-doe Tia.y High single game. 1T Sutler .. Kj. Noun 17. Haines ... 174 t,ha ... tT3 lirummi I I.I I. Helen Hammond. . . 141) .. ii I. '-4 li . 1 ... . 27 hT'l .l.o4 1 1 it h t ht i-e nm. I tank t onrad High aiiigle fame itraini. J. .-. Crose. 'High thre games iteam". Men Mroa. lull j Maale til l.enaae. i P W. I. 1 iarlow s Colts to 21 9 1 .Martin's Tigers 27 11 .letters ?n 14 1 Greenes Pirates w 14 j I J. H v atkins :o 1 14 I t 'u'klns' C iha to 12 1 IN t .7'i .4H h- 172 .. 1:i ... rl ... i;i ... in ... i .. ls . . ... IS ... !: .. i4 .. 14 . . HI .. 141 .. 141 ... ll indi Idual averages: At Namea. l'f f 'ra ivs y, .I. 14,1 ppragua 1 Hunt 12 Tra.-T ill lark 11 Ktlar 1 Nolan 17' l.lplntkl ITfc stune 17' asera-rM-d I I l.tatai-on 1! j, w inter 175! peaia I:,'. Hells 1.4 (irv-ena 1711 Huts .. 1TJ Merrnllta An1er.tn j l'nman l larhourn . I lUr'le, ... ! tro-har .. I l h14 j r'Mir i l on rail Had Mull J'hnAn ... l'rannto . Mann Hiin'mfoa P'lkfni; I'r ai Kitrg-rald Vltl .. I SI ... U7 HoTrllag otea. Tommy Tompkins, the popular backer ot the Derby Mills, la still some shooter. Johnny Ijilrd wants, to know whv Kevt don't move tha foul Una down lo tha sec ond post. Hriggs takes bis share ot the prize money every week and some of the pot games, too. Hrtiggeman has taught Sage a new drop ball that he la using against weak hitters with good effect. Galling Gllhrnath I the best straight ball shooter in these parts and maybe he can't control that fellow. Fwanson. the blushing recruit, la showing up some of the old-timers by tha way he la getting the count. Morton is allowing resl class now and the postoffloe scouts are winning with pins to spare. Hurrah for B. K. Moreau shot the high three-game aeries In the Mercantile this week; 6M la surely goInK along In fine atyle. "Steady old Dad" Is the war everybody speaka of Huntington, its ail you hear on the side lines. Johnson, who Is now shooting with the Carps, looks like be had the goods and will make a very good man. Kill Bennett, cashier at Garlow'e pool hall, says he could bowl, too, if he had a broom to use for a ball. Jimmy Bilk la still speeding them down the maple boards to a finish; one boy with the steam that gets the pins. Vet kins Is commonly called the bullfrog, owing to his peculiar style of delivery. He does everything but croak. 8utton of the Reloa Is developing a new corner ball that ought to get the money If ha only atlcka to the corner. The Bouth Omaha Packers' league will be the big noise before the bowling season Is over on the Oarlow's alleys. Have you noticed that hook of Coal Howell's? dues that is eome hook. If Collier could only see that one. Amsden. tha Derby Mill shark, has at last finished Inventory and ran get wrapped up into a gams aa of old. The Zeckmelster pair ere In bad with the pin boya. The klda get mixed up and don't know whether to sea or aick-em. John Bengele. chief scout of the Peo ples tribe shot goO even last week. The old bugger Is still able to deliver the goods. Hit IxHile Freitchmeyer. the bowling Russian. Is showing up the rest of his mates and hitting the wood In fine style. It's no wonder Qcddes and Haines are railed the dancing delivery twins. Look at the music surrounding them all the lime. The Bouth Omaha bowlers are wondering what excuae some of the Omaha bowlers will have next for not getting 800 every game. Germany Zarp Is a very quiet and sedate young fellow, but when yon start talking of the best man In town don't overlook this fellow. Bats Rateklns has turned to the alleys for his amusement om more, so keep vour eyes glued on tha Ruffner Tailors from now on. j i Saynlsh lumped In at rie last moment and rolled a dandy total kit 47 and brat big Moran'a 642 for the weekly prlz on the basement alleys. Chief Briggs says Sherwood has his goat on No. 4 alley, but he will bowl him on any other alley In the. house for money, marblea or chalk. t ; Sam Byron la Iookln for tha fellow that got away with his horseshoe. Things have been breaking pretty tough for tha big smoke here of late. Saynlsh with hla doughnut hook and Ort man with his famous grpjlrm are now tied In their league averages, which Is nearly 600 per game. Going up.- -' Tha A. O. U. W. are tha ateady. con alstent shooters, but seems aa though ev ery team In the league goes crazy when they hit up agalnat them. There will be a match game of ten pins between the "400" block and the "500" block at Garlow s alleys some time next week, for a side bet ot a5o. Jack Traynor shot the highest gams In his long howling career this week, a 256 boy, and it won the game, too. That's the place to bowl one like that. Rchulz has lost the old terror pepper that he used to have, but wait until h gets about two more weeka work and then there will be something doing. Herb Garlow is getting to be quite a bowler these days and will take on any one who can't make over 120 a game. Bee Herb for a game ot ten pins. Melum's mind Is away ahead of the bowl ing schedule. He la waiting for the call of the robin, when he can start hla annual preamble upon tha diamond. Ward seems to be tha Sandow of the Dletz Athletics. Of all the big athletea of that organization he seema to be about the only one to look like a winner. Council Bluffs West broke Into tha Advo lineup this week, but couldn't come back. Seems peculiar that this bunch can't get the pins that would be expected of them. Hchnelder Is now away In the lead among the Commercial bowlers and has a nice mark of 1H3 for the season, Just lo pins ahead of Holly Gilliam, who Is in second place. Mice rolls Just liks Rice at a wedding party. Ha Is all over the alley and gets those very, very sloppy strikes all the time, much to the disgust of the oppo nents. Six-hundred scores are getting to be a common thing in tha Mercantile now. It used to be a very rare proposition but nowadays It Is as common as In any other league. The Zitzman brothers ate the strength of the Hospe team. One or the other is al ways there with s good game and keeps the team fighting at the top of the second division. Hengstrom continues to shoot in the very excellent form that has characterized his bowling all this season. Ueugy la the strong man of the Cleaners and is stiiely worthy of the name. The Croka team again demonat rated that it belongs lo the class hoy a by ahootlns a . nice total of 2.S58 In their match game this week, tile Johnson and Wood Hartley o lng better than 6sf each. We have it at last-the hrootti ball In ! vented by that old-time leaguer, Mr. Wil ' Hani Hittem Gettem Schneider. One of those kind that flattens out when it i about half way down the alley. Mose Youisein finally got a Don-game, the first in weeks and weeks. Why did he give that pin kid a new Lincoln pennv.' of course nobody would accuse Most of i bribery, tint it itoes look runny, i Garlow, of South Omaha fume. Is after I the scalp of any alley owner in the town. I He claims to have won a game from I oorhela back In New York suiue vears I ago. Its only a claim, however. I Muthrrford Is now the anchor on the Q M r. and Is getting to bit a real classy finisher. All Hulh needs to do is I lose about twenty pounds so he can get ! closer to the alley when he lets go. I Kenned v got the magnificent score of i I in Anderson stock holders inert this week j H'g Ambrose McDonougli averaged v! i Nothing like starting in a bear and tlon hull the market. Walt until they get to be yearlings. I Ted Neale leads the Francisco bowlers for the Kuffner Tailoring Co. vest with a big total of 7-W. which he shot In the I merry-go-round with Peiklna this week. In fa. I thla Is one of the largest totals I shot In the citv In late ears. Dad Hunt ington Is willing to La. k Ted against A l j Je'lison the pride o' St l-ouis. and It will . not be surprising ,o hear of a match he t ween these two men while the American i Howling congress Is in operation in that 1' iiv. i en shinneo jeiuson while he was here for the Mid West In fact, it was to haie been a five-game mat. h. but Jelllson gave up after the fourtn game waa finished. BIG PURSE FOR JOHNSON? Rumor that He May Be Oftered Fifty j Thousand to Fight Kaufman. ! FIGHT TO BE HELD IN LONDON Fletcher ara He la Not 'through, hot Hill Make Another F.ffnrt o f.et nme Rail Plat era. i Comes now a story that "Jack' John son may be offered a purse of $..0,000 rash If he will go to England and box with "Al" Kaufmann This mere bagatelle my be spumed by Johnson. Y'et the time will come when he will not scorn money. Easy come, easy go, alwavs has proved true In the puglistlo world. The bout between Johnson and Kauf mann quits naturally would take place In London. There would be no other city In Which a crowd could be drawn of suffi cient magnitude to pay to promotera. And what would It amount to. At the best, the separation of the Eng lish boxing enthusiasts from such of their hard earned, or easily earned, shillings as they care to lose. It Is not In evidence yet that Kaufmann will beat Johnson in the ring. There may come a day. but is has not ar rived. The bout would take place during coro nation week, if It took place at any time. Kegga Hsggerty says that It la a shama to think of ao much good money going to waste. l.eactate" to .Meet t.rlffia. "Sam" Wallach, who ia Iach Cioss" brother-in-law. says Leach had to retire temporarily because he feared some ill ef fect from blood poisoning on account of a mild cut which sliced through his cuticle. "Sam" doesn't thing that there ia a chance for Leach to lose against Griffin. He's a loyal brother-lnlaw. That'e one of his fine points. "Leach Is working at Allenhurst." writes "Sam." "George Stucke is his sparring partner. He is an up-ste'e chap. Griffin Is always fighting and willing, and for that reason I expect that It will be a warm time when he gets Into the ring with Leach. I think there will be more action In this bout than Is found Inthree ordinary bouts. Leach Is specially anxious to stop Griffin on account of some slur ring remarks he made." Can't beat 'em. For advance notices they always work In that grudge matter some where. Through. Kays Fletcher. Tha visionary Fletcher, who would have promoted a new base ball league at a large profit to himself and thrown all the risk of success upon the shoulders of the players, says that he haa not finished with hla Idea of making trouble for the major leagues and will take their players away from them at the end of the sea son of 1911. About that time there will be some who can be spared. Meanwhile major league club owr.ers may as well keep an eye on this gentleman, who Is likely to do his share toward up setting discipline If he does nothing else. If he continues to negotiate with ball players, unless the latter turn a cold shoulder and keep him away, some of the more emotional are likely to forget all about the obllgatlona which they owe to their employers for the seasan of 1911. That haa happened In the past. Donaldson Breaks World's Record for Century and a Half Cape Colony Professional Sprints Hundred and Fifty Yards in Fourteen Flat. KIMBRRLT. Cape Coloney, Jan 22 Jack Donaldson, the professional sprinter, ran 150 yards In 14 seconds. This Is a new world's record, bettering the amateur and professional records. Tha amateur record for 150 yards was mada by R. Ji. Walker of Bouth Africa, In April. 1909, he covering the distance In HH seconds. Walker since then has turned professional. Harry Hutchens ran 150 yards In 12i sec onds In 1S7. This has stood as the profes sional record since that time. Intercollegiate Men Meet at Lincoln L. G. Atherton Elected President of Nebraska Association Base Ball Schedules Are Prepared. LINCOLN. Jan. r.-f Special. )-The Ne braska Intercollegiate Athletic association, including most of the colleges and uni versities of the state with the exception of the state university and Crelghton, held s meeting at the TJndell hotel. The election of officers resulted In th following choice: President. L. G. Ather ton, York; vice president. J. N. Bennett. Doane; secretary treasurer, A. J. Meier, Kearney State Normal. I The annual track meet will be held at I'nlversity Place on Johnson track on May 3V Pennants for last year were awarded as follows: Track. Bellevue; basket hall, t'ot ncr: base ball, Peru. The association decided not to award pennants In the future. Committees do not always agree as to the tcamB which should receive the honors and It was felt that the better way would be to leave the settlement of relative rank to public opln- j Ion as Is dona In larger conferences. No . pennant was awarded in foot ball, cori I flh ting claims of several schools rausing i the difficulty w hich the conference w ishes to avoid by not giving pennants. Base Hall cbrdulca. Lase hall schedules for the colleges were drawn up. The nine colleges in the aspo rtation were divided into two circuits, an eastern and western. Wealcyan. Cotner. Hellevue, Peru and Doane comprise, the eastern and Hastings. York. Grand Island and Kearney Normal the western. It was the sense of the meeting that the winners of the chaiiipioushlp in each section should meet and play off for tha slate title. In pursuant e of this idea, a motion was passed permitting s'.cli a game. The schedule of the two tiicuits fo.low.s Eastern April 17. Coiner at Peru; April v Dorttie at Wcslevan; April 27. Cotner at Peru: Mav 1. Doane at Peru; Mav 2. Doane at Hellevue: Mav 4 Wehlcvan al Doane: Mav 1(). Wcslevan nt Peru, Mav II. We lev in at ftellevue; Mhv h.. Peru ul Pelle vue: Mav Iti. Peru at Ueslevan: May 17 Peru at Cotner; Mav Ih 1'iru at Doane; Mav 2J. Mi IP v He at I'otnei: Mav 271. l-tclie-v ue at Weslcvan: Mav 21 lielioie at I wane; Mav 25 hellevue at Peru. v t atcrn - h i.ril Hasting at Grand Is land. April A Hastings, at Kearnev, Mv , kfmiii j at Hastings; Mi., o. Kcarn. i at Grand Inland Ms !. (it and Is'and at S.ork; Mav I" Grand la'arid at llas'inas M.i 12. HaMlng al Vol k Mav r. Yotfc al Grand Island. Mm p; York at Kcarnev .May 17. York at Hasting ! Omaha Tennis Men Pullinc Hard for tli n Clay Court Meet Young and Koch Will Attend Meeting of National Association in New York. Omaha la worklrg quietly but verv hard for that National Clay Court championship for iun, the tenuis enthusiast of the city boosting at home and abroad for the event for Omaha. Conrad Toting and Harry Koch, who will represent the Omaha Field club at the annual meeting are correspond ing with various of the western and south western tennis men In regard to the event and find them almost unanimous for this cltv. The inducement of the II. fttO nfti club house and grounds of Pittsburg la making quite a noise In Itself for the meet, but the force of sentiment among the followers rf the sport points to. a town that represents the west rather than the east. The demands of California that that atate be represented In soma way In tha tennis world Is one of the most potent causes for the feeling that the west and the south should have more of tha national tennis patronage. The annual meeting of the unni. n,n of the I'nited States Lawn Tennis associa tion win be held in New York February 4, and will be an all day session this This move was decided practically by the troume the members had In settling diffi cult questions of the) tennis world last year In the short time that was at hand after the annual banquet of the tennis players had been finished. BLAIR LOSES TO BANCROFT Fast Oalalet front Danish College Healen art to 21. BANCROFT, Neb., Jan. 32. -(Special -The Bancroft basket ball team again de feated the fast team from the Danish col lege at Blair by a score of SS to 21. The game was hotly contested from the start and for a few minutes Bancroft was unable to score, but after rallying, the first half ended with a score of 16 to II In favor of Blair. All through the aecond half the playing was phenomenal and when time was called the Bancroft team was victor by a safe margin. The lineup: BLAIR. BANCROFT. F.G.F F.O.F. Redmussen, lf... 0 Farlev, If 7 fi Llnd, rf S ' Joiner, rf l Gaydue. c 4 ot'onn. c o 0 Anderson, Ig 0 0 Vogh, Ig l o Debel, rg 0 Carey, rg 0 0 Referee: llasslnger. Timekeeper: Sharp. Bancroft Invites a game with all comers and bars none. a,, --T-Tn .,fx:-. 'V . . The Way to Grow Rich is to Raise Food Not Buy It Every time you notice a higher price) on thai bill of fare, remember that tho farmer ia (rowing richer. This is the day when it pays to till land. The farm boy ia no longer coming to tho city. He can make more money and have more luxuriea right at home. Science haa lightened the burdens of the farmer. Invention baa dene away with his former discomforts. Go down to the Southwest and begin to grow rich. Untold acres of rich land awaiting you in Oklahoma, Southern Missouri, Louisiana, Eastern Colorado, the Texas Panhandle, New Mexico and Arkansas. Tho most fertile region in America a delightful section wkere you atill have a chance to buy good Und cheap IMPORTANT! "The Rock laland's Agricultural Bureau will show ray Bow to gat tba meat value out of the loaat aarsa, toll you tho marfceta wbar vour srapa hrins tho boat ericas, and aaaiat vou oonataatlr to make a success of vour venture. Tha mam ant you aottio along the Rock laiaad. this railroad acta aa vour partaar, and bond ovorv effort to make vour iaToatanent peoritabla. Stat bow asiscb voa caa iavaat, wbar you want to and what vou want to grow. AddrMi L. M. ALLEN, Faaaonf orTraffic Manager 3039 La Sari Static Chicago An accessible office in the best known building In the city is offered TO YOU NOW. The vacant offices are few, so would suggest an early inspection. The rental price includes electric light, heat and good janitor service. The Bee Building Itooin ma On the tith floor, fronting. 17th Btreet. About 180 square feet, and has a vault and waub titautl IJrie, $1 00 pi-r month. Itooin IUO- On the 6th floor, fronting 17th street. About 152 gquare ft-tt. Price $17.00 per mouth. IUw)iii Tt'H On the 6th floor, fronting north. About 2Sl, square feet. Jigs stationary wubli stand. Price 25.00 per month. Koom 521-8 On Ihe 6th floor, fronting north. About ut't 9'iuare ftot with wash stand. A fire suit of smaller offices. Kent 60 per month. The Bee Building Company Pee Rusinetf. Office 17tn and Farnam Sti , LOCALS WALLOP IDA GROYE !wins bv One-Sided Jh-oi r,f T.iphtv-- , rive t0 Eieht association shows steed a liana la Hack, la Ihe Came anil Waa Faally the star of the Farnlng tnlaHera 4. re I. ante. Omaha Young Men's Christian anria tlon tramped upon the five of Company P, Id.i Grove, la . In basket ball at Omaha. Saturday, winning the unequal contra' V. to 4. From the start to the finish Hot Ida Grove lads were hopelessly outplaced and only one field goal waa made by th, visitors the whole game. The Omaha quintet plaved an exvellent game, showing speed and knowledge of tha finer iolnts. The difference between thla game and the one which the locals lost tq Lincoln two weeks ago was ao spparent that It was hard to believe that the .team had any of the same men on it. Wilson, captain and center of the Omaha five was back In the game again Satur day night and played what waa probably the best of his team. All of tho Omaha player showed up splendidly. The fans present declare that the s.iua.l w.1 make a championship year The Ida Grove players declared that thev had played a good many games and thai the organization was somewhat crippled aa a result. The visitors stuck right t. their task In spite of the manner In w hu n the game was going against them and put up a brave fight. The lineup; , Y. M t. A. Position. Ida Glove w.-in, ni.kman... I, I L r in., -mm R -' K..uui vv iis-.n , . Tood HO.Me 1. C, L'l.'.'.'.'walllV,""Nl, ho' Ot- fun. H..tm,.;.n IllliHQ F.-bhe. Held goals Wealn (loi. Cohn IS). Kit, -hi,, t ' Dlcktnan ii), Griffith. Kohlnson Todd tree throws: Cohn 4). Wesln, Wilson, Blackmail (4. Todd One point awarded each side. Referee Lindsay umpire. Hill, time keeper, Cherrlngton. WHITES BARRED FROM PICTURES Jrffrlea-Johaaon Kllnia to Re Khonn on that Condition. I.KXINOTON, Ky., Jan. 22.-(?peclal Tel egram. )-Mayor Skaln toilny granted per mission to a local colored theater to put on the Johnson-Jeffries fight pictures. The permit was granted with the understand ing that no white persons be allowed (n see them. l ifelong Bondage to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kidney trouble is needless. Electric! Bitters Is the guaranteed remedy. fsk-. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. A Guarantee of Business Prosperity The Persistent and Wise Patronage of The Bea Advertising Columns. JOHN SEBASTIAN, Third Vico-Preaidrat. i I V